The New York Clipper (February 1906)

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1276 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. February 3. Olbsi.n. .Vir.. Keith's. Providence, 20-Fcb. 3. Ullli'ite Hlslcrs, Kinplre, llohukcu, N. J., 29- iSfa. a. CMeur, 111,, Atlantic Gurdcii, X. Y. C. 20- Kih. 3. <illll|MTi'ltlx. The. Vlehirln. N. V. ('.. 29-Feb. 3. Ulnse. Atigipls. Victoria. N. V. C. 29-Feh. 3. ■ liiroroy ft Russell, Family, Bntte, limit., 20-Fcb. 10. liohlcn Gate Quintette, Auiltlorluni. Lynn, Mum.. 2»-r«i»; :i. CurJcn * Hayes. HIJoii, Danville, 111., 20Feb. 3; Grand. Jollet, n-iu. Cnlden ft Hughe*. Cuiunililn. St. Louis, 20-Feb. .1; Olympic, Chicajm, 5-10. floltbju. Mr. ft Mrs.. B. SI., Karelin, Cal., 29- .Feb. 3. (lolden, Annie, Orpheuiu, Springfield, O., 20-Frti. ,3: Coforlli ft Doyle, Are.idc, Toledo, 20-Fcb. 3. ISoleiunn'.s Cats ft Dogs, nt. I/>ul», 20-Fcb. 3; llByiunrket, Chleugu 010. Hinder,. Dun ft Mho, Alain Stieet. I'eorln, 111., 28- Feb. 8; BIJou. Den Moines, In.. 0-10. Greene & t miMt, Gotham. Ilkln., 20-Feb. 3. Uroiory I'r.utbmlnje Co., lion 'ton, Ilkln., 29-Fcb. 3. Gratlan ft Willie. Keith's, I'lillu.. 29-Fcb. 3. Unyrt, Mnr«-aret, BIJou, Oklahoma, Okla., 20- Fob. 3. Greeu, Harry, A. ft H., Huston. 20-Fcb. !l. Grttse, Uussell J.. Orplieuui. Mansfield, I)., 29- fcb. 3; nijnu. Wheeling. W. Vo., 0-1O. Crstuini. Hilly & Kdltb, Hub, Woonsockot, n. I., 20-Feb. >. Urconwav, Ily., Canto. Kail Hirer, Mima., 20-Fcb. P.: Colonial, Lawrence. 0-10. Gross. Win.', Howard, Cblcugo. itfi-Fch. 10. lUHJirj. John, Audllorlum, Norfolk, Vo., 29-Fcb. 3. Grant. Sydney, Gotham, Ilkln., 29-Fcb. 3; Buvoy, Kail Hlver. Mam.. I-IO. Gullmi-itc, Sic., Atlantic Garden. N. V. C, 29- Feb 8. Ilainiminil. Mr. ft Mr*. Chas. IJ.. Academy, Potts- vllle, I'tt.. 20-Feh. :i; (iranil, lluzletoii. O-IO. "llazordous Globe," KelHi'a. Syracuse, V. Y., 29- .Feb. 3; Shea's, IlulTtilu. nil). Ilanimntid ft Forester. Majestic, Chicago, 29-Fcb. 3: Columbia. Hi. Louis, .-,10. HaH'fs Marvelous Dni;». u. O. 11.. Oivcnshoro, Ky.. 2li-Feb. :i. Hathaway ft Walton, Poll's, Wnlcrbury, Cobn., • 20-Fcb. t. Ilntllimn), Hollo, Puslnr's. ft. Y. C. 20-Fcb. 3. Harlowc. Beatrice, Family. Ilar.cltoii, I'M., 20- Feb. 3. lliffl-klns, Ia'W, Kinplre, Fatersoii, N. J., 29-Fcb. • 3. Hawthorne S. l.nrr. Albiiniljru. X. Y. C, 29- Feb. 3. Hart ft Union, llomc. Mxlliie. 111., 2Hfob. 3; Lyric, Lincoln. Nvb.. 6-10. lliiMfll Itrun.. 1km Ton. i'lillu., 2ti-r'ub. 3. llilbni'k it 1'ariiiietle, Mtnr, llanilltvn, Can., 29- Fvb. 3. Hillrc-y ft Dohiii', Novelty, Council llluffn, In., S9Feb .1; Novelty. Unialiu. Neb.; 0-10. HarrlRon'K t'onlra, Jcffern, Sagbmw, Mich., 29- Feb. 3. lliiymiin & Franklin. IliitliuvruyV, Lowell, Uma., 20-Veb. 3; 1'nstor'n, N. Y. C, 0-1O . lliirrlaon. Mrnnlc, Kellti'H, I'lillu.. 29-Kcb. 3, llari-ourl. Dulny. 11. ft S., N. 1. C, 29-Fcb. 3; Howard, Muslim. o-IO. ll»»tlii|;s k Huron, Flum's, Mndlaon, Win., 29- Feb. 3. llnllbuck ft I'nriiuelli'. Star, Iluuillton, Cull., 29-Fcb. ": London, 5-IO. Iliirjwr, Di".iuo'id f: Iliilley, lliiilinivny's, Now HclforU. jiass., 20-Fcb. 3. Hafllriay i l^npapl, ICleiieyx Ilkln., 2tlFcb. 3. Hamlllun & Wiley. BIJou, TA'lcblla, Kan., 29- Feb. :t: liljuu, tiilubonia Clly. O. T., 0-10. Hall ft Colburn. t.rnin!. lliiinlltoii, U., 29-Feb. :<: Urt'beinn. .S|irlhi(flelil. 0-1O. Hiiin-.v ft Haiiey, Miinhutlaii. Norfolk, Vn., 29- Fcb. 3. Hill. Artie, ti. O. II.. Indlannpollii, Feb. Old. Il.ivdcn Vlrslnl.i. Urpbeiliu, St. Paul. Mluu., 29- Fcb. .1. HitrrliiKton, Dan. J.. Pull's, Hartford, Cuuu., 29- Feb. 3. Ilallmnn .1 liiinelia. Pnuluckcl, It. I.. 29-Feb. :i. Hcmiiunii. (ii-eui, llopkliih', 1-ouUrllle, Ky., 29- b'eb. .'I: Orphetim. Denver. Old., 0-1O. lli-rnuniy'M Dogn. Imperial. Ilkln.. 29-Fcb. 3. HertoB-f'tiiniira* Hlnlern (1), Fall Itlver, Mass., 211 leb. 3: Mhcu'e. Uutlnlo. 0-10. llereell. Jerrr 1L. Star. Atcblaoii, Knn„ 29-Fcb. 3;' llljon. Wleliltn, 0-10.' llerbeil, Uljnu. La Crosw, Wis., 29-Feb. 3; T'lilijiie. Kuu Clulre. 010. llri'livrl'a Dobs, Oriilieiuii, l.os Aiigelu*, Cal., 211- Fid). 3. ' . HcHftce llitw.. l'uslijr's.. N. Y. C. 29-Feb. 3. HiMTrnli. Tom. CrynlHl. Frnnkforl, 1ml., 29-Feb. 3; llljon, KubtiuauM, Midi.. 0-10. Hew. flliirn. Hayinurkel.Clib-aifo. 29-Feb. 3. llelston ft Floml. Atlunilc Garden. N. Y. C„ 29- Feb. 3. Hllliuaii, Oeo., Temple, Ft. Wnync, lud., 29-Feb. lllimuii. Cuiii. tilduoy, Electric, Waterloo, la., 29-Feb. 3. Hlllyei-H till, Sbeiiandoali, Pa., 29-1'eb. 3. lt|i*o.v ft Nelson, lliiymtirket, ChleaRo. 29-Feb. 3. Illll ft Muck, llljon, Norfolk, Vn.. 29-Feb. 3. HtlUe. Mile.. (.1. II.. CliniupulKli. III.. 2» l\'li. 3. HolikjiiilK 1 . Curtl" ft Webb, rroctur's OSlb HI., N. Y. t;.. 