The New York Clipper (February 1906)

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14 0^1 JTEW XOBK PZSMBMli. IJ'EBRBABI 2-t. THENEWIQ^EOLIPPEa « ' • 3 *'* - ' "' H J THE FRANK QUEEN PU^LISHI H& CO. (Llmllid.) ,rK>™r.T0ES.. ALBERT f.Bpps, _., KiiiioBiiL 1NO Biisistut lUxiao. »• HA.TUIUUY, FEBRUARY 24, l fOft • i' -..) - ~ RATI8: j AdwtlMinent,—S2.BO per luck, ttaflt Ml- §mp, .(., , ;• ( . •.I' .1,. I'* »*1, MwttlNRirati ift with txtrtu, 10 t« 0M1 -*" r,: npnnfi. .. tm'ytw in ndvtnc,, M:,«n .•««**, •*• tbret month*, .$1. Conlfn po«Hr« «««• HUflt raplea will U t«nt, poltDll«, OB » ctlRlof lOctjtt., ...j^ On T«w «r« Cart.. u ■.,., . "TUB Ct.lWEB It ImiiwI (W»,Wt0W»lJtr morning. Tlrtlt" four <tiI»ertItlD») Jtgtj UO.T0 PttlCHB oa S»tlir4liy tt 11 ■*. Uh «* tut otber pigra ott MONDAH »wJ -f OESDAI. VIM rormt OlotlBB FcratpHr, W» .it r, »* 10 t'cloeU A. W. Plrit*rnait i*> tiprtsi. mnnty ordtrj cheek, P. O. prdtr or Wfltltred ittltr. ill tttli •"■ elMM wltli letter it B ttie rlti of ien4tt. i*d»rt# Jilt' CominiiuletllOBt <• th« mtw roniv oi.ippbb.; (" „ , .-.( 47 West, 28th Street, Kw fork. Rial'tmt mU AM""' ••AiiTHOttll." THE WESTERN BUREAU of 'Ph»i currc* It loonled it IlooM 004, libliuil Block, CklcJgo* Wllll»m I'V llryan, BMtuJn «nd eorneepnniUnt, wlier* Idrertltt matt *nd, lUbKrlptltm ire rewired «t our rtgiiltr rttM. , .. i.f. * THE LONDON BUREAU Located ot 48 LTanhnuroo St., liOndoB, W. O, John h'.' Carney, manager md corrtipoDdent, vhrrt.^tdf^rilMaMittri and ■ubierlptlo» oro received M our regular rales, k - vim. -Clwmb c*n tt qbmikidv wiwr*- »ilb *no hetui., nt our ogenti, BroatMfto ■Mf'dttOt 37 Avenue da.-■'ttpparo, PaJjL Jrtn**i M. LWenthal, i.KrtrtiHcIf- etriaio Htt (Terminus. Jloiel), Berlin, N.*W., Oof- cianj, Ttlnmnnd Ncwa (*«.. 07 frtdo, Ha- vana; Manila Book and Mlntlonery Co,, 13S Ewoltn, Manila,;.I 1 . I.; *K»rt * Bon < * 37 * 18» King »t.. flydnef, Aualmll*. i, - ■ TIIB'NntV 1 OH U CffJPPBR JMiMUI»*« Mil, o«-. itdlilou, »nd that la dat*« froTO ^#»¥ TArk, N« Rapllea uy Hall o f Ttlesrapk. AuDHsaaaa ob wu*:REABOuii wot airnw. All in qiiwt or %veu HUOuu»»wiiTa to 4-«oan wLo»i,tlU*l BUUb iw Ciai'or THH ■ E Uuv*rttl«tp ONM'.ffKU O.Ut.i\lf '«■ iouo-T, aniat *o *<iua < tin or BouTia OM 1K0THSR l"ia». Wl CANNOT IBHO lOOTiB II MAIL OBTML tqUr* IHtiV% TH V. H.. London.—Wo Imvn no bno'wledga of thn Rfaanu wh««obo«iH or IB* parfV. Ati- di'i'SH ti Ifttor In our nire nnd we will ndver- iIhr it in Tmk cunma Witf iiai. II. II.. Tornmn. '■*■ K. Km aflW Vork, I,, n. MpmpliiH, .1, 10. C, Hwrflt, A. It., livt-rtvlllo, Mim. W. »., Mlnm-upollK. E I. ft., Bnmklyn, nnd C. 10. K.. Wnanlnrton.—Mi* aiwwer to V. u.. nbom H, .\l. McN., Now Yiti'U.—-VdihcMs party la mm at I lie rrofOHHlniiHl VwlDT MUM )0R Wont ifiirty-flfili Biraffi New \ork OUy. VV. K. Km SOW York.—-Wbllft-il to iilwoys (tlrtlciill :iii iniilmr 10 plnoo H1h flrot piny, ■tin Ii'.iImi play dbb morlt Baoagb to war- innt Ihi nrndiii'tlftii, mid If.tlic aiitlier Iiiik iiaraav««ii(t' nnd ilf>t«rmlnnu<in In H|dte or i Ik- mnnv .rebuift- ami !«;n which are auro to hp his, lila elYortK «W llkoly to r»o rownrdPd with n prodtintlnn. ■ , ,„ h. *:. it.. Nhbn I'Hy.—N. I*'. Nimkeviiio u ibo.projwr port* ro addrtWH. _*'* t ' ' . ,1. *!'., .South Mi'AIMairr.— Yea, Ilaiinln Mn- Etn was h, mi'inhcr of "Mr. llliii'lieiird" (.'o. at tool Hn\e. f •' _ • "Jihnk." 'IVilmlu.—'Plia inannfr«r of th« mmpaiiy In I ho proper bpfbOTI to whom to ' IV K. R. Tyler.—'Hie imtloiuilliy of the party la llanoWu. lo hh. H. & II., t;amdcii.—There Ik n clreiw hy ilint nnnie. J. M. K„ Cleveland. —Hre pwitfl list In thin limo. ■ • ■ M. C. M.. Nuornrlc- Addrewn the Hun Broa.' c'lrcua. Wluiei- .mmteiH, Kavnnnnbt tuff" a, T. A.. Kama city.—Too ndTarthcmrat would com $1.40. "". ... •llowK;" \VnfihlHRlon.—The parly la alive, but. we have no knowledge of Iter WUIO- atrOlltN. J. J., l*hlUdplpbla.—Watob our route Hat fori week. ■ <• ('!. O., Oflxlntiisr.—The Mniilmrinn Theatfo la locnlfd oexr iloor to tho hullilliuc loentod at the aouthwcHt fornor»»[ Thlrlytliird Htrret uul what was formerly Mlxth Avenue. By ii aperlnl net <>f the Itonrd of Ahlormnn, sev- eral \i'iirn aico, Hie lilih'k on Mlxtli Avenue, favloB tireeley Nonnr.' (iMtvrni Tlilrty-uee- ond nnd Thirty-third Hirretn> heenme Mrcmd- wov, no thai the oflU'lal loentlon of tho'.Man* lint tan TUeutie In mow oh the Wm aide of Brofttlwav, below Thirty-third Street. H. A.. North Bnlilinow.—Home- of the re- [lertorv eouipante<« im the rond nuiy, pcrluipn, lave the play lit their repertory, hut we uo :u.