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1204 THE 1^151-W YOKK CLIPPER. January 13. M:W YOItlC CITV, I'roctor'H nrtu Arenac Then<r«r (li'. r. Proctor, iiiiinnfcpr).~"A F"nlr Kxiliiiiige," wIiIpIi B-ns r^ronuy |iri'Hi>nlnl In tills city, Willi 'J'liomnH W. iiosM IIS ihi' xljir, N in lln! Jiiiliili! of till- rruciiii- Mii/ik twn-n ihiK wcfk. Jlilii<>H VimiiK iipiii'Mml (III .Itiii. N. In llie li'oJIlis iii.ili- role, :iiiil c-ivc !i viiy inNTinln- inj; pi'rfiiiiiijiiii''-, Muriiii lid' hunini'miH |K>lnl4 Willi i.lllni,' i-ni'ii. Aiiifllii KliiKliiiui rllil «T<(|iliililt' imrk «K Mrti. ll.vcr.stDi, aiiil l.onila ll»'JllV »:ls iil|illnl .-rs l.lll.v »,||i'. a ii.le wnli-li •^iill.'il lire well. Itolicri. ('iiminhiKi<. A. II. Van Huron, (ionrjn Ilouell .•iiifl AIIutC S. II'j»\>oii, nil did Kxil<>ui1t(1ly, IsAbcllr- Kvfs- ion oiiiii'iiis III the Tiiowluy, 'rhiii-s"dn.v iinil I'riday uniliii-i'H. fnnrrN runi-i'mwl In iiii' Inicriiroiniluii, nil »r wliotn illil ••xrcllcni woiU, Hi-iv : .r. (iiiniils IinvH, I'bunni'/. Oinify, It. K. Nfll, I.griflla llnnlv. fmilCM Stnrr, llnrdePD KIrklniiil, Editti Koirlnnd And Dntid Tbomiison. Ncit wpot, "If 1 Werc- Klng." J/ibor(y Tlientre f Klaw i Trlnngtr, mnn- ogtrai.—The miioh-dUcofiiicd play br the iSr. Tnomns DIxnn Jr., pnlltled "The "Clons- man." recffvcd ltd first Nen- Vorit production at tills thentre .Tnn. 8, before an niidlencp that Sited the house. 'i'hla work Hrai snw tho light nt the AcademT of Music, N'nrfolk, Vn.. Sept. 22, 10l)r>, nnd niPi wlili jicclnnm- Itpa and crowded houses tbiotigh tho South, BTierc llH revlvnl of dcrtlonhl <Mllnc mot with ready lesfMinso. 'Jhnr It will' ullr tlin .Norfli to any nuunual dcmonstrntlou thiMi- meain nhsoltiloly no rensoii tn lipllevp. for Its nppeni to HenNntlonallKm Ih I'l'tido iiinl ireak, and the plity Is inorely ii melodrnma 01" miit and v\'eH worn thenlrlcnl de\*tct>i", constriirled alonft lines that do not (Ipvlnlp from tho beaten {>nth In nny imrtlciilnr. It attempts to aoiind tlie daiigi-r cnll t» tli<> tvblte man, nnd'rou<ic htm to the fact that the ahaoliitn eijiiallty of while nnd black FpelU ruin to government and »oi-Ict.v, tun a.«! there Is tio peril approheniled In that direction, and no likelihood of nny such con- tingency nrlstnK, the plea made (ly the piny laclia force. A stroni; Southern elenmut In the house on the oponlnu nliihl kept applaiiM- ireely on tap, and the prenenci' of n cinciiue wan n|ipnri>nl. Hiil even lln' elTorr^ of the nndiily I'Miliernnt could not blind thi' rnllonal ■•iiidllor to the Klnrini.- Iniin-obabUltles and ft-ejtknesses of the pleci'. 'i'lie niillior ninrto a speech. In which It was cleiiii.v I'vldent that h« nlDled entirely nt revolutionary loiidtnclCM. Iti.piittlnc forth the play. The slAi-y iK'ClnN H'ltn the election of Xov. 2(i. 18117, In I'Ifd- iDODt, .'tniitit L'arollnii. Tin' ri-tiirii.-< from Ihi' election nro bronchi In, nnd the neBri>es eiult over the fad th.it thi'y Imro cnrrlMl the election by n Inrije laitjorll.v. WHIInni Pllt Shrimp, n mitc of n white man, w small In his princlpleii ns In hl.s xlnliire, \i eleitiMl gDVeriinr. and .Sllns l.yneli, an ediiented niii- inlto, as lleiitcnanl-Kovernoi-.' I,ynch (•onir<i|s Shrimp Ihi'iiiiKh threnis of e\:|insnre, niiil sn domlnati'.'i ilii- .