The New York Clipper (April 1906)

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226 THE T<mw YORK CLIPPER. APBlr, 14. sc 99 ■ < THIS OYER : ive: have tmem: some new songs by the new firm. BILLY WEEPER, THE CHIMNEY SWEEPER," . .* i\' One of tuoso fanny Coon Songs that ore always honnd to make gnoj. "YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE." Thla It without m. doubt ono of the pretties! Waltz Ballads of (he day.--WHtlcit Ii> A. s, lioda. ** MAOUI »» c« line ui I" By J. n, FXTZPATRICK and A. S. DORA. .' A clever little Irish ivattz Ming Written In » clovor way* Here 1* a song with a stirring melody that keeps heart and feet heating, the beat melodies ever written. I« li en* Professionals copies sent apon receipt of late program and tiomp. to pay postage. THE HARMONY MUSIC CO., 38 West 29th St., New York City, N. Y. ■ Eo. W. Vabnrv (William McLea), well James A. Bailey, who has been vpry HI hnown Id theatrical rlrcjlcR, died in Montreal, tit his home with erysipelas. Is on the road Cnn., ' April 5, from pneumonia. He made to recovery, and IiIb physicians niioounre bid first sticcHBs am Porthds, In "The Three tlmt If be does not suffer a relapse, be will Guardsmen," and later started out In the soon be ible to be out. U?orldof Players, THE Utica Amusement Co. lias filed company thrtt produced "Dr. Jckyll nnd Mr. Hvdi*." This company started out from Buf- falo, the homo of Mr. Varney. In. Montreal he played the leading part la "The Marble Heart," "which • was given us n benefit to Fannr Beeves, and later wrote and produced "Qorala'u Belief," * Queen's .Theatre, was. for.a- time „. the*3; B. Sparrow Co. His wife and one son purvtve b'.m. " Bno noSTour/colffllte Co n n l °Mr Ur BroolS £3*9?5 oTtbeTnMltutlon liberal eicerpts Srat entered the show Kirtn??"'in 1818 Xn trom th i =>*"» exlravagania In which these Jarry'out a "heme of the showman In the *J. SJ-JB* * l \ p , T ed !1 *£* m "^ "fiST Nhnbert chain of houses, ■ of a Drubl band; Mr. Brooks manu- S£°,f pr tn r^ Kuia *>'™™™ will close her season In fj»_ . __.. *_-.„x,i -hevenne.*' ,rtil«h hns rhlladelphlA, at Ihn i.arrlck Theatre, April 2«\ aod pall for England. She will be seen la n new. play here next season. $60 for the Finest Easter Outfit SxJk Lined Overcoat and Imported Cheviots or Venejians, ■ Prince Albert Coat and Vest of Imported Vicuna, Si|k Lined,, with choice of fancy siik vest, and imported trousers. We have the largest tailoring establish- Florence Moore, formerly of the Three Moores, has severed all connection with the above trio, and will In the future work alone, an Florence 1". Moore. She opened at Ai- laotA, Or., March 20, for n stock engage- ment. Andrew Mack was taken suddenly 111 In Worcester, Mam,, April 8, and was obliged to cat out the matinee scheduled for that <%J8S,%^*«JS^t{$gS&i ">e"t ^ the world. Our system gives customers perfect results at about VST'Bi.'i&'SSSE & %^&£«^I ; n ; d Zl :,."I "'• t&£ VSJSr- t01 ' ma at = KlUck "' M »X we ""<» *™P^ »» •« booklet <* Elegance at Moderate •Vlw blm. ., „„„V Snrpfl aS^ i ^ ?i,J r.SilL„,T; Ho*«n Wm, Informs ns that through Cost > We know thev will interest von SU-as M. IlnooKH. a former rtiownwn and S«5fi,m P ffr thi i™«i. .t w,.L-™ m ff-T.' Thos. H. Wlnnetfs piny ag-™<7 h» turn soTi ^ osl ' ™e mow tney win interest you. ronaut. <tM April. 7, at the .Burltagrm CTtaMff S*JSSSlJi£'^SStM& <? RwS-RjSw the four art mllltar, ^. - H -^.<A.