The New York Clipper (December 1905)

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1135 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. December 28. »r»-r ALL OITB I1LMI COME WITH BED TITLES, AND SHOW Ol'Il TltAOK ~'*r\ -fit HARK< PATHE FILMS One Quality. 12 Cents TRAGEDY AT SEA TIIK SENSATION OF TUB SEASON, 393ft. THE THREE PHASES OF THE MOON 147ft., $30.54 VERY COMIC AMD A CKKTAIN HIT. PARTS ARE COl.ORKD. A GREAT DISCOVERY, Conic 180ft. | THE PHOTOGRAPHING REAR, Conic I3lft. WE ARK THE ORIOIKATORH nf "I'a.liy look'a Practical Jokes," "Hm»Un Atrocities," "Revolution in Odeaaa,' limy <ilhrri wlilcli uri. »dT f rllifd hy rompitllot., ALL, OISM INK PATHE RiLMa bear on thv edge lk« name of Patlie Frerea, Pari., all along Ihe film. ALL FILMS NOT .1A UK ED n« above, ana without the trade mark, will not be GENUINE PATHE FILMS. Bvware of DUPES as lone as you can get PATHB FILMS ARK PHOTOGRAPHICALLY FINER A\D STEADIER THAN ANY OTHER FILMS. Postman'* Xntas Boi," "Impracticable Joar»ey," "Lore It Ingenious," mad the GENUINE fllui. REW TORE. 42 Boot 234 Street. PATHB CI]ME>M:iVTOGrRiVI>H CO., CHICAGO, 37 Randolph 8fr*ai. WANTED, Wm. H, West Minstrels, GOOD MINSTREL PEOPLE ALL LINES, for balance Sanson! "n« Ooori Tenor Mtnger (Sololal), OtHx), Sober Mn.lrlnoj to strengthen Hand and Orehestra. Tims* who ran double airing preferred. One fiaoil Biaik. Vara Act. w.i hnoxer* tolerated; close drunkard' ou tbe spot.. Oaod Cornet and Donblr II* f and Tu|m, write Monologue Comedian. ' SAN FORD B. RICABY, Manager, a- per float*. WESTERN AMUSEMENT COMPANY W ANTS OOIPETBRT LKaDIHO WOVAN, H8AVT Milt, JUVfiSILE W0VA9, 0HARA0TER MAN, QErTERAL BUSINESS MAH and WOMAN, COMEDIAN, 800BRETT£, SPECIALTIES, SISTEB TEAM and KCS1CIARS. nthorinoll people, write, adilrroa Tell all. No shines oraina'cuia. l.< nu •■nwnv nicnls. Sure salary WW HUN itMl'SKMlNT ID, Kclmita hullolPK. Knpaan (Jlty. Mu. GRAND OPENING. DEC. SS. (*'OBMKRLY CASTO), FALL RIVER, H \SS. -» SHOWS I> A- I JLV Y ^ WANTED.-Comedian* who can produce Burlepiiue. >li>o Ladles fur Chora* and Olio Acts or ftiery description. Adjraaa- ;, jHosTuN AMUBKMKNT CO., 3 llowdoln tvej. Boston, Mans. TEAM K*r Vsudcvlllp Feature f«r imtuncc i>( xfM.-uu. Hitter Vaudeville People whoptoy i>srt9 or plsno, write. Htale very iotvrs.1 salary in tlr I IHier.a* ton will have lo loin on wire. KHKD CIIAUMKY. Mnnager CIIAl \t KV-KFIFl-Kit CO., This wools, Bradford, pa. : wen* Peei A'ftorlieaier. P«; WANTED AT ONCE, FOR o Wm, jes Supporting VELMA W MI T 1VI A IN, isiubrette, ohara.'kT and Hi!i<vy"«niaii. Comedian, Character and Heavy Man. doubling bran*, alto, trombone and harlloue; mail wlilt pbiuru maehluo and unar.iuiiic* preiernd stop at hotels, state all ltr>l letter, ■-« . :_• Address CIIAWFOKP A ROSBLEItill. Nevada, Mo. CAN USE A VKW MORE Sensational, Aerial and Acrobatic Acts lor olRhl wcets' hummer vcaiou will] lull particular!