The New York Clipper (April 1906)

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'•in 224 TH£ NEW YORK CLIPPER. Hallback A PifQuettP, Keeney'a, Bkln., 0-14. HeMttonn, AJeiaide, Garric-k, Wilmington, Del., ' 9-14 i Ptociert, Albany, N. V., 10-5L felma. Great, o. ft., Dundee, III.. 914. est?, E3'ff?j;e. Bljui. Marquette, Mich , 9-H; Ides. Oshko'b, Wis.. 10-21. Hector; Chi a., Bljoa, KM Claire, Win.. U-14; Unique, Minneapolis. Minn., 1(1-31. Herald flaunt Qnartette, Pi-Itv. Hartford, Com.., » 14. Herrmann. Oreiit, Orphentn, Knn«ns Ollr, Al«,, (»• 14; Orpbmun, h'pw Orleans, Mb, Mat. Henderson & 11/m, MQjestle, ft. worth, Tor., (I- 14; Majestic, Dallas, 10-21. Herbert's Doks. Majestic. Chlenrw, 0-14; Haj-- mnrltet, Oblcaffl, 1-21. Hcfron, Tom, Cmtil, Milwaukee, Win., 0-14; People's, Cedar Rapid*, la.. 10-21. llfrMg-Cnmaraa Slaters,- Keith's, Boston, 9-14; Chase's, WaPblnitton, I). C, 10*21. Herbert A .Vance, Columbia, 81. I.niils, fl-14. Hill * Mvl-Qur. Interoaflonnl. Chicago, 9-14; Temple, Detroit, -10-21. Mlntnan Oapt. Hltlnejr, Kmplre, Rockford, III., fl- 14; Bljon, Kewauee, 111-21. Hlllmnn, Geo.. BIJou, Kenonhu, Win., 0-14. Mlllebrnnd 4 Vivian, Karl, Pnehlo, Col.. 0-14; Palm. Cripple Creek. 10-21. Hlllyer* (it;, Phillips. Richmond, 1ml., 9-14; CrjMnl, .Marlon, ltl-itl. nilihert ft Wofren, People'". Hannibal, Mo., fl- 14; niton, Decatur. 111., 10-21. IIIII, Marry K„ Orpbeum. Minneapolis, Minn., 10- 21. Hlnes «V Remington, ilohawk, Schenectady, N. V., 014. Hlntt, Mr. ft .Urn. Dnn. Orlieum, Bkln.. 0-14. lloicomh, Cnrils A Webb, Auditorium, Lynn, Mass.. 0-14. Hoch-Klton ft Co., Maryland. Bilto,, 9-14; Keith's. Phlla., 10-21. Houdlnl, Ilnrrv, Keith's. Boston, 0-14. Iloey ft I*©, £ ft 8.. X. Y. C, 0-14. Mope ft Thten, Decalur, 111., 0-10. Hoi* HlfltorH, Umpire. St. Paul, Minn,, 9-14. llolman Troupe... Apollo, Neurenbcrg, <Jer„ 0-14; Orpbrura Frankfort, 10-90. Howards, Marvelous, Oipbeum, San Fran., C*l.. 014. Hownrd Bros., Ampbton, Bkln., 9-14. Hown-rt A Howard, Hownrd. Boston, 0-14, lloffrnnn, Bon Ton. Phlla., 9-14, Howard ft North, Proctor's, Albany, N, Y.. 9-14. llogan ft Lambert Acme, Norfolk, Va., 9-14. Hodges & baunchmrre. Park. Worcester, Mia*., 0-14; Keith's. Providence, 10-21. Holmen Bros., Clreo Parrel, Havana, On tin, 0-14. rtnyt ft Walter, Pastor's, N. Y. O., 0-14. iiolmiti ft WMdon, Phlltlp'e, Richmond, Ind,, 9- 14 ; flint, Miracle, .10-21; Howe, Bert, Bon Ton. Phlla., 9-14. Hornky-Bergere Co., Majestic, Chlcaao, 10-21. Howard's Don ft Pontes, Colonial, N. Y. O., fl-14. Howard ft Bland, Proctor'.i C8lh St., N, Y. C, 9-14. "Huntress," I'ntnne, Winnipeg, Man., 11-14. HufiH'i., Klorerfco, Kinr. Hamilton. Can., 9-14. Hm-iin. Hint cai. O. 11., Palerson, N. J., 9-14. lineal Bros., Bijou, Lanslnfr. Mich., 0-14. Hudson. Pear). A. A H., Ronton, 9-14. Hutchison ft Bolnbrtdac, Keith's, Providence, 9- 14. Iliigtie*, Mr. ft Mm, Nick, Rradeuburirb'a, Pblla., !1-H; A. A S., Ronton, 10-21. Hylan'iH en, Electric-, Waterloo, la., 0-14. Hyde ft Heath, BIJou, J.anxing. Midi., fl-14; Uljou. .Tfltiknon, Mlcb.. 10-21. imperlnl Mu«l<rtl Dim, (1cm, l.jnn, Mntia., 0-14. Imperial Japanese Troupe, Cnnlnc, Parla, l'r., 9- InneM ft Kran, H. ft s.. N. Y. G., 0-14. .Inrolia ft Hnrdet, Orpheum, Sprlngnelil, ft., 10-21. .Invknon J'nmllv. Alliambrn, N. Y. C, 9-14; Gaiety, Baltimore, Mil., 10-21. Jack, Mr. ft Mrx., Bmnelt'H, Umdnn, Con., 9-14. JackHon ft Wcnlworlli, i.'rjstnl, Kokomn, Ind., 0- 14; Crvntiii. Ijovanaport, 10-21. .InrknoG, Harry A Kate, Pastor'*, N. Y. C, 0-14. .lowi'll'H MHtilkliiH, Poll'R, Nprlngdeld, Maai., 0- Jenninga ft Jewell, IHlon, Superior, Wla„ 0-14. .lennlDRM ft Ilenttrew, Family, Amatei-datn, X. Y., 0>1O; Park. Brie, 10-21. ■leanre ft Rllawonb, llllou. Canton, 0., 0-14; lllkiu. Whirling. W. Vn.. 10-21. Johnson, Cnrroll, I'olL'n. SprlngAetil, Mnati.. 9-14; Poll'*, Hartford, Conn., 10-21. .ifilinwn, Iioiiey, Koaton, Pa., 0-14: O. n.. Onenn- tit. N. \'.. 10-21. JoUnoon ft WellH, Temple, Detroit, 9-14. .lohnatou. Maalcnl, Burrnaford Tour, Kng., O-May .loiiimon, Rnbel, Q, O. II.. Indlnnnpollli, 10-21. JoaHlya 'id... PoII'h, Brlilgeport, (lonn., 0-14. ■Ionian ft Muni", Brailciibiirgb'H, Phlla., fl-14. .lounatont-, ltul|ih. Illpnixlroitie, N. Y. C, 9-14. .Inllan, ThiHi., Auditorium,, Mihh., 9-11. Knufmnn Troupe, Vlcioi-lu, N. V. c„ 9*14. Karno'H Pnulnniliiu' (.'«., Vtrlorln, N. Y. C, 9-14. Uarlelh. Allwrt, Apollo, Munnlielm. (ler., HI no. Keller, Mr. ft Mr.-. Aificil, Majeatb', IIoiikioii, Tex.. 9-14; Mujet*ilc, Muu Autoulo. iit-21. Kerrera, Bllon, I.