The New York Clipper (April 1906)

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AHtn< 14. TABLE OK C05TKHT8. Mlra dipper's Anecdote*, etc , Tbc Dollar Troope*—Sketch Helen Hall—Sketch - , p. F. Proctor—Sketch ,\ ..^■.. ., A Memorial Programme •'...;, Vaudeville Benefit to Acton' font!.. THE ISEETW" -YOlRK clipper. 223 ««a U tlnia.M 1! u,»„,, < «■*»«•■• It la poaalble to make at Hat H4. of ra>aaeTllle huokiDs*. To tfcnro In- Oarberry * Ktunlon. tlr,u,l. .IB '215*3. Si HBl Hall ma* Yer "detail ... 214 Si t ''„ ,,ic torcpnusb Stock Co. She received >*.«... f> h. ... V.. » H. Iten.rr. Ool., 11-111. . 2lS !r„" JM str «* "A Uomance of Coon .:: 22u IMIoW drew pretty well nt the I.jTetim. ...320 .Miners Americans at People"*, liad ... 220 i," 0 * C ™J-1. and the lion Ton Bnrleaqucrs nru\ (lift Htifpni illt- nt »!.■» O i., _.i i World of Players.. Illness of Etliel Batryniure.. grjf>rin) AnavereJ Our London Letter Our Chicago, Letter , oi the Road *.... Vaudeville Itoute List....... BiagTC>v>ri .»:::. .::::BB &58l2£?Gh5 Dtsit - awl ffisa u* Mkcdlaneoo* .386.337 OT"/««««. before a large audience with the Bin Pn-tew OUpper Po?t Otttce The V. F. Proctor Jubilee , THEATRICAL OuBBBSPOXDENtJE. Oklahoma Vermont.... Keotscky..-. PeoaijlTini. Indian*. Virginia...". ..bode laland.... MaRucbueth..'.. Delaware Arkansas otto Tenneiwer New York State. Oregon l-ouiiion- . 221* Acker i Collin*. Toledo, ().. oi, Adler. VU\ IttJoQa Dubil'iue, la.. 9-14; Uuuuuioo, Winnipeg, fan., lit-21. Adclvii. Mia*. Orphlwu. Bprlutfcld. O.. 0-14. A.lrllu. La. Lyric, Clwtalul, 1M4. Adaum. ft Mark. Family, Bkln., 9-14. AOniufiil £ Taylor. Hath away's,- New Bedford, Baas.. 0-1-1. Agouat Family. Orplteani. Son Fran.. Cil., «-2l. Alabama Cunwdy Four. A. ft H., Boston. 9-11. «SJ Grand, Not M. WIIIm, In 'The Duke of *™ft*! 3Jr - * Mw.. orpheum. Bcadlne. Pn„ 0-14; '!!.;! 220 dl( * "PlrndldlT at tin stitndard. . 22K, 224 Kaniiib CirT> April lo;—"Tbe Clansman' ""j"[l'." opened lo n good'Hunday aiutlmv ^3 and had a big house at nlgbt......A .rood ffl5B ®i.°u°i "•■ todtanapolip. 0*11. " vaudeville l.IlF drew tbc cuStomnry buaC A ^LiKl' tSt* 1 * Clllc,, * 0 ' ^' 4: °' a " IteonottV ixiouou. Can.. 111-21. .UMnntiN <*)._.«.. O. II., Imllannpolln, 0-14. .... 214 at y Jg^lOJ B At the OI1IU "The MIs- 214 5<>url CJlri had good crowds, and "The Girl ■• 214 »™» Sweden" pleased at tho Auditorium 21B Ao? J'mcadero Uurlesqucru, at tbe Majfallc. »• 219,3X3 and tho High School Oirl«. at the Century. 81 did well The Filler Stoek Co. gave go«l Hi? performancea of "Carmen," at the Veoplc's. 22} Kansau City, Kan. v Indlniuipollit, lU-21. Allfte. Mlfe., Hlioo. Alpena. Mich.. 9-14: Cryitil, I*etrolt. mat. AlTa, Alive, Chlcaso. W-14: BnfTalo. W-21. Allen, Mta. * Co., l*routorV. Albany, X. YJ, »- Allen. Lcou & Dertle. UUun. Juck»»i. st\c\f.. a- 14: IUJi.ii. Uiialos. 16-21. AllurtUH A Millar, Caaluo, I'urln, Fr.. u-:;o. Allinon. Jue H.. UIJou. Apoletou, Win., tl-U ; fiijou. uroeii hay. 111-21. Albeui* 4 Ia Brant, S«w Fauilly, Hloni City, la., IlllnoU ' Nebraska..... , New Hanipfliln California New Jeraey Iowa - WasblDgton.;-. WlBCTHwln Tfexaa CouuecUcst , Mlcblgin... itoaliTCaroJIni '," 221 IionsviLLE, April 10... Alice N*«« iC u «ai opened In "Don Pagquale," at Macau ley's, 222 J? a large audience The Holdcn Stock 8 -n M Co.. ,°t the SJaBonie. presented "The Holy .viieu, Mack. Atlantic Ourden. K. T. 0,; u 14. X33 y^v t*>,.good houues "The Burglar's AUeu ft Daltwi, Keith'a, Phiia., n-14. ■»•* daughter, at tbc Avenue; the Merry Bur- Albeue * i* Bront, Fauilly, sious Citr. la.. 9-14; ■■ leBuuers, at tho Buckingham, and vaudeville, Crawford, Topeka, Kirn., Hl-21. S« at llopklnu', attracted crowded houses nt the American NewaboyiT Quartette. Htar, Cripple ~|| Sunday openings. Cwek, Col., 9-14: Empire, (ML Bpga., 16-21. ' *^ Z - - American Trio, Trent. Trorttou, N. Jr"«-14."- Alaann & Hartley. BhctUeld,,. H-14: null, 10 21; LoedH, 23-2H: NcTCcantlV, 30-Mny 0, Antrim A Pcterx. Bavoy. Fall Hlver. ■Mo**., »-U; Colonial. Lawrence, 1<1-21. - * ■ 914 1*14. Cotincll Bluff'*, Ik.. Bentlle., • 14; Tnconta. 