The New York Clipper (February 1906)

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FifcBBABT IT, THS 2S3JH7 TOtlK CLIPPER. 1329 Grease-Paint and Burnt Cork Removed Without the Aid ot Cold Cream It easily, quickly -snd thoroughly removes ail trace of grease-paint, burnt cork or any other make-up, without the aid of cold cream or without the slightest injury to the most delicate complexion, leaving the skin feeling cool, clean and comfortable. FOB SALE BY DBUGG1STS AND GBOCEBS zmr WM. WALTKE & COMPANY WASH-UP" MADE EASY Used atid endorsed by the leading members of every bunch of (he profession. We want every member of the profession in ilie I'nited States, to test the merits of l.avt Soap. Send 11.1 your name and address, and we will send yon ABSOLUTELY FREE A SAMPLE CAKE OF LAVA SOAP. SAINT LOUIS. U. S. A. Hipper Post Office. In order to avoid mistakes and to insure tne prompt delivery ot the letters advertised In this list, is envelope plainly addressed most be ■ent tor each letter, and a written order for the letter, signed -with the (oil name and address and the line ot business followed by the sender, most also be enclosed. Please mention the date (or na. ber) of the CLIPPER In which the letters sent (or were advertised. LADIES' I.I.ST. Addison, Artres*l, Arkansas*, Rosa D Anthony, Ethel Tomer F.volyn Owen, Mrs.A.M \dnras, Ihoi Fett<\ K. A. Ordlar, Dell Arnolds. — Gavex, Gcatnie Calmer. Adcll Allen, Violet CJlloe. Mlna Puck. Hts Beaalcy, Bessie Gurney, Helen Plxley, Mrs. P. Barry. II. Gilbert. Bertha Rogers Virion Baker, Rer.a Glhnore. Kay Rice, Mabel Uolraonl, Gray, France* Phelps, .Mamie Dorothy Gray, Mae Parker, Anna Blair, Mabel Glsb, Mne Robson, May Drown, Minnie Gibson, Runkel, Bills, Mrs. II. Henrietta Mrs. Maurice Blrk, Beatrice' Hodges, Edna Raleigh, Jean Bates. Slrs.M.0. Henry, Loitiso (Vocalist) Poll, Bertha Hurley. Julia Robinson Oerfrd Bnantiiont, IlnrrliiKlon. Rivers, Katie Mamie Ileal rice Robxts. Gladys Blandon, Lontln Glascr, Urate Rosena.. SUM llretidt, Frances Gordon. Mk-w Richards, Hurlon, LIUlail Hale Mrs.WmJ. Mrs. Harry iliaiJboamc. Homer, Gone- Rosolle. Urns SIndullne vleve Itober Co.. Brooks, llarrolcl, Loon Cniheriiw Florence li. Howard, Helen Riijaoro, Kstht-r Burton. Lillian Itorlock. Violet Siwtelle Marhsi narlow. Ellle Hong, Elbel Sehaffer, Jessie Itrruiilon, Lldnll Henry. Enears, Anna Heiteile. Allevn Florence G. Sbarrnn, Jessie t'arraontella Hlxhy, Klhel Stutlluan. (•■Wlti'li") Hopper. .Nellie Hose W. Coulter, Hnnilllon Ronnie Slspoffskl. Mine Mildred It. Irwin, Flo V. Shaffer. Lillian Collier Mrs.A.O Johnson, Marie Shoppcrd. Until farter. Aiiuk- Johnson, Mar- Smith, Airs. Cole,' .Mrs. I guerltc Swift, June Clare, Helen .Johiiscono. , Medley, Kdllh P. I'hnmjmey, Allies Castle, Cath- erine L\ t'nroll, .May CiiaMis itoso Conk. I.onvena lllxey, Mable A Day, Myrtle Donahue, Kdlta Dwolly, Mm. ' E. J. A. M. De Meyer. Lillian rielemator MraA Dm Monde. Millie Dimple, Dot Duke, Irene Da Pear, . , Mrs. T. B. Harrow, Mm. Stewart Dayton, Maud lie Myre.' I.lln. Hnvlx. Fay Ifc' 1.Isle. Mae l-'nnl, Pearl Erekaon, Mary Evan, Mrs. KrlrkMO Jennie I'.llwnod, Unieij Kverott, Nelllo Fol ley, Bell Faust, Daisy Fox, Lillian V. 1'lorn, Mildred ' GENTLEJIRS'S LIST, C.lcinem|Sooit, Jones, Aleh* .Inline. AllierU Keelev. Lulu Lavelie. Mahte Landers. Mario La line, Bnls-M Llnyd, Llllle Lee, Vlnrlnl.i La Mar, Bnl>e Laurens, Marie Le Clair, Gertie Lavnrnle Sisters Linn. Kllzalwtli Lawrence Mazle Lake, Sylvia lehr. Inn La Rue, Babe Lo Mar, Ada Leonard. Grace Milliard. Laura Macks Mrs.J.II. Madison, C-ce Mark, Mrs. McMIUen Violet Mnnoln. I.lllluu Mills. Einlllne NcKee. Mrs. II. Monroe, Edith Martell. Marian McArty, time Miller. Molllc Morllmcr. Jenn Murks. Mntlie Meeker. Mlnnlii Mnrlnella, Vera Nevaro. Anna Rnutvs Starr, Elsie Torr, Sirs. Joe Touaey, Kathcrlne Sheppnrd. Itiilli Sterling Dot II. Umllh, Mm. Shaw, Lillian Stevens, Llllle Stewart, Lizzie Sheldon. June Smith, Eva Slialtler, Bessie Tlnlati, Jeuule Tborne, Mrs. Jos. II. Tolbot, Ida Toller, Vivian Taylor, Ellzalieth Vofts, May Verue, Sell D. Yutocq, Eilna Vlvar, Lottie Whenthv, Laura Wllkens. Josephine Wilson, Gnire Wilson