| know or nny eompimy, at. the pwaent time, whleta pIh.vh It regularly. A T. II., t'iltli-ago.— The editor of tho imper In which the ph'ttire appeared can douiiltettft Inform you. M. It—t\\'e never mulerlnke to BTOWOt hyiMt hot leal queatloiiK. It. H., l>erliy.-—\V> do not know of nny nno wiui would do tin yun umIi. It. H. 1<\— Wo tii'ver iiuHwer tWattea o re- IntliiR io tho nrlviitu atTalra of any one. V, (J. 0., Kniu-tv t'liy. — The pnrtv you mention did nr-t play In the opera. I'rnnelii M'Ukoii Htnmal In It. It. M. L\. Xowport.--We hnve no reeord of the titles yon niriiilim lutvhig heen iwed for lilitvt*. J. n.-—We hove no iwortl of her having apiveureil In vnudevlllo. 0. IC. II., ItoHion.—If the men were rtiaug- \ntx [lnHiriiiiiN nt the Unto II ran to drat-hnaa unit put oiii A. then the play wn* eorreet. If noi, then It wiik K'h idace to umke the put out. However, the iriune Is played differently In different pitrtu of ihflvonnlry. tiAiini. W. F. U. Xew Britain.—1. A wftp with low, S, A enn refuse to sell. He Is only obllgad to mate tho number of points bid by the blchcflt bidder. ...,„, L W. B., New YorK,—'iBan cfltew where ft player, who bp»na,c icrM not, "spllt^'-ihe openera to draw for a otrafght orMlu<h, be must dUtlnctty announce his lntenttoD,~nTid nliice tho .card away, from the other dlse^rdrd cards so that he may he able la HOtlnfy tho otho*.plnyew that.he opened th« pot with n legnl hand. Failure to comply with this rule siiujeeta the nft*eB*er Lo a fine equal to double the amount of his original ante, which goes Into the next pot. fie nlao Is harred from nil Interest in the hand la which the play occurred, the next hlEtwt hand of the players huilnesH Innt' week. rho Htayed, taking the pot Bvhh TKwri.p. Tnr.ATtin (RllMheth fteho- bor. manageri.—"Knst Lynae". will oc pre* Kt«rS ilie ; Ptt>-eW Stock <>» week ofllj. Adelalda Kelm wilt ftgnln MS&?jwA IMB£ turiity for her craotiortHi nMlnjJ hi the efinr- nelerV Iiady uSSS. (iifonse SI laoo tt «OJ{ for Archibald. Uat week Wlrntiatort, tiblcb was produced .lor the second Ua* H live wJeki-drcw crowded hm.«es. For 20 and week, "What Happened to Jones. CorxucrH TiinATii: (Welier Bros., roann- eerMi.—"Mhadows-of a fliesc City" will oe he bill week commencing Sunday afternoon, n. C. Y., l'rdvmence.—You are right. In four banded pinochle you can only count "180 for thn ace, king, .queen. Jack and ten of the ,nmfm ^:A,fCV.i,,.ls™V*. Xj. I)., Brooklyn.—Yf« have no knowledge of anr such publication. W. C, Trenton.—Address The Sporting \rtr», Mt. Louis; Mo. C. U tftf Wnrren.—Oiir records only glre the result of the rftce. Address one of (bo . big Now York dolllen. ■p.. It. .J>., MKioulfl.—Adftreas the Scott Stamp and Coin Co., Twenty-third Street, near Madison Avenue. W. «., Petrolt.—See answer to F. It. It., Missoula. • j" Olli CHrCAGO LICTTEft. IS. Ilaverly'a Minstrels played to ecorrnou* business Inst week. .■ , ^Ia^^'■ , - Oeorgla" 90 and .week. .rcblDg Through t'ROlt OVB^OWK COHBFBPONDENT. Wewtern tlaeeaa ; '■ ol the'NOtr Vork' Clipper; ■ Hoorn r.n l Ashiund Block, Chlrao-o. Last week good business ruled at all the theatres. Oreat preparations are being modo for "A Ynnki'p Circus on 'Mars," from the Hippodrome.j New York", which Is'ohrioitnCsd to the Auditorium Saturday evening, Feb. '24. Other attractions announced for week of 10 are: "The Fearl and'the Pump- kin,".at the Illinois j the Russian l'layers, nt the Studehaker: Klfle Kay, In "The Belle of Avenue A," areat Northern: "ShndowB of a Grcnf; City." Columbus; .'Tracked Around the World/' Alhambra; Selma Herman, In "Queen of the i'.onv\ctfi," Academy; ^Fight- ing Fate," Hijrm, nn'rt high r\nw vaudeville at the Mnjesi lc, Olympic, and lUymnrket. and, as usual, thn weekly change of burlesque at the,Folly, Trocadero ar.d Kuson's. lW.rxpis THKA'rhB (Will J. Davis, mnna- forL^-nt^Hlnnlng Sunday, 18,'"The.Pearl nad he Pumpkin" comes for a slay of two weeks. Lulu Qlnser, In "Miss Dolly Hollars,:* has been Ihft offering for thn past (wo weeks, and plnyed to capacity almo«d,,cvory performance. M&mMmm Is asslfiteii by an excellent -iup- portlog company. Viola Allen. In "Tbe. Toufit of DM Town," by Clyde Filch, will follow Ma Mi ft. . .■ r* ■ •• ; . . POwHnffi TitBATgit (llorry J. powers, mnn- I'ffiTl. —' Thn )-l«n fiiul rhi' MmlSf" IjOm foildd Ititmedlnte npprovnl during the two weeks of lis run ol this theatre, Tho third week of this piny begins Monday, IP.