The New York Clipper (December 1905)

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11G2 THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. December no. r ALL OUR FILMS COMB WITH HMD TITLES, AND SHOW OUR TRADE «**i ^v«"- MARK. One Quality PATHE FILM nts Per JUST OUT! JUST OUT! 393 Feet The tourists embark and the steamer leaves the harbor with everybody in merriment. Soon the heavy sea proves fatal to some of the excursionists and they enter their cabins, Ihinlc- inp to find relief by laying down. Suddenly sailors appear and wake up the sleepers. The ship is aflame, and men and women have to leave the burning vessel by means cf life- saving boats. For days the shipwrecked crew is at the mercy of the waves until they are rescued by life-savers. AHD OUR LATEST FILMSt MI®AX>V:E>K:aDXTR;E>» OIT JL HiVCT - - ISO &&&t CHKISTMA8 GOOSE? «... . - lO^ Feet OUTSTOM HOU8B SEARCH ... - lMt Feet THESE THREE FILMS ARE FROM BEGINNING TO END FULL OF COMEDY, AND WE HBCOMMBND THEM HIGHLY. WATCH OUR AD. IN NEXT WEEK'S CLIPPER. PATHE FILMS ABB PHOTOGRAPHICALLY FINER AND STEADIER THAN ANY OTHER FILMS. mSmiL. PATHS OI2VE>MA/rOGRAI»H CO., uSSLl ■I We hiv. th» LARGEST an d BE8T EQUIPPED Works In tht World for tho Manufacture or Ie()AND Roller ROLLER SKATING! MANAGERS can make more money during the coming aoason by operating a ROT LERBKATING RINK THAN IN ANY OTHER MANNER. •4T-\ Writ* for Catalogti« and mil Information regarding Skates and ; Illnk Management. THE 8AMUEL WINSLOW 8KATE MFQ. CO., WORCESTER, MASS. ft Long Lane. London. E, C, England. WINSLOW SKATES Standard of the World for FIFTY YEARS TAYLOR TRUNKS. O. A. TAYLOR TRUNK WORKS. 89 E. Randolph St.. CHICAGO: 181 W, 38th St., NEW TORE. Write for New Catalogue. "PATTEBSOH. TRUNKS. PROFESSIONAL. CASH »2 r 20 X 22. KNOWN RVKUYWHEttB. 27 X 20 z 17 SB.75 80x21x18 0.00 "—— 84x21x23 83x22x19 6.25 WITH 80x22x24.. 86x28x20 6.50 nnnnn 38x28x25.. 40 I 24 x 21 7.50 ORDER. 40 x 23 z 25.! For Particular! and Illustration, Bequest Catalogue. THH BBLBBB TRUNK AND BAQ CO., 152 Cohimbli Atenue, PHILADELPHIA, PA. "ATLAS." IHONCLAD. 10.00 0.60 10.00 10.60 11.00 THB GREAT ENGLISH YAUDBVILLB PAPER. THE and THEATRI :vikw. 401 Strand, London, FOREIGN SUBSCRIPTIONS, - ... 8*. Sd. PBB YEAR PROFESSIONAL ADVERTISEMENTS, . 2a. (Id., Single Oolnmn lack N10W YOltK CORHESPONDKNT AND RH1'., IDA CARLE, OFFICB, 708 ST. JAUHf BLDQ., where advertisements will be received. Copies on file. A * Popular F* r l04»Bt SATISFACTION GIIARAHTKBCD. Catalogue Free. NEGRESCOU HAIR CO., 10)1 State St., 5th Fl., CHICAGO. Attention! DOCTORS, MEDICINE PEOPLE AND SHOWMEN *F Why handle rocky good* when you can handle gooda that will sell tbemselfea Electric Belts from II per doi. up. Large variety to select from. Electric Jan 75c. doi.; Electric Insoles, 87 tyc. doi. pairs. Soap, 12.10 gross; Fine Medi cal Batteries. 