1H-21. - ftn Ui Cbu*i., Orrln BrnH., Mexico, (1'21. Carlotta. Kelth'N, I-lilU., K-14. t'rtliahan 4c Mack, KeltbV. Claxrlaivt. O., 914. CullaLaiiM. Tli?. VuiHletif, OUlcugo. H14; Cattle, nioonilticton. lit.. 10-21. "'ariinrllK (;n, AuUltitrlnm, Taj-nn, Mumh,. u-14. Canieren * Flanagan, lnjoii. KruDaTlllc, 1ml., U- 14-: TetD|>li>, I't. Warne. iit-ai. CJIurron, V.iitif, II. A M, llkln., lt-14: Keltti'N, PhlV. HI2I, ipdclA t " (mi & ... Cabnrat'J linim. L.*tU-. Cleveland. »>.. 9-14. Camf)]<ell. h'rmiku-. iln.vmarket, llbiraitiv. nil Oamllne. Kelly Jc McCnril. llitt'tnuTloiinl. CUt- cago. 914. Cabrlce, Lynn t Fay, Orpuvniii. Kanxai* Oily, Mo.. 10-2t. ■ Tarter J, liinfuni. khii.v. oittYeliiml, o.. 9-14. Oamllle. MIV. Wnlluve'x, IVm. tin)., 911. Crirtttr A WatcM Co.. llathairay'd. [mwvU. Mm-... U-14. <:(\rda)wiile BUiera. Kinplix-, HolK>k.-u, N. J., w-14. Cii-tlc ft <V>11Ium. OlymplH. Clilcuvt>, 9-11: (Vlnui- bla, Bt. FiOiilH. lo 21. Carevr ft Unyeit, 0. O. II.. IMltuwirc 9-14; Oook'H, Itwhvater. N. Y.. 16-21. Carlfale'H l^t*. NoveUy. Bkln.. 911 Uupom. Mnrj, A c*j.. Oritlieum. New Orleaoa, 0*1-4 Ihinbar't* Cnprlnc I'nrmlo<t. I'lillllp'H. Ulcbiuoml. tin!., till; Orphlutn, 8prliifrtteltl, O.. 16-21, Utifflu-lteuYaj- Troujie. Otrlti Bmx.. Mexico. 15-21. K«r» ft WHmib, Cbutcs, Bun L'run., Cut.. M4 WU * Lull*. Orplwiini, Bait I.akt* CUy. P„ D- 14: Until, iK-mvr. Ool.. 16-21. l-iekel A lVnruer, I'nrliH-. York. Pa., n-14; X. Y. CX, 16-31. Kckhoff ft Otinlou, Puira, Hprlnrilebl. Mh*h„ h-14. KaviNf, Him. ft Co.. Cuiouinl. n. V. t 1 .. 9-14. i;iin-.iv ^ Cttlwll Itljon, JnckMoit. Mk'li.. I'll Bljon. Film. 16-21. KttM IVIo 'rtgnw', Uotlmm. Ilkli... 0-14. KHnor** MMOPI, I'rwtnr'n 2H*I ML. N. V. 0.. 6-14: 1'nll'M. Bjtrlturtlolil. Mh-*,. IH-31. KMrldge. Pitbn. mmm% BitlTalo. H-ll; Mliea'x, To- rulHo. Call., tU-2t. KH..H. Bam, Albunibrii, l.imilnn. Kii«., H-21; M<»* ft Blull Ti.or. 22-Muy «... 1.1|C'»uni«. r,es. Krcney'N. Hklu.. it-ll. KMut Muslml four. 4'..luiilnl, X. Y. 0.. 9 14. KIlMffortliH, I'liiu. Illlcti. LmiMlnK. Mlvb., U-11. KllMwi>rtb A Hurt. IlljtHt. Wliinliieg. Can.. 9-14; *i. II.. Crtx.kt.lmi, N, H., 10-21. KlllM. Mrlvllle. I'rocU'r'-. 2.t.l Ml.. N. \*. C, p. II. RIllH-Xowljiii Trl-. Ampliloti, llkln., U-14. Ktnniy. Mine. A I'etx, Orplicum, New Orlvuns. n-14. Ktnuiftl. Urtifli-, ft Co., llilul Aie.. N. Y. 0., » 14: II. ft II.. llkln.. ln-21. KminondM. Knifrxoii ft KiuiiioiiUm, Mujeatlc, Clit- '■iiKii, H-14. Kniffy. Wiiili' Alt..nun, Pa., n-14: New Kcu- KlliKtOll. 1U-21. Kmptro Uly gutirlette. Arcailv. TohHlv. tt., 0-11. lt< silllml l™3l " ' *"'' H3Hwt53»a» 1'imr. Kmulr... Ulrniluiiiutii. Kn«.. 55S"*iTO^P»J|SSFHS v -.'.'■■ "'";.. ^ iSilUa lUMiriioii*," iiroiid. tawaia, Woib.. »-n. rOLORAIIU. Wert Vlratola. M.rjUu-.l AUbaua.' MlMwrl. ...... Vloueeola UTEST BTTELEGRAPH. londay >lBrht> OnenlnB. I. AU the BlaT show Tona., GOLUBK BATE lil.FAMNGS. . 223 ... 224 ... 225 ...223 Denver—At the Broadway (E. F. Mc- . ■•■S# Court manager) "A Message from Mars," -^lle, JtutU. B.«tc«i..Lowell. M«-.» • ■ • ™S April 2-7, and after sereral weeks -* ■■—'- Aroow ' ■ ■ n%~ ncB9. the house did big business. ;:!22r. i "W- r*B'-\ rouf?!:": "Little ... 226 JoneB" 10-21. ... 22r< OiipiiLi-M (Martin Beck, general ... 225 cer)—Another rood bill was received ... 229 favor, by large nouses, last week. BUI for ... 220 week of 0: Allen and Lacrolx <o., John W. Armond, Grace. Crj-stsl. Detroit, 0-W ••' SK World °nd Mlndell Kingston. Mme. Cheater's Anialdo. Seiior, Crjjtil. Bt.-Joseph. Mo.. H-U. ■ statue dog, Stanley and Wilson, Kofhorloo -J"'!™ ».ft 0 " 1 "!': ZfKS tfgS T 'i Si"OS; IJalil. Musical Klelst. Burt and Berthn Oram, A "riSx , i , ,«i;,i"'iS'»r" 11 " "' »■»■•»■" ! TAnon OJAM) (K. I. McCourt. manager). Atkinson. Oeo. E.. Keith's. Providence. 9H. —AI. B, Melds Minstrels played to good Austin. Clautle, BIJou, Kalatoisoo, Mich., »14; business week of 2. HIJoo. Jncksou. ld-21. EMl'lBU 1.3. K. Clifford, manager).