The New York Clipper (December 1905)

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DECEMBER 30. THE NEW YORK CLIPPEE. 1157 OUR THANKS TO YOU! TO OUR FRIENDS in the Great North and West, in the Sunny South, in the East, and in other countries; wc> wish you a "MERRY CHRISTMAS" and "HAPPY NEW YEAR" and, as It would be Impossible to name each one separately, we trust that you will take our Best Wishes as meaning YOU. #»« e v rADmcD in Thanking you sincerely for your cordial support and trusting that you will "KEEP A LI. TLE cot lUn "~ K YOUR HEART FOR US," We are, v«ur« mn trulvl Yours very truly, F\ B. HAVILA1VD 125 ^ftTesst SSTtli St«» Bge-w Yorlg City. '•• MIS SOU HI. Kansas City.—At the Willis Wood i Woodward & Burgess Amusement Co., man- umnS week our old stock favorite, Jane JfiSaA appeared In "The Eternal City.' 35 Kennork was warmly welcomed, and md oxeeprtonnll good work Id the part. Tills week will be divided between -The Virginian ?nd "riie Forbidden Land." Next week, i-anllne Hall, In "Dorcas." finvili Ophra Hoijhh (Hudson k Jndali, minseers).—The theory that the week before hrlstmas Is usually a bad one was cer- nltilv reversed during Kvn Tanguay's en- aamfat last week. For business was flue. BE Taneuay wus full of her accustomed 35U and the show went with its usual i unli This week, after nn absence of sev- eral vears. Mary Marble, In "Nancy Brown, will "make her reappearance. Next week, Teoiwe Sidney, in "Jliwy l*»y» Vacation.' OW'Iikhm (Martin Beck, general mnnn- -rer! --Bill week of 24 : Twelve Broomstick Witches, Herbert's dons, Troba, the Ukahe ramlly, '«*■ H> ■Unllen, Pierce and Malie.., und the lvlgonns. uII.lik |H ». Brlgbam, manager).—Last week business was good, the attraction being -U Told in the Hills." This week, •Shadows of a Great City." "J'lghtlng Ml n *ABDiTonitJW (Woodward & Burgess Amuse- ment Co., managers).—Last week Ben Hen- dricks, in his familiar characterlzntlon.drcw well This week, Mnrrny and Mack, iu ••Around the Town." Next week, Barney ' Kumk (Fred Wnldmnn, mannger).— Last week Clark's Kunaway Girls save splen- did performances. Joseph K. Howard, Id his new compositions, was a feature of the bill. This week, Vanity l-'nlr. City Sports (Ynti'hy (Jos. Barrett, manager).—Lnst week the Tiger Wiles, with Alex. Our, I* vine and Cross, and others, gave good per- riirmaiiees. This a-eek. the Utopians. Next week, the i'arlsiun Belles. . Vm.i:'8 < Lloyd Brown, manager).— Bill this week : l.nve and Ilollus, Klein and Klein, Queen and Hose, and Arthur Lane. This house H now In the Sulllvim-Cnnsldlne circuit. CottVKNTiox Ham. (Louis Shouse, mnnn- ™,r) —"The Darling of the (}<ids." for tho ilrst limn here, begins a week's engagement New Vear's matinee. tXir-rKjiiNOS.—Manager Frank Woodward iiuillled the Woodward Stock Co., booked In Chllllrorhe Christmas Day, that he would sland «* host for a big banquet, to be served there after the performance Christ- inns night The Murray & Mack Co., the Hurry Beresford Co. and the "Sis Hop- kins" Co. all laid off her last week Ihiu Leon nnd wife, Win. Miles, John Aldeu and Chan. Taylor, of the Van Amburg Show, are In Knnaas City, to remain for the Winter. The show Is Iu Winter quarters at Atlanta, Ga. siirliiirflelil At the Baldwin (C. H. nieiidorf. manager) 'A Trip to Egypt" enme lo fair business Dee. 17. "Hans and Nix' pleased 2:i "Over Klugnra Falls" 24, "Sis Hopkins" 25. "The Uttle. Minister" SI. I he MBit (Dr. K. W. Dlemer, mannger).