The New York Clipper (April 1906)

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ApBIL^. THE HEW YOEK GLIPPEE. 277 mui, Unlj-ilul-HoKlird, suit .tlic.Lowrys. '%a3**9b*m <'- a w « lk "- """>«• _ ' —In tbc curio loll, «'«* of 1'3: Too (.nios. Jill breakers: Martha Wagenfubrer, M,?"WS of tbe IlagUis:" FmWT Utannori, iirnisnl.lionojr»ph ; .Walter Wonnrortb, con- lJoi--jRl?ii .Jtwell. Harry Bmos, PriDca,* ■SJ&ilac. Jm. SUIMVnn. tic Iimtotk, and $5llc HarliordVBiirltsqo* Co.. Boslaeas re- '"'.Vicmwoeo.v (W. II. Wolffc. maoator).— ru'rlo hnll. week of '.'3: Charles, harmonic .inert' Ell Zakcj, Hindoo tvoadcr worker: thTzirclla. and Bt. Omar, human ostrich. In ! 10 new theatre Is Fannie Kverett's Beauty 1 Hiht Co. Olio :■ Don 0'Xcll.v. Jlawhall «nd 1 cr'rlcy, Leslie k« Koy. Amelia Garvin, the Van laasell Bros. and Business la on the In* "voTts— Sonday concert bills 2: - and his band. :■ Bontnn rlicaire— Bousa and hla band, /.ojrdodi square—Benefit for San Franclaco sufferers: Tv,« and Jermon, .1. K. Hutchinson nod enm- imnv Ua MMC Bros.. "5andy" Chapman, [•hrrrr and Botes, ilnrtln .Bros.. Miller and i.'„»miotl l-'ratKls (Wood. Cramer ,and-Cos- a^iI. ''IS* -J** 1 """*.Owd-Wisl 'OKljojiri'. SB*9 W* assisted XV Xoula Morrcll, Klluorc Sisters, .users Brothers', and tbo Hungarian flora' Band were the .Iron, feat- ures of the iirearan-me. Bill week of 23: hnrnos ten humralng birds. Mason KMlrahd jompsn.T. A. O. Duncan. Oclicr anil Ws'llets. '.itsAeonaro.AUllmari Trio, Cunningham and Lovenj-. anil yleclrograub. -K-SIim » Co., managers).— Al. Hseres' nl(t Show, 10-18, played Its sec- .. nod en»«-reincnt this season, and. duplicated tweke. Its previous success. Miner's Merry Bur- tannine gK"" l'J-21, Wine, Women nnd Sons Co. "" -Votes— o. L. Southland, of the Contt BUM Theatre Orchestra, hla returned from » ".'Inter's-engagement- St Hotel Ormond, fiords. He will later Join the Boston lesthal Orchestra for Its Slicing tour BMI Ituhy. of the National Stock Com- pany, has been rtsttlnc her home here for a 'lu'rt time Nellie Johson, of "Peck's Bad Boy," and William H. Williams, mana- ger for Krncst Tliorapson-Seion. were married Kqrdlnriu?' n-lllt I^tv'r'l^fds, svnlcU dreif'tls * Rmpi business earlier lu the season.' Is litre"'for a "The' lei McCiilluiigli. manager).— KUhnt Mr: Doolor" a-psg, • ra«f week, So'abd.weck ruturu eagai(eraent .of two weeks, beginning Mania'.. 29. The ^lask-and: ..Wig Club of the (H good business. "Mr. Hoollttnln New York' verslty t>£-Pennsylvania, In "Kbylock.A-Co., **"'-<--»— E Bankers." played to capacity,Utt week. Broai> (Nixon & Zimmerman, mnnayern). —Charles Itlcbman, In "Gallops," Is In hi* second nnd Una l, week. Atteadaucc waa" good last week, tbc play being vntert an entertain- ing ' comedy. "The Plainsman" 80, for two _•_ mok V. Krcnch, df the Now York QmEa .__ car and Mkntirr-ATimwwtif. of the-Yotk Cabin" played to Theatre, who was also roatuuer of the N. Y. " Opera Co.. bad a difference ol opinion wblcb resulted in Mr. French leaving the eottntatiy *ew York. 11 Tha _.