-, O" ecjil'Mi. .No salary loo hliih It you ran deliver the good*. Address quick AttmiS' WBS'l'ERN THEATRICAL EXCHANGE, Chicago, III AX LIBERTY DEC- 30, THOHUTOir MARSHALL IBERE ' t Innm teri, ll.mlfv HIjgt. Director. Characters, <;en. Hus, Th o seasons Aveuuc mid Marlowe Mocks, Chicago. Joint or single I'enuaneDl stock preferred. AddresH THORNTON FRIEL, Marlowe Thentre, Chicago, 111. I ' .'Li'.. , ' — . ' ,..■-, ..... ', I ■ , ~~■> • WANTED. FOH LEWIS' BIG SCENIC PRODUCTION OF Man for Cerlyle, to direct; Woman for Burbntu HareorCoriite: Hsu for Join DM. to double Rl<:hard Hkid: also M'on for l.f>nl Mi.iiui ->everu.' OHiom, write. State lowest salary. Pay your own lioiel. Must Join on wire. ■' Ah mum lie ilrsi elasn, sober and rellnhln. and must have good wardrobe. . W. I". I.KWIrJ, Knssott. Neb., \<w, 'Jii; Newport M, Stuurt 'J7, Wuvnc Jan. I.- rernuineut address (* afion. Noli. '" ■ ' ^ . WANTBD, TO Or»BJV AT ONCB, MUSICAL DIRECTOR (Pla: o). Must be able in ai range. Aln'ais pleased to bear from experienced Hep. People \ SIM ALLEN, Ma r< ROSAHKLHI LEsLIK CO , i!M£, lltioin 17, 1!S!> Broadway. N. V.; K-10, Cbarlcrol, Pa. AMERICAN THEATRE. BVN., DEC. 31, VENTRILOQUIST. i!VT»ODU<.H*U SEVEN FIGURES. Would be pleased to Hear riom Re.uonelbl* Mgra, CAN PLAY PARTS. .■ , -Jim E AST Hih ST., N. Y. C.or AOENYB. BAND''lN8TRUMENTS7^«7.a?«.. W RITB POB CATALOGUE. LO n lBYirAK,"BeptF.,"l»3 Wabaah ATe.,CWoafo. f^nrccuuiAi THE BAL PROFESSIONAL TRUNK InUrtodMVIL Is mode of FIBRE, and Is GUARANTEED by lu ■•wl^^-JlH msker. Itls light In welg-bt. Tbls U the trunk that IBIlkJL''0 l< Weeping the other manitfnetueerscnesalng. K»nd . inUIl^OJ f 0 , catalogue"C." 110 W. 401U ST., N. I. .»', PROCTOR'S ENTERPRISES. f. f. PROCTOR, lilt Pnirlitor aid Maiaan. 7 BEAUTIFUL THEATRES 7 ' Devoted lo Rcllned Enlertalnment. Proelor'a nth Are. Tbvatre. Proctor'a sad St. Theatre,. Proctor'a 3*th St. Thfiitre. Proelor'a 125th SI. Theatre, I'roetor'a Jlenark Theatre, Proelor'a AIIhiiiv Theatre, I'roetnr'a Troy The- ntre. ■ PROCTORS STOCK OO. But Plsrt ud 8«t ViDdnllli. INSTRUCTIONS TO ARTISTS BOOKED: plot .'of acts: Seud scene complete "prop" list: correct nuni pint : ir- you o|ien or ••lo«> In oar; Ba ACT time of acts, uml of "close In:" hill- ing .for newspaper* mid proi;ramracs: and t&BJkX J'tlOrCKlRAl'HR for I.ORB1KS TWO ^•i:i;i»!j IN ADVANCK Ul'' OI'KNINt; DATK XT B,U:il IIOL'SK. uddresslug ItCSIUBXI MA.