The New York Clipper (January 1906)

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1245 THE msrw ^OBK cisip^'mn. tTlNtTAKt 27. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER THE FRXnK queen PUBLItHtNG CO. •.Umlled.) rnoi'iiiBTOiis. ALBERT 3. BOHIE, KriITOltlAI, AND IICEINKBH MANAUEB. Oim CIIICAtiO I-ETTKIl. I'lKOI OUII OtV.V COIIIlBSrO.NIIKNr. SATURDAY. JANUARV 27. 1900. RATB8: AdvortlBcmcntB—»2.80 per Inch, single *ol umn. Advortlscments set wllli border, 10 pet ccDt;cxtra, ^^„^^,^^^^.rt,JOK. One year In uilvaiicc, fi ; six monthB, 52; <liv«e inonllm, $1. foreign lioiitase extra. Single coiilcs will l)c sent, pwtyald. oq te- wlpt uf 10 ceDts. Our TcrinM nrc Cn"Ii« '"Tilt; CMl'i'KH Is Ismioil every Wednesday morning, 'fhe ln»t fmu (n.lvertUIng) pagc» tJtJ 'JO I'llKSS on Haliirdiiy nt l^ ,*,■,"■ '°? the other p«BeB on MONDAY -""l^^UhSDAY. dny.itt 10 o'clock A.M. Vleesc remit hy exprcaa, nwncy order. cbccK, V O order or rtglatcred letter. All eash en- closed with letter Is at the risk of sender. AiIdrcHii AH . Coiiiiiitinleollond to THK NKW YOIIK CI.IIMMill, 47 West 28th Street, New YorU. WcyfttfoTd Cable Atldron, ''AUTlloniTV." THE WESTERN BUREAU of Tii>! Ci.irl'i:" '» located nt Uoom CO-1. AKhlnnd llloek, Olilcago, Wllllnm K. Il'jn". iiinnsigpr and corresiioiidcnt, wliere ndvcillse- nieiilH mid suhscrlptlona arc received at out- reguUir rnlcs. THE LONDON BUREAU Located at 48 Orunbourne St., I-ondon, W. <:., .lolm II. Carney, manager nnd corruupondonl, where advertlscmeuts and subscrlptlonK arc received nt oar regular rates. TlIK ("Mfl'Kn OAN I'K OBTAINKH, WltOLK- KA1.K ANii ICKTAJI,, «t oiir UKCiilB, UrciitunoB news riPiml, :i7 Avemie de 1 Opera, I'ar's, France; M. Mllcntliiil, Krculerlck SlruBae 101 (TerialmiH Hotel), llcrlln, N. W., Ger- many; IllamoiiU News f"., !tT I'radu, Ha- vana; Manila Hook nnd Slnllonery Co., lUS llBcoltli, ,'Manlla, V. 1.; Albert & Sun, ia7- ];!U King St., Sydney, Aimtrnlla. TUH Xi:W VOIIK Cl.ll'ruil inibllHheM only one edltloii, una tliiit Is Untcd from New York; QUERI ES ANS WERED. No IlcDlles Iiy MiiH or 'I'clcitrnpli. AltllUKSNKK OU WIIEUKAIIOIITS NOT OIVH.W. Al.l. IN QUE.ST »}' SUCH HllOUI.O WUITIJ TO TIIOHH WHOM rllKV SKKKj IN CAKK OK J.1II!! rl.llTKll I'OHT tjKKICB. Alit. I.HTTEUB WILL, nil AnVKIlTlHUl) O.NH WKKK O.M.V. IV TIIH nolITK 01' ANY TIIB.M'IUCAI. COMrANY IS Kouoiir. hki'kh to ouk list ov KouTua O.N ANOTIIHIl J'AliK. WB CAN.NOT BKND KOIJTEB IIY MAIl, Oil THI. KIIIIAIMI DIIAMATIC. |i. II., IIimsl<m.-^\Vo liiive no Uiiowledgo of llio picscal wherealiiiutR of Hie l'»rly. Ad- (IresN II lellcr In our cure nnd wo will ail- verllHC II In 'I'liK Ci.ii't'Kn letter list II. K., ,MlniuMi|>olls, K. 1,. I\., l/ii.vxinirE. .MiHS A. C, Ki'W Vorli, TllH V. Co., lloslon, A. (!. I'"., Himlon, .1. W., New York, 'V. H 11., !•'. I,. ('.. Orliinilo, and _ A. A., rhilailclplilii.—Sre nnswcr to 11. R , llimslon. .. '., , , , \V. H. •!., nileopec Kiills.—We cmi not lUil '"\V. 1.. n., V.\ Moiile.—AildriwH Hie Muter- pilKO MiiHlc Hiipply Co.. Ill West Twenty- olglilli at reel. New York City. V i;.. ScutllCi—AddriisK C. Itll/niaiin, Hionil- wii.v, niHive Twenly-seveulli SHcel, Now York I''," It. lluvoiine.— I. Viw. '.'. Yen. A. S. C, South Chicago.-Watch oiir'roulc IlKi eiiili week. ... . , (1. .1. K, St. l.oiilii.—Address piirty lu euro or llie l.yrlc 'Ihcnlii', .New York City. A. A.. .MlHHoUlii. -The uio.Ht piacllnll roiirso III puisne Is to have Ilio song pub- lished by one ot the lending song piilillslii'rs. Ii. Mol'.. Savnuiiah.—See answer Lo «. I,. H., Ml Monle. K 11., liiilon t'lly.—Yon cannot play copy- righted wketi-lioK wlllioul Hie permission vt till' author or owner. .1. N. P., Clilciigo.—.lolinslone Hennelt Is now being I rented nt lliirlow's Sanltiirliim, l.oK .\ngeTes, t'al. 'I'. ,1. II., Davtoii.—I. There 1h no charge. •_'. M. Itoi rjlIT Hi'oiuhviiy. ;■•. 4'.! West •I'wenlv-clKlilh Sired, 1. No. 5. Address parly In can- of I'l.ii'i'Ki!. .M. W.. Itiiuiklyii. -We cuii only iidvlso von !(■ make pcriioiiiil npplli'ullon to mana- gers of the shows ,viiu ilcHlgiinle. II. W, K., St. Louis.—Wiilcli our loiile list eacli week. . , . (i. 11., New York.--'I'liir lociil authorities lan liesl nnswor your ipiesllon. U, .1. I,., rhlhiilelplilii.— We have no kuowl- cdgi- of liny sui'li Moiillcntlon. . J OAIIDS. II. I'". 11.. rii load-.—Any strnlghl flush Is wloil Ih called ii roviil Ihmh. 'riie hitler term ilnds no phicc lu iiny sliindard work upon the giiine of poker. A nKMiKll, .New York.—\\c niii not iinder- liike In decide llie (|iie«lloii, ii« house rules governed the giiiae. ■MAi-ic or Hkaiits" ami T. ('.. Sawtelle.