- -At the FHIton.Opera Hon A. Yft'ker.nftons<i , r"n&laWjr ' (Frank IIorv Jr., managers.— Kills Jeffrey,.. In "The Fascinating Mr. Vfll»- derveldt." cnjoyeil proaperoua bualnetu laat week. The current week ends the engnge- ment. t.nncnfttcr. (Cha> UlclV'drtw s good lioiiso Ai-rll J.<l. Kjrl Tlcllcw, In "li.-.iilrr-," hi\il CoQd buMnefla 11. •ilVnv Down Rant" did-will'19. "VheVli*- clnlan" lind Horned hrtdae 2o. "Naw Yfltk.hy Night" wan well received.Ml. "The VvlDco of Pliaoh" aa, UnU Morrison, la "Faust," -1: Mmc. Mo.ijojku -ft. ■l-'AMitv (l-.d. Nofart. maiwirer).—Current atrractlcns: > Ad. Cni'llKlR'H uonlex, O'Nolira _ °£ !P«!!W i^JWBillil '? r «>n and Urew, Banka-Ilreacalo Duo, and mor fh lit Wield after the close of the nlay in which the, bride appeared. Following the ceremenv n dinner mm served at the Wendell Hotel. The bride wilt Dnlsh the reason wltli two wecka' atay. Wright Lorlmer, In •The Shepherd King," had a- fortnight of fair buatneas. ending.SI. I'aiik (F. 8. Nlxon-Nlrdllnfter. manager). —"Simple Ultnon HImple'* opena S, for two weeks. VtKaau and Walker, in '*Aliy««lnU, H plnyed to two week* of big tiuslneas ending U ran ii Onu House (G. A. Wcgefarth. mvougnl. —"A Yankee Circus on Mora"-** log plctuier ltu"i- (.iMt,',-v (Charles M, ger) «ipena for tho Mowell, noon April .10. mann- Open- itarmoud. Hraiwls iWood. _ uor t h " &>krv e - Pro— dod Clffton. and ''^• J .Vfc* a ^,?KV^ J?! c ( eom P"/ ««d the g^oom'Vlir'relSmTo ^^ttmiW^mSnSnSt^mgkSiSt }A *i ; il ' I K* a i£ l i«i«^ , Aiitf«rd n«ii ihi fL U1C w K0 i I ' I V ,--- T1 ' C 'oltowlng officers of p the attendance wti big. Hilly Van, in iWaa. -4h*..Ixf utnw. -illllarO,. Bros., the he spr ogfleld Lodge of Elks were recently "'flip, Krriod Boy." 30 and week. Bradforda. LBinont antiI l^ulettc. Moore and iniulfed: Exalted ruler. Dr. James F. Mar- <ttnun Avbnue f Miller &>Kau Moore and Mart Ilnymau tne Deuetlt *' coDcert for Wllheltn Ocrlcke. the retiring conductor of the Boston Symphony orches- tra .will -be held at Bympnony Hall, Tutb- dar t-renlBg -^ Mary Desmond, the TdVUh contralto, will awenr nt Wtlnert Hall Tuesday nfternoon, 24 Gilbert Murray's J'lay, "Andromacbe, 1 ' will be pro- duced at Jordan Hall 2C, by the Twentieth Cculury Club. ' tlu: esteemed leading knigbt. C.-U. Kelton cBtnemed loyal .knigbt. IV. L. Plough- esteemed lecturing knight, J. K. McCarthy: secretary. J. A. Gfbbons: treaaurer.-W. A. mm: tylcr, B. F. HatTey; truatec for three years. M. J, Dunn; representative to Srand lodge session In Denvee. Col.. T. n. Brlen; alternate, W. A. Iloblnson. Lynn,—At the Lyon Theatre (F. 0. liar i.n'Lk < Miller 4- Kaufman, mana- gers).—Howard Hall, In "The Millionaire Detective/* 2,1-28. P. *"P- Anderaou. in *Tbe Come of Drink." pleflMW good alicd bouses 10-^1. Van Klnile, In "A Man of Jdya- t«ry," an. National (J. M. Kelly, manager).