The New York Clipper (March 1906)

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MAnOT3T. THE ISttiiW TORS CLIPPER. 107 OU GOIN'? I Don't Know Where I'm Goin',But I'm On My Way The Tramandous Ooon Sorts Sor.sat.ior. by JOE BREN. IF YOU USE A COON SONG THIS ONE WILL DOUBLE YOUR SUCCESS. FKATUREO BY Erl-Ilr Morton, Kihcl ftobln-ton, Hie Howell, Clarice Von.... Gllllhan unit Perry, Blllle Heard, « ration »tt« Morris, Flo, mill, ut.g. i, Watson n mi Morrlary, Oeorgla L. «\ la, Mil*. Bertollnl, Meal D. Ait. l, Leon and Bertie Allm, \Vr>uin, Wallers and H>innn, l.llllnn HpM, Jo* flnrxiwin, Cunningham ami t'oveitoy, Chatham nntt Murray. ■nd Gorman and Wont. MOt'WA AND III* BA.MI's NliiliTl.Y "INT." Till* la Mi. Chomai Oh, well, I don't know where I'm gain', fiat I'm on my way; I tonM. care what becomes of. rae. Thai my last adieu l'vo bid to you, Oh, well, 1 don't know whore I'm goln'. Itnt I have thla much to say: So I leaves yon here to paddio your own ranoe, Bui I'm on my w»y. Hrpfrulanal Copies will be aent free upon receipt of programme. Orcttcalratlona In any key to anlt the voice, Send slumps fbr pottage. OHCIIFRTHA LKADRR8I Orchestra Arrnhjenwnl. Send lOr. f«r JEIffK IItfS' SOWS IWTJSIC CO .,. 1 01315 W a kut L St.,JKANSA8 CITY, MO. TADLH OP CONTENTS. -IHuRtrnltonp. Mm Cllrr*r'n fimtym ta'Vnn VMhlen—Sketch HUM th. Tent. .. rSnfflrn- of ll* WwklJ Slx»v- VBDdPTUlp and Mlnatrrl ^urle *"* Sooir • World ot Piny" ciipi*? ro*t oflwc .... OiHTlofi An.wer*fl (V l.on.ton f^tet Oiir CMMV. vSI*. Wlt-n Terry Jubllfo ..... On iho Roil-l ■ .. LMfrt by Telnrrepri.; Voil'levUlft Boute UNI Sew Vorlc Clly....... Death's In ihc- Profowlon Tony PftHlor'n Artnlyormry THEATRicvi. oonnrssroNDKNOF, Xor Hpiupshlre Veraynr.. Vnlr*..;'-; OklaBomi.... WIsconslRi. .■ naorM.,.. , MUMrhnKtl.. BMwf' if' Columhi.'.' .' . IMI . IM . UM . i r.n .... 100 1(11 mi in:'. 104 104 104 1IL1 ... 108, 170 107 ... 107, 108 ... 17S,173 170 17.1 lonnlnn..'..; PenDNSlTQtili.* NtTvMlT flint*'.'. N.* .Terwj...... Cm*.-.. ...... uil<irVhv"< ;•"•"■" Mlclil,nn.. MlrinoMin , I.-.8 .... ir.8 ....158 ir.s .... 103 .... 10.1 .... 10,7 .... 10.7 .... 177 ....177 .... 107 .... 107 ....101) .... 100 .... 109 .... 100 ....100 .... 100 .... 170 .... 170 .... 170 .... 170 .... 170 .... 173 ....173 173 it;: 17.1 BY TELEGRAPH. Monday HI«M'« Opening* In nil the , ■ Bis Show Towna. GOLIrlSlV «ATB GMTJAK1NCS. Alttteilona Are of Bxeellent Olaaa and ntinliiean *» Holritn* Up w«i. fipcnfol fy/tpsitchcn to Tun Nf.w York Cuitbr. San FbaXcihco, March 27.—At the Colum- bia, "Tho Heir to the Hoorah" began nn on- L'ogemiiDt yesterday. „ . . . Majestic— Thin la tbo second and Inst week of the special engagement ot Nellie Stewart, supported by Heorge Mungrovea Australian Company, In "Sweet Nell or Old liriiry.'' ■*Camlllo' will be presented on 1-rl- day and Saturday. _. „ ' CAWtroBNiv.—Rcllly & Wood's Show this week. „ . fih\ND Opbra IIoiisk.— Onenlnff Sunday matlijee, 2ft: Walter Scott und compnny. In ('has. A. Taylor'H melodvnmn, "Scotty. Klnj: of ttie.neaert Mine." Hundreds were turned awns, at the opening performance. NW Central.— "Too Troud to Ties' Is the Current offerlns. ,__. AT.r-A7*ii.--TJilh week's offprlnir In "The Ai.iiamdha.— "A Mldnlplit Mnrrlflge" Hits tivOW Own* HotinK.—This Is the rfxin week of'"The Isle of Splco." ottettRtiM.—Bill for the week onenlnpr -•> ■ Burt Coote.nnri company, the OatnT Kamlly, Tony YQvm Mite. .JoHephlnn Amonw. AM tiront, the world's Comedy Pour, Abdul vA Kader and. three wlven, Snndor's doptf, nod Hit* klnodrome. cnnrVR.—BUI for the week opening 2G: llothWell [trowne'R fislety Olrls. Nellie Mont- gomery. I'JmmondH, Emerson and hmmowK Km'Uy Nice, Lopez and Lopez, Chns. iiarcla (High dlvor), nnd the animal .scop e. FROM OTHRR POINTS. \ankep Doodle Girls, at the Century, and thp Clay Masqueraders. nt the iMflJegtle, en- tertnlncd (be burlesque hunters The Fulton Slock Co. gave a good performance of "Doro Thome," nt the People's Theatre... SavnRc'n English Grnnd Opera Co. rometf lo the Willi - Wood 8ft ■ CiNciNNATt, March 27.