The New York Clipper (April 1906)

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192 TELK -jk&W Ycfelt CLlAraii. April?. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER .' ■ i ■ ■ i H> » i - i I ' THE FRANK QUEEN PUBLISHING CO. (Llmltid. •' MmHlttOii. > ■ ■ *I.Bte'»T J.BQiOT, r.mrnriMi. ANf> IlrHINnfls Manias,. 8AT0nPAY. Al'BIL 7. 1W8,~ RATES: AdMrtlsemraH—12.80 |>cr loch, slnal, col- umn. Advertisements Mt with border, 10 p« cent, extra, sinscmi'Tiox. One year la advance, 94 ; sl'i months, 12; three monini, |l. Poreliai-HJataje eitm. Slnilo copies will bo lent, plltpou, on re- celpLof 10 cents. Our Terms ar« Cash, TITR CMPPRR Is Issued mrj Wednesday morning. The Inst four (adrertUlna) papa ao TO rnrss on Staturdaj at 11 a. «., and the other nnges on MONDAY and TUESDAY. Tli* Forms Closlns Promptly, Toe|- Jaj. at 10 o'clock A. at. Please remit by eipress, money order, check, P. 0. order or registered letter. All cash en- closed with letter Is at the rlaar of sender. Addreas All Conimonleaiioaa to THE) NEW YORK CLIPPER, 47 West 28tli Street, New York. Rentstereif Calte Adtrcn, "AOTHoam." THE WESTERN BUREAU of Tub Cmpi'ek la located at Boom 004, Ashland Block, Chlcngo, William F. Bryan, manager and correspondent, where advertise- ments and subscriptions ore received at out regular rates. ;■ ''■ THE LONDON BUREAU Located at 48 Cranhourne St., London, W. C, John H. Carney, manager and correspondent, whero advertisements and subscriptions are received at our regular rates. Tns CLiPran cam no obtaihbb, whoix- BAl.n and retail, nt our agents, Brentano's news depot, 87 Avenue de 1'Opera, Paris, Krancn; SL I.I I leu thai, Frederick Straus 101 (TcrmlnoB Hotel), Berlin, N. W., Uer- many! Dlnmond News Co., 97 Prado, Ha- vana: Manila Hook nnd Stationery Co., 128 Ksicoltn, lUanllrt, P. I.; Albert & Son, 137- M9 King 8t., Sydney, Australia. lilF. NEW YORK CMPPRR linbllabea nnlr one edition, and tkat la dated from Xryv York. ~QtERI E8 ANSW ERED. No Replies b> Hall or Telefi-rapb. ADDRESflRS OB W HE MAHOUT 8 KOT OIPXH. am. is man of ioob should waits to TIIOHH WHOM TltfiT BERK, IN CAM Off TUB clipper rain rones, am. unraat* wir* tin ADVIiRTIBBD OSB WHK ONLT. IF TUB HOUTM Of ANT THEATIUCAL COMTANT IS mttoiiT, nFi-'na to m;u list ob* Rooms IIS AMUTlinil I'AOC. WB CANSOT smno B0CTB1 BV WAIL OB TOL KOBAl'U. Dll.VUATK. P. L, Krle.—Wo have no knowleilgc of the whereabouts «f the party. Address n tetter In eare of this office, and we will advertise It In Tun Ci.U'rBR letter tlKi, ,1. it.. Philadelphia, Miss U Y., Columbus, W. T., Lafayette, (.. \V. D., liawrpnw. A. W. A.. Woodwind. -Mus. .1, I. O'H., MloiiX CUT. II. A. ti., 1!i'il<lint;, tllul _ , H, a. I.., si. 1*3+ —Hee smwet to r. I., A-IOVO, Constant RffAMRt, Kni.Hns City,—A per- manent snick company Is a house stock, crgnnlvtil by the house muuagentenL to pre- sent plnys tram frmft to irh lii one house, uml Is hi nn hiiv- n .vail company. C, W. H„ Jackson.—1. Katie Kramelt can answer your nuerv. '2. Yes, she appenred In various y rod net Ion a, Jl. Wo linvc no knowl- t'dgo of n piny hy that title. 8. B. AI., AinHtoi-dnm.—Any ihoairlcnl cos- miner cait Hiipptv your waius- (t. M. S. 0„ Buirnlo,—\Yilllnm Farnuui la with "Tin* Frlni'o of India" Co. A. Iu, WorresitM'.—We in iiunble to PMWCf you;* *nier,v. ('. R. SI., Alohorlv.—CInu'U'H K. Illauoy, llrondway Tlioatro ilullillus i Hmlr & lliwlln, r-arno add km, C. R., Cl'.Unso.—Hc«» the ndvortlsenionts of N'ovt'Itli'8 In tin* columns cf Tub Oui'j'Kit. It. It., «>l U4o.—Afldri*NH i ho mnnaRor of inn rhfiitro y»\ mention. .1. S. M., Hondoui.—Adtlross W. J. It. Shaw. Victoria, Mo. Mum. U K„ I'hllnct.'Iphlii. -Wati'li nur route Mm eiich wii:k. ti. 0.11., Dnu'iit.—We can <mly ntlvlse y»n in irlvo it trial jiertoriuanve at tm «i the Ipnmiu: vaiidpvllli' liiuines. I« (1, Cm OiiitoU. —Addross Ueorge 51. I'nhan, n\r*' of tho Herald Square. Theatre, Xcw York t!lij\ W. il., VlaitHhm-gli.—Ad aoon an sneli a list Is nbiiilmthle. It will he printed lu Tm; *'l,llTllll eolinnns. W. It. H.— Mnylaad. Adams Street, Brook- lyn. X. V. Mi*l. & II—The subsorlptton htJUM per year. Advertisement rats card will H sent you If you will forward us your address. •'AiwjiaK,'' Omaha.—Artvprtlso your wants ia Tut: Oiiii'l'Kii. A llKAimti. Itnlthnure.—Wo hhve no knowl- edKi* of n piny by thai title. The <'< Copyrlplit <.'e.. WaHhliijiton, 1>. C, can tloiiht- lee- Himwer your niiery. II. F M.j St. hiiiiH,—We do not purehase nsnrillHL Adilirss any of our sonj: pnhllHlv lit(r iidverllriefs. O. .... chlenifo.