The New York Clipper (December 1905)

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1144 THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. December 3o. EXTENDS THE I TO HIS MAN? FRIENDS IN AND OUT OF THE PROFESSION. 1903-Dur Old Girl" "Up In a Cocoanut Trie" "Whin We Wan Two Little Boyt" "Wlia Old Owl" "Llttla Boy In Blue" !904-"Blu« Ball" "I've Got a Failln' For You" "Where Southern Roiei Grow" "Maka a Fun Over Ma" "Llttla Boy Called Tape" 1905-"Ple»»e Come and Pley In My Yard" "What the Braie Band Played". "She Waite By the Deep Blue Sea" "Keep a Little Cosy Corner In Your Heart (or Me" "The Leader of theflermin Band" 1906-"Starlight" "Juet a Little Rocking Cheir and You" "Daddy'e Llttla Girl" AlwajB a courteous welcome lor yoa at the old stand. nmurr 125 West 37th Street, NEW YORK CITY. THE EMPEROR IN VAUDEVILLE. E. G. Smith's Colossal Shows WANT. FOB TBNTH ANNUAL TOUB, Sober, reliable performers, for big show and concert; singing and talking clown, with dancing turns, for concert; also man for gen. •upt.; prefer performer; good, loud musicians for band; Al cook, boai canvas man, dog and pony man, and working men In all depart- ment!. WANT TO BUY band wagon, suits, and useful parade stuff. Must be good, and cheap. Address LAMDMRTSV1LLB FA. AT aVXBRSV Y, GEO. F. BELFRAGE, AGENT Experienced, reliable, a hostler. Join on wire, Address ma Broadway, New York city. WANTED, SKBTOH TEAM, Must obange for week. $SS and K. R.; PIANO PUAYCR, That can work In act. State every thing first letter. Must loin at once. Johnnie Moore, write. DR. E. 0. JONES, KOMVllIe, Gv 11. WANTED, Y We are Philadelphia Agents for Power'a Cameragraph, Edison Machines and Films, Blograph, Pathe and Melle'a Films, duly authorized by the respective companies. SPECIAL—Lubln's best Exposition Model, with 1,000ft. choice Film, $100.00. The Optlgrnph, latest model, In carrying case, and 1,000ft choice Film, $100.00. NOTE.—Each Machine le complete with Calcium Lamp, Electric Lamp, Rheostat, Switch, Cord and Reels. Reel, about 760ft. reproduction Flttslm.- mons-Jeffries Eight, good condition, will an- swer for other fights, $30.00. 60 beautifully colored Slides of the sub- lime Passion Play, new. In a case. Cost $30.00. Our price, $18.VO. Bpcclal Outfit.—One EDISON EXHIBI- TION Model, DIRECT FROM THE WORKS, BRAND NEW, with Reels and Tateup, 1,000 feet of good Film, and a $50 Tnlklng Machine, and 24 lOln. Records, as food as new. An outfit that la Hated at 335.00. Our price, Including screen, $206.00. MACHINES AND FILMS WANTED, PROVIDED THEY. ABB GOOD. LEWIS HI. SWMB & CO., 338 Spruce Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. L. D. Phone connection. SIEGMAN & WEIL 77-81 WOOSTER ST. (let larlai god Irama), New Yar* Theatrical Supplies, Grease Paiits,. .. 1""V " Tights, Wigs, . . . I ■•.*. Gold & SilverTrimmiigs, |~-j- Spangles, Etc., 1°%°*" Wa MBd aeedi C. 0. D., isbjict te laeaaetlie kit raejilra aieeaeWi al.ewelerg' (Fifth year), young, handsome Second Woman, ■with good wardrobe. State specialty, It any. Pay your own hotel. Tloket, It required. Good Plan- ate, write. B. W. YOUNO, Sarnla, Ont, Xmss week. KLBGANTLY UNIFORMED HUNGARIAN BOYS' BAND Can reoommend same for long engagement; .12 to 30 wind instruments. First class sensation for olrous or vaudeville. Address W. ANDORFI, Dlreotor, Tcmes-Kekas, Hungary, Austria. Correspondence In Qerman. WANTBI BURLESQUE COSTUMES OP EVERT DESCRIPTION. UNITED STATES AND