The New York Clipper (March 1906)

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MiBGHiS. THE- &EW ^POBK ^J^IPPJEft* rMDOoslble'.for mitch-of the buccctb of tlte Jfis Carr's Thoroughbreds, next week. B«l»iiUif'(K. J. altCuMffh, mnnager).— -On the -llrldgc ut MWnl|f)itr n ploy with a nint that ncrer losea Its griu oti the uudlenro, liml ft■d«ttl(. , ;rriiWlil»hmttt!■ tbnt la remark- ibr l» IwP M J 00 * w,,ek * J * a ' ,t w «* "■» Mse'llnTI. In/'Tho Hirfret Singer," did well. nndpfifSKa the SoUhc patrons. Illnck Pattl Co. licit we ek.' } ^ ■ ■■ HnrrlsiiUrir.--At the Ljreum Theatre tjf Itch*, 'manager) Sophie llrntidt. in "A Madam Wife***] ' wfb, 20, was n biff BWGfajt. 35 jtaw Miii" did fill 21, mid a. l. HlteWd'n nloVlug pictures hnd big buafueua Si Herbert Kelccy nntl Kffle Hhamioli made u fall hit 20. and "The Isle of Bout HoUg" dosed th* week 24. to record breaking buul* iicss. ■■ "Little Lord. Faudtteroy" cotuca 20. ■•ytrs. Letlirag well's Dootu" US. A. L. Hbcpard'H moving picture* March & upkha ilbinfl fM. HelB, manager).—"A Dcsnertite Chance" dm good business 10-21, mid "The Two Johns 1 " v una to crowded iioimea ■'&W. TM Chnmplln Stock Co. week !&»■.—l'rof. AT. 1'. McBilde, of this city, who directed the mlhstrels for the Atlanta rliv Blki, 'I', 20, w*«J presented with a hand- some gold ' ifntefi ox. hl» Elk frlundr*. The. „iic»ivwlu lie repeated tit Carlisle, Pu., alia this city, i'l»i- tin' leeucllt of Elks In theae M\,'tt Charles. l*ove11 has gone lo New Sdik lo loin -the. Dni-rium ft Duller force*.,.'. Th" A .L. Hllepard Moving Picture Co. laid nT here 24. —... ■ i ■ .—.—■ ■ Uhtoim. At the Xew Mlshlcr (I. C. MlKhler, uitttlngor) the attendance has been hia ever since Ihe opening of (lie house, which occurred Few. Jo. with Kloanur Hob- Mm "My Wife's Fatuity" carou 11), "in a M'omniia Power" 22, "The Two Jolilm" 21. nnd Kc'oey nhd. Shnuhoii. lu "The Lfarlltnlng rondwbr,'' 24, nil doing welt '"Hie i*le of Dorig Dong" "0. •'Sltuple Kluion Hlrnplo." ■.'7, '"hie Klernal City" March 1, "The Ten- derroftt" 2,"Thn Irish Pawnbroker" 3. FXEVEN'TH AVUM-K OVCnA UOtttO (I. C. ttMtler. 'tnonngeri.—The Chcattr l>e Voiide Stock Co. drew large audience* lit and week. j:nima.Hunting- Co. 'id and week. Myrkle nnd Harder Htock Co. March 0 and week. Sin r,.—At tlio Acittlwhy nf MuhIc, Trrone. 'The Tie (hat Utnda" cinic in. "Tlio Heal Widow Uroffa"S2 f nod .lolin \V. Vogel's Mln- ■treln 24. Norn.—A descrlpt Ion of the 3» w Mlnhler Tbeotre will Op found In ancithcr column'of tills week's Iwttie,— (Kd.'Clipi'bh.) i i • I . ■ ■ ■ i ■ ■' York.—At the York Opera House *D, C. i 'in/. maiiftKer) "I>c«erled at (he Alter," Feb. IT, gave a good show, to a good house. ■"Hie Hhow afrit 1l'„ pleoncd a very good niKllence. Kntherlnt Piirnell Co., ,20-2-1. *Hpie to fair business. "The Crime of Dh- ; tq" ;'H. -Utile l«rd Fauntleroy" 27, "TIir Two Sisters" 28, ".Mrs, lyefllngweirs Bootn" Marfh I. "An ArlM-tiirrartc Trump" 2, Flor- ence 'Hamilton*, In "The Renntor's Wife," H; ■■jl"i)t»v ll rt nllioiij" fl, "TIip Tenderfoot" 7. PAiium TiiBATHB (Wta, D. Pyle, manager). —The bill presented lout week wan well rc- . i V( »i ft inrludpd : .lernlnipt and Ilenfrew. HirryB. Leroy, Wrn. II. Van Elern, the Tann- i n, >lr. and Mrs. Chat*. U, flanioiond, aud the klaetograph. -- — i ■' * tteriinion.—At the Lyceum lA, J. Duffy. nwtiagcr) "The Murrlaae of Kitty" Feb, 'Ji. "'in. Collier .Mil I't'h f. "A MoHsnge from ftliht" 't. "Tho Madcap Prlnceas." Feb. 22. wnh well rccclred. .lunics K. llackclt and Mury Mniinerlng, 21, hud an overflowing llOllKt'. A<'AbKMV iA. .1. Duffy, mahuiicr).—"Me- 1'ndtlen's FIuim*' 9I0>*H. •'Ouwii of tie White Nnvctr Murcli l:t. "The lloiise of Mystery," I'Vb. 22-21. hud ffood Iiuiimch. * Hi-Ait (Alf. 0. llerrlliutoli, niumiger).— "J'hv lilno million tilrlH «-i-i'k or 20. The UmIb- Kiutley Co., lP-2't, liud lurice Limine*. 1'Aflu.Y (J>«n l<\ Alet'oy, manager).—A viiiiuVvllIu i-ompiiiiy, lieuded by Weeden nhd IiIh iloua, week of 2(1. Duslnesn cohtliiuen ;: hh|. ■ ■■■ ■>4.-^.. — ... i l.nm-UHl.-r. .11 I |,r L'ulluii Upr'in IIOUKO (I'lntH. A. Yuckur, in:uin«i'i'i "Dvtertcd ut the Altar, drew a (rood hotiso Feb. 111. "The Sliow Ulrl" did well 2U. "The Grim pi litilHANf*!*" canceled 22. "The Itoae of the Alliiiiiiht-u" hud hlx UiiKliiefs 211. "Utile Lord l'minileroy" hud two good Jiuuwk 24. Kntl:- rru Pnriifll ■ ■.,i i-uiupuliy, In reperlory, 2<1- "Miu-ch 0, nxentt 27. when "Mrs. LunwrniTl'll Jlola" will jit) IN 1 ■,■...•! (nl Family (lid. HMnyt unieiugcr).—Cm*- i"iu. (Uii'iirtliHii liiWude: Dttrtlell and Col- Hiih, Mllhtr.llros., Koiiourd Druw.. Alice l.llJ'J- wn, Tom • niiil (k'rile (lrlmi>t<, llnhy Uwouu :iml cOOipuOy, illill mtivllij,' plrllirPM. M*le.