The New York Clipper (April 1906)

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222 *EHE; 1ZWW YORK CLIPPER. APKIL 14 "FAREWELL, MY ANNABELLE" «.TiuI«s "A NICE GIRL COULD 00 WONDERS with ME The greatest Ilsouh hit of (kg year. Sunahr moro professlonaU than any other .10 songi. Alio the tat. ORCM. add This is a norelty sons and Just as orisinal and "catcny" as »* , '™-4' c "° °'^,'° ™ r c 't OU ' w,s ' 3_m °* rtr "» h ' as » »1", BAND MAKCH UP THR SEASON. Trie ONE BIO MITOF ALLTltU PAliK HANDS SLIDES, $5.00 DEPOSIT. or seriocomic, duet.or put on osa!ll|rsone-an1<l>ucoact. "I'LL BE BACK IN A MINUTE, BUT i GOT TO GO N0W"««WS i H-- By far the tat comiestnrjfcnon«>i>it of the, Sanson. Von need not take ourword for■any oftbasp facts. .'..■'',.. .',''■ Just ask some uf tho m»uy"MeAOLINEKS" that are singing these songs SLIDES, »S.OO DEPOSIT. "IFTHE MAN IN THE MOON WERE A COON" "THEY'LL ALL BE GLAD TO SEE YOU' By FRED FISCHER. Tola song Is lu a class by ILsolf. Tt is lha bost song Flschor has over twitton. It is a sone that will A great descriptive song by W. R. Willlnois, author of "Sbo's Good Enough Jk*. '""'"J!' un «0*«" theme and a lest-the melody is o classical gem. Ask those who nro using it. "clean" story. Vary easy to sing and wo have SLIDES, 55.00 deposit. "IN AFTER YEARS, WHEN I Ai OLD" "THE MAN WITH THE JINGLE _ Tho most beautiful, blgli-elass ballad of the yoar. This sciiu Is musically good end will live feovur. Published in two keys One of tho favorite coon songs, (ireat song for a sistor team, or sonbrotte. The music is cutchj, and the orchestration -for Cornet or Violin Uolo-witb BAND pr ORCHESTRA accompnnlnienl. 8 ats the "ndience laughing. "COME UNDER THE PALM-ROOM TREE" "DON'T FORGET YOUR DEAR OLD DAD" Ono of those catchy "Anheuser" style wsltr. songs. Introdnalng"Haleo.Ha-lo" In the chorus.. This song Is bouud to bo The Brst legitimate "DAD" song ever written. A good story balled with march-tomim chorus ft give* tho "OLD MAN" one of tlio big SUMMBR •'nlTS." Try it-thafs all to conyinco you. due credit, aud is so cleverly done that Jou can workan^udicnco to cheers. _ ORCHESTRATIONS "^•^*wK^" A « , - , fS!» • THE BEST " BUCK " * HD f HCE IH AMY KEY 326 W A V ?H , iNG L foN R s9 S ? l II : 5Go in. DM'T MISS ft. By CHAS. B. BROWN POLIOY KING "R5 BpcclattteB includes: Horace Webb, revolving ladder; the Mnrlnflllis, flying rings; lillcttTrlo, high horizontal bant; Stelnurt Brothers, Ger* B.anv't, aerial acrobats, Hoyden and Lu Londe, revolving ladder; Potter and Harris, double rlngn: the Great Koroby, equilibrists; Harry iiu B B> tut viitui nuiuuj, t-L|un nil into , Jim lie Murto, aerial rlnus; Four Aragontt, klui and queens of tbe high wire: Tbresfta TrI dancers on cable In mld-ulr; Belle Stone, Im- prisoned lu revolving. globe on spiral In* cline (a mystifying net); J. T. Currier, up- side-down Juggler; Clark and McCul lough, and La Mothe Trio. Tbe Flying Jordan* In tbclr thrilling inld-alr performance. In addition to these there wero a full score or more harlequins, wbo were clever acrobats an well as clowns. C. Z. Bronson's Concert Hand In a splendidly trained musical organiza- tion, with these sololnto: Wtu, TJlrlch,.clario- net ; Fred Kochler, trumpet; Arthur Cullen. trombone, and Charles Sanglear, euphonium. Tbe official stuff of the directors of' the Curl Hiigenueck Greater Shows Is as follows: Frank R. Tate, president; John H. Havllu, secretary aud treasurer; C. L. Williams, Uret vice president; Lorens Hagenheclt, sec- ond vice president; C. h. Williams, financial manager; W. H. Gardner, general manager, advance; £ N. Thompson, manager; Ed. C. Cullen, anslslaut manager; John