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The New York Clipper (April 1906)

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APBIL 7. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 189 Is a boon to the seed, the Infant, and the in- valid. A delicious, invigorating food-drink, nutritious and easily digested, that agrees with the weakest stomach. More wholesome thin tea, coffee or cocoa. It not only stimu- lates, bat also strengthens and invigorates. Pure, rich milk, combined with the nutri- tive elements of carefully selected malted grains. f In powder form, it makes a delicious table drink in a moment by simply stirring in water. The Lunch Tablets are a convenient, quick lunch for bury people, and a pleasant, whole- some confection for children. At all CTjRgists. Sample, vest pocket lunch case, also booklet, giving valuable recipes, sent free, If mentioned Ask for HORLICK'S; others «re imitations. Horlick's Malted Milk Co., Racine, Wis., U.S. A. London. Montreal, England, Canada. MENNEWS BORATED TALCUM TOILEX^POWDER THE IMPROVED ton Garter WORN ALL OVER THE WORLD REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES OFFERED YOU QTheNamt is stamped on every me la CUSHION BUTTON CLASP Um Flit (a tha !•(— Never Slips, Tun nor Unfietena Bunple pair, Bilk fiOc., Cbrton ISO. lulled on receipt ol price. EVERY Pill) VMRMRTED CEO. FROST CO., Mikara Bolton, Hill,, U.S.*. ALWAYS EASY |lp.00O00p^fe -^ ^l)\NDlNSTBUML^TS"»-«»". *«• traded la f or "BOLTON" luBtrnmenta, which«• wtotother* If j A TawMt.bol>wt,t)ay.»*'nOLTOI«*' "?* TOwwin have Mother make, wo have It for yon Oar catalog and bar- eaeaa. Everything for t «*Ui Urt tree on rtaaetrt. .MAHKHOLTOHfcCO., e,.«r.«M*.CHlCAO« OPorld of Players. T. IT. WlNNETT'a EtUBQIMCT BUMATJ has lately added a number of new plays with full llnca of printing. The Bureau continues to expend and the territory of Its usefulness now extends from coast to coast and from the Gulf of Mexico to Canada. "Jerst mom Kirbt" Nona.—While play- fcyjat La Marr, Col., March 17, we were alien a big Barprlse. As most of the men In our company are Eagles, the local Eagles turned out to our show. After the performance, 1 red Lee, manager of the Opera House, ten- dered his banquet hall free, and between the hoglcB and Manager Lee, the banquet they save us was Dt for a king. We will never forget the La Marr Eagles. James A. and Cblia, Welch will produce their muBtcal farce comedy next season, en- titled "Flanlgan's Flirtation/' In three acts. T. K. Roberts has the show booked solid. Notes fbom the "Borus Rastus" Co.— Our business has been record breaking every- where we have played, and the management Is more than satisfied with ther new star, Lrnest Hogao, who la making more than good. No matter where we play the cry is, "give us a return date." The members are enjoying the best of health. Vivian Najtzgeb has rejoined the La versa Moore Stock Co., being compelled to do so on account of Jennlog'g Seminary, at Aurora, 111. (which she was attending), being destroyed by Are on Sunday, March 18. She escaped without Injury, losing only a small amount of personal property. The seminary will be rebuilt and ready for school In August. The Wilbur-Shcbbrt Theatre Co., of New York City, was Incorporated recently, with a capital of $100,000. The directors are L. Shubert, Max C. Anderson and Albert L. Wilbur, of New York City. Harry Maxwell writes: "After a rue- cessful season of forty-five weeks, Peters' Peerless Playera closed March 24, In UVryu- vllle, Kan., the home of the snow. Prepara- tions have already begun for