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E&jratTABY 10. 0$M Flayers. itNpxttrnpK/Tn '-wixnui htoc* co.,sii- 10071 A.iSftyth;' managers.—We are • In our n«Kc.iVfl«k, /playing New-.Yorfe State, after wXjLcbt Jxo *o ,Dt0 Connecticut Riid Massa- .-JruaeUs. 'We hare twenty-seven weeks of ggpd.tlme. lo oprrs houses, after which we go \xxiStrjK mammoth canvas, lor the Summer. vy'ririrry • twelve acting people and-four JfevUlefentures. Our roster Is as follow*: YVyp. .Salisbury, manager: Thomas Smith, U«Iq,«»" representative; Will .Salisbury, stage " »tn .Philip-Jessup, properties: H. O. ftr*' K. 1 J. MartelL Thomas J.'Rex. Fred- erick/it. Saunders. Arthur Salisbury. Mvnnte tjo. Mae Dickinson and Ethel Moutgom- • Onr.-vaudeville features are: Little «,'Arthur Salisbury, ■ F. . .!. Marten, and ty-antl ^Montgomery, sketch. We are not . pmetDg records for business, but we are dolax<a big-busloess -everywhere we play, titar.plays aro: '>Tb» Divorce." "King or the ,5toptist>ln«nt." "East Lynfte." "Struck Oaa," "Driven r, from Home," ■ "Flnncgnn'a Aller," 'ftlp<>Van"WJnklo"and "Ten.-Nights In'a nar.Jto«ni." :."N(JirxB • rnosi the Grand Cieccit ■ Co., featvwlnp Lulu Sat ton. "The Montana Girt? -.-'-.we/ptive.Just finished flfcecn weeks in Gin/stock at Ogden, U. Weplay Great-Tails B'^'rtx and a half, then Helena.four nlsjhls, Otetf^htfmc to Butte (Grand Opera House}, for ,{nh .:vest-of the season.' Our-roster in- vlrfles:'Ernest L.| Two Mpotl Barbour, tnau- «er,.;' J Frsnk- Llndoo, Loiils'-Heonlson, Ilnrry /Leanrd,- Will • Priest, Fred ;■- llsgan, Fred Welch,, Krid Dn Mont, Hans Blocker, Clint ,Willlajas..J>oiils■ Buacb. .lack;Winters, ■ J: 1 A. . Mbritftomery. Fannie Keelcr.. Irlue Lorton, 1'^tb Oriesby and Lulu Sutton. We had ;rires,t tlrac In Ogden. made; many friends. <'eno tho: members of the -cftrnjbany were -pre- sented with many.beautiful Jrlfta on our de- parture. .Era Btelxer, manager of the opera bouse., gave a aupper for.ua. and'on Wednts- daj; nlxnt we are all Invited out to a smoker. cfTllii-'Df'Mra. La Peyer.-■ In . bettor of the Iritis-Montana- girl. Life-In Montana-Is ooe.gfartd rouiidot plehsure-'forius. -"Two' Spot.J Usrbcur'ieaves the company- In Butte. to;t«Jke the management of the Royal The- atjfe Co.'. for Uncle Dick Sjitton. ' Obi-helm StcitK Ca Notes.— The season of .this-company; lies been.a most- successful one, and-a brilliant,future Is looked for by Hie proprietors- '.Next season there will .be -two companies.on the road bearing the above tU>. .TJic Eastern-show; will :plav theCabn kt Grant New England 1 lode, and Frank < Hol- land wJll .be featured. Doyle and Emeraon, the cordedy -Inggierg,' will be the- special vlifjicvtlle - atO'aetlqb.. The -Western com- pany. rtMtlrKlmer Frits, acting rnanager.-wili continue' through ihe-coritfat'8tates,-where the company it making -such a great success Mils season.: - -Both'.companies' will be nnder liie- pergonal, direction and.management of 1 Inward poyle. ■ ■' tloStuR Or the. "Tracy, the Outlaw King," Otf., touring through -Pennsylvania :'. llttrry TMry, A. L. -Fanshawo: David Merrill.-If. J.-Hussell: Frank Ferrell and Chas. Ferrell, Gao. Ij. Rltter: Honus Schmidt, W. C. Tur- ner; -Deiinis-llogon. Kdmund James : Orrln Eddy, Will Thompson: .Sheriff Durban, Al- ffed Willlama: -Bud Skeeters. I.ttcena A«b- <n''<ri'i'>f6llle>:7rncr,-.LIIIIan'I'3Tan: Mrs-'Mer- 1 111.: Cork ifSm: Jfarie- Antoinette Hlggln- tothohiiand May Baker, Julia Ydrk. • .- iHUt|B^T- a!<u. OtiVEn L.vnAntE were Clip- pjtt calleta Jan. J(!. They are In New Torlt oa-buiilpesb-concerning ; their next season's 'jThk-beaso.v of the '.'Jesse JameB" company (ntdar ciptas) .closed at.Corpus Christf, lei; VFa'n: <!».... - .. . ••:'= ■ fMcrUfiD. MAxsnEiD Is reviving "The Sja'iljf letter,",, and will.also put on "Ivan theTeTrlh!*" again-tbls year.. • - ■ '■•""AiFr.ofejsTiy» TBAoitDr,? by Oscar Wlicje. wnlehj-.nad. Its first- production at the Dtlitgctoa '.Theatre, Berlin, Gcr., Jan. li', met with success. .' ttnicB NoRTdV. a cousin of Lillian Nordica, whd'-.la pdjsessed of n fine soprano voice, WJll, .stndy for grand opera, aa a.protege of m£ latter.'; . - 4. .-..-'..,-. ', ij. . ■ '■ ISAMt. Jav (Isabel Cavendish), formerly a/member Of the ' Savoy • Tftea'i're, London, Enp., secured'a divorce from Henry T. >H. Csvendisb, Jan. 4?. . ■ V lNtER'KiTiONAt, Stock Notes,— Lwloa;,' to Ihe.^nccelj. of this attraction'in. ibc West, wei'JiaVevdeclded to put out an Eastern coni- r»ny, ; whl<:h Is now In rehearsal. We op»n our.. Eastern season Feb, 0. and ar« booked colld.OflttL.Miv.'.au. Following Is the roster of.-; the'company: Eva Reed.