—At Hie MuJt'Hlle Tlieutre (.Tolin L. gllaOOi tunuiigeri "IVIieii Knlphthoud Wbm In Mowcr.'"Feh. T>, Virginia Drew Trescott ns Mnry Tmlor, wltli.tliie Hiipport throughout, Inn) very liirge utleiidiiiii-e, and mniiy cui-talu iuIIh were r«i«Mlwl unci gracefully reKpond- ed to. At. 0. ri'-'Ui;. MiimlrclH. uiutlnce anil evening, .'24, perftirined to lurge bnunaw. HunrleliA CroKman, In "As You Like It," 2«. Pur UraoA HSlflim— Large uiullMi, rontl- uoe aud nvenliift, tu> cheap ndmluMton, with iliif vitudcvllle, Mill 20 mid week, IfrunelKto ItiiUlliiK CO., In "ller l-'rleud from Texns." I*AHI\o KivAi'i.M; HlNK Still dl*UWB lurgC iitttMidunce, 1 , ' - ■ — .» 1 VVIIkcN-llHrrc—Al the Neabltt Thenlre 'II. A. Urown, iiinnuger) .luuiea K. Jlndcett and Mury Muiincrlng hud ». It. O.. and "A MudcHp Prliiccsh" drew a good huuse InHt wevk. "'I'lii' Murrtugc of Kitty" 2'i, lecture .'1, Wiu. Collier, lu 7 'Ua the Quiet," 28: "A alMMura from Mars"' ilurch 1, VuriiI'b Min- strels .1. GllANIt Oi'i;ii,\ Hum; Ml. \. Drown, limn- nger).—-Ln«t week, "The Douse 0/ Mystery luul fair,crowds, uud "A Desperate Chunci' drew 8. It. O. '•Ouwii of the While NlnvuT en 0 How of FlaU" Murchl-8. ■ 1 11" 1 tfAS&ACtlCSHTTS. I i I nfl i I 51 — Ue«ioii._jlr», .Lettlo Cnrlrr. In "AilrM." It In Iranujit nnd Hoy Invhi. hi "Mrs. tn»U nci\- bllla Ui treek or lvt. au. oiurr cIlllllBW ' ' JfiSSSPJ 1 ^ : V" '!■ !■•• »* ">' W*« I "Voiini liimilo,' nt lh<- Urnnrt otxn IIouu: "Jullii* Fit ''''.."'."" ! Clrtli! MqnuTC: "Iloaedille." Jl" 1 .? Uranj"-"""I "BmucMlgliU'of a (ireut \m?, nt the Kcwtloln Wqimro. Krcv thefi- in in U11 city icputlcu nlit hwoMa la»t nock, alul on lVn»!ilngtoit'« lllrtbtloi "oil BUlU (lilt k*j.« Jiimio.nt (Jno. II, dplwolTol. niBnoner).-. Mr.i. l.«lle fjrter lejlns o limited cnpiHe- ment. In reuHtorc on Pelk 2tl. "AffrSr will lie Ibt lilll for llic llrnl two n-eckj, to lie WM8; •■Mel.'ntlaen'o l:».l,ii,. ai tlio Alile Oiicrn llouie (W. K. Uetwlllpr, tuftimgei-t Sock and Itiukin plnj- n, l.«lt,yone Htudents. Feb. 14. wns fl com- Mlflc Mtieees, In evei-y MMHct "Tlie Crime vt ■JulxMiti" ami "iTie Tie Mat l)lnu«," 1". I>»tli olnyed to fnli-ly aooil bllslneNB. Kclree "lid Slinnuon, In "Tkt, Mulillilllg t'ondiielor. ' dill good liunhiewi 21. Kirk Drown Co.. fortlie reit or tlio week of II) drew large nnd ex- I'i'liilonnlly well ittrnNcd Biiillencci. nt tivo nerfoi-iortuecft eueji duy, their oueccfKi belnit diir lnr«ely to lln? HtecoMlCul niiinner In wlilrll lliey bundled plnyN of a lilirber rlnM tlmi, ordinarily i.ruduml by n repertory eom- IHlny. ceorgtn MliiHtroln -'0. mff. ChirlM I-.. KlmiiKu. i,R»lnted l,y Hie very liest Inlent, )n "1'he JIeH«lnIi" 27: I'loiem-e iinnillloi, 2*. In "Beerct Hervlee : Die rtnnnwrty floy" Mureb 1. "jkh. r«nin|Woir« Boon" S, "Mi- tlf I*rd Fnnntleroy" ^. catliorlnc ■ rurucll Mtork Co. 5-10. Wllllnmsport.— M tbr r.yeomlng Openi lloime ll„ ,7. pi,i<. mniiagert Clinrle, K. ' itimplln Co, did Immense TmslnenH t'eb, in- -I. "Tl,e f'rlnre ('Imp ' enneeled 27. 'TI,o I'ntrt of Chlento" mrr.ll l!-.t; Vitidcrllle ">■ J. noli, Allen, In "Tlie Tonat of the Town" ".; Porter j. \vhlte 10. Read REMICK AD. PACE 70. followed later by "ZrtHu" und "Du Bnrrv, During the past fortnight Paula Rdwarden. in iritieess lleggar," scored u decided suc- cess and attracted capacity business. Paiik IChan. Trohtnan. Rich ft Hnrrla. maiugerfcl;.— For the current fottntglit May Slff n .»"'. rehew °W *ctpinlnttincen witli "Mrs. liiavk la BMl 8 She ftllowa a fort- punt of Hue bunlncfcH aud Increased pm>n- iKl/ te.. B ** w | Kdeion. In "Strougheart,'* WU!Ie Collier comes 12, la "Ou tho Quiet." IJou.ib StiiLBT (Isaac D. Rich, mannger). —Vlllltiin II. Crane enters upon his second SI" lD a ' w '. TClt of , " ll,c AwHcan Lord" Feb. 20. The play linn |jm cordially received ijy rge nntl cut 1 Dirge nnd cutltiisluiitlc aadietirca'.""ilkanor Doiwon irlll follow In "Jlerely Mary Ann" and ' ine um wim nas Mrci-ytiiitig." Col-oxtAL (Clme. Fruhman, lllch ft Harris. Mnatcttl.—Frank Danlcla, lu "Hei-gcn:il Drue, ■**«*-»■" '-••— l.-.-i— —-> ~i The Ulrl TOO Has Mvelythlhj —C1U (Clme. Fruhman, hid ■a).—Frank Danlcla, lu attracted large houses and pleased liiiuiciiMly durlnp tin- ftrwt liolf of IiIm fort- night's stay. On March T,, Illchnwl MansHi'ld will begin his atmual euKUgeuicui lu MMf* tory. Uohtox (Lawrence Mccarty, manager).— way Down Kast" lo now In the second and Inst week of its annunl vlult to thin houa?. Uunang dm been very watlBfaetory. and llie ploy In an popular an ever. It will ho »d- lowed Murcli .1-24 by "The Pearl nnd the !'• in pk Id.'- Majkbtic fHtuIr ft Wilbur, laanagcrm.