—"My Mai Sal" Is puh- IInIimI liv the 1'aiil nrpjwr Co., ."VI West Twimtyi-lylitli Sn-eet. New York City. W. A.. I'ii.vlilPliee.--1. A sketeh »f l-.d- win Ihioili u|r|iriiriil lu Tin. Ci.ii-nm dated ,lmie 17, tMt;i. i'. Y.. II. Hat hern vm born In New OrleaiiH. Irfi. X We have mi knowU pdgp of It. 4, We never Inilultfi* lu rompsrl- yiiiiH. r>. U li a nuittiT of personal opinion. tl Maude Ilaslem died Fob. 1M. IMini. Tier lost ennagpinpul: was with "Tlu* M^iimuIh «f Mlehlpaii' 7 Co., with which she played a lc»u- InR roJe. Constant Brapkr.— Hen Weleh appeiircd In "Pnrts by Night," nt the Madison Square Itoof Onrdim. 3, \\. K.. Ooliaos.—To the b«t of otir knowlotiee John A. Iliuimeleln nnd nls hrstb- or mannjro the two companies you mantlon. F, o. i\. BrldHPtmi.—Anyoue can lDgall.t inke I lie jtlay from Ihe book. There are n nuinhrr oi voralons hi *>xlstr>nce. fi. R. NOW York.—Wis have lint lienrrt from Hip show for notiio I'me. It. P., St. Joseph.—Watch oar route list each week. C.'.'H. V.-, Philadelphia.—There Is no Ed- . ird t> 11 ttt of ward Donnelly connected with ttte business - tVs^- str of any theatre Id Chicago. - W. J W. P.. J?ho»Blj;Tllle.-i-Pflpints, has just returned from- dsuth Africa, and hag gone to he;' home st-Concord, CeX CARDS, A. D. V- Washington.—pinochle is al- ways played with a given number of points, constituting the game (usually 1,000), This holds (rood whether too count Is kept by peg- ging on a board or by figures nn a paper or slni<!, and when a player makes the required number of points.he Is "out," whether the peg la still on the boord or off of It. 41. S, R. Philadelphia,—The game of poker Msrsf be played wlih fifty-two cards, there- fore It Is hnnl lo classify the game In qiies- ilon. However, under any circumstances, nn nee. four, five, six and seven, do not make a straight, and the holder of the two palm wins. "Kixtox," Quincy.—C, in his turn, has a perfect right to order up. The tact of hi* holding no trumps does not deprive Dim of this privilege. MISCBLLASKOUS. J., It. K., Itoston.—We do not know where you can get the recitation. If you could give the Nunc la which It appeared we would be able to supply you with a copy of It if not out of print. Ci.tri-KriETTE, Sidney.—She Is only known to us by her nowi Ar. p(»sic. B. II. Ta, Wllllamsport.—An encyclopedia will probably glrp you what vou desire. "ItKTToii.** fllrmlnghara. — The Attorney denernl of the State Is the proper one to answer your query. 1'. W. II., Chicago.—Address the Secretary of State. Washington, 1>. C. Of It LONDON' LETTER. ■■OB OCB OWN CORIiraU'OXDRNT. Clipper Bnrenu, ts ( rnnhoiirnp Street, I.eli-ester Square, London.W. C M.\:it'i! L'4. Aside from "The Beauty of Bath's" pre- miere, nt the Aldwyeh, on Monday, this week has been one of revival*. Many complain of the old timers being put on view again, but If they tiro an popular as 4he new plnyH, whnr difference does It make. Id not u few caRCH the revivals are better bor office at- tractions than tho brand new productions. The weather Is cold and disagreeable. Seymour Hicks and Cosmo Hamilton know what the Kngllsh playgoers want, ns their ■"Che Ilentity of Troth," done for the first time nt the Aldwyeh on Monday, was voted by all n siicccbh. It Is not a wonderful piny, or one that will stand n thorough going over, but It suits th'e public, and will draw ihe money. What more Is necesBnry? The story Is .a sort of version of "David Onr- rlck." A brief Idea of it: Betty silver. throne comes up from Hath, goes to the the- atre, and falU lu love with an actor, one Mr. Beverley, who Is playing the part of a naval' officer. Mr. Beverley la ihe exact tmauc of n real sailor, Dick Arlington, who arrives In Rugland utter ton years* absence, on tho night of the tbentro-going, nnd being In n hurry to see tila mother, follows her to a playhouse, dressed In duck trousers and a reefer Jacket. Hetty sees Dick, thinks he in Beverley, nnd lovea him more than ever. Kven when sue knows what ho really Is, she stiil lovcri him. But Dick believes that her heart Is the actor's, and to win the girl for him- self he masquerades as the actor, niRkes be- lieve that he Is Intoxicated, hoping tbut be will disgust Betty. lint the latter seen through the disguise, nnd as tho actor loves