The New York Clipper (December 1905)

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December 23. THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. TTT 1137 The Manager of the Professional Department for JEROME H. REMICK and COMPANY, takes this method of expressing his sincere gratitude and cordially thanking his Innumerable friends for the extraordinary support they have given him during the past year in singing and popularizing THE JEROME H. REMICK and COMPANY'S Publications. Never before in the history of a Music Publishing House has success been so great as In this case. It Is absolutely Impossible to mention each name individually, but hope each one will consider this card of thanks as personal, for your support in making the National Hits—"IN THE 8HADE OF THE OLD APPLE TREE," "MY IRISH MOLLY O," "WON'T YOU FONDLE ME," "BRIGHT EYE8, GOOD BYE," "NAVAJO," "BACK, BACK, BACK TO BALTIMORE," "SYMPATHY," "MY HINDOO MAN," "IN DEAR OLD GEORGIA," "SILVER HEELS," and a score of others. Trust- ing that I may have your valuable support in the future as in the past, and Wishing You a Very Merry Christmas and a Jolly Happy New Year, with many to follow, Very Gratefully Yours, MOSS GUMBLE General Manager Professional Department, REMICK <Sc COMPANY, Chicago Offices, HOMER HOWARD, Mgr. X . Y. Offices. 45 WEST 28. 1901 Executive Offices, DETROIT, MICH. ETHEL TUCKER STOCK COMPANY BALANCE SEASON 1906 AND SEASON 1906-07. Al HEAVY MAN, capable of playing some leads; Al JUVENILE WOMAN, to play some bearies; MALE and FEMALE PIANIST, who can double stage. FIRST CLASS PEO- PLE la all lines, write. All must nave good wardrobe and be STRICTLY SOBER and re- liable people. SHOW NEVER CLOSES, reference given tbose doing Specialties, and want a good Illustrated Song Singer. MACK BROS., IWgre., Douglas, Ariz. it 800D SONGS THAT YOU SHOUD USE. OH, WHO CAN TELL" 7 Br LOUIS ROHR. Once heard, never forgotten. Easy range. "A GIRL LIKE THIS" By 31. 8. IIANSUIIOL <; II. A bright, pretty song, with catchy music. "IN MY HEART SHE'S IS FLOWER. BLOOMING FUR" B)r MAURICE J. WALSH. Not only the title, but the entire composition Is excellent For a two-cent stamp and late programme we will mall you professional copies. No cards. P10HBBB MUSIC PUBLISHING CO , 202 Manhattan Bldg., Chicago, HI. Qtlglef Bros,, Mr. & Mrs, Jin Barry, Fining Ratibons, PERFORMERS, WRITE TO Harry Heyman Belmont, and others, WITH ORIGINAL RIO BROS. I've Interested these performers because they know a good Investment Borough of Bronx, 24th Ward, lota on easy terms GEO. IUO, Care of Rose, 31 W. 42d St., New York. MUSEUM AND SIDE SHOW DEPARTMENTS, mm be: worlds hmbt shows I am now negotiating for season 1006. Can place positive novelties possessing real merit and new to aide show business. Living human freaks, or an; unique creation with drawing Dualities, and plesBlng to a select audience, will be considered. Silence, genteel negative. ddress (by letter only) L W GRAHAM, Manager, 1305 Russell St., Philadelphia, Fa. Re-turn to Our Firs* L.ovo, -the Mln»trol», Season I905-I906. FOX and WARD. An Instantaneous Bit in tbelr Specialty, with Dumont's Minstrels, Eleventh Street Opera House, Philadelphia. Still meeting with the same success. A MERRY XMAS AND A HATPY NEW YEAR TO ALL. HARRY HOLMAN Songs, Parodies and Stories. 