The New York Clipper (March 1906)

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M&RCH?24. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. ■141 urtvl. ■ttcj«!mw."'S ! OM I"ull"n. Sprlnt-eM. Uuu.. p.mihwii*, Itoumlliw: A|»otlo. Nnntubtri, dd-„ iKU -IV«>». SUtlcli..ttvlutrlud, .»n*H 1-15. I'jfKm Trio. 91. Hmtu, UU., IBiM; Ulolll- p,%'r."jfstt. nmniro. su nnj, ufiib.', lfc^i. SiBSttr»'Pi«i»r iw™>;'«»' i**"*. Jrtofttico, .StSiTlrt... Ui«M'«. WniWuKon.: B. 0., !»•:!', i41u«r fc u*iMiiwn. i't^i>a' n , iMftuvwtii. K*a,, IMti Wl Til Oltr. !hm|>wi.t.- •■■ . , rJSttlBSitfWB. twroHMtc, tao., io-w. KB, fn3ilu.'U.:U. OrtwiWlN. 18-5*. l'clln j£):»r«. M-ik*'!'-. (.'dial*,, W-S4; SMUi'J, dticiwjy. o.,s<)-8!. . ■ . . I'c'lJbiup UN*.. HheaV. Buffalo. 10-24. I'l-lor, tltil-A- Aaulo, OfpUcunj, Moll UJto CUf, "0-fll. ' /. . ■ i .' * citta. A rMaa, Ori>uwim, SpH&gtlchli 0.1 ,*J* -ewe PtMHM Trwt-e. Cnrrluk, Wilmington, Del. at,.-. ■ ■ ■ •.. I':i|tUf-i, TTic, Slur, n«rolltun. Can., 19-2-1. I'laxriu Mldgels, Orpbeuai, Lou Ansolw, Cal., 16- 1'kTW A Mnlteo, Empire, Johaniiwtnjrg, So. At* rtf% JW-AUrll 21. I'lefCC, .Mr. * Mrs. tf. Murlvo, NqtcHj, Ooioha, Ski., 13-21- . picrt-u 4 Opii. l'atntg's Pter. Atl«UlIe City, IS*. J., 1,1-24: pf mm K. *.. so-aij- HeUKtp Truurie, Proctor's, Nm K. J., 19- Jl I Proctor's, Albuay, 8. ¥., 2O-01. plrtHMCFf, 'm Ma Joule, Chicago,- 0-24. 1 Jvsifcetfc * Powell. A. * S„ Boston, JB-Cl. FoBcr * Harris. BIJuu. Lansing; Mkb., 18-21. I'-jwell-Cotlrellb. AudllvriJiu. Chilian, 19-2-1. Porter A Fa lint t. liljou, ClUltun, Masj.. 19-24. Fmfci'e filepbiints. HIpiHMJi-ome,. 5, V. C, 19-24 •" Gfvbet O., Posters if Theobald. Ofltbeum, tp-tmnontb, 19-01: OK Math>aeU, 3C-Sf. IWBL & T.. A Cu., O.O. II., Indianapolis, M.. 19/24. Pone, J- 0;." au-1 dog. F.iu-jlrc. Frccnort, 111., 19 24 rotter a »iflrtw«u. piistor'B. N. y. a. l»-24. PAtwt, Orpiicuw. IX-nter.- Oil;, 26-31.' Pw*«inlei (7).-Keith's. N. V. 0.; 19-34. rffigY* Dogs. Proctor's MtU St., N. Y. C. 10-24. REE (2), Victoria. N. Y: C, 18-21. 4'jiiilan ft-Muck. Mvore'if, Portland. Mo.. 19-24. Qujgley Bros-, C'wk 0. U„ Buchcster, N. Y. ( 10- Ilsrmoml ft Ca»crly, Aui[»filfm. Bkln., 19-24. Hal. 1 rvl. ^ Co., Park, Wuicestvr, Mjmp., 19-24; ' VlMOrta, N. Y. C, 20-ai. " Rays (21, star, lUinlltou, Can.. 19-21. 58iaMSaEl% i.=4. Grand. Tiiftlanapolla, TSiT;. 21-jl. ' •■ Stautoo. Iloin. *.CU.. Twut, Treutop, N. J., 19- ^tArierort & CliaSey, Cryifil, I'rankCort, ln«J. ( 10- BUtoy & BIrWk, lull's HpttngQalJ, Ham., Ift- fttanUy & Allwn, i.vrlr. WlcLlta. Kiin.. 10-211 NofPlty, Towko. 20-llf, attnrart, ffinlfnd, Alt. CoMet, Pa"., 10-31; tan- Hlefehs. Klttfc, I.Vltli'-. 1'blla., 10-24. Stanfouiii'. Lota. I;ycvUai, Hmi Frail.. Oil.. 20-91. Hteiii'Knuo. Apoihi. (SmE IK Mt-ai; oimw •JMrre, AaWtenlaiu, Hoi.,: Ajirll 1-lB, ««Ib, Hlntr, 10-31. fltrtaiwr Kooanv, On Totir, Franco. St. -Leon ft McCiialufc, tJryiflul, 8t. Josaph, Mo., 19-84; Crjotnl. Deurer, BE, 20-31. HL iobii ft urotn, PaMtdr'K. N. Y. C, 19-21: Eciylav PltUtlelU, Muk.-,. ytj-;;l. Sulllran ft L'tiMiuulttin. Orplteiiu, Kan I'run., Cal., 10-21; Ori.ttvuni, I.w AlJtfelc*. ^lj April U. "Sinur SouUl. ' Lyon. Mu«s., lO'JI; Fall Rlror, ML Suljtvnrr, Mark. Uvtliam. Bkln., 19-24. Hummers ft tVlnl-rrP. Kalnmoun. Mich., 19-24. H*ltt ft bik-klcy. Kwru-y'B; Bkln.. ltf-24- Tuontf). Julio*. Washington. 1>. a. 19-24. Tanner ft. tilltort. PrwIor'H, Ail>uur, N. Y.. 19-24, TaU\ U.irry. ft Co.. Kt-lth'i.' I'lillu.. 10-y). Tnjlcr. Ktu. ft Co., «. O. II.. Pltwbura, 19-24. Taylor, I«!la,. Mooix-'a. 1'ortlatid. Sic. I9>i4. Taylor, CM*, ft Bertha, Ntw (frand, Fludlay, O,, 19:24: Bi Ion. Canton. 2*1-31. VaBinanlno Troupe, Unvntia. Cuba, IB-April RO. Tejtana. Slxtor*. Bljyu, Lannloii, Mich., Illjoni Buy City 2U-3I. -, ..: Tenjl - Troupe, Proctur'.H. Albnnr. N, Y-. 19-21. Toaaler, w-m ■ iinu m...i.,i to.aii*ti :tn. ■rborno, Iisrh'soy-slaters, MaJeutK'i Hot ntfttp. Ark,, 10- £1; Majejtk, Dallas Tex., 2U-;il. liansetta ft Lyman, Park, Won-tfatcT, Mass,, 19-i I'.iftiE k Yon KaufujMii, MajKttc, ^an AntoUio, T«.. 19-24. Basins ft Banks. Bojjtiit, Salford, Kng.. 10-21; HUH*.. Stockton on Ten. 20-31, Pmllloo. Nt?*. vMtla, April 2-7.; Pulaw, UlflOffllT, Hot,, 9-14; ■Hipp., Blrialnzbani. Kiii:.. 10-21. r.ivuo a Bull Dov*. Cutoberluad, Mil., 19-24; Al* •totruo. Pa., so-yi. ' Radtott ft lbiaarU, Kiunla-. York, Kn£.. 10-31. BnvensLTt/ft, Climlottc, Park. E(lc. Pu,. 10-24. Itado ft Bertram, KtlOi'H. Plilla., 10-24; Cluafe's, Wabblugtou, D. C. 20-:il. - Rupbo fllijtcre, YlOtorlu.