—"For n.Human Lire" 23. In the cast Is Nellie CM- lalian. u strong local favorite, and-a former inetnlicr of two of (he local stock*. Seltna Herman, Id "The Queen of the Couvletu.' Lowell.-At the Mi Opera llomie this home eloK.'^ April W aud on ao begl; • .jam,— ax rue i^vnn i neat re u«, i, unr- ••^■Mtnu. au »•■<; wu™» w inc. i.uuvnin, rlson. manager) the'regular Winter season of <Irew> a *"rc««»lo*i uf Ano houses last week, this bouse closes Anril '2H. nnd nn :tai itnntntt "I-iircd from Home" IW- Old Orchard" 2?, 2tf. "Peck-s Bad Boy" 28, HaapfaTa moving pictures are pleasing good bized houses ■ twice Huudaya. AcAufcMY (Rlcnard !■'. Murphy, manager). —TIM stock company (direction of Isabel Fletcher) won big success, last week, lu "(irauatark." Miss Fletcher and Richard Thornton received excellent support. Tbo play was beautifully staged and costumed. This week. "Men and Women." Hatiiaway's (Jubo I. Shannon, resident manager).—The ltarwnld &:LefBugweII Htock Co. opened lis Spring and Summer season very Hnccetsfully last week, In "The For- Iriddcn Marriage." The company Includes: JL-Hfc riaa* Kyers. Marie Fulls. Wto. II. Bar- v;j1(I. Xsit Lemuffwi it, lioland Gordon. Frank Tliomus. J>1. Itcddlug, George WaNi, Kd- tiiund James, Herbert Colby. Marcflla For- resle. Kllxnbetli Bruce. Marjorle Fletcher, "Dickie" Delaro. and Baby Kddy. "Beware of Mi-n" underlined. -The Sunday concerts continue to be popular. Baby L'uJy Is the ■nedal feature 22. H'jsvun u. II. Tebbette, manager).—With the Sunday concert.. 22, Walter l*a Foyc, solobit, this bouae closed a most prosiRTous bcasGo, to open next Fall under the same lusaugL-ment, as a vaudeville unit stoek bur It-wive'.house. Mr. Tebuetts will. continue his 1'lttsfleld bouse (or. several weekn, nnd lias Jiwt closed u conlract for n beuutlful ISuunner park near I'lttslleld. rwlicrc he will uuch blgn class vaudeville' and tractions. - l'i;<ji'u; r s (Al. Bradshaw. muuugvr).—Btinl- liess was-gotM| week, with: Fred Cbag- hod, Perkins and Cutvette. Nasoa and Ilos- tuer, PenrrMorrls, Amelia Garvin, Illustrated HjnjM. and the Pcoplcscopc for entertainers. TKiiPUJ.—The Lowell Orchestral Society elves Its sixth iiud lust recltul 22, roatiuct:. The seuson bus been a decided surcess. Akcauh (Geo. W. Carey, manager).—Tills plarc Is doing a uig business. Assuciatk h —Sousa and his bond 20. under the auspices of the Lowell Aerie of liaslcs, 22.V tap* ^"B&aWs nSdt T»a*i Qu3b**"it! 'ssacs from the Bowery." makes Its local '' bow 23. "Muttiaii Hearts' drew big lant week. "Marching Through Georgia" SO aud i'Mr? n Sfri3Sa A HSer! iliuTH N .V5 Tiibatrb (John W, Hart, *' manager).—"Kaeuped from HIng Slng^' 23-28, 'ArnrroaivH (Marry Katzcs. manager).— E2 BUI week of 9 : JcwiII'k mannlklns. Adumiul '"JK ami Taylor, Mr. and Mrs, Perkins llsher, ' •' MUea and Itayraond. Fleldn and Wooley, ™ anil »--" — tt*?t ■ ?•—* 3-i^».—^. y ^a Newel! and Nlbio. Dan Burke and bis School &W™* , a Tft S* fiffLS*?! A3? 