The New York Clipper (March 1906)

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MARCH Z, r ,-. t |cn Tlicotrr (J. il. Wlrd. nuna- S.^—Hurry Clar Blaner *"« H *«> here Moa- EimSECtS'M '" lht SB* pr«iM«tlon , B "v f SVort of *»■ 5H n*lBrt llioOiin," i to." «« «»""* «r««.-liy f*»rt» K. ol.Vw,. Tin- show c»rr 1(10 bf»t or MlUfir- SMS* M& Minnnl.h! -ivM-nd Mr. ti,"I. siirrflnnded by nn ctrrllrnL compnny of i.n known nliiyer...- SrwrlnUl.s iir? «lw> In.. ElJSwPh/Mlowloe. WilliiTjMj l-Wfi: urr. I'l.J flhn'y. ■"!"> ■(ffcin") filth £5%t J-Wolf. TUf full n« : Willie Uf<\ ^HE ,.3Srg W, Y.OBK ^OLIPEEB., 2g .-.1L5T '^2 •....■ ' ■ -•• ..J ' ■ ■ ' ■ ■ ■'X. v". 5?*j? f. week. JHjU PHTH! (Dudley Mc.\dow. manager!.— "The Kunawnys" la here awk of £8, -**•» tnouas Evans, the "ITency Boy " Ing fun maker. The company" is A JlfM « having n chorus of over nfiv. Wl I I .Mi I «..(■_'_- ■_' .. irKtoD- Gen! Stoessel. F. R. Stanton; A4- m'ffl Togo. Will Lonl*; Dr. Baratlnfiky, rat SBati Michael OrlofT, AM Man- £C! Detective Wiseman, Pier-on Kline: ESnrV Hunter, Frank Martin; Magistrate, EE Goodrich: Lieutenant leddo, A. Asn- ilro • Captain ftrl Constant Naka ; I.leiiten- ■at Unto, J- Hyokufa : Quarterraasler. Ham Sltn- Boatswain, Arthur A. Ishlfcawn ; Ricl'r Chis. EmraeU; dinner's Mate. John n Rockefeller; flnnrcl, lannn Edwards; Or- Erti linker thicken; Dora Live, Blanche Shirley Virginia, Kleanor Jennings- Qn> Side Van Dyke, Ortfn Morton; Mildred vSurhn, Fdlth Moore; Helen Hamilton, uvrilf OrRttAm.; Fanny Wnrd, Rosa Ollmoro; Ml* San, Pearl Tyson; YnM Bub, Wl* MR- Vw Tern, Addle Gallant: Rtyen Akl- moii Frances Fcnnell; Madge. Melrose. Algy nnri «en Ken. Klrry Wolfe. lleraidsqaar* Theatre (CharlesProb- man manager).—George, M. Cohan started bU third, week Na\ Sft in "George Wofihlng- '^SarlirTheaWrw (Prank McKce. manager). — M Mr. flopUlnson" entered Its third week WaTllaclrti (Mrs. Then. Moss, mncagor). —\Vm. nmtftam began IiL" afneteenth week in "The Snnaw Man." Feb. 2«. Tbc one tiindrwl and ilftlotb perfonnnnce owtirred ai ihe mntlnee. 24'. ' , flurrtck Thentr* (Wm. H. fleynolds, manncer).—"Callons" opened Its third weak Ufa, Jjfl. fj'nnlen Theatre. (Henry W. KIM managpr),—Raymond Hltehwwk, In "'Ilia ^ 1 HlIope^,' , commenced hla sixth week Feb. 20. Liberty Theatre (Klaw & Erlnn^er. maaagew).—Thts lonM is dark until 'fhiira- ri^y night, Marrli 1, when "The Redskin" will be presented. I.yrl.'- Theatre (Snm S. &, Shuhert, mnnnreifi!.—"Mexlenna'' atnrted Its fifth »e»l: Feb. 2rt. Christie XacDettM retnimed her place on fliat date, nfter (our days' 111- ■nR nut of the east. r««ino (Snm H. k l.oe Shuhert, mana- pirs i.—"The F.ntl and the Girl" befan its seventeenth week- and last fortnight Feb. 2fl. Georgia Oainc has left tbe cast, being III, her part being played by May bMk .Ulner'w lllfihtii Avenne TUentre (Kd- win D. Miner, manager).—The Washing-ton Socleir Olrls week of Feb. 26. Next week, .'.{-iv Howard. Aetaseo Theatre (David Bclaftco, man- ngerj.—BInocho Bntes. In "The Girl of tno Golden Weai,'* began her sixteenth, week Feb. MS*. ' krleUerhoeter Theatre (AI. Ilaymin & Co.. mnnagers).—Frltzl Scheff commenced her tenth week, la "Mile. Modiste,." Feb..26. r J.><-enm Theatre (Daniel Krohmnn, utib-ipiTl.—"TijeiJoii and the Mouse" start- ed Its iifteenlh week .Feb: 20. ; .Harleaa.— At the Harlem Opera House iAlcx.'I.lchiegsteln, r manager) >'Mau nnd Sn- perman," with Robert Lornlne as thO.staY, •tpened In' a well flllrd houge Feb. 2H, nud.rt good flflvnoiicwic Is reported. Tbe star nnd corajiJitiy met with a warm reception. Next week. Blanche Watefa, In "The Woman In the CM 1 ! Wkst UNO (George .\. Itlumenthil, mnn- ager).—"Ittifiif* Rasing" wlta. lirnest Iloain e; tbe srar attraction, drew a good slxnrt audl-nce, 2d, and as this is Mr. ffngan's nr4i west Ilarlem npp>'Hrnnrn with tbfa play, he Bhould have a big wepl. The nhow Is an uhtnually pleasing one. Nett week, •'Lovers and Lunatic!!." . - MnnopoLts (Ilenrv Rosenberg. manRffer>. —Lottie Blair Parker's "0nde,r Southern SklB" began a return engagement under the moat favorable circumstances, -6, the house bereg packed) AH Indications point- to a big treek, ni tbe advance sale Is the best in xnnti time. Np« week, ".Secret flerrlce Sam." • Stati (Wm. T. Keoch, manager).