The New York Clipper (December 1905)

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THJffi JtflfiW YOJttK QLXPPEB,- BfiOiaiBEB 2& THE NEW YORE CLIPPER «i» —' THE FRANKQiiEEN PUBLISHING CO. (Limit**.) FBOPBIBTOBS. ALBERT I. BOBIT., F.D1TOEUL AMD BOBINBBB MiNiflll. OCR LONDON LETTER. SATURDAY, DECEMBER Ti, 1905. RATES: Advertisements—$2.80 per Inch, tingle col- omn. AdT«rtUem*ntj Mt with bordar, 10 oat ctnl eitra. S0B8CBIPTION. One year la advance, 94; all months, 12; three montha, It. Foreign pontage extra. Single copies will be sent, postpaid, on re- ceipt of 10 cents. Our Terms are Cash. THE CLIPPER la Issued every Wednesday morning. The lost four (advertising) pages GO TO TRESS on Saturday at 11 a. m., snd the other pages on MONDAT and TUESDAY. Toe Forma Clo.lnn PrompUr> Tuen- il a t. at 10 o'clock A.M. Please remit by express, money order, check, P. O. order or registered letter. All cash en- closed with letter Is at the risk of sender. Address All Coromnnlcntlonsi to THB NEW YOnK CLIPPER, 47 West 28th Street, New York. ftroMtrri Cable address, "AuthoBITI." THE WESTERN BUREAU Of THB CLiprrn Is located at Room' 602, Ashland Block, Chicago, William F. Brynu, manager and correspondent, where advertise- ments and subscriptions are received at our regular rales, THE LONDON BUREAU Located at 48 Cranbourne St., London, W. C, John H. Carney, manager and correspondent, where advertisements and subscriptions ate received at our regular rates. TH« Ct.ItTBB CAN Bl OBTAIBBD, WH01B- sii.u and nr.TAiio at our agents, Brentano's news depot, 37 Avenue de l'Opera, Paris, Prance; M. LMentbal, Frederick Btrasse 101 (Terminus, Llotcl), Berlin, N. W., (ler- many; Diamond News Co., 97 Predo, Ha- vana; Manila Book and Stationery Co., 128 EbcoIU, Manila, P. L; Albert & Son, 187- 180 King St., Sydney, Australia. THB NEW YORK CLIPPER pnblUnes only one edition, and that U dated from Hew York. ,. . rsoM oo» own coaBBBPOMDBnr. Clipper Bureau, 48 f'rnnbonrnc Street, Leicester Square, London, Vf. C. Dec. 9°. -At Charing Cro.ia railway station, last Tuesday nfteinooo, an accident almost with- mil parallel occurred. Four empty passenger iniliiH stood mi I be arrival side of the sta- tion. The' Hastings Rxprcss, due to leave nt .'l.ri.'t, hail just crossed the Hungerford Bridge, unci a number or people were awaiting the arrival of the Paris boat train, when, with n roar, which Bounded like successive peals of thunder, the massive girders gave way and crashed across the passenger trains and plat- forms' below. Men working on the' roof bad a few seconds' warning, for several of them, wtiu were near the edge, managed to reach the ladders and slide rapidly to the ground. They got away hint as tbc main glracrs collapsed. The other men were hurled in the tons of debris which fell a few minutes later. In their fall the girder* forced outward the western wall of the station building; which loppled over on the Playhouse, formerly the Avenue Theatre. The wall crashed tbrotign the theatre roof, and n number of workmen,, who.were preparing the building for CyrUMntxhVs peason, were Injured by the Hying masonry. The accident caused the death of seven people nnd Injured eight time* that, number. The havoc wrought at thn Playhouse by the falling wall, which crashed through the roof, was far more serious than was nl first realized, and It has been decided that practically tli<* whole of the structure will have lo be demolished. The falling tons of solid masonry went through the structure from top to bottom. The Interior was wrecked, . and the avalanche of timbers, girders and hrlck work shivered llic stage to matchwood nud crashed through Into the basement. The direction of the fallen ma- sonry threw Its full weight against Its southern wall of the theatre, which abuts on Xoiiliiimbcriuml Avenue. Under the strain the null bulged perceptibly, nnd n grrat'rrni'k near the parapet was visible. After Ihe acci- dent the building was at once Inspected by Inspectors from the architect's department uf the London County Council, and nctlon wsa at once taken to shore un. the outside wull to prevent Its collapse, and at the same lime a Imnrd fence was erected 'round the theatre to keep'the public at a distance. Mr. Mande Is at the present moment lob be- wildered anil upset by the sudden conclusion put to his hopes of opening but new theatre next month, to come to any determination re- garding his future movements. The rhn of "The Prodigal Son" was fin- ished on Wednesday. A proposition to move Dr QUERI ES ANSW ERED. No Replies by Mall or Telegraph. AWUIESSKR OR ■ WIlBBBABOUTS SOT'.