The New York Clipper (December 1905)

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1132 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. December 23. As HERRMANN, THE 8ECOND. THE ODD MAGICAL MUSICIAN. THE MAN WITH THE MEDALS. An Act that can follow any art on any bill and make uny audlrnc. laugh If, mlUl'TES IN ONE. THIS WEEK AT TONY PASTOR'S. WEEK DEC. 25, FAMILY THEATRE, NEW YORK. P. g.-A. a protection from that bralnlew ln«.f«, the pirate, tills act I. fully protects by copyright, Claw D. XXc, No. 4,.lt.-., Library of Cong-re... WaghlugtotyDM^ THE KIIUW WITH THE MONEY. MITCHELL'S 8 ta l r PLAYERS SUPPORTING BARIvK O. »IiVX;\IO:VJS In tlie highest class plays. KAOH I'LAY A PRODUCTION. T. II. WIHNBTT, New York Representa- tive, 1402 Broadway. OUR ROYALTY PL AYS-A LION'S HEART, ON THE FR0NTIER.8I0N OF TBK FOCR.TIIB VKNDKTTA.A STl'DY IK SUARLKT, WORM WOOu, THE ROYAL PRI30NKR, THE HEART OF A HERO, Gearg* Hoey's AMERICAN URIT and the MODERN MR. BROTUS, Harry llelmar's MYSTE- RIOUS MR. RAFFLES. „ _ _... , ., _ WAVPED-aii Experienced Union rropeny Man.a Young, Ooort Looking, TALL Juvenile Man of experience. Do nut misrepresent. Long season to Hie right people Frank Kmtuens, Pete Mai- .loon. Fred ntBiisll«ld. please write. Mr. Earnest E. Perry, yoo had belter write before next w<ek. Address CHARLOTTE MlTOUBLL, BOLE OWNER, Havorsiraw, N. Y., week Dee. 18; Yonkers, V. Y., week Dec. U. STARRETTS DANCING HORSES, I DOGS. 1 "10," THE HIT, LOOPING 1 AT MIDISON SQUARE GARDEN, DECEMBER 25-30. CHASE-LISTER CO. (Southern) Man and Wire, Woman to do sonio Juvenile Leads, some Ingenues; Man lo do some Juvenile Lead«, some Heavies; also Man PI net who can play few small bits. Send photos, zlve age, he.ght, weight and salury (pay own Hole i In find letter. Address CHAS. HARRISON. Mgr., . | Trenton, Mo., week Deo. 18; stanberry, Mo., week Dec. 26. AN ACT THAT 18 A 1< tUUH FOR EIGHTEEN MINPTF.a! THAT FUNNY JIJOOLINU ACT. This week, Empire Theatre, Hoboken, N. J. Return date. CHRISTMAS, 1905, Finds mo contented and happv.wiiri DIADl- SO.Va Now UUDUKT No. 10 outselling ail previous I-sues mid leading [I'tfornie's .ovine some tulgtilv nice thlugs about It, too. 1UO PaGKM if new. irilt edge stage comely, Including 31 great paro- dies, 9 excellent monologues, 8 sketches lor two males. 4 sketclio* lor mile and female, new sidewalk Conversations. 3 roaring fto-inihiito burlesques, now sketch for two females, hundred* of new* Hebrew. Irish, Dutch and blackraee rags etc Price, onlvONE DOLLAR FJII1 COPY Back numbers omot prlntcxcopl BUDGETS s, 7 and 8; will send any a for $l.w. 3 foi t'J, or ItUDfiETH 8, 7. 8 and 10 for »3.60. L.J. Ii. HKIL, 1404 Third Ave., New York, (AgmtAfJamm Aladlnan.) 