The New York Clipper (December 1905)

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DECEMBEB 30. THE .STEW YORK CLIPPER. 1145 >*i ALL lONOI VINO IN "FORTY-FIVE MINUTES FROM BROADWAY' and "GEORGE WASHINGTON JR. The Songs in the above are published fay F. A. MILLS, 48 W. 29th St., N. Y. NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. Vetc Year'* Dan fallinf/ on Stotuhu, all vatttr intended for Tub Cuna iMtd Jan. t. thntil'l reach u$ not later Hum Saturday, Dee . 39. MASSACHUSETTS. In Boston.—Wllllsm Gillette, In "(.'Inrive." nt the Colonial, for the lint time lu Amur- li-i and Raymond Hitchcock, In 'The Gal- Inner," at 1 He Tremont, nrc the novelties of chief Interest In ".lie current theatrical offer- In". Other new bills are: "When the World Sleeps," at the Grand Opera House: "'Hie Sliver King," nt tho Empire: "Hanson's Folic," nt the Cnstle Square; "Uncle Tom's cabin." at the llowdritn Atmire, and the Ben Greet Flavors, In repertory, at Jordan Hall. Attractions c-ontlnufug are: "," at •he Boston: "Funtnsuin," at the .Majestic; Francis Wilson, In '■Cousin Billy," at the Mollis, aiid "Tom. Dick anil Harry," nt the Globe. The Sportsmen's Show will be licld lit Mechanics' Building for two weeks, open- ing Monday afternoon. 25. As was expected, business fell off noticeably last week at most of the theatres. CoUtMAi. bOUTM (Cans. Frohninn, Rich A Harris, managers).—Ou Christians night William Gillette will be Keen In Ills new tilir. "Clarice," opening for an engagement of" two weeks. This will be the tlrst Amer- ican presentation of the play. The coui|iany will include Marie Doro nnd all the other players who were with the star In the Lon- don production. The Rogers Brothers de- parted last Saturday night, after a pros- liernus'gtay of three weeks. Tubuoxt (John II. Selioeffel, manager).— l.ocnl-playgoers will get their Hrst view of Hicham Harding Davis' new comedy, "The Galloper," with Raymoud Hitchcock an the mar. oh Monday afternoon, 25. The sup- porllDg company Includes: Nanette (Jum- stock,Edgar Davenport, 1.. R. I.ytton, Helen tackaye, Scott Cooper. May Hclmuth, T. I). Frnwley. May Huckley. Herbert Corthcll, Harry Stone. I". It. Tllton nnd Harold Vizard. The engagement Is limited. Mrs. Fluke had three weeks ot satisfactory business, in "l<rah h'leschnn." Hou-ih Strliit (Isaac H. lllch. manager). —Francis Wilson continues "Cousin Hilly" and "The Little Father of the Wilderness" tor a second and llnal week. Houses of fair proportion enjoyed the plays last week. John brew, In "De Lnncy," Jan. 1. Hokto.v (Lawrence McCarthy, manager).— "I'antttiia." with Jefferson He Angells, Is now In Its second week of prosperity, which promises to continue during the remainder of tin- engagement, which cud* Jan. lit. . M\;r.s,Vic ( Wilbur, managers).— "Funtatfma" starts upon the last half of Its fortnight's' engagement 23. Dockstader's Minstrels nest week. I'aiik (Chns. Frohtnnn. Rich t Harris, managers).—"Just Out of College.'' with Joseph WJieelock Jr., lias been pleasing good ness. He did «lzcd audiences during the past fortnight, this cliy. A and will continue on -its prosperous way un- til Jan.0. Globe (Stair & Wilbur, managers).— KleVel. Watson and Wrothe, In "Tom, Dlek nnd Harry," continue the second and Inst week of their stay, opening 25. Next week, '"Clidor Southern Skies." coins■: Zoltn. queen of Hie Unw . Trhde nnd her pythons, and lilg lien. |he monster stiake. who has Just enjoyed 1,1* semi annual stage show: I'owell's .Minstrel Maids. ntniducng I'enrl Irving. Grace Mazollc '•",'Pbel Sister-.. Krln Musette, l.aurn ln- galls. Merlnm Sartell. Grace Toledo. Harry I owell Charter Clark. John Suilth nnd Mar- r v^ ak »!.\ an , rt , ' ark,n •«* l>nlv - >'">•'> n limm n '"' v i'!F s - S"*** a " (l L'arroll. ami tjulnlnn and Howard. ..), •V. Kn '. s SHF* 0 * I '•• »• Walker, mnnn ffi i~ t,,rl " '"," wo,,k ,,r -" ,: *■ Mr, the Hindoo magician: J«|,n it. HiilMTtlrrnn. 2H52 m , n .!' : ' :<l 'ri-'rney. wire walker, nnd I ,7, k «"'': r "'' " n lh " »•<•: Hene ( i mplioll s_ Hiirle/qtio C... I »|to: The Jig. •HM Ixelllhor. Frimk Trovers. Iten Lvnn and the Slnnley Sisters. } Nn-KKi.m>K..x (C. !