■ N. Y. C„ 19-24. ltanoil, Uteat. Bijou. Duluib, Minn.. 10-24. ItHflford 4. Winchester. Alliainbruy Parla, Pr, 10- Al; Barradfurd Tour, Ec&laod. April 2-July 0. Ilanf, Cluude, (jmiid, Vlnc^uues. Iml., .10-21; BI* Jou, Konofliu,. \Vle.. 2U-»1. Iliifp. Mr., ft Mrs., I'aUnonUit Ind., 19-21. i:eed0, MobIcjI, Crawfurd, Tupclsa, Kun., 19-24; Oty^tnl, HI. Joxejib, Slo.. Stt-3l. ReHb Blstora, Doclwtudvr'ii, IVllmiagtwi. Del., 19- liCDo", Dotty ,& Denny, o. lL.Lovroll. Mass,, 19-24. llprounl. fc-J. (■'., OrpbMint, BeudiUf, Pa., 19-2-1: «W"CBth St., H.t, V„ 21I-»1. - Ilvasr Therwa, Cplonlul, N. Y. C:. .19-24. SSa & Uadlf/,'V, lLvcoonctl Blutta-la., 19-24. ::tilOjt i. ft, \v liicjicftep, Park. Worcester,. Maw., 10-24; Moure'-;. Portland, Me.; 20-31. - Hlce,- Fenny, Iloiiltims', Louisville. 19-24. llleo-'ft Kdwa'nts,. La Snlle, KcoUnk. la.. -Main Hh, Veotla. Ml.; 2d-y 19-24; 10-24; niOhmoiii^, The. Itfulto, Elmln, K. Y. ( J AhierU-an, t/lK'n-, 20-31. ; . * mitioa-f-i). HlbDudroinP. N. Y. 0.. 19-31. mjtfh II. B., jBrudenbiinrh's. PUlu., 19-21. RlCt:rflmllv,-Trrnt, Ttenioo, K. J,. 26-31. UM.-ft'BloiQr. Puiftor'e. N. >'. C„ 10-24., lllfC.tluiel, Q. 0. 11., Grand lUpltls, Mich., 19* nir.iiarJs. Groat, DCS Moines, la., 19-24; Mollne, in-,-36-ut. FTi-i J V " Hlce, Bpos.-,- PollV, SprlutficM, Mass., 19-24; K«rtiei-'«. .BlJn.. 2U-31. '^^ lUca 4 Valtsrs. Ron Ton, PbMa., 10-24. Koien, IVB,, Cfj-stal. St. Joaepb, Ma, 1911. Howun,; tapii Victoria, U.C, CtKJt. Iioaalrt:s..'ri:c L, J eQr,la'a, Cetlar Uflj'Ida, la., 10* 2-i: .Imlustrin!,. Mollii?, Ill,, 20-31, RvKtn, trij). wiuternrten. Berlin, Gcr„ lOMfl IU>?cr Brua., Stug, Hagert-town, Md„ 19-24. U6by,'Dnn, BIjuu, Or-jfcu B^y. WU., fo-21. Itorf-tj (.-J). Ilfltbhway'K, New Ucdford. Mum., 10- 2f; Au'Jlludiyn, Lyxin, 20-3L. Ro&u*' i MW<ets; Slolinwk, Schenectady, K. f., 10-21; Orjtbemn,l : tica..2y-JJlv liQinVJac-k ft'Ularu, U'ulct^', Springfield, 111., 10- tmm 21.. ICHMI mam, w-n., (mi Bro*., mokJci*. lo-iprli lift rborlio, Mr. ft Hre. Harry, Park. WorwwUr, 5{a8s„ 10-21 • Shmly'a. Fall Klrer, 2U-31. ft Mro. Harry, Park, ._ 24: Sbrtdy'*. Fall BJr«-. . _ Jiaa & Puvric. Orpheum. Vtlcn, N. Y., 19-21. Tbeii.. Lulu. Star, Mnnclv, Ind., 19-24; Orpbouw, Portsmourti, 0., 20*ttt. ThoiBiHou ft'Vidoc*), Kvith's, ProTldoiicc, 19-24. Tburb*r, r^ooa, Puator'tt. V Y;- C. 10-24. lonqiHo anltn Tlanltn MIdgsU. drand, Hunltnatoo, lnJ.', 19-24) Main Sircfi. Peoria, til.. 26-31. rowtiwnd, Charlotte, ft Co., Ate J* 31. Tops? lurry Trln, Kmrdrr. Oakland, Col., 19-21. Tolla BldU-rs, G. 0.11,, PltUbutiT, 19-21. Tuy*. MuMcat. CastW; Uloumliitft^o, III., 18-21, Trolley Cat Trio, Mohawk, SphenecUdy, El, 10-24. Tredentck ft Tckla. 1'uli'f, Brldffeport, Conn., 19- Trutnbnlt-ft Barnes, Orpheuoo, Mt VcrnoD, N. Y., lfi-24, Troni-b. 0. O. II.. Pittsbar/. 19-24. Trnncy, Kilty. Poll's. New Maten, Conn, 18-24. Tuba. M..ID street, Peoria, UJ-. 19-24; Garrick, Burlington, la., 20 31. . Tyce ft Jcrmcu,. Codfc, Bocliefller, N. Y., 10-24} U. 0. H-. Plttsbuhj, 20-31, i Ty-Bell Sisters, Orrln Brua,.. Mexico. 10-Aprll 30. T/cori, Maryland * Co..'Uun Ton. PUlla., 19-21. VWs. Versatile, BIJou, Wbe\'»log, \f. Va., 10- Vair-'aofro ft Cot rely, Kiwhitiou, Okla. City. Oklu.. 10-24. Vanp, Ethel. Lyric, PalWFoo, K. J., 19-24. varjainnn. Killaou, Helena, Moil...2Q-3J.. Vulou; Ugrry E., Washington; h'pokabc, Wail!., .18-24. .' ; : ■ -. ' ■ ; Van it Alden, Rlebmohd, No. Adaoas, MaM.,* 10- '.24.-S - ■.-.-- =i- ■■ . . ! ?, T^ van. Billy, G. 0..II., -Indianapolis. Ind.. 18-21. Varl Studilltord, Grace, ;Pnwjtut*M 23d St., K.-T. Vnu-.Biene^.Angdstc, Temple, Detroit, Mich./113- VenfohV'naYmarket. Cblc.igo, 10-24. VwtB u .\etlk..ProctOT.'ilT333.»t.-N. Y. C, 18-2-1. Vrttron Trwffce, OrpJieUw. 0W*bn. Neb., I0-21J Orphe*)), 1 Hknsaa City, Mo.. 20-31. v. JMSmiiY, lisi-matkeu ChicaKo, 18-24. ViHorlt, Vwta, Alhambra, N. Y. 0., 18-24, Victor. Carl, KelUiV JTOTlllenee, 19-24. VlnvUa's Huraea, Prwrtwr'a 33d at., N. Y. C, 10- 24.-■„. .....'. Von iWetnl. Mini, Majeatle, Chicago, 10-24; U. Ov'H., Indlaiiapolls, 2U 31. - flaw, Mny, Crj-stiil. Detroit, l»-24. . War*d ft CUrran, Victoria, K, Y. C„ 18-24. ■»j6 ( i ; MWJKtp -Clrdua. Cab*-ft»*S;- Bnot, WdtTjtltf.cleTelaud.'O., 18-21: BIJoo, MliTlIlt, 111., JKWJ1. Klinoff, John, nBBk N. Y. C. 19-21. '/doDtruap, Al. 4 Pearl, UCtn, Superior, Wis., 10- ZlBgarl Trio. Trent. Trenton, N, J., 10-21; .^" . . AtlanUe . CUT _ 2G , 8 i . .» fflst-aa.kingi Doric, Yonicro.-N,. Y., April 2-T. hsjuilu^U— »i, ' ii '■■■!' i t v_j_a g OJI TltE no lo. Hnm»le'i»c«lnl I.Ut — Herri vea Tod lulr for < lr»-»lfl.--itiua, Anglln. MBHromt (ffltukft Bros;, fflgrf.)--U||. wankw. TVls.. 10-21, Modlron 22, JniicafWo 23, Klglii. 111., 24. "ftoftof! .inrt After". (B'»bort Hunter, mar.)— Ht. Lottie, UK 20-31; "Boll Boy'* Mamcs A. Oalrlu. mgr.)