1 I WSICUilS FOR B. and 0. AT LIBERTY FIRST WEEK IIIAIDART. TRAVEL OR LOCATE. W. M. SOEHNLi S, Hass and Tuba. Ml WATSON, llarllotc. It K. SMITH. Trombone. V. A. HaILEY. Trombone. Kl>. MOHAN. Drums. CHAS. H0RN8TEIN, Piano and Band Drum, Flay I'arts. GEO. M. UUNDY. Clarionet. A. I'. HUNKER. Leader, Violin and Alto. UF.O. (iiVKNS, Clarionet Expert, Machine Operator JIM 1IA0AN, Cornet. Address Plaqueinlne, La., Dee. si; White Castle, La,, Dec. 27; Donaldsonvllle, La., Deo. ss; Baton Rouge until Jan 4. Care of SWALLOW ft MARKI.K'8 FLOATING PALACE. 10 per cent, oft all prlc.i to Ian. 1, 1906. FILMS. FILMS. IF YOU WANT TO BUY", SBLL. KXC'IANGK OR RENT FILMS AND MACHINES, SEE OR WRITE PALEY. 40,000 Feet of Films lo Hsda Up Reels ol about 1,000 Feet Each, irom $10.00 to J80.00 Per Reel. A FEATURE FILM ON EACH REEL. WRITE FOR LIST OF HEELS. PALEY'S KALATrCHNOSCOPE EXCHANGE, 40 Wen ItBth HI., N. V.CIIy. Phone 3706 Madison Square. AT LIBERTY DEC. 30, '05, Harry LEOPOLD, Carl WESTON and : ■■ Harry D. BUNNELLE THE WORLD'8 EBBIOAL COMEDY KIBGS. Address, one week, 14 BALDWIN ST.. Pawiuokwt. H. I. Wanted Qtalolc, JUVENILE MAN, S0U8RETTE And COMEDIAN with Specialties. FRANK RI0H STOCK COMPANY, fl *K-»HiaMWi »WMaV AT LIBERTY, The Versatile Tounrj Coiractir Aotor, GEO, RALPH MOORE A ddross, by wire or mail (care ACTORS' 8001 fcTV. n.Y.) Prefor good Dialect pan or Strong old Man, Aristocratic. Bocomric, Kmotuuial or Com- edy. Ability antl wardrobe for any lino of business It) permanent Stock. HOWARD and DORSET (0. \a/ a im t © Strong Specialty Team, Week Deo. 45, at Parkorahurg, W. Vs. UKO. U. HOWARD. snooiit AT LIBERTY. Address GEO. V. HpliHUB, Birmingham, Ala. At Liberty, LUCILLE HOWELL,for Med". Shows N-at aud Character Bueclaltloa, Works in act. Change lor-J week*. I l.ket icMpitrtid. LUCILLE HOWELL. 64 W. Wo-torn A v., Mu**>wn Mich. _ _t_ Vor Opera, Musical Product Ion*. Vaudeville, Pab- lo- Appearand)*- Trial tutus mtsugfii. I'mroster, lWH Broadway, from is A. M 'till v P.M. WANTED U.TJICK, AN EXPEBT CPEBAT0B FOR THE 1 Lyman II, Howe Swing Picture Company. Address, with full particulars, S.M. WALK- 1NSHAW. tieneraf Manager. 887 South | River Street, wiikes-Barre. Pa. FIRST CLASS HEAVY MAN. GERTRUDE BWLNO CO., Waxahackle, T»xa». \A/ A FARCE COMEDY PEOPLE Al IRISH COMEDIAN and ECCENTRIC COME- DIAN, to handle part on order of boot Ageni, etc. Must do good speolaltv. sta'c lowest pay. AddresB J. A. MORROW, Homer. N. Y. F O R Salary and full particulars In first letter. WILL P. CONLEY, ' care of CLIPPER onice, N. Y. city. At Liberty, company closinc, CHARLES WHITKHCHST, Characters, Comedy, Light Juveniles and Special ties. Strong Harltore Voice. I1A/KI. WYLUE, Juveniles, Heavies and Ingenues. Joint engagement, Write or wire CHAS. WIUTEBWRST, Newark, 0. OEBTE AND ALL TUEATRIOAL GOODS. Scenery painted cheaply and quickly. Amateurs supplied. CHAS E. MILLS. 