The New York Clipper (April 1906)

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* ': A03L 14. ^JOsHEslli' * Man is Down?*™ lull uuw -nimmir-cornier 'son*,- •*I > rwr 01 _ SHV: 'W.'Ue-t with n political ditir. "Q. t Tmz 3«#W ifOBlt dt^MSfe. 218A ■ J*e«CAl^$ttT3 OF I WMWM ■ SKfcffltonl-vith^'J wett ^ Willr-rd Louis SI" andrrWBstf Sink* the Sun-so neatly."' 4W rarchv -vny "nmllp on Me" is bairn* Minn Itf llpha Dahl, i.Undy.i Initio nnri'/Wm. Hawkins,"never 'Mlla In brjrig the -deslri-d -.Mile-to the fllce* of their audiences. "Btnr of 1 Mi Life" gives evidence of even surpass- ing itself In popularity, If that were pos- sible. Gertrude Vernor says It makes tho blttwA hit !ffl««&™^*»^ S»I ft3 »«>«.«niiiB to uaiiiomin, -w«pa jot. true with Aucc Lvenrtson, and L.eslett nnd wb ra hnsnlwmivtwriiri V.oonn clini m& a^^ 1 i l »i!!s?! , K" SSt.Ml'fhSlS'Tt will ™T?h?5! and UL»4mR97 ,Ro «W arrflnsea with Pfiiffl I3J*f» iPtthors-of. "Sympathy.- » publish their reegs «t?luwoW.-, Their Jieil 1 * ~S 1Cn ~ U1 ** '"■ iPSltlnsat* MU»r:ft£ to, is a Tnotte 1 -ccon 1 -3T9B?, ectltirj 'iooiI .*dyt.-,\" v.r. Rrmlci; haa returned -o IVirniL. ■ Ciia*. K. Karcid* nptcs.— With Iho m'anv change* taking place la the music 'piihllsblng business, J'rntoMveeL to week; the fLmsc of * tins. h. Harris stand* In a line hy irtsr*ir. First among Lis publications |« nne big hit ffopijMalne to California, "Would Sou Care." """i triples, and he millionth rid Gerard, "as added to her repertory ,tho following high elnpM songs: '^Resignation,'' "U Vhit Only Knew" and "I f.ove> You For- ever and Aye." Don rteano Is Introducing "Ifljun finl' and ".Nnla," two.of iho <k» Hftedly popular snnga of the Reason. "Co- lon** ii' nnd "Will Ym\V Anna Taylor h singing with fftolt to herself nod with plenauro ro her audiences. Many of tbe ttjinfta,.the ones Lhnt are la big demand .are: ,M«tbor, Mother, Mother, Pfit Wmmk on KSlL "-Insr One Word of CohsolnthTn, 1 ' ■.*' "Won't Yon udlnc ulr. mmt n'ter a"n absence of ftcveu weeks In Ii hospkitli bar •lASib en- wh .t w his hca,ln •»■ stored. n , unr i-amn, en- IffhiH »\it Rnorn nv»- tt -tih ranMMN tta idSJTe and mittlld I ■ m « ll lit .■>! ! ■ .. | I il*i M I li ■> » *>■*] fcM*. Il n .t. 'S4Hvn : ''A:W"}%iu» > tecsrt- tW(t'*theJ'' art d^inK nicely, raw new act IS a success ado, a nufelty In a alnglo net. V'Aitvtn *ap l'uw.Aja* -^rito that th*y art rorkinfe oa ti:o U;lth circalt, belnj: In their r.lxth wprt; on that rlrculT, and are mpelln? with MUVMA. JlARMrA - flERAJUl ban ncorrd lh« MMNsf of his career Hie prenent sea.-»oii, na cneh ot htn muslcm conu'dlcH Itns proven (nieecsorul. Mr. (lerard has stitged most df his «rorl(s. and Iiqr proved h'ntself nn ahlc producer, as well as author. After sttece»sfnlt.v launch- inn alt his -productions, Mr. Uertml took charpe of Tom Mlner'K Uoheralnn Ihtrlesquers, ncllncat mnnngcr. Mr. Miner and Mr, Uer- nrd personally stMfCd ibe show, and overy- BfcSN the llhhenibins have heen pralMPd for the eompcti!iit mtapfng, Mr. Oemrd htw hoen comutlsiiloned to wtlic severnl muslnil come- dies for ne.Tt .senHon, and la oiicn. fur a few more. L'ni-ri.'i Gail, of Shields and Gnll, one of tho vtnidevllle fmurtM of ilie Jtosabelft4*e3lla opened nt WIlllnDisporc. Fa,, April '2, * i ■ * '!»'! ICll H" nir^t popular tinners have n trlo^of aonu nfrtonjr I heir selrrtloos which are favorite* with th#Hi ns>well as witH the people LBev sflecesses I include "Why Don't :Ynn Qtdi. Oiilt Qifit,*' "Take Me lo Your Umrt Ajn.^ and "I Could Leafn lo fonf n Soldier." Tho Irish comedian*, SliPehnn nnrt Irish, nre sfnj;. injt "On tho Rocky Road to- Dublin" and •Nothtnjr Lffct that In Our Family." One of thft WhflH (hat ht-n come rapldlv Into prt.mi- Flnfflnpf the ehorus. Cooper and Hnwley re- nehre"jB-'"T*ke'Mft to Tour* tftart Again."' pott jprogreM with"Drenmlnifi Cove.of *nn," Alice'Jennlnps hns fonnd it on* of her pro- and "The I"-*- - - • alee* Alice - _ nounced Bueeesses of the season ■ . sre the two best" ones thejr have auna la tlon Of;tKejnOst brilliant MBf} from 1 M., yearsi; "Mother's Got the .Habit Now/' a new sonjj.'hy Arthur Gillespie, Is helbc feat Wltninrlt & Ronn ate suog by Mabel Beck! Jtsrah ilnrron, Madge. Gray,. Henry. Xtnel Fxllth ftlalr, .Serenade Quartette, Wm. II. Noin, SMney Algler, Bobby Alnrhum nnd-L. c: Hoffer.- ■• *- '•; ;• , ! • j ■From Ko. Uoojrrs. —Viola Van Orlder li mflklne a Wg hit with "It's 1'p to^-'Xou to MoVe." .lennette Dupre, the comedienne, has added to her repertory "Daisy Dooley.' I'mmn Cam a, the well known female baritone, was the first to Introduce ot the Nnv York Theatre "Daisy Dooley," and Its success was not heyond her expectations for ercryone In the lioiiRB was humming aod whistling the cfttcby melody. Flortle Hill, soubrotte, is RlbgliiB with' groat sncceHs, ''lloneyi^'on't l5in Love Me Like Yon Used To'. 