the Summer show, which will open under canvas In Mirys- vilic, Saturday, May 12. The Summer com- pany will consist of twenty-five people and a fifteen piece band, which Is to be one of the features. In addition to a strong acting company, for a three nights' reper'ary, special vaudeville people will be carried and featured. The roster of company Just closed, most of whom will be re-engaged, wne as follows: Dave Standsbury, Clyde Hyer, Ed- ward L. Patterson, Will Jay Peters, Harry Sobnn, Geo. Wilson, AL Wards, Geo. Hamil- ton, Claude Haynes, Harry Maxwell. Jack Gllnes, and the Rumleys, Bertie, Luln and Ruby. Despite the rainy weather that was experienced laat Summer, but three nights were lost In the forty-five weeks—two nights while under canvas and one night in an opera bouse." J. A. Lbiqhton Joined the Tronsdalo The- atre Co. at Lynn, Ind., March 26. The "How Hearts abb Broken" Co. will close the season at Boston week of April 2. Following Is a list of the Cnaa, E. Bla- ney Amusement Co. attractions for next sea- son : Howard Hall. In "The Millionaire De- tective;" Lottie Williams, In "My Tom Boy Girl;" Harry First, In "Old Isaacs from the Bowery;" Flake O'Hara, In "Mr. Blarney from the Bowery;" P. Aug. Anderson. In "The Curse of Drink;" Caroline May, In "The Factory Girl;" Young Buffalo, In "King of the Wild West" and "Across the Pacific." Roster of "The Beggar Prince" Opera Co.: F. A. Ward, manager: Lawrence Powers, musical director; F. O. Burgess, J. C. Taylor, F. A. Wade, F. W. Cleveland, A. E. Robin son, Cbas. Pryor, W. L. Lyons, Henry Mos- tey, Letla Burgess, Stella Tooley, Marie My- rick, Leila Thome, Beatrice Fischer and Ger- trude Hutcneson. Mks. Joseph Carroll, wife of the come- dian, now with "It Happened In Nordland," died at Boothwyn, Pa., March 22. Mas. Jennie M, Douglas, mother of Byron Douglas, died at Roosevelt Hospital March 2S, from tuberculosis. Interment was in the Family lot at Portland, Me., whence the remains were taken. The ca*t for "The Optimist" will in- clude : J. H. Gllmour, Thomas A. Wise, Char- lotte Walker { Wallace Eddinger, John Ince, Lizzie Hudson Collier. M. L. Alsop, Kathryne Browne, Gerald Griffin, Consuelo Bailey, Grace Gay]or Clarke, Genevieve Thomas, Anna Stannard, Winifred Voorheea and Christine Hill. Frederick Sullivan went to Boston March 24, to take the position of stage di- rector with the Empire Theatre Stock Co. "Cousin Louisa"w111 be produced at the Park Theatre, Boston, April 23, The cast will Include: Mary Van Buren, Dorothy Re- vel), Kate Dentn Wilson, Suzanne Perry, Charles Cherry, Charles Swlckard, Samuel Reed, Wallace Edlnger and George Robert James K, Hackbtt has secured twenty- five weeks' time at the Tremont Theatre, Boston, for next season, and will share some of It with Henry W. Savage. George H. Kjetchan has secured an op- tion on property In Toledo, O., on which to erect a theatre, to be booked by Klaw & Br- langer. The SnrBEBis have acquired the theatre now building on Vine Street, Cincinnati, from the Heuck Amusement Company. Jaues K. Hackett has secured the Ameri- can rights of "The White Chrysanthemum," a musical comedy, by Arthur Anderson and Howard Talbot H. Ii. Irving will commence his American engagement of twenty weeks at the New AmBterdnm Theatre Oct 8 next. Mhb Sarah Bibnhardt will appear In a tent In the cities of Waco, Austin and Ft. Worth. Mat Emory writes: "I was granted a di- vorce from George Bee Jackson, at Chicago, III., on March 22." Robert B. Mantbll will go to Australia to play an engagement of thirty weeks la a classic repertory. George C. Haztston