The New York Clipper (December 1905)

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DECEMBER 28. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 1133 EVERYONE IS IN SLUMBERLAND BUT YOU AND ME ■■■ . .. . .It. lilt-I I» Is nnalflvnt* nn.l „, n .O.„l l~.ll.. J-.. I .n- .... I. »- .I-.— ... .»... _..l„.l.. I. .„ „„« l> WVWT CiKV. \H IN Sl.I'M IIEHI.AN'O HIT YOU "aJ^D *M b " is'already nn ^fln*J^2^„J,nt.^ anrtjw«^wMJjitakc our repumitnii on this hoii i\> try It over, to listen M too.-melody. In to use It. "KVKUY ONE IS IN Hl.t'M IIEIILAMI by urging every singer 10 take It lino tit-Mr repertoire. "ftW*' 1 "'" ?!"nv!r rln , n '' ...„-s poor songs! This son* is itlso arranged ri«r Mnle Quartet. U.ATtlArl. i 01.I.Y . or .ESSIE PENN, JAMES M011T0X. SKY.MolU SlKTKaM. .ISO. ADAMS. .lAriC QUINS. ORrtiltlK M'Ub,"«Ki>U«E EVANS (Honey Boy). I A1 .- NICHOLS, JOE SHAW. FRANK CARROLL. WILRIUI HELD, Al.. crNNIXQIlAaf ami lmmlrcftn of others, will, tf'I you thnt our "t-l»n song is the. real goods bs a wait* song, and Is bound to make good. , . , Ii the sure wait* hit! It Is poaltlvely and emphatically nn encore persuader ---ly nn unqualified HIT. antl wo will stake our repntnllnii on fg hit with GRACE YAN STUDDIPOttD, and you know she Written hy P. t. RP.OWN. ECGENE COW't.ES says Ifs grent. «Mf You nod Me" was a 1 SaV-COLE* and FAY: iAi'-rtd-BOOEIW. GEO. DOWN WHERE THE OYSTER CRACKERS CROW This song Is « screamer, and Just the thlDg for Comedians, nnd crent for Musical Comedy. ,-. ^ o»v Jtjk CJP ■rTf ♦ ,t,et '■"" P 1 "' 11 '' f " Sweethearts True) Pns.s nnd Bfirlionc _*W.~ ^^M •*.?•■., 9^9 JB. • Herc'3 a sons of rollicking poodfellowshlp. ElrGENE CO' Z^jm• ^~^ «f*"^ Yff T HflT eGS* B> F ' J ' nROWN - Tbls ls a real Moon ?o "*- SB. EDDIE DUSTIR PROFESSIONAL COPIES OF ABOVE SOKGS FREE SIZED PERFORMERS, OR THOSE SENDING UP-TO-DATE PROGRAM. RoAutlfulls appointed professlonnl rooms and pianist In itJEEXSEm teach or play over our songs. We extend a" cordial Invitation' to performers to visit us when in St tonI«. ii.'omlr Noveltyi By EODIK DUftVlN. Is In chargo of our professional department, and will be glad to welcome his many friends. RECOfl- LEADER8! Send fur the Wall! Jf.tlley, EVERY ONE IS IN SLUMBERLAND BUT YOU AND ME IT 18 A WI.NNKH. ._ _. A Good flang I. All the. U Neee-eary for u HIT. WATCH this Mag On Ov.r the PUl- tO O O Olive THIEBES-STIERLIN MUSIC CO., oiive St., •■■•v ' ■ ' g*; **gs£2z o* THEATRICAL HOTELS 30ARD1NQ MOUSES. Wabash & Madison, CHICAGO. O. 0. Yanghsn, Prop. Stnotly ._ American Plan, $8-lt single; Vaudeville patronage Invited. HUNT'S EUROPEAN HOTEL., 148 Dearborn *t- and OXFORD HOTEL, Canal and Adams. Raw. SprofeBSlon. FRANK HUNT, Prop- CHICAGO. " PALACE HOTEL 101N. Clark 8fc. European, 13 per week; ^toJrtyeje_baUi, Chicago. $3 per week: wlthprivate bath, |J. lb Bati, too. H. B. HUMPHREY, Prop. BOSTON. MASS., Lafayette