-OIVIM. Alt IN QUBST.OF BUCK 8U0UM) WBITB TO TKOSB WHOM TUB! HKSK, -IN CABBOB THB CLIPPER Post Omen. All leti-eiis will BB AUVKBTIBBb ONB WBBK ONI*. .I*/*"; BOtlTB OP ANY T1IEATBICAI. COaTMXI 18 BOUOIIT, JlKTBB TO OUB M8T Of. BOOTIS ON ANOTHER PAQH. Wtt CANNOT BBND BOUII8 BT MAIL OB TBLBUBAPH. DRAMATIC. 8. F. Akron.—Wo have no knowledge of the present whereabouts of the party. Ad- dress a letter In our care, and we will ad- vertise It in THE Cl.H'PHlt letter list. 13. F., San Francisco, M. U., Detroit, A. 0., St. Lonls,. U. 8. 8.. Chlcngo. J. 11., San Francisco, «]. \V. C, Klehioond, 11. M., Uuffaln, T. Li., Indlniui]iolla, J, 'J'. W., Toledo, l». N. P.. Worcester, and It. T., Scranton.—See answer to S. K, above. I. M., Liberty.—Both letters were sent Dee 111 W. D. K., Wcathcrly.—See route list In W.V V*.. New York.—The George Prim- rose Minstrels played Ihe Grand Opera House, this city, .Ian. 0-14, 1000. (). M. H-. Coro.—1. Address MeElfotrlck & Son. 1402 Hroudtvoy, New York, it Ad; dress Chns. E. Mills, 437 West l^rty-flrst Street, New Vork: Sosmnn & Lnndla, 280 South Cllulim Street, Chicago. X We bavo no knowledge of nny such party. "Hili.V." —We do not know. .1. li. T„ Chicago.—Blank cartridges are 4)80(1 It. II. I... nelln.—Wntch our route list for each company. "Kiim. 1 'I'nmpn.—The visiting manager can neither soil nor lake tickets, hut he can ••stand" on the door nud see that nil tickets taken In arc placed la the proper box by the ticket taker. . ,, . „ „ A it. V. E.. -Muninclle.—Address Nnt C. Good- win. In cure of the Lambs' Club, New lork 0." IX, Helena.—The characters are desig- nated tlius: First soprano, second soprano, llrst com rnlto, second contrsllo. etc. T. II. McC, New York.—Address Georgia L. M. C, Aslievllle.—Sec route list In this Issue. , ,, . L. K. T., Cleveland.—Wntch our route list each week. .... A. 1». Um Tniinellon.—Address the editor of 77m ilnofrlortT's JiOfiiifinf. R II., Queens.—The address Is unknown to US' N. H. W., Untie.—Address the manager of llic then I re. ... "" Toledo.—1. Address nny of our sketch writ Ills advertisers. 2. Auy reputable vaudeville booklmr iigeiit. II. L. J. & Co.. Olik'ngo—Wntch our route list each week. _. , Miss 3, II.. Mendvllle.—Address DM A l-'llxgernltl, IN Ann Street. New York City. J. S. R. Rowan.--Address Deumnn Thomp- son, H w a wt e r. N. II. J. iv, Urmiklyn.—The pnrly la living. A If, II., Lowell.—1. Address Krauk Bos- lock. Hippodrome, Paris. Krnucc. 2. Co- rlnno «ns born Dec. 20. 187:!, at Iloston, Mh8 "- CAHUS. J. P., rrovldence.—l'lnyer No. 1 wins, high putting hint out. 7). O . Chlcnifo.—A wlna. MISrEI.f.ANttOt]s. ".Ukik." —It Is not compelled lo uiake another llirow. . , .. Marion. Ind— A nnd R take llrst nhd sec- ond prlte, the choice to be decided by lot, nnd C takes third prlie. The other prlies iro toH. E. nnd R In regular order. _ o-^. i OKLAHOMA. t ' i MS " il " i oitlnbomn CHjr.—At the. Orerbolsefr tRd. Ovcrholief, mannicr) "Babes In Toy- land" enme, Dec. 7. (o cnpnclty. '.Sweet Clover" did well and satlafled 8. "A Trip to Erfypt" 10, had.fair business. Empire Vandtville 11, Morey Stock 14-10, _ Mngniis nnd Gertrude..Elliott, Thora.- Mr. ltoherteon was ngreenble, so were Dr. Dlstln M.idillck. protirielo'r of the Scala. nnd Ar- thur Collins, bin- Mr. Cnlne's r'eftfsal put an end lo the project.- • • _. " Mr. UolK'rtsoit lias lately l»een suffering from an uttaek of Influenxu, nnd the neces- sity of inking a rest hn» every day been more nnd more urgently forced npbtt him. Yielding to pressure he has at last decided 10 give himself u month's vacation, nnd, Hint being the ease, Mj«..ltyl9> play, "Mrs." Grunrtv," will- lie - withdrawn? todny-.week. Mr. Roberlson, however, hopes. to--, resume operations at.the Hcitla early in the coming year, either with "Mrs.' drfindy" or un en- tirely new play. • , . ,- Wednesday night saw the first perform- ance of Cosmo Gordon Lenox's nduptatlon. from the French/ crtllcil "The; Indecision' o£ Sir, Kingsbury," nt the Hnymnrket, it. cow-' nnn>' headed ty'CBnriftfHnwirey aapfarlog In the comedy. Story: Arthur Kingsbury Is n man who can never make up his mlad. He Is supposed to lie engaged to a Jane Chntferlelgfi, nnd for some period In the llrst. net he actually Is, But before the end of It he lias seen Mrs. Dutch, iillan Stella, alias Dolly, whe entirely captivates