-Carrie Starr, .Mfpel.'' Starr, Beatrice Thorndjke. Louise PstrWDs;. Baby Ruth, Harry Howe, Thomas GUhflbley, Chas. M. Johnson, Harry Lamb. I.nals- ^. Wood. Wm. Mclnerney, Edward Bttphehs, A. M. 81ocutu, James G. Swart and W. C .Mack. The Sevengalas go out with their oivn show, but under the manage- ment of the same firm. WalterC Mack Is In advtwee, and James G. Swart Is back with the show aa treasurer. The tour-la under th.e'.djrectlonof the International Amusement Co.--—.'.-- . 'John Pptt-rp, Sous* and BCasn B. Ssirnt have' collsb«rated. and the. result' Is "The Free.Lance," aeomlc opera, which will he produced 'by Klaw & Erlanger In the. Spring. "nf;»-;f;oxi3t'EST resigned from the cast or: "OB Mhe-Quiet," after the llostou engage- ment. • . .. ■1Enr:n'Ci..\Trox Is now In his twenty-third week with "Under Southern Skies" Co. (Kaat- era«> £ 3 Mr. and Mrs HAnnr J. Jackson- (Bertha J'jjIsij) severed tbelr connection. with th'j Geo. Samuels 1 attractions on Dw. 27, at Bl Paso. Tex.; and on Jan. 1 Joined tie Frank Dudley--Co.. at Montgomery, Ala. VNOT'SS • FnOM TIIB'LlVtKQSTONB STOCK C'O. rr.We opened our season At the I^fBretje Theatre, Detroit, on Jah: I. for an IndeSnlto period/. Large houses have ruled nightly, nnd St the matinee* hundreds have, been turned •v.ay, F.H:-Livingstone, manager and owner of the company, has siimmnded'blmsclf with the following well-known players: Itodm-y B8noue, leads: Frank Readlrk, Joe Dslley, Audrew Waldroo, Ilnrry Long, stage direc- tor; Allen Kellr, George V. Bird. Clyde Ben- son, Robert' Preston, Mllard Wentwortb, 1\ J-'I'ugcan. Maud Brandon, lends: Emma Lou Glffln. Nellie) Granville, hllllle Krecmnn. Jen- nleColef. Lonna Nelson. Fraakle ReadlcK. Helnrlch Stelner, scenic artist. The ojienlog blllwas "Oot of the Fold," and an elaborate scenic production was given. "Dora Thorne" followed, to practically capacity'-business. A J>lg revival' of "Monte Crlsto" sas tbr offer- log for week of Jan. 14. Milton Noblea' "From Sire to Son" Is underlined. 1 Mm from Jeavonh' Stock Co.—We bare had fair business since our opening la Tazewell. V«. We are featuring little Reno. Played Christmas'week at Covington, Va., to tpod business.- Met Empire Htock Co.. at Hlnthn..'W. Vo., and exchanged New Yen's greetings. Our roster Is: Thos. Jcavons, Mrs. Bertha Jcavone, Little Rcnn Jcavoni. Fanny Bernard. Sadie Reynolds, Claude Vap- pln, Ed. Sterling, Frank Bush. Tom I'oolc. Geo.- S. Flyaway and Bert E. King, pianist." "A -Romance ok Coos Hou/jvf" opened the.n«w opera house at Lumberport. W. Va., Jan..10. to a well pleased audience. Wit. F. Somxt.F.B was recently called to bin home. Green Bav, wis., on account of the serious Illness of his mother.' Henbt W. Savage will sail for 'Europe shortly, and' make a lour of the continent, comMnlng business with pleasure. Thsi Tclsa Opkba HOM Co...at Tulsa. Ind. Ter., has-Just built a forty thousand dol- lar ; hoitse. nud opened same with "The <3linperons," Fel). 1. - •' - l-'iiF.s PLVMr-roN and Grr 8Tixr>i.vt? hire weaj engaged to support Otis SSInjier in "'Jflie Duel." ...!-- 1HE TS^W YORK C^IP^ER. 1)299 A^?T5?.'" WM « r , BB Rowwnd * CMFPORO iSSt£F ,0K *'.~?f''" ,l ' ,u «-"" v * llD « « n<| |t " , «i J5.tlP" SM °I ,ul * ,rm *W °n« has failed to »e a good money winner up to date, a most enrourtghig outlook, as the time pro- S22 ^ or '^road shows from now. on la deeldediy.good. The "Dora Thorne" shows are all prosperous and making a good repu- te ion wherever played, and many return nates have been booked on the otrength of fattie. Sadie Marlon.-In the title role, has added new laurels for a masterly rendition or a most difficult role, and the.supporting company has received nothing but'eommenda- tloh for the artistic, manner In which liter rtT.' lnt , e T>"'t< k <l the dlffereht : characters*, rtiomas ,1. Umllh. w-no is at present playing !!"'„ , ?, adlB E romedy role In "Over Niagara liirL. T.i"l ,,1vc " ntvr P'T next ,-eason. and it will be aradlcsl departure from any- HJyt'S'^ 1 !.*" Previously starred In. Mr. smith had formerly been Identified with ro- mantic Irish leads, but bis Bucccss'thls sea- son with "Xlagaj-a Falls." has altered th» complexion • of 1 affairs. Jarncs Kyrle Shi? ..•Si - v '""•"-emplates a change in the rast of The Old i:lo(hes Man" Oo., which w!l!-ma- terially strengthen the'show, and'specialties are now Introduced, which meet with much fi vor '.., , 't m 1- iParl-er .has-been colUborat- IPg w lb Mr. MaeOm-dy. and several altera- trous-have beenmad^ which materially'im- prove an; alteadv strong show. In all :the Tlty time business, as a rule, has been'ex- cellent.' ■ ?■-.-.■ -RoBBnT Downing opened his season' at ! , .8Q} , '&' y d -> J ««- •'». .hi his new -piny. HaOk Monk.or the Days of '4(i."dramatl?ed rrom Joaquin Miller's. slOM-. The'compsur .engagjd-ln his srfpport aii»:'Rol)ert V. Fergu- son..Edward .Donnelly, Charles l\. flttenSn, Berrihert Nl*toe.r*er, Oeorge Hamsburgcr. FredertcK Rdtlards. Henry Oradson. rTeel Ilafid, James 1, .Klnney.