— Two wen of cauuclly builneas have been credited to (lie biblical play. "Mlzjiuh," .iad proBperlly prouitics to coollnne during tbe remainder of thn engagement, the end of which la not announced. iJuims (Stnlr A Wilbur, manager*).—Kolb nnd Hill, appearing In "I. O. I'., open Moo- day aftemoou. Feb. 20. for a week"* engage- moil. Muiiri K. Wllllamti, a loeul fnvorHe. D Iiroinlnom In (h« east. David HlggluB m- oycil a reek or excellent biiHinetw with "Ills For week of ilnrch fl, .ant Dollnr. Kternu! City." (JtiASD tivKHA Houai: (deo. w. Macca, man- ogcr).—"Young Duffnlo, King of (lie Wild Went," 1* KchcduJed for nine iterfoi'inaurnit thW week, following "At the World's .Merer." which held prolllahle pokschsIuu la«t week. Next Mik, "King or Ilia Oiilum Itlng." C.isri-K Mqijaiik (UoMton Hinge Koclely. uian- agertt).—■'Jnllun Ctesur" will ho the offering ot tile Htock forces (bin week. Johh l-'rnlg nod Ullhin Ki'inhle will jduy the leads. "The Secret of FultchlneHc" uleased the pati-oiw Inut week. For week of March o, "The Futnl Card." ]-:ni'nti. i Uii.f'in.v MoiIkou. iuuu>)per).— Howell IIuntie] heads the Htock company, In u ivvlvnl of ''lioactlnle." for the current week. Urnce Atwell linn been upcclnlly en- gaged for i iii<! pioductloo. "Dorotliy Ver- non of HSddon fliill" attracted One patron- age during the pnat week. Mary Hall, In (he title role, udded to her already largo popularity. In rehearsal for nest week, "WIipii We Were Twenty-one." Hi: wi.ihn H'ji'.uii: ((}. I,. Lollirop. niiiim- gerj.—The Lolltnip Ktnck Co.. MMMd he Charles Miller nnd I'hnrlottc Hunt, will pa neen the eurreni wefk In "Henrcbllgliti, of n Brett Clly." "Kluc of the Defttert" whm the bill which illifi the house lnnt wppIc. NpxI week. "New Knghind Folks,"' wllh Hurry La Marr. KHIflCH ffl. K. Kelili. uiunuger).— Hurry Houdliil, the "king of hundculTs, Is Hi.* un- derlined feature on il well blllaiK-ed hit! for week of Feb. 20. The Murroimdlng show In- clutk 1 * i Hour) anil Ylvlet Alt en, the Four CoIIiiIh. rhu Iluruiuiiy Four, the Ortaiieys. Post uud ItiiHHcIl, Dud Hinder. KutherfiK! Illoudgttud, (tun'Drtino. Die Weavers, Uurrlly Sisters, Mr. uud Mim. Lneler, Hnoiiii. Gruve Loiinnrd, mid new motion ph-luroK. The hoiix 1 : wn. illicit lo Hs ii'Kul iiipuclty all Inst week. The indBl pnniouiiifd favorites were: Frank Hi-vmt'H "IVuee CojigreftM of American Ulrla," Jul ii C. Illoe iiml Hully Cohen, and Prof. Wiiodrurd'H trained nntmuN. HinvAiit- H'ui'l D. Lothntp. biislnosK munn- Korl.—The bill for week of Pel,. 2(1 Im one nt nniiMiml excellence mid iiHrnes; Konta, Nor- ton nnd Nicholson, Kutle Ilooin-y, Aer'nl Hmlths, Harper,.Dewnond nnd IttirrlH, flurry i.n Mnrr, CUM. a»d Iw Ahearn. HocVh bull lerrlel-a, Curdoftiile Hlstera, Mile. Nelrolu, WIIhoii und Mae. MeOloln und Smllli. Moin. rcrbrr, I lie HowiuilMcojie, nnd the Dowmtl llurlesipters, In Ibe new uongrest, "2," fur Trouble." During the punt week Hut Iioiihq watt crowded lo lis utmost capacity. The Wn MiiwhIIm heuded a tine bill. Palaci; IChds. II. Wuldron. nuiiinger).--- ltose Hydell's Neiv London IJelles Co, th ih« ntlriicllon here for week of Feb. 20, follow- ing I lie ''olih-t! Crook Fxtriivnoan/a Co., valck enjoyed a week or lino huslaeas. I'oi.rsiniA (Hurry N. Furren, ronnnger).— The llrlgudler BurtflMumii hendetl hy hdwnnl llnves .mil Adelu I'liluiei*. provide the current ciiii-rhihimrnt. The Fny Fouler Co. (fiive » rim- alioWi and Ultraeled bijj crowds lust week. Tlu> umuteurs hold forlh »n Friday nlgblx, Lrcnrai (O. u. Datebajlan wuiuger).— The nirerlnc (or week of Feb. 2(J Is (tie Diilnly JUtclmsH Co. During Die, pas! week grcul crowds were present: u* wliiiess ihn ex- cellent hIiow given by the Parisian Widows Co. At-Will ft Htoxk'r tfVflftOU (A. D. White, iiHiniiger).—In llie curio lialls, second and lln-il week: .luxcplilno Myrtle Corbln, the fixir-legued clrl: '/An, Darniiin's original "What Ii* Itf" Jolin Ttll's marionettes. >lar- zottl, erphnslonlit nnd dislocation!*!: Kitty Wtit mid Dun (Hllett. leh'puthy and oilnd reading ; Prof. Illjey, one mun baud ; Trlxlc. ipieen of snake rhnrmcrn, und Den Hur, the fJant Hiuikc. In Hie WW theatre are ■ 'uneU'a Mlnnirel Muldn, inlrodiirlug Pearl In-hiff, Ida Campbell. Irene Youna;, Mabel J,oekhurt. Merlatn Muriel, (jrnce Ma/.elle. FdHh Melrose, hottle Ulttncbard, Evil Walk- er, llnrrv Powell, ('hurley Clarke, Ueo, I»*os- tci'. Charley Knrrell und Cotton nntl Hcott, Joe Hm !'1miii, Lillian Wcoliters. Archer and Cm telle ami Win. Ilevcrly. The holiday Wd!K cniwils were euormuus ut (his rcsoi'l. Wai.kku'k Mi'H>x*M (L. n Walker, maun* (fir).— t.'urlo luill, week of Feb. 2d: Mile. <'Ilium], sword Hwallower; ModIiiuii Jack and Murttiinn. hii|)uleiuelll net: .Inmen Morris. clecii-Ic skin mun, uud Dr. tiuilih. the simp king- Stage ahow: Nellie Hurtford's I!1k DiirlcJ-qiters. Olio—The Tumors. Mr. and Mrs. Felix Martin. Dinin.