^lale cuvernnienl. Stoiicninii. the Kadh'nl leniler nnd .secret fonnrter iif tlie Black lii'iiRiii'. Is Ihei'f, nnd with hlin Is bis dailRltler, KIsb'. l-llsb', liavliu; niicvil Itni Oanii'iim ibirliic the wnr. has fnlli'ii In biii- with lilin. and nlieii Sliiin'ninii dlxeuvers ihnt the yintiii; iB-i.ple love li iiDier, he olli'is lien ihe b-aUerslilp at M> |i:iriy In the Htllte, liiii Men ivfiKes, nnd I'Vi'iiiinilly bei'nines the lifader In lils Stale ot ilie I'nuioiis Kii Klut Klon. I.nler on, bin kIsht. rinni. n Is In-r JWfnth IbnniKli :i lieKm, niiil lli'ii rails r'l" WUin 111 avenue his sisler, iiiiil to illwiriii eve'V ncRio ill the ,'<l:ile. I.yiii'h at leiiulb asks •Stonf'maii, fnr the luiml i>( his ilaiiKlUer. nnd Htonemnn's Iheiirles nr ibe iijnallly of libickf: ntnl whites Innucdliilely iIi'siti liini. ami be lieronvs n llvhi;; fury. Itut l.yin-b, wlm haft niele III Ills iiiiwcr, tbrenieux to trianipli niilll Ben iiiid the Kbui eiiliT and reseise her. i:i-ie aii'l ll<'n are reiinlied. luid .sihiii'iiihii nmvs lha<: hi* will niuke ime more ii|i|ii'iil to tlio (loveruiiieni nt Waslilnslou : •'riml the army loa.v lie u'lihdiawii ninl water lie allowed to Keck lis level." llnlbrtKik Illlnn Ruve n line It^i'furmniu'u ns Stoiieinan. anil the nnilalto, .yiicli. «•a^: enpllnlly pliiycd li.v Aitstlrt Vet;li, nMio In ninke ii|i, |ibyHli|iie nnd iicting, w.is nlwa}"' In the plnnre. .leffreys Lewis «nd De Wilt tJ. .li'iinlnKH, In comedy nepro roles, did renin rkniily rihmI wor!(, l^na Qeorgla Welles, na llo> heroine, vvas 'pleaslnir to the eye and fullr equal ro every demand made upon her nlilUty. Her eniollonnl work was most coinnieiulnble. The oil*>t: Ilev. ICphralin Fox. (ienrce Ilee .Tnck- rton; Dick, Albert f,ovcin: lJnl>. Samuel lly- nina;, Mose. Henry Itlley; Aleik, .lobn II. Ilylner; Nelae. |)e Witt »;. .lennlnHn: 1,'ilriiet. litBCOr, .Insepli Womlhiirn: ThoniliKoii, .1. I'. (Jhnllle: .indue Wiillace. .1. R .Miller: l>uii- ■ 'till, ItolHU't li'ili.uiii; (ins, M. .1. Jiirdan : lOve. .leMrcys I.etvls: Austin Sloiieiiinii, llollu'ook Dllan; Or. Illchtird I'linieroii, .Ii>si>ph Wbee- look Sr.; Nlora. Krailcos .Shniiiion; .Nellie Urohain. lirnyce Seott: Albv Wnrth. .lenniie atodflra; .lohu Diirhani, I'red Kley ; lOlsle, tioorfihl Welles: Helen l.o\vell, tirelchen llftle I Kale I^nvrense. Kiitli Hurt: .liilla Uuii- •■lin, Cremi Itennelt : the fostnmn, .\. II. Slvminons; lien t.'nnieron, Sydney Ayres: t*lta!> I.yuch, Altailu Webb: rn^eilninn'R llu- renn Akenl. .Inmes firadv ; Xeern Coriioral, •loaepli • Wooilburii; Wlllinm I'lll Shrimp, Murray Wooda: ,Iiike, Harry .Malnhnll: lien- •■rnl .\. It. I'nrrosi, .Inmes .f. U.van; ITuIted HtnlPH CoinuilKsloncr, .Iidin Nichols. . >"€•«• Vorli ll(|i|i<>dr<>ini> i'J'honi(>son & Uuufly, mnnniferHt.—-'A Soelely Circus" eon- Iluues to be n potent iiinKttet here. The vnuJevllle nnd circus nets week of Jan. R arc: Claire Ilellnl nnd her IIdiik. llnrlow's oleplianls. .Mlsa Miinpiis and her ponies, t'ut- ircll and Powell, eoueslrlnii Hit ; Altierl i mn ilpll. hili'lc.-;mie ciiuestrbin : Ut."ras Kninlly iif Mcrobnls, O'Meers Sisters, on the wire: the Konr Marnos, nerolmls : Mnrunerlte nnd linn- ley, ciiullibrlsts: the l-\nir Itinno!), anil the Kiiiifmaii nicycle Trouiie. "The "Sons of tlie FlowerK" ballet coiiiluuea to dnzilc with Its hrlUiancy. Vorkvllle Tlu-nlre (.Meyer It. nimhei-K. inauaffer).—I.'tider the niaiimti'ment of Wnlter X. I.nwreuci'. Henry !J. Dlxey nniilo his ilcliut 111 Ihia theatr<> on Mnmlny nluht. Inn. R. Sup- ported liy Oarloiin NIUsoii nnd the same ca- iinbte company which biiil iloscd a lone nnd Hicressfiil euRnKenieut iil a dtv theatre, the previous Saturday nlcht. Ilniold .Mnctlrath'.-i "The .Man on the linx,' as diniiiHtl7.c'd by tli-flce I,, l-'urnlss, liesnn the ilisl week nf Ilii road toar under luo.sl |>romlsliiir auspices. The audience, a hirtie one. ea.hiyiil Ihoronch- Iv the comedy Itself and the esei'lliMit nellni; iif Ihe star and comiiauy. Ne.vt wei'k, lld- warrt llarrltaii. In •"Itld l.avcinliT." <:iri-lo Tlu-ulre (('has. .