The New York Clipper (December 1905)

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115(5 THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. December 30. 0 » We have decided to manofacinre and place on the market la this country our French model Oxylllh Obs out!!!, producing from ether and ox Tilth pure oxygen km. Ii g.vcs next to electric light the strongest light for Slereoptlcoii and Moving Picture Mai bines. Nodanger or trouble. It work* automatical!/. Price »3:i.-i». WRITE FOR DESCRIPTIVE CATALCQUE. 44 Ktil U.1d St. New York. P1THE CIMAT0GR1IH CO., 33 Randolph It., Chicago. PIANIST AT LIBERTY. DOUBLE BARITONE AND SECOND VIOLIN 1 am an Al Arranger. Would prerer good orchestra. GEO. WEHNER, 4:i Abercorn St., Savannah, Oa. A vuiiiiK man who has had experience i>olh ahead and tm.k with tno show, would like a po-lllon as won man In advance of a (rood company. Can manage "mail company or assl«t manager. Address H., 308 Arlington Hotel, Aurora. III. LIBE PIANIST TUB RAO TIME KINO (I'M no Coon). 6 yrs. experience with heal Co*, uo the mad. Moral, refined and sober. Good appearance All good Cos,, write. Address I.OQAS SI'/hMOKK, Herrln, III. tl W LOCKES & CI. lfJUrnn AOAPABLfcMAN ror Characters »T /H* M- and Ilea vice, (kf also place (lover Juvenile Woman. Prefer ma.ii and wire. Must he good people, with Aral oIsbs wardrobe. Salary r>!»Hona!ili>. Three night Manila. We pay all. People In other linen write, fitaie all In ilrst leter. Can use dancing specialty man. WIl.l, U. l.Oi'K K. Address per mute. WANTED, FOR "pimi mar co. ACT0B8 FOB ALL PABTS. Musi donble In brass, flood Mv« ptiuhrettc. W. J. DERTUICK, faro of I.yncum Tli«aii-e, New Orleans, i.a. JNO. A. HIMMELEIN WANTS QUIOK, LEADING MAN FOR "THE IDEAIS. Slate all quick. Photo. Other Hep. People, write. Alleutown, Pa., m-w. Cheater, fa.. 111. WE RENT FILMS, A Bargain. An Absolutely New Oxy-Hyd. JHssolvlufi Stereonllcou, 2 Jols, - Carriers, 2 Pttlrn of Objective Lenses, for HAM. Oost, |?n.uii. I'lclure Miuthlne Supplies of all kinds. ACME ICXCIIANOE. 10 Third Ave, neur Mth 8|., New York GAL. HUNTZINQER W1BK Hid ADDRESS TO CHARLES LANG, ERIE, PA AT OlfCK. WANTED QUIOK, for WW III RM0I CO. WOMEN VOlt JUVENILE LEADS AND OOOD SOL'UllHTTK. Wire, PH. Mci.ELLAND, Aurora, Mo. Crawford's Comedians, JUVENILE INOKNI'E WOMAN. CHILD KOR PARTS AND SPECIALTIES. Join on Wire. CRAWFORD and ItOSELNIfiB. RIFtNED 1UNI W UN student of Loading Colleges of Oratory, and draduate ot man h mo H'lieatcrott Uramanc Ht-hpol of K. V., desires engagement with llrst class company or vaudeville engagement with parties hooked for IIret class houses. Address 1*. 0. BU-\, 5'M. Anderson. Ind. Second Hand Scenery. Must he in good condition. Out Wood, Palace Arch, Landscapo, Illuminated Drop, snow Drop. Sol House, Set Church. Sput Light. Statu full par- ticulars and lowest price. Address niiY F. ohEUQ.'Oiartsimrg, w. Va. "" ■VVANTHDr Al PIANO PLAYEB AT ONCE. Addresi DR. JACK EMMEHSON, M 8 Tremonl St., Pern, Indiana. MUSICIANS WANTED, Bass and Tuba, Trap Drummer. MM phivlng brass. B. J. KUWOOl), pBtmlson. Ohio. Wanted, for Medicine Show, Blackface