3 Girls, under the niaoagemeut of Mr. Kalfes, A "ace for Life. ".Nortliern Lights' 30. and Die vltograpb pictures. * Fouki'au<»i'« (Miller & Kaufman, mann- ing nttrnctlmis Include: Nice nnd Prcvoat,-ln "Humnty BitinpM," and tireen and Werner, In "The BHbes lu the Jungle," McGkan.i's .Pahk.— fliaenbeck's Circus win appear 00, nod Itlnjling Hros.' Circus Mar IP. .Notrh.— AI. Leach, of "Girls Will' Be Girls'* Co.. was taken III here after the per- formance M). nnd removed to a hoaui(a). He was supposed to be dying, but- la rapidly Im- proving Bug shaub. of thla city, a member of the "Babes In Toyiand"Co.. puff- ing In Una FrauelBco, telegraphed her safety. i . a ■ i■■ m m llnrrlhlinrn.--At the Lyceum (M. Re Is, manager) Kyfle Btllcwdld-well in "Italfles.' April 10- "The Virginian" bad a big bouso 18. and srorpd n success. "Tbc Prince! of Pllscii" drew n,large audience 18, and '"Way Down KobC bud nod liouscs HO. 21. Wright Lorlmer. In "The Kheplierfl King," aa-23, Tho Mask and Wla; Club of L'nlvcriltv of I'cnn- «\lvanla will present "Biiyloek k Co., Bank- ers."'27. Ilela, manager).—'Tbo ' business 10.18, and Hollow" did well 10-21. ' Htock week of S3. vii:u;i. WayiiQ l.vtcr, ■ Ilrttebl. local members of the oivresslon, are home for the Hummer. M-inager Nathan Appcll was here 17, nnd dosed ncgoiItiLIons for lite property on which will be erected « V10MM vaitdevlllu tlK'utre, under Hie direction or Malingers Beta nnd Atipcll. Work will begin early in tbo Summer. . rltograph pictures. tltsii (C. W. Suacfc, manager). — Botafl •business last.n-wk. Bill week of-23: Tbo FltrsImmoiirS-U'Hrlcn light plc1uren, Jim Hon- neswy, Jordan and Meaklu, tjeorge F. How- aril.. Murrlsuii and Berwick, and iIm> moving pictures. Manager Shcafc wlll-oppii his lie- bur House Hummer Theatre, at Nnhauti Juno 17. The tlieatre Is being equlp|ied with new scenery, and other Improvements are beluy made , Kalkm Tiikatbk. Salem (O. if. Cbwtlmm, mmuigcr).—llondinl played l<> big hiiHluess IIJ-'H- "Behind the Mask." 20. pleased, nod "The Smart Set" bad a good bouse 21. Mitchell's All Star Players 2IJ-2S. - i " B» i Wureentcr.—At the Worcester Theatre (.las. p. Ruck, resident mnnagcr), week of Aiirll n, "Ah Ye Sow" will be the ultractlon, wllh a matinee, 24, for San Franelnco bencllt. I-'baxkmx S»juakk (-I..F. Burke, resident nuinuKcr).—Malcolm WIIIluius and eoinpanv, In 'The Two Oriiliuns," 2:t-28. Irfist week "The Liars" wuk very well received. "Tbe Dauclug Ulrl" D4.-xt week. .Begun liuglistou will returu at that time. Pahk (Aif. T. Wilton, niauager),—Week of 23: Jus. A. KJernan mid compauv, Bobby North, Louise Montrose and her Auto Girls, Meluottc, La Nolo Trio. Iunesa uud Kvati, Asra. Ibe Doria Trlu, fa "A Night in Venice, and the kluctogruph. Sunday. 22, a concert was -given for Han Francisco benefit. Pou'n (Chus. W. Fouda, resident uiuna- gerj.