— I»nrtli Amtwy. K. J.. 21, Lukan~o0d 22, 6aUm 23, UrUlreloti 21. Cirnn-Mllti.ii (Kdu-. Currail, lu>rr.) — Cartlutn, Mu., Mf-21, l.atour 22-24, Norada 20-24, ftnplc- tvh Oltr 2»:il. Crescent Coined/—CJiicord, N. C, 24, Spartan* btity, H. C.« 28-30. •'Ulrtu Will Be OlfU" (Wu. A. Brady, mer,)— ' aiorifanhntu, W, v,,.. 2t>, New Castle, Pa., 27, Kraualln 2H. Oil City 29, Krlu tft Bfadfoni ;il. "liuman Mi^rlit." Westoni <Win. Frauklla Bitoy. ULL-r.) —Mao Pedro, Cal., 2G, San Dfesu 30, Hjiwtu Anna UT. Ilireintile 24, Potaouu 29. lU-d- Idililti 30. .Sen Bernardino 31. MnrkH.atKck (Tom Murfes. iiigr.)—SmlUi YoIIh, 0'it., 22-24. Curletou PIat» 2d-2h, Artiprlor MUrkJ* Bros, ffta Marks, mgr.)—Pletou, Can., 10-24. Tieiitou 20-09, CoN>utv 28*31/ Notilo Bro*.' Theatre rOco. M; Noble. in»ir,)—Ar- bantrur Ulfy, Kau., 22-2(, Nenkjrk, Okla,. 20-31 'Talr of .Country, KbU" (C. J. Hiulth, Bigr,)— Corrected List—BcKcrllie, ill., ail, stuunt.ii 2d. tjUHiM 37. Cliariwtou 2*. SuUtniu 20, llrrcuuti !>0. FIihUjv 31. WnriHT Cwnody (Beni. It. - Warner, mgr.) —Win- tHihDgjn, Minn., 20-tU. IA.- Ahat>Hs, JeCTenwn (S1nib->rt Bros., nuyra.t-r Oil City.- Pi.. 20. Yonatntovm. O., 2", Cantvd ■ Mi anrln-fflrld 20, Terry Uaute, ItnL, ' 3U. I'.Tudr-vlile 31. "14M1 nmUtlw GU-I" (Hhut*rt Bros., wsft*>— lUrtfohl, Cnun.. 20, 27, 3f«w Maw 28, PruTl- Uuuce, U. I.. 39-31. tfttU Hcribncp.1 Uay MOrnlng Ulorlcm In "Sfifl DinriPttlJaugMer.** ' ■ XOTi.—Wru. T. Ollwnu, for tin* oast thron yckn dqRrkeapnr at Pfocror'c dftq last vtwt, MM Hlitj'lhroc, atlnr n liiirmilnfr Ulsofta. AtiachH nf-tbti thcatte mtro itftUbeartri tit tho funeral. ••«•-•' T*»y.—AtTfffeior*ii(Wimam"Il. Oriiliuni, re-MdeoL rafinaur-r) tlio btittM HMin did n«tt nffect tlin nttftidfinec lant wook, tlw i*o4imiB ho|p(r eKwedlnply lnrgo. mil Week of March Ilti ttleharrt ooldob, AlUuol's timnkoy. "I'etor tUD (Jrpat;" Elalit VaMHH Glrlu, liny Cook, tlio Tannknii, Ilyah nml Itlcliflrltl, thft PrrorH, Juitii Ilyiuna mui LflUd 3ulMrM ItAxii h t ti-EtsA Hnrun 4II. T. TliompKnn, renldpnt timtmifcr^.--"Tlio llolv CH.v" KM a c«iod liouflp X'<!. "Oi'Hi'rtetl nt ttic Altar" iin»w fairly well 10. IT. "At Muor Itldae" 10, Plorvnce Blndloy, In "Tin? ritruul Hliiiiur," 20, 21': "Tlio Rofm Bnw, In Irclnnd" 22. "Rnli- rtiad .lack" 2*. "Mrx. LetDngwellV Bout*" "JI. I.vckum (HiiritN Glllum. nutiintreri.—"rim Darling of tfin Gods" drenv fiilrly wull 17. Tlie hauao will b» dark until April, when It will reopen wltb u porrunut'Ul ittork cuuijiauy. JtoiAi, (H. Ii. Kollcr, iitRtiugcr). — Itltul: CroQk Jr. RurlesquerM wcro nreni drnwldg card* latt w«ek. 1'rcd IrwIn'H Ulg Biio\r week of IB. NEW YORK "TATE. Waierbnry Bros, ft Tebny. C D.C, 29-24; II. ft tC S. Y Chuse'u, Wi ■'ttBblagto! wrtji (1), Family, Unttc, Mont. 19-^i. BoODCy, Katie, ft Co., Uutbum, Bkln., 10*21. IloluP. Yifitorui. N. Y. C. 18-24. llocuefpi-t ft fti w -. Bun Ton, -Pldla., 19-24. Boblson. Kibel, Ourrfok. WHratagtoij, DeL, 10- 24j Anipbbjn, Bkln., 20-31. .. ftonicno*. (Q), Poll's. Snrlnglleld, Maw., 10-24. Ilasa SlBrcra, Lyrle, St. JWRMt 3,a " IjWfc ■ BssBB, Luigl. un«l horse. Temjtle, Detroit; 1924. Boss ft LeTTbi, atoll Tour. Bujfland, 19-AprlI. 3tl. liuneell, ft Dun bur. Yoon-j'a Pier; Atloutltf City, N.'J;. H--24. - nuswll. Phlt ft Carrie, Parle, Brie, Pa., 10-21; -BIJou.- WJieellnjr. W. Va., 20-31. Ryan, Jas. ft Maude, Lyric, aU Joseph, Mo., 10* Byttit ft ItlcltOeld, Proctor'H, Troy, N. Y Colonial. K. Y. 0..-StHlL • " Sau'lor's Dogs. Orpbeum. Hon Fron., Cal.. 19-31. Salerno, O. U, II.', PUUbury, 18-21; SiHiu'u, Buf- falo, 20-31. howau-Joii. The, Kellb'a, S. Y. C, 10-24. t^uvoys, The, BIJoa, Belolt, Wis., 19-24, aaohs, Herr, Kmplrc. lluboken, N. J., 10-21; ti'iii-lre, Polersoiij -26*31, Hanluroft Marlov.-. BIJou, Galesburg, III., 19*24. fiuyllle, LIIIIuu. Kmplrc-. Puierwon, N. J.. 10-21. Suriler, Two, Anditorluni, Norfolk, Vs., 10-24. tiubli-e, O'Nell ft Vera, II. ft li„ Bkln., 10-24. Hanford 4 Durilogfon. Slur, Muucte, lud.. 30-31. Sabe], Jo-eptilne, Enipin: Tour, iSuKtoud, 10-Arrll Hcbbuert Quarlctte. Kcllh'e. Pblla., 10-24. Seoit. Inw:, Orpht-uni. No. Yskhna, Wash,, 18-21. Hwott. Carrfo. Jluynlurket. Cbleaco, 19 21. Hehcpp'b Doga ft Poults, Gmnd, Uaylon, lad., 19- Scoit. Margaret, AtlanUo aordeo, N. Y. 0- 19-2L Beroranire, Margaret, "BIJou, Bay. City, Mltb,. 19- 24; BIJoo, Uuklog, 20-31. Semoc, Caai. R, Pmctor'a 23d St. N. Y. O., 18- „ 21; Ptootor'e. Newark. N; J.. 26-31. Seldoma ■(!), Orplieunj, Loa Aogeles, Cal., 19-21; „ Salt Like City, U., 26-31. Gejmouc 4 Duprre. Arcade. Toledo. Q., 19-34. bevllle, Lily. Empire. Hobukeu, N. J., 18-21; bm- „ plte, Paterion, 26-31. . '' Seara; Harry. 4 Co., Olrraplc Chicago. 