The New York Clipper (April 1906)

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258 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. April 21. THE TWO BEST SONGS OF THE SPRING SEASON ( BILLY B. VAN'S GREAT HIT, IN "THE ERRAND BOY." 23--SKIDD00! By AIII*Jl/EJK and BOBOHBR. The Funniest of AM the Comic Songs. A Ditty that appeals to all audi' ences as an Irresistibly Mirthful Affair. "23, SKIDDOO," Is the ORIGINAL "SKIDDOO" SONG. JUST AS BILLY B. VAN 18 THE ORICINATOR OF THE SLANG WORD. ) WINONA WINTER'S LATEST SUCCESS IN VAUDEVILLE WhentheNight BirdsCall By VVI5SIWIV ernct JI5l*tiJ3-X(SJ3iV. A Beautiful Ballad of the South. A Love Song, Sweet In Sentiment, Poetic in Treatment and Tuneful as can be. A song for the Stage and for the Drawing Room. WATCH THIS BALLAD I NO GREATER SONC OF THE POPULAR ORDER HA8 BEEN WRITTEN IN YEARS. Professional Copies and Orchestrations F" F9 to Recognized Performers, or those sending Up-to-date Programs. MUSIC CO.. •» $QC <"">The NEW BRONX, S QC Q%g UP. Wolmvethe %"Qj AND UP. ttoowH, m,mmwm&. «oow«, S3 MONTH. v * aM 5£££ a * lot8 ' $3 MONTH. ORMONDE FARE, ROSEDALE, L. I. 16 MINUTES TO BROADWAY. MjMF*First Stop after Jamaica. - **! Third Rail Electric Sjstem Already Laid id Property. Bordering New York Ciiy, right across Hie street, at Queens County, just escaping the heavy taxes, bu* first to nenelit by tailroad Improvements. Electric lighting, near railroad station, ami trolloy direct to New York; PXOMTAttE ON FAMOUS MERRICK ROAD, the Fifth Avenue u[ Long Island. Persuasion or argument is not required to sell valuable building Ms at Ormonde Park, the new Bronx. A COLD FIELD FOR INVESTORS AND HOME SEEKERS. Come by train or trolley. Judge for yourself. Lots now held at $95 and upward will be worth ten times the price when tunnels are finished. Every lot guaranteed by Title and Trust Company, the banner proposition on Long Island, which will never be duplicated in its history. B IK fill! LOIS J! HI PRICES. For fllttji*. Circular* mid fr«e TIckrta to VMt the- Property Coll, Write or'Phone HILLTQI REALTY COMPANY, Ik )W\ OITirr—Suit* $5 World Building, ftm Tut BROOMS \mn-m Mlaulie He., near forth Ave. (Open Evenings.) JAMES P. BROWN, Manager. Tlofaet* may be Itud fruin our A^ntj, wearing While Curtl with Large Letter "C" In Centre. Tu-I»ny nml Kvery Buy Air Tniiit* lenvlnu Louu Inland City Depot ut .10. SHI A. H.I PlntlMiah .\ vnito-, IU.JH A. :t,; K»Mt SrW Turk, lO.SO A. 91. OFFICE ON PROPERTY OPEN EVERY DAY FROM 9 TO 5. SCHOOL ut si., cuicauo. Attain :A'S BEST AND UllEATEVI Bndorfcetl by 1're.s and Public. o.imi rorcreiir-es from nil Jiarw or Iho MM, The Ottl,-Rrhoul Kndorned In Ctilcu|£<>. STAGE Dill ETC. (Up-to-date lu every detail). Bauk, Jig, Skirt, Novel Cuke Walk, Elocution, Singing nml Rag Time Songtj, vaudeville Acla, Sketches, HrftiiMiltj Art. ENGAGEMENTS SECURED. NO FiVILl IIF.M. PROP. P. J. HIDOK. Mips Frances Lee and others. Circulars Free. UKAND OPKRA HOUSE. I endorse PKOr'. RIME aailicoaiv Actor uad PnCwHleMI Dancing Teaohor In Chicago. PHKFJ J. WILDMAN, Theatrical Agent. Small und Leading Parts Couched. 127 La Salle BL. near Madlaou, Ohlca go, III. OPENS MONDAY, MAY 14, 06. WANTED, lohear from good Yauitevtile for opening date. 1EBGKLAK Sl'MMlvR STOCK SEASON op win Monday, Miiv i». O.