—The Auberts. Lcs. Ornhruin. NVw 'hlenns. I.a., 9-M. Imperial Burlesqucrs proved a popular at- Aug, Edna. II. & S„ N. V. 0., 9*14. traction at tills house tbe past week. Austlus, Tosrtng. l-euplc's, l-arsona, Kou.. 9-11; C'tmiis (A. B. Pelton, manugerl.—"The (Ji-a^-fonl. ToKk... 10.21. King of Detectives" dreiv well the past week. ■'I^vY.Ti vi .1L. Ke l"'v !' iVif" *' U <£S%2SJHS3££lfi flSXto A S-. i LZ!!i c 'cE i r , &, 0hlc '» 0 ' 9 - ,,; ■-• . bak . Pbakcibco, April 10.—At the Co- Jowlug Mil: Bowery Quartette. Hall and Bards, Four. Howard. Hwtai, (Ml. luuibia. this 1» the second and last week of " a "> Eunice Drake, Dc Alrvllto Slaters. Buker ft Lynn. Kmplre Tonr, Knb r ., it-May it*. "The Lion and the Mouse," to be followed hy nance Smith. Itoey and Holland. Seymour Barry, Katie, t Co.. Cook'*, Uochcntcr, N. X.. »• "BabcH In Toyland." On Sunday afternoon, an d Duprc, and pictures. 14: K-Hb'a. cif.ciand, 16-'i. B, Oorardj-, cellist, gave his flritt concert at Cbtbtai. («. X Adama. maaager).—Mo- Banks, Cbarlle, Uayniarkct. GUeago. O-M. UilBhouirf. zellc, Fuller. Hose and Co., Dan and Bwsle Bator. Harry, Uarrlek. Burltnptou. la., 9-14: Uumic- Yesterday marked the com- Kelly, the KlngwhuryB, John Zouboulakla and ■SWW&SSw Slica'a Buffalo u-n- uiencr'mi.nt of a special engagement, for two pictures drew well week of 2. &" Tolonio ci °liS Tvocta, "of Walter Perklna, fc -opported by the . Notes.— BuckwaIter's 700 foot Ulm, "See- Bar™ ft JS^&Em. ftrmttto Wmk., «-n. stock company of house, in "Who Goes log Denver, was shown ai .the Urpbeum last narm-ys (3), Olympic. BprlngUehi. 111.. 0-14. Thcrer A revival of "The Light Internal" J«eb **$ pleased... Nellie Stewart In Ban**, The (2). nljou. Norfolk-, Vn-rO-M. will soon follow. "Sweet Nell of Old Drury/ Is billed for-the- -BaiikH.-4.1mtj., riayinarkct. Ciilcoi,o.-9-14. C^tlMBNlA.—The Empire Burlesquers arc Broadway week of April 23 Tho man- Barr ft Evnus. Olympic. Chicago, 9-14. here this week. agement of Klltch's (>ardens states that tho Bates, Lonle W M Wuxhlugton, Bpokane, V'aab., ff- Oiuku- Opera House.— "Caught in the list of players for 1906 will equal other sea- 14; Blur. Beatttc. 16-21. ,. Web" opened Sunday, 8, for one week. Tho *ms, and that the presentations wilt bo ade- Bnailer-La Jelle'frio. O ymplc. Chicago, 9-14. Cnurled Metropolitan Grand Opera Co. opcnB qnate. Many Improvements are being made. 2"5? W AJ,' C ''iKni ci.Ii'i.m I'li" tt for two weeks. ^ "j ......Pauline Hall and company disbanded Bb^SmSS^SuP%.or.B„- ftato- N«T! Cbxtral.— "Searchlights of a Great la this city April 1, after a successful, season ™™ u " *™™>* ae City*', this week. Vaudeville Is now present- w "■*■ - ' ttartcr. Mr. ft Mm. Carl, BIJou, Alpena. Mien 9-M: BIJou. Jnckaon, 16-21. Carrotltoii ft KwIlts. Wattoner, Molloe, 111., 14; International. Chicago. 16-21. Curleiou, AI., Orplrcnm. Ni-\v Orleans. La., 9- i.'urroll ft Baker. Keltli's, X. Y. 0.. 9-14. t^lcsH'. Mile.. <1. O. II-. Plttxhiirtf, 9-14. CurMopher, ClirU . Cnbiue. MluueauillH, Mli 9-11. Cherry ft llui.-, Hulbuway'M, Lowell, Mnsa., 14; Ilowant, Boatou, 19-21. Gbupuiau, "Knudy," Howard, BokIvii, 9-14. KiiRltali 1 Knljinvii-flli'. llnmaellr*. Bel*.. WHO, Kinlc Ilouiver. tlrand, 1'eni, Iml.. n-l-l; LIIJ. n. IKm Moines, la.. 111-21. Kamonde. Mr, ft Mm. Kd.. O. O. H N I'lttnlnru. 11-14: Blten'M, BUIThIo. lu-21. KxnHTiildn. Itlclilltond, No. AdnmH. Mum*.. Mil. KNtci'brookn. 'I'ln 1 . lliiugnr. Me., u-14: AiMUi>tu. 11121. ICake. Will, KvauHVlllr, Ind.. 9-11. Kraim ft KvniiK, Wn-lilii^iuii, Bi-okum 1 , Waalt.. I'- ll: .Slur, ReiilllC. Hl-21. Fnlk, Hlemior, (1. O. II.. IndlnnnpolR 9-14. * A Goad Line of Attractions. Js Iweep- Inv Bnalnemn Up to the Hark. tiprcial Dispatch?* to TnuXisw Vous Clippbq. ed at Ihls hooso between the acta of the play. Ai.ci7.Ar..—"The Wife" is the current play. '-ALirasJniu.—"For His Brother's Crime" * ■ » is currcpt ILLINOIS. Tivult Oi'tiiA HoTfSB.—This Is the second ' week of "Miss Timidity." On Sunday after- Decatur.