^"W B drama, "The Bed Cross Nurse." IT ts stated that the Btjou Theatre, Rlcb- mond, Vn., has been purchased, to ndd to the «k land. TheT.Wft.groip.qneli ™tumo,l, SeowSy JlrS he lued thinL P S?t The Broadway and Ninth Street, New York gi*a^ S^^r^^ira ggB ron,sa« troupe. And, niaklns a Rraall fortune, gradti ellv drifted Into the t»liow huttlneas for hlrn ■ue A fow years later be had a elrcu« of his own. A frnture. of the show was a balloon-- ascension, for which Fantln, an Keronttut,' of Philadelphia, «■»' encftged. When the show was nt Memphis Mr. Faulln wna token 111. Mr. Brooks donned the garbof the Aeronaut and made his first balloon ah- eenplon. Me continued maklnjc ascensions. »t.«^M^A^'5a:" i '--" w ? h;«K E ui: , Xo 1 ^^rr,?„u 1 z?w dered -The l'oor Little MArlonette." Mlaa Welmer danced. Patients of the iiwtltntlnn crowded the ball te the donrn, and applauded lustily every number. Their Interest In the performance was manifest, and sometimes almost pathetic. The stage folk were taken through the wards by Dr. Hummer, of the hospital stair, and t.ftorwnids were enter- tained at dinner, Brnrie Makib OohDON writes: "I have n bareback rider of his clrcua. Frcd Hf.s/u, an aerial performer, whose name in prlvaie life was Vred McClelland. died At his. home, 810 Chestnut Street, Qiilncy, HI., on April 0, from consumption. He was born In Cedar Baplds, lfl., Mftreh ^. r >, J871, and had traveled lor years with elr- fuses. HIb last work was done with his own company/ the Uerizo Comedy Co. His wlfo nnd four small children'survive him. ' CAimtK B, Tutien (Mrs, James MarlowV riled at the Merrimack House, Lowell. Mnss.,'. April -2, from Apoplexy. MIsn Tntlen made her first appearance on the stage a» a member rif the original Corlnne Co,, and has since heen with many successful companies. In- cluding "14i»*J," "The Mikado," tdio helnff one *^C the nrlftlnal "Three Little Maids from School ;'* "Struck tins," and Lillian Rnmell h company. Hhe was this season a member of her hnwiB-nd's company. In vaudeville, playing the-comedy, "A lesson In Hhakespeare." In- terment was nt Bosendale, Mass. Stone.* chaui.f.k K. Moniox, who'has been with Charles 11. Grnpewlu for six years, was mar- ried to Lillian M. Liltlehnles, formerly of tjtn Guy Morning Olurles Co,, at Coltimbns. Ohio, l<eb. S. Mr. aad Mrs. Mortno received numerous presents from the members of Urn corapnny. » Tub Saaatooa. ^ml'hembxt Co. has been Incorporated at Alluny, -this State, with W. W. Bennett, John Bonner.and H. If. Tucker n« Incorporators. | Wm. C ■Wtto writes: "On May 21, nt Amnrlllo, Tex,, I concludi* a pleasant en- gagement of thirty weeks as principal eow- edlnn with the Brerkenrldge Stock Ca; Ed- win Barrio, • proprietor, having succeeded Charles Brerkenrldge, the feature, Sept. 25. I launch my own company, Wild A inch's Players, including a band aod orchestra, at South Fork, P«. t May 14, under canvas— tittft. top, with aoft. And 40ft. middle pleec?*. Umi:. Brr.niiabkt will conclude her tour by a sneclnl performance In the Metropolitan OporA House, New York, In June, If present pinns are .carried out. NOTBS FROM DE LaCOI'R ft FlRUJS.—This company clowd n very successful engagement of five weeks In Los Angeles, on Jan. 2u, golnf: from there to San Diego, Cal., where wo will close a prosperous run of-ten weeks, on April 2D, taking the road at once and playing the smaller cities of California, under canvas, during the Summer months. Mr. nnd Mrs. Art Wilting Joined us on Peb. 26, Jump- ing from Chicago, where they closed with "The Punkin Husker" Co. .Tkfpbrson Ham, opened with the New Em- pire Stock Co.. In Boston, April 2, playing fhe part of Bishop Yonge, In "Tito wav of the World.'