The New York Clipper (April 1906)

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:■ .VV ;;'V/Hvv:■■•■■ ■A '•'''; ■.'• ^^Pfip pfiPPfi iS-fej Aifcrifc . r«. - J\"*?" : '- : lijffojflij. v- 'v>' : J ■;■■'•> • '"• ' ' •;'■•'•'■ :*y$r mmfc^mJM^M Uiijb IN Bill Poiiwi. -Mg^fe^.fefeit'tn ■jSj&B&gfegsr^ :*« AX,» AM) llutchleou, ' .h week. force* w n r Fuller, traffic wonngiir ."Frank Burus, local contractor: Pi>i> - Cy Hutuon, local ton- irartbr; Herbert H. ilaildr, prow contractor; • shciroan Dauby, special pices representa- tive ■■ Sato Fiedler, tunn-isor mlvcrtUJn* car No. 1:' W. B: iKmiilnalou. tonnager car N.». ■ -'[filrrv Overton, aiiinager tar No. fl; 1mm Tr-nnffotrh. manager car No. 41 Bert Iloson- th«ker up; Bort WllMn..rouu^tlder.: InJ wncern u f Womu k Cm has licon "—i «»..«ecM[nf]f for tlio Huston Ararrk.... Rail CluK Tlipruaa l/stiilsn, Iiostnpi-4 £»Kno «: i'ii„ ins k«« tn- potmlnr with toe pwt*.' Milio'rir.*liiclns Mr fiorc n„ll"% t .?i. n,y r°. r .. t . , l c ,%.?,°." '*.™ c .!L ca '! i!".' c . l : lEl "!'.' , P.'.Vj. J. 11 "? 1 '"" 1 . 1 '?.""." »«.* 'J 1 f~ tlie 1'roDtlpr." Krcd C. IlDil Hotfluit Lewis. lu-f r 0 ' . *i"l? n l3l Tlieatw, ami n rvtio hare brcn rrttt> the ruminn.v *ir,w In lSS£ !..fiWH5 ! ab ?f-, ■'". , ,,,a .TO" opcolus. cl<««l In Dcnrcr uml ami 10 Call- Us'licLlt at llinl Iwiue. Alirll H. I)ru. Illll Wat- fttrnis. to boy n liotso. but Kill return to tlii) i !' J i ''5^ i 00 " '" ".'. ,u 9 c "5' IlwplUI coimmuj- for Huuiraet kIocb, In fwtr 111* 1. rw- tlje last Uirco inontlill, In corrtalfsclnp:. Lillian Masou null lawn hosen Iwru >«*" Noitb MiliX Uat'.M: h". CouK'rt M»JliHtlc irock co. (wamtK^-onr.VMMK^Mm oft-D«r' fir.0 hlnndMl': tvtulnl A,' Kttia«rt, siaiii- director; Cufl \\. Cood, MiM maaovir: Al-Eur Kotdliitu), icttnl aitiMter: CjiO", B. \Vof- rdlL orcht^tia lond#r; llor W. Cotlanf, iftttfo »-ni-|KMitof: cinlr BMck mmtter or Woyoillon; iin.v Itcnijt'tt. =u|,crmii. , U(l'ial uf csn^ns: J«*■^c• XtcNcu. :>■:■> rtiirciOi-uL m" lltflit lilnnt: Johti Nii't- 'u, lioaa ntr,nruilcv. Ttu« follotvln^ |u*lf,in|u-rw :iml nnuslolaun ImrO ■ljliw i M '••inl (l. Hi-ml- m i r " ':' •' = {■! »C • mm- tills iu>8^»iu: llnrry r. IK-.wo>,... ra. in. elms, ntiiii", i:,i llkkor UftnnHirk. Ilatrv c.. Wliltuev. . Hfntt, II. I„ F.;llorn, I. W. MdMi I . I^ltllc .A. WllltllSy. WIIIIi.ii, .[. Mutt. Hurry II. Uobotlw. Barry -ihM JrtiliOH km i'kiln, Kr Lvlo. .Mofispy nrul K Kirlt. Anim Illkff, ciuhi r«lto»i IUmI Jin, Eriir-t Ili'Iulinnil,' Jloii lV|iil . .MafiRpy noil Krarui'! tied Kocte aod Harty Hotter, bill poators Walter KlddT anil >V. K. Orayes, lltbogtaplv fW- II. A- Htraot). paste matter. Car7<o. 3 will V tinder.thc'dlreetlon of Hurry OtrcrCon, ullu Jan. BoCler, Jus. Mniltb, 1,. E. Morabflll, Harry Cloybourrtc, Dat'e Berkely and Jno. L. , V ».i,«,l...-^ n( ,...<. V„ If. tV'.n HI... Kllutr. Notes rno.\t I0CU 13, Surlniff.old, Mass.- Ijeen eortiged for le&illuir Luidlie"* lu tlie two ,,----£-• t - —;- I. JLU 3 -.». v-y..oirnelu. Mass.— pluy.. "Beyond 1'ardoli' 1 aud "Wittnan of-tuc Ilro. Bobt. II. Clark ..lenTes Mareu S». for World." Sat rcatou Mr. Huleldsoii will Clilcojjo^to p> jjltb ItlDIIlbfa' Ulrcu.i _ Ta, of Poll's Tlleatre, had. uud will tarry tweuty ui^iple lint- ilttyH. "lleyond Pardon aud "Wuin&n of-tuc IVorld." N'oxt sentou Mr. Hutchison will hare une of the lust ci>n>patlli , i4 lie lian ever bcM bill potter I Jan. A. Lyons. jV li. simp- mo? Uanrrmcrcler. E. P. Uolloy. Jack Bcutt, U 1 BUrbe, W. X. Wheeled", Tod • Coojler, Horler Wlilte. Kdwurd Boycc, Geo. Datla, U. MitlurcI'DIck Uf«6»,r.VJ.' Wilson and Vic siont. bill oostert r Geo. 1 Erust, paste maker. Car No. -4 will-be under the'dlrectloo of Jtmea •Maworthv with J. T. 'lloroan, J.' J. llV.ter, M.i L. Bell, A. N.- Iluland, Win. Per- rault, P-' ti Church, and Geo. Lavensollcr. The .Vatloba! Alliance Btcwnrde mnat be elected by rnem&orBiOn tile adveitlblng cure, li« His absence Paul Durl .Villi:. IHU\t TIU'* l*1.JlYt'.|tS| ... II. Van Clevc, manager .—We are aettluK S?8J ' ..-' ■ '"'en' member of Iho lw-al. evcrylblnir lu uhiipi' for our wcouil Hrrlnx ... S57-X "'"''' ".toiBO.-ftlHi the John Hob- tour. Our work ror the Summer will tako Miirtlu Hot-era, atoKo mauimer: 1). t:. Kit" iiutoti forces, and left ror Clnclnuatl, u., 13. us Into Indlauu. Hlluoin. wlEconnlu, lorv ■">" ■ " ■ ! t»l' l ^ -M ■ ■-» rae.nejt meetlun-la X.