—At the Powers - Grand CI. V uouu. H. and Monday evening, 9, Jan Kubcllk Given, manager) the Seward Show, April 2 gave two extra concerts. Oiu'Hi.t'si. —Bill for the week opening Sun- dry, B: The Agoust Family. Coleman's dogs, cats and * doves: Jimmy Wall. Artie Hall, Vhe Marvelous Howards, Bruno and Uus^ell. Ferry Convey, Mitchell and Cain, and the bloarapt. ■ CtiL'TBB-—BUI for the week, opening 0: Karl and Wilson, Mr, and Mrs. Young, Sea- man, Adams and Itodgcrs, Nellie Montgomery. Browne's Gaiety Girls, Charles Garcia, and t.hcf ulmatlscopc. FROM OTHER POINTS. with tlie opera "Dorcas." ..The Sells- B uViiea"& Bdwli«, O. IL. fihmuin. 1. T., 0-14.. Floto Shows left Winter quarters for the Baan Quarlette. Poll's. Brld«evort, Conn.. 0-14. South i. The train consisted of twenty cars. - id«ew. . Baxter, ^dl, Proctor'a 23*1 Hi.. N. Y. C. !>-M. Harry ft Ilalrerr), G.O.n.. Pittsburg, 9-14. Barnes, Stuart, Proctor's; Newark.. >*. J.. 6-14. BarticllK. The. Caalno. Cincinnati, 0-14; Orplieniu, Pwtmnonth. O., 10-21. Belmont. Lillian. A. ft B.. Boston. '0-14. Kcmfce ft PfckM. Bljon, Kalamasoo, Midi,, u-14. Beach ft Beacb. Bfjott, La>Cwwsc. Wis.. °-ll; Cnlqae, Eati CUIrc, 10-21. • Beaugcr, Jeau, Uetu, Lynn, Muss., 9-14. Bell ft, ML Vemon. N, 9-14: Family, PottsTllle. r>fj-'ip{B' 9-14; Mujeslic, Chicago. Hl-21. Clnrk ft Franklin, Orpbhtm, Bprhigdeld, 0„ 9-14. CIltTunl ft Btirkc, Orphenm. Kausaa City, Mo.. 16 21. Clurke, Chas., A. ft «., lloslvn. 9-14. Clark ft Duncan. Lyrhr. Terrv llaule, hid., U-14; Olympic, Chicago. 16-21. Cltirke ft Temple. People's, Cedar Uuplds, In., 9-11: tiiirrhk. Burlington. 10-21. Clark ft Franklin, Orpliluin, Bprluxaotd. 0.. U-14; Pbllllp'x. Hlcbmoiiil. Iml.. 1(1-21. Clarke, Wilfred, ft Co.. MoonX Portland. Mt>., 911. Chirk. Kdwiirri. tnid Mix Wlitiilni; Wldonx, Album bru, X. Y. 0.. 9-14. Cotiivolly ft KHue. Olyuiidc, Chhratfo, U-14. ('uli; ft Blondelt, VitrledadeH. Havana, Cuba, 0-14. (lollhiw ft l-'lcl'ls. Hun Ton. Phllu., 9-14. Coleman's \hx*. Orphouio, Ban Fvnii.. Oil., U-14. lIotimtWunM (*). Teuiple, Detroit, 9-14; Keith'*, Cleveland. 16-21. Collins. Pan, A. ft H., Builoli, 11-14, OolllnM ft La Id-llu, Heu'q. KHeunubii. MlcU., ii-H; IIIJOM. CulUUrl'U 1U-21. Colby I'timllv, Orpht'iun, ly>n Aligelort, Cut., 0-21. Conifvllr, Kiiiiflii. BIJou, Wbeolliia, \Y. Vs.. l)-14. Connelly, Iluyli. Lycvuiu. Nliigam Kali*. N. V., I'- ll; ByrtK.'UHu, lii-21. Collin* Urn-.. Olymph-. Cbh-aso. II It. Cole ft Clement*:, Itljon, He* 5lolmt<, la.. 9 11: •Jarrlck, llurlliigtun, tu-2l. Colinii, Ji.siiJ.ilup. It-t*.. (, S. V. C. I'll. Cooke ft Mis* Itutkvrt, Ktrndrc Tout. Kim.. " May 111. Cuiilou ft HuHilitbfH. Keith')*. PrvThhiKe. 10-21. Coin'* Di>its. Umpire. Piitcruou, N. J., 0-14. Couluru ft Gillette, Proctor"**, .Newark. N. J., 9- 14. Cook ft StwcuH, Majestic. ChlcuKo. 9-14. Culfji.ini Be)>fctte, Ye. Coliiiiiblu, Clnclmiall, I'll; llopklit*', LoulBTllle. Hl-21. Convhus. Puul, Buvoy. Full Ulver, Ma*,*.. (1-14. Coukc ft Bylvlii. PaxturV, S. Y. C. 1M I. Corwey. FeiTy, Ul|lfcjl|W Bun Fraw., Cal.. 0-14. Cooper ft BubhiMou, Bbru'*, llulTalo. U-ll. Cres*y ft Wuj-ne, Kcltli'x. Phllu., n-14. Crawford. OlKtou, Prortor's 2*1 St.. N. Y, <:.. H- PI I; OH: Ho|y Week Hhews m railing Off iu lAttepdmace All Along: the Line. I 'm i l adi;i pii i a , April 10. — Disagreeable WGftUwr kept down the attendance at nearly all of the Uousey Tbe new openings re and week, drew good houses. John L. Sul llvan comes 9-14, with a vaudeville company, "The Chinaman" 16, "The Flaming Arrow' 19. Richard Carle, In "The Mayor of Toklo." _ 20: "The Octoroon" 21. 9-14: Family, PottaTllle. Wi-lO-M.' Bijou (A. Slgfrled. manager).—Bill for iw.BiffLMtjL 1&^ & m * t m m b_ week of 2: Ferry, in Fairyland: Latellc Be-A»«. The. O. o. n..-PitUbnfg. 9^14; Noreliy, Bros., Harry Van Fosseu, Coltou and Dor- -gP^ -y™;. . _.. u ., row, Lena hurtt. In illustrated songs, and {£ "*• «v. JJj^ u Xb«wk ScbcLll'tadv v Y., the klnodrome. Ilusli^ Is excellent. ^fS^.S^m^S^ySSTim: NOTR.—Manncer Slgfrled. of the BIJou, IIe rt«iiii Arabs (8), Hhca's, Buffalo. 