The New York Clipper (December 1905)

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DECEMBEB 30. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 1155 Metropolitan Opera House* (Holnrlch iViniled, manager).—Tbe opera bills for the ■ftk w«ek, owning Dec. 18, Included: Mou- . . night, 13,—t* Boheine" (Urst time this mm), »llh tills cost: Mlml, Mine; 8em- hrlcb: Muacttn, Bella ' Alten; Bodolf:>, Mr Caruso; Morccllo, Mr. Sroltl; Culllne, »jr Journct; Scbannord, Mr. I'arvls; Hcnolt, Sir, Dufrlcbe; Alclndtfro, Mr. floaal; I'arplg* Iwl'Mr. Parol!; Serjrentc, Mr. Fogita; Doga* „il Mr FnnclH.' Mr. Vigiin conducted. ivaliicaday "Ifilit. 20, Ttlgoletto.'* wllb Mr. M, Scottl. Mme. Sembrich and other mvorltfu. Mr. Vlgna conducted. Friday .debt 22, '•J»le Gottcrdaemmorung" (flrsc iime 'tins season), with this cast: Bruno- MUf Mme. Lillian Nordica: Gcrtrune, Marlon Weed: Waltrn'lte, Mme. Louisa i lamer: Wogllnde. Uolla Alien; Wellgundc, lllulii Balnb; Flosshllde. Miss Mulford; Siegfried, Mr. Knotc; llagcn, Mr; Blnss; Cnnther, Mi. Miililmann. Mr. Hertz con- ducted. Saturday afternoon. 23, "l.a Fa- vorltfl. cast as before. Saturday nlaht, 23, •La Traviata," for the first time tula sea- >nn Tlic cast Included:. Mme, Fembrleb, Mines Bnncrmclster and Jacoby, and Messrs. Dlppel, I'arvls, liars, Dnfrlchc, ■ Taroll and not*. • victoria Theatre (Oscar Ilainnierstcin, malinger).—-There liave been occasions when i'lie attendance capacity of the Victoria The- atre whs thuuglit to reached its limit, hut ju Monday, 23, probably from the fact that we arc supposed to net closer together at Christmas time, caused a new rnnrk for attendances here nt both performances. The bill was a strong oac In point of merit and attractiveness, and Hated the following acts, all of which met with the entire approval of those who jweked the theatre .to enjoy tueni:. 1'rtd Karpo's London : Comedy ..Co., presenting • "A Night In an English Musk ilall;" Jewell's wonderful mnnnlkins, Wilfred Clarke find company, in a comedietta; Cau- llcld imil Cnrleton, Ulnns and Finns, Alclde JL'upltalne, Golden Gate Quintet, Lee Harri- son, Foster and bis dog, and the rltagraph. graph. f Colonial Theotro (Fercy G. Williams, munager).—It ws« a very large audience which assembled lierc on Monday, -.1, nt the matinee, one thoroughly imbued with the -glad Christmas spirit, nnd, i.a Mauager Wil- liams had provided a bill of exceptional merit and variety,-two big and Jolly Christmas audiences celebrated the occasion very Imp- plly. The bill gave occasion for two debuts here, In Ida Kene, In songs and stories, nnd Arthur Prince, a clever ventriloquist. Doth ere nt' English extraction, and their Unit ap|ieariiiices here wen: very successful. Nick Long anil Idalene Cotton were entertaining lit ilu'lr little sketch, and others who pleased wire: The Five Mowatts. tumlllc Trio. ..three Duuionds, Two Fucks, Smith mid Campbell, and Clin lies .Surra.. The vita- urapli, as usual, thiscd the bill. Pastor's Thenlre (Tony I'aslor, man- ager).—Willi n Merry CMrtMl to all, tin: gonial mauager piesclitcti a lliie bill at the iiMliniT I ice. 2r>. Frank HuhIi hud a new lot. oi Jokes and sfoiies to amuse the people ivhi). Mr. and Mrs., hi "Mlunii', liuin Minnesota," repealed their former tri- umphs, and .Iloey and l,ee offered tlielr well- known Hebrew pi routes and Jokes, to the delight of nl(. Others on the excellent bill wekc: Veru-Mi, the ventriloquist: the Four Alvlnus. Gavin and l'latt, presenting "Hands Up:" lilamond and Smith. In songs, with ■nation pictures; Italy and Devere, F-cll Bros., Sam and Ida Kelly. Ovcrin. and Fisher, tbe AlbeityS, and vltagrupb. Circle Tl.eulre (Cbos. A. Williams, man- nger).-*-rno holiday audiences, which ex- ceeded In size (hose of any of Hie present season, gave a rouslug rrccptlon to the World Heaters here on Chilsluins. matinee and night. The company will likely dupll- i-aW Its-success at a down town theatre enrly In this season. Next-week, the Wine, Women cud Song Co. Keltic IMN (K. F. Rogers, resident manager).