- ■ Mlkrourl. Nelint-iku. Mlulie»i.til and Canad ih to look after the duties of the secretary. "•-■"vS'-K: aKP^fe-**.-* Uarttord, Conn., opem w. II. Van cicvV, miuaior. JlttllCH KtiltlR Xlna otlrTen, Jnila ,...iM' rdterm llotl-ll liiiiirne. alliinie '.ioiiilnln. Puiil lleeiler. Huluer WllllllH. Ktlwlinl Wlull., \Vc--trlll cutty olBll- le>'u -rcofkiii^ wen.. -Wo open lu..doud'tsky, It. May 14, nntl vtlll «j oior Uto Ohio. In- illniiu. Mk' uml IllihuH ici-Htuiv aaaln this season. Mr. Cuok lia.i opimed it fnctoty In Kaudusky. uml lias it lurirc.forvo nt n'drtt reiMtli-in-; uitr three curs ami painting ovory* tblnif froui alitko lu hale rloir. - Milta rnojt 4»s. T. Mi Auns't "Haxs H.tNsts " .Co.—Jai. t. MeAlpIn, proprietor and litana-rcr : Loul^ Itels, bUsmess Ui-llllt«cr; "Ht'li, EBPRESS I NitAMtAM^owk fit ill RESTORE iWiiees m HIltDi; in OSE .1|)plitia»i. It il'H.1 nut tltstri.y lllO CuHlnr: uttil Cflbt- run. nitil-jl H Hie only |it.:|i-iratloti -c'lilcli asa- l«fl 1'lliril.f llCillnrci. llleneltril, Or.iJ illttl NM tin r In lltlV'llfttlU.'ll Jhilile deilrcil, BltlO't ilftf nm litslto tu tlie bolt. Icnvlni: It sort, slut nut eloan. It la llarmlcsH, Pure, Iirfiicilra nm Sure, ror So lb at Lciulln-; llnlr urttu- Cta, Uo|i:>rti»i:nr Htotc-'. mid Iituanlsls. , senii t;on nu'miATKU nooKLisr c. , ^LMPjlRBa »[ru. CO.. asl-a-i nroailwoy, s. r. 1-ullU will dinar m cUilravter trout anylliltut In I'XlslcUc.-., mill ivill be cunslruckd uxclu- slt'oly by •i'hp,nipsoii ; & piintly." ' t.. Kirk ■fas m mtH off layers, N07i:s-ri-.ojt 11.11:1: in^ion's PAvluoN TrtE. .. ATUt-.—This atttaetion will open In trcrro tblrty daya from the commencement of sea- nauto, Ind., week of April 23. wlfb one of sou.'arld'tbo.ntic-ieof mcuilwr elected Bent to the large-it and best otjulppw pavilion the- Mtlonal Becrttar-r Wm. J.,Munayi P. O. No. litres under cah-fus, nalDtr a OOfr. rouiul tou. 74, Ttttpan, .V. Y, The flrat ndvertialnf; enr - UK - -»"-'^s. -..-«..- "»^- Hatrcnoeek. left hero Mat-cb.18. for Ujq Kait. IWtEB Fbost.LoMi. No. Its, of Sprlngileld, Kasa.—Bro. Jiciht. II. Clark, secretary, of this local, left 'X, foriChlekao, where ho especta to Join tbeadeance forces of ltlngtlng tiro?.' clrcba,, . uurink Mr. Clark's absence. Bto. I>aill Da--|8, of Poll's Theatre, will look after tuoiHecretiry's.biislncH.-and would like the metntiefsjof .Uieilocat to commuulcato with lijibcen spared to make this nn elalwrut'i- hlai. :WlllInm Morris has: accepted term; ptrtl I Ion theatre. Wc will-plsy one iind two with' the- John .UoMn-aJn. .show, nnd Joined week stands and carry a bond aud orchestra tbelr forces, at Cincinnati. Geo.. Decker, of oIkv our own electric light plant. Several tie HartTord.. Conn:, Opera Houae, Is Uo r)*iule have been re-engaged who hate been latest recruit to this local. Onr ne-tt meet- wltli tbla show for the post three seo.on.-. with a 80zlOft. middle piece. Wo will alago each ,bltl .complete. Duncan nnd Mullen, scenic nttlgta, have an order for ttvo hnndted and alsiy-ooe pieces of special sconerT, which will be complated- by April 1. There Is no doubt that this Is rnore Hccncrr than was eeer carried by a pavilion theatre. We will piny the same route that we have for. - the. five aocreseful seaaona. 'n'ute nor money log Is Marcit 2o.. >'otct''WO'u Local 17, Boaton. MM* — Considerable enthusiasm prevailed at ■ the meeting sunilav, March 11. A call had tven Isstlcd-for a'special mcotlog, and several — past three seasons. We are ,vory eorry to state that Mrs. E. A. Harrington la lu St. Anthony's Hospital, but ber physician says that she can Join her family In a few- days. Mrs. Harrington will play all the leading roles, flab/ Millie will matters of interest to the organization were be featured lo Mrs Hatrlngton's new plec-. acted upon. The advertising s aft of the Co- .- Mr Jaclc .