—"The Child aiaves pf New York," one of Cbarlea F. Blaney's Iwst plays, drew a crowd that packed this boom from top to bottom at both performances 26. The piece evidently gave uWisfnctlon, fiR applause was freely bestowed. Several of the scenes held tbe audience, by reason of their novelty. Nest week, "Young Buffalo, King of the Wild West." rnocToa's Osc HuNoann and Twbnty- fifth Street Theatre (F. F. Proctor, man- ager).—One of the star Attractions of the wasoa. "Tbe Prisoner of Zendn," packed this bouse 26. It Is staged with now scenery and ^stnmcs, nnd should prove a record breaker for the season. The dual role of Rudolph rtaneniiyll nnd Klnff Rudolf, the -Bed F.lph- herg." was enpltnlly prayed by Paul MeAl- llsi?r. nnd Beatrice Morgan made an uncom- monly captivating- Prlncesa Flavin. Others In an excellent cant were: nnrry IMIIUrd, Agues Bcott. WMIInm Norton. Mathilda Deshon. Georce Norton, Sol Alkeii, Robert i^otve, Robert L. Hill and Julian Reed. The vaudeville offer*: Keller and Vlolette. Shorty ami Lillian Dc Wilt, and Knrtls and Bitase. ALiiiMHRA (Tercy G. Williams, inannEcr). —It 1* the same old atory here, nlcht uftnr night nnd week nftiT week—stnnttlnB: room at a premium. Tlie preaent Week'f* offe-rlng Is a very atrong one. It Is headed by lOgo snrl hbi orchestra. It bflln*» their rtrsr. Ameri- can appearance, Rlgo was tinnble lo piny tho violin sMl on account of an accident to his hand. Others were: The Four Lukens, Ha- l^rnn, FJlnore Sisters, Loh'Ik A. r?lrhon, nrnce Hfirdner and corapnnv, Tloword and North, ■tbe Ponr Heanons," Augusta fllow nnd the three Le|ghtonn. ttuvstn it gtiAiinx'fl Mvsic H.\rj. (Ben H'lrtlg, mannger).—Bnslness continues to he gl 'the best, the house being packed nightly. rw« week's bill Includes: Francla Gerard, J.oiiiM MonlroBe, Joo JLoxwrll and company, f-hnrlfs Kennn. Le Roy nnd Clnvion, M^agnorjl Fanollr, Billy. Single Clifford, and Delmorc und Iaq. Fahm.t TrtFATnn (AL Onken, manager).— Tno week opened with n tine hoa'ae 20, when ;he foliowlt'p bill was presented: Leslie's Porcine Clrc.M. Torn Ray, Mnrahnll Mont- Cjimery, A mot. and Ourm, Hhodn. Beronnl, >iA(7.iimota .Inpa.'.-'sc Troupe, and Mile. Nydln IV Verdi. ,. Gotham (HuIHvau ^ Kraus, mauaffera).— i be Trans-Atlantic Extr.—ogunza t'o. opened to n w.tvded btiuse 2fl, am. evidently ideaaeft. ii is a well arranged couipni.-, and althoiigli Kiinewhnt dlffereur from the i',mial Iinrles<|ue •-onipauy, tu-orcd a hit f«»r Its i-nmily and HHiera] pxeelleaee. A big week'w MmbMM N| ioulii result. Next week, Ri-ntc-Snutley Co. I u.\»'k (Sum Tnnker, lunnagert.-•■This weeks lilll offers; The Three Nonunns, Dick '■egk-art. the NorrlBes, l*nitl Lrt Vr*lx. MaJ- v [ne and Khontas. *.hc Van Aukcnn, and Man- n'ag and Flntitelle. nrooklrn.—At tha MonUak (Kdwln «f*U manager) "The Toast of the Town," with Viola Allen, fa the enrreat attraction. opening Feb. BO. Miss Allen doea excellent ^ork. and la surrounded by a well selected janjpnny. Those prominent In the cast nm: Isabel irtlnjr. Fanny Addlwin Pitt and Har- as the lend- large one, Wiliftu Loalfif In *"TrilHy, v *''illd n" tSR business. "'VVaj Down iTast" follows for two weeks. • » Obano Orrrti House (M. T. MIddleton. manager*.—For tbe current week "'Che Vol- l',?*?* 1 " OrtiBtat* 1 will be here, opening. 28. Molflt Iloucb. In the leading female role, la supported by Elizabeth Mulvey, John E. Gof- firm bloSi fair lo rlvnl «.r»ma of irie older ones. This Increased ropiiallzntlnn U more thnn f p ia V d-nl the feienity grdwill of husuvss nnder the earefnl and eutclem management of. rjr neat Hhlpunn,- who has |am pln«*e proved his nhllity ns n "mannger. The flrrtt iras found Itself trr need ■ of more elbow room In the trnnsnetlon of ihe constanily lnererfslrjg; volume 'of 'htialttess. ' Richakd .Mansfhm.d will commence his en- Etrement at-the New Amtterdam Theatra ilth-'!!». In "Don Carlos." Muc, Vvftte CiiLBEnr appeared at the Lyceum Theatre aftetowrt of Feb: 10, la the >rld of Players, Isaac B. Ricn. for many years a Well known tftrntrlcal mnnaeer ta Hoslon, cele- brated his seven^y-ntnlh hlrthdny |''eh. 23, receiving niarty kindly r'ememhranreja frnm MrjMbt.n nnd out of the protession. Many new itteaires are \>> )tv Ittitlt thla season in Virglnin nnd Weit Virginia towns, If the prewnl plans are carried out. RnajMaa la Ajsured nf nntlnc a new house. The new fiddlers' Home Theatre, Johnson city, Tenn., opened Feb. 22, with "Tho Missouri Girl," matinee nnd nlitht. The hulldlng la said to hnvo cost *tl7,(Hsi. Tbe Masons, at lllnton, W. Va., will fltect a theatre at once. The Masons have nearly completed a doe theatre at Clifton Forge, Va. New theatres, ate being man, DMA 1 Use and others. 