— A wins, IIS being the detiler he lionellls liy Ihn .luck turned, the point being counted as soon as niiidc. . .1. '1'. «'., New York.—H wins wllh high. .1. ,1. S., WoiTCster. —H wins; one pair wins Hie pot. V. l>., t,0M Aiigeli'.i. -I, 'I'lie ilcaler iioinls !Cii> iiolut for the Jiu-k tinned. •_'. The dealer ciMi nut dcniiiuil "f any oilier iilnycr how niiinv curds he illsi-aiiln iinlll In' (the denlev) liiiK dlsciirtled. nnd then he asks each pliiycr In turn. . ,. II. II.. New York.- Wlicii C called II, as llio liillcr Kiilil '"rliiil's good," lie rcUll- ipilshcd all right to the pot, C, wins. MISCKM.AXKOl'S. I. I., D.. Milwaukee- -The word Is divided (bus: i;uri>pc«ii. iiiul pronoiinri'il iis spelled: rro-pcc nn. .1. .1. I'.. .Now York, 'riicrc are iiIhiuI !1 dii/co liiwiiK III the I'liltrd Sliilcs iiiiincd ■•Hay," ■♦♦♦ - ili>>ui.i.\ i'.m.m: axo Yicioa Moai.KV. both of whion me wlniiliig suceess In "The \'.l\tl .mill till' dlrl." aiiw pin.vlag an extended .vi- gagenit'iil al the CmhIiui, New VnrW ('My. will vxi Kc'siiii oppMii' loaellicr In a ni>w luu^iinl ■kclcU ni'ilica cxptest^ly for them. Western Ilurrnii . of llic N«'»v York C'llnper. Iluoni titht AKiiIiind Illock. CI>lfiiK». "The Darling of the HikIs." at Ike (jnrriek ; Tim Murphy. In "A Texas Steer." al Ihe Hrnnd, nnd Kdna May, In "The Catcli of the .SeiiBoii." at the Hllnuls, are the chief changes this week. Illinois TliK.\TnK (Wllllnra .1, Davis, man- nger).—'"I'he Catch ot the Season," with Kdnn May as the alar, opens nt this house Jloiidny nlglit, Jan. --. Hrace (Jcorge, In •The .Marrfnge of William Aghe," closed a t-iircessful fortnight's engagcmcDt Katurdny, :!0. rowKlis' TiirATiiB (Harry .T. Powers, man- ngcr),—".Inst ont of College," with .foseph Wlieelock .Tr. In the lending role, enters upon lis last week 'J;!. This production has given genernl sntlsfnctlim to the large audiences the past I wo weeks. McYicKKii's TiiK.n'Ki; (dcorge C. Warren, manager).—Wilton l-ncknye nnd coiaiiaDyen- ti-red npon I heir last week .Mondii.v. y.'. with •■Trilhy" still the hill. "The I'lt" will be pot on Thursday, for ihc rest of the week. Sun- day evening, 'JS. .\Iuy Irwiu will be seen In "Mrs. niiick Is Hae'k." Couinial TllK.iTUK (tieorgo W. l.odcrcr. .nannger).—The lurrent week Is Hie last of •The Ham Tree," In which Mclulyr.' .and Heath hnve s<'«rcd a decided hit. Week of 'M this theatre will remain closed for the llniil rchearsnis of "The I'rince of India," ttlilch opens l-'eb. .'. for nn Indcflnlle run. Ciiir*i"0 (li'KnA llochK (l.yntnn II. (Hover, niannKer for Kohl It Cnstle).—"Ills Honor the Slayor" oonthiiies popular. I'lorence t.'relg, who was out of the cast for one week, on accoimt of Illness. Is now thoroughly re- (overcd, nnd Iiuh rejoined the company. Tlic end ot the engagement Is not yet In sight. Hauiiick TiiKAriii; (Sain 1*. (Jarrison, nian- iiger),—llcrtha K:illcli. In ".Monnn Vennii," cUiBCd, .Inn. 'iO, two weeks ot capacity busi- ness ileglnnlnpr Simdny, 21. and tor two weeks. The Darlin/.' of the IJods." STmiKi'.ANnii 'I'liKATiii: (II, K. lIarine,vor, tnannger).—"The I'rlnce of I'llsen" has been plnyliig to crowded Iiouhcs since the opening lit?re, 8. .less Dniidy, Kome nnd l'"ci"guson. I-oulse Willis nnd all the princlpnis of this inusleiil comedy hnve scoi-ed blir lilts. Open- ing 'J'l. nnd for two weeks, '•'llio Sho-(iun," (;i:\M) itfKiu IIoitsK (Harry Askln. miinn- gor),—••'Jhc Wizard of Or." closed, 'M, three ^^•eeks M prosiierlly. Tim Murphy, In "A TexHs Stwr," oegtns a two weeks' stny 'Si. I,A S\i,i,E TiiKATiiK (M. H. Singer, innna- geri.—'"I'lip rniplic." which has been riiii- nliig sicecKi'fiilly for ."cv*i>. weeks, continues to dcnw crowded Iiousch. 'llie prlndpnlR, I'ecll Icon, I'lnrencc Holbroi.k, .Margaret Mc- Dntinbl. Kiiinces Kennedy and William ItoberUon. hnve nuicli to do with the snc- I'Oss of Ibis iiroihlelioii. <il,v,ncn' 'I itiicruK (.\. .Incnbs, innnagcr), — tiood business ruled lusi week. Hill for week of l''J. Wilfred Clark nnd company. I lie I'ecrless Trio Andrews .-iiid Kcld, .1, i', l"o\. Hobby Mark, Nohelleile nnd Marshall, Cordon KIdrldge. the l.amoib Trio. .May liel- lord, Klein :mh1 Clifton, Ziska nnd Klnr, Cni'son nnd Wlllurd, Iliiwscn and .luile, tli'i IVklit Tloinives, nnd Spoor's Idnoiboiue. .Mv,ii:sTT'' TiiKATSK ((,', I',. 