-Ji'^r-Jit- Mav IT. Whiil Full Acting Company Tor aeawjn or lu weeks. Ail people mu»l be actor*, MIch ana gentlemen, have wardrobe Tor slock, und uot afraid of study, Sal- aries uot high, but srood for the Hummer time. Seud plioum. suite all in drat letter. Fares ad- vanced to Hie right kind. AH kinds ot concessions to let, outright or on percentage. Always want to hear from opeu air atlraoUom. Addresn w. o WANTED, SPRING AMD SDMMER SEASON, i'Olt DORA THORNE CO. Join receipt of wire. Address 0. S. SULLIVAN, Cure of Allen Show Prlnl, Beverly, Mua=. STOWE'S U. T, C. CO, WANTS rirsi Class Clarionet and Tnba lor B. and 0. Write or wMu quIcR. CHEYEXSE, Wyoming. Wanted, lor Stetson's Uncle Tom's Cabin, LnstTii Co., Atjiur to do Murke wlio doubles hlMM Colored Man lo play Tom, Colored I'eopju who sing, dsuee nnd caku wulk to work tu male and female quartettes. State what voice yon sine In lint letter. Marlborough, .Muss., April 20: Fitch- Ixirg. April 1*1; Lowell, April 23. Atfdrosa til lANTI. lCi;, jrlmtugor 3MCAJL.OTCE:, CAHE OF WMMCT P.VHK. PVUUtAH. Kl, N OTI O B. chas. E .l]VIVE>SJ{S «w RYANmi, Have potnpQut'd Euroni'iiD and South African time lo July. I90T. owing to tlmo arranged lu tlild country Apr. a, New York, PASTOIt'S. I Apr. SI, Worcrater. Ma«.. PARK. Apr. a, K«w York. 1IUKTIU i SEAHOK'S. Apr. 3D. Boston, Mass., KEITH'S. Apr. 10, New York, KEITH'S. May 1,1'Mlu.delplita, KEITU'S. May 14, rut-burg, OUANU 0. H. Iluokvil Solid. Agrnl, .to. PAIOB 8IHITH. NEW SONGS -NEW SONGS. "iiiiimn tup iiinnmmnni nrrxn rnr apih Knoxvi le, Iowa. Soattng capacity, 900. Modern lu every temed Now booking for loot} and 1907. w I*IOG, NEW ROLAND THEATRE. Poll, t J.Odll. 1|.VltIl>\. III. ScuCn.ii'j l.UliO. NOW BOOKING FOR SEASON 1906-07. StageaOx-^j; :jti ft.o|«Milng. mj f(. loll: 11 drewilng worn*. FIRST CLASS ATTRACTIONS WANTED. .noKTlIN KHMP. t.«*iw«'Munit MoitHger,fWTfl Wmjfr Are., «». Lout*, Mo. AT LIBERTY, SEASON 06-7, FARCE COMEDY OR BURLESQUE, THE ELLIS BROS., REFINED COMEDY ACROBATS. Vemiaueiif VHi '■ : -. t!U KMMKV. o^j Court W« (listen, Muss Vaudeville Acts Wanted, RIVKR8IDE r*Af=tK, MONTREAL. O Uy llic lai b c..l ai'in uiiCHl HiliHHtlonal Comedy chilli AeN will bo cou.ldcred. GRAND OPENING SUNDAY, MAY SO. Musician* for l(.-il., wine. A tew gwul locution;* for llnd olain I'tntcfHslini.. Tlic Vnllnwlug Olv uiuiife- inctitilcvlccniienowlii: rill: MYSTIC I'll ITU. 1KII.I.EK I'OAS'l'Ell, ■Jlltl'l ( K.<WIN«, liALYESION 1'l.lHll), LIVE RIX I'llASE. Wrlto luilnitlllilclv lo Al,. B.». Mgr. Illvor.lec I'atk \nui&cniinl L'o.. Moulrcnt.Can. WAIM-TED QUICK, Slide Trombone, Band and Orchestra. All DiU.kianD, nrllc: uUo vuiiduvtHo nnd cood picture uiiiclilnc torn, iloublliii; bninl. I'A'ITUN A PEltltY. "inrj from Kerp" Co.. ?>ol*lo»clilr.. Iiul. WANTED, F-OR THE OLD RELIABLE HARRINGTON'S PAVILION THEATRE, llcuertolri' Teoplo lu nilllu«i» Hum* didug aiiuoluUU^ pruferrt-O. Musicians tor i«nd and orelioatrH. Al Hpei'lnlti TeiiifiiMiutrcHii vhiiu^' foroue week. Wriifiowt^thi ilrtit Ictlt-r. Nioir ojn'im inTerre lluuti: Aj-rll M AddtI'S^Mta mtm II A. \i AKltiM>n»3, K09KU MulDl*t, 'lurro M»ufi>, Hid. I. At Cornel find Clarluet und Alto to Double '2nd Violin. OpeuSlUT. H. 11. TL-JtM.K, Davton, Ohio, FREE—Professional Copies sent to Performers enclosing programs, MOW ItEADY—"Pae-ilng of the Old Soldier," "I "Will Be h Soldier Boy," "Like You, au'cetaeart." "Dnwii the Cotton Rows," "lu Memory's Golden Frame," "I Wonder what Mahea Wo Feel So Laay," "Memory's Bella," -'In the Oloanilug I'm Wutthig For You." '-llow I'd lAkn To'vc Been There," "The Cry For react," "Mv