his Im- agination, nnd it is- rot he. but his friend anil secretary, who Is engaged to Jane Cbnt- lerlelgh. In the second, net we And Mr. Kingsbury established, on Park Ijne, In a bouse he has taken fmm n Kronch. friend, Paul lc Petit Poncharil. Mrs. Dutch comes In. nnd he promises tx> marry her, whatever Ids mother and - relntlona may sny. In the third act we find Arthur Kingsbury a mar- ried man, with a wife who Is empty bonded and frivolous, and wlio, whatever she may sny to the contrary, flirts more than a little with KriiuChnrd. Moreover, the house Is turned upside down with MrR. Klngsbtiry'B fast friends, who sing comic songs and dance enkewalks. The Enrl of Cardiff cornea In when the fun Is nt Its fastest and noisiest; there Is n scene, nnd poor Arthur Kingsbury ennnot quite ranke up his mind whether he might to support his wife nt nil hazards or go back to his mother. But the, late Mrs. lliiteli nnd Ibe present Mrs. Kingsbury Is, In renlllv, n strictly virtuous person, who only wants n good shaking and an oeensimiM lien'tlng to develop Into iiulte a model wife, hi the lust net Lntly Helena, Kingsbury's mother, reveals her admiration for Mrs. Kingsbury, nud manages to drive some strength and decision Into the undecided hero. As lingo Knowslcy has his heart's desire in n union with Jane Chntterlelgli, and Arthur Kingsbury, now reconciled with his wife, shows some signs of greater firm- ness of character, the fall of tlie last cur- tain Indicates happiness for everyone con- earned. Mr. Ilnwtrey was. of coure, Mr. Klugsbnrv, nnd In the other leadlug' chnr- nctcrs were seen : Nina Bouclcanlt, Fanny ■trough. Cosmo flordon Lennox, flolmsn Clarke. Sydney Valentine, nnd Wilfred Dtny- itill. The ro'medy wns amusing, but a bit drawn out. n fault which will he mndc right Lewis K. Porker Is preparing for Lewis Waller a translation of "llsrlekln Koenlsr," it romantic drama now being successfully plavrd ihi-onghoiit Germany. The Knfcmn veridon Is to bfc prmluced by Mr. Wnller at the Imperial, where it is to follow Mr. Sntro's piece, "The Perfect Lover." now doing well nt that house. The Bnglteli title for the new piece has yet lo he decided. The rights of a new farce, by Michael Mor- ton, which has already been seen la 1 the eonn- irv under Ihe miuie of "The Little Stranger," hhn been acquired-by Frank Clinton, lu the iilav. n illtnluntlvc erenlurc, a sort of Tom Thumb, who Is numbered ntnong a show- tnnn's company of freak nltrnetlous. chsiiaes place with n two year old child, and the fun is extrAcled from the bewilderment nnd hor- ror of ti household confronted by a helpless Iwiilv suddenly glflcd with speech nud physi- cal strength, and who smokes, drinks, swear j and generally usurps Ihe place of the master uf the house. The farce wns tried with some success In various provincial towns, nnd Mr. Clinton, proposes to give It n l.ouiloii produc- tion al the Criterion, if end when "The White Chiysiiiitheniuiii" requires u successor. At the Waldorf, on Pec. UP. will be pre- sented for n series of matinees nu original New Year's piny, "Noah's Art," In which curtain Incldenls connected with a piratical cruise.of that uurleul croU will be depleted. For this Madge r.esslng, llnrrv Paultbn, Ag> ues Thomas and Herbert Spdrllug have been engBgod. Ilall Cnlne's outside liferents ore tiring Mi coDitltticnts nt Rnnacy, Isle of Man, ithtl there 11 a strong movement afoot to Induce hltn to resign his tent lii the House of Key*. , Cnatlcs Frohman will give the entire re- ceipts from the flrat performance of "Blue^, bell," at the new Aldwicb, with. Seymour. Hicks and Ellallne Terrlss to the Qu«4n's ifuid (or the Unemployed. The date has StCu Used for Dec. 23. Paul A. Rubens, whose "Mr. People, of Ipplctoh" la doing a great business at the Apollo, Is laid up at Bournemouth. wlth'B bad attack of tonsil! tls, which, J.t 1» stated, will prevent him from returning to: London for some weets. . . One-man'was killed, and nine others Injured- br the collapse of a wall at the Croydon Palace of Varieties one day this week. The music ball, which stands behind a row of- shops in West C'rovdon, wns In course of reconstruc- tion. It'hnd been unroofed, and the con- tractor and his men were engaged In build- ing an Innfcr wall, which was to act as a- lining to one of the walls of {he' bnlldlng< Ketween thirty nhd forty men were engaged on the work, the new wall having reached a height of about elghteeo feet. , Charles Wyndham nnd Frank CnnoB have come to an agreement by virtue' of which the former, accompanied by Mary Moore and the members of hid company, move Into Wyndham's Theatre on Jan. 1, remain- ing there until Kaster, nt least.