1 " nls.i "Where the Stiwtineo River Winds It'a'Sllv'rr naf.„.... Way," nnd Informs 'lis- ahe'lH>mnkiii^ gooti u T)n'Vallo TheatrV with both of them. • Salmon ,'nnil Cltentep write: "Ik Is very ensy to make a hit with yMr comptaltIons, ns.your words nnd melody stilt the rjublio'Jnsio.. ■ilflhey,'Won't Ypii l^>ye Me JSlke, Ton Used To?' is one of the features of our net, arullt Is a cra^tet Jack," Pfpsett and »c"ott, the "Hello, George," hovs, Mhgcra. and, dancers, are mnklng .a hlg Ulc with By Hbgers* character cflon : sdhg,?'I('s lTj>. to you to Move." 'Deeley and Austin, the sinter tenm, write from the SHerldah'-i City Sports Go.:. t »We ore grateful, fop giving us a song for onr net Ilka 'It's Dpi to You to Move/ Tlr certainly Is'one of thfi best, we hnvo ever used, and .we wlll^con- tlhtte to nxa same for quite a while." Allen Warren says: "Any time yon linvo boom ns good i\(* 'Daisy Dooley,' send, them on, for; I hue .to- respond- lo .Tour And flve'ohc'orns tUghJly. ,'r-Jt ■ tsrih^beati.evcK" . Tpiin ;n.- ilirly.wrltes: "Friend:llogers~You'certnlnlv have- a'- facility of ■"writing* good • I rleh songs. *P Never Had n Frtenrt Mkc r Mlke' la 6tie of the best Irish, ihaqactor Hongs Lhave ever used." Lo Roy and Maxwell, relined vocal- lutB, enenk'of "Honey, Won't Ynif LOTO Mo Like Yon Used To" as being one of the cntcbleai (mil prettiest aongn of Its hldtl tbav have ever Ttung. Cecil Downey, tho, pellto soithrette, Is scoring u big hit with "Irs Up to Yoiito Move"* and '-Honey, Won't Yog Love Mo Like Yon VwA To;" nnd'Is taking IMrPft to folir encores in night with samel HiUlft Goodwin, the gcnulno Southern coon stiouter, with n pecullnr style of her own. Is fttonirtui: MiJ. Rognrs' great,coon flbti^vimj Up'Id You to Move," with grent success, i From thp. Hoi:hh op Stbkn.— Herbert Holcombe, of HolcontliS, ''Eiirtlir nnU -Wehh, sendB the following letter to his publisher,^ Jos. W. fitern & Co.:'-"! anng '.March o*i l nil last week at tho Umpire Theatre, nnd It win* eertrilnly a nig hit. Received more np- piaiH** than nny number In our act. Ant :i!nL'irt^ It this week nt the Howard, Hnston,- iinn will continue to feature It all season. 1 glvfr it no announcement every show/' Cutrt, Iviimmer In rather proud of n crltlrlsm which appeared In the columns of a Southern nnwH- pnper recently: "Tbnro is a sOng In '8or- cAant Hrue," named ■'Dearie,' thai:, like the KQOt at. Lexington, Is, ulrendy heard 'round the world. ' Inls tbo contnnsltloii of Clare Knmmer, nnd It Is dellglitfmly suug by Anun- belle Whltford uud a mixed chorus, townnl the close of the last net." IMule Hume/ who, with six girls, 'constitutes r.n act In vaude Tfcn Viht Xvlophokr Vrhxoss sail ApVII .-to- iiillHl -ilii'lr euKHgt'iiU'iu,* la--ht.^liHHl nnd on the oootlmnt. Tbey lnve played tho 1'roet.or, otpheutQ and Western circuits, nnd enjoyed their trly very much, especially ber.ti- tttu California. They olio write nr how rr'.ich they namir? American owwatct O^on tim? hr.s bOOh OffUtn them £or the commg ^CREon, bnr tlteir rn£ncenttAta on the other side hold them They v.-ill return in .1 HO7 08. U.utv a.wk iiw.iy-iv.r.'. who M a ilfi> mein- Iiev of Minneapolis Aerie, No. nt, I'niiniml Order of Itagles, whs given n roynl rveepllon by, two luiiiiii.'d mni tidy of his brother I'.aglen nt tltn OrplnMiin 'I'lientre, Mlnnenpolls, After the ifiTiiriiiuiici' a party was clveu at ib" National lloiol, where nn eujovanlo ttnio was had. Minneapolis Aerie, No. !I4, la growing rnpldly, ttud now claims u metuber* .ship of twelve huudrcd, nml will Htarc in erect n new bntmo next. Hummer. Kui.t.Aa'.t tloHcd Ills xenson fn "Tho I'lienuil City" on Saturday night, 'March :tl, and returned Immedlntely to New York, to negotiate for his Hnnimer vaudeville souson, lu-n One net iilnyiot, written by Mr. Kellnnf and Wllllaui f;. Honney, who nre mttliorti of "AtLesson In Kconomy." "TbP Jester's Love," nhd-vMra, Van Ijowe's Strategv." ■ t'oNHTiu and Out,v latroilucwl "The Choir JloyV Dream" nt Urn Rlalto Tttentre, Ulmlru, N, V.. week of April. 7. > - Giikat Dk Vii.bis Is In his eighth week with Harlow * Wilson's Minstrels* meeting with success through the Hoiiib with hl« orlg- ln..l'unsupported ladder and comedy acrobatic Wire art. Minnui DtiPiiRH. hack and wing dancer, for the pant three seasons with tho Depew Htlrdeile- Htnck Co.. writes than rlie has signed with tho same company-iH'xt--sea*on t in-play Umv *auUivtlP l«ub» ann an the vaude- ville fiutiire. Blto will spend the Hummer nt Unr Ilnrbor, Me. 