FOREIGN .COPYRIGHT! PATENTS AND TRADE-MARKS MJSrWTES. And make yon a fortune. « you have a PLAY, SKETCH, PHOTO. ALT. S>ONU or HOOK that Is worth anything, you should copyrlR-ht It. Don't take chances when you can secure out-serv- ices at small cost Scndfor our 5PUWL OflEi 10 INVTNIORS before appjvlnir for a oalent, ■ nrill fat you. ItANDWW* on talents sent HO. We advise if patenta- ble or not. rREE. We Incorporate STOCK COMPANIES. Small lees. Consult as. WORMELLE & VAN MATER, Managers, Columbia Copyrlgkt & Patent Co. Inc , WASHINGTON, D.C CRACKER JACK A delicious popcorn confection, put up In moisture proof packages that keep It fresh e long time. A quick seller for theatres, circuses, traveling theatri- cal and medicine companies and al. Dlacee of public amusement We also makTa large line of PACKAGE) CAN- DIES end tte RELIABLE) POPCORN BRICK. Inform us where you hold a confectionery concession and we will aend samples and prices. ■UBOKHBH BROS, k BOUTBDI, CHICAGO. Sozodont has sold on Its mertlsfor over 60 years and never will be offered to the public on any other grounds. We Make Big Claims for the efficacy of Sozodont, and we are prepared to stand back of and prove every claim. It is positively a Non-Acid Dentifrice and is free from grit or any other substances that would be injurious to the teeth, rums or mouth, and should be the home dentifrice of all who are interested in the welfare of these vital organs, upon which so much depends for the general health of the body. HALL ex RUCKEL, New York City. Litmus Paper and Direction* for tenting roar dentifrice for acid will be nut upon receipt of a 2-wml (rump. Dr. MARSHALL'S CATARRH SNUFF IT CURES WITH II BUM SHOW Oil WEST (THAT FUXKa 1 BOOK.) ILLUSTRATED. It will cure the blues, It will make you laugh, It yon are not too mean to smile. Send for It, steal It, get one some way. It has 'em all skinned a mile. Price, Sloe. (Special Prices to Dealers). Sharpen your wit* during dull hours. HDD PEDIOO, Preston, En, IT WILL PAT FOB IT SELP Ifl 0«E BAY, It spins sugar Into cottei candy, any color or flavor Agents in all Earoaau conn tries. IK C0TTO1 CAM CO., es West em St., New York. GOWNS™*™ STAGE, 8LIQHTLT USED. Also STREET GOWNS. Wl have on hand a large assortment of slightly won Ivenlng Gowns, Dinner, Reception and Tea Gowns. These robes are perfect In every respect, and ait especially soluble for wear in HIGH CLASS DBA slATIO PRODUCTIONS. We have a full lute si Baal Skin Coats and Furs of aU kinds. MBS. B. STARR, MT Bonth State St., OHIOAOO TUB SALE OH" IBVING'S EFFECTS. HISH GLASS MAGICAL APPARATUS At moderate prices. Large stock. Immense variety. Illustrated Catalogue Free. New Mam- moth Catalogue Just Issued, 20c. New list of 400 bargains in line apparatus for 2c. Btamp. A. ROTERBERQ, 178 Ontario St., Chicago. Ad- LARGE OR SHALL LOTS, FOR SPOT CASH, dress L. D. WALKER, Walker's Museum. 8 Bowdoln Bq., Boston, Mass. AT L1BEETY-TBE KELTS ERS. ED, Blaok Face Singing and Dancing Comedian. Comedy In acts. PANSY, Al Piano Player. Read at sight or fake. Also single specialties. NO Address " RIVERTON, Iowa, nnul Dec. 80. P. 8.