* McParlasd and MunnAV have been re- engaged with Sara Devere's Own Co. for next season, nnd will present their original com- edy, entitled "The Millionaire and the Ice- mAn." They will also play the principal comedy and straight parts In the burlesques. J. If. MArNiCiioi, opens with the Paris- Inn Belles Co, at Paterson, R, J., April 9. BfJMUn and toman returned last week, after a seventeen weeks' tour of Cuba* They brought with them a troupe of Matanza goats sari two chihuahuas. Ed. I. Perinr, with the Alcazar __ April 2, for the rest of the season. IlAtnr and HAnTV write ihat owing to a misunderstanding they did not plav Middle- town, O., week of April 2. hut were held .over for a second week nt the Odeon, Dayton, O., meeting with n repetition of their first miscellaneous. .JS'Wa™?? ?.• '■ . My " s u » vl "e Plctur,. tad Vaudeville Co.—In snlte ot bod weath«i wo are dolus finely, wllllard H. Weoer !■ jery »uccesstul la hi, quick change act. At South Fork, we played to s. K. o, and olw m many other towns. Our Illustrated nonai •re a norelty In the way llr. Weber Intro- ducea them. We hare the credit ol haying leader of orchestra, opened SjAid* a?."'^^ *£S J"" 1 ", nw ou ,h » Remitle^ in rievnlnnii n fofld. and are playing all return dates. Thb ™ m "rUrjZET"' °- O" H«LliBU Is wltB us every week, which keepa us all In good spirits. All are well and happy. Notes rao« the Brown Family Royal En. tertalners.—We are doing a big business in Kentucky, and will open the tenllng seanou at Germantnwn, " TllR J. tmUlK Bu»KK Co. opened at week's success, nnd hnve n return engagement JfectH? M»h?^?,Vfl? r ii,k ?. .™l. *L ]th a H5 BleclVf. nicutre. Knll Blver, .\laas.. for In June. It Is one of the most plenasnt en- SfSB* £f*-<3* , L&*A V*—* *— tie Spring and Rummer season, In Dnvl.l gagements we ever nloyed. . ggK. »." a ." "»*■■ ' —H « ■ ■» laJWt Belnscos military drnnw, -Thi- Girl I Lett , Mas Lb Bnv. ol! £a Iloy nnd Woodford, liad 0 „ tJ ™S P«^P.'*.V t l?" f ° f 2S - The rompnny In composed of has fally recovered her health, and Is at for the season P P IteUInd Me.' '«;«7irr'am«aTeiin~whosel«iineli>prlvnto I will work directly South, as I Intend to iifl 7HSS 6&wC LXrlln. UlwlTt K.™ !?L"l_ th «_ _»'l".>« «aa« iu that lerrltory, PHchusi»ttw Homeoimthlr Hospital, fioston, Marb., April 4. nfter a surgical operation ., Lady olua Bai.brosia, a Well known snake chai'mer. known In private life as Mrs. Wal- ter Harding, died April 7, at the Post firadii- atn.Hospital, New lork City, from jwrltonltls, after undergoing a iwvcVe surgical operation. She was borii Sept. 20. 18(15." at Mount Holly, N. J., nnd made ber first appearance as a tt-recMn beauty, at Aiwtln & istoue's Museum, Boston, Mass. Since dhert she played prac- tically all ihe museums nnd 'circuses through- out the ntoten. Xlor Inst, engucenicnt. was nt Huber's Mtisenm, New York City, weeks of March D and 12. Her.death occurred nfler an illness of only five days' duration, and cnnio as a great shock to ber frlendo. The attaches of Huber's Museum sent many floral pieces. She had It lied engagements nt tbo above houne for .tho pnst Hoventeeu years. She Is survived by her huuunnd and two dough tew. Funeral nervlces were bold at her late home, Hctnp*lcad. L. I., Aprlt 10, and the remains were Interred nt Oreenfleld, L. 1. Epwahu Mack, whose death was noted In these, columns lust week, died In Boston, Mass., and not Philadelphia, ns wnn stated. lie was formerly of the Two Macks. Inter- ment was In Mr- Hope Cemetery, Boston. Louisa Ilolley Mr, Mack's former .partner. Honds us the above luform ation. Under the tents. Notdb and mni of Wiedemann's Big *')vlt Ctirsou" Wild West Production.