has sold the German rights to "Mistress Nell" to a Berlin mana- ger. Geo. and Libct Dtjfree will star next reason In farce comedy. They will be sup- ported by Chos. Blake, the Hebrew character comedian, and a strong cast, and will carry special scenery and a new line of lithographic printing. Tan Injunction applied for by J. W. Dam against the production of "The Heir to the Hoorah," hBB been denied. Henrietta Crohmam will soon be seen In Thompson Buchanan's four act drama, "Don's-Care Nancy." TnoitAs Q Sbabboorb has signed with James K. Hackett, to star, and he will be seen In "The Alcayde," by George Stephens and Frederick Barry. "Banqa," an opera, by Isadore de Lara, wns given It premier In Nice, Fr., March 10. Cleveland, O, Is to have a playhouse In which now productions will be "tried out." Johnstone Bennett Is seriously 111 at the home of Frank Pettlt, Bloomfleld, N. J., and her death is said to be only a matter of a few days. She returned East a short time ago from Southern California, where she was In a sanitarium, the physicians having given up all hope of her recovery. Charles Biqelow will appear In his old £art In "Papa's Wife," with Anna Held, In ondon, Eng., next month. fins Rogers Is til at his home, and will not be able to rejoin his company for some The Charles B. Blanxt Amcbhment Co. has bought the Empire Theatre, PIttaburg, the sum stated being 1126,000. Officials of the city of Chicago are en- deavoring to levy a clreoi tax on r 'A Yankee j Circus on 11*™.'* James E. Ooatta and hi* wife are now In their thirty-fo.trth week with the Graham* Stock Co. <3 ATCH ELtM AN N I Nq _ PHILADELPHIA MINIATURE RAILROAD CO., T4 BROADWAY, NEW VORACITY, N. Y. «0ll> MEDAL SPECIAL FOR PARKS, SUHMER RESORTS, Etc. Hauling Capacity, 35 Ton,. Earning $1,500 In SU Daya. WITH PROPER CASE WILL LAST 25 TBS. CAGNE V LOCOMOTIVE WORKS GRAND PRIZE and GOLD MEDAL RECEIVED AT WORLD'S FAIR, 8T. L0OT8. B E ::.r? LITHOGRAPH "■ APOUT HALF THE PRICE MfcrY LITHO-TINT PAPER send fqo cat'aiogve" "■':;_- Morrison Show '-Print '\L< Ie luIIjIjAiBa MANUFACTURER of Theatrical JaOotH h Shoes. All work viu'le on short notice. No dlriapnoliit- incnt; wo make from l pair to I,ooo pot rx. Clog andlhillctBhoeti a specialty. 302 W. 23d St., New York. Tel. loo Chelsea. FLASH LIKE THE GENUINE buy or night. Solid gold mourning. You can own a diamond equal In brilliancy to any genuine stone at one thirtieth the cost. BAHOIU DIAMONDS stand acid tent and expert examination. We See them first and then pay. Patent ring measure Included for 5 two cent Htaninx. TUB UARODA COMPANY. Pep.. 4, 0 3-71 Walim ! . Avw., Chicago , 111. guarantee Catalogue free IT'SAMONEY MAKER every time, but you will never know It II you never try it. Catalog telle all. KINGERY MFO. CO. 108 E. Pearl ST., Cincinnati BLOOD POISON FOR MORE.THAN TWENTY YEARS we bare made the cure of Wood FoIkoii a specialty. Blood 1'olKon Permanently Cured. You can lie treated at homo under name guaranty. Capital Wo solicit the most obnttaato canes. If you bavo ex- haunted the old methods of treatment and still have aches and palnn, Mucus in Mouth.Soro Throat, Pimple", Copper-Colored Spots, Ulcers on any part of the body. Hair or Eyebrowa falling out, write for proofs of cores. lOD-page Book Free. COOK REMEDY CO., 1111 Hawnlii Templa,Chlc«g», III.,U.S.