Mrs.Gco Willier. • Dolly Rabe Wllmot. Etolln Warner, Geonila Winter, Fannie Walsh. May Youns, Kulnlio Conroy, Pat J. Chapman Edwin Champion Jssft CunnlORham, Geo. W. Alman. Dan Cortet Hal lis sh Ardell. Walt Collins, Bllllo Carmody J as. V Cousins. Clarence Clayton, Fran:: Oorbott & Forresmr Cooke Clnman, W. It Camillo & 1'oiij Cole. Wm. Clifton. II. II. Clark, narry (Vwke, Wallace CogRleshall. F..M Carmody, Jus. F i Cronln. Frank Cliarmlnn, Mr. t'orhett. T. Columbia Op,Gu Cloxton, Belmont Cidlen, J. P. Cllne. Sara J. j Clinnihers. E. Carr, Geo. Jl. IJiiarlctte Canficld & nmwrt. Charles I Carllon llnrnes, Carmody, Jas.r" Hunch, Billy (Clark's : (Minstrels)! D. * P. MM I'.tnrtY,. P. |Clirrnnl, Xnt Hurtles, T. Roy Cnsad. Clms. llnrnard, J. |Cornnlln. Wni ltnrlow, ! : Downs. Lawrence Dalian Abbey Lyman R Atann 4 Drew Allison, Jack Alilnlt,.' Howard Ancker, laauls Alman, Dan Ardelt, Walt Arftwtroiig, M. Anderson Clyde Artiolil. Max A. BeSsello. L. H. Iloyer. David M. Iloardman Paul Bright, Ernest Ilowinan, Ftod Ilacnon, Ilerht. Burton Joseph Brooks, Jesse linker, Jos. K. Be|l, Harry W. Hates, Vercde Boaa, Bert Brown J. EJwl'i llclmont. Jos. llusch, Billy Boek. Fred Rubier. C. II. Bubh, narry llernatein, Joe Bennett « Stemblcr Illson, City Evers. Geo. W. Edwards Chaa.F Emerson. Eddie Everhart, Jack lillsworili, Eugene Ellsworth Frank Pay, Jolm First, Barney Fayblo, Adouli Ferguson, Dupree * Co. Flaher, Chan. Forhlsh, Walt Farmer Family Flslier. Harry Foreman, Wm. Fenlon, Mark J. Fulton, James Fnles, Chns. T. Freenian, Harry Frnnels, C. K. Faiuw, II. II. Graves, K. L. Creenway, Harry J. Glrdeller, Earl Coldle. Jack Gambler's Crime Co.(Mrr Gardner, Geo. Clrton, Ed- ward Ik Greenus. Arth Golden Gate Quartette Olermon John V Olir.t, Irvln H, Cross, W. J. Golaea, Geo. F. DanciiicGray, Julian Pat Ooins, Ous niirUno*.- The IDllger Freilerlck! Grant, Alf. lJoile/ & 'Delmar. Jack Ululpen. William Fleleher Dow. Edward E Gay. Fred L. Ituwers, Fred V[Dutton, Win. Gottlolis. Tho IVsllnl. Jehan Davis, James lOraepy, Don llrnndon* *: 'Daly A Devere 'Gardner *: Wiley I'.IUIok. Harry llnhmuii Wlllurl llirrtluo, Bert llarrle, Edwin Hemaril, • Frank II. llryant -Cljas. II Itrown, Tom IlL-niham & I'reeninn llarr i .Evans llmwn, C. II. Barron, George Kirtiun. tleorgc itell. Dlapy Hollo. Wait. D. Breckenrldge. Charles Bnrrle, Kdwl'i llearli (sand.) Brehtnetv Oarl Baker. Myron • 'nslno, Joe- Clamun, Elmer Conlon k Darling Mr(Alit Dutlon. Wm. Drew, Sidney Drmn. X, P. Dnldnskl Bn>s. De Blvrc, Mr. Durham, Jay V Dlllard. Jo*. Dove, Johnny Delnvoy, W. Dorento, S. E. Dvorak, Joint E Delmore, John Davis. P. It. Durkiti, Joseph Donogbite, John Vi". Dnmmnn. Carl Dew-ar, Pruf.W. Davis. Geo. 0. Duttnn. Wm. Drew. Carrnll Denel, John Dlllne. Mar Davidson Harley Elllvred E.(Mua Ilastlnes Kills. Joe Oolhnrg Loreiice Emmott, Cliai. Claudius ,Uarry Eri(elo, Louil Stoildsrd Gnlllmore. Arlh Golden, tieo. F. Goodwin, V. M. Gordon J. Harry Gardner CUrant Gordon, Mr. Graeey, Dun Golden Gen. F. Gerranl, Kohl. Gardner W.B.Jr Grady, Thos. J. Gllday, Genrse lllrsli. E. K. Hnngeros CM.7 Haywood. Jotin Hall. Lewis C. Unfile, John Ilanna. J. Harris. C. Hammond, J.H. Howard, Curry Herman. Bros. Iloleombe Herbt I lorn man, Mr. (Magician) Haiilernlses. Vlsenunt D. Uawklni, Lew Han-Is, Al McKee, Bu.'k Rose. Fred 15. Howell, W. A. i.Mc.Miilien, iRoonev. Ilaag. Philip r.aslna Belly d. Morgan llonsley Bevely Marlon. Herman Roehefort A.May Harper ProfWra Maddos, It. C. Iltaynoe. Julin s. Herbert, II. iMann & Co. Ryan. Frank W Harper. Fred Danny Reggen. Jack Harvey Clarence Miller, Fred P. ltlindes, Frank Hoffman Clair A Morris. Wm. A.Russell St Hill. Roland II. Mest. J. HV Dunbar Herbert., B. .. MeCrea 4 Poole Rosenthal Dauil KOTICB TO COnilF.SPOMlENTS. Ousslo Farm. Teklee iKolan, Cora W. Marale Fnlrchlld. Xewhotr. Josephlnol Mrs. Irving Franklyn Elinor Omar Adeline u (Mnslcinnl Jefferson Jnsepli Jones. Alfreal T, Jones & Walton Johnson, Car- roll J Johnstone, C Mnson Johnson, Ixiu W Jolkon, Harry Johnson Samuel Jelenkn. R, I. Jncksous. Three Jarvls, Fre>l II Jarvis. C. Will. Juhns, Arlitnr JeJIVerson, Tom Jones. Im W, Johnson. Carroll J