—Regards to all friends. CARRIE fit; SCOTT, Physical Culture Exponent. AT LIBERTY 1W0 7, Burlesque ur Vaudeville. I in all matters. The County I Law and Collection Aseo- a, Suite 193, World Building. HH PBB3M '■III! olaUon, Suite HAXINE ELLIOTT writes: "I an delighted with my men, Form, for whloh please And check enclosed. It stands hours to ho ntted for me with- out one groan of fatigue." it's yoa (when your lining Is on). The Pneumatic Drees Form takes your place and eavaa job "Trying Ob" engage* ments, tiresome standing, die* appointment! and 1) r » « i Maker's Bills. (Hake your owe dresses). When not In use, collapse and with upright ot standard pack Is bate (Bee cut). Write for circular. PltEV. FORM CO., t«3 Presbyterian Bldg.. N.Y, City (othAv.aSOthSt.) rr Do You WANTMILITARY GOODS? UNIFORHB, ABMT or NAVT BUTTS, OTTOS and EQUIPMENT OF EVSBT TOM. From ODwenunant Aoqo.on> what yon warn In that line I can Hew er teetma hand. Band for B. I ABRAHAMS, m Booth St., Philadelphia, Fa, •Tell It To Me" EZRA KIKTALLS 3d BOOK. AXX NEW-JC8T OUT. For sale oa all trains and news stands, er he avll, We. Address EZRA kbsdall, t« Soath Ttla Awe., Mi. Veraaa, N. T. most Import--. portrait of Irving, as Philip of 8paln. Other sales Included: John 8. Sargent's portrait of Ellen Terry, as Lady Macbeth ; Zoffany s por- trait of David Garrlck; three pictures, by Alma Tadema: twenty-two designs of armor and costumes for the plsy of "King Arthur, by Sir E. Burne-Jonea; J. Jefferson, as Bob Acres," by Thomas Naat: "A Woody Land- scape," by J. Jefferson, 1893; church scene in "Much Ado About Nothing," by J. Brorbes Robertson; portrait of David Garrlck, by N. Dance; portrait of J. Jefferson, by J. Jeffer- son and Eugene. The total of the day's sales was |46,000. . _ . . „ On Dec. 18, the first part of the Irving li- brary wns sold, netting 16,328. Among the works were: The .manuscript of a play by Charles Mathews and numerous engravlngB by Landseer and Crowqulll. "The Drama," by Irving; volume of addresses,by Irving; series of addresses, by Irving; biographical sketch and portraits; "Life and Times of Charles Kean." Dec. 19, the fifth and last day of the sale, chowed receipts amouotlug to nearly 116,000, making a total for the rive days ot 103.960. The lots offered Included: "Memorial of David Garrlck," with 677 portraits of Gar- rlck, and other engravings, fifty-five auto- graph letters, sixty-six playbills of Qarrlck's principal characters and numerous newspaper clippings, five folio volumes: "Memorial of Edmund Kean," in similar form, with 343 portraits and 234 original playbills; "Memor- ial of William Charles Macready, also five folio volumes, with portraits, autograph let- ters, etc; five volumes of Shakespeare and Shakespearian drama, by various authors; seven volumes of a similar character; seven volumes, Including Schmidt's Shakespeare Lexicon; New Century edition of Shakes- peare, twenty-four volumes, uncut; Shakes- peare a complete works, by Mary Cowden Clarke, once the property of Walt Whitman, and with his portrait and autograph ; edition of "Othello," 1656, unciit: five playbills be- tween 1792 and 180S; rlayblll of Irvlngs appearance at the Lyceum, In "Richelieu," In 1356. + ■» KENYOX BISHOP, Whose picture appears on our first page this week, Is a comedienne of sterling ability, and her skill In comedy characterization la now shown to advantage In "Before and After," the new Leo Dltrlcbsteln farce, which holds forth at the Manhattan Theatre, New York City. In this play she appears at Cora Bell, a theatrical celebrity ot wide end varied ex- perience, end her work In the role has won general commendation. Miss Bishop Is the uaughter of Charles B. Bishop, and her early stage experience was under his tuition. She appeared first as