The New York Clipper (February 1906)

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1.-EBBUAB? ,3. TJEm NEW" TQEB CLIPPER. 1281 CANADA. ' Montreal.—At MIS Mnjestya (II. Q. Hi-ooks, manager) Herbert KelCey and Hole Shannon. In/ "The Lightning Conductor," plcnsed Jan. 22-27. Bon Ureet and company •"J-Keb. a. Lawrence D'Oriuiy 11-10. " Academy of Music (Walter Greaves, man- u ..,. r ,.—Mnt JI. Wills came to big business «>'••-'.. "Tom, Pick and :Harry" 29-Feb. 3; "The Derll'a Auction" G-10. Itowr. '{H. *-*. Hgerton, manager).—Tlio New Century Olrls came to good houses 22- 27. The Mascottes 20-Keb. 3, the Colonial Holies 5-10. ....„., • I'iiancaw (V. \\. Ii"' Olnlr. manager).—La Tmtipe Cflfcnnenve. iierninneut Trench stock company, cloned Its season with "Kaust." to Knot! business, last week. "The Child Slave* nl New York" 29-l''eb. 3, "The Street Slmter" 3-10. ljijou (H. K. Bradford, mnungcrl.—Illo- scope. Illustrated songs, and the following vaudeville bill drew good houses last week: The Stnntons, BartclTl Troupe, Hurry Burtch, :ind Kilty Arthur. I Hi* MOnum (It- Itnvcux, manageri. —The permanent French Stuck Co.. In "I.cs 'tallies dn Vctivnpe," drew fair houses lust week. "I.n. Rafael" 20-l'eb. 3, "Tele lie Li- mit lc"' 3-10. National I'uaxcais «i. (iauvrenu, mnnn- prrl.—The iierninnenl Kreuch stork cnuiptiDy, "Le Tour Hii Monde." linil fair houses 22-27. "1.™ Millions de Emigre" 2!i-l'eb. 2. XYinpsoii llUlk—Marie Hall Jan. U, "Mnr- thicim" M <!- Notks. —The Theatre I'runrnls, which since the opening of the season has been the Inline of a (''renin stock company, will change lis policv, and combination shows will again hold forth, with "The Child Slaves of Kew York" for nu opening "The Knave of Hearts," a Ihrec net comedy, hy Alonzo Kvitn. a local caricaturist, was prnduceil for tlio first time on any singe here on Jan. 25, and met with the approval of the audience. s St, Jolin.—At the Opera House (A. O. Skliiher, manager) the L'twood-lOllis Stock Co. opened a two weeks 'engagement Jan. 22, presenting "The Man and the Maid," to a S. It. (i. house. Del- Kills, who was for- merly Jicrc. wjtli Uie Baker Stock Co. and (lie .del'litelieon-KIIlK Stock Co.. received n warm welcome, ns did Ih-glnuliL Simpson, who was here with the latter company, others who deserved mention were Geo. Turner and Dura-Booth. Evelyn Francis contributed spe- cialties. AVallo Comedy Co. follows. 3. Yokk (It. J. Armstrong, manager).—The Stoddard Stock Co. oiicned a two weeks' en- gagement 22, presenting "A Friend In Need," anil pleased largo audiences. Those deserving mention were Adelaide Seeord. Leah Ktod- ilnrt, W. L. Stewart and Ed. Fletcher. West and nartrnm. Kilylhe L« Norn. Jimmy Fnlr- tianks and lttilph Wordly special- lies. Notes. —Owing to the unusually mild weather the skating rinks arc closed and nil . YVlntcr sports are. ar 11 standstill, mid the Iheatti'u are reaping tint liencllt Or. K. t". Jillls, luauuger of the Ed. Ellis Stock Co., is meeting many old frleuds here. • ■ Toronto.—At tlio I'rlncess III. ft. Sbeu- liaiil. miuinger) Wllllnni Collier drew lug Iw Hto w M Jan. 35-2?. Lulu (Jlnscr 29 and week.- ■ ■ ' tlu.iMi Orat.v Ilmst: (A, J. Small, uiniia- f-er).—"Peggy from 1'arls" drew to capacity - 22-27. N«t it. Wills 211 anil week. )liii:sTie (A. J. Small, manager).— "Queen of Hie lllghlduders." 22-27. did big . business. "Uncle Tom's Cabin" 2!) and week. tji'n: a's (I. Sites, nuuinger).—Hill -.week of 21*: Josephine Colinn and company, Fred N'lblo, Fanny Itlce, Basque tjunrlettc, Kel- ler's Japanese Troupe, mid others. St.u: (F. W. Stair, manager).—The Merry Maidens ;Co. drow to capacity 22-27. Tin Sew Outurv Olrls 211 and week. Masxi-.y Music I (am. (Stuart Houston. manager).—The National Chorus, under the direction of He. Albert Ham. assisted by Marie Hall unil Walter Dumrnsch's New York Symphnny Orchestra, 21). 30. ■ Winnipeg:—At the Winnipeg (C. I'. Walker, miuinger) the Yankee Doodle (Jlrls kui'lcsi|iie Co. .Inn. 25-27. llOMi.Ntiiv (Oavlil Douglas, manager).