—For Christmas week, lu'glnnliig with the tuntlui-e Dec. "Jr., tlic following typical holiday bill was offered: Les Renos '.their American dehutl caused a Hi-nsatlon hy clever i>aiiiomiiue wurk. The l'lcrhlaul Sisters proved a uotablu feature In excellent Kiirroundingti. Among the others, all of whom were splendid In their respective linen, were: Ferry Convey (llrst time here), B>-lle Ktone, Sabel Johnsou. Solomon II Hirst time here). Gardner nnd Vincent. Hy. tSrcenway. HI, Grey. Lerov and AVooilforil, Thco. and Camille Ln Jess, SmIHi and Baker, Klnicr lcnley, ami the klnetogruph. Thai in l'hentre (Siilllvan & Woods, managers). — "The Queen of Hie While ■Waves'' opened to a packed house Monday afternoon. The cast included: J. K. Mlltern, .A. Uyron Ucalsey. Joseph Cutter. K. F. Sulll- van. lllehurd Jlllloy, lion Orr, Jack .Morton, .Jwepl Crane. Tom Creamer. Hilly lirynnt, Mniimd lioblnson. Chnrlie Illllniiin. llnrry Wulthoin, tieo. Kremcr. Jean Woods, Herbert «likes, ,»|nm lOslee, Mat tie Mayhew. Louise Jmpsholl. , Dotty Kiug. Doruthv Ueclielle, Miss Clyde Darrow. M,ls« K. H. Curraii. Xexf ."JJfc Charles T. Aldrich, In "Secret Service Vorkvillc Theatre (XI. R. Clmberg, niiiiiagcr).—TTils bouse will be given over '« Hie Walter ft Lawrence attractions for lliree weeks..beginning with a Monday inai- luee, Uec 23, when "Mrs. Temple's Telc- grnm.' whleli waa very stteeessful nt a city 1 Ileal re last seanou, was presented. Large uui Icui'CH nltended both the matinee and ulglit iierforumuees, nnd such i-apahle actors as William Morris. Harry Connor and Graeo heals Interpreted the leading roles of Frank Hyatt's .exquisitely funny comedy. Next week. "The Frlnee Chap." '.'innlintton Tlientre (Hurrlson Grey '•'ski;, manager).-—"Iteforc aud After"' be- gan Its ted week lice. L'3. llclusco Theatre (Ltavld Belasco, man- ascr).—Blanche Kates, In "The Girl of the toldeii iVest," started her seventh, week Pec. -•■■ Special mulinecs will be given 28 aud Jul], 4\ ■ ■ . : ■ llljou Theutrc (Hnrrv B. Sire, mann- Riri.r-Davld Warlleld, In "The Music Mas- ter, opened Ills seventeenth week Dec. 2o. Avuileiiiy of MuhIc (Glhnnre ft Torap- rlns, manngei's):—'.'Bahes. In Tevland" com- nieticed Its ttfth nnd Inst week Dec. 2o. next w>«*, Bertha Golland, In "Sweet Kitty I'l'llalrs." Lyceum Theatre (Diiulel Frohman, iiinimger),—"The Lion nnd the Mouse" eu- li'ted lis sixth week Dec. 20. Mronilwny Tlientre (A. W. Dingwall, nianuger).—^Vcronlniie." started Its nluth : week Dec 2.">. Wuliiicii'M (u re . ihco. Moss, manager). ~»in. Faveri-hnm, In "The Squaw Man," began his tenth week Dec. 2r>. Hudson Theatre (Henry B. Harris. manager).—Robert f.oralne. in "Man and yuiiermnn," commenced his seventeenth week l»«e. '&. Haillnon Squnre Theatre (Waller N. I.invretu*, inauagrr).—Henry I". IHxey. In "Mie Man on the Box." began his thirteenth '•>"i'k mil lust fnrtnlglit !*••. •-'"•. Tin; pro- "•••ils of the inatliii'c i'li were di-vuled to the I'i'Ueiis Fellonshlp of New York. Liberty Theatre (Khiw & Krlnnger, niati- ■gers).—Tbc ehaiti.ters best known through "Mother Goose." together with Chrlslmasy people, were Introduced to a metropolitan audience for the Brst time, by the Converse A Peters Co.. at tbe Christmas aiatluee Dte. 23. under the title of "The Gingerbread Man,"' railed n fanciful fnlryesqne, ln two •eta, book and lyHcs by the late Frederic Kanken. and score by a. Baldwin Slbane. This offering had lis first presentation on nnv singe nt the Auditorium, Maiden. Mass.. Nov. 13. Knlertnlnmeuts enrolling iho above mentioned characters have been many, but Mr. Ilaoken succeeded in making an original and entertaining story, outllnlnjr Iho ad- yenlurwi of the King of Bunn Laud, who. through the evil machlnairons of Nlache- vallus I udgc, denier In black art. had been transfcrmed to a gingerbread man; Ills son had been transformed Into Jack Horner, and the Frincess Sugar Flum. of Flnni bud. was changed to Manic Bon BOn. all tnhab "ants of Santa Clnus Land. Fudge brings Mnrlo. who is Jack's sweetheart, bnek to her throne. In orojiWn /jcisona, and nlteiupts to win her for himself, but Jack, assisted by Sanla t.'lniis. Mrs. Santa Clan* (a falrv queen of uncertain years) and other frleiidi:. fescue her, and the gingerbread man coin** into his own. The lyric* In nearly everv Instance are cleverly written, and the ex- cellent enunciation of the principals ennMed tuc audience to get their full value. With the exception of a seeming superfluity of explanation, nt the opening, tho book nins along euslly, Uiiturnlly nnd Tnterestlnglv. Mr. Sloane has written many excellent numbers i there are fifteen programmed). the vcrv best of which arc "Evil Kye." "Mazle.'" "Bountiful Land of Bon-Iton." "liienntallnn" (with Its exquisite madrigal afterpiece), •John Hough,' "Nursery Mhymes'' and .Moon, Moon, Moon." Helen Bertram pre- sented a most pleasing picture as Jack, act- ing with vivacity and a charm of manner nud naturalness that was thoroughiv enjovnhle. In the solos (notably "Marie" and "Moon") she was encored many times, nnd sbo was in splendid voice. Aliuyra Kon-est was :ii dniaty picture as Masle, uctlng with re- straint and singing delightfully, her voice blending with Miss Bertram's most