—Bitsl* neHs has been very satisfactory all Winter, througli Texas, Louisiana nnd Mississippi. The onlv had luck we have bud was losing two line stallions that died of distemper. We ore bonding North now, and will stnrt for the Pacific const In May. Our roster is as follows: Thus. F. Wiedemann, sole owner and ni«nugnr; Joe C Donnhue, husinesa manager; Chns. U Stevens, band master; Hank Cook, "boss canvAs mrui, with ten assistnnts; Harry Unrlow, singe mnmtger; Clnudo liwlng, mas- ter of properties; Bay E. Hedges, Zeke Hock- lev, w. ft. Smith, «eorge VIckors, Hubert Coleord, Gus Yoder, Howard Pratt, Eugene Renter, Tom Vaughn, li. V. Jackson, Harry llolllngs, Ed. Briscoe, John llnrdy, Robert Wilson, Jack McClure. "Colorado Cotton," •Arlxona Bill." "Lone Star Jack," "Chief Rolling Thunder," "Standing Bear," "Otter Head, two sqnawa and three papooses. Robert Klemans hns charge of the Brat ad- vance brigade, and Itlchard Jones Hie Kccnnd, A. W. (Jack) Rm.ih litis Joined "Human Hearts" (Southern) for his old role of Tom Logan. Mr. Ellis follows Hal Rcld In that well known part. Ta Thahma (toe) balnnclng acrlallst, has signed with the Jns. A. Morrow Pavilion Shows, as a feature net, for the season, to open May 10. FttANK AND John A. (Hl.MAN AND ROY B. under canvas. Mas.. McKrb Rankin, days as Kitty Bloncberd, home. Mahir Narellb, the noted Irish singer,-sallwl for England April 4, known in former Is quite 111 at nei bnllad Miss many of the old favorites of last season: J. Frank Burke, Daniel Lnnden, Bert Walter, Harry 1". Humphrey, flustave Gass, Everett Aldrlch, Jere Sanford, John R. Dalv, Oeorge Hoey, John W. Barry, Ethel Elder. Florence Mack, Ann Singleton. Florence Hartley, Fern Foster and Sarah Fnrrcll. UaudCville and minstrel. Ok- Run Buos.' Minstrels Notbr. —We are now down Iu Mntne, nnd still hitting them hard at every stand. All our New Hampshire time was good, especially Con- cord, which was to capacity. All of our wardrobe for next season is now " has fully recovered her health, and Is nt work again. Thh IlicHAJtps Sisters open nt Bead- wood, S. D.. April 30, remaining to Mny li. BLAin and McNuLTT closed a six weeks' engagement on tho Western vaudeville clr- 1 ''. V.vAPi" 11 8l ond °P° n 0tt the Bijou circuit at ft Ichita, Kan., playing return dates. Jones ano Suttox have just closed a thirty weeks" engagement with the Jns. Ken- nedy Co. Notes from Lovely's Modeiin Rbmidy Lo.—We are doing a good business throuBh Minnesota. Roster: J. T. Lovely, manager- the Lovelya. sketch team; Harry Janette! juggling and high kicking; the Crows, Baby Hortense, buck and wing dancer; Madam Grace Lovely, black art and magic. UB. a. H. Kkabn NoTKH.--Dr. Kearn has closed hfsi.-ompnny temporarily, prior toopen- BLANcnn Rino will return to vaudeville l n ^ his Summer seawri In West \irglnla. May this month, appearing on the Proctor clwnlt iini? ,wl A 8R & W6 ? K .n' 0 " 0 ^. ln w«t Vlr B. R Kr.iT.Vims purchased tie BlJot Tbel KtJSAS'TSSSS^ ? aa H» * ood - QDrt »«5» C'^aV. .'».» the e in.e J r 0 natl5D: Z^TZ^ZJ^^h *»."?" nml everything will he of lhc llnost material, J«" Summer will eomnietelv rcnovnle th» Bfff!EL~''4.i I P""'a "ajBH! Mial f*. ,- "fi '>'« "•- "• >*»^ nut." uiuu:iuui i— — II make our first part brighter than house. The outfit will All performers Narelle will 1111 important engagements, in frver. Judging from the present reputation hnginnd for tho next two months, thence we arc Jeitving, our next tour will be a Proceeding to Sydney, Australia, to join greater success ihnn this year in every way, rederlc Shipman (under whose mnnngemeut from stArt to finish she now ls-1, for a tour of Australasia and the Antipodes. .Tersik Ma(Laciu..