Dolly, in "Widow Bedott," and then followed a long line of Ingenue and soubrette roles in the California Stock Co., of San Francisco. Iier rise In the profession wss rapid, and her remarkable talent was shown la a wide range of comedy roles. In such plays as "A Bunch of Keys," "The still Alarm," "Lord Chumley," "The Country Cir- cus," also as a member of the Boston Museum Stock Co., and later In the original "My Friend from India" Co., of Smyth and Bice. She created the part of Mrs. Fuller, la Ches. Frohman's production of "Eben Holden," and was for some time Identified with the vaude- ville branch of the profession. « i > A NOVEL PUBLICATION. Uaktng Op Is the title of a book, published by the Crest Trading Company, 144 West Tblrty-Beventh Street, New York. The work, which is upon the art of "making up," la a complete and comprehensive treatise of the subject It contains articles on how to "make up" the face for all kinds of charac- ters—young, middle aged and old—and the wigs, beards and moustaches required for each. James Young Is author of the work, and among those who have contributed special articles on the subject are the following well known players: Louis Mann, Wilton Lackaye, De Wolf Hopper, William Norrls, May Rob- son, David Warfleld, Raymond Hitchcock, David Blspham, Lew Fields, Sager Mideeley, Sam Bernard, Otis Skinner, James 0 Nell, J. £. Dodson. C. Leslie Allen and AL G. Field. It Is profusely Illustrated with half-tone re- productions ox well known players In their fa- vorite characterizations, together with many diagrams, showing the various stages In maklDg up. 4<» Frederle W. Thompson to Sail. Messrs. Thompson & Dundy have announced their intention ot invading the British me- tropolis and possibly Paris, erecting amuse- ment houses on the order of the New York Hippodrome. To further this object Frederic W. Thompson will sail Dec 27, and while abroad be will secure new acts for the local house. The firm has arranged for the pre- sentation of "A Yankee Circus on Mars at the Chicago Auditorium, Feb. 27, and it will probably go from there to London. ♦ ■ e After an Illness of thirteen weeks, Grace Carroll (Mrs. B. F. Forbes), of the team of Forbes and Forbes, coon shouters, has re- joined her husband, who recently closed with the Martin Show, and the team Is again play- ing vaudeville dates. They opened Dec 24 on the Crawford & Cunningham circuit, for five weeks, with Eastern time to follow. They will open at the Arcade, Toledo, 0., Feb. 4, and are booked solid until March 26. Ben and Ella Zabeu have retired from the profession, and are now living on their poultry ranch In Frultvale, Cal. Dan O'Brien wee a Clippes caller Dec. 22, and informed us that he recently turned a triple somersault In the morning practice at the New York Hippodrome. On account of in health, Sadie Hart has canceled all work. She is visiting her sister In New Yotk City. NOTICE . HALFTONE PICTURES In tbe read- Ins; pases of THE CLIPPER will be Inserted at these prleeas Single Column fT.SO r»i>tihl« minim glK.M CALIFORNIA. — «■> WANTED. -»— MECHANICAL DEVICES. SlOT MACHINES SUITABLE FOB OCEAN IIER. Adireei OCEAN r-IBR CO., Camden, N. J. VAN FLEET, RINT 4T WEST 28th STREET, NEW YORK. FOR SALE-TENTS, all sizes, CIRCUS SEATS, POLES and BTAFES. Send tor list. PEARL VAir.HosrtnwIlla, H.T. PLAYS DICK A FITZI fas- VVVB Catalogue of Plays i UliW Hake Up, for Pro: ilonals ant aeaatenre, teat oa apaUeattca, A FITZGERALD, SO