—"The Wizard of Oz" drew n big crowd to tbe Hrond In "A Cavalier of France." the Forenanch Stock Co. presented nn entertalnlnc plav, and business was good Billy B. Van. In "The Errand Boy," packed the Walnut.... At the Columbia business overflowed Tremendous Jnms saw "The Choir Singer," nt ihe Lyceum West and Votes, in "A Pnlr of Pinks," received enthusiastic greet- ing at lleiick's The Alcazar Beanilefl mnde their bow nt the People's, to pleawd multitude!;. ...At the Standard the Parisian Widows jpive a good show, to hlg hufdnew.- "A Hot Old Time" Co. members nro here stranded. Ciiicaoo, March 27.—The one Sunday open- ing In the down town theatres wan Yorkennd Adams, In "Bankers nnd Brokers," nt the Oreaf Northern. Bnt two events of Import- ance occurred Inst night, namely. Mrs. Carter, in "Adren," si the Ornnd Opern House, hnd Margaret Aagllo, In "Kirn," nt the Onrrlck. ....This wc*»k fleeB the close of "The Prince of India," .ii the Colonial Kthel j*ir- rymore, nt Powers'; "Coming Thro* the Bye," nt the Chicago Opern House; Viola Allen, In "The Toant of the Town," nt the Illinois, nnd "A Yankee Clreus on Mnr»," at llin Audi- torium Weekly chnngeK occur nt the melodramatic houses, and business Ik excep- tionally eooil nt the vaudeville nnd burlesquo bouses. IxiinsviT.i.E, March 27.—"Me. Him and I" attracted a big: audleace at. -Mnwinlc Theatre. Selmn Hermnn, nl the Avenue; Watfton's OrlentntH. at tho Riicklnghnm, and vnude- vllle, at Hopklnn*, opened Sunday, to cnpaolty hnnscH On account of a severe sore throat ThomnR Joifetsnn was unohle to open nt. Mncanley's In "Itlp Vnn Winkle." 4 i » LOIUIIANA. floort Bnalnena Ilenorted Alontf the P(HWPEt.rtirA, March 27.—Bertha Knllch, la "'Monna Vannn," met with n cordial re- cpptlonqt * he L y p|c A crowded hoiiflc greeted the local nmnicrr of "The Ileaskln. at tMtWMnut "Koriy-nve Mlnules from Brondway."" In lis flnnl week nt Ihe Cheat* nut Street Opera House, drew enpschy, while tho other hold over attraotlnns, "The Little OraJ Udy," ife tho Oarrlck; "The Wnlla of .lerlehn".at tho llrond, nnd "Mrs. Blnck is Rack," at he Chestnut, had well lllled houses. ...;■. ..'."Wonderland" opened big nt the Orand Opera House (Icnrge Sidney, in "Busy laxj'fl Vacallon," filled the Park.... Keith's had hlg houses afternon and night, anrt.tbp plher combination nnd burlesque homes had their usual Monday crowds. BdsfoN, Marth 27.—"Tho Social Whirl," at the Majestic; "The Heart of Maryland. at tho Tremont, and "Mrs. Wlggs of the KaJawn Pntch," nt. Ibe Boston, were the principal- new bills. In last night's offering. . ..*. :\!ln Old Kentucky," nt the 0 lobe and "The HOW of Myatery,'' nt the Grand Opera House, were the week Ktand s>.owb...... Tb« hold-overs were: Bohert Loralne, In "Man.and Hupermnn." nt the. Colonial; Wil- lie Co1HoF,.ln "On tho Quiet." nt the Park, "ud., In. "The Rollicking Girl. nt the HoIIIb Strcel Tbo stock bouses oflfored new bills, and the other houses mnde the usual weekly changes Business wns mod oil along the line. WAflhiNoros, March 27.—Itoliert Edoson, In »'Htropgheftrt," bad n Inrge bouse at the Nntlonnl......McIntyro and Heath filled tbo '-olumhia, presenting "ITie Ham Tree." • Pniilo. Epwardes, lii "Princess Beggar," had n rapacity house nt the Bclnsco Tno Qnoeo of. the White Blavcs" turned people away 'at' the Academy "The Volunteer ■.rgnnlrit'.' packed the Mnjcstlc twice...... Vhc Jolly'Olrls had nn excellent opening at tuo Lyceum The Navajo Girls headed the usually good hill nt Chine's, filling tho houye aftprnooQ and night. . m . _ . Kawab City, March 27.—All of the thin- ««? openings had big business. The nttrac- Uolbi .were: "The fllngerbrend Man, which n hl« house thoroughly enjoyed, at the Wil- lis Wood... .The Bay*. In "Down the Tike.'' pncltnjViho Grand twice... .Sidney Oean end 'omtthny were the headllners in n strong vaudeville at the Orpheum "To Be Burted Alive," at the Aiidllorlam, nnd When" London Sleeps." nt tbo, look me of the melodrama Bcekore The New Orleans.