'Thb Dayton Risrrnn, who receufly closed eight weuks in uud aronud Han Frnnelieo for. Weston & lluruea, ajit now working tbo Northwest, and wilt noon m on. their way KnsL Burdock BisTrns, n-ho cloitsl a sefl3on of thirty weeks wlih "A Hot Old Time" Co., at Cincinnati, 0-, March 24, arn now on tbo Wentera vnudevHK 1 circuit. Tut; rriTEii Twlnit iin'orm us that (hey .-..-_,..— ., hare been wiili the Depew-nurdette Btoefc which will'he:"dovoW'«clffiitrciy"to : ttn>"rii^ SSSf fiSEi-S?" 8 n ttxoU ' noVPlt y '« nclD * eg. six weoks, nnd their character change llshlng and handling of nil his operatic pro- „ °? xia K aLr - Rpeflaltios have been tbe hit of the perform- duetlons that ore-now being published, and a - «bwn Mionon, trnnBatiantlc novelty per* ances. They hnve signed again for samo coin- number of new ones to be published la tbe former, Is meeting with'great success In-the P»ny next season, nnd ore to be featured In near future. Among the hlg Hiicecases now S^Bf^X _ At _ th ? Orpheum, St-'PauI^ Minn., a,-eornedy, entltUd *Tb6 KaUcnJnmmer pnbllBbed^ln the operatic 1 hie are: ^Mflj:!- ,-!!■ !■■■■*-») I !■ ■»■*.. "Mother's Got the TInblt. Now." "Won't You Me MyfHrlleV*'-"Tbe Tale of a Stroll," "My. LovhV Henry," "Sister," IneJut adtl a new, one by Pat lfooriey. entitled WttloLgjrrt Co.. d^lng parts nud their ,cora- Cinoelnj: la tha Tark.'i ! Georgle Frnnceoll,- o*tt acrobatic ocr.„ with "luriig & Renmon's "in New York- ^ v Town.' - -r ■•• ■ —. 1" meeting wllh tremendofls sue-- Wi.WJtS"? 1 ' ..wh!.' 1 n??'" 1 * ™ y n?ir. r ' ^ w ,. f,,n ? l . n R thr ^ I *t hit •fMoiher, Tin * Hobo on Me/' lo which he ban had.-to-respond numerous encores nt every perform am*. .Toe .Thr- numerous encores nt every perrorninni.f,, .roe 5i?Wg' Wi«C~ rmfnfnAmiZiJiK.t tL*Z^3£ Howard, nt the Casino .Then!re. .In Phl^tdel- fSE&ffiKl33B SltJ'-WC' Idrln.-la dupllentlng his Ncw'Ybrk Sw«W ioS to follow. ^' n ° 8t0 "' and °" ,et Girlie?" and" never frill A n have the ntidlenee nnd "The .1'nle of. n Stroll." , They'soy they ured hy Elisabeth Murray, Johnny Carroll. Dillon BrnB. and Billy Clifford. "Mother's Got the nablt" la entirely different from any- thing flui nns ever been piibllshedi The quarters ItaVlng grown too small-for the bust. wv-;. Mr/'Harrls has taken another; floor, __. 0..\iu ash Wi:st hnve been producing their new net; "A Drop Into Noclety," and rettort success. Miss Weal's singing; never falls to take encores. They return Hinl shortly, to go over the D'Bsin Pennsylvania rastor"a, NeW good LIibui:ut , and WAgnr.f have been plnylng for the Western Vntulerllle Association elncn Inst September, and are hooked until Joly; nfter which they play pnrks, and will also he seen In tbe Knstern houses. ■ The 'BJtofULtli opened on tho djM Stin circuit nt Hamilton, O., April 2. After Ori* Ifthing "their engagement on this circuit They will join a well known show for the Honour nenson. Next Winter they will play Ih-Kog* land nnd Germany. They have: lost'only three weeks In the past twelve months. The Missks IIamiond and Rortonia re- on Hatttrdny evening,- March U4, she Inform^ Twlas," the book of which was written by us, Khe was the recipient of a great ovation, Mr. Depew, and tho music Is by P. liana the occasion being the presence of a large Klatht musical director of the couipnnv. bwiy.of.officers nnd va^n of the regular army .Joil.J. MACKIK and L. mm c, two stationed nt Fort Snelllng, at whoso special of the original Shnnty Town Trio, will short- requost {appearing 4n the costume oC a cava, ly present their now Irlttb comedy act, called UN) she •sang, as nn extra number; ■ a nn- "Two'h a Company, Three's u-Citotvd/,'. by- Jtw tlonal air medley, consisting of "Die Wacht J. Mftckle, time for which In lilting rapidly. Am Rltcln" ,{in Uerman), La Mnrselilnlse" Collins aku La inir.u: report meeting tln.Vreneh), "America." "The Ktar Hpnugled with success wltn their new dnnelng act, now Banner 1 ," "Mart:hlop- Through Ucorglu," nnd playlug the Westcra Vaudeville Association af|er-i:epentefl recalls, responded.wMIr "Tbo circuit: Blue .and the Grey," as on encore. Hor re- .Snini.ns a\'P OAtr,, ring expFrtn and perch ceptlorr. cnthuelaatlc. The regular erjultllrrlsis, are In their eighteenth week »■> n ar.if'asi'Sff. &erb&z^ BSaHmA.^* Uo,f - a - wtU Tin: cmvi'kh ijkmkijv Four, with Williams ft Burns' Imperlnl Burlesqners, report -meet- ing with grent success an the coast Their tict.has bean a blc lilt all along tho line, and eatin," "Sergeant Kitty," "illgaicdv-Plgglc- dy," ''TwIddFo Twaddle," "Ills iflghneBB, tbo Bey,'* "The Land- of -Nod,"- "The Iile *of Bong Bong" nnd "Tho Umpire," which lias "" ied Its two hundredth performance at the Hallo'Theatre, Chicago, with some of tbo Mont ■hits ever heard In tlint.tclty.