The New York Clipper (January 1906)

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1150 THE NEW YOBK CLIPPERS a January g. M THE GIRL VOU LEAVE BEHIND A Oreikt March Banc L^lf, b]r JA8.0'DKA. mo«lr l.jr W. C.POWBl.L.compo»«r of "Thf GoinloJI«.r." Bonnrt to be • big hM. .lait oat. T CHIItE YN. SWEETHEURT, Z.'S "I WOULD All olil faililoniid Iov« moiik by that famons iouk writer, DAVK MAIUOHT. AU biillad diiKeri ahonld •ftnd In for thli mug. Oreat encore winner. NG }j Uy U'CiiANilRMDil BiLLINtSS, Hie wiltora of "sYl.VIK." A sreiit leiitaro song for neat blaek face act, airalKbi lialltttt mnglDK or <|oBrt^U«jpflclalty, now being feainred by the following headllnuMi, ▼andevllle. SA^BISIi JOHNSON, foMA HANL.ON, CAH110L.L. JOIlSsON, niIARt,l1-S (sAWDJf) liMAPJlAflf Bnd otbern. "« ON MY A tooB HonKWilh a good «tory. By JOR HOLiLANDBR. The featare long with FIIBD LENNOX inOKO.ADB'S vaudeville sketch, "ON H»8WPPBa8,"»l»o with " OV." BOWBNwith Hi Henry N MlnidrMi Mend late program with reiiueitii. No attention paid to pontal card re^iueBti or cards. Orchestratlona for the four iibove lODgH In any key to recognized performers. Kindly encloae 10c. C. W. SETCHELL, No. 633 Washington St.. Boston. Mass. PAWNEE BILL'S HISTORIC WILD WEST AND GBEAT FAR EAST CO. .VuvPllv ami S(!nHnHoiiiil Aitfi of nil kIndH. Troops "f Strun(?i', Koioifm I'eoplc, Miost- iIolU(t ucts prefpircd ; (tnr- liifC I'idorH and iLimcnifii o( every countiy, hikI iinyililni,' fintprliilolR); ihnt l8 new to an AJnerlcau iiudlunce: a 'rrocip 111' Anililan Aci'nl>at». a Troop of .InpaiiCKo rorforinerB, a Troop «f Koneli KldcrH, dolnn th« Monkey Drill, a Troup of ZouaTOs, Troops of Sliilialcw! lilndoiw, Kljts. riilllpj.lno, N.iutli Sen IslundnrH. Maoris, Iliil- ii'iiliiis. l^nriilleH, ('oiikoIcm'. .Moorii, Albinos, AuHtinllao Bushmen, IvNiiiioniaux. Clownn, Uahm. Uroic:i(|ue or loinloi! t'liaraolcrn or «cf« of all kltidB, A man to tralD horses, Two I.ady liiicklni; IlnrDO Illdera, lOlglit I.iidy Ituri- Itldors, On(> Ln<Iy StoiioKrnplicr, Two l.ndy hnsso Experts, a man who tlioroiiRlily iinderBtanUs bulldlns;, piitlInK on aad Imndllni; a I'MKlitlnu thu I'Tnincn SIioav. W'llA. mn-, KENT Oil I.ICASI': A TIW.lIl'K OF KLRPIIANTS AND TWO MENAOK llOKSKS. WA.NTlin, A fii-ni'i-nl Sapcrlnti'ndcm. with bl)? show experience; An Kxperlcnced Boss Canvas Man and Ai- slHtant llosHPs in nil (lepnrtnu'niK. Four, Six, Eight and Ten Horse Drivers. AddreRS rilAS. KVAXS. Alt Train Men address K. K. Zl.\TS..MASTI';xt. I'roiierty aen and Wardrobe People address OI1A8. ItOBIX SOX. All l"o<iU llotiSf fcojilc nddresit W. ,1. l/YND & CO. \VANTi;i>, to bcRln work nl oni'o at Winter quarter«, at Canton, O.. the following: Two Rlncksmlths, Two WiKiil Workmen, u llarni'Sd .Maker, a Snll Maker, I'nlnters, Decorators nud I'ar Hiilldent. Kludlv address to (icnerni (inicos. li. W. MIJ.tK (I'AW.SliK RILL), 005 Sansoni St., rhllndolphla, I'a. 1"0K SiniC SHOW—A Hi'ns;il;lonal Aerial Ait fur l-'ree Show; .Vovel and I'p-to-date Vaudeville AetH, sultahle for roHned