-ltelen Cartler, Mau.l Claire Shaw and Helene-Llndlay. The lour win be under' the management of, Robert E. Stevens;., ..- -• ., ..■. ... 'Notes from -.Garland gaden's Attrac- tions.— Tbe-following people have been en- raged for. "Hearts Adrlfl'^ Co.: Frank Rfil- leaton, W. Chrystle Miller. Philip McCartliv, JM1I D.'-Ingram, Wm.' Bel fort. Blllr Barlbw, Walter Thompson,. Master Pbll - ffeOfrthy, Pasquallna De Voe. nernycechllde. Mlld.r.l Ifyland, Bell Darling'. Alice Cbllds," Jesile Rogers and-Annie'Wise. Florence Hamil- ton,-In "The Senator's Wife." IsplaTingto big bi|tlness Inthe J>w England cltlea. ■WiUitAM II.- iuhi.i\i) writes: "My part- ner. Dave. Clifford, was suddenly, taken 111, sort Is resting at Kansas, city. I Joined the Ollyea Hloek Co.. at Chanuie. Kan.;'and am doing,Juvenile*. ■ Business Is great. Broke the' hpiiSS' record -for. three nlghls at Wil- liams' OperaJloiise. Cbanhte." i .Dan Aiii*::, mahager'.of-the.Mattice Stock Co.,:waa:a recent.Ctii'PKR, caller;-and reports phenomenal success. 'Week, of Jan.. 22 thev pleyed the' Park. Theatr?. Asbnry. Park. N. .1. 1 return date), and did bigger business than when.last, there (during Thanksgiving week'. LunwiQ.BAnNAY. an actor and• uianagev, well known In Germany, and who retired in MtHj bha been- appointed by Kai9er Wil- belfa as director of the Royal Theatre. John S. SAikiext's portrait of Ellen Terry. as;Lady Macbeth, the propertv of the lalo Henry Irring. has been bought by J. J. Duveen,. who. presented It to the National Gallery of Rrltlsll Art. 1'iiuti.ES. FboiiMan will make a production of "The Judge and. Jury."- a Western drama, by. ILD.'- Cottrcll and Oliver Moroacu, and of which he MM . secured |be American and English rights. :"TitE RtpsKiN" will be prodiiced shortly In'New'Tork, :by-.Wm. A: BradV.-and-the characters- will all .be • Indians.' This, play wis recently produced;ln Milwaukee by Mr. Brady, under another. tiFle/ J.OBBrH CA*TliOBS'wlll be starred In "The Ffe'e Lanee," by Klaw ** Erlanger. The piece will be seen In Now. Tork Ih (he Spring. ■ Hcnrv B. lUfifite. will- produce a new pliv b,v, ; C'harles K.e)itt*t th*-,lluds4n Theatre, New York, before the .end of.the season. .HAnnr '.WArbeli. is Ih Ills,'.twenty-fifth week; playing: the German comedy rote, with the'Four Huntings. In ".'p.be Fool'-Housc." . JUftr^ND n £», Goon hare. Joined the inusi- ttl; cooiedy. "Ills Ulghdcis, the Bey." .las; B. Ralmtind playlrlg the title role, and Florence Good.plajlpg the. part of Hoi tie Dimple. They report meeting? with'great success. ■AW."; H; 'Ft'Rl.ONO'Joined the. stock company at Lotiflng, Mleji., opening Jah. 2'1. ■ NotE3 : it.om EpN.v Fov Co.—We tire-still out,'and doing the business. We had another record-breaker recently.' notwithstanding the (act of Its being a return engagement, havlnjg played the town Just six' weeks ago to excellent business, and tbls time eclipsed all records. la addition to our repertory com- phhy we-' arc notv putting oi)t a one night attinctlon,: Including • band and orchestra. Roster of the repertory show includes: Edna Foy. Lucille WhlteclItr.'Rote Gaylor, Mrs. H. Rsnol, Butler.. Baby Lillian. Harry 'Edman. Edn-ard Riley. Edwlo Wecver. Eruest Butler, William Harris. Henry Knapp; Master Mat- thew Butler and Master Willie Illley. L-. C.• Sunrord, proprietor.of the "Who la Who" Co., now playing to good business In Pennsylvania, writes that "Topsy," one of the best known pad dogs In the business,'died suddenly at Irwin, Pa. : Is the rtiTtMiK Ma)ile B. Lawrence will be,known to tbe prufestson asMazle Daven- port: '■;':$ "A Desperate Chance" Is soon to be produced In London. Kng., and Aubrey Mit- tcnthal sails March 3, for that city, to stage the play.' ■ ■ Lke Br.'if.s has signed a contract with Chas. 1". Berger. manager of tbe Dorrls OiwrR House, also of East Lake Park. Pncenlx. Arlr.. to place a stock company »t Esst Lake Park for a Summer season of Mlxteen weeks, beginning May 80. P.vir Dkktjes, musical comedian. Is in his eighth week with Cohen *: Southeilandn "King of Tramps," playing the title role, and doing bis musical specialty. Noti;s trpm Eh.eh's "Itir- Van Winkle" Co.—We arc In our twenty-second week, and have been playing to capacity business through Georgia. Alabama and Mississippi. At Jackson, Miss., we broke the record for Hi" coming season. J, L. Donohne Is- gen- eral agent, and- Is piloting us through tbe ■South and Southwest, with R. L. Korua as aiecond la advance, and prospects are excel- lent. Roster op the "In a Woman's Power" Co. : True S. James, proprietor and mann- arer; E. C. Andrews, business msnager: A. W. Fremont. May Bretonne, Edwin Felix, Marlon Halrombe. John O. Hewitt, II. A. Marey. Harvey Miller, Silas Holmes and Louise Ripley. Dave H. Levis, manager of the "Uncle •Hoe** -Flint; - representing - John . 