1 Mvipcr. inav.i- ger fur Koiil & t'jslle),—Last week saw good allxvidnnce here, IMll for week of T2: IJen- II be. M.iilvenzlc and coinpmiy, Ibirry I'eek. I'cskIc Crnwforil, Itleli nnd Hnrvcv, Ihc lielliH. P'crgnson nnd I'assniore. Snnkey Hro:liers, Voia llrowii, O'ltrlon nnd Huckley, Itriyniond and Caverl.v, Itedouin Arabs, Kva \Vei)lcolt nnd conipan.v, (Joolniun's dogs, and the Nnvajo HIrls. Havmaukkt 'I iiKATnK (W. W. Kreemnn, iiiniiagcr),—Oonil bifsliicss ruled lust weid>. imi week of :i'J: (I'jldcn and Hughes, Hert Cooli' anil eoiiipsMiy. Mocnrte Sisters. Alt. (Jraiil, llellnviii nnd Muine. Mile. Verern. Koslor and I'osler, I'eriiandc Trio. Armstrong c.tul VuriiP. I.rimliert nnd Pierce. Kenyoa and Ho Oniio, the linrncUs, Mabel Siilclltre, Had the tlllison Hrotliers, (lUKAT Noicriimix Tukatuk (Kred C. lOberts, iimnnger),—"IHrls Will be lilrl-," wllh Al, I,encli nnd the Three ItoNcbiids. opens Sunday, i'l. "Ilix/.y l'//.y's Vacation," Willi (ieorgo Sidney as Ihc star, lind cnpiicily lioiiKCH last week, l'"or US and week. I he Kinir .Morions, hi "llreaking Into Soclel.v." Ili'sii Tk.mi'M-: Tiii;atiik (Kllznbelli C. Sclirohcr, manager),--A revlvsl of "Kanehon, Hie Cricket," will llie the bill nt this hoiis'j Moiida.v. Ii-. Adebilile Kclni will have !h« lllle vole. (Icorse Alison will ho handry. Kal<' lllaiiclt(< will be assigned tho role of the wlleii, ■■Arlsloeiiicy" had capacity houses last week, h'lir :ill iiliil week, "h'l'dora." Colimim;s Tiin.VTiiil (Weber Hros,. niiinn- gers>.—.Nat 51. ^YIlls, In "A Son of Ilcst." opens Jl. "'the l''uiiny .Mr. IJooiey" clo.-ied, "0, a week of irood biisiiiess. Kor -!l iiuil week "IMglit llelK" Ai.ilAMniiA 'I'liK.VTni; (.lames II, Itrowii, nuinngcr.>,—"l'"nst Life In New York" opens Suiidiiy, lil, ■•I'l'4lithi({ KiUe" dosed Suliir- (Inv. I'll. |.'or "JS and week Hhu-k I'nltl Trou- Imdoiir.s will he the nitrarllon, AcAliK.MY Tiii:.vrKi: (Wni. lloncli, inaun- gerl,—"i'llght Itells," wllh the Ilyrne Hros,, opens Sunday. '.'1. Harney llllinore. In '"I'lie Ilocky llond lo Dublin." dosed, 20, a week of good business, Kor '.'S and week, "Hearts of liolil." llMtiii TiiiiATiii; (Will. Itoni'li, luannger).— "A Itiirglar's Hniigliler" opens Sunday. 21. Tin- Knssell lliiis,. In "The (ireiit .lewd .Mys- tery," idiiyed I" cniiadly houses Insl weok. l'"or L'S nnd week, "VYhy Hlrls Leave llonio." .\i;iv Maiilowk TiiKATiii-: i.MsrvIn Itusscll, ninungerl.—"Hiist Lyuno'' Is Hie bill opening •JI. ".Ilai, Ihc I'enninii." had big htisincss Insl weok. Kor '.'.S mill week, "Whoa We WiMe Twenly-inie." CniTiMiioN 'riiK.VTiin l.lohii II. Ilogaii, ninii- ngen.- "l-'lghlliig l''alc" opens Siindny. '-'I, "Casl l.lio In New York." with .liilinn, clewed Siilunlii.v, L'O. b'nr 2S nnil week, llur- ney (illniore. in •'The Ilocky Itond to Dublin," I'Km'i.ii'.s 'i'liK.vriiv: (.loseph I'llgrliu, nina- nger»,--"'rhe Wife" opens Sunday. 21. "liar- loll Holt, of 'I'rlseo, closed Siitiirdny, 20, "A Itildiilght Hell" for 2.'^ nnd week, l''oi,i.v TiiK,vmi; t.lohn A. Kennessy, iinina- gerl, —l''or llio week heglnuing wllh the nmll- iiee. Siiiidiiy, 21, the allrnctlons nt this house Will l)(^ the I!l!ey .^ Wood Co., headed iiy I'nt illley. The Avenue lilrls linil cnimclty iioiises last week. I'or "Jll anil week, Miss New York .Ir. Ti:«)rAiii:no Tiikati.k (Harry H, Hedges, niaiumerl.- -The HIkIi Holler..! oimmi 21. I'lie City SporU; closed Solurdny, 20. Kisox's Tiii:.vuiK I Sid .1. KiLsoii, iiiniin- peri,--The hill r,t ibis liotisc hoglnning 21 IneliideN: La Ilelle Alhinta, the Danini Hros., Riy. Coidey nnd Kn.v MliiHtrels, Sylvester, .bail's iinii Cringle, niifl HnrI and Dlllnu. The dniC'e Illiissniiis Co. will give Iw lcs(|ues, enlllhd ".lolilinlo Voyij-er "SU.viiirklug." 'the Yankee Duoille ilo.-icd, 'Jii. a wi-ek ol very siillsrnclory nrs.s. l.\Ti:c,NArii>.\Al. TiluATiiK (Al. H, I'loiiiiiiiy, iiianai!eri, -Hill oiieuing Sunday. 21 : The llniHldli.g (loiihuis, Itodell llerbcrl Trio, .ioe .\lliniiii. Ida IliiKscil, the Three Haiitn I'ros, and Von m'd. Hose mid l.eiuon, Kriink Hiirke, nnd Itny Itnynnuul, IbuvAiiii 'I iii:,VTUi: t.M. (i. I'hnirno.v. mnn- iigerl. • Iti-Klnning Monday, 'J2. Hie following will be lUc hill ; The Terry SNiei-s. lUnuelie • rNelll. Allan and Dclinniie. K It. Cooper, Ciif, retersi.ii, and llie ll.irrlsun p.oiles. li.MiiN DiMi: .MrsrcM (Win Sweeney, i.ienagiMl -I'lic foi'owliii: arc In the corio linll: lii-ne LIuhllclt. n linjr pimeber; Mine, ,Se.i. ailnd loader: I'rlmcxs IIHa. siinhe eliainier- Alberla Ib-rninn. litlowd v.iii:inn. In llie thealro: Allee Yalli'v, Ada ,\lsliiil, t'lii^i I.e.'d, iiiel lliills iiiiiviiig pill hits CLAiiii Sl'KLtT .MlKLlAt .iLvuiy M. UotljiUtf, iMir nail (.'his husl- mniiager). — Oertrndc lliirke, Chnunccy XL .Mnteinnd, Kdna King and Corctta will head l|i(? curio hnll nltncllons. Other leading fcftliiro<i will he: JHondell, the lire eater; George Carrlngton, llluslunlBt: Mme. Hast- ings, llnrtff.nL nnd Ocint, Edith Kontalne, nnd Ibe .Myrlle Slslers. Ahtkii-iatii —rrnnk H. Buck, of the West- ern Vaudi-ville Jlaniigers' AssoclatliKi, ns- sistcd Mi% .1, Ogdeii Armour Jiiid others In the inanngenient of the Crlhslde Klrmcss, wlilch took place nt the Orchesira Hall. U-ll. Mr. iliicli ncrsonnllv superintended tiie pro- ibicllon, Tlic KirnicR wi.s a great success. c. s. Snillvna was a t.'Lin'Bn Hurenu caller rrlday. 