— Hill for week of 22: Fontlnelll. the Lnmobi'.'s. lilies W. Hurrliigton, Martinclll and Sylvos. lor. Hurry and Johnson, M. Samuels, II. Van (.'live and the klnodromc. ■lEXfow (Nasb & Burrows, nroprlelors).— Itlll for week of 22: The Itlgfeys, Frank Ottnii, I.ouls Hates, Frank S. Terry, Elsie Yates and moving pictures. Hl.101; (Nash & Burrows, proprietors).— Tim ilrst weels nt Ibis house proved a great - success; and attendance wns large.' Follow- ing for week of 22: The Oreat Mm-lyni,-,. Margaret Bertram*, the Four Comedy IIHIs. Renfrew and Jaiiscu, Lllllc Trlxle mid moving pictures. Hamilton. —At the tjrnnd Open House I A. II. Loudon, manager) "The Carting of Hie Ways." Jim. 22, hud a good sized house "Ills Highness (he Bey" 2.T (return). "The Counly Chairman," 24. made an Immense hit with a hijr house. "The (ilngcrbrcad Man," 23 (return), grcutly delighted two capacity niidreiices. "The Volunteer Orgaulst" 2C. 2i, Summers' Slock Co. 2ll-Fcb. '•'., "The Uuke of Duluth" (1. "l'eggy from 1'arls" 7, Klgar (hole concert (local) S>, "Uncle Tom's Cabin" !>, 10. ■ blwn (J. o. Appleton, manager).—Bill for week of Jan. 211: Harry Hotter Hntl company. Kales Ilros.. Lewis and Hnrr, Fields mid Hnglies, llallkuck and Puruuette. the 1'urk- ers, Ethel Iloblnson and Millar Bros. 4»» WISCONSIN. Mllvvuuket>.—"The Shepherd King." at . I tie Harbison, nm nil hist week to especially awireclaelvc itiidlences. W'rlghl Lorler wlu- Oinir eiilhusliistlc applause. Manager SIut- iiiiui IJrowu offers Mi'liilyre nud llenth week of Jan. 2N. "The Wizard of On" Feb. J-7, "l.lllle Johnny Jones" 8-10. I'.ui.sT (U-oii Wuchsner, maiiuccr).—Her Iha Kulich wits u distinct hit In "Monua Vuuttti"- t'."-27. The Waehsner t'o., In "I'uml- He Hiichhidlz" Suniluy, 2S. Kuhellk 20. Amia.miiiia. —Malinger James II. lleiglcr offeis "in Skw York Town" week of 2S, and "The Black ('rook" next week. Hnveriy's Minstrels, week of 21. drew well. I5lji.ii: Oraci Horse (J. II. I'leri'e, ro=i- deal mnnnger).—Barney (!llmore was well received lasl week. In "A ltocky ltonil to lmbllu." "Fighting- Fate" week of 2S. "Arlz.oim'' next week. Staii IF. IS. TroKmnn. munngei).—The Avontic Olrht Btirlesipiers and Battling Nel- son tiirni-d the SWBT. ltcllly & Wood's !T.g Show week or 2S. CnvsTAi, |K It. Winter, miuinger).—Flo. .Adler was 11 big lilt last week. Itlll week of 59: '/on Muttliews. Howard and llulherfnrd, I'nslel.lul and Hull, Lew Wells, and singing dogs ami monkeys. Oiiaxii (W. IV. Oregg. manager). — Bill week, of 20: The Wlnstiinlevs. I.ulu 'lliels. Hurlou anil Itnnkln. I.enore and St. Clair. I.lose and Nadolny, und Irene Harris. ' Nii'dlK.—Ood. A. Joseph, or Haverly's Minstrels, was married to Bertha A. Taylor, "f Sandtiskv. O.. In this city Jan. 23 Catiline Hall put In one nlgltt at Ihe David- son 21, and made a big hit Sarah Bernhardt will appear at the I'nlisl Feb. 20. 21 Dick Knuth. stage carpenter at the Alhnmbra fnr years, dletl Par, IK. from •ou- siiuipllon. Joo Bnylls has Ikcii put In charge of the Alhnmbra stage. 11 i tin CriiMc.—At the f,o (,'ros-.e Tlicoire (W. F. Ouge, mauiigerj "The BlueU Crook." iVY r7', cn, P. e .' 0 Bond business. "Kudolpii ..?*' ~V l0,, i h - _-"• drew a- fair house. Jin. ...• V i.-"' -'..jniideville. as follows: The Ureal sawyer, \\. v. Oillogher. Adams our! l.'Iwnrils, rtobert S1I10II ooil Baadcr-Ea Vel!«s /'"'".'ff'.. " A !; ltonu " -"• "Pa"! Jones" Opcm i&a l'? n . ^'tijKim.v Feb. 1. 1'aullne nail, In norens,' 4: "The College Widow" 13. ,*E" c .! A, '. K f' , " ,, '* r * niausger).—Bill wee* nf 28: Al. Chrlsial. the Savoys. Ida Russell, Herbert. Hie frog man, and Will Araiond. Business Is fair. Enu tlnlre.—A) the Ortnd if. H. Moon. rnnnnperi.—"The Wizard of Os" .Ina. 27, JiVit Tnngusy 20. 1'aullne Holl Opera Co. 31, under suspires local Wks: "Altec in Wonder- land 1 local lalenii Feb. 1', "Buster Brown" o. S*5JW> < r; eo. Morrell. resident nmiiogeri. —I.III WCfk of Jan. L'2 : Sinclair and Carlisle. I.ucndlf. Ihe Three Ilylnnds, Harmon Ander- son and Couscr's ilog bIiow, opened to splcn did business. «» » Itl.ll'OltMA. I.os AnMi-li-i. — At the Mason Open House ill. r. Wyatt. manager! Win. II. •'rani-. Jan. 13, 1(1. oud AHre Nellsen. 