-., McViCKun'a Tiiratiih (Jleorge C. Warren, mnniiger). Nundrtv cvcninjr, )S, Andrew' Mack. In "The Way to Kenmare," begins the Inet week of bis engagement here. ■■♦Jheekers'' follows. ' : " ' , Coloniat. Thravbk (fleo. W. Lederer, miah- ager).—"The Prince of .India" hn* enjoyed favor ht the hands of the public during the second week, of Jts stay at this playhouse, and now Is moving with sat Is factory smnnth- ness and rapidity. The production i* one of excepilnnal beauty nnd raipress!vencss, no<) the' various roles nre enacted with under* Hlnndlng and good effect. The third week will rommrnce to. ■■ ■ ■' t CtHOAno On;i!.v liot-SFi (Lyman B. (Hover, ninnager for Kohl ft : CaAtle).—After a flop 1 rtf "Uls Hopor, the Mayor," uridnv rdi-Tit, L), which completed u,tun of more thnn four months, that attraction went on the road, nud was replaced Monday, 12, by "Coming Thro'lho Rye." Tho cast IttTerjr k'tronx nun Includes : Stella.Mayliew, Frank LAlor, UileyTIntrh. John Park, Fwnk Ooane, Menu Hlako, I'erclval .rnnnlDgN, .Amelia Stone,. Kllxjihotli Merclcr, Lllllnu, Launi Sptnstie. Marlon Illllnbmnd,. Agnes .Dnsmr, Kihel KIrkpntrlek. Florence Rnndlck. Bertha lliflkc, Maud Mills, and clever Florence Townnend. A hiuieflquc on "The Squaw Man," .which clones this comedy, Is very amusing-, (Juntici; Tiiavrar. (Sam P, Oerton, mana- ger).—"The Ilonrt of iMaryland received very [Ihcra,! pntrounge during the two wo?ka of Its eugngeincnt, closing 17. Arnold Italy, In "You Never Cnu Tell, follows 18, for two wrnka, - . ., rtrrpKDAKHTi TUHATnn.-(n. K. HarmByer. hiamiger).—Paul Orlenclf'a Itnstilnn Players begin;lb*, second week of Ihelf ii-luuiplumi etiKngemetit 10. Last week tills organisation nroduc'ort "The Choson -Peopla," ftlhoslH," "The stur," "Petty Persecutions" and "Titnr Ifeotlor." For their lfl«t week hew they will present "/.nun, I'bo Mnsier BirHder," "Sei. Onll,"- "The Bevlsor" nnit "Tho Star." The Ben Hrect Players,; la Shakespenrenn rcpe?-- lory, begin u fartolght's eugugemeiit 2(1. • Hiiam) Orrn\ Jlot'an (Harry Ariklrj. mann- jer).—"The Hhigerhreud Man" heglus' Its Hfiuinl week Stttidny, IS. Bobert B. Muntell opens M, for two weeks. La S\i.lh TuiiATitK (\\. IT. Singer, mann- gei't.—"The ITiuplre" eulors upon Ha twelfth week Suudny, is. nnd i« aflll u magnet. WciliK'Nilii.v, 14, wits Klglu night. The root- boll game rcinittnii one. of tho iwpulur feat- ures' of tMM perfortUHJiCe. OttMno TiiKATnts (Ahc Jaeoha, manager for Kohl & Cartlej.—'Ho bill hut week In- cluded: 1'relle'H tnlklui- dogs, Flske uad u& Donougli.'tiiis iWllUMBO, Trio . Sclplo .Argen- tlan,- Poster and Foster, Brown, Harris nud lirmvii, Three .WeBtous, Ilnuimond nndh'or- rester. Hud Fornum Trio, Glnddeu and r^t vine, Oeoi miii May Woodward, ltlch and Har- vey, Muldoon Slaters,. Klpny, lidrtle. Woods nnd Spoor's klnodrotue. For week of 10: Tom Brown. Eva Westcott nnd company, Pe- ter Baker, Marlon and Dean, Novojo C.lrls, Chester, Will and Camllle Boebme, Mntlottn, h'rauk Wilson, Hart Bros., Tourist ■ Trio, Kloess Sisters, Eamcratda Slstera and Spoor's klnodrome. iMatkntic TuiuTiiff (C. E. Draper, mann- Iter for Kohl & Citsrln).—The llenaler Sisters were the bendllners Inst week. Otber feat- ures were; Kdwln Stevens,.Thre* Kloess Sls- ti'iv, Fnatty Bice, t, Irani and Oanluer, KIIhr- heih Murray, Sylvestei', Jonea nud Prlnglo, ainrvelous FrauU nnd Little Bob, Brynut una Mnvllle, llnwley and Leslie. Millard Bros.. tie.-.. aumIu. SheHdttu'H doga. ■ Harris Hro<f., Mlrl and Siil. nnd Spoor's kl'nodroine.. .For the week of 10: The Aeoust Family. Wilfred Clnrk end company, Mdna Aug, Press Kl- <lrldge, Thorne nud Corleton. Keno, Welch und Melroso, Nelson Barry Troupe, Werden nnd (Bnddish, tHadden and Lnvlne, Luce and Lure.- Uo Veld* and Zelda, Warren Trio nnd spoor's klnodrome. IUymaukkt Thkatrh (W. W. Freeman, raanngcr for Kohl & Castle).—Last week's hill laduded: John T. Kelly nud company, tloolnum's dogs. Bruno nnd Bussoll. Ksmer- nldn Sisters, Avon Comedy Four, tho Misses IVIinore, Marlon hud Penne, Hutch Walton, Will and Camllle Boehmo. illoti'n dogs, Adams and Drew, the Marlows, Wright Sla- ters, Ilnnco'.'k lima., and Siioor's klnodrome. For week of 10 : Ron Cnghlnn nnd, company, Fanny lllcr. Lntim Hurt, and company, ,tho FoiirBolses. WorJd'a t.'omcdy Four, Clifford und BurUe, V redo and i.'nro, Hnmmonit and Forrester. Qeo. and May Woodward, claudo itinit, Andrews and Jrohl, Klppv, Clifford Sisters, t'orelll Trio, nud Spoor a ttlnodrome. (irtKA-r NonrnKOM Tiiwrnk (Fred. C. ichertH, mnnnger).