111 Miss .Inrvls, ot Tudor nnd Jarvls, was a Ci.iffKB Ilurenu caller IS. "iMiuch" Y\heeler, Ihc press agent of Le«' Hecksliuler's .M'n«lrels. wus a Ci.lvi'Kti llnrenii cnllcr 1« (Jllllhan nnd Perry, nnd Whittlng .nnd llrocec were Ci.irPBU Ihi- nnii cnllers li^st week Arthur (J, '.'nm- brldge. Hie veteran drninntlc agent of this f'ty. is 111 with hnnrt failure, nt his resi- dence lolin (Juininn, of the (Jiilnlnn I'.roR.. expert cinh lugglcrs. stntes Hint Je- rome Hiicklev has lolned their net 'I'hc Actnis' (linrdi Aillanre %vlli hold 'Is tegular ui'.'ctlMg 2:-!. *-—¥ OMt LMKUU?! I.ETTKR. I'lIO.M our. OWN COUKKSfO.NDENT. Clliuivr Ilurenu. 48 Criiiilionrnc Strcvt. I.vlceMtiT Saiinrr. London, W. C .UN. Kl. The general election doesn't seem to af- fect the business nt Ihc theatres 1 frequent, hilt 1 nni inforniril that managers of subnr- hnn -ind provlncbil houses will feel easier vhen Uic new nieiuhers of Parliament are llnally decided npon. The weather this week has been superb nnd Just right for those iMleilni; to the children, nnd this Bens<in more llicntres than usual arc looking for the ijnironnge of the little folks. The fortli- coinlng jirrmifici are: ,lan. Id. "Klectrn," Coiirl : Jnn. 17, "The Superior Mrs, I'el- lender,' Waldorf: Jan. 24, "The Heroic Stnbbs," Terry's; Jan, 25, ".Nero," Ills Ma- jesty's, nnd "His House In Order." St. James. Tho lirst performance of the new musical niny, '"I'he Little Cherub." which was to linve taken place hist Saturday night at Hio I'rlnce of Wnles. was unnvoldnbly postponed. I'.nil Is sirhediiled for tonight. At the Inst nionient the Ixindon County Coniicll olllciiil on the law relating lo smnll children on the stiige. sleppeil In nnd refused to give his permission lo allow several of tho young actors nnd actresses to piny. On .Monday "Lights Out," which has iieen n Waldorf nttrnclion for some weeks, will be Iransfcried, with Its enllrc production, to Ibe Snvoy, wllh Ihc exception of H. It. Irving, whose part will be played by T*sila i'"nlier. ••|,n Main," Ibe curlnlu raiser, is agiiln a part of the bill. With I lie double of copyrighting liiiir work nnd of giving managers the "ii- portiinlty of Judging It without the trouble iif reading ilic iiiauuscript, Ileryl and Cosmo llnnillloa gave two performances of their new pliiy, "A Sense of Humor," at the Com- cdv li'sl Siinilp.y night and -Monday after- 00(01. .Vcnrly all the pro'idiient mann.gei-s. actors and .".'•tresses availed themselvM ot the oniinrliinlly. The revival of "Tiie Mer<iiant of Venice," al the (Jnrrlek, reached Its one hiindivdlh performance on Wedneadny, and Arthur Iloiir- cliler oresenicil lo every lueialicr of tlic audi- ence n liuiidsome souvenir In the foriii of a.i nllniin conlalnlna a number of colored skolrlics rcnresi'iiiing the prlndpul players nnd scones In the plnj'. <'lindps rrohnian, who holds Ibe Knglish rights of Alfred Sulro's new conieil,v. "The Fasdiuillng .Mr. Vnnderveldt," wlilch is shortly In be done In Ibe Stales, shares wllh tho author n strong desire that Arthur llonr- chler should assiiine the title role when 'he piny is inoiluccd in London. Therefore he has invited Jlr. Himrcliler to julii forecs with liiiii for Ibis occnshoi, with (lie result Unit Mr. Iloiirehler nnd Mr, P'rohmnn. together, will present llie play nt the (Inrrick when- ever n successor to I.eo Trevor's iii^w ver- .sloii (if ••lirother Ollleers" Is reoulred. The latter iilay i-i'iihiie,s "The Merchant ot Ven- ire,' nt the (I'.irrick, In a short time. Last .Snturilny the lime honored custom la connedlou with the Twelfth .Night nt Drmy Lane WHS observed hy Hie cutting of rli'c IlnikleUy Cnkc. in li'.l."