— I'AIr returns tor the stock eompnny the past .week. Staii lO. If. Olendorf. manager).—Vaiirto- vlle continues lo draw good attendance. ♦** IHNMCSO'l \. THEATRICAL HOTELS tad BOARDING HOUSES. W&liash A Madleon, CHICAGO. 0. 0. Vaogban, Prop. SUloUj ._ American Flan, $8-15 single; IMS' doable. Vaudeville patronage Invited. HUNT'S EUROPEAN HOTEL, 148 Dearborn St., andOXFOKI) HOTEL, Canal and Adams. Rate, to profession. FRANK HUNT, Prop., UU1UA00. PALACE HOTEL, 101 N. Clark St, Chicago. European, 13 per week: with private bath, $7. Turkish Bath, loo, H. B. HUMPHREY, Prop. OAKL,AND HOU8K.B09TON,T.C.DAVIS. Prop., 31 Kast Newton St. Franklin Sq., cor. James St. American plan. Conveniently located. Unex- celled table. Every modern convenience. « o'clock dinners. 7 to $u per wt. Tel. 21114 Tremonr, (julck lunch connected. WANTED, for DC Alva's College tilrls, Lady Musicians, Tuba Player; moat lie sight reader. And a few more Good Aots. Mnslcians, address MISS ZOIA P1CKA11DE, Nlles,Mich.; all others, l)K. E. H. Dk ALVA. (ialt.Ont.Can. SHOW PitiNTlNUIAil kindsotDodgers, Unr- alds, Tickets and lull line of small work, quick and coeap. PKKSSSHOW PKINTKKY.Joh nsouluirg .Pa, BOSTON. MASS., Lafayette Chambers, 27 Haywarcl PI. One mlDute from all theatres. Theatrical rates, $3 per we ek and up, single; U a nd up, doubie. ' PRUDENTIAL HOTEL, 4s and 48 Bank St, Newark, N. J. 11. A. GREENLAND, Prop. European and American Plan. Fine Room*. TRAFALGAR, 115-llt E.14, N.Y., nr. Keith'9, Acad, of Music. Dewey. Rooms Mc, 7tc„ »1, tlJOday; $2.60 to t8week. W.D,HABS10AM.Prop. CLABEHDON HOTEL. ?-"?£« ,.*« BIOLEV - i JENNINGS, Props. II. Clark tit., cor. Ontario, Chicago. Rates, M>, 76 and *l per day. *s io_$o_perweek. St* JLOIliS* MO* IMS fll AKKKT. Outside front rooms, slnsrle, $S.W; double, woo week. American, *l.iu day. Kree bath, electric lights, bails, new furnitnre. free night lunch. Hotel Regent, Cor. Pennsylvania Ave. and 16th St., Washington, D. O. AMERICAN and EUROPEAN. Under new manage- ment. Has been entirely remodeled and retur- Dished. NEW BLBCTBIO ELBVATOBI NsTALLLD. SPECIAL IUTES TO THE ATEICAL PROFESSION. W. J. WATSON, Propr. VENTRlLO«*ClHM Taught Personally and DJ Correspondence. Prof. Llngerman School of \en- frUoqntsm, JOS North »th St.. Philadelphia, Pa. "HOW TO START IN SHOW BUSINESS. fOopyrlghtl. 8 different books. Wo. All kinds acta. MORPHET'S BUHOOL, 887 N. lilth St.. Phil*., Pa. "MOVING PICTURE SUPPLY, and RENTAL. Films, Machines, Stereoptlcona. Cameras, Lenses. Song Slides, new and second hand, bought, sold exchanged. Bargains. Studio for film and slide making, coloring. Special Flag and Fire Films, expert repairing, free advice, long years' expe- rience, prompt dealings. Eoorhard Schneider, Herman-Am. Cine. A Film Co.. 1Q» E. Hi t h SU.N.Y.O. MUSIC COMPOSED AND ARRANGED tor any Instrument or number of Instrument. Songs,words and music, Blotches, etc.Send stamp DBAS. L. LEWIS, 429 Richmond St., Cincinnati, 0 I1K LUCKYI Carry a ••Lucky-Foot" In your makenp box. tienuine wild rabbit's foot, thor- oughly tanned and dried. No bad odor, fur won't start, last a lifetime. N. ll.