17-1!) and 20, In -Hon l'asi|ual"." had paekca houses "'YVay Down East" 22-211. Hi:i asco (John 11. Blackwood, manager). —".Mrs. Dcerlng's Divorce," bv the slock eomii:m>. 15-21, drew well. "\Vhen Knlglil- honil Was In Flower." by the stock enuiiiany, 22-38, \i dnlsig 11 b\x business, Mils being the first lo.'al pi-oihietlon of the play. "The Olrl with the lireen Eves" UP. Bmii.iNK (Oliver Morosco. mauager).— J'lH! stock couipauy. In "Slieitandoah." 15-21. lid well. "Jeiomt." 22-28, Is drawing well. "The Croud Prince" 20. Oi:»N|i Oi-kiia llovsi: (Clarence Drown, maangeri. — Wesl's Minstrels. 22-28, ore packing the house 'Around Ihe Town" 21). <iniiii:iM 1 Martin Beck, general malin- ger).—Features •» nud week: Five 1'ltos- i-orlls. I,e Brim's tirmid (i|s-rn Trio. Lewis MeCord anil company, llnri-ena, Nevnro mill Jlnreena. Joseph Xewtnan. Al. Hazard. IM- wnrd Davis and compuny, and moliou pic- tures. I'Miirj: (Henlx k Ziillee, pmnrlelorsl.— Features 22 and w?ek: The Elliotts. Mile. Brasciianl. Copley and Meliiure, Steve Jen- nings. !he Vnhiiic's Players, und ITnlouco- Bcoyc. E.mpiiik 1 Hilly Banks, rcsbleut. miinnger). —Features U2 anil week: Paul Ilraehurd, Ihe Wrenlzs. Susie Lehmanii. Laura Hunks. llalch nud Hatch. Empire Stock Co., nut ciueiiinlni'raph. (S. r.ovet-leh. manager).—"The Lighthouse Rubbery." by tlu stock company, 22-28. Is doing well. FisriiMis IE, A. Fischer, mniifli'ei).— F111 lures T2 ami week: The Itldrlgueu I'nmllv, "In (taj I'aree." hy (he musical conieily company, ami notion pictures. cini:oiuiaimi (J. A. lirowii". manager I.— Feature* S3 nnd week: R"iio. Mnlicl Hitui- bert. Lewis ami I,i-wls. Jessie Urowu. the Hidlls. moliou pictures, nuil slock i'iiinp:iuy. Casino t.less While, ntan.iiieri.—lames T. McAlpin and eompmiy 22-28. Underlined, Olympic l.'raml opera Co. O.vuxtrii- (Hilly Onslow, manager).—House dark. OitMiuiil.— Al I lie Macdonoiigh (Chas. P. Hall, malinger) Alberta Oalhitiu drew good houses Jan. 17. IS. "Yon Yoiisou" plaveil to iiipaclly P.i. •.'". Mine. Modjeskn drew line nmllcuies S3. 2." Orplu'iun Road Show 23, 21. Nance O'Neill Feb. Si-to. LniKitTV HI. W. Hlsliup. imuiager).—Frank Bacon and Bishop's i-omimny of jilayers drew eniiaelty houses. In "On* the Itoad." week end- ing Jan. 21. I.lliertv Slock Co.. In "When We Were Twenly-one," 22-28. "If I Were King" lo follow. Ciikkck.vt lit. E. Callahan, manager).— The Crescent Slock Co. drew excellent houses, In "Saved from Shu me." week ending 21. Lander Stevens, supportcd by Ihe regular slock. In "The Power of the Cross," 22-28. "Ruined Lives" In follow. IIili.i. 1 I'M. Human, manager).- Feu lures 3D nnd week: lloulhilt und Junes, W. ,T. lliues. Mabel Howard, the Ablearros. the linlrlnhs and iiiui|iuny, Waller E. Deuves anil company, and the lilogrnph. Business Is S. it. 6. XnVKiTV (Tony Lubelskl. manager).—At- tractions •_''.) ami week: Marquis anil Lynn. Mil. De .Moss, Crrgnry's Rnvul Italinn Bund. Hillv .Morton, lb* titral Melville. Jus. Sad- ler and the projeetoseope. Business Is gisid. I'.urii.-K (Cliiis. Kucks Jr.. uimuiger).— Hill 20 nnd week : Lew Knelzlor. Diamond and May, Miller. Itenshnw mid Miller, lillbert .Sni-ony and compnuy. and Ihe Empire mo- tion pictures. Business Is large. »'» VIKOIeVIA. Norfolk.—At Ihe Acndeiny of Music (Otlu Wells, local manager) "The Isle of Spice." Jan. 22. drew good business. Sousn. 33. played (e a well tilled house. "The School lilrl" Feb. 5, 'The Tctiderfool" 7, "Buster Brown" 12, "The Chaperons" 17. Omaniiv (Otto Wells, local manager).— Huidous' "Faiiliisinn." Jan. 22-27, fared well. Business opened up with u rush. "The Show Girt" week of 20. Bijou (Abb Snillh, manager).—la addi- tion to the regulnr stock, people for week of 2!) are: Elbe! Hall. Hill and Mack. Harry and Penman, unil Hose Murllu. Business Is good. At'DiTOimiM (J. M. Barton, manager).— People week of 20: Lynch nud Leonard. Paul Iji Due, John tlregory. Three Rentz. Morton nnd Johnson, ami Madge Cook. Business Is goad. Acta (Wilkersoti & Mnnile, managers).