* Crowe, Win., OH. Keno, Waleli ft Melroxe, Orplieuni, Kambi City, Mo., 914: Orpheum, Omnhn, Kelt., 10.21. !.nil. hi, Dorotby, Hnvoy. Fall Klver. Mum., 16-21. Kelly, Sam nuil Idn, CryMal, Marlon, Ind., 9-14; Cryalal, Aiidotnon, 10-i'l. Kelly ft Kolwey, Palace, Worceater, Mann.. 10-21. Ivt'ntoiiK (.1). Hheeily'a. Full River, Mihh., 0-14. Kelly ft Vlolette. Victoria, X. Y. C, 011. Kelly. WnitiT c. pmeior'e, Newark. N. J., 10-21. K'clly ft It.u. 1. Kmplri-, I. l.m. Kug., 9-2N, Kelly ft Kel-v, O. II., Mtlfurrt. Mqhh,, 0-M. Kelly. Hnrolil, ft Co., BIJnu, Duliitli, Minn.. 914. Kelly Slah'M. Aemo, Nurrolk, Vn., ft-M. Keith. 1'rin'L 0.i ^tnari. Neb., 1111; lnman, 10- 21. Kerfool, Unrvy J., Atlnuile (lonlen, If. Y. C, 9- 14. Keoiigli. Kdwin, ft Co,, Orpheum, Utlen, N. Y., fl- 14 ; Proclor'N 2.10 HI.. N. Y. «.. 10-21. keltnci-H, 'i'lie. Si, JoHepti, Mo., H-14 . King, Mr. ft Mr*. Hum, .MoneHnen, Pu.. 0-14; Beaver FnllH, 10-21. Kins; ft UhmIoop, Oeni. I.ynn. UUp.. 9-14. . KlnH-New. The, lint ler, Pu., 9-14; Beaver Fall*, 10-21. Klltlea Hand, Sheii'H, Hufluln, 9-14. Klnle ft McLntigliliii. Kelih'M. Providence, It. 1., 0-14; Keltli'H, Bofton, 10-21. Klein, Olt Broi*. ft Slehotwni, WiiMen, N. Y., 9- 14; 11. ft B., likln.. 10-21. Klein .s Klein, Keith'*, N. Y. C, 9-14; Kelth'a, Phlla., Hi-L'l. Klelat, Miwlcnl, OntaHM, . Denver, 0»l., 914; Orphonm. San Fran., Cnl., 10-21. Koktn, Mlanonetle, filymnlc, Chicago, 9-14, Kolllna. King. Mnleatlc. Anlonlo. Tex.. 0-14 ; Ma- JcMle, Ft. Worth, 10-21, Knlil, Oim ft Marlon, l.yrlc, Pueolello, Ida., 9-14; Orplieuni, Bolae, 10-21, Konure ft rhn)»lln, WMle, Bloninlngtou, la., 9-14, hrem-o, Ceiinelly ft (iniellc, luteinntlonnl, Chi- oago, H-14. Kiielile'M Mllputlunj., Mnd. Sq. flunlen, N. Y. O., KurtU ft Biwae, KpIIIi'h, Phlln,, 9-11; flotham, Bkln., in-21. I.a Clair ft Weal, Paator'H, R, Y. C, 014; Auill- lorltim, PottMown, Pa., 10-21, .a Tflfha. I'lill., punlAgea, Portland, Ore., fl-14. Lambert ft Pierce, Kmpli-c. Pntornoti, N. J., 0-14. I.a Drew. I'Hiil. Cryalal. Trinidad. Cnl., 0-14, Laurel ft HouUiern. Cryatal, fit. Jnaeith, Mo., 9-14. I.nncnater, Tom, BlJon, nay Cily. Mich., 0-14; BIJou, Alnena, 10-21, Lntellea, Tlio, Ban Ton,, Phlla., 9-14, Lnvalla. The. Tower, Blackpool, Knit.. 0-14. La lies, Wonderful, Richmond, No. Adnnia, IHHh 0-14. I,ay ton, \Vm„ Novelty, Omaha, Neh„ 8-14. La Rue, Penrl. miaWofj, Montreal, Can., 0-14. Lawrence- ft HnrrhiRlon, Auditorium, I.ynn, Masa., La Vine Olmnmn Trio, Mohawk, Schenectady, X. I.11 jHMrii Ollle, Ooenr D'Alene, Hpokune, WhhIi., LawBOti. "Olilneac.' 'Wcbh, Peru. 1ml.. 9-14. Lu Dell*. Fantnntle, Lyric. Ft. Dodge, Ik., 9-14; Family, Blnux Clly, 10-21. Lamtmnt 4 Panlotte. Itlaltn. F.lmlrn, N, Y.. 9-14; A, ft H„ Boh ton, 111-21. Lnngdon. The, Lyric, Joplln, Mo. 11-14. t.aiirclle. Bono, Oyniunxe. Sloutreal, Can.. 9-14. I.a Vine ft Waltone, Oriiheunt, Denver. Col., 914; Oiphruri), Omnha. Nek, 10-21. Larvette, lule*. Pantor'H, N. Y. C, 9-14. La Oelto. MnJCRlle, Sun Antonio, Tex., 9-14. l.aaar ft Lniar. (l. O. II,. tlrand Rapido, Mich., It-14, Lafaretto, Qrent. Kelth'.o, Pnirldence, 914. La Toll Brw., BI.I0U, Oulucy, 111., 914; Pwple'a, Hannibal. Mo„ 10-21. UmvK ft Chnpln. Atlantic Onrden, N. Y. l 1 .. nil. Lavender, Geo., HI Jon. Dnlnth. Minn., 0-14. Lelglitntis (S), PoII'h. New Haven, Coim., 0-14. i.f Clnlr, llnrr>-, Ilaymnrket, Chicago. 0-14; Jef- iVrcni, Saginaw; Mich., 10-21. l-enlH ft: Delmore, Oeni. Lynn, Mnaa., 0-14. IjM", rMtthuEh ft newle. MwHW, Mollne, III., 9-14: IHJou. Ft. Drnlgi'. In.. 1021. I.e.e, Irene, Poll'e, New flaven, Conn., 9-14, Le Dent, Great, Caetle. Bloomlogtou, Hi., 9-H; MUnttC, Chicago; 10-21. .' ,. Lei Clair, Joba, EmrtJie, Pattrton, N. J., 9-14; ■Empire, Ilobokcn. lc-zl. Le&eti, .■»., Bijou- Calumet, Mich., 9-14. Ueuazffl Ljrlc, Clerflasd, O., 9-14, Park O. H...ferw, Pa..,.10-21. I.erl-j, Mile., fllnMdroue, N. V. C, 9-14- UMar ft 0«v>k. Bljnu, Lb Cwwc. Wla., 914. Lclkiy ft.Wnndf.ini. PrneUvr'fl, Tmy. N. Y., 9- 14; Snvny, Fnll River, Maw., 10 21. I^slle, (leo. W„ Orpheum. Chllllrolhe, O., 0 14; Star, Monde, Ind., 10-21, Lee, Henry T , Bradenburgh'a, Plilla., 0-14. Lewi* ft Lake, St. Jonepti. Mo., 9-14. Lewi* ft Dorr, Crynttl, Wabafb, lad., 9-14, Leone ft Dale, Sliea'a, BntTalo, 9-14; Sbea'a, To- ronto, Can., 10-21. l/eciiMoaH (■%)/ Hippodrome. N. Y. C, 9-14, Lealle ft Dnlley, Kelth'a, Phlla.. 9-14. I.e Clair ft Hart, BIJou, Phlln.. 9-14. levy ft Vernnu, Blion, Dnlnth. Mian., 0-14. Leonard. Ouh, Pnll'a, Waterbury, Conn., 0-14. lee. Henry, K. ft It., Bkln., 014. Leonard, (in*, Pall'c, Waterbury, *Jnnn., 0-14; Mohawk. Schenectady, X. Y., 10-21. i.ii.nev- ft Trayer. (I. O. II., IndloDapolta, 9-14. LlttlcOelil. C, W„ London, Can., 10-21. Link, Hilly. Bennelt'o, fyindon. Can., 9-14. Long ft Cotton, Olympic, Chicago, 9*14. Lorenio, II. T., Brndenburgli'a, Pblla., 9-14. I^ckett, Mflttle, Hnlhawoy'a, Lowell, Mam., 9-14. Lukena (4), Proctor'a, Newark. N. J., 9-14; I'roetftr'N, Albany, N, Y., 10-21. Lucy ft Lucler, Hopkins'. Mempbla, Term., 0-14 ; Columbia. Sr. I-oui*. 