\n, the Scottish prima donna, will sail for England on April 11. Arrangements are pending with two foreign SlDKciH of note to join the Jessie Maelachlan Concert Co., for ft tour of fhe United States nnd Canada, season. After a brlof stny ln England, in concluding ■ these arrange- ments, Mlss.Mnclaililan will spend the Sum- mer In the Scottish highlands JlIMA M.MM.01VI-; AND 13. II. SOTHBBN UOVO boughi the Engllsli rights of "Francescii dn Rlmlnl, by (Jahrlele d'Annunjilo, tislne.thc English version of Arthur Symons, nnd noxt Beason tliey will make im elnbornte produc- tion of this tragedy. Arrangements have Paul Spahoni sails from Rurone June 2, .open nt Proctor's Twenty-third Street don, nfter the Aine'rkun product.oa', Oi.iyrk IiAiiAun: Ims completed a four act used for the tour next season. Notes ' pnoxi "LbateIi's 'Comudtahs. — We are playing to big business in South western New ip r *- Harry Hnriwr joined April-ft. the Sdlsou klnotwcope, nnd lllnstrated songs! ■»- Ella Cramer, singing and dancing sketch; Fred Tom Bitrmav hns Just closed thlrfv-slx £ ramer ' Iiat ^ 1 , a °<* ^rl*u comedians; Ella weeks with the Harvey T (Inge id T He Is SS^-^S%fi! daDcln ^ SDd nln * lll & sou ' resting until April lfl. K brette Dan Sheldon (Pop), black face danc- , BCWUL, O'Nkil and Ceoss nre In their t?L?l!.5S. toD J 0 comedian; Barry sixteenth week at the Howard Theatre CM- iSK^.JKH-'S R0Dp9 ', motion i?l«ures. ru cjtgo. pro<luclDg comedies and burfesauM uTd^^ ^ nd l ? and W head teWlng;- Theairo, New York. June 18, for a lour of They write that they have received several IJi 1L-butcher piano and musical novelties, thlrty-tlvo consecutive weeks. nffers from lending burlesque com nan leeif or 5JSS» E 0 **^ the .?. n S" ln n J? 00 *^- ^ a and ?**" Master Will Baiim writes: "I closed next season. ^ < ror forming dog. All have The Clipper habft the : J- W. Vogel's .Mlnatrels, and hnvo been 'Jvis Caicedo writes: "I wn <, eneaired m.^«V EL i AND , L ,V CY L»ko««>i*«. la their 111'at niy home for some lime. Will Join with thin, the Hippodrome complyTrSJ g^g 1 *& mta a m& * satsttataaarat. W« Geo. X. Von. and do a comedy musical act, £»■<*!». tor nine weeks longer. P Very glad fESftJSLrL&L l b - J a ,r Pbl J fidelP M \ flnd t<. *play the pnrks of New Kngland for tlm to add that my euccess In ChTcago wa7sJmJ- uwl^ 1 i atf i to >, H( T r - lf> lt W ,T<" ■■ « c Summer, and will later ptny the vtiudevllle ^'"R o«t of the common." vu,LHKq *«•*.-*««•*• wagener s Park, Binghamton, K Y. houses." Mas. R B. Mack; professionally known as .„iTi * * \P 'f?* 1 * iu 1 forms ' us In** be has Job Wiiitriieai. axd Obierson BnOM, J^agloy Ashton, joln« Junie McCree in *'Th« fi0ld ""t blR Interest in a Boston reataurant, who are now In their eighth week as a trio! D<m * ■"■a." 7^ ±De and has been engaged as Advance agent for report success. Mr. Whitehead's dive over Prank and Lonrsn Bevbrlby have been A w!zS! 8how - „ "iifni-miv ■»■■■—■! — :,.r"!'5 , _ x . 1J * ¥ . e Q Notes rnoit the Broon Familt Snow.— . " p* still In Kentucky, doing n nice busl- and all are well. We recently received a big lot of new dims, nnd we ore rehearsing n few more new acts. Notes and Roster of W.-R. Markle's "Now Sunny South" Floatlag Theatre: W. R. Markle, sole owner and manager; James Markle. treasurer; W. If. Hasley, secretary; Jack Huffman, band leader; Ceo. Hoffman, Percy Martin, Geo. Gibbons. Armond A. Bar- 1 ron, C. L. Hamilton, William Davenport and Geo, Taft, members of band: G*o. C. David- joined hands, and will do n German comertv "fa-orchestra leader; 0. C. Davidson, Albert net. written by Junle McCree Thev i?m h£ Hea ,l y ' Doc Danbauan, C. J. Klnn and John a Betty, members of orchestra. Compuny: 'aust and ber Herbert, tho Valdsrc, Mrs. Hoffman. tpened at , MM for the Summer. ' " n d have had good business at every per- r.n uprlfibt piano is a feat lhat. wins great uniformly successful on the coast thi B frit? kr?SS npninuse. and after two weeks In vaudeville at the ««L a „ notss PtioM tup, Gerald Snow.