■:. Cherry, manager!. — ill.- curio hull: The Creole Holies, the Deltlnos. Impalement "act: Jno Biiuni. expand slonlst; Vlto Itnslle, the vegetable king, unci Excelsior. ,,„ the hounding wire. Stage show: rhe H.-lfirds. ,].e ,;,.,,„, /„„!)! j R ,. k sinter. Helle M<( ariim. (diaries and NMr Gage, Ger- trude Hnspcll nnd Kstetle Iluniphrevs. Notks.— Sunday eoucert hill nt the Iti.v- >'i'ln h«««i r Theatre 34: Wood nnd Rav, i|" w 1 r ."» l1 , Gills-rt. Jennings und Itenfrow, Billy Kinkalil, I.arkln nnd Holv. Al. Sierqs I rederlck. Charles "Siimly" Clm|iouin and laiwrem-e R. t> Connor, and others. Concerts were al*.; given nt ihe Bosion, Columbia, Kteto and Mnjesll.- Mme. GadjaU will give a song recital at Symphony Hall after- noon of New Vtbr'a Pav tlrnce Ma- zelle has reiiiruod from Clnelnnatl to Join I'oweHs Minstrel j| a i,| s . celveil. «'|nr:i Turner Co. S5-3W, Jivikle- llan'er *'•>. Jan. l-tt. Sin:i:in s Bum (C. K. Cook, ni.iimseri.- - Last week was one of record breaking busi- ness every pcrform.iitii> having liecn In S. U. <». l-'reil Kurno's l.niulim eompniiy, lu "A Night lu An l-hitlMi Music Mull.' scored heavily. Hill jr, :U iii week: Harry Lp Clair. AiuMn, Howard niid lilnnd. Culu's uiilmnl ■Hkim, 'iulgley Hiiithers, tirvllle nuil Frank, Mine. Avery. Strakosrh. Millie Gardner nud tanicngrnpb. Kosrox ( Sctilcslngcr, moungeri.— This ihontf. formerly Ihe ,>ld Casio, will lie iiov.iteel to slock linr|esi|iie. with n change ,>f olh. weekly. Week of IT.. Nellie Hartford Itlirlesqners. .\K'\- (Jl. F. O'ltrlen, mnnnger). —BiislueHs was good Insr week. Kill week »f -■."■: Manchesicr's Ktanled pmle*, Cora F.velyn. I'erry ami l'liltcrson. Zarn Living- ston. Hie Four Marshes, Grace lughuiii ami opllsi-npe. Xotks. —Chns. K lllgglus. formerlv of the Aemh'in.v of Mn«i<- stnlf, Ix now lllluignipber of the Savoy Theatre, Xew ileilford M. It. Sbceily. of the Kljoa. wns In Xew York Inst week, whore he completed Ins bookings fur into the new yenr. ills contracts bearing tin: names of recognized lenders In vaudeville. OHIO. Worcester.— Al the Worcester Theatre (Jus. F. Rock, resident manager I Christ mas U«y. Sbepanl's moving picture exhibition will lie the "The Lightning Con- ductor." Herbert Kt-lcry nml Fllle SliniiiioiiK new vehicle, comes ML Sotliern nnd Mar- lowe. In "lionieo nnd Juliet," .luu. I, „,... „~ri _,.• FiiAXK.MN S-jr.\iiK (J. l-\ Burke, resilient »i>rniKllelil. — The Christinas shopping iiuinngerl.— t'hi-lstmiis week. Malcolm Wll- iLe past week seemed to have little effect "anis and his stock muipnuv will produce Iwu phiys. Mr. Williams being seen In "Hip upon the attendant. Cornt SgCABK lb. O. Gllmore. manager). .Moving pictures Dec. -.Si. "Wonilerlaiid" 25. "The l'rmllgun Sou" M. Ilim Stillv 27. Her- her Kelcey and liffle Shannoa 2!i. "In the Ulshops Carriage" Jnu. 1, Sol hern nnd Mar- lowe 2, Em Kenilull :\. tlremuns .-onccrt .(local) 4. "Cashol Ilyron's Profession" I 0. New Gii.mokk IP. F. Shea & Co.. mans- p S!? < 'r.' rUo ll01lse «*• oark all lust week. 'Ihe House of Mystery" 25-27. I'ot.l's (J. t:. Criddle. resident ninnager). —l'nt Rooney nud Miirimi Bent. Nettle testa, and Sisters llerzog Ciuuaios were three star acts of Inst week's hill. Hill week of jr.; Ned Nye and his rollicking girls. Iturke and La Rue. Uclauire and Lee Marvelous Frank nud Hob, Augusta Glose. line nnd Brosche, Gnindow and Wiley, and elecirograph. Nelson (J". V. Shea i Co., managers).— Harry BryauCs Fxtraviigiiiizn Co.. last week, pleased greatly. "SI Slebblns" 21-2.'l. Rose Hill s hugllsh Folly Co. 25-'_'7. Al. Marlla's "1 nele Tom's t.'ablu" 2S-3U. N'otkk. —Chns. H. Kcnyon. business man- ager ot Harry Bryant's Extravugnuza Co., •lied nt the Hotel Russell, lu this cltr. Iff, from cirrhosis of iliu liver, afler u short III- not give up until reach luu physician was called, und everything done for him. He leaves -\ father and mother, both of whom were at Ills bedside when he passed iiwsy. and a wife, Jenuettc Litmonl. of the same com- pany. The body wns taken to his home st South Kingston. R. L. for burial A Snntn Claus post olllce for the children wns Van Winkle" evenings 25. 