The New York Clipper (December 1905)

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Dhobmbbb 30. Clium A Films, lffc. Pep Ft. Class B Films, l«c. Per Ft. THE KEW YORK CLIPPER. 1163 Exhibition Model, $110.00 Universal Model, - $75.00 FiJLMS AWD PROJECTING KINET OSCOPEB RECOGNIZED STANDA RDS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. THE GRE ATEST PRODUCTION SINCE "THE GREAT TRAIN ROBBERY." THE TRAIN WRECKERS. QWPfW AT OIMOI ** A MASTERPIECE IN MOTION PICTURES. SEND P0II ILLU9TRATBD DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULAR No. 273. No. 0,222. CODE, VATERLOSER. LENGTH, 815 FEET. CLASS A. $122.23 SHIPMENT! r HOJL-IID AY ATTRACTION, A Faithful R.production In Motion Picture, ol the Time-Honored Christmas Legend, • # lM«».C^P_y!!^||g5j fflJte ^ 5 i**^g'a^JB fcJ* *l 1 l^ J lDtl Claus Looking Over His Books—Children Hanging Their Stocking*—Children Romping nod reeking—Santl Claus Leatlng Ills Cattle In tbe Frozen North _Ssnta Claus on HisJot^ey (Panoramic View Covering Thousands of Mllea)—On the Roof and down the Chimney—Fining the 8tocklng8—Chrlatmaa Morning—Christmas Tree Tarty—"Merry Christmas to All and to All a Good Night." ORI •NO Chimney— Killing the Stockings—CUrlstroas Morning—Christmas No. 0.225. CODE, VATERTHEIL. LENGTH, 800 FEET. CLASS A. S120.00. S Night.' __ ____ _____ ._ ___ ANOTHER GREAT HEADLINEB, LIFE OF AN AMERICAN POLICEMAN. BOMB LIFB—GOING ON DUTY—LOST CHILD—BROADWAY CR08SING—STOPPING A RDNAWAT—(RIVER TRAOBDTf)OR(DESrBRATH ENCOUNTBR BBTWEBN nURGLAR AND POUCB)—JOKE ON TUB ROUNDSMAN. Fnrnl.hed complete with EITHER of the t—o thrllllnc scene., "River Tragedy" OR "Desperate Encounter Between Burglar unci Police." Send for Illustrated Deaerlptlv. Clroular No. 2T0. No. 0,223. CODE, VATERNAHB. LENGTH, 1,000 FEET. CLASS A. S150.00. These pictures were taken.with the sanction and co-operation of the Police Commissioners of New York City, and all the policemen who took part In the pictures are members of the Metropolitan Polle* Department. The pictures are absolutely perfect iaa tojjetall, action and surroundings, and depict In the most realistic manner actual dally life and happenings. The pictures were firet shown at the benefit entertainment for the Police Relief Kund, at the Grond Central Palace, New York City, Dec. 6, 1005, and at a similar entertainment at Bchwaben Hall, Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 12, 1005, and produced the greatest kind of a sensation. SPECTACULAR SCENES DURING A NEW YORE CITY FIRE. Showing the destructioni of theJUckawanna and Jersey Central Railroad Ferry Houses, New York City, Dec. 20, 1005. For several years we have received prompt notification regarding every largo In New York City, RUT HAVE ONLY .MJSTSDCOBEDED IN SECURING A SATISFACTORY PICTURE. Our photographers were promptly on the grounds, and secured excellent pictures of the most Interesting nnd cicltlng scones DURING TIHO PROGRESS OF tub FIRE. The fierce flames, the streams of water from the engines and Are boats, tbe falling of the gigantic clock tower, and tho desperate work of tho flremon arc all graphically and realistically depicted. SHOWN IN SEVERAL NEW YORK VAUDEVILLE HOUSES THE FOLLOWING NICHT a b-al w%mm giofjuw No. 0,231. CODE, VATICANISM. LENGTH, 380 FEET. CLASS A. f.57.00. SEND FOR LATEST CATALOGS AND ILLUSTRATED CIRCULARS. DISOI\ M/%~slJF/%CTURIIMG CO ■ f cell IU0 Ifi-IITC THE KINETOQRAPH CO., • 41 E. 21st St., New York. MAIN OFFICE and FACTORY, ORANGE, N. J. New York Office, 31 Union Htiunre. Cable Address, Kurlltan. New York atlllnB WtrilO. PETER BACIOALUPI, 780-788 Mission St, San Francisco, Cal. Chicago Office, S04 Wnba.h Avenue. OFFICE FOR UNITED KINGDOM: 25 CLERKENWELL ROAD, LONDON, R. C, ENGLAND. Winslows Skates BEST SO YEARS AGO, BBBT TO-DAY. Are Used Exclusive- ly by the Best Rinks. We tmve the Largest and Best Equipped Works In the World for Making I O B> AND ROLLER SKATES YOU CAN MAKE MONEY BY RUNNIN6 A ROLLER SKATING RINK. The Increasing popularity of Roller Skating has opened a larger Held than ever before for this popular amusement. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. __. Th( , C(|t Illustrate* WINSLOWS LATEST MODEL WOMEN'S RINK SKATE, WITH "WEB" STEEL ROLLS. ED. ALICE n. MARVELLE and GLEASON, A Big Bueoass I Presenting "BROTHER TOM'S FRIEND." I Th. Only Act Everywhere. I Week of Deo. 31, Arcade Theatre, Toledo, Ohio. | of IU Kind. ROSCOE and SIMS COMEDY MUSICAL ACT. Juliet, Grand, Deo. 18-24; Chicago, Olympic, Deo. 26-81; St. Louis, Columbia, Jan. 1-7; Chicago, Hajestlo, Jan. 8-14; Ohloago, Ilaymarket, Jan. 16-21. OPEN TIME. HENRY BROWN, VAUDE^VII-I.E. .** «-J m. f>t I , BO DEARBORN STREET, Chicago, 111. TRICKS ALL THE NEW ONES. YOST A COMPANY, 43 N. Ninth St., (EstalillHhed 1870.) Pill adclpbla. 4W Large Catalogue for Btanip. PHILADELPHIA Reached best by the New Jersey Central READING SYSTEM TRilE KTKRT HOUR A»D 01 Tilt 1101 H Fiat Time Rock Ballast Superb Dining Service STATIONS IN NOW YORX: Pool W.H -Ji>l SI. Pool L.lbeft>'St.,N.R. !• lWM l^ s T - lVil e MANUFACTURER I" ^ T3& BAND INSTRUMENTS,«... WRITE POR CATALOGUE. LOUIS VITAK, "Dept. F.," 196 Wabash Ave., Ohloago. Ilfafsl FrjA Clintll ICO <****, Batons, (inns, Rolling Globes Hood*, JUbhl rKN VHPPI IfcXn-nWIrewaUers'Apparatas.RoinanAies. Stamp far ■VHMhhIIV WW! I -sIBsV Catalog and list. Edw. Van Wyck, Olnolnnstl.O. PROCTOR'S ENTERPRISES. F- F. PROCTOR, Sola Prairlster and Managtr. 7 BEAUTIFUL THEATRES 7 Devoted to Refined Entertnlnment. I'roctor'a 8th Ave. Theatre, Proctor'. Kid St. Theatre, I'roctor'a BHtli St. Theatre. Proctor's 135th St. Theatre, I'roctor'a Newark Theatre, Proctor's Alhnny Theatre, Proctor's Troy The- atre. PROCTOR'S STOCK OO. Bui Plays and But Vaudnllli. INSTRUCTIONS TO ARTISTS BOOKED: £»»* plot of acts; complete "prop" list; correct light plot; If you open or close In one; .XACT tlmo of acta, and of "close In;" bill- ing for newspapers and programmes; and CLEAN PHOTOGRAPHS for LOHBIKS TWO WEEKS IN ADVANCE OF OPENING DATE AT EACH H0TJSB, addressing RESIDENT MANAGER. FAILtJRE TO COMPLY with luese INSTRUCTIONS WILL SUBJECT ARTISTS to the RISK OH" CANCELLATION. VAUDEVILLE REHEARSALS, 9 TO 11 A. M. MONDAYS. THESE RULES WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED. Playwrights, Authors, Play Agents, Address F. F. P ROCTOR, Proprietor and Manager. FIFTH AVE. THEATRE. N. T. CITY. i_n :rty, CORNE>T B. nnd O. or LEAD BAND. GOOD LIB. MCBIO. Write or wire. K. H. DBVEWPORT, No. 128 Front Street, Port Jervts, N. Y. CABIHBT PHOTOS hSVdr'ed. Sendyonr nogatlTO to print from or a photo to copy. Future Husband or Wlfo Photos, white, W»ok, vUlble or Invisible, 12 per 1,000. Send for sample, WKNDT, Photo., Boonton, N. J. LUNA PARK PITTSBURG. WANTS LARGE FERRIS WHEEL On percentage baa's. BEST LOCATION In the park. Address FREDERICK INQERSOLL, OENERAL MANAGER, JOT Fourth Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. OPEN TIME WANTED, FOR NEW LYCEUM THEATRE, SPfilHLD, 0„ FIR8T CUSS ATTRACTIONS FOR 1, 2 OR 3 NIGHT AND WEEK 8TAND8 Want an attraction for opening night, Dec. 26. Opening time during Jan.. Feb., March, April and May. Reasonable terms to drat class attractions. Managers repertoire companies write. If- Cddrcss CDS SON, Springfield, 0. VAUDEVILLE™""" PERNUMBErPRUMPTEH All kinds of Minstrel Jokes, Monologues, Oet Backs Cross-lire Conversations, Plays, Aclb, Up-to-date New Sketches. __ ____ CATALOGUE FREE. Address W | L|> RQSSITER, Theatrical Supply De_pt 1 10, e» Dearborn St., Chicago. 