2fl-Fvli. 3. IIoihIIiiI, Kellh'H. -X. Y. C. 29-Feb. 3. llolluiiil, /ay. lioihaiii. Ilkln., 20-Fcb. 3; Savoy, Full Itlver. Mhhh.. O-IO. 1 loch-Kilo a Co.. JicUh'K. N. Y. C, 29-Feb. 3; MiUeslle. Clilenbo. O-lll. Ilownnl llroH.. II. ft H.. N. Y. C, Feb. O-IO. Ifouunl, Harry, lialely, Spilin-aeld, 111., 29-Feb. :i. Howard ft Uullierfonl, Cryslnl, Milwaukee, 29- Feli. 3: Cnlu I, .So. Ctilrtigo. HI., 010. llolmen llros.. Tealro I'tiyivt, lluvuim, Qubu. 29- Feb. 3. llnmkry-llerjeru Co., Ot'idiciiiu, Kanaaa City, Mo„ Feb. O-IO. Holinaii, Harry. U. II. II., Cavlwudalc, l'a.. 010. llni«li. ll™. II.. O. II., Oswego, K. Y., 20-Fcb. .'1; Fill I on, 010. Howard ft Norlb, Kellli's, lkwlou, 29-Feb. 3. lloKunl'H Dutw ft Ponies, liellh'B, Cleveland, 29- Feb. 3 : Temple, Detroit, 010. I joey ft Lee. Trent, Trenton, N. J.. 29-Feb. .1. lliiwiirtls. Marvelous, ti. 0. II.. Indianapolis. 29- Feb. 3. lloliiu-s, Taylor, Kellirs. N. Y. C, 20-Fcb. 3. ll.i.lm> Mr. ft Mrs., Hityiiinrkcl, CIiIvuro, 29- Feb. 3. nucha. Musical. Keith's. N. Y. C, 29-Feb. 3. Ibu-lns, .Mr. ft Mrs. Nick, Crystal, Anderson, iml.. 2ti-Feli. 3. Hyde, Hob ft llerthii, Kinplre, No. Adams, Mass., 20-Fob. 3. llyluiuls 131. llljon. liiilnili. Minn., 20-Feb. 3; llljon, Wlniilpitf, Can.. 010. Hyde ft IIimIIi. IUJoii, WIuh-IIiii:, W. Vk., 20-Feb. 3; nitstiirg. 0-10. luncss ft It.vmi, Mnjcsllc. Waco, Toy., 29-Feb. .'I. Jaiues. '1\-S8le, llljt.u, Full Itlver, Mass.. Feb. B-10. Jaok. Mr. X Mrs.. Itljmi. Dubuinie, la.. 29-Feb. 3 Jni'ksoii*. 1'nnious, Pmclor'a 23il Street, N. Y. C. Feb. 010. ,lnt'idw' l>o>rs, tirphciini. Uklii., 20Feb. 3. Jdnsi'ii. I-lerr, "Yiilitwlovvn, Ok, 20-Fcb. :i. JenuliiK" ft llenfrew, Family, Shainokln, l'a., Feb. O-Ui. .tn: Hm. II., "rpliemn. Ilkln.. 20-l-'eli. 3. JeXo.ll's Mivulkllis. 1'iwlor's OKIh SI.. N. Y. C. 29-Feb. 3. .leiinluf' ft Jewell. Yale's. Kansas Clly. Mo., 29- Feb. 3: People's. Parsons. Kan., .VIO. Johnson, Carroll. Keith's, llosluu. 29-Feb. il; Tom- pie. Delioll. O-lo. JuIiiisoiis. Mu»leul. lliirriisfnril Tour, Kug.. 29- Feh. 2S. Jonlaii ft Harvey, Pnvllloii. Isindon. Hug.. 29- Feb. 2S. .loiiesft .Sutton. O. .11.. Norwich. Conn.. 29-Feb. 3; 'i. II.. New Loudon 0-10. Julians. The. I'libnie. Wiiinlia'K, Can.. 211-Feb. 1. l\.-tes Iiros.. Slur. Ilainllloii. Can., 29-Feb. 3; Howard, llo«ton, 0-10. Uaufmiin. lleba. Aihninbiu, London, Kug.. 20- Feb. 2S. Iwiufiosii Troti|M'. Keith's, lloslon. 20-Feb. 3. Kartell!. Ilounrlier's, Vienna, Ana.. Feb. 1-2K. koh'y. Mr. & Mrs. Alfred. Uriilieiiiu. New Ketijon ft Lie (inriuo. Olympic, Chicago, 3: Columbia, Si. Louis, 0-10. Kceley. LIMlnn. liindeiiluirsliV. Phlla., 29-Feli. 3. Kelly * !Cela<.y. Klajto, Eluilra. N. V.. 20-Feb. 3. Kelly.' W. (,'., Oothsm, Ilkln., 20-rtb. 3. • Keller's Jdim, Shea's. Tonuilo. Can.. 29-1'eb. 3. Keiif. K. Miller, ft Co., Keith's. 1'rovMcncc, 20- Feb. ,'i. ' ICei nedy ft Wlble. Howard, lloslon, 20-Feb. 3. Kern's Dobs. Keith's, l'lilla.. 29-Feb. 3. Kelly ft Kt-nt. Temple. Detroit. 2ll-Feb. 3. Khema ft Cole, HopklpB', Loularllle, Ky., 20- Feb. 31 ' ' ■ Klnc, Mr. ft Mrs. Ham, O. II.,, l'a., 29-Feb. 3. Klppy. Mnjcsllc, Chleopn, JJIi-Feb. 3. Kloa-NcrK, The. Ottawa, Shenitndoali, l'a.. 20- Feli. 3! I'amlly, s. Y.. 0-10. Klnxsley * IjcwIs, Wbllney'a, Flteliburg, Mass., 20 Fell. .1; Colonial. Lawrenee, 0-10. Kloet Slaters, orjdienui, Omaha. 20-Fcb. 3. Klein ft Clifton, Ilivinnrkrt; Chicago, 29-Feb. 3; Columbia. Ht. Isiula, 0-10. Klelp ft Klein. .International. Cblcago, 20-Fcb. 3. Klekko ft Frcvul, Ofidieum, Salt Luke, V., Feb. O-Ki. Klelst, Musical. 11 lyninrkil. Cblcago. 29-Fcb. 3. Ktio\ Itros.. llljon. Ajiplerou, Wis.. 29-Feb. 3. Kuenllors, The, New O'Haia, Sbenandoab, l'a., 29-Fcb. 3. Kokln, Vlp:oneltc. Oroheum, New Orleans, 29- Feb. 3. Kidllns. KlaK lien's. F.sennaba, Mich., 20Feb. 2; ltljon. Cjlumcl. O-lo. Kn|ipo, Xelscli, Siirlnclleld, Mass.. 20-Fcb. 3. Kuril- ft ISiixs". .Mobuwk. Schenectiidy, N. Y., 29-Fob 3: Proctor's 2.'ld St.. N. Y. C. 510, La Mur. Wayne. Imperial, Lendvllle, Col.. 20. Feb. 3; Crystal, Seilalla, 0-10. La CMC ft West. A. ft S.. Boston, 211-Feli. 3. l-iiskev's Mnslelniis, Keith's, Pllllu.. 20-Fcb. 3. LatvreiK-e ft West, Bon Ton. Phlla.. 20-Feb. 3. La. (.'lair ft Hnrdt, Orpheiun, Utlcu, N. Y., 29- ■Va. 3. 1.1 I'rul.N. I'mil. Family. 1'uksiiIc. X. J., 20-Feb. 3. Lawman ft Kwlug. llljon. Decatur, ill.. 29-Fcb. 3; People's, Cedar Itapuls. la.. 0-10. La Tell Iiros.. Weston's. Los Angeles. Cnl., 29- Feb. .'! ; Weston's. IliteisUelO. O-III. •.a Motbe Trio, Arcade. Toledo. O.. Feb. 4-10. Tjimhert ft I'leree, Oranil. Jollet, III.. 20-Feb. 3; C;is[].