014: Shea's. Las been in Chicago, conferring with his Toronto, Can., 1(1-21. partner; Jake ltosenthal, of Dubuque, la.. Bciicioire Bro*.. BIJou, KvaUKville. lud., 9-14; I'oncerning plnns tor putting out a hippo- Temple, Ft. Wayne, 1C-21. drome under canvas the coming Summer. Beyer. Ben, Keith's, Boston, 9-14. This tent show will follow the New York Bell. Senator Frank, Keith's. l*rpvldei.ce, IM4. and Clltcujio Idea on a smaller scale, und ™#*> ■!» ,ll >- Haymurket, Cblcaifo, „W-14: Colum- wftl take ih the Stste <;iirR and other week Ota- hi• '-'oi*- ■* 0 ;f r 1 ' tu , Kntonw i,>j 9-H cfomle In tl.n MUttto WoetMtt UtatOH. P uti *.V * CIlUpillllll. Ct.VHtU , KOfcOniO. I IU.. »-J4. 14, n-14. stands in the middle Wcstcm States, lUpillllll. Bliiiiu. Bomm, Br - Btnijliaui, Kitty. " Uniucy.—At the Empire (W. L. Busby. Rlmophlii & llehr, Crund. Vancouver. Can., fl-14. ' Blanehard*. Tattle, A. ft M.. Boston, 9-14, Black-ft Jones. Orpheutn, Utlcu, N. Y., 9-14. April 1. "The Gingerbread Man" Bode. Cellini, Proctor's Mth Ht„ N.Y. C, n-14, E££F&Jr2A rS%/Si S^'llS ma^ger.^Ml-ss Bob WhTe"'pleased two =i J„ l E?4 -J, ifflfl a ?' 1 tLo . 5 '5S.K. at U i tb . 0 k.A houses March 31. "Uncle B Hasklns" filled V&Q&FilS&:.*™£38X2 the bouse. April .1, 'The Gingerbread Man" uttructions were: Hnyniond I! "The. Galloper," at the Garrlck. lluasarli," at the Cliestnut, and _ I*4Uice,"'*t the Chestnut Street Opera nouse. j r ™r n ^Wrd the naat week ..;..."A Ynukee Clr.:us On Mars" opened 2™^J"iiw mortaBr ulctures L^ Tell'"Bros" ^^ * Tul *-*' Howard, Cbleago. 0-14. ULn 8 ,?^,^ t0 iait r b ^*^d n $t hM^^^^^S^B^tiSSii *JJ(*»K Original. Thalia. N, ahd tmrleeouo houses lia<I good patronage. r-lll(lll At th . (lran/l ,,,. B i* ow .i aou &3*£Z&&&JS2&32JSA ?WI= house 8 April. 3. "In a Woman's Power^ 7. v. C.. Annie Russell, In "Friend Hannah," at the Park; Jas. K. Hackctt and Mary Munncrlug, Iu "The Walls of Jericho," at the Tremon:. uuil Far Templeton, In "Forty-live Minutes f roai' Brondway." at the Colonial "Mrs. Lefflngwell's Bcota" opeued a week's ... April . The season is approaching Its close here. NEBRASKA. Omaha. Uouth, Ksale, Hialto. Klinlra, N. Y.. 9-14. Holey, Mny. Pt»K't«r'*. Newark. N. J.. 9-14. BorKlnls. Tlic. Hippodrome, N. Y. C, 0-14. Biano ft Itus*ell. Orplieiini, Hun Frun., Cal., 9-14: Orplicom. Li,h Ai),:etew, 111-21. Brady ft Hamilton, Fay, Virginia, Mlnu., 9-21. Brown ft WlhiKri, Yale, Kunsaa City. Mo., 9-14; Kinpliv, Hex MoIiicm, iu., 16-21. •«room»tlck Wllclic**,'' Keith's, K, Y. C. 9-14. Urltton*. The. Ilniima. Hamburg, Uer.. i*-30; Win- tenwrlMi. Berlin, May 1-31. engagilnent at the Hollls Street, and "The gees, manager) IwirJ and the Girl" began last Saturday at „f Toklo," ap] Crelghtun's ttwa ftr*. BruilenliUigli"*, Oruwford ft llnrdner. Family, Paters 14. Crane, Mr. ft Mr*. HuMlner. Hinplre. I'uterann, N. J., 0-14. Cullcn, Ju*. 1I-. Mok* ft SI,,11 Tour. Kng.. U-Miiy ;ii. Duly ft O'llrleii, Oruitd. Juliet, 111.. U-14. Uttvl*. Jotrpldni'. PoII'n. Hiniiiullehl, Mu*s.. U-14. Dui-I* ft Mscuuley, Proctor'**. Troy. X. V.. 16-21. -Davis ft Walker, Troy. N. Y.,lt-14; I'migliktii-iudt-, 10-21. Day, ISdmmnl, A 0>.. Pi-.ifti*r'*, Albany. N. V.. H- M. Harrnw. Mr. ft MtB. Btunil, orphvum. Umulia, Xeb.. 11-14' Orpheum, Kun*u* City, Mo.. Hl-21. Davis. Will, l'aHMiile. Pamale, N. J.. 0-14. Daytclle, Mndgc, Novelty, Omaliu, Nob., 8-14. Daly -ft ltrvrre. Huthaway**, Lowell. Mass., 11-14. Dayton Blaler*. Crystal, i'ucomu, Wu*h.. tl-14. DunoTHM, Ia-. CiiMtlc lllooinlnutoti, III.. I'll. Dale,. VloUd, Prw;lor"*. Albany. N. Y.. 0-14; BIJou, Full Itlvei', Ma**.. Hl-21. DHWHon ft WhltUch!. Bt.ur, rieulllc. Wanb.. Hit. Dalley. Peter P., Victoria. N. Y. O., 9-14. Daly, llJin.v ft Badle, A. ft B., llostnu. (1-14. Doll ft l-'onds, (lemiett. llli-lnuond, lad., 0-14. Dc Witt, Burns ft Toiruiiw. Rmnlre, Jobnmien- burg, B. A.. 23-June »; Tlvoll. Caist Town, I- July 14. Dean, Oruce, Atlantic tlurdon. X. Y. I.'., 9-14. Devcau, Hut>ert. Pastor'*. N. Y. C, 11-14. Do Van, -Lillian. Illalto, Khulia. N. Y., 9-14. HerciMlu ft Ui-aen, Mohh ft Btoll Tom-, Kng.. M- Muy at. He lllllo Diwra C«».. Kwtiey's, Bkln.. 0-14. He liluker'M Dog*. HurrlHburir, Pa., 0-14. Dc Loi'n. Mile., HoWuiil. Bunton. 