^joo 1-V Howard;- author of-VTae UmP'te," 9ML has n, v ne\vntviB}cflLdramn tlow ready, which will he..produced'lit Wnllnck's,Theatre April oO, entitled "The District 'Lender,-" -In -Which-lie will,Introduce about>i*lght songs which will be,heard from. The Harris.offlces'nre rtlwnys and all times, and through tho .-competent ntnrr At the otflce, singers never fail io get a. song that fits their capabilities... ii i\ Mm'. NonmcA has returned from her short Southern tour, nnd- she begins her regular Spciug concert, season, under the manage- ment of it. v.. Johnson, nt Atlantle City, April ,11. On this tour she will visit Grand Banlds. Chicago^ St.. Paul. Minneapolis, Dit- jutb, Omnhrr; TopeKn, Oklahoma Clly, Mits- Itogee; Jopllii: KnriHrtn City; Mt. Louts;- Blooat- Imrton, reorln, •Dnvenport, Muncle, Cfmtnh, Clewlnnd. •McadvIIln:'.Toronto nnd Montrenl. Afterwltrds 'she will make "a accond Irlp Sotitb during, the week of Mn.v r., nlnclng nt watHhury. S, C. j CHstlotte. Greanvlllo. Co- lumbia, S. C.; OolmntniK, Miss., nnd Chatta- nooga, Tenm' ... , Jack Dt.ipi.anf. writes: "One of our men* I>nwKon M'ood. who is one of our prominent piano" players nt tbo office; competed re- cently for the tag time nlnjihc ehnrnpfonshlp dnl'ntf of New Tersey, nt Odd r*' Rail. Hn- '^'"t bokoti, N. J., 'meeting nil those Who had nby u* eliiiin to aald title, jttui vntnn out vlctorinbs, receiving; n hnndsontfl gold metlal, sultahly InserUiPd 1 - ■ ■'■'*■. ■ ' H» and CovKriT, who'se aneclalty la featured with "Confessions of a Wife" Co.,' nre reeelvlrth "much praise, both from tho press and public, upon I ho novel mnnner Iri wlileli tbey render the song. "Cbn't Yon See I'm Lonelv? 1 ' They recetyo Beveml'orirorps nightly, I nurl tbelr method of Introducing this song h a novelty In Itwclf. i^Wtlfl Yhh," iHlbllshed-'hy the Novelty Music Co., Rao Jose, Cnl„ Is being fentured by Ji-nneite- BrcoltH, ^Adn «Th»mpttoui rMrs. liiirrv Mnrlc (of L'arlc and i:nrle), nnd Fred Lancaster. FUOM THR HOt'HK W HAVtlflNn.—COOW and Robinson hnVo ndded "In Tlmbucioo" lu their act oud H In going floe. Paul Schwnger Is featuring T "8tarllgbt" nnd ■ "Keep On tho Moony Bldo" with "At tho World's Mercy" Co. Thu Lynclt Bisters con- tinue to sing "Oh, Oil,. Ha!lie," "Juki a Llttlo Itoeklug Chnlr anil You" nnd "Keep On. tho nttractlon with the minstrels shows held at Snffern, N. Y., nnd Ramsey, N. ,1,. doing his rapid crayon tier, ami he also Introduced his new cblnese Itnpersnitatloti, sod bur- lesque juggling nnd magic net. viola yaiviha'h home wna tolnlly de- the press hns'been unaulmoita In mentioning slroved Hy fire recently. 'This Is the second them as one of the best comedy quartettea time lu three years I bat MM ban Inst her seen In the West iu.yegra. ! • Bttur Jarvim, tramp: cornet soloist nnd er- eenrrlo dancer, hawsigned. wllh: tho Krltch- Held. AILrnetlon-.for thin aeasttn. -. .', ' THOMAS ft BrtUCK'd Hl(» liAI>V MlNflTJtELfl were n feature nt the Clark Street Muncum, t.'hicago, week of. Man-It Iffl. The Braces, hOioo nnd ita contents hv-flre. Nt'THS, PHOM TUn DAIIWIN VAIinilVILLIl Co. —We opened nut* eighteenth auceessfitl wc>k nlMtockford, 111., to u big house. Tile cam- nitny remains' tin: ftnmo as lwfore. The Orent llownrd, character clinitgo net.'dosed. Hntur* day ujghi. Ills lotperNonfltlonH of feitlnle CUM. and. Hertlna, Thomas nnd t.iniy. and stage celebrities, lu beautiful costumes, wyro wt'Il Tfcelved. He Is to bo featured with a Chicago stork company for live weeks. Our 1,-iM "nil." In Tim i'nm:i! brought m ■ a bunch of answers, Tun MtWftVM, RtsAilonXnfl writer "We leave for Cnltfornln, nfler being In Hie Uoot three years, with only six weeks lay off. Wo barn played fn burlewpie, two repertory tarn* panics. Plltnnier's circuit of porks, the Bijou circuit, uud other vfludcvlllo dates. We* will i'ii mil l^ast In tbo winter, as there Is plenty of work for'nnV net The net has been : a fanluro In Almost every bonne we Unyo " Thewomnn of this tisinb .runnlltt nas btii " fornIn. Pai'Mnh La, Conua, of tne team of Wng. ROT and La Contl.t, met wltb it serious n»*d» ileot March":,, at Dnvenport In., dislocating IitViiultn Wlillo doing tholv dnnelng net 'l*hn leum baa hern compelled to cancel several wojtluV work. - l-iiAKK Clatton, mnslenl comedian, "Tba .\iaii wllh Hi'- Gout," hits lost only two weoks (making jumps) In tbo mist thirty-lour v,i'.