10-21.* Luce A Luce, Stat 1 ; Keottle, Wash., S-14. Lydell ft' Btitterworth, Lyric. Cleveland. 0., 914. Lyater ft VmU, BIJnu, La Crosoe, WU., 9-14; Bijou, Ran Claire. 10-21. Lynotte fllstera, l^ndon, N. Y. C, 0-14. Lynne, Frank, rroctor-a 12flth St., N. Y. C, fl- 14; Proctor'l, Newark. N. J., 10-21. Mn Jen tie Trio, Hathaway'ii, Lowell, Masi,. 9-14; Audllorlitm, Lynn, 10-21. Maceo ft Fos, Ulalto. Rlmlra, N, Y„ 0-14; American, Utlco, 10-21. Mnrtlnc BroUieni. Albntnbra, Parla, Fr., OHO. Magee, Clem C, BIJou, Jacksonville, III.. 0*14: -Sranrl. Milwaukee, Win., 10-21. Martyne ft Hanly, Lyric, Hi. Joseph, Mo., 0-14; Lyric, Pflrnonn, Kail.. 10-21, Mario ft Aldo, Hnnan, Hamhnrg, (ler., 0-30, Mny ft Mllca, Bijou, Jackaonvllle, III., 0-14; Kllte, Muaratlne, la., 10-21. Mnrvelle, Ln Drew Trio, Mad. 8q. Oarden, N. Y. C, R-14. Macy ft Hall, Proctor'a, Newark, N. J„ H-14. Mock ft Dugal, Family, K. St, Lottla, B44. Mack, John ft CHirle, Cryatal, Anderson, Ind., 0-14; Gryatnl, Kokomo, 10-21, MUM * Maaette, Poll'a. Springfield. Meaa., 0-14. Slandell ft Corberry, International, Chicago, 0-14. MntliewH A Aaliley, Proctor's r.Stb St. M. Y. C 0-14. Mognanl Family, Orrin Bros., Mexico, Mex., 10- Mallory Bros. Brooka ft Halllday, O. 0. IT., Syra- cuse, N. Y.. 0-14; O. 0. 11., iDdlonapolla, 10- Mntthcwa ft Harris, Novelty, Bkln., 9-14. Mnntell'a Marionettes, BIJou, Flint, Mich., 9-14; BIJOU, PL Huron, 10-21. Mndcaprt (fl), Temple, Detroit, 0-14; Oook'a, Rochester, N. Y.. 10-21. Martin Brox,, Moore's, Portland, Me., 0-14. Mattel, Mile., Kellh'a, Providence, 0-14; Kelth'a, Phlla., 10-21. Mnreena, Nevaro ft Mareenn, Kelth'a, Providence, 9-14. Mnnello-Mnrnlta Troupe, Hippwlrome, N. Y. C, Mnnafleld ft Wllhnr. VJctorln, N. Y. C, 0-14. Mnnlo Trio, lllkui, Decatur, HI., 9-14; Lyric, Terre Haute, Ind., 10-21. Maxwell, James, A. ft S., Boston, 9-14. Mack ft linker, Kmplre, St. Paul. Minn., 0-14. Alnnninc TiJo, ppople'a, Paraona, Knn., 9-14; People's. I^nvcnworlh, 1021. Maxwell's, Fircman'a Quintette, Novelty, Bkln., Mac ft Mac Howard, Ronton, 9-14. Martin, Dave ft Pewie, Family, Ln Fnyolte, Ind., 0-14; Savoy, Columbus, 10-21. Martin Sinter*, Globe, St. Louis, 9-14; National, Knnsaa Clly, Mo., 10-21. MnnsOeiii a Harvey, Uryatal. Frankfort, Ind., 9- Mneurt ft TiMriicy, Orpheum. Bkln.. 0-14. Marriott Twlua, Iloyal, Troy, N. Y., 0-14; Nelaon, Sprlitgfleld, Mas*., 10-19; Umpire, Ilolyoke, 10- Mnrtln ft Bldgeardy, Star, Hamilton, Can., 0-14. lUiMUyg. The, llennett'x, fxindon, tlnn.i 0-14. MnrtliiH, Aerial, Temple, Ft. Wuvne, Ind., 9-14. Masscy ft Kramer, Family. Scran ton, Pn., 9-14; Pastor's. X. Y. C., 10-21. MacnrCs llogH ft Monkeys, (lolham, Bkln., 0-14; Kinpht'. I'Hiei-a<m, N. J„ 10*21. Miirilneltl ft SylTestei'. ilrmid, Mnrlon. Ind.. fl- 14: (leniintt, Rlcbmojid. 10-21. .Mathleiirt. Jut/gllng. Kuinlrc, llobokcti, N. J., 9-14; Pastor's. X. V. Q,, 10-21.• Midellin, .las., IHJou. Dultltb, Minn., 9-14. McSnrley ft Kleunore, .Mlsaoulu, Mont,, 9-14. McWut lorn ft Tyson Hatbaway's, Xew Bedford, .Monh., 9-14. McCarvers, The, BIJou, Dubuque. la., 0-14. McNnmce, 0. 0. II., Hyraciwc, V. Y„ 10*21. McKay ft Frederick*, (J, o. It,, Ornnd Rapids, Mich., OIL .MeKlnnrii ft itor-d, BIJou, Mollne, III., 9-14; WeuHt'r., peorln, 10-21. McMahun's Mliu-lrel Mslds, Kellli's, llnaton, 9-14. McOre ft Collins, llljnn, KviuibvIIW, Ind., 0-14; Lyric, Terre Haute, 10-21. Mt-KlHak'k ft Sliniltiey, Ron Ton, Pblla., fl-14. McDowell, John ft Alice, Lyric, Cleveland, 0-14. Mccuno A (.runt, BIJou, Lunfilug, Mich., '9-14; BIJou, Bay City, 10-21. McCree, .liuile, A Co.. Uothniu, Bkln., 0-14. Me.vei'H ft Miisoii, llowaid, Itoston, 0-14. . , .Merrill, Raymond, Amerlcnii, Lllca, N. Y,, 9-21. Mei-rltt ft Roxpiiii, Hophlna', Ixmlsvllte, Ky,, 0-14. .Meli-oy Trio, t!aatle, Bhmmiugtou, III., 9-14. Metropolitan CoiniHly Four, Dayton, 0., 10*21. Meera IJIL Poll's, Xew Haven, Cnnu., 0-14; l-nll's, Hartford. 1(1-21. MUtuinu Trio, Poll's. Hartford, Conn., 914; Poll's, Wnterlwry, 10*21. Meteni-s, Flying, HinpiHlninte, N. Y. C, 9-14. Mllanl l'rto. Keith's, llnsioti, 9-14. Mitchell ft 1.,'ni 11, Orphciuu, Man Finn.. Cnl., 9-11; Orpbeum, Lim Augeles, 10.21. Miller, Mnjoatle, Hut Sprlnra, Ark., 9-14; Ma- jestic, Houston. Tex.. 10*21. ., Miller, Kllaa1a>tb, Star, Hamilton. Can., 9-14. Miller, Cande Bell, (larrlck, Burlington, la., 9-14;, Dubuque, 10*21. Mitchell ft Browning. Crystal, Klkhurt, Ind., fl-14 - Crystal, Ooahon, 10-21. Mlllards BroH., ft Tiny, Keeney'a, Bkln., 9-14; Kmplec. Plttafleld. Mass., 10-21. Military Or ret 10. Poll's. Waterbury, Conn,, 0-14; Nice; W*i»#, AmpBUmj-Bkla.. MaV • WM •-.' Nicbi--,n.