—Week of 39: Archie Boyd and row- pauy. White. Sluurt and company, the Bone Went worth Trio. Kelly and Kent, Hanson nud Williams, Murrell aud Deeley, Tnrco ' JkS™S^-'ai» Morln. a Lpwll girl, la f ^^SM^tSP%t Sh,., m „, KluV- _ ers, or tlierBarwaiti-Leaing 1 iSlwk Co., buH won luinedlulc favor... .Steve O'l.'onnell, formerly musleul director at the Ho-tun, wua la town lust week, vlbitlng frhmlK. III-. O'Connell Is meeting with suc- cess as pianist director at Proctor s. Oue Huu- drrU und Twenty-rlfth Street Tbealre, Now York City A ladles* orchestra. Flora Strong Coggswell, director, is a feature, at the Huthawuy Theatre Messrs..Barwnld & l^oftiuKwell are to give tbe entire receipts of the first six performances of tills week to Ibe jjuu Frauclseo fund. Fall Ulver—At tbe Acudemy of Music Cahii A Grant, managers) "The Mocking Bird" (local), April lu. was enjoyed by u large audience. The Bufllnton Stock Co. pre- heated "l>od's Ctrl" and "Camlllc" 1J, 18. In a creditable luaimer, to fair returns. "Tbe Smart Set." lb. entertained two,large audi- ences. "The Two Jolins" 2U, 21, Gertrude Dlan Mot-Ill S3. "Peek's Ilnd Boy" 2-1, Annlo Ritssell, Tu "Frlecd Hannah," iiu: "Old Or- chard'- 27,- Lillian Russell and all atar vaude- \I1Ih company 2S, K»ale"s 'Minstrels (under auspices of local Aerie. Kau.DTt) "10, "Tbo Drummer Boy of Shlloir (loial) -May IJ-o. Smumr's (c. !•*. Cook, manager).—Lust wwk was tbc third.of the J. Prank Burke Mock Co.. presenting "l^ost Blvcr." which pleased large audiences, Mr. Burke aud tilucl Nnrar rinMO lu the leading roles. "Tbe'llud Ufe".2a. . Savok , (Al. Hayncs, manager).—Lost i^'ceks business gave excellent satisfaction. \» (rood business. Week of 2;i: Btaley and Blrbcck. Mr. aud Mr*. Sidney Drew. WcIboji Trio, Arlington Comedy Four. Fred Ray and company. Cora Gray, aud Fruscr Trio. This closes the vaudeville season. Week of HO, North Adams.—Al the Ktuplrc Tbentru (John F. aulltviiu. manager) "What Hap- pened lo .Junes," April 19, matinee and night, liad good business, ;uiil idcased. Due:"Tlie IhIo of S r plce" 24. "Tlie Beuntv Doctor" 2tl. Mil- dred Holland, In "The Power - Behind the Throne." 27; Nell Burgess, lu "The County I'Blr." 28. ■ Richmond. —Business last week wus big. Alto Yolo und Luetllc Ia* Verne deserve men- tion. Week of 2,1: Mr. and Mra. Mark Mur- phy, Jolly Georgia. OTlainey, Powers. Waters und Mclnlyre, liberty's Poodles, Miller Bros.. Alexes and .Schail. Kckert and Hcrg. •"ilie F,-iri and the Girl" Muy 5. -Notu. —The groBs receipts of ft benefit performance at Ihe Blebmond 'ilieutrc, 20, were given to the Kan Francisco relief fuud, a large audience Mm; iirescnt. (rers).—The stock w**ek of 211, ■ In "Lost IUyit-" Wllletie Kershaw wilt net the rxdo of Ora, nnd George W. Uartilcr that of BUI Lom-ks. "Blue Jeans" proved a popular at- tract bin. and drew well tilled bouses last week. ".Northern Lights" iiO atid . week. siAxuAiifi (twrcy & SjMtfk. managers).— "Tbe limit White Diamond," hv tbo stock, 2:: ami week, siiccetsJIag-'Viiip Wlcklow IHsit- niiin." whlHi did protrnerously lf-Sl. "Shu Dared ilo Illght" cm ami week. i-;i,i:vj;nth Htreet Opuha llotsi: (Frank Dumolit, mauuser).