Jahn. A. •,, J. II. Kennedy, S. A Kelly. Chas. J. Kates Bros. Kelly A Vlolette Kinrey, K 1-^irl Keeley, Francis Kelly. Chns. J. Kohlcr, Jack Knux, II. I". Knlll, M. J. King. Ilaro' Klrsleln, Unhl. (Mus.) Kumvles, J. Harrry Kelly, Chas J. Kelly. TIioh. F. Knmrye, II. Keen, .Inllnn Kennedy & Wllkens Kuehle. Churli>s Le Roy. Earl Lane, Chris Leechke, Herman Llebler & Co. Lille, Gordon (Pawr.ce Bill) Lester, C It. Lewis, Dave Lavack Geo. F. Lowande. Oscnr l*wls. Geo. P Lewis & Chapln LnDenl (Jllgjtl.) Lancaster, John lister Is Curtln Isavitt, llarryll Laeey. Jas. P. Larvett. Julius Ijing. EdwardM lsiwrle, J. J. La Marr, Horry Liindln Hjahnal Ij-Faver Dr.HW Leo, Bob Lnoe i: Luce I.lpplncolt. Willis Lovltla. The Lewis. Wm. Llewellyn Geo.A Lutz, Wm. II Leon. Ed. Levy. Jack Mnrun, Jack Millar, C. O C. MeNnll.v. Win.F Melteynolds. I.eon .MacDonnld. Hnlford Jloniinee. Ales- MeKIm Edwin S Mitchell Horace Morlia-li, Ed. Millard Bros. Manning. Ii. C. Mathews, It. I-'. MunlrK-k. W. W Meeker, Jas. Monte Myrn.Jne Madden. U-wlsU Mnrrlol! Twins Mason. Wm. A. Maekie. Jns II. Mellon. It. II H sih sS i rtsn- kett * Co. Meeker, George Mrlllimls. C. H. Melrose. U'm.l'. Miller. Fred (of 4 I Imp.) Malmra Mliwl. McKinnon .v lt-ssl MeCann. P. F. Mas. I.. W. Martin. D. I.. N'elson Battling Nlelmln, F. E. N'ewell. Ed. Kelson, Win. B Nelson & Tlionins Neukln i Lawreoee Veustadt. II. N'olan, Freil Kelsons. Four Nnles. Tlie Nason Frank W Nolan. J. Neuville, Atunistln Norton Cmt'.Joe Newman. tllnrenec I). N'eunian, Al Norton, Joe O'Dny, Billy Oliver. Eiln-nrd Oiiel, Ilorry Glden, Gall Oskara, Hurry Olifnn, Al O'Donncll. Tlio«. n. Pacheeo Family Pelleller. Max L. (Miulclam Pitts. Wnlr H. Post, Ital|ib Punicroy. tnan L. Prevost. Iloaaril Price. Willnrd Pomeroy. iJan Clckert & Wliipplei Potts. Walt. L. Phillips Leonard Isvi, Grent I Putnam, Ollle S Liilge, Toney I'hlpps HenryW Luwrenee. II. L.'.Pnret. F. P. lewis. Dare Parker, Rert I.awrence. Hnl I Peters, Mont Is-oniird. Eddie Price, Floats La Kose, Fred Potter, II. B. luwrenee. Il'adilock. Bert C Stophenll'lillllps. Clias. La Drew, Caul [Cortlios. Jo*' F. IjiRenne. Harry Plumb, Hnl II La Hue Merry S 1.COH, L. Lnemlx. Paul Lester, N. McDonald Jna.l' Maxwell. C. M. Mack, Eddie Marshall ChaslI Maddos, Al. W. Murthn, John II MeCne. Will Murphy, Frank Monroe. G(«. W May. Fred Marlon P.Ward Mowatta Five McDonald. Chas. M. Murphy, J. T. MaeLean. K. I». Minor, Bol«rt Mack. Bobby Manner, W. E. Mathlews, Juggling Plnanl. A Peursnll. JohnT Perrv. Frank Pattnllo. Jack Pnwes. Albert Qiilnlnn. D. D. Rogers fieo. Jr, Russell A DunUir Boacoe. Al. J. Ryan, Daniel. Bapler, Gus Robins. Eugene Richardson, R.,\ Illtcble. Eugene Itunee. Frank Blcketts, Geo. Bentfrnv. lap Rcadlck. Prank Ithcmsrrom, A.I. Hitlers. Emll KeiiuA leiihiirils Itolding. Edward A Itawson. Guy Willis P. Swor Bros. Sherwood Wm.r r'cammon. A. £. sbaler, Theoilur Starr. Harrv A. flawtelle, J. A. Smltli. John A. Sprnime, P. B. St. John, Frank Soiners, Martin Salvoggl, >V. somere. Carl U. Stewart, »'. J. Sullivan Dan M fair na Al. St. Elton. Leo Slater ■ Pinch Sweaimun. Willi* P. Shedmati. W. S. Sutherland. Roy Swala. Carl Spuun, Byron Smllh. Georgo Saekalsltl. — Swain. Cart Seldnn, Geo. Slanfnnl. Arilinr Sheridan, J. J. Sliermnn & Da Forest Sunders, Goo. s. Turner, Fred R. Townsend Frank Tburber, Phll- llo II. Toblns. The Tenner, K. Temriest, John!, Thninas, W. E. Taylor. II. W. Tburlier. Phllll'. Tliompson, J. L. Thonijison, Jan. Thonnis, George L'ltmar, Jack (Hailuf) Vsss, Victor Van Fosseu, Harry Vernon. Dnn Vatight Andy J. Vernon. Renjamln VolTeno. P. F. VanSnilera Corn Van Fosscn, Harry Valetrahers Vernon, Ben It. Wetzel, Geo. J. Williams. Barney Welch, Harry B. (Musician) Wiseman. C. J. Welsh. I.ew J. WHbou, James Winter, Percy Willanl HeniyF Weils, C. M. Willlums, Harry M'allnce. W. F. Wright. Frod tor Barclay) West fc Benton Walker. James Ware. \V. ft Wortlmm, R. R. M'lnkler. A. M'nterhiiry E.M Wlllnir. N. P. Wllla 4 Barren Wlilttler, F. L. Watson. Ront. Way, Ray D. Wnlertoiry. G. N. Jr. Walker, Spencer Wills, A. Wm. West, John Willnrd. Nelson II. Warner. Jack Wight. Hlllliird Wild, Wm. ':. West, Eugene Wright. Edward Wallers, Lew* Delia Wilson, .Tnck Waldorf. July Winters. Percy Weal rail Sam II West It lewis Whltlnlleld. John T. Way, Karl Wllte. Wm. Wlelie, Ciirt Wlnler, J. J. rnrfiT j.c.F.r YetlllK. Too Zlmmer. Dive /arlnla LaVerne Marks. Toin liteeil, M'ni Mnlleu, Jas. O.'Rolfson, A McMullen, W.I.. Kose. Jack SEE NOTICE AT HEAD OF LIST. a *♦ n.umT Thomson- was ohllperi to cancel Proctor's Theatre, Newsrk. -S. J., week tif Jan. 2!