Chamber., 87 Haywtrd PI. one minute from all theatres. Theatilcal rates, If per wee k and np. single; 84 and up, double. PRUDENTIAL HOTEL, « and <8 Bank St, Newark, N. J. H. A. ORKENLASD, Pro: E uropean and American Plan. fine TRAFALGAR, 116-11T E.14, N.Y., M. KelUl'i, Acad, of Music. Dewey. Booms 60c, 74cm 11, H m day; flJOto $8 week. W.D.HAyMlOAN.Prop. ooms. European and Americas Plan CLAHE9D0N HOTEL. BIOLEY k JENNINGS. Pro] If. Clark St., cor. Ontario, Chicago. Kates, 60, Tt and SI par day. tv t o |a per we ek. Oi I Aiiia IwTa HOTEL LARGE Ble JLOlllS, ifXO.iaOS MAHKET. Outside front rooms, single, $2.60; double, »3<» •week. American, $ day. Free Lath, electric ligh ts, tiella, new fnrnlmre. Free nigh: lunoh. Hotel Regent, Cor. Pennsylvania Ave. and 15th St., ■ hington, D. O. PASTOR'S CHARLES AMI EDSA HARRIS. Adaminl A Taylor. fleo.-B. Alexander. Dan J. H-rrlngton. Kimball A Donovan. Art>erg' Stners. Pantzer Trio. Mills A Motrin. Allen k Dalton. l he Demaco". TheVltagraph. And as an Extra Attraction, THE AMPH10N FOUR. THE DEWEY E. 14th St. THE E. 12Sth St. MATISEE TODAY. PARISIAN WIDOWS CO. MATINEE TO-DAY. aiNO ED. and NETTIE MASSE. COMEDY JUGGLERS, CIRCO YCCATA, Werlda, Mexico- ADGIE and Lions. ORRIN BIOS." CIRCUS. City of Mexico. 18 WEEKS, COMMBSCI.NU IITO. 2. ORVILLE and FRANK Are working this week for MR. CHARLIE E.SCHERT Every little lilt help*. BARNEY FIRST, A eOCIABLB BUY, WITH THE RSGCaTKD HEIIREW PKCT. Week Dec 18, Elite Tlieotre, Rocklland. III. AMERICAN and EUROP RAN. Under new manage- ment. Has been entirely remodeled and remr- Ulsiied. NEW BLEOTRIi: ELEVATORINeTALLED, WBOIAI. RATES TO THK ATEIUAL PROFESSION. ^^ W. J. WATSON, Propr. HOTEL ST. DENIS, 130-1SS West Market St., Indianapolis, Ind Convenient to aU theatres. Vest Little Hotel In Indianapolis. Actors' Rates. f CASfERAGRAPHS, Kinttcscopes and Clue- ojtmph' wnu'ul. hh- Muss. HARBACH k 00., (109 Filbert,Phlla., Pa. NHO'W FRlilTING I All kinds of DodKers, Her- alds, Tickets and lull line or small work, quick and cheap. PRESS SHOW PKlNTERV,JoHngonbg rg,Pa, KUH SALE!, Columbia Concert (iraplione. large recurili, lurite- horn, stand complete. Two Headed Baby, In cortln, agreat snow; Glsut soil i Fountain, bund power, alt lino condition. Will exchange an; of above goods for large hand organ pliino, gaatea or Dims. Wanted, for spot cash, Lubin's latest Exhibition Model Picture Out- fit, with Dims; must be late machine, and cheap t«rcMh, All first letter.. Address Reliable, care OTCLXPPElt; New Yolk Office. ■ WANTU0, EUXSON KX. M P. HEAD OK MACHINE. AI.S0 FILMS FOR SALE, So. a foot. W-tll. RHODE8, HI Retreat Ave , Hurifor d. Conn. .POK SALE, STjtELMARIMBAPHONE, Three Oqtaves; Two'/.yiophoues, rour octaves, resonmere. Pritctlcally new. Sell seperately, or rogethertvlUrtrunk.' a:B OL "Westem Burean,"'Pr.R.,602 Ashland Blk., Clilvago, 