0. Roe's attraetIons... writes: "Business through Col- orado, Kansas slid Nebraska ■ his' been be- yond all .expectations. Ras's excellent com- pany holding nine house records for the sea- son In Nebraska. Rao's melodrama, 'Gipsy.* Is meeting-'With the same -success through the Western part of Kansaa .anil Colorado. Rie'a park stock company coming in as • good third in the Southern portion of Kan- sas. I was with No. 1 coopanv-at Wytnore, Neb., i*.- Christmas., where we gave two performances, turning them away at both matinee and'night. A very pleasant aupper was arranged by Mr. Rne for the members of the company, and the house manager, Mr. Martin, after the night's performance, at the Jeffrtes Hotel. Song and story was the watrhwo-d until the smRlI hours. Many handsome tokens were exchanged. The three companies' are booked up solid for the sea- sin; and Mr. Rae Is now completing plans tor a new one nighter, which will be launched In the near future. It wtll.be one of tbe most complete and most expensively staged attractions on the mad. All four companies will be-wider my personal direction." Alberta' Gallatin continues to delight Western audience* with her Inimitable pre- sentation of "Cousin Kate," under the Kaoc, Nhlpman A Colrln management.' She will preaent a new plsr the latter part of April. •Lew F. Diasiu'nd will' shortly Join the Irish-American Trio, Introducing his tinging and dancing specialty, which were'a success recently In the East, also playing the Irish character part of Jeremiah llogan. Harry I/>raine Joined Aubrey Mitten- thsl's "Cuater's Last Ftaht" Co., at the Crit- erion Theatre, In Chicago. Tuba. 11. (.fNEtt. haslieen engaged by Guy Kaufman, manager of "Rallroia Jack Co., for''the. front of the bouse,-small parts and specialty.- This Is Mr. O'Neil'a Second season with Mr. Kaufman. 'KotM-raoM'fiiE BBotPBRipos, Stock Co. —BuSlhits has.been very fair, and)we have no; felt the slump In httslness. We have gone along nicely, add our receipts almw well-on the right'Fide nf..> the ledger. The Apollo Quartette Is setting tbe pare and are bring- ing t hem hack at every performance. Rosier! Btruusc & Logan, 'proprietors : Harry Stroiise, manager: R. Bruce Logan, Al. Marentette. C, A. Broadbrldge. Geo.-A. Cochran; Leeflol- dalnc . Jas'.' A. Nesbltt. Geo. Walker, Alh-e I^orralne Meredith,.Ella Logan Whlpnie,' F.von Leclalr. and Thresa Martin, musical .'direc- tress. ,W. II. Meldroth Jr. Is advance reprc sentatlve. . Chas. L. Gill, manager of "A Hot Old Time"-Co.,-writes: ".'Florence Hughes, who Notes ww White's B um tgt U BM Stotir Ca. L. J. White, manager.—We are in our thlrtj sixth week of phenomenal business. I.reaklng records In several iltlea and Play- ing to capacity almost nightly. Dolhe Temple, who recently Joined our company aa leading woman, line met wltb great favor, and hat, Hhowa.hci-sclt t» be an.actress ot sterilnr Worth. V. O. MroVvu, our leading man. Talc of Proctor's Stock. New York City, baa proved a favorite In every towu since our opening. 'We aro carrying na a special feature act Loren Qulllon and Ethel May.' m their sensational acroballc and con- tortion net. Our company is a congenial one. nnd a more contented company would -be- ulffkn'.t to llnd In the profession. Our success 1ms been such that Mr. White will . play' return engagements In almost every town between now And the opcnlug of Ills park, nt Marinette, Wis.; June 10. lt>00. -1 ikni'.v Fukv h&a been reengaged by Al. 11 Woods for season of 1000-7. t>> be featured J11 one of Mr. Woods' new plays. He la now . .on ,'ils nlotecpth week wltb "Tracked Around tho World" Co., playing the Hebrew pawn- broker, nod doing his specialty, with success. .- Gui.uiK IlEACti. of the Kdlall-Wlnthrop-t 10., was presented by Richard Valentine, of the Valentine Stock Co., with a gold heart, studded with dlumonds, while playing In Hut- tlesijiirgh. Miss. ? .John akk Alicr McDonaij> report meet- lag with success playing tbe comedy roles nnd doing their specialty with Gordon & Bennett's "Tho Tollers" Co. - Mii.ur':i> Wii.i.hms writes: "I am now In my fourteenth week with the Rennett-Moul- -ton Co., playing heavies and doing specially work, and nni making a'hit. Mr orlklnal production of tho voice. 'The Magic Flute,' Is new to the profession that we have come In contact with. Tbls la my first season ua 11 professional." otes Kmi.M Kort. DowstNii'H Co., In Jt'A) r, if, ur.i in, iniiuo.,' 1 ui llio U iji.tr; Joah Snruceby" Cos... sailed for Paris Jan. 18. Mrs. Levis accompanied, him. They will Winter, at Cairo, Egypt. Mary Baker and "ijilli"' Barrv. who are appearing In "McFadden'a Flats." tbls season, will enter vaudeville next Spring, Iiresenllog a novel hodge-podge, by Joe wfi- ard. entitled "Falling Falls.'' Notes krosi the "IlEAnTS of Men" Co.