>-Keli. ;i. ns hla pliyslclaii ordered him to lav off on account ot a severe throat trouble. V. S. Clinun was In New York lust week. He left 10, for I'lilcngfo, where he Iish secured an Interest In the former Cleveland Theatre, and will change the name of the house back to the Cleveland, eommenelns l'eh. IB. EnwARD Lesxik. who was hooked at the nownrd, Roston, Feh. .', was obliged to cancel, owing to loss of voice. . . All matter intruded far pulillea- tlon In THE CLIPPER, dated 1-vn. »l, slinnld reiieli thin iiflli-e not Inter than Snturday, Peb. IT, lo Insure In- sertion. »»«» PBWSVLVAXIA. Huston & Dallas Martin, Ed- Itncliefort &May lloerller. Jack | ward S. Iteilly. tnias. Ilaininoml, Torn Melville. D. H. Roxino, J. W. llalr-iu. Geo. S. Monroe. Maek Sullivan. Din llendley. J. & Lawrence Solomon. Illllyer. Iritis S Monigonierv. Ahraliam Harris & I Prank StafTord, n. II. De Lnno McAnnllan, Joe jSmltli. Morris Huntington. MnclVrlzhr. Scntr, O. M. Wright Rich. .4 Klin Schil'enherg, It. Ilowson. Nul J. Mirkrs, J. Schlllenberg Alt llensiinw. Falw. f.MeDotialil, J»s. Slllltn Raymond Henderson. MeNnltv. (I. I.. Simpson. Jas. C Rnlph W. McDonald Ralph Skailnelil, A. Huston .v Dallas Mansileld & Sllvelrn. Jolinil tlnn.l. Wm. J. | Harvey Skinner PmtTL Hiinlon, II. It. iMatthews. C. C. Sutliie. Oor- Huglies. .lames .MeAulny, Jehu don t Co. Hart. Billy iMnrrow, James Sullivan, Jns.F. Harris, T.H.Jr. Monlgomerj. Sweatmnn. Ir.-land. G. II. | Marshal Willis P. Hodges k Sons Mr Cue ft Cablll Sylvan, Billy Hodges. IMeVey, Fred Solomon. Mr. &. Mrs. Mack, Robert B Abraham lllggln-. II. T. Moore. Kaejaw Smith, Joseph Jackson Stephen Maekey, J. L. Stanley .vl.el'.nj Jacobsno, Murphy. J. T. Rluarl. Ralph J. Oliver MH.'anliy Myl«s SntidlfTe, J. II. Johnson. J.E Mclnlyre Prank Sweatmnn, Philadelphia. —The new offerings for Ihe week of Feb. 1^ are: "Ills Majesty," tit ihe M'alnut; "Mrs. LelUnsweU's Hoots." at the liarrk-k ; "Wonflerlniid." ni ilie L'heslnul. mid Klske O'Unrn, In ".Mr. Illnrney, from Ire- land." nt (be Pnrk. Walnut il-'r.tnk Howe Jr.. mnnnj;er).— "His Mnjesty," n new extravaganza, by stlmf. ler Howard, hns Its liu-nl |»r»ifriT 12, The engngement Is for three weeks. The )irnil'.n.-- IIon hns lieen singed far Nelson Roberts, nii.l ' the tnst will he hended hy lllnnelie Ring. In nddltion to Will II. Slnnn. Walker F. Droit. Wallace Rrowalow, Carolyn Williams. Mabel Usjr, Iloltert Cnrfer, Allite Hngninuiv. Henlrlee Vnnce, I]race tioodnll and the Denesm Mis- ters. Lost week .lames J. Corbet I. In "Cash*] Ryron's Profession," cronletl n good laipres- siou. and wns seen hy good sized houses. liVHic (Messrs. Slniliert, mnnagers).—"Kan- tana" begins Its third and lust week 11!, the attendance being of the cnpnclty order the past fortnight. Jefferson f»o Angells wits never seen to belter advantage, and with Tony Lyons nnd Julia Siindersmi, met with nightly ovations, "llappyland" II). flAMim i Frank lunre Jr., utnnager).— "Stroiighenrr" ended it iwo weeks' stay 10. The piny struck the popular fancy, unit played to overflowing business. "Mrs. LelUngweH's Boots" EMM. IliioAti (Nixon Ss Zimmerman, managers). —Wm. II. L'rnne, In "The American Lord," ends a two weeks' stay 17. The piny wns well received by large audiences last week, the star, Hilda Spong, and Hurry lllakomnre, receiving hearty welcomes. Wm. Clllelie, in "Clarice," HI-.March 3, ciiEST.MT (Nixon & Zimmerman, mana- gers).—"Wonderland" makes lis local how V'eh. U\ for n one week's star, George M. Cohan. In "Ceorge Washington Jr.." bud a fortnight of big business ending 111. Marie Cnlilll. In ".Molly Moonshine." I!l. »'lti:.sTN'PT ftTkRKT Ol'iiltA lliii'M-, (Nixon It Zlinmermnn. inn lingers i.