- :\ while on tho Coiisidliie, Levy nud Lubelskl circuits, playing umny return rintni. • 'llAfKinr AKtf llAzicAnn. after a successful tour In Knrope, returned to America April , r >. Tin".- are booked to opun on thu Muznrt circuit, with good tlino lo follow. Ueha KAiipmah was rerantly a Clicitu caller, havlug just nrrU'cd from o long stay In London. Billy Tlrmrm, of the team of Piemen and Miller, was taken down with typhoid puun- monln, March 11), while yiiig Crlpplo Crusoe's Isle" "nnd^I'm'u'n in 'tbn Air" Aboiit nnd It went big nt tho-Third Avenno Thontro Mary." Wiley and Brandon hnvo struck it recently. The Howard Bros. wcro_lhe_blt rich with Cole and Johnson's, song, "I'll Keep a Warm Spot In My Heart for You." There In no douht but that ibis song is the best Cole and Johnson number since "Bnrii- boo Tree" and "Nobody's Looking But the Owl and the Moon." "Pit Keep n Spot-In My Heart for Vou" Is also tbo feature song in the Wl'llnms & Walker allow, and will ho pung by Colo and Johnson therasfllvos.-at the Palace, London, where they aro now appear- ing- for a re-engagement of two months. "After They (lather the titty," a new rustic ballad, by tho compofler of "When tbo liar- vcftt Moon is flhinlng on the River" and "In th* Golden Autumn Time, My Rweet Bin Inn," has taken Boston und the New England ter- ritory by storm It Is being sung there by no leas- than- flftv different ballad . nlbgors nna song Illustrators. Among those playing rlie varlo'if* Boston, thentrna latily, using tbia ii Amber arc: Mabel Walker, Jennie Do Hnne. Baby KdrJy/ C. Wesley Kroner. Parker and Conroy. Leoha Hanson anil Kitty Hoffman. Grace iVfti Studdlford, who Is In vnudovlllo, fl wiorlng a big hit wllh n high class Mark Bicrn number, entitled "What Might .Have Been." ^/'WlfAT TOU OOIN C'.bTJtEB OlVtl, OUTf" TO DO WrtBX • Y'O' ■nils Is the title of of the show at the Polly Theatre, Brooklyn. where they sang "Starlight" and "Keep On the" Funny Hide." Chns. H, liny, tho Leo Bros and'tho Redding Hlstern are singing "Just a Little Boclilng Chnlr and, Ynu," "In Tlmbuctoo" and "College Life," and recnlvo numerous encores with.each song. Mlns Van Vordon has been romollraenfed for the deter wnv she sings "Pnddlo Your Own Cnnoc" nnd "Keen Ou tho Sunny Side.'* She Is at present pfnylhg the finstern- circuits. Notes i*ii»m tii« Nnw Votus Muaio Ptm- iJHtUMO HotJHR.—Lottlo '.Gll«On, "Tbn Lit- tle Mat-net," whv for many months has been verv fit made her ron open ran e.o Sunday nljtlil. March 25, at Ted Marks' concert. She received nn ovation from hor many frleuds, and flowers 1 wrrn abundant. She sang three Bongs, the first, "Since Nellie Wont Away," to which she used n colored niinrlctte off tho stage, nnd which made- n tremondotw hit. Her-seeond aot g, "Ptilher, Mother nnd tho Anhte." a song of long standing with Miss ollrnn, nnd her third song. "Dear,Old DlihV- Herbert H. .Tnylor's lulest success, with which she had n colored r-irtrletltt working In tbo nttdlenco. Mozarto, double initru- rocnlal virtuoso,, who plays diietn on clarin- ets, occerlnns «u<l anxaphonea, lias just-re- Miller Music I'libllnhlnK Co. Thou«h only cm month In Mhlftirc, tiny novo (Old nn ctlltlon ot n,ooo (-■oolcn, nnd Iho kodb la now frntnrert 1n ii Inrfee numlier of. the lending vnuitovlllo. thonttCK tbrouihout the country with unprecedented sunceHH. Itie concern littcndn, niibll.hlnR only -tho- lilnil : of muHlc tlitit nnRflMBCH . rent merit, .nnd propose to Imck up tllelr. trnde with HBarepHlTC "plnff. "tlhff." which will mnko tholr miwlc noil wpMly. .Jmollr II. lipMtrl;. nt tho hencl of (ho fltm of .JeroiMfl II. Hemlrk & Co., rondo n ililne trip from.Detroit ln«t week, nnd HH.>nt 'ftnr«t«y, I'rldny nnd Haturdky Ih. New Vork. llo Inanectcd the nen AnnnV, recently Joe Mnr- l,n„ decided to"Vli.o"ntuong liU fentlir'o Imllnds tlw bl(t hiic- ce»«, "Klnee Nellie Wont Away." AmnnB the promluont rinuem nt present lining thin number Urn : lllclihrd I, Jone. Aim. Mnrk Jlur- nnv nnd' Lottie Ollnon. fonlon nnd llnnt- no«. Hinging nnd comedy duo, were nt Cm l»nrk TheiUre, Woreenler. IflKt week, nnd wired Ilia New York Mlinlc l'libllAuu !lou«o of Ihe nucMim tbey mndo with their big .,..«, -Hlnee Nellfe Went Awoy." Mis.: lla'I'Vf" .i.itfillv niiikon nny good neng go, but tuo SB l he" ninde with -Hnce Nellie-Went AWiy" wil». n» they termed It. "tfll-lflir." TBI: Jnm.Anltr nf llenjnmln II. Bnff!i noveltv song. ••Hollln»(ln Umnoe'n •Inln, which In Mnfle (MI.IIIV none lilt t,t "Molll.t Uonruhlne," in wild to hn mnpnnnlhln for n fnd New "IloMmnn f'rtlnoe" drnighn — li.