-, ll]ci"iiiln»-lr.ii. 3-10. Lawrence ft Harrington, Kuiidrc, Hobuken, N. J.. 211-Feb. 3. La Velles, The. Alluiillc Garden, X. Y. C. 20- l-'eb. 3. Ijiiu-iKtei'. Tom., llljon, Osbkosh. Wis., 29-Feb. 3: lllluii. Api.Ieton. n-lu. Ijillun, Mill'., l'rmri.or.'s 1201b SI., N. Y. C, 29- Fcb. .'I; 1 lowiird. Iloston, 0-10. Liii'si-n Sisters, Moure's. Portland. .Me.. 20-Fcb. 3. Latouii, Frank ft Jon, Cleveland, 29-Feb. 3; Buf- falo, 0-10. I-a Flnir. New llrllnln. Oan., 20-Fcb. 3. Liivulls. The, Canterbury, Isjndon. 29-Feb. 3; Pal.. Ulnckiiool. 0-H); Pal., Northampton 12- 17 ; l'al., Duilley. 10-2-1. Lavlue ft l.ooiiard, Keith's, Jio-fon, 20-Feb. 3., llanlle. Majestic Hot Springs, Ark., 29- Feb 3; Majestic, Dallas. Tex., 010. LnniMon. Kleuuor. BIJou, Wichita, Kan.. 20-Fcb 3! Oltlnlinuiu, Okln.. r-10. l.awlor. Cltns., ft DnuKhlers, Pastor's, N. Y. C, 211-Feb. 3. Ln lllnos (2) Kkposltlou, Toiickn, Kan., 29-Fcb. lJiiy. Hsrty. & Co.. KeeneVs. Bkln., 29-Fcb. 3. lai elle. Hlw.. Maji-stle. Waco, Tex., 2UFeb. 3; .Mnjeslle. Ft. Worlli. S-IO. Law ft .Sii/.lnclle, Crystal, Denver, Col., 29- Feb. 3. la Voile Trio. Shea's, Buffalo. 211-Feb. 3. l.loyil, Herbert, .Mesa ft Stoll Tour, Kng.. 29-Feb. 28. I*lfel Trio. Kusoli's. Clilengo, Feb. -1-10. Lc Clulr. Harry. Orphcum, Mluuea|sjlls. Minn., 211-Feb. ".; (Irphenm. Oninhn. Xeb., 0-10. l*slor. Harry B., Orphcum. Bklu.. 29-Feb. 3. Leon ft Cliondii Hula, Orpheum, Suit Lake City, II.. 211-reb. 3. Lewis, lieorgla Cliarterls, Hopklus', Louisville, Kj".. 20-Keb. 3. . I.e Driiu's tlrnnd Oimtii Trio, Orpbeuni, Loa Aii- gidcs, Cal.. 20-Feb. 3. Le Hoy ft I.e Vtinlou, Kinplre, Hoboken, N. J., 211-Feb. 3. Iiecver. !.eii, Atlantic Garden, X Leoubardt. Al, Iiltou. IJulucy, llljou. Decatur, 0-10. - Lewis ft Cliaplu, Evunsvllle. lud.. 29-JCeb. 3. 1* Claire, .Muifgle, Kinplre, St. Paul. 20-Feb. 3. Lewis ft llarr, Oi'pheuni, Portsmouth, O., 29 Feb. 3. -, Is- liny ft Woodford. Cook/s, lloehcster, N Feb. 3; Temple. Ix-teoll. 0-70. ' I.e.lie, Dili ley ft Co., Colonial, N. V. C, 3. Lewis. The. Yiaikcrs, X. Y...29-Feb..3. I.ciiiiini ft Kdw'ards. Keith's, I'rovldence. 20-Feb. 3 l*on, liny, Proctor's. Newark. N. J., 20-Fcb. '•'■ la-vhsi, Dolpli ft Susie, Pastor's, N. Y. C, 20- Feb. 3. Levy, Mi's. Jules, ft Co., Jucksou, Mlcli., 29-Fcb. 3. Leonard, (ills. Hipp., Brighton, Fug.. Feb. 0-10; I'uv.. Newcastle. 12-17; Tlv., Leeds, 19-2-1. Leitau, I'ustor's. N. V. t'.. 29-Feb. 3. I.IV, Slella. llM.vniai'ko!. Chicago. 29-Fcb. l^-e. In'ue. KeeueyV. Ilkln.. 20-Feb. 3. Loonm-il. llniT, Keith's, lloslon. 29-Foli. 3 U- Main.- ft Le Malic, Majestic. Houston, 2li-Feli. 3; .Majestic. San Antonio, O-IO. Lewis,'Mildred. Oriibeum. SI. I'mil. 211-Feb. i l.isniaid ft Hastcdo, Phillips, Kiehnniud, .lud. Feb. 3; Aincrloun. ChlcaKO, 0-10. U-sllc's porcine Circus, Uljuu. .Evausyllle, lnd., 20-Feb. .'1; Lyric, Terrellaule, ;0-10;> Uv. Henry. Keith's. Phlla., 29-Feb .3. I.el-.'hloiis 13). liotbam. Bkln., 29-Feb. 3. Little Black Man. Poll's, Bridgeport, Conn., Feb. 3. LUhnitlim*. The. la'avenworlb, Kan., 29-Feb Kniisss Clly. B-10. ■ • LiUleOolil. C. W., Trent. Trenton, N. J., 29-Feb. 8. Link. Hilly. II. ft S., N. Y. ('... 20-Fcb. 3. Lindsay ft l*si. Ini|K-riul. Ilkln., 20-Feb. 3. LiildSay's Doirs ft Monkeys. Majestic, San Antonio, Tex., 20-Keb. 3; Majestic. Wuco, 0-10. Love ft Hollas. Unique, Winnipeg;, Can., 20-Feb. S; t'uluuc. Brandon. Can., 0-10. UWI ft i'..Iton. Victoria. N. Y. C. 211-Feb. 3. Uuiclillii. Atiiui. Impi'i'lul, Hklu,, 29-Feb. !!. Uirrl Trio. Family, Carboudnle, Pn., 20-Feb.3. Lombard Bros., O. IL. ltoek Island. 111.. 20- Feh. 8. I.tikvnti (41, Vlclorla, N. Y. C. Feb. O-IO. I.niies. K'l. ft Ilnrel. Lyric. Llneoln. Neb., 20- Feb. 3; Crysfil, SI. Joe, Mo„ B-10. I.isi- ft Luis'. Hljnu, l'.vansvlllc, lnd., 29-Fcb. 3 ; Main St.. Peoria, HI.. 0-10. Lucy ft Liieler. Orpheum, Kansas City, Mc. Feb. .«. LiK'ler, .Mr. ft Mrs. Freil. Kellli's. N. Y'. C. Feb. 3; Keith's, Cleveland. 0-10. I.yiiili ft Leonard, Auditorium, Norfolk, Vn. Fell. 3. I.uciiils, Tin'. BIJoil. llulnlh. Minn.. 211-Feb, I.; si or ft Cm.ko. Crystal. St. Joseph. Mo.. Feb. :•: Inlernatliiml. Chh-ego. .1-10. Sl-lers, Chase's. Washington, D. 2li-Fcl.. 3: Maryland. Hallo., 0-lu. Lynch. Ureal. Knipire. I'nlerson. N. J., 20-Feb. St. MnsiHi-Kelcr C-., Pnvlllnu, Isnslou, Kng.. 20- Fe'i. ."■; I'nlnee, Isindou, 0-2S. Mirtlue Ill-others. Biirriisford Tour, YUi\;.. 20-Feb, 2S. Mimbllt. Mme., Prwlur'a 23d St.. X. Y. C. 2H- •Fel». 3. "Mnscoi .Moth." Alhuiubni, N. Y. t: , 20-Feb. 3, Maaitx ft Maaetle. Cidnnbil. X. V. >'.. '.'O-Feb. 3. Marllere. 141TB. Tlvoll, HuOalo. 20-Feb. il. Manvru, I'uluiio. Santa Clara, Cal.. 20-Feb. 3. Mack Juliii ft Carrie. Crystal, Detroit. Mich.. 2D- Feb. :i; IntcrnutlcuaL Chlcnco. 0-10. Muck ft Duval. Flora's. Madison. Wis., 20-Feb. ". Maek, Bildk-. Kellli's. Ikiston. 20-FeK .1. Mailiowa ft Ashley. Colonial, X. Y. C. 20-Feh. 3. Maminril Family. O. II.. Lowell. Mass.. 20-Feb. Ik Mnhiiiicy ft Lake, Family. Unite, Mniit.. 