-—Lovers of Ibe ro- mantle opera greatly enjoyed Lillian llhiii- velt. In "The Hose of Almiinbrn," which be- gins lis second anil last week 1". Sum Iler- nard. in "The Rnlllekliig lilrl." Ifl-Mnreh .'I. I'.MtK (Pi fi. Nlxntt-Nlrdlinger. nititiiigeri. —Flake O'Unrn makes his llrst loetil ivpiicnr- nnce Feb. 12. In "Mr. Illnrney front Ireland." '"War Down East" played to two weeks of big business ending 111. (Ika.vp Ormu IIoiisk (A, A. Wegefarth. manager I.—Ford and tlehrue. In "l.nvers and l.unnilcs." 13-17. Dm Id lllggin». In "Ills Last, llollnr," drew lurge housps lnRl week. "Ruftts Ilnslits" If). (HliAitii Avilniik (Miller & Kaufmnn. man- agers).—"A Knee for Life" CM7. "Under Southern Skies" wns well liked and did good Jxitdnos* -R-lo. Dnu Sully, In "The Mnlrh Maker." HI. National (.T. M. Kelly, manager).—"Hooli- gan's Trip Around the W»rld ,r 12-17. "The House of Mystery" proved popular wtth the pttirons Inst week. Florence Bindley, In "The Street Singer," II). I'kdclk'h (F. (I. Xlxon-Nirdlliiger, mana- ger).—"Confessions of n Wife" li-IT. "No Mother lo titilde Her" had good pstmnnn the previous week. "Across tho 1'uriflc" 10- 24. Blaxey'9 Ancn Stiikkt (M. S. Hchles- slnger, manager).—"King of the Opium Ring" l'J-17. "The Sign of the Crnns" hns lost none of Its popularity, and did big busi- ness last week. "Sign of the Four" lb. Hart's Nbw Thbatiib (John VI. Hart, manager).—"Hearls Adrift" 12-17. "('hlld Slaves of New York" did good business 0-10. "The Eye Witness" 10. KoRSPAuou'H (Miller & Kaufman, mana- gers).—The stock forces will produce "The Wife" 12-17. A meritorious production of "Duchesse l>n Harry" drew crowded houses lust week. Willette llennhnw, n new addi- tion to tho stock, appeared In tho lending role, and was warmly welcomed. "No Wed. ding Bells for Her" 111. (I)nrcy & S|ieek, managers).— The stock will put on "Lost In a lllg City" 13 and week. ''Tracked Around the World" gave the stock good opport unit lea, and at- tracted large tmdlences 5-10. X, S. Wood, la "The Buy Scout," 111. Kbitii's (It, T. Jordan, manager).—Ar- thur Dunn and Marie <;iuser, In Ihe skeli-h, "The Messenger Hoy," are the iicudllners week of 12. til hers In the bill tire: Brum's Pence Congress (second week), Frllr. HI- rich. Jewell's Mnnnlklna. Theresa Dorgevnl, Ward Brothers, the Luclers. (Julglry Broth- ers, Lillian Tyce and Irene . .lennon. the Great Snnnn, (lie Knufmnnn Troupe of Vy- cllsis, and I ho klnelogmph. Al.tendnnce Inst week was lilg. Ki.evknth Stkkkt Opkha IIoiihb (Frank Duinont. mnilager>.—Dumnnt's Minstrels will put on Iwo new burlesques 12. entitled "Miss Ulga I.elliersole. ami Snn"o-(;armen," unit "Opera In Ilie Academy, or Society In the Roves." ililghey Dougherty tintl Vic Jtlch- mds have fin pnrls in both. The oilier skits. "Market Sireel Suira'a.v" nnd "Scotly'a in Town.'- Iinld over In udillllon lo Ihe regu- lar flrsl pari. i.'ahixo (Ellns. Kocnlg & I^>tlerer. mana- gers (.--Hyde's Blue ICIblsm Girls 12-17. Last week (he Iteul-Snnlley Co., wlih .Tatni* Wal- lliour In a racing uet ns an uildisi fenture, did prolllnhly. The Mnjeslli-K ID. Hunt: IW. (;. lllfe. miimiget-i.—Kentucky Relies 12-17. The Jolly Grass Widows gnve a lively show, lo lilg business. Insl week. The Merry Makers in. Lvii:t.M l.loliu (j. Jernion, ninnnger).— Rice ft Barton's Big Show 12-17. Sum Scrlb- ner's Hay Mas<iui>niilers played to guoil luial- uess 5-10. Trociidero Hurlesmiers III. TltncAliRno (Fred WIIIkoii, iiiaiiugeri.—Tbs Washington Society CJlrls, Willi Sam Marhci ns the chief dispenser of fun. 12-1T. The BrlgodlerH gnve u good show mid played to capacity Inst week. Tiger Lilies 1!). Bon Ton (Lillian Tyson, mnnuger).—The hill week of 12 consists of the stock, In "The Two Orphans," and nn olio, Including: Bower nnd Neville. Domicile Sisters, Henry nnd Graham, Oudn, Oshornc and Charles, and moving plot urea, Ninth Axn Alien Mi:sbi:m ((:. \. Braden- htirgh, manager).