28 and :iil, anil nialluees 2ii and Ml Lillian Slnuull will play Hie t111— role In "Little Miss Mali" evenings 2'l. 27. SB. nml imiilnees 2.".. 2S. Lost week the company played •The Klermil City." Florence Heed will be seen us "Zazu" next neck. I'.vhk I Alf. T. Willon. malinger I.-- Week of 25: Sum Watson's Farm Yard. Zutkn, Harry lln.wn. Ilelinur Itroibcrs. Miivnie Rein- Itigtoii and her black Buster Brownies, the F.llnore Slviers. Kllsworth ami Hurt "Homes- tie Pels" nml the kluelosco|H'. Ilnslness ex- cellent. Tom's (Cutis. W. Fonda, resilient mana- ger).—Week »f S3: Slid man imil lie Foe- est. In 'The llullle of San Dago ;" the Three Miers. Mr. nnd .Mrs. Ganlm-r Cnnie. John W. World nml Mhidcll Kingston. I'liul Situ- due. Mi-Glolu nud Smith. Ihe Girl Behind the Drum nud the electrogrnph. Ilnslness lo conilmial caiMiclly. Fai.vck. —Week of 2." : The La Hues. Mar- vel I'rlnecton. the .Mannings nnd dog. "Zip:" Yunneltn und Will sun, lt.,h Norrls, and the biirles.|iie, "The Klondike Miller." Ghaku Ol'BitA IiorsK (George W. Magcc, one of Ihe strong features In the lobby of manager).r—The holiday offering Is "Wnea Foil's Theatre last week. The letters were ihc,Vor)d Sleeps," following nine profitable, all gathered nnd forwarded Inst Thursday, king presentations of Walker Kcssler'8 sllrrlng piny* "The Life that Kills." "A Wife's Se- cret" next week. Kmi'iiik (Lindsay Morifon. manager).—A revival of "The Silver King" la the Umpire Slock Co. bill for this week. "Because She Loved Him So" was a pleasing production last week, and good sized crowds were In. evidence/ Tho work ot Howell Hansel, Mary Hall, Frank Losec. Gertrude Berkeley. Zoflle Tlllbury, Edwin Meander and Rose Morlsou mis especially commendable. Next week, "La' Tosca." I'AHTto 8quarb (Boston Stage Society, managers).—The stock, headed by John Craig and Lillian Kcmble, will be seen this week •n ' "Hanson's Folly." Last week. "She stoops'-to Conquer held the attention of comfortably IHlcd houses. ' rtOWDolX "Bqwmh (O. E. Lothrop. mana- geri.^-The Lothrop Stock forces will pre- sent, .twice dally, this week, "l.'ncle Tom's ' abla'" with Charles Miller and Charlotte Hunt,In the leading roles. "The Holy City" was/given In a successful manner last week, to-crowded houses. Next week. "Faust." KkitiFk (B. W. Keltli. manager).—Bill week of 25: Ed. F. Reynard. Wormwood's ■logs itnd monkeys, Frank and Jen I.atonn, !*•■*,Brothers, Rosalre and Doretto. John Jllifb.' Lew Hawkins, lvlfubanznl Japanese Irulipo, Charles and Jnck Abeam. Jack Lyle. •ind new motion pictures. There will also be Christmas trees on every Hour, with pres- ents for juvenile patrons. HoWauii Athknaki'M (Carl II. Lothrop, '•usiuei* manager).—Opening 25 : George ft. Alexander. Genitro and Bailer, Coakley und McHrlde, Miignanl Family, Mr. ami Mrs. Oil S'ewart, Knuna, F.uhill I^e, Fisher nud John- son, Carrie M. Scott. La Clnlr nud West, «nlsh nnd Willie, the Haznrfs, Hilton, tlin llowqrdscope, und the house burlesquers. In "Lnder Hie Mistletoe." The Brltt-Melson I'gnt pictures was the feature In lust week's •'ill.-and the house was packed to tho doors. Falach (Chus. If. Wuldron. malinger*.— ,''"*,'.-.nrlstuins offering here Is the Bon Ton Hurlcsqiiers, on"thc coia|Mny°s llrst visit of 'he season. The skits me ••Americans ,n spahi" nnd "Miss Hell's Ladles' Seminary." and the cast Includes: 'J'oinn Uanlon. Harry Jjeejar, Joe' Watson. Berg's Merry Uirls, iiirls.- whulen, Miuulc Seurles. nnd .^nreilo and Blnkc. .?. Herljert Mack's World Heaters lurnlrhed good entertainment last weok. ,„.Coi.U>iniA (Harry X. Fnrren, intiuucer'i.— the holiday week attraction is the Umpire "'irlesoiiers. The principals In the company ere: Roger Irabolfi Hugh L. Conn. John A. ".est, Suzanne Corlone, Resale Tnvlor, Fay <> Dell, the I)c Van Brothers and the >lus- getytr Comedy Four. "The Esqnlmeaux Bal- let 1b an added feature. The Silts New 'oik Jr. t;o. was In prolltnble evidence last •veek. The amateurs liold forth b?re on 'clday nights, and. ns u result, stuudlng "sua Is nl u premium. Lvnr.UM (G. IJ. Bulchellcr. mntuigeri.