- H. H. Davles' successful comedy, "Captain Drew on Leave," Is thus assured n further term of popularity, the r»rippearhnco of .Tnlla Nell- son abd Fred Terry. In "The Scarlet Plmper- nell." at the New Theatre, on Boxing Day. hnvittc made It necessary that another home should be found for "Cnptnln Drew on Ijeave." Some time ago It wns stated that- In Ihe event of such arrangements being- completed Mr. Wyndhnm wonld- either have to cancel or postpone his Spring trip to the Stales. The promised trip Is only put off,- as hoth Mr. Wyndhnm and Miss Moore have settled lo CT09H the Atlantic again In the Anfnmn of next year. There has been a t-umnr going the rounds that Mr. Wyndham intends to retire from Rtage life shortly. This is emphatically denied by that gentle- man. At Ihe Inst performance of "Sherlock Holmes" at the Duke of York's last, Satur- day night. Mr. Gillette was presented with a Isrge laurel wren Hi decorated with Ihe English and American Mags. The directors of Ihe Crystal Palace ar- ranged for .1. Itiinnlsler Howard to take over a lease of the Crystal Palace Theatre front pie end of February. George Kdwardes has selected Jan. II for the llrst performance, at the Prince of Wales Theatre, of Ivnn Cnryll nrtd Owen Hall's musical comedy, "The Pet of the Public." Evle Greene, who plays Ihe lending part la I lie new play, arrived from New, York on Wednesdav. nnd will at once start rehearsing. II. s. Mendel, Ihe business maniigr-r for Ihe German company nt Ihe Great Queen Street Theatre, has been Invested with the Cross of the Order of Vladimir, la recognl •■Hon. af his bravery In snrlag Hit lives of two rhlldrea In the Black Sea: ' Current week is called Cattle Show Week, nnd, as ii result of the number of country visitors, all the theatres are. doing'a little better than uxunl. The show la being held nt Agricultural llall. Islington.. .-.--..■ The".Palace has been crowded this.week, nud,- after, witnessing the present show .at Hint house, the cause - Is easily ■■ accounted for. On'Monday.last I visited the resort, nnd after a - few stercoptlron views and a mont excellent selection by the Palace or- chestra, Burke, Moller and Teller made fhelr appearance, mill scored with a clever com- edy act. In which pantomime played an im- portant part. Nell Richardson, a comedienne, who was nt the Pavilion the last thhe I re- viewed Ihe show at that house, sang a couple of popular songs In a capable .nud pleasing manner, 'llic next - number was-a -sketch; ■ called-."Meu'..-Were Decidvers-Ever.'.'.and the players Thomas . and .'Evelyn. -;Sketch,and players received their full, meed of-approval. Jlelie Davis and her pickaninnies appeared ait R.2II. Miss Davis and her able assistants made good from the Mart, their .lively songs nnd business keeping lhe audience going all Ihe time. The young baton Juggler was really Ihe hit of the act, and Miss Davis allowed him to accept several hows. An excellent ex- hibition of shnrpshootlng wns given by Cap- lain Slema ana Miss Alice, evidently Ger- mans, from their talk. From a platform erected bark of Ihe conductor, the shooters did marvelous work with rifle and pistol. Shooting through an ordinary ring, bor- rowed from a gentleman In tbe audience,' and hitting the hull's eye, Was one shot. Another, hitting tbe mark, the bullet llrst passing through nn inch opening in a piece of glass. They were warmly applauded at the eoacjnsloo. Madame Gulnchan,- operatic vocalist, sang the arln from "La Travlata," nnd was recalled twice for the excellence of iter work, llnlgh and Novel, comedy acrobats, only matle a fair impression nt hrst, but they Improved as the act went on, and retired a real hit. Tbe made member of tbe team did some difficult tumbling. Next we had the Palace Girls, in new dresses, new songs and new dances. They were as pleas lug us ever and we nil felt sorry when their oherliig was brought to a finish.' Mile. Ju- liette and her sea lions followed. The lions did a very novel act, their Juggling being worthy of human beings. They snowed every sign of being well trained, and the act re- flected great credit on Mile. Juliette. Nora ilay'es contributed the next number. She sung the same two songs she opened her Palace engagement, with, and went u gient Uenl better than she did on her opening night, the audience seeming to grasp her style of. work lietter. 