—At Ihe Tulnne (W. IL Bowles, mannger) Mnrlu Cnhlll, In "Molly MoonBhlne," won much nppreelnl Ion week of March 1R. and enjoyed u good week's lutsl- nesFt, Lulu Glauer, in "Mlhs Holly Hollais," week of 2Ti. Cukhpknt IW. H. Howies, mnnnger).— *Tlio Old ilomentonil," week of 1R, piwified, und drew Inri/o nudlencts .11 every perform- ance}-, P/ockstnrier'H Minstrels week of W, Lysio (Ontenwnld H Baldwin, managers). —"Her Mnrrlngn Vow," as presented by Ihe Bnldwln-Molvllie Slock Co., week of 18. drew big houses, and gave entire satisfaction. "Wedded, But No Wife," week of 2ft. Grand Oi'Biu Hoi-ru ill. C. Fourtnn, mnn- ngor).—"l)nvy Crockett' wns ably prc.<cnicd by the Grand Stock Co. week of 1ft olid at- tracted a big week's business. The Crnad'fl regular season closed 24, when Lester Loner- ci-iri. (ho well known leading man, assumed control for a short senson. opening 2!V In "Hanbo/ 1 Ills wife, Alice Trent Hunt, will nppenr as l<'nnny lid Grnnd. GBKP!.vwAt.i) <lly. Greenwnld, manager),— Sarah Bernhardt, In repertory, for week of ]S, nt; ndvnnced prices, plnyed to big busi- ness, nnd won much w«*ll deserved appreci- ation. Trocniiero Biirlenqiiers 2ft-m. Ohpiibum (Martin Beck, general managed. The hill for week of IK included: Howard Bros,. Foster nnd Foster, Itose and Kills. Edwin Stevenw, Itawson nnd .turn*. Bruno and Bussell. und Ihc Argentine Trio, all scoring heavily. Good huslnewt ruled. For wppk of (Mi Golcmnn's dogs mid cms, Kltmbeth Murray, Keoo. Wnlsh and Melwsc. I teal rice McKcnzle nnd .•ompany, Fred nnd Auolo Pelol, nnd Argentine Trio (second Notkh. —Charles Rnnkln spent a Tew days here week of in. visiting hw relatives. He lert for Chicago 21, to Join tho SpniTnrd Co. Work Is being rapidly pushed on Ath- letic Park, which will open Its season about the middle of Aiirll, with its many D07cl at- tractions The French Opern Co. left here on a special train 20, hound for Now York, where ihey will board n steamer for rnris. . < ■» ■ MARYLAND. This Hal la made;up aa iiniiiinnr.-. Ai Fords (Charles R Ford, manager) Mnxlae Elliott begins a week's en- gngeineui March 2d, In "Her Own I Match. ^Ttie Ham Tree" drew full houses nil week, ending 21. Koberl Kdcson, In "Slrongheart," next week. AcamuiK (Nixon & Zimmerman, mnnn- g CrRJ .-_»H| l in (irnss" 20-ftl. "The Jtosc of th<* Alhnmbrn" wns well liked lns( week. "Fortv-five Mlnules from Broadway' gey.' Alhaioii's (Robert F, Irwin, manager*.— Ilenrv H. Dlniy, In "The Mnn on (he Box.' current week. "Princess Beggar" closed 21. •'Mrs Temple'H Telegram" returns next week. AliHTQftltnt Mi 1* Kerwin, manngcr).— "The Stiltun or Sulii" openH 2fi, following "Tho Grafter," which did well 10-2-1. "Peggy from Paris" noxL JUnvLAnn (J. L, Kernnn, mnnager).— The bill fnr Ihe current week Includes: "Toto" Mncv nnd Hall. Howard nnd Norih, the Harmony Four, Caprice, Lynn nad Dny, nnd "Yuma, as an extra attraction. I^ist week's bill wns one of the best of the season, nnd crowded bouses were tho result. IIou.w-AT Htmxt (George W. Rife, man- nmri.—"His Ust Dollar' r ML -China- town Cliarlle" did well, closing 24. "Undo T«mV Cabin" noil week. nuKRY'tt (Charles E. Blaney, manager). <>Tlie Suiarl Set" 20 nud week. "McHid- dea's FlntM" closed 24. "The Millionaire De- tective" next week. Ravbtv [W. L. Ballnuf manager).—'ibo Bon Ton Ertravnganr-n Co. 20 and week. Rose Sj'dell'B London Belles did well last week. Harry Bryant's Co. next. Monumental (J. l. kernon, manager).—- The Broadway Gaiety Girls 26-31. Carr's Thoroughbreds closed a good week 24. The Jolly Gtrla Burl esque, Co. next w eek. noFonTit and Doilb dosed their vande- viiie company nt # Farmer City, III., March 0 to reBiirae their vandevllle dntCH. Ther piavfHl Hamilton. Can., week of March 12. nnn Buffalo, N. Y., week of 10, presenting their nttractlve novelty act, making four neat nnd attractive changes and Introducing trick drumming. . - Uaudcpille Route Pit. ..... .., nearly M?,r enrnte na it U ponaible to mnLoallit of vnndevllle hnnkllfgca. To ianir* Irt- aertlon In thla department the name of the theatre or park, njj well na the: el(> or town, Mi'ST aerninpany eneu hnoklna; neut na. Acker & Collins. Finally. Zsnesville, O., 2il-al. Adnlr, Art, Cnlumhla, St. Uiilfl. M41; Olympic. Oilciigo. April 2-i. Adair & Pnhn. Columbln, St Loul?, 2(1-51. Ailetla. r,n. fliar, ilRmilton. Can., 2fl-.