another, the usual finale oerurs. Mr. Iltcks is the Dick of the piece, nnd Kllaltne Terries the Betty. There Is lots of go to the Mhow. catchy music, pretty scenery nnd costumes, and more than the customary number of pretty girls. Whether It !» another "Catch of thp Season" remains to l« seen. "Measure for .Measure" Is among the most uufanilllar of the Shakespearean plays to the KiiRllsh theatregoers. Its ouly recent repru- sentsrlon was a perforumuce some years ago by Bltsabetb Stage Society, The version of the piny as produced nt the Adelphl has been arranged verv skilfully bv Oscar Asehe. Much or the dialogue which wouldn't be In keep- ing wlih the times has been cut out by Mr. .-who. and, nit told, he has made nn Interest- ing play, it was well received by a full house. _ (Jcorge Bernard Shaw's "Captain Brass- bound's Conversion" revived at the Court Tuesday afternoon, was played originally by tho Stag.! Society some time ago. Kllon Terry was excellent la the principal part. The motive of the play r Brassbonnd k the nephew or Sir Howard Bntlam, nn Kngllsh Judge. The captain lives lu Morocco, and ho and his band of Kngllsh rapscallions make a living In various ways, one of which 1h the escort lug of parlies of tourlHfs tbrotigh the regions that form n happy hunting ground for the native cutthroats, BraHsuound's pet iiverslon Is his uncle, who not only seized an estate, that l>cl<mgi>d to the capi-nln, but also treated Brassbound's mother with un- necessary severity. So that when Sir How- ard nnd his Mister-lu-lnw, Lady Cecily, visit Morocco mid nsk the captain (whose Identity they discover Inter) to take them ns fHr aa tho A tins mountains. Itrasshound, who Is In a position to make bargains with (he native chiefs, sees his chance of revenge, How he Is turned from his uurpswe, persnndod to trim Ids beard and dress up In a frock coat by the simple, fearless, motherly Ludy Cecily, Is the remainder of Iks story. The piny will be pot into i be bill at the Court for a season, com- mencing Master Monday, but lu compliance willi n request from Kllon Terry «:«! Mr. Tree. Vedrcnnc and Barker, malingers of the Court, lmre agreed to close their tlionirc April *J7 fur one night In order to enable Mil's Terrv to appear In a performance of "The Merry Wives of Windsor," at Ills Mn- lestr's on that night. As Miss Terry made lev first appearance on the singe April 99;, the performance, of "Captain Ilrnas- Ironiid's Con version," at the Court, April °.M, liMiu, will be treated by the managers In n jqu'i-lii] sense ns a cuiiuueuiuratioii production. .1. I*. 'IYioIo, the vfitoi'iin actor, who cele- hrAted his sevpiiiy-st.vth birthday Monday week, was the recipient of many ineshngeh of rnngmtu.iUtou. Among thorn* who remem- bered the occasion were Sir Squire and l.ndy Mmicroft. T, Craven, Sir. and Mrs. Kendal, Mr. nud Mrs. Kdwnrd Terry, nnd the Dickens |''ellows!)lp Dramntlc Cliih, of which the veteran uctnr Is the president. The London County Council tleolded Titos- dav to let ihe Strand descent site, which I.-, surrounded hy the Lyceum, (hilety, Aid- wveh, nnd Wnltlorf Theatres, lo the syndi- cate pmmotliiir tin- "l*nrls In Loudon'* scheme. The lense Is for n term of ultieiy- liim* ve:irs. mid llie mil lo be pnld, ¥2*r».in«t a veur, nftpr the first three years, during which '.he rent Is to he one hulf of this sum. There will be a theatre, concert halt, etc. Itclicirsals lire being piudicd forward na r.ipldlv as possible of the now comic opera, libretto bv Cosmo Hamilton, which Is to he t.iiNinu Mover's next production nt the Buy- ntlv. It will serve for the reappearance, nfter tholr Drury Lone engagement, of Harry Frngsou nnd May 1>A Souan. The title at present clioseii tor tho novelty Is "Castles In Spain." "Tho tfetr nt Law," written by George Colenntn. the younger, one hundred and nine yenrs igo, was revived bv Cyril Mnude nt ibp Waldorf Tuesday nftornnon. It nttrncled n aood slrPd iiotiRO. M. Da Chirac, n Pnrtslttn actor at An- tolnle'K Cheat i-e. after playing n drunken man rrollng over die spuihlemp of a corpse lying upon a slab in a ghastly representation of the interior o* the morgue, tottered off tho eceae, became unconscious, end died within a few hours. *■ . > Aipohg the pciBBsngera' who arrlvod st SouttaatBpton lsst Saturday from .Soqth Africa was Mrs. Langtrj-, who has concluded a spccsiurtur tour in that coutry. ,.; J Leoa Ashwell.haf oow aitaoit completed the vast.for'"The Bopd of ?