«—Couiaieneltiif; with tbe Simdny inatlnee. Its, Elflo Fny. 10 "Tho Belle of Avenue A," will he tho offering 1 .-, This will AmiaubbA TihUtbu (James.Browne, man- ogcrj.—"Tracked Around the World" 18and wvek, : Uat'week, "Ughtbouse by the Sea enjoyed good business. "The Burglars Dsugnwr" 20 and week. Acapriit (William Roche, manager)-— Selraa Herman, in "Queen t ottfco.gomfljW. Is tbe hllTweflk of IS. "Shadows of a Great City" hnnVgoodi bualnesB Inst Week. Dan- gers of <a Working Girl" 2» and week. Bt.iou tiikatbr (William Boche, mnna- aer).—"KlghttiiB l-'at-:" 18-24. looopn sant- fey, In "A Btinawny Hoy," played to food business H-IT- "Llghrhouw oy the Sea J.i and ,- week ■ Mow 'iiiamon TllEfcTM (Marvin llnssell, maoagetX-^-'Tbe Westerner" will he pre- sented during the week of 10. "Peaceful VnHM'via-l*. "Camllle" *J6 nnd.week. CaiTfaioi; TBbatbk tJOhn B- Hognn, .man- a*er)>-r^Lig1it1i»iiHO by the Sea" week of IS. "Tracked Around the World," Inst iveek, did well. "When l<ondon Sleeps" week of 2fi. PnOfUfB TnilAtnB (Joseph Pilgrim, inaa- ager>.—"East I*rnne week of 10. vfrharleyji Aiuit" 12-1S . "The Charity Ball" week of 20. TlIBATBR (Marry U. lle<lges, mnnaRer).—Week of IS, the European sensa- tion, and as on, added attraction, Kid Her- man. The Bowery Girls, InBt week, drew well.' Al. Reeves' Big Beauty Show MS and Fo'i.i.v THRiritK (John A. Fennessey, man- «ger>.—ItllBlaOM Is excellent. Mercy Maidens 18-24. I*ast week, ,tbe Cherry BIossoiuh. New Century BiitlcatpieHi 2ri and week. EfHo.VH TiTtatiik. tSId J. Euson, tnnnn- •tri,— "Slumming" nnd 'T.lfe at Salt Lake" were the offerings by thn burlesque stock company last week, and plenhed good sized alKllWs, ! flor feck of IS, "TJi* Jolly Jokers." A musical burlesque, and "A Pnrlslna Soiree" will be presented, with the usual llrst chins .vaudeville hill. -'■ iNTKBSATiONAL TlIRATtlF (AL G-. I'lotir- nov, manngert.—Programme.for,week begin nlng Hunilor matinee, IT: Vlntoft.and Clay- ton, Fisher and Johnson, Charles and Minnie Burroughs, Znra and company. Mabel Mel- bntie, Woodri and Woods, nod. Rapnln, JlowAim Tiieatbr (AT, '!. Flonrnoy. mnnn- (j(i r i.—*|*he vnndevllle lilll. week of IS. will Include: JnmesT. Derwln, iNiIy nnd Murpliy, the Stork Trio, and ihe Cllletie Sixers. Lovuns' lUMf ittyKQli iWllllau Sweeiney. mnnacTi.—Curio hall nlirneilons week or IS: George Velney, Mme. Hevere, hoarded woman; Del Fuego and his irnlncd grsise, Hansford, paper king, and Venn, [he. inn- glclnu. Hill in tho tlientre: Madge Motley, CWd' DauROUIN 'Clnrk, George Mlierman, and thir Midway daucera. Clabk STitRrr UiraavM (I^tils M..Hedges mftnflgevt.—The usual bill of curios nnd vaudeville xpeelaltlcH will be offered week of 18. , AFTRRVATit.'—William ltoche, manager of the Academy, and Bijou llicalres, of this city, wns married last week, lo Jeanne Wood, .it tbe home of the hrlde, in this city. DnlV and n'Hrlen hnve closed n tour of twentv-llvo weeks for the Mesterh Vnnrie- vllle Managers Clinrles B.lWard. rep- resentative of the F. A. Mills MdMe Co.. of Now York, hns heen here almost two weeks. Me has placed severnI of the nhove Arm's succcsBCH nt the vaudeville nnd burlesque l;ouses, nnd his trip, which will tcrmlnnte In n few days, ban heen very successful Mrs, Jack, of the vaudevlicl team of Mr..and Mrs. .lack,'hns hoeplll for:.three weeks, suf- fering' from a nervous affliction.. Spj> will rest lot tho remainder of this, season, nnd llf, Jack Intends doing 0 single specialty. .',■,.. .W; W. lay; of the Sulllvnii-CoJisidlne fdrccs, was a CLirpi-m Bureau cnlw .Tues- iwy, 18,.... .Myleri Mcf-nrthj: arrived .here Injit Saturday. Hfter playing the entire Inter- rrtRtft circuit....... Robert Boyd and i Marie Ynill were Clipprh Bureau callers Thursday, ID, They hnve Just closed a totu- of Ihlrty- five weeks through no West, and will shortly ohon, on the Orplictiin and Kohl & Castle clr- euits'. Mr. and .Mrs. .loliu T. Powers have beon eOgaged by the Western Vnndevllle Managers [or twenty weel;s Wnhluud ard Tekla wero Ci.ipi'RH Bureau callers Wed- nesday, 11. They slated that they haw bad u moat prosperous nnd pleasant ciiRAjre- nieut over the Snlllvan-Considlne circuit, eloslug at the Chutes, Snn Francisco, two weeks ago "Bonner" will be n special feature at. the International Theatre week of 2(1. 