« (3), West 9l;ie. Jacwrille. TTU., 9-14 | p. a, Peru, iad., 10.21 >rtoa ft VGtwam, Orphfi AtaphlM, BVln., xG-mt. NoJtoa sin, duMBa, Reailsf. Pa.. fl-U; Mlller-IU'ownlnR Co., Dallas, Tex., 0-14; Houston, 10-21. Mills ft Morris, Kelth'a, Cleveland, 10*21. Mlgnon. Helen. Orpheum, hi. [•mil, Minn., 9*14. Miskel, Cor:i, llllou, Kalamavno, Mich., 9-14. Mir.i'i.'i, Leon. Pomes, Keith's, Cleveland. 0., 9-14. MoiitaKue's Cnekutoi) Ciiens. Orrlti Bros., Mexico, 914. Mologlrl. I.n, Circus Carre, Amsterdam. Hoi., 0- .10; H-niHii. Hamburg, (ler., May i-:il. Moore A While. Acme. Norfolk. Va„ 0-14. Masher, Houghton ft Masher, Keith's, Cleveland, 0.. 914. Morris ft Morris, Orcon Tree, Olympla, Wash,, 9-14. Monroe, Mr. A Urn. Mark, Keeney'a, Bkln., 0-14. Morris ft Kramer, Lyric, Kaaton, Pa., 9-14; Family, K. Y. C, 10-21. Montgomery, Nellie, Chutes, Snn Fran., Cat., fl- 14, Morton Slaters. A. ft S., Boston, 0*14. Monroe, lleo. W., Shea's, Toronto, Can., 0-14. Monroe. .Mnek ft I.nwrenee, Pnator'i. N. Y. C, fl- 14. Morgan ft Cheater, Central, Seattle, Wash., 9-14; Uraitd, ICverell, 10-21. Murphy, Mr. ft Mrs. Mark, Proctor's 2lld St., X. Y. (.1., 9-14. Murphy, ,1. Tlit-mUm-, flnlety, Albany, N. Y„ fl- 14. i Murphy ft Andrews, Cook's. Rochester, N. Y-, 0* 14; Shea's, ItiitTnlo. 10-21, Murray ft Lane, Alliamhra, N. Y. 0„ 0*14. Nhttii Tom. ft On., 1-ntl'a, New Havan, Conn.. 0* 14, Nevarroe (3), (irpheum, Bkln.. 0-14. Neff ft Miller. Young's Pter. Atlantic City, N. J., It-14: Novelty. Bkln,, 10*21. Newman, Joa., Orpheum, Bkln.. 9-14; Alhamhra. N. Y. C, 10-21. Nelson-Far mini Troupe. Onlely. Albany, N. Y.. 0-14. Newell ft Xlhlo, Hnthaway's, New BeiWnnl. Mass., 10-21. Nenln, Lyric, Sr. -loreidi, Mo., fl-14. Nlblo. Fri'd, ColonlnL N. f. C„ 0-14. Notrffc*. The. lifrsard". Bc;tcn. 9-14; Bcitcn, Lowell, Marj, 10-21- NortH, Bobby; Chaie'j, Wai-tlnfiton, D- C 8-14; MoorC*. Portland. Me., 10-21 Norman, Temple. Buffolo, 0*14. Normon. Mary. Kn.plre. Paie-ri-nn, H. J. 0-14; I'.mi.lrc. Ilottokeii, 1021. Nnhlr-a, Milton ft Dolly, Hheii'a, Toronto, Onn., 9)4. Nor wan h. Jack, Ootham, Bkln., 0-14, Onlaw Trio. Columhla. St. f.ouls, 0*21. O'Xell, Thos. H., Jamestown. N. Y., 9-14; Ni- agara Fulls. 10-21. O'Neiirs Majestic Minstrels, Family, Lancaster, Pa., 10-21. O'Toole. Jack, (i. O. H., Grind Rapids, Mich., 014. Otaro .lapane«e Family, BIJou, Dnhnqne, la., fl- 14 ; Dominion, Winnipeg, Can.. 10-21. Owen. Finneli. ft Co., Poll's, Worcester, Masa., fl- 14. Pattersons, Bounding, CnrHo. Zurich, Swltt., 9-10; Empire, Johannesburg. S. A„ May 10-June 00. Parvln. i^e, Victoria, X. Y. C.,,0-14; Orpheum, Bkln., 10-21. I'ntchen ft Clifton, Howan), Boston, 10-21. Paula, The, Family, Flndlar, 0., 9-14. I'aiillnettl ft Plquo, Edrn, Hologna. Italy, 10-2S. Peny, Frank L., Orand, Council Bluffs, la., 9-14. I'ekln Zouaves, Maryland, Bnlto., Md., 914; Kellli's. Phlla., 10-21. Petit Family, Majestic, Chicago, 0-14. Peak's Automatons. Bradenhurgh'a, Phlla., 0-14. Pekit, Fred A Annie, Orand. Jollet, III., 9-14. Pelera, Phil ft Nettie, Portland, Me., 9-14; Balti- more, Md., 10-21. Phelpa lU). Crystal, Muskegon, Mich., 0-21, Phllhrook ft Reynolds, International, Chicago, 9- Phllmore ft Adams, Howanl, Chicago, 9-14. Piccolo Midgets, Orpbeum, Omaha, Neb., 0-14; Orpheum, Kaiieaa City, Mo„ 10-21. Pierce A Malsee, Kmplre, Johanneabara, 3. A., 9- Pleroe ft Onp. PoR'a, Bridgeport, Conn.,' 9-14. Plrlwnifle, The. Haymnrker. Chicago; 0-14. Ph-iilu'ii, Dick, A. A S., Boalon, 9-H, P.ncit ft I.nck, Delmar Garden, Okla. City, Okli., 9-14. Porter ft Palmer, Boaton. Fnl River, Mash., 0-14. Porterd ft Palmer, Boston, Fall Rlrer. Mass., fl- 14. Polk, Collins and Carmen Slaters, Alhambra, N. Y. C, 9-14. Powell, Harry. A. A S„ Boston, 0-14. Post A Biiasell, Trent. Trenton, N. J„ 9-14. Pope, J. C, A Co., Haymarket, Chicago, 9-14, Powera ft Theobald, Star. Muncle, Ind.. 0*14; Crystal, Marlon, 10-21. Powers A Kreed, Novelty, Omahn, Neb., 8-14. PK'lle'g Dogs, H. A 8,, N; Y. 0., 9-14. Protwt, Orpheum, Minneapolis, Minn., 0-14. Pollen. Baby Lnelln, McKeesport, Pa., 0*14; Al- toona in-21. ■ QiilRB. Maekey A Nlck-raon, Corinthian, Roches- ter. K. Y., 0-14: Gaiety. Albany, 10-21. Knymond A Caveriy, Poll's, Siirlngfleld, Mass., 0*14. Ramsey Sisters. Majestic, San Antonio, Teg., fl- 14: Majestic, Ft. Worth. 10-21. Bay, Fred, ft Co,, Howard, Boston. 0-14: Moore's, I'ortlaart. Me. 10-21. RUM Slsiers, Mnjestle, Chicago, 9-14; 0, O. n. Indianapolis, 1U-2I. llawsou A June, Orpheum, Omnha, Nell., 9-14: Ksnaas Ctly, Mo.. 10-21. Rnatua ft Hanka, Pal.. (llajiRaw, Scot, 0-14; Hipp., Birmingham. Kng., 10-21; Pal., South- ampton. w4kj Pal., iim Mi. :io-May 4. Rnynj's, AL, Bulldoim, Troy, N. Y., 914; Pnugh- ke->pslr<, 10-21. llaekett ft nnaanl. Family. Kancusler. Pa., 0*14. annmntt, Chnrlolte, Family. Shniuoklii, Pa., Hnnf, Clnuile, Idea. Fond du Lie, Wis., 0-14; BIJou, (Irrt-n Ray, 10-21. Undo A nertman, Tcrro Haute, tnd.. 0-14; Mil* wmikec, WIh., 1021. Iladford ft Valentine, BnrraHSford Tour, Kng., OMny .1. l.nwles A Von Ktinfman, Hopkins', Mcmphla Tenn., 0-14. "Red Haven Cadets," Troctor's GBth St., N. Y. C, Bedding, Frunccsca, A Co., Hopkins', Louisville. Reno,'Dotty ft Denny, O, II., Yonkera, N. Y.. fl- 14; Ncwburgh, 10-21. llelley ft Morgan, Orphlum, Sprlagfleld, 0., 0-14. Bedford ft Winchester, Cook'a, Rochester. N. Y . 