— The Kraupa & Cullen Anittsemcnt Co., of Philadelphia, have put opt "The Hearts of Men" Co.. which Is considered one of the strougest rural.melodramas. They have had some very elaborate scenery made, also spe- cial paper. Ibc followtcz people have been engaged' Edward l<ac,v. business manager; W. r. Cullen. advance: .V. Wayne Farlow. E. M. Betz, C. L. MrKean, Jas. Couvery, John Daler. Ruby Day, W. J. Bedell. Mayctic B. Cullen. Olga Lester, Alice Dc Mar. rtertba Bchwaham, . Anna E. -Cullen, musical di- rectress. ....... Cij.uu.f.roix. Pa.. Notb, —llie Chnrlero'x County Rank hax bought Hie l.ewla' Ojiera House,'nnd will, Ibe coming Spring, thor- onjiily. overhaul and repair It, ... played the piirl or Mrn. General Blater. his left the ah^w. Her part will be played by Lillian West. Miss West went on without a rehearsal and made a hit. The Show is Uolrtj a fine.business, ploying to H,. R. O." Notes from ■ Tim .Font IIkntinob "A NtoltT in a Foot. • Hoi'se" t'o,—The Four Huntings presented their manager, Harry Dull, with a beautiful sulld gold watch, hand- somely engraved, for Christmas! This com- pany made aue of tbe greatest ■ bits of any show tbut bas ever been at the -Grand 'In Wheeling.-W. Vs... and has he.-n bonked for. dill suother date at this.popular lions... Wu return for the third time during the month of April. The boi office rrrelpts of the house were broken during our slay, there. Henry- P. Ijewky writes: "Am now In ny thirteenth week playing the leading heavy, l/teter Orefrge. with »'., s.-Primrose's rural plav.''Uncle «l llasklnx,' through the contral West." , ...■--•, -I^M'ls 'Smytiie writes:. "Am now In my fh.H-teetith.we.ek" with C--B- Primrose's/Uncle SI HasklnA'Co.. playing the allly kid. Rube Hanks..and doing my whistling specialty and Imitations In the first and fourth acts, mak- ing'a decided success."- Otto C. KAMnERrtcn Jr., manager of Kam- berjtsr'E Theatre. Brunewick. Md.. writes: "The 1 Tempest Dramatic Co. played tBIs the- atre? week Af'Jan. 8,'to the'bljgeit builneai In ihe history'of. the house.- Ou Friday night, before 8 o'cibi-k. the 8. R. • 0. algn was ptlt out; which was nevrr kniwn liefore In tbls city. The entire htiuse has been reno- vated. • New scenery and'electric' lights have been lustnlled. and the benches on tho lower flobr replaced with new siyjo opera rbalre." ' Notes' mow Cosmopolitan stock Co.— Wchnve oecn. out Uw weeka Rnd business has; been- ven- good- The show Is one of the: best repertory,shows on tho road, and Is', booked up to next September. Roster-: C. ;Y.- Cooper, manager: Dan Wallace, busi- ness manager: Frank 'Maury, advance agent: Mamice Brterre Jr.. Geo. Clark, Vernon Wal- lace; -, Victor Walker, Ralph MoJurs. stage manager;. Harry C. Stratford, electrician: •U'CTKatz. musical director: Susie Frsdelle, KdoH Snow, ,Iesn Kyne. the Dancing Maaons, nnd-Monroe and St. Claire.' Marie Wolfe has signed as character woman for the'Edward "'aidmanu• Co., for his' revival of "Or. Jekjil and Mr. Ilvde." Notes from Edward Walomann.— Mr.. ^aldnionn opened bis season In Kokotno, Intl., Tuesday, Jan. 0. The star received several curtain calls, and was cou)ne,l|ed to -make a speech. This company Is one of tho. beet ■ and most successful. Shakespearean companies on' the toad. The opening per- formance was greeted by a parked house, and Mr. Waldmann was pleasantly remem- bered for bll previous performance at Ko-' komo. In "The Merchant of Venice." Tho company pleased so well as to receive an Offer'fur a return dale. Wm. E- Gross anu Mabi:l K. Bell, bolh members of "Tbe Street singer" Co., wcra married In Webster, Mnsa., on Jan. 4. Notes from the Riuvin-Yoinu Stock Co. —This company closed Jan. i'O. at tlalelgh.. A. «'. Salaries were paid In full.'up to dale of closing. Mr. nnd Mrs. Edwin Young. LUtlo Kdna and Master Bob went |o Philadelphia: Jaln.>* .f. Rice goea Into vaudeville. IteX Leslie Klngdon returned to New York City. Bllllc Lackaye end Crystal Benson Jolucd "Shadows of Sin" Co.. Carlos Peace went 10 his home In Durham. N. ('., and George Wil- mcr nnd I,awrcnce (Inrr. to Memphis, T.enn. Ciiaiiles llAtrrhKV. who has been appear- ing wilh great success with Cosmo Gordon l^nnot,' play. "The ludccislon of Mr. Kings- bury," at the Ilu.vmarket Theatre, .