0 i» Ol'R I n\n«i\ ii I tkii. rnosi oun owh coBUBsroxoiNT. Clipper Bureau* 08 Cranbourne S(reet ( Leicester Square. Iioniloa. W. C. fBB. 7. One of the most successful openings Lou- don has seen In quite a loug tune, both or tlstlcally and financially, was tbat of Mr. Plnero's dew pltly; "His House In Order," done for the diet time ou nay Htaga ut (lie Ht. James',' last Thursday, by George Alexander md company. Tbe critics and ilrst nlghters agreed, almost to a man, that the nUy was ifr. Plnaro'a.,. uui»tarplece, and the - most Important achievement In comedy contributed to the English stage la years.: The plot: Ftlmt-r JcsHon, M. P., has been mnrrled twice. His first wire was Annnbelle, daughter or Hlr Daniel HldKflley. a self-mnde. self-Tlptitenus and very British knight. .Annobelle herself waa. a model of housewifely* virtues—orderly, rnetnodtcal and unruffled. She had died thre* years before the- play commences, leaving a smntl son. named Derek. Nina, lha daugh- ter of a .Bohemian country parson, a pretty, kindlier]rted, Irresponsible girl, with none of Annahelle's domestic onnlltles, becomes Ml mer's sot^inn wife. Fllmer Is u good deol of a, prig, aud thw marriage Is a failure. The tecond wife cannot keep "hi* house in or- der, 1 ' and he hus no sympathy with her high 3SHIR' He hhs aci-ordlugly Insisted that ejraiaiiie. Annabelle's Bister, sliall be In* btalled In. the bouse, to see that Ids meals are. sirred In time, and tbat bis' little sou Is property educated, liven Anuflbelle'a bou- doir Is ton nlde rid too vac red for Nina to accum-. it Is turned Into n schoolroom for Pares, Nina In aroldcd, snubbed, und Is very miserable. After the death of his Orst wife Fllrnor had promised to present a park to the local town, as a memorial of her virtues, a tid a bouse party has. assembled at Over- bury Towers, for the opening ceremony. ;The I tarty eouHlsts of Sir Haulcl and Lady Rldge- ey and their ton* Pryce, all Intent on forcing Nina to redllze her own deficiencies aud the sainted Anunholle'a virtue*; Major iMntive- WArde. an 4iM friend of the, family, uld Hllitiy .Tehfion. Fllincr'ti brother, who la the Brltlsn mlQIsler to tbe Hepubllc of Santa Ooarda, home ou n short leave. The Inttor raa good fellow, with no great love for tbe Hidgelcv family, aud ho at once becomes a friend to his brother's poor wife, and wants to make iher -happy, Stung-to madness by the Insuffernblc, superior way In which she u) treated by the Bldgeley family,' who tblnk onr in Intriguing little nursery mutd, Nina ... Hakes up her mind not to attend the cere- N Miss I'njVs dBlint'OB o Rtor.'in- Wis city, mony.and the gosalp and scaudal ihat bar Last week." Me, JVM nud r scored big. For ohearicewitl" ennao wilt be neT revenge. Hut tt ond o-eek, ''Gtllllrer'B TrftTeli." fate iItcb h«r tbe opportunity of reTenglDt herself far more bitterly, of revenrinn; her. .fit in such a way that the Rldgelejn will never dare to o^dreiJfl a slighting word-to her again Derek flnda hidden unrter a lota hftftr.1 ir bU dead mother's boudoir a bkg Son ling a wSS'.of bid letters. He .hows the ting ip Ntttn, ffho .discover,? among, the letters four "wh eh prove beyond a doubt bat Hie Minted Annflbelle was not fflltbftil ™ -htr husband, that Mnurewardei lo really, die father of Derek, and that, when Anna- Dene WM thrown from the carriage and killed, she wns actually on her way to tine* with Mnurewardc. OhI boy...WM nothing of the letters. Nino shows them to Hilary: her ope friend, and tells Mm, ihai sb" w II send copies pf them tt P*gK»* llllary pleads with her to destroy them a opce^and save.'he Rldgeieya the ■ffjT.g knowing thnt thflr denj dsi(ghu>r was not the walnt thrt they had pictured her. She gives the let.ers to'nilnry, jr.d even conseat. to attend the ceremony of the openlbg of the park in memory.of the first, wife, Aiobi belle. Nina is all hiimiltty: The Ridge'eya, raklog advantage of Cie cfiunso In her, com- plain of h?r cigarette bmoklog. .ph* .piom- «?■ Co give It V -Then tliey cniaplan>f htr Jogs, Hie dogs that are the only friends thai she bus, aave.Hilary, In all the.-world She agrees in Biro up the, dogs, put all ' this If Uo mncb Tor Hilary. St* must be •avedJtfonl.a lu*e of Bbubs and misery, lit ■irfcrt to.opea the 1 .eyes of hU.. brother to her good points, but In vata. 