\. \VllllMni.s, inan- .•ijiei). ■ I.Muls linlile's Kiilc-kerlKH-ker Itur- leKipu'rs. Willi .Inik Ullrb'u. tlie tlubler, as Ml eitii-!! feoliiri'. lu-cnu a week's eiiuai;emenl Ih'>i>, at I hi' iiintlnee nf .Ian. S. wllli ii bly; , .,•!„» I.. ..< innrtHive. 'this iMiiiubir or- ttqiilindon U nlwnys Bure of a warm welcome lint]');[00d biialnesa, as wn.i evidenced ihu-hiK a. inevlons TlRlt nt a down town llicnire tho preMnt Hcnson. Nest week, llie frneker Wnlln Tlu-nJrc (Sullivan S. Wooils. mmi«i!ersi.--"'riii" I'nr.sc i>f iMliik." wlileli has Ih'cii Keen iH several local luoises ihls veasou. iiiMMieil Aliouliiv. K, ti> r<H>il liiw''H"<-'. Next week. "The Child Slaves of New York." ^Incr'M IlitUfrv 'I'hoiiiro (Kdwln 1>. Miner. inanaLrer).- The Masiniles are Ihls iveek's attrnellon. The prmrniuuie Is liiiiT- I'SlhiK and ure'ients "Irlsti UniliUi" ' "Oii >illl5' Willlnms In the prlncl|inl comeily role: llnli I'Telds nnd l.'ora Sliison. hi a cihmI comedy net : Itiirrelt, Williams and Alleyne, In "Ihin linlan." a couieily .ski-leh: Wilbur lielil. Ill an enleiinlnlni: art: Lailne and I'lljie, riiineltl ai-rntiills : the Itatrlieler SU- ters. wlHi -dU'.: nad liltiy on sevi-ral iniis|.-;il tiHiriuiu'iii V mill ".V .li-aliiiis' Wiiiinui." an rinuslii!; I>iirlesr|iic. Next week, the Ideiil.s. I nrMiiiltviiy 'I'liptilrr (A. W. I>lni:wall, umiuiuerl. ■ "Ver mliiue" hecan I'-; elivenlli riu.l la«t week Jan. S. Xe\i week, i;i<le Janls. Ill •The Vanderbllt Cup." plea.sed; I'ecejin Wesliin. a i-levi-r , ill<-iiM<-. followliiir. The (iraml (iiiem Trhi, lllaii'-he l.a Vlyne. Henry Ilnrron and Sis. ,Mii;iiiiii(T. ill Ihe |irlsiiii si-ene from "I'nnst." hou nnd on Mondny, of ihls week, tnc ihnrnrter rhnnco .ict. which AVrtn riai-s of IniiKhter aii<l «|iplnii«e ^-nve Indl.-H- ninny nx-alls nnd prolonged applfliidc at 'iter "f '=''L''j';n';'"»I»<''"*''»,n-< m 'he Maje«i,., 1-Hi of Ciinilnued iioinilnrllv f.ir Hie olT"r- the ellmax. She ha.q it wflnnlni,' manner, and If a .tlrst night audience «.iild innn-n hren .M.-fs. in iheir gnal wire and n iilen^lnj; presence. Itert I>vy ninijc •;!]?_."J//,';f<!^;i.i'P Ji» «">;.''> ''.V'ww'. this on» thai of (tinllniied |ioinilnrlly . - ■- - --- • . I HIT. 1 111* I lire** MeiTS, lll i m-ii ki ,-m i>ii^ «■•■.( n |i^■-i^^iIi^ |.,..t-.,v<. -•■ .. — -., - -_ - ,«l«l.. .. ,,./..*» •» J^ ' ■» ^ '.' ' - •■•■t •.n.r .an.e III fi.c iibeiiil npplmiw. .|,diy John aii. with Its stlrrhiK tlnlsh, were never nioio bis v.i'idey|IIe debut, a.s.<ilsted by l-'ttlfi certainu _atro»<>__lo do «. Hut It was ih- Lnrklna nnd Uora l>alter>:on were ajsn fa- advaiil.-iKcoiisIv iinwimsl, nnd their ejiecn- Vernon, In "Th<» Artist and the Model, vorites hi their .-non si.nus. Tlie I.nveile.s, tinn of iiiiiisunlly dinh-iill feats received nn enlliely orlclnal nnd somewhat sehsa- In tlieir eccentric daneini;, pleased: .lue bearlv apidniise. lUI Davis and liiej! Me- tlonni act, whleh should prove of frrent 10^ very wholesomeneits bf the pWy Itself whl"h brought forth iiiniit of Die applause, wh!l4 ... --•■•• -.%....... ...I,,. ,uK, i#i,,-,i.->iTB. .fwj iit-Niiv uiiifiiiiis*:. Iiai J'llvIN Jfllil llir-fi -111- li<*llill /III, niiKii nii>"iin |.,",. v» ,..--- — i_i„i. ,. l,„..fi /. _..v« •* . — '"? C^OUrl- Ilynii fiiiiml favor with his lalkInK nii'l faiiley. In rheir brlcht skelrh. "Pais." which leresl. .Mr. I.