8eud75c. for Sample No. 14 K. B., eip. prepaid. Latest out. Ok third cash required. Trial order will convince. Largest Manufacturers of El* trie Belts ana Appliances In U.B.A. Established 1878. Lecture and price list fra THB ELE0THIO APPLIAJCK 00., Bnr.iii.loa, Kan. KBADQTJARTERS FOR WIGS L-ar-eost: Stook In N»w York. OCR 80UIIHKTTE WlO AT J4.00 IS A BEAUTY. A FULL LINE OF SWITCHES OH HAND. Bond for Price I.lsu Tho Prices will Surprise you. ROBE K0GH LENOX, 17 B. Hth Slroet, Bear Union Square, HEW YORE. CENTRAL TRUNKS. 20ln., S7.BO: 28ln., $8.50; SOIn , J9.50; SGln., flO.BO; 40ln„ «12.60. ClrluBTrunks, 24x18x18, Bill Trunks, :H)rj:iil5, lusidc, tis.oo. LItho Trunks. 42M,x28M,xi:> luslde, $15.00. Shipped on receipt of 13.00, linl. C. O. 1).. except over 300 miles, then remit whole amount. olMONB 4 CO.. CENTRAL TRUNK FACTOKY, Est. 1804, B. W. . cor. 7th and Arch Sts.,Phllu. ABSOLUTE CURE HOME TREATMENT So lutrerlng, no detention from business, no harmful mm, TRIAL SAMPLE FREE. MM, LKfUOR and WRETTE DIBITS We onre and cure forever the oravlng for morplilno, cocalno, opium, liquor and tobacco, and restore the system to health and strength. Oar remedy has been tested continuously for many years by onr asiootate physlolani la their private practice. We oan refer yon by letter or In person to men and women who will gladly tell their happy eiporlonoe with our treatment. SEND FOB BOOKLKT. Our letters and remedlee sent without any outside marks. Prlvaoy 1* complete. DRUG CRAVE CRUSADE, 118 nartford BalMlag, •rCalaa Sq.a.w YarB! Ul.kvel.anII 144 BOWERY, NEW YORK. CITY. For a half century we nave been giving real bargains ,n diamonds. It la ridiculous to sup- pose that stores located on Broadway, where enormous rents prevail, can compete with' ns. A comparison of goods and prices will convince the most sceptical. VALUE S225. NOW S1B8. |i>«'-6 m kts. Commercial pure white color, perfectly cut, very snappy and free from all Imperfections. This gem will be renot Into .any other setting free ot charge. Send for Onr Forfeited Loan Catalogue. Mall Orders Filled. Inquiries Solicited. Song books *f- BIG SELLERS *V CONTAIN SONGS-JOKES-PARODIES ETC . 75* per IOO- $6°-° per 1000 SAMPLES I0 4 -NOC.O.DCASH WITH ORDER WEHMAfV BROS. I26Pa«rRow,NeWYork flllkolln* TIjTbts, en.oo WorstsO, Tight. fit.OOi Cotton Tlahta, •I.T)0| Bilk Tight., from •9.1(3 upi Hhlrt. to match all same prlee ssnB VIAsTlIsll a «aa*aa*s. mu i.wsiie| WmmW era, ll.oOi Elaitle Supporter*, •1| Cloth Supporters, if oenta. Send for catalogue and isnplM oi tight, free. T>«.ltlvely a de- posit required. Satisfaction guaran- teed or money refunded. BPI0ER BROS., 18 Woodbine St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Old stand but new address. b e ^! lithograph; ABOUT HALF THE PRICE NEW LITHO-TINT-PAPER SEN0 FOR CATALOGUE Morrison Show Print «.,„, Oitrolt, Mloh, Learned by anyone<at home. Small cost. Send 2 cent stamp for particulars and