*tl. .Kt]:,nn h Mnck, Kclth'p. Phlln.. in :u. Atinms & Rdwards. Crystal: Bock Island, III., 2d- ai; La Salle, Keokuk, April 2-7. Allele. 0. 11., LnWell, Ms**.. 2A-AI. Adnmlnl.Tnylw. PotPa, Now Pawn. Conn.. 28-31. Addison St Livingston, MJoii. .Inckson, Ml.-h., 2d- III. Agmist Family, Denver, On!.. 20-.11. _ , Ali-'iin-i. ('tins, & .Inc. Oarrlck, Wilmington, Del.. 2tt-.1l. Allisons (S). nrnheum, MlnnmpoU9, Minn.. 21.11 Alpine Fnmlly. Interanttnnal. Chicago. 2n :tl. AIto. Alice. (Tnlqiic. Minneapolis. Minn., 2«-lil; flrntid, Mllwnnkee, Wis., April 2-7. - ■■■ Allen, l.eoti A Rcrtlo, Ornntl. Milwaukee, wis., 2«-.1t. Almond. Tom, Keith's, Providence. 2fl-.11., Allen. Senr) k V'lolei, Tloward, lloRtou. 2dfll. Allmoh, .loo S.. MaltM*, MlnncnnollR. Minn,, 2d- .11 ; BIJoti. nshkosli, Wis.. April 2-L Alltene Si l.n Braui. Lyric, Ft. Dodge, in., April A Mo • Arnwiir. Proetor's. Allmny. N, Y-, 2fl-.11. Allen St Dnllon, I-'nmlly, Lnncosler. l'n., 2<t:il. Americas OsraeAf Four. Colonial, Irfiwrcnce, Mass., 2«:il. Atnerk'iin Ncwslnys' Qimrtette, flrnnd, San DIeco, Cnl., 2U-:il. ■ ■ > m Amaiui & Hartley, Liverpool, Fog., 2fl-»l: Bar- itoslev, Kag., April 2-7; Mhelllcld, 0-lfl; Dull IR-2:i. I'-J* Amoms, Mile.. Orpheum, San Frnii., Cat. 2d-:il. Andersons (It. nijoii, hidulli. Minn.. 2tl-.1l. Appleby, IS. J.. liUmi, fliilntli, Minn.. '20-81. Arlington Comely Pour. fl. ». IL. Pittsburg. 2fl- nil Wnrylaml. llsltlmnro, Md., April 2-7. m Arlhuitnn, Brsslc. Orpheum, »l. Pniil, Minn., 2u- nt. Argcnllna Trio, Orpheum. New Orleans, Ln., 2d- Arno't & Gnnn. Olymple. So. Bend, Ind.. 2H-;il. Armln, Alice, Rlnlto. Klmln. N. Y.. WKII. Arneson, Alfred, Proetor's 2.1.1 St.. N. Y. O., 20- An-lier & Crooker, Onlumhln, Newnrk, N. J., 20- - 8|| IJownrd. KMIOB, April 2-7. _ , Annnml. (lrfl<*c, (Irniid, Mllwnnkee. Wis.,; Olympic, So. Bend, Ind., April 2-7. Asm, Kmplre, Itoboton, N. J., 28-111; New Bed- foul, Maa*,, April 2-7. AlkliiHon. I lurry, (I, O. II., Pittsburg, 20-81. Auhcrts. Leu. Orplicnm, Denver, CM., 20-111; 0^ iiliciim. Knnunt* City, Mo., April 2-7. Auto fllrl, Crystal. Detroit, 211-81. Avery & Penrl, Bijou, Pes Moines, In., 2(1-81. Axtcll & l>ou. Crystal. Bock tslnnrt, III.. MHU. linker ft Lean, Umpire Tour. Dnir., 2d-April .10. Barry, Knlle, ft Co., O. O. IL, Plltsburg. 28-81; Slien's, n..iTi !-.. April 2-7. Ilnlliromo. Ilrndenhnryh's, Plilln,, 20-51. linker k MMk, Orpheum, It, Paul, Minn., April 2-7. nanaanfi, Juggling, Galciy, Alhnny, Nj Y.,-2fl-:n. Ilsrnolil's Dokm ft Cats, HnJi'Mtlc. Clilcnavi. 2d-8l. unrrv, Mr. .v Mrs. Jimmy. O. O, n.. PlttNhurg, ■J.<.\ :i l ; Kellli's, Clcveliiud, April 2-7. Ilnrowslty Troohe. Olymple, ChlenKO. 28-BL Humes * I-evhin. faintly, Rulte. Mont.. 20-81. lliinln nr«w, A; Von Dell, Young's. Allnnlle Clly, N, J., 2S-8L Unnder-Ln Velle Trio. HopLliis'. Memphis. Trsn., iifl.1l: Mrijesilr. I.tltle lloek, Ark.. April 2-7. llnrlnw A Nletiolnon, Fnmlly, Pnlersnn, N, J„ 20- 81. llnrrows-Lniirnsler Co., Kellh's, Phlln., 20-81. HnllirbltH*. bin. Pnln.-e. f'tilcncn, 2fl-.1l. _ Paxter, Hlrl, ITnelor's BNIh St.. N. Y. C, 2fl-:iL Il:iker, Hurry. Indnstrlnl. Mnllne. III., 2«-31 i iiijou. Pea Hemes, in.. April 2-7. Ileniielinuiii, llljoii, Dulnili. Minn.. 20-81. Jlprnslelns, Tlic, lUJnii. Jlntllo f'reek. Mlrh.. 2A-31. llenlon, Klwnod & Alftggle, Stnr, Aurora, III., 28- Bernice, SIiw's. Kokomo. lad.. 20-81; Webb's, Pern, April 2-7. . _„ Bell, Crysinl, Co»ur D'Alene, Spokane, Wash,, 28- Aprll 7. Bell ft Rlehards, Pnmily, Pouglikeepslc. N. Y., ■l\\-;\\ : l\-.mlly. I'uhhiiI.