agree- ably. In their several dnetts. Nellie Lvneh looked very cute as Margery. In her (lull's dross, nad danrcd daintily. FrankIc Bailey was givca an eiiihuslastle greeting and took care .of the evolutions In the march In cluiracleristic manner. Homer Und was most Machevallnii as Fudge, and won iiianv en- cores on lila "Bogle .Man" song ami "Queen of My Dreams." Boas Snow presented his well-known Impersonation of uti antique fairy queen, and caused plenty of laughter both by his plrouettings (Vi and remarks. Gus Weinberg and Gilbert Gregory, as fha two bad buys of Mr. and Mrs. Saritu Clnus. were to the front often in the fun making line, anil assisted ably In the success of Html songs. W, II. Muck gave a good pre- sentation of the Wondrous Wise Mnn, who Is ronliniir.liy having "Inspirations." aud ills- toi-ls. fuuiilhir nursery rhymes. Josnph Welsh and .1. V. MacSwruney did well as Simple Simon nud Santa Clans. Sis'ilui praise should lie given II. L. Zitln for excel- lent work us the Flory Drngou. In which ehiirarler, I hough not often seen, lie ikt- tunned some wonderful contortions. I.iut, but not least. Kddle Ihilwny was well cast In Iho tllie role, his make-up Is-ing splendid —In fact, a replica of those wonderful pieces of dough anatomy we have so often de- voured In our younger days. All the vari-colored frosting was there, from the dotted eyes u. ihe' pink and white slipper ties, in "John Dough" he won ninny eucores, and with Margery, In "Nur- sery. Rhymes." ruptured the house completely. The other inemlH-rs were thoroughly vonipe- lent, and the chorus, which was very large, was excellently drilled both In song nnd just- ness. The two sols wen; very unique, but It Is to be regretted, for the sukc of a proper |M-rs|iectlvi'. Unit Iho singe was not more roomy. The costuming was very beautiful ami In excellent Inste. The engagement, which Is for two weeks onlv. should he very jirulitnlile. Tbe cust: Kris Krlnglc, J. I*. Mac. Sweeney: Mucheiulius Kudge, Homer l.lud; Mine. Santa Clnus. Itoss Suow: Doughnut, Gus Weinberg: Murshmallow. Gilbert (Ire gory: Wondcrous Wise, W. II. Mack: Jack Horner, Heleu Bertram: Simon Simple, Jo- seph Welsh : Taffy, Lillian Leon ; Toffee, Uria Uottger: The Gingerbread Man, Oldie Ked- wsy; The Fiery Dragon. II. L. Zcda; Duke of I'lc. Ii'rankle Butley; Mu/,le Bou- Hiui. Aliuyra Forrest : Sallle Luna, Harriet Burl: Margery Daw, Nellie Lynch. Kxecalivt stuff for i.onverse & rotors: Busi- ness . manager. Waller G. Wlllard; repre- sentative In advance, If. C. Kobey: musical director, Louis Gotlscbalk; secroiury, Carl Scran tun: xtage manager, George II. Palmer: wardrobe mistress, Kate Barry ; master me- chanic, William Frauat; carpenter. Larry Thomas; master of properties. Kd. Norte- miinn : electrician. S. M. Wilder; assistant electrician. I'M. Wilson. - Neve York IIIppodroinc (Thompson ft Dandy, managers).—"A Society Circus." with ell lis wonderful features, Its remarkable "Court of the Golden fountains," nnd in ballet. "Song of the Flowers." Is the talk of New York, nud the big building in which Its Scenes are unfolded Is likely to lie thronged for many weeks to come. Anioug the circus features are: Claire I Idiot and her twelve li'.iis. H.-.i'l'iw's elephants. .Miss Marquis und ponies, Cottrcli-Fcwells. In tlielr great ridiim; art: Allien Ccundall. burlesipiu eqiieslrlan : Herns Family, acrobats; Sisters O'.Meora, ou the tight- wire: Marguerite and Hanlcy. und the Four Marons. "Savoy Thenlrc (r'rnuk McKee, muna- ger) James K. Iluckett and Mary Manner* Mr continue to excellent business In "The Willis of Jericho." beginning lheir four- teenth neck Dec. 25. fields' Theatre (Oscar llumtnorsleln, manager).—Feler F. Dalley opened his llflli week Dec. 25, In "The Fress Agent." Harlem.—All the houses In this locality gave two performances On Christmas Duy, and were packed, both matinee aud evening. H.\ui.i:m OrKUA IIiush (Alex. Llchtenslcln, manager).— 1 Kdna May nnd <:ompnny pre- sented "The Catch of the Season." for the llrst time In Harlem, 23, to a packed houso nnd nil judications point to u contltiuiince of big • business- throughout the week. The songs sung by Misc. Muy found Instant favor. Tho demand for seals for tbc rcniuluder nt the week promises to be n record one. Next week. "Mrs. Lclllugwell's Boots." Wert Hjffl (lleo. A. Blumenthal. mniin- gi-rj.