<'vy draws on smoked or p.ilnred lelRh.ns imvid ,(.o>^*'»'. and Emma Ilunn, a-i liiirody slnnhiK; 'The .Mliiiorr «c|eiie ami they Plav dellKhlfiillv, were deeldeil fnvor- glass befon< (i calehim llshi, whicli throws the I epeetn, the gyp-v clrl. nnd llie settings of ihi' illrl with the Union" eaine In f-ir a KomI lies, ns ilier deserred' to lie. Ijiwrenee l-'liicli lesult ot his work upon a M-ii-eii. .Mnn>li.v ","' wj'ti'l nuU thircl nets, which are g^ms sliiire of njiiiroval: Maznj: nnd .Miixelte. In and Wni. I-'. I'nwell save excellent iibl. Tlie nnd .N'lchols never won biore laiiRhter In Their Jj •''it"""J"',' ii' ""'k -"JS"^"' A™! their eccentrl.' nr.veliy aeniliMis. wen- koikI. eve-.welcome OTirien nnd lliivel were eii- nbsurdlty. "Prom Zflzni to I'licle Tom." than " " "' »~ - Ibe motion pleiiires con(Inue<I. nnd the nf- leHalnlnR dnrlnR everr moment of "Ticks on lhl.« date, Which proves that the net Im- cheatra, under the efflcleut directorahip of and Clicks." Will M. (.'resM's fnnnv sketch, prove* on ncoualniance. Clarice Vance ngaln Of the entbniriaam of the evenlDK' The scenes of the play-are laid In-a oonntrv vn IflRe In Southwestern Ohio. In Clac^Dnati liiirry Collins, rjirao In for ItaosiiM imrks Mr. O'mien Is'a"reai cotn^Slan.'aB'w^^^^ mVt'hcr nVukT'tordlal 'resceptton with n ?g^„ 'jl„ ^'f* S""'?*"'. nP^, Per'od Is of appreciation. Sundays concerts. 7, drew In this act clearly proves, and he kept the budget of ftoUKs, rendered as «nly she Is J'i*i':-'*i'-- «Dn_de«la atrlklpely with the the usual erowded houses, afternoon and andlence In contlnuons lauphter. Miss Havel capable. "Nothing" nnd "Maria" were tho laps* from Tlrtne ot a JOung QuaK.f eyenlng. 1« nl«> very good. The act given by Smaui favorite's, and easUj won. Phil and Nellie picUi:her, 013 Qescenc to iwicomlng the <ck Tlifotre (Sam'lCnmpert7, man- Sing Ifpoo, "the little black man." nroased Peters, fresh from road triumphs, worked a proprietor of a gambling hon«e In Xesy ager).—Henrietta Crosman opened her third fnrorable comment. This little Burmese per- Gatllne gun fire of fun, ivblch cansed a Orleans, aiid eveataal redemption. David w«k Jan. 8, In "5Int^-, Mary, Quite Coi- former does some very fine work on tho tumrtlt and gained them an enviable cllmai. Corson Is the -son of a woman who has flel trary. "Mndellne" n one act play. In two rlois. I'stneralda was well IJfced In her ex- It Is an excruclntlnglv funny turn. Her- ,V,o«°.^''« troubles of an nnkapcy married weces, by Mrs. W. K. aifford, was offered ceevJlnjIy good xylophone playing, and Clark manv's dogs and cats tllrst time here) scored Ufe to « Quaker Tillage la Ohio. DaTii for the -tlrEt time In New Vork, Friday even- and I-'l.irette were clever In their singing and a triumph, nnd Mr. Helmany Is entitled to hlttself, is a young iJiisKer preucher, and lu Ing. ."i, nlihouijh It has been nred on the road dnnrlng. Charles lie Camo. with his dotf, great credit for careful and loving training. «ntlr<? igporance of Sis antecedents. Into this Fevci-nl times by Mlf?s Crosman, nnd Mrs. Was well liked, and Hen Meyers, equilibrist, Snile Hlng and company offered "A Quiet V]iJ} village comes a patent medicine fakir, I'ntiick Camplwll bns appeared In It In Kns- did cn-ditable work. The motion pletiirea Life" (being n new tftle for "A Uappy T^ltn Pepeetn. a gypsy glH, • whom he haa land. The tragedy, for that Is what fh-> rontlnue. Pair") In nchnnnlne manner, nnd scored n purchased froni her tribe, and married, lia- offering Is. unfolds flic stcry of an nctresj. Paator'a Theatre (Tony Pastor, man- success. Ford and Wilson sang, danced and Tld. while on his wiiv to church, meets Pe- Madeline De l!niy. who. after having llverl nger).