-li Lorlug. Deuc U'Dar, uud Ulnuch Havoy. lluslness Is Due. Nickki^uihox fO. K, Cherry, manager).— Week of Feb. 20. curio hull: Murtba Wngrn- fiibi-er, "Mnld of Magnrn Falls Itnpldn;" Joe Crnmec, liumnii ttlralfc: Frank Dwyer, wlro walker; Arthur Steele, cartoonist; Prof, fthcr- ii ;ui s trained ikigs. and a beauty couieHt. Httigo «h"« : KiKter mid Warren's DurlcMinc Co., In "The Furniture Mun." Oilo—Muxlc ilnrdner, Madeline Stewart, Adn Htern, .luck Suiter. Dert Warren, riarold -Murray, Cecil lllukc AMec Melvlu. Delle McCnrron, llarluti litdcrkln. nud Helen Adatns. DmdncM con- tinues 1>I«- NttTKa.-—Huuday eoneerl tills Feb. 25: llitnton Thr-itn Drludainiiur. Weed's bull terriers, Dixon and llnlmes. CouUmi nnd lliighcs. vontiL' nnd Ilrooks. Carter and 'fay- Inri ttii'i /.--I' in and To'mnn. Mix well and Ford, nnd Frnn-'HII winter". ITitntoin tfu-itwrr—Fire *Mow«t8. Seymour nnd tllll, tojbv und Muv. (liudwkk Trlu, Urook^ Brviv. Toledo und f'ike, MUihlc Hurrisolt. Jaates Mni-ruy. .Ichliclt DraL Uw neifonlef. The Ilulliruokfi, nntl Frederick. Globn .Uw- yi.'stiV-Jncliaen Fatally. Ithoda Hoyni. Smith nhd Fuller,, l'ltlds und Word. Mnddox and Melvln. r.u Mnrr and t-lvnns. Murphv and Froncls, Hownrd.and Howard, Peter Urlflln, und Piiyiou. Younp nnd Mttrrell. Ativhvnlv' ItfM— llostun Munlelniis' Churtlable fund benefit roticer* The new Mu«dr Hull y.o'i la now open "Wonderlnnd." a lien* atutifietneut park nt llovcre llcncli. Is nesrtng couipletlon, und will be opened May 'lu, Floyd 0, Tituiiipsuii 1t« the gencial raau- ijHr of the otiterprlw!.. ..Manager Isniic D. Ill.-ti. of the II611I". Park and Colonist, wnu the recipient of ninny well wlshera on the oeeoslon of hi* seventy-ninth birthday, which was celebrated lust wok The uok show at Mechunlcs' Halt. Feb. 20-2». was well at* tended... .The Paul UrlenelT Dnsslnn Players will give ii series of special matinees at Die Purk Theatre, Tor the fortnight commencing March &...,..Mme. fCmma Calve and her concert company appeared at Hyinpliony Hall Feb. 24, before an Immense audience. Tlie Flrat Corps of Cadets will present "Miss Po- cahontas, ' at the Trrinont Theatre. March T. as a testimonial lo II. A. Darnel, Die auUior of twelve of Iholr successful productions..... The Anniversary Number of Tiik Ct.iri'Ku made a big hit Ih this city, and newsdealers reported tucin "selling like hot rakes." II ii Hi—,| —— .. l-oivcll. —At the t.'i'.wM Opera llouse i l-'ny Bros, ft Hosford, ninndgcrs) tho vuude- villi; sensun cloaid lual week, with mi excel- lent bill nnd good butducBs. iMeasrs. Fay Dm* ft il■jMtord uuld the bouse to Culm ft (iruut, who will inuUD. drama for the fu- ture, the current attraction being "As Ye How." for Feb. 20 and week. The Sunday concerts have pleuwed tilled houses. AcAliriMY «f Itrahn (Richard F. Murphy, manager).—"The Senator," with Alexander Von Mllxel and Evelyn Yaughan In tile lead- ing; roles, wftl given by the stuck last weak, to big buslneia. Tlie cotupuny gave excel- lent support. "Tbe titcnuil Clly" la this week's attraction, with Isabel Fletcher, who return** to the Academy for the remainder of the season, in the leading role. The house Is (Died twlec Simduv at the concerts. HATitAWAV'H fFrank 0. Mack, resident niunuger).—Another all star hill aud capacity lent week. 1-Mdle Leonard and company and the Patty llrotliem were big Kucceaties. The current list Includes : lll«>. uud Pievost. Five Mowutts, Fdgnr Alton nmt company. Dlick aud .Ioiiur, Maddox and Melvln, llawlboi-nc and Hurt, Cndleux. uud the rltograph. Tlie house Is filled to overdowlng nl the Sunday concerts. llosTux U: II. Tebheits. uinnngcr).—Dusl- ii""« conilnues to eupaulty, with M, It. O. even bias. The hill lust week was headed by tlie VuldlngH. tmpev:o gymnasts, who were do- sonlnu of **|>cclul men I Ion. "The (,'ountry Slorc' and pniateitr stock company an big mugiiL'tn. Currenl : The uiovlng iilcturea of the I'ltKrilniJiniiiH-ii'Drlcii light will be feat- ured, nud the othert ate: Atplia Trio, (l«o. Adiitiis. Fritncls aud Dodgers, Alex Drlsson, and the Ponton bioscope, featuring "The llitycle Thief." Sunday concern, to H. It. D. rgUFUht (Harry A. Woodward manager-. --'Ilila house has been renovated to make it larger seating capuclly. The nl tractions will be burlesune. the Ihcnirc liclug the ono cuter- lug to this class of uMuscment, und tlie H. It. O. sltfii Ih dlspluyt'd several eveitlngii of Die week. Una Mulluuiby wan a big socecm with custer Hougti last week. Dill for 20 uud week: Dollle CDlTor(l> Dulsy Durleuuue Co. and olio—May Wilton. Annie Cook. I5va Clhi- i-iii Dentrlco lluttinway, Hazel Welsh, Annlo Clark, Lkilllu CIIITord, nnd ihu favorite co- incdlaii, lltirry Hurns, and bin burlesque, "A Night hi (lu*Hiig HoiiHe." AnrAt>n (On \\. Curey. ronnngi'rj.