—Mnlzoni. the Jail break- er, Is Ihe big card In the curio bull week of 1'.', In addition to Brnddon nnd Gibson's Wild West, Bnrkhurt, mnglclnn; llnrrlilsn Broth- ers, musicians; Itunnn, the flexible ninn, slid Mile. Iiellto, snake charmer. The vaudeville. bill Is: George R, Whnllen, Adams nnd Mack, Kilty llofi'innn. Young nnd Melville, Ihe Sinn- leys, Hurry llnnlon, and Liibln's clneogrnph. KaHbV— Al Ihe close of Ihe curreni sen- son Ihe Trncndero will undergo extensive altera lions. The two stores on Ihe front uad the lobby will be lorn out, and I In* addi- tional spare will in- utilized lo enlarge Hie scaling cupm-lly h> til least live hundred. Philadelphia Lodge. No. ,t, Theatrical Mechanical Association, holds lis niitnuil benefit nl Ihe Cliestnnl, Feb. 211 Man- ager tVegefarth, of Ihe lirniul Opera House, has commissioned an ui'chlleci In prepiire plans for n XI.'iO.OOi) theatre In West Piilla- ilelp'ila Marie Warren has IdIiiimI Ihe Ken Ton Slock The Metropolitan opera Co. will :ip|ietir iii "lEolleriliteiiieiiirung," at ihe Academy of Music. Feb. 1:1. York.—Al Ihe York Opera House (B, C. I'enlK, ninnnger) "The Dunlles," l-Vli. 5, lind u fair house. "Smiling Island" li. Kellnr 7 10 S. It. II. "The Ire Hrlmtdo" (iociili, to large house, 8. "From Hugs lo Inches." P, ;roud business ttiiillina- nnd nlgbl. "The Tie TDM Hinds" III, "The Suinil nel" 12, "lOlie.i Hiilden" 111, "The Mndcnp Princess" II, Sidiu- bert Choir (local) 15, "Desertill at the Al- tar" 17. "Tho Show tilii" III, Knlliryn Pur- uell 20-J1. t'Ain.oii (Win. II. Pyle, ninnnger I.—The following bill drew well: The 'Inree 1110- yers, J. II. MncNIcliols, Hie Hoy Trio, Svl- vim ntul o'.N'onl, the .•Stanleys nnd the klueio- gt u ph. e PlitNltiiruY— Al the NIxMI (Thus. F. Kirk Jr., iniinager) Ktlmi May nppeiued In u large bouse in "Tlie Caleb of me hensen* 1 Fell, 11, nnd uitule n good Impression, li la one of 'he liest oifevlngs she litis lind. The chorus Is good looking, and nre gnnil singers. Last wees Itlchard Mnnstleld pnckcil the house, Sntlieni and Marlowe ll)-'JI. Bt:i.Asi'o tfieo. W. Saniinls, ninnnger).— "The lltirllng of Hie (inds" eomiiienceil a Iwo weeks' ellgugi'ini'lit II, before a large audience, with Percy I Ins well In Ihe lllle role. She plays Ilie purl udiiilriibly. 'Ilie Ttinlln Tlii'iiti-e Co. tv:is given llbeiiil pnlroi, ago .'i-7. Sninli Jli • in Im rill opened S, for l ii re. • nigh is ntul two inn I luces, i ipueily, prosenilng "l.u Sorcloiv." The house was sold mil lor her engagement. Murgarel Aug- Hit. in "/.Ira." 2(1 and week. AUriS (It. .M. liiillck, uiunngei).—Hickel, Wnlsnn & W rot lie, In "Tom, Dick anil Harry," returned Mnndiiy, for nuntlier week, in a iiueked house, mid Hie advance sale Is very large. "The Cminiy Cliiilrninii" did well Ii-111. giving nn excellent show. "Busier Brown" I return i 10-31. GtiAMi (Hurry Hnvls, ninnnger).—Another good vaudeville bill, present en 12, Included: Henry, Dlirica and Moil liner, Meliuil Trio. I'mitxer Trio, Sydney tlioni, Marlon liaison, Tola. Keno, Walsh and Melrose, Liivlltc nnd l.eotuuil, l.eroy and Woodford, Jack mid Hei-tliu Rich, and Hie elneiualie graph. Lust week's bill drew licitvlly. Itl.iott (It. M. (blllck & Co., ni.inagersl. — "Across Ihe Paclllc" opened II. In ihe iihiiiiI tnrgc iioiisfs, Just as popular us ever, "la (11(1 Kentucky," 5-1ll, plnyed In cupnclly. "Tlie Smart Set" III2I. GaVKTV (Jas. K, Ore, ninnnger).—The Ca- sino dli-ls had fair houses II, anil gave a good show. Lnal. week, (lie Cracker Jacks were liberally pnlronlzed. The (lay Masipie- raders 10 24. AiiAfGMV or Mcsii' (11. W. Wllllnms Jr., mnnoger).—Tim Piii'IsIhii Holies opened II. tu large houses, ntul gave a goml show. Lnat week, Ilie tlloplnns were given liberal pnl- ronage. Tlie London Gaiety Girls 111-24. Rui'inr. IB. .1. Met'iillough. ninnnger).— "Snphn" drew n good sl/eil house II, mill bids fair lo pack the house nil week. IjisI week, "Neighborly Nelgltborn" furnished plenty of run, ntul did well. Jessie Hall, In 'The Street Singer," ltl-24. Harrisonru'.— At the Lyceum (It. Ilels. mniiageri record brenklng liuslneHS was !u order Inst week, Frank IihiiIcIs, Feh. 7, had mole people ilinu has ever ntlended o per- formance ut this llieiitre. "Sergennl llrue" wits a lilghll. Kellnr followed s, Willi S. It. O. business, and Khepnrd's moving pictures, 10, were ii hlg hli. They will again be Hie uttraclliin 17. Opkua IbiPHH (M. Kels, miiunger).