1 forgot to mention (he Fol- lies, who preceded the Intermission. They are ton well known to go Into n long story concerning their work. They snug some new songs and gave a ropltul burlesque ou the typical English musical com- edy of Ihe present day, nod also a repre- sentation of how the same piece would be done In Wagnerian fashion, The Intter was most amusing. By the way, I might mention here Hint the Follies appeared lieforc the queen utid royal party one night last week, tbe occasion lnuag u celebration In honor of I lie queen's II n luluy. The Follies are a big drnw at every house they appear. Able Mitchell and her Tennessee Students, the lent ii re act of the show, were last on the hi.I, wllh the exceptloa of the olograph. The first part of the act was on the classical musical order, and showed the company to be.clever musicians. Miss Mitchell gave n clever rendition of "Suwnnec ltlvcr," In fact, ihe .sweetest I have ever heard, and she was roundly nnplnnded. Then the students did I heir work, and played n classical selec- tion la ell kinds of time, etc The art was brought to a llnlsh by eccentric dancing by three female and two mule members of Hie company, the two hitter, and one of Ihe for- mer, bringing down the house with their liiuiiy unties. After two encores, the cur- tain n-ns raised at least lire limes, and Hie ml inn.v be pti' down as one of l he best seen ■it the Palace in ninny months. They made such, a seusnlii'ii on the opening thai their engagement wns at oiice prolonged bevond Hie original time hooked. Much of the credit for the success of Miss Mitchell nnd her as- sociates Is due Will Marlon Cook, Some new plclures were shown by the blogruph. The new ballet at the Allmnihrn, retire- sent at tve of Parisian life und manners from the Ill-starred days of Mane Antoinette down to .those of the (bird liepiiblle. Is called "Patlsiana," ami will be put mi for the llrst time on Monday. Invented ami presented bv Chnncs Wilson, eomtiospd by James II. GlOver, and with several new ilnuces arranged bv M. Curt I, Its six tableaux will comprise "Lcs Hallos Centralles." in. 17110; "l/> Blanchls- serle," ln'I8S»>: "Un Mngnsln de Modes." "La Bourse." "Un Mnmmrde," and the com- Ini Fete De Neollly. Jane May will depict three distinct types from the boulevStds. Rnjllsb gossip.—Dulcle Latng, of steel and Lhlngi has been 111 tot a couple of weeks. Unt hopes to be able to work shortly. Next Tuesday the llrst nnnunl meeting of nb'tirehotders In the Variety Theatres Con- ■olldated will be held at Durham Home Street, Strand,' adjoining" the Tlvoll. The director, will declare a dividend^ making a distribution tor We year ending *Pt ■«>. last, of 8 per cent. The old hoyal Mnwc Hal . whlcf. Is being reconttructod, will. wh*n It i* reopened, be known as ft* H«- bom-.EBplre, rani informed, Dec, 14 the eighth anniversary of the Jletropoli on M6- slc Hall will be commemorated, that Is, the new' Metropolitan. Last Tuesday-a claim for commission wag heard at the West- minster Court, brought by Mr. ShereU aealost nudenvl. n violinist. Amery. Parkes . & Co nnpear-il on liehslf of the plaintiff- and imlnled out that In Iflf)?. he obtained nn en- irno"ment for the defendant to appear nt flarrasfords Brighton House, for which com- mission was paid for securing the engage- ment. Some time during the present year the .defendant performed at the Alhambra, Paris, which engagement was booked direct with Mr. Bnrosford, although tbe plaintiff had himself offered him a date at this houRe. The., defendant denied liability, but the judge gave Judgment for the plaintiff, wltb costs. Walter Gibbons will reopen the Kaltag Theatre as the Kallng Empire Palace of Varieties on tbe two houses a night sys- tem, on Boxlag Day, Dec. -M. Rlno I'epl will lie tbe llrsf mnnnging director of the Npw Palace Theatre, Carlisle, which will be opened In .March. The ballet, "Entente Cordlnle'," which closes Its long career at ihe Alhambra tonight, has .been .purchased la Its' entirely by H. G. Dudley Reonett, who will Introduce It In "The Forty Thieves." the pantomime to'be done at the Shakespeare Theatre. .... The Empire Comedy Four topped and were Ihe lilt of ihe bill at the Newport Empire this week. Mnunger Jenny sent me a notice from a local juiprr, which speaks most flatteringly of the ipinrtette. It's too long lo repeat, but 1 wilt say It Is strung, and ooe that will