The New York Clipper (January 1906)

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JANUAEY 13. THE NFAV YOrJK CT.TPPER. 1215 LUCKY HOUSE AWAY ''HITS" "1906 Iff SfttiBg IT. eet IT from lE^ZZE ■•■S. TkU U th* Oalr Sob( of It*> Kind oa tb* Harktt. E Wim A STEIN til* »tt "tt «h» Mg titw. L«t ■« pick tbU wnc for yaa, (rr U oat, than 1st ■■ know tr our Judgrmsnt I* rlKht. Do yra R*a«mb«r "?!•••• !<«( ■• SImp'* I Wall, JOB HOLLANDER hai Certainly Cat it Brat with this Ona. A Orvat Charactar Coon loag. Ona that will Maks U««d Any Plata Van Pat It. I'M QETTI SLEEPY Wr<U«B Hara Rutle BalUda that war« MiU, tkaa Any UtImc Writer or Writara, WE CAN PRUVE Tlllt. ky aTaryama w|||» haa aaam tkam to l»a tka Moat Baaatlfal Bat of 8Udei avrr tihlbltad on a CanYaa. ORBAT BONO—wrltlt tlraat glldaa-maani onBAT HIT. ThU DalBty UtU* ■aaibar la Gotng to HAKK GOOD. Watck It. IN A HAMMOCK BUILT FOR TWO Tho ill« Srream. 8TKR1.INO aad VUN TiLZBR'S New "Slace" donR Hit. Ktira Verira. I'M THE ONLY STAR THAT TWINKLES ON BROADWAY It KTKB.TWHKRK, and tkoy will KaapOa ainclag It, bacanta It la Ona of Tkaao ■anga TfOO CAMT RVB OUT, SHINES, NELLIE Craat Big Hit Ibr BIjIDB glwOKRl. Hai B«aB HolhinK Short of Phanomenai, we Predict tkat llHXi will BothaBaaaarYoar ofThair Career So, If Vou arr booklnK tor HITS, JUST FOLLOW TIIK LUCKY nOUIB. mafKB i gt3E8i^I>'y^ "WIT .A. TP O 3B: W^l^ X*r» __^ M-TlA/ OQAk 04i MA%A#Vi%i^lr 5 York St., Covent Garden. London. O # W« i&OllI OUyllieVV T OiK. WM. OUINN. l4McAlisterSt..San Francisco, CaL WiNSLow's Skates BBST SO TEARS AGO, BB8T TO-DAT. Are Vti ExcIwlTe- Ir ty tb* Beat Blnks. We bare Uie Larceat and Beat Eqalpped Works U) tba World forlfaUiic I e :^ AHD UllU SEITES YOU CM MAKE MONEY BVRumiie t UUB suriis Rirnc The increaiing popalarity of Roller Skating hai opened a larger Held than ever before for tills popular amaaement. This Cut llluttratM WIRSLOfS LATEST MODEL WOMEN'S RINK SKATE, WITH «WEB" STEEL ROLLS. Theatrical Trunks. ZZZ 11.00 so n M M St 4S U.50 U.OO 13.00 M.OO 15.00 18.M Qaaranteed 5 Vesra. SS M SI 84 8« 8S «S T.a> T.TS 8.TS «.as io.9b 2S so 83 S4 U 8S 40 5.50 O.OO 0.80 r.OO T,BO 8.00 8.50 Write for Oatalogae. EBTASLIBHKD 4T YRB. M. S. CASEY.44I SthAve., near27th St., N.Y. Oftd r,^^^^^'^ ^ :.Av^.J; / <if 'I Leatheroid Trunks. THEY'LL LIVE L0I6EB THAI TOD. LEATHEROID MFC. CO., Bend for Oatalofns. B3B B'WAV, H. T., »e»r Bprfag Bt. ituitini DOCTORS, MEDICINE PEOPLE AND SHOWMEN Wky baaffl* Nckr foaa* iAm yon cah htadit good, that will Mil aMualrsil laaetile Belt* fMa 11 par tea. no. Lari* Tkriaty to aeleet fton. Blaetrte Jm TSc dM.: aiaetite luolasL STUe. dos. paira. Boap, 12.10 gross: VtiMMtm Ml Battwlss. BmiATSc. fWlMspfa No. 14 & a. azp. preMld. I«tMt oat Om third cash rsonlNd. frtol ordar will eonTtneai X«n«st HaiigrfAttnrwa.ot Mas trie Belts sad AvpUue«alBD.B.A. XM«UUhadl87l. Lsetorssad priesUattSW m BIBOniO APPLUNOB 00..1BulliB««. lu. TRICKS All the Latest and Beat. TOST A OOHPANT, DOl Filbert St., (EaUbUsbed 18700 Pbl adelphla. 