—Dnsl- nr-u has rjeon ov-'JIont (bo ptisl. week. Ml;-.iimv. —Hurt on Wllllunis hits retired from the Academy of Music Stock Co.. nlso ficin Nil* pi^fi'nslou, and has gone to his form In Hustcrii Mulue lyonald Meek, of the Koverln Do Deyn Co.. left for New York City Iran. 1"». At (he lust meeting of the Lowe!! Bin, No. 87. Mr. Meek wuh re- ceived us a itu-mber, und presented with an elegant KbV charm by the Uohcmlnn Club. West Luffy aercred his eonuecllun wllh the Aciidemy or Music Htock Co., nud returned to New York Clly 111 The new Km pi to Thealre, Plltstteld, Mass., manage- menl J. (I. Tcbbctts, of (bo local Boston, had Its opening Fch. 12, uud wan tilled lo over- fliiwlug. Tlio jutrronti Included 111 tnnyorand cllv ciMtnrll The cnlerlnlners were: Dnle und UoskI, Illi-e Dros.. Uiura Onhvny. Swift und JtiirkU-v. Chudwlck 'IVIo, Kurt to nud IhiHse, nnd Ilusti-n(ml songx, by (?lins. Jones, ntnl niuvim? pictures of "Unllles." The house Is unsleled ufter Hie i;ngllsh mushv halls, having In rife promonndes, und Is lilted wllh every Modem convctilciiro for lite comfort, nurl safety >r putrotis. It-Is flnlKlied In rosn unil grcDii, v.-liti green carpet* nnd draperies. (mil seats 1100. The dressing runms have hot und cold water, nud u lounging room 4-oiiuected. Tlie scenery In eleguut, nnd la the latest :iuiJ best tliroughout Tlie linglcs tire prepurlnc for n elnss Initiation of over one hundred new njemlttrs nt their next meeting, und 1'kldlc Ilurkc and Pan Mc- Cnie, ot the Ilulhinvny staff, me to present (heir original "Mack nnd Ills Master." inii niv4-r —Al the Acadumy Of Mush: (Culm ft Grunt, niumigers) Francis' Wilson, In "The Moiintuln ('limber.' r'oh, IP, was en- joyed in ii fair slxed uudlcnce. Adam (hiud Co. uinde Dh hiltlul niiiieuninco here 2P-2-4, to Si*11- liiislucm HoNslc Overton und imuny Hiumons, voubrette und eunipdhin, respec- tively, are clever, nnd Ihclr supisirt' ts good ttH(Hii,'liniil. Phelaii K(oek Co. 2U nud week. Muuditlllll ii Co. Mm oh fi-10. Savoy (Al. Hnyncs, miiiiuger).—L;>»t week's bill. Headed liy Hm Military, OcP'Uo uud the iiti-1 with tlie Dnton, was a Mtron;; one, nud drew capacity houses nt all per- foununces. Dill week of Feb. 2U : Dclln I ■\,x l Charles (Juyei* and Ueth Stone, Joint Ardello and her Inlcy Dinks, Homers mid Luw, Dllly Link und Wllleli (.'harleru, Halmols Tm'ine nf acrobats, tieorge If. Alexuuder und klueto- gl-ajih. siinuuv'u (C. K. f!ook. umuoger).—flowl lionscs were the rule here last week, with an lulorestln'K hill, headed hy Una Kdwitrda' Kehuul Doyn and Mils. Hooked 20 and winik : Kni It.ivcii (,'ndets, lillroy, Iluynes und Monl- gouicry, A'liimliii • Tn viur , Wunderlnir Min- strels. TenJI Troupe of Oriental Wizards. Peter Die <Jreut, Ihwobert Duo, Muttroc, Mack nud Lawreuce. and o|illscupo, DosT(r\ (Cilia, HehlesatngiT, loanuser).— Wii'k or 2(1: Omar, Mck'eevor and Katilry, (ooju-r aud Cramer, Den .loliusou. Frank Morion And Hob HomM-vlllc. fcnthcrwclghi wrestler!', miicllna till lomors. and Orfentul Dm-leNi|ti(-rrt. ItiislnoKs is very good. NlOKKl.oirt:oN (M. V. O'llrlen. iiinuiigcr'i. -■- Oood shown nnd goml business ruled lust week, lilll week of 2'J: Cordon Slst»rs. .tobu Muck, Kny liml Taylor. Auger and Dcuno, Klsle Ilulunl, und optlscope. Lynn,—At tlio Lynn Theatre (Frank (i, Harrison, luutugcr) tbe Koe Htock Co, played (o tine busbies* week of Feb, IP. Tlie Henry Clay Durunbee Opera Co. MnrWi 1. Hubert ICdeson. Hi "Hiroiigheart." 2: Wtu, II. Crane C, Jerc McAuliffc Stock Co, 0*10. Ai/nirottitu (Hurry KatKes, mnnaffer). -- Last week's bualoc-u< was the largest of the season, hill week of Feb. 20: Do Muths, Nanon JucQiieh. (Joruinu nud West, Irvine- (Tuiarou Trio. Dtandou nud Wllar. tho vii- loge Choir, Kamo'ti Kngllib Pautotulmo Co. and the vllugraph. (Jrsi (f'liarlen W. Khenfe, mnnnger).—-This hotice eomltOM lo piny to big audiences, Dill week of 20: Dave RtnteUa and Orace Lyouui, Dddle t<nd Mac Meobtins, Helen Jen-ell. John WMaien. Letv Terry ana Jhntnie TrttArtr. TttAtfafa (V. w. Lo'CUtt. ttikfl- l.ntig. Mb the movlna pictures., • k , , after*.- ---Vouoit Rufftilu" catoe. lo nig attend- SALKM Titunl, Jflftm (Utiirao-11. Cheat- ufttv, Dl-24. "The llutmi of M)aler.v" '-ID ham, iiinimgeri,—Tlte Dnnlel it. Ityan Co, played in cnpaclly mislnesa lust week, trnnu Myers nud hvr slock company, f^r six days, opening 2tl. i NoTta.