Man; preferably ono who can dance. Tickets to peop'v we know. Mart, liano't »loi Hhlte, write Knight Wilcox or Low Van Unrcn, Snyder, Oklalu mi. 9KND lOe." I'tlll TUB ORBAT MiOHl) .Il.lllCK.k. «Snf> MONO, OH.MOStfS! AIN'T IT COLD? II. MO RSE. 8i"' nronmn a t.. Kew Vork ciiy. YITA HTDn Will pliy a Second riiiiid "Asa 1 ' W AWllilV--|lhmon. five Psniiuuars a. ,1 h.weal cash price. A.WALTHHVH.1 K, 1 ilh St ,X.V. POWER'S CAMEBOHAJPH, PlHtrHOOP SAOAZWES and TAKE DP DETIC2. The Modem Motion Picture Machine. FILM 8AFKTV NOW A8SURED. Our Fireproof Magazlnea and Take Up Device will Dt any Exhibition Modem Motion Picture Ma- chine. An entirely new apparatus by which abso- lute safety to the film from loss by FIRE-18 AS- SURED. The only device of Its kind whico has re- ceived official endorsements from the Local Au- thorities as such. Write lor CATALOG. All of onr Apparatus Is fully protected by United StateB patent* Issued or pending, and Infringe- ments will be vigorously prosecuted. N. POWER (New York Film Exchange), 11&-117 Nassau St., N.Y. AT~ LIBIRTvi On account of company closing;, J. Moy Bennett VERSATILE LEADS; ffiyra Collins JUVENILE LEADS OR INGENUES. Iiec. ;«l. Crowley, La., Dec. Si; Lafayette, La., Jan. 1. Lake Oharies, La ; Jan. 2. Opeloniai, La.: Jan. 3, Washington, La, After Jan. 4, care of Elysium Theatre, Mew Orleans, La. Wanted, for KATHRYN PURNELL CO. You must be clever. A Singing and Dane-lug Sou- breitc, Comedian, and Man for General Business who has a good singing voice or singing and dancing specialty; Man to Sing Illustrated Bongs and who can furutsh Moving Picture Outflt. Must Join at once. Mention all. w. l>. fit/.geHaLD, Manager, Cumberland,-Md., Dec. 21-30; Butler, Ph., Jan. 1(1; Youngstowo, 0., S to 13. At Liberty, Owing to.Irresponsible Managers, JOHN H. NICHOLSON, Characters, Old Men, Stage Director. MABEL ESTON (NICHOLSON). Stout Characters, Old Women, Heavies. LEORA BERNARD, Ingenues, General Business Repertoire >r one piece. Single or Joint. Can Join quick. Arldrc.i* las BROADWAY, Hcnton Harbor, llicb. WANTED QUICK, FOB Character Man tor Josh, with specialty, and character Woman. Other dramatic people wme. Iltoomsbiirg, Pa., 28; Milton a>, Kimlra, N. \„ 30; Cortland, Jan. 1; Waver.y 2: Coming 3. I), li. LEVIS, Manager. WANTED AT ONCE, MUSICIANS As attendants in State Hospital. 1st, 2d Violin, Flute. Other Musicians, write. Salary, *32 per month, with malnlenance and band untloruis. Address JOS. BEl'OSOT, Uunttnmster, Kings Park- State Hospital, Kings Park, Long Island, N. T*. cTo.lPANGLER'S 6rcat Western Snows Will go In oars this season. Can use several more cars, flood men to run side show; complete, win lease all privileges to several performers. For Sale—4 show wagons, new; 1 perforulnsatalllon, spoiled; 1 performing pony, 1 performing wolf, •> donkeys. Write ror particulars. 0. 0. Spangler's (treat western R. R. Show, Mlllerstown, Pa. WANTED, FOR STETSONS UNCLE TOI'S CABIN MIT iKastem). Lady for Eliza and Marie. Must he able to dress the parts properly. Address, as per t onto, ORANT LUCK. Olean, N. Y, if; Bradford, Fa.. 80; Uornellsvllle, N. Y., Jan. 1; Corning 2, Kimlra ;t Towanda, P», 4; Wavurly, S. Y., 6. I— ■ I ITY, CLARIONET PLAYER. Address CARL T. HATHAWAY, Hotel Arlington, aurora. 