111. ~ WAlvTKD, sk»tcli Team. Man ami Wife, 91 ng , «l»nte,'do b>(:« r»ce, Irish, Dutch'; work aoB, de- liver: good). *ir. joint and exp. after Joining. TlckeiB? yea. Dmy Family, write. Prof. T. L, stloiier, Mgr., rancher Novelty Oo., Lnogooteo. - ind;,_week Dec. 18; Mourgonlery M. VE rTT!ULO«tt I8M Taught Personally and by Correspondence. Pror. Llngertnan School of Yen- Wloaolim,.706. North 6th St.. Philadelphia, Pa. HOW TO STAilT IN SHOW BUSINESS. (wpyrighti, 3 different books, loo. All kinds acts. MO JLPHST'S SOHOOL. 837 N, 12th BU.PhlU.,Pa. '' MOVING PICTURE 8UPPLV and RENTAL. Films, Machines, Stereoptlcona, Cameras, Lenses. Boss Slides, new and eccond hand, bought, sold - exchanged. Bargains. Studio for film and slide ■aklng, coloring. Special Flag and Fire Films, expert repairing, free advice, long years' expo- ■ rlenoe, prompt' dealings. Eberhard Schneider, Oerman-Am. Cine. A Film Co.. loo E. lith St^N.Y.O. MUSIC COrUPOSEl) AND ARRANGED for any Instrument or number of Instruments, oongs,words and music, sketches, etc. Send eiarap. 4JHA8.L, LEWIS, 430 Itlohmnnd St., CrnolnaaU, 0, x or o "ex ~* Matinee Saturday 2. Evening 8.15. David Belasco presents for the 2d year Id N. Y, WARF1ELD BEL4SG0 BL&KCBE BATES in a play of '49 by DAVID BELASCO. IN THK MUSIC MASTER. THEATRE. Ev. 8. Mat. Sat. at 2. DAVID BELASOU presents 'THE GIRL OF TBE OOLDKS WEST." Mm > CcaUC CtCOLVV\t Of niKb Ola.. Va.deTille Theavt..., M. MBYERFELD JR., PKB8. ; „.„..,_„ MARTIN BECK, GENERAL MANAGER. All Applications for Time Must be Addreiwd to C. E. BRAY. Booking Manager, 604 ABhland Block, Chicago, III. Hliber's "£ Museum WAjTtED, at all times LIVING PRODIGIES, Trained and rare animals, novelties of every do- icrlpflon for Cnrlo Halls and Theatre. Address J. H. ANDERSON, Manager, aa above, The 3 Dancing Rings "THE LrTTMC TYPEWRITER." THE MUSIGIL BHENHAMS Permnnent aduress, K. Y. CLIPPER. THE SHARROCKS, Vacad«»vllt«B F«»ture», Novlns-Tannor Co, A Merry Christmas and ■ Happy New Year. HARRY THOMSON, HIS HONOR THK MAYOR. VAUDEVILLE ACTS WANTED I u oumtsntlT in need ol First 01a»s Act*. For business reasons solely and uy mutual nonmm. the JiVXen^/tfee MM. : l w nanied TUMirea csnnoi aoe i heir tw ol«at to play Acts for two years whim, plav other than the houses of this Association In any of tha follow Injriihme.i ".«[»"««; MRr , n8r „, BIJOU THEATRHS-Oshkosh. Rockford, Appietnii, Mnnltowoc. Oienn Bay, Marineie, Caluiii»t. Msrquette, Honibton. Isli lernlng, Kalama/.oo, Battle Creek, LBtisIng, Jackson, Bay CHj, OH I'll Mil JI 'I'HKATRBB-Hprliigiletd, O.i Portstnnutli nnd MansDeul. ORaNOTHKATlucs- Ha^iltor7V)flVmipVThnaire. l Rlch,non 1 |, Ind., and Hljou Theaire, Wheeling, W. V» ; VaeSttrOt. Rink, KvnWille, Ind.; Star Theatre, Munlce, Ind.; Mljon Theatro, Kankakee. CONSOLIDATED VAUDEVILLE LUMBERS' ASSOCIATION, 67 S. Clark St., Chicago, HENRY