49- Lsr(e Cfstalogne for Stamp. MONEY BT.^MITHOGRAPH^ ABOUT HALF THE PRICE MEW LITHO-TIHT PAPER SEND FOR CATAUOCUE ~ Morrison Show Print o.uai OilralL Mich. CAIjI. MoBIAHON'S FamouB Tbeatncal RESTAURANT «T!S SIXTH AVK., B«t.atliand2nb8U., NEW YORK OITT. Best of Food, Perteov It Cooked, Dellclontlj Serred. Prices rea- eooable. SjieolalDln- Ing Room for Ladlea PUSH LIKE THE GENUINE l)»j or night. Solid gold mounting. You can own a aiamondequal Inbrilllancj to aoj gennino atoae at one- thlrtlctb the cost. BARODA DIARONIii nund add teat and expert examlDMloD. We aaarantee tliem. See tbero flrsc and then psj. Wrlt« for catslogne. Agentji wanted. TUB BARODA CUnPARY, Pept. «,03-Tl Wabaah Ave., Chicago, 111 Fine Magical Appmln ILLUSIONS. TRIOKS, Ktft. Orand Knd ot Oentorr, tiUf niostTated. BOOK OATA- I.OOVK, »e., rrae bj ouO. Oatalogne o( Parlor art oka tns lURTINKA A OOm Mtn^ 4Sa8lztbATil.,I.T. ROYALTY PAID ON soNa-POEns I ud Kaaloal Oaopoiltloaa We I arrui#a aod peinUarlBa. Addraaa nuNEU ntsio rai. ool Saej Isat MaakaltM lUf■ Ckkai^ IB. Ma 8TRA88MAN, AVTOKMBT, flU Brosdwsr. Nsw Tcrk Citj. J;'.l.-,«U«fMl (vscv^g MADE mmh ^^^^^louTriTsfeK^ ^^^p|w.BJ400Rlt BAViarAOTlON OUAaABTWBO. Catalogwa Vree. NEORESOOn HAIR CO., laa atsto Bt.. 6tb fi., oiiioaoo. iXND IWIU3IO PUBLHIIBO ON ROVAUTY. We write Mnalo to your wordu, Introduce and popularize. Send Id UHH. POPOLAR HVBIO PUB. CO., S15 Ealerprlaa Bldg., CIIIOAOO. SONG-POEMS 1VB ARK HAKINO A BPKCIAIj . 3QUARE: OUT SLJIT or Balltt or Valret, IlandMmeljr Eiabroldered In Colora, ftjllit SA To Order tor WiWeWVe Bend for .elf meaawrlng card aad .ample.. Pit aad Batl.flaetlon Oaaraaiteed. WOIiPP, POnOINO it CO., 05 Kllot St., OoatOB. Wl^ BAND INSTRUMENTS, WRITE FOR OATALOOUe. LOUIS TITAK, "Dept. F.," IM Wabash Ave., Obleago. NEW AND SECOND HAND. HAVE YeUR MUSIC PUBLISHES ON ROYALTY •sndnsa good posoLS good me!odr*rs eomylets work. Ws ksTSSs iSTsrlU wiltsn. All kara anal ohanes. All leitert aoawared promptlr. _ . _ lOHBBIl aUBtC PUBblBUIBO OOHPART, »0« ■••kattsB ■!«•.. OaiCA«M». HM "ninrrccimiAi THE BAL PROFESSIONAL TRUNK rnUl LOOMlAL Is Bade of riRRB, and Is aUAIIANTGBD by Its ■aksr. UlsJIghtJawelaht. Tbl.Uthe tronkjhat TRIINK& kssptogthsotberiiiprufacturerugueii.las, Beud for esUlofus "C." 110 W. 40th ST., N, X,