The New York Clipper (December 1905)

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1160 THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. December so A HAPPY NEW YEAR! VAUDEVILLE 6 W. 28th St., / TELEPHONES \ \ 1465-1466-1467 MADISON/ ( CABLE ADDRESS WILLMORRI8 AGENT ) New York BOOKING EXCLUSIVELY THE FOLLOWING THEATRES: Percy O. Wllllnras, Colonial. New York. Vcrcr ('• William", Orpheiim. llrooklyp. Vercy a. Williams, Alhamlira, New lorli. Percy ft. WllllnniH, Novelty, llrooklyn. I'ercy 15. Williams, Uothnni. llrooklyn. Vercy (J. Wllllitma, Mnnlintlan Heach. Percy U. Wllllnmi, Bcrgon Ucacli. Weber & Rush, Schenectady. N. V. .Morrison's, Itnckaivay Ilcncb. tlendcrxoii'H, Coney lalund. Yotmg'a I'ler. Atlantic City, N. ,T. Doric Theatre, yonkem. HnmroerHlelu'H Victoria, New York. Hnmmerslelii'H Hoof Garden, New.JTork. S. '£. Doll's New Theatre. New Haven. S. Z. Pull's New Tliculre. Hartford. «. '/.. I'oll's New Theatre. Bridgeport. S. '/.. Pair* New Theatre, Wnterliury. S. '/,. IMll'a New Theatre, Hprlnglleld. X. /,. Toll's New Theatre. Worcester. Mhcedy'n, Fall River, Mass. Hhccdy'H. Newport. Ilnthaway's, New Bedford, Mass. THE THEATRICAL STAR Catering EXCI.I.siVKbV to Amateurs. RARE LITERARY EXCELLENCE—THE ACME OF ARTISTIC BEAUTY. OUT JANUARY 1, 1906. The Initial number. In addition in'« page" devoted to the interests of amateur actors, will contain a realistic Miry by M1KBCORA NOM D'PLCME. expoelng the underground methods of rll companu-e. Mls« Nom d" Vlumo onldoett Mi-n IdnM. Tarhell and Tom Lawson, Rhonlng the wheel wlthih the wheel, at i he same time explaining how owners of theatre* using fuel oil can save irom V% to $10 per barrel on their purchases, ami how agents who rob you In turn rob their employers. Bcanlifully Nlnttratfld From SRND TEN Specially Posed Photographs of I'KVTS FOR FIRST NUMBER. Top-Kotchers. THEATRICAL STAR, 19 Park Place, N. Y. FOR TI1K SIDE SHOW, WITH TUB flllKr (A STRONG FEATURE). I'icas-h, Uoor Talkers. Also any Good Act eullablo for side show. A NrBt class niiich and Judy Man' who la capable of leoiitrlnff; a-Conn Hand of lu, who also must give performance; must have hum- letlo with same, (>no good Tinker as Assistant, capable uf making focond openings and concoi' iiononticcuieni. Address llUCII HARRISON, Uonnlson Hotel, Columbns, Ohio. Barton's Auditorium Theatre, Norfolk, Va,, ACTS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Aerial Acts, Skdtoli Teams, lturlCF>|ui< and Fir.t Tart Ladles and Al Novelty Acts. Good money to nuoil arista. Also good producer Of Inirlesnne, wrlto. Address JA5. M. BARTON. The Only Theatrical Supply Hmse In Phlli. OUR SPECIAL FOR WEEK ENDING JAN. 6, BALLET SLIPP2RS. "WR8LV $1.50 PER PAIR. tiuuds front everywhere ('- O. I), when denosli accotnpanleB order. Rend for Booklet. WAAH <fc mOH, **»• North Bight St., pjula., between Race and Tine sis. THEATRE WANTED win buy or loase. Family theatre preferred, or good location for one Also want Picture Machine, Chairs and Pccuery. Describe fully. RAYMOND MEKRITT, 4W W. 123d St., New York. Tlir«« (imat 'Hongs Kri.,. for mi 1 . In HlninpK ti> Puy fm Pnntitg.