111. WANTED, Uncle Josh Sprucely PIANIST doubling band. ofTlER MUSICU S doubling. No tickets. New Orleans tFJvsiiiml, D-.'c. 2A-31: Morgan City. ].»., Jmi. 1: ThloMaUN. La., 2; Donaldsoovllle 3, 1'lsiiuemlne i, AleJBudria e, Monroe P, Huston 10. DAVE It. UBVIB . AT LIBERTY, . MEDICINE LECTURER I And OFFICE WORKER. Strlctiy high class. No habits, ii iter cent, and expense*. Can Join on wire. | W. o. MORGAN, den. Del, Paxlon, 111. Bohemian Burlesquers' 9, rVsetnasgor. Pronounced by All the Biggest Laughing Show on the Road. Business Big ger than Ever Before In History of Bohemlana." NEXT SEASON TOM MINER WILL 8TAR ANDY GARDNER. WILL H. WARD and IDA NICOLAI, In a New Musloal Extravaganza by BARNEY CERARD. THE NEW SHOW WILL BE ONE OF THE BICCE8T ON THE ROAD. A Funny Show, A Singing Show, A Dancing Show and a Costume Show - - - _—. ~_. MBn-asB- seatl*^ <ai_i/~s\a/ KARBACH'S BARGAINS Siereopllcon and Motion Picture Machine, Klectrlc and Calcium Outflt, 3 Motion Picture Lenses, -2 Stereoptlcon Lenses. Cost tio;; only MJfc Clneograph (1906), Latest Style Electric Ijitnp, Rheostat, Switch and Oxy. Hyd. Jet; 1 doz, Slides. Large Screen, Cable, also Fine Trunk, »7I». I'll UP Brlit-Nelson Fight (fac-simtle), I'll IA—Highway Robbery.NlhllUt.Won- ■ ■•»■»■ w ^dersof ine Deep, Hiawatha, Fire Bug, Daylight Burglary. Oinderella. Fanst and Marguerite (Uelies), Jetfrej-Kuhlen Fight, Alad- din, etc. MOTION' PICTURE MACHINE SBRE0PT1-1 „, CON, with ELECTRIC Ump and Rheostat, I *" Electric Lamp $8. nxyllyd Jet 83 MOTION PICrCRE MACHINE STERE0FT1- ( .^ COH, OXY HYD JET and TUBlNO I * w Edison Electric Lamp aiid Rheostat (new)...C13.T6 Model B Oxy Llth Gas Outflt (aa new) 8S.W Aniet Oxl-oarb Qas Onrflt (as new) «= Arnold Uas Outfit date Btyle) *:t&o Acetylene Jet and (ienerator (as new) t'■ Floe F.lectrlc Lamp and Rneostal 87 OXY LITHE and OXONE Lenses, Reels, Condensers, Carbons, Film Boxes, etc. PAIR HEARD REGULATORS for CYLINDKRr-, 19. FITZSIMMONS-O'BRIEN FIGHT FILM. MANY FILM BARGAINS. SEND FOR LIST. All Latest Edison and lliograph Films. Motion Picture Machines and Films Wanted. Q 1)1).. FILBERT. AT LIBERTY. PARKER and JACOBS, "THE EMINENT RINGERS." in the greittest of American acts, "THE DRUMMERS." We carry one <f the most beautiful stage settings In the world. One piece or burlesque. Strictly respon- sible managers only. Address all communica- tions to HARRISON H. PAH KER, ;i:o; Kills Ave., Chicago ill. E. A. OalJtlns, write iinlck. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, CHORUS GIRLS For Burlesque Stock Co. Season's work. We furnish costumes. BOSTON AMUSEMENT CO , ;l Bowdoln Si|, itoston, Mass. AT LIBERTY, W. S. BATES, "BEST OP THE OOOD ONES." REPERTOIRE OR ONE NIGHT Address care WEBSTER CULL1SO*. Knickerbocker Theatre Building, N, Y. City. Wanted Qulok, FARCE COMEDY PEOPLE All must do Strong Specialties, dress good on and off and. Jolu on wtro. REHEARSALS DEC. .5 State ALL first letter, with lowest salary. Address JAS. A. MORROW, Homer. N. Y. MILLER'S Vaudeville and Burlesque Theatre L-IIV1A, OHIO, CLOSES DEC. 30. Wateli CLIPPER In March for reopening. JOE MILLER, Proprietor and Manager, FOB SALE, IOWA SUTE BEDICttlE LICUISE Expires June It, Itmo. Price, 850.