—The bill week of Jan. 8 Included the talked themselves into fnvor. Delmore nnd peetii, aijd Is Immediately fascinated with for eight years '.vltli Normnn Luard, a Ilrlt- liKU.ii amonnt of excellent numbers, to which O'Neirta were very woiiderful In their Ja- otr beauty, and she. while lljtenlag to Da- Ish diplomat, lenrus from him ihc.t he Is to two capacity bousea gave plenty of applause, pane.se perch act. Others were: The Three Tlds conversation ^vith the fake doctor, be- irinrry bl!i cousin nnd go to St. Peterabunr. FItzglblmns, .Morse and Drislnnc were greet- Armstrongs. I " " charming rd and WIl for eight years '.vrtli Xormnn LukrclVa iirlt- Usiiai'amWnt'of eicAlent'iiumbergl'w'whic^^^ 0'NeI(lii"'we're v?ry woiideVful Tn'their Ja" ber beauty, and she. while lljtenlag"to "do" -------- pane.se perch act. Others were: The Three I'l? '^°?J,^"»*'°'> ^"''f'^.^''ke doctor, be- ^., • „ L, - •• —^ ^ - - —- - "- '■-.-6'«" Armstrongs, bicyclists: Xelt and Eiilott,ln <"o«nea Intercned lii David, who. In his She prevBlw iinon him to spend hU last even- ed elVuslvel.v, and held up a rapid Are of good coinedv: Kenler and Goudler. la song and jpeech, nnfolds tocher Inerperlenced mind lag In Paris, with her, nnd locklns *ongs and story, which won additional praise dance,' and A. B. Carrlngton, In a novel mu- fP^ possibilities of a life hitherto un- the door, ,c;ODfroi:ts him with the al- for them. Mr. and Mrs. .Mark Murphy agtiln airal iief. The klretograph pleased, as It al- Known to her. The doctor has an Impediment tern.atlve ol leinalnliig with .her or offered their laughable skit. "The Coal wars doe.s. Ip his siieech, and hires David to travel mectlnR death nt her hands. Being Strike," with the u»ifal accompanlrtenl by Fourteenth Street Theatre (J. Wet- With him as a lecturer for hLs patent medl- to som<! extent n man of honor, nnd, the nudlence. Ralph Post aird Ed. Itussell lev Rosenotiest, maiiagerl.-^Under ihe man- «t»ra. Davids love for Pepeeta causes him above nil things, Jcarless, he chooses the presented "Vaudeville Idea.s," their new agement of SIdnev U. Ellis. Al. H. Wilson ap- '« lorsako his people, but she is faithful to iQlter, but hh display of nerve Is her un- act, and won Immedlnle approval. Dick and tienreA In "The German Gypsy," a four act ?" marriage vowa, until David bribes tho doing, nnd site allows him to depart. The Alice .McAvoy. In "The WalPs Christmas Jomedv. bv Bobert Sidney, with music by Al. Jndge who married her to -the doctor, curtiiln fnllv. II Rhot Is heard, and the cur- Urc." have a delightful sketch, which made H. W-lison! for the first ttme In this clt.t, Jan. f" V" n-t*""-.. *?"' J*"?' JporHage was n II rli^os to dl.HClosc her dead Ijody. Mr<». n hig hit. and rhclr Individual successes were §. u wns flrst seen nt Uie Ilollldnv St. J'he- 'l^KO'- j-h* .do?*?'', '""ds David emhrac- llfford had a strong Idea with which to wcil deserved. Mttle Clarrv Owen and com- otrc. Baltimore. Md.. Apfll 14. The story fs '"S "'-T?f"?-.„'' ."snt follows, and David treat an old theme, but lo.it imwer In volu- |Mny. In •Rusler," laused plenty of laughter Interesting from the outset, and affords Mr. apparently Jtill.q the doctor. David becomes lilllty Ihe Ilrst scene drags to such au nnd won n great success. Ilarrv Thomson Wilson one of the best 4pportunltles for the a gambler, and am.'isses a fortune In New exiiiit as lo cool nil Interest, even In the prest-nteil "The Mayor's Busy Hour." In a exhibition of his talent he has had la a long P.^reans. ^'ITieix the doctor himself turns up, lullllnul scene lictweenl.iiard nnd his friend, manner which caught everv laugh he was lime. Metjs Kngelbrecht,,the German g.vpsy, blind, and n beggar. David, who has stricken (nnipbell. 