*Inon," which 13 In rehearsal for production at thfr SnToy early lo April. The hero, a young soldier of foTtmu* will he played by Hepry Alnley, while IL V. Ksmbnd Is to appear as Louis XIV. other members of the company are: Frank Tvars, KdwSrd flnss, nugene Msyour, II. Wolehman, Helen Ferrers nad Bervl Mercer. Tho part of Ninon de l^nclos will be played by Miss Asbwell. "ITie Kenrlet Pimpernel'' has entered upon Its final stages at the New, the last perform- nn"e of the popular play having been filed for April 7. To succeed It Jiiila Nellson and Fred Terry have Rtroadv In rehearsal a now play, "Dorothy o' the Hall," hy Paul Kestor and Charles Major, the production of which mav be looked for In the near fata/e, George B. Hlms* new play, "ForTarn and After," dramatized from his novel of the same nnme, which first appeared In the columns of n local paper, wfll be produced at Ksster. Charles Wyndham revlred "The Candi- date" at Wvndham's Wednesday night. Its llrrft production was made twenty years ago. Compared with the farces of to-day It struck the audience as being rather dull. To-nlcht we have the revival of "The Man from' Rlankley's" at the Hnymarket. Charles Hawirey heading a very strong company. The present snow at the Hippodrome Is ex- cellent. I went Monday night, as It was the opening of the new water spectacle. The house was filled, aud the members of the large au- dience enthused over every act on the bill, rfcffM InhM no ekceptlons. The touch and go travesty, "Among the Stars," remains a feature of the hill, during which the rnriotis vfttidevllllans Introduce their spoofnltlea. It has boon touched up In souie of tho weaker parts, nud now that Bert Gilbert Is buck, a new Ien<io of life has Icon given the travesty. Frobel and Huge did their acrobatic aerial act. and scored n most pronounced and well deserved hit. Lavater Lee pleased with his donkey acr. (Inllnndo made striking like- nesses In play of prominent Kngllsh person- ages, finishing with a whole clay figure of Nelson, which gained for him a big hand. Lydln and Albino. In their electrical gym- nastic act, found their usual good favor. The Sntclilfe Family, who are excellent Scottish pipers, besides being good tumblers, were fi'vorltes. They entered with bagpipes and drums, played by themselves, ana made their exli In tho same manner. Cleverly exe- cuted wns tho pymanstic exhibition of Alex- endra and Bertie on a ladder suspended mid- air. Alexandre and Hnghes, two comedians, did a lot of tulklng, and played accordions well, ncrbert "Lloyd has the right to bill himself,'or rather .net, ns Herbert Lloyd nnd eomptiny. ns ho ha h now the assistance of two people, besides Miss I.llynn, Mr. Lloyd Is deserving of much credit, ns be has added a-lot of business to the net even' since ho opened his Hippodrome engagement a few weeks ago. Mr. Lloyd and hla three assist- nnti were one of ihe big laughing hit* of tho evcnlug. Vnsco. Die musician, played nearly every Instrument I can think of. and In a manner that showed he knows n groat dent about (horn. Vlllnnd Brothers and the f.nti;i- kans, both droll acts, provided much fun.-The singing and dancing of the Imperial Busslnn Troupe of Iloncora wns very fine, especially the dancing. . The closing num- ber on the bill was "The Flood," a dra- matic nnd realistic spcctnculnr episode. It was written by Arthur Shirley, music by Clarence C. Corrl. and produced by Frank Parker. The latter has put on some wonder- ful shows at the Hippodrome since he has been connected with ihe establishment, but the current one lonres the others all in the shade. The cllouix Is one of the most realistic and striking sensations I have ever wit- nessed. The net Ion of the little drama takes place in the lake village of Itlpplemcre, which Is situated In a picturesque Kngllsh county. A "villain" In the person of a strong man, Italian, by nationality, makes tho newly wedded wife of a young and strong farmer. During the wedding cele- bration remarks are made of an approach- ing storm nnd also of a great flood that took plnce years ago, sweeping all before It, but all Is forgotten In the moment of merriment. Wrestling matches are Indulged In by differ- ent town "celebrities." nnd finally the strong man challenges the raau who baa won lite woman ha covets. Just as tho farmer ihi'owtf his man, the storm breaks. There is a roll