0-11. Deans, Sydney,- ft <>o„ 0. O. II.. Imllsiiapolf*. 1*1- l)e MontJd ft niusniore. Lyric, Lluooln, A'eli., 9-14 * Lyric. Joiilln. Mo., ld-21. Dc Lacys, The. Grand, Pern. did.. H-l I; Oennelt. Itlcbmond, 19-21. Dervln, Jan. T., Cenuett, Blcliiuoud, lud., U-14. iK'lmar ft BfXtor, Orplieuin, Diiri'iiport. la., (t-21. FergiiHun A I'anaiirore, OniKrum. Owoha, Neb., ti- ll; Orphetiui. Kansas inly, Mo„ 16-UI. Ferry, LnH Terro Huiite, Bid., 0-14; Oran*l. I'errlV'wiU-y" Trio. HIJuu. Whei'llnu, W. Vu., U-1-I- Klsln-r, Mr. ft Mw. Prrklu*. Haulaway'*, l-oweil. MMH.. U-14: HutliMhuy'*. No wBolrvnl. 10-21. KUke ft MeDummgb, Poll's. Mprlugtleld. Mass., 9- I'lnUy ft lliuki 1 . nmrtavV Sewsrk. N. J., 0-14. Flfagit'iild ft Uviilner. .1*1 Ave.. N. Y. <J„ 0-14. I'ink. Henry. Htnr. Snittlv. Waul*.. 9-14. I'IhMit ft Juliltwn, Ciiliiiuet, Ho. Cllh-NV'. "It. Fields * Wolley, Kniidre. Pnler*oti, S. J.. 0-14- Kloliin- ft liiitui, OrUnidule, Pa., 9-14. rivnn. Kurl. IHJott, Hlin«i'nP4>, Okla,, U-11. Piemen ft Miller, Novelty. iMiver. (»t.. 9-11; Lyric. St, Jiwepb, Mo.. 10-21. "l*Vnir MiiiKtuia," Pnailor*n. Albuiij. N. Y-. 0-M. Kk\. Iipllu. (B'plK'iiui. llkln., 0-14. Fowler, Almneiiii. Uiiirty. AllHiuy, N. Y.. Ml- Ktogr ft Clark. Orplieum. New orlcmi*. u-14. FiMitlnelle. Mysli'iiniM. Fniully, Haaleton. Pn.. » 14. Fox, Mudtr.'. Phietur's. Newark. N. •!.. 0-11. I'orbe* ft PerU*. Utlni, N. V., 0-11. 1'oMter. Htl , ft Uur, tl. II. II.. Mjwmite, N. T-. 11-11. F*irre*t*. M'lil.-nl. Miivoy. Columbus. Ind.. Oil. h'oster ft Iwier, tlrplieum, Oiuulin. Neh., Mil. Ftitnuui, 1'i-iiiiil-t. |lu|ikhis', 1,on 1st I lie, Kf„ 9-14. Fox ft Wni-iI, lllli Ht. O. II . nhtlu., 9-14. l-'robel ft Uoiifct'. P|pMl|Wam London, t-Itis., 9-.IO. F i u s a i Bru*.. JaeaW! Mich., n-14: Baltic Creek. 19-21. I-'nmv ft Piu-noll*. Kmplrv. Hobokcit. N, J.. 9-11; Injun. Jersey City. 10-21. Fv.wlu ft llnrr.',v. I'liiully, Blum City, In. 9 14; New, Onii*fli IthitT*. lit., 16-21. l-'mtik, JlniTcloii* ft'Hub, orplieum. New <irleum>. Lb., 9-14. Fninei- Trio, Pastor's, N, V. C. 0-14. Fiosiiil, V. (I.. IVoyk'**, fluimlhul. Mo., MuleiHtk-, Chleuiio. 10-2). Fl-valeilck*. The. BIJou. Muperlor. Wis., ITnlmic, MluiieniNills, Ml I HI.. Hl-21. Franknrl ft llrewrr. Acme, Norfolk. Vu.. 9-14. Freyiw Hr«**.. Colonial. N. V. ('., U-14. Fiviieh, Henri, II. ft H„ X. Y. C. li-14. ilnnliH'i-, Ui'oirflu, ft 1'u., u1vhij.i1--. Chlesgu, 9-14. ilurdnpr ft Hiixidurd. Poll'*. Wom>iLer, Ala-*.. Ill I. ilKi-diiei- ft Iti-veit*, MuJcwiU-. Hot HprliiHS, Ark., 11-11; Mi.i<«liV. D'llla*. Tea.. 16-21. tliirdnci- ft Vlni'i-nl, Orpbeiini. Bkln.. 9-1-1 ; Allmui- hrii. X. Y. C, Hl-21. Cui'lliipr, Minion ft Co., U. (I. II.. liidlauapollK. HI 21. iJui*..ii. HeiiIuii. KHlh's, X. Y. I'.. It-ll; Kullli'i* llorihiii. 19-21. linl-cln. Cluii-k-.i, (2iuti'*, Hun Frsil., Cul., 9-1-1. Cull a all"!' ft Hnrratt, P.mjdre, llvbukeii. N. J.. H>- ilullelfl'* Muiikoj* Olymph'. iMuMh 0-11. CnlTy ft Fi-uMer. Crystiil, T-ogausport, hid., 0-11; i'i*y*iul. Frankfort, Hl-21. lias lor ft lli'tiff, Kinplii!. I'lllHtleld, Mu«*., till, flnlhreih A Fum-ll. Ft. Worth, 'lex., 9-14; Lit- tle It'icli. Ark.. 1(1-21. Cuvlii ft Plutl, 1 i.irlf. YolilUir*. N. Y.. 9-14. Cui'diii'r, Je*Ml« «;., Oi'iihuutiJ Bol*»', Idu., Hl-21. (Icorge * tieursle. Ptialor'a. X. Y. C., 0-14. ' i(en u ri* ft Ititllcy. Keith'*. Phllu., 0-1-1. Uelger k Wiilter*, Poll'*. !l.nir«*iJ, Conu. 9-11} Poll'a, llrldK.-i.orl. 16-21. (tllfidl, Harry, Ki-Hh'H, BimIoii. 9-11. IlllleiP. Tom. 'HUM Ays.. X. V. (I., 0 14. 'Ilhleii HiM.-iH III). LiiidvilK Col.. 9-14 ; Dourer. IU-21. Ulranl, Murlu, I'nhiue, l.o* Angi'les, Cat,, 0-11; Biikei'Hllelil. 10-21. Hlllcttf Mlsttaa, Htnr. Menttle, Wash., V-ll. • Hlduy ft K*»t. Pt-wlor'K, Albany, X. Y.. 0-11. •lilruy. Itayiii'* ft Miiiilvomciy. Htnr. Hesltlc, Wash.. U-14. "<Jlil lleliliid Use linmi," Novelty, llkln.. ti-M. Utlllhati .» Perry, «Mjn*Ue. Ilmist'in. T«., 0-14; Miijeatle, Hsii Aiilotilo, 10-21. liU'iii'jy, Jum** Ilk'UiiDiid, Kwney's, llkln., li-14, <i!Ctt**uii, John ft Ilcrtliii, ft I'lrd lloullliaii. llo|i- klns'. Loiilsvllle. Ky.. fl-ll, iloltlob. Mr, ft Sirs., B'way. Ban l-'tsn., Cul.. {)■ Ivarraod the Girl" began last Saturday at „f TokIo.""appe >hc Majestic The week stand shows oicott comes 10. 