Sheeny, treasurer with show; Jas La Rue, auditor; W. E. Fuller, traffic manager; Frank Burns, general contractor; Sy Semens, assistant gen- eral contractor; Herbert Muddy, press con- tractor ; E. 8. Dauby, special press repre- sentative; Jas. i>e Woif, general press reb- resentatlve; Walter Forbtish, special agent; M. H. Hanley, special agent; Bert Rosen* quest special ugent; S. N. Fiedler, manager advertising car No. 1; W. 8. Dunn Ingham, manager advert Islug car No. 2; Hurry Over- ton, manager advertising car, No. I; James Duo worth, manager advertising car No. 4; R. M. Allen, representative official , review ; KM. Shlpp, equestrian. director; Thomas Kanklne, assistant equestrian director;.C. A Bronaon, musical director: C. L. Bowman, manager annex; Geo. S. Williams, purchas- ing agent; U. Thompson, superintendent •sleepers; Taos McAvoy, .superintendent can- vas; Frank O'Brleu, assistant superintendent' canvas; W. W. Scott,'superintendent stock; Simon, aBalBtunt superintendent stock; J. Horlgsn. assistant superintendent ring stock ; Harrv Schubert, superintendent elephants; l'lill Custaug, superintendent animals; IOrnest Houghton, superintendent train; W. W. Gil- lette superintendent hotel department; J. l. Buck, superintendent properties; C. A. Bell, Huperlutcnduat privileges; John Burke, su- perlutendeot reuurved seatH; Lew Foster, innsti'i- uiechauic; M. K. Gavin, superintend- out front door; h. W. Marshall, superintend- vut MKl-ts; Charles White, electrician; G. 8. Williams, supi'rh.ti.'tideut dining car; Louis Mueller, stenographer; Mrs. C. Z. Brousou, wardrobe mistress; Mrs. Thompson, ballet wardrobe mistress, and Mllle ttoso Edith, premiere. General Representative James De Wolf wua busy and vary happy over the way In which the big, now show started, John H. Hav- lln was on hand, giving.his personal super* vision to matters of Import, and wub well pleased with the rosy outlook as forecast In the opeulng. llugenbeck's Greater Vaudeville Bide Show is directed by B. L. Bowman, manager and orator, assisted by Fred GiiBln, Art Gruber and Henry Emgard are ticket sel- lers; and Prof. Stumon's ludy orchestra fur- ulslies the uuslc. Theiiu are tbe actu: Mrs. B. L. Bowman., East Indian snake uct; Jestile Stumon's company of vaudeville artiatB. Al- fredo and Ceritu. living marionettes; Bergcu Brothers, musical act; Horntnaun, maglclou ; Sol Stone, lightning calculator; Nina Del- nmlto, snake charmer; Julio Gardner, acro- batic dancer; Eva Melcalfe, uougs und dances; Mystic Stephan, coon shoutcr; Prof. Hart man* "Teddy tlio Second," baritone aud Klther; Muxcy, the needle king; Moll In Herod, cockutoo net; Mile. Amy, sword swallower; Madame Apnea, mind reader, and Pnrneyl Htephan. special lecturer, who occu- pies a platform lu the centra of too cunvas, A half dozen other uct* will Join tbe show ut PlttHburg. 1 Grand Oi>kiu Tlousu (Hurry Ralufortb and John H. Havlln, managers).—Robert Lo- mine, April 1M4, lu'"Man and Suneraina." ' LaBt week Kyrlo Bellow was seen in "Raf- iles," .and business increased as. the week uged. Clara Blandlck made her tlrst local appearance and wbr well received. IE. M. Holland wus creeled us an old friend. Lulu Glascr, la "Miss Doily Hollars." 10-21. Walnut Struct Tubatrb (M. C. Ander- son, manager).—"Arizona" 8-14. The Hur- tle & Seamon musical comedy, "Me, Him and 1, ' with Francis Sullivan, Billy W. Watson und Arthur Wbltolaw In the leading roles, did nicely last week. Marlon Stanley, tho old favorite of tbe Cheater Park Opera Com- ffaoy, who lumped from "Tho Wizard of Or ato ber old role-, found that It still fitted bcr like u suode glove. Nettle Nelson did well lu her role. Yorke and Adams, In "Bankers and Brokers," 15-21. KuniKSON'ts Opera Houan (George F. Fish & Luella F.Flab, managers).