—The Aubrey Stock Co. hud hlg liuslneHS week of r., nnd will lie followed liy Kiiiina Hunting Co. week of 12. Nutkh.- -W. (J. Siielllng, innnuger of Ihe A. L. Sliepiird Moving Plclure Co., nflei nn nhsenc" of seven yi tirs, was given u wanii welcome hy his local friends here Mrs. Marie Hnrtli was liere III, In Ihe lu- icresl or Sophia llrnnill, In "A Mndcnp Prill- '•ess.'' Wnyne Lyler. of Ibis city, bun returned lo the May lllllmiiu Co., ufler a i.,.i..r ..,.i........ ...iii. i:i.. i_. ...... ...... ness R "The Tie Hull Hinds" had a good ninlleiice II. "The iMIlltcs" dltl well In "lllien Hidden" 12. "A Mndcnp Princess" l.'l, Phllndelpllla Orcheslra II. "The Sim- Gun" I". I'amii.V CKit. Mozarl, mnnnui'r).—Curreni nili'iieiloiis Include: Paclieo Family, lluihe and Finn. Jennings nnd Renfrew, ilie Hsier bi'ooks, lloriunaiiii. Kagle of Hie Light, ntul moving pictures. Nun-- Mr. Kellh, the vniulcvllle nmgnel, was In Hie city S, In conference with Mntin ger Mo/nil. Willi a proposition looking toward a comhln.illon of the Interests rep re sen ted. e SecnilloM. --Al Ilie l.vcelim (A..I. DillTv, inatmgi'i'l "The Sign of ihe Cross" Feh, la. ilie Thnllii Thenlre Co., In "Die Wilde," II I'mnk Daniels, In "Sergennl llrne," S, Innl li enpaelly house. Ai'AMUuf (A. .1. Huffy, in:iiuigei').--"Tiic I'uiiny Mr. Donley" I3-1J, "A Dcsperiir- Chance" 15-17. "Ton Pniinl lo llrg," s-|u. hid gouil business. Staii (All'. G. Ilerrliiglou, mniiageri.. Wind; of pj. Tiiins-AHiinlle Hurlesipieis. Th • Kllgllsh I'ldlv I'll. Wits well received 5. Family , Dnu McCoy, inniiugen. -Week of 12. (irme limit liigion innl couipnuv ami ,lo upli Cnllnliiiii are Ilie head of a viuiilerille eonipnnv. Business sonllnucs large. e l-'.iisloii. At the Able tlpern House (W. K. Iiel wilier, niiiiiuger) h'runk Dmitris. In "Sergennl llrue." Feb. 5, pin veil to Iremetid oils inislness, selling every seal In the house. In addition lo which miniv persons upled Ihe open sliindliig space. Kirk llrown Stock Co. week of 111. \\ lllliiinsiiiM'l. —At Ilie Lyceum (liieia House II.. .1. Flsk, ma linger I Ihe Lillian llliiuvcll (ipern Co. drew nnd pleased n large house Feb, I. Pniilii Bdwiiriles, in "Prloresn Heggnr," dellghlrsl imeked houses, malluei- mid evening, it. Mamie Flttmliig Slock Co. drew liuiitense iindlciiees fell). "Two I,II He Wnlfs" I* Keller HI, "The Choir singer" 15. "Klieii llnlden" 17. Chits. K. Chiiiiipllu ( d. ltl-24. ♦«» MARY I.AM). Illillllllore. Illtiiiebe Walsh will lie seen nl I'ord's iChnrles K, Ford, iniiungen Fell. 12 anil week, In "The Woiiitin in Ilie I'use." Millie Cnlilll eliiaeil u prosperous week, wllli "Molly Moonshine." 10. "The Sliotiitii" III. (Nixon & /iiiiiiieriiinn. ma tin gci'iii.-IO. ||. Solherii nml Julia Marlowe lieiiln n week's engugeniem 12, In "Tuidfllt •Mgltl." Which Will lie followed liv "Tiunlim of Die Shrew," "Itonieo mid .lullel" nml "The Mercbiint of Venice." Olgu Nelhersole I'losed n week of Hue business lo. K, s. Willanl comes Hi, Ai.iiAiiui's iltuherl K, Irwin, mniiiigeri. M argil re l Augllu Is Hie nllnicllon 12 I". In "/Ini." De Wolf llopjier closed a week of full- business In. Nexi week, HerMiii Knlleh is billed, lu "Minimi Viuiuti." AiiiiiTonin.M, I,. Keriinn, mniiiigeri. --"The Show lilil" opens 12, Willi Thomas and u goisl snpporl. "Tlie t'limn-- runs" ID. Maiivi.a.vii (.Inines I,. Keriinn. inniiugeri, —Anna Kvn l-'ny iignln lieuils the list of en- tertainers this week, wllh Semi and Violet Allen. Mr. nnd Mrs, Ksmondc, Clarice Vniice, Pnl Itooiu-y nml Mnrlon ileal, and Kerns in I ni le dog coin pi cling Hie bill. Nkw Havltv fWi-iier fc Hush, mnnugcrsi. - Scrtbnei'K liny Mnsipu-riiders open Ihe sec- ond week 12, Irwin's Mnh'sllrs packed Un- ionise nl eneli liiirfoniuince 5-III. Klce ,V Hurl oil's (Inlely t'u. Is due II). I). M, Hnlliiiif, formerly or lllunry'H, Is ihe local niiiiiuger. .MonI'MKNtal (,l(iines L. Keriinn, nimin- gell.