niirtlenfps: SevernI Aet» with elulio rnte stntse setllnRH. K«ch ail Novelty MualrnI Acts, Sword Swallowing Act. .lapanesi; .Ingsler or Top Spluaer, l.aily (.'ontncllnulalK.ii iJood Female jinrllone Shiufpr, Lady Unck and Wing Dancers, a Strong .Man, One Man Baud, Snake (Ihnrmcr, Three lrf)lig IUIr«vl Women. Kennile Iloxlng or Kenclns Ai'f, Lady Una I'michcr, MsUlnlnK Cra.von Artists. Kenmitlonal Living Iliimnn Kn-aks that arc not repulHlvc, one Switch or Irish Iln(? I'lper, Side hliow Orinders, and one flood Slan for Second Opi'nluxs. Oue l'' Class. Hoher Bide Show UciS/< Canvas Man. I'OU TIIM l,'f»Nt;Kin'—Comedy Sketch Tenais. SlKlor Teams. Tiimbuiirlae Spinners, ii flood Comertv .lugRler. a Cood Ivnoekahout Teaia, II iHt ClaHs DAnrlii^ Team, and a flood Itlack Knee Comedian. H. t(. WILSON, Mkp. I'rIvlloBPK. (!(I5 Snnsoin St.. Philadelphia, I'u. I-'OU TIIK Al>VANCK--Two Car .MaiuiKcrs, .Mnnncer for Opposition DriKnde, I'resa Aucnts, Ooiilraelln)? Agent«. lloute Illders, Cheeker.s- iip. Hill rosters, LIthOKniphers. Two Cooks, and Two Torters. Address OlOX. At!i:.\T KDW. C. KNUI'I', Jamestown, N. Y. NEW HOUSE HERE DEVOTED EXCLUSIVELY TO VAUDEVILLE. THOS, HARCREAVES, Chester, Pa, XCTAXTTEDp Al General Business Man, Union Property Man and Small Parts. Mnal loin no wl'i>. )< M. DAVIS Mgr. Koe Uoinedy Co., Uare ot JCfl'^noii Theatre, Portland, Me., woek JiiU, 1. . Kl iilE HiPMiy, Munlcnl 'I'tain, man slid woman iiEd Song and DanceTeani,man and woman. Mnhi he aole to do Blugie*, if noqessary. uiher People, write. Long enR(i|roment. , Wo pay all after Joinluii. AddrosH, «ltb Iowofi salary, W. a. IIANBURY, H!-, Artelaldo Pt.. Kaat. Toronto, Canada. WE WANT TO LEASE THEATRES IN C1TIB8 OP ft.QOO AND UP. WUl hiiv mil pqstlnn I'lanls tor cash. Write fully what yon have'to oiic'r. ■ TIIKO. 1,. ELSLKU CO., AIU»onTli'atrefliitidl''g. »i. Johns, Mich. WANTtD QUICK, lBi!E"Hli wire or write, Oliora writf. LIGHIHOUSE ROBBERY CO., inoNWooD, MICH. WANTED QUICK, YDUNG INGENUE liN, NOT OVEIl .Ift. 2. LARCE CHIIRIICTER IN. One piece, proforreri. Klne, attractive repertoire people FIRST CUSS CARPENTER, Union man preferred. Address aiANAOER Q. Iiktx-olia, Pa. Wanted at Once* TWO Al MBS, OPEN TIME WANTED, FOR NEW LYCEiM TiEATRE. SPfilliGFIELD, 2 OR 3 FIRST CLASS AHRACTIONS FOR 1 NIGHT AND WEEK STANDS Want an attraction for opening nlRht, Sec 26. Open time darlDK Jan., I^eb., March, April and May, Reasonable terms to Urst clasa attractions. Hanagerg repertoire companies write. Address ODS SUN, .Sprlngfleld, 0. Trap; must p'ay bills. Locate for Winter and bummer season. State aalnry. L. LAOKEY, I/)Talne, Ohio, WANTED, FOR THE DORA WOODRUFF SHOW 'WOMAN FOR .rUVKNILBH, IIBATIEH. AND QKN. ntlS. Other Usetul Peop'c write. Mnnaiffr»1n 111. and Jnd., send open tlmn. Curry snperblisud and orolicttra. .1. 