19-24. u aherry, J. W.. Liiforette, Ind., 10-21; Ma)estlc, _Chicago, 20-31. „ _ „ ni Sheppknl ft Ward, Lyric, Pslersoo, N. J„ t8*54. Shannon, Lotluls, 4 Co., U. 0. U„ iDdlooir-oIla, Ind,, 19*21, Short ft UllHi. O. H.. Clieoler, Pa., 19-21. m , aherman ft De Forest, Orpheinn, Loa Aagelea, Cal., ahabnotw <4>, Family, LancaVter, Pi., 19*24. Sbsw, Lllllup, limplr.. llobokea, Kf. IWH M Sldrton Urw- A. ft a., Boston, 19-24, Puslor'a, N. Y. O. 2*»*:il, MuMK.a- a- Harris. Hot apringa. Ark-, 19-24. aiqiou-Uttnliicr & Co., M-jJcHlk-, Oilcigo, 10-21. Shenn ft Warren. Slita'e. BotTulw, 1921, ^iiiip-tons. Musical, u. O. II., IndiaaupolIs, led., Slater 4 Fineb. Conilque. Mcmpbla, Tcan., 18-21. fflftn.TA-l, Iveeney'K, Bkln.. 10-31. &lotas. The/A. ft 8.. Boston. Mr-Ill. BalUt.ft CanjpbtU. Sbeo/l. Buffalo. 10 21. mBBSBSSiA 4-feJSJiA: ft. i ph Washlniton. D. C, MM. „_. B6iir&.'Plter-J.i-G. O. H., Grand Baplds, Mich., 19'SI. ' ■ ' Kualrl 4 Kesiuer, Hbee-Iy'a, Fall Blrer, Maaa., pSgi. Smltli ft Smith, Eeeney'P. Bkln., lfi-24. Smith 4 Two Johtiwtiw. HftWanl, Boston, BWt. Hawtet ft Buekley, Orplienru, , NMHol Vltf, «<•-• 10-21; Olfmpl.'. Clilengw, 2011. fjmm ft law. Prosldence, B. 1... W™\- „, *-*'*i<nirr». ,to!»„ [Mi faler-tuu. \ J-. W--^ Wnlsou's Farmyard, Orpheriai, I'tlcs, ^. Y„ U* 24;-<jrpbentu. Iti-adln-f, Pa., 20-01. Watd-vr Bros,. BIJoa, Kbwuwe, III.. 19-24. Wnrtt-uU-r-t BroF-.. Empire, Putersoii, N. J.. 19-21. Walsh, Frank. BIJoo, Bav City. Mk-b., 19-24. Walsh, Uuy, Areude, Toledo, 0„ 19-34. Wallace. Frauktyli, Atluntjc Garden, N. Y. C. r 10-24. Walt. Ilmlllc. Crystal. Pueblo, Col., 10-24. Walimrlpht. Mildred, Gaiety. MprlugOald, 111., 4II-21; Grand,' Vbjctnuea.- Ind., 20-31. Walton. Fred, ft: Co. fc , Proctor'a 08tb AL,- K. Y. C,.18-24. _ Warren ft Broekwuy, Majestic, Houston, Tex., 10- 2-1; MoJe^tJe, San Antonio, 20-31. . WnlUfM ft Prouty,, Trent, 'Tretituii, K. J., 10*24; Prtvlor'f. Newark.', N. .J.. 20-31. Walker 4 West, Andltorinm, Norfolk, Va., 10-24. Weuipn- Al. D,, Orpheum, tjprlaitflekj, O., 19-24. Wetler, Llnle, Arcade.- Toledo, 0., 19*21; (IraBd, Marlon, Ind., 36-31. AVelwn, Max, Troupe,-Keith'*, K. Y. C, 19-21; Orpbemif. Bkln., 20-31. Web fi. Jim ft'Cella, .Cvyital, St Joseph, Mo., 19-24. Weavers. Aerial, Howard. Boston, 10-21, Webb. Marry I*. Bijou, W'heellnjr. W. Vs., 10-24. WMtf f4>, niaiilillftt N. Y.-O.. 18-24. Wt-lsb. CliuK., ft Jennie, Crystal, Frankfort, lud., 19-31. > - Went 4 Van Slelen, Howard. Boston, Mna.i., 18* 24; Empire, Pitlsfield. 20-31. While. Stuart, ft Co., Keim'a. Providence, 18*21. While, Jack. Crystal, St. Jowopb, Mo„ 19-24. Wharton ft Lu Uvy, BIJou. Okla. City. Okla., 19- Ijfcli ft Bell, Majestic, Utlca, M, Y.. 19-24. White. Ed. B., ft Bollo, BIJou, I*« Moluea, la., . 19-24. >Vblpi>le. Waldo. BIJon. Dalutli. Minn., 19-24. Whlllnt- ft Broeee, Majeatle, Hut Springs, Ark., William* ft Mpll-uro. I'utiiHy, Pottavllle, Pa., 19- 24; Family. Il-wllon. 20-31. WKwcanJ, Olga. Eninlrc, *t. Paul, Miun., 10-24. Wlltbus, The, Boh'Ton; Pbllu., 19-24. WHderi MaHtiolf P., Orpneum, Han Fran., Cal., 10-24: Orpaeum. Los .AOffcIea. 36-Aprll 8. Wlfllams 4 Bellman,:Pastor's, N. Y. C. 19*21. WHkcv Mattlc. Mom ft atoll Tour. England. Williams, Gue. Majestic, Cbiengo, 10*24. Wilbur, Ollwr. Crystal. Detroft. 19-24- Winter, Wlnoni. Ol?8H»ie.-Gi>4*>ago ; 10-24. - WlkolT. Baby Irma. 4 Co.. Grand. Hatpntoa, C«n., WHton BtoA. H. 4 B„ BkU).. 10*24. Wllcon Trto, Marylnnd, Baltimore, 19*24; Keith's. N. Y. C 26-31. Wtoaata, fiobert, Bl>»i. Pulnth, Minn.. 19-24. Williams S Gordon, BIJou. Kraosha. Wis.. 18*24. Wilson. Llnle N., aMestlc, San Antcqlo, Tax,, 19-34;"Mgjeatlc. Waco, 26*81. ■ Wllmot. Harry, BIJou, La Crctse, ™.J»«- wiMlrfw, Mme., Wynat, Orpbeonr, Omaha, Nab., 19-21. WUllaina Duo, Keith's. Phlla., 18-24. Wh-kcrs (.31. Uniqae. Loa Angelea. Cal. 18*24; F.nujire. Fresno, 2'1-qi. r^ Wolkowaky Ttoppe, Otljo BriM., Mexjce, 10 Acril Wordette. Estelle, ft Co., Aunfaktn, Bkln-. 19-24. Woftd BniH.r PtttiDbld,-Mundi,:'ls>S«i Outland, Wvrlil'a C*aucdy Four, Orpbeuin, Sao Fran., Cal., Wood. Milt. Poll's, BprlngfleM. Maaa., 18*24. V" Ma »wa«« n | Dok» 4 Monkeys, Bennett's, London, Woortwrinrs'sc-als. IllpiMKlronic, N. Y. C, 19-2-1. •Wowlall, Ruth. 0. O. H.. Tcpaka. Kaxt., 18*24. wolpcrt Trio, Sbea'B, BuTjIo, 19-24. Woodford ft Marlboro, BIJou, Kslamaxoo, Dtlcb., 19 21 BIJou. Buttle Creek. 26-31. Wulfkeu. LiKi. Lyric. St. Joseph, kfo.. 19-21. WulS'a Poo. Htmx/d,roroe. N. V. C, 10-24. w.rckoff,T»ad. 4 Co.. Bradenbargb'B. Pblla.,18-24. ifiell, O. n:; Lawrence, Mass., 19-21 Yacktcy 4 Brraoel,, - YMget 4 Yeiger, Wlotergariw, Berlin, Gey., 10- YefA" Klraaa Tronpe, Orrtu Bros., Mexko, 19- AprU 2. Yetimau, Oro.. Empire, Dex Uolnos, la., 19-24. Y'«ituch 4 Bx»-kft, Ooh-nlnl, Mwmtuv, Mnsn,, lf>* -24. , ' 2nm>rnF, 'Cyellnff, Hoyt's, So. Norwalk. Oonn., 19-24. Zauch+h, The. B-* 8., N. T. 0„ 10-24. Baffs)lo.