-, N. .1.. April 2-1. Bc-Aoos. The. Pastor's, N. Y. O., 20-31; Gnr- rlck, Wllmlnplnn. Del., April 2-7. Bentrlec, Mile., nrndenbursli's, I'hllfl., 2fl-.ll. Bert Inn A Broekwny. Plitslh'ld, Mass.. 2U5I. Brllniun ft Mnore, Poll's, Bridgeport. Cmm., 28- Beiiiiiitn Arniw (81. Temple, Detroit. 20-81; Conk, Rocbenlrr, April 2-7. P.eckwllb. Lln.len. Kellli's, Boston. 2031. Iie»ers, Ih-n. Kninlly. PaleMM, N. J« 2d-3L Bell. Sennlnr Prank. Kellh's, Plilln,, ; Keith's, linstnn. Anrll 2-7. m Bersac's Circus, Poll's, Bridgeport. Conn., 20-.11. Htreb. John. Majestic, Clilengn. April 2-7. Illnnev St Chnnmnn. Crystnl. Wnhsali, lnd.. 20-01. Bill. Blcrcl", Dlymple. Sprlnglleld, III., 2d-.11; UIJou. KewBOiv, April 2-7. _„ nkley, lUnr, llsymarkef, Chicane,. 20-31, Itlnek A V»»«, Family, rmerson. N. J., 28-51. -ltlolr A -McNiilly. Lyric. Ht. Joseph. Mo.. 20-31 I <;.<*. II.. Council Illuffs. In.. Anrll 2-7. Ttlnck & Jones, Colonlnl. X. Y. ft, 20-51; Vic- toria, X. Y. ft, April 2-7. Bnrslnls. The. lllpaoilrome, X. Y. C, 28-31., Cellnn. II. A Ii.. Bkln., 20-51. m . Mm . Boyd. Archie, ft Co., Ifolhnway's, New Bcdforn, Mass.. 2fl-;it; Lowell, April 2-7. Bnwea & Neville. Trent, Trenton, N. .1., 20-81. Box. Ted K., Bell. Oakland, Cnl.. 20-81 ; Lyceum, San Fran., April 2-7. , „ „ nKnt IMP/, May, Proclor's Mia St.. N. Y. C-, Ml. llnlilnlere's M^srloncltea, Brndenburgh h, Phlln., 20-81. JVuiJialr-flreirory Troupe. Hippodrome, S. Y. C, 20-81. Poises. Four, Temple. Detroit, 20-81. nnavellys, The, A. St S., Iioslnn. 20-31. Ilruno ft ltiif]<rdl, Orphoiini, Han l-rnn., Cnl., April Bryant ft Snvllle, Marlon, IniL, 28-81. Bradyt. The, Pastor's, N. v. ft. jfl.;n. Ilrndy A Wnlford, UIJoO. Des Moines, la.. 20-31. Brant Swlle, Ulallo, Plmlrn, N, Y„ 28-81. Brooks Bros., Kvllh's, N. Y. ft. 20-81. lli-mmln*. I.i-s. llopklnii'. LoilUvllle, Ky.. 28.11. llronmstlck Witches. Sum's, Ilufffllo. 20-81. , Urevn. Harry J., Kecocy's. Ukln., 2041. Brit tons, The. Apollo, Vlvnna, Am., 26-31; Haass, ltamburg. Oer„ April 1-50. Brooks. Hcrhcrl, Novelty, Bkln,. 2fl-3L Hrynn. Prank D., Orpheum, Bkln.. 20-31. Ilrmtfopls. The. flera. Lynn, Mass.. 20-31. Brobut Trio, BUM. Kenosha,. Wis., 28-31, Brock mart, Mack A Belmont. O. IL, Hartford, Conn., 20-31. Bristol's ronlcs, Sbeedy's, Fall Blver, Mass., 20- n* Brooks, Jeanne, Kmplre, Sydney, Ans., 20-Aprll 80. Browne. Tout. Whistling, Shea's, Burfnlo. 2fl.1I. EmnooW A WflW, Allinmhra. N. Y.ft, 20*81. Provrn. Jnek, ft Lflllnn Wright, Family, llazk-lon, I'd 2it-AnrU 7: Family, t!arhnndsle. Anrll 2-7, Buseb Family, Crystal, Pnttiln, Col,, 20-31. BnrkM, Jnniing, Star, Seattle, Warn., 39-31. Burefa, Cassle, Palnce, Chkagn, 28-31. Hums, Harry. Om, Lynn. Mass., 28-31. , I'.nrn* Btw.. nrplmim. St. Paul, Minn.. 20-31. Burton A Dronks. Keith's, Syraeusc, N. Y.. 28- 81 : H. & S-. N. Y. ft. April 2 7. Burke, Al.. Oymnns.-, Montreal, Can.. 20-31. Bush 4- Oordon, Hothnin. Bkln., 2fl-:il. Itlitli, Frank, Vletorla. N. Y. C, M-Ali Baeftpye Trio, Pnmily, sbnmoklii. Pa., 2031, Ban, Laurn, Majentl.-, ctilccpi. 20-81. llurkc A l>empsey. Howard. Iioslnn. 20-81, Jturkner, Ureal, Hchumnnn, Prnukrori, iter., 20- ;tl; Apollo, Vlennn, Am., April 2-80. Burtinos, The, Bijou, Calumet. Mieh., Uurtln St Itiinkln. Mnjesllc, Hot Springs, Ark., April 2-7. Buckley's lings, Kenosha, Wis., April 2-7, Byron A Blnnrh, Acndcniy, PotisTllte, l'n., 20-31. Byers ft Hermnn, Kellh's, Providence, 20-31. CnOcry & lirant. Cob-ago, 2fl-8l. Ciiriiu & Otto, lmiwlnt. Bkln., 20 31; II. A S., N. Y. 0.. April 2-7. Carson, Bros., Ilntbnwnv's. Lowell. Mnsa., 20-31. Cnrsnn ft Urban, Boston-, Lowell, Mass., April 2 7 Carroll, Ureal. & Clole Kller. Alentar, Denver, Col., 20-Anrll 7. Crisad A Do Verne, Lyric, St. Joseph. Mo., 20-31; Family, F. M, Uuls, 111.. April 2 7. Caldwell ft Tlminns. Pnlaeo, Chli-njrn, 20-31. Cate Family, (lately, Springfield, *i., April 2-7. Carter A Vincent, Dunkirk, N. V., 2fl-3t; Pllea, April 2-7. Carroll ft Clarke, People's. Parsons, Knn., 20-31; Lyric, St. Joseph, Mo., April 2-7. Callnbnns, The, Vnndotte, i'hleago. 20-Aprll 7, Cnrdnwnlc Slaters, Colnnlnl, Lawrence, Moss., 2fl- II.. Carter Jt.Bbifor.1. Kellh's, Phlln.. 