! Ilnddele.v. Hie nclor, who wns at one llmo a baker, left y.'iDn. In- vesleil 111 three per cent. Consids, to jMircbasc n tweirih cnke, with nine and piincli, whh-h the ladles and gentleinen of lU'itry Lane were reqiieslcd to partake ot es-ery "Twelfih Mglit," Tills means the twelfth niglil ot the oantoinlnie season nt the famous tlienlrc. riie cutting of the cake took place In the saliion In the presence of the large company now playing "(.'Inderella." ItciMiiohni Tivc Is not going to Iterlln to proiluii' ShiikcsiH'urcan plays at Hie .New lloyul Oiieia Hoase. The pnipusal tor the tour. It appcnrs, was made by a third piirlv, and no! bj Ihc niniiagcnicnt ot Ihc Itoyal Tlienlie^, wliiise share la Hie ndulr was solely contincil lo the possibility of Mr. Tree's com- pany iippearing at one of the lioyni theatres in Iterlln. The London dailies go lo press much ear- lier llinn the American papers, and, couse- i|iieiuiy, draiiiiillc la-llicK ha\e |ii write under such I'ODditlons lliat It Is almost linposslblo for liieui lo do JiikIIic lo ini|iorlaiil produc- lliinK. espedally when the curlnlu fnlls nt a very late hour. In lader lo meet Hits dlt- llcally ,Iamcs WcUli lias decided Ihiil at the lirst tierroriimnre of "The lleiiile SInbhs," at Terry's, on Jan. 21. llie eurlniii sliall lie rc.lsed punetimliy al sceen, nnd the peifiiria- nilec be I bus eoiicliuleil at ti'ii. This Is lu Hie aaliirc nf an ex|ierlineiil, and Ibe result will lie wiilciicil Willi iiiiidi liileiesi, lenv lliilihlnson b,is aciiulrcd the pm- vliidal and BiibiiiiHin riglils hi II, C. t;ar- liui's "I'Hbllc Opinion," wlildi lie wll; shortly send on tour, with George (lld- dcns In his original purl, .MkhiI llio end of llie iiionlh I'^iaiik Cnrzon sends to Amerira a spocliilly sdeclcd company to pluv "Pub- lic Oiihdon" and "Mr. llopklnson." throiigli- oiil llie Slates. Annie Hughes will go wllh the company. The prii.lert for n .Sliakcspeare fesllv;"ii, lo be given by the Purls miinlclpnlltv, nt the loading tlienlies of the I'rcncli capital, In honor nt Ibe London Couiidlbirs' visit lo llieir city, nppcni-s to liave fallen llirinigli, nothing ninie beliiK Hiild nboni It now Mint the Hrltlsh vlsilors nrc lu Luletlu, To-nlgiit, at tho Scala, "A Itovnl Divorce" will lie rovhvd. The cast will Include: i:dllli Cole, Mrs. Cella Italdgh. Dulores liriuiiniond. Krnnk Lister, (ieorge W. Coek- biirn, T. I', lliynes, K. ,loynsen-riiweil and Frederick Powell. Ciirrcnl show iit the Alliamhra olTerx uiiiiiy changes In the variety portion of the lilli, Miunlay last I saw the performance, and a Inrge audience wns present. 'Hin Mil in. eluded: ".My Uidy Nicotine," and. niitwKb- sinmling Iho fad ihai the ballet has been on for inoalhs, It weni with a vim; I'alninh Dinrd, wbii sang two songs; Julius Thiirn, n liurlesiiue Juggler: Perez, lu n ladder net ; the "I'rhanorn" hhisiope: Iloslna Casein «ml her troupe of Chlhaabna .Mexican <Ioe«: ■■I'nrlslnna." n now Iinllel ; Clown I'ncni anil Vanoiu. The former Is known to iif us :is (illliert Clrnnl, but dlsf;iilseil as n plerm nnd a Kreiieh neceni, his Imllalbm iici niiide a really great hit. After another nuniih nt the Pavilion. .Ma- .son nnd Keeler will present ihele skeldi •■Honked by Crook." at the Palace, fur ;J lliiilleil slay. They no In Alislialla In .March, I'nr Ti iiiio' of the Hldiiirds' places nf ninitsv'. laoiii, lour ot Mors k Sloll combine, returns to the I/ondon C'olls«'uni on Monday. While on lour. "Mary, (Jiicea of Scots," has been her vehicle, but at the Coliseum she w II dpro In n "noetic cycle," entitled "The Spirit of Joic," Primnrllv. this Is n tnhlcnu vivant, suggested by Herbert Drapers picture, "Adrliidnc Deserted by Theseus." ihc bills for Ihc comlnn month at the ColUeuni, Pro- gramnic for the three nnd nine o'clock sjiows: •Mrs, IJrown I'otter. "The ClinrloteBrs, .Ma- bel Love, "renelln," "In Drenmlnna, ,'Alnd- dln." Kiigenc Strarton, Ln IlL>rat, nnd 8 er!- ling and Itcvell, ProgrnmmO for six o cUpen t:Iiow ; "Arnhlnn Mglilmnre." Ten (Hnls, A\oI- kowsky 'I'roiipp, Knink Maura, JInson pud llnrt, Adellc dc I-'rccc, Andre Knys, (larlssn 'I-albot, "Cup of Tea,^' "Tho Charioteers" nnd "Mndnme Angot." 11. W, (inrrick. the press reoresontntlvc of the lawinn Hippodrome, has been presented by Ulrhnrd Snwiule, of lion and tlfer fame, wllh a gold mounted walking stick nnd a lion's claw In gold. . .... The Worlds Kalr Is now the centre ot at- fraction out Islington way. and Agricultural llBlI Is crowded nightly. This Iiolldny show has been an annual treat tor the piist twenty- seven years, nnd will Inst for another score or more years. The Potters, aerial .gym- naats. nre the big feulured net, and tholr wonderful exiilliltlon is makliiE n hit ot no small proportions. One of Ihc local pupers. In reviewing the jsjeformance, stntes: ••Ain<mg the chief nttrncllons which can be witnessed by nil nre tlie Pccrlcs.s Potters, who are reinited to be the moat ninrvcloiis aerial gvmnn'sls In the world. These American per- formers innke their lirst nppeurnuce at the Agrkiillunil Hall, coming direct from Hie leading cities of the contfnent. They per- form at