of thunder, sad rain cornea down In torrent*, There is a real fall of water. It coming from pipes nt the t<m of Ihe house. A girl rushes across the stag.; nnd ring on horseback, yelling madly ihur the dam has given way. Kvcryonc nidier, fur shelter, nud In a minute wuii>r 1-011104 from all parts of the stage and arena, and the Hood Is on. Bridges, trees, houses, cows, hornns, bulls, ere,,- nil disappear In the rising waters. The spectacle has been hailed by all as one of the Klgbts of Loudon. Oeorgo Courtney, who has boon In legiti- mate drumn and carnalv for some time, will shortly make his nppcarance in vaudeville in n sketch hn has written, euiltlcd "Mcxl- cnu Joe." He will have the assistance of three othcra. Mr. Courtney's sister, Maude, Is In America, but returns in April to take up her Imoklngs ou this side. Hart, of Hurt nnd Collins, who was In- hireii eight or nine weeks ago in a smaabup, Ik stilt at the Charing Ccons Hospital. lie doesn't seem to Improve as rupliily as ex- pected, and may 1101 ho nbio to rejoin his partner, now In Aineroca. for some wckes. James Cunningham. Frank Leonard, :iml Joe Jenny, of the Ktnplre Comedy Four, wen* inada Master Ma*oiH, and got their third degree in Scoihind a fortnight ago. 1 be* Dove ■•(lie name of the lodge Is tilasgow lira- •untie, fiTl, The boys will soon dost* on ilrr. AI0H1 & Sioll tour, after which tbev nre thinking of going to Monte Carlo, to get rid iu som« of their "Bigotton" wealth. They have been very successful In lids country, nnd .wll! undoubtedly go over the tour again after a fa>nsou In America. They have bad n very good offer from Mr. Stoll. W, Scott; Adftckcr. who, iducc the death of his father, and the retirement from the tlriu of John ITuymnii, has carried on husl- ItCHM us an agent on Lelceifior Street, has now transferred his Interest nnd services to Ashlnu's lloyal Agency. Mr. Adoeker will net: as manager for the variety branch, lo- cated on llenrlettn Street, under the direc- tion of Ben Nntliuu. lletiero and Theol loft for No-ton Tuestlnv, 011 the Sitxnnia. On their arrival In Itos- ton they will Immediately leave for San Fran- cisco for a few weeks' rest before Joining the Wallace Show lu Chicago, The lhincdln Troupe, under.the direction of James K. IHmegln, has sailed for America. The troupe bus been engaged for the ltlngllug Brothers* Circus. A nuitluce In aid of the fund for llie re- lief of (he distress occasioned by Courrleros Colliery disaster will be given at the Albam- bra March lifi. The programme will Include j Hiutniiiic Adams, Marie Brema, Vivien Char- tn:B. Mnv de Sanaa, Isabel Jav. Violet Ltovil, Anule Mars. Jultn Nellson, Kllnllne Terrlns, Irene Vanbrough, Arthur no-urchler, Harrv Frngson, Seymour Hicks and Fred 'forty. The successful Albamhrn ballet, "Parisians." nnd the Urbnnora pictures will also be n pntt of the hill, Hayinan nnd Franklin write me from Ame- rica that thev anil for these shores April lVi. Their very long period of Imoklng will (*onimoncn In Clnsgow. Kelly nnd Bono, who nre 1.1 the ICmptro for eight weeks, arc one of the laughing hits of lite show nt that house. Tho eoaiedy man with his chairs and the good tumbling of the straight man form an excellent combination. SHncs tbsy opened at the Leicester Square house they hate booked eighteen weeBVcf coDtlnen'tal'tlnie. * . ... At Bow aiteet, recently, a man described as a"corn- merchant, of Dublin; 1 wsa atrwed under syigdlat circumstances. John Dowil, tESknFot the Ootl?eum. fiid that MoMay night he received a complaint that a man sitting at the back of the sttUfa had thro*p a pair of. opera glawei on to* the stnge.- i*he ncciised admitted havlrur done tht^. addlnc ihnt a friend had hot. him that he wouldn't do so. The accused wns about forty yards away from Ihe stage, and the glasses passed over the head* of the people sltrtng In the stalls, nnd strnck the flash board of the footlights. They rebounded and hit one of the members of the orchestra on the temple. The corn merebanr was lined $25. ' "■ * The learn of Trice and Bevost. which has been at the Oxford and Tivoll for many week?, has been dissolved for the time being, tho straight man of the duo having left his partner very hurriedly early In the week. Imitators don't always have the host of Inpfc in this world. At the Circus Varletr. Co- nenhngen, a team doing the same act Is said to be making a hit. They bill themselves