0-J4: Temple, Dclroli, 10-31. lleiin, Will ft May. riljrsi, Vliicennes, Ind., 0-14; Washington, 10-21, Healer ft Oondler, Third Are,, N. Y, C, 9*14. ileeres, Al,. Gaiety, Allmiiy, X. Y., 0-14. Itelri Stsiers. Kceiicy's, Bhln,, 9*U. llevLunl. H. F„ liiilhawfly's, l^well, Mass., »- 14; Proctor's, Troy, N. Y., 10-21. Itehon. Adrlettii. Boston, J-'all River, Mass., 0- Rellly, Johnny, Poll's, Bridgeport, Conn., 0-14. Rhone, Ctoswell A., Passaic, Pnaaale, X. J.. 0-14. Rice ft Walters. Star. Hamilton, Can, 0-14. ' Riee Une... Molinult, Selieiiroludv, X. Y., 9-l - 4. Rice ft Prevoat, Atidllnrluin, Lynn. Mass., 0-14. Rice ft Cndy. G. O. f(., plttshurg, III I. RlanoN (41, llliipodrorne. N. Y. C., 0*21. Rhlinrds, Oival, BIJou,' Kitliutuuuio, Mich., 0-14; iiiion. ti: 111.■ Creek, 10-21. Kli'iuiriiiton, Lavender, ft Co., Ornnd, San Diego, Cnl., 014. Roof, Jack ft Clara, Grain?, Huntlnt'lon, liul., fl- 14; Snvnv, OotiiinbiiB, 10*21. RomftV Mldgeis, Orplieuni, HeudlnB, Pa., 0 14; Kmplre, I'iKeiHiin. N. J., lfl-21. KomhI's Muxleul il'n:-c, Shea's, 'I'moni o, Can., 0- Itose! Jack, 0. O. H.. Grand Rapids, Mich., 0-14. Horts Sisierr, Orphlum, MnnsOeiii, 0., 9-H; Or- phlum, Chlttlcoihe, 10-21. Robert", llnycs ft Roberta. H. ft B., Bkln., 9-14. ltOEcrx, W. Ik, Crystal, .St. Joseph, Mo., 9-14. Ross ft l.>h-Ik Stoll Tour, Kng., 9-May B, Haaalex ft Malono, (Crystal, St. Joseph, Mo., 9-14. itiiiiiiiH.ii ft Grant, All -hi tic flardeu, N. V, C, fl- 14. Bros., Stag, Hagerstown, Md., 9-21. Hose ft Ellis, Orpheum, Kansas City, Mo., 9-14; Orplieuni. Omalin. Nidi., 10-21, Rogers, Will 1L, Wlntergurten, llerllu, Ger., fl-.'iO. Honda, Ihtrn. ualely, Albany, N. Y., 9-14. HUM; ft Bent, Shea's, Toronto, Con., 0-M; Proctor's, Albany, N. I„ 10-21, Rosea (:t), Empire, Paterson, N. ,T,, fl-14; Em- pire, Hobciken, 10-21, Riunnnoa {}), Poll's, Brlilgeport, Conn., 9-14. Rtibfloii. Mrs. Stuart, ft Co., Trent, Trenton, N. lingers A i.n Vine, Star. Atlanta, C.a., 0-21. Row. Dan, BIJou, Alix-nn, Mich., 0-14; BIt-ju. Buy City, 10-21. Honinno, .Mini',, G. O. 11,, Indlamtpolli?, 0*14. Huberts, Four. Kmplre, Des koines, lu., 0-14: BIJou, Ln Croase, Wis., 10-21. Mussel!*, Musical, Crawford, Topeka, Kan., i 14, ltnasell, O'Neill A Gross, Howanl, Chicago, p-14. Biisaell. Phil ft Cnrrl?, Slnr, Hamilton, Can., 0- By nit A RIchQeld, Albnmbra, N. Y. C. 9-14; Proctor's, Newark. N. J., 10-21. Salerno, Temple,'Detroit, fl-14; Cook'a, Rochester, N. Y., lfl-21. Salmon A Chester, Pastor'*, N. Y. C, 0-14, Sabine, O'Nell A Vera, Savoy, Fall River, Mans,, 0-14; Lawrence, 10-21. Snwmli:*, Hie. Kelth'a, Phlln,, 9-14. Samuels, M„ Howard, Chicago, U-14. Hnmlei*.-, Dean ft Sunders, Htnr, Hamilton, Can,, fl-14. Snndor, Paul, Orpheum. liOa AngelcH, Cnl., 0-14; Orplieiiiii. Omaha, Neb.. 10*21. Snnford ft Darlington. Mansfield, O., 0-14. ^alvagitlH (8), Orpheum, Omaha, Neb., 8-14, Sailor A Bnrbsietlo, Kcttli'a, N. Y. C. 0-14. Coliseum, London. Kng., May 1-:11. Babel, Josephine, Empire Tour. Kng.. 0*14; Hnuuilers, Chalk, Allinbra. N. Y. C, 0*14. BcasMorj Doga, Crj-atal, Milwaukee, Wis., 0-14. e'eott. Wilson A Co., Keith's. N, Y. C„ 9*14, Scott, lues, Empress, Ballard, Wash., fl-14, Seymour ft Duprcc. Masonic, Ft. Wayne, Ind.. fl-U, Crystal, Milwaukee. Wis., 10-21. Sceley, Geo.. Rlolto, Hlmlra. N. ?„ 9-14. Seitart 4 Llndley, Helonn, Mont., 914. Seymour A Hill, Keith's, Phlla,, U-14. f-eamoii, Adams ft Rogers, Chutes. Sun Fran., Cal., fl-14, Seville, Lily, Keith's, Boalon, 0-14. Seldoms, The, Orpheum, Omnhn, Nch„ 10-21. Srmon. Qua* F., Colonial, N. Y. C. 9-14; Or- pbeum, Bkln;. 10-21. Sherman A Do Forest. II. A R„ Bkln., fl-14; Grpheum. MlnueniMitla, 10-21. Shannons tl), Family. Slinmoklb, Pa.. 9-14. Shock Itro*., O. 41. II., Grand Rnnlds, Mlcli.. 014. Short A Shorty. Buffalo. N. Y.. fl-14. Sllverton Oliver Troupo, Troeadero, Phlln., 1051. Six Slptcmeres ft FrosJtman, Young's Pier,. At- lantic City, N. J., »*I4. ..' S Jlmoc-Gnrdi-pf Co., fiaymarkot, Chlcajo, B>H; ' 0. O-'H., In'iiaaopolil. 10*21. sicpcffiki. «W. oitapic.'Chicajo, e-i4. mm ■* SSmti Pcli'3; Waterbar7, Coan., 0-14. aaitii, Peter 3.. Main-lit, Pforia, 111.. 0-21. 3mlth t- idnwoi Amphlon : Bkln., 9*14. tardtr * Bn^kley, KettU's. Clerrfan.1, 0*14; H. i- n„ n. v. c, 10-21. 'Society Bellf-a," Poll's, New Haven. Cwiti., fl-l-l. Sohmers. Joaeph, Family. I'nlerson, N. 4., 9-14. Spook m lastrels, Poll'fl, New lliiven, Conn., ft-14. B»tMft A Thomas, Ornnd, Hamilton. 