a height of sixty-eight foot, and are distinguished tor double Bomcraaults nnd half-twists in nnldalr. It Is altogether a thiilllng performance, nnd on their lirst 'ip- wnrnnre tliev had an enthusiastic greeting. These uccompllsheil nerlnllsts arc engaged for four weeks only." Since lids article an- penred the Pollers have been engaged for a longer period, after which they may return lo .vincricii Immediately to accept a big offer for the coming season. The London Katerlnlnnient Proliurtlon As- socialinn has Invited Sir Kdwnrd Moss to a banqiict, to lake place at nn early date, in order lo compliment lilm ou ills honor of knighthood, Sam .Mnyo, Slgnor llorelil nnd wife, and others IcaviiiK for South Africa, had a big send olT at the Waterloo Station a week ago toiliiy. Over I wo hundred cheered as tiie Iruin wus leaving the stallon, A few ot the numlier present: .lordan and Harvey, Scclcy nnd West, Harry Hlnke. Itnrney Ilyams, Woods, Alice Lloyd, ICrncst Aplln, Charlie Chupmau, Walter .<oraian, John Dctrlcs, Tray nnd IHch, nnd .Norman and "Ix>onnrd, A condensed version of "Lcs (.'lochcs de CorncvlIIe" wns given at Ihc Tivoll lately, nnd met with approval, but It wns withdrawn from the bill, as a well known music pub- lisher chiiined it lo be nn Infringement on his rights of the piece, nnd Ihc lirm got out nn injunction, Harry Hrowu, colored singing comedian and song writer, who has licea in I.oiidoD for tiie past nionlli, Is al the Kmpirc Palace, Hackney, next week, viilh the other suburban houses on the snnie tour to follow. Next week the Hastings lllpiiodromo will go back to the one night poilcj', the nianage- inent having tonud that the two-a-nlght didn't meet with the npiiiovul of the patrons. The new ballet. ••CIndeiilia," done at the ranpire. for Ihc tirst lime last Satiirdny nt- Icrnoon, met with Instant approval, and, as a result, has been pat In the evening perform- uiice, ■•,Mndanio Sherry" being taken oil to ninlie mom tor the now comer. "Cinderella" Is divided Inlo five tableaux, and (.;, Wll- Iielni, who designed and produced It, kecji-t chisely lo llin .story, and seldom allows It to be iiilcrferiiHl with by Ibe comic clement that pnntomline writers regard ns being of iimre lniportnnc<! tlinn Ihc original subject. Miss tience is seen lo great advantage In the name part, ami several new nnd orlglnnl slcjis ni-e Inliiiiluced by Ibis exedlent dancer. The ballet Is beautifully dressed nnd the Kceiicry Is siipi'ri). During Ibis holiday sea- son inalliiees arc given every aflurnoou. There has been a cliiingo in the press de- paitmenl of Hie Coliseum. Thomas Coafi* who has bpi'ii nl Ihc head of the department since the Iiinisc opened, has resigned to ac- cept the posillon ot news editor on a new Ijuiilnn pu|ier. 'I'he. 'J'lihiinc. William A. Itenuetl, who has been acting for sonio time ns a general press man for the whole Moss iV Stol! tour, will, lu addition to Ills prracnt (III I lcs. look out for the press work ot the Coliseuni. Dinah Morris, Ainerlcnn colored performer, and her Iroupc from Mm Smith, made their ajipearanee in Lwubin iiL Hie Caniberweil I'ahicc Inst .Mon(la.v, In a new musical com- edy, i-ulillecl '"i'hc Lost Coon; or. Uluck MIcluicl's Itcvci))-!." 'I'he debut Is wild to have Ih'cii n siiccesstiil one. .Md'hce nnd Hill, who had n smnshup at CiiKlIlt a few weeks ago, while perforniiiig, are mcii'ling raphily, and expect to iiui'.Inui! Willi their work In another forlnlghl. The InllLv's collar iMiiie, which was broken In the fall, has kuillcd together nicely, but Is still a little »oi'e. John lia'^er. of Haker niid Lvnii, wiiles Irom .Nc\vi«>rt Unit they are ilolug very nicely Willi their sketch. "The KIcctrIc Itov." 'I'hcv have had an eller lo go lo Smitl'i .-Yrrlcn, mill mny a'ceiil saiiic If Ihey cnn get Hie salary askiil fur. ,\Ir, nnd .Mrs. Haker wish lo be r< iiieiul.ereil ro their friends on both sides of I he Allanilc. The llrllloiiK are icpealing at Hiu Apollo Ihealn-. Hiissildnrf, Hie hii made at the Lniiiire In this cily. 'I'he male llrlllnii has earn-il a Mile nf ihe (icnunn langiiiiKe. mid liilcodiiccs Ills ininologiie in H.'inian dining Ibe eccnutrie. wliiiii, he slates, lunkcs the nudieiice Iniigh ns lieaiillv ns llio riniuy steps. I'r.iiii Hnssi'ldorf liicv go lo Itorl- iiiniiil for a rnrinighl, and llicn lo the Apollo i heal re. Vienna. I>arc Devil Schreyer and Ids 'cyiilng scn- sullon. "Cyiiomolo," are nt the Paragon this vvivk nnd iiexi, and are packing that house ns they did Hie Cnnterbiirv. Mr. Paviiis wniils till' net for tho other syndicate liiills, hill .Mr. Sehrc.ver lins bad an ollor from .Man- ager ( leu ry, of (llyuipla. whure lio is ner- tnruilng Ills seiisalhaial dive nlghtlv, but nt present tlieiv Is a hllch. as Hk- London I oiiHly (.'oiniell will not peniill a petrel iniitor in Ihe biiHdliij;. If Mnnnger t'lcnrv s iinnlde lo gel the coiimll's consent lo pii't ■( yelo:iinli.r In (hi- bill at ol.vnipln Schruver »vHl a...