— At the Lyceum Theatre (J. L-itigulln, maqager) Jefforaoo. Do Aug^lln, In "Farirana." la. the nitractlou for wwk of Mawlj 19. "The- Title Matt" 26-28. Lw> DltrJcUstpln. Fi-lra Williams nml a bpJeudld c.nat pi-eflented."Dcl'Qye anil After" last week to delighted and crowded houHet-j, IHK.CP, C Cornell, maurar).—VTrfgbt r,orlmer. Id "The fihvphprd King." 10-24. "It onnuoued in Xordlano next week. "Ben Hur" did u big tnpilqeen. and "The Vlfgtrriuii" plettBed goo<l al2cd gatuorliigi-i. ■ Convention Ball (U. h. Mecch, curto- illahj.—Marteau-Gerardy concert UK The um-Mtm wan a sticceaa. HUiva'i*. —Loutue Running. Leon Morrla' ponies, Jennie Farron, Smith nod Campuell, Pctcilng ,Erda... Bhean arid Wnrrcn, Uddlo Leohara and Wopert Trio this week. Dual- neiu,.ja luig°. PUHVT (C. O. Stevens, manager).— "Wiy. Olrls Leave Home" this week. "Big Wafted Jim", next, week, "Shadows of a OreutCiiy" contindea to l>c ninfaetlc. mApm (C. ; M. Bagg, manager).—The Brigadiers, including rdmond Hayis. lu "Tlio Wise OUy." upfjeur. thfa I week; Tlio-Keu* tuckv Belles 20-31. Ffly Fo&tcr Co. did HOumw (Ed. J.Curr, mnrjager).—Tlic fcu- ropean SMiBtMon this week... AL Iteefett'-Co. usit week. Jolm K Sillllvan, wKh the Bow- ery Burlesquem. did u Tcry large biisIuo»i8 last week, especially Friday {amateur night), Which haa ptoved to-be a popular Innovation. ..Xcck (P. C. Cornell, manajrur).—ItosuCe- cllta Shnv, in "Paiit Jonea," this meek. Tlrooiaa K. Shea, week of 20. The Mortons did nicely. ■J-inn'h Musbok, —Current appearaneea □ro: Kid and Hazel Parker, Crawford'add itelfinev, Lillian trebcott, Beauchafflp and MHo Vaggc. ," . . -i,.,- ■ „ »■■ i, Hoc-neater,--At toe Lyceum Of. R Wolff, munagor) "Mrs. L«fllngwcU'a Boole," an excellent coinpnoy, hud n fair elzcd.lioiiHO March 12, Loula Ptiyue, Vin- cent Serrano, wiiiiuni Courtonay, LUIlnu Thatcher,.Jesalo Bpnby uud Annie Adaoia did comuiendable work, "Ben Hur" piny ad to five of the largest uudleuucs crov gutliorcd at this hotmc l," -17. At the oiwnlng day of the advnocc Rent vale It Was necessary to cull out police reserves to preserve order. An unbroken line of ticket purchasers kept the box; onlco force busy .-from 0 a. si. until 7 p. m., when there occurred the first break lu the Hue. It was found -necessary lo pat on un extra matinee Id. The company and production are still up to the original Hue Ktaudord of cxeellem-c, fBoi Hur" could have 'CHslly packed the house for anothor week. Doseenboeh Orcbestra (local) 10, Eleanor Kobsoo, In "Huaon In anarch, of a IlutbtuJd," 234. National. (Max Ilnrtlg, manager).—'The Black Crook" ulayed to gpod putronago 12- 14, Worthy of nieniloa arc Claude LlgHnnor and Kmmet O'Connor. The scenery whs ex- cellent, tieorgc Uvaue and a most excellent support did a. It. O. business 15-17, In "The Htiuatvays." The comedy work of the star was of u hlgli onler, and he scored a most emphatic hit. Clevor .work was also done by Marie Loulttc GtJbhen, Mona Carrlngton. Jas. M. Bouranu uud Win. T. Bdumau. TTie cliorua was excellently trained. June Corcoran, 10- !tL la "Pretty Peggy;" "How Ueurts are Brokuu" 22*24. Cook Opica Hol'hb (J. u. Moore, muqa- c>t>. —-The Fudelte Orchestra proved to hu a big iJruwlug card of last week's bright bill. BUI 10 ana week : Twelve Navajo Ou;1b. Eva Weslcott and company, Thofoe and Curtcton, QaMty Bros., Tyco nml Jprtuon, Toto, Tom Browne, Klta Benzal Troupe; and klne|o* gfapb. QtKtn (J. H. Mooxc, manager).—The Moore dtock Co., week of. 12, made a must creditable showirr; ■ la "Alice of Old Via* cenncs." Business, whi excellent. Ada Adair, In the title role, was Immensely bleasliig, Bertram' Lytcll save strong support. "Tnu Bilver Kin*" lWB- GbMNTITLrN fHenry C. Jacohs, mnuagcrt. —S'Tthner's Morning Glories Co. gave one of the most entertaining and satisfactory shows seen 'at 'Iris theatre this season, to packed bot-ses. Chorus wss extremely cap- able. In the olio (one of the beat) tbe fame"* ^oafes and Gntdy Watermelon Trust carried pit' tfrat to iip m The Bowery Bur- lesquers Co. 13.?4. ■ f ., ., — ■< ■ Albany.-—At the Eniplro (Frank Wil- liams, resident ojHuager) Mrs. ljeflJngweli's Roots" drew two good sized oudlcncca March IT. "Bogers Brothers lu Ireland" 21, "The Show Girl" 24. ITARMANl'rl BLECCKEH Uai.L (If, It. Jacobs, manager).—"King of tuo Opium Blojr," 12- 14, bud big l-usluci*,' uud "At Blacy Bulge-," 16-17,i-pleased purtkularly largo auldeod's. Lillian Mortimer, In "No Mother to Guido llerr* 1P-21; Florence Bindley-. In "Jho Streut — ger," 23-21, /ii'-cidu'h (Howard Graham, resident manager).