-We run short last month. Ihoso who ordered too late before, send early. If not as rcpresoi.ted. back goes yoin money. Price 25c. 0 . It. Clark, itept. 2,Corl iinn, Me- "VOURVOICE developed by my Electro Mag- netic Appliance. Specific fur vocal organs uond for had voices: not oad for good voices. Astonish- ing results. Try It. Price, one d illar. Send nock measurement. Hit. A. T. BOND, Specialist, 2in l.lp plncolt, Toron to, Canada. WAVl'KD, Good Al Attraction, Tultten, HI Main Line Smite I'e 11. II. tiood connec- lldi tn IlllnulM few ml Main Line. Cllv •l.ii'.i'i: nen- theatre: soiitlug enpaelty Hi"'' electric lights; >! dressing rooms; MHps •'SxlH: electric funs sad good ventlliitlni.. t»i«' good mil leilun wanted every Snt.iiibiv ilurim; April, Mnv. June, Mr, August Bap- t.iiiber nnd lirloher. l-'erdlnnnd Kllnger, Bigr. and prop, Kllnger Theatre, 'loliien, 111. ilood coinp., wrlle. . PASTOR'S 14th St., 3d Ave. CONTINUOUS, 20 AND 30 CTS. FRANK BUSH. VERNON. VE r u n u^T Lii n ? EY and LEE. 4' Alvlnoa, Oavln, Piatt and I'eaohca, Diamond and Smith, Daly and Devere, Boll Brothers, Sam and Ida Kelly, Overln and Fisher, U Bel Jo Faustina, Sccnlo-Hraphlc, Amerlenn Vttagrapli, and others. ED. and NETTIE MASSE. COMEDY JUaOLBKR. CIROO VUCATA. Merlilft. MjWjjey THE DEWEY E. 14th St. MATIN EE TO-UAY. BOSE STDELL'S LORDOR BELLES. MATINEE TODAY. THE GAT 11IASQUEBADEBS. 30th Hi ll'ivay. THKATHB. Ev. 8. Mat. Sal. DAVID BKLASCo presents at: ADGIE and Lions. OltUIN BHOS' ClllCtrs. t Ity of Weilco. _Id \VBBKS,CtlM MENOI NO IJKC.'J. The 3 Dancing Rings "THE LITTLE TYPBWR1TK U," THE SHARROCKS, VaudovlHo Faaturs, N«vlna-Tnnunr Co. HOTEL ST. DENIS, 138-158 West Market St., Indianapolis, Ind. Convenient to aU theatres. Beat Little Hotel In Indianapolis. Actors' Kates. "WANTED. VAUDEVILLE PEOPLE, change for a week; SKETCH TEAM AMI PIANIST Good Medicine Performers will unit. Olve your lowest suresalary. Joloonwlrc. . VAUDEVILLE SHOW, Eaton. N'ew York. WANTED ftUICIC—Piano Player, parts and aneclaltles; Character Man and Women, Juvenile Man with SDeclaltleB. Heavy Man, Comedians, Soubretle. We pay all. I-o»est salary first letter. Add. StevonB b Mossman Car Snow, Man afleld, Mo. WANTED, GOOD MED. PERFOIIMEKS, All 'Bound Comedian, Sketch Team with novelty acts preferred. State a,l In 1 rsi. letter ' tent, seats, etc.; no Jnnk. BR. A 11W W. Harrison St., Clilcago, Id. Want RANKIN, MlnnenpolU At the Metropolitan Opera Mouse (L. N. Hcott, ninnager) May irwlu la*. 2t-:iO. Andrew Mack will follow :tl und week, in ''Tom Moore." "The Sultan ot Siilu" pleased 17-aO, us did "Peggy from Paris," 21 -2«. Iluott OpmtA Housb (Tlico. Ta Hays, man- rger).