20-Fcb. 2U-Fcb. Jl.obleLs, The. Maulialtau, Norfolk, Vn., 29-Feb. 29 -Feb. 3; Mnv ft Miles. Cni'iue. Wlunlpeg. Can Ualniie, Kuiajrlop. Wla., B-IO. Marfy/ic. Rddy, Olympic. So. Heinl, lnd.. 201eb. Marcus ft Adelle. Ilrnnett's, I«n<lon, Can., 20- Feb. 3; liamlllon. 5-10. _ Msrilneitl ft Sylrester. Oridienm. 8L Paul, 29- Mario'ft'Aldo, Lleblcb's. Breslaii. Cer.. Feb. 1-2S. 10. CO- Uamsey Sl.i-rs. llljou, Dos M es. la., 20-I-eb. 3. DOV'S TFRRTRI P IT^t?** . Kan-son ft Jupo. O. P- II., Itidl«unpoIIa. 29-Feb- 3. JBU I O lfinHlOLC JKLZEMA K««tu« ft Bants. Iloyrl. Oldham. 20-I-eb. ■■■ ■ """l. ■>t Y. C. 20-Feb. :!. 111.. 20-Fcb. 3; . Y.. 29- 29-Feb. :;. Tex, 29- 211- 3; ■::)■ 20- IB. Om Mai:ee. clem C. Glvlie. St. Louis HI.. Feb. Mumit'n Monkeys ft Dogs, Louisville. Ky Feb. 3; Pittsburg, S-IO. Massey ft Kremer. Orpbeuin, Manafleld, O.. 29- Feb. 3. Manama, Nevnro ft Mareena, Orpheum, Los An- sales. Cal., 211-Feb. 3. • Marlon ft Dean, Cnlnmet. So. Chicago. III., Feb. 0- 10- Mnrllnnl Sisters. C. O. IL. Plltsburf. 20-Feb. 3. Mararl. W. II., ft Co.. Trent, Trenton, 'N. J., 20- Feb. 3. Mnck. Toby. Unyinarkct, ChkaKo. 20-Feb. 3. .Male. Bonnie. Mijestlc. Chicago. 29-Feh. :l. MeClellr.i, Jni.. llljou, Dululh. Miuu.. 20-Feb. 3. MeCcen ft Poole, Lyric. Cleveland. 29-Feb. 3. Mcilriiili Bros.. Keith's. Boston, 29-Feb. I| Keith's. Providence. 0-l». . McDemiolt. W. J.. Kcllh's. X, Y. C. 29-leb. 3. Mi-fluc 4 Cahlll. Oniheiini, Omaha. 20 Feb. 3. McCarthy. Myles. ft Co.. Majestic, Little Hock, Ark.. 29-Feb. 3. .„. _ XlcKlnnon ft Iteed. BIJou, Crecn Bay. \V!»., 20- Feb. 3. ft Chappelle. II. ft S.. Bkln.. 29-Feb. J. McDado ft Welcome. A. ft K.. Boston. 29-Fcb. 3. MeCune ft Grant. BIJou. Hancock, Mich., 29-lcb. :ir llljou. Marquette. 0-10. MrCloud. Ueuevlevc. Family, Palerson, N. J., 29- Feh. 3. . _ „ SlcDowi-ll, Melbourne, ft Co.. U. 4 S.. N. Y. C. 211-Feb. 3. .Meeker-Uukcr Trio, Jetfcrs, Ssjjluaw, Midi., 20- Vel '- '- .- ^ „ Melville ft Stetson. Proctor's 23d St. N. J. C 20-Feb. 3. „ Melinl Trio. Hopkins'. I^ulsville, Ky., 20-Ve>>. — Meredith Sisters. Aisdlo. Purlin, iX'r.. Feb. 1-28. .Melville ft Azelle, Crystal, St. Joseph. Mo.. 20- Feb. 3. „ MssioMK Bovs' Trio, Keith's, Provhlcnce, 29- Feb. 3. Meiers ft Mora. Grand. Bolston. lftw.. 2!i-Veb. 3: Tlv.. Barras. O-lll; Kmi'., York, 121,; Gaiety. Birmingham. 10-21. Mcers '31. Keith's. Cleveland, 20-Feb. 3; Tem- ple. Detroit, 0-HI. Mllotis ill. An.phloii, Bkln.. 20-Feh. 3. Mitchell ft Cilu, lknnelfs, i»ndon. Can., 29- Feb. 3. • Miller, "ll^slictli. tirnnd. Pollslown, Pa.. 31; Mabanoy Clly Fob. 1. Mlteliells (3), oriilic'iiu, San Fran.. Cal.. 29- Feh. 10. Miller. Ilrnwniiig ft Fay Co., Bcnaelt's. I-oudon, I'jiii.. 29-Feb. 3. "lllllur Bros.. Star, Hamilton. Can.. 20-Fcb. 3. Mllehell ft Marrou, Poll's. SprlngticlU, Mass.. 29- Feb. 3. Millmin Trio. Proctor's. Xll-any. K. Y., 29-Fcb. 3; Au-lltoriqin. Lynn. Mass.. "10. Mlllerslilp Sisters, llownnt. Hosteii, 29-Feb. 3. Millla Bros. (8). BIJou, Dos Moiues. la., 29-Feb. 3: Dubuque. 0-10. Mitchells. DnnehiK. liu|srlil. Ilkln.. 20-Feb. :i. Mills ft Morris, nrphcum. KaUFas Clly. Mo-. 29- Feb. :i; Onibeuai. Omaha. Neb.. 3-10. MIolt'K lAam. Majestic. Clilcmw. 20-Feb. 3. Morn. L Jerome. ni|on. Wliecllng, W. Vn., 29- F..h. '■',: Grand. I'lllsburc. 0-in. Morgui! ft Crane. Odcou, Dayton. O.. 29-Feb. 2. Mowatta (Oj. Proctor's OStli St.. X. Y. C. 29- Feb. 3; Aiiiphhiii. Bkln.. il". Morrcll ft, On'hcuiu. Denver, Col., 29-Feb. 3. Morrison. John, JenVrs, Saginaw, Mich., 20-Feb. Bar, L. Jerome. Grand, Humlllon. ()., 29-Fcb. 3; U. t). IL. I'lllslmrg. Pa.. 0-10. Moznrts, Finl ft Kvn, Cuair D'Alene, Spokane. Wash.. Feb. 5-20. Monroe, Gio. W.. Savoy. Fall River. Mass., 29- Feb. 3; Gotham. Bklu.. 0-10. Morris ft Morris. Green Tree, Olyinplii, Wash., 2H-Feb. I». Montague's Cockatoo Circus, Orrin Iiros., Mexico, Mex.. 211-Feb. 10. Morton ft Johnson. Auditorium, Norfolk, Vs., 29- Feh. 8. Murphy. Mr. ft Mrs. Mark, Howard, Boston, 29- Feh. 3: Keith's. Providence, 0-lu. Murphy ft Orphcuiu. Omaha. 29-Feb. 3. Murphy ft- Andrews, Keith's, Prurldencc, 29-Fcb. 3. Murray, bllzabcth, Hopkins'. Louisville, Ky.. 20- Feb. 3. Murphy ft Magee. Seattle. Wash.. Feb. 0-10. Murray ft Clarion. Family. N. Y. C. Feb. 0-10. Mullen ft Corelll. Shea's, Toronto. Gnu.. 29-Feb. 3. "Mysterious Sphere," Moore's. Portland, Mc, 29- Feb. 8. "Myslerlona Crucible." Jk'iinett's, Loudon. Can., 20-Feb. 3. Nnyiion, Hosii, Svea. Stoekliolm. Swell.. Feb. 1-28. Navajo Girls. Ilavmarket. I'hb-sgo, 29-Fcb. 3. Nelsons (ll. Shea's. Buna In. 29-Feb. 3. Newman. Jus.. Orpbeuni. I.o- Angeles, CuL, 29- Feb. 3; iiiphriim, Kansas City. Mu., 0-10. Ned ft Miller. Poll's. Worcester. Mass.. 29-Feh. 3 : lMlea. N. V.. 0-10. Nelson. ''Battling." Ilowanl. Boston. 