12 hbutes in one. Dec. 11, Family Theatre, Shanokln, Pa. Lancaster and Mohoney City to follow. FLOOD BROTHERS WISH ILL 1 BERRY CHRISMS and 1 HIPPY HEW YEAR. _ a ROUTE M. e. nap sbmter minstrels, AT L. I E f*T V, Mr. & Mrs. Harry J. Jackon (BERTHA JTJMAN) HBAVIM, CHARACTERS, CORED* OLD MS. „__ JIJVIINILB8 Eiperlenced, reliable, good wardrobe. Best of references. Address 11ARRY J. JACKSON, (-we Geo. Samuels' Attractions, El Paso, Texas, Dec. 24 to 27. After that Care Natl. Printing Co., Chicago, III. (Owing to Closing of Company), BLANCHE BRENNAN, H. B. PIERCE, ""« Piece preferred, bat will con.lder good Rep. H. B. P1EBCE, Savannah, On «• WHITESIDES PICKANINNIES UNITED STATES AND FOREIGN .COPYRIGHTS. PATENTS AND TRADE-MARKS youfMm^'tIK/M Co. And make yon a fortune. If yon havca PLAY, SKETCH, PHOTO, ACT. SOXI, o r BOOK that Is worth anything-, you should copyright It. Don't take chances when you can neenre our «erv- Ices at small co«t. Kendfor our SPICIAI. OFIER 10 INVENTORS beforu applying, for a patent, it fill pay you, HAVDBOOK on palexis stni fnf. We advise If patenta- ble or not, FREE- We Incorporate STOCK COMPANIES. Small feea. Consult us. WORMEUE & VAN MATER, Managers, Columbia Copyright A Patent Co. Inc., WASH WCION, B.C. ><E o»* tleui for pottle . , - entntilnrntuU,lllmtut- ...llC * ln«historic!mil currentercnui, Vfl*" popular nonsa, etc. Nothlus .ffotdl better opportunities for Ben with i.ull —****• MAKE MONEY .arad far free, tlliutrftUd e»t»k|ue, telli vott to *tiat «BM«, cipUloa the opentkn tod lajtrvct* jroi f faor uc«cdactpi.lBg taUrulAiMBt*. Ji°r 1 . auUJSTtK. Bf,. OtlliUa ->'•» „, Of . «..r.r». **#»«," as** Hi t 5L. CRACKER JACK A dellclons popcorn confection, pat up in moisture proof packages that keep it fresh a long time. A quick seller for theatres, circuses, traveling theatri- cal and medicine companies and all places of public amusement. We also make a large line of PACKAGE] CAN- DIBS and the RELIABLE POPCORN BRICK. Inform us where you hold a confectionery concession and we will ■end samples and prices. BUB0KHBIM BBOS. • ECISTEm, CHICAGO. CALL M.MAHON'S Famous Theatrical RE8TAURANT 473 SIXTH AVE., Bet. 28th and Mtnota., NEW YOHK CITY". Beat of Pood, Perfect- ly Cooked, DellclouslT Served. Prices rea- sonable. Special Din- ing Room for Ladlei Mms. Thompson's Comb Pouf. To be worn under or over the hair. Unlike anjotherpompadour made. No rolls or p&ds.bnt comfortable and becoming. Price, 13.00 up.accordlng to color. Catalogue free. MIIE. THOMPSON, MWeetffldSt. NEW YORK 0ITT. THE EMPEROR IT HILL PAY FOB IT- SELF IN ONE DAT, It spina sngar Into cotton candy, any color or flavor Agentn In all Europest countries. m aim cjindt a, 63 Wen 8th St.. New York . MANUSCRIPT PLAYS '■' WITH II r G »' r S m . 144 LA SALLE ST. Faoific Coast Amusement Co., SULLIVAN and CONSIDINE, Owning and operating M Ural Ciata Vaudeville Then tree Bait, North west and Wast. 117 t*. lsvr^w-VX> l"a ■* »•> »■»•». FIRST CLASS ACTS OF ALL USM W J^JW- JL ivlJt that can deliver the goods. SOLI BOOKING AaSBTB: AL. 0NS.EN, Family Theatre, 144th St., near Park Ave., New York OlKj) 0BAJS. WRAT, lit Denny Bog., Seattle, Wash.; CUIUS, O. BllOWN, 47 8. Clark St, Chicago; AROBIB LEVY. Ill Iddy It., Ban FrencMoo, Oil. TUB GREAT B50LIIB TAIDEVII LB PAPER. THE and ICW, •o. 401 Strand, Londoni FOREIGN SUBSCRIPTIONS, - - - - - 8a. fid. PBR YBAH PROFESSIONAL ADVERTISEMENTS, - 2a. «d., Single Oolnmn I no* NEW YORK CORRESPONDENT AND HKP., IDA CARLE, OFFICIO, 708 BT. J A11 EH BI.DQ., where advertisements will be received. Copies on flle. %JgJB &a^Bs B *V!P fe ka i W Att..ti.ii DOCTORS..MEDICINELPEOPLE AND SHOWMEN I Why handle rocky goods when you can handle goods that will sell tcemislvsa I Electric