-. . [bQ tour „. m g under the mnti: loalal Thtatre will. benefit Uastcr Sunday agement of E. A. Harrington, who U aolu night Bto. Harry Jcwclk Is rounding out Ills owner. "a-iou, irno u> second season as advertising ageut ot the Co- ■dn. We betlevo we have oue of tbo-fitrongest onu nlglit uttrncllons on the road, wo bur-i spared neither lime nor expense lu surround- ing Wallet- Sabford. our feature player, with t'uo very Itest talent obtainable: scenic of. fecta ttiiil pajter. We are boohed solid, play- lug-the beat lime only. F.vei-ytbina nulnls to u stlci-essful, lileasant and prontable Summer season. ct^L'pn L. oml his wife. Mitrlob kbowo lo the profession as' the clevi- luntls, have just clusitl u MuecCHsftll.sixteen weeks' engagement with the Charf. K. Harris Uari-oltrt-Comedy So. Mi i-li, n Cleveland, us a specialty performer, was n protulucut feat- ure of the e-impany's httceeas over tile Nerv Pnitlnud v'lr'.'uit. After a sliorr lav off they oneu a Slicing mid Summer cnganciucut with W: 0. Holmes' "My Prlcntl liognn" Co., opening April 18. Lulu after closing nu engage- nieilt of une hundred weeks with "The Spider Web" Co., has Joined I be "Wyoming" Co., playing ibnrni-tsrs. Kuank LKo, who closed with the Al. W. Martlu "Uncle Tom's Cabin" Co., at Newark. N. J., on March 2A, will rciunln permanently In Now York, doing stock work. -' Annni: J. AYi.KHWottTrr has turned orer his production of "lloollgoit's Tronlilca" to Hilly A. Ward oud I'rerT T. flre.ucll. Mr. Aylcsworth will busy himself with his uciv slock company, which opens Mar Ot at Iho Third Avenue Theatre. Seattle.. Wash. S.-otLTL D. Mrnim.L has been unjtaged us Stoik. nl dvauee ixipresenintive: Wni. Amauu. mflsttr of-iiroiwrtliiB; John P. I'lorn, leader bf bninl and orelH-stru.. We-ore- uow-'lu our tUirty- second week, nod liuve been dolbjr very nlcclv nil seaeoh.. Vfv liute boett touring Califor- nia for over two months, and found iMtHnM ver; i-fri-d lu the Weal. All flu- tlin-u Swcillau ill si: :i plays tveru close : together oli-tlio i-oast'-t'You Vonsou," I'Olo. olaf-n" ntid "lliina IlMnson.* ind till .doing good buSluesS. -Wo are coming Ijlst 4>y tm *-«r. or Salt liake unit Denver, uml close out sisisoii otr or iilinut' •iune 4 l. near ctilcriio. TilK iilu llui,t-nii.n ircia here a day."I: T(to lu(e, hdt we ivt It, uml It H kurelv welcome. * Kveryobo Is enjoy. 6TK8 rnoM ,Ttln. Isti'tlntAL. ,Bt Intr good InalUi. >'OT|-a :-r.oM -1 III: I-'iM'.iltAI. BTOt'Ki C Wc nn- nrrangtngool' tuird anttoal IniAt Ir-ij..' Co., 'it Bitaj-lfta l OiiUrlo, it'Ki.CO.'-- will -||ji* : BuuVnier TlnicT"■'llV'Tirt SufSS tllb well KUottb royalty .sueccml, jfBH Ciali el Attorney.".niul ore. l-ooklug only cliojdi tlluc. "voru-nli a/MMMC will innilngo tile MMfa this seuaou, da hcrctofor-.', . Ban M-.I-K.S. u" Murksi, .rirdr.' wrltoa: ,"I lun Freaking the record ' the houses In Kasltril and ceulral |il«rtug CBpiiclty every night.". ' flAft-T. tinho writes) T'l.closed tvltu-tue Muaon and lmson Co.. Fob. 25..after a very prutllulilc,: euKugewont, nnd upoued In. stock nr Ibo cttrtls Thcaun, ul liouver, Colo., March 2ri..for jennrul business and atnae rattuager. My wife.will not work |lli> eumlug (tutuiilor. She !» going to rpolld tlio Sutlitner 111 (Join- Held. NOV., whor-. alio has suteraf eljluia In the new,mining dlatrlct. Suu U gvlu) tuoro to look tUler her Interest"." • PUNr-ISVLVANIA. Pittabiinri—A'f the Jflidn (Thoa. P. ... Jli, kajlMi '"I'be l'fluce of, India" tieglhs a-two. weeks cllgagcutettt April 2, The crilt cu-iu-lcil Is a partliulnrly sttuug uud, and Includes *u htiuibiilt of Pittsburg ftivlir 1 — iiniuiig. whoul .ale sdmh 'Xritax and wy ilcach.fonpcrly of tlio Divls Stock Co. ,a__. friends will torn out l\t force to WK-oSil tlilmi-bou'ie. I,nst week the grand opih-tiiM- suurpruved to be ablg succilss. • ;■/-',■-■',- SJrMUiM (Om.-S! rji|inui|s, aaflajjir)','-s- llirllia Tlilllaiui, iilnlci- tliil iiliVlM.ofTJ»»)d llcln.toi. UPPe:irJ.rii"'Nwi><it Kll)j> UollbtVa.- 2'T. 'lutaFwitik sirs., 1'lsk,. w»a L'lrvO ifimWl piitrbliagc. ','|lilfori>,ndif Afti't"B.14. , .'. ; tJIIA-sG (Hurry iMt'la.-tuuniv-teri,—I) ll.tor weoh or J includes i lloic CogTikh — panyi'lli "."the .AiV of TruUipi " nilii • Volilska Huiiitl. sevetiU ... nrc-i, .Five Columbians, Moaner. ,_ Trio. Hayes uml tluily, Saiil i.ollloi, Klnra. lej- and U'Wlr. liloln null Is Icln, Motion Old tnutejolttl, Mnsknl lluclin. CiiHcf ami • nFitb- fi-i'il. Pour Avttlos: Pantile Futon,. and Ibc clin-iuutitgraub.. Last tveke'a 111 vt'dh good, unci iieii'lt-ctl .tin?-' .- ALtls III;-M. Ilulliik i Co.. maiuftri).— "Arltolit)" 2-t. Tul'sdtty night will te itlll. liiry ulglit. last.week, Bv» Tabnuay, In- "Ttio Hiiiiius) uli-l," playi'.il to . caiiacll* business. "Me. illWhlid V" U-14: . ... MiJijf ill, M. riuii'lt & Co., tnanakVra).