—A magnificent welcome homo awaits Mmy Hall 8. when t>he uppeurs lu "La Tosca." Jessallne llodgers buld good-byo to friends last week, In an In- terpretation of "Carmen" that was. most pleasing. Tbe Forepaugh Stock Co. gave an tixcellent performance of tbe gypsy play so fnmiltnr to theatregoers. Business was fair. "Fanchon" 15.' CoLUMniA (M. C. Anderson, manager).— Tho Orphcum Show H-14. LaBt week's vaude* vlllo bill had Arthur Dunn (who began bis enreer here na one of Cot. Miles' Juveniles) und Marie (Jiaxlcr, as lieadllarrs. They put on "The Messenger Boy;" Lillian Mills and tlida Morris bare a clever mlustrcl turn; Foy and Hut-ding's offering, "A Moderu Jonah," was good; Herbert's dogs put up a great animal act Other- acts went well. Butdness was quite good. Hel-ck's Opera House (Heuck, FcnuesHy & Stair, managers).—Arthur C. Alston's "Shadows on the Hearth" 8-14. The Brothers Byrne, In "Tbe New Eight Bells," drew well last week. Tbe pantomime Is as takingly funny as ever. "At the Old Cross Roads" 13. Lycbuh (Heuck, Stair & Feanessy, mana- gers).—"A Romance of Coon Hollow" 8-14. "Too Proud to i>eg'' did nicely last week, with Mildred anil Arthur Boylun showing to splendid advantage. "The Governor's Par- don"'10. AurnTOHitiu.—Audiences that represented tie culture of the Queen City made tbe en- gagement of Ben Greet's English Players* most notable Inst week.. Shakespeare, of the Elizabethan era was presented. "Macbeth," "Much Ado About Nothing," "The Merchant of Venice" nud "Julius Cesar" appealing to lovers of the Hard of Avon. Beautifully costumed und well played, tbe English actors firovjded In tbe plays a wook of rare Intel- ectual enjoyment, under the auspices of the University Settlement Pboplb's (Hubert Usuck, manager).—, Miner's Amerlcuu Burleaquers 8-14. The en- fiagement of W. B. Watson's Oriental Bur- caquers, In "Miss Clover", and "The Bashful Venus," were successful lust week. Bone-, tulan Burleequers 10. Standahd (C. B, Arnold, manager).—The Bon Ton Burletiquers, 8-14, are to follow Rose SydeH't*} London Belles. Miss Sydell U a Covington girl, and Is always royally re- ceived by old Some friends here. She was- *>leas|ni* In the two act burlesque, "Dazzling Nancy. . Black Crook Jr. 15. • . Gossip or rnw Louby. —Ben Davles waB tbe Soloist at the Inst concerts of tbe Cin- cinnati Symphony Orchestra, at Music Hall, tt, 7..-.. .iHnrry Hardy, .manager or West- and Voices, 'was HI and could not leave with his company.. ....James D. Do Wolfe, the press representative of . the Hagenbecl* Greater shows, is an old Columbus newspaper man Moutlvllle Flowers Is to give i series of fifteen lectures on "Hamlet" ut the Flowers Dramatic Acudemy.... Tlie Fall fes- tival souvenir hooks arc out.... The Empire Concert Co. met nt tho People's Theatre aito} voted to Increase the capital stock from ?50.000 to $1,000,000. Several new theatrm In the East will be added to tbe circuit..... Alice Majorowskl, presented by Romeo Gorno, was heard la concert 2 Emma Norton, RHslsted by Nina Esther Block and'John A. Hoffman, unntmred'S, In a concert at Con- servatory Hall,.... .Mary Hall sang "Home, Sweet Homo" early In the week, and has been restlug at her abode on WtUnut Hills with her happy husband— Dr. retiree BuckBklu Ben Is here getting ready for the opening of his Wild West Show-at the ar- mory Roy Kuabenshue, the flying inu* cblhe man, bns been secured for Coney Is land C. G. Strobel come here to.con- fer with Lee Brooks and 1. T. Anderson, .and the deal was quickly closed .Judge Lit- tleford grunted Wanda Ludlow a dlvovco from Horry S. Coleman, the actor. Tpey were married In Lewlston, Me., last Novem- ber, and the young wlft!