be saved hv i hem for nlany a day. Mr. Cunning- ham's wife and baby will return to America next Wednesday, the Winter In this country being loo severe for them. Daly nnd (VBrleo write me from America that- they are doing finely wllh a new travesty act la the land of the Stars and Stripes, nnd Ihey think there Is no reason why they shouldn't duplicate the success In KngTand. If the-comedy falls down they are of the opinion that the eccentric dancing of Mr. DUly will win them honors. They con- template n trip to these shores In the Spring. Tie lirltrons will llnlsh their rang Em- pire engagement i.t the end of this month, then for the contloent where they will re- main until the Hummer, when they return to the Empire for another lengthy stay. Al- though in their ninth week at the Leicester Square house, they are still receiving excel- .leot write-ups. The' following is from a lending London publication: "The Brlttons, who'mnde a big hit on the first night-of their appearance, have become enormously pop- ular. . They are gonial colored folks, who are enthusiastic In all they do. To say. that Mr. llrltton has facility us a step dancer would lie. to. place him on a very .ordinary, level; be' possesses the saving grace of' hntnor, nnd his familiar question; •How was oat':' after etch' manifestation, shows-(bat lie • is quite at home with' Empire audlcneea, who-con- tinually encore him and.his lady partner In their most attractive tarn." Chiog Ling Soo, the great American Chi- nese conjurer, who is meeting with record breaking success in the provinces, comes to the Coliseum: at Christians, for a month's stay at the. big bouse. 1 have received word from South America that Stafford and Stone opened at.Bnedos Ayres on.Nov.-.a, and were.a hit.'. Mr. Staf- ford writes Hint' the act Is-being done'.In Spanish,'..a thing.that amnses the natives very much. He also;states that-tbey-have the star place on the programme, and are hilled accordingly. They will be la England the last of January. . Some changes will he made In the Empire show on Monday. Among the newcomers are the Pnntzer Brothers, Clare and Kitty Han- son, and Maurice Farkoo, who will give se- lections from . his extensive repertory. The new bnllet, "Cloderelln," will be pnt on for the first time on New Year's Day. Barton and Ashley repeated at Cape Town the big success mads at. Johannesburg. They will sail for England on Dec. 20. The weath- er Is very pleasant nt Cape Town,- Mr. Barton writes, but rather trracnerous at Johannes- burg, and most trying for one with a weak heart. A few lines from Valraore nnd Horton, nn- der date of Nov. 11, Sonth Africa: "We ar- rived safe nnd had a pleasant voyage. We opened here, Johannesburg, Monday, to. a parked house, and the show went great. We have the honor of having last place on tbe hill, nnd our act was a big hit. We met Bar- ton and Ashley, Ferguson and Mack, and Grace Cameron." After the Sonth African tour, Valmore nnd Horton hnve four months' work In Kugland. . There is a rumor going the rounds that Albert Chevalier, the well-known coster sing- er, is to give up the vaudeville stage for the drama, and that he Is negotiating with Dag- nal and Holies, the new lessees of the Prin- cess, with that end la view. Before "going on the halls," Mr. Chevalle'r was an actor of much ability. "Knlgmnrelle" opened at the Alcazar Doux Leon. Marseilles, un Tuesday, and made the biggest hit. of Its career. Mr. Ireland, the inventor, who Is accustomed to big recep- tions, was taken off bis feet almost at the conclusion nt the net on the opening nfght. The si>eeintors stood up nnd cheered at the finish, and ,Mr. Ireland wns obliged to re- spond many tiroes before the audience quieted clown. The manager said the figure made the biggest hit in the history of th« house. llnrry K, Tudor, one of Frank Bostock's able lieutenants, called nt the Bureau earlv In the week ana told me all about, the recent exhibition of Japanese wrestling between Katsukumn Hlgnslil. who hns been Identified with Hist style of wrestling la America, nnd iitklo Tnnl, another expert In Hie art. The match was decided In favor of Tnnl, but lu order that Illgashl's friends In America may not he misled by reports of the meeting, Mr. Tmlor desires me to say that the hold ndopted by Tnnl which won him tbe match wus not ut all according to the rules, and that even In Japan, where ueurlv even-thing Is allowed, Tilul's winning hultl, If it can be called snrh. Is not a Mowed. Tnnl has admitted that he did not wlu the bout fairly, anil has agreed to iiuwt lilmshl luler, but Il looks ns If they will not be able to meet In Paris, in the police are going to put a stop to such a severe match us the Iliguslil- ianl one of n few days ugo. Arrnugcuicuts iniiv be made to deckle tbe bout In London. Ihe new Glasgow Coliseum, to be'opened Mouclny the Moss Empires, Limited, is said lo be the largest (healrc In the world. It will seat 4.