-- •"ITio. Kye .Wltncts" a-T, Lait week eNo Muihcr to OUlde Her" I'lnyed lo good bilsl- ot»». ''ciiinJtotvn ciiariitc'li-M. Hohh TAPLirv. uti ai'trott, wits u-.urrlcil .n- cciitly at Scbelicoiadr.iX. ¥.■ lo I'rancli II. Ilc.JnhaftalaWJ-cr.'oI 't'tov, N. Ti libit from Bro. Frank Donohue. and jast |ekd wltri Harrv week totight near bomerville, (] uc tlon or MI1BB.. Prank sayB .he will raise 'brry rind - !VF 5 '.i c . < <i! c "' 8 b % oue night pro- tluithrough tlestpiui :lic snow," We co 'toouil SJ-ftl iB S' S l l i-A.-SfcWigSg |eV> u 'F<' Victor and cripple Creek, re- uuuuu, a inii-er,.oi i ruy, r*.. li ^ ^ •■■' TSiiiaiAOts.wlll mtdm to A, 11, Tvoixlv 'CblnutoWTl Cbirllt'" Co. April I). TU.M were von suceeestul at pastoPB, rW York, Jlaicli. 2U-81'. ...•....,, J. C. FdkL'-iolT, who baa been very III with nneotnonio.tor iho pdat IS nSL-li the Provldobco lloaultal, Wnablngtun, ia,notv out of danger,- and uas beou tukoti lo b!3 hcnli'-, ■— '. . ■■,-.-.,. -, - ' I Nii-tcs fltOM BoWXAkp &'CilrrolttV* "Tllii OLui.tMimei) MAil" Co.-^ata Mm was Btidatnlir culled .to her'.uSuia■ )«.'CulCii(i!. op .ttccoiint of: lntr molinr. belug strlvBa- , J'iJ = V:5, 0 ,V* WWbyt.folroorly .wlW;4luli\ S IdJUHP,':, Co.: VecureiL hud ■ Ib 1 iivltlg ii most rctrdUkm otlhi) UMU-r fomalo,r,)|-i. tho-ntlftniBho-iln all tlii! llfWr. cities .lias Weil Wrgc.trtlJ the luOW UAVbi t iiiiiu. )>!. titi. iiiuuiiger).— Tlii lion Ion liuile'hiiueri tirade their sccuutl unptar- altcii of the Heaauh 2. tor the nuek. Tboy kite ri gooilshuw, dud, us an nddeil.attrite. inu the Flic Vctnont, nuninil lylbphone *«pprl«, niiBtotjil. Last webk ttoso sjiuTI'ii London lltlltt did well, Harry iiiyniifs flur- ° AtAl^St- '• n ;. AcJiplJilv rjl-.kll'iiio/fll. «'. Wlllta™ Jr.: The.ilreilill ilrvilililaitd lltirlosiiucrB, ooo ' ntuobci-, niul In- and two urreiy , ultru iirirac- L:ut Ihc plhj'dtl lu Hie lisutll iiuimclty iiHs.vltutiovllla JujlJIlimri rltsilbta, Dp.jrled 2. As ul m, lb? six .IliiiTilie.yiils. ...Iioeebf Jlitlds glliyOil lo Hie ..„ bodae ull.wliik. Tbo Alcaon- Ucuutlou-Oila. ElMrlbr, (IS. J. MeCiilloiiirli. manager).— KhlltrYtt l*fir)ii«ll 2.T, Hi,"i?arnieli." T6o aup'- Wt llg euraCfins Is >|l'6»g., DiiiIuk tin) lit- Itr (lact «np>. W»ek "CnTnllli''!will " trout.-., Din Inir "• - «IM Ira >ub- lilntltiii.sdtr inny- hi strong., ijurtui .Hn, u'iek'"t,'n>lllt" iSil »(,week,the lour IMnt m mm <0e iff. iumbla, '»y tlio pnpfT PflDt -,. Humaiex that eFer played tijc Soutii. Jqus AM-ia'.-j had.uuO.a mon succesffiil season aamusical director Tor.Allvji ulwik-, tbe rounc IPlsli tfioor, who Is Ktarrlii^ In Josi'pU,Murphy's pluy./'Kerry (jov," umler the ; jnflnay;uiout ^of Kconv & WesttaM. Mr. jVndrus Ms wrltton tsevoral dt'llghttul Irlrfh Ijalhuts 1 anil, follt. songs, aod bus'proven liiui- stlf to iMi'a .youog oonj[)09er of.inuch abhlty. Allen Doone scoroa-licavlly uluhtlv irurter- Ing "The-Prison' Ssjog;"'also a .deHghtfiil at-.the meeting Saiucs McCormlck? busl- *"8g TgJ&BB ^S^p of Fo BS agentol Lccal 33, Broolcl.yn.; Bro. £ft &$*• M AC ^ ltXAh ^™ , Lyoua, I^ocal >'y. HO, Jersey City/and Hilly n. Corfcett;, Alliance member; ,-^atronal Kcc- rtlary William J. jMurroy and Dologate We McCarOiy vlsitcHl -the blU-roob last week. Tbe former bus.-Informed Thb Clipvep. that tbe Pawuee Bill aud Washburn & Dolniu Sliowa Jium- algncd tbe National AlPance da-us .tfgreenMnt. • -IVoeAi. -NO. 2, Nr.w 1'oHK, held a regular mietlBt? Boodav,.March 11, tvlth T|ioaia» A- Sceohan preultfrng, and toad a large attend- ance. both iCMitXAS,-manager of Eueanc Spof- nett. Mario T^ozay. Human Slave*' Co., writes: **W(i Hansen,.Carrie W«11f 5lai*lowo hita been eon-tlly.anxious to.iiortrijj tiro. Irish priuoeas. Maurl'.'e MactL-rllock lids Iv.'ii rifi'ikw; ot hh tho - dramatist who will adapt [hcpliiy. U- will follow cloyolr the siorv n.s told In lllehard Wagner'a uUblc dratna.. •. • Ni.