- aiul mulling, •'WK Al.l. BO TO wonic . UVV FATHKR," The Trnly Original Hong. "It L1TTLK NIOOHH lltlVH HITTING ON A STILE." "YOUR MAMMY AIN'T A 0«M1N» 1IOMK NO MORE" Mo print, pilbbsh uud engrave music Auto- ursnlife Musi* Printing a specialty, wo make llair-Tiiues, Ultor UeailtJ. Oiiri.elc, of all kinds, t'atiihigiios and nitnip'os ftinilfched. Address the «ld •iHtaiiil.liod , HARDING'S MUSIC HOUSE, ls-\»o Astor I'lm■<•, Now Ynrk. tf BANkS' IDEAS M No.8 tla JnstotJtho press. Fifty Bollurs' val no for not-. The brightest and best vaude- ville material over • pnl up at nay Itrlou. UonnloguuM, Parodies, Bketcho", Ktod uaga, olo. Will make n bad net good and a good not better. Tliey arc moving very' fast, so get busy If you want oun. Ideas Noa. 6. 6,7, H, tl.ilfi. Any 3 for *1; any 2 for sne, or one. each. OUS BANK8, aw I'lno St.. Providence , H. 1. FOR SALE, CHEAP, (mo Bill Trunk (u'uiosi new), one small Circus Trunk, Costume, (good condition), and Wardrobe Trunk, largo .Taylor. Trunk and Uni- forms, spot night (Hue union, Tropical Sot, 8 Props, Bet Pieces; Tho above at (era lhan .•» prloo, Aildroas '■■.--' K. WILMS, i ail; Pass Hi.; Chicago, J11. DR. R,71. RUCKER Wauls Al People In All Mnes, for llepertolro and Muslolaus to open Monday, Foil-.'■*■, in the Amli- toriiini (seating capaolty, AT (lllANl) HAI'IMS, Mloh., Instead of l.o.< AUgelos. A ildroas SlIKltMAN HOUHK. Chltfago. Ill._ kUVIOK. hEOTUItKR ANI» OITICK I WOKKKR, lllnok Face. Dutch ami IrMi _J Comeilliin. Put on act* and make (bom go. Salary positively sure. Jain on wire. Others write. SHAIUWKBN ME1HU1NK CO. Moiirocvllle, lud , OPRK Tl MR Jan. 2 to 6, Jan. 29 to Feb. 24 VI Jill 1 t-Ulli lowing popdiailon. WKHi. K.NTKA INDVOBMKN'IW TO FII.I. THIS TIMB. Address A. V. IIOWEuk, PAllim'AV 0 Mmmgor opera House,- HHIIvl v} t V. one lllaok Top, size «o leot. with 40 foot middle. In good condition. Al«o u rum I 8TAOK. with sev- eral lengths of HBATINU.'wilii Jack, and Sttlliecrs, SYDNEY WIHK, Care uf BKW VOHK Ul.iri'BK Man ror Ueti, Bus. and oonie Juveniles, Woman for ciisracloTa. 'Mate'lowest, OOKMAWl A KOTtD.'AiUwcip, X. V. I good resolution for the new year: di»N'T Btu PIIK.KJIJICKD. If you have never seen a copy of M,iUl SOS'n BUDGUT ii'l you bave "gneased" about It may lie wrong. Siuid tor mv lateFf tssoe, m \msoNH IlUBQBT Bio. lb on u guarantee— absoluie sat sfaction er money refunded, too pages of the brightest, runniest stage comedy material ever written, in- ubtdlug 31 great paro- dies, n excellent inotioioguea, I skstcri.H for two males, 4 sketches for mile and remain, new Htdewulk conversations 3 roaring (0-mlnute burlesques, new sketch for two females, hundreds of new flobrew, Irish, Dutch and blackface gags, otc. Price, only ONE DOLUAR PBR COPY. Back numbers out ol print except UUDURTB 3,7 and 3; will Bend any 'J ror $1.50, 8 for SI2, or BUDOKT8 8, 7, 8 and 10 for 1U.60. Li. J. K. IIBIli, 1404 Third Ave., New York. (AgentJbr James Madison.) I AT LIBERTY, VERSATILE LEADS Or HEAVIES. I.ARI-K MAN. Address LE10HTCN STARK. il3 Colu mbia St., Baat. Uclroll, Mich. ATT LIBERTY, Agent. Route, book and wild cat. One night or ren. Join quick. N.O, STANLEY, Care ot llurllniton Hotel, si. Louis, Mo. DOBS THAT HURT FOR SALE. Fox, Bear and Deor DOOKM irulned, and Pup- pies ready to train, graM AMU8KMBXT CO., Angustn, lia, NEVADi, TBX&8, OFFERS 000D HOUSE TO FIBST CLiSS COMPANIES. Only nrst class attractions wanted. A, 11. C\ U TKR. Mstiarcr, Nevada, Te-«. WANT Al PIANIST (LADY OK GRKTl, WELL UP IN VACDBVILLR UT1IKK MBD. "KOPLM WRITE T 1)11. M. V. I'll AMBKItLAIN. ALMENA, KANS, SCHOOL lia L»1ulie St., Chicago, 111. AMKKUAS BB8T AJfD ORBATB8T Enlorstd by Press and Public. 