(0.01 persons, nnd Is the thlrty- olglilli hall owned by the company. The Kiiitfmtin Sisters did not go to Vienna to open on Dec. 1. with their new net, but I*, rack Hint time and op'jnedat ihe Kni- IgrC Then Ire. Manchester, on Monclnv. Itcbn Kiuifiuaii writes that the act has been a success of linger proisirlloos than they an- Hcl|iiilrd. It Is reported Gmt negotiations are pro- ceeding for Ike absorption of Hie London lot ncurn by Ihe Moss Empires, Limited. Harding nnd Ah Sid. and Mile Alle ar- rived from Ainsterdum yesterday, having Just completed » iery niccesalul tour of r-rouce. Brussels nnd Holland. Mr. lard- ing called nt the Bureau In the afternoon. i^. a o e (. U< 'yi I "ehteyer opens at Olympla.on V5i; J ,.." ,u , r< '*' months' engagement. Three ■lays Infer he puts on at the Canterbury Mnslo Hall, for a month, a hew 'cycle act for the stage, which.promises to excel any Lw& e e M, f llL e ^ ptpa . In «'f«p.acts'of that kind Mr. Schreyer Invented and made the act himself and although many other mana- ger* Banted the new act, AdcSy Payne made syndi- tnT besF offer and secured; it for his „, cat* of London balls. Mr. Schreytr h» «.' ranged the tifoB sO'that be win baaWaMA the dive 6t Olympm and the new act .US Canterbury. The former feat, which win K! tne headline feature at Olympic willin J? ably close the. show at the big Winter PatES" thus enabling Mr. Schreyer to-worlf the r.V terbnry without rushing. * ( -* B ' News has Jnst reached London that Mn Leon Morris, died very suddenly at Krto« : yesterday. <"*m ■ — 4«» . . ' _' OCR CHICAGO LETTER. ■ I -1 * rnoit oob own cojmr.sroxnr.NT. Western . Bureau of the New York dinner noom 50a, Ashlnnil Block, Chicago. 0e W6lf Hopper, In "Happyland," i s on. of the drawing cards this week at the ihZ atrss. Kellar. will remain the week at \tZ Ticker's "Forty-five Minutes from feffi way" will stay the rest of the year n£ th." CotUtrlBl, as- WHI aBcy ~Tbe„Ro*er of the. At! bambra," at the. Btudebaker. , "Ihe Vlreln Ian," at the Grand, Is now playing its Li,,* y,'i t'k, . , ***** Illinois Ti'uatm (Will J.,.IfciTi«, raanj Ber).—Frank Dnriels, In hfs Imported mini cal comedy-•'Sergeant Brue," with which h» amused ChJcsgoans a few months ago h (he. attraction, at this house,, replacing Krltrt Scheff who left -tor the East Saturday nlrht HL . With Mr. Daniels is. tie same rBM& that appeared here before, with Clara Ben Jerome as lendrrfg soifhrette. Mr. IianieU will remuln one week. Jjie Cawlliorne «,iien. un engagement here Sunday, Dec. "4 Powkbs' TitKiTBH (Harry J. Powers/man- ager>.—Eleanor Itobson, In ."Merely Mart Ann," is Blow In her laat weekat this bonne At the close of her engagement. Sntnrdar n's;ht, l'. - :, she will have played to thr4 weeks of crowded Mouses, and won raao? admirers among Chicago's; theatregoers. u a /. lne i:illotr,. in "Her Great Catch" will fob iow, Monday, 25. Gband'Ofxbx Housk (Harry Ankln mana-' ger).—"The Virginian" ts proving as much of -a. magnet nt this theatre as when fimt presented In this city, over a year ago. The succession of big houses that have greeted Dnstln 1'nrnv.m and his companion players uircst the favor In which this play and stir are held In this city. The engagement will close ^X and will be followed by -The Wht. nrd of Or,'' with Montgomery and Stone Colonial Tiikatek (Geo. W. Lederer manager).—CeO/ge K Cohan's ■'Forty-flvij Minutes from Broadway" closes Its twelfih and last week Saturday, night, SO. -The Ham Tree," with Mclntyre' and Heath starred, opens- here Sunday evening, 31, for a run of fonr weeks. STt.'bEnAKKR Thkatbb (K. E. llnrraejer manager).—"The Rose- of the Alhambrl." C0<jk and Hpsmer's romantic opera, be«n Its fourth we*k Monday, 18. Lillian Ullu- .ve.ttvnnd Eugahe Cowles,.as:well us the rest of.thecompahy. have established themselfes In fnvoiV-.atfil the addition of'Reg'lhald Itbb- erts.has strengthe'ned-the cast; After this week Mr. Whitney will take the play, on' a' short tour of the South, and thea to'New- York City- "Woodland" will begin an en- gagement Monday, 2<V. McVickBb's THEATnE (George C. Warren, mnnager;.