1 he second Scene U by far the nfter .-nul plenty more. Miles nnd NItram. has become n "lionse dweller" In upper .Vesv w'th remorse, rejoices that he is not a mnr- stronger. but the gruesome climax Is un- In son-j, dnnce and coraed.v. won succc.-is. The York State, and l*i found there, at his nncl»"s derer. and devotes hlinseir to making com- ciilled for. Miss (.nwrnnn Is leini>er.nmentally Alpine Pamlly. In a clever acrobatic turn, hou.se. hv the liand of gvpsles to which he for- fortftble the last moment.5 of the old quack's iinlllleil lo iiresent this character In Its were well received. Willie Gardner did.some merlv belonged. Thev'endeavor to pcrsiftide Uf-?- Meanwhile. Pepeeta, still mindful of her lu lisi mi'iinliiB, but nevertheless, nnd In eo.«l danclrtg on roller skates. The Evans him'to co b.ick to tlie nomadic life, but ,he dntles as n wife, has tied from David. The siilte of ihc unfortunate necessity of continu- Trio made a very favorable Impression, and has fallen In with the new life and loves tlose Isist act shows Pepeeta nt David's mother's ull.\ weeping, she was Interesting, and added others In the same class were: Potter and Teller, who Is also loved bv Clarence Roek, uome. whither she had fled. Dftvld comes iniich to the esteem In which her ability is Harris. Uehremi nml Iiannelianm, Annie Bern- Hie scnpegraci- nephew ot fleneral Von LTind- fo Tils borne. coafe.<«es all to Ihe elders, and held, (juy Standing did by far the best stein nnd chalk Saunders. The vltagraph berg. JleW's uncle. Clarence connives tyltli "si" another chance. They (Kindemn him to woiu in the cold and unllkniile character of offered an Interesting scries of pictures. the cvpsles. nnd through a series of episodes, hTd labor, penitence and solltnde for a term, I.iinrd. whUe i ,.rey Ames conlribnted a fine rnlunlnl Tlienire (Percy O. WllllnnK", lu wlilch .Mefz Is confoiinded for a but Pciicetn promises to wait for him, and (liarncter tilt ns (.nniiitjeli. The cnst: .Nor- . - - ... .... .i_ ... .. .. ... . ■ .• C'ltirleii. nvin-igei-i week »*f thi* s'ti' . , . ^ wi'yr • Xeu' Ve;ir*s nfienionn ii'i'i.iiis r.ir tlie seventh in this lino Is now at Its very lieit, nnd her every oppnrtjinitr. and they were ninny, strong: Jacob Carnian. Robert Ilob.'!on: 'P<'ntng iii.'tiiiiee j.-iii. 1, .sii(-,h>s.s on .Mondny was pronounced nnd post- Ills scenes with Ilose and hor mother were Stephen Cnrman, Master li'ra'ncls Pay; "Dnd" -Ilaens?l iind tlve. MeMnhon's Watermelon (llrls nnd Mln- very imisbahle, nnd he rairrled every climax Smith. William McKey; "Hank" Bunting, - — -..^ .. -....„ .... ™....... ...... .„„.,.,.. ...pplaudeil.* for.shc \i'aa Ann. Ijynn B. Ilaramarid; ..JaRe. William cMsl measure: .N'kI Nye. assisted ' hy the the persoiiltlcatlon ofgrnce, nhd ih-(he sons. l'.!iync: August, Wllllnia Lambel-t; Katrinn, Jtolllekhig illrl.s. in s<iii).'s nnd'dAnii-s, bns "The Love Tiiist," with- .Mr. WlJ.«on.„ she Mtiy I,. Jtell: PKIIIIpe Re.nnvlor. ■\VItIlnm brought. the-ni-t uii to class-with Hie to|i- proved that she knew how to use hfr very I^piliert: IMt'k Cortwrlght.-(JhesteriA. Lee,: leitehers: Carlolln did. her (hiring l<Ki]>-the- pleasing voice; '/("hos.---M. Hunter ^wivp. a l<(>ster .-Milntcl.-Alfred "(Jross ; Dolphus. 36". Iiii>|i lai a lili-yc-le. ail aei wlileli i.s a severe tpleitdld luper.sonatlnn of.the'licry, hut Jolly M. l.ollrianr.-P.nntv. Master. Francis Fifv; test of lemnle nerve: Young nnd Dcvole. In fieneriil. l!ns.s O'Xeal made-.