—Duinont's Minstrels put on two new burlesques 2!t. entitled "'Jlie Mysterious Sir. Itatlles" and "No More Di- vorces." In addition to these the bill In- cludes the biirlempie. "Dowlt! U Back Again," und tbe mliistrcl ilrnt part. Crowded houses ruled last week. K'KtTil's (H. T. Jukka s, inunajrer).— Harry Gil foil heads u merltorhw bill week of 33, Ulbersare: The Uiwmstlck WltcJies, Hyers und llerinauti, Polk. Kolllns and Car- men Misters. Ward and Cumiu, McCrsa and I'oole. Newman und Kuonles, ilierne and Curlcton, Wilson Trio, Byron aud l*augdoii, Kurtls and Basse, and the kinetograpb. Al- tctidau'.e was line lust week. C»si no (Kllas, Koenlg & Ledcrer. uiunn- math —The Gay Morulng Glories, with the Twelve X'arnjo Girls. 2S-W. Fred Irwin's Hltr Show hdd ^uod ilnanclal returns 16-21. Bowery Bnrleaijuers .'10 and week. Buou (Geo. W. Rife, manager).—Dreuin- land -Burlcsriuers 23-28. BiiBlnews was cood last week with the Utopians. Alca&ar Ikau- tles :w nnd week. , . Lvcki.m t,I. G. Jermon. manager).—Tlio Blue Itibbon Girls 2:t-28. The Rents-Snutlcy Co. had a week of nice biislncsti.liK" Mnjcutb- :to and week. TWCaMOBO (Fret! WIHsoii, niuuuger).— Tlie Parisian Belles 241-28. The Innotrnnt MHlds gave n pleasing show, aud drew thu custutunry big crowds, Inst week. RsAnRN or nun's Dime Mchgvm (T. F. Hop- kins, muiiiigeri.—The Alabama Minstrels con- tinue lu the ciirfobnll, la udldilun lo a num- ber of other novelties. In tbe theatre are: I. ill! hi Burt. Hcott und Bowurrf.. II.. T. Lo- renzo, Williams and Pullman, Jack: aud Glkla Cannon, nud Lubln's dneograph. Hos Ton (Lillian Tyson, munaror).—Bill for week of 23: Kennedy ami Wllklns, Jennie and l.llsworth. Hurry Jurdsn, Marlon Illnke, the Kelnios, Tuuuu, aud uiovlug plc- lurer Heraiitun.—At thu Lyceum. (A. J. Duffy, manager) "tilrls Will lie Girls' April 28. Wright LorlBjer. In "The Hhopberd King,' 1 week of li'J. Lewis .lames, 21, camo tu largo hoti«e«. Acaukmy (A. J. Duffy, Tnutwger).—Charles K. CbaiupJln Block t!o. week vf 2;t. Iretio Myers Co., the past wwk. drewsood bouscti. Stau (Air. ,<i. Habrliiglvii, manager).— WnodliiiMW High I toller-* .week vf 2U. 1'hll Sbcdlruo's Co., the oust, week, drew lurgu .houses FaXma' ID, T. MeCoy, urnnager).—Bill week of 2it: FuusL Family of acrobats, l>ora 1'ellctler, Toui Almond. MeCauley und Douo- vim. Robinson und (Irani. Delancy and Ostelto, and Fruuklyn A. Butes. Business continues tine. H'likei-.Barre.— ai the NeeblU Thcatro fll. A. lirmvn. inunngi'r) FrntiK Daniels bad 8. U. O. Lewis -MurrlKou catue to a fair bouse. Thc!-Duniru«eb Orchestra gavo a llmi coo cert. l'Yuiuu Howe's iwtvlug pictures lutd good liiislucas. Kyrlu Bcllew, m "llafflcs," April 23; "Tbo Kticplii-rd KJog" 2(1-28. GiiANu Gi'LiiA (loi.Kij (II. A. Brown, mauu- ger).~The Chester De Vonde t'o. had H.IL it. last week. The lreue Meyers Stock Co. 23- 28. Nun;.