Here'and I'riroHt, in "Humpstl-Bumstl." While the Donaldaon Brothers nnd Ardol!, with their company, were crosHlng to Belfost enrlv Monday morning, on board the Conne- mara, Harrv Allen, one of the members of the company, by some means fell overboard, and. though the vessel cruised about for over an hour, no trace of the unfortannto man could be fobnd. Allen was twenty-four years of age, and hud been with l>onnldson Broth- ers and Ardell eighteen mouths. Ho wits a brother to Moray Cash. Thft Limited Company, Roth & Co., as pro- prietors of the Coliseum. Vienna, give notice that the director, Arthur Brill, by mutual nr- rnngement, will resign at the end of thl«;snn- sou. April UO. but that all contracts mode hy hlni for the company will stand: At tho same time the company MOM to make known that ihev have noinlnnted for the post left vacant bv Mr. Brill's retirement, Louis Mlttler, who has been connected with the Coliseum for many venrs. Mr. Brill will manage Bonach- cr's, which will Bhortly undergo very con- siderable alterations and additions. The cornerstone of the Putney Hippodrome will lie laid March 1, by Sir Henry Kltnber, M. P. The building will cost ?115,000 or more. ' , • At tin* annual meeting of the nnckney and Shepherd's Hush Kmpires. Limited, a recom- mendation 10 pay n dividend for the half year, at the rnto of twenty per cout. per annum, was passed, and It was decided 10 place KlS.OOfl to thp reserve fund. Waller Cobbon* will open nt Raster a new music hall, at Croydon. It was formerly known ns the Palace, Leipzig, 'he clever mnglcinn, who lately provided a real novelty at the Palace. Is laid up with n very bad attack of'rheumatism. ; BUI Heeley. of lleeley nnd Meclj*. returned from Hastings diirlne The week", looking ns Jit or 11 fiddle.- TiWteam- will rest till April, when they onon in Paris-for a month. .*.** OVB CIIICAflO LttTTKR. AVyfohBIFFEBlNQ From. Ureadfol p*i«, j-foi*. Mound o» Foot-System All Run l^wn-«. , wc^ittmrCB^e »,y Cottcar*. '.. »Worto cunt sp^aJ- highly eno aRh fo . theCuiicojft.E^medies. I am bow S I T entytffoy^ofW My system hid beoo a 1 ran down. My blood was r.n bad that Wool poisoning had sot in 1 ffJJ several dootors. attending me, so fitallv I went to the hospital, whero I w u falsi up for two months. My foot and ankle were almost beyond recognition, D^k blood flowed ont of wounds ia m-my p)ao ea and I was bo disheartened that I ihoocht snrely my last obsnee was slowly leiniv, ra*. As the foot did not imprcve you can readily Imagine how I felt. I was 6 imnl T disgusted and tired of life. I stood §B pam, whioh was dreadfnl, for sii monthn sod dnrind tbis time I was not able to' wew n shoe and not able to work. got.. one spoke to me about Cnticnr*. The f0!I sequences were I bought a set of the Cn tieura Eemedies of .one of my frienda, Wno was a druggist, and the praise tbat I mn after ihe second application is beyond de- scription; il seemed a mimole, for ibo Cn- tioura Bemedies took effect immedisttlv I washed tho foot witb the Cuticnrs Soap before applying the Ointment, and I took the Besolvent at the asme lime. AfUr two weeks' treatment my foot was heaJed completely. People who had seen my foot during my illness and who have seen it since the fare, o<m hardly believe their own ejes. Robert rJohoonhouer, Ksstsnt g. Y ; , Aqg.21, 1005 " ^ ' raoji oi;a own coRUFsroNDr.NT. \Venter.! Bureau nf the Jiew Vork Clipper. Room "01 \«Iilnml Block. Chlcnpro. While the week of grnnd opera at the Auditorium will have the call In tho amuse- ment world; th? theatres next - week oiter come attractions of moment, iiichiriinc the orlRlnn! production nt the Chicago Oporu House of "The Throe Onices." a new musi- cal piece, Iik-liv itell comon lo the Cobminl with "The Kducatlon of Mr. Plpp." "The County Chairman" will open at McVlcitor's Kniulny n4g].t, April 1. These clinngoa. with the coming nf llnulon Brothers to the Brent Northern, In "Fnntann." make up the new bills of the week at the down lown play- houses, uud complete changes nre offered at the vaudeville houses Monday afternoon.- SIxty-flvo thoiirtand dollars Is the announced figure that .the receipts for Chicago's week of grand opera have ulready reached, and the nop* still continues. Lost year's record week brought in *8fl,(h>P. nnd il was thmtght that these figures would never be equalled, ns-they. Included two nerformduces of ''Pars!