2031. Cameron A Klnnngnii, BlJon, Hul>iS|iH > , In., 2881; (li<nno(t, Riclunntnl, ln<l„ April 2-7. Cnmemii, Ornve. Pnrk, Wnn-esUT, .Mass., 20-31; II. A S., N. V. ft, April Mi enrroli. Ilolihy. I-Implro, Des Moines, In., 20-81. Cnl'iirci's Dugs, Victoria. N. Y. P., 2*1-31. ''nmpliell A JOtinson, llnynmrk'-l. Chh-nun. 2(1-31. Cnmpheii ft BrnOv. RUfMI. faejtaea, Ml.-h., 2A-3I; BI!oii, Hnllle Creek. April 2-7. (laprlre, Lynn A l-'nv. MnrylnuU, Bnllo,, 20-81* Kellh's. CIcvHiitHl, April 2-7. Cnprhic, "OrlKlnnl." cbulpn. Sun Fran., Cnl.. 28 :ti. 31 ; Ibillinwny's, Lowell. April 1*7. Cnrew ft llnye*. Kellli's, X. Y. l\, 28-31; Mary- land, IJ.illo.. Mil., Al-DI 2-7. CiiNlno Poinnly Four, Pastor's, N. Y. O., 211-31, Cnriii.'llelin. Delce ile lie, Uiilely, Albany, N. Y., 211-31. Ctildwell A Wentwortb, Oem, Lynn, Mnss., April Carson £ Wlllant. Orubeum. Minneapolis, Minn., 20-31: Orplie Omittiti. Neb.. April 2-7. Cnrlos, Cluts., Orrlu llros., Mexico, Men., 2d- April 7. Casey A Crnner. Park 0. II., I'rle. I'd.. 20-.ll. Carri>lltnn ft Ibxlges, Kiln-, lliiveiiiiorl, la.. 20- 31 : IHj'Hi, Kewnuee. ML. Aiirll 2-7. CaUIriiN. I'olt's, llrldgepnrl. ('onn., 28-81. Cr.rlrlon, AL, Orpheum, Knnfiis Clly, Mo., April ('li'l-uophrr. Chris., Pulque. Brandon, Can., 28- 31 ! Bijou. Hil|ierlnr, Wis., April 2-7. Cherry ft Bales, Keith's, Plitln., April 2-7. ChcHlei, llerlwrl, ft (?o, BIJ.UI, La Crosse, Wis.. 20-81. Chnilwirk Trio, Hinr. Hamilton. Can., 28-81. Chnthnni UalHns, Crystal, Olympla, Wnsh., 20-31. Clennoi'i.w. The, Novelty. Ih'liver, Pol., 2fl-3l. ChiytOTi, Bessie, Coliiuibfn, Clii.-lnnnll. 211-31. I'.lnrk. ileo. A.. Itljim. Diliulb. Minn., 2A-8I. Clark, llsrry Corson, Hopkins', l^iilsvllle, Ky., Clark'A Dnnenn, Htivoy, lluotliigloti, lnd., 3fl-.1l; ltllou, Rvfuisvllle, April 3-7. nilffonl, Mile.. llM.Wif'iirgh's. Phlln.. 21131. ClUTonl A llnrk.-. Hopkliw*. Mempbln, Teon., 2fl- :tl; Onthnun, New Orleans, l-n„ April 2 7, Clnrke, John F., P.istor's, N. V. ft, 2«8I. Clark ft I'rniiklin. Orphlum. Piirtmiiiiiilli, O., J8- ;tt: ilrnii.l. Ilninlll April 2-7, „ M1 Clnrke ft Temple, IIIJou, fW Moines. In., 2il-.Il J uric Lincoln, Neb., April 2 7. Clarke. WllfreH. A Co,, IL A IL, Bkln., 20-31. f'lHvlnn. May, Pnlni-e, Clilcngo, 2U3I. Clark. Cans.. A. A H„ llnstMi, 20-111. C.mnelly. P.mmn. IIIJou. Wlieetlng. W. Vn., 20-31. Corrigan. Kmnieil. ft Co.. MsJcslb' Chli'Hgo, 20-81. Cnalilan, Hose, ft Co.. Kellli's, N. Y. C, 20-31. C..liiinl8niis C".), «. O. II.. Syrneiise. X. \., 20- 31 : ll. o. ||., Pittsburg. April »•*• ("Dgswell ft Prnns, Vera Cms. Mex.. 20-31. Conroys. The. Ilrodrnliurgh's, Phils.. 211-81. Cnrrlgan ft Hnyes. Cymnmte, Montreal, Csn., 20- 31. Colby Pnmily. Orpheum, Sao Frno., Cnl., 20- Cn'hK noijs, colnnlnl. N. V. ft. 2fl-3l. ' Cnofe, Bert, ft Co., ilrplieimi. San Fran., Cnl., 20- Conrilelah, Win., ft Co,. Kerney's, Bkln., 20-31. «ro.\, Roy. Proclor's r.HIU Si.. N.Y. ft, 20- I. Corson Bros., llnllinwny's. I>twell. Mass., 2ll-.ll. Cohan. Jiwnhliie, ft Co.. proclor's, Newark, X. J.. 20-31. Cooke A Miss Itoihert, Umpire Tour, ling., -''I- Aprll 80. , „ . „ Colgrovo's Horses ft Dors, Proclor's, Newnrk, N. I 2*1-31, CollYna ft La Belle, ni.Wiii. Mnrlnelle, Wis., April 2-7, Collins, Nina. Amphtnn. Bkln., 28.31. Conloti ft llaslbigs, pnrk, Worcester, Msss., 28- Cnnd's. Pniillue. Palace. Clilcngo, 20-31. Onlualal S--ptclle. Ye, llnyiniirkel. l3ilcngo 20-3t. Coleman ft Mexlas, ft n, IL, flrnnd Rapids, Mich.. 20-31. Cooper ft Hoblason, Amphlon, Bkln., Cressy ft Payne. Kellh's. N. V. ft. 30*April 7. Crawford. Clifton. Keith'- Boslon. 