—Wc are Pickwick, Ssn Diego. Cal., titt?im«nS ^StS presenting a programme of high class vnudc- forlne stock company at that th vllle, nnd featuring the Musical Geralds, who Tiib Topsy Turvy Trio (O'Ct .w close their act with the novel turn of two H™P and Forrest) are in their melodrama, with scenes laid In the West, people playing on twenty-live mandolins at | n CnllfomJa. having opened on the title of whtcn is ■■.'Was-It tbo Woman's one time. Our roster Is now as follows: Weston circuit at the Empire ™2*i Special paper nnd scenery will, bo James II. Fitzgerald, manager; George B. g5* £*■ 2fl. Their eomedv a> also been made" to produce thTs" pinyhi i^n"- presenTing a proKrim\me"oTbi^c\k^Va\.ae- tor lac stocit^omp^v^at'thaMh^atre^^^ be Amerli UrnHml i:,.,-,i .Tnwv Timw m„.„ "^"'iniwili CI If. eighth week close their act with the novel turn of two the Won*/ a" San Fran- Flint, advance Agent: Johu'rhilllps," Elarry troin Cohoes," haY'twcrTa^succcfis wherever Howard. Master Albert Hormburg. Cleo presented, and the trio Is booked imtUHn. Komn, Ida Bergeo, the Two Musical Geralds, vember on the PacIAc coast. .. the Edison klnottwcope, nnd lllnstra-red songs. . Sasi Shannon and Robt. B. Mack haw. Si __ C il'?V5. n Ia ninIll "K a big hit iu his new Business is good, and we expect to remain out "' " All Summer. Notbs pnoM Dahkxst Sodth. —After three under the management of Loata Wesior Lhn SL Pett >". members of orcheatra weeks* rehearsAl, we opened at Cheater, Pa., Is nlHnjr their time fast. «»««!■/, wna -i nP Twn r^,, 8lBter3t T „ U{ , Ff March 31. We carry forty people, with band Billy Walsh will close n successful sen- tSS &5S 01r,p ; Hague nnd kid specialty. Kblcby Condoy Notrh. ~ Mr. Conbov opt'neii his Spring season In Greenwich, N, 'i., Mnrch 2*1,' supported by a strong com- pany, In Harold McCormlck's new drama, "Ou tbo Potomac." The Harry Strceter, Joe Nelson, Earle St. Jns Haven, Harry Carey, Krn Cronley, gnret Nelson, UMa Nell. Knythne Taylor. Tlir I'oinnai.y Is managed bv Geo. Bhret Jr.; wllh J. 1'i-ancis lla-fes ns musical director. . S- A. Sciiloss and the Cowan Brothers, who control the Schloss-Cowan Brothers' - circuit of theatres, embracing Wilmington, Henry Thompson. Sam Redding. Prof. Alsop, York, Pa., nnd have good time booki^ nh™,. New Rem, Greensboro, Ashevllle, Winston- ■■•»■•*•»■* **■■'■ ....»-= — J ...r^'*! 1, . ^l,, - Snlem, Raleigh and Charlotte, N. C, will or- gAuhc a tlrst cIbsb repertory company this month, to play during the Summer at their houses. The season will be opened In Wil- mington. April ,10. A modern nnd popular repertory of successes will bo secured. <?.' ; It. 8, Crakhin, of Washington, D. C-. has leased, for a term of years, tlte CUv Oiwra House, nt Havre de Grace. Md. The house will be completely renovated during the Sum- mer, and the seating capacity increased. J, Tommy Donaldson, wlfo and daughter, ln tor the Summer. ' - fdctures; Ray Murray, Bessie Dutton, In Mark and Laura Davis report meet In it tormonca. The performers are fhe best that lluatrated songs; "Pewee" Williams, juggler; with big success In their neat German a£2 mo aey can furnish. Mr. Markle has spnred Carlotta White, singer; Sam Pitts, Preston edy net, "Hans, thn Grocery Bnv'' Wivk . nn w P°ase to make everybody comfortable. Peters, American Quartette, Billy Pride, of April 2 they were at the