BROWN, VAUOI :VII_L-BC AOCNT, Ml DK \ IlllOnV HTRRET, Cllli ago, HI. ED. ALICE M. MARVELLE and GLEASON, A Blfg Surrfii Everywhere. Presentlaa- "BROTHKIl Tf»M'«l PIl|FND.' W.els of Dec. 18, Hayrearket, CUIc»go, The Only Ait ot II. Kind. EEO. AND MIT .., Sheedy'B Theatre, Fa ll RlTer, Mass ., th is Week. III."HIILLL IfiffllM, lM WEEK, closing olio, with MI98 N. Y. JR. CO. Week Dec. ID, Columbia Theat re, Boston. WE RENT rA Bargain. An Absoli } Dissolving Stereoptlron. • 2 J £ Pairs of- OhJc«lv« k> ' Cost, '$75.00. I'lcturo Ala FILMS. New Oxy-Hyd. lets, S Cnrrlers, ensen, for S40.(K). ^ Machine Supplies ot nil.kinds. • ACME EXCHANGE. 150 ,Eagt 14th Street, New York,. N..Y. SIX DOLLARS FULL PRICE-41 cash.eoc. weekiv.bilya lot 24x100, until Jan. 1. near station, 6Chool*, churches, atorei and city. Call 874 LEXINOTON AVE. Also evenings. . AT LIBERTY, Jan. 1, 1WH, Nelson aod Nel- son, comedy Musical Act. Iloib do singles Can pnr on acu; both work In them. Slide Trombone in H. aud 0. coh. only where the ghost walks ere f wsek. Add. St. Paul, Minn , care Empire Theatr e. Theatres Represented and Companies Bioked. ED. P. ADAMS i CO., 12T W. 40tn St., N. Y. City. . -assisted by in/iivie:. *■ THE GAGNOUX En route Willi MISS NEW YORK JK CO. DAVE DERDEN, MUSICAL COMEDIAN. -WHERE'S MY HAT?" BERTRAM MILLAR, « W. !»th ST., NEW YORK. CHRISTOPHER AT LIBERTY DEC. 23. HARRYLEE, BQNITA LESLEY, Comedy, Soahrettes; Character*. Juveniles. Ingeiines. SINGING. DANCING SPEOIALTIES. Single or double. Long experience. Stock or rencnolre. Address HARRY LEE, Oacaola, Ark., Keller Stock Co ._ AT LIBERTY, CRAIG RGYLSTON, LEADS, JUVENILE, 6ENTEEL HEAVIES. Ability, experience, ivardrohc and sobriety. Al Stage Manager. Per. stock. One piece, Reper- toire. Address MOBERLY, MO., Care of Holloran Opera Honsu. wahted QiJaK, fflurdock Bros.' and Hall's Big VaudenllleCo. RED HOT SINGING AND RANCINO COMF11IAN Who can change for week and work In acta. aWMMberanljL , J£?J^ I ,^% K J&*™2 $£*&" holdback. Other people, WMt«. NORTH IK, N. H., vyeea coin, nee, .i. AT LIBKRTY, Robert HC r ! o U s o r» Llffht and Low Coroeily anil Boy's Singing and Dancing Specialty. GERAIDIKE VATJOHAN. Sonnrettei, Ingenue, nnd JuvcnllK. Botn do Sketches, Oue Piece or Rop. Address 018 'MUROM BK AVE , Kansas City, Kan. GOOD SKETCH TEAM, B. F. COMEDIAN And other good peop'i 1 up In Med bun. Money snro. MODERN KKUKDY CO.. Wiistflcld. la. Nevins-Tanner Go. WANT8 CHARACTER MAN With Bpocm'ties, Musttie AN'o. i. Oihers write. Pay own. Address 11R0CE KIS'ALDO. Monmouth, 111. PACKING THE HOUSES. Barlow and Wilson's Minstrels LAWRENCE BARLOW, Manager. WANTHD-Twognod High Tenor llallad Sing- ers, ILtritoue to double m-ennd violin; also Tuba. B. nnd 0. We never cwise. Rnr« salar*: good treatment. HARLOW tmil WILSON. Per Rtinte In tT. FOR LEASE, SEASON HlOll-'or, RAILROAD JACK. Eastern and Westorn rlrthts. Also Western rights tor balance of this seasou. UI'Y CAIII'MAN AUEItlCAN SHOW PTO. CO., Milwaukee. Wis. BUR'KE-McCANN CO, A GENTEEL HEAVY MAN With good voice; one who can piny a ittroug lino of nariH. Uuod wardrobn iDdtnueuKAble, Allures M. MrQANN, NtTti •"• Week of Dec. is, Oil" OHy, Pa.i ■£<. Kane, Pa. Per. 