1.000 reference, from all parts of tha world The Onlr Hohool Endoraed In CUiraito H DANCING. El». <Up-to-date In every detail), Buck. Jig, Skirt. Novel Cake Walk, Elocution, Singing nnd tlag Time Songs, Vaudeville Acts, Sketches, Dramatic Art. Etc. ENGAGEMENTS SECURED. NO FAILURES. PROF. P. J. RIDGE, Miss Frances Lee and others. Circulars Free. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. I endorac prof. IUIkik as the only Actor and Professional Dancing Teacher In Chicago. FRED J. WILDSIAN, Theatrical Agent. Small and Leading Parts Coached. 127 La Salle St.. near Madison. Chicago. 1.11. USICAL BULLS AND MUSICAL NOVELTIES, a. used by Leading Artists the world over. Send for new Illustrated catalogue. Our goods can be seen at Koblcr & Chase, Sun brnnclsco, Calif; Curl b'lKChcr, New York; Oliver Dlt- aon, Boston, Mass.; Seymour, Dove & Co., Bombay, Inula. Alwnys a few bargains on hand, '.'li Organ Chimes, $85.00. 3 Octaves Uiromatlo, i!7 Aluminum Chimes, $100.00. 80 Aluminum Chimes. $70.00. 2'i Octnves Chro- matic, Si Metal Damboo Xylophone, $35.00. 1'.' I'lnted Cow Bella, $10.00. 2 Steel Mnrlm- hnpliones, one for accompaniment, 46 bar. In nil, $7.1.00. 30 deep Swiss Hand Hells, $00.00. 1!) jJumuoo Dells (III'.AL IIAMHOO), $00.00. TA Arch nelin, $100.00. 8 Musical files, mounted, $7.00. All the above Instruments In good condition. .1. C. DEAOAN. '.'1C7 North Clark St.. Chi cago. HI. OXY-LITHE OXONE Model B Cas Outfit, S29 50 FULL HUPPLIE8 OF OXY-MTHO-OXONE, ETUER, LIMES, ETC , IN STOUK. BABB1CH & CO., k.Tw,, Pbila.. Fa. DHUPAlal CIIMC "V" ' eof . Through the BAHUAIN rlllflO Matrimonial Agency; 7"r>, The (iay IJecclvers: 7."i0, lllghwny lluli- liery : •"".". How Jonea Lost Ills Role; 8MK 'Hie TTnexnnctetl Wedding: 04.1, A l-'lve Cent Trolley Hide: 173, Resetted by Hover; .174, Tho Young Tramps; 380, first Night Out; 350, On a Vacation Trip; I180, The Cluck- smith's Daughter: BS5. b'un on n Varm: 4.10, The Moon Lover; 000, The Adventurous Automobile Trip, etc., etc. L. IIIvTZ, mi K. "3d St., N. Y. A LAUIER' DIAMOND AND RAl'I'lIIHE HINtl, huge sapphire In cetiire, oval shaped, siirroiindod by hiiiiiII dlumonds, two or three diamonds.each aide of gold band, on Sunday afternoon, November 'JO, li'0.1. on a X. Y".. N. II. H, tiitln, between Slniuford and New York. The Under will be libernllv rewarded by returning siiiue to S. S. THOMAS, No. 52 Hrondwny, Now York Clly. PHOTOGRAPHS. Cabinet Photon of yourself for Belling, $3 per loo. $20 por 1,000. EdenaCARRONA finish. Send photo. CIITIIOC ■HUSBAND OR WIFE PHOTOS, $2,00 rlJ ■ UnC perl.OOO; FORTDNKS, (Oo. Samp. 10c. C« (IT M1PUIUCC For Future PhotoB.Lovera OlUI ITlHunlllLO PO. A Souvenir Post cards EDBKa Studio, 508 Arch Ht.,Philadelphia, Pa. CONTRAGTS r.BTTKlt HEADS. RXVBLOPE8. TICKETS, PASSES, CARDS. Ktc. Write for Suuiules. Webb Pig. Co., 358 Dcnrborn St.. C hicago, III. 71IIn 1*71 Pril <if««t Dlsoovery, Experts /1wlHr/l liPlul '*" notdotectlt froiiigcu- LIiHIULlI DLIII nine diamond. Costs but ono-tenth. In brilliancy and cut It has no equal. Setllug solid gold. Wrlto for Illustrated catalogue. ROWS * CO.. Dept. 0.. 