—she's* only 17—testi- fied that she thought the ceremony a mere dress rehearsal of a play. Prosiier has returned from New York, where lie went for a short business trip J. M. Allison, u representative of the Shu- berts, was here during the past week In- specting tbe Grand Opera House, wlilcli his iirui took possession of, by purchasing the lease from Dickson & Talbot The Wihiiok* Musical Club, tbe largest orguuizs- tton of Its kind In the country, re-elected Ella Muy Smith president The advance KaleiOf tickets for the appearance of Madame Sarah Bernhardt ut Memorial Hail, 14, bear Indications that the seating capacity of tbe large auditorium'will be-taxed. \oonir«iowii.—At the Park Theatre fLw'Norton, manager) *'Sls Hopkins" drew well- April :«. Four Huntings, mutlne? aud night 4. p'-rnsed. "The Eye Witness" «, 10, "In Louisiana" 11. 12, John Drew 13, Opkha HouiiE (T. K. Albaugb, manager). —"The. Prlnro Chap" drew two good audi- ences 4, 5. Wood nnd Ward, In "Two Merry Tramps." 0, 7. Week of 9 Is dark. Gavktit (Jos. W. Wvss. manager).—Week of 2; Wine, Women nnd Bong, under the management of M. M. Tbelse, did well, and gave general satisfaction. Notes.— Geueral Manager John L. Kerr, of the Rels circuit, was recently In the city on business concerning tbe Park Theatre.... ■The proprty of the Gayety Theatre har been purchased by local parties, who will divert u Into business property, week of U cod- ing tbe burlesque attractions. Jos. W. Wens was the promoter of the New Gayety enter- prise In this city, and during its run con- ducted it to the satisfaction of at . und Provided the hest of burlesque attractions. ir. Wess will have the management of Avon Park soason of J8f'€ and will open it tbe latter part of May, with limny improvements. Spvlnf-neld,—At the Grand Opera House (L. J. Dalle; manager) tbe Guy Stock Co. played a week's engagement, April 2-7, to excellent satisfaction. Lyceum (Gus Sun, manager).—Hign class vaudeville, week of 2, Including: The Three HIIIyerH, John and Alice McDowell, Enbler and Kohler, Lombard Bros., the Alyns, Doro- thy Gotten and Frank Vincent Oririm:.M (Gus Sun, munager).—BUI for week of I): Clark's Dog und Pony Circus, Clark und Franklin, Relley mid Morgttu, Miss Adelyu, new songs and pictures. Cleveland.—At the Opera House (Harry D. Kline, raanHger) "The Wizard of Oz week of April v. John Drew had a good week. "Tbe County Chairman" 10-21. Coi.oniat. (Drew tt Campbell, managers). ■—Ginger Stock Co. will produce "Prince KnrI" week of 0. Their "Trilby" proved quite a magnet last week. The stock com- pany week of 10. Lyceum (Geo. M. Todd, manager).—Tho David Hartford Stock Co. offers* "By Right of Sword" week of 0. "The Wilderness," the first offorlng of this very capable com* pnny. drew good bouses week of 2. "Jim the Penman" 10-21.,amd (Geo. M. Todd, manager).— "Hew Baxter-Butted In" week of l>. l 'No Mother to Guide Her" had good receipts week of 2. "The Way of the Transgressor" 16-21. ICiith'h (H. A. Daniels, manager).— Dill week of 9 Includes: Leon Morris' Circus, Mustier, Houghton aud Mosber, Snyder and Buckley, Callahan and Mack. Eva Westcott and company. Carter uud Bluford, Hathaway and sie.gvi. uud Tom Browne. Lyuic (I". R. Lang, manager).—BUI week of U Includes: Cabarett's dogs. La Adella, John and Alice McDowell. Waldo Whipple, Lydclo and Butterworth, and others. Star (Drew & Campbell, managers).— Oriental Rurlesquers 0-t4. Alcazar Beauties hud good houses 2-7. Cunning, the "Huueuff . King?' proved quits a drawing card. Miner's Americans 10-21. Empikb (Chas. W. Denzluger, manager).