— Die-Wine. AVomnn nnd Song Co. this week. * Dnyat Niagara Falls" niul "Fun In Ihe siibtvlij" aru two burlesuues Inlnslnclng Hie >un makers, and the olio names Raymond d Oluyton. Frederick Bros, und Burna. and no doubt many children will be made hnppy ou Christmas thereby Camt'le lleaiuloln. ragtime performer. Is making a circuit of the theatres. In Ibis section of New England. Mr. Beuitdnln stopped over at bis old hoire In Chit-opce for n stort lime last week George Hill, formerly stage electrician nl Foil's nnd tbe Xew Gllmore Theatres, has signed with Ed. Keough, who has a big vaudeville act out "Xew York by Night." wlileh was lo have played Hie Nelson Theatre 1-MB, canceled Fred I*. Belmont, of this city, wins chosen as u member of Ihe grievance committee at Ihe convention at Ihe National Alliance of Bill Fosters and Blllers of America, held at Denver. Col., early In the mouth.. Wal- ter and I'routy appeared at Foil's Theatre week of 11, Iturke ami Dempsey having been obliged to cancel In the middle of Ihe week. l.rim.- At the Lynn IK. (;. Harrison, manager! Ihe Harvey ft Guge Co. opened, Dec' IS. for a two weeks' engagement, mid played lo fair business the llrst week. K, V. I'belnn Stock Jan. 1-11. with Francis Wil- son 2. ArniTOMi'M (Harry Kalzes, manager!.— Utislnoss cniiliiines big. This week's hill: Colhy Family, Irene Franklin. Al. Ijiwsoii anil Francis Xanana. Julie King and com- pany. Dick Gurnelln nnd .Maude Harris Mit- chell nnd Marrott, and l'nt Hooney and Marion Ilenl. Gp.M (C. W. Shcnfe. mnnnger).—Good houses. Rill this week : Hallman mid Ganelln. George Whnl VIck Lflfi-elle. Hell and Rich- ards. Montana Jnck and .MiiiThtnnn, nnd tne bioscope. SAi.KJt Tukatuk. Snlem iG. II. Cheetham, raunngeri.--Tbe I'enlM'rg Sto'-k Co.. Western. came IS. and played lo very good business. The Phelan Slock Co. 25-:ill. Notkx. —Sum Cohen, of Lynn, Is now nt Fnll River for Hie season, doing Ills act for Mnnnger Walker, nt Ihe Cnsto.. During 1lic recent illness of Stage Mnnnger George, nt the Com. Herbert Mitrklnnd, the assistant, was lu charge of Ihe show. I.uwell.—The Lowell Opera House (Fay Bros. & llosford. managers I wus dnrk last week to alkw Hie painting mid decorating of the house throughout. Current: The Foster Girls and Seymour Brown. SVorm- wnod's dous and monkeys, Wood uud Ray. Charles Serru, Mullen nud Correill. Mnoney nnd Holbein. Paul Humes, and the klueto- graph. Acai.kmv or- Misic (It. F. Murphy, mana- ger).—Tbe slock compiiny offered "Moths," with both Mi. Hiiullugtou und Mr. He Deyn In the cast, with pleasing results. Current week. "Jim the lVnmnii." nilli Wright Hunt- ing ton. Hatha way's (F. fi. Mack resident man nger).—This house, formely the Casio, will offer on Us initial bill, week of 25: Navajo Girls, Krelsel's cats nnd dogs, John und Bertha Glenson und Frnl Houlihan. Dixon, Bowers nnd Dixon, Walters and Prouty. Francis nnd Murphy, and Hie. vlliigraph, and added altriicilons. Hurry La Hose nnd com- pany. Boston iJ. II. Teulietts. manager).—Every good bill last week did the usual big busi- ness. Mnuy g...'d things were offered In "The Country Store." mid the stock com- pauy burlesqued "I'ncle Tom's Ciibln" clever- ly. Current: Carrlgun nml Hayes. Earl Brown, Alveretla Trio, Roberts and Ralston, and the Boston bioscope. Sunday concert, as usual, drew big business. I'i:on.r,'s (II. A. Woodward, manager). —Business wuh very satisfactory lnst week. Marvel l'riuceton mid Dan and Ida Moa- ning were prominent. Hill week of 25: The (treat Aivora. Jim nnd Edith Gorman, Ella Randnll, I'earl Swagney. Hurry Wood- ward's moving pictures of O'Brien und Fltz- slniuioiin light, und burlesque, "Dob's New Skclcli." AtuAt.K (George M'. Carey, manager).— Business continues good. Miintio.v. —Bob Cook, IhIc of Cook nnd Cook, has been engaged as stage manager of Ihe Feople's Theatre for the remainder of the season W. Keudnll Hnllowell will conduct the orchestra nt Ihe new Hathaway Theutre... .The second reellal of the Lowell Orchestral Society. 