—Fine vaudeville brought the usual large fulli-wing here dnrlhg the pOit week, thoso specially favored bfJoaJoseDqine Cohan, t'red Mblo and Cell&a Bobe. Bill for 1& and week : Dan, McAvjy, Fields and Ward. Luigl Del Pro. Major Doyle, Violet Hlni'k sod' company, Teujf Tronpe, Tanner 1 Hen—At the Majestic Theatre (Hhubert Brne., managers) "The House tif My>,torv" opened the week, to good hii-duos*, March 13, 13. ' "Yotk State Folks" drew well 14. "Mra. I^eQlDRWell's Boots" dcew it fair house 15. "The Darling of the Bods" did splendidly Id. Moving pictures 19, "Peck's Bad Boy 22, "New York by Night" 21. -QBJrtttUUl (Wllaicr ft Vincent, raauugers.). —1'OSt week's bllL drew a big uttnnufim-o. This week: Watson's Farmyard, tai Vlue* <"lmarou Trio, Dorothy Keutou, Curlba nntl Otto, Tim twin aud Payne, i-a Belle, Eddie llerron. and the kluetugru&li. I'twrv (David Barry, munagsr)-—Buid- frms good. This week : Collins nod Wrluht, Boco Granvlllp, Htellit Gray, Barry and Utio* rjessy, Wallace and Brown. Hon Hurt, Booth sisters. Flo Wallace, Phillips ami WulCuia, nod Beroueln the flreut. Noteh.-— Anna Mtllotte. Of the "ITantana" Co., left here to join Jos. Weber's Co., In New York Mr. nml Mrs. Cu&Uelil 11 re visiting relatives In thW city Jou Ball la :tctlug as manager of'thc Fuudlv Theatre, BoniCj N. Y-. uqd reports business good. — < — - ■ Blmlrai.—At the iAceum (M. Ilels, imin- egcr) the Ferdlnaud Graham-: Co., In reper- tory, week of 12, did good busluesi, with lllo exception of 16. when Lillian Blauvelt-ap- peared lu "The Bose of the Alhunibra." Chea- ter De Vondo, lu repertory, week of IB. except 24. when Andrew Mack will present "The Way to Kantnare." Rogers Brothers 2T, "BlmplQ SIiuou Hlniplc" Ht, "Ben Hur" 20-'Jl. Rulto (F. W. McConuell, eialiagcr}.— Rill for-week of 10: The Aherns. tuo Uli-li- _ , rpr _ T - Mh<. Hldncy Drew. Unity niul Alke Trijlot, vm^J^mm «&*% vanderlltc tlie remainder nf the week, prf HWtlhg: Lmilie Allen Collier, Walter I'm LenlH, Tlionii*! Ohrtt.trrton. m»tl, Uugono H rtols, ptesentlug Urn: Cltrtrles U>nWst> rjeft- one act eornddy, "A Wild Idea:',' Llottol Lawrence ntid his twelve BlaHo girls, lh a new skateh, "A Teh lycim-b Uelienrsal;" •Vlck I-otig and liUh'tie Cotton, lb "Macu- gerlal Trnnb^i*:'* Cherry ntid Ha(e», w& Itlehy w. Craig. Tim 'travailing rales at tills finiiHf- life : niliTlinnii, in ntid 20, ciifttn; ovanlng, lb. 2". amrno eent». rami ILnuM !■:. Kltby. malinger).—Vie* tor's Ituynl Vciimhui Band pruvet) a Very strong; heatllluer during tile iinst week, anjt wtupled with oilier.uttriu'tlve tent urea, or<ijtq- ed the liOilsu ilnllv, Una I'.iItviiiiIb' Hcbopl ih>,VH and GlrlH, In iniMkal fntet- (a nperliil ffill tire t. Is antinuuecd fur week of lit. Oth- ers; Gnrduor and Vliiceui. lu "Wlnyliji. a (B»w3tt:" J»Hselvii. Trio. Hckhoff and Gordon, llellmiiu nnd Mmm-, the Three Cnrtmells, and Dixon nml ffulnir*. Milimger I'n)l Wfl* In town during the pnst wt-ek, In company with 1,'iuii MnunuiT Kllby. Non..—hn1t.1i! riinior Is hnny clrciilatlug n very tiliiu-mlile Ht.iry thin the Hlnibert*; of Now York, nre pnrlk'ularly desirous nf ob- taining a fnrttiintii lii thin cltv, securing a luuise where their nltrartlons tun be credit- ably produced under lltelr linmedlote dlr«e> lion. It ts uiHierstuod that l,ee MhaWrt n-renlly nppfimehi'il Muniigur Jeiinlucrs to tltM end, deslrlltg h> Include thin city lu the aiiuhert clreiili, M:ttuig^i- Jennings decltnad 10 discuss Hie Hllnhllon to nnv length when recently tipprniicited un the subject. It la gi'iievHlly understood that But Reenter portion nf the iittrnctluii" from Uilx lmn«e tire Men nil through ihn ellleis of Htalr k Hiwlln. A Shuhert ntttaetlon. "'I*he Karl ami lite Olrl," Is hooked nt thiv tipefii House 20, 27. ■— ' m • ■ - Bridget-"!-!. —AL KmHh's Tlieutre (ErJ. wnrri r. smll'li, nmnnger) "Tip* ltogera Brothers hi Ireland" cnlne to riiiinclty March 12. Florence Hnmlllon, In "Tlie Sondfor'tJ Wife," '1.1, II. nluvnl to capnclly.' VNo MMher lo Guide Mer," LI, 16, was rcwardM with good business. Hubert Udeson, rh "Ktropalieart," 1&, hint H, 11. O. Booked: Boston Syiupjionv Orrheatrn 10, '"lTir> CoJ- lege Widow" 20, "Tlie Tenderfoot" Si '''Wiy flown Kaat" 22, "The Old Clothes Man" 28, ' IViu'k (10. B. Mitchell, manager).—Big houses greeted the hill week of 12. Booked week nf 10: McLulu Hrsters, t'nrtor, Wat era .■tin! company, Leo Onrlllo, Treaeulck und T»kln K4rm, Jew«dlM manikins- Neff add Miller, und Dclmnm mid Lee. NoTtifi,—The Burnitin'A; Bailey Clreun left the Winter fiiinr(c*rH In tills eltv 17.1....'