—James O'Neill. In "Monte Crlsto," Is ihr nttrnctlon for this week, and as It is sev* end rears since this pluy und star have up- ismriHl lu Harlem, a large crowd look iidvim tngo of Ihe opportunity lo witness the tine proiliicllnii of Humus' popular pluy. The en- gagement should prove a prolltahle one. Next week; Nut M. Wills, ill "The Duke of Hu- luth." Mbtnoi-uLis (lleuiy Uoseuberg. manuger). —"A Crown of Thorns," under the uiiiniige- meut of I'hll Hunt, iqwued to :i lionso packed to Ihe doors 2fi. Hpoclsl n Item Inn has been given to Ihe scenic effects, which are ex- cellent The company is hIkuvc Iho avernge, and It can Justly be Mild Hint (be produc- tion Is ou* of the best of the popular priced plai s offereil here so far HiIh season. It will, no doubt, do a fair share of lbs hnsl- m-ss In those purls. Next week, the Bays, la "Down the l'lke." Staii (Wtfi. T. Keogh. manager).'—CUhC T. Aldrich. In the meiodrnmntlc piny, "He- rret Service Sam." crowded this house 25, and met with n reception seldom accorded a play or player here. It m the style of piny that never IsUs-to win the-approbation of the patrons of this house. Thos. K. Shea next week. l'imcTon'8 Oxb HiXDnBi) and TwnsTT-rirTtt Stoekt (F. F. 1'rortor, managerl.—The Kate Claxtou vcrslou of "The Two Orphans." Is the offering for the present week, and It did not need the .holiday .Impetus to wick this house S3, for It Is always tilled to capacity. The iindnetlon was offered with new scenery nnd all new singe effects, mak- ing It one of the best offerings of the sea- son. William J. Kelley, as the Chcvalb r, and Beairlii* Morgan and Agnes Kcmt, as tins Orphans, made Hpleiidld Impressions. Dthers Who did clever work were: Paul MeAlllater. II. Dudley llnwley. .Inmes R. Wilson, llotwrt Iilll, Bol Aiken. Julia m.itick nud Jullnn Heed. The vaudeville jircseitts; D'Almn's monkeys. Walter c. Kelly. Fvelyn Clnrk mid new moving pictures. Alijamhu.v (Ferct G. Williams, innnager). —This hunse Is doing nud has done plie- nonieuul business, und the week Rlnrtcil with another reconl breaker, 2,V when a most ex- cellent bill was offeree, headed hy It. A, Itols-rls, who presented his clever one man sketch, "Dick Tiiniln." with great surceas. Fanny Itlce, the Military Oetetle. a musical fantasy. In three scenes; George W, Day, black face i-omcdhiu: the Onhiw Trio, wire wnlkers: Gourley, Sully and Gourley, acrn- linllc trio: Lurkln und rntterson, singers and dancers: Wnlsiin. Hulrhlngs nnd Kilwnrds t\h. In their farce. "The Vaudeville Kx- cbangv." and Louise entitling.' Hri'.TiU, ft SEAMii.N'ri 1 IIai.i (lieu Hurtlg. manager).--This hnuso turned hun- dreds awav at Ivoth iHTronuanci'H 'ir>. abd a better selected bill would lie hard to llnd for holiday week. It Is headed tar MeMn- hnn's Minstrel Maids nnd Llnd, tlic Kurd- pean sensation. Others are: The World Trio. La Vlne-Clmnron Trio, entnedy dsneom. I'ori'taier nml li'orrcster, musicians: Gor- man nnd West. In comedy skit: Hlckey and Nelson, Brntlnn and White, In i-omedy sketch, nnd Mcslier. Houghton aud Masher. Gotham i Sullivan ft Krims. managers).— The Gay Mnsqnernders mndc tlielr (Irst Ilnr- lem appearance, this season, to n crowdea house. 25, and were most warmly received, and justly so. as they offer,several novelties nud ii thoroughly first class entertalnmeiit from the rise to the fall of the curtain. The entertainment Is more on the order of farce comedy than burlesque. The olio offers: Harrison Sisters. Berry and Berry. Hie Coop- ers, the Gayosropc and Lulcl Trio. Tho clever burlesque Is " "Way. V|i Yeast," H which nil the members contribute a full share of the fun. Next week, Itlce ft liar ton's Gaiety Co. Fajiii.v (Al. Oakm, manager). — This house continues to hold lis own. und busi- ness Is inure than satisfactory. The bill for tills week Includes: Gordon nud Charon, Thomas i'alien. Gus Leonard, tint La Moires, Bruce Miller, mill Hayes aud Wynne. Iai.vck (F. Bernstein, manager).—This house was well Idled at holh peilnruiiimi's ::.">. nnd reports are that business Is fxce|>- tloimli.v guoil The bill Ibis week presents Kuiiuersun ami company, .Hu Jltsu ivmpuuv, Blder and Van. Horner and Horner. DC Chaiils. Sum Cole, and Hhaw and Blake. rotn)intiy. ' Klcctilmnn's' horses. Abdul Kniler nnd his three wives. Fields nnd Ward, Lulgl Dell Oro. the Trolley Car Trio, ihe Tliree Ma ilea is. nnd the fttretogrnph. Business Inst wis'k was satisfactory. . i GoxnAM (Kihjnr tilrnrd. manuger).—The enlevtn'neTs this *Mk-AK: Charles Dlckwn nnd eompniiv, joaepb Maxwell and ttle >B* tcrlous lie Bleie, J«tim Henuetl anil Pearl Andrews. Wltlhuu Cithlll. Meehan's docs. Car telle Brolhers. Hall and Horner, and tin- vltngraph. Business last week was sails- factory. ■ Dxion: (Frank B. Cnrr. manager).