—Kellar, the magician, Is still en- tertaining and mystifying large audience* here. His engagement .ends Saturday, 23. in: this .yeaCs programme Kellar has In- cluded-, a-mnglc cooredy,. called 1 --"The Witch. the Sailor nail the Enchanted -Monkey." "In- Old Kentucky" is arihnfthced as the holiday ntt i nctlon Hft his house, .' - Chicaiso Orntt-vi-Hrirsfi (Lyman B. Glover, manager for Kohl & Castle).—"Ills Honor ihe Mayor" will remaln<beyond -the holiday season. The- several changes hnve strength- ened-the-comedy scenes, nnd Blanche Ring, Mabel Rarrlsnn end John Slavln continue to contribute to tbe success of the play. Carol Oteys Is one of the rhnrmlng addl- tlons to the cast Florence Craig' Is alw an Important member of--tuU company, and la one of the best dancers In this organisa- tion. -.,.-■ Gabbipk TitRATnR (Sam P. Gerson, man- ager).—De Wolf Hopper, In "Ilnpnyland,". opened n two weeks' engagement Monauy, 1». The supporting romrtany Inrludes; Mar- guerite Clark, Ada Deaves. William Wolff, Kstelle Wen'tworth. Joseph' Philips, John DnnsmOre shd William Donford. La S.m.i.i: Tiikatiii: (M. II. Singer, mtma- ger)'.—1« Salle- patrons are apparently as well pleased with "The Umpire" as with nny of the productions which haye been made' nt this playhouse. Cecil Lean aud the other members of the stock company, among whom Olrve Vail msy be mentlontkl as n popular. favorite, are giving a creditable perform- ance of the hew miiscial comedy. Havmaskkt Ttguiamr (W. W. Freeman, manager fof lCohl & CostleL—I^sllc, Dall*y and company, J.imes II. Cullen, Franz nbert nnd ciompshv, DIo'nee Twin Sbitcrs, Lurxln N. Wilson, Lockhart and Dn,vis. Frank Hall." Pllte and Piekard, Burton's dogs, IJIIbm Bnrkh.irt nnd company. Sullivan nnd Pas- iiuelinn. Freeze Bros., Tom and Ccrlls Grimes. James Irwlh and the Three Diile Serenadeis roiimlcd ou't an exeeptlonBUr strong vaudeville programme, which closed Mimdnv, 1". Beginning with Ihe Monday nuillnc. IS: Rose Stnhl nud company. ITan- els Dooley nnd Girts, GalelH's monkeys, Mignonette KoKIn. Mncey nnd Hall. 'iHni™' and La Tour. Rice and Cady, Mllliuan Trio, the Fmncellls. the Delks. Morvelle nod i Hen son, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack. Olympic TiTRAtm? (Abe. Jacobs, mana- ger for Kohl & Cnstle).—Pnlty Bros.. Bell- man nnd Moore, Cellna Bobe, Mini Voa Weuzl, Campbell and Brady. Jennie Jerome. Murphy and Mike.' Frnncescn Redding and companv. Mlllman Trio..Jack Gardner. Dudit Iiros., Ollmonr nnd La Tour. John M.-Ir- win. Mr. and Mrs. Jack, nud Bonnie G»y- lord proved a good drawing bill of rallM- vIHe during week of II. Bonnie Gaylprd made rn etceptlonnl' bit. In her "SI* HOP- kins" specialty. Bill for week of lb ■ • follows: Tlarrv Corson Clarke and coinpany. lfonnev Sisters. Allelnl and Pelro, t.'nrrer nnd Pollard, Jnckson Family. l"almer an» Jolson. Herrmnnn, the Great: Bryiint .ann Savllle, Clara Hess. Marvelous Iji ,Pnl£; Manning Trio, Ihe D'AcaW, and Gould ana Dnlrlck'. . _ _-, Gub.\t NonTiicnN- Tiibatiih (bred C- fcj- erts, mannger).— Jjsst week Mary Marow and nn excellent company played.lo crunaca houses, "Xniicy: Brown" phivlug « PHJH attraction. Comtnchclhg with llic *u\?'f inatlnpe. 17. nnd for one week, Billy B- vJJ the diminutive comedian, la. the farffi*' m'usleni comedy of rural type, called i»j Crrand Boy." Is the. attraction. Tbe can includes: Clem Bovine. Frank C..-.graff Florcnrn Brisiks. Hdlth Hnrt, Alfred I letce, Nnt Whltcslofle. CBn«. S*x»n. . I' 1 ," 1 *?, 8 Swcctmnn. nlanchc La Tell, Joe WMa^g; llnm P. Sulllvnii. John D. Bohltnnn. Iran* Cnrnphcll. JOlih B...Wilson and Rose lieau raont. "in Xew York Town" 24 anil wet*. Blsit TftiirtB (KJIiabeth Schobcr, i uian- nger).—"AH Jhc Com,forts of Home .wj lowed "Cnliillle" Monday, 1R. George ABfg and Milford Griffin'have the two P« D ;!Jr' roles. Adelaide Kejm- plays Ihe part oiA"" actress, Fife Criteuskl. The other meinw>t» of'tile Plovers' Stock Co..are suitably «"• For 0.*. abd week. "The County lair. ■ Cbyndka* Theatre (Weber Bros-. *WS gcrE).^-"Hesrrs of Gold" played a " W, E"! succes^iil b«st«fMs. nhd was W»*™iX day, IT, by "The Sfrtart.Set." which I* MJJ lne Its Httrth enfaiireriient at this, now*; Thl» comfiany Include*' ftbTetal„of_tne Jg negro performets in America. 9- "'• PHffio Is'.HIe star of this orennljatlon. and Joan Rtitlev 13 nnnthef coinooisn of fbllltf, w* Fnadeb's• Row of Flktt" 2* anf w«fc