—I^tlle Williams. In "My Tom-Hoy <!IH." 21 and week. Billy B. Van, lu "The Krraad Roy," HI nnd week, "ilurchlns Thrnngli Georgia" drew fair business 17-2a. (Irfiieum (Martin Ucck, gtneral manager). —'Hill for week conm'cneinj,' 24 : Kdwln La- tell, Clayton, Jenkins iind .luspcr, .MlrJil Von Wend, Ilnrrv I^one and Anne Dale, Juggling Noritar.s, Unlbreth and Fen-ell, and the klno- (iroiue. IMqiie (John F.lllott. manager).—LIU this week: The IiatVcrtles, Jlui Iwlton, Slnu to- <leu; Four Kllswnrtlis, Kurgess, Daniels nnd Hiirgess, and the Horpllced Trio. Ukwkv (W. A. Singer, niunuger).—Miner s Americans 24 nnd weelc. .Miner's Bohemian Kurlesqners 111 and week. Very (jood business IT nnd week. i St. rntnl. — At the Metropolitan Opern from IH't- very "Toiu week ".Mrs. ter how the weather In the house Is well tilled Feoule for 25 ond week: Ahcrn and llnxter, Ida Jorgersou, Stoddard and Wllwiti, Mamie LV Oescll. Joseph Cipldcn, Jns. Mc C'lelland Huddworth and Wells, Mr. Mrs. L. O. Whltter, Illustrated songs moving pict ures. MARYLAND. nnd and l'ni-ls" Iind very satisfactory business 17-20. —The Multttu of Sulu" drew good Intslni'ss 21-2:1. Andrew Mack, In Moore" mid "The Wny to Kenmure," of 24, Ohrlshtuis week; May Irwin, In Hlnrk is Unifli," w«>k of :11. UitASW (Theo. ft Hays, manager).—Lottie Williams. In "My Tom-Boy Girl." drew lite business nnd pleased week of 17. Billy !*■ \an. In "'The Krrnnd Boy," week of 24, and ' "The Son ot Rest" week of ftl. ... , HrAlt (J. C Van Hoo, manager).—Miners Americans drew very good business week of 1". For week of 24, Miller's BobemlaiiH; the Yankee Doodle Girls 31 and week. Orthkum (Charles Frcrck. mannger).—A Mrong hill brought big business week of 1H. New people for week of 25: Jennie Hentley, Mile. Almn. Grace Mtitthews, Kent nnd Shaft, llulli I.nvlnn, nnd Kdlson's latest motion pic- tures. Those who will hold over: Felice Alexander. Bonnie Vonnle, Theresa Kemp nnd May bclmnv. • KMi-tsi: (A. Welnholzer, manntjer). —A must nrceptable llll brought good business week of 18. New people for week of 2->: Violet Allen. Olgn Wlngnnrd, nnd Weary Willie. Those hcldlng over: Vera Leslie. Ilerlle Vnnbnrk, Ada Sadler. Hias. Wis- worth, Gertrude Leslie, l-'rnnkle Kvnns, itnil Nelson nnd Nelson. ■ ' Duliith At the Lyceum (C. A. Marshall, mnnngeri Andrew Mack, In "Tom Moore, llee. 111. had a fair shed nudleuce. The Third Regiment Band gave the ilrst eomcrt of llif r-M-.pon 17. Tlir audience wns large nnd the eoncert was n success. "Arlionii -T: 2D. concert 21), Walker Whiteside Jan. I. "The Black Crook" 2, 3. "The Prince of Tllw.n" r.. u. UstMWnuMM <W. U. I^ingstreet, mnnn- gen.—The Alca?nr ltenutles 18-SS. lbe house wns well lllled on the Ilrst night. I he- company Is a good one. The Orientals 2- r i-..u. Bijou (Joe llaltland, manager).—No mat- Bnltlmore.—After the dullness of the week precedlnp t'hrlstmns. during which two of the leadng theatres were riosed, the Doll- dav season «»pe»ed with exlm matinees and wiisoniiblc attractions nt nil places of amuse- """".'nil's' ri-'iiarles K. Ford, mntiager).— "Mr.