—The Dainty Farce KxtmvniiMi«H Co. this week -iiresenU two ImrlrMples, "The Marriage of Birdie" and "A Merry ltRclielor." The olio includes: Frank Mitchell, Harrison Green, Barney Williams. Ida Howell, Allle Willnrd, Bessie Bynn, Charlotte tvar aud Daisy Lyle, Montgomery and Center, Itrown and Booth, and the l.'oiir Mlsllot<K> (ilrl-. Business last week with the California'ClrU. mis good. Fny Foster Co: next wroK, Fa won" s (.t. S. Allen, manager),—"lip York; State," with Corse Fayton as Darius, Ibis week. Business last week with "Her Msd Marriage." was good. "Mrs. Dane's De- fense".next week. nyCKTM (Louis Fhlllliis. niannger).—The liottae company this week presents "l.uat to the'World.' "Lenh" hnd a good week, end- ing 2X. i KRW YORK CITT JOTTINGS. Brooklyn.—At the Shubert (Lew 1'nrk- cr. manager) "The Heart of Maryland"' Is Bnsented by a well selected cust Dec. 25- 50, which Includes : Odclle Tyler, Orrln John- son, It. D. MacLeau, John K, Kelleril and lace 1','ddliiger. The production Is equipped with entirely new scenery. Next week, Mrs. Fiske. Ni:w Moxtai'K (r.dwnrd Trail, manager). —loliu Drew, in "De Lancuy." 2,"i-:Mi. Mr. Drew, ns .11 in Dc ljini;ey. does clever work. Lm. week. "It Happened iu Nordhind" played to big imshiess. Kduu Muy noxt week. M.vikstk; (Dudley JIcAdow. manager),— Klllc Fay, the eccenli'lc eouieilleiine, niukes her llrst appearance here ,isj a slsr, '.'."i-IIO. In "The Belle of Avenue A." Last week. "Oliver Twist" did a Hue business. Next week, Dnvlil Biggins, In "Ills Last Dollar." tiiiAMi Ui'KliA lloisin (M. T. Mlddlelon. mnnnger).—"How.Baxter Butted In". Is pre- sented 2r>-::o. Sidney Toler. u popular favor- He of ibis city. diK's capital work In the lending role, and his support Is strong. The. piece Is full of pleasing situations. List we'-k, big buslines ruled. "Confessions of n Wife * next ,weck. Ituiu: (Mrs. HiHioiier. director).—"Tho Bell.; of New York" 25:10. The Spooaer Girls do clever work, und nre given splendid support bv Ihe rest of the company. "Fnu- choii, the Cricket," last week. Old big husl- ness. Next week. "True Irish Hearts," I.Mi'Ciil.M, (Win. T. Hrover, munager).— "'l"be l.'brlslluu" is presented by the stock coiniiuny 2.1-80. The novelty performers nro : The Four Ousting Duoburs, (be Kuppu Sis- ters. and Sadie Alfarnbl. OneiiFi/ii • (Fercy (». AVIIIiums, munager). ■—Colonel Gaston Bordevurry.. i-lever sliarp- snoolcr, dlspluyu his wonderful ability with the rifle 2o-.i(>. Others are: Lee Harrison, Hal Davis und Incs Macauley und company. Heart and Violet Allen uuil comuiiuy, the W|ilkii«sky Tiouiie, Carlisle's dogs and ponies, Leo Nino. Trovollo and Ihe vlmgrnph. II i in-: ft Bt:n han's (Mek Norton, ninnn- ger).—James T. l'owers, In "Dreaming." Is the hendllner this week. Others are; Hairy Bodies'* dogs nnd ponies, (he great Fiii'opean novelty, the Xanzlgs; MeWutters-Tyson Co., Kdtllc Leonard and the Sharp Hoys. Fmll linen. June Milan Co., Wllltum II, Wlndoin, the Althen Twins, Nixon and Kemp, and the klaetogruph. Ki:kni:v'm (F. W. Kceney, uiuusgcr).—Tho current week's hill Is headed by Delia Fox. others are: Ulllle Taylor, John L. Kearney, and company. Gillette's mtudcul and punto- inline dogs, Five Columbians, Hammond nud Forrester, Harry Thomson, Johnson und Wells. J, Francis Wuod, and Kconvyseope. Staii (Archie II. Kills, ninniiger).—The Xew York Casino Girls present "An I'nwll- Ung King" 2o-:(l', us an extra attraction. lliil Godfrry and eoiupuoy apticar lu u one net comedy, entitled "A Very Bad Hoy." Next we?k, Uny Muaipii'rndvi's. N.vssur (S. lioblnson. manager).—The Cherry Itlossoicu Co. week of 25. Next week. Dainty I'aree Co. Allazai: (Wni. T. Kcogb. mauager).—The Calli'iiri in Girls week of .'."i. Next week, the Merry Mnhlcns. BnOAtiWAT (Leo V. Teller, manuger). —■ 'The Kdiii-utliin of Mr. I'lpp," with lilgb.r Bell, has moved up from the oilier part of the borough to this 'house l>ec. 2o-.1u. Tho pluy In well put on, nnd His company nil »x- ecileiil one. Lulu Ohiner. In "Miss Dolly Dollars." did well list week. Khiuclie Walsh, lu "The Woman lu Hie Case," next week. l'ci.l.v (llelinet Wilson, inuniigeri, —Nut M. Wills, one of Hie popular plnyern with Hie homo pillions. Is her.' :!.*i-:SU. Ill "The Duke ni Dultith.'' "Secret Service S-m:' ilbI well last wirk. TUe Hnjs, In "Down the l'lke." nei( neck. GaiitV (James Clark, luuuugerl.— Boh Manchester's Cracker .lucks this week, 'lite ul!o biclndes. llennlng. Lei.Is nud Hennlng, Hie I i lockers. Llllle Held, tho (Teniensv Hi-id hei>. Mioiipunl Camp, aud. us a s|S-clul nitiTiction, llie Blotbers Daiiiui. "The Untitle (Mzsle Girls" and "Nature in Mnrble" lire thl' mimes of the biirlesques. The Kiilcherhockers did well lust week. The C.-ibIiio Girls Uext week. Avi'itiox <W. T. Hrover. manager).