OhrjHaiitheiuum (jucco," "Pupa Uciir," "My Hunbomiet Maid." "Will You Teach Me Your Hong," "Shy's My S>v-cclheit.'t. Stable Dear." "JMnru By tile Old ltoch Spring," "l»e Wldder Bowi," "Would You Bo fitad," "While the Moon [3 Slowly Creeping Up the Hill," "When You awl I Were Maying." "Come Back," "Culirornla," "The World Holda No Oharin Without You," "Ere the Dead Leaves Fall. MELVILLE MUSIC PUB. CO., 55 West 28th St., New York, DOOR TALKERS WANTED For Black Top aud Down Town .Shuws. AIuo Good Attraction for Down Totvu W'ugon, and Operator with ft rut clttBH Machine mid Ftlum for Black Top, to opeu at Mtapleton, Stuteu IMunO, N. Y., April is, witi, FRANK A. BOBBINS' CIRCUS A pply to V. A. ROBUINS, Jr., wlulur quitlord, Gltndalo Vixrk, and t'onnunulpaw Ave, Jewev Cltr, N. . 'I'OM SHAW, Please irrltt. TO ALL TICE :mbers of tmi WANTED, MUSICIANS. Darltoue, 10 double 'id violin. Olliur* wrllu. One artaed injures, buvo iiosihuo. Address II. D. RCOKKK, LlvliiKbton Hotel, Urand Rapid,-. Mich. Pianists Wanted, Yundevillc. Aeuount of (i]icuiuir ne\>- house* Kl My-two weeks'I'liuttiremeiit. State Unrert sul urj, J011V II. AMMONS, care Crystal Theatre- Marlon, Ird. * TROMBONE AT LIBERTY AFTER APBIL 22. KtrotiR. bober aud lilxperleueud, Curnlvnl or Locatum preferred. KBHRY P. WALTER, FlfttlevUle, Via. FOR SALE, Iowa 8talu MeilKliu' Uceilfie. Kxplro?.Tuue 16, W. PrlCL' Tro. Rate. F. A. DILLINGHAM, Cure of Monroe Hotel. Ctnelinmtl, 0. Medicine Men 1 have. Mjim- verv ohoioc icrrltorr und can piaen aruod HM0 tieiiiTs, ritriilah urlriuiiifand noil you Koods nt riiiiiiufaeUirluK price: jou to lake uli •Tnint iiiouov." V. A. I>ILI.1N0IIAM, Mnijufae- turerot Plant Juioe Hemedles. sti-s*i w. Gth Ht., ciiit'iniiatl, 0. __ WANTED FOR SUMMEB. Under Canviw, SKETCH TKA3H, TWO 8INULE Ai.'i'-i. DhMtfH for ono week. Artdresa BViiuiriT a bosh, pwfnr, Kjkv tA>., ind. ASSOCIATED VAUDEVILLE ARTISTS OF AMERICA. T.IK A I, \n. 1, ACTORS 1 i; MOV. Annual election of oiik-ir.-; will be held Friday, May 4, l«u«. All mmUkn in koji! rtiui:diag desiring to vote wild uinnct? for oilli'lal biillot. . I1AKKY DB VKAU\. Preitdoul. LBW MOlt'mN", Seeretary, No. C Union Hqoarc, Sew Tort. Experienced Repertoire People. TIIK HIiST I.V KVERY LINK 111' T11K III MKKSK. ' SUMMER SEASON. SUMMER STOCK. SUMMER SAURIES, llrar III mind tag MM. nil Hl-al ll'lltr. WE WILL UKMVEU TIIK IIUODS NKXT SKASONHAMK ASTHIS THE 1IKIST OR NOl'llINU. Iinmt'rlliiti'. yniriiKnnioulri for onlv til. Kuou ouch, AddNflB charlotte 3iiT<;niar,i,, AiigiimH, Mc, April iu-21; !.>'tni, M««., week- April a, ELM PARK, WINNIPEG, MANITOBA, CANADA. The preHluM and most ptetwettsa Parkin Aaurieu. WAJU'^EU—Prlvlleniw and Coiicessloue or all klud>i011 purceDtii?i>or ivumi. Apply 11. M0KK1B, Attraetlou Mauagcr. ■w-^Liw-ria: MUblOIANS—IUBA, Uauil ami Orchestra: UAIUTONR, double aeoond Viollu( itoud red Uot Sketch Teams, thuttuaWeio clianKc for three nijrhta or more preferred. Sloop lioteln. Tliroo d«v aud week aland*. Picture Machine {calcium) with titcrcoptlcou. People report. -May IS. Show openaMay 14 Me pay all after Joining. Name lowest. Jackaon Droo.' Rngkada Vandertiie Olrcuu. AddMM J. B. BWAFKOltD, Mgr. Oarduer Theatre, Gardner, Bu* UOIKG UETTEtt THAN EVBH." LeMAIRE and LeMAIFS, This Week, Savoy Theatre, fall River. Mann. ,„„',':,> ALICE W. LOUNSBURV uEAPM Oil HEAVIEH. siniinit-r ^lock. Krr.-lUMil wnnlmhr V... routli und ex|itirlence. AddnMH H M\, '' mi w. wru ST., K. r. WIJ.