-, umngwella U s" Is the current tit- traclon, following "The GalUgir." Kjetort llnrilliig imvls' new play, which received 1th first prrsliietlon on nny stage here IK. and net with Instant favor. Raymond IIItci- coek'H role sttlH him admirably, "the Col- lege Widow" next week. ArviKMV fXlxon k Zimmerman, uiann- „ prs) _-||o S ers Brothers In Ireland will furnlMli fun for the merry season, open ng SB The house was closed last week. "Babes 111 Toyland" next week. ■Vi.liAiiiill's (ltohert K, Irwin, mannger).— Louis Mann mid Clara l.lpmnn will be seeji this week as co-stnrs, In -Ju Ic Bonbon. Iiarkness reigned w<>ek ending 2.1. Mm. Lw»- He Ciirter returns Jan. 1, dlyldlug the week between "Acli-cit" ond "Ziizn." MttiiTontt'M (Jnmos L. Kernnn, mana- u,,f).—-Me, Ulm und I" begins a week s stay tier- 25. "Princess Chic" did a fairly good lutsiness, closing » "It's I'P I" Von, John Ileiiry," next week. , MARVt.Axn (James L. Kcruaii. manager;. —Ilnnv llondlnl, James J. Morton, tinllaglier nnd IlnVrctt, Hie Kour Wilsons, lbe La \ellc Trio, Mr. und Mrs. Jlmmlc Harry, and Itie nnd Walters contribute u long and good bill for Christmas week. llnixlUAV SritKK-r (George W. Itlfe insn- aepn—Al. II- Wilson will be seen :!.> nnd wek. hi '"''be German tiypsy." ''""W Hearts are Broken'' closed SX "No Molhcr to tinkle Her" licit week, Bi.iNr.Vs (Charles K. Hl.-iney. mmiagen. -••Voiing Ibiffulo, King "f the Wild West," holds I he stnge 25-311. "The Child \\ lte did fil Iv 1K-2!I' "The Taclory Girl" next week MoNtMBNTti. I James \,. Kernnn. mannger). —The Mem- Makers open 25. following the Kcntuckv Belles, who did well, closing 2.1. The Ideiil« next week. Lviiii- (B. I'lrlch. mannger).—nie 1'hlln- ilelnliln Orehestru, with Signer Cnpmannrt ns wdnlsl. will lie beard 20. The Irlsji Ladles Choir will sing In three concerts 2; nnd .»■ Mine. Bernhardt will present "Ln Soreiere. "Cninllh" and "Sapho," 2!l nnd rjfl. Hie ad- vaiu-e sale Is large. . ♦*-* Bev Evans, "The Buckeye Hurricane." tins jollied the John W. Vogel tllg ritv Mluslrels. doing Ills ewentrle dancing In lie Jennie I onler danre. He Is reported u» Is-big •;""'/ the hits of Ihe show, which Is now in lis twentieth week. Business continues i<> 1* good. AT LIBKRTT, Througli Closing Co.. Weldon II.Bsll, M.D., Oraduatcd and Registered Physi- cian. Al Lecturer, strong oillco worker. My o u original methods. No acts. Wardrobe positively the beat. Dot Ball, up to date ballads, coon songs, dancing and tinging specialties. Will Join tellable medicine show on salary or cninmls-lon. W. II. Ball, M. 0., 12 12 Oak St., Kansas City, Mo. how"to~become A CONTORTIOMIBT. Front and Back Bending, each trick Illustrated. *5o. Morphot'a School, 8.17 S. 12th St.. Pblla.. Pa . TO MEDIC INK MEN—An lip to dale Lecture, an interesting opening talk foranykludof remedy. Words are simple and catchy. Entirely now and o rtglnal, If you can talk al all you will mako an Im- pression with this Lecture. Rends like a story Kssliy commuted. 20 years' experience has taught, me what tho public want. A short, Impresuvo Udk. This Is It. Sent to any address. Price, cue., stamps or M. (1. Mori Franklin, HMft 4lh Ave., Birm ingham. Ala. , When In BOSTON and to Replenish Your Stock of MAK E, - \J P=» KLEIN'S PHARMACY, Cor. TREMONT and BDYLSTOH STS.. (Opjiosile Hotel Touralne). PROPRIETORS OF THE CELEBRATED YLAHfl YLAH6 GOLD CBEAB. Gunrnntecil Not to Become Itnncid nnd Con- tains Neither Lard or Vuscllne. 