'Tens," last fffrt of a series of seven song recitals, wing bnllt at Mane*, Va., and at Montgomery. tSSs. dld ?. i 1 / teHP** N «* week, "No eathuslastlcally welcomeu after her long ah- W. Va. A Summer theatre is to be erected Mother to Guide Her" senee from Ataerlca. Mme. Gullbert, ir? the at Rlueflelds, W. Va., and the opera house at „ D '- 10t ' (Mrs. Spooner, director). —Ilia interim, hns Improved In her an, ood It I» Abingdon. Va.. Is being renjodelod. reek, Never Again" Is put on by the house only Just to sav that today. In her line, she T"c OHmtys aisonu-i of New \orlc have stock, Harold Kennedy and Augustus Phillips In the lending roles. "Tho Wedding March." with F4na May and Cecil flnoooer. "1J1 Ins " Ia<»t week, did a big bnslneas. Next week, "The Veu' \Ifl"(lnlonj> " Stands without a peer. She renders relhied and simple melodies In a moat exquisite man- ner that Is cnptlvnttng. li Is not the rcnnbslto of vocal talent which mAkes these .=onga of the pertndx of tho seventeenth and eighteenth cea- ttirles (Clianions Pompadour) nnd of about l*;vi (ChanKon^ Crinoline i so delightful, but the charm of manner, artistic lotiches, the Ir- reslsiahle itinur and htiunarnirnt . (J'rpa'/lcs, New Magdalene. 1 HvbK & BnHMAVa (Nick Norton, mann- p. r).—August. Van Blene. the clever 'cellist, la the leading feature of the hilt opening 26. Others are : -M It ton nod Dolly Nobles. In play- let. '"ITie Days of '40;" the Riding Roonevs, tbe Grand Opera Trio, Raymond and Cnverly, Ihe Five Filipino Girls. I'onjro nnd I*o, Tom Moore, and the klnetogrnph. OftrHKCM tPerey fi. Wlltlams, mannger). —Henry De Vrlea, the wonderful character actor, appears for the second and laat week In his play. "A Case of Arson," in which h<! aeon'd a big success last week. Others oa the bill are: llnrry Corson Clarke and com- _ pony, the Piccblanl family of acrobats, Bel- th.> deepest impression, but they were all mau and Mcore, in "a Vauderillr Hurprlae;" thoroughly enjoyable. _ As encores she *ang Vance, Krt. retell, Mnek face nnihlcnl orgnnl?.ed under the banner of Local No. IS, of the Actors* National rrotectlre t^nloo of America. The organlrntlon took place in Hie. hall or the Actors' Nntloaal Protective I'nton of Amerlrn, 8 I'nlon Square, being crtllcd to order by Harry De Venus, notional nresldent. After a brief nddregs, James I.. Barry, gntnd notional deputy, oraanlied them na tx»tnl No. 1ft, of the Artara* Nntlnniil rramaMa iiinur and MaaaeaMl ftMWMt, rnem na t,o<ni .-no. .in. or ine *nm rtniaanw with a thousand nnd one other fascinating Protective Union, Chorna Singers Brnm-h movements and hlnilngs sl gestures. The Frenchman Is a master of the pantomimic art nnd the bnre suggeRflon of Ihe movement la much more eojojnhle thnn the fully de- veloped idea. Mme. Gullbert Is beyond nil question ahsolnte mistress of this. She sang twelve selections, elx being allotted to each Serlod, for which ahe wns approprialeiy and alatlly costumed, Perbapn "Cotloetlo" mado Clnrlcn comedian: Cabaret's dog's, Herbert Brooks magician; Taylor Holmes and the vltngrnpli. Kkbxry's (Frank A, Keener, mnaagef).— Lonlse Gunning heads The curreni bill, begin- ning 26.. Others: Kloven Gnyety Glrla, Addresses werV made by National Secretary |>w Morion, Naitonnl I>enuty Jos. I,. Bnrry, Nallonnl Vtce-1'mstdent Mtm Gold, of th*» Hebrew Leglilmnre Union, l^ocnl No. 7, nod President Max Salsberg, or Local No. 14, Which Is composed of the grand opera sing- ers at the Metropolitan. James S. Thomp- son la president, nod llnrry Rotnnd iwcretary. A kkw door lock has been put upon the mnrket which -promises to supercede all faa- , tenlngs now used upon theatre dnoti. It Is most delight- styled the "I'mergrncy Kxlt Thiorlock," and, " ok Its name Iridlcnior. It Is Intended to prove Its usefulness In all emergencies la theatres or other buildings where large assemblages congregate. In case of panic arlning from tire or other causos. & Co. will send out two conipanloa next season, playing "The Vanderhllt Cup," one to he headed by Aisle Jonls. C. W. CminTNur, of tbo Henderson Rtnck Co., wrltea: "By mistake, my name was left thoroughly enjoy. __ three old songs. In English, fully: "The Keys of Heaven," "A Bargain" and "The Woman That Waa Inimb." Richard Ilflgcmajt was an excellent accompanist, fol- lowing closely tbe peculiar handling of the _, trlekr songs. " Armnnd Forest, violinist, aaalst- _ lelds aftd Ward, Jewell's manikins. Green ed greatly In the pleasure of the cntertnln- Brothers, Morris nnd Kramer, the Roynl mem. hy nts excellent renditions of Handel's Musical Five, Vandlno and Dean, and the fourth sonata 1q four movements; Rondo Cn- KeeneyHCope. nrlccloso of C. St Saens; Bercenso of G. UtrBMAi, (Wm. V. Grovcr, manager).