1). KIinoRK, Mtrr.. week Jan. I, Washington, ind.; week Jan. s, Vlaconnes, Ind. A FEATORE SPECIALTY ACT. Mtiit ho first class. Miialoal Aot proferred. Also AT LIBERTY, vivj-DALROY-JACK Versatile Leads, or Ileavlos. Klejrcnt wardrobe. Ite spnnHlble Mantg yrs Uliuractcis. or uen, ilus. HAMILTON, la. WANTED, iEDIOISE PEOPLE. We want aCUlaok Face Comedian that 1b A Ko. I. .Must bo goDd sidirer and ilanccr. do sjieclHltics and work tn aot«. Also want a ienl sketch team. oood salary to fcoort people who are sober and ladles and Renlicnien. One must |ilay plauo. Tickets It I know yon. t jUARKU l)0t!TOHa, Hponcer. Ind . WANTED QUICK, FOR KIT CARSON, A0T0B8 TDAt DOUBLE BAID. . TOM WKlDliMAy, Kit'therwoeil, l.a, TBOMBQSIX!! B, and O. K, N. PtM'NlJ, iDlfiN. lOlh w.. Tone Ilanle, ind. Wunian with red hot siieolaliles, who mn play some small parts. Join on wire. Adiross JOHN- SON i IIAURINQTON, Walortown, Wi«., Jan. 1 anil week; Uololt, Wis., Jan. 8 and week. MAUDE HILLMAN GO. LEADING MAN. Must bo an actor. .\l«o want UNION CARPKNTEll. AOdresa W. A. UlLhUN, Taniilon, .Mssa.vTBrroiite. AT LIBERTY, Character Comedian. WILL 0. CBOOKCTT, Karlboro, lass. AT 1.1 Y, Kor one piece, stork or repertoire, CAIlLOSi INHICKKI', I.eitd9, ncavlcs or Chariiciers. Height Oft., 1S& lbs.; UOLUA ZUNni. Konbrotle, Itoys ur Ingeuiiuis. (ft. In.. IM lbs. flood wardrobe, liobcr andrcllnblo. Kcspunslblo Manaiters address Carlos Innkccp. Darlington,Ind. lilt WHITES SONC.S. 8KKTOHE8, CUMKDIKS ANt) IIRAUAB. iST U-t>. BEST ORIOINAL WORK KOR PR0PF,8S'0NAL9. sOH WALNUT »r„ Philadelphia, Pa. BOB WATf I NEW OPERA HOUSE, ST. JOHK, MS., Rill) MAUCl! I. WANT 0(101) RKl'ERrORY CO. FOlt Ol'KSINll WUKK. UOU.«K MOliKRN. Address ST. JOUN COSVESTION HALL CO. Tricli Unicyclist, FOR STREET WORk'kOR A lolly American Tramp. Sontbern. One not afraid of work. Address YANK SEWELL, Uagoratown. Ud., Julj:l; Hanover, Pa, 4; Car- lisle, Pa., 6: Bedford, Pa, 8; Cumberland, Md., K; Jolmsiown, Fa., 10, At Liberty, XTnion Stage Carpenter, Eleotrioian and M. P. Machine Operator. Thoronghly ejtpertonoed. Sober and reliable, is years' i-3tperlcnce. Heat of rcrcrencB. fRKFER TO LOCATE. WILT 0. HAOAN, licrkshlre Hotel. Reading, Pa. AT LIBERTY, f tnUUt VbiULIll) S. & D. Comedian. Solier, reliable, ojiierlenced people. Elegant wardrobe. Hake offers. Address 8EIUERT and LINIILKY, Helena, Mout. L-ieeRTY, MAN FOR Leads or Heavies, Character and Gen. Bus. WOMAN Thoronithly expcrl»nccd, Oood Wardrobe. (Joint). Address llAUli/'., ( ion. D el., Coliinibus, 0. /rtiK KiNi> ^uuTsBiT TO mj"»> / DR. GRAY'S SOAP, < (The larKO 3 02, green cake. <&0 Mfi only yoii can buy It now (or 'H»'«.aCT Inaiend of SS.dO, bevanse we soil nothing; but soap and you don"! hsvo to pay for paper. Ur. Uray Soup Co., 10 WlerlleUl SI., Brooklyn, N.V. At LlbertyTwTH. FURLONCi COmEUIAN OR OKN, DVSINBftS. With np to dale spccis. iindes.. Farce cotDcdle^, or one piece dram. State all ni first letter. Address EAdl.K HARBOR. X Y. HARRY HOLMAN SoDgs, Faroilies and Stories. Una Immediate time open for Vaudeville nr Coiublnutton. Itu7 KAI»T 14TH ST., New York. UNIQUE THEATRE, AKROIM, OHIO. Week JAN. »'4 OPEN; bI.o FKB. 3 and later. Repertoire or Melodrama.. Thrfa days or one week. Address ACHILLE PHILION, Manager. W&NTBD, FOR SHAV-O&LUaHBR'S BIQ NEV YORK FL&TBBS, SUPFORina MARIE YOUIMO, In ".