20-31. Pros by fllslcrs, Palnre, Chlenpo, 28-31. Crane. Mr. ft Mrs. flnrdnrr, <1. O, IL, Syracuse, N. Y., M-Hlj Proclor's, X. Y. C„ April 2-T. Crsne Bros,, II. ft S„ X. Y. C., 20-31. (Value, l-ong ft Crnlne, Orand, Prsnkfnrt, Icy., 211-3! ! Woshlngion. Maysrille, Ky., April 2-.. Pullen. Jns. IL, Moss ft Mloll Tour, ring,, April Daly ft O'Brien, People's, 0->dar Rapids. In., 20- 31; Gnrrlek, Bnrllngion. April 2-7. Mi> , Dsvls ft Mncauley, Trent. Trenton. N. J.. 28-31. Davis A Walker. Hclteneclndy, N. Y.. 2fl-.ll; Am- Dny, Fdmiind, ft Co.,' Alhaiohrn. N. Y. <!., 28-31. Navli, Jus. It. ft-Co., Ilnymnrkel. Clilciigo, Belli, Harrow, Mr. ft Mrs. Stuiiri, Orpheuu.. Minneapo- lis, Minn,, April 2-7, D'h A Il's. Academy, pot Is vllle, l'n.. 20-31 : O'tlnro, Sbinatwlonli. April 2-7. Davis, Wm.. ft Co., Orpheum, Hull Luke, IL, 2«- Uay|elk>, Madgo. (ii-m, Oninell Bluffs, la.. 28-31 ; Noveliy. Oman*, Neb., Anrll 2-T. Dalley. Peter F.. Poll's, New llnven, ii,, 28-.ll Dannvna, Les, Crystil, Flwood. Iiid., 20-81. Dale. Violet, Ori.Ileum, Bkln., 2A-31; Alliuoibra, N. T. C. April 2*7. Dawson ft Whitfield. Family. Butte, Mont., 28-31 ; Washington. Hpoktne, Wash.. April 2-7, Daly A Devere, Auditorium. Lynu, Mass., 28-31. Dally, Mr. A Mm. Jns„ Rlalto, Klnlra, N. Y„ 2II-3L Dnrcy ft Phllllpe, Sbeedy's, Fall River, Ma»s., 28*31. Dell A Fonda, Lyric. Torre Haute, lnd., 20-31. He Csuno. Chan.. Kinptre. Plltcfli-ld, Moss.. 20 .11. Do Witt. Btfrns A Tnrrnncc, Fjnplre, Joliannea hurg. S. A.. April 28-Moy 31, Deery ft Franels, Ron Ton. Phils.. 28-.ll. De Long Slaters, Crystal, St. Joseph, Mn„ 20-31. Derendn \ Orren, Moss ft Slnll Tour, Kng.. 20- Aprll 30. Delmar *. Defter, Orpheum, DDvenpurl. In.. 2rt- April 7. Ikorhy, Al.. Imperial, Newark, N. .1., 20-31, Demnrln, Hrrry, Olympic, <'lib-ngo, 20-31. De Ann*. The, ".lymnase, Montreal, I'nn.. 20-31. \to Vrles, Henri. ProelorV* 23d St., N. Y. ft, 30. 31. Delmnre ft Lee, Mnrylnml, Unit., Md., 20-81, Delmore ft Dnrrcll, Frmplre, Pes Mnlnrs, In., 20- 81: Fumlly, Hnvenport, April 2 7. Dolmnr-' Sisters, Cook's, Unchosfer, N. Y.. 20-31 [ Shen's, liiifYnln, Anrll 2-7. Delnioro ft Onelila, Kellh's, Cleveland, 20-31. He Illnker'K Potts, Plymouth, Pa.. 20-31. De Serrls, Heiir'eil.t, Majesllr, Ft. Worth, Tex., 2H-3I ; Majrsile. I.llllc Hock, Ark., April 2-7. Dewnr's l»o-p* ft cms, Pa*l<ir r s, N. V. ft. 2fl*8l. Hervln. Jns, T.. Temple pp. wn.uie, lnd., M411 ilrnnil. Marlon. April 2-7, , De Mar ft Pontine. Keith's, Pblln., 20 31; Kellh's,; N Y. ft, April 2-7. He Mmit. ll»tK>rt; Trio, Wenst's, Peoria, III., 20-. 31. ; nivmi ft Anger, Mnjeslle, Chlcngn, 2081. Dillon Urn*,. Keith's. Providence, 2U-.11. DK.m ft Fields. Domlnlnn. Wlnnlpeii, Clin., 20-31. Dixon. Bnwem ft Dixon, Pnll's. Sprrngllebl, Mnis.,' 2051. Pler'.'kv Bros, (It). Orpheum. Mliuieaimlh, Minn.,' 20-31 ; Oiphenni. Omahs, Neb., April 2-7. DlniiifSi.l ft Smltli. Kellh's. Prorblenrc, IL L, 2U- 31. Downey ft Wlllnnl. Culumhlii, St. Lnuls, 30*31 ; Olvinplr. Clilnigo, Aiirll 2-7. Downey. l."Hlle T.. Nnvclly, Slocktnn, Pal., 2(1- A|ivll '.. Do.-kniy, Will. Umpire. Pntersnu. N. .(., 20-31. Dtiiinettc, I vn, llri'ilenbiirub's, Plilln., 2U-3I. Horseli ft HtiNsell, Conk's. Rncheslcr, N. Y., 20-f 51 : I'tlrn. April 2-7. Downs, Hnii.'liig. IIIJou. \Vlirnllng. W. Vs., 20-31. IMuIno Hisigc. l-e. IL ft s., N. Y. ft, 20-31. Durgcvnl. 'I'lterese. Kellli's. Cleveland, 20 31 I Tetuiilc. April 2-7. Hom-la* ft Hoiiglns, Kniiilrc, Freenort. III.. 20:i!< Doi,.iviin ft Arnobl, liui-erlal, llUn,, 20-51 ; Doric, Vnnkcrs. X.- Y., April 2 7. :>oli..rl.v. l.llllnn, Praetor's 33d St.. N. V. ft, 20- ;il ; Kniiih-c. Pnh-rwin. X. I., April 2-7. D..|lnr Tr-ntje. prwtiir'-i 23d Ht., X. Y. ft, 20*1 31 : Proctor's r.K|u HI., X, V. ft, April 2 7. Hmiiioii.N.'s. Piirtbuid, Mr.. 20-31, Durvrii ft Mortimer, IL ft S., X. V. it., 20 31. Duncan. A. »., llnllinwny's, New llcilfonl, Menjbj DiUiu! Ariliur. ft Co.. Cook's, Rn.'liPder. N. Y.) 2d !U : Polimibiii, Clinlniiilll, April 2 7. iiinuie. T.muny, lienuetl's, l.nndnn. Can., 211-31. | DiiiiLnr's I'lipriti.' Pnrnilnx, Kmidre. Koekfonli luitllii' lledciiy "froupe. Keith's, N. V. ft, 20-31. Karl HUiers. Hl|.ni. La Cvoise.' Wis.. 20-81. I'lagi'U. Miii-Ii-. flridieum. HI. Pnnl. Minn., 30-81, Marie ft llnrilelt. l-'nnill}', Lmwasler, l'n., 3ll-8tj K.