—Muttnger Hurry iCatxec. of Die An- dltorlum. bus under consideration n probosl- IIM to UerniiH the wnuiigiM' of Oracle FmiUcll next season. She frill no out on the rond with ".Mrs. Muriihy's tsccmid Husband," a three get farce rotUcdy. ■ » - VuHii Adiitu-*. -At the Cinjiiiv Thcnlh' i.tolm F. Sullivan, manager) Cosgrove Stock Co. did excellent bu«lnc*s week of Fe. IP, excepting 20, when Henry Clay tlnrttnbee. In '■t'luvcrueil," came to fair business. "The Mi Do Oray Lady" 28. Lawrence D'Orsay, lu "The Kmbaaty Hull," MiD/ch 2. Ft a-tl.Mo.vo TRSATH law, P. Mcadc. mun- flgeri.—nuslne-s sllll continue)' to be first clns« nt this Mill week of Feb. 20: Joe. Myra nnd •'Duster' 1 Keaton. Knunett uml McNeil, Cludk Maunders, lie Yeaux nnd He Yeaux. the Dntdena, Khatdo. nntl Die vita fraph. Vaudevllto will be suspended March , when Jeffenon 1K> AngelU will appear In "Fantnna." Mnnnger Meade held another aucconaful nuiktcur ulght Feb. -*i, and tl. mnde a big lilt. Xoti:h, —'Die Frnleriuil Order of Uuglcu will hold u snored concert nnd pictorial te- proilucllou of "OUerntntnergaU." Its poopln und plays, Sunday nfteru-Kin and evening, March I The stuge tncchunlea' itukm has elecletl llie fifllowlng ulUcera to serrn for the ensuing year: Preslaunt, Tbotnun Hauley : vice president, Jamca P. Kelly, recordini- t-ccretury, JuHeph P. Farley, flninrlal secre- tory John Pcndcrgau!; trcuuurer, P, II. Muck: «.'vgf"int Ht arms, l<ouln Noel, execu- tive committee—Thomas HiuDcy, 1'. II. Mack, Joaeph P. Parley and Jamca P. Kully. Hiiri.iirfioiit. --.\i ilu- Court Square Thea- tre hi, o. (ilhnorc, mnnnRer) the chlldron front llie Drlyhihldc orphanage gave a con- cert Feb. 20, whlrh brought In good returns. "Lincoln," lu whlclt Uenlnmln Chapln uo- Itcars lu Did title rule, did Hue bualness 21- 22. "Clov^dull" 2D, Dlnnebe Walsh 20, ,lnu Knlwllk 2ft. Moxlue. klllutt March 1, lllcliarri Mutisileld 2, Vvoile Otillbert (I. N'uw (DI.IDIBI1 (P. F. Shea & Co., mnnn- gers).—"The Holy Clly," 10-21, appeared to the patron*. l-*d. Young Html* Co. week of 20. , l'<i|.i's i.l, c, t'rldille, reshlent manager). —DiHid vuudcvllle packed the hoime Inst week. I'd. Keynnrd nnd Ills talking nutoiun- ions, Htnttli nnd Fuller, Prof llei'tnauy'a (togn. Neff ntid Miller, Mile. Trojn, Ihirros l;inM,, Plnrco und <lpp. nnd elccti-ogrnph arc picked to cntcnnht ibis wrek, Nixny.v IP. F. Hhen .V Co., inuueuers),— cturlt'fl Huimway CDrts, 111-21, outclassed all Its predee«*saorH and "stood them up." Tlio Durg Misters nnd other principals were good, the chorun comely, well trained uml exquis- itely ciisiui'-cil. uud (he whole show elubor- nlely utftgcit. >'nuhy Fulr lhirlcsu.ucrs Feb. '.'(I-2H. Clark's Uunaway Utrls (relurn) Murcli 1-R, I'lii! Shorldan's City Hjiorts ,1-7. Nuiua.- -All who wished to see Clark's Itunaway UlrN were unable to gain admls- sloli, no Diey will piny a return dale il (he Nelson Theatre March I .'! Carl W. Hcholtx, liiunln'. nt Cult's Theatre, has Hslguud tj devote 1 his llmo lo u business preposition, nnd will be succeeded by William II. Mitchell. ...Waller Hbcan, of the Court Hipiure Then ire 1h>x '.tlli-e has ruslgtusl.,.. Daisy Qaty Is playing wild "The Ucuuty nnd the RaMl' Co., which Is playing ht llie West. iiuzel Hary is with (lie Viiasar (Drls, In vuudevlllo, nud i.uiite (Inry Is pluylug Irani- Initio, with u Indies* orehoslrtl lu New Hen* ford. Minnie, the fat llussluii faulty. him been on exhlblllon til Die food fair, which wns held nt tlie Armory last week Lvttion 11. lluwo'* uiitvltig pi' tines ni-e to ex- hibit In ton mulnhult unite Meraurlul Church PnrbVh Hoiiho Feb. 2H. Kriv nedford.— At the New Dedford TlM-aIW ' Win. II. Cross, loniiiiger i Irmin Mever«i Co. CUM week of Feb, fli, to good biielnesH. Week of 2u. Jcro McAulIffo Cm, mTHAWAY'N TllHAYHH (T. D. llnyllos, muiiuger).-- Csunl good Imslncss for week of Hi. lilll for week of 20: Patrice, Kddlo Leonurd, 1'ull v tttoH., Walter C- Kelly, I'M. I'osier nnd uog. Klska uud King;, Irene Leo. and vltnc;ruph. HAVOY Tnr.ATiiK (Iliirk & Durry, ion tin- pers).—Csital pocked houses, Din sUiek cunt- nany producing "Hewure of Men." Week of 20. "A Womun's Knemy," Norn.—D. it nufllnffton. u roruter tncnl manager, bns tiled n petition of baukrupcy. i ' . l,u«rcticp,— Al the Opera House (Omul tit i.'itIiti, iittinugersi the Myrklo-llHider Co, held Die h<iarils week of Feb. IP, lo good business. Hhi'iuird's moving pliiuros luul good ltoiiM-i 2r>, liiehtdlnir mnllucc. Hooked week of 20. Hareoitrt Cptiictly t'o. ('"in,-- mi, (Al. Hnyncs. manager).—-Dig business roiithiueM. Chunulon proved u big iiniwiiiK card week of 111: Hooked week of 2tl: The Military OcleDe. Hlxuu and Holmes, Mosher. Houghton uml Mushor, Lltlluu Hliuw. (lutes ami Nelson, Clnroncn Hlsicra, Hooker und Corbley. nud kluetogrnph. - " -'■■ s W«n<cwli*r.