'rbep. plpying thi llnai card, be shows ntt titotber tbe,le;iers. Kilmer rcaliies what it all meahft—Lhe norfi ery or lbs nark, the cruelly of the Rhjgelfys« the nobility of.Nina. He re-estalillsheri his wife as the mistress of his. fcousidjold, and indicates to the RldieJfcKtlwt therore jjei- como guests, but nothfng more. The lead- ing pans nnd players: FUmer Jessou, Her- bert Waring: Hilary Jesaon, OoortfJ Alet- ttttdar; Major Maurewarde, Hawson Mllwprd; Derek, Iris Hawkins,, and Nina, Irene \ao- bfough. The powerful ploy was finely ucted, And tbe members of the company lo sup- port of Mr, Alexander and Miss Ynnbrough shared In the numerous curtain calls at ths close of the play. „,„„.,. There Is to be a matinee of "The Heroic Siubtw." at Terry's, to-morrow, and the rea- son 'a tills. vScvetnl shop girls hnve written to fbe London paper resenting what they complain Is an unjuatlflnble Inault to their character, contclned lu certain lines In Mr. Jotiesf uew comedy now" being plnyed by Jfaa. Welch, To set aside this opinion Mr. dVelch has Invited represeniatlves of all sorts and conditions of shop girls, nnd will get. tbe opinions of the reproseutntlvea After they have witnessed the. performance,, .£• ■ ■.. . After a run of about six hundred arid twelve performances nt the Vaudeville "Tbe Catrh of the Season" will be taken off on Saturday night, to make way for the re- hearsals, 1 et<\, of the new play, by Leslie Stuart. Basil Hood and Charles Brookfleld, founded on "Tinmen nnd Juliet," In which Edna, May Is to star. Tbe successful "raleJi of the KtflMin* 1 Is also being plnyed to large proDts In the provinces,: Ai euriulu raiser, eulltledt "The Younger Generation." by Netta Syrett, preceded .'The Heroic Stubbs,' nt Terry's, for the first tlma last Snturdav night, and scored .a substantial nit. -The story of the one act play lu brief: A Airs. Carruthers, .before.she got.married, numbered nmong her admirers a good look- ing avmy oftlcer, named Cnptald Dlnke, who, finding' -bis chances, of securing her ver_ T small, went out to India,al ah oincei- lauihe afn.y. When nhe became a widow and heard tbnt Motor Blake was home again her heart bent 'Ugh, and she hoped be might renew bU a,tieniions. Hut. when lie visited hex H whs not to-a'sk for her hand, but for.thai.of her yoiingdaughtter, Mollle, whom be bUd mot and nqmlred, and began /loye While.she ivus <m a vacation." The mother sorrowfully uteris dslde for the daughter, and thus the little piny ended. Maurice Fnrkon, one of tbe principals of "The Untie Cherub," at the Prince of Wales, has been very III, ami was recently operated . upon for appendicitis 1 . The oper- ation was successful, uud Mr. Farkoa Is get- ting along favorably. Pnmoges ivere claimed lu court last: week against A. und ft, Gall I and Churle» FrOh- man, oinnacers of the Vaudeville, by Kthel I,nCy Karri Thomns. who alleged wmngfiil dlnmbanl In connection with n'contract puder which,-'she said, .she whs engaged to play the part of a Gibson girl In-"The Catch of the season," at tho vaudeville. The, ques- tion argued was what constltUdcd on act- te«s.. The Jury found that notblag was said al the time or the engagement na to a fort- night's notice. They were unable to ngree us to whether a Gihson girl was or was not an, but gave her u verdict of V2Z0 damages. The Judge wouldn't accept the verdict, and discharged the jnry. .'Phis was the second trial of the action, the former having vesulted lu the Jury having failed to Nj'.nv a verdict. The . one buudredtli performance of "A Midsummer Night's Hrenw" will inks place nt the Adelnhl on Feb. id, nud will be cele- the gift of u.ailvcr match-box, benilng on one side a picture pf Bautoai, the Weaver, in his ass's aulse, and Tltanla, uud on the other the autograph luHcriptloii, "Wlrli the compliments of Oibo Stnatt," to each member nf the audience present, The first English pantomime ever .seep lu Helium was put on at tho Salle d'Larenlr, In Brunseln. a few days ago, by the. members of the British colouy. It drew u. lurge crowd, and was accorded every murk of approval. The story choson wns tnnt of "Clnderellu." A uew play, by the Rev, Forbes Phillips, vicar of Gorleston, based ou Guy Thome's fiunous novel, "When It Was Hark," will be pi-oduceil at Kingston-on-Thames on Feb. 12, A special feature In conuectlou with tbe play, which will appear lu nil the principal provincial towns nronaratory to its produc- tion in London, will be a lecture, which will be delivered bv. tbe vicar, of each town, en- titled "The HflBiirrecilon Restored." Mr. Phillips will put forward the theory, In dia- metrical opposition to Guy Thome's Idea, that i 'lu-hi.'