Beltifrotnll per dos. up. Large varlstyto select from. Electric Jar* 75c. dos.; Electric Insoles, STttc. dos. palra. Soap, 12.10 gross; Vine Medi- cal Batteries. Send Toe. forBample No. 14 B. B-exp. prepaid. Latest out. Oa. third cash required. Trial order will convince. Largest Manufacturers of Btea trleBelteandApplleocesloU.B.A. BatabllsbedlSTS: LectureandprlcellsttNa THE ELEOTBIC APPLIAICE 00., BurllnQtOB, HEADQUARTERS FOR WICS Largest Stook In Nbw York. OUR SOUBRETTB WIO AT M.00 18 A BBADTY. A TOLL LINE OK SW1T0BKH ON UASD. Send for Prloe List. The Prices will Surprtso you. B0SB KOOH LBHOZ, 17 E. Hth Btreat, Rear Union Square, REW.T0RR. CENTRAL TRUNKS. 2(lln 17 BO • 28lo S8 CO : 30ln . $0.50 ; 80ln., $10.60 : 40ln„ $12.00. Clrlus Trunka. 24rl8il8, $7 50 Bill Trunks, 30x23il5 Injde, Jia.00. Lltho Trunks, 42M>i28M,il2, Inside, $1B.U0. Ihlnped on receipt of $3.00, bnl. CO D.. except over 300 inllCB, then rem t wbolo amount. BltfONB £ CO. CHNTUAL TltUNK fAC'l'OHY, Est. 1804, B. IV. cor. 7th und ArchHts.,I'hllu. NAVE YOUR MUSIC PUBLISHED ON ROYALTY Send os a good poem, a good melody or a complete work. Wa kay* bo larorlt. wrtten. All UM iToVBB n g- M A UBly r p^ISaBfNQ aP 0^ BO. Ba,> Bid,., CBIOA—. PLAYS For Stock Companies, (or Repertoire Companies, for Amateurs LARGEST A8KOBTMBNT IN THE WORLD. Books tot ' amassment, Negro I'lays, Paper, Scenery, lira Janej's Work* CaUlogne Kree.l —gL r BAHUBI lira. Janey's Wax Free I free I rilHNCH. IT W. B3d Bt„ Sew fork. THE OLD HBLIABLB IIOVBB—BBT. 180V. La. SCHWARTZ TRUMK WORKS 20E.42d8t. 412 SIXTH AVE., NEW YORK CITY, Oor.BSIhW. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. Our Professional Trunks are Guaranteed for 10 lean (J0IH8 TO EUROPE To apply for lowest rates at Paul Taulo'a Eiohanije Ottloa, 104 East 14th St., N. T„ German Savings Bank Building. Tel., am Orameroy. Cable address, Slaneslg. All printed matter and Int. free. SHOES FOR STAGE, STREET AND EVENING. EXCLUSIVE STYLES AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. Short Vamp and Stage Lasts Rlwaisonhand. Mail orders Pilled. Pltgnaranteed. ' WILLIAM BBHNBTBIN, Tel. M8 Madison Square. »oo sixth Ave., near 21st Street, N. T. OUR UOSIERY DEPARTMENT AN INSTANT 8DCOE88. ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, PLANTS, BUSHES, VINES AND NATURAL P.1EPARE0 PALMS, SAG08, ETC., FOR STAGE USE. InythlBg and everything In this line for stage purpose*, for special sceneries and occasions, Brt- WSSSSSS wrfta for mgtgg jgglSZ&gFtS W " " ,0B '- iaba.h At*., Okleaaja. WIGS TOUPEES, GREASE PAINTS, ETC. Aatf thi Latest and Moot Popular Styles In Ladlia Hair OrsMlaf. A. HI. BUCH & CO., 119 N. Ninth Str«>t, ----- Philadelphia. Ohsoki Performors, BrlneZ Vowr or taienhone l»as Bryaa*. to LOWAIfDB'B TRAWSPKIl CO.. 5. B. Corner list and Its? At.."V«w York7 1 \m an ei-perfomier and know how to handle your baggage. Band. TOD. WIGS "CABNBLIAN" QltBABK I'AINTS, IIOUOB, COLD CRKAM, TIQIITS, SHOES, ABUOB, SPABOI.E8—In fact, everything needed by profss- ■lonals? Send 4 cents in stamps for Catajog "V," handiomel/ lllus- trated, ad lessons, In VAN HORN & MICHL, 121N. 9th ST., Phlla., 915 ARCH ST. slightly worn FOR STAGE AND STREET. D>f% f"-a; £21 £M VI O HBAL IKIHI, FURI and OPRRA COATS, J£ Xi O O Jt- »3 BABJETT, 323 State St., Chicago, 111. ML mOFESSIONAL TRUNKS DO YOU KNOW That the BAL WOr-KSSIONAl. TRUNK is FIBKR Inside and outsider That the UAI, l'rofesnlonal Trunk Is the lightest and strongest trunk on esrlh 7 Send for Cata- logue "0." HO W. 40tti St., N. T.