1-2!b. Jar 35 Cents. lib, lor 60 Cent* SAMI'LKS 1'fllJK. Motion Cg^g ^g^gt^jgy, Slot Talking Scales, Automatic Machines, Picture Machines, Antoscopei. Headquarters for Vondlng Machines or All Description". AT CT PRICKS rOll SO DAYS. IIUOK1H THE GOTHAM B. 136 th St. BIJOU Matinee Saturday 2. Evening 8.16. David Belasco presents for tho 2d year Id N. Y. WAR FIELD MUSIC MAS TER. wm BLAME BATES In a play or '40 tiy »AVIP BKLAJICO. Of HlRh Class Vaudeville Theatres. hi. MHYERITOI.D JR.. 1'IIHS.I .,.„.__„ MARTIN UECK, OIJNKUAL MANAGER. All Applications for Time Must ho Addressod to C. 10. 11RAY. Honking Manaiter, 504 Ashland llloek, Chicago. Ill- Huber's "£ Museum WANTED, at all times UV1NU PltOulUlKU, Trained and raro anlmnls, iioveltlos of every no- lorlptlon for (Jnrlo Halls and Theatre Addross J. II. ANDKUSON, Manager, as almvo^ CLARK and DUNCAN WKKK dr* DKO. 'Jr.. KtOANAIIA. M CM. THE ACTOR MAN. I'TIIK (IIKI, OK TI1K tlOUHCH WK8T." TheBuckleys & Randolph COMKDV iHUHICAL AI'P. ACIKN TH or ar t I'l.K ASANT I'ljAtlK. Hrou BlyU. N. V. A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO AU MY FRIRNllH AT 1I0MK AXIl AllllOAII. LOUIS RAVELLE. __ HARRY THOMSON, Ills Honor, the Mayor, in ■ •ill KI.DKKT BTItKXr, Vniiilcvllle. Adilrens liroiiklyn. New Vnik. GEO. IIND W Proctor's Theatre, Albany. N BBENNASS. N. Y 0UPPKK. ■«-*'^- - ^v^ THE K0SIC1L < Pormanont address ORViLLl and FRANK Are working Fall Illver, Mass.. this week for Mr. Shec dy Mrs. Orvllle Is in New York practicing, AWCE AJLVVA "TIIK I.AIIY WITH TUB OhAltlNKT." NOVELTY MUSICAL AllTlaT. WtQ.a»,nAY II ARKKr. C lllC'tOO. BAJR^tfE^Y MRST, a hoi;imii,k miv, TUB IIBIIRKW WITH TUB BDI.'t.'ATKI) 1'KICT. Week ]>ec. ttfi, Uonnelt's Tht-atra. l/mdon, Canada. IlnlilLLlllRD, Uth WKRK, closing olio, with NIBS N. Y. JR. CO. iYeck Doc. 'JJ<, Royal Theatre, Montreal, On. WANT CHARUTER COMEDIAN WITH HTRONfl HPKltlAl.TV, WIS A Jolly American Tramp. One sober, reliable and utile lo dcllrer ilm uinuls. Addross VANK NKWKI.I.. HI W, mill Street. Nsw_Vork. WANTED QUICk Siniill Sou lirel le. Versatile I.''Mill ilk' l.inly. Yuillig Itoliiuillli- Actor, Heavy Willi, Mush-al I Hi i>cl or, who i-iiii nri-iiiige. ntlier I 'acini IVnplc. wrlle. Pny own. I'luilm relniiieil. IIIIW. H. TU1IM4II, Muf., WEED STOCK CO., 782 No. Helmviire Kj., Iiiillnnniiolls, lud. $40 PER WEEK EASY He'llug Our I'amoiiH "IMI'KltlAI, 1)IWJ TA1.K1NU MAOIHNI'IH." Ileantlriil, nerleut. Nmin better In iMe world. Kxtru largo ii'irn. vvorlti l\:<; sell, for * 11. r.n to Agellls. Imen 'rem li.riiirv In vnn. up to tho mlnule records. M.r.ii per U. write tor pitrituularH. B09EHS SPECIALTY CO., 147 W. !l»il HI., NEW VUltK. WANTE0 QUBGK, (innil Oharaoter Wan, l.eudlng .lot i ntlc Woman, Planw Playnr wlm ilmiiib. 'I'litia or Ilurllone, t'niiieilliiii Willi H»t- .Lilly. ,11 Oil. VKIIVA MAY CO., I Ml. «Jloud, Minn,,Deo. !l,1-:«ll Jan. 1 tn .1. k«m ««»»i.. Wi», RIGTON and FIELDING The Juggling Clown and Dancing Bnuhrelte. Jan . 