— Fnure, nnd Zlegiienerwelsen of P. Snrasate. _ The current week's hill Includes: Arthur Mine. Gullbert appeared ngnln afternoons of out of. the roster published In 111 K CUMB Punn, in a aketeh, "The Messenger Boy;" 2«, 2T. 33, 26, nnd will be heard aflerooona of Feb. 10, Ibis being my eighth year with Catherine Countls*-, In a eonledy, "Wedded of 27 nnd March 2. the Hendersons. Our business In l-.ldon, la., by Wire;" Pierce nnd Roslyn. singers: RicimbP-Hatprs, a former dramatic crltle, week of Feb. 10, wns MM to he the higgf-st James J. Morton, comedian; the Three Ma- was stricken with apoplexy Feb. 10, ana over done tliore, ihe house being sold out carte Slaters, Smlrl and Ressner, Oakley and was removed to Bellevuo Hospital, where It before noou each dny. .lane GrlfJlili rejoined McRrlde, Fcreriis and his musical dog, and Is said his condition Is critical, as he Is an the company at l'idon, la., Feb. so. the klnetograph. . old man. He has translated ploys Sua (Archie II. Kills, manager).—Rice & from tbe German nnd French. Barton's Rose mil Folly C». ik the attrac- Kmita Calve was given an enthimlaitlc Hon opening 6; "Knights of the Bed Garter" welcome bv a capacity house afternoon of Is the fun maker. George Rice and Idrlla Feb. 22, or Carnegie Hall, assisted by: Mr, Vbier head tho ooauavay, and ihe Fight Cor- Von Kerr, baritone; Mr. Fleury, flutist; tutlloH, ncrobniK, are an extra fenturc. The Mr. Pccrcus, plauHt, and Mile. Yermorcl, olio Is a large une, containing many popular vlollnlste. acts. Next week, the Transatlantic*, • Ciurlks Fiofimax has secured Wallack's Alcazar (Wm. T. KeogU. inanagcr).—Tbe Theatre for next season,, la which, be will Kentucky Belle*, lu "Murphy's Mistake," Is make ■several of bis productions, the first of tho hill for 98-and week. Next week, Jolly which will bo 'The Judge-and the Jury." - (iras* Widows. _- •■Baittland" will be- seen at the Casluo, greit deal of Important business was attenO- «d to nt this meeting. National Secretary Wn J. Mnrrey wns present at the mpetrnn-. lire: t'rsnk Connolly wns reported III, abd was enmpt'lled to go to a hospital and have n surgical operation, performeij, Wm- Reh- aaft, of Lneal No. .1, I'lrtsburg, was In Naw Vork, In ndYsnee of AI. Mortln's "Pncle Tow's • Cabin," nlnylng nt (he Murray If ill Thentre. flro. llnrry Cook, of Ixtcnl No..fl, Denver, attended <uir last meeilacr. All mem- l*ni eh the rViud are requested to nohd rhtlr r.ddress th teflegnte Wm. McCarthy, 8 union Square. Local No. in, of Springfield, Max*.. Is la a very nro-sperous condition. At Itn last meeting. M. K. Willis, of Worreater: John F~ Cnrvey, of Fall River, and John It. Cur- ran and Michael Goodman, of Mrrlden, Ct., were taken In. The second ftnanai dance, which was held Jab. SO, was not Only a »- rial, but financial succesi. The bora of this local who ore to be With Illngllng Bros.' Clreus. this season, have received calls to re- pott March 22. Our ntxt meeting Is Feb. 23. OaudCvllleandmiHStrd. Co\.m aso May have left for a four of Curope, and will not reiuin until 1H08. Knma Pot wild appear In voiif>vlte due log the Summer, presenting a new act. I*. F. KBtrn hns secured ono of Cbnn. C. Fuller'* homea In Wheeling, W. Va., Which wilt he remodeled during ihe Summer. Paul Cinqurvam,i win sail for F.ngland Mnreh 1. to open ct Plymouth, Bngland, March 12. Wm. l». RtTSsnu., acting manager of Hyde Park, Muskogee. I. T., writes): "Wo tyvto made n xreai many Improvements In Hyde i Park for Hie coming season, which opens April 21, and will rim until the Inst of No- Tomber. Wr have spent |1C>,0(M) on Improve- meiits of all kinds, making it oho of .tbe most, beautiful Summer pni-Us In tills par' ot thfi ; 'eoiinlry. The theatre has n sealln most, beautiful Summer pni-Us in this part ot the : e«Ninlry. The theatre has n sennng capacity of l.i'ioo, nnd In fully eiiulppedanrl up-ln-datn In every way. The 'Columbia ft R, J. MotVuN', who hm* $een 111 In a srnnt- tnrlnm for some time, as elsenrhere slated In these columns. Is now In Chicago, under the care of his wife, Helen Berlmm, this news arriving after the former Item had gone ro press. Hie health Is very much Improved uowi and he hopon to be able to resume work Tory Bltortly. MAKiHRH KtAVAito Uebtley writes: "Al- low mo to thank you for tho good results I received from the two 'ads.' placed In Tin; Ci.lPJ'KU. 1 received one hundred uud forty answers, n'njd hove one of tho best companies Nassau (G. J. Brown, manager).