17. wus u big success. Enill .1. Horjes. conductor: Herman Heck"r. New Bedford.—The New Bedford The- atre (Win. It, Cross, ninnager I was dark last week, except Dec. 211. when Sotliern nnd Mar- lowe cuiiie to big business. Helmet t and Moul- in n Co. 2.1-:»l. II.vrii.uvAY's IT. II. Bnylles, manager).— Ilerortl breaking business for this time of the year 18-2.'!. Hill for 25 : Itice nnd ITcvost, t.rucie I unmet 1. and company. Caprice, Lynn and l-'nv. Slm|>sons.. Bnrk nnd Dempsey, Martha itrlggs. Young nnd Melville, nnd vita- graph. S.wnv & Wllninih. muuagers). — Standard Stis-k Co. produced "The Game of Life." to good business, week of IX. "Brother ngalnst Brother" 25-311. ■ Norlli Ailnnis.—At the Illebmond (Win, I'. Meade, iniinngeri Ihe house wns dark Inst week, bill will resume business week of Dec. 25. with 11 strong bill, bonded by J. K. Mur- ray and Clara Lane, ill hers lire: Dorothy Kenton. Burton i\n<] Brooks, the Johnson Trln. I'ost nnd Russell. Burr aud Evnns. and Ihe vltugraph, with an entire change of pictures. Kiii'iitE (John F. Hull lvnn. manager).— House wns dark lust week. Week of 25. Maude lllllnuin Co.. presenting n repertory of standard prays. Ua m t Si —At Hie Opera House (t;rilllt *. Clin:, muuagersl 1 In- Colonial Slock Co. cnnie 10 good business week of l)i*r. 18, ex- cepting 22. when E. 11. Solhern nnd Julia Marlowe. In "Homeo nnd .lullel," played to a huge audience. Joseph Kennedy Co. week of 25. Colonial (.VI. Hnynes. manager 1. — Big business prevailed week of IS. Rooked week of 25: "The Girl In the Clouds," Miles and Raymond. Berlins and Brockway. Adolf /.Ink. Taylor H oi — . Helen Richards, educated ponies nud kliietogrnph. 9 Taunton.—At tbe Tuunton Theatre (Colin k Cross, managers) th«; Huntley Stock Co. opens Dec. 20-110. after n dark week, and will present 11 strong list of plays, Interspersed with vaudeville. ♦ ■» NEW HA MI'NIIIlii;, ciucliiiiiiii. The week before Valet Ms Is always rewlalscenl »f lbs cnlin that pre- cedes 11 sl.iriu. and every homo, lu town felt the ntiiirouch of the linlldnys. The Christ- mas bills are superlailvelv ntlructive, nnd tbe lunuiigei-s expect 10 enjoy well lllled stockings. Hiiami iii'miA lli.isi: illarry Ralufortb & John II. I In villi. inaiiiigiTM. ' Sinn llcrnuril and II1111 If Williams arc 10 opim nt the mall nee I - 25. In "The Kolliekluir Girl." sliigcl l.y Chiirles l-'rohiiinii. l.nst «.i'k "Mrs. Wings ot the Ciil.hago Caleb." wllh M.nlge Cnrr 1 'unk le.iilluu. proud a ^ tinllilole fur Ihe blues. Bessie Itarlvnle wns Ihe "l.ovey Mnry'' of a si.le.nlUI cast miMcrod bar l.leli- Icr and Ci.iupiuiy. The bouses run In size fi-oin fulr lo very g.N.d. dcsplic 1 he ilMnictlng effect of preparmloiis for Ihe coining of Santa 1'laas. Klnw .V hirlsnger'a S|i(vln.le. "Ilunipiy Duuipty," conies Jim. 1, for two weeks. W.w.nit Sn:l:.:r Tiii:.\ti:i: i M. C. Aniler- soli. iiiniiils.-ii. Kellar. Hie man of magic, u'll (nine Ii.k-, 21. Last w.'.-k. "Hap" Wir.l, l.-lle . f Wind nnd Yokes. Introduced "Tne Gvufler." wllh I.iulcv Italy and William I'llend his l.aillli' suppori. The conceit Hie.tiage 11 l.y I-:. 11. Hlalr, made a big Ml, am 1 , pleased sized audiences. Hurllg tk Si-a- nnui's "In New York Town" comes Dec. 51. Com vim Tiicatiu: (M. U, Anderson, 111:1.1- ftgeri.— rhe Christmas offerings, Dec. 2-1. In- clude: Loslle, DaMey mid i-iiiapaiiv. lu "A • Hit of Toliifoolerv:" Hie l'{g,.t Alii- sous, llappv Jack tiiinlner, Itellinmi ami Moure. Iliirion's iralm-il dogs, Frerdo llrolb- i'is. F.rowiiing mid Miss M'.illv. IHxan ami ll-.linc.i. l.asl week, Arthuc Prince wns easily n fenUire. and his ventrlloipibil lam brought out wblilnlnds of a|.|daiiKe. Tlie Yertioii Ti-oiipe of xylophone exports mni'e ibclr llrst local appearance. I Inward and ctorlh prcseniid a plcnslng skelcb, In "i'liose Were lln)i|iy Duvs." niul ||ie Three Sister* Ma-nrl-- pat oil their noveliy set. lluslness was good. lliiri.K's iiim:ha II.iisk (llctuk. rVnaui ft Stnlr, malinger-, 1.