20-Feb. 3. Xewrll ft Xlblo. Majestic. Sun Aulonlu. Tex.. 29- Fcb. 8: Mnjestlc. Ft. Worth. O-IO. New York Newsboys' Quartette. Proctor's. New- ark. It. .1.. 20-Feb. 3; Proctor's 08th St.. N. V. C. O-'.u. Nellson, May, Wagner. Kansas City. Mo., 20-Fcb. 8. Xlblo. Fred. Shea's. Toronto. Can.. 20-Feh. 8. Nlcliols Sinters. Albaii'.bra, N. Y. C, 29-Feb. 3; liiipeilal. Ilkln.. 0 10. "Nlttlil in Venice" Trio, Columbia, Cincinnati, 29-Feb. 3. Norton ft Nicholson. Keith's, Uoslou. 29-Feb. 3; Park. Wi.reester, 0-10. Normans. Juggling. Uruhrum. Omaha. 20-Feb. 3. Nobles. Mr. ft Mrs. Milton. Kinplre. Patersou, N. J.. 20-Feb. "; Kinpln-. Hoboken. 0-10. Nnc-ross. Hlaiii ft Iji Mar, Pastor's, N. Y. C, 20- Feb. 8. KsMsnl, J. C. ft Co. Trent. Trenton. X. J.. 29- Feh. 8; Fmpire. Hoboken. 0-10. Xve, Ne.1. ft Co.. Vleterln, K Y. C. 29-Feh. 3. nlllvors 181, Family. I'oterson. N. J., 29-Feb. 3 Onlow Trio linjK'rlal. Bkln.. 29-Feb. 3. Grvlllo ft Frank.' Howard. Boston. 29-Fcb. 3. Orpheus Comctlv Four, Keith's, N. Y. C 29-Feb. 3. Orvlllw. TV, BIJou, Win-Hug. W. Vs., 29-Fcb. Olio Bros.. Chase's, Washington. D. C„ 20-Feb. Burnette Trio, Olympic ■:<.)■ c, 3; 20- 211- Or- leans, [.a.. 29-Feb. :i' Orpheum. Omaha, Xeb., O-lll. Kenna. Charles. Kellli's. Cleveland. 29-Feb. 3. Komio. Walsh ft Melrose. Keith's, I'rovldcuce, 29- Foli. 3: Keith's.. I'lillu.. 0-10. lien lull. Dorolhy. Orpliouiii. Ilkln.. 29-Feh. 3; Al- limnbrii. N V. «'.. B-IO. Kellv ft llono. Doric. Vonkers. X. V.. 20-Feh. 8. Kelly. John T.. Olympic. Chicago. 2»Feh. .".. Kelly ft Kelsey. Illnlto. F.lmlrn. N. V., 29-Feb. 3. Kelly. Sum ft Ida. O. II.. PotUiown. Pn., '.IL Famllr. Mnhnnov Clly. Feb. 1-3; Family. Sba- iiH.klu. ."Hi. Ki-llv ft Ashby. Moss ft Thoi-liloli Tour. Fug.. 20- Feb. 28 Kelly. Wnlter. C. Auipblmi. Hklu., 211 Feb. 8; Ilaryluud, Hallo., Mil., 5-10. Mnlthews ft Harris. AuditoHiiui, Lynn, Mass., 20- Feb. ::. Macaw* Slslers (81. Kellli's. Phlla.. 20-Feh. .1. Masters ft DeiiiiimL Ft. Worlli, Tes.. 20-Fcb. ::; Little Rock. Ark.. 0-10. Madcaps tin, Howard, lloslon. 29-Feb. 3; Park, Worri'Mer. Mass., 0-10. Ma leal le Trio. Aniphlon. Ilkln., 211-Feb. 3; Family, Patersou. X. J.. O-lo. Marlins. Aerial. Idea. Ostikosb. Wis.. 29-Feb. 3. Mastcy * Kramler, Orplieuui. Mansllcld, 0., 20- Feb 3; Orpheiun. Springfield. B-10. Mare ft limns. Pastor's. X. Y. C. 20-Feb. 3. Mnnslleld ft Wlilmr, llnii'lie. Holoken, N. I- 20-Feb. .1. Maey ft Hall. Alhaiiibrn. N. V. C. 20-Feb. 3. Miisiiotiald. .las. T., Alhamhru, N. Y. (!.. 29 FoK Manlell's Marlonelles. llljou. Martinet le. Mich. I'll fob. ri; Grand. Milwaukee. Wis.. Olu. Msevidlo ft Gtcnsou. Family, llstleteit. Pn.. 20- Feb. .1; Faiidly. Ciirlvudule. 0 10. Marco Twins, Columbia, Ciuclaoatl, Feb. 0-10, O'ltourhe ft llumetle Trio, Olympic, Chicago, 29- Feb. 3. Parker's Pog Circus, Chase's, Wusblnglou, D. C., 20-Feb. 8. I'nlly Bros.. AlliHinhri. N. Y. C, 29-Feb. 3. l'tiolo ft Mtirlow. rirplieiiui, Minneapolis, Minn., 29-Feb. 3. Parker ft Adnnis, Munhattiin, Norfolk, Vn., 20- Fcb. 3. Parkers. The, Slur. Hamilton. Can.. 20-Feb. 3. I'areos Bros.. Temple. Detroit, 29-Feb. 3. Pellet ler. Dora, Auditorium, Lynn, Macs., 29- Feb. .1. Pink's Marionettes, Bradciibiirgb's, Phlla., 20- Feb. .1. Pelsen Zouaves, 0. O. IL, Indianapolis, 29-Feb. 3: OohiiiiWu. Cincinnati. 0-10. 1'olohlnc Bros.. Pastor's. X. V. C. 29-Feb. 3. Print, t'lisl ft Annie. Keith's. X. Y. C. 29-Feb. 8: Maryland. Hallo, Mil.. 0-10. Perry. L. 1... L'uhiue. Minneapolis, Minn., 20- Feb. 3. Phillips ft Ferlniidean. Ftup.. Sun Fran., Cal., 29-Feb. 10. l'lecnlu M Llcets. Cook's. Koclustcr. X. Y.. 20- Feb. 3; I'hicigo. 010. Plenv ft Hoslyn. Ainphhsi. Bkln.. 20-Feh. ;j. Pler-e ft Mi.lzie Victoria. X. Y. C. 29-Fel.. 3. I'leree ft 0;ip. Keith's. ProvKlence. 2PFeb. 3. I'lhvr. Harry. Hathaway's. Xcw Ikslfonl. Mass.. 3D -Feb. 3; Aiulllnrlnia. Lynn. 0-10. Pitcher. Orvllle. Hem. Mass.. 29-Feh. 3. Plchlnnl Slslers. II. O. 11.. Pllisbiirg. 20-Frli. 8. Powers ft Jones, ftarrlck. I'.urllngti.u. la., 2U- Feb. .".. Potter ft Harris. Keith's llo.lim. 20-Feb. 3. Powell. Harry. A. ft S.. lloslon. 20-Feh. 3. Pimers ft Thevlmld. iiiully. Ijmcasler. Pa.. 29- Fib. t: O. V... IVttstown. 5-10. Poster Girls. Imperial. Bkln.. 20-Feb. 3. I'rynrs, The. Kinplre. Patersou. X. J., 20-Feb. 3. Prince. Arthur. Victoria. X. V. t\, 29-Feb. 3. "Prince of Pllsrn Girls." Clisse's. Wusblnglou, D. C.. 2!>-Feli. 8. 1'r.dlo's Uaass. ''..l-ilnl.ln. Clacluiiall. 201Vh. 8. Pi-, bst. Proctors. Newark. N. J.. 29-Feb. 3. Pullen. Hiil.v Liiiclbi. Owcnslsim. Ky.. 2"'Feb ::. Piiebs 12'. Chase'*. Washington. M C.. 20-Fe;i .1 Vnlgloy Bros., Kellli's. Providence, 20-Feb. 8; Keith's, N. i", C, O-IO. 3; Hoyair liiilborn.'b-ioT Grand, Chipham, 12- 17; Tlv., Barrow, 19-2I. Iljeket: ft llahtnnl. Gaiety. Chatham, Feb. 10:, Star. London, Enc, 12-24. Unpoll. Leo. Lyric. Cleveland. 