Ann St., New York. PISO'S CURE FOR Thirty Days' Tonr via FenasrlTaaia Railroad. Tbe Pennsylvania Railroad Company has arranged for a apodal personally-conducted tour through California, to leave New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore ,ind Washington on January 26 by tbe "Golden Gate Special," composed exclusively of Pullman parlor- smoking, dining, drawing-! oom, sleeping, com- partment and observation cars, returning by Februsry 23. This special train will be run over the entire route. Tbe best hotels will be used where extended stops are made, but the train will be at the constant command of the party. Round-trip tickets covering all necessary expenses, $378 from all points on Pennsyl- vania ttallroad except Pittsburgh, from which point the rate will be 1370. For Itineraries and further Information ap- ply to ticket sgenta; C. A. Studde, Eastern Passenger Agent, 263 Fifth Ave., New York: Hugh Basson Jr., Passenger Agent Baltimore District, Baltimore, Md.; B. M. Newbold Passenger Agent Southeastern District, Wash- ington, D. a; Thoe. E. Watt, Passenger Agent Western District. Pittsburgh, Pa.; or address Geo W. Boyd, General Ptatengtr Agent, Philadelphia. When the apptlite is a "tilth; ,■',■• , nothing "tastes rood"—try a dnk , r \ Kn | of Tabasco on your food. Only ht yinr if, 1 Mcllhenny's—ilic original — in um- lin!l » century. A potent aid to digestion. It makes morcpalatable—;alacls,soui>t.,nr -|, fish, eggs, ovstcis, gravies, etc. Tli<- I Wt .' I wifewili find hunclredsof uses for Mi i:l, .;,„., j Write far boot of recipes—sent attaa i ,-^trsl MtJLHtssr's tabasco, . ftja Ilr ,u, u I A Her S/ia ving MENNENSl BORATED TALCUM I TOILET POWDER and insist that your barber use It also. It Is Antiseptic, and vlll prevent any of ssfli " ^■BL tbeBiln diseases often JM f_" contracted. ^■h l^tfr r A positive relief for ^sa BV^ Chapped Hands, Chafing, and all at- fticrJoiB of the skin. Removes all odor ot perspiration. Get Mennen's—The original. Sold everywhere or mailed for as cents. Sample Free, Try Heanea'i Violet Talcum. 6ERHARD MENNENCO., Newark,N.J? SJ4 Select CLUB COCKTAILS as you do your wines—for their exclusive flavor, per fection of blend and unvary ing excellence. Only on* brand—CLUB.the original. Seven kinds—Manhattan, Mar- tini, Vermouth, Whiskey, Hollind Gin, Tom Gin and York. C.F.HElJBLEIiN&BRO., P „^n HARTFORD NEW YORK LONDON wSSteldedln for "BOLTON" MJ ■ Jj n %W>f *» «l .11 omen. II70" vant tbe Mrt, *8£95E -It you vlU h4T« another make, we bare It ror j" ekeap. «Terythla« tor banda Our catalog ant He Bibb tm on roquet*. » U irioa nut* HOLTOH fc CO.. Of "" ""l/- CHIWg. SHOW PRINTING. tlaingevery branch of tbe Amusement Buelnn* p« Tlatalogne (D) ot Dramatic and Show 1 r nJ»l. Catalogue (O Fair and Carnival Pr-..'^ ' Catalogue (B) Blllpceters, Commercial rot- PTrtt-OMsPrfntlngof all kinds _ GREAT WESTERN PRINT,L N mo 513 ELM ST REET. ST. LOUI»._ "]gl_ larje Iltt of New^<>f«'J"j and Amatcnr Plait, \ f^'™! PLAYS ^* '"^ Kntertalnraentt, HW"C; m.,.«, fi^.L.^ , Drum «t* ?;*}:;"'' 7"S T. a. DENIBOM. Pablither. P«i>t. IT. ■tsaaa- Bntl Amiwur «"»V|, i. OB*/. Skctcht* Mln.trr l'"''''*^ ROYALTY PAID ON SONG-POEnS |tn« Motlcal Oompotlt^o*- «" arranswaDdpopnlarUe aoojw. MBfenaaeaWJlMMg |BNMaabalUaUl|.-Ctl:i|«J!: i/VfS M IthtS MfflOKK-UfS .'_; WSI111M 10 CKttR •»'«« rkANtll TUCKER Va..' o.0W^ Soothe the throat and stop a hacking cough. A safe and simple remedy, sow only in !**=»•