— People for week of 2P : The Desmond Trio, (has. A'. Anderson, Frankfort and Lntiri, Oscar Brewer (alone), und While and John- son. Business is good. Manhattan It:. A. Criunlnii. manager).— People for week of 2'J : llaitey mid lliiuey, Marie Bell. (Thus. Wnril. Parker und Adams, nud Ihe Madderus. "Kuril Hill." stiijgcil unil produced by John .1. Minhlern, proved a most acceptable offering last week. i Itieliiuiinil At the Academy of Mtiile (1.1m, I. MeKi'c. ma linger.). Spusa's llnnd nliirri! lo a crowded house Jan. 22. "The Isle of Spice" drew a fairly good crowd 23. Robert It. Mntitell, 26, ^'7, pleased. Ezra Ken- 1I11II 21), 30. f.iinuncey Olcolt 31, "I.lltbt .Inhiinv Jones" Feb. I. "The Heir to the lloiira'h" 2. "The Sinn of the Cross" 3, John Drew .'. "The School Olrl" 0. James O'Nell 7, "The Tenderfoot" 0. 10. Bunt- (Chas. I. McKee. manager).—Week of Jan. 22 "The Show Olrl" played to very large houses. "Down the Pike" 20 and week. "The Buy Behind (he (inn" Feb. Did. P»lriiiiHi—At the Academy of Music (Jake Wells, mutineer!"The llujuh of Hhoiig" pleased .Inn. 18. Tli« White Milluitlniis week of 20. — 4 * » >ll\NBMOTA. Mliiiicnii»!l».—Al Ike Metropolitan Opera House 11.. -N. Soil, miuinger) "PUT! Pair:! Pnnfitr Jan. 28i!l. "The Wizard of Ok" Feb. 1-3, "The College Widow" -1-7. "The Serlo-Comlc Clrl" 8-10. "The Liberty Belles'* drew fnlr biislnesrf Jan. 21-21. Ili.ror oi'i:itA lloisi; (T. L. Hays, mnna- «i.|. 1. --"Sherlock Holmes" 38 ami week. Joseph Snnilei. In "A Runaway llor." nt-xr week. Evil Tnngnuy was greeted hy hiriio 31 nnd week. llprtirj >i iMartln Heck, general maiiui:eri. --Bill for 28 and week: Lillian Durkhart nnd couipauy. Wilson Trio, Bclleelulre Bros., Harry Le Clolr. Esmeralda Sisters. Paulo and Mnrlow, Jack Irwin, anil the klnodroiuv. Lvcci.u (I. C. S|>ei'r». muniigeri. —"The Master u t Arms" 28 and week. ''The Cipher Cotlr" next ■week. "The Isist Paradise," week nf 21. hart crowded lmuses. rxiijri; 1 John Elliott, mnnnger).—Hill for 50 nnd week: Wells Bros, nnd Wells. Alhene and La Brant, l-'rmik L. Perry, Joggling I'm- rolls. J. J. Howling nnd company, lleekrniv anil La l-'lenr. and tnotlon pictures. Hcwr.v (W. A. Singer, manager).—Harry Williams' Itnpeilals 28 nnd week. The Avenue (ilrl» next week. High School (litis 21 and week, with business good. Al'tu'rOMi'M (P. T. Bminon, manager 1,— Tuesilny evening. Jim. 23. Minneapolis Sym plumy Orchestra, nail 21. New York Symphony • irclteslm. under direction of Waller Hum- rnsih. .lenn Peroetrlsco, Roumanian tenO", is soloist. SI. PnuL — Al the Metropolllan Ois-rn llnttse "Piirslfnl" was presented Jan. 21-2-t. •The Liberty Helles" had very big business pleasing immensely. "The Wizard of Pouf.'! I" Feb. •1-7, "The College Hays, malinger).-- line houses Jan. 21- 2S-Feb. 3, "In New ..>-::», piensing unni»ii<ci nz" 2s:ti. -T'lir! Puirr "The Scr'o Comic lilrl" Widow" I-Hi. • t|:AM> iTheislnie L. "Sherlock Holmes'' drew 27. "A Rtllinwav Bov York Town" 1-ln. Stai: (J. ft Vnu Ron. manager).—The Im- perials) drew splemlhllv wi-ek of Jan. 21. Week el 2s. 1 iu> Arcane tilrls: lteltly ft Wood's Biirlesiiuers next week, Okimiixm 1 Charles I'rerek. manager).— Business was excell.-nt List week. New peo- ple •.'!! and week : Cole nnd Cole, Margie Clare. Mintlnette nud Sylvester. Virginia ll'iyilon. Wilcox Trio. Mildred Lewis, ami unil Ion pictures. Holding over: Minnie Fayette. Alice Tlffec. olive Wright. Theresu Kemp. Renle Ilnuk. Kittle Itnusom. MiiIh-I Cnrroll, Crace Multhews und Ruth Lenm. K3I11RC (A. Wehiholzer. malinger).—Busi- ness last week was good. New this week : till.son unil Nnsli. May Brunswick mid .Maggie I* Clulie. Holding over: Vem Leslie, vio- let Allen, lierlntdc Leslie, Charles Mllsworlh ami I-'imikle Evans. IViil'i.K's I'liritrn. —The Shubert Club with the Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra, hail n big .'iiidlciicv. Kuhellk 3U. Mi:xriiix.—-A new vaudeville theatre Is an- nounced lo be built, on Minnesota Street, lo be culled (lie Princess The bills on ihe new Auillturliiiii exceeded the architect's fig- ures hy ¥11)0.0011. *--+ INDIANA. Iiidiniiitiiolln.