Parlor Theatre ne boa ^ e _ srn "s^ted by electricity, and Stl JSPJ&™" produced their new leader band and orchestra. The show B headed by Geo. K. Bundy and Paul Simmons, singing and talking net (written bv Joe iiit and no more need he said, .The whole ag- chell) for the first time at the Bijou Theatre _..Hng capacity Increased. J, II. Owens will continue ns resident manager. Fred Seward will during the coming Sum- mer ngnin have charge of tho stock company at Glcnwood Park, New Albany, Iud., for tlm Louisville and Southern Indiana Traction It being; his third season. The park Is frrega-tlon will travel on our own car, oors bright. Notes prom Powers' High Class Vaude- vili.k and Specialty Show. —We open under eanvns May 5, nt Scotts, Mich. ITof. Pod Pow- ers, owner nnd manager: Henry Utidd, Dutch, Irish and Hebrew comedian; the Le Itnys, sketch, song and dance net: the Franklins, bicycle riding on slack wire: Rd. McClroy, acrobats: Mrs. Downle Harrison, singer; Pod Powers, cornettlst: Jnck McBelt, solo ror- lii tlist: Master Orly Powers, solo alto; Ed- die Smiggs, trombone; Bert Suavely, bari- tone; Kd. Cllne. tuhit: Billy Sutton, snare All Qulncy. 111. and It was a"big Bit tbevln. from us. The** ■ ■—•■- ■* --- -'.... 3 August go with k , AartfPR Rupd, of Bunth and Budd, writes - r0 h.JltI nna ' Cub a!"vVe hnve just finished a highly successful engagement of lire months with the Circns VBSSm, 2nd are now being featured at Palatlno Park, Hn- ^>rV HB&> ■ ■i n nmanil resort. W'e saw cooled by electric fans. The band And or- chestra nre first cIabs. and Are doing good work, also getting mnny favorable comments from the towns we visit. Notes prou Fkaxklyn Comedy Co.—We have been playing to good business and week _ -jcv are booked un solid until lust in the Vestern parks, and thev ma» "'"aaa. and And attendance good, and plenty with a burlesque show next season H mon «y In tho treasury, and people bnye plenty of money. We open last of May In our round top, QOiOO, close opera house sen- son Mar 12. Roster op Dr. J. e. Hoax's Modern Con- cert Co. : Dr. J. R Horn, Harry Lc Beane. Eva Le Reane, Little Freda, Little Mlaa, The CLiPPKn In the interior of Cubn 15S Bom - J?°°P roller: «■ t Do'y aod J. a Mur- eeldom. Have just obtained the hum* ni* Kr Jm Bus ' DeM ■ Wg At every place we sbow. March n." M ine " 8no ot Thh Old Reliahle is, like our salary, right GRboohy write: "We will Jolu Pnwneo Bill's situated midway hetwi-en New Albany nnd Harrison. Iwss hostler, with two assistants; Jun WIM IVnat -Jhrni- nt I'liiilftn D nit Aur '»" .1 nsVni.amia.ilIn Aniuulu I n,.l«..lll fl «.. .i,„ i\',i .-, ■,, r-„ --■ ..__ i .. a. . — r . . Wild West Show nt Canton, O.. ou April Alt of us are from Granada.. Wo were with Buckskin BUI In lmtj, with Lnelln Fish nnd Forepnugh In 1003, with Gabriel Bros. Iu 1004. in ltm:> we were with various fairs, among thein ihe Pueblo. Col,, state Fair, where we secured the blue ribbon for our fine work. Wn arc reckoned among the best riders nnd ropers In the country, and the fact that we are real cowboys, having beeu used to rope nnd saddle from Infancy, inAkes this claim plnusable. It. S. Gregory is n new man to the fdtow business, but will acquit nhlmseif with credit, As be Is'thoroughly pro- flcloral." The R. K. Wallace Cinrtm will open the Season April 28. Lowv-iiy TtnoTKBRB' Snows open the season April 21, at Shenandoah, Pa. The Gollmaii Hkoh.' Shows will open nt BsrAboo. Wis., April 29. tone; HE Cllne. tubn: Billy Sutton, snare Nat Haines Is nlnvtnn. tt. a -r-i#*. , ,. there ou tl drum; Robert Harrison, bass drum; Mart eaSSiiSgg-JL 55?S. M ft <&9 *t and happy, RiMktt. lw,o« lioutlnr. will, Iwn n««lotntit« ■ !..