\A(;r:i;. kailciik to comply «it'i these INKfltCCTlOXS WILL HUUJlitT AIMTKTS to Ihe RISK OK CAXCKLbATION. VACDKVILLK IIKI1KAKSAI.S, t) TO 1t A. M. MUVDAVS. TIIIJSi; RUI.IIS WILL 151i BTRltrriJY ESrOIS'-'ED. -'1'laywrlght's. Authors 1'lay Agents, Addrew : , V. P. PROCTOR, Proprietor and Manager. FIFTH AVE. THEATRE. H.T. GOT, TRICKS Aud Trick Apparatae. TOST A COMPANY, 4\i K. Nlnill St., (Bstabllahed 1870.) Philadelphia. «- Urge Citalogne for stamp. THIHIPSOii S LITE HIB. THE GLORIOUS HIGH BALL" Song and Ohorus. "MR. MAN CP IN THE MOON" Negro Melody aid chorus. YANKEE BOY" March. Song and Chorus. "THE MASQCERADERS Aa played by Brooks' Marine Rand. "BEAR OLD LILAC TREE" Song and Chorus. THETriOKPSOH ffiUSiC CO.. Publishers Room 6, sil WABASH AVB., CHICAGO. hers, S usrcAL HELLS AXO Ml'SICAL NOVELTIES, as used by Leading Artists the world oter. Send for new Illustrated catalogue. Our goods can be seen at Kobler 0 Chase, San Francisco, Calif: Carl Klscher, New York: Oliver Pit- sou, lloston.. Matn.: Seymour, Dove & Co, Ikiuibay, ludln. Always a few bargains on band, -'i Oi-.'sin Cblnies. $85.00. 3 Octaves Chromatic, 87 Aluminum Chimes, $100.00. 30 Aluminum Chimes. $75.00. 2\b Ocinves Chro- matic, S2 Metal Bamboo Xylophone, $35.00. VI Plated Cot Bells, $10.00. '2 Steel Marliu- bapUones, one for accompaniment, 40 bars In nil. $75.00. UO deep Swiss Hand Bells, $60.00. 19 Bamboo Bells (REAL BAMBOO). $00.00. 13 Arch Bella, $100.00. 8 Musical riles, mounted. $7.00. All the above Instruments In good condition. J. C DBAGAX. j ^157 North Clark St., Chicago. »}■__ OPEN TIME WANTED, FOR . NEW LYCEUM THEATRE, SPRINGFIELD, I., 2 OR FIRST CUSS ATTRACTIONS FOR 1 NIQHT AND WEEK STANDS want an attraction for opening night, Dec. 25. Otcnlng time daring Jnn., Feb., March. April and May. Reasonable terms to tlrst class attractions. Managers repertoire companies write. Address (iDb aUN, SprlngQ eld, 0 . MOVING PICTORE PRINTING. RENNEOAN At CO» aaalaiaMaaal Bapa.rt Ud AltenaoBi Made. H EW JERSEY CAR WOBIS, Passik. I. J, 0PTI6RAPH MOTION PICTURE MACHINE, SlareorMcon Jet, and Model B Gas OuUlt, $75; wiih 1,000 fust of Film. Mm. IIARUAC11 A CO., sou Filbert SI., rhlla , Pa. SEASON 1906-OT, AL. W. MARTIN'S PHODIGOOS PBODDCTION OT UNCLE TOM'S CABIN Cans Oriaaltnl for and Playing all Ihe Principal Citlea In Ihe United Btaits and nada. Far time addrai-i STAia & IIAVLIN, 1141 Broadway, New XorH. WANTED, PERFORMERS MUST KNOW MEDICINE BUSINESS. LONG SEAsON, BCHK1 HONEY. Want Also for One Show, Colored Bond. HV8T BE GOOD SINUERS AND DAHCBBS. FRANK CLOUD, III S. Clark St., Olympic Cafe. Chicago, Ml. Frank Dudley