—"Antony March 12, succeeding "The Earl and tba I ever'had on the rood .breaking'all record. d Clwpntrar and 'ra«y nnd C^manrnes^ Girl.". ,. .. . ..'■■=* ■-■■C W. r^aMnyiitt, father of ClandoNetw and Cleopatra" tiud "Casey nnd Comanehei. anl the-two b ariea ejiaaw . ow a r ea for. week be- giuuiiiK 2if. In .lag olio are : - Diamond and Smli-le,. 'I'oledo nnd Price, - Kdgar i'uretuan, and Harsrcn's moving plotures. TKi.LKk's BltoADWAr (fj'eft'C.Teller, innna- gei*j.— *:The Collejre .Widow" week■■■.of 20» for tbe first,time In rhls part.of town. The ad- vance sale Indicates unusually big houses. Maxine .Btltort bad-a week of crowded houses, ending 24.' Next, "Wooderlhrid," Folly (Bcttnett WUsob, mnnager). — "Texas" tells Its story here this week."'.If..Is tbe Hrst ilme tbe play hnfi been at this house, and Itn reception will dnuhtlcss bring It here another season. Ketinr mystified big nndl- euces all of last week. "Hap" Ward, In "Tho Grafter," arat ■ GATWr (Jamep Clark, manager).—'Tha Frolics of the Zoo" Is the Mile of the brand new burlesque which Harry Bryanr's Extrava- ganza Co. presents ihla week. Jack O'Brien, the pugilist, la a special feature of the show. He gives a boxing bout of ihree rounds. The chorus is large, and Is made up ot many firvat girls. Last week the.Bon Tons hurt arge houses. Next. Rose Hill's Bnrlesqners. ' AUtmoft. (William'C. Grover. manage . E&pwtt Filda, the German playwright arrived from Kurnpc Feb. 20, and leHilK'tl'ht tbo-Waldorf Astoria 21. • Mter-:he will visit Culnmhla' nnd nartard universities' fbr the Bamc niirpopo. 110 Vltawsed the flrst Amerf- can performance of bit; play, "Maskcrude," at the Irving "Place Thcnire, 24, . • *** .'■'..% ■v The Oiutouio HorriirrV. gave'Its third con- cert fc-'Carnegle Hall,-Feb. 20, whenrllaOdl's "Judas MaccabeuB" was, successfully rea* dered. <...-■* 3-*«i*.*j ■'', . •- , \ -. , <:t, ' Ilstsnicir GeBiiARn/a Bostoa pianist, np- r-es;vdiftt o reeltDI In Mendelssohn Hall, af- ternoon of Feb. 20. SwjWTN anb Company, the playbrotet-a, of 1402 Broadway. hAvo Issued a very Inter- esting volume, giving a Hat of hnnnreds ot plays, with tbe cast and synopsis of each, which' will he mailed on receipt of tnree rents to any proprietor or manager of a. dra> ~itle company. died on Thursday, Feb. IS New Orleans, La, . Ison, nt lila home, in mttb the Bill Posters. - Notks rnoit Local It, Beston.—At our regular meetingj Fob. 11, In our new quartern, OUS ■ Washington Street, the report of the truatces-showed that., tho raoinbflr^hlp tana In- creaand, and the .balance Fu Iho treasury 1* larger than ever,. Toby Lyoun was ap- pointed steward In the Donnelly Bill Fasi- Ing plant, lira, Unrry Jewell, of the.Co- Jucibln, In back lu town from bis sucn-Na wllh (be "Baitllng" Nelson Co. Hro. John Halplu has been appointed advertising ajamt for "Wonderland/ the new half million dollar pleasure park la.Bpataal of construc- tion at Revere.Beach, llro. Joha i:ils has ■■-* Bro. Rn- An exceptionally good bill Ispresented Ibis " It_ is .nutqe tip of Will Cresay and the manngemeat of Thompson 4 Dundy. 1 week, Blanche Davne.' In tbe sketch, "Town Ball. To-Night;" Melville nnd Stetson, Steely. Doty and Coe, Bedford and Winchester, Thomp- son's elephnnts, Seymour niid Dupre,.Rthel Roblnaon, and, as a special feature. La Troupe Carmen; Business last week was bjg. ITniqoe (Frank B. Carr, manager).