— -u „ „f the High- bludrrs" wns unwilled Dec. 21, liv Al. II. Woods. "The Mlllloinilre Detective''' spenl a protllable were here. Howard Hull npisuired In that Chnrles F. 111. y thriller. Ihe slur himself aiding lu Hie work of .lninunl/.ul Ion. "I racked Around the World" will conic Dec. Lvi'Ci'if Tiikaiiii: illemk. Stair .1 Fen- Uessi. iiiniiasrrsi. ■ "Why (,'Iris Leave Home." under Hie direction of Vance .\ Siilllviui, Is Ixtnkcd 1,, nneli Dec. 21. following II week of Lincoln .1. i m-ter'.. I1I.H.1I stirring The Heart of Clilcaw." lu which I'ercv MiTb-rt ns- sinned the .111111 role of lioherl Sage and Ed- ward Coleman, Business averaged uood. "Tlie Shadow i'c i 1 -11.1 il.e Throne" Dec. ;:i. Hoi:ins..v's Opuiia lh.fSK 1 George I-'. Fish ft Luelln F. Fish, iiuinagcrsi. The Fore- imngh Slue]; Company Is lo singe "The .'br 1st Inn" Dec. 21. laisl week "Ens( l.ymie" was put on, wllh Ltviula Slilinnoti as l.:nlv Isabel, aud Frederick Forrester In Hie leuil s« «'nrly|e. ':u>-!>e«. n - : i S ynntl. 1 IJU'i.C'a l'l....i . llltllicit lleiuk, 1111111- ugcr).—The Stur Show Girls are dun Dor. 2-1. l.nst week Mile. Is-on, tho Girl lu lllue, was ihe lidded mtractloii. May Howard's F.xiriivtigmi/.a Company anprarlasl In bur- leaqaes. The houses wire of gond size. Jolly Grass Widows 31. Staniiaiiii TllKATSa |l'. II. Arnold, inami- geri.---Sum Srrlbuers Guv Morning Glories will Dec. 21. l.asl week I'reil Ir- wlu's lllg Show gave a splendid performance all through, and the lllri lu (In with an Oriental chorus of dancing girls, scored most heiivllv. (lu some even lugs, people were turned nVVIiy. Ilowery Hurlcs., iters ;[(_ i'.oskip or Tin: 1 11 v.- -a hundred child- reu will appear Dee. 21, lu Ihe German fairy play. "Seheewiilili.-ii nml Hire Slelicii /werge." al Ih" Griuid. OH.. Ernest Scbnihl, nutniiger of 'he Herman Tlntiire. will direct It. Jeralt Miller, Adeline Unfiles mid Vera Meyer bine l„-.ii given IradiSK roles ■I. W Zarro, dcsleiier of nllrticlloiis til nnniseiilent resoils. Iina iHiiigbi Hie old liouie of Seireiiiry of War \V. II. Tun. »u McMil- lan Kfreei. overlooking the river..,. .The sliuleic.H of Ihe Technical S.IiimiI or the Knl- versliy pi-eseiited I wo Cerinun comedies. "Dcr I'rozeas" and "Elner Mtisii llelrnten." al McMlckin Hall Dee, 21 Allen Be- gins l-.'dnn Elsen, 11 ten yenr old pupil of Itonico (lorn.), Is cieallng a seusmlon lii'iuii- slcal circles .Mnnnger Colliui. of "Mrs. WlBS, of Ihe C'lbbage I'nlcli." is to trim an old fashioned Christinas live for Hie children of the i-itsi. nml sanlii Clans will come 10 "Mrs. WTggs" at Dciroli \llieri Strati* 11111:1 la here lu ndvnii.e of "Tin. Rollicking V,' 1 ' 1 '' The Syiiipboio- Orchestra, wllh Frank Van dor snukiu, Ih <m a brief r of Ohio und Miehlgiiu ,\e<| Klegw Is back ,-roin Die I'uellb- .-nasi. IIoniesteiid" wns well pniroiilzed 22. "Trhilly Ch lilies" :'p. <i|.i;..v (Lewis. Wheeler ft ("urrnii. iiuiiiu- gersi. li.iod crowds week of IS. ,11111 for 25 nnd «cek. The Seymours. Inez F. Lee, Wiley 1111.1 Wiley, i.'iiiileii L. Mnjesiy and laohltu Inness XnTits. Johnny l.efevre, of l.efevre and St. John, luuli niemlicrs of "The Funny Sir. Ho.iley" Co., Is vMllug Ills pnrenis lu this cliy Tommy li'Dcll. of ihe Al. II. Field's Minstrels, Is iiotue for u few days. ColmiiliiiH.- A| Ihe Grout Soiilliern (I). M. Ilef.'iii.r, iiiamn-eri "Frllz In Tammany Hull' drew fairly good houses Dec, 2(1 21, "i'he Heir lo liie Hoorab" 25. Hrace (jeorge 27, Ella-' Mlnslrels ltd. "Checkers" .Inn. I, L' "The Lliile liray Lady" :;, -I, "Ills High, ness. the Hey." 5, R. Emimiii; (Fred Ncddeiiuycr. inuniiger 1,- - "Out "I iIm Fold" was present oil by Ihe Km- Ml* Slock Co. week of IN, m fnlr litisluess. "Dorothy Vernon, of lliiddeu Hull." 25HU. HllAMi Ockiia; IW. W. I'rosser. inuuajrerl. ■ The llrl'l-.VHwni light ineliirm drew .-row.led bouoes IS 20. •The Funny Mr Donley" 25 27, "York Stale l-nlks" Jan. I -IS. Iltnil Stukct Tiiimtiu; iCIiiih. W. Ilurpur, luuniigi-ri. "Side Tracked'' drew fairly gooii houses IS-20. "Why Girls Leave Home" drew well 22-21. '•The Light house by liie Sen" 25-27. '"Texas'" SKs'Hl, ■•Fust Ll'fe in Xew York" Jan. I ::. XnTrX.