«>lry nrn now yraminntr completed In thlt rear nf thn Present hulldlng, ft 4B Went Twenty.elBlith Mrcet, which wn» hullf lit n urge eitbehie. Me nl»o renewed tbe enniMeU with wllll*m» drill Van Alntytie, ==; whereby Ihey nre to rrmnln nnother yenr nnd wrlln oxi'lunlyelr for this Htm. " piirchnsed the cnt re cntologiio of the > .h^..... .-■."■ ^..aanhiiB Btiwg y »: cft. ; i udu^ ? g wts4^^ „. In Billy Cnmby lenvo f6r Ulrinlngliam with Prof. Wolfat-nla'M band nnd orchextra, ;.« a fentttro In the annex, with the Orent Cole Bros.', Show*! ■• -, • , - ■ i e CitA», li. and BnrtTiiA Tatlob are ploying - ■■iiinllv theatres tbrougb Ohio, and aro . nicely with tbelr double Dutch comedy nir and. wooden shoe dnnclog rut. .. Vl:zi;:\ imii signed for tbe snneon as mnslenl director, and to do bis specialty bo robntlc trick nlano playing at tbo Cabaret l'n (jymnase, M°Pt;-ej)!.,'Cnn- ' BiiBTfii BuitTON, the four-year-old son of kh.Mt and-Boy Burton, la 111 with nnen- wotked: tiio woman or ti|is nsimj .'Ufiniin tnonla at the Memorial HospItAl, In Ciiuhii- Cond, has busInesN that calls her lb Ciill- dalgua, N. Y. Ho Ih with "i'uck'a Bad Jloy'.' " COl ■ . '• , r * .Knmn KnArpr, nomeillnn wllh VHenrt of ClilcMgo" Co., closed IiIh senmn Murcn .'ill »t Columbus, O. Afi»r u wcek'd ivst at Chicago be returned to vnudevlllt. ■ Tun Cn.ttns 1'.miii,v closed with. "Hooli- gan's Troubles'' Co., ut Denver, and were liu- incitlnti'iy engngoil lo piny tlio Tuny LtilMflskl circuit They urn having a novel comedy Mkntch written for them, and will Introduce ii lot of novel specialties. Tbey already bare some KuhU'i'ii dinu booked In tbo larger bouses. i ,.. , _ , Nui.i.ii; Budwortb ANn Wat J. Wellr. who hare been playing through Dakota and Minnesota with tbelr own rurally Vaudeville Co., meeting with excellent success, 'closed March- 24, nro, boohed throuaU the middle West circuit of Family htnrUng April 8. Tbelr new sketch, mal Ad," ' limt proved-a grand suc- cess—a luughlng bit from start to dnlsh. ' Tun i,.Ti-i:i, ban dissolved, nnd In future tbo net will be known uh I.lnsloy nud Crltbn, irampollno hat* Kketcb. At'lei- closlui* with tbo .Inlly Clrta Uitrlcnmie Co. they will piny twenty weeks in the Western parus. , HAYWAtm, CoxitOY ano Havwaup, after cloning with rho Mtns New York Jr. Co., March .", have Ismkcd nlno more weeks with Western Vnudevlllo mnnagern, making In all six months' booking wltb thent. Wilpa' Hamilton and jiutii Wxub nre meeting, with nxcOllnnt suceeas la their intent melodramatic playlet, "Polly," Miss Wiley's portrayal of tbe ciihrncter being well liked by ureas nnd public. They aro booked up until Janunry, 11107. KofW 1'itoii, Pa. —Tito iCnp hnn Bijou Theatre Is In Its third week, play- ing to big bii'.liiepH, .Smith and La Owe needed this week's bill, which Includes: Weber* nice nnd Walters, Bell Brandon, and moving pictures. KWMn CAlttlOI.L AND AnSF.H Clabkr, who reenntly cobcllideil twelvo weeks with tbe Western Manager*' AKfouIntlon, arn now oti the .1.-1% Jackson circuit, plnylng through tbn middle West They will return Heat in June, where they nre booked to open on the Frank Melvillo nark circuit. Frank Attn Krr\ Clkumont, who played Palm Theatre, Hip*" April 7. arn at tbo ■u.H week. i.ins- KnirOT. loformn us fhht be Is doing excellently with Mb act on thn Sullivan & Chiisldlne clrcnlt. Cunts CTttiiSToritr.n, who Is meeting with nucccRH lb- the best Wenlertt vaudeville houses, la-n violinist couiposor nud comedian, fH:o, W. 1,1'mmk writes: "After sixteen enusecittlve weeks on the Ammous, Stm ami Murray clreiiits, I open at thu Stnr, Hamil- ton; Out, Muv 7, with Bennett's, Loudon; Temple, BitfTnlo, nnd Lyric, Cleveland, to follow. Have signed with Chns. W. Mr Mnbon fot- eight..weega, on hla park circuit," Norns riiost tiih KMFint: Tir>:.*TBi;, Aeli- tnbuld Hnrjior, O.—This house opens April jn, under the sole mnniigemnnl. of Mrs; N. B. I'Vilcv. with John JMy as srnge lonnager. JrUMi Aileont nn old time perlormer, Is jfiry 111 at tho.Uenerul Ilosnitnl-of this dty, and no* eltjectert brllve. 'ITie Bnrtendorn' Oil u attending'to hlln. piny! Creek, Col. Ho Is still under the doctor's care, hut hopes to-resume work nt tbo Nov- eltv Thenlre, Denver. Col., April ll. JATtina Nr.wro.v ibuiw, who nwonllv en- lered vntidevllle, oppenrlng In Myles MeCnr- thv's skeleb, "Jim's Brother Bill," reports that be has met wllh minded ruccoss. Bulb the press and public hnvo been liberal iu praise- of this Interesting llttlo play, and offers nf'tlmn nre coming In from nil direc- tions. Mr. I ire u- Is plnylng n nix weeks' en- gagement on thu Interstate circuit nt present Mauih Lkonabo ami Lkv rjin.i.u'H write: "We nro booked solid until June, whun wo take the mnnngement of Thnyer'n Cnucert Pork for the Slimmer, MIbs Leonard, as run* ' slenl dlreetor, nud isn Pbllllpa wltb moving nlrtnreH and lllustrnted aongs, We hnvo not " lost one week but ot tltrim months." LoiA Hainm has been engnged by thn Wouderlnnd C<i., at llovern Bench, Mmmm., for the sensnn. She will prnduco it new net In whiri j she will lie assisted hy six girls nnd nix hoys. Will ani> May Brno wrlto Hint they nre pmsentuiK tbelr now comedy .phiy lei, "Tbn Yap from Olneyvllle," nod are meeting with grent Aiifeess. M'bev urn at present on (ho lulernntlonnl circuit through IndlnnH. <!apJ> Sionrv Hinmak gavii ii public exhl- ,.. bltlon with his life saving dogs lu the river ?iS,ie WSWoTwV'Xt » r ' n |;r i l'„'' t ,-„'!'