\. r YC\c Mv:i„\iir.r fUOUN .vl,l bftTC the louco<.t engngement of Iior rtreer In Now York. Under ihe direction of Henry Miller. MIsb Anglm wilt be ^pu In n aeries uf nuw nlnys and twyivals that wlli k<*p her nt the I'tlmt&i Theniro from 8?pteniber until .Spring. K. s\i:rns I.ju'itns"t't: U fontum) with .Tohneou. Combs & Dttttou's vCanillle" Co- The following meuil>en of the compuuv wore given u bruniuet at Orci-u Bay, wit,: Adele Alcott, Jt SardlH Lawrence-, Bobt. CeD- EIhIo KfiiifLT, Margaret Unrrlfj Dellhant Harry v...v"L"ay i/v*;mv IKI(Ji. UIJV IU no end of favorablo ruMtoeuh tho npfclMrr featilrorf. Tbu Tfttit aWrp Ho ^ijan tlnflelbg nuoiber TirBhtlF tclnrr.ror.ilJvni' veueatcd recalls Jonii'. Kyi-Jc MacCiirdy l ! -" nn purchilBed u hflUdt;om«-' Butniiltir IfoWfc nf BVeutwood. L. J,, nnd uiirMM«iu Hpanil hli Vdcfitloii tliore. Kid abul-toy, Owing foflh na'Idehi, wits out. of tlii* LMyLnrtU bib plucu win Oiled by Kid KlelU, of ^ewarit. who ul«litly appeared In tb-; ari-na sctne. lo M> junction with iMony Holtglterty. Tin? tour of the mIiow from now uU'WlIt be Wbutnaftl, "i-ep«atlny" In umuy oltkB wbere the tdiow ■*J- appeared MtHfr In the nmnoo. HbwlnttU 1 A Clifford . vlfclted ■ lln* cumpany In-New T( ' and supplied un cutlrely upw Mrulrkftl c(|tilp- mcjiL JtA.VNf.TTE JlUt l'Io*Ctl o.rlt, ulp' \aj wrir«: "I.'hiive ,- vary plea eiiiut ami »uo.f*»ful »ea»oii ot thhty.four wflelti with the Heunftt- on« ul" rfinriicst AStfji SI tIJo SEl trf!>c glvf-QiBoOd riQpi^ort by.tfio t>at?i ttieihuvUr^. „ ( , g ..,_ ■■;, .. . ,. . .■: tll^IriiiShffr.^-Ai: ^tlii- Xr«Vui i \jtM'-*L!i tuJiiflilerl-iliU'r/Mi'luto^iM/iri-h, it, ti m\h Mtirtl* ; i oft^wvil ln,."Nam^ »^-ttv"':^R HeHi! .CcdlliUSliBy/.Ii). 'Paul Jyucu,v ,lu,- dreW tt")aHi<J .uilJIetltt;. ..with ililu-uowpatly MR tlilrpflliut mnl.Alglo l>owi-t>Ke, bolt* df tllli rlty. r/Iii> wt)te mren n cordial wvlcgmo, did icwtved uiuny. iiortii ktfU MIhh illant, WHo Im ■profijalonally Uwwn um Clutw AHbfortl, rv'jeiitly wua.given tlio role of Yvonuo, (n Tv liluLi «lio Is wlijiiltiif niuch t.iH'i'eriH- Alt lp> tiruniptu rrtt-ptluii rolluwcd tho i^rfuruuioi;''- Itoui'r Uiothurri done the we^b to big buej- u<i»%.iih (Slicpard'H moving pk-turei) April 7. Oj'UiA Uutdc (.d. Helci. muunavr).—The Blurniy-MBCkvy Co. did hlg buriiueea Tut wtfvk. At u.number of tho pcrformiiDees thfl ti. Jt.- o, sign: wmi.out. Florae* fltnrnrj, am Horn Xoatea,- of Local Jl. cW-lnnatl, and liro. J. J, Lyons, of Local SO, Jersey City- Bro. John K: Connell has been reported sick and uiiablr^o-worb. A committee hua been appointed to look after.tbe Interests of tho visiting delegutea, who will atteod the next convention of tbe National Alliance, to be held In >*ew York, week of Dee. 3. Hurry Colcy, Local No. 2. will go out with tbe li^fjrtibeck Circus this season; Harry Cook, Local No. 0, Denver, Col,, p.aa blgncd with the Frank A. Bobbins Circus. Bro. F. C. ^ timer. Unsocial secretary Local -No. 3:1, HrookljD, spent .1 few days'with the New }ork members Inst week. Bro. Turner bus .last returned - from the roud. The Barnnm * Bailey 81iow .will have Its hill room tola year at lSWWest Tulriy-seoond Strctlt. 1S0TT3 FIIOK LOCAI, No. 3. I'ltttJlllirg, Pfl. ;-0n March .18'thts local held Its last meet* \°X at.Morehcpd Hall, .which nos bt*en tbo ciu«B plays, which uaVo not as yet been pfa- MH bendqnarters for the past four years, eented lu repertory, have twott -secured, and Joyons Widow"), the reigning Ounaan conile uanng thitt cime It has entertained a good the management will endeavor to make .the opera auccew. acquired by Mr. Savage during ,7* n, itIu|r hrotbers.;as well na a number Morgan-Pep pic Co. one of the strongest popu- his recent trip abroad. Is now being com- ;,; w ei i kl|, ** w n labor leaders. Tho boya have j a r priced attractions on the road. plcted. This opera will be pruduced ti'rfT Qecmed to^sccure new quarters, where an Nortrf rnoM thk Tn:rpEKT Drastatic Co. next Bcason. U\iinv Dull wob u recent Cuim callei. He In In town booking IiIr nhow. tbe Four Iluutlugs, In "The Fool llo'iro," for next an- arc now In our thirty-fifth successful week. Cuiubti, and Managers Johnson, Combs and and open on Stair A HovMn time again at Duttou. Toledo, O., April 15. for Spring bessou. Out TnB nkxt PhAaArrc rttoDCCTtox whlc'i roster Is: Dorothy Grey, Harriett"Dun^morc, Hciiry W. »a%*ege will muko Is 'The 8tolrti Grace Kecfer, Nettle-Long, Duncan Penward- Bf.crv," Jesw; Lynch Wlllhims* dramutlwtlo'i er, Harry Bernard. Archie Lochrldge, Nelson of hi-, earlier short tale of the sanie name. I,rav]t[. Harry Wilson. Kd. Tlenley and Don The cast Is being rapidly lisnenibled, and Macmtllan. Messrs. Pcuwardcr and Bernard among those already enanged for leading were recently Initiated into the Perry, Okla, parts nre:, Jamewnt Lee FlDnev, Italph Dol- Aerle. F. 0. JL .Many return dates have bee a more, Wright Kramer. Stephen Wright, Jo- booked for this •.