5^re: "Behind the Mask," at the Globe, and Toast of the Tc "Acrosa the Padflc." at the Grand Opera e jiccs a, 4. House. ..... At the Boston. "-Mrs. Wiggs, of bobwuhii CW. -. the Cabbage Palch," btarted its third and Woodward Stock Co. ureseuted ''Sowing tho Br***, The, New Pawtuckct, Puwtuckot. R. last week New bills prevailed at tho Wind" Inst week, to large audiences, ^e^^t^ra... r.rr.i^.'^Tt-rWltaSBr'a.ia - mS&^S'a^iJF ** Uoly Week i"'i!L eek of 8 ' 1^J9£S^URmK£ l f:cu CbkLuJO, April 10.—The Metropolitan KBi;« (C S. Breed, manager).— ^*P*W»+ WbaM Herbert. <k»thaiu.„Rki.n., p-14. Family, Bloux City, 10-21. » "Susan In Search of n Husband." at —Herrmann headed a very good bill irast week. Powers*, and the Rays, in "Down the like;" which drew good house* Week of April 8 . gM&Ni&S'JmJ^ty^iW The Piccolo Midgets. Six Salvaggts. Avou Own' town "The College Widow," at Comedy Four. Poster and *«£%lUwaou the Studebaker: "Tbe Counts* Chairman," at and June, Ferguson and Passmore, lloso ana Uurtt Laura. G. 0. IL. Plttahurg. oil: Templs, MtrVlckcr's: "Zlra," at the Garrlck; "The Ellis, klnodrome. Detroit. 1021. - - • Tlircc Graces" at the Chlcnao Oners House; Novklty (R H. Muillund. mauagcr).— Buah. Frsuk. Novelty. Bkln., 0-14. Mra LwlHT'Carter ^ ff B )I a Week of April 8: Winnings and Evans. Burdock Hlatcra. grcM Hamilton. 0.. 8-14 HinMoT liljn NethrnSe at thelllffi; Powers and Wed, Max Diiluc. Madge Day- Borke. Minnie A. ft B Boston 914. vB&riu5^Wc53^a^*uiSEZ* telle. William Dayton, moving nictures nnd urkes. Tlw, Iltwanl. Boaton, 0-14. at*?.*"-5?iL S.. .. ^ OIon '8i. ami uiumu. ...'al—.p,! unnr-j BuHlness cood Burton ft Primro-*e. Pantor s, N. Y. C, 0-14 at the Bush Temple, are the current bills. Illustrated H ongs. Mumness gooq . J|urt(f A , ft Ru|i Al0 „i lk , n- hklliit 0 .,i # WASinivfr.TON. April 10.—Herbert Kelcey ***w n»*iiwiimr Burke ft Deinpscy. IL ft B., Bkln., 9 14. ^DV Hfa Shunnon, In "The Lightning Con- JIB W MM ai liwts. Buekner. Oreat. AimjIIo. Meinia, Aua.. 9-m, Keith 1 .. - He Lane. Win., Boslon. Ijowell, Mu-k.. u-14: -H,lW-tlli.'ti*d. ft- '-, »» ■"'. Hevriie ft Bliurlz. Atluiilh- Garden, X. V. C. I'-14. DcHoii* en. I'ull'a, Woreesler. Mas**,, ti-14; Poll's, Hartford, Comi., 10-2L. ... vt Ue HerrlH, Henrietta. Mujvtlc, Blnnlm-bain. AU., V-H. DcToy, Knnm-tt. ft Co.. Xovclty, Bkln., II-14. p» Hans. The. Gai-rlek. Wlhnlnaton. Uli., 0-14, Del'Oro Lulgl. 1'roctor'*, Newark. X. J., p.J4. Be Cauio. Clio*., Itlctiuioiid, No, Admin. Mass., tl- 14, Dlson ft Auger. Bennett's, London, Can.. 9-14. *g2T^.$g&. 1,..,,.. re... «jw, ■■Si^SSS^iS'T^;. Tt.. .-.* .MuJeHtlo. Houatou, Hl-21. _ mil— m„, V.>*.rfiv lurtHitn. Knl... k n Wl? opened at tbe National to a good n«*rHBe., ••The Little Gray Lndy" holds Mane neater.—(E. Y>. Hurrlogtou. uiaos- over this week at the Columbia, lu place of ger>.—Stetson's "Uncle Tom's Cabin." March Lillian-.'Ot1.11 veil, in "The Rose of tho AI- 31, two performances, came to S. IL O. "Tho hBtbhrgi*.' canceled; the attendance was big. Tenderfoot" April 10. "Busy twy" .-^'•'nie.Belasco is closed this week. W. Hon" 11, "The Black Crook 13, ' nULDIHT, "Jll-ni, .IlrV'.U. ».I'll.IB, .iUB.. Wv'l. BiM-kley'a Dntw. Cryatul. Detroit, Mich.. 0-11, Bucktpy. Laura, (i. O. IL, Uruud Baplds, Mich., W-14. Bu.-keye Trio; linrrlck. Wllinington, Del.. 19-21. Dlllse, Mux. Novell)'. OiohIiii. Nob., 0-14. "Dliln," BIJoit. La CrociMS Wis.. H-14. Dliiinoi'd ft riniltli, Noreltv. Bkln.. P-14: (irplieuui, ML Vernon. N. Y., 16-31. Hlainond Com<.'dy Four, Fuinlly. UflU-ujwrt, la., 11-11. Downey ft M'I Hard, Peoidc'a. Uupld*, U., 0-14: Garrlck, Burlington. Hl-21. Itorln Trio. KcIIIi'h, PhlTii., 0-11. I>or«cb ft Uiiwll, Colonial, Luwrctia*. .Mum., ti- ll. DfAtT. Joe ft Nellie..Auiphbin, Bkln.. M\A. Dorjrotal. Tlien-se. li. .O. H., Syracuse. N. V-. »- 14: Kellh'a. PnivWeue.