«„ i . '"'..i" .,„ np 7. art * . llc » B OOOked to Mn. AND JetTersouvllle, opisislie Louisville, ou the Ohio River, and Is a henutlful spot, bo which big crowds nre nttrncted everv Summer. Notes psom Hrndekson Stock Co. —Our roster remains about the same, nnd business has been very good ln lown oil Winter. We go Into Illinois for n few weeks, 1hen hack to Iowa for tho Hummer. Just before the curtain went up on the first net of "East laj-nne" Thursday night, nt Burlington, Miss Prettyman, our leading woman,, received a telegram from her slater at Chicago, with the sad news of the death of her father, J. W. Inghnra. Mlaa Prettyman left Im- mediately for Chicago, to bo gone several days. . KvitLE Bnr.Lnw celebrated Ihe seven hun- dredth performance of "Rnlaea," at the Grand Opera House, Cincinnati, April ?, nnd the company presented him with a loving cup. Hiram Case, Advance, one assistant: Bert Harrison, ticket seller: Mrs. Bettle Powers. treasurer: Mrs. Bettte Powers, overseer of cook department, with three assistants. Notes from Barlow & Wilson's Min- htiielh. —UIiIh company Is entering Its fortieth week of this season, nnd business Is A No. 1. Tills company will play tbe parks for the Summer months Iu the large cities. Me»srs. Barlow aud Wilson will put out a circus this coming Summer, opening about April' ltt.- Everything Is complete for the opening. Our compauv remains Intact. We are now carrying thirty-eight people, and Imnd^and juvheatra. « TAriRS A. "Hkn-nksst, who opened, nn the Crystal circuit Mnrch 2K, at St. Joseph, Mo., with Trinidad, Pueblo and Denver to follow, lies ten weeks of parks In Kansas and Mis- souri, after-which he will go-borne for a month's rest there ou time, every weea. Everybody Is w*" - and happy. booked to Mr. and Mrs. Rapp nre concluding a suc- cessful ludoor season, and are making prepa- SgUoiS? S* ffuaFS Tnir- n Kftfi principal tlroults y * ° 07, ovcr tuo ? tloM f °r their Summer work under canvss. Howard and Blank nr.» mni!,,-. « » _i Arrangements are beln* mad© to eularge tue ing success with the^? "sXJS mn,? a ? ,,B! r H P atlD « ™Paclty. which was not of suffirient la v uSlir ]C „t . ?J !S°^ r nc , u ti¥ t0 accommodate the crowtls last Summer. , iney are now playing the Tbe entire season win be booked in Indiana. Thh cook * Harris Co. is booked solid nnti! June, when thev will go to Wg Proctor circuit. Mattih Ashtox Arthur Raymond Ash- tpn and Hose Martin closed twelve weeb«7.t tt"J"IJoti ThoRtre, Norfolk, Va , and Opened nt Ehmlhig's Music Ball. *AprI 2? for'two wcekB They will then play fow JSJ a % the Stag Theatre, '-Hagerstown, Mil Billy Howaiid pro Marios, of the team of Howard And Taft, hnxo juat cloaed a thirty-one weeks" engagement with the Frank fl. Davidson "Folks Ijp Willow Creek" Co and Are Row appearing Id vaudeville In n E» *«kS Q tE*i:*™^»* n* Show." The? and In September company, on three night stands. Beach, X.#Y., making their tenth conaeeuM™ season there. Everybody Is happv, and TH* Old Reliable and "the mRn in. white" ore with us every week. Notes from Amy's Mottsu Pictcres, Rural Alvin, proprietor and manager.—-»e nre in our twentv-slxth week of success. The Rubllc seem to be glad to havo us hack ag« In ' ur pictures this season are entirely new. nnd the mnnngen, nre booking ua for return dates. Next season Mr. Alvin will have ad will pIav the parks tbi£ comlnV "»„«,*«,« 'iS"!"" " w . '^' mn Mr - «■■" *>" ,***i:'^ii will taw i«i? B (i.VaV in,nM * I? a,,tera and Western company, playing £B «SLE£JB* ,nt?lr «»n first ciass houses. Roster of the MJ«[' liurnl Alvin, proprietor nnd msnager; deorg*