—The Jolly Grass Widows this week, A lottg list Gypsy old rcatod,' This Is my fourth season under Osc*n lUMMruMTriN' announces that bla Mnnhattnn Opera House, New York, will open In, Ortobcty and that he has secured (he services or Jean and Edourird Dc Rr-i/ke. The scnle of prices will be the same n» at the Metropolitan Opera House, and the operas will be fittingly mounted. The season Will be of twenty weeks' duration. Rehearsals of pretty girls, headed by Mile. Jeanette will begin in May. Operas will not be given Gulchard, sing some popular songs.. The bur- In German, but In Freiich and Italian only, lesques are: T *The widow's Wedding Night" among them being "Tannbaenser" and "Loa- and "The Sign of the Red Light." ihe olio. Rush and Gordon; Hoard and Waters, Ruth Everett and Thompson nnd Laurence. Big houses Inst week. Next, tbe Washington So- ciety flirts. Gotham (Rdgar Glrard, managcrl.—Joe Welch, presenting bis "Studies from Life," heads this week's bill. Otuers nre: Pat Rnoney and Morion Bent, George W, Day, Brockman, West ami company. BIsserte and Feb. Sentt, Blanche Sloan, nnd the Vnmamato Brothers. Last week's huslhoss wns large. PattojCs (8. S. Allen, oiannger),—Mrs. EHa Reed Tayton Is seen In the title, role of HbbbV* this week. '"A Romance of Coon Hol- low" did well last week. Nest. "Jflst River." Novklty (Perry 0. Williams, manager).— The first Week of the newly renovated Nov- engrln." The orchestra will Include eighty musicians, nnd the. chorus will be large. Tub Volpb Symphony OncnkSTnA gave Its second subscription concert In Carnegie Hall. Feb. 22. Tiik Women's STaiNo OnciiESTn* BoetKTt ii-.-i'~;i.*"-'i:^.i;""£«•. "«v"i"i.-i~;™««*r 0 \,« »a. was beard in Its second concert nt Mendcls- JH*^L"gilr b 8L Bl .M ffiSSVi Si sohn llnll, afternoon of Feb. 22. WSLSM •* a ^' h ' c " 1 llM ! off011 " Ani:.<iuM N'r.i.sns' rhv^ a piano recital W. H. Marble, of the Flslfc O'Hara Co., waa « gue'f of Bro. Sandy Munro while la town. Bro. Tbeo Wherle entertained neveral of the members at his reflldence in Hoxbury, after the meeting. Bro. Dave GrlfHn, of E. 8. -WII- lard's Co:, Is In town,renewing old frlend«hlpn. Bro. Geo. Lewis In superintendent of tho Columbia,, nnd Bro. Frank Farren, treasurer, Theo. Wehrlc has entered his handsome, full blooded terrier, "Teddy," for the coming dog ahow, nt Mecnnhlcs' Building, Harry Jew- ell Is In advance for the New England tour of Battling Nelson. Geo. Collier, advertis- ing agent ot the Majestic and tJlolte The- atres, was given a most apreenhle surprise recently bv some of hln friends. Upon his rtturn from lunch he found a new roll-top desk and chair at his ofllce on Avery Street. )t wan some time before be could recover .. jl, nt Mendelssohn Hall. .•'LonRNcr: Rotcorra will he seen here April 2. In -The Strength of the Went," by Alice M. Smith. TllR FglKKnfl of the late Atsrtlo W. Man- lev purpow giving a hABeflt for his widow during the last- week In April. Harrison finy FtsKe has generously donated tbe use of the Manhattan Theatre. Mart: llanley foundation, everything Is running smoothly, and the future Is Indeed very bright. Road lerohPM kindly sand their nddreas to Hnfry M Feyser, 11 W. DciHinm Street, Bo«ton, Mrisfl Notks Pftost Local No. 12, of Milwaukee. —Numerous ch'ingpfl have tnken plncn In our circles tlurlttg the prist season. At the prea. ebt time the following brothera have beeh BjnHad to the various wagons bv Roan Bill ... and Bnrrett, McMahon and Theatre, Snriflav evening, Feb, _. f happen*., Camllle Comedy Trio. Lawaoa nnd but cntbuslflKtlc audience being present. Hii- ffmiUM Casino Cftmedy Four. Theodore Julian bert. Gorlus, baritone, sang with much effect, and the klnagrnpb. Lyckfm (LoiiIb Pblilips. manager >.—"Dan- gers of Working Girls" this week. Lnst week "Jim Bludso" played to big houses. « ...< ■ ■■.-- ■ NEW TOBK CUV JOTTING*. PnfiPABATION'S FOB TUB ANNUAL OrCNINO) Mile. Chhmeroy rhnrmed In her song roeue- flons. M. I*. Dare) recited two selections from "Cyrano de Bergernc," with great suc- lilta retired from that hoiiso and taken the paper nt the B'.jou in place or Dean Cameron, reigned Ban O'Keefe Is still hustling for tbe Star, and Is ou the door. AI. Couchlln and Arthur Dunn aro sill) with the David- rf-n .and Alhambrn, respet'ilvely. both doing MIle.B. Hum won many recalls with Bbod work. Brothor Bitnu la Just, recover- clever recltalloBs. M, Neulllet was auecess- Sl p*» nn Injury to hts arm ijnd shoulder, fill - In nmuMlng songs nnd roch allow. Mme, ik-the. result of. a had fall/ llrntliet- Pep Therese Durgevnl sang three cbnrmlug selt.