— Bob Mnnchester's Cracker Jacks 11-14. Ruble's Knickerbockers drew good houses 2-7. Casino ttlrls 16*21. Akron.—At the Colonial (Uly 3. Hill. manager 1 "Sis Hopkins" had a large and well pleased house April 2. "Shadows of a Crest City," two pcrforinuuces, tt; Lewis Morrison's "Faust" did well 7. "Tbe Eye Witness" 11, "Little Johnny Jones" 14, "When Johnny Comes Marching Home" 17, Olgu Nethersole, in "Sapho," 18; "The Edu- cation of Mr. Plpp" 21. 1'siQvr, (Achllle Pblllon, manager).—The Metropolitan Buriesquera did well 6-7. House dark week of 0: Music Hall <T. K. Albaugb, manager).— Mme. Bernhardt, In "Camllle." comes 12. ■ i >i — ii-.. — m Marlon.—c. H, Perry, the present mana- ger of tbe Grand, bus secured a live years' lease of the houBe. Mr. Perry was the suc- cessful bidder In a very spirited contest for .loin, lease. Hfi _wllL.ulso open_the Majestic Hotel on the European plan, making-:i 'spe- cial feature of catering to theatrical people. Guam) (C. E. Perry, manager).—''Uncle Josh Spruceby" did well March 31. "A Hu- man Slave," April 4. 5, scored well. "When Johnny Comes Marching Home" 12, "A Slavo of the Mills" 13, return date of "Miss Bob White" 14. ——;— +»» TENNESSEE. Coin nib •*,■.—At the Great Southern The- atre (O. M. Heffner, manager) Henrietta Crosmun appeared here to a large audience April 2. "The Wizard of Ob" pleased good houses 3, 4. John Drew it. Lulu Glaser 13, 14, Alice Nellson 17. "Coming Tiro' tbe Bye" 18. It), Richard Mansfield 21. . HtQU St. (Cbns. W. Harper, manager).— "Queen of the Convicts'' had fairly good pat- ronage 2-4. "How Dexter butted In" at- tracted fairly good, houses 5-T. "Klgjit Bells" 0-11, Billy B. Van, lu "The Errand Boy," J2-14 : "Running for Offlce" lft-18, *'A Crown of Thorns" lH-il. ' "i Woricfi.—-Tlio Eorepaugh-Sells nros.* Clrcna will open Ita season here 21......W. W. Memphis.—At the New Lyceum Theatre (Frank Gray, lewsee) u local entertainment occupied tbe boards March 20-31. Marie Cahlll, In "Molly Moonshine." packed the house April 2. Darkness, prevailed 3, 4. Alice Nellacn Opera Co.. in ,f Dou Pasquate." came to a crowded house 6. Viola Allen 9, Henrietta Crosinab 12, "Buster Brown" 13, HopKtNa' (A. B. Morrison, manager).— The attractions week of 2 proved most suc- cessful.flnd the bouse was crowded every per- formance. The programme Included: Les Brunnhis, Leah Russell, Marvelous Frank and Bob, Francesco Redding and company, Al. Lawrence, Kennedy and Rooney, Unlaw Trio, and the klnodromc. Bijou .(Benj. M. Stslnback, manager).— "The Flaming Arrow," week ot 2, drew well, and all xeemed pleased with the perform- ance. "The Belle of Avenue A" 9-14. Note. —Gentry Dog and Pony Show ex- hibited here 3, 4, to overflowing attendance. Kno-LvllI-?,—At Staub'a Theatre (Frit* Btaub, manager) Alice Nellsen, la "Don Pas- quals," came April 2, to good business, and to one of the most highly pleased audiences of the season. "The Old Homestead," two performances,- 2, had capacity business. Bhcpard'a moving pictures pleased 4. Local Elks' vaudeville 5, Lulu GUser, In "Miss Dollv Dollars," 7. Tbe house is dark until 10. when the Gllck Stock Co. opens for on Indefinite run. 4 i > ir GEO. MEUES "STAR" FILMS • TWO IIL.U, COMIC HITS 11 A MIX-UP IN A GALLERY -r- IK thtB subject the trials and tribulations of a Studio Pliotocniplier are vividly portraved. To see ttie troubles ot the ARTIST, his ASSISTANT, the BRIDE and BRIDEGROOM, the OLD MAID and POLICEMAN and tho BULL FIGHTING CAMERA trill provoke SHOUTS OF LAUGHTER. A. ITU8ICAI. CYCLONE, THE MAESTRO DO-MI-SOL-DO w» Welliuay it ba?a!d that music will charm the savage beasts, but this picture showa the extraor- dinary treatment the MAESTRO receives by the SPOOK TROMBONE, the CHICKEN SOLO, tbe WATER FANTASY and the remarkable antics of the WHIRLING PIANO, which produce ROARS OP APPLAUSE. Old and New Style Conjurors 2 is 8 f 8 t One of the Best Mystical Film*. Ever Produced. A PHENOMENAL SUCCESS*, CHIMNEY SWEEP LENGTH, 1.000 FEET. PRICE, $13J. 12 CENTS "STAR" FILMS ARE WITHOUT A BIV.VL. NEWT YORK OFFICE. n OEN'L WESTERN 8ELUSO AGENTS: . 