—At English's Opera House (Ail. E. Miller, manager! Primrose's Mill- sti'ds, Jan. Hi. 211, came lo big business. "The College Widow" packed the house 22- 21. The Indianapolis Philharmonic Sym- phony Concert 2(1. "A Messnge from Mors" 27. Wright Lorlnier 20-31. "The Clugerbrcnd Jinn" Fch. I, 2. "The Rollicking Olrl" 3. I'.Mtt; (Hoeksun & Tnlboil. mnnngei-si.--- Tlionins II. Shea, In repertorv. drew well week of 22. "Under Southern Skies" 20-31. liUAMi Oi'KiiA Hot st: (Sliufer Zlegler, uuiil- agen.—For wi—k or 20: Berl Coule ami com pnny 1 Kevnitirm Pcklu Zouaves, Evu Westcoll ninl mmpnny. Ihe Marvelous How- ards. Ilnwsun unil Jinie, Tom Brown. Bonnie • lityloid, Foster nnd Fosler, and Ihe bio- scope I'.jirim: (Chas. Zimmerman, manager).— The Loudon Ciitbly Olrls iln-w rull houses wish of H2. The Flizsliuinons O'Krlen pic- lures were mi added feature. 'Miner's Merry llurlesquers week of 2!l. KviiiiMvllle.— Thn Oriind (Pedley ft Biirch, managers) Bertha Kallcb bended 1111 excellent cniupmiy, Jan. 22. In "Minimi Viiimu," und gave one oC Hie best peitonnnnccs ever s«vn here. The Hlinnieleln Imperial Slock Co., 2.'l-27, hi 11 good repertory or plays, ami Willi some poor] s|K.'clullles, scored a hll. l'KOl'l.K's 1 Pedley & Biirch. nuinngers).— "Miss Hob While,'' 21. played to s. IS. ()., and dellghled the audiences. The coiupniiy was slrong. "The Strollers" came 20, and pleased. .Mary Emerson 37. HUMS,—Munnger Selllnger Is growing In papular favor every day. Itlll week of 22 included : Shopp'si f)ng and Potty Show, Le- vine and Wuhonc. Arthur Rlgby, Zoa Mat- thews und the kluoilrome. Notk. —Oroiitid Is being broken for Ihe erect Ion of Wells' new tlieiiln; and It will be one oT the lines! In the West. The loeu- tlon Is within 11 block of Main Street, wllhln easy access of till street car lines, und In Ihe most, prominent part oC the city, 'lite MUM Is In be Wells' BIJnu. The house will be owned and operated by the Wells Amuse- ment Co. * > » NEDHASItA. liDiiilm —Al Boyd's Theatre (W. J. Hur- gess, tnn linger I "The Serlo-Comlc lilrl" Feb. 1-3, "Parsifal" 1-0. "Hen Km" did an enormous bunhfOM .Inn. 22-21. "The Isle of Bong Bong" did good business 25-28. Rtanroun IW. J. Burgess, mnuager).—Tlio Woodwnnl Stock Co. presented "The (llrl with (he Green Eyes" splendidly, lo large I'liilleiiees, lust week. "Rosemary" week of 2b. i)i:etli:r.M (Martin Beck, general manager). — Week of 2N: Kloes Sisters. Itarnold's Ani- mals, (la: l'uiii- Juggling Normans, Murphy and Willi!v<l. McCiic and Cnblll. Al. Carlclou, Welch nail nud kliuslroine, Kuril (('. 8; Breed, managerl. —Harry Itcrcsfortl. In "The Wninnii Hater.' 28, 211 ; '"!'ra■.•keii Amend the Woeld" 30, 31, '•Fust Life In New York" Feb. 1-3. "Breaking Into Society" drew large audiences Jim. 21-24. "■luster Brown" did well 217-37. At nrroitir.M (.1. M. Ollbin, uintiager).— 'l he Walter lir.mrOKCh Sytuphony Drclieslru did well 25. NnVELTI (P. II. Mnilnnd, innunger).— Week of 28: 'J'lio Itnymoiids. liryuniit und Saraiiii. Viisicui Adams, O. Weir, and mov- iog pictures. Htii-lncss good. ctiii-iiln —At the Oliver (F. C. Zelirung, maniiger) "Hen Hur" cnine Jan. 22-31,.to the biggest four performances In successlou In tho history of the house, mid plttyed to more money tbun any four utlraellniis In Ilia history of Ihe house, on 31, Wednesday, (luring Ihu Ilrst purl of net three, lire wus discovered hi tin: basement, beneath the of- fice. About Ihe same lime one of Ihe audi- tors veiled "lire." und Ihe smoke begnli lin- ing the lunlllorluin. The people at once be- came greatly cxrlhil, and many miide cd'orls to gel out. but their passage was burred, und ut the sume lime slrong lunged men lliroiigh- oul the audience Induced them In sli down until Miuinger Zelirung appeared mxl an- nounced Hint the lire was nut. The enuliiess of AI|dionz Klkler, Bom, McWiide Jr. and Mnliel Murller In proceeillug with their net III the manner they did. did much In unlet the iitiuleilcc. No iliiuinge was done exci-pl by smoke. Tim Murphy has changed bis dale to Inter In Ihe tumuli. •'Shadows of a lireut City" did good business 3d. 37. A bcnellr lo Hie Nebraska Children's [Ionic 30, "The Woman llalcr" till. Tim Murphy 31, "Why Wnnien Sin" Feb. 3, 3, Huh Hiiii'h Minstrels II. "PUT I Pun"!.' Poufl!.'" 