-c- nerla at tfje Alhambrn, on the gallery door, i Ion j. In eacelleht voire, nnd npnearcrt to Iflf the Wtnter : . uck Lnrklns Is nt lhe r Ctys. v . the Barnum k Bailey Circus, nt Madlaoa jS advantage In n duett with M. Oorlus. til, nnd WW* Bates Is tinttdllnar llin prftnd. Bouare Garden, are rapidly approaching cpnv font* Vsrantle sang tour extremely funny Ittother A. Hchul?. has gone lo B oomldgtoti, pletlon. The date has not yet been dertnltely poUflrt t0 grmt u pji7auae, appearing thronrih Ml., for n viPlt to frleruls nnd relatives annouaced, hut will undoubtedly be during permission of David Betaaeo, Mme. Dorge- «oad momliots are ndrlsoil that affairs of the third week In March. The engagement rat, nnd Mile, Chatneroy appeared (lu Una- r*«l No,,IS ire-la n stood, healthy condl will extend over a period of nearly Oye tb£) i 0 n soj/ntlf FfonmAm^icaUic, being liod.niid nre lielng hnaoni nlntig the usual weeks. Tbe new features sonired during tha n V4 > r y picnslng ' Winter for tho WfrtaeW promise to prove a i B illrh won much revelnllon to clrcusgocrs, flo arc lu formed Dorge vol ssmr that the orngrammo will off«r more uOTfl- ( ,uit ir de|i K nifullv during tlt-H ttittu have ever before been seen with an cntertaluiunii: nWcl with Aiuerlcnn drew*. Several new things In u|t- t|r«g Ir I'urle," a turn, lo-datn '•thrillers" are also prouilsnl. Tbe met with bmrlv uppruvn) ■ «ue net play, inwlilcli both ii'l" 1 - *JT' nro reqticeted-to-rowcapottil with li Imuthiei nnd npnlalise. Mirio. VU\. .ttanl*r, reconllug m-cretttry. »* Mxy fur Jewel snag bom "Fousv* lalriryrf nwnfeat ffc-m RaeawetM, wm 4re out llv ilnrttig the ih-tiiMi. The tor the senron, will bo tflodly i-ccelved nnd 'DYpof Death," which created a f mitre last "" Roiikb't ~r" Stoni; season, bU been retained, aud a youiig Amer- their nuuiiol hvneUt itelitNt. The tor tie senron, will bo gladly received nnd -'/Angiitis- tel MM at Mat ineetUiga. In one net, WbJea Natioxai, Hkciunaut afJr, J, Mt »tt.\r has loforuicit Tltu ruiTi:n Hint \Uv following is» Max Wisnjsn bad rhvn» itianitgiTs nave mraed laa alraaa ugrce- *1«uat Alii ' llletlt of lite NillJoi • of Hill 1'ifsfrs Icau girl Iuih Iweu secured to make tbe start- log of Feb. ai, «ad s Irirgu sum wns realised, hud Blllyrn of Awerlcai Loula h. Cook, Dm ling aerial auto flight Tula net will not, Tb<-vAudevltle nets liu-ludtd: Sumloy Hawk* hum t Bailey; wm, II. GaMner, ilag.■ulK.-irh : h'owevar, bo the top liner, and will *IWply 1ns, Baby minor-, tbc Empire illy Cpunrtoite, ''baa. Itlugliug. Itlnglitig I ires. | A. G. lllug- lo a meiUoy ef-inlrth nnd melody; Jullua Hug. Forcpittiplt k S'-IIh 1 ; Ottu Floto, oreal j!'on-nnnter. Ijist' s-eek Robert Ijoralne. lo Man nnd mpttwmM, crowded the brtuse ot JHh performance. Next week, E. 8. Wlllard, lo tepettory. conslltute one of. several. startllMg sena«- _..... tlons. Tlila year's Introductory pageant la Tanner, la Imlvrttlohs; tbc Young America Floto Shows; W. rl Franklin, W'rtllaeo Short i entirely new, nnd reprascuts an expenditure Qnlntelte. Gus Edwards, nhd Ileiii-l French. Oliver Scott, John Hol»In«w Ptiow ; W. ■ K. of $Sf5,00ti. The policy loaugumted laat "T«p JIItB JLvw/' noa- nt the Mudlson Fergitsoa, Cuminlns' Wild West: Fred Beck- aeason of ellinlnttlng the htxeel pitade Ha unto Theatre, 1ms been bought hy Hoary umh, Frank Robbilis' Show, and lid. C. Knapp, proved ao successful that It will be con- 11. Mehwyer, from J. (V IhtrT. It Ik Bold the Colo Bros.' Chi ed Show*. Bro. .Swa. of prdKblaS price was Mr»,Otio., tuteal No. i, Philadelphia, has notified Scorn* ItAiitSHAtRflJamiilflfly known as "Jfatebrs tary Murray that abotber show will sign In Mary," df*a Feb. 24, at Bellevite tiospjtol, »,few nayc. All members of tb> AUInhce are nged slxty-folir years. She had bten for mflny taqueated to show their cards when Joining n Sears, a wflU. known chatftcler along th^ am ,. Ireadwgy. inearrfl drstrict, selling matcbes, •wtih .N«. 2, New Tort, held r. regular mc-llor on Bunday, r-b. li, and li.d'i "- Utahdacre, w tb Wm. Kelly pttftTdlbg. Opera Co. will open tbe park. .Ml attrac- tion* nlny two weeks, with nlno performances a weefe," Ascttin Horn, while racontly playing at tho Academy of Music, Haverhill, Mass., was given a reception by .about one hundred and f.fty ot lb* local Elk*, of which he U a charter meoiber. In Ihe sketch, "After Many Years." Arthur T. Jrieohs got. uiHin the stage, nnd. In lvhnifof the lodge, presented a hand- some, gold bonded cone to Mr. Itoyd, and tho latter responded pleasingly. I.nuufl Tavlok, who fop arvarat seasons has bepn n feature of tho wen known oner- atlc vaudeville tentn, Adamlbl nrid Taylor, both here and lu London, has retired Irom nor assoelntlnu with Mr. Adamlnl, nnd la-no longer appearing with him. Miss Taylor will shortly appenr in n novel niut effecLlvn solo acl of her owu. for which, original songs have been cnrupa-ied, and special costumes have been prepared. F Mahtin and Quins, the original "Man and a Half," have returned'from Europe, aflrjr a successful engagement over lhe .Vmsa'A Htoll tour. They will open at Pastor's March Ibv -.