-ept (he offer for Ihe rest ot tbe svn- dleale lialls, ,ii.'.'illl!, .^"T .'.'.')*■"-' ''""'ininy .inis declared a dlvidei.t of 211 per cent, (belnp at Hie rate cndlnriLe'-i.'lVii/i"'''"'''''''''''''''"''^™'- The i:inplre Tbcnire. New Cross, has 'i new ueinaaer, 11- Is I'.riie..;! llrldgen. fo'rni- n,;'-t''iv,i ""i "V"""' «'"l"'«» oWn, illi'l 1 lie 1 1; (ijl. I.eetis, II I-'."inled that Alia Heeve has been eu- gngeil Inr Ihe <i| lu;. of (he New ilmnlre I abice, -i.tii,..,,..,..!.,. t .... . .'..i|.in. Is S2,"i.i weeks. 'the dentil is aniioiineecl i.t Mr. Wpslover .\ clover 111.ycb-ml, soon lo visit America Is •oil Ol the liiincdhi Troupe nn i lev nugh to do veiy well, 'I'w,, llin lcs a il'., "••"jl"-" •■"""""• "" y •'""I siraigh i,ii"," " '." -••nupleie eiijny, „ „f the nni ci "s ,11 "i"i""x '11 iiic .M>w Umpire ce . .ilu,„„es|,„ru., ,„„t ||„. s„|,||,y , „;,|g,, ..i.lKKi for n ..<e;isnii exiendliiK over seven motis New Zealand footballers, who wew spending their last night in Kngland nrevhu^ to gnlilng for home, were presen,t In a bod • nnd the house managtment and Miss Keller rain, tl:e Australian Bwlmmer, made theie visit n very niee.aant one, special feniun'a being provided for their entertainment a (oiivcnlr |iro»;iamnie, containing picture's ,e the pinrois and .Miss KcllDrman, wns .ik trlbnted The bill also included- Tli...|M' nnldos. comedy head and hand balnir-eis' Hie Austins, clowns; the Mazcttls. in ,; TOinlc bar act; the bloifrnph; "Among Hih .Sinrs," a travesty, which occimled the main pnrtloii of the evening. Durt^ng its .•i.ihl the foll'jwhur acts nmicarcd: Carl Kelnsd comedy and dog net; the llardliils: inuslcel act; the .Novellos, horse, cleiib-ini nml dog act- the Auroras, blcvelc act' I'i.i bosq Hrotliers, drollB; I.avnter I^ce,' m.up and d(g net: the Auroras. bleycK? act- Del Urraa, triple trapcsie act; Polios, drolls • A Ho Kou. lugglei-B ; the Ussems, eiiull.'brisls ■' Cole De Losso Duo, wire act, and n ciimi," vaulting ad over horses. After the tmicsie Leonard (inntler njid his ti-aiacd -uwi cicpi-.ani, TschernolT's animals, Miss 'Kriini" mun. nnd the Chinese llsbing cormoninm Tambo and Tambo, two Kngllsii bovs ivliu do an excellent tambourine jiiEilini; , sail lor Australia Jni. 12. to fullll a "k- moDtlm' tour with Harry Illckurds. DiiriiL- the past year they hnve played thirtv-lhree weeks In London, and will return to iIim Tivoll Christmas. HIOU. for another Ion" rn l''rom Australia tlicy go to the Statcs,''laiid- ing nt Snn b'ranclsco. " The AX'ashlngtons, colored singers nnii dancers, formoiiy of the "In Dnhotiiev" M nre at the Palace How. this week, anil mini, very well. The rest of the houses on tlint tour will be played, with a iwaalbillty of i« Barrasford tour to follow. Conway and Leland. the one Icgceil co- medians, nrc booked on the Moss & .»ih,lf tour tor the next three years, 'llicv arc a laughing hit all nlong the line ^ * Hn.V(js and Suits, after eight weeks hi nnd about London, open ou Moadiiv next nt idi. Kmpire 'I'hentre, CnrdllT, Thcl'r dancing ami singing lias mnde u good impression at ihe houses pbiyed. '"• I am informed that J<iscpliine Siiijci n-- centiy, received news of her fathei'-» iieaOi III llawrencp, M!is.s,, V. S. A. Sals; is playing the M. & S. tour. ^' on the hill at Ihe Opera House and l-;i„. pile ^ork, this week are: Cooke and MIsi Itothcrt, nnd .Manning's liulerlulners. ismi, ncis nre considered very "smart" hy the mnv.- goers ot that district. ' ' Able Mitchell and her Tennessee Sliirteiita llnish their HHCce.ssfiil stay nt the I'alaco in. night, llcrlln Is their next engagemcnl I liellcve, with n posslblllly of a <|ulck ii'ii'irn to .\nierlca to piay the Iiouh's under JIarllu Keek's control to follow. Newcomers lo the Lyceum bill next wick nre: Hnnk Itrrnard and compnnv, Mav Yohc Lciwrliith Urothers. Tiny Arnold. " Puuni' )\entworlli and Spnigoll. The Harmiarv lour piay their Ins', week nt the lh.ui:e, nnil niso ut the lavlllon, as llicv go on tour fnr a fortulgbl. and then to Ameiicn. O. K. Kutx, the Juggler, In hooklnir np .some g.Kid dales. Next week Ilnds bliii at Hie (.irons and Hippodrome, Itochdalc *"-¥ PENNSYLVANIA. Ill ilils ciaiairv. N lab'ii 1.11(1 «,«,( arriveil from Soiilb Ar- ■I'S last SatiMiiay. They cnjnvcd 11 • trin 11 lAvr,- way n„ .