83« Dearborn St. WANTKD An Agency or Agont wanted to supply flret (Mass talent to entcrtali children on Saturday after- noons ComedlsnSjY'eiitrlloqulsts, Magicians, Vau- deville Acts, Dogs and Monkeys, Punch and Jndr, etc. Address Kyle Inmilnte. Flushing, L.L.S. Y. YOUNG I^ADY Wonld like to assist In vaudeville act. Addreai MA/IE STILLMAN. licpcral Delivery, Wilmington, Delaware. CARRIE M. SCOTT, Pliy»li al Perfection Pemonlfleil. DEC. %\ HOWARD ATIIEN.KDM. BOSTON. WANTEO.CURIONLT PLA1ER, Tu locate. Theatre. Address »t.. uuiiiv -m M»Hl««n Ava.. V.lmlra. N. V. MUSIC ARHAN6ED. M. S. MCCARTHY, Thonc, MaiSttk. HI w. urril ST., Sew York. Ilnlbawav's, Lowell, Mass. Auditorium, Lynn, Mass. V. V. Proctor's. 23d Street. !•'. V. Proctor's, Bth Avenue. V. K. Proctor's, 58th SI rei't. R F. rroctor's, 125th Street. R P. Proctor's, Newark, N. J. !•'. F. Proctor's. Albany. V. V. Proctor's. flW WHmer & Vincent, C'llea JVIlmer & Ylacvni. Beadhu Keeney'n, Hrooklvn. S V XnB'JTbMrn, 'i !' Delmllag's. Rorknwuv Arcnde, Toledo, Ohio'. THE GREAT AUSTINS The Only Lady and Gentleman Tambourine Spinners And Jugglers io tlie World. ARE GREATER THAN THE GREATEST, AND BETTER THAN THE BEST. N. H. ALWAYS WORKING. Season 1906-06, with Hyde's Blue Ribbon Girls Co. Wanted, for the Bowman Co. IN REPERTOIRE, MUSICIANS and ACTORS. Strong Cornet to double stags. Man with Machine and Feature Films. Leading Man, Juvonllp Man, fien. Bus Man, Heavy Man. Juvenile Woman, Character Woman, Live Agent Those doing specialty and Doubling Brass given preference Wardrobe and sobriety Indispensable, Stale alii Pav own. open Jan. 16. Address BOWMAN A WEAVER, sou Hampshire St., <)uiiic>, III. I*O^T GOING OPO CUBA. I^a JB^ T* E> UR, THE SENSATION A I, ACROBAT, IS AT LIHKRTV. Address 207 EAST U'i'H ST.. N. Y. CUT. ALL FIRST CLASS AOENTS. Will be featured nextBeason with Forepatigh ,t Sells'.Sliow. HAPPY NEW VBAR TO ALL FRIENDS. Wanted I«i^me>cliaLte>ly, for "JOLLY" DELLA PRINGLE'S BIG COMPANY, CHARACTER MA1V. Tell a'l first letter, Bending programmes and photo. Must Join on receipt of wire. Pay own. Addrcjj T. U. ■rt'Tl'LK, l>If?r , Oare of Uenerol ». -livery, Bntte, Mont. C. B. Archer, wire. YORK THEATRE & VICTORIA RINK COMPANY, limited, ESTABLISHED 1804. INCORPORATED 1006. ST. JOHN, N. B M CANADA. Couioanles Routed and Booked Through Eastern Canada. Proprietors and Hauagers ot Yo'.K THEATRE, Larges' and Bast Eiinipned House in Hie Maritime Provinces. VICTORIA RINK, VICTORIA HALL, SEASIDE PARK, ST. JOHN, N. H. OPERA HOUSE, MONCTON, N. H. ROBERT J. ARMSTRONG, Mansgor. AT ONCE, A LOT OF GOOD ANTED, 2d Hand Opera Chairs. Apply lo PERCY G. VYIHIAWS, Orpheum Theatre, Brooklyn, I If, w Fred RAY and WOOD Juliet HEADLINERS AT THE OLD HOWABD, IN B08T0H, WEEK BEFORE CHRISTMAS, All Records of the House Broken. HAPPY NEW YEAR. TIME ALL FILLED. VAUDEVILLE, DRAMATIC MANAGERS AND AGENTS, Do not be mialcail br the title, so-called, "Taming n HtiHliand." It Is an Infrlngcuicut on our title, "Training a Unaband,' - Copjrlght, Class a, No. 2(1.142. Wo will vigorously prosecute any nemon « porKousiiislnganyortlmllnoaor lmsineHs of "Tralulug allualiand " We have got the gooda, n'»l w0 are going to protect our rights. (Signed.) MURRAY FERGUSON, for FERGUSON. DUPREE & CO. WANTED, POR THE Repertoire People in All Lines of Business, General Business Woman With Specialties. Aad point V Mi ,VEEVEK ' JIttn "8cr Edna Koy Co,, Durant, AIlsn., woek of Deo. 26; week of Jan. 1, West Aixgell'as Comedian^! OOOD CMARAOTER WOMAN. WHITESIDE'S "PICKS" Electrical and Scenic Effects. THOMPSON and VIDOCQ Oram, Opera Hou.e, w£STftEU5F °* "Sg&HffiSS&X and W.-BOIU^.