-a sialwart. Mine.: Bfcailvlor. ^KIsa'Hormniln:-Mt^s.. CAij- a ilniiein:; aoveiiy, —Iinnclng by Hook;" Syl- 8war(hy looking gipsy. Kvelyn Sclble wtia wriglit. Juliet I,ear; Friend William Dorlim, Wii.vner. .Mr. Ilegiie. .Sntlian Frankocondurt- I'll. Frlilay niglil. .%. ■■'I'rlslnu imkI Isolde," with 1 lib i-.-isi • Isolde, \|nie. I.illbiu .Si>r- ill'-a : l;riiiixi;i'iie, l-;dylli Wiilker: Trlsinn. .Mr. IturgKiiillei : i'.iirweiinl. .Mr. VanHo'iv : K<i- iil'j Miirke. Mr. l!la«.s ; .Meliii, .Mr.-Muhl'itaiim; I'^lii llirt, .Mr. Ileiss: Siliihiiedes-Seeniunus. H,''.','-V.''i ■?''' "r''" '■';"*''"^^'<'''' «'>v-rnlof vnni... e<pil|li)rlsi;'an(l The"vltngrnph! wi't'h iVu-iine'ri I'o'oVeT nc-riis ZlipIi^il'Tiiir^Ts con- il>irn"h."'irnmifioud': Kriond Joseph'Flagler! !''y..''!'''V''.V\' '"''"'.'"'''" ?f''"'!:f''"P"''j; ";'""; »«•»• pictures in nre motion, highly pleasisl. viiu-lng at times. Florence Stover was one It. H. rnnnlngh.-im: Friend .Tnines lii-min, leered their services to swell the dejilcted ranks of ilie churns, iiuilan cxtvlleat iK-rforni- iiiii-i' lesulteil. Saturday afterniHiii. G. "I''au»t" was re|K;it'sl. with ili< name east as lu'fure. » iclnrln Tlicalru (Osc.ir Ilanimerslein, managerl.—The Idll.here this week contains In Its make iii> two Imponnut Ilrst appear- ann-s nt Ihls theatre. In Virginia Earl and of the great successes of theevenlng as Sirs. Joseph I-orhlan; Friend Slary liorlon. Mollte Teller, for she exactly understood The char- Fay: Friend Sarah Flagler, KIsn llofmann: neti-r, and really offered n masterplei-e. which l-'riend Harriet GrilHn. Juliet Lear. Executive was diilj appreciated. Gladys Xulctle was staff: Harry Doel Parker, proprietor and i'J!i'.,^*'.',ll.',i'l V','L','',1?"'ai'„'L'*"""v".""''", '"'^''"k her Ami-rleiia Johnuli"-, III ail original iniisl- very cnte as Orctcheu. The G.ypav-Trio-dW manager: C' H. Packard, nc'ting manager lil>0ll Hindi' eerweeii .Manager Conrled and eal skit «-hi.-ii u-us i-nr,- n-.-ii K,nAr<-.><i h,. ii.o a«.,.i -.-,.i. .i,„ ...i— _» »>._ !..-„•.'_ i,., i-« Ti._.a.>.i _• ' ._.*,-,."__>. the sli-iUIng chorus iieople. •■i)on Pnaipinle" (first time laiinger Conrled and eal skit. \vh cli was very well rccerTe<l by the goml work, the voice of the basso being very Jrty .Mansfield, -^atnge manager; George A. .ti^'.ii . ■ -^'i' ^''Jll' -^'""•'•'>>: 'iKlJMice. ,Mlsa Earl's vocal efforts Sue. The scenerj- was excellent, the busi- Manner, carpenter: Frank Dar, • master ot ime Ih .s seanon), wUh were highly appreciated, nnd her debut here ness and stage management fjerfect In detail, properties ; Harry Walsh, electrician. (.Slim S. Sc T,ee Shubert, mana- —"The Earl and the Girl" opened Its w?ek Jan. 8. Nellie McCoy returned pmcc In the cast on the same date. Criterion Theatre (Charles Prohman, ^ r).—^Ethel Bnrrymore, In "Allce-Slt. '"Ire," started her third week Jan. 8. ork Thentro (KJaw & Erlanger, Richard Carle, In "Tlie Mayor sojiblstry niid ciuiventlou.Mllty lunke him iiiipenr illfferent frnui other men sntlsfactlon III liei' "set. and he nplieals Irresistibly tn iliicwl .M. J she gave to it a uninrnlness that was delight n.,.^;TZr;u%V- Z^ J*;Vlr^"llnice'"Knr&'^Ve^b""r'!.ie"?^fl^ I-rr.e Theatr. (SamH.* Leo Shubert, J. Kelly as a candidate, and his K. SheererrMrs. Une.'jessie^rnpirT^^^^^ Si;?te'if'&ThM'wc^'^Jan!''8^. '"* "' ' Avenue Theotre (Ed- agcr).—The Kentuck.v Ion for Jan. 8 and Merry Sinkers. c Ilnll (Joseph Jl. — "rwlddre-Twnddle" he- was ap- Stakes, Heiiry >i'erce?' Jc"re ■" SmTtL'''c'lias' eon't« secoiuTweek Jan. 8. ,1 "i»o,i 1...,...: n— ,;,....,._■-.•'.%" .'""J.'