|„„. -j-^ „,/,,.■ ,,"„!' ,,„!V,'. Ihe M.'ss^sinl |,„„s,., |„ r,lvi.r|„.;.. ■" ' .''•r"';',r„"-I" ,"•'>.■'.»"■' one In his. Mr.. u«;ivu P(,ucr. who h«. bcvu ou lui; t„,, ,riii,"i:;;^;i'd^^Z^^i;;^'^^;;;^^'ii I'hiUulelitliln.—The new oirerhigs wi'ck of Jan. 22 nre: Olga Nelher.sole, at the Lhcslnnt Street Opera House, and "lieu ot Hrokcn How Itanch," at the (Jlrard. All llr other ilown town houses have liotd over al- tractlons except llic Walnut, which has llldi- ard Carle. TJu; unusually mild weather so far this season has lieen a great factor In lln: excellent business being done. ClIKSTNIJT S'TUKKT OCKKA (.Mxon & Zllll- merinan, managers>.—Olga Nethcrsolc iK'gins a two weeks' stay 22, opening In "Thi- Laby- rlnlh.' "The Pearl and the Puni|ikln" had two weeks of profllable business, ending 2li, Lvnii' (The Siuiberts, innnngcrs),—llerlhii (.nllnnd. In "Sweet Kitty Hellnirs," Is In her second and last wci'k, Altenihince wns big week of jr.. "Kantana" begins a run 2!), flmiAi) (.Nixon & Zimmerman, innnagiTsi. —■K. 11. tSotlicrn and Julia Marlowe lieKhi tlieir second week '22, with "'J^vdflh .Mgiil." l'"or the third and concluding week, ending I'cb. :!, "Tho Alerchnnl. of Venice" and ' KouK'o nnd Juliet." "Turning ot the Shrew" drew big business week of I&. t.' (,\lxon & Zlmmeruiaii, iniiuii- gcrs).—Dlnhy Itvll. In "The Kdmntioii nt Mr. Pipp," cnmo to excellent business 15- 20. 'riio cugHgement ends 27. (Jcorge .M. •><Yl''!i' '" "'^'""■Se Wusliiiigloii Jr„" Jnn. (Jaiikicic (p'rank Howe Jr,, laauagcr).— Itldiard Mansfield Is In his second and Inst week "The Mliigiinthroiie" nnd his nlher plnys, week of 15-2(l, drew large oudlciicos, Uohert lOdesun 2!M'"eb. 10. Wal.m/t (Kmiik Howe Jr„ manarcrl.— Itlchiird Carle In •'The Slnyor of Toklo." be^an a two wwks' slnv 22. Itohcrt II, .Mnii- fell concluded n two weeks' stny 211, lo lilg business. I'AiiK (]■. (!, Mxoa-Nlrdllngcr, Tnanngen. —Al. 11. Wilson, In "The Cermaii (Jyps.v." 22-27, Plorcncn Ithidlcy, lu "The SIrret .diiger." ended n I wo weeks' slay, 2lt. In giioil uv(-mge business. " 'Way Down Must" 2!)-I''eb. :i. (biANii Oi'K«,\ HonsK (d. A. Wcgefnrik, niunngcrL—Jnmcs O'Nell, In "Monte Crlsiu." 22-27. Hcorgc Kvans, In "The Ituninvnys" did big biislncfis 15-20. "Ilusler Ilrowu" 20- I'eb. y. (linAiU) AvKNfH (.Miller .t Knufnuin, mun- tigers).—"lieu of ilroken Kow" 22 and week, "i'he I';,ve Witness" drew capaeily l.'.-'JO, "King of llic Opium Ring" 2ll-l'Vh, ll. .Nai'ional (.1. M. Kelly, ninnagerl.-'Al Ihc World's .Mercy" 22-2i. "(Juecn of He! While Slaves" wus well palronl/ed I5-;;i>. "Tlic House ot Jlyslery" 2ll-|.'cb, .'!, I'KUi'Li'.'.s (Ii". (i, Nlxon-Nirdiinger, iiiaiia. ger».—"A Itac'c for Life" 22-27. Clinrles'l, Aldrlch, In ".Secret Service Sam," 2!l-l''eb. :<. ".More to Re I'lllcd Than Scorned" dhl niiu business 10-20. Ili.ANKY's Alien Htiikkt (M. S. ScIiIc-ssIux- cr. Duinagcr).—"The Klainlug Arrow" 22-2i. "How Unxtcr Butted In" pleased good sizeil iKuisi's 1.-1-20. ",^lore lo Be I'lllcd Tliau Scorned" 2!)-Kcb. II. IIAIIT'S NkW TllKATItH (Johii W. llnrt, mnnnger), — Mnmle I'^leniing. in "Carmen, 22-27. "IJIrl of llio Strccts" nnd a v.iutle- v'lle bill nllraded iirotitnbie paironn.'j'! I-'- 20, "Wlu'ti Loiiuon Slcc|)s" 2!)-i'"i'b, H- I''oiiKi'Atii;ii's (.Miller ."i Knufmnn. mana- gers).—"Ou the .Suwnnce Illvcr" 22-'J7. bf Ihe stock. "The Ciiniily Bull" did blir bns • ness L-.-2(l. "I'awn Tlcjiet 210" 2!l-l-rii, .1. Stanimkp Dnrcy & Speck, niniingci'sl,-- The slock 22-27, In "Held by the Kiicniy. Patronage was big 15.211, lo see "Dangers ot Working (Hrls," "Uncle Tom's Cabin" 2!i- I-'ei>. ;l. Kkitii's (II, T, Jordiin, mnnngnri.- -Il"n- dini is in his lliird nnd Inst wmi; 222r- Olher nets arc: J'ldiniind Dnv and coiai""'?. Annie uAd Jennie Veamnns, VlohM Dale, Win lingers, Mes.scuger Hoys' Trio, (inllagb"r n'"' Hnrreli, tUhUp Mack, Knrloii nnd IliiMili-^. the Wo!f(>rt Trio. Hlllettc Sisters. Cnl Sleii- arl. Liilgi Del "Oro and Hin kinelograiib. Kl l:VK.«iTll StRKET OI'KUA H0I:S1»---TI": bnrlesipies. •'The Market Street Subway' nml ".Mnie. Snra Hnrt Burn." are continued 2:- 27. by Diimont's Minstrels, In Iho lirst |i«rt Jost'iih K. liai-iz. vie Klehards and JniJ"'.^ ^IcCooI wll bn heard lu new songs, o's buBlncaa lC-20. CASINO (Kilns. Koenig .1 I.,ederer, mana- gers).—Itoae Itlll roiiv Co. 22-27. Hn'-">; Hryant'8 Co. gave a good show, and wns ncn patronized, in-'JO, The TrnnsAtinnths -.V- l''eb. ;i. "Hoc ((!, W. Itlfe lunnagcr).—Mny llo»- nrd's Co. 22-27, with Cunning. Jail bivaker. .•ilia iM'ieics III. was ii'wnriled with IINi'i-;il liuUuuagtj iH-M. I'ttj li:osUi: CVt -^'lim <"