437 W. 41stSt., New York City. A6ENT AT LIBERTY, A6ENT OR MANAGER. will accept a good Rep. Sober, reliable, a hustler. K. C. ANDRBWM. Hount 11,136$ Broadway, N. Y, This week with "1'ho Street Slugei" Co. MUSIC ARRANGED, COMPOSED, ETC. A. KRET8MAR. 412 K. Iftlli St.. K. Y. Palace Music Garden 70 Hdl.on Ave., If. Y. Wauled al oucu, SINGERS, good voice*. MRS. WW. W. OUBORIVE. The Buckleys S Randolph COMEDY irtl'SICAL ACT. AGENTS or -ja PLEASANT PLACE. Brooklyn, S. Y . kTlllfVlf'IV THE VARDELLE9,Comedy Al lllDfinl l~Skeloh Artists. Man, I gin coin- ed v. Lady, bits, change tor week. Prater one night or vaudeville com. THE vardelLKs. l'armiugtou i wlrcs to Underwnodi, W.N a. 1 Scenic Artist Wishes Engagement. Address A. U. UAIUNUTON, CLIPPtlK Olllcc. A.T LIBERTY, GEO. F. BELFRAOE, IM Experienced, reliab'e. a hustler. Joio on wire. Address u.d BROADWAY. New York City. WANTED. FOR Edward Denton's Big, Real Coon Company, Colored Performers, Sketch Teams. Men with wlvcj preferred. Also Kirat Cla»g Chorus Girls. Mint sing and dance. Manama In New York. Penn.. New Jersey, Ohio, Indiana. Michigan and Canada send m open time for luofi and 1007. Can place Al Musical Director and Advance Agent. No railroad tares advanced; don't ask for It. A Merry Chris Unas and Happy New Year to All. LORD K. DENTON. Manager, 127 West iirth St., Now York City. WANTED, | r" pn ' To Join English performers (lady and gent) in Comedy Sketch. Address SKETCHES, care ot CLIPPER. AT jtrlBErKTY, I SINGING COMEDIAN. JACKSONVILLE, Illinois. WANTED QUICK, Al Sketcb Team, Musical Team, Novelty Performers, man to pnt on acts and make them go. All must change for one week. Also Plunlnt. WELLINGTON BROS., write. AURORA DRUG CO. Lock Box 397. Aurora. III. WANTED, FOR THE ORIGINAL WILLIAMS COMEDY CO. Man lor Leads and Heavies, i h.racrer Woman who can look and play some Juseniles. People with specialties prrferred. State all Drat letter. Yon must make good Misrepreje"tatlou caused this ad. Useful penp e, write. T. P.DcUArFER- K'.LY, Mgr., OpMika. Am., till Dec. 24; LaPay- etle, Ala, itt.iiu, 27. WANTED, CHARACTER WOMAN WITH CHILD, Small Soubreti e for boys' part, two Meu, Charac- ter aud Charactor Comody. Three plays. Men must have Hiaare cut wa.drobe. Send photos. Address MANAGER, P. O. box lino,Providence, U.I. WANTED, FOR STETSON'S UNCLE TOM'S CABIN iEastern Co.), Piano Player who doubles Brass, or luss Drum; double lUss, and Tnbi Player; nlso Colored Mnalclaua for colored baud. Address as per route, GRANT LI'OE, Manager, Dec. -1 to 25. Pranklin, Pa.; Dec.2«, on City. Pa.; Deo. 27, Jamestown, Pa. AT LIBERTY, XAT £. MOLiOMONS, Pianist and Musical Director. Past aL\ months with trio Payton Slaters Co. For flrri class mana- gers only. Address NAT. E. SOLOMONS. 220 West Waidbtifg St.. >av«unah, Ga,, Dec U to 14; Augus- ta. Ua . Dec. 24 to 30, care of Hotel Atbtou. Hrltt-Nelson Fight ifucf hnlle), Highway Robl)ery.Nlhlllst,Won- ders of tho Deep,Hltwatha, Fire Rug, Daylight Pur<iary, Cinderella, eic. Many bargatus. Send for n«t. HARBACU ,t CO., 800 l'llbe't, Phlla.. Pa. FILMS Clneogriph (I906». Latest Style Electric Lamp, Rheostat, Sw ten and Oxy. llyi). Jet; '2. doz. SHiies. Large Hcieen, cable,also