."', caas. Munhnttnn Theatre (Harrison Grey Before and After" en- ' .8. David Rclasco, man- started her ninth . _ — the Golden West." Jan. 8. Lyeenm Thentre (Daniel Frobmnn, f„n.,;. tnanaper).—'•The T.lon and the Mouse" com- 'yl?°S menced Its eighth week Jan. 8. rm t .. Mondny matlaec, Jan. ,Vi'£ J'"!^^,. ^'"'_ crowded, afternoon and a hearty the 7,00.' Roarn^ Set Wnllnck'a (.Mrs. Theo. Moss, manngerj. "."" Tlfe ^^t -r'"l„„i;r.^r„^ham. in "The^Squaw ^U" comtaencefl his twelfth week Jan. 8. giirei Wyelierly ; Alice IJoff. .May 'hilley : I.ii- iiionlzliig, clog dancing and playing of a dnet I'lau Wehlier. f.lonel .Vhiuis: Caiunlu Tri'l- - .. Hail. Sydney lllnw: llerr .Mienilmisse, Frank ii|i|«'raian; .Mr.s. Ilnskyne, .Maude (llroiix: .Mrs. Skene. Alice l.elgli: .Miss .\delnlde lils- Itiiruo. K;tl*' Lester: Sergenut, Charles Stiir- gls : I'arnillsii'. .toliii C. Hlxoii. The company ,)„ |,|„ <-unuuvjn.-eil ills twciuii wceK Jan. B. niisines.> all week. The full cnat-■ Roirln.. Empire Theatre (Ch»s. Frohinan, man- . .,- -, »<cl>-. Harrv Bryant; Onion Face ■fhonins IT «8").-^Mauac Adams started Iter tenth week on two cornets, nv one of the memK;r.s, w-ere Nelson: Ilkd .«hol. John QiilT' SSSffs w" •'"£• ?- '" "PetPr I'an." thoroughly appreciated and npplamled. The Hush: KII Smith 0 Wilson -Jni,m.i?;.Ji.' •»■■■•>"»" ti— .*--. /n»— xnii^H mnn. (Irent Sherman and I'-uller. In some clever up. ( enree l)ou'ohiie • RWmM Mi^^iTiP' nerolmll.: work. Interiuhigled with mnny iW Iv .Manfews" ?&v Ike i^hn Ji^^^*^'""' ••blimps" and ••bnngs. riie Mnyor-R Vntf- Pol^' Bu I" |.>Snk Maivbnnt • rrm?v=*^£"""5? '• '.•"'\1.''<?""."-I'ri' ""•,.>"!"»■• :'^"" f'!! .*■•■•'« IMlth l.ryn!it" MaVleVsml I,'. TlaX^r,*}.'^'.': Prlncesa Theatre (Henry Miller, man- ager).— Margaret Anglln commenced her seventeenth and last week, In "Zira.^' Jan. 8. Next week, Ucnry Miller, la •'Grlerson^s Way." tnken 111 liml before the curtain rose nt Iho rcetur: M. J. Kelly, stage manager: Wm. A. i!intlnce (1, and wns tienble to play that day. •sU-Keutle. master nieehaulc. Next week, the Violet Pruger, ter i:iiderstiidy. who plava I'olouliil Girls. l.ad.v Ball, went (in as simn as she could ninke Anicrltuiii Thpnfre (J. M. Ward, man- the change of i-osliimes. niid iilayisl Kilty , ngeri.---For thi'e.urreat week Chns. l". Illmiev very credllnhly, though she iic.d iK-ver Imd pri-senis ••Mule in lie Filled Than Scormsl.'" n rehearsal, .\fter Imth iierforniiinifH. owhig anil iln- iiiin|>iiiiy 0|K>ned to n well tilled lo Ihe seven' slniln. Miss Criiger falMted, null was re|>nrti-d iiiilto III lUi Sunday. 7. , llmlstiii 'I'hvnlrp (Henry Ii. llnrrH, malinger).- -It'iliert l.oralue. lu •'Man and Su- permaa."' opened his uiiieleeiiih week .laii. .t. (•■iriU'U Tlit'iilrr dlenr.v W. Savage. laanaBcri.— ".W Vc Sow" bi^gnu lis tmrd week Jan. 8. luiiiM- Jan. S. The (AkI ls,llie same ns when In-t priidiii-«l at nii I-:iisl sfile lioiise. Next week. Illekel. Wnts.iii nud WMthe. I lUik mill Ilarrv l»Ie1«I>«' 'Phrntre (Osenr Ilainmerslel r,:;ir-n'r"":!'.'.i":?:r.tw*?;' .*>">■■. m « ....siein, ;\;?:r-K.'rv!r^;-,^:^:;i'''-"!5^^'.:i^^ mauiiEerl.—I/juls M-inii nail Clnrn l.lieiinii; knirk..'rlu';rk,'.V'''rirp'nlrr'( ii ti III ••Julie IJonllou,' U'jnn tli-.lr .kn^nd .^ i«.. mauaaersV.L vJim sMTJ\!:..l'!'y'"''" week Jnu. 8. ment reports thai hnslnesa la excellent. 11>» Sunday nlglit concerts never full to draw croivde<l houses. Nest week, "l-nder Soillh- em Skies." * lo.. mauauersi.—Frilzl Sei'ip(r'V;...'J."'i".""' Mr.troroMs (Henry Rosenlierg. manager). third week Jan. S, In '•Mil* Modu »"^ ''"■ '.t"", "'»'"• '" ""^^'n """ I'Ike." pa.'k.-d * •*"'* ^*"1'"<(. thorn In nt bo'h perCorm.nnces 8. Their ap-