The New York Clipper (December 1905)

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December SO. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. nei VAUDEVILLE ACTS WANTED i« constantly in need ol Flrat OIbhs Acta. For business reasons solely and by mortal consent, the M»Wcr» of the following named Theatres cannot see their way clear to play Ada for two icare which Savorlier tlian me houses of this Association In any of the following named cities- J " Won THEATRES-Oahkosh.RocMord, Appleton, Manitowoc, Oreeri Bay, Marinette C»l„met, Marquette, Hoogbton iBhpemlng, Kalamazoo, Battle Creek, Lanelng, Jackson, Bay city! port Huron. Aipena and Sault 8te. Marie. " "" uu > "»J ««» CRYSTAL THEATRES—Marlon, Anderson, Kokomo, Logangport, Frankfort and Elkhart. ORPIIBVM THKATIlKS-SprlUKfleld, 0.; Portsmouth and MansHeU? ORANDTiKATRKsi CONSOLIDATES VAUDEVILLE MAHA6ERS' ASSOCIATION, 67 S, Clark St, Chicago. TO SIDE SHOW MANAGERS AND CARNIVALS. At Liberty for the Coming Season. THE DELKANOS KING and QUEEN of HANDCUFFS and the TRUNK MYSTERY. P. S.—I also do MAGIC and LECTURING. Permanent addreia, 44 BAST RANDOLPH ST., Chicago, 111. 9 HARRY HOLMAN ,Who Is Meeting with Success In Vaudeville, Introducing Songs, Parodies and Stories, Wishes You A MERRY XMAS AND HAPP¥ HEW YEAR Week Deo. 26, Family Theatre, Mahanoy City, Pa. GAVIN, PLATT and PEACHES M APPEARING IN »»» By EDWARD LOCKK. PASTOR'S CHRISTMAS WEEK. Host thoroughly understand botli alt. and direct current. Road work. References required. Photo returned. Single. MOTION PICTURE CO,, Canton, O, AT X, I B K R T Y , Character BROWN CT W NAVOH cl «!,8JtoaQ 838 CHERRY ST., Norrlitown, Pa. HEART XMAS TO ALL FRIENDS. HAYDEN STEVENSON, IvBADING MA1V. § ONE SHOW OR STOCK. Address, till Jan. 6,417 CITIZENS' BANK liLDO., Dos Moines, Iowa. WANTED, WANTED, FOR THE WHITTY-HOHNE J WANTED, •KOIALTY CO., VAUDEVILLE PEOPLE OF ALL KINDS. Man to Manage Stage; one with good sketch, to -•lose show, preferred. Sister Team, Contortionist (female preferred), Acrobats, Knockabout Team, Jugglers, Piano Flayer, Man with Moving Picture Machine and Lots of Films. Song and Dance People all to work In Skctcn, it needed. Send photos and programme, and state lowest (pay your own) In first letter. No time for correspondence. Good treatment and long engagement to people who appreciate It Address R. It. BORNE, Mgr. Wnltty & Home Specialty Co., G. 0. House, Kingston, Ont, Can. "• 8.—Merry Xmas to you, Nelson, and all my friends and foes. WANTED, VAUDEVILLE ACTS Especially Singles. No Sunday Snow. You lose no time by playing this theatre. Good connection North, South, East or West. BIJOU THEATRE, Wichita, Kas., C. E. OLSON, Mgr. HALLBACK ™ PARQUETTE The Encore Record Breakers, Who are creating quite a sensation In the Middle West, are now playing the W. V. Association Circuit of Houses. Week of Jan. 1, WOO, Olymplo Theatre, Chicago, 111. OPEN TIME AFTER MARCH 6, M08. Address all communications to MESSRS. J. A. STERNA!) and EDDIE UAYMAY, No. 652 Ashland Bloc*, Chicago, 111., or 8024 So. Wabash Ave., Chicago, III., WM. HALLBACK, Manager. Wanted, for Edward Denton's Big, Real Coon Company, Colored Performers, Sketch Teams, Hen with wires preferred. AIbo First Class Chorus Girls. Must sing and dance. Managers In New i or*, Peon., New Jersey, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan and Canada, send In open time for 1906 and 1907. Can Slace Al Musical Director and Advance Agent. No railroad fares advanced. Don't ask for It. A Merry hrlstmaa and Happy New Year to all. LORD E. DENTON, Manager, 127 West 27th St., New York City 1™, DALE DEVEREAUX, -«* Wardrobe and appearance Al. Helsht, Oft. n In. Sober and reliable. ONE PIECE OILY. Perm, addrea., THE I1RAINARD, Aihtabala, Oblo. THAT FUNNY JUGGLING ACT. RED AND ■StSBaSajNNIE awtwfca ELOT. This weok, Keith's Chestnut St. Theatre, Philadelphia, Pa. Al VERSATILE, NOVELT* OR 8ILENT PER- FORMER FOR MEDICINE CO. Must change nightly, and work In acts. Name Tour salary, and answer quick. Wm. H. Mack, write to me. IRVIN E. OLANT, Ohestertown, Md., week of Dec. 2t; Centrevllle, M d., week of Jan. 1. (T* A 11 «_ FOB LEASE. SHI VAI\C5 OB STORAOi . . . Repairs and Alteration. Made. NEW JERSEY CAR WORKS, Passaic. N. J, JUST OUT, 124 PA6E ILLUSTRATED MA8IC CATALOGUE, 2tC.j 8DP. OATAL.. tc. None rre *i. .° nlT "• B - Agent for Mahatma. ltto. W. D. leroy, 103 Court St., Boston, Mass, MOVING PICTURE PRINTING. HENNEOAN * CO, Cincinnati 'Half Sheet Portraits Prom photo, $6.00 for drat 100. Also Reproduced Crayon Portraits for the lobby. Samples to any address for 10c. Address OTTAWA PHOTO ORAVURE CO., Ottawa, III. A Werd of Advice to Professionals. San Money By buying your street and evening gowns (slightly used) at M. SCHEUKKIt'8, No. 319 W.Mulberry St, Convenient to all theatres. Baltimore, Md. THE REMARKABLE SECTION VI. EVERY PERFORMER SHOULD WW {COPT OF THIS ROOK "MAKING UP" By JiVIMISS YOUNG. NOTHING SO COMPLETE EVER PUBLISHED. A Long Sought Guide, Counselor and Friend. THIS VALUABLE BOOK Fairly teems with expert information and advice on this fascinating subject. It la profusely il- lustrated with cart* folly prepared and execnted diagrams, drawn from the an* tnor's designs, with superb half-tone re- productions of PHOTOGRAPHS OF PROMINENT ACTOR8 AND ACTRESSES IN VARIOUS FAVORITE AND FAMOUS CHARACTERIZATIONS. 179 Pages. «3 Saotlons. HUNDREDS OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Every Make-up In the book has been tried frequently and is an accepted model, and Invaluable to yon. Inula Hinn Wllto. Ittktrl OtWolf Hopper Wm. Norrlj Miy Robion David Warflald No other book trcnting of this subject hns ever had such a striking list o( authoritative contributors and collaborators. The author, the publishers ami the reader alike are fortunate, In such a collection of per- sonal experiences and inner histories as were written exclusively for this book and are hero gathered in this remarkable section, as follows: AUTHOR LOUIS MANN WILTON LAC KAY E DeWOLF HOPPER WILLIAM MORRIS MAY ROBSON DAVID WARFIELD TITLE SOME REMARKS ON MAKE-UP THE ACTOR AND HIS MAKE-UP THE BEST WAY FASCINATING STUDY OF MAKE-UP MAKE-UP A PARADOX FACIAL EXPRESSION expression RAYMOND HITCHCOCK THE OPERA SINGER'S MAKE-UP DAVID BISPHAM PERSONAL EXPERIENCE LEW FIELDS THE ART OF MAKINO-UP 8AGER MIDGELEY THE STUDY OF CARICATURE SAM BERNARD NOT OVERDONE, NOR UNDERDONE-BUT WELL DONE OTIS SKINNER Raymond Hitchcock David llipriii GREASE PAINT LOOK THE PART-THEN PLAY IT MAKE-UP OF THE OLDEN TIMES IN THE DEFENSE OF BURNT CORK JAMES O'NEIL J. E. DOOSON C. LESLIE ALLEN AL. G. FIELD law Fields This section also contains the famous article "Jlfn.i- ters of Make-Up" by Edward Kales Coward, reprinted by courtesy