Fine Trunk, JT.'i. IIAHltACH li. Cu., BOO Filbert, Phlla , Pa. us!!.,. JsRRY BURTON, Cornet IK. aud ().; Orla, Contortion and parts. Address DEER GROVE. ILL. AT L1BEETT, JOHN BALDWIN, All Around Slugin 7, Talking aud Dancing Come- dian. South Amboy, N. J., care of DIAMOND JACK SHOW. lib mv, Advance or Characters ONE K10UT OR REP. ED. H. MIUKIK, Girard, Kansas. At Liberty, Medicine Lecturer, Office Worker. Original melhods. Positive v one of the best. No booze, or close llrat, night. Percentage. PHILIP DK LCR01X, .Metropole Hotel, St. Jostpa, Mo. AT LIBERTY, 6E0BBE BB0WN, Cbaracter Leads. 53S OUerry St., Noril.lown , Pa. ME RRY XMAS fO ALL FRIENDS. •ANTED, MED. PEOPLE, LECTURERS AND PKRKORMEKS that play organ. Statu all In first letter. Mutiplny orgau. AddieBS GREEN MOUNTAIN MEli. CO.. Hancock, Hul. Co., N. Y. For Theatres, Halls. Productions the best. Work at tho lowest price. M . a, BLOOM, 7S E. H2d St., M. Y. City. PERFORMERS WANTED. 2o and ex. double, in single. Join on wire. Tlckete; •'a irer " DR. THOS H. WOOD. Buckley, 111. FURNISHED ROOMS. Heat, gas, bath, use of piano, CBAti. H aUUNCAN, 146 Eu,t 17til St.. N. Y. Cit y. UAniOmilC Wanted to bur. Second ■WHllibll(l1d" ,> Hund Magic Apparatus or evei t descrlpliuu. Must bo In good condition and cheap. What Have you got; FRANK LEE, 138 East 12U bt., N. Y. City. in all matters. The County Law and Collection Asso- ciation, Suite 103, World Building. LEGAL ADVICE rnrr TOST BET0BNE0 AFTEB A SUCCESSFUL TOUB OF FOBTY WEEKS WITH OBBIN BBOTHEBS' CIBCUS, IN MEXICO. FRED ZOBEDIE The Incomparable Expert in the Art of Hand Balancing. INTRODUCING A SERIES OP THE LATEST IMPROVED ACCOMPLISHMENT*. AT LIBERTY AFTER JAX. 8. Por I.™.. and addres WM. MORRIS. «^«fe "-J..., cupMB> AVERY m HART COLORED COMEDIANS, •Inst liaelc from a two yeara' lour In Eagland. A bis hit at Hauiioersteln'. -week Dec. 4. At Proctor's 38tb *i. Theatre week Dec. US, singing D I PUBLISHED BY HAMILTON S. GORDON, 1241-51 Broadway, Now York City. Just llulnlied Orplieuiu, Kohl, Costlr, Anderson and Hopkins Clrcalts. Oa ac- count or mistake in dates in interstate Clriult contracts. Have Inimedlate open TREMENDOUS HIT EVERYWHERE AND DOX OFFICE WINNER. , JUST THE ACT FOR XMAS AND NEW YEAR'S BILL. Term, reasonable from now till Spring. Write or wire till* week. CHAS. W. SCH8PP, Opera House, Flint, Mick. Reoertoire and Specialty People Wanted |Vil! A. l». Mcl'HKKS HK"r DRAMATIC AND SPECIALTY COMPANY. BAND AND 011- CIIESTRA.TBAVKL1N6 INTIIK KINBST PULLMAN STATEROOM OARS ON THE HOAD. Good. Sober. Reliable, Experienced Dramatic People, lu all lines. Muu for Juvenile Leads and (l.iort Chuructcr and Comedy Old Man : Vensatlle Leading Woman, also Woman foe Charai-lers and General Business:, or Good Huuhrutt« that can Play Leads and do Special- II.s: (!i>ih1 I'oinedian thnt can do Specialties and change often: Specialty Acts aud Sketch Tennis Hint run change for week : Cloud Silence and Van Act. Eccentric Dancing and Clean Comedy .Specialties. SlinUowgrapU, Marlouettes, Hliick Art, Mind Reading and Second Sl?hc Teaui I'nii can change often enu Keciire long, steady ensagement. I pay all after Joining. Will ndvHiic tickets to join, .Specially People that can piny small parts or bite, or Oooo Diauiat 1 '- People that do Specialties. 