-fcsiPln. Willie. Kellh's, N, V. ft, 20-111. Kt-kbnn* A (loritnn, Oriih-unn, till N. \., 20.11 | Oriiheuin. Itendlng. l'n., Aiirll 3-7. Kilwnrds. fins., ft Co., Orplieiuo. Ilklo.. Allmnibru, N. Y. ft, April 3-7. I'Mwiirds, The, Allnnllc Oiirtlcn, X, i. C. F.lsnll ft F.nbes. PoH'h, HrldBCpnrl. Conn, FiluumiR -loe, Doric Ynnkers, X. \„ r,llh l . Jl Mui*u' l |l F-mri Noveliy. Bkln.. 311-31. Klllnge, Jiillnil, Teniplc. IkflroH, Mich., 20-31 ll. ft IL. Km-hemer. Hi T- April 3-7. HUnOf* SUlcrs. Poll's, Hurt ford. Cum., 211-31 oris. N. Y. ft, .April 2 7, 28-31 f i 20-311 , 311-81 211-81 3d. Brussels, "Aril. Klilrhlur. Press. Temple, Dciroll, 20-31 J BaOlPffl HfH'besler, X. V., Anrll 2-7. _ ! irilon. Sum, Alliniu'.ni, Lmsbsi, Fug.. 20-Aprll 2L Klniote a Cllrell. Bllmi, Alncnii. Mtab., Bd-lt |-:ilNWorllis. I'onr. Cryslul. helndl, Mh-b., 20-81. tllilibl. ilnrrleit, Crysinl. Delrolt, 20-31. f Mills. Milvltle, Alhuiiibia, N. V. ft. 30-31, m KiitiN.nii.-s. The. Auditorium. Lynn, Mass., 20.11. I ,„■< u. l-:iiicrsnu ft Miniiiniids, Chilli's, Hlu Frnti., faL, 80*31. ■ .,.-,.» pmnieli, I'lnui'iif. Parlor. \nrk, P«.. 20-31. | Pnitiln- Pllv fjiiarlelli'. Hbcn's. Toroiiln, Oil*.. 3U-3I ; Annde. Toledo. 0„ April 2-7. Kmplre Comedy Pour, Kmplri' Tone. Kng„ Pnlginarclle, Breslnit. Oer., 211-31; Krnr-«t."l"li.f., Ilr'ad'enhurgli's. Plilln.. •MM. L Krnle ft Ilriulger, IIIJou, Kvniisvllle, Hid., April Ksim/iHle, Mr. ft Mrs. Fd., IJellh's, N. Y. 0.. |fl- 31; Kellh's. Phlln.. April 2-7. | HajHrtattti Ptnidre. Plllstleld, Mnss., 20-31. Psher SUters, THJnii. Wheeling, W. Vn., M-Bli i:fierlii-o-.hs. The, Jpfferson. Portliind, Me.. .10-31, Kako, Will, flrmiil. I'eru. Iml„ 20-31; Itlriimoiii, Krans A Pv'nns. Fiimlly. Ilutle. MnnL, April 2-t. Kvnns. PhsH, F, ft Co., Orpbettm, llklii., 28- I. Kwrs, llm. W.. unrrlck, Ibirlbigloti. In., 20-31; People's, Ciilnr Ruplds, April 2-7. I. Talk, PleniM.r, Mnjeslle. Chicago, 20-31. ; l-'adelle Orclieslrs. Krlth's, Plilln., 3fl-Aprll 7, Pnv, Onlrr ft W< Olympic, flhlcug", BaVHl J Ci.hiniiOn. Hi. 1^'ids, April 2-7. Pnv Hlnler--. Villi-. Uunsiis I'll). Mn.. 20-.ll. Purnuiti, Ibid, Trio, Ikuuietl's, Loiidon, C/ui. Pn'rrell. Cl.ns.. A. A R,, llosloit, 20-31. Ferrer.*. H, IL. Kellh's. llo-,ioii, 20-Aiirll 7, PcirlM-Wllcv Trio. Orpheum. Poi'IhuioiiIIi, 0. 81: flriiheiim. Mniisfleld, April 2 7. Krllx ft Harry Co., Kreney' 20- ■• , Jllihi.. 20-31. Pcrgupsm-I>.ijtri*e Co,, Bon Ton, Phlla., 20-31. n>rnatra t Mnek. Fniplrc, Liverpool, Lug.. 20-11 I'ergiiKon ft Pnssmore, Dominion, U'lnnlp-g. Can.. Ferry. Illytn, Qulney. III., 20-81; IHJmi, Decatur, j.'leHiH U "IjajwHb flrnnd, I'crllnnd, Ore., 20-01; (Irnnil, Atlorln. April 2-7, Plsiier. Mi*. A Mrs. Perklun, 0. II., Hnrlfard. Conn., 20 31 ; Oi-plicum, HCnillnii. l'n.. April J 7 Flske A .McDonniigb, Poll's, New llnven, Onftn., First." Ilnntey, Kmplre. Preenorl. III.. 20-81. ' Fltngllilion-MeOay Trio. Atnivlilon, Bklo., 211-31, PltFliusli ft Isv, Oarrlck, Burlington, In., 203I. Fisher A Johnson, RIJou. lb-1n|t. III., 28-31; Ciis. lie. Hlfomlnglon, April 2*7. . ti _ * , Fields ft Wolley, Ynung's, Allnnllc Clly, N., I., Ktoineii A Miller, Kmplre, Colorado Springs, Col., 2031 : Novelty, Denver, Anrll 2-7. Flynii. Jw. Moore's, Portiat..|, Mc, 28-31. Pli-Mn-r, Clms. Li-oiinrd, Proctor's r.Rlh HL, N. V, ft, 'Jfl-31. Flntow A Dunn, Pidtsrillo, Pn.. 20 31 ; Hnsleiou, Anrll 2-7. ' Fortius. Tbe, Howard, ClilcigO, 28 31. I Pt.rd Wslers A llrothi-rs, llnriimrtet, Clilcngv, 20- l.'n'nL Don. Ktug. llawrstotvii. Md., 20-31. K..rd A U'llsoli. Kmplre. Ilobokeii, N. .1., 20-31. t'.ncst f.'lty Ouarielte, Maje«ile, Oblengo, 20-31. Vrtv A Clnrk. Hopkins', l>.»lsvllle, Ky., 20-31. Forreslu, Musical, Temple, Ft. Wayne, lnd., 2U* 31. Forhes A Forbes, Pre-lools, N. Y„ 20-31; tClmlra, April 2-7. M . Fowlers. The, IL A B„ 20-81.. L1 , ' . Fox ft Ward. II Hi Street 0. IL, Phlln., 20*51. I-Vertn A Hare, Bijou, Prnnsvllle, lnd., 20-31, I'rohel ft Ibnige, Illppndrnmc, Lon.dui, ling., 20* April 50, PreewBros.. Kalnmnroo, Mich.. 20*31,, Pred.-riekM, The., Hilllllh, Minn., 20-11 : Ciilinw, Winnipeg, Can.. April 2-7. J Franels. Emms. Proclor's 23d St., S. Y. ft, 20-111,