.s body still rests In its far away Syrian grave, and tbnt It was His spirit only thai appeared to Ihe disciples. On Monday nlghl. while erperlmentinr Willi a new lire curtain at Italy's, the curtain became fixed nnd could not he raised. At one time It looked as If there would be do performance thnt night. The patrons were not allowed Into the bouse until it was found possible to move Ihe curtain, Which was acL'oinpllsbed a few minutes before nine. II. 11. Irving lu to give two lectures" at tbe Royal Institute, on Feb. 15 and 2*' hav- ing for their subject "The English Htaiie In the Eighteenth Century." When Cyril Maude nuts on "She Stoops to .Conquer" at the Waldorf, Leonard Boyue will bo the Young Marlow, Not having heon to tbe Lvceuth for some weeks, I spent my half holiday last Saturday at the house tbe late Henry Irving made famous; i found the bouse two-thirds full, a big business for a matinee, and the lengthy show wus viewed with appreciation bv all. Doaotoa, one-legged acrobsis, followed "a se- leotlon by the orchestra. Their act consisted mostly-o( Jumping over chairs, tho. feats being done remarkably well. A dramatic episode of, entitled "A Daughter or pleasure," wns commeudably. ncted • bv Ornlmmo anil Ilnrrlagton, Maxfotd and 0 Nell, programmed repimec comcdiann, held the stage for eight or ten minutes, with a mixture of Jokes and songs, Tbe.Cotfoh Illosroni Quartette, tour colored singers, for- merly connected with "in Imbomey," anng several of the latest American aongs splen- didly, 'i'bo Brothers Denu were on tUe pro- jjraroiaVaa "America's Dinclng ExpertB," but ruaderttftdd they are not frord ibe States, Their donc'ng. was eaceHotil, and at tbe'fin. WL they were ■ "hroto***' Mile, Ctotbllde •Dd her trained cockatoOB provided i very SCRATCHED TILL BLOOD RAN. onales on Face nW'iiead'-Tfcr^W <*t LIUIe .Wfttiery Sabstnnce-C^,,,,,!,,^ t'nre by Cutic-uru ttc-medlcK. VI will be glad-to glvfl anybody Hufferlug from eczema, any Information regarding Cutlcuca nenjiedltB.' Whfln my HtUe gin was about a year And a half old there de- veloped small pimples od her face, which went Into a scale which threw off a. little watery snbBtonce. Her, lieiiu waa, also n(, feHod with It, She Used u scratch' anil) It 1 bled, making very bod Bores. 'We tried twd or three salves, Including borax. They did not do any good, so I got some Cull- cura Soap first, and then used UM Cutl- cura Soap, Ointment.and Pills. They com- jiletety cured her, and we hnve hnd no more bother with ir.. Wm, F. Knox, 1210 Bo. ■acttf-BfctCTltawlplilo, ra„ June in, i'n03." excellent . ahoW, Morrle .hordo sang two boncii', ln r ,wlileb she ;.vn* joined in the - choruses! by ,tiie meinbers> of the iiiUOieo. .'..'.Frank- Bernard; assisted by Will F.; Scott And hum others, appeared Ja Mr. Bernard's .abaurdlty, "Helta" Mr. Bernard Is , a natural , Gorman comedian, and • .his broken English dialect pleased. Mr. Scott had ,n lot of work to. do, and ho did It well. Ooram, a new. ventriloquist, of whom all the London papers arc devoting much space to at tho present time, lived up to the many good things said of his work. Ums and Lawls gave a capital snow, which consisted ot .dancing, music . imd good comedy. Captain Seinia,nnd' Miss Alice, whose expert work . with revolver and title 1 commented upon so favorably. when, .they ware at the Palace some weeks .ago, have .added a young Jndy lo the' act. Who Is billed us Miss Nina. In mv Palace review 1 spoke of them ub Germans but J hnve been: told-that they nre of a dif- ferent nationality. They did the same mar- velous work! sad the new member added novelty, to the out.- Lowell., and, Lowell dissolved partnership Vine time ago. and Jimmy Is rehearsing a. new act wjlh Eddie jmhols, formerly of Orlf- Up.and Dubois, | 'Jbe new act wll be on tbe order of the old I. nnd I., act. Tbe'Kaufman' Sisters are at the Comber- well rnlace.rhjs week.. Their dancing novelty has pleased the provincial playgoers Immense ly. nnd the young ladles are naturally quite elsted over- fbetr < success. R, A v ;Co.sker, manager of The Encore since 18PS, and brother to Sydney Lee, tbe illu- sionist, succumbed to pneumonia at the age of twenty-nine, at hi? residence In Harrlngay, last week. Thi'. Belfast Pnlnee', now tinder the man- agement of Moulllot tt tic li'rece, was the scene of wild ettfltemcnt. Inst Friday night, und a fatal panic wns narrowly nverted. The imnliore und Utl.ings of tbe house were wrecked. Tft> principal,. attraction of the week was A hre nam oyer, theicowboy.-hypno- i int. On bhe-nlg)H mentioned the house was filled to. overflow lag, Everything went-well until,.Ahrensntcyer came on the singe and proceeded to, hypnotize a, young ladv,-after- ward placing upon her chest a large stone, which,, be .called upon any member, of tbt audience to come forward and-smash. 