-ompany next season. Tho fteph N. Hparks and Funny Marluoff. BiaHLhc production will b'- on un elaborate Evafe." Uuby, n wull-knowu soprauo. and recent 'I'm: MonoAN Brok., comcdlaus, who aro prima donna of tbe Royal Frsuch Opera at now playing a successful engagement through the Hague, has been enguged hv Mr. Havsgu Michigan, will next sea»on oe known as the for lilslKuellsh Grand Opera Companv. Her Morgnn-Penpf,c Co. The tour will be* nhdrr eugiigement with Mr. Savage marks her the direction of T. Dwlglit l'epplc. who ta lirht appeiirnuce In nn oporstlc pHrformnuco now the representative of "The Little Homi- lu this country. Sbo will appear In "Faust" stead." The' stage will he under the dlrec* and "Rlgolotto.". nnd win mago her debut la Hon of J. Dong Morgan. A number of high Indianapolis with this organization. Tha '—i, which hare not as yet been pro- translation of "Dl«j Lustlge Wltwe" ("Tho - and ■•-■-■■■ n r]. ~ - *- 1 "••»■ »-vv> ■, m.i . 1.-1 ... ..aav.'. —— ,iuiu< r Jiu.'a ini, ii/Jirsni uiwiji.iih. »,«. <'.ikc enn be eHtahllabcd, and some ono hi —closed March 24, but will reorganize after juteEuance nt all tiroes. Tho,past year has Leat. Fred May goes to New York. Mr, „ May goes „ and Mrs. Tempest and eon. Leon Tempest, heen u very sneeeasful one for The locujuoys, a« most or then, have had continual employ- went. K. J. McFarlond, of JVo. 3. left Sun- uay, is. to Join the Hagenbeck Jidvnuce uV 0 *. IT - c - LllHcfield. of No. 3, has signed •SPJpj Forrpaugh-BellB Bros. Wm. Wilts ■W G. H. Pittehard, of No. 3, will go with A ?>' Qe w,w West - Ceo. Aiken a goes with » If I i ln *" ll K J^rof*,' Show. During week of picffslng all along the line, and return dates close May 1. In Esterrllle, la.' of n J we bad wltl1 tio Bro. Xawrencc. fayo been. asked for by home managers MAKAUEns GftCDD ako Bbbl write :_*'TVo go to Pittsburg, Pa.; Harry.aScaulon to hban- son, and reports business good for the nttra.> .■ndoah, Pa.': Bert Somers to Mlilllnhurg. Pa.: tlon In Vithbnrj; week of Mnrch W-M. Margaret Urudlcy und Al. Jordun to I'Uiin- Buint; Wiiiitli: writes: "1 am still with deJphla, Pa.; Jdlla York to Marietta, O. the 'A Hoaii>spuu Heart' Co.. pwy|ng Bll! Mr. Tcrapeat preseoted Jennie Tempest, our Dyke, ihe character hpavy. Business baa not star, with n beautiful solitaire dlsmr<nd ring, been of the bust this Spring, hut we are do- karat and n half. The show baa been lng as mudi as tbe others. Tbo company will ofNo. 4, aod Loula Katie, of No. 19. Wm. pecker, sgent i or visk O'Hara, was mude an nonorary moniber nt No. 3 at bur lost meet- s2e ''"r.'peclfar has always peeji « good mend-tp the boya of No. 3, and the bill posters In .general. Geo. Ruby, of No. 24, wherever w« hare played. Tbe gentleman in white made a pleasant call every Sunday. It is with sincere regret tbat we must E.epu< rate, for a morn congenial lot of people It would be bard to fladT Notts most the Mtbtlo Vinton Co.— this have opened an unera houso at Odnsita, Waib., a .town on the Great Northern Railroad of about 3.000 people. It Is tho best town be. tween Spokane and Seattle. Our stage Is 18* 1C feet, and the' house can scat about 350 people. _ For has been engaged by Henry VC Savage for the new play, ^'The Stoleo Story." •f. £ e , Pe ^tn hfs wife, spending; o few days At this writing we ere making prepara- Naming relatives and friends. < Tbn Hsgea- ttons to open our ninth Spring. Bummer wtk ear No. 1 will he here 24. Tbero are 00 d Winter seoeon. Our last season was William 1'. Bnirt write* that tbe Inter Eperaj members of No. 3 on this car. among Jm far tbe rerv best In tb« history of the national! stock .Co. closea Ita regular ten- L Ueia t «!lag C. T. Crlppen and T. J. jlcCreury. show, from a tloanclol view. The great, de- mo ot Altoona. Pa. He baa been with Man- j"-cretury Geo. W. Lowcry wishes to bear m and for good dramatic people In the earlv *ia» Lnmburg twenty-three weeks, playing irom nn road members, ns the quarterly part of the soason made It a most difficult *ue leading mmc-dy. Allco W, Loonstiury payments are readv. Send all comrnunlca- omttcr to get Just what wo wanted, and at has Jus; llnlsbed the season, pliiylog leading tlines we uere obliged to put up with a great beuvtes with tbe International Stock. She many seemingly Insurmountable obstacles, will rest la the city until tho Summer sea> But Ve managed to ovcn*oaio at least a por- sou opens. Hon of them, and camu out on top. Tn opeu* GtUSN Mitomi;>t,r, one of the best known Ing tbe prweot companv we arc doing so hotel men in the Wett catering to,the the- wfili a bclhf tbnt our past eforte have bten ntrlml profession, at th" Zlmm>?rn)sn Hotel, »f"r*',"*""* ""•vsiupiwrB.