^London, was recently rotuinandcd by theklng lo ap- pear before him al the Theatre Royal. Obats- wortb. Mr. Hnwtrey. In company wltb Mu- ! rlel Wilson and Lady Maud Warreoder, pre- sented the one n-;t play. "Time la Money," and was personally complimented.by the king. Notes rnosi the Kinsev Ko.mf.iiy Ko. — We cloacd a most successful season at Van Wert,- 0., .tan. JO; owing lo Hie death of I'Jr. W. R. Hughes. Mrs. Klnscr's father, sho hav- lu» been appointed administratrix. The com- pany opened May 1.», under canvas, add was a complete artistic and financial success, there having been but two changes In tbe company, and all members having been re- cugajjed for the Summer And ncxt'Brawjn. sir. iCInstr and Mr. Lambert nr/vat their homes at hhreve, O., hooking time for a coaat trip next season. (Icn Hill writes: "I snj now preparing a new list of sbows tor next reason..and have contracted for new scenery, costumes and music. Am selecting nothing but the beat of talent for the coming year rijr the different at tract Ions which I will control, namely: 'Gay New York." 'McFadden's I'lnls.' ilappy Hooligan." "The Smart Set,' 'In Cruel Rus- sia,' 'Panhandle Pete,' Vnnlly I'alrCo., Wine Women and Song Co. nnd the Cracker Jack*. Charles B. Barton Is now general manager for the above .attractions, replacing Itoltls K. Cooley, who lr now general manager for Henry W. Havaae." Fbed Cutton Is In his twenty-second week with "Under Houthern Sklea" Co/tKastcrn), playing Ambrose Ma<|..r. •• " ''•• T.\t Iiwih wilt routlnuc In "Man and Knnermnn" until "The Duel" la produced. She will then Join the letter company. IV No Joaquin Miller's play of "Hank Monk, or the Days of 'i«."—!\ e opened In Frederick, Aid. Jah. i'4. lo S. It. o. Mr. Downing la nbly supported, and wc have a complete scenic pro. duct Inn. 'Mills anu Lewis, Herman character come- dians, starring In C. II. Krrr'a musical com- e«y, "A Trip te Bgypt." writing from Wichi- ta. Kan., say that tncy ure being featured Hiid'hiistness Is 8. R. 0., with a good nroi- pect ot .banner business for the season. Nexc season Mills nnd Lewis will star In a bin musical comedy of firry people. In "C.-O. D. They close llirlr eenaoii In April, and open ciifly ill August. Laimia Davis hna Joined the Carrie Runklo Stock Co. The New Hours (N. Y.l OrrR* DouM was opened Monday evening, .Inn. S-, for the firs I time, to a capacity house, at very high prices, ft being n subscription night. The highest price paid for two seats wbb IttOO. The opening attraction was "The Ar- rival of Kilty." which gave splendid satis- faction. The new house,-which-Is a model In theatre building, was erected hy the Mills Brothers, publishers of The fVccnrrf. They will play only three attractions per month. .Ieanktth Aon Urandkhs closed with "Tho Gay Motlnco Girl" live weeks ago, and Is now with the "Peck's Bad Hoy" Co., playing (he snubrette part. She la also doing a specialty with Ida Bergen, which, she In- forms us, la making good. Jkannetth Le Hlanc reports meeting nilh success In toubrelte roles with tbe llenncu- Moulton Co.- . J. C. Buck writes: "I have resigned as business manager ot B. C. Whitney's 'Isle of Bong Bong' Co. A. C. Abbott is at present ahead of the show, aud J. D. Johnson has tAke n the place of J. H. Kobnle, who, un- fortunately, dropped dead In Hannibal, Mo., Die. 1!0, while acting as manager with tbe company. Mr. Abbott goes again this sea- eon with tho Darnuni Snow, na manager of car No. J. Tho show is doing big business In tbe Weat." '.NOTgS FROM HORNR'S "RtT VAN WlNKLK-" —The company la doing n phenomenal busi- ness through Ohio. We bad capacity busi- ness at Shelby, In the worst storm of-tbe kt-ason. and tho houses were sold Out before the company's arrival at Belleville. Butler and New London, 0. We carry one of Ibe finest bauds on ibe rond, under the leadership of Arthur Fordham. ana our orchestra, under the direction of Prof. Stevenson,- wins big rounds of applause nightly. We also carry S complete scenic anu electrical outfit, ana have an excellent cast. Hi;vi. II. Veiiniin, of the Vernon Stock Co.. has orgsnlied a circuit ot one night stands, and gives excellent opportunities for attrsfilone, as the companies already play- ing hla circuit report succesa. Notes rnoM tub Lyceum Connor Co.— We opened a week's engagement at Danville, Ky„ Jan. 13, to Uie InrgCHt crowd ever played to In the history of tbe opera house. We turned away fully four hundred people, and sold nearly three hundred H. R. O. .tickets. The roster Is as fallows: Al. H. Evans, Will W. Sterling. Wesley Sternshaw, Albert Vade, Itlalu Darnold, E. 13. f'oloek. Earl Ulelt'.v. <'. C. Baum, Una Lynn, Lotta , Chase, M.vrlle Vade, Josephine Weat and Marlon March. ,1'itAs. r. |.'ale» Notes. —Business stilt ' keeps up with our scenic attraction, "The 'Lighthouse Robbery." The company remains the same. In Kentucky we had several H. ft. O. houses, and since coming back Into >hlo. we havo bad more of them. Manager I'nle.s has new scenery in preparation for tbe Chas. T. 1'alw Comedy Co.,' also four new plays, which be has completed, and a new musical act. hy tits Mualcal Sparks. All the male members ore Elks, nud