- AVII- llurin and Walker head Hie list this week. In what Is said to In* (heir lust time In vaudeville. Others are: Tom Nuwn and Tiik Aur.iih'AN I'mvudiiih' C|.l'U was or- guiilted st tho Waldorf Astoria Dec. IT, with Amelia Bingham as president. The proa* poetus nunounees: "There will be a series of attractions on the llrst nud third Sundays of each month, and wn hope that this society will soon stnnil for all that la brightest and heat In American literature aud art, mote particularly lu relation to the drama. We want to create and foster a love of net In nil forms, especially among the rising genera- tion, who nre knocking at tho door, and Iho opinion of 'The American I'lnygoeri" (who, although u minority, will ho ou Important minority) wUI llnd utlcrnuro at the regular meetings of the society." Miss Uliighnm an Id: "This orgauliittlon represents a good deal of hard work. Hut It will be well worth tho while If nt last wr shall huvo succeeded lu getting n playgoers' society, where wo can express Ideas as we see lit." Maud: iuu. soprano, made hor formal American debut at Carnegie Hall Dee. 17, with the icft* York Symphony Orchestra. llaoiil I'ugno also appeared, Tub COMF.uv Cluii. it Is announced, will build a club house on Forly-elghlh Street, between Sixth Avenue mid llroadwny, tha cosr upproxlinnt lag s,"0Ci,i)u(>. Hiiiitkxne SUJliMiiiTTT;. of "The Mayor of Toklo"' t'o„ nunounees her Inletitlon of sllldy- Ing under Jean De Rcstke next yenr, with a view'to uppenrlng In grnnd opera. "LrcKY Miss Dban/' which will l>e Men nt the .Madison Square Theatre, Jan. S. in- cludes the following In lis eust: I lelen Grantly. Hubert Drouet, Ferdlimnd Gotts- chalk. lingo Tolnml, W. I'.. Mortimer a it Mrs.- Golddnch. Tbe coMedy will bo given In uo'jjunctlon with the nppeiirimcc of llcurl do Vrles. In "A Case of Arson." Tun I.iimiv I'i.l u, of lloslnii. np|s'iiri'il In Mendelssohn Hall Dec. 1l>. nnd won Instant nppruvul by Its excellent work. Gko. C Tvt.i:ii M suffering from stomach trouble at his home. DI'J West Ninety-third Street. His condllion is reported as not being serious. "I«:rwi;i:.v Two Funis'' will lie given nt a special innlliiec nt the Lyceum, Dec. 20, under Ihe ill reel ion of Mrs. II. C. De .Ml lie, The piny Is by Mrs. Schuyler Crowlushleld. OrKUA MNUt'us in this city, most of whom are inemlwra of Iho Metropolitan opera House, hnve organised a union, chartered as Locn! No. 14, of the Aetofsf Nntlonnl rn>- tecllve Union. The bulla dancers coulcm- plate.forming a union al.-o. Maiiii: Hm.i., violinist, nppenreil nt (lit enncen at Hie Metropolitan Opera House, Dqe. 17, and met with great enthusiasm. Helnrlcb /.ollnor made Ids nppenrnnce an con- ductor for two of his own compositions. Jan Ki.'luiMK will appear nl. CHrncgle Hall, nflernoou of Dec. 21, and New Year's night, these being his last recltuls prior to his HniiH* continental lour. Tin: Knr Voiik Si'Att'iiovv Oiii'iil'stha gave a concert In rarni-glc Ball Dec. Ill, Willi Bessie Abbott and Itlloill Fllgno again lis soloists. ' ... Tub Fi/inkalky fiUAtiTirrru cave lis second concerl, In CIiiiiiiIhm- Music Kali. Dee. 1(1. lti.'iiit Mi'l.STosu giue Illustrated lectures on tho Flillipplnes, hi. Daly's Theatre, itftei'- noons of Dec. Jl» nud 22. William entertained a number of people Dec. 20. who, with himself, were members of a Jnvenllo "Flnaforn" comtnmy years ago. Those present Included: ornci) Filklns, Sallle Cohen, Wlllimn G. Newman, Arthur Dunn, Otto Alitstrom and I'runklo Bishop. AMwXil Tin: vimitoiih lo the Aelurs' Fund Home, West Brlghtou. H. L, Suipluy, Dec. 2>l. wns Luuls llnvulle, who nddresiiod the giicslK, and presented each one with u Chrlst- inus remembrance.. Greetings were sent hy Paulhii; Alode, who cgpn'ssed lier .regrets at not being tihlo to be present. The following nre guests nL Ihe lininef S. K. iStealer, John Foster, George Syduey, II. II. Hapgaod, Jo- seph It. Keefe. \v. II. llokee, Thomas llur- fess. Harry Clifton. J. G. Iluucr, Mervln mitiis. Hurry Lnugdnii, lllehuid I'arker, Jolm V. Dalley. Cbas. I.'unzalez. Leon J. Vin- cent, Frank Cleaves, Scott Marble. W. II. Montgomery, Kugene F. h.lievle, William Gll- herl. II. W. llunnnis, Antonio Bolg, Mrs. John i<osier. Sirs. Cllftua. Mrs, (')mstcr, Mrs. Syd- ney. Mrs. Parker, Mrs. Holmes, Mrs. Sylvle, Mrs. Forrester. Mrs. Myers and Mrs. Vin- cent, ('has. W. Allison Is superintendent: Mrs. Hherldun Corbyti, umtroii, und Miss Bluier Corbyii. usslstnnt niulroii. As OuiiiiNAi. t.'nuiaiv. "Tbo Club Frleinl." v.rlltcn by Sydney llosenfeld, nun priwntii! afternoon of Dec. SI III tho Fuiplre Thenlii;. by students of the American Academy of Drnmutlc Arts. Leading roles were well played by John Leo Buckley, Frank Lusk, J. Homer Hum, Forrest Orr, Kduu Adams and Suxunno Howe,. ■ Mmu. Saiiaii HkumiauHT preseuletl during Iho lust week of her eogngement at the Lyric Theutri': "Adrlenne Is-eouvretir" IS, "Mngda" Hi, l,u Dame uux Camellns, matinee, SO; "La T'osca," evening of un and mtilliiee 22; "Sapbo" SI, "Fhiiirc" evening of Ti. "las. doru." mntlnce, 2ii, nnd "Lft Horclci-c" er-.'K- Ing of 28, • »♦ ■ ■ ILLINOIS. Decnlor.