-■■' ■•■' ■ ■ Hal Monrrr writes: "I haro had tojBfffi an lllnmrnlliig'for li while ioifJU"mi' elevfln weeks'' engageine'iit»lu the ,Wa>rfi. beglbn|Dg?,nt Eviiusvllle, i lid., then Ilopltlns'.'- Anderson and ike.'Kohl k Castle circuits. I buvejjgd iL'iuosi. tiuc^esHfiil sensAn In the. cddst;nfld New. Orleans on the Orpbeum clrt , Hli...wUh •Mi' mid 'Mv-Foster finis' htid cnriftoolnp- for the newspapers', In most every city, Air.-.ll* •liwtrailng work has developed etrflnalvriy.'V -.FitAVR (VCnoi'iui, iho actor ami thentrfeitl rnflnnger, who wns acriiKcd.of the murder Of Charles H. Srblth, nnrl Mnri'r Wftlte'ts, of Mlnnenpolis, nnd James Young, of Orand Rapids, who were charged with Mni* his nc- contptli'CK, were acquitted nt Danville, ill,, on Feb. 22. Self defense was ihe base of the ncriulilal. Crack Rvf.lvn Cahrib, of tbc Fay Foster Co., and Edwnrd W. M. Klbg, mannger of the Fontanels ltnllnn Hoy Banc, were mar- ried In Brooklyn, N. Y., oa Thursday even- ing, Feb. 10, on tbs stags of the Alcatar Theatre, by, the- Rev. John J. Lockett. considerable good booking. Cash k On int tare signed n contract to book their vaudeville acta through. B. S; Keltb. Fni^Kie ..Gaicg, a clever JuveaJU come- dian, H.hrtlng' featured in the succenful act now being prciented by the Three araeeiZ BMBalaaaTBaaaljaalMB I •'The* Tri-ih About Tolnn," A novel of modern life In New York, by Bertha Runkle, author of "The Helmet of Navarre," has been Issued by tbe Century Comrnn?. "Tolnn" Is the Idol of the Metro- Enlltnn Opera Houne audlencea, nnd thoatorr i nn Altogether whimsical nnd merry chron- icle of a aeries of episodes In the iWet of entertaining and Interesting people. <i» A Onlde-n UVdillnrr. Ma. and Mns. Fnm T. HobnsoN, the par- ents of Fred A, Hodgson, mnnager of the Orrltt Brothers Circus, celebrated, the fiftieth anniversary of their mnrrlttge on Monday, Feb. 2d, nt their home In Colling- wood, One., Cnnadn, In the mldar. of than family and a largo circle of their friends, «■» F«ed A, HononoN, manager of Orrln Bros,' Circus, will nrtlvc In New York about March ;:, malting tils liendaitarturH la tha CLlPfKR Jfiulldlftg, lie will book iienplo for the twsti- iv-ilkth season ot the show, comm>nbing April IK Mr. Hodgson nttPhded the golden wetlrtinw of his parents, which wns celebrated Feb. 28, nt Coinngwood. cannd.i. <»» Ot II ANMVFm.aAHY Mt'Mfir.H, "Lnat week's ls*\io of Tub Nrw York Ct.iprRu was n mngaxttia of nearly sixty pngfft, In celebrnllon of tho fifty- third anni- versary.of that Journal. Besides the regu- lar tietVM fentui'es, thu nnmher contnlns seV- ernl score of pari rails of attars nnd vaude- ville people, ptluted on good paper, with short sketches of their talents, A full page nf pictures of Blanche 'kites Jn various scenes from "The Olrl nf the Odlden wont" nnd n. page group of Maude AdAms, Julia Marlowe, John Drew and fl. II. Sotliern ore attr/irtlrc feninres, Tha cover, In cAlnrs, 1st striking and expreaslve nt the o'-caslnii,"^> ,'Vfic York Uramlto Minor. "TUB I CliPI'BB'h Av.ttvnnHjmY.—■ In*fead of t|to, customary Christmas bitmher, Tun CLiPiT.fl ( saTes up for lis Anniversary, and ttielsMio of 'Feb. 21 marks the romroeneemont of (be ilfty-fotirih your hy the proseniatlnn ot it sixty, pogt' paper with a handsome cover In iTiiurw, nuil ti doxcu pages. In tint, of ner- trnitri ui'.jniiilug nu-iulivrr* »t the profc-.*h>'i. H In an Itttprnvuiucui uvi-r lust year's Antil- reranry Nunilii-r, nnd an Issue, to uc prmiil of."—la^rty, ■ "CKtiifi-aiutalioiu on tlutt splcnilld Anni- verwlry Numliep. Nothing like Tiik Oi.h Bi> UJMHi fup real rusuttH.*-- Walyku J-icotu*. BostOh.r-:.,' proved tinned. . Tkr Advascs Aobnts Clcb is coBslder- log a place for a national borne In this city, the originators of the-Idea being: Oeofge A. Florida,' Charles Barton. Joseph Byttter, Martin Hermnfl. Hurry Yost, Beb nn. 8yB- nev Pascol, Fred W, Bnsey, Thomas Baflf ■nan and Fred W. Meaka, about a weak. REMICK AJ). PAGE 70.