The New York Clipper (December 1905)

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1164 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. December so mrm jS. LUBIN * life hotTo iiVifm films * PHILADELPHIA * * 21 South Eighth Street. IMPERSONATION LANKY BOB PITZSIMMONS, THE HERO OP MORE THAN THREE HUNDRED BATTLES, A MAN BELOVED BY EVERY SPORTING MAN IN THE WORLD. BECAUSE HE ALWAYS FOUGHT HIS BEST, MET DEFEAT IN HIS BATTLE AT THE HANDS OF PHILADELPHIA JACK O'BRIEN, AFTER ONE OF THE MOST DESPERATE RING FIGHTS EVER KNOWN THE END CAME BETWEEN THE THIRTEENTH AND FOURTEENTH ROUNDS. INTO HIS CHAIR PITZ WAS HELPED BY HIS SECONDS. A COLD SPONGE WAS PRESSED OVER HIS FACE. AND THEN CAME THE END. WITHOUT A WORD THE GRAND OLD MAN OF THE RING COLLAPSED, FELL FROM HIS SEAT TO THE FLOOR AND STRETCHED OUT. REFEREE GRANET BUSHED TO THE STRICKEN BOXER, GLANCED AT HIM, AND THEN STOPPED THE BOUT, GIVING THE VICTORY TO O'BRIEN. corvi IN THIRTEEN ROUNDS. 1,800 WILL ALSO SELL SIX BEST ROUNDS, 000 FEET. PRICE, $120. THE GREATEST MONEY MAKER OF THE 20th CENTURY. THERE'S A REASON WHY 1 FILMS, AT 12 CENTS A FOOT, ARE GOOD VALUE FOR THE MONEY. Read the answer In the January Cosmopolitan Maga- zine, which tells In an Intensely Interesting article how our Great Film, "The Escape from 8lng Sing," was made. It's mighty entertaining reading, and gives agood Idea of the amount of care, expense and labor-- of attention to detail and exercise of originality that Is lavished upo n every Vltagraph production. WHEN OUR COMPETITORS Show their Jealousy by "knocking" our films In print. WHEN A STANDARD MAGAZINE (The Cosmopolitan) devotes nine pages to describing indetall how one of ourVitagraph productions Is made. WHEN EVERT EXHIBITOR Eagerly buys every film we make, and, like Oliver Twist, "asks for more." WE FEEL THAT OUR EFFORTS ABE BEIN6 CROWNED WITH SUCCESS. SPEAKING OF 91CCK98KB, GET OUR NEW ONE, MAN WANTED As Full of Laughs as a Joe Miller Joke Book, LENGT H, ■ - 3QO FEET. WATGII FOR THE GREEN GOODS MAN CIRCULARS FOR THE ASKING. THE VITAQRAPH COMPANY OF AMERICA, 116 NASSAU ST. NEW YORK. MILKS BHOS., rr~; — no Turk si.. Ban Franrlico, Cal. SELLING AGBNTSt It I.KINK OPTICAL. CO.,1 »» Bta«« St., Chicago, III. EDISON KINETOSCOPES. $75. AND ALL THE LATEST AND MOST IM- PROVED MOTION PICTURE MACHINES. FILMS 40HUTMnt«»tUP Rex* Star Stereopttcon $21.50 WITH ELECTRIC LAMP, HIIEOSTAT AND SWITCH. CONDENSERS <^ $..&$,..&. RHEOSTATS. 2WVolt., |8.60. REELS, T.IMF.S, CARBONS, GELATINE SHEETS. FILM BOXES, CONDENSER PROTECTORS, 600. NEW AND LATEST SOU SLIDES, $5 Per Set. «. MOST UNIQUE, RICHLY COLOR ED," ) Eaob. MACHINES, FILMS. 8TERE0PTIC0N, BONO SLIDES, etc., AT GREATLY REDCCED PRICES. weTOt FILMSH MOTION PICTURE MACHINES BEST PRICES PAID FOR FINE GOODS. 809 Filbert, PHILA., PA 8 24 Art Gems 25c A SERIES OF 54 ENTRANCING STUDIES OF THE HUMAN FORK DIVINE. BY FAMOC9 MASTERS. Beautifully reproduced In book form on enamel paper. Full length, sice txt. Sent prepaid (or 26c, together with Illustrations ot 360 Famous Pictures. GORDON GRAY CO.. J1S12 Sheffield Ave., CHIOAGO. THE Rhonemus Leg Improver. Pat Aug. It, 1602. For men with bowed, crooked or hollow legs. Im- provers are a combination aock supporter or leg straightener, for making the pants hang straight no matter how bowed the leg may be. Are invisible, never In your way. Made or aluminum, bo light you never know yon have them on. Positively no Inconvenience to wear. Be dressy on the stage, also on the Btreet, Price, $1 postpaid. Write today for FREE BOOKLET. Address 8..F. RHONEMCB 4 CO., P. 0. Box E H7, SprlngSeld, Ohio. HAflIC KETTLE ACT EXPLAINED In "Exposae" (oopyrlghted). Maglo Book, II. KLt.WOOD'S SCHOOL, WW N. Wth St., Phlla.', Pa! SOMETHING NEW. McAllister's Best Dissolving View Stereopticon With loving Picture Attachment, For showing both Moving Pictures bs well as Lantern Slides, and producing beauuinl DUwolvlig Effects. Necessary where the best results are desired. INSTRUMENTS OF ALL SIZES AND PRICES. VI __. ~M B" I I IVaH «K LARGEST STOCK ■■wl r IkalVia at LOWEST PRICKS Illustrating every subject of Art,Travel and Literature and all timely topics. Latest war scenes, Etc Popular and Religious ILLUSTRATED SO.t'GS, Etc. In fact, any subject adapted for the giving of Public Entertainments. A PROFITABLE BIMS FOR MM WITH SMALL CAPITAL SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATAL0OD1 —Free—which tells the cost of an oatst, explains and Instructs you how to con- duct paying- entertainments. McAllister, Mfg. optician, • 49 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK. t FIL-MS Chicago Headquarters B*or F»iotuLj?e Maoliines EUGENE CLINE & CO,, 59 Dearborn St., CHICAGO. WIGS TOUPEES, GREASE PAINTS, ETC. And thi Litttt and Moit Popular Slyln In LidlM Hair Dr;.iie|- A. M. BUCII & CO., 119 N. Ninth Street, gMaarfdgfcj* ML "ifcKctmiti THE BAL PROFESSIONAL TRUNK iTCUrLiNUNAL J. made of FIBRE, « 0 d la GUARANTEED ; y «• ,>,...„„ Wtt. It Is llfbt inwilgnt This ta the trun.tUj Trunks tf^jplaff *jini ill irv T