several times we have been banquetted by tho "Best People on Earth." Salaries, like Tub Oi.n Kelum.h, ore always on lime, both being features which olwnys make tho members of our attraction happy. Tnr. Clarke Stock Co. haa bcon reor- ganized under the management of Geo. C. rlnrke. with the following roster: Robert A. Bennett and Alzora Thompson, leads; Harry F. Adorns, stago director; Hugh Irving-ton, 3. M. Lavertoii. Iko Oliver, Frank 1 afford, Helen Trcadwcil, Mario Lozay and Beatrice Arnold. May Dc Sousa bas been re-enguged at the Dfury Lane, London, Eug., for tho forth- coming pantomime. " Heutiia Kaliuii will appear In a series of ■pedal matinees In a drams by Kola, tbe name of wblcli has not been announced. Henry Irvind left 973,109, und provided for an annuity for hla valet, Colllsson. The bulk of the eslats la divided In eipial parts between the two sons of the testator, The flticnEiiTs have purchased the Ameri- can rights to "Vcronlque," nnd will present the opera next season wltb an American cast. Daniel Froiiman ano Joseph Brooks will produce "Cousin Lnulsn," a comedy, by Frederick I'uiildlng, In tho Spring, with Mary Van Duron In tbe lend. Dn. Hwan M. BcmXKTT, the former hus- band pf Mrs. Frances Uoditaoii Burnett, died of heart disease al hla home In Washington, D, (.'., Jau. 18. Mrs. Burnett secured n di- vorce from him In 1698. ■ Klaw ft Eiilakukr ano Geo. M. Cohan anu Ham Harris hare signed contracts hy whl"h Geo. C0I11111 will write exclusively for the foruler for a term of-live years. "George Washington Jr.," which was produced Tn Sprlngllctd. Mass., Jon. Si. will be given Its metropolitan premier at the Herald Square Theatre. Feb. 12. MAkvscbiits of tbe late Victor Hugo's writings wilt be kept In the Blbllolhlque Na- tional, Paris, having been In the keeping of tbe wrlrer'a friend, Paul Maurice, since the former's death. "A Yankkm C'ibcos" will be presented at the Boston Theatre, Ronton, April 110, prior to which It will be seen at the Auditorium, Chicago, beginning Fell. 24. -NOTES IWI I B B- CtlrTtXirD *flMS.' fitOcs: Co.—We arc still In Kansas, and 5doing an enormous business. W. II.'BnvIs Joined Jan. 15. to go in advance. Krt. c.opeland* will be back wilh the ehnw from now on.--One night rcceoll.v. Juet before the doora openad, L. I). Kirk, our henvv man. stepped out of Ai back dutir. Hi Ink lug there were steps. ||e fell about six feet to Ibe ground, breaking his left arm above Hie wrier. - Pbjslctin* Here Immediately summoneil, und the break was set. ' I'pon removing the bandage*,W" days later U wita found 1 hut the arm had not been set straight, and will have to,o« pri-kcn again iincf reset. Mr. Kirk lefl the company Sunday. Jan. 21. for his Home at Garnett, Kan., where he enn receive proper tregtmeEt. Bnrrlns Hi Is one iinirleiH, every- thing has bee.i lovely. Eteryane is Ip the best of heal Hi. The Wliiler has lieen bennil fill. With scarcely any bad 'weather. IVs broke nil records nt Newton. Wc i-vmineneril our Hirer nl<t|t Hnic, 22. nr the Home Th' arre. Hutchluson. Knu., with nlihui twelve stauils hi Kansas to follow before • i.'tir Missouri andindlan Territory time. We carry flftceii people, and' have n strong reperlhrr and elegant impel-. The em Ire coiiipuny nr<r Cr.trrtit renders, and engerly await lis arri- val. ■ ' UaMMH Ant: went abrond Jan. 20,-.lo;bs gone spuic time. ■ AliA Ht.HAN h»s won Her svjlt in thi'Aa- guatltt Daly will case, and will receive'one- tlflh of the prollls from Hie operation of Daly's Theatre, Loudon. Kng., since \lil* dentil. Viui.kt OitEY writes: -I am now playing the lead m 'Rsnltaau'a Tmnblen.' Tim L'Liri'Eii comes to me each week, as a touch ot rlvlll7nth-.il when playing 'Innks,' ami Is alwnys un interestIng tnenns of uhtulutne nil ili>- profi'sslnniil news." Gf.ohuh Heacii, nf the team of llench ami Reach, reports success playing Frnna FiberVs fonncr role of Kimono, the Japanese dwArr, In "I'oxv Uultlcr," ut tbe Tlvull Opera Heme, Snn FrannicO. Blaine Whipple closed n six months' en- Jnaement with the Wnll.uk Theatre Co.. nti<1 olned the King-Perkins "Ilnnicspun Hearts" :o.. lo play Bill Syke, the second heavy. We aue iNi'onwMb that the llnrrls-I'nrkhi- son Co. pinjed 10 1 he largest week's business In the hlatory of the Mstlooii Theatre, i.t Mot- toon, III. Four extra itiatluces worn• given, nnd iieoiile were turned away nightly qur|ug the week of Jan. in-20. » Norta Kaojf rn» Hunt Stock Co.