\ Woman's Savrillce," a young, good iookinf;, Kumllu'inl lA'adlng Lnd.v, Hint run act iind dress the part. Plmio I'luyer, hidy or gent; Man foi props and [wrts, nn AfSfOt tha: I'nn und will hanfc piiper, and good, useful Drnmnttc People In All Ltnei, male and female. State lowest snhiry, send photos and progs., which will be returned. No funi'v salaries i^onsidereil. Klckera and ciisorsanlxers not wanted. Adcltess .SHAW KAI>LA(iIltCR, Fort- land, .\'. 1).. Jan. (1: Northwood 8. IJatton !), Mayville 10, Lnrlmoie 11. Inksier IL', Pptk Itiver la. TATiLN'TSCD QUICK, :Jolnnn wire, long •ea.on. CORNICT to donlile Staae, COMKDIAN, gOUBRBTTK. CHAUACTEH MAN and 'UOnAN. JuTenll* Leads and tifeuleel Ilcavle.; S.^ALL -- -• - Will advance tleketo nin.tjolnnnwlre, I CHAUACTEH MAI CHILDforatrong parts, lltoiedo'lng speclaltle. preforreil. <rom bt. Panl or CUlcago. MoPHEE and BIG COMPANY, MUOSOIHIN, 8A8K, CANADA. K. MSf A. T B D Woman for Characters and General Businets. Must .end iihoto, salary und toll Bartlcnlars. CHA8. K. CHAMFLiIN, Yonkers, N. V.. week .Ian. 1; Pongbkeepal.) . Y., week Jan. 8. ' ' ■ WHAT DO WE OOl -WHY, STRAIGHT AND JEW. WHOl Le MAIRE m Le MAIBE, THE FAIR WITH THE PARODIES. „, THIS WEEK, GRAKl) OPERA nOUSE. FITTBltURO, I'A.-(8TART1K0 THE SEW YEAR GOOD)-^ Happy new Year, Money Ahead. 6ei Yoiir Co. Boo ked. EH. K. A1>AH8 A CO, 127 W. 40lh St.. X.V. Vinlriioquist Figures, Blach Art, lllosions, W»j! Figures. CoBimnes, fito. Send 4 Mninps for llBla. W. 8RAW, Victnria, Mo. J mm TO EDBOPE To apply for lowest rates at Pral TaDslg'a EzoliinBt (M|I<m. IW Bast itth St, N. T., aennan Saving" WJ* Building. Tel., 20W OrameroT. O.We ad*"* SianeslK. All printed matter and inl-«*» ' WANTED, FOB McCarthy's Cat Oc t,^,« „.i in «~. It^^^^i^.'' HBSP0IS81BI.R FAHCB CONEDV PKOPI^E. State all In flrst letter. Address RATHBUN'OIANN,Pleasant Valley.N.Y SHIELDS HOLIDAY BARGAIN FEATURE AfiTS l'K'M-«R^Y,?^?»in*?""''.§''*'^'" RADIUM Dance, (lorgeous coswmes, tight-, sIl/M.SjronJ FBATUKB acts: will strengthen show. For Poslni?: Velvet Clonk SIK Uresn, VUslKiei". J16lS«' ?f}'oi".".."nMT'*'"=''".","••'■• »;•''= f" »"""=« Ontnts M.P. souncl El cots At.serp. Olos/ S"d«»; ""' ^4tor$(l. Bargains regardless of eosl. SHIKLD aSYNDICATE.Iblt We.t aotli M., W. » Waiited.for JOHNNY GALiVlN.iii A Bell Boy .IAS. A . tJAL VliV, Manager of "Bell Boy" fn r.en. Pol., linffnloj N-^'^ For Opera, Musical Producllons, Vaudeville, Pab- llo Appearances. Trial turns arranged, l-orrester, I2t« Broadway, from IDA. M. 'till 9PM O T All kinds, lur Knrope and Amerlea. NbthTbit too lartte; niso sets for clubs (vaudeville dcp»rinient). KaphanTheairlcal Sjndlcte, isai BroaSway.N V NothlDg I For Musical Prodaotlon., Vaudeville, Clui^, Co"' ! °^M«R*r w«!??:ji''!!i-jb FILMS-Edlson', Bull Figlit, 768lt., $60y Faust and Marguerite. S70ft. (Melles), fJJ'- "' „,) tha. 74iri.. too Wonders of the I""-"?;/'f, r».,p., Send forliai, Harbaoh & Co„8MFlibet», i hi'*.."'