—At Die Worcester Thentre (.las, F. Hock, lesldeul mnnnger) Itklmnl Muiisildd will utipcar In "Ueau Hruntmcl," Murcli 0. Hubert DdcMou, lu "Slrunglioiirt.'' ti. Friink Diinli-iM. In "Hergcultl Urue," \i). "The Mduciitlon of Mr. I'lpp," Feb. 2D. At** lu rge ullelidaiice. "How llcnrls Are llrokeu" hud fair pntroiiugn 22-21. "1'he Chimes of Normnndy * 20. 27, by sludeuts of Hie School of Oiwiit. FlMSKIJN KgiAIlK ( innnui tune.' Tho first doy, mat Imre and night, being for Hm benclll of till* Odd Fellows' llotnr. Lust week the eonipuuy produced "Under Dm Hed Hoc." lu I'xtvtJcni returns. Mr. Jurrclt and Mr. W.'l- Dnms carried off the honors. Pa iik (Alf. T, Wllpnt, nmutigei-j.—Week of Fob. nil Mr. nml Mrs. FM. Dsmonde, in "In Allien ;" Hem's Trotiuo of uerunts, Vio- let Hulc, Ilyron and Langdnn, lu "The Dude Jiolectlve;" Ilarrlgan, the Juggler: Kliubull Und Ootiuvan, Ilu- chudwlck Trio, lu "Hunk Hoover's ITulldiiy." uud the klnctogruitli. IluslucMM excel Ion l. , I'm. i'h D'htlM, W. I'lmd.:, resident ijijumi- t-Ht-i.—Week i»f Mi Vhglnlu Karl und her ".l(.!iniil'> :" Hlunrl, the mill'' 1'utll: Itossou- SlldgetH. Felix. llnrrv nud Co.. In "The Doy Next iHJor:" Three Navitrros, Hnyiniiu mid Fronkllti, (he Three Doses, nud the electro- kruph. ItiisDiess lo almost coustutit cujuu-Dy. pAi,Aci!.--Wwk of 20: Alvtireifu 'I'rlo, Hiirkhart ilud Derry, Hun MMlumbley, Hal tie Hlxey, tbe Two- Daleys, mid Hm btirlesmie, ' t.'asey's luvuiitluu." ■ Tiiwninn.— M Hie Tn mi i.nt Thcarre ICHhU A Cross, niniingprs) "The Old Clothes Mun" Proved s rcry pleasing nitrnetlon Feb. 2(t, iicptinl's moving pictures did My business hficrnoiiii and evening 22. Henry Cluy (fair* bnbec, hi "Cluvi-rdell." March -1. «,» CANADA. and week, "The Ulrl of tho Hlrects" follows. Tni;vrnc It'.v.M. (II. C. Kgerlou. rnatu- ger),-—Tlie Dainty , Parep t?u, .bad ■ good M- rulpts ltt-21 Tbe Fny Foster Co. 20 *Dd week, the, HiTwiulii is next week. tDKttUK JjlATIttKAl,. VllAHCMH (0. Gail- vrvaii, iBWlnavft. — Tim mrmuticut l»*rihcu Mntk compiuy. In "]," ltenun d'Argenr." drew fiitKlionaes ln-24. "The llerrhant of Yerilew" (lu French) 2U and week, "Lo Petit JnrHtiPi" ncxl weak. TJiE.iTnB MM NoWKAirTEM (H. ItaTCUX, manager).—The prrraancnl Frehelt atock tniitpatiy, Iti 'Leu Jules tie In Patornlle." hud fair attendance 10-24. "L'ltnrtlnet"- 20 and frock, "Lea ISrretirs ilu Mnrlnge" next week. WiNimon it. m.i, Kubeiik, tho violinist. Feb. 20. 8tasliv Ilaui,. — Oernrdy, tlio 'eeltlat. MltK'll 0. ■: Not*.— Tlte Dominion Park will bo the latest addlllon to the Summer ranuil* In Montreal. It will be situated on tho banka or Ihe St. U iti euro Diver, wltbln thirty tnlnutcs on the mis from tho heart of the city. Tho nuiutgeiuvi't have secured an Ideal spot for ibelr enterp-rlac. IL A. Horsey, wko built the Twin City Park, Is the president and manager or tlio new company, whlrh augurs well for the wuceess of the park. Cov- ering tirtoen acres of ground. Dominion 1'urk win ho ott ii lurjfcr ncalo than Ibu Twlu Clly Wonderland, upon which plnn-i the new park Is facing bull!. Among the nttrnctlons Hint are uuw i" luir built, are the acenlc railway, chute Hie chutes, the infant Incubator, tho Johnstown Flood, the old mill, myth city. etc. Them will also bo free vaudeville attrac- tions, k Urge dinning puvltlnu, nml a reu- lunrani. Uloctrlc lights will ptny un Import- ant port in tho nltmctiouH. Tho park will be opened on Muy l.\ ■ HI. .lolin.—Ai the Operu Homo (A. O. Hklliner. innnoftci') the Wnttc Comedy Co. dosed ItB oogageiueitt Feb, I", presenting "Tho Mvhioi-loits Mr, ltaKles," lo good busf tir-HH, Two otisli prlxea were given 17. ono for the boldnr of tho lucky ticket, ntid the oilier for the "Jiohtellest innu preslint." Ton Kdnard Fills Co. opened n return cngage- motii of three weeks Hi, to good buslaaan, presenting "The Ittijnh," iktra Iloolb, Kvelyn V'rnnclf, lid. ISDIa nhd Deo. Turner deserve meniton, 'J'lie company did not play 211. 314, when "Tbe Devil'* Auction" was the attrac- tion, but rcnuoTwl 20, The Kills Co. pre- s.'iiiml "A Htrciiuotts Time" i.' Madanjo Albanl and cnniimiiy 2S. YuitK T'mj.MiIi: (It, J. Arinsltong. innna fefJ.— TU* New Vork Ojiera Co. wllhdiew is advcrtlaed ofTctlng of "The Little linko," i'. 17, and repented "Jack nud the Ueau mm lk." "Tlio fllrl from Purls" and "Ilia Teiepiioiip Hlrl. The cbmphny elwred lt» engagement here 17- Kdward P. KUlolt juvo his reading, "imvld llitntm," in, to n crowd- ed bouse, ihlH lie lug the fourth of tin* Spencer Slur course. The Ifcmhm Itlonl Co. 2.'t. 21. Siith, —Wtlhor A. Sltcu, muuager of tho Cnsiport end Calais, Me., Ojiera Houses, wna in town 10. uccoinpunlerl by .Mrs. Hhen , . ■ -,»■— Ttironlo, -At tlie Prlueeia Theatre to. il. Hhej-jMrd. inniiugort Kdtiu May, lu "The , Catch or Die S«»«oD," came to packed Iioiimcm Feb, Ill-it. IHehnrd Mansfield, In repertory. 