1 can always place. -All must have good-wardrobe, he sober and experienced. Xnoie lowest salary In first letter. Toll all, aud do not misreprc- seul. I can always find a place far good people who can appreciate getting their money wlieu due. with sonic of my attractions, •.five time for mall to reach iiic. and If you caii join on wire, stale ho lu Idler. Want two more (Circus Experienced! Bill Poster* that eau. and will, put up the paper, regarless of the riild or weather. WlntPr and Summerd work. Address for two weeks, ANDREW DOWN IK MiPHEE, . MooKomlu, Sask., Canada, Care SlcPhee's lllg Company^ NO. O.NL. S== WANTED, REPERTOIRE PEOPLE AND IN ALL LINES. Child for Parts, Musicians for Rand, Orchestra and Stage: old line of plays. Can place good Vaudeville Team. DR. U. D. R UCKER, Los Angeles. Cal. WANTED AT ONCE, BICYCLE MAN FOR STREET AND STAGE, Hub! be good street roan. No parade. We carry good band. Stato lowest salary. We pay ail. or yuii pay all otter joining. Ticket lo those we know. Money sure. Winter and Summer wort. Wo never close. When can you Join. Ord, Nob., Dec. 21: St. Paul Si. Wolbach 23. UtfaJfi, Slckmanio, u- cumBen27. BLONDIS k LEON RIP VAN WINKLI. CO. .THE METEOR), Wants Medicine Performers. Peoplo who can REALLY onange for three and four weeks. Incompetents PLEASE stay os-aj. Salary »20 and H. R. More If you arc worth 1L TONY LE BEHTUS, wrllc. . „_ Address care PLANTER'S HOTEL. 8L Loula, ■* WANTED QXJIOK, FOR KEENEY STOCK CO., Small Woman for lien. Bus., capable of doing some Juvenile Leads: Extra Large Man lor Character'- People In all Hdcb, write. Preference givcu people dolog specialties. Ticket9r Yes, Immediately trier tlrst rehearsal 11 you make 6ood. Money la absolutely sure, but you must earn It. If joa l:,D l ACT don't Jolu. Better ask some one before yon sraru Slate lowest. Fay owu. Address THOS. W. KKKSKV, Huron, Soutb Dakota. :S8! SUCCESS! "CAICEDO," The Well Known KING OF THE WIRE, has been REENGAGED at the Hippodrome, and no* »• '» Prolongated, Prolongated, Prolongated. This fact speaks for Itself. Managers and Agents go to "" Hippodrome and Bee an actwlthout ao equal, ana one which may never have a rival. •Oalcedo' »» U» free In April, hk», after his engagement at Havana, Cuba, with A. Saaverio. For dates »ud terms address as above, or permanent a ddress 131 West 42d Street, New York City. ■ . J. Hi ESVRY ROWLEY _. „ __ THEATRICA,L COSTUMER, 140 W. S3d ST., NEW YORK. „ _ , 2B?. 1 SS. ! ^SS^"'>.,?^^? ,er ^ HAT1)KN * ^WLEY.MMagerofBU0UTBBATRB,PATBRSO!r,N'- BtlTlMATES GIVES, ELABORATE EFFECTS. HODEHATB FRIC* 1 '