0., 0-14; Orphemn, Portsmouth, 10-21. * ■ Htspleton ft Chaney, Crystal, Elwood, Ind., 9-14; O. H., Walmab, 10-21. Stanley A Aileen, Lyric, St. Joseph, Mo., 0-14; National, Kansas City, 10-21. Stanley ft I-eouard. 11. ft S., N. Y. C, 9-14. .Steely, Doty ft'Coe, Hopkins' Louisville, Ky., 0- Stork Trio, BIJou. Bay City. Mich., '0-14; BIJou, Alpena, lfl-21. „ „ ... Stantoour. Iota. Fischer's, San Fran.. CaL, 0-14. Htahl, Rone, ft Co., Empire, Hoboken, N. J„ 014. Sieln-JSretto, ClrciiB Carre, Amsterdam. HoL, fl- 14; Seals. Hague, lfl-SO; Caalno, Rotterdam. May 1-15; Pulala D'Rate, Bmsaela, Belg., 10* yi. ' Stanford, Grace, Empire, St. Paul, Minn., 9*14. atnnley ft Wilson, Orpheum, Denver, Ool., 0*21, St. f^eon A MoCmdek, Crystal, Denver, Ool., fl-14. St. John A Le Fevre. Keith's, N. Y. C, 0-14. St. Claire, Amy, Gaiety, Albany, X. Y„ 0-14. SuIIv A Phelps. Lyric, Joplln, Mo., 0-14; Or- pheum, Webb City, 10*21. Siirnml ft Rsull, O. H., Decatnr. 111., 914. Sullivan, Denny, BIJou, Oklahoma, Okla., 0-14. Sullivan A Pasnucllna, Orpbeum, New Orleans, La., 10-21. "Sunny South," Novelty, Bkln;, 0-14. Sylvester, Jones ft Cringle, Knlomasoo, Mich., fl- 14. Tain, Billy. O. IL. Decatur, . III., 0 14. Tanner ft Gilbert, Proctor's B8th St., X. Y. O., 9-14. ' Tanakas, The, Kelth'a. Boston, fl-14. Tarllon A TarKon. Illjnu, Galesbnrg, 111., 0-14; Kokomo, Ind., 10-21. Tnsmrmlan Troupe, Havana, Cnba, 0-21, Tnnna, Bennett's, London, Can., 0-14; Empire, 1'insfleld, Mass., 10-21. Tennis Trio Family, Helena, Mont., 0-14; Family, Unite, 10-21. Teed A Lotell, BIJou, Calumet, Mich., D-I4; BI- Jou, Marqnettc, 10-21. Thompson ft Serlda, People's, Lowell, Mass., fl- 14. , Thomas, Georgia, Star, Atlanta, Oa., 0-21. Thayer. Gertrude, A. A H., Boston, fl-14. lliels, Luln. BIJou, Wheeling. W. Vn., 0-14; BIJou, I'ottsto-A-n, Pn.. 10*21. Thorne A Carleton, Alhnmbra. N. Y. C, 0*14, Thompson Misters, Haymarket, Chicago, 0-14. Toya, Musical, Family, Lancaster, Pa., 0*14; Family, Mabanoy City, 10*21. Topsy Turvy Trio, Kmplm, Fresno, CaL, 0-14. Trillers, The, Keith's, Phlla., 0-14; G. 0, II., Cttr-ilmrg. 10*21. Trovollo, Kelth'a, Pblla., 0-14, Trans-Atlnntic quartette, Hatbaway's, LanO, Mnaa., fl-14. Trolley Car Trio, Pastor's, N. Y. 0., 0-14. Tredenlck ft Tekln, Poll'a, New Haven, Ctono., ft. -14. Trnney, Kitty, O. 0. IL, Plttaburg, 0-14. Tntvers, Roland, A Co., Ben's, ICscanaba, Mich.. fl-14; Idea OshkOHh. Win., 10-21. Tniuhn.lfnirs Four, 0. IL, Wilkesbarre, Pa., 0-14. Tlilso, Industrial, Motllie, III., 9-14; BIJou, Ft. Dodge, In., 1(1-21. Turners Snug Sheet, Albnmhru, N. Y, 0., 0-14. Tyce ft Jermon, Bennett's, Loudon, Onn., 9-14: Howard, Boston, ni-i'l Vance. Clarlee, Pwctor's Dtdl St., N. Y. C., 0-14. Van, Trilby, Oleim Falls, N. Y., 0-21. VuldnrcH, Tlie, Keith's N. Y. C, 9-14, Vim Dyne A Demo, Moore's, Porllntid, Me., !>'14. Van psfre ft Ool rely, Delnmr (Jnnlen, Okla. City, Okla., 9-14. Van l..iin. May, BIJou. Norfolk, Vn., 0-14. Van, Billy. Haynmrkct, Chicago, 9-1-1; Toledo, 10-21. Arcade, lluy- Vnn Slurtlford, Grace, Colonial, N, Y. C, 014. Jan Blene, Augiiste, O, O. H.. Pittsburg, 0-14. Vafisar Girls, Proctor's 2:id St., N. Y. C, 0-14. Vnlynre. Orlfl, Qj/mWBi Montreal, Can., 9*14. \nlnts, Harry E., Grntni. Vancouver, Can.. 9-14: Ornnd, Victoria, 10*21. .*■■■. Vernon. 0.0. H., Pltlabiirg, 0-14; Proctor's, Newark, N, J., 10-21. Vermetle ft Dloime. Collaeo Argentlno, liutuoa Ajrren, Bo. Am., O-Moy 01. Virginia Trio, Otymple, Ohlcngo, 0-14. Alctorla, Vesta. Proctor'a fiSth St., N. Y. C, 0- Vliiira, Edward, Bradeuhut-gh's, Phlla., il-14. .Jour. Mile., Family, Patcrswi, N. j„ 9-14. \1111 Wens], Mlrsl. Columhln, St. Louis. 0-14- market. Chicago, 1(1-21. JJ.Ti'.* c " lran > Shea's, Toronto, Cnn., 9-14. Uaterhnrv Bros, ft Tenny. Ilennott's, Loniloii. Cnn., 9-14; Temple, Dclrolt, 10-21. JJ.a ah, Richard, Lyric, St. Joseph, Mo.', fl-14. rtoltnerH, Jns., Inicrnatlonal, Chicago, 0-14 Wallace, Frankle, Ilrnrtonbnrgli's, Phlln.. 914 wmhoh n li'armyanl. Prnelor s nd it,, X Y O 9-14': Pmlor's, Newurk, N, J., ifl.yi. ' Wither Bros., Grand, Hamilton, 0„ fl-14: Or- pltlnin. Sprhieilelil, 1(121. * Walsh. Frank, llljon. Bnltle Creek. Mich., fl-ll. JlflMcnhertf Rros., Treni. Treattai, N, ,|„ 11 I 1 JVa lers ft Ptwiity, Orphenm, I'llci. N. Y„ 9-14. W.illsi.e, Flu., Kuilto. Kinih-H. x. y., a-il Will ton, Fred, Proctor's 2,'ld St.. N. V. (1 0-14 Warren ft Brockway, MftJettk, Little Rock, Ark., U-14. «, Orscc. Rlnlto. Klmlra, N. Y.. 0-14, Wall, Jimmy. Oiphpmn, Sun Finn., Cai,, 9-14. 0 1T ' ,rn ?>' uw '' .Proctor's 23d St., N. Y. C, Wealpns (Jl), Huymarket, Chicago, 9-14. fflff Jennie, Crystnl, Frankfort, Ind., West ft Benton, Grand, Milwaukee, Wis., 014; Unique, Ufa-semis*, Minn,. 