-ii. ciurejcr uuu nppr'datcil bv nmuagerh- of operu houses and Im-x ol the Hulel Belser, Indlnnapolls, y- -)i. Bulaiid, banner men: M. L. Bell and Cl ,d tbe show-going public alike, and look d J''Homau, lithograph bmrds: hill poslcrj f or cn-ellcnt business. Certainly prospeL-tG «rS u ?« ott i Jas. Lyoos. Mike Burke. Harky never looked brighter for us, and our tlmo " "|te. J. E. Simpsou, Geo. Livtnssicr,-Fred | h booked almost solid from April 16 to vun* * ^ A Cooper, Hurry McClurc. G. V. Nov. 10, with some 8 our very best terrl- .- -Maiiory, Geo. Davis, John Hester nnd F. K.. i 0 ry yet t« be heard from. We will open March 24. We have the Gorninn park dr- "usoq; Geo. nnist, paste maker. Aim! tu\ and rehearse vm week earlier. cnlt booked for the Summer, and aw bojkrd Howard McSullv, a bill poster, who had Rachel Mat Ct-abk U In her sixth week wlfh Nixon k Zliniawmin tor next seawin.** iteu connected with the Davldrion ITiealre. as lending woman for Gordon tV Ik-nnett s "A HowAnn, Wttu.iiAS and wife, jf.nepbin* ^J ort Re< »tf- Kan., for the past twenty^ Royal Slare"C<-. , t * . >•", RtJBhfleH. closed [with tho "To Die at Divrn" wep years, died on Mnrch 7. from pneu- : Faxht FitAKKBt>has been engaged lo play Co. at JopHn, Mo., nft.-r a season of thirty wqnia. jfr. MeSuIly vfoa tblrty-Hcveu yV3i«t .the prima douua port-with Geo. Erah*. In week*, and have itcerpted an offer fronv c. - ->x- '"The Unua«^vp," for the remainder of the Mm Rffra-T fi>r the Stinimer nloek nt Trlnl- Hone to Box 3G0, sherfldenville, Pa. v-rQB&JBf CAn No. 2- (excursion car), of the Carl Hujenheclj Shows: W. S. Dunning- !v S aD aser; Geo. rdgar, stenographer: 'V"-J*hea, boas'hill poster: l>lck Xarevcr, a . iS lstaQt i boss hill j-Kwfer: Vie SlOut and F. J, McFarland. lithographers; If. Merder nnd Is now. <vuuected with the Hotel St, Denis, tbe some city. F. W. Foncf. a s n Miloakp Willia >i» m r(te j "We dosed our rcgulur seaeon with rht» Be.mctt-Moulton Co. nt flndlsy. O., r*n 'l n ^,. baa tuo TepntatlotP of being no - r*nett bill poster. dad, f'nl. Moulton Co., H. P. Reed, houbrette parts find tiding my (iicdalty, I shall takn a short vacation, thtn open Miiy 7, wILfa-ibe Fred Dllyur Stock Co., at Iicr- klmor, N. Y.*', ALMMox Itnw.thn Ht-'utiKl, daughter »t the lam Daniel K. Ifughob'. ot PhiluddplilM, It with tho Ch.irley .Orapewln Co., pluvjng a small part in "Lp to You, John Henry.'* HAimx Salmon am> Ipa Ciiemtek ure bre- Routing a novelty coaler act pes cxtcuipor- duoous Inughlng sougo, wllh which they nave been Terr successful during recent cuguui'- utents. Thdr character chungva aro uF*o '"■III ''"'" . " .! -/' 1 '' '■■'' DeeUfon Hrtinrdiiis MotIpjc Plntare* The litigation which Thoe. A. ICdlson hss iH-en waging ,-iKalnst the Amerkim .Muto- Mflpo and Btograpu Company for years baa again resulted In u big vletory for tho Bio- rsaph Compauy. In u decision which wab huLided down last week. Justice Kay, of tho TTiilted Sintes Circuit Court, Southern DIs- trli*t of New York. Mr. Ldlson's claims for euiitrol of tho moving picture business on n rclHsuo of bis old p.ilcuts are denied. Tbo Court says! "After a careful consideration of tin- prior art and Fdlson'a work und pat- ent, it must bo conceded that complainant's luvf-ntlon. If tlwre he one. Is very narrow." This Is milmtantlslly tbe sumo view held br a concurrent dedslon of three judges of the Culled States Circuit Court Of Appeals. Justice Wallace presiding, lo the orijliml case, which was Or«t won by Mr. Kdleoa. und appealed by tbe Olograph Cinapanv. Judge Wallace's dp;lslon, wullo broadly lu favor of the) Blpgranh Company, Intimated tbat Mr. Edlsou might be entitled to a pateot on en* rain details of construction, and on tbo strength of this Mr. Kdtson bad bis intents relbsued. narrowing bis claims to the method of handling the dim In tbo camera. He thou brought suit a second time for an Injunction nnd an acconntlng, but tbe decision against hlra In this ease Is eron -brooder und moro comprehensive tbsn tbo tlrsh Justice Roy tin- elding that In no respect can tbe defendant's blogiuph c-dOMsfd be regarded as sn Infrlug'.