29-Feb. :.. Is. The. Novelty. Omaha, 29-reh. 3. Ilsdfonl A Valentine. Victoria. Dresden. Ger. Feb. I-2S. Ilanf. Clamlc, 'irauil. Milwaukee. Feb. 0-10 Hoe ft- Brnschf. Proctor's 23d St.. N. Y. 20-Feh. 3. ■ ■ . Ttelrf Bros.. On'heum. Bkln., 29-Feh. 3. HcMf. Therese. Kellirs. Boston. Mftb 3. Iteno. Will ft May. BIJou. Whecllug, W. Va„ 20 Feb. 3. ■ . . _ IlcsldlUL- Slstei-s. Lou Ton, Phlla.. 29-1 eb. 3. Ileniltigton. Mavrec. Temple. Betrolt, 23-leb Shro's. llnfraki. S-HJ. _._!, « Ihslnlft Hadley. Crystal. Klkbart. lud.. 29-1- eb. J. Iteisw. The. ft H., PortlaiKl, Me., 2»-Feh. 3; Danger. O-IO. , Iteilfonl ft Winchester. Keith's, PUIIa., 29-Feb. 3; Keiths. N. Y. C. 0 10. Itevnanl. E<l. F.. Proctor's 23d SL. >. 1. C. 20- Feh. 3: Proctor's. Albany. X. Y.. 0-10. "Risl Haven Cadets." Trent. Trenton, N. J.. Feb. 3. Beeves. The. Gem. Lynn. Mnss.. 20-Feb. 3. llemfrow ft Jalisco 1'iilque. Brandon, Man.. Feb. 8; llljou. Suiwrlor. Wis.. 5-10. Ilelclien's Dogs. Shra's. Buffalo. N. Y., 29-Feb. 3: Shea';-. Tonsito, 0-10. IHisj ft Edwards. Gaiety. Springfield. 111.,- 20-Feb. 3; Geiiuett, Richmond. lud., O-IO. nice ft t!ady, Orjdieum, Los AoKeles, Cnl., 20- Feb. 10. Illalios (41. IllpiiodronM'. X. Y. C 20-Feh. 10. Illee ft Wilkinson, Hopkins', Ixiulsvllle, Ky., 29- Feb. 3. Ilice ft Elmer. Colonial. Lawrence, Mass., 29- Feb. 8. ItlsleVs. The. llljou. Dululh, Minn.. 29-Fcb. 3. Rlohunlsoa. I^iveiidor, & On.. Fischer's. San Fran.. CjI.. 29-Feb. 3. Woe Bros.. Proctor's. Troy. X. Y.. 29-Feb. 3; ltlchmoiiil. No. Adams. Mass., O-IO. r.ller ft Larlene. Jeffers, Sagluuw, Mich., 29- Feb. 8. ItleJi ft llorvey. Hsymiirket. Chloago. 20-Feb. 3. lllce Family. Shea's. Toronto, Can.. 29-Feb. 3. Itossow Mblgets, Hathaway's, New Bedford, Mass., 29-Feb. 8. Ross ft l.ewls. Bow Pal.. London. Kng.. 20-Feb. 3; Pal., Camlwrswell. 0-lu; Sadler's Wells, Loudon. 12-17; I'mp.. Portsiisiutli. 10-24. Rosnlre ft Dorolo, Keith's. N. V. C. 29-Feb. 8. lh.ble.son. Kthrl. Star. Hamilton. Can.. 29-Feb. 3. i;.» ns. The. Hay market. Chicago. 29-Feb. 3. itols-rls. K. A., Proctor's 08tb St.. N. Y. C. 29- Feb. 3. llooncy ft lh-nt, Kellli's, X. Y. C, 29-Feb. 3; -Keith's, Phlla.. 0-10. I d —sa w tr.). Alhauibra. X. Y'. C. 20-Feb. 3. Rowe, May. Grand. Lynn. Muss., J9-Feh. .".. Rosos (3). Orpheum. Rending. Pa.. 20-Feh. 3. Hobsoii. Mrs. Stuart. Columbia. Cincinnati. 20- Feh. 3; Orplieuui. New Orleans. 1st*. 0-10. R-imnlue. Fitch ft Co.. FJiiplre, San Fran., Cal., 29-Feb. 3. Russells. Musical. Orpheiuu. Springfield, O., 29- Feb. 3. Russell. Mar. Bon Ton, phlla., 20-Feh. 3. Russell. Ida. HiJ"ti. La Crosse. AVIs., 20-Feb. 3. Russell. Illlmi. Empire Tour. 29-Ft-b. 28. Russell. Phil ft Ccrrle. Cryslnl. Kuhnmo, lud., 20-Feh :!; Crystal. Losmusport. O-IO^J Russell ft It. I lair. Ilotistua. Tex.. 2H-FVL. 3. Russell. U'ah. Procbir's, Newark. N. J.. 80-Feb.'3 Ryan ft Rh-btlchl, Keith's, Cleveland, 20-Fcb. 3; Shea's. Hurrah.. 0-10. Ryan ft Douglass. Grand. Joliet. III., 29-Feb. 3. HsJlillll Los. Msjesllc, Clilcago. 20-Feb. 3. Snntelle, Oreal, Novelty. Oakland, CuL, 29-Fcli. Salerno. Orpheiun. New Orleans. La., 29-Fcb. 3. Suoun. Keitli's. Pixvldeuce. 20-Feb. S. Savoys, TUe, Bijou. La Crosse, Wla., 29-Feb. 3; Unbiue. Knu Claire. 0-10. Slimier. Paul. Colonial. X. Y. C, 20-Feb. 3; Orpheiun. Bkln.. 0-10. S.irsus. The. Hopkins. Louisville. Ky.. 20-Fc'i. V Salad. Josephine, Empire Tour, Lug., 29-Fcb. 28. Snuudcrs. Chalk. Keeneys, Bkln.. 20-Feb. ». Schneider's Orcbeslru. Bijou. Dululh, Mluu., 29- Feh. :i. Seott, Csrrk- M.. Oih-on. Duyteu, O.. 20-Feb. 3. Sclplo Argantante Trio, Majestic. Chicago, 29-Fcb. Sehep's Dopi. Masonic, Ft. Wuyuc, lnd., 20- Ftb. 3. Seott. Mike. Howard. Boston, 20-Feb. 3. SCranloiir. The llljou. Green Bay, Wis., 29-Feb. 3; BIJou. Me.rluette. 0-10. Seymour ft Hill, Chase's, Wuslilugloa, D. C, 29- Feb. 8. Sehlonoi (3). Columbia. Cliielnuiill, 20-Feb. 3; Orplieuui, New Orleans, Iji., 0-10. Searcy, tin.. Crystal. St. Joseph, Mo., 29-Feb. 3: Kurl, Pueblo, COL, 0-H). Severance. Margaret, Marinette, Wis., 29-Feb. 3; Calumet. 0-10. Shanty Town Duo. People's. Leavenworth, Kuu., 20-Feb. 3: Novelty. Toiieka. O-IO. .Sherman. Milt. Iiradcuburgh'n. I'hlln.. 20-Feb. 3. Sherman, ft He Forest, II. ft S.. K. Y. C, 29- Feb. 3. Sheriff, Harold, ft Co., People's, Kansas Clly, 29- Feb. 3. Shelhuids (8), Poll's, Springfield, Mass., 29-Feb. Shan-. Mr. ft Mrs. Larry, Pastor's, N. Y. C. 29- Feb. 3. Sharpley ft Flynti, llradenbiirjlis, Philu., 29- Feb. 3. Shorl ft Shorly, Washliiglon. Pa.. 29-Fcb. 3. Shaw, Lillian, Keith's, i'rovldcuce. 29-Feb. 3. Simon-Gardner Co.. 'Maryland, Hallo.. 