-c,;V ,r1 ' "■ """'" "" l "" !t "'" 10 fimplrc, Colorado H P Hn«s, "*WM»'^!5**tlMl. "Hmve tWM partnership with Prink J. Catsou, and am now working it lone, I will work thu Bos- ton Theatre, Full itlver. Mass,, April 11. I hnve plenty of good work to follow," Hilly 'I awn writes: "I am now wllh the John't.; Hittlltnn KIiow, tourlnc IlllnolH, nnd doing very nicely." Pal'L Pi tti'ONii writes: "I wns taken filek with rlu'iimatlstn while playing-nt Kelth'n. last June, and find lo (-losa In lb': middle of the week. I hnve now regained my health nnd heV'*-Joined John< U. Hmllh. .Tim tenia will he known an Htone nnd Smith, and w» will do ii comedy Juggling and hng punching net" , Ati. fl. Bnr.fonn writes: "We have been working continuously* since I recovered fmm ntv aivlrlpdt wlileli happened in West Vir- ginia Inst HiltrJtner. My Wife nml 1 hnvo signed wltb Frank A.- Bobbins' clreus, to open April 2n. We liavO'n novelty In pre* pnrntl'in for'the vrtudevllle bouses, which wo will produce next sonar.n. out football dog, <?ueehle, Is doing finely, nnd will proro a wonder." W.QiteTJrj nBrA_Q r ECZEMA- ftlnrV Splat«' All Ortr Fnce—AflVctct'. Farts IfoHv* CIcat M B*etf—Crired hy ■■ ■ - th«» CntictiTA Bemedlen. -'About fottr years ago I wai aRltctfca v.itli black opVatchee ail over my face and ;i few covering my body, which produeerl ;i tievcrc itching irritation, nnd which caniril mo a. great deal nl unitoynnce and siilfeV- inc, to such an extent that 1 wnn forced lo call tn two of tho (cnditie; physicians of my town,. Altera thoroughexumittution of tho drended complaint tlicy nnnonni.-od It to In-* skin ervema In its worst, form. 'I'hoy tronterl iftofor the s:tmn for lite length of one yrnr, hot tho treatment did' ina no ^ood. finally my husband purchused u sot ot tlmCuiicma Komedies, nnd after itsint; tho contents of tho ilrst bottle of Cutit-ura Kesolvont in connection -with ihe Culicnra Soap and Ointment, tho brealdn^ out entirely ."■topl'dl. I continued the use of ihe Ctili- cum Remedies for Ht.v months, nud after that overy splotch was entirely t>nneand tlio nilcctwl partM were left as clear ns ever. The Cuticuru Remedies not only cured inc of that dreadful disease, eoooSa, but other cnmplicutcd troubles us well. I.i/^ic 11 Sledge, 540 Jones Av«\ t Selinu, Ala. Oct agi np5. r ' '• Tun M.vuvrtLisunov Tiiiu am at Mndl- son Squaw liardejj.with,the Itnrntuii ft Balli'V ClrriiH. Thi-lr lunl'.''*<|.ti. "t'lili Ail" nud "Hml Plghti'.ln wbleh tiny iiLilIi*o "Mile." (heir, wiemllng douut-v, arn tVauu-ea of (be raqtwly., nntl Cn-lr xcucHfuio blj*,li kiching n«L Is one uf the gwuml featureti. WimsKit A'.'u "*Vbv Two Jolly Dutchmen," MtMHO iiltll inakltig a big hit In their tmw Dutch coiuctly hci, Tbey nta wurlilnK clitbH. 1 La claiii axi> Wi:ht plnyed llurilg & Bo man's Mnslnble llieatre, Syrneiise, N, V., Sunday night April 1. and re-tort nuewxs In their enmeily piny lot, "A L lln»p Into SoeltMy." 'I'liey nrn booked solid until July. II. H. Wooiiuci.L'H "I,ld tutors" plnyed to- extraordlunry buslm-su In Hontou Inst '.vcek. Mr. Woudbull 1ms engaged Mndden and Joss anil BUmclie How: Wm. J. DCRllV ami IIIH wire. (Ollle I-rnn- cli'i were lioth innuo DHWDBti of Keivurl: l,.'.ln<\ No. '.'8, T. M. A., on Miiuilny. April l, uiiil a good time fuiloA-ed. . .Mr., ami Mns, Hau Kino, colored perform- ers, lu their new net "At. tlio itace," uro now being featured with the Dorothy Lewis Hcpcrtorv Co., and n'i"ni lunklnn a big luc- •resn In tbelr speelnlty.- UntSin B. Mahi-kiih hns cnncib'd nil vnndn- vlle dates fjor leu weeks, to. her Herman military comedy, "Itonmncc of thn Bed Crosi,"" owlrtif In I ho nines** of her mother. IfOWARA W. nORAMItf Of the Klve DlllTUlils Writes: "We retiirtiud KnW nfter n lour of tffcilty-lilne weeks of vinidevllle listen, ex- tetitllng from ennse lo eosrU. mid we think it rcnuirkiilile that 'iiii'-itgcnrs iirrnnK^I su 11, -h. we did not 1000, a week on thecailra trip, We Jumped illicitly homo from ton Angeles, t'nl, unit will lay eff nl our Hummer home. Hurntid Coiinge, Cluisblre. Coiui., until Mny 7. when we open wllh Hie Hlniiioiiil Jack show, for (he Hummer, t'nrefnllv kept data shows Hint we hnve paid tho nlilroiids Jt'-'T.