— Ws aro now in our twenty-first week, nntl bualll.ss has been uniformly good. Wc are hooked solid milII July 1,'at'which lime wo will .lose for Hie Slimmer. Kate lilsglbbon, our lending woman, was taken sick during our engage' tnenl nt Kalamazoo, and It later developed Into a bad riiae of typhoid fever. Sho hna been at Mr, Hunt's home, at Grand Rapids, and at present'Is getting b Iter as tnst na ran be eipected. For the past nve weeks liec place has been moat ably ill led hy Irene Gale. The raster nt present Is: M. A. Hunt, pro- prietor nnd manager ; II. II. Kcllmar, business matiaiter; A. C. Knight, K. •>, Mcl.eod. Larry Haggarty. T. A. Doiirrt, P. II. Fltxalbbot., stage carpouler; Itniph Rnriun, Joe llltn. planlal: Marie littgluhnn. (lertrndo Palmer and Irene i.'iilc The plays are all our own or royalty bills, and consist of the followltur: "The Path of H10 Wicked," "Hown at Mar tin's," "A Modem Judas," "Nejt of Kin," Hunt's "Monte Crlsto" und "A (laughter's Devotion." Wo rarry twelve drop curtains and several flat |il»ces. Our-specialties ar* a fenture, nnd I In- show Is giving the beat of aatlafaciloii. The scasonwlll no doubt be a banner'one. . . -Kuril Kellaod baa resigned aa stag* manager ot "The Eternal env Co., but will continue to play Don Camlllo Murelll -In the piece, as usual. Charier- D. the General .Morra ot the production, bis been edgsged to succeed Mr. Keltard. IliiUtAM ano LArutNT hare leased a build- ing alio at Northfleld, Vt., nud will shortly commence the erection of a modern theatre. The. town Is now without any place for travel- ing companies to appear. The recent boom therm makes It a very desirable one night alnnd, The firm will nlsu have n new house nt Uraiillevlllc, and work un the Vermont, at Ilarre, so long delayed, will begin lu March. riDAALL-WfNTIIROI'B STOCK Co, ITEM*." The drat visit of this company through Ala- bama und Mississippi bos been prolltahte und beyond ejpectslloiis. livery siniul made, with three exceptions, accorded ns big i-enirns. The show has been well received, and In the ver- nacular of the street, It hna "made good." The company baa been greatly strengthened, and Is now, In point of merit and versatility, tbe rery best ever handled by Ktlssll & WJji- tbropc. Mauogcr Kdnnll Is busily engaged In booking time for next season, and Is nearly filled with all city I line. This attraction i'e mains out all Hummer, and Is in-iked solid In iclectcd territory. Clinton Newton con- tinue* as business manager, and U dolug ex eellent work In advance. Harry C. nnd.Olil.' Lester and Frank Cowan are liew nienib'irs vt the company. NOTBB >'BOM TUB CltAmiC-NKYILI.E (.'<>. supiiortlng Wilson II. Todd.—Biislneii has been big since opening, and iery tew change.' have been madp. The compmiv l.-i buok-id solid, playing only city time. The roster lij. Cradoe « Neville, proprietors: •iin-. II. Ne- ville, tnonager: J. L. Alyle. biihlucss nianagar: Wilson It. Todd, Will II. Dixon, Clyde Venur. Prince I'.llivood, .1. Corev Kdniuiids, AHicpt Dasblnglon. N. Alverei, Geo. M. Moore, In* Great Crndoc, C'resslr CiiimUa li'oildi, »Iar|e Gilmer, Nelly Lyons Ilefily, Maude Dmigins, Helen Jackson snd Paulluc Furesl. Ko. BAn.NSTEAO Jr., nilvuiue agent, has cloied With "The Tan Sisters," Co.. after a Tory sucecasful season of six mom lis. Geo. II. Gill has disposed of his Inlorealx In "Fighting Fate" Co.. ami Is now buslunas repr.hientatlvn for WIII011 Lnikoye's roui- pnny, "The Pit." William W. Larotvr has sold his Isleat piny, "Nancy, of the Dills," lo Manager Irs W. Jackson, fur Iks (inra Turner Co, This mokes three ng Mr. Lupolnt's ploys now In Miss Turner's repertory. FncDi'.nn.'K K. Moii-iuiiii lins hern appoint- ed stage manager of Henry Koel Parkers "Under Southern Sklos" Co.. Wcslerii. ilrpi-.r.N A Huns Comeov t'u. has closed for the B*aann. TlH Mi.rpiiy's reliirn lo the yarl of .Mil- verlek Hratidmi, In "A Texas Xiccr," whleh he mads n national success nearly llfleeu years ago, ia one of the most pretentious be has had for many years, Beatrice Gaiiui.ls. of "The Sullnti of Siilu" Co.. and Hriiun»l Vnn I'niag. of New J'ork City, were raurrled in Chicago, 111., Jnn. 3. Hazel Hjiilv tlAnaoi-.\. meenlly of "ion You son" nud "Mo, Him nnd I" coinpanlos, was married nt Toledo. I)., on Jan. 21, ts Ralph Fuller Kldrldge, a tmn-profcaslounl, of lloatoii. RonKRT Dboekt, who has been very III with nn attack of puemnnnlu, has only sllah'lr Improved, snd Is stilt lu n serious conditio!) In his apartments, In West Forty-fourth Street, New York City. The HirtJ»B«T Hno-nir.rte, have added to their chain of theatres another bouse, Hip I'Jmplrc, In Toledo, Ohio. Mrs. Flake, Is "Leah Kleschna," will open It Under Hie new mniiagemenl. Mai.'iib Granoer will piny Mrs. Llnrol-i, In Heiijatnln Cbanln'a drama. "Lincoln." which v;ll| hnve lis premiere In Hartford, Conn.. Ken. IP.. Miss Percy Jepaii, n member of Nels<in Roberts' company, was married on Jah. 25. te Lkos. Hillmnn, n railroad man of CUvo- land, 0. "Tim Trancuh* Tiiui." will have HJ firrmtrr In llncheiter, N. V., Knu, f), iindef the managameiit of i:.i«nrd liradau and M»«on Peters.