* fnl," which, at seven dollara a stut, brought in |31,(M)0. King]In*,' nros.' Circus will open at the ''ollseum April "j, and ramnln until April Uft. Illinois TiiEATnn (Will J. Davis, mann- K*i>.—Th« well ku.iwu Cii K lL-th aclreris, Olgd Nothcrsole, In the attraction' for two weeks, commencing Monday, ir. Bho will be sup- ported by her own capable English company. The lirst week of the engagement will be de- voted to '-Sopbo," (he second week slie-a-lli prof-out a- repertory of her most popular pliiys. .No SuMdii.v i^rfiirntanecs wilt t»» given during .Mlvs Noibcrrinie's engagi*u)eiii. Viotn Allen, in "The Tonst of the Town." was greeted by large audiences during her two weeks' stay nt this playhouse, which ended with tho Saturday evening performance, March U. Itoslnnlng Monday, April 10. and for two weeks, H. II. Sot hern and Julia Mar- lowe, in Sluikettpoarenii repertory. Powkbs' 'I'lii;Aim: (Harry ,L Powers, man* agerj.—Kleanur Hobson will bo seen here for two weeks commencing Monday, 2. Her first week will he devoted tn Clvde Fitch's emu* edy. "Tlie Girl Who lias Bvervthlng." iMIsa Kobson will present. "Susan lu Search «f a Husband** for the last week of her engage- ment. MIbb Bobmm'M snpportiug company Includes: Ada Iiycr, Laura Clement, Isabelle ItlchardH. Viols Savoy. Margaret l'*nBor, Jo- seithlno Mack. II. B. Warner, Knrhi Browne, Master I»nnld Oullagher and Ruben Fax. BHtH Itarrymore. la "Alice Slt-bv-the-Klre." closed a fortnight's engogeuienl March ;it. During her stay here Sues Barry more was favored with big hindncsM, AcniTomrji (Mliwnrd Adams, manager), —Ilelurlcli Conrlwt's Mciropolltnn (jhind npern Co., of New York, is the attract km lor one week, commencing Moudav, April 2. .TuchrliiK from the liumensu sale, it seeum too Imd the eumigeuicnt Is not fur more -than ouo week. . The company will present the fol- lowing ojverns during the week: Muddnv night, "The <Jneen of Shelia;" Tuesilny night, "h mist:" Wednesday matinee, "I>on Pns- qiiKle;" Wedtiemlny night, Wagner's "Lohou- grlu:" Thiimliiy eveiilng, "Carmen:" Krhlay evening. "T.wca:" Satnrda,v umtlnee, "Mar- thn:" Haiurrtay night, "Hneiiscl uud Hretel." *"A ximkee Cli-cns on Mars." during Bh mn «f a month here, enjoyed Immense huslncHs, Another Impor^int entrAgement nt this house Is Unit of Mine. Bernhardt, who will open here for a week's eugnceincni, eoinmcnclug April IU. Cnt.nxiAt, TitRATnK (neorge W. Irfderer, ninuager). -For two wsn, lieglnulng Hiindnv ereiilnii. April 1. Dtghy Itell. supported bv Kllon Tracey nnd an excel lent eonipauv, will bold the hoards of this theatre, pres'cmlug "Tho Kducntlon of Mr. Plpp. 1 ' After n run of eight weekH. "The Prince of India" takes to ihe road for the rest of nil* hoahou. ft proved one of the greatest, productions ever ?eeo here for acting, stage settings, etc Monday, April !.*, and for two weeks, K. S, Wlllard. hi repertory. flRAKtt Oi-Bni HnrsK (Harrv Askln. man- nger).—.Mrs. fiosllp Cnrtor will continue to play "Artren" the current week. She la seen to fine advantage in ibis sumptuous Pelftrco production, and dernbnrUrntoB the Irmnoss of hoi' hold upon the nubile. "Ztiiti" will he played during the third week ef her ongftgehJiht, Which begins Monday, ft. Fol- lowing Mm. Carter's engagement. "Before ami After," will! Leo Dttrlchateln na the star, will he presented.- ■ RrttimsAitrir TitXATim fB. K. tlnrmpver. manaror).—"Ihe College Widow" continues on lis prosperous way at this house, There Is to be one change lu the cost, Thoom Meighsni r»pliiclng Frederick Tniepdeli as Billy Bolton. 'ITie bouse Is sold out At Rlainst every performance, nod Manager Hiirmcver may deride to keep this comedy here for the rest of the season. Oabdick Theatbb fSnm P. Orson, Btta- ogor).—The success won hy Margaret An- giln In "£\n" Justifies the prediction that the remaining two weeks of the engagement will firmly entr?neh her In the favor of Chicago playgoers. She Is supported by a splendid cast, which Include*! Charles Hal- ton. Jameson Leo Finney, Arthur Idwrenro .1. R; Crawford. Harrington Reynolds, Jack Standing, Harry Hyde, i.ilheri ilemu How mil Levis, Arthur Moore, Jjoon Brown \ B, Fninklln, William De'ane. Charles Brure, aud CAeJffiSj Watson: "Fanrana 1 * follows IS. McVirKllR's Tiibatrii (George C. Wnrren mnniiKorl,—"The. County Chairman," which Is the attraction at this playhouse, commenc- ing with the Sunday night performance, 1, will remain for two weeks. Theoilore .jab- cock Is this season's Hackler, and RIchsrd J. Dillon Is Righy. Chnnncev Olcotr, In "TA- mund Burke", played to capacity houses ever since his opening here, three weeks age. Commenclog Sunday night, 13, "Mrs. Wigjn of the Ciihbflge Pnfrh.". Cimcaoo OrKiiA Housr. (Lyman B, Olortr. manager.for JCohl & Caatlc).