7. Pool lillmore H. 'Tiiclc Josh Spruceby" I), 111. Lyric (II. N. Allller, mannaer).-—BMkMM Is very good. Bill week of 211: Ed. anil llnxrl LiKiis. Jam and compniiy, Murle Alba, Jno. ,1, Wlhle and Lyrlcoscope, ♦-»-♦. 1 WOW has imwiiKii is that James Smith, of the team of Snillh anil Cook, was sent pi Hie Stale lll-Hlle lb.s|.Itnl. u| HulTnlo, V. V., 011 Jan. 2 1. HAVE BEAUTIFUL HAIR BY UBINO THE EMPRESS INSTAIMTANCOUa HAIR RESTORER. Produces A1V SUME in OSK Application. It docs not Destroy the Curllne and Crltn» lug, nnd It Is the only preparation which lit IsttU'tnrtlv Restores Bleached, Gray ami Faded Hair to any natural tbade desired, giving »f> nnd luslro lo the hair, leaving it 10ft, silk) nnd clean. It Is Harmless, Pure, KtteetlTe and Sure. For Snlo at Lending Ilnlr UrcM era, Dopitrtnicnt Stores and Druggists. SUM) FOR H.M.STIIATKH HOOKLKT 0. KMI'llKSS WCU. Ct)„3(i«-:n)S Broadway, N. V, FILMS FILMS Ami nhni. bin nil OHKilNM.. not duties or copies. Agents for Piilbe, Hhigraph, lallsou, MrlleH anil VIiiiki-uoIi Films. Powers' Cotocni gr:i)ili and iirlglmil Flrenroof Magazine. llliigriiph Hendllnnrs, 12e. Who would buy it copy when he can bay tin* orltrhud for 12c. 1 / complete (iiilllts. —tme Moonshiner Film, with I. utile's F.xponlllou Model Machine, for Jtllll.nO, 'tne new Hurselhlef Film, with Ldlson Lat- est Model, for itllO.Uil. Due new Firebug Film, with the (Ipll- graph, for *.l(ii).»(t). WASIIlXHTtl.N. Menttlc. — Al the llrunil Opern Ibnts.. iJulin Con. manager "The College Widow" packed the house Jim. II-17. Aline. Cillve had mpwlly ID. I.ouls James 21-21. Ilu-;- clan's H|ieru Co. 2li-,'!l, Pollard Opera Co. Feb. Ml. Km-rn.i: 1.I0I111 Corl. managerl.—Watsons Orientals drew gouil business lt-20. Mhier'11 America us 3I-3T, Miner's llohenihitis 2.1 and week. Vlllikee Dooille lllrls follow. Tllllin AVKM'K (llussell Ik Drew, malin- gers).—"lllehelleii." given for Ihe bciielH 01 Ihe Ciitheilrnl fmiil. net led a hnutlsiune re- turn, ll-IP. "At Cripple Creek'" 21-27. "Al- phonse and liuslon" 2i« und week. "Iluoll- gun In New V'ork" follows. Staii 1 Melvln J. Wlnstock, miiniigci-i.— New people week nt 21 : The Hawaiian liiilnlctle, Ihe Ward Trio. Tlnkham nud ininpaiiy. Vinton and .Stnrrell. 1'ele Knns- win-lh. Ilonnle Crux, and moving pictures, Osi'ira'M IK, J. Iloiiellnn. maniiKer).— New iK'iiple week nf 21 : Carlton and t)s- Irainier, Trl.xcda anil llohliison. Aner nnd Heenyu, lllnlne Fnrresl, Jos. Huniie, Wnrrcu II. Stetson nud moving pictures. I'AXTAHKK' (Alex. I'uatnges, iiiiiniiger) New people week of 21 : McLoilii und coin- punv. Myrtle Flanks. CcavIos Tib), I.a Tnlir Sisters. Al'lbur F.Uvrll, Siiulheiii Ijlllirtettc, nnd iitovlng pictures. liUAMi i.Mose (loldstiilth, mnnnger).—New m'ople week of 21 : Claudia Hawkins. Itltn Lee, ijei-irude Dudley, Hunhiir Sisters, unil Cbirlee Slurr. Caikiv 1 Fred Hit eh le, ntunager).—New people week or 21 : lioldle Mnthews, ICIDo (ilvnn, tirtice Llltle. mid Caroline Cnrlloli. NtiTK.—Curl l>. lined hits been appointed treasurer ut the (iratid Opera House. ■ Tneoiiiii.—At Ihe Taeomii (C. II. Ilernbl. mnuager) week commencing Juit. 21, Ihe Lancing llowan Co. Stau 111. M. Owens, mamiKeii.—Week commencing 22, the Allen Slock Co.. In "The Wire." (iitriir.iu.-- Week coiiiiiienclug 22, llussell Iteeil, In "David Uarilck." (iiiA.M'. ill. II. Witrley. iiiiinagerl. —Itlll week commencing 22: Ilahle's liiipei-inl litis slim Dancers, Ihe Four l.canilers, Ihe .Mur- lelles, b' mul Miller, Seiiumu. Adilius and linger.!, Will C. lloyt und moliou pic- tures. ♦•♦ CO\MH'ri<t T. l.tibln's i:\poHitlon Model Machine nnd 1,000 feet of Film. ffllMH). Double Hlssnlvlng Slereoplliiin, nllh Dplb griipn Motion I'lellire Machine mill l.tninft. of Film $100,110, including Dissolve!' und Carrying Case. F.illsnn's latest machine, complete, with Ildlsiui's Trnln liobbery, *l 10.00. I.uliln's K.Tposltloii Model, with Hliigraph llsrnped Lunatic, .