-. 16-21, zy'B Vaca- " r v r r i?t".' Ktl " 1 "* «*"*• v-l*. Keith ♦, WSt. Illumlngloir. 10-21. "Mrs. Lcf- ail i ifJmim! U iii r i»/>pI1.i>.i m» o w l*o»loy. J. Franebt, II. O. IL. Iml la no poll*, fi-14. S&\lRSPt6JES^^fi25^a*? , * , U ' Donoraij. Arnohl. ft Co.. Young 1 * Ph-r. Atlantic H. Thompson openB in his new play. "Money flngwell s Boole 10. Talks," next week "The Race for Life 1 ' Park Tiibatbb (John &tiles, roaoaL-, crowded the Academy Kdward Harrl- Irwin's Big City Show. 2-4, pleased largo Carter's The. Bilon. Duluth. Minn.. 9-14. 3Bp.. W "Old Lavender." packed the Malesilc. audiences, and was followed by Bennett- Carlin ft ottn. .Wbton. Bkiu.. 0-14. ......»JTbe Dreamland rfurlesquers hsd two Moulton Co. (W. C. McKay, manager), in Carson ft Wlllard, Orpheuru>. Kansas City, Uo. „ Dreamland Hurlesnoers bad two _ ood homes at tbe Lyceum Hity L. "Wedded But No Wife," C- ■■oyce.and the Barrowa-tuncuster Co helped leaquera 9-11. *o pack Chaae'a twice. ^'" B Bowery Bur- 1^14: Orpbemii, DenTer. Col., 16-21. * Carson Brm.. Orpheum. Utlca, N. Y.. 0-14. Carter, Hubert, ft Co., Hathaway'*. Lowell, Mas a, 9-14. , CiKcuiiMTi, April 10.—Robert Lurslnc, in O. h. LLBLiia has been engaged as general £aau«1 ft Do Verne. Pmmfc Hanullml. M*> "Man and Supcrroau.'* had a good 6rst night agent for the festival tonr of limes' Bond, Bijua Giilesbtirg. III., 10-31. PnaJgpMTgi the Qnol u«ly Week will which Is aoir en route to tho cVjathwest. Uras, Bums, Keith's, Phlis., 9-11. 10-21. Dollar Trotine. Kmplre, Paleraon, N. J„ 9-14; Empire. Ilobokcn, 10-21. Dreaier. L^uIhc. Gotham, llkln., 6-14. Drew, .lux. Newton, ft Co., Majestic. Ft. Worth, Tax., 0-14: Majeallc, Little Rock. Ark., 10-21. Dryer ft Dean. Bradenburgh's, Phils., 0-14. Uuryco ft Mortimer, Howard, Bo*(ou. n-1 i. DwIKau. A. O.. Victoria. N. Y. C.. 9-14. Outnj. Arlhur. ft Co.. Mah-etJc, Chicago, p J | ,- lla-taarkft. tTblcag'f, 1621. lit.riiiuii ft West, iK.iiiiiui. Ilkho, U-14. (lufora A Uoj-lf, I'livk, X. Y. C. 9-14. Kodricj A Heiideraoii. Poll'*, lii-hlgepuri. Conn.. il*»eil.rn*, BoiiiKllng. l(o|.klii»*. Louisville. Ky., D- 14. Goblin. Ilorn-e. t>r;.h.iiiM. Bkln., 014. • (hihlen <iak' gulutsllK, t.'olonlsl, X. \. C-, J. ll..r.U»n, Yldutti ft Flyini. Paslor'a. N. 1. OnJMf Uoldeu ft IkitflKH, Hhuiiiokhi. Pu.. U-l-l; Irc-iit, Trenton. X. J... 10-21. lireeue ft Werner, Unihouni. Bkln.. 0-11. Omit. IVKiik," Lyric, SI. Jtwifih. M«.. »■• I- Ulay. KArUn. Pntace, HchenwtBdy. Ml, Omvlllla, How, riyniusse, Montwal, Csii.. Oil. Griff Broa.. KHllili. Fr..vldcti.:.F, HI I. Green Ilriu.. Inteniullouat. Chbtuvo, 0< 1-1: lu- fltmtrlul. Mollmr, 16-21. Gray. Kd.. KcHh's. Phllu., o-ic, (Jray, fVjrn, Trent, Trenloti. N. J., li-14. ilrny. Miignio, Cai»ll«l. litem Tails. N. b„ 9-21. H«Sm XsL KeltirH, N. Y. C, tl-14; 0. U, H-, liidlaiiui-o'l*. 19-21. Hnrrl*,*n, Minnie Alhambru. X. V. C. 0-14; LV*- lonlol. N. V. C, I0-2I. Huniiuny Four. (1. O. 11., Pittsburg, U-11. Hnnunmid ft Poireitcr, Powi-r*'. Decatur, 111., 0- lltOuxlIe, BhiomJiiglnu, 10-21. Hnh's A llin'iv UIJou, HKiiilltfit, O.. IML l|illhs»'uy ft Mlegd, Kclll.'*, Cleveland, O., U-11. Hull. I.ydl'i. Family. Paleraon. X. J., 0-14. tfm.-H ft Carey, O. 0. IL. PUlxburg, 0-14. MittTlKnii. AnuiHIon, llkln., 0-14. HiiwU'im. U-vr. Keith's. N. V, C.. OIL iho-h-n A lliij-es. Hiur. Aurovs. 111., 0-11. Iluaaerij', "liaiipy Joe," Novelly. pMiar, Col., 914. Huri'nurt. lialr>y. Keith's. N. Y. C. 0-14. Hall's Dons. G. O. II.. McKrw-port. Ph.. 0-14. Hucker-lri'sler Trio, Hopkins'. lxml*vlt», Ky.. f- II. Harrl.* A llnrlim-k, IKmtoii- Fall River, Uusa., 0- 14: Hub, Woon*ockcl. R. I.. 16.21. Harris, Win*, ft lUns, Hiiymsrkut. Chicago, 9-14; Bijiiu, Dnbmtut.*. lu., 16-21. Dayman ft Franklin, Noritlty. Bkln.. 0-1-1. IJaii.L.n ft Jaoiea, U. 0. II., PlUaburg. 0-14. Hamllinii ft Wiley, Cryatal, Detroit, Mich., U-ii; Olympic. Ho. Bftid, Did., 16-31. Hull. Artie. Orpheum. Bsu Fran., Cal., 9-21. ifinOWt Diilai'- Keith's. N. Y. O.. 0-14; lu< terns lions I. Ch leu «o. Hl-21. Usrcoipri, Frank, Cusou's, Chlcnfiu, 0>1L ,..«,