22-24, "Little Johnny Jones" 20 und week, Ohand ( DnL'si', (A. .1. Hinnll. inaon- gor).—Week of Hi "The Sultin of Hulu" drew big; busings. Al. II Wtlaun 20 and week, M^.iksti'- Tiuiniii; (A. J, Small, tnann- gen.—Week of III, the IiukwII «nm„ In "Vho Great Jewel iHyntery," enine In hlg busluesK. "CtUder'H JjisI l-'lghl.' 20 and week. HllRA'H TllUATKH (J. Hlictt. uiuniigor).— w.i-k of JP a gum) curd nml H. It. 0. Card foe week nf 2d follow**: Tm Furteitn Orches- ira, it'ifT Hros., Mity Duryea nml W. A. Hur- lltner, Allen pierce, Hurry Tula's "Motoring." Iloey nnd l.'o, Fltsglbbons-MeCoy Trio and Ihe xliictiigrupli, mi TusATttK (F. .!, Hlolr, munugcr)."- Week of 30 Hm California tllrln drew big Ijuiltiohs. Dululy l'nii'o l.o, 20 und week. Mamukv MitMie Ham, (Stuart Houston, miiiiugcri, —Kubcllk 2M. a ■■ ' WlfiiiliM'g. Al the WlunlpirtfTlienire (C P. WnlldT, imitiiiger} T.lttlo Joliuny Jones" opeued la n lillge Itmise Feb. IP, nnd the sale for 20 wuh nlso lnrgo. "1'irr: PutTI! Poufl II" 21-24, pleuscd. HliMINlOX TlIKATHn fl>, Douglas, jiinmi- nri,— itiishii'Si In Kiileiidlil. l''ullowlug; for week of lb: Hculrlcn Molii-n/.b- uud com i. Mar tli'ljeiuiii anil I'pvry, W " , „ia Throe Doundlinr (fordo the kluodronu patiy. Ia-w WcIIh, HiirueH nnd Weyersoti, vi'Icjiih tiiiiie. (ii'll'-iMti and Perry, Whitney ami Dror'-v, Ilia Three Hounding Oordotu* nod ... F, Itnrho, resident luger).—Week of 20, "Muldlcm of Fur- ™ U'eek of MtlMl B, "Tlie Cllmbeiv," Ilutiii jNnsii \ itiirrowH, proprluturs).— nig aDcodiiilen here. Following for week of Ht: hijnii Hluck Co.. In "pnrn D-vll line:" I'Hiiinim ((icgg.i. iloi'iK-rt. ilu 1 frog tiuin ; Iuu HiisHi'li. Moray Long, und ujuvlug pictures. TNuiir; (Nimh St Duiroirs, prohrH'tors'l.— I'siinl largo hiislncss. Following for week of 10: The Huvoya, Al. Chi-mtul, Deri While, Florelin Hunfonj, 1,-mls Duymuu, and uiovlng ph'tttreH, wi l ■■■■ — .— i *ft*n. Ai Hi" OuiikI (J. !■:. Turlon. iiniiiuger) tho HiiinmerM Slock Co. opened Feb ID. for a two weeks' migiigoturul. "In New York Town" 21, Clinrlca Oiupcwlu Mareli 1- IlKMNKTT'H ((.'. W. DoMMML imitiiiger ).- DIM fur week of 10 wuh under auspices of*, who doimled Hit* prorctids to it hhhiii- uient fund. Dill week of 2'): Curler and Wuh-! 1 * Co, Due and Hrbscbe, Kloln uml Clifton, Pill-in und I'lirn. Undo und llerliunn, H.ilt;lit uml Tti'itims, uttfl Curolhie Ituveiis- croft Notk,--- Malinger Dt'iiucD tms letiscd Ids Hi. Tb(i:nns lionsi) In Murciis nud Dunn, of l-lilladeiphhi. who will contluuo lo run It as n vaudevllb* house. m mm #■ —■- llfinilli«iM,—At rii.i Hniiid Opcru Housn (A. It f,oud«'i, uiunagerf "Tlio Kuial Wed- ding." Feb. 17. drew Tnrgo nnd well pb-uspit houses. Orphans* Festival flueal), 22, hud th* cihtDinnry Imniens*' audience. "Over Nliigiirti t'nlls 2-t, "In New York Town" 21), UT, 7, U'n lib lo Villi, John Homy." 28: "111* Sign of ilh'tiVoiur" Muiili 1, "Tho (Jlrl nt tlio Slreetn" 2, II. "Tlie.lieririHti Gypsy" ti, "Little Johnny Jones" 0, 7, "The KuucuHom of Mr. I'lpp" (t, », "Prelly Peggy" 10. Hmii (J. (1. Anpltilun, miiniigei'i. - -Week or 20 llifi iilll will Is-: Cresceiil: Comedy Four. Harry Tlolinnn, Cole uud I'leiiiena. 'lorn luivii's, Mtlclv und Fux, Cuscy und Cniiicy. Jiiculm tipd Hardell, and Ken"*, a-- (Hintvit. -At tin? Dikii'li Theutru <P Oorajua. niunitger) 'lite Fuyu will piny n 1*1*401 'I'D'.' week of Fch, 20. 1'eggy from Purls luul big I el ill IIS 111-20. Ixreill eon- cert 2-V-24. Hi:'. Mi oi-i.tiA IPm:hk (II, J, lllrdwhlslle. uninsger' "A (flrl of the Streets" 22-24, NuTt-Dt'ii. fF. Urlsroi, a local buy, Is* mannger of "A Olrl of Hie Htreola" Co, At tho i 'nrtiiim Opera _. (H. VI. Citrinnn. munnger) "The Dor ll's Action" tilled un- house. Feb. HI. 'Tito II r 11* v 111 «•. - IfnUM (S, VI. Ciirmnn. taunufrer tiin.trrtil. At IDh MiiJ-sIVm 4II. l). lirisiks. nitinngerl Stale concerts Feb. Jt». Pittsburg Orchestra 2U. AttdidntH'u was food. Dfgby Dell, In "Tlie Kducutlun of Mr, ■ipi.'." 20 and week. a i -un.MY in* Mt sic (Walter Greaves, mun i. I'l.itrl.'* Onus'win, Id 'It's Pp i<> ion. J'llin Henry,' itp|iejirei| to piii keil |ihii«'h 10 21. '"Hie Htillnii *f Huln" 20 and weok, "I. ft. V." next. 1 ntnl Wedding" drew well 20, vaudeville Mora It 23. "Tim Hlgtl of thn Cross" 20, Miii kH lire-!., l.'o. March .". and week. SI. (.'flthnrlnps,- -Al the (''mud Opera House HTutrlPH H. Wilson, mnnager) Jim ■ tin's "V, T. (*." played to capacity, niutlnne and eviilnjf. Feb. 21. "Over Niagara Falla" '.-:!. 'Th* Herman Dipay" March r«. -*»•++ 'Axmoi.s, hypnollal mid mind reader. Is at Inline. I»r"iin ring t» presettt n new magic nci In viiiinVvfll.-. Tuts lu bin llftli mtML