proof. O. A. aMITil, Box 0, 2040 KnoxYlllo Ave, Peoria, III. UNIFORMS Band, Military, Minstrel Parade Out- fits, uhIil'ih and all others. Send for OatAlog.montlon kind wanted. Special Attention Olvon the Profession. \Veet- ern Uniform Co., 814 dark St.. Chicago. BLOOD POISON FOR MORE THAN TWENTY YEARS we have made the cure of Blood Poison a specialty. Blood Poison Permanently Cured. You can be treated at home under same guaranty. Capital $500,000. We solicit Ihe most obstinate cases. If you have exhausted the old methods of treatment and still have aches end pains, Mucus Patches In Mouth, Sore Throat. Pim- ples, Copper-Colored Spots, Ulcers on any part of the body, Halror Eyebrows falling nut, write for proofs of cures. lOO-pags Book Free. COOK REMEDY GO. mi aUOIIC TEMP IE, Chicago. III., II. 1.1. aSSsnnnvaBavsaKamnusrjsjnaKaunBtKsnunBnsai For KIDNEY TROUBLES and CATARRH of the BLADDER. ' Cures all | Discharges In 48 Hours CAPSULES 7". /WlDt THE CMS. K. HARRIS SONGSTER, Absolutely the Best. Always Contains the Latest Hits SMALL BIZB, 9*119*, §1.00 FBR HCNDRSD. LARGE SIZE, 10XX13K, tl.BO PBR HUNDRED, WRITE FOR SPECIAL PRICES FOR SPECIAL DEBIONS. 31 West 31st St., New York. MEYER COHEN, Manager. (Tii* Largest Ballad Hetjse In the World.) —MEDICINEMEN With SILVERWARE, HOLLO WARE, STATIONERY, AND EVERYTHING THEY NEED. We Are The Wriu *■ •"■ 0—&** cat*io«».. we Are The Most Reliable House In the Business PIHGIMS!. HOUSE 274 E. MADISON ST., CHICAGO. Promptest House In the World MANUSCRIPT OF SONG POEMS, ORIGINAL MELODIES, Or COMPLETE WORKS, And ir they have any merit we have the facilities to make tnem go. All letters answered promptly. PIONEER MUSIC PUBLISHING CO,, Roemaoa, Manhattan Bide;., CHICAGO, ILL. MANAGERS AND THE PROFESSION! BEFORE PLACING YOUR ORDER8 FOR A ««RS?S n ?iTJfiSJ{ 0 JESS£ er Kl" S«W Studio Will convince you that an tu M per cent, can be saved. anlB^ r i« 1T »M-Tweatr-flv8 Farm PaneU and two extra larga Fb$ograpaj, Ivo positions, flnlstied, for $6. FEINBERG, "& TELEPHONE CONNECTION. 1348 Brondway, New York. Between 86th end 80th 8te, Formerly ot MW.lsthSt. 7be 1 mmtSm MONEY MADE WITH OUR OUTFITS rmm ...Mm CHEMICSl ron MAKING Mm: fgim for (OtSCBJPTIVl |;circuiab wmmimm& , WE-MOOREM'ttYloGTRANKLIN ST. Leatheroid Trunks. TDEY'LL LIVE LONBER THAU TOD. LEATHEROID MFC. CO., Bend for Catalogue. 53St D'WAY, W. ¥., Bear Bprlng at. T^ rf;orprioPm » Brlnac Your CHmoUn n^™n£\tt n &!:JP™ J ^* WLM '*™l CO - K - »• Corner #!••_»-j» TTRITB OR TBLKQRAPH WHKM AND WHBRH TO SflKT TOU. DSUOMLT WORK FOR STME J ND STBEE V. |«if ft> W W! X' d SKALBKINS, FlfllS anrtOPKBA COATS JA; JUgOjig BARRETT, 323 State St., OMcago, III. ME IROFESSHINAI DO VOU RCPHOAiV S.VJJIWVU. That Uie BAX PROFESSIONAL TRUNK Is FIBRE lnsldt Tdiimi/c mo outside? That the BAL Professional Trunk Is in» IIIU INKo igntent and strongest trunk on earth ? Send lor Cjt*- " v logue»C.» now. 40th8t. 1 K.T.