--'Ilie Tiger Lilies lire the iillriii-tloii 12-1", with Terry Metluvnrn n special feul- llie. The Wnsliliigtiiti Hocl'-ly Hills did well clnalng III. \t-xl week, Ihe 1'lopliins. Hol.l.lliAV HTKKKT Kleoi'ge W. lllfe, niiiiiu- ger i. "The Gi-enl Jewel Jl.vslerv" opens 12, following "Al Hin World's Mcrev," which (ltd well StlO. "Tim Confessions of a Wife" IV. ) lli.ASKV'K H'liiiiles H, Blimey, malingeri. —"Too Pi-otiil lo lleg" 12 ami week, lllg liuidness rewni'ili'il "The Flaming Arrow" Insl week. "Al: fluey Itldgn" Is title HI. Itl.ini' (Jiiuies I.. Keruiili, imtmigerl.— Slim Devefe's IIwtl Co. 12 anil week. Wil- liams' lilenla closed u good week 10. The .May Howard lliirliwpit'rs III. ..,„,i,.-i. ... no- .viiiy i inn .o., iiuer a week of 12: Milton ntul llollv Nobles, the brief HOjotirn Willi his parenls In I his t-lly. Kltnbanznl Troupe, Klein, Dtt lind hers nnd ...... I liinry Horiiin. In "Kben llolden" wan Nicholson HHinrt Bnnicn. Klunell nnd Hon «.!'.* *' t »? l t, S !'j* , "' l i , *. n '. '"'.' "• '"..■."' r ? ,< "' l,( '' Tcxnrkinin and Walhy, and Halter Daniels. City Ham..— In the f*. A. Kills course ihe Boston Symphony Ordinalrn nml Mnrle Hull Innl good business 7. '■ i'»K ■•'• •■■ .-miiiiii'iioi, III,, It, ...... | IO| William Mcllrlde, or this ell v. will assist Hie Allniitlc City Lodge of L'lks In thi'-li- muslciil enlcrlnlmnent 10 mill I'd. a t Altooim.—At the New Mlshler Thentre (I. It Mlshler. niuiinger) Bleauor Kobann and compuny. In "Merely Mary Ann," open the house Feb. IS. "The sho Gun'' 1(1, (he Great Lafayette 17. i:t.evEN-rii Avkxit; Omm Housh II. 0. Mlshler. uinnngor).—"The Boy from the West" had n lilg house 5. I* Hoy K. Sumner, hi the role of Hob Kerrell, nnd Frank ICd- wurds as Col. i-'en-ett. are desenlng of »pit- clnl menllou. The pluy Is a Western comedy drama, lu four uets, written by Frederick Hwartx, nnd was llrst jireseutrtl Jan. 11, at New llochelle. N. V. The following Is the enst: Col. Feryett. Frutik Kdwards; Itnlnli llnwnnJ, alius "Ontlemuu Jack," Jno. 'P. Wiule: Jm-k ilardvll, C. L. Mtlioiinltl; Una- lus. Chns. Oaborue: Mike MiUulre. Lewis Itoivr-n : due Lung. Hubert l.oililnu; Jim lliit- Icr. K.C Coyne; Bill Breaks, F. (i. Kdwarda; Violet Ilurli-lgh, ('oiiiile Jitmes ; llnzel Lewis, Agnes Thoiiifia ; Lucille lluwnril, Ziirah St. (.'lair; Roan Ferrelt, alias Minium Lu Hue, Florence L. Johnson ; Bridget Mulone, Jmle C. Wllllnms: Trlxy. Kathleen Taylor j Boh Fcrrntt, Lelloy I-;. .Sumner. "The Daiillen" drew a full house (l. "York Hlnle Folks" wns received by large audience 7. "Smiling Is- land" 8. "When London Sleeps" !», "Rnllronrt Jack" 10. Coming: "Deserted at the Al- tar" 12, "The Hmnrt Set" 13, Porter J. White, In "The Fool's Revenge," 14, » s i l.nneiinter—At Ihe Fullon Opera House ff'hns. A. Yeckor, ninnnger) "Smiling Island" drew a good hotiae |>d. 5. Kellnr. mnglrlnu, old well 0. Burger's Band Innl n large house 7. 'Trom Rngii to lllchcs" drew good litis!- ♦ »» vc.w HAMi'Hiinii:. Mniit-liester. —Al the Oihtii House IK, W. Ilnrrlnglou, ninnnger) Daniel Sully, In "The Mnli-nuiiikcr," Feb. fi. bud fair n-iiiriis. Htillliiig Nelson nml vniitlevllle couipiiiiv 10. "The Mummy ami Ihe Humming |l| r d'' 17. llnnoun Comedy Co. week of lb. except 21, wln-n Hlgliy Bell will In- seen, I Pin- Kdu- rat If m of Mr. Plpii." I'auk (Julin Sllles, miiunger).--Spellmnii's lilogrnpb iih-tures, 5 7. had fnlr houses. "The Crime of llrlnk," Hill, Is plcnslug large an- diet s. "Tin. Hlrl of Hie SI reels" I2-I-I, Golden Crook Biic|esi|tiers 15 17, Clnrk's Itituawny tllrls 1021. *_»«> DiuiNNKV HituN. write: "We wish iii ilenv lite l-epoll Hint tippi-nreil lu Insl week's Issue ill Tin: Ci.i|.|-i:h thai we closed our season in Fori Maiilsou, In.. Jan. 27. 'PI out. puny iii a veil Fori Mmllsoii Jim. 2N, nml In Id ofl nl Cfilcshurg, III., Ihe rcsl of Hull week, lo ri-'pfginil/e. Tim show hns lii-en mil llilrl.v-one weeks this si-nson, and tins been doing an enormous business. The following Is tho present rosier of the rompnnv : lluv- moiiil Wells, Flunk B, Moore. Rlclmril C Mntldox. M. M. Diiblnsky, (,'lyde llintie, Itlce und Morris, Heriiinn comedhius -. Ktl. Diiblnsky. liiblle C. Horn, Bnrney Hiiblnakv, Irene LornlJif, (Jeorglllllii Kddln'gs, Theres.i Sillier Itolbe. Mrs, l.oiiisii Jack. The show Is booked up lo the middle or Slay, when It goes In stink for the entire Slimmer. Next sen son will lind Duhlnsky Bros. In the Held with ihrec attractions.