- - Louis Foster has been iipixiltileil treasurer of ihe Great Soul In-m Theatre Doe Waildell. general press roprcsoulullvo r,,r lbs Itubliiroii Circus, was 11 visitor here dur- ing Hie pusi f.-w days The Columbus Aiiinsenieiil Co., owners nml operators of the Luiplie Theniie, through Harry p. ilatfrlhYe, one of the dlrerlors. Hied an implication for receiver, IS. and M. K. Ttirulklll wus up- polnliil receiver by Hie ciurt. The slock comp-iuy will coiiiliiae in rim for an Indell- ulle period. Jl»«-nul S^tt sSmuel Krtudl!.* :^:•^ds^se , * 1 r^e;^d' UHen,, • ^"^ ** '.amour. Last week's visitors were Rose 8erve ' 1 "Pl'lause received, sytiell's London Belles. Auhtix & Stonk'm Museum f A. B. White, manager).—A strong Hat of novelties Is of- fered for the bollduvs. The bill Includes: MaucoIs Lentlnl, the three legged boy: Leah -May, the tallest woman on earth: (jwendo- ■ T <i Yuuognian, fat lady: Solankl's Itoyal Uladoo wonder workers ; Butkhardt, klug of Full Hlvrr.—At the Annleiuv of Music (Calm & Grant, inuimgers) Dot Korroll Co.. In repertory, opened Dee. IS. for tbe week, playing to fnlr business. Specialties Intro- duced by Smith und Dill. Jack Worherton. 'Cvclhig Zhii.ii.-is. Rols'tlo and llarrv' F- Vlckcry, aero good, aud all were well rc- Mnnchester.—At the Operu House (B. W. Harrington, mnnugcri E. II. Sotliern and Julia Marlowe Dec. 21. TUc Jcffcrsons, lu "The Rivals," 25. I'abk (John Stiles, luanngcri.—The Bon Ton Hiirlos'iuiTs, 21 2.1. came to fair busi- ness. Harry Bryant's llurtesipiers 25-27. »« ♦ Wti.i.rASis m (iouisiN report meeting with success In Ibelr new net, and play return dotes nl Springfield. Blooinlnglon und Juliet, III., mid Madison. Wis.. In January, wllh n relurii date on the CukHo circuit in March. They arc booked solid uutil May 7. Dor*oil. -At the Nnlloiiul (Gil lliiiii.wn. inuniigeri • Flglillug Fnle" nftrncted rulrlv well D-e. 1S-2". "Sberloik Holmes" ilr.-w g.i.Hl crowds 2I-2JI. "Texas" 25-27, "The Funny Mr. Dnolcy" 2S-.".o. Vu-r-.iin if. G. Mlll.-r, iiiiiniigeri.- \|e- Illlyre niul llealh. In "Tin. limn Tree." ,m| 11.1 upiileclnllie iiiulbnce is. Mi.xlne Elllolt 111. "Sun Toy" did fulr business 20. "Frllz III 'In in linn y Hull' plegM-il 22. Rose Cog Il- ls, n •<-,, "The Mold mid tbe Mummy" 27. Grace George 2s, "Buster Brown" 211, .'to, "Tho Heir to ihe lloorah" Jan. I. I'.utK Hill Burrows, ijiuiinger).—"Kail, road Jnck" 25-27. Solpibud' Hoiiu Tula hie.— "The Little I leioluiKl. Al the Opci ji House I Harry D Klin.-, nrnhngori M.-luiyre nml lleaih. lit "The llnin Tree." week of Doc. 25. "The llclr l» Hie ' I isl week, gave good satlsi'.i lb, 11. "The I'enrl ami lie- I'niapklii'' IICXI Week. 1..1.A1.M, tDicw \ I'litniiliell. managers*. ■ - "Ijulv T.ti'le." wllh Kllxshrlli Brhi' as Ih* si.11. sue- Hug Griice Van Slu.lillforil, 25.HI, Eil Dnvls' 'liule 1'oni's Cabin" IS 19. Iciil fair l.iisuess. "The lll-.b..|i" next w.s'k. Lu 1:1 M 1 Geo. M. T01I1I, iiiAiiiiKi'ri. •'I.oveis ami l.uiiallcs' 25 ;ln. "Elgin Hells" drew Mell week |.f IS: Muster Giibrlrl. Ill "Hiisiir Bi'.iwii.'' nexi week. Cu:vii.\xi> (Geo. M. Todd, nianageri. • "Fast I lie In Xew V«r«" «eek of 25. "At I'liiey Kldgr" bad good bouses week of is. "I.und from llnine" next week. Km Hi's ill. A. Dmiiels. ninnager I.- Bill w.ek ..I' 25 Includes: The Elgin Vussnr illrls, Kilimiml Dny. Felix nud Hurry. Kern's mil.ile ilo.,'. Auberis, World's Comedy Four, Aiiilci-ou and Golu-s. uud Sevmonr ami Dill. I.vim' |E. IJ. Lung, iiiiiimgeri. Hill week of 25 Includes- Woodward's docs. Heblsle an.I 1 'lilldre-". Wise nml Mlltou roiiuiiin.v, SunI'o 1.1 ami liarllngioii. Maboiiliig mid l.nkc Fred Sules, Harry S. Marion, nud Vlclnrelll. 1 Drew k Cmiipbell. innuagers). ■• May Howard's Coiupauy Is Ihe altriiclloa w«"k of 25. Sam Devere's Compiiny hud g.n,.| receipts lust week. The Show Gill IICXI Week. K1.1 ill's ii'bns. W. Delizhiger. miiiinger 1. New York Slurs week of 25. Irwin's Ma- jesties drew splendidly week of 21. The (.'olden Crook Co. Ilexl week. I'm.I..0. Al Ihe Grind Operu Douse (Al. ■'. Harbor, iimiiiiueri the Ccmlnc Neville Co. la tc|,erior.i. vreek of Dec 1m. luul fnlr Inuo ins.