'THAT POPULAR MAGICIAN. address. 178 ONTARIO ST.. Chicago. INTER NATIONAL ARTISTES LODGE. MEETINGS HELD EACH THURSDAY EVE- NINO AFTER PERFORMANCES At TCBBiCE OABDEH, lew York, 88th St., near Third Ave, ALT. PERFORMERS INVITED. HARRY THOMSON, Ills Honor, the Mnyir, lid ELDERT STREET. in Vaudeville. Address Brooklyn. New Y»rk. HARRY BROWN, THE COLORED COMEDIAN. Enomon. success In ^^gg^gng, ' "HERE'S ME." ARTHUR BORELLn, Richest Actor In the World. An Aristocratic Tramp Co. Small Comedian with specialty, double hand; Trombone and oilier Musicians to duiible singfl. s. K. LBBTER, Mgr., Wymore, Nob., Dec. -a; lleatrlr.e, Dec. », >■» rtiury, Deo. M. 40,000 Feet of.Good Up to Date Must lie cheap for cash and la good condition. Address R. P.1LKY, care of CLIPPER. WANTED, MED. PEBFOBHEBB Who can msvo good. Be quick.' Address w. H BaLL. M. ».. urtcncnstle, Mo. N .B.—Boozers tak e 'lie Kee ley or ci<e short, nntlc ". Wanted, Utedieino Performers Sketch Team. Comedian. Honbrelte, Piapo Player. MORRAUE LOftRAlNE, Mgr..Maryvl le, Mo. : EILEO RIP VAK WMLE CO (HASTKRH) >AT A NTS (iood AOTQR, Donblo Cornel or Cornet B. unil O.; good MAN TO LOOK AhTF.K BLKKPINtl OAK, Double Props or Alio ill Band: n'so BARITONL PLAYER lliat can Double Huge. Otber useful people write. CIIA8. P. KILKH, Manager, Birmingham, Ala., Don. V>. LI6HT-D0 TOO USE IT? if so, get one of my Croaks, Oxylltho Oenentlnr and Oarbareters. fhe following ure a nniiple nf the many testimonials lately teceived: "Your outfit gives perfect sn Isfac.ilon, ami t can cheetfully Nconimsnd it."— IIKV. P. A, ROH- INStlN, II. A., Knox Col'ege, Toronto. ■'Yonr Ostienitfir nor) Carburetor Is perieei in every respect, und lite light h ilio bent I luiw ever nsed for moving iitctures."-J. P. OAIII.T, Mgr. Hue (iault Onmecly Co, Bpaoial Oiler (or the Hezt Thirty Days. Iwiil senl 'noiiipioMi »utat, ready to atUcb to let, rh.irgos iiropui i, i j any pnrt Of tha U, N. A. nil receipt ot lio. Address I" 0 t'DM imw. l.ln.l.iiv. tint,. CiuiBils. QUICK, PIANO PLAYER, IADY OR GENT. SINGING AND DANCING SKETCH TEAM OR MUSICAL ACT. Dotfie Greene, LSI Ino hear from you i|tilck, If disengaged. Al Allen and ottier good Hop People, wrllo. WKI.T J. THOMFKON. Liberty. N. V. AT LlBtRTT, DR. H. F. PARKER, Al, Kxpcrlencd, Sober »nd Money Gelling Lecturer and (mice Worker , Twelve jenm'. experience ami unlersiarid my hnslnoss. Ticket. Address HMNOItTIl MAIN ST., BOCKPORD, ILL. GTS arope and Atueiica. Roltnug All klntls. tor Europe and America. Solhlogto large; also acu for clitbs ivauueviiie