804 EAST M STREET. § ja^mE OVTXCAJ. CO., * OASTON MELIE3, Gen'l Hgr. <> na state street, Chicago, in. REPERTOIRE PEOPLE WANTED, For company to be organized April -.a, and opening one week later, toJPLAYBCHAIN OF NORTH CAROLINA HOUSES CONTHOI.LKD BV S. A. SC1I1.0SS and COWAN BltOTHERT CITIES, or an organized company, ii.ijkj.ri tutu vvnmi imui nt.RS. AND OTHER or players who are Juat closing season will be accepted, former preferred. Summer season will open lu Wilmington, N. C, where rehearsals will take C lace, and then the tour will be made of the theatres or tbe Scblosft-l'owan Brothers' Circuit, eu- racing Newborn, Raleigh. Greensboro, Winston-Sale in, Auhevllle and Churlottc, N. 0. GOOD OPBN TIME Ot KING U.\i.A\CE OP SEASON AT UlfcsE HOUSES POR OOOD PEOPLE. 11RGT1N6 WM HID, HID PLENTY OF SPECIALTY PEOPLE. All must be told, with very lowest Summer salary, In tint letter, and fare-j will be advanced whed desired. OOOD STAGE DIRECTOR, ESSENTIAL, AND ONE WITH SCRIPTS. For open time at theatres, addrens S. A SCUUWS, Academy of Mnalc, Wfltniugton, N. C. Players and Specialty People, address COWAN BROTHERS, Academy of Music, Wllmlugton, N. ft W ANTED, REPERTOIRE and STOCK PEOPLE H* O R In all lines. Musicians for band aud orchestra that can double stage, Musical Act that can play in baud, double parts. Open on or about May 1. Tickets advanced to any one I know. Address DICK P. SUTTON. Butte. Mont. _ Attractions Wanted &ot Only Summer Theatre in the City. SenllDg capacity 8,000. Largest stage Id the State. Open Juue 4. No shows lu the city since J.u. 1&, except vaudeville. Big busluess for good companies. Al=u good Vundevillc Acts wauled. I1LEVES & IllllH.t. KEOKUK, IOWA. PACKING THE HOUSES, Barlow & 'Wilsons Minstrels, WANTED, AOKNT, Wto oan b»ndle a three car tent show. Must kuow the South aud West and he a close coulmel<"< understand R. IL work. 'I o such a man can give employment the year around. Can place No. ■ Mm also. Good lUnalMana and 'Pertorm.r. al» write. Address BAHLOW 1 WILSON, per ronte HiCUPP" Animal Costumes and Heads For Extravauza. Also Adult Chornn Ctistniaea. Notluliis. children's Costumes, Brownies. H»'rtr>. Ouume?, etc. Ore itPiratlins for "Goldeu Ilair mid Three Bears," Scenery, ctt. OI»e lowest nnltf. cash price. Who has exirjvuguuwi wit), pnper, lyrics, hook aud orchestraifous for sale i tt'ant otO Ilood aud oue spot light HARRY POOTB, Bijou Theatre, Moutgoiucri. AU. FnEf> w. ■ Kenkedt writes: "I have been with tho 'Reuben In New York' Co.. which has Just closed a satisfactory seaBon. I i open at Falrmouut Park, Kanuaai City, Mo., May 7,-where'I have been engaged by Maun- per Jack Abbott, to-produce musical enmn- . dies for the Summer season, and to manage I the stage." ... .... j WANTED, FOR SUMMER and NEXT SEASON, GOOD ACTORS That double hand, mil pay good salaries to good people.- one night stands. Pay your owo. Every- thing In Drst letter. Address WOODS * THOMPSON, »a Plymouth Placo, Chicago, lu. AT LIBERTY. _ -£Sl*£B Snnrf PalS W&BL Mgre., write. High Class, sensational Bonnie Trapeze Artlaw and Novelty Contortion"";- Flashy rigging, good wardrobe and appearand, with 17 years'experience. Address,. fe.nRr. , ■ """"« MIC "- -