WANTS EXPERIENCED PEOPLE FIRST CLASS REPERTOIRE COMPANY. A Man for Juveniles: a Comedian who does a strong specialty; an Experienced Man for General NupintMi. Oood wardrobe lnaL«pe:i?aiile. State »ery lowest salary in llrsl letter. Address "' FRANK DUDLEY, Op ellUa. Ala,, Par. Jl.'i. ELECTRIC PARK NEWARK, N. J- 300,000 People cub reach tills Park for n KireCent Fare. Fifteen ffllBHtal from the Ceil tie of the City of Newark. ' ; /' ' . ., NEW AND NOVEL IMRE51HT FEATURES OF ALL KINDS. Will purrhssc outrlgrit or operate on pcroentsge basis. Want First Class Carousel and olljer Bttapdarn amuseniont deTices. Also want complete Hippodrome and Wild West onifH or any part of same.. lu bare a lew good concesslona still for rent and would be pleased to hear Irom new ones. AUdrcas . C. A. PUNIAP. QenT Mgr.. Electric Parli. Nawajll, W. J... AMERICA'S NEATEST WAGON SHOW—AL. F, WHEELER'S NEW MODEL SHOWS. UflNTEil Yersnttic People Tor Ring, Side show and Concert, especially those playing Bran- nflll I Lll'" , fc>troiig B-ttat Comet to lead Band, and other musicians. Musical Team (mall) donblmi Hand, small troupe if Japs, Man to work Lions (untamable act); must furnish rofcrenue. 'Low, sure- sa'sries. i,a.«t suaaon's iwnpie desiring engagements write for contractu Immediately. Foil TUB ADVANCE-tJobcr, reliable WilposUug Agent, who Is also good Lit hojrapher an* Banner Man, to run No. i Wagon. Only experienced meu need applv. WANT,TO BOY—llghl Band Wagon, sultnliiv ror Wstron Show; soxdo Uorsc Tent; munt be iu AI condition and uhcap; .HaD'l Organ. fuR SAl.K-Liglit Ticket Wagon, Small Tcuta, all slzeg. Address MOHAWK AVEUCK, Srlienectady, Ji.X- OPEN TIME AT BRISTOL, PA. ONE NIGHT STAND AND REP. COS. WAFTEDi BIG MOSKY FOR GOOD SHOWS ALL THE TIME. I have Just leased Uic house ror?balW|CO of season, ana will give It my personal attention. Address the old reliable hustler. e_ .' "■ i ■' i HAS. B. HCRNS, Mgr. Carrie Stanley Co., 1548 N. lstli St . rhUagelpUlaj f»-_' VAUDEVILLE FEATURE ( - 8, ^r f !;T, B 8 ht:^? ) pla , y "JSar^' ,, " CHARACTER or GEN. BUS. MAN ,0 SS^-' ACTORS THAT DOUBLE BRASS, LEADER FOR B. AND 0. All roust be sober, ivl'llug worsens and have wardrobe. Lowensalary. (Pay own). tnlLpartlottlaw tlrat loiter. JI)HH O. Raj, Wrnior». "«»• ROSCOE and SI MS , ,. . „ . „ COMBOY MtTSICAL ACT. ,' . Jol.»t. Crand, Dec i|.«: Chicago,, Olympic. Dee. a-81; 8t, I/>uU, Columbia, Jan. l-IjChlcagf. MajeaUo, Jan. 8-14; Chicago, Haymirtet, Jan . li-a. OPEN TIME. ■'■;, ,..- ■■ _ aOPli US FUNNY. BCT WE AMJALWAYB WOHKIIIU.' ' LeMAIRE and Le MA IRE. Booked solid until May. Merry anoi^T * 1 "TnjTw^fcUodfTiJMlK, Vonicw, N. V.