The New York Clipper (December 1905)

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1140 THE NEW YORK: CLIPPER. December 23, s. LUBIN * Our 1906 "MARVEL" EXPO- SITION MODEL is acknowl- edged to be the most perfect MOVING PICTURE MACHINE. Our improvements are of such great importance that nobody will buy any other make of Moving Picture Machines after having seen our 1906 EXPOSITION MODEL LIFE MOTION PICTURE MACHINES § FILMS J PHILADELPHIA 21 8outh Eigbtb Street COMBINED WITH STEREOPTIGON CINEOGRAPH THE HIGHEST GRADE AND MOST COMPLETE OUTFIT, FIREPROOF FILM BOXES For Top and Bottom Rewlnder, 816.0O EXTRA. NEW FILMS: Hnsslan Anti-Semitic Atrocities, 376ft., $41.36 The Christmas Boose, - • 165ft., $18.15 A Disagreeable Mistake, • - 60ft., $6.60 A Cnrlons Discovery, • • 182ft., $20.02 A Tragedy at Sea, • ■ - 380ft., $41.80 OUR LATEST HIT: FUN ON THE FARM. 525 Feet, $57.75 This outfit Complete, INCLUD- ING TOP AND BOTTOM Rfr WINDER, ELECTRIC LABP FIREPROOF ADJUSTABLE RHEOSTAT for direct or alter- nating current, ALSO OALCIlm LIGHT LAMP, INCLUDING 2 FILMS, 50 Feet each, or 100 Feet Film and 24 PLAIN STE RE- OFTICON SLIDES, THE HIGHEST GRADE AND aCI> af—» ?— MOST COMPLETE OUTFIT, «■ na C&«cS J^ FIRE PROOF FILM BOXES For Top and Bottom Rewlnder. 816.00 EXTRA. NEW FILMS: Love Is Ingenious, - - • 230ft, $25.30 Tie Counterfeiters - - - 700ft, $77.00 Highway Bobbery, - • • 750ft, $82.50 Bold Bank Bobbery, - • • 600ft., $66.00 Great Train Bobbery, • • 600ft, $66 .00 THE NEW CHASE FILM: THROUGH THE HATRIHONUL AGENCY TOO Feet, $77.00 TWO DAYS AFTER THE FIGHT BETWEEN A II Our Films Class ft. Price, II Cents Per Foot. Our Beautifully Illustrated Catalogues Free of Charge, | * GEO. ME'LIES "STAR" FILMS * RIP'S DREA Copyrighted 1909 By GEO. MEL1E8, Pari.—If aw York. A New and flaanlflcent Cinematographic Opera BoatTe In TKS SCENES. Inaplred by the KIP VAN WINKLE TALE. LENGTH. 1,086 FEET. PRICE, SI 63.00. SHORT EDITION, LENGTH S44 FEET. PRICE, $180.00. SPECIAL FOR CHRISTMAS: CHRISTMAS JV^OOIV A Most Beautiful and Pathetic Picture la Seven Scenes. LENGTH, 687 FEET. PRICE, 188.00. New York Branch, (\ General Writprn Selling Agenta .04 M 3,th 8,r..t. KLE|N£ m|CAL C() GASTON MELIES, Gm'l Manager, i) 5!i state street, Chicago, III. IHflAI PnO QHIHIII HCC 0lDba > Batoni, Oana, Rolling Olobes, Boom aJUnllL fKA ,Mlr r l_ rjamaWlrewalkera'Apparatoi, Rom&nAxes. Stampfo- VWMVaiaillW WW I I aalanw Catalog and Hit. Kdtr. Van Wyok. Clnolnnatl.O VIXAGR AF>H 'lUtVI! CENTS REMEMBER! NO SHORTAGE •■ - NO DEAD STUFF. FULL LENGTH - - FULL OF ACTIOS. IEA8DBE T0UB PUIS. 0DB8 and OTHEBS. NEWSBOY. ABigMiti Hia career from Newsboys' Lodging House to Supreme Court Beach. Comic, Pathetic, Magnetic. GOOD all the way through, 78B F«T. LENGTH 615 FEET. The Great Romantic Drama "VHngraphed" by Special A rr». 