—At l'owers'Grnnd (J. I". Given, manager) North lli-os.' Comedy Co, did good bnriMM )H'C. 17-2.'!. "Buster Brown" 23, "The Binds Crook" St, Maharn's Minstrels 27, "Tho Woninii In IM Case" 28. Iltjoi? (A. Slgfrled. imimiger).—Hill for v.-eek of 17: Diinlinr's educuled gusts, Wil- liam II. Wliidoiii, Breen nnd lingers, Francis L'.iblir'ou, Leon lliirlt, nnd Hie kiiiodromr. NVtks. — Maud Cniinady. a pupil of I'rof. ,1 V 1L IVnnle. In fencing and fancy dinning, nud nn amateur of ability, has signed with Hie "Buster Brown" Co.. nnd will make her initial nppenrniicc til tbn Grand 23; Bert Draper, who lots Ueii out of I lie busi- ness tor Hourly .1 voir, on account of tho Hlnenn and di-nlh of his wife, left here IS, for Cnli'n, to Join n vaudeville circus. Ills luiir-yenr-olil mm, Donald, already n lirluhi Mi'uti.iir. neeomiinnled hi" father, lind n« soon «s Mi-ufi Is nirungi'd for Mn«l»r Dfioiild. he will sw;*!! tha winks uf the vaudeville per formers one little mile. Canton. — At the Grand Opera Hunan <F. B. Poweloon. nmnajrer) "The Misin- sliluer » iJaughler," Dec, In, played to goad house. "The Devil's Auction," 22. scored n xilcrew. Mildred Holland 2t), 'Tho l»lo of tiplco'* nnd "Under. Southern Skies'" follow. ———Bggg^*»«-«—— —*■ mm-±*mm~~ (UlscciUneoai »'!■■ ' ' ■ ■ *» N'llTW I'lb'M Till-: RCttUM Tlll.BIHl SlIOIVH. —Toledo Is a growing lown. nnd Is fast be- coming nn Important nmnm-ment centre, many ihnw people having permanent residences here. Sidney Wire, general ngeiit. Is on Hie road In tile interests of Col. Francis Ferarf. and In booking location* for his trulunl wild animal shows, which liuvn ouu part on Ibb toad nil Winter, playing Hie larger towns' 1 or Ohio. Michigan, Indiana and Illinois. Tlu> rest of the show, which In considerably larger than ever before. Is lu lis lino, spacious und woll Tohtliaicd Winter tpiarters in Toledo, IV,They are well aWled lo the housing <u' Iimgle animals, as the larger building Is ivtu lmndi'cil nud sixty-live by ninety -foet, nnd hi Dtled will, steam bent nud electric lighting. Col. lohrnr! has rereiitlv piuchrtsed a llm; house close Io the building, where he reslilt-s with his family, nnd is therefore able to be constantly t.ti the spot, He has hnd n tnrte stnblo lined no for Iho hnrsss, while tun wagons, with the e.tcepllon of Ihe cages now In Use, nre covered, and remain In the open on Ihe large I'd. The o|i|-fronts, with the exception of two, have - l«eu broken up entirely, und new ones nre being (mill fur the Hummer season, nnd will luf-ji surprise In the wngon from Idea. Carptai' ters, enrvers, im I titers nnd gliders nro busy, mid the ipirtrtprx arc n verllnble- beehive. Three more united groups are being broken lo perform, nnd Ihe trainers nre busy wllh their ferocious pupils for nt least six hours dully. The trainers reinalnlng In Toledo In- clude: I'i'liursM Pauline, hlg group of lions nnd Users: dipt. Kl Pmm, Hon hunt spe- cialty and n group of pnuiiiois and Iroimrds : ITiif. I'lerre Uiluont's wolves, hvenus nud boats, while Cnpt. Cordova Is sisti wjlh his famous dancing grizzlies, The arts nro nearly ready for the road, mid have been trained mirier • the personnl supervision of •lira empelor of linns," Col. Frnncln Ferrari. A li.iinlHoinn porialde nronn lin» latch- been eonslrueiPd. nnd a line group of mixed nnl- tnnls, wllh a fcninli- trainer, will be ready for a lour over Home blu- vaudeville circuit, for which we are unw negoilntlug. W. L. Wyult is Mill with the show its treasurer. W. il. Freed, Into cur man a ge r fur the Fore- pnugli-S.'lla Shows, ami now proprlolor of "Nellie the MeWMglrl." nils In Toledo recently nnd was :l gliesl or Col, Ferrari. Mtlli.V Wt'll known circus people are In the cttv. imiolig Ibeiii bi'lng: Curios, Clink, lain clown Hull Shows and Waller |„ Main's siiuw. Mr. Clnrk. tvllh his laollicr, has recently pur- chased a shin factory, which wilt start operations sborl l.i. Hilly Jameson, wllh lils- klcklng uillle, Is iilso here. Sum II. Nnlmoi, Al, Singer, of Ihe Wallace Shows; Mile. Lj Tow, Mous. Joseiiii, cannon hull king, nud Uie. Lynn, iiiuglclan. Hnrrv Ctuilng, of ibo lluffiilo Bill Show, Is also Wluleiiug