(10, F. A. DILLINGHAM, S31-S.13 W. Oth St.. Cincinnati. O. ILLUSTRATED SOHcVlNQER (TENOR). Hotel and R. R. fare paid. No ticket. One who can play string lustri meat, LADY ANSWER also. State salary wanted. Address A. E. RE! FSNYDKR, P. 0 llox i3U, Akron, 0. WANTBD, FIRST CLASS Vaudeville Pianist Who can Arrange and Transpose. Seasou en- gagement, state lowest salary. Open ui once. MANAGER U1J0C THEATRE, Decatur, ill. AGENT AT LIBERTY. A REAL LIVE ONE. BUT DONT KNOW IT ALL SALARY, YOUR LIMIT. STATE IT. E. 0 . FtiRC USON, Kahosa, .Mo. Dan M. Sullivan, Character Comedian, Irlsb, Dutch, singing and wooden shoo dancing, old man. bum. b'ack face. Pientvof clunge. At liberty after Jan. s, IhoO. Address GOSHKK, INK. Vaudeville Managers Our SUPPLIES areas Good as Our FILMS. Best 4 l-2in, Imported CONDENSER Lens - ■ Two Condensers in Mount .... lOin. REEL, Very Strong - - - . LIMES, per Tin of 12 One New Model RHEOSTAT, giving 50 ampheres at 110 voltage, or 25 at 220, does the work. Complies with all fire regu- lations, and is the best model on the market. Price, $9.00. 85c. $2.50 85c. 90c. 42 East 23d S»., NEW YORK. 35 Randolph St., CHICAGO. Theatrical Trunks. XXX XX 28 30 33 SI 34 "33 # 11.00 11.SO 1».00 13.00 14.00 1.1,00 16.0t Guaranteed 5 Years. 28 30 M 34 M 3i 41 7. !<S 7.78 8.D.1 8.75 0.143 U.75 10U8 Sfoal flan ^ 30 32 34 34 88 W ijllcl UldU 5,90 0.00 6.50 7.00 7.50 8.00 8.M Write for Catalogue. ESTABLISHED 47 YRS. M.S.CASEY.44I 6th Ave., near 27th SUf. FOR DRAMA, FARCE COMEDY OR BURLESQUE, SING, DANCE AND ACT. MUSICAL COMEDIAN. PLAT CHARACTERS OR COMEDY. Add. Dec 2;, 2a, 2n, 30, Attalla, Ala.; week Jan. 1, Olnclnnatl, 0„ Ceo. P. E O. J. DeLANG, Mgr. Suite 11. 411 bourth St., Louisville, K>. VAUDEVILLE ACTS, Send Open Time, Salary, Etc. Openings tor Dramatic Peeple. Photos. If Possible. LANSING ROWAN CO., . . CHARACTER AND JUVENILE MEW. * VwZSST'n IA\LOR A FAHRNEY, BelUnsUani, Wash., Dec. 3o; New WeBtntluster, B. C, J»n-1. * •i, >aDAiii]o, ii. o., Jan. 4,2, 6. PHYLLIS CARRINCTON, AT LIUBRTY AFTER JAM. 1. JUVENILE LEADS OR HEAVIES. ELEfiANT WARDBOBr"- Address, week of y,, VQSKERS, N. Y„ care of MITCH ELL PLAYERS, or WYNNS TAV H0TEt-_ ellis BLAMPHIN AND HEHR mona . _ OPERATIC SOLOISTS AND DUKTTIHTS In Comedy, entllled "LUDQKIM." Copyrighted OMNIA "noitAMOR. ' _ - : OOOD YONTAVE. (THAT'S HAPPY NEW YEAR IN HEBREW). Le MAIRE m Le MAIRE, THE PAIR AVITII THE PARODIES Making litem laugh on H5th St. THIS wees, FAMILY^TBEATRE. SewYort- _ AT LIBERTY, GERTRUDE STEELE Leads, Juvenile or Heavies. ONE PIECE OR REP. 901 Arch St., Alleghany, Pa. WANTEO. FOB D.B LEVIS' 'UNCLE JOSH SPHUCEBT' OBNTiesr.u HEAVY MAJI; ALSO TALL CHARACTKR HAN. 1 Preference given those douhlliuz bra". *' aBlc 'i* I l* . and Performers in all lines, communlcstest oni.c. ■ Going back East. Addres.Laramie. W.r., ■ h " 1 - '• laveland. Col., :■; Longmont u. Boulder a, Central City 14. F- A. DODGE, Manager.