• ICillson's latest Machine, with lllograpti's Lost t'hlhl, ?l20.0(1. I.uliln's F.xposllIon Moilcl. wlih Cresreut's "I,t)MT Til UN K,", The Ilnrgalns from The "DIITereiil Kind" of a Film Shop are Phenomenal. Killson's Methyl Klbo l.iilni) SIII.UII Idcllitimh (Inn Hags, complete In. on Kim lilvnl Otillit I2.IMI Acolvlene Oullll. No. I Hl.flu Acetylene Out III, No. 2 Vim lutter inn he useil for Motion Pictures. KMerprlM Model A. Oxyllthe Oullll. .?22.!.'l (Ixylllhe, (ixone, CnrlKilis, Conilensers. Limes, Cement, Kther. F.lrclrlcal Kupplle., nnd Accessories. Pnthe Films 12c. lllogroph Films, 12c. Vltacrnph Films, 12c AM, OltKIINAL. Then why buy dupes? MACHINHN AMI FILMS "W A Nil ill. PHllVIDKD THKV AUK lilltlD. L1WI8 M. 8WAAB & CO., II3H Spruce Street. I'hlUdtdiihln, Pa, Hell phone eomiecllon. Hurl lord.- Al Pavsiins'. "l)ulnc,v Ailiium Snwver." lusl week, did well. "Ml/.pah" Ktb, 3.7, William (illlclte U, lit. llAitrrniiti Di'iiUA IIiu'ki:. -"The cursa of Drink" and "The (lyiisy lilrl" proved very iillriictlre. The vuiulevllle bill hooked for week of 20 mimes: KM'/gibbons mid McCoy Trio, Cnrllu mul into. Muslcnl CuII.vk. Fold uml Wllsoi', Six Heed Hlrils, Will lingers, llei-lhii Wi'lllugton. mul llnl Merrill. I'oU's 1 Louis K. Kllby, mnimger).—The bill for the pitnl week drew well. I Jtew llitven.—At the Hyperion (Shu- berl Hros.. inmiagersi lli'iirletlu l.'rnsinan drew r. good house Jan. 'Jit. "Mrs. la-lllag- \vell':i Ilnols" hail 11 Inrge house 21. "lieorge WuutiliiKion .li." did big litiKlness 39-3T. Sarah Hciiiliurdl Feb. 3. Nt:\v Ham:.\ Tiiiivtiii: (H. II. Iltmni'll. imiii- ngeri.—"Hlg Hearted Jliu" eiiuic to giioil houses .Inn 22-21. "The Curse of Drink" lii• i good returns 2.V27. "The CiinTensions or it Wife" 2li:il, "Itiinuhig for Olllee" I'Vb. lit. I'ld.l'S IS. /. Poll, iifoprlelori. Hill week of Jan. 20: Klxlceu Mumming Hlrils, Hdd'it Leonard, nsHlstwl by the Hlinri* Itnis. ; T, \V. Kekcrt 'Hid 1,'iiiina Ilcrg, Lavlue-Climirun Trio. .Mitide lint! Cox, Daii'us Hros., mid Kthel .Mi-Doiiimgli. liiinf IS. SO. loll, proprietor).—The slink ciimpaity week of 211, In "The Itesiiricclloii." LusL week's Imslress was excellent. llrldweiHirl.—At rlmllh's <k. A. Smith, ntitiuigeri "Hi a Woman's Power." .lull. 22, CLUB COCKTAILS- For the home, for the club, $ anywhere, arc unrivalled. Choicest liouors, exquis- itely proportioned and blended aim aged make S| perfectly royal drink. Seven kinds—,Mar- tini, Vermouth, Whiskey, Hol- land Gin, Tom Gin, York. G. F. IICUBI.EIN S BK0„ Harlford New York * S.,1. I'roprlvlnr, | London 1 JiiwiL 1 (30 DAYS FREE TRIAL , Naturc'u Rival Air Forms A line i''.r,*t W«lfci ci„ l.ninii * Attmut* l',ir.i 1111.1*1 .j.U. Vi«i l»««l» i» »»7 •••« <lt,l,r.|. tV,llrl..rrill:Klllii.lrllr.l'«Oil'^. NATURE'S RIVAL FORMS CO. 626 Chics to Open Homo lllk ., ChiiuRo 1 I ■■ i n. f (Oil ltonil buslnesH "Mrs. LetlliiKucH's IIoiiIk'' "lluw IlenflH iini ^inrvi iiitniiitnni i'l 1 ", ir iiinaoi si «» »«•»■»• rr lilnyei'l 10 the I'lipiiclty 2.'1. "How lleui'lH Are llruken." 24, !!5. 1II1I well, us illli "llllt lleitrleil Jim," 2U, 27. The fnllfiifnlu llur- listiuei'K 211. "Itutinliiu for fllllcii" 110, :il,"Tlu; Two MNlers"' l'Vb. 1, "The Confessions of tt Wife" 2. it. Pol.l'u IK. II, Mheiiell. inuiiiiiier).—Hooked week of 2D: linker ami Itolilnson. .ionic Aa- loluelle. Smiin Kiiii( Iltnin tlhe llltle blink mini). Alexander Llo Nllno. Mr. and Mrs. Itni'iliier 1'caue nnd campniiy. Walters and Pfotii v, and the l'otif Mcuson:i. »«» ■ — TK.\ M'IS.SI'il'L Me 11111 Ills.—At the New Lyceum (I'nink limy, lessee) "Iluuipiv lilituply," .lull. 22-2IS. ■Nickeil Ihe house. "Mrs. WluitH of Ihe rnb- liaitc Puieh" 20. 'ID. Kyrle Itellew Jut). .'II, l-'eb. 1, I'resloii flurke :t. IIiifKiNs' jA. it. .Morrison, mniiiixci). — Week ut 28: Herrmann llm Ureal. P'oue Hen- Killlolllll Itolsi'M, Sullivan Ullll I'usipielellll, I'lilllnitK Tourist Trio, lleait, M'lsall unil eotii- liuiiy. Lavlnlu He Will, Ihe fii'cut Kmucellns, mul the kltioilroine. ' II1.1111: III. M. sjbnlnluiek. mitiiiiucr).