nl his home In Ibis ellr, vdille Mnuile. Ibc lira dinner, has Just lefl lor a pleasure trip lo Florida, .1, K. Jones, wllh bis traveling museum. Is Wintering In Toledo. Shortv Mu.iiiai-d, of tin; Wallace Shows, has gone on Die load again. Two skill lag rinks urn In op-rutloii, and are doing very fnlr business. Hoy Kuabeiishue, wllh Ills nil- ship. Is a)-u 111 town, and Is mild lo lie building two tuoro Hying tiiiichimw, with many luliiroveiui'iil'j ou (he former, anil declares he will astonish the world when Hue weal her rcliirns. Hviinkv Wim; bus been engaged bv FrulicH FeiTiit-l, .mil In ut prcsenl iroiilriielliig aud priuii.illug for one of Ills shows which will vlsli Mlclilitun. This will make three of Mr, Ferrari's iiilntelloiiK on \Un road. The Winter iji'ticleis are at Tolei| >, O. ■Man.mmi ft AliMsritoMI A«t SIIMII.VT Co. lias secured the concession for their "I'lro and Flames" show, at Wonderland 1'nrk, lloslon. Muss. The show will open May ,'lu, lor a season of one Imndreil mid live iIhvm, after which II will pluy the larger cllles lu I be. Hnttlk. This Is lo be Ihe largest, aud linos! pr.iib'i-lleli or lire Hgllllllg llml. J|l»" eyer been piudineil In Ihe country. Jt will lm a portiihlc show, and rcuulrcH Oftecti cHtn lo triiiisporl II over Ihe country,. Iler* lien L. Alcssiiini'c, Hie widl known builder, hits (he eon Unci lu construct ihn complete show, und will eiiinuiotnc opeinllons Jan. iff Willi a large force uf men. Mr. 'Mewmoro lias lircsoiited Miiinilng A Al'iusti'oug wltl| n benuill'iil model of the eullru show fur liiulr olllce, F. Wii.i.uik Maiiuon, uiaiinger of I'tt'S* cello, h.vpnoHsl, culled al Tllti Cl.ll'l'i;u of- lice reeenlly, und icporU Hull liiislneis wn i very good In Maine, New Hampshire and Voruioill. The weeks preceding llio liolldayn huve affected business soiiioivluil, lull not seriously In Hie standard bousrs. Mr, Mil- coon I-, luliMidiug to put Prescelle's a lira > Hon In Hie l.'aha oc Grunt bouses In Con* iientlciii und MiiasaehiMettH. They are lu u very prosperous condition, having played four weeks.In S. B, I), lu Monlpoller. * i .No'l'CN I-1IOM Tim IIAJINV.N CllNCIiUT I'D, — Wn linre hnd one of ihe most prosperous Ki'iiMou.i lu the aims Is of the show; bitul- ncsn, both llnniiehdly ami otherwise. VV.! have plnyed In Hie capacity of lb« ojsjru luaises In Western Indiana and Knalcrn Illi- nois, und the S. II. <), ilgii linn been dis- played nlghlly. Tin- cominiuy eluscs Ihe sen- son at f'l'jiwfoiflKvllIr, fiid.. for two weeks, during Him holidays. The different iiiembern go to I heir h.Hues In spend Ihe holidays. G. G. jiumsou. Hie inaiiiigei, goes to -ills home In ludhiiuipolls. Hurry Usiusuu null Andy nud Jennie Ailums go i-j their new lioim', Austin, Chlcitgo. elms, II. King, boiliolsl, lo Ids home In Milwaukee; Milton It Muw- liorter. Ihe pianhl, kl his home, MliVHVllle, Ky. ; Ihe Munders, I'tin nud Wyiiniitiille, In tlielr homes, I'lymouth, ltul. - Our.'Mtpaou opens In Frankfort, I nil.. Juu. (I. 1111)11. i . I' I' lias added. III uddlHou to new features to lier get, very eluborule stugc sellings, representing nil r.allom. I'iiaiii,i:s Kk.viiai.i, bus perlneted lili M, I'liiionai net, mid will opi ii with ( lo in Ken dull, In vaudeville. Hie first of Ihe year. Tbe Ret Is booked solid for llin entire Summer In the lending parks nnd vaudeville houses In the coiitrul Slules. -1 ' . Tut: Hmmmm ixii Lkaii II. D.NNVonrr havu Just llulshed n plensunl. twelve weeks' an* gngement III I lie Soulli. They will open .lull. IS on the Ohio mill ludlniiii clteiili of Family Ibentres, coining Fast about March I. IVhllo playing the Slur 'I'll cat re, nt Muiicle. hid., week of .Nov. 2U, lliey were eiilerliilneil bv Mr. nud Mrs. Win. Fvuns. at lludr home in thai cllv. Tim Sli.jnrs an reeelvliig gnu I praise for the Wily III which lliey produce lludr ki-i. i-niltleil "A Society ijuarri-l.: Tin: Fiiaxk II. llKYN.-i.ns tim FurtiStlLMS ami M'iVIVii Fktpiii; Co.. louring New Lug- land, repori iinpreredenled business. The company consist* of iwelv« people, with imil nnd orcheslrn. Geo. A. Fox, vcrsiillht en- median. Joined the company Dec. h, lo mi the vsenncy Irft hy J. Crowley, wlir> la to manage a theatre In Mnneliostrr. N. II. ■»'»•> I.iioIn Miiiih'n Prodnetloii Uelnyed. Ilecuilse UT'Ilie Innbllllv Of Ihe singe car- |ieti|e|-M to llliish the scenery on Utile. Ihe opening pel roi-iannce of Luuls Maun an! Clnril LIpllllUl's I'.riHllll'lloll. "Julie lliillbun." nl AthiMgh's, lliilllnioi-e. Mil., nils poslpoucil from Dee. S3 to.Tuesday, 24. d JlAIIKf. WAR.fl.-tn AMI lUltV Krlllll, l'e|iort uiecllug wllh success on the llljou circuit,