8 , m ent with the Pnbilahera. WcCLVRE. PHILLIPS A IP. OTHER BIO HEADI RAFFLES, THE AMATEUR I BLACK AND WHITE, CRACKSMAN, I SERVANT OIRL, PROBLEM, SHERLOCK HOLMES I ESCAPE FllOtt S1IVG SING, WHITE FOR CIRCULARS GIVING LENGTH AND DESCH IPT MOVING DAT. BURGLAR BILL. HOODOO AUTOMOBILE, ION OF THESE HIT*. --'■:,,-, THE VITAGRAPH GOMPANY OF AMERICA, M State at,, Ohloaro, 111. , , fi NASSflU g TREET N>w Y(|rfc Tg| 2764 Jo(|[| Cab|e aJ()r<M „ V | Ugrtph> „ MILES BROS-- — 116 Tart Sleet, San mnciico, cai. Claws A Films, 15c. Per Ft. ^BJ IgB l "ILr^B^ ^Lf tfLSS .^P^fei 4AW Exhibition Model, $115.00 Cla*ts II Films, 12c. Per Ft. IHTlllff JLBmtW -flb 59B> "WiiiiiBr -laWl Universal Model, - $75.00 FILMS AND PROJECTING KINETOSCOFES.—RECOGNIZED STANDARDS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. T HE G RE ATEST PRODUCTION SINCE THE GREAT TRAIN ROBBERY." THE TRAIN WRECKERS. k T OIMOI A MASTERPIECE IN MOTION PICTURES. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULAR No. 273. No. 0.222. CODE, VATERLOSER. LENGTH, SIB FEET. CLASS A. 8122.25 ** 3LIDAY A 1- T I* A O A Faithful Reproduction In Motion Picture, ot the Time-Honored Christ niaa Legend, TI ■OCK •• Snntn Claug Feeding nis Reindeer— Sunt*, Clans In His Workshop—Santa Claus Looklnjr Over Ilia Books—Children Hanging Their Stockings—Children Romping nnd r-eeklne—Santa Claua Leaving His Castle In the Frozen North -Santa Claua on Ills Journey (Panoramic View Covering Thousands of Miles)—On the Roof nnd down tbo Chimney—Fining the Stockings—Christmas Morning-Christmas Tree Wty—"Merry fg ggJ S gund to Al? aGooaNtebt." OWOsaEWi ***** OMOnC No. 0 ,22ri. CODE, VATERTHEIh. LENGTH, 800 FEET. CLASS A. SMIPMatlM TS ff~> OIVI gTQO j* ANOTHER GREAT HEAD LINER, ~~~ ~~~ LIFE OK AN AMERICAN POLICEMAN. G—STOrriXG A RUNAWAY—(RIVER TRAGEDY)On(DESrERATE ENCOUNTER BETWEEN BURGLAR AND POLICE)—JOKE OX TnE BOUSDSMAX . ■•lllvcr Trnncily" OR "Desperate Enconntcr Between Burslar and Police." Send for Illustrated Descriptive Circular No. 27C. BOMB LIFE—GOING OX DUTY—LOST CHILD—BROADWAY CROSSIXG Fnrnlshcd complete with EITHER of the two tlirlllinR scenes No. 0.223. CODE, VATERNAME. LENGTH, 1,000 FEET. CLASS A. SIGO.DO, ThCBe pictures were taken wllh the sanction and co-operation of the Tollce Commissioners of New York City, nnd all the policemen who took part In the pictures are members ..f !>,«. ■*-*- — n-n-. n.™.i„™i are absolutely perfect bb to detail, action and surroundings, and depict In the most realistic manner actual dally life and happening. The pictures were first shown at the bencfl: entertainment In? th. rv.iS.'^n.H.r Grand Central Ualnce, New York City, Dec. S, 1005. and at a similar entertainment at Schwaben Hall. Brooklyn, N. V., Dec. 12, 1005. and subsequently ntProVMorsTwenly'thlrdSt^ The pb<•■"** Fund, at the SEND FOR LATEST CATALOGS AND ILLUSTRATED CIRCULARS. DISOI\ SELLINt MEN1S: IVI /% FM u Tl 1E KINKTOGHAHI CO.. • 41 K. 3la] St.. New York. I'liTEH RAPOTAI.I'n. 7SH 7R» Mlaalnn St, Ran Prnnrl.rn. r»\ SI A IN OFFICE nnd FACTORY, ORANGE, Cl,l«~nir<> OR1e». fUM \V«l,«.b I,,qu.. URIIMG w ^-p., V ' ' T .'>Frirre £0^™^!?™™™°':?^?!"°™- c « blc Address. Kurlllan. New York