10-21. Welch. James ft Cells, Lyric, Wichita, Kun.. 0-14. Weaiemt, Eva, ft Co., Keith's,. Cleveland, 0., 0- Weicii, IriMs, Olympic, Chicago, 9-14. wei-i,.ii, Mux. Tram Keith's, N. V, C.. fl-14 WMton, Fannie, Orplieuni. fit. P011I, Mlnu., 9-14. M ellcr, Llutte, Bijou, Kvnnsvllle, ind., 9-14; Lyric, Terra Haute, 10-21. Welch, Joe, Mnjeatie, Chicago, 0-14; O, O. IL, Indiana polls, 10-21. Wenlen ft Gludlsh. Rmplre, Hoboken, N. J.. 0.14, West ft Van Siclen, Park, Worcester, Mass.. 0-14. \.helen ft Senrlcs, StniHlsrd, Cincinnati, 0-14. wE wiF 1 * lto " n ' 1,,cn ' °" hLo " 1 ' White,'Stuart.' ft Co., IL ft S., N. Y C 0*14 Whipple, Waldo, Lvrle, Cleveland, 0-14. W »2 , . r, ^fiK t ' MH"L»" Rprlnga, Ark., 0-14; Majestic, Dnflns, Tex., 10-21 W |M4*' V * ' °' "" N ° rth *^™ 1 * ' MBMl ' Wliealon, Geo. K., Family, Palerwm. N. J., 0-14, ■Vllls ft Hassan, Empire. Hoboken, N. J„ 11-14. Wlekoff, Baby- Irmn, A Co., Bllon, Wheeling, W. \n.. 0-14; Orphlum, Ch|l1leolhe. 0., IHBv \Vllton Bros., Shen's, Toronlo, Can., ft-14. Mllaon, Geo., Moore'a, Portland. Me., 0-14. SlC? * ,^-tioti. 0. IL, Wllkes-Barre, Pa.. 0*14. Alison Trio, Keith's, Providence. 0-14; (1. 0. II,. Syracuse, N, Y., 10-21. WMnlujM ft Evans, Novelty. Omaha, Neh„ 8-14. Wise. J. 0., Crystnl, St. Joseph, Mo.. OH. Wleliera CD, Kmnire. Santa Orus, Ool.. 0-14: Novelty, oaklhud. 10-21. ' WDllaaw A Tucker, Empire, tlobnkm; N. J., 014. J\ hnot. Harrle. Illjmi. l,n Crosse. Wis., 0-14. Wl lams ft Mellmrn. Parlor. Vork, Pa. 0*14. W ! Ilnins ft Alcene, Ron Ton. Phlln., 0-14. i\ Illtnina A Pultnmn, Family, Shamoklii, Pn., 0- WlllnnlB, Musical, GotUnm, Bkln.. 9-14. Wilson. ug?^Ma*A Little Rock. Ark.. _K«I Majestic. Birmingham. Ala., Itl-2i. wnjos, Mattle, Moss ft Stoll Tour, Eng., b-Mly ff»nWMJjahajl P. Columbia, Cincinnati, 10-21. Wamm. Katelle, A Co., Empire, Paterson, N. J 0-14. ' World' 1 Comedy Four, Lob Angeles, CaL, 0-14. WW A Kingston. Ontlieum. Denver, Ool., fl-14. w, »"3: S3IS , A n!K' ,c C1 "' "• '■■ W" »* W K5'u•l ! To'.'s| SC ' relWC ""'' , N : T " *'" : < """ Wcln.rt'. Sf.'u, Hlppodrom,. N. s. 0., OH. Wood lleo. H.. Emplr,, Hobok«n. N. J. 0-M. Wolwrt Trio, rroctor'a 08lh Ht.. N. Y. C, 0-14. noo.lfor.1 4 Har bom. Bcnnetl'., London. C,n., 0- 14: Marlon. lnrt„ 1,1.31. • w|Iff'* l>np1nR Honntls, Hlnpodromp. N. Y. C. WlllpFnrlj Trio, nijoa. Whi»lln« W. Vn., 014. Wjomliw J«tk. llrml.nliunH's. pn|[«., iU W.vp|,prl.v, Mnrgnret, I'roclor'H XIA St., N. Y. 0., WlnUff,. Frrjl. & Co., Slar, IlamlllMi, Can., 0-14. \olo; Alia, Olim-rnlllp, >(. y., 014. Youns. Jr. AKrz.; CiictM, San Fran Cai o -< Ybms. TotvGuolpn.Csii,, 9*14: WcodstKk 'ic'it Jpiuiff? fc Brooks, fcmnire, Hoboken, R j &*•■ Zanclgs. The. \ictotl.i. a, Y C fl-14 " *"'* Zayej. Vernon ^roune, G. 0. H., Rmniu >,- T ,7.nnora's; ■Cycling, .fitamford, 0OM,. 0 m- v™.., Brldgeporl, 10-21. ' sm -"' *, Zeph. ft Hilton. Oalnly, Allwuv. N, v « ,, a x?'A , ! 0 »y„„?;24: ,m '"""" cirn "' 8 -"»*««, Zanptti BlBtrrs (7). Kf*np.'.. Bkln n.u 7.1WW. Great, Odeon. Darton, o.. ni,. A,. Battle Creek. Mich., ia-21. " "'K Zlinmer.. John., Jra!*rla|. Bkln., B-l, Zlrnmermnn. Al. & Tear], Oem, Hnnerl.,.. w „ Zlmmerjiin,'Willi; Balninrket, Chlraro. n H i! ':?*- * JBBk •OjP' l «w,. A n.adlo,, r, «'„. Trent. Trenton, N. ,T„ lft.21. ' ' '•> Tonbonl.kl.. Oryatal,, Col., 0-ltl. OX THE ROAD. IipiileiniM.tnl l.l.t _ R,.,.,,| V ,.| _ Late tor t'in..lii.., lU ,,„ T "» Onire, Arthur tj..' stock (CUa». A, lira m ~, -L»wl»»n. »'•• IB-18. I'ortland loii.lE tlerard SI10V (.lame, Jt 1'ltt nenil.l, mcp , Mnncbealer, Mlcli.. 11. 12. Doner iff 1! ,i7 wa 10. II, Lealk. 18, 10. • Lw ' Honwr, Pf^Wolj iSlmhen Bros., mar«.)_,i,i„ MJawsi iia «w*s» Norrls A Rowe's Circuit—Oakland, Cnl., April 13, Rln/f'llng Bros.—Chicago, HI., B-2S. "H-dder Web" (John O. line, mar 1— rom... Kail., 10. Sterling 11, Wilson jffi 'iKKft J4. JiaiiiiutUii 14. Axtell ltl. B.Blrlee.. h Whvtf Drnmatie (Ct.ns P, Whyie. mm. Jzft manclie, Ind. Ter.. 12-14, -w-i—»» ->i> ~ CAXIFORNIA. horn Anfrelea.—Atthe Mnson Opem BMhh (II. L'. Wynlt, mnnafier) -|,uile Jotuinv Jonea" opened n werk'»i engngement April 8 Henry B. lUrrlH will preBCDt 'The Llun atni the Mouse ln the near future. Dklanco (John .II, Blackwood, manager) —"Tne Mecrct of rolIchlDelle." n» presented hy the Block. company Inat week dtw well A revival of "Whea Knighthood Was in Flower," 2 nod week, is playing to capacity itt every' performance. L'liderllued: "The Little .VI In later." Aloitpsco's HcBfiANK (Oliver Morosco manager;.—April 2 and week, Ihe Block com- pony la presenting "O.d Jed Prnuiy." to good business. "In.the Talacn of the King" flu ml week. Ouand OrEHA Ifavn (Clarence Drown mi ager).—The Llllputlan Opera Co. closM Its engagement l. -Now York Day by Dai" 2-7. Underlined: "Scotty, King of the Desert Mine. Orpheum (Martin Beck, genernl mana- ger).