depart meuii. Kaphan Tlieatrtcal ayndleate, JMI !lr<»l<l w »J.N.Y LIBERTY, JOHNNIE FJftEER Irbtli and lilurc Pace Cotuedlaii, good All Around initiner. Fut on nuts. Hrtke good, Lots of spo- ols., ikm uiid all kiinls. Open for Viiiuluvlilu, Mlnstml mul good MeUlelno shows. .lOilNNjK PKHBIt, illft Troup HI., Hocbeatcr, N . V . Wanted Quick, Al BL10E PAGE OB IBISB AUD DUTCH SQiaiRU ABU OAflOiRO OOBBOIAW Tfl OPKN JAN. I. f, Irt tho right people Oiler useful iieop.e, write. Address U.K. LA MOTT. IKi* Ml. Vorkvlllu, III. ohanirn for a week; vaudeville show; week slutiil", Ray jour own board. Salary must be reasonable. 0 tmio h> dicker, lull all and LOWUtvT. a. A. KHNNKHY, KsrlvH'i'. Mew VtU, A LIMKMTY, ON ACCOUNT OF CLOSISO OK CO., GRACE GILMOHE, SInalni|, and Dam I uu loulirell.. Last ydar WOUbl'Olte'LBkd "Missouri i.lri" Co, JOHN G. OOEr^JU, I.raiU, fleavlok, Ll«hi Comedy. Jnsi closed Huasoii leading heavy Willi "Nittie tin- Newsuirl" Oo. Lxperlebfluo, viiramile, reliable. 7U ", MOIU IA" »T. Oiiluago, lli.|| Ho.8 (ioml salary anil Mason's work Musi ensuic for one week. AT LIBERTY, A1 Black Face and Irish Comedian, Bingur and Dancer, straight or comedy la acts AIbj Pltlnl'OLAHH PIANO I'LAYKIt (Lndu, reud or fake; good s. and n Hpeelaltles; work In acts. If'iou waitl real Med. Performers, try ns ■ naiary, 10 aud all audi. Addle.* l-'tiltl) C0LK, -• ' Care of «nn'l Del'y, Jatursiowu, S. Y.' Motion Picture Machine, Ou'tlU 8 Motion Picture I S p.reoptloon aid Klerrlo and Cal.-lum Ou'tlU 8 I, n '*, 1 siTtiipticon Lenses Cost (107; only »)7/ri. MAUI!ten a CO, sou Filbert. Pldu, Pa, BANKS' IOF.AS ~k U] -ist.oir tho ]ir«HH. Fifty Dollars' Vnlue for rtiie. 'ilie iivlglitestand bestvamle vlllu material tver put up al aay prliie, MOflolrigniM, Parodies, wketolio', bud i>ags, i-ro. Wib who H bud act koiiiI ami a good MI hotter. They are moving very fust, so «<•> ini-y if you wu,t one. Ideas Not. <>, 9.1, x, fl.lf,. Any ;i f-jf >i; »ny i lor «ic, or wir. tueii. <IU» IIANKM, StWPiiHiHf.. 1'rovlUniKH, H, I. Wanted Quick, Man for Leads and Heavies; ulsoOutlO in Business Mau. Ilej). Bober and com netent. Toll alt ID first. Jolnoii wirn. HEI.OH Krt'et (liiMK IifAN ft. t.'ouncll llrove, Ka ti. WAHTED, BLADE FaCE COMEDIAR, I'or Med Co.; Ad Around Man. Htatu lowest salary. Mfill, (ilth(lt)N Ml-:i». CO., MiiuIimiiiU, rtnyne Co., Pa. " ATwo-CbsirllsriierBliop. Want t'ornettlst. Oilier Miisliilans, wriiu; rim piirticuliirs. Address FltKI) l lNUHfll'K. P. ii. II i« I Ci.'i, llo sly n, N. Y, POO DO'DBaRS, $2. lxfijj,B9WurjH ( IMMt delivery. Hend stamp fur catalog lie. P. WILCOX, Iliiinliurg, tt. J. WArVirico. OOOD G01EDIAI and NOVELTY IAN AttiDCO. State lowest silsiy, Address DM JOHN U > K Kit. Honriclcrro, Mo. EXPEftlUGED Address AT LlnKIUV, DOUBLE IKS UN. TBH. O. M. WAl.TKIt, KebdallVlllo Ind. PVAN FLEET, RINTE 47 WU.XT a«lli XTRIIKT, NKW VORl