-- meat. The decision serve* also to enormous- ly strengthen the Mutojcopu patents, which hiive never been contested except in Genusoy. where they were carried to the court.of highest record, and thglr validity assured, »»» Tltompiinit Jtt Dandy's New Venture. Those enterprising managers have acquired a twenty-yosr tease of the Jennings estate at Fort trcorge. and will conduct a mam- tooth nhinsetuent park there, to,bo known tn Vunltv Fair. Fredi-iic Thompson stated lust week; "We hava had our eye* on this proper- ty for some time/' he sold, "as to bure al- ways believed that the upper end of Manhat- tan Island Is splendidly adapted to a high rfana nmusement rewort, embracing, ae It does, an Imtnenso population, whlob hlihorto haf< never bod a place each as we lutond to establish, where the Summer nnd Winter evenings ran be ploflRAtitly spent. Wo biiro leased tbl- properly as a.vpcculallon. intend- ing to make, fiom yvar to year, ibo Improve- in 'nt:- Mr Dundy aud I (.-an afford. "The siu'ivon-lir. inlS'^ w. prop<j';% to who la well known here, wits given n i wtlL-omc: "At Piny Ridge" 2"4, r Tfie. vlct'n .Daughter" fi-f, NotBb.--"A Foxy Tramp" drew a' fair bouse at Mlddlctown, Pa.., March HI. .»>,,. w. Morrow Talt .entertulned at dinner, 2tf, In honor ot Frivol), who Is with tbo Hurray* Muckoy Co Wllliatn Harglorodc, of "The Itogors Brottiers In Ireland" v.o., wbooe home Is here, was dinner 31, . «'» The ihattert c ironli. The Sbuhort Brothers, In their circuit, coo- Irol the bookings.of tuo entire seuion In tho majority of.tbo houses, hut lu others they ltuve secured a part of the time. The list of tbfntvcs under this Independent circuit fol- lows : ; New York-—Tbe Belaieo, tlio Lyric, tbo Caeluo. the Manhattan, tho 3tujesllc odd the Princess thcutrert. Iloaton—-Tbo Majestic Theoire. Chlcago—Tho Studcbukcr and tbe tiarrlefc theatres. * Tbo Lyric, In Philadelphia; the flbubart, lu Brooklyn; tho BcInsco. In WiiBhiuiitou: the Belasco, lu rittsburg: the Empire, li. Newark: the Siajcstlc, In L'Hm: tho Granil Opera House, in Syrucusc, had tho Bukor, lu Rochester. The Shuhcrt Tiiealre, In Prorldeure; the Shnhert. In Worcester: tbo Hyperion, lu New Huveu, and tho Lyceum, iu lUltliuure. Shubert Theatr>\ lu Blimiugbuii). Ala,; SbulHTt, lu Atlunta, Ga.; Lymini. lu uuffalo; Coloulul, In Cleveland; Rnud's opera UouHf, lu Troy; (,arrl-;k, In Kt. Louis; Kinn tf. Bliu- hert Tucotre, in Norfolk, Va.; tlriiud Op-'ni llouric. In Cohmibus, O. Kbubcrt 'ilieutre. lu Clnelahall; Marv An* derson Tbcntre. In Louisville; new theatre, la Richmond, V».: new theatre, In Lexlugtou, Ky.: new theatre, In Mobile, and new the- utre. in AtHatt. -.TT.7 Shubert Theatre, In Milwaukee; Lyric, la New Orleans; New Mfirlowe. Id Cbatta- nooga;' new tbewtre, la Detroit; Oread Opera UoubO, In Davenport, lowu ; Sbubort Tbestrt, In Toronto; New Southern. In Poo- rer, and tb» Sara S, Shubert, In Knnsss city. Majestic, In Los Angeles; Belurco, lo Port- land ; tbe Shubert, In Scuttle, and the Ma- jestic, in San Fraucltco. For ethers nego- tiations arc In progrete. Among tbo slur* of the Sbubort and inde- pendent forces that will book on tbo circuit ur«; U. IL Sothera and Julia Marlowe, Mne. Bernhardt. Mrs. Leslie Curler. Sirs. Patrick Campbell, Mr*. Fluke, Mor^uret Auglln, Msrr Kbaw, Guy Standing, Ada Robnn, Virginia Darned, Carlotta Nlllsou, Drlua Bo Wolfucd Cbar|i.-s Cunwl'l«ht. ■ Dlauehe l)utf», Mme. Katlcb, Cyril Maude nnd Winifred I'lfuory, B**rtbtt Gnlluud, David Wanleld, Arnold Duly. Henry'Miller, Genie Mann und Clam Llpmuu, nnd l'uula Ed* Wardci. Do Wolf Hopper. 1'ddle Foy. Jeffereott De Angells. Cyril Scott, Julia Sanderson, Honry K. Dlxev. William If, Tbomyson, Peter Y. Irflley and tfarry Woodruff, The couipanlftu of David Belasco. Harrltou Grey Fluke, Henry Miller, and Walter N. J-awroncd wlU he pfiiyedln t;he 8b.UA«rt.l^)^ rttres. Many other Independent: managurfl havu a\m brrotii;''d to book In those boiisoti u»rxl f»!tson.