'A gentlomnrt Immediately responded, . but -he was objected to by tho gallery and pit. who ralsedjoud shouts of "he's one of your.-mn- federates." .One of the doubters present, ap- parently determined to find out eoi(ld uboitt.ihe runner,, made bis way on lo ine stage, nad Interfered with the exhibition by clinllenglng Ahronsmcyor to put nil bis powers to what lie considered to be n proper lest. He soon found himself among the mem- bers of (be orchestra. Immediately Jtelow the footlights.. .'j;bfs set t'be menthri-H ,oi* ilicnu dlcnce lo an uproar,.and after A,great many blows.',1ifld been struck, tbe. ilrepropf eurtalu wns lowored,,,, ,'lno manager .of the-jhouse!at- tempted to address .the crowd, but was fon:i><l to retfre, becauso of .the missiles thnt were hurled nt blnu . Flnnllr the police had to be called clear.the theatre,. r. „ ; Dare Devil Schieyec u in his .olghlh, week at (Bymala, and rit.Hi t-emtdns ihe ^tur (est are nt* the big Indoor,show. Since hn begnu the eugngi-mont. he "ban hnd offers to appear at ueurly all,tbe big continental cities, hut has not accepted apy of. them .'Qs v yet. Scbreyer,has been away from the StutDs.i'or over a year, and bos rather set his utlnd on going buck (his Spring or Summer to visit his family and Incidentally show at some of the big fairs. Hnt, as 1 said before. Oils Is not a certainty, as the continental offers are very tempting. Olymplu is not Ihe (lunmlal tuiect'Hs uutlclpated. The attendance Is very large ou Saturday, but during the resl of tho week the attendance falls off, nnd Is not of suflleloiit slxo to offset tho henvy ex- penditures of conducting the show. .The poor transportation to uud from Olympiu is one of, the principal .reasons fnr the. fail- ure Of the English public lo patronize 1h« big Winter, Palace. The building Is one of the largest la the world, and It seems a plly tbnt thii spectators arc not of larger num- bers. Oua Leonard, the "odd mngiclnn." re- ports meeting with success on Tils opening at Itliinlngbnm on Monday. Ferguson und Mnck arrived In London ten days ago, after n three months' atny In Souib Africa. T!ioy are at Belfast Ibis week; with Olaflnw to follow. Mr, Ferguson called dally at the ottlce while In town, add amused tbe boys with his atorlOB of tho old days, in 1S7S Mr. Ferguson nnd bht pros- ent partner's folber plnyed seven hulls' a day In London, which eclipses tho -present day record of playing triaro than one-hall tbe snme, day. They plnyed Iwo shows at the Alhambra, two nt tho Annnrliim, one nt Alnrt Fulnce, the Oxford nnd (he Favlllnn. They opened at the Alhnmhrn at two, nud finished nt the Pavilion nt eleven. Thomns Hnrrnsford's Alhambra, In ■ Paris, hna been seen red by the Parfs council for l-rlday night, when a gala performance will he given In honnr of Hie members of the London county council. Diamond and Beatrice, lately relumed rroat Australia, arc meeting Willi greater miceess than ever In the leading provincial halls. n ■ Jenle Jacobs Is thinking of making n flying trip to America. She has been extremely busy since her return from tbe States, early mat Summer. Collins . and Hawley, arid t.ooke and Clinton, the expert rifle shots, two of HUM Jacobs nets, nre a lilt on the Moss & Stoll tour. She has liooketl Whallen odd wont for the M. k S, tour for 1007. Another of her acts. La Uolle Estellltn unit Clovamt, opea nt Ihe PolflCB Feb. 1!.",. Miss Jacobs tried to get Jtimos Thornton to upon nt.Uie same house this month, Instead of his origi- nal date In .luoc. but Mr. Thornton, cabled that he could not set hack bis American booklucK. a Summer engagement In NOW rate bad heen booked t» Miss Jacobs.for llnrdcen, the linudc.titt manlnulntor. The Musical Johnstons write me that when they arrived al. Xewcnslle.on-Tyno,.Jast Sun- dhy. they were met at the station bv JOUh Kelly, stage nianngor of Ihe Umpire In that town, but formerly of the. Orpbelim, Qroatt- Hne. Mr. Kelly was stnge manager of the Vesta Tilley.Co., Joe. rinrt'a Co., and the Boss i\n<\ Kenton Show wben the Johnstons were wlih them. The old frlendB arc enjov- log themselves this week ■•Wlie and jOvnns are hooked to open ot tfaa Oxford on, Feb. 20, in n sketch, entitled ' Wanted, a Divorce." It was very fnvofnbly received at a provlneUil ball a few weekq a&>. f Manrlelft de Thtere, n "circle of death" motor cat rider, from the Folles-Berfere,