—"Tlio Millionaire lieleellve" week of 2., iilaycd lo H. It. U. "Mv Toin-llov lilrl" 20 mid week. < IiiitlmiiMiHH. —At Ihe New Upei'li I louse (P. It. Albert, iiuiiiiikci') Miidtime (liolskl. Jan 2.'!. pleased 11 lar«e house. "Mrs. Wins'" of I lie (Jubbiifle I'nleli." ftirctl well 21. Ilimn Melville 2o. Kuln lleruiird 2i|, "The Isle <>( Hulce" 27, Koawi llo. I'l-esinn Clarke III. Win. II. frmte l-'eh. :i, Kyrle Itellew 5. Atlelulde Thurston 7, John Hrew «, "The rliuperoiiH" II, "Sweet tllover" 10. Knovvlllc. —Al Slnub'M ll'fllz Hluub. iaun«K''ri ".Mid. WIijks. of the I'nhlinife l'nlcli," tlrew S. It. I). Jan. 22. Veinoli On lloiu-lle son« iri'lliil nflpriiiion 211. Itnse Mel- vllle 21! evenltlK: "The llollleliltiif lilrl" 27. Sonsn 20. I'reHlnn rinrlte "O. "The Itnjnli or llliiiim" I'eb. ::, Kjrle llellcw li, John lueiv 7, "'nic (•|laperolw , ' 10. ■»♦» OltKHIIX. PorlluiiiL—At Hie Murriunui ilriiitil (i.'oJ- vlu IlelllK, mauiiu-eri Louis James did very Soud business) .Tnn. 1H-20. I'nlve 22. Mm nvntrn i;rnnd Onein t'o. I-'eb. 5-7, "The t'ouniv I'hiilrinnn K P, L'.Mi'lin: lMi"W. Heslnnii. reshlciil niiinii- ueri.—The Taylor eompmiy hail two cuiimllv houses Jul). 21, to wllneks ''The Lllllc Church Around Ihe Corner." Th" satne i'>iiiihiuijr>lli| food business wi'i-k of II. Ill "Her tin I I liiL'i' Vow." "ll'Hilljfiin III New Vork'' week be vlimliiL' I'M, ami Ihe P0I11111I Juvenile Opera t'i>. I-V-Ii. I, for two weeks. IttivUi'K itli'O. I,, linker, iiiiiuiikiti. - Jerome K. Jel'Ollle anil riinrle.i llnltell Loom- Is In itiomiloKUi' uml remlluKs, lunl a bit,' house J1111. :in. Waison'M (lileutiils bail Itwi puckcil lioiiscN 21. The Alcastiir lleauib's 1II1I full- business week of II. .Mince's Atm-i- leans week of 2M, Miner's IfuhcmlmiH I'Vb. l-io. Staii 1.1. II, Krrlckson, iiiaiuik'er).—-Aiitdn Ablioll. Ihe llobeils Imiii c. Ihe Two Hrules, the Hct Ill-ill hers. i!,e .Melleiulrys, \V. II. Ilnrtforil mul Ihe HlariiNeupe. 1.1. II. Hrrlrksiiii, mtnilicer). Plil'oso, Mr. und Mrs. Itobyus. tho ami Nel- son, He Curio nnd Hiokes, I,lllluii Melbourne, llaiiilil Iloir, ullll the llt-niullscope. IMM'.tilKS)' t.l. A. Johnson. Maltawr).- - Tin. Webi'i- I'amlly. lloltlen lliite i/uurlelle, Membuvs anil Lussaic, Pearl mul I'ttsshly, Arnublo, Leo While, uml Ihe bbiKinph. lAlili' iKcnlluc d I'lnoil, uiiiiiaiiersi. The Lyric Slock Co., week of Jan. 22, III "Itiui l'i Klirlh." — +4 » LICOHIilA, AIIkiiIii. Al Hie II en nil. "The School lilrl'* ilnl fairly well Jim. 22, 2:1. "The llolllel- Ini! Olrl" 2.'i. "The Teiuhrfiiiil" 27. "Tim isle or Spbe" su, nil, w, 11, Crime 31, I'eh. I, S"insu 2. "Sweel Clovi'r" 'I. Ill.ioi: (Julie Wi'llu. Ilimillgsr).—"The Hoy lli'lllml Ihe linn" ciime In H. II. II. IiimI week. "I'aulusiiiu" '.'li, fur week. KT.tll. - Week of 22. Hie bill hiellllbsl : Hob mul .Mai' llewlelle, Mi" Mlltotis. Iliierlii ami Nelson, Lou'iami mul lielnmur, Muslcnl flieri- mills. .Minnie |)u I'll')', Nellie llrlttoi), K—'» Ibiolli, lloueis mill Litvliu', l.llllilti May. Mne Ki'iina, I lilt ll>' Low in 1111, Mals'l lienltnjc], Aiuile llillliiu, Ooldle Lowntun, I'll nu.c Ann/., mul I'm I I'opehiiiil. • Klivnilllltll. -Al Hie Slivilllllllll "The I"')- ilei'Iooi," Jan. I'll, ilbl fnlr buslnc*. "Iliowi:',) hi I'o'vn'' followed 21. In fnlr bushies'. "Tile SlKII of the I'rosi" hull II Kooil hol-e '.',",, ami "The School lilrl" pluyeil lo lie' 'a- pucli.t 211. 'Ihe Creiieenl I'd. 211 mill W"il.'. 1;li.ln: a'h Ai.tttclliiiA' II.m.i,, 'I'IiU llllle boom', llllder 111" IlimiStfl'Ull'lll of W 11 - Hum limn, has been ilnliiK a Hit" Ijifliie.---. null the coin pane has been itlvluu ".cni'iMl s;itUfiiii|on. "A Wife's Peril" proved «ooi| week of 22. Mosl of Ihe eiiiiipnuy appeared mul iieipiltled lliemsi'lves erodllubly. The company Incliiibs : Mile. Phyllis. Smile Hill. I'litnilc Mnv. Penrl Ncllsoh, Louie cllfinn. Uerili llnrvi'.v. Muile lliiivey, lllhln Stetvait, Liidivlne M. Ileotoo. Hie Carlisle Sister-.. JllS. WoOlMIll' mul lilliee I'l'llll.'ls. 'I'll Is of Lottie I'llfioti, Marie Harvey uml f3hn-ti I'luiu.'l', were ilesctvlnj; of special mcuiloii.