— l-'eaturea 2 and wenk: Abdul Kader und IiIh three wlvon, Snndor'f* HurlPsnue. t'lr- ctlli, Alf. ilninl nuil lOthel Hong, In "A 1 1, He of Kverythlng:" WorlA'H t.'omedy Knur, rhos. J. Kqpcn und company, In "The Way He Won Her:" Hnlllvnn nud Pnsinielenu, \\nlnou nnd Morrlnsey t Mnmbttll I'. Wilder ;hm! motion picture*, Uniqdr diem/ ft Znlleo, mnnagervi— I-'eaturci, 2 nun week : Ynrrlek und Lnloude. ImiwrHonntorii: U«, Stewnrt, «-i.nn-iii-i:i : .lames nnd Prior, nkelch ; llliuttmteil koiics, motion pIchir-'H, and (In* Unlituc phiyer.-, In "Who'll Wear ihe HIioch." (Sain Lovcrlch, circuit nkuwi, —FeillurcH 2 and week: Onnn, cuuHlhilsi: Marqultt nod Lynn, vlnllnlHiK, alugera and dancer*; Fted Ijincnster, Uirltoue; Dlda, the Vaughn'a, In "Cusey on n Htrlke." "Willie (Jroen'M Courtnhlp," und motion pictures. i-i;,rin;it'M <E. A. Flacher, munageij.— MIrb Leonn, in her novel alack .wlra ad: motion pIcturcK, und the All Htnr Musical Comedy Co. present "Taking Chances." Oood huHini'HH nt every performance. Hotchkiss (T. .lea* White, manager).— "Said I'nHlm," by the Olympla Opera (in.. draw Well week ending 1. -A Milk Vim* Flug." hy Ihe name cnmpnny, J-7, Is phiylog 10 good ii'■.'■.. CiXKonmrir t,J. A. llrowne, manager). - PntOffM l!-7: Kd. Reno, nonga; Clios, l». Oram, sinner, yodler and .guitarist; Mabel Humbert, niuntrnted Kong; BesBle Mlscn. violinist; the 1,11 Hue Rroa., gymnasts; mnv- Ing plctur*ti, und Clneogrnpb Stink Co., In comedy. KMi'iRR .(Hilly Riink.-t. realilent mnnnger). —Feniurea 2 nud week: iti/.'i nnd Pinlmn, bnlnncerH and contorrionlRin: l.niirii HiuiIes, jileltire hiilludlat; I'V1I\- McVfekiir, nioiiolt,- ■■-'••<' ; Lawrence nud I'eiidlefni'd, singing and d.-inelng; Lnvouder-ltlehardsoit Co., .ouirmi- crs or fun; Kmplre Htoek Co., In "Wlnmw 'JVIephone," nnd clneninto^nipli. Notim. —LolLle Kenrlitll. or the HutctiklKS TlH'inre Co., on her birthday wn* prewulcd ivini ti wntch itv membera of the conipnuy, uml she wna hIko the recipient of numerous houuueu The Norrla & Rovvc Aiilmul HIiowh lost two days on account of a land- slide blockndintt rhelr railroad trip The "I.lttle Johnny JoneR" Co. lost III open- ing night ln Loa AngclCR, '2, 011 nccouot of the name landslide, A company at the Orand Opera limine for the seasoa will he kuown ua the Ulrlch Stock Co., and will Include: Hnrrla King, fortune Snell. lillllnn Haywnrd, Frank H. I'Yayoc, Arthur Hill, Kd. 1., i.lriiuriin. Lulu Wari'lngtou, Her- Iwrt Farejon, Albert McQunrry, und ml Onrdner. (lllltert Gardner will he stage di- rector II. li Hrelntng, u tenor from the Uiim, la vlflltlng here Juliet Croflby will take the pliice of F.ugcnle Tliula Lnwton an lending lady during the Summer se.nnon. ......J. M. Cltixton. for a long time nuTnV f?r of the Unique .Theatre, has leaaed the tar Tlieatre, and will conduct It ah h pop- ular priced house At the Chutes Thea- tre the Alridge-HntcH Stock Co. nroduced "The Man in fllnck" 2 nnd week. Other u • tractions: ChliuTnrelira Itullnn Bund, \\. A. Speedy, high diver: Iggorotc Village, Slim BoluBkl nnd his animals, and Dr. Carvers high diving; horses Thero is n plan <"- foot, to preannt an outdoor aerlen of per- rormniicca of "Knmnnn" nt the home itlm;" of the heroine of Helen llnni; JmIMM novel of that name, nenr Hnn Jnilnlu. ' ■•■ Kuhellk. after two pneked hntiws, re- tiifna for n farewell reeltnl fi CftnHintire Crawley, who Willi the Hen Oreet Cu. mtfg the leading part of "Everyman," Is •'■ ■£• Angeles, and Mlntea her Intention of plnying Home character parla dtirlug the Summer. ... . » Oaklitnd.—At the ManlmuMiffh (Chan. P. Kail, manager) "Scotty, King of Hie IW»f Mine," plnyed to capacity huslnesH two jjer- formnncea, April 1. Ilellly & Woods HB Show did a Ixiomlng bualncas 2. "Tbe HW to the Hoorah" hod capacity nudlencea .1, •>; Nellie Stewart, In "Sweet Nell of old Dfurj.. return engagement, fl, 7: Tlvoli Opera C».« Hhn Frnnclaco, In "The Isle of 8pf&"!. Oreaton Clarke, In "MonBleur Ben ma re, 0. Kubellk, viollnlat. in concert, lli; "The Lion and the Mouac" Id. 17. . ,■.... LiOMTt (It. W. Bishop, manager).—n-* 11 op'a Stock Co. drew large nudlettces in, * StrennoiiR Life." week ending 1. " fl|I *J Perkins, supported by Blshop'a OMOtiK" players, in "Who Ooob There?" 2-8. »•* llunnwny Wife" follows, 0, ' ..... BULL (Rd. Homnn, manager).—AHraetioM 1* and Week: Delaphone. mimic: mlm^nh over, viollnlat: Dora Taylor, dancer; HWg? Springolrt nnd company, P-" 0f,t,n ,V n ?-«^ii,n HandJome Stranger;^' Leon Rrroll. fi" l JJJ l singing and talking c-omedlon: the ««»*"'. irli-k bicyclists, and the blogrupli. Bn«n«» Is to S. h.O, Mr , ^ N0Tn1.Tr (Tony Luheskl, 9tmKhm Feniurea 0 nnd week: Franz Rnlner's troupe