. Madison Hmlth. of this city, was given an ovation in M Htmiiglieart," nt his »p]—- mond4, Cfisey and Craney, Bio Dp i'optns, Badle Brand, Mae Lawrence. Alice Ante the klnltoscope, and Illustrated annas, The Crescent. Comedy Four made a decided hit last week. Capacity biieluess ruled. —■ — -•> ' Syracuse.—At the Welting Opera Hoiiso (.lojin L. Kerr, uinnoger) "lieu Hur" March BABTADLn (Harry A. Hitrtlg, manager).— "Tlie Black Crook" hud good Imalncss 1S-17. "How Hearts Are Broken" l'J-2i. "PrHtr I'eggv," with .TanfT Corcoran, 22*24: "An- rona" 211-28. Fltke O'llnta.-lu "Wr. Blarney from Ireland," 20-iII. Guan'o Opnnv IIoi>r, (Chas. II. riuuiuier, niuouBer).—Commencing 1!): HpookMlnEtlebj. Howard and Bland. Bristol's ponies, Low Hawkins. Johnson and Wells, Throe T|ud- cape, MoxsrnUh Dtio'nnd kluctugrn^h. - 1- - -11, ♦> . ———— ■ IIOiuhHiiiion. —At the BtoboOpera 1 louse (J. P. Fj. Clark, manager) JerTerson He An* fells, in "I-'untunii," had H, B. O. March 12. Indley'Sr moving pictures drew well 11). "The House of Mystery" hail fulr buatueii 14. *"i"hc Darllna of the Gods" Imd largo attendance 15. "Tlio Village I'ool'* did fairly 10. Lillian Blauvelt Opera Co., 17, Urania li'iiiiliig Co., In repertoiY. 10-21, except 22, when Andrew Made'appears. 1 4 ' » CQJrVECTICl'T. KarW Hiircn-—At the Hyperion tBIut- bcri Broa., managers) "The Bogers Broitiers lu Ireland'' hud n lurge uudlunee March 14, BoberL Udeeou pleased add drew well JU. I'j-unk Dualels bud standing room oniv 17, "Tho Social ■Whirl-' l», 2tt, "The Collego Widow" 21. 'Tito-Tenderfoot" ,22, '"Way Down Kost" 24, "The Knri nod ide'GIrl" ■Jtf. Nbw Havkn (0. B. Bunnell, manogur),— with the company at Hintrh'a, 17 Johnny Neff will be given n reception h"** (hU.homO week nf 10,. Tho eottrfon for flto- Connect lent BaHcbnll l.cagno ohenH In ihls city April ?T, Tln'fKliilUK cebnllos, who for mime years was u leading clpwn with the Bnrhum A Ihilley HhoW. now; r*■ tired, find the father or the Cehltllo* T und NlchOhi-t (>b(illox, urrnbms' . now, r** Ion. 'Cf Itia _ niid-MMi wire perfortners, gnve n reecntfon March 18 lo 11 liijuibei- of hiwyn- frlcnrls, nt his'horao lii.lMH clly H. 13. Doekrell, Ihe well Known eo,uestrlan director of the Bamum,* BtJloi' Hhrtw. wan UiVOwn from un horafl at the cimw'^VIr-tor ipirtMers 12., while M prO> idl Hhoiv. was IhVOwn from his hortq l'ih' Winter iiiuirh-tH 12. while tier, nnd 1 painfully injured. He will' rois-Vjsr, und probnhty he at Ms duties in ■ Madison Square G-l-den week.rtf 20 Of-'ati C- IvtK of tbin city, u leading iiliyslclrttraail siirgeou, will nceompunV thf Tlarnuoi 'ft Buffoy Hhow IIiIm year tltroilglioiit Its ; t'9Ut, qg he did Inst yeur, as pliyamnn. -— i »» IOWA, Uea Mfiliiea,—At Foster's Opera House 'Win- l''.intor.'intiuHHer' '■ "Han Toy" Mnreh t>. In "Hip Villi Wluhle, and Vqkea, In "A #_.. good hiiHliiesH 11. "Ilnster HroW*n 111. 17 •"fin* Hlvnln" --at, Havugu'H Opera Co, WJ,. H. WULird 20-28. Aiiorroni"it (VYm. I-'osler. mnnpfer).— Ton heavy bouses hiiw 'Bhu-k Hawk Mum 8*T0. "Tlio Way of tlio Trunsgrcsnor" plnyed "A Des|feruti: Chance" had good bustflees BUL-.. Koli'h (S. '/.. Boll, proprlotiir).—Tltjs houses 15, 10. "i-i-'iTi-t fJ"t*iv|-i) Sinn" lii-21, "Ben of Ifiekeii Bow Buucli" 22,24. Blngei Hotl liouae coiitimie.H |o offer good vaudeville, end Hg crowds show their uppreulutJoo. Bill week o£ 10 IocIihIch; Graco Cameron, ICIlty Truney, Jackson I'liinUy. Chusfiluo, Harry Lti Kuse and company, Dixie rJereuadura, and Be Mar und Fortuuu, IB job (8. 'I, Pull, inuiiiiKer).—Tlio housn stoi'k cuiupuny Is presenting u new olcce cucli week, All the productions ute dechlcdly pleasing, -otd always make an effective 1m- nresslou upon the audience. Tlie work of Lawrence It. MctBIJ, Gertrude Hhlptimn and Jmnes Gordon Is enjuyiiblu. "Uiist I,ynno" Notbh. —Since coming to lh In clly James Gordon and Daniel B, Iiuwlor have both 'made many friends, They wen secured by tin- Wolf Tone- Club for their benoflt ut PoII'm on Sunday, 18. They gavo the trhil scene of "Hubert Bmroctt" (under the direction of Mr. Gordon), and It was received with gn-ut duUglit. and reilccted greut ercdlt on Mr. Gordon's ability. Aiinubi-Hc Wiiltford, <j( the Frank Danlela compuny; fainted on the stage 17, and required the servlceN of two pliyslchins. Bbe wag removed to New York City J 8. ■ — — i.i. i.o 1 - Hartford—At Bartons* (H. C, Parsons, manager)- The Yiddish Co., March II.'