20-Feb. 3. Slapolu-kl. Miih'.. Keith's, N. Y. C. 20-Feb. 3. Sloaii. Hhiiich. Ktvncy's. Bkln., 20-Feh. 8. Sloans. TIm-. Rlalto. Elndra, K. Y.. 241-1'eb. 3. Smiths. Aerial, Empire, lluboken. N. J.. 20-l'cb. 3 Siulili. Ivier J.. Main St., Peoria. III., 20-Fcb. 10. Smiths, Aoriul. Empire, Holioken, N. J., 29-Fcb. ■ 3: Keith's, Providence, 010. Smith ft Campbell, Kcllh's, Phlla., 29-Feb. 3; Itesloll. 5-IU. Snyder ft lhickley. Orplieuui, Sau Fran.. Cal., 29- Feh. II. Son«a, Mile., Salem. Mass., 29-cb. 3; Lynn, 0- "Sohmma II," UasanVa, Portland. Me., 29-Feb. 8. Sjwnser. Carrie, Family, Patersou, X. J., 29-Feb. Splssell Bros, ft Mack, Cook's, Rochester, X. X., 20-Feh. 3. Spook Minstrels. 0. 0. IL, Pittsburg. 29-Feb. 3. Splllcrs. Musical (81, Arcade. Tolnlo, O.. 28-Fcb. •3: Malestle. Chicago. 0-10. Shirk Trio. Frankfort. Iml., 20-Feh. 3. Stevens. Kltlle. Keitli's. X. V. C. *-".i Feb. 3. Stlrk ft lam Dun. Gran Clrco I'nyret, Havana, Culra. 29-Feb. 10. Slahl. Hose, ft Co.. Amphhm. Ilkln.. 29-Kcb. 3. Slrnkoseh, Mine., Proctor's 12jtb SL, N. Y. 0., 20-Feb. 3. Slrealor Zouaves, Touring France. Stuart. Keeney's. Hklu.. 29-Feb. 3. Sleln-I'.rello. Wlutergarten, Berlin, Ger., Feb. 1- Stewart. Mr. ft Mrs. CuL. Pastor's, X. Y. C, 20- Feb. 3. isialey ft I'.lrbcck, Orpbeuni. Bkln.. 2.0-Feh. .1. Khitilcy ft People's, Kansus City, Kan . 29-Feb. 3. Stanleys, Tlie, O. IL. Shenandoah, Pa., 29-Feb. 3. Stevens. l/.s>. Brad, plough's. I'hlla.. 29-Fcb. B. Sli«i«. Arlhur, Keith's. (Mcrclaiul. 29-Feb. 3. Stniiley ft Is; Roy. Orpliouni, Sprlnirnrld, O.. 20- FeK 3. si. I3uir ft Carlisle. BIJou. Dululh. Feb. 3. St. Lceo ft McCuslck. rhirnlr, 20-Feh. 11. SI. Klmo. Hon Ton. I'hlln.. 29-Feb. 3. SI. Julian. M.. Family. Mahanay City. Pa.. Feb. Stilly ft I'bclps. Orpheum. MansSeld. 0-, 29-Feb. Sullivan ft Patrpiclln.!. Or|.heum. Kansas Clly. Mo.. Feb. 0-10. "Siiimy Soulli." Colonial. X. Y. C. 29-Feh 3- Orpheiun. Bklu.. 0-10. Kvjvaii ft O'Xtul. Family. IVIIsUwb. Pa., SO- Tails)' ft lingers. Empire. Pulersca, X. J. 29- Feb. 8: Empire, lloi»krn. r,.|u. Tasinatilnu Tn«i|a\ Havana. I'oba. 20-Feh 3 Tilrlrnn ft Tiirllnu. I'rlople Cnvk. Oil.. 20-Feb. 3. Tnylnr Twin Sisters. 1'iuplro. Frankfonl. Pa.. 20- Feh. 1: Garrlek. Wilmington. Hel..- O-lo. Tate. Harry. G. II. IL. Pittsburg. 29-Feb. 3 Jevniw Sisters. Hijon, Mprquelte. Mlrh., 20-Feb. Teiiler, Elmer. 'fenny ft Maasn Twsl ft IjiwII, IVndnl..n. Minn., 20- Columbus, 0.. Shm's. Hailalo. 2n-Feh. 2., 0.. ojliVb 3 Family. Share Clly. In.. 29Feb. . Wlnidisn.-. I'na.. 3-10. o"u - * Mr *" ll " r> - ""I'mw- Ktlr-. Feb. Thompson ft Serida, edeou. Dojton, O., 20-leb. J. Moulli anil Kyes Cowered'1a¥Hh-Crt,„. HamUs Pinned Dow»i-Mlr.,c. .. BlOOS Cure by Cut 1. nra. "Whftli my little boy was six months „u he tad .eczema.-..riie sores -trtidul s,. quickly over Ihe whole body that w« I once called in the doctor. W c t hen weal , another doctor, but he could not hc)n |,i,„" and in our despair we xv-ent to a third one Matters became so bad that he had re,..; holes in his cheeks, large enough to Sut 1 finger into. 1 Tie food had to be given will, a spoon, for his mouth was covered wit crusts as thick as a finger, and whenever Z opened the mouth they 1-egan to bleedaml suppurate, as did also his eyes. Hand arms, chest and back, in short, the wkaU body, was covered over and over \\„ had no rest by day or oir-ht. Whenever he was laid in his bed wo bad to h;. hands down, otherwise he would acrati-h his face, and make all open sore. 1 thinb his tacc must have itched most fearfully "We finally thought nothing could help' and I had made up my mind to send n' v wife with the child to Europe, hoping tha't the sea air might cure him, otherwise bo ■was to be put under good medical earo there. Hut, Lord be blessed, matters cairn- difterently. and we soon saw a. miracle, a friend of oiirs spuke about Cuticura. \\\- made a trial with Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Resolvent, and within ten days ur two weeks we noticed a decided improvement Just as quickly as the sickness had an' peared it also began to disappear, and within ten weeks the child was absolutely well, and his skin was smooth and white as never before. F. Itohratli, President o[ the C. L. Hohrath Company, Manufactiir- era of Silk Ribbons, 4 to 20 Kink Alley- South Bethlehem, Pa., June 5, 1005."' ' Thomaa & Tnyne, M'hltney's, Fllebburs is-^ 20-Ftb. 3. " 'il-cls. Lulu, Grand. Milwaukee. Wis.. 2'jFeli -.■ Mollne. 111., 0-10. *' Thuiber. Loona. II. It B.. Bkln., 29-Fcb. 0 Topsey Turvty Trio, Crystal, St. Joseph, II,,' -j. Feb. 4. Toys, Miislenl. Lyric. Wichita, Kan., 20-lVs :; "To-To," Moore'M. Portland, Me.. ai-V<+ a Tunrists 13). Ortiheuai. New llrh-ans. 29-Feb 3 TrUlers. The, llulbaway's. Kevt' Hoiltonl lias- 211-Feb. 3. - " Truesilall, Hon'anl, & Co., Pull's, SprlarUi-W .Mass.. 20-Feb. 3. * Trainer & Lloyd. O. O. II., Cruml Itaplds, Slid. 20 Feb. 3. Tmvollv. Imperial. Ilkln.. 