1. Novelty, l)enyer,j>ol._ CARRIE M7 SCOff, I'lIYSICAI. CIII.TUHE EXPONEUT, llc-o. Vi, Howard Athentium, Uostou. aPKC'IAl.TY 147 W. v:id Ht CO. Now York. AT WBBRTY, Edw. L. Patterson, CHARACTER COMEDY, GENERAL BUS. CARRIE M. SCOTT, AT la HOOKED UP UNTIL JUNE. I.IHKHTY SEASON NKAHON 'tH- OXI- PJKCE OR tOSf. Address HI2U4VAN, 11,1.1X013. MS/ANTED, DB&ffl&TIC PEOPLE MSON, Holilrlilge. - - - - _ Ii. D. CAKPENTER WANTS JLADY PIANIST. ,MM k 1tl!r%lA £ ! ! Seb, Md. MUSIC ARRANGED, COMPOSED, ETC. A. KflETSMAK. 4H K. 16th St.. N. T. RARE PICTURES FR'MH LIKE, Artlits' studies, Ilea itles, Ktc. too small and two large one*. »1 note or swmps. 8. KKC'KKAOKL. Nacht, Munich I.Oermany. DRUM MAJOR IIATOSH. LMIUltMS. BOU.IXfl IIOlll-S. Other .Inegllni: lloodi fur Sale Cln-up. Addr. jtmxMi-: iii;ili.y '■■ THE QaGNOUX EnToule W ill i MISS N KW VOKK JU_<|<»; BERTRAM MILLAR, 47 W.SStll ST., SKW YOKK. HARRY BUBB. MANAGER or AGENT. ONE Or TIIK IlKAI. ONEN, Past six hi"ihiiih Managor Porrla 1 Cotnoillans. Addru»s:illl Louisa St., \V|JJIain>iiorl, Pa. AX ilBEMTy, Kl>\ \ i J^VirK, To|>*j E, L SUTLIFF, Tuba and Double Bass. II \IIY EI.VA, 7 Vl-.. Olil.KVA. Also U[i In Ten Sights. K. I.. HU'I'I.IKP, den. Ii«'.. He" M«lii(i«, Iowa. CHRISTOPHER "THAT POI'l'I.All IIIAOIOIAN." Per, addrese. 170 ON'l'AUKJ ST., Clilcago. INTER NATIONAL ARTISTES LODGE. MEETINGS HELD EACH THURSDAY EVE- KINS AFTER PERFORMANCES Al TERBAOE OAEDEB, lew York, SNth St., near Third Av«. ALL PEKKORMKKS IXVITBD. Gasad's Musical Dowdy Co. WANTS flood PIANIST, Itcail anil 1'Hke; ul»ii Al White i-'stio Singing and IJiincinu coMI'.ihan. Htaui AM, vou eau and will iln, Willi your lowest salary In llriit loiter. Ilm /.n flglilara and erlpples, I can't see. This Is nn Pill Snow. Flt*NK lUHAIlJIuinplirera, Mo. Wanted, Bookings fer Convention Hail, Utica, N. V., Vaudeville, Kxpusltlviis, Inrtoor Ulreiis hikI Other AltrdiMlotM. II*H. nxWi . Over luD.msi people to draw from A'ldress Mniinirei-, asiibuvi-< WANTED, BEPEBT01BE PBOPIE In All Lines. Ohltil for Parts. Mii'-lelnrm r ur It mid O Adit, lo I,. A. Walnut Hi., lima.. Pa. N. II— Must Join on wire Hi> 'i.-lr<-» i:. loib si., X.Y. flty. HARRY BROWN, TUB COLORED COMEDIAN. Bnormou. suecess in K"*'^,^^".^.^, 'IIKIIK'S ME." ARTHUR BORELLfl, lllchcst Actor lu the World. WINII TO KXCIIANUK fun GOOD STEREOPTICON or PIDfURE MACHINE WILL UIVK Hill IIAltllAIN Adilrtsa TIIK IMTKUNA 'I'lVil, iiiirijHtn, Ot. WRITE FOR OPEN TIME AT DOWSES" HEW THEAFHE. met bH'snAlF, PA. tiood open time In January and Kobriurr. Am do- l ug His liiislness. OBOAIt AI.I.BW, Mgr, Wanted Qulck.Gojti Kepenoire People All Lines With wardtohe. PIANIST, stain an, name low- en. We pny expuifics. No tickets tu strangers, llu reailrto loin iiiiIeK rec-'nt or wir.- fill, II ph">T01I s>-Market, Va. lUiaUlug anil IteclUilion Hooks. Ualalogues free. All dramatic iianers mailed. IIIIAS. MscllONAM), m vv.i-liitiutoti St,, Clilcago. PLAYS BOSTON FILM EXCHANGE. Seeond llniul I'llms, Song Slides nnd Miiehlu.-s I'.oiiL-lit, Sold "nil Kxehnligi'd. f>6l Washington HI., Ituoui i'S, llosioii, Muss., npu.Adama Uuuse,