^At .this IiOhm will occur, on-April l\ the original prodac- tlon of "Tho-Three GraeeR," nmhxlcai play, hy Harry B. Smith nnd Stafford Adams. Tt.e cast will include: Trljsio FrlganTO, Mabel Harrison, Iji Petite Adelaide, Amy Rlcird, John Slavin nnd Frank Farrington. "Coming Thrti' the Bye" will continue Its road tour after closing here Sunday night. 1. La Bai.ui Thf-vtrr (M. H. Singer, mana- ger).—"The" Umpire" begins Us eighteenth week Sunday. April 1, Next Friday might souvenirs will be dhttribated. NORTllKRN Tiiratrk (Fred. C. Rborta, raannceri. — The ltanlon llroibers' "Kantasma"' J« the bill fnr week of I. Lsnt week, "Bankers and Brokers," with Serbs nnd Adnrus as the stars, plared tn good houscsj. Week of f>, John oud Km ma Bay, .Bl-sh'TFjipuj. (Kiizohctli Sehohcr, niunn- Ber).-f-' , Quo' Vadis" Is the offering of the PJn vers Stock Company for' week of 2. George Allison will he the Marcus'Vlulclns, Ad<- laido Keim will piny I.ygln. I-ast a'eck. "Tlie Ih'itcoa's Daughter * was- presented and well played by the Players Hfork Co. ft and weeji, 'Tholnvi.'* •. ; . AMiAirn.UA Theatre (James n. Browne, manager).—"The Way of the Trsnsuressnr was the nUt week of'1. Last week "Dangers of Working Girls" was the bill. 8 and week, "Mru's Enemy." Academy (William Roche, manager).— Ram*ey Morris* good play. "The Ninety and Nine." in the ottering for week of 1. "Ilurm ltasius" wits tho attraction last week, and enjoyed big houses. "The Cliolr Singer" S. Bi.rou Tiris.\TRR (Wllllaii) Roche, mana- ger).—"A Millionaire Trunin" w|lt he ihe bill here for week of 1. "When ihe World Sleeps" snsa last week's bill, nnd scoreil hlg. "Hooligan 4u New York" comes for a way of one week 8. CnuMBfs Tnr.AThK (Welter Bros., ainna* ge'rs).—"The Choir Singer" is the attrsciten for week of 1. Bussell Brothers clofcd n week of excellent business here March SL Ward and Vokes, lu "A Pair of Pinks," April 8 nnd week. i'BOPiaB's Thuvtbr (Joseph Pilgrim, man- ager).—■•Thekun" will lie played by the Pen- iilc's Stock Co. Tor week of S. tasr weft "Sweet Clover" proved u good vehicle for the stuck company. For It nud week, 'The I*o- mnny live." Majestic Theathm (C. K. Prnper, mntni- ger for Kua! & Castle).—Business 111 this pretty theatre Is Immense. Jntues T. hiwers and company were the features lu^t week, imtitho entire show was eteeiitlnunlly gw»i. Bill week of 2: Emmett Corrlgau and esj> May, Watson, Hatchings aud Kdwarrts. Grand Qparn Trio, tire Alllsoiis, Long n» rt Cotton, fllisjiir and .lolabn, J. Francis Dooley and Girls. John Birch, Charley Banks, Ihiff- ney and Wlllard, Fredo and Pare, and Avery KtrakoHoh, the fatuous prlmu tlonun. - OLYjii'ic Tubatbk (AI»o Jacobs, mAQiiarr for Kohl ft Castle).—Last week's bill drew crowded bouses. Bill week of 2: Gua nil* J;nais, Lewis M'.Cord and company. 1 "> e PlrlwofllH Trourte. Ixnilsc Brobnny, Art -\nair, Adair nud Ihinn, Baron's dogs, .Inmi* 1. McDonald, Bhuon Ganluor nud •**!*■£ Currte Scot*, Ralmuadnnd Good, nnd Joun Irwin. Hatmarkkt Thvitrb ."(«■; W. P»"«£ lrnnngcr for Koh! & Castle).—Tlie Ori»«S Show broke all records for huslncss st vhcatre Inst week. For w-wk of 2: 4mun 1. INnruta onrteoinimny, llarovsky »J*JJ Hnydor and Burhtey. 1-ilcanor Fnlk. Itn-w". Harris and Brown, Jame* Lunts, Oirnnl tua (Jnrilncr, Forest Cltv Hnbrte-i-tP. I*"" ""! Mae Gordon. Eleanor Burton, ami Anderson end Heyiinldii. J „.^. IVrKilSAtlOKAt, TltBATBK (W. ». ™^ land, manager).—Uud Snyder will liwy 1 ' list hero for week of 1, aud SIiohr and ««/ rt*n will open their burlesque. "Quo MIR" rpsldn Down." Others on the bill tgSlSSm Ihy Jardln, De Hnvon nhfl Parker, and BeW" and Lenbarr.- Last week's bill wns a *w atteactlvp one. ^ rtn ., HOffARh TltRATItE (A. F« Vftf^SfilE gerL—nillv., TrtrtiP. Dim nuwll. Jjgg! O'Soii. w Inm Orass. in 9>J3ETlfa will head next week's bill, the tiBg*. JJ Lavlrtes, Bill Whorilpf. nnd Jack and an* Gonlou will'also lake .part. _. --n. Prtixr TnpvTht: (John A. Foiino-sey. mso tiger).—The Fay Foster Co. will be the ri traction for week of 1. T4»t w. j» Dainty Pares Girls closed a week of P* 01 *