-i-'i), trnreleil djfta miles, mid Is<mi> In lv/ciity-Movoii Stales and Terrliorles. It hnn been 11 iDtml pletiKiiiit mid probinblc loin, and v.r lonk forward wllh plensun* n> our f'p over the same circuits lu ibn neiir future." Kttw.uti) In: 11110.11-11, who hns been sera In the vmidcviltit holies nf Aliitirlilii Tur t|- i»i"' lliroii i..'ii'."ii'., ri'i-eiiily Mniirii fur !.);<■ land, wherit he will innko n ttiur of rim IllllKlc lltllls, preseillltlg it lit'W skotch, ':!• Ulled "The Athletic Intitiucior." wrlltei '«• [irnasly far blui by .Inuios b', Daley, ,vb«» --vill nil' '-I :.i 11 Biirnpeun tour. Padlinm Hall In lo miter vaudeville, un- der tin- ■direeilnit of Jiu-k Levy. Mhm Hall sinned n cctitrnct to appmir at I'roulor'ii Al- bany, house April :ip. Pollowlbg timt she will bo nt tin- Tw'tniy-tlilrd.Street nnd Plfly eighth .srn-tu huiirtun*. lit .this city, nnd at rtMrtiint Newark Thenlro. Hho will oppunr ulono, nml tdii',' iji'Vi'i'nl uOligs, PlUXtlH IJlUIAItli Hilllnd tor Ciini|ie AnrU T) Hii'WllL develop Mnvvrul novelly not 1 .0 prnduco during bin iickI. yIkII to Atiierlcii. ClNuiMNA'ri nowspiipers mivo W, It, W»l« aoii ittecnidH of liiivhut tbo best show 'bat appeared: nt the I'cople's Tlientie, .flhrt city, ibis KeitNon. Iloiisn recordn Un- I-jgo iccelpts, ilinhu: Ibe iveek Mr, Wnisiui't BUM* iNiiM- plnyed there, weru broken by hlu bur- li'Hiii" nmipiiiiy. RfyntM i-ituAi tiih l>'i'j-7,qiaiAL0-Oita Oi.umh Oi'iatA Co.—Wo slMiwud Ynxoo City, MIsh.. March 111, to a largo and npprcrliiUvo uiidl- OOOe. Wv (iiictiiinii-rcd plmiHiint oppnsiiloa In Hint town. The (ietilry Bros. Ilog and Pony kiumv wus billed Ibara, but tlirouvh mi ueeldent thn eoinpittiy fulled lo 111 rive lu lime lo nhow tho town- Tbo exceutjve staff of our eomputiy rnlled upon tbo slnfi'of tho Oeutry Broti.. nml o.itonded ibem thn wet come of tho boat Prof, ixmfs Aiidru entci* tiihii'il the tletitry Bros, bnnd, wbllo Messrs, (Jrr & PltKgiil'itld, proprlfllors 10I lint Drimnltt, pluyi'd Hi-- iNiiiH nf lioklH lu tho exemillro Nliiir of tbo (Ji'iui-y siiniv. Tbn following vuuiluvllln pnrroi'iuerH bnvit J'»1iip(1 v our coin- isitiy for Ibu cumliif; bi'iisou : Billy mpl Cuoriro durrctt, itnislenl imiiii; Orucu Daniels, serin eoinlu: llarrv Bogi^rs, buck nud wing aniiccr. Tin; MAitguANiiN, slnck and MkIU wire. per* fniuiui's, weru enunited uh n Hpeclnl vnnclri- vllle feature fur the Plvnn Stock t.'o., week of April SI, nt tbn Lynn Then ire, Lynn, Must, They wiile: "We nre uddlng iniiiiy big fuai- nri's lo our act, and will have thu HtfOiigOH.*, hlnelc and tight win* act In vntidnvllle. Wn nre doing bicycle and uuleycln riding on tbo, slack wire, also dimhlu rimless unlcrclo, of which we nro the orlkinntorH. Wn will 00OA open on ibu park circuit" Biiovin and Wit.MOT write: "After play- ing tor fourteen siu-cessrul mnnlbs on fhn lofitit we will now plnv f in-!-, 0, finnvii''! lime lu the middle West, nml are b/mffJHl solid fur forty-two weeks, nfler which »0 play JOihi 011 tin: John CouKldlne circuit iMr set !■• 11 big hit," JO'in: Allcm, "The Cowbov Olii," plnynt Hie lion Ton Thenrrn. Phllndelniiln, week of April % £1, and Hcon-d it lilt, Khc was ohui etignyed foe nveral olitb enlerliiliiiiieuty, QJTOW LLLL.J l—L 1 H I I 1 I J . 1 KOTRO rit'lll tHM llAtllllH-PAUKINSO'V Co. —We me now lu imr tlili-ty-elg'ilb week, and Ibe season us a whole, bus been an oxccllrut one. Many records were broken, nud tbo company, In nil the now time plnyed Ibis sen- sun, made rufltty friends, Vm nre en)'-ylug our pti'si'li: route, ivhbii bun been ntl tbe C'llf ut Mi'Klcu. I-'liibluu Is mill ol' thu must lii)|sjrtiiiit lenttu-i'it of the dnv. Wn remiilu out nil Hummer, plnylng the Hoiifbecii pftrfnE Air of tic eouipmiy wow slgiwfl for next sr-nson. when we will open nt texlnulon, Hy., lu Aunusi. Ilninllton t. Brooks i-ecetitlv joined ih" ciinpany, also ibu Diamond Trio. 11s cuincdlnii and imhi- lirette, anil they will do (heir viiudi>ville feat I'.re, Polbnvlng Is eomplele rnster: Kobert H. Harris, t'linf, TonfC fiblrd io;iison), Jutues jollier tllflh sensout Ilninllton L. lliuoks flbird sennou>, llnirv b'oltus fthlrd Hciismi), Hnrry Lo coMOle, llnrrev .Mommy, (.'has. Beckenridgo, Wlllliltll Desmond, Clliudo Pranklln, Then. Cnrrli', Alfroil Cowns, Mnelo hn Tour fllffh *t"iinotiV tnnlse Ktlwliinon) fflflb seasont MiiHi- Desmond. Mniifle to Compte, and Unby Desrnond. This compntiy Is tho strongeit Mr, Uitrrls ban ever carried,