of The Theatre Magazine. Sager kldtel.) • I G. Field C. leilla Allan J. £. Dedaon Jimaa O'Nall OllaSklnnar y«mBerrrd SENT, POST PAID, CLOTH BINDING, ON RECEIPT OF PRICE, $1.25. THE CREST TRADING CO., 24 Witmark Bnilding, N. Y. MINIATURE RAILROAD CO. 74 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. GOLD MEDAL SPECIAL liFor Parks, Summer Resort*, etc Hauling Capacity, 86 tons. Earning «1,500 In alx days. With proper caro will last 86 yrs. CAQNEY LOCOMOTIVE WORKS. GRAND PRIZE AND GOLD MEDAL RECEIVED AT WORLD'S FAIR, 8T. LOUIS. United Stsatea Tent and Awning Co., Randolph and Dtiplalnt. fits., CHICAGO, III. FOR SALE. 600 OPERA CHAIRS, all ELECTRIC FIXTURES and all SCENERY of the GARRICK THEATRE. Also all PAUL REVERE" Scenery, including TREAD MILL, Onus and Cannons, etc. About 20 DROPS and SCEN- ERY of all kinds. Everything must be sold. For farther information, write to ARMAND T. NICHOLS, Garrlok Theatre, Atlantic City. N. J. CIRCUS CANVA8E8. BLACK TBNT8 Our Specialty. BIDK SHOW PAINTINGS. •^^immmm.ymimmms^ SHOW TENTS For Circn.e>, Wild West Show., Black Tenia, Candy Top., Flag., Klild A Baker Light., «tc. Send for 10 page price ll.t of .econd baad Tent.. BAKER A LOCKWOOD MKO CO., 7th and Wyandotte, gjMM City, Mo. KELY MANUFACTURER OF SHOW CANVASSES Faoifio Coast Amusement Co., SULLIVAN and CONSIDINE, Owalag and operetug M nm Ola*. Vauderuie Theatre. Bast, Northw Mt and Wa.t "%Xr A. IW^T^'Ba^T^ " *U **>•>, FIRST OLA SB ACTS OF ALL KOTO VW ^ffawi^L X JVU a that oan d.llrer the good.. SOUS I00KIN0 AGENTS: AL. UN'EEN, Family Theatre, ltttb St., near Park Are., New Tork Oltji 0BAS. WRAT, n» Denny Rldg, Seattle, Wash.; CUIUS, 0. BROWN, «7 8. Olark St., Chicago! ABOHIE LEVY, 111 Idly it, Ban rruicleeo, OaL WE ABB MAKING A SPECIAL .... Of Batln or Velvet, llandaomelr Embroidered In Color., &||t flaf) Send for .elf mea.nrlag card and .ample.. Fit and Satisfaction duar.nt.t., WOLFF, FORDING it CO., 08 Bitot St., Iloiton. m TUU IT Sixth Jw„ Cor 26 St., 11 WIGS WILLIAM HEIWEIt Witt CJO. LEADING WIO HAKBRI. Largest iteck In America. Wig. made to order. Foil line ot pakili, powaer. and oold cream. Bend lor catalogue "0" to either place, 1M WESTMth Ht,, N. Y.; Uhloago Opera IJoti.e Block, Chlcage, SONG-POEMS POFCLAB MUSIC PCD. AND PUULINHRD ON UOVALTV. We write llii.lo to your word., Introduceand popul.rlie. Bond In mhk. CO., KID Knterprl.e Bldg., CIIICAQO. f*f\\A£M& FQR STAGE AND STREET lalj WW l« a3 BEAI.BIC1S JACKET. AND ITIJKa. ■LIOBTLT CBED N T Large Stock 80ft and Tinder New and Second Hand. Write THE CHAKLES P. BIBDBR TENT AMD AWNING CO., Successor, to the T. W. Noble Co., Tent Dept., Detroit Bag and Mfg. Co., Detroit, Mich. Fine Magical Apparitn ILLUSIONS. TRIOKB, Etc- Grand End or Century, folly IlluHtratod. BOOK OATA* LOOTJB, ate., fr«e by matt. Catalogue ot Parlor trick, ma MARTINS.A A CO., Bfn_ l« Sixth Ate., K.T. M. 8TRA88MAN, ATTORNEY, Bit Broadway, New York City. PIT MIT M. fit Wi? & Toupee Uakerj, E SJH AVVC Vila PATnra .nd r powder. ■oVICKBB'g THBATBB, Chleaso, III. Telephone—Cantr»], 604, Bend tor Catalogae. THB1ATBIOA1 OOflTTJafJBH, 130 N. TTII ST., PHIL A. MMF. CRANE costumes MaMM WSItHleWf ESrillATES OIV (IIVKN HLIUI1TLT WORN. liurloHquo. Evening, Street down. FOR 8ALK, OHKAP. OR MADKTO ORHKR, 1->1N Broadwajr, New Tork. mi Mfissmi ™%5* RfE0T TRUMKS. lag U net pi TRUNK. aSIONAL, IBDNJC Sfl the «»■ 10