. pre- sented un excellent piny In u highly i-r*dlt- nblc manner, to an appreciative audience of good size. Stetson's "uncle Tom> Cabin" flensed an audience of fair proportions ia. lorold Bauror, pianist, guve nn lutcrestlug recital 11, before aa audience of mod'tiito else. Notwithstanding the hlkznrd which prevullcd evening of 10, the audience winch welcomed the Bogers Brothers taxed the ca- pacity of the house. Ftunk Bunlela, hi "Her- gt-ant Brue." 10. drew* 8. B. 0. Mine. Yiellc Gullbrrl, iisslsted by M. Arniiind f'urreut, violinist, and M, Hh'hnrd Hngeraun, plunlst, uppi-uii'd beffiri" 1111 fiiiillcue,- of very nindcr* utc alia 17. "The Girl Bate)" IP, Bleunor llobsol), In "Husnn In Hearcli of it Hushitnd," 21 i Robert I'dcsun, In "Htronahturt" (re- turn cngugeaieut), 24: Oscar Flguiua and Hull! White, lb "Toe T«nderfoot,' r 28 ; Kel- hir 27, Win. II. Crane 28. Housu's new opsru, 'Tho Fn*a Lance." book and lyrics by Harry B. Smith, with Joseph Gawtborn, Ncll-i Ber- gen, - Jeanette Lowrle, Albert Hart,' Felix llauej, W. H. Macdoaald, George Tallmon nod a large chorus ana augmented orcbeatru, 20-31. HAnxconn Opkua Houan Hi. II. Jennings, maunwrl.—"His Lust Dollar" wnn nleely GllbcfL and Mme. CoJg/Qro'a anlm&Bt. rjtaged and eleanly pri'seuted by David nig* ii;tv lit. it, nlchnfs, manager).—Ir- gfog,, assisted by a compsuy nf merit, 12, la. wlii's Big Httow turned p^-plc uwny,' tin* K. B. O, Blgu ls>Ing nut afternoon nnd evening, nil during (he engagement". Singled out In in nm wew Glad L'oha, w. y. linrvcy, Do- , . JWf f . _ nt gtwiii biinluess. The remainder *if tin week wnn devoted lo (lie prcectdiiiiou of an egfteptfohgllr mei-llorUmii vntidcyBJc pro- yrjimifl'.', wHJ; Newell aud.Mblo, Mr. uud to big huiliiess 11-14. "*jueed of thp L tilnd«rs"'HJ'l7, "Dangers of n Working Olrl" 22-24, "lloollglill lu New Vork" 2fi-2U->' (Fred BucliuiMin, inuutigar),— Crowd* were allriietud liy" the very gnoil bill week of 12. which Imluded Kobe and Hills, Gllllhitu uud Furry, Whlilug and. Broclp. f,i-oiie.i-d and 8t. Clnlr, Leonard Katie nild klnoilrome. Hill wesk of 10: "Fori* Chop" Hverri, Knox Bros., the Qnkwus, Murdo Trio, and oihurs. l^ii'iui: iM. J. K'urger, ninnuger)j.— Ch- Saelly liwrttiesa '.•nnllnued wwk of 12, vvll.U aivba uud Snrded, Wells Bros., Dolly Wella, Grauc Hiintlngton nnd eimnaiiy, L'haa. Hee- low, Kbprns nnd Cole, HanVcll. Morreil und Iieelnv, and plfturuN. BUI week of BJ: Cur- i-^IIUm uud Hmli;'.-*, Nurnuui, bneddoa nod Bulge, Wrcdcus Lyons nnd Geo. Ycuuiflu, Fort rlndgr*.—At tho Lyric (Louis A. Hfltivcy. mnnager) the buslitess for the past week was Iho steadiest and the bust yet ex- perienced by Ihls house, Bill for, weak of March Hi: I'rof. Brydon'a I>og Circus, Neola, Murtynn and Uurdy, Uunvey und Donne, IIIUNlruled songs und tho I>jr|ttcnpo. AruiTiiiiiMM (Albert C. HtwMb. manager). —Tito Flfiy-slxih Bi'glmi'uL Band, 11, hod a big house. N11TKH,—- Tw cmployetf of the Miilrone Mfg Co. und the Hfneii Wlieelor fiboo Co., nuiiiberlng mu. ul tended Hie L>llc. 1,1, In a body,, nt (lie Itivitutlon or their cuiploycrn. Mnngcr Ilunvey, of the Lyric, statea that he has found an utnutcur tbttt will rival the Cherry Slitters. -■ — ■ ■ ■ ' '- Uuvcnpnrt,—At Iho Burlls Opera Houie fChamherlnlti,' Kindt ft Co., mnaagers) "Babei: In Toyland" upnciircd to a. big uoufo March II. "Kgypta" (local) 7, Oi ,f Fnuat h, Field's Mlnetrels came to tracked Louses matinee uud evening 10. IHckniau-Baiie? Co. 11, "The Glngerbreud Man" 18. "When Wc Were Twenty-one'' 14, "A Pair of Plnlfi" 18, the Hints 11)22. ''At the Old Cross Roada" 2B, "Checker*'' 28. Emtb TiinATRn (Chan. Berkell. manlier). —Bnalneai has been good. For 10 and week the bill Includes: Clem McGee, Dalton- and Robion, Lena Kline and others, also moving pictures. ■-.—, „ . w ,i< .,.i-.|. | .,i — Krokuk. -At the Lu Halle Theatre J Reevea ft Dodge, muuugera > fairly good lioiiai's w-ere In altandance Inst week, and enjoyed the bill. Hroill uud Hraall, Ed. B. uud Holln While. Harry Baker, Alton, Bob- f-lttuu fietulned). und thu Mogrupb, Bill week of March ID: Lpw Wells, Klco HOrl Edwards, and Alton Hohertsou. i\"ii.f*. —The Casino Theatre Bus been leused by Lc Combto ft Flcsher, und will bo opened for tlio Hummer season about the middle of May Tbc Ikuvinau Prnratle Co. pulsed through here 10, ch rowfc from n gootitwo nights' eugagumcut nt the Warsaw (HI.) Opera House. *- 1 ■ Cedrtr It Holds, —A t Gr«enc'a Opera Homo 'Will 8, Collier business mnnager) "Over Niagara VslM." March 10, drew a ten benw house, "Where la CobbV 11, bad big pull* nen. "When We Were Twenty-one/ 12. pleased a fuir slied audieaee. "Wlion-Londdn Bleeps," 14, pleased, "The (Jlugerbread Mun v HI. West aail Vokes in, "At ins Point r>rtho"8word" IM, the Jefferson* 20, Havuo opera Co. 21, "Tho Honeymoon" 24, Koinm n Band 2d. "Checkers" 27. fuoi'Lu'iJ (Ik 1 llug'J, nutniiger).—Big bunt*