202 W. 28d St,, Now Vork. of TtieatiicaJ Boots A Shoos All work mads on short notice. No disappoint- ment; we make from I pair to palm. Clog a ml Hill In tSbooi a specialty. Tel.ioo ClielBoa. TMEAT/UCAJ. PfMNr/NGAM> EAOffAV/AfO SROSS PRINTINO CO.. CHICAGO f .LTTHi IILHUi cmuopss. CADal. owniACtt naim at jzv,. Pkg. STAOE MONKY, 180. BOOK OF OUTS, Mo. TRICK CARPS, 6c. W rlto Today. FLASH LIKE THE GENUINE Day or night. Solid gold mounting. You can own a diamond equal lu brilliancy to any genuine stone at one- thirtieth tho cost. KAKODA DIAMOND* Htand acid test and export examination. We guarantee them. See them Drat and then pay. Write for catalogue. Agents wanted. THE H Alton A COMPANY, Dept. 1,03-71 Wabash Ave.,Chicago, 111, FILMS FOR RENT EVERYTHING NEW HERE. Get Our Terms Before Ordering Elsewhere. 2 W. 14th ST., NEW YORK. 91 DKAllIIOlin ST., CHICAGO. CAM. MoMAHON'B Famous Theatrical RF8TAURANT «T9 SIXTH AVE.. Bet. 28th and »lbBU., NKW YORK. CITY. Bost of Food, Perfect- ly Cooked, Dellclonsly Served. Prices rc»- aona'».-, Special Din- ing Room for Ladles THEATRICAL WIGS of oil klu-lfi, HmhIbI tiTim tO (ho profo*?lon. UBO. hllaVHUU, D»pl. A 11 StaU Ht. (Uttf. MANUSCRIPT PLAY5 JS-PI44 LA SALLE ST. « CARRIE M. SCOTT, Physical Perfection IVrinntiled. AT 1.IDEHTY 8BA8ON 1900-7. M CHICAGO PL-AY rACTORY I'L A'< 5 Will I 11 N TO OUtlt U. liOOOIt I *»U r M h \UtSfl -A • Ml<i> A V BDCV/Nt i03l ituuon il «SS* WAYS WITfl PAPfP sSR 1000 SKtTOfS OUR Film Buyers Draw Upon the Reionroea off Every Film Maker in the World for the "National Service" WEEKLY CHANGE OF MOTION PICTURES. Ton Oet the Benefit off Onr Effort! in Thia Direotion. —WRITE TO-DAY.— NATIONAL FILM RENTING COMPANY, 62 N. Clark St., CHICAGO, ILL. 1 HAVE YOUR MUSIC PUBLISHED ON ROYALTY sand oa a good poem, a good melody or a complete work. Ws bat* bo tavorlt* writers. All aa*s •anal chance. All letters answered promptly. PIONEER BlUaiO PDBMHIiInu IOMFAUT, HO* HaakstUa Bldg., CBIOA««. PLAYS For Slock Companies, (or Repertoire Companies, for Analuri LAUOHBT ABBOHTMMNT IN TUB WOULD. Books tot hoots amusement, Negro l'lays, I'aper, Scenery, lira. Jar.tys Works. Catalogue Vroel Fresl Vresl •AUOBL FI1HNCH, IT W. a-el St., Maw Torn. QOIIfi TO EDBOPE To apply for lowest rates al Paul Taulg'• Kxottntj* Otilo*. 101 Kaat 14th St., N. T., German flSTlDgs Bsak Bolldlnf. Tel., 20M Orameroy. Catlo addfMI, Blanealg. All printed matter and lot. free. SHOES FOR HTAOK, BTIIKCT ANIJ KVKNINO, KXOLUBIVB STYLES AND WOKKMANBIII!' OUARANTKKl). Short Vamp and Stag* Lasts always on liand. Hall ordent Filled. Kit guaranteed. WILLIAM DEUNBTEl-, Tel. 608 MaillBon Square. eon Sixth Are., near list Street, N. T. OUK JICJ81KHY DKI'AKTMENT AN INSTANT BUOOEBfi. ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, PLANT8, BUSHES, VINES AND NATURAL PREPARED PALMS, 8AQ08, ETC., FOR 8TAQE USE. Anything and erery thing In this line for autre pnrposes, for special sceneries and occasions, -re- proof or otherwise. Writs for my large Catalog 0, which will he of great value to yea. OAHL NBTlOHBBT, 140 Wanash Ave., Chlcag*. wornJ* Y Stage i Street Gowns Tel. HTl-One Oxford. aMTBBHONT ITKBKT, BOBTOIf, Opposite Majestic Thtatre.