*. CARD. Just Opened 100 New Shades of in, w.ii b». "DANIELL SATIN" IMPORTERS OF SILK HOSIERY AND TIGHTS. MAIL ORDERS FILLED PROMPTLY. BROADWAY, 8th and 9th STS., N. Y. One Minute from Aator Place Subway Station. WALTZ SONG BITS rOB SIB8EBS».HiT**"I-II'rS-niIS rOB PIAII8T8 ON A SUNDAY DOWN AT REVERE You will find tltla waltz pong 1- gulng to bu the red hot lilt of the Buimncr fleuxou. if you use It ouce you wilt alwiiyn tiso It. OUT WHERE THE WAVES ROLL HIGH xx A baa* goto Is Just the thing to n»o In your art. The words and .mixta are of the best. Send for a copy PIANISTS, Just Bat Your Liunpe on this Number, SIXXIIMO BU India n li.tttrm«t*o. Two lt<i|i. If you want a good lively overture, send for this one. it will snrprtae yon. It Is catehy, lively easy, and will ni>e.i.k f»r itHdf when you try tt. Orcltcsiration for the anklng. Hond late Send ten cents floe.) to cover portage for prof, copies, program. No cards. THE PINE TREE MUSIC PUBLISHING COMPANY, 1,1 v„rinnr«< Peril., Mnlnv, PKOr>. "HPT. A. ft — Everyone — "WAIT AT THE GATE, MARIE," By KMa-SWOIlTIl mitl PIIK8SBY. Already being used with sitccetts on the Htagc. Mr. Kllnworth \h the laowcll, Mann., CMl'l'EIl Corre- spondent. Therefore, you know It Is good. ii IN MY LITTLE BROWN CANOE," IIy TRUE, anil KAKUKFEIl. Another of Dm Which in Coming to ttto Kront. "ROUGH RIDER" (March and Two Step), By GKOUGE HINT. Here It Is If you want Homcthlug good un<l lively. For late program ami 2c. xiatup will mall profci- blonal conies. No cards, PIONBKR MUSIC PlIH.INIIINfi CO., 902 UANOATTAN IH.IKI., CIIICAdO, ILL. CLABIONET WANTED IMMEDIATELY FOR JOHN W. VOGEL'S BIG GUY MINSTRELS. Address, staling LOWKiT salary. I pay all. JNO. W. VOOKL, Owner uml Mgr. Route; lluntliigron, WcstVa-.AprlU; Parkcmburg, West Va., April 6; Slstorsvtiis, West Va., April D; U'lioolllig, West Vs., April 7; Htcubctivllle, Oliln, April it. CASINO THEATRE, IDORA PARK, YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO. Now Booking Vaudovllle for season HXW. Adilrows K. bTANI.KY, Li-hhcc antl Manager. WANTED, WANTED, First Class Vaudeville Acts of All Kinds. Also Piano Player, Violin Leader, Cornet Player and Trap Drummer. SGHAEFER'S GARDEN THEATRE, SOUTH COLUMBUS, OHIO. Booking opens May 21, closes Sept 17. All dates open. FRANK BCIIAIEITSIt, Frop. - L , AT LIB. INIMAY FOR SUMMER PARKS, ETC.. VAUD. Orchestra Leader VIOLIN Experienced, Reliable, large Rep. Music. Can furnish several good sen. Reliable Mgrs. plcaso state salary, etc., in flrst loiter. Address EXPEKIKNCED MCADEtt, rnr* of CLIPPER. J. WABRiN KEANE THE MAN WITH THE MARVELOUS HANDS. Twonty-llve Minute* of the and Mail Artistic 8leloht-ol-Hltid war presenled on any stage. All Agent.. Kollh'a, N. Y., March 19. EGAN'S BAND, of Delaware MBK JIArVAQEIlS UB8MIOUI OV BNOAOiajO X Superior Concert Rand for All or Part of (he Summer Arc lr> corrnpond with JOUR 8. KIWI, Wllmlnajtoa, Oaln. All eommanlcatlona r«anrdln« Sept. 10 or Inter abonld D, to J. K. BI'ItKH, care of Kcltlr'e Hooting OOlcM, Br, Janice Bid.., N. Y. City Sing "MY MOTHER'S SONGS* "TO UCUEH ] KBKI' TIHI "Th» Amorl ITHER'S SONGS" ) ■ KVE1IY HEAR T." t II '•KVK I'KKI.KII" KIMl f rloan Chevalier" I SflllltKKT NrSR: FIB, CO., 78 Auditorium BIdg., CHICAGO, 111. Soubrett< FltOM OniGIHAI, DKHIUXN, iriU.Oll «n,l »'.'J.^O. 8cnrt fur hand colrrrcrl plnloH and incaHiircmcnt card, KtAUri. color prufurrcd. WOLFF, * CO., en Bllot »l., Boaton, Mnea, SHOES FOX BTiOK, HTIIKKT AND F^ENINd. KXCI.UHIVK BTVMH AND nOHKMANrlilll' UTAIIAKTKKII. Short Vamp nnrl «ta(. L..I. ttlwujH on liaarl. Mall onlrira flltcrl. Fit iruarnnti't'd. WILLIAM BBRVaiTEIH, Tel. to* Mailliron Htiniiro. mkj Hixtli Avo., near 8lnt St., N. V. ALL COI.UKKU HI.II'I'F.ILH JLAIIK TO OltllKII IN U lIOIIHfl. TO Walters, Bo lllrrb claee Oomcdy Acrotratlo Act. Addresa »rt», Molntyre. ALL AOKSTB. J. HENET EOWLET, *f£^2£&*&