201-Vb. .1. Tyee * Jitiuou. II. t 1:., ilkln.. itij-'eb. ::. Ty-Uell Slslers, Clri-o Orrln, .\le\leo, 29 let. in Vanee. Clarice. Vlctnrhi. S. V. c.. 29-FeK ■;. Vanliiiiau, Crawl. Vuueouvir, B. II; 29-Frh. :;• Or.lliil, Wmli.. O-lll. Vahlares. Tlie. II. ft H.. Bklu., 2li-Feli.S Vnlveiio Bros.. HIpiKslmtne, S. Y. C, 20-Feb. Hi. Var.Iuti. Perry .V Wither, Graad, llclluj;bii.i Wash.. 20-l'cb. 3. Vnu. Hilly. Ualliaway's. Ii.ivell. Mass., 231'eb. 8: Orpheum. L'tlca. N. V.. f.-lu. Van Gofre & Cotrely,' Lyric, J011II11, Mb'.. 29-Fc*. 3 Vnl|Kjs. Tlie. Grand, UaranioUll; lad.. 29-Ceh 3. Valentlies. Tlie. Bon .Ton. Phlla.. 29-Fcb. 3. Vnlols. Harry K.. Lyric. Clevelniiil, 29-Feh. J. Van & Alda, Poll's, Hartford, Conn;, 29-Feb. r.; Poll's, Waterbnry, O-JO. Vernon Troupe. Orimeum. San Fran., Cal., 29- Feb. 8: Orpbeuni. Ix>s Ansolea.- O-LO.-. Vernon, Majestic. Chicago. 29-Fcb. 3; G. 0. IL. Indianapolis, 0-1O. * . Ver Vallan & Robinson, Nickelodeon, Fall lliier. .Mass. 20-Feb. 3. Verns?tte Sz Dluiine. Hipp.. Korvfleh. Kng., 231'iss. 3; Hl|a>., Carlisle, 0-10; Cirque Hiaasjil. Ca- lais. Fr.. 12-24. Vinton & Clayton. Lyric. Cleveland. 29-Fcli. 1 Van Hieue. Ati-mt.t, Keith's, Uoslou. 211-Feb. 3, Von Weuxl. Mini, Orpheum, Sun Fran.,- Cal., 29- Feb. 10. Ward ft Cut-ran. Procior's 23d St.. X. "J". C. :•■'■ Feb. 3. Waterbnry Hrns. & Tenny, Proctor's OSlb. St., X. V. U. 20-Fcb. 3. Walson'H Farmyard, Temple, Detroit, 29-Veb. 3; Cook's, Kuehester. 0-lu. Warleiil-erjr Bros.; CulumtiLi. Cincinnati, 29-l'rh. 3: Majestic, ladcaKo. r.-lu. Wulsh. I'nuik., Okla., 29-Feh 3. Wnllwuiii ft Whitney, Branlslown, III., Fell. '•'•; Vlr-rinla. tf-10. Wasmer & La Cumin, Grand, Uumusjud, lud., Feb. 0-10. Masher Hcos.. Crystal. Marian. lad. 29:1-th. 0; Crystal. Aiidcnem. 0-H>. Walsh <i I.Ikoii. Jeffcrs. Sushiarr, llich.. 29-l'eh. • '3.' Wallers k Prouly, Poll's. Hrhbeiairt, Colin.. 29- Feh. 3. , Welsh. Chas. ft Jennie, Cryslul, Frantrutl, lad., 29-Feb. 10. Weston, Al. D., Orpheum, SprlugScM. O., 23- Feb. 3. M'elr, O.. Novelty, Omuhu, 20-Fi-b. 3. Weller. Lltsle. MajeKtic, San Anloiib>. lev. -"> Feb. 8; .Majestle. Ft. Worth. 0-l«. Weul worths, Itose, Trio, Keith's, K, V. C. -"■<• Westcolt, * Co., O. 0. IL, Indianapolis. -•>• Feb. 3, '•'•-,, M'elson. SInx. Trouiie. Shea's. Huuiiln. 29-lrb. s. Mestpnrt 'Trio. Keith's. I'rovldnnre. 2U-Feb. ... Weiih-Homalo Tniitoe. Keith's, Cletelaiul. <•£** Welch & Multland. Orpli.-um, Omrha. ai.l'i'J. ••• Werih-n & Gladlsh. Columbia, .Cincinnati. ->■ Feb. 3. , . .„, ... Wells & Sells. Weobl's. Peoria, til.. 29-Ftb. «■ Grand. Jollet. 0-10. „ ,„ ,. , White, Stuart, & Co.. Victoria,'N. I. C, M-l 1 *- Whitcly & Bell, 0. II., Loffnusport, lnd-. •** Wliiinau Slslers, II. * S.. N. T. C.. 20-Feh. 3. Wlinleu ft West, Stall Tour. I'J!R.. 29-Feb. »■ Whaleii, Geo. K., Hovvurd. Bu-.lnii, 20-Feh. -- White ft Johnsm. Acme. Norfolk. Vn.. 2ti-li+- ■*• White. AL. Olymple. Cbh-neu. 20-Feb. ... _, Williams ft Tucker. Colham, Ilkln.. 2ll-l-o-i. - WlknO. Ihiby lrina. ft Cn.. Crystal. Klkharl. la*. 29-Feh. 3. . „..,•• WIlLs A- Haasan. Trcit. Treliloa.-N-. J-. 29 Kb.- Wlls.,11. Lbczlo X.. Urphcmn, Kansas Cily, «"• 29-Fcb. 3: iirplieiim. New Oih-ans. La., •'I"- Wllxna ft Ith-h. Hon Tim. I'hlla.. 2»-Feb. X «li»:>n Trio. Or>.|icnni. Jlliinmpolls. Minn.. ■=•■ Feb. 3: llndioinii, Denver, CoL. O-IO. Wllllmus. Will a., Orpheum, Portsmouth. 0.. .* Willis B»rw.. Blkm. Des Mottles, la., •** 2' Harry. Hl>.it, Huliilh. Mien.. 2!»-l<*•- '.Miliums ft Gordon, Castle. Bli«anlnsl"a- !"■ 20-1'ob. 8; Giand, MM. 3-1". .. IVieherr. (81. Hon Ton. Oeilen. L'.. 29-1 eb. •>■ Wlllljuis ft Mcllbnrn, Garrlek, Ihirllnstoo. IJ -' 211 Feb. 3: L.i Salle. Keokuk. Oil'. . Wlllanl, Great, Geui, W. Supeilor. Mis-. s " " k 10. ".Vllton Brt*.. Keith's, Boston. 29-Fob. ... Winter, Winona. Ondieimi. Denver. CeL. -^ Feb. .1: Orpltenni. Kansas Clly. sfcf*'^. Wilder, Marshall P.. Ort'heiim. Kniisas City. «*■• Fel-. 0-10. , _ j ^ AI ' „ -,. Willie ft Ijuklr.s. Orpheiun, S|iriniffleld, 0-. - Mills ft Barron. Lyric. Cleveland.' 20-Feb- «. WIIcov Trio. Orpheum. St. Paul. 20-leb. - Wunlelte, Kstelle, Orpheiun. Son Fran., Cal-. - Irmatft Bar. F^iplrc. Palerson. X. J.. 29-1V 1 '- :; Kinplre. Hnliokeii. 0-10. ... - World ft Kingston, olynudr. Cbleaw. 2!M'/;i'- -.. Wowl Urns.. Mld'Hetowii, Cenn.. 20-len- Vonkers. X. V;, |i-lu. M'o«sl. Mill. Howard. Toulon. 20-Feb. ••- . Wissl. Oeo. H.. llurunl, BmOai. 29-leb. ••• Wool. Frnuols. Keith's. Pmrlilimv. 2i'-tc«- •;. Wnlr ft Wilson. Uarrlek, Burllr.sinn. la - - ,r ' 2. , 1 -1 Misstf.ini ft Mnrlloro. Slur. Mnaele. Is*-. - Wissbiii'ri'l. Geo. ft May. Majcslb'. Chleas»- I* "Yankee Doodle Boys." Keeney's. Dtln.. 2*** 3.