-. "Tlio loltmict-r Orgaulsl" 25. Nelson- Hill I luhl ph lines 2li, Al. li. Field's Mill- slrels 27. "The Filial Wedillng" JM, "The ul'l ll.iaiei.leud" 21*. "Why Olrls Leave Home" .10. •The (lure Buy" Jan. I. "Elgin Hells" 2, "His Highness, ihe llev." :t : "Sim |.l<- Simon Simple' I. "The Henri of Chi- cago' II. Hl.n.1 (Tlininiis ft Foils, iiuinngersi. - This lions.-. ..i-lgluaily Iliilher'sCnrileii, laler SebllL'. Hall, ami recently Garthn •Thrillre, ummisl 25 ns a leu cent family 1 heal re. ilnec vainle villi- is'iforniiiitces lielm; given ilnlly. Tlie opening bill isiiuprlsi'N: Kin lor unit Finch, I'oih and Marie, Eduarus nml lileiiwoml, Krrn nine, hi Hiiist nm-.I songs nml mnilou plclures. Thomas and I'ullu are |iri.pilctoru and nut 1111 gers: Alnyc Hurl, treasurer: Ho in II ion. Ai Ibe.leD'erNoii i T. A.Stnllli, iiiiiiiinreii "Elginlug Fnle" played In good houses Dec. 17. "Iliidolub 11 rut Ailolph" 2'J. •Feck's li-iil Boy" 2:i. "Tc:ins" 21. "Hrouii's in Town" 25. Hose Cogliluu 211, "A Sluve of Ihe Mil!" .'in. "Descried nl Ihe Allnr" ill, .Inn. 1, l.lllhni llliiiivcll II, Mnry Emerson -I. Gii.xxii l<xii|j.r I Ward k \|.l'urlliy. 1111111- itgeisi. (hioil l.iisluess. Bill week of 17: "" I.e..nurd niul 1'inko, Lu Adeline, Fred I'm peiilec, Diiwsuii und llonlli, ami I Ile klm>- droilie. Xi'ip.s. -Wiinl A M.I 11 nhy have secure d options 011 several buildings In Mlddlelown for Hie 01 ll'|.use 01' opening a vaudeville house Hie begluiiiiig of Ilexl season Monroe Beeves, of llmiillloli, has signed a In go wllh liorlisliidi-r's .Mlnslrels about I lie. Ilrsi of ihe year. Toledo, Al I lie Vnientltm until Kllves, iniinngeri Maxim Dec, 2d, urni-cl n ■perns, Mclul.vio uud lleiilh 2:1, Tim Mnr phy 25. 1 Frank lliirl iiiiiniigeri. Tlio I'Vuir Monona did a record breaking htmlm'si 17 nml week. "Tin; Shu do w lleblnd Iliu Throne" 2-1-27. KM rim lAlie Hhuplio, mn anger 1. - -Tim .Vew York Slurs laid goo.I resillls Inst week. The iloldeu Crook* Co. 21 uud week. Hi t.T's 1 I'm 11k Hull. 11111 linger 1. "To Din nl Dawn." 17 20, pleased good iiudlrucrr.. "The Dhiiiiiiud King' 2u 2:1, "Tracked Around Ihe Will Id" 2 1 27. Aiomu: in. IL Laiukln. 11111 linger!.- Bill 21 nud week: La Troii|s' Caruieii. Goulinnirs dogs uud cais. Snyder and Buckley. Louis Setiion niul Uiaee On nliier, I,million nnd Floret, Ixel ev nud Kelei v. mid the vliagrn|>l>. — I Sprliiullolil.- - Al Ihe Grmiil Operu House il,, J, Dalle, uimiager) "San Tov" iileaseil Dec. |H, "Tbe Hani Tree" lllled III" house Hi. "The I lousier Girl" pleiiHed 22. 2:1. '•Sherlock Holmes" 25, 'The Heir lu tin- llnoriih" 27. iiuriiti m Kilts. Sun. iniinngeri. Hill for week of 25: Tbe Mysierlous Crucible, Mr. nto I Mrs. chns. I). Ilatiuiiiuid, /urn nail Col ten, ,1 nines Hose, new songa nud million plc- 10 res, 7. Millie. Al lip Intnl. inmiiigerl "Frllz Dec. IH, pleased greatly Welter t.l It. Fug- In Tiiinuiunv Hull.' Sherlock Holine I. l/ec. li", picuseii grea 11 v. roierinea noiiiiee, 20. .sci-.d well. "The Rajah of llboug" 21 "Sim Toy" 22, "My Wife's Family" SJ, I*If Dl- Mliislreln 25, Grace Geotge 2li, "Feck's Bin llov" :io. I'i.via\i:i.i.a. Hie hypiioilsl. ill. I fnlr l.ttsl- lieks week nf II. at .M "I:.01 hi I Hull. VonugMloirii.- Al Hie I'nrk Theatre (la" Xorion, uitiuageri Ihe Inlernnl I01111] Slack ('..., week of Dec. IS, played |o fnlr liiislm.-ss. "A Knee Tor Life'' 25. "The Old HiiiiickIciiiI" 2il, Hrll I-Nelrtin llghl 27. "Eight Hells" 2.s, "Checliei-i" 2!i. "A Hot Old Time" ,111. Unwe'.i moving iiiei.iics 111. Oi'KitA ll'iisg IT. X. Albnilgli, les- s Week of IN wns dark. The 11 rent I.urn), lie Co. 25 IH!. Marlon.- ai the Grand It". K. IVrry. aiiitinuer.. Cnnie operas Imv*' l i ra am good ll.lllse-' of lllle. "The I. lltlo Doolies,." Dec. IS. "The M'l'/iuil of Oz" III. nil.I "Miss llol. While." 211. nil had gond houses. "When We Were TweiiH uiie" 211, Ixlnzlo Comedy C... 2.5 27, "I'an.lfiil" 2H. ».» . 1 TBRHOKT. II11 rlii.uf •>■>—Ai Ihe siiong~*li'nh"iT~Ti- Cruiil, liuumgerHI lli'lillelIn ('rosuiun. Dec, is, hud a i,'ood iioin-e "llamas Hearts" 25, "The I'nrllug of Ih.. Ways" 27, l.urnc Elwyu Co. week of Jult. I.