—Thu ceuteuolal of Wllkes-Darro will bo celebrated In Muy. — ■»..— ■, AJioima— At tbc Mlaliier (L C. Mlablcr, mannger) "A Crown of Thorns." April 16, nud "The Virginian,' 1 17, both did well. The llelvldere Club Mlnstrrla (local), under the crowded Notiis. —A monster" benpilt In aid of the Han Francisco suiTcrcrs will he glveu by the lorn| thcnirleiil muniiaers nt the Academy of Music on Aorll 27. A five hour programme has been prepared. In whbrh performer* from every one of the twenty-tlri* theatres will BOW tribute their services. It Ik exported that at i-anreuee ■ At the Opera House (Grant 'enst «Ti.U0O will be MM from tbe per- & Calm, managers) the.KdwIn Young Stoek fnrmnnee........ vVni. L. Lykeus has leased the Casino tor the latter part of May. for a season of vaudeville, with Lillian Russell as oho of tbe nnnouurcd features Dumuiit's Co..bad fair business April IU-21, execpting IP.'when "Behind the Musk" came, to a iargu house. ShepHtd's moving pictures had good business 22. Including matinee. Booked: ■Old Orchard" 24. "U. T. C." JI5, 'Teck's Bud Boy" 27, Sousa'K Band 28. CoiaiMal (Al. Hayncs, matiHger).—Big business prevailed last week. Week of S3: Frank DJ Jtryau. Mile. Celease, Dorotby Rn- ton, Leroy and Wotairord, C'arontind Ftirnuni, the Lt; Mulres, Stanton und Modena, aud the kinetograpb. ... — " . . '• Tnuntmi.—At the Tiuiuton Theatre (Culm & Cross, managers) tbe Klnrk-Urbau Co. came, week of April 1(1, aud did a fair busi- ness, Dfcbv Bell. In "Tbe Kdueutlon of Mr. Minstrels will have n special mutlnee nerform nme on April .'SO, when the proceeds wilt bi turucd over lo the fund for thu Han Fran- clsco sufferers Charles J. (joodfellow, nsslatmit treasurer of tbe Walnut .Htreet Thi-jilre. has IiIh bciteUt on May 1, with "Rosalie" us 11n■ attraction Pursuant 1o til*-will of Kdwlti Forrest, tlio manuirera and trleada of tbc Forrent Hume will cele- brate. In nn informal manner, on April 2!t, Shakespeare's birthday Hun ■ Hcblcmln- ger. treasurer of the Cuslno, has bis uttuaul Ecacllt May 11. direction of Bert Mandiall, had _ tley bouse ]l). Klcauor BoImou Si, "Wbeu Johnny Ine cornea Mnrerhlng Home" 2,"i, Hilda Thomas. In "The Hhow «lrl," 2(1. Hunrntll AvKNun (I. ('. Mtsbhtr, mana- gen.— lllmineleln's Imperial Htock Co. waa well received 18 and neck. In order to giro tbe public an opportunity lo aeo tbo new Mfsldcr Tlieatre at popular price*. Ibis com- pany plnyni there to a big house night of 18, Kutnryn I'urucll Co. 2.f and week. HantOM,—At tiin A1>lo Opera EIoiihb (W. K. Detwlller, manager) " 'Way Down Kasl." April 17. drew u large and writ pleased audi- ence. "Girls Will Be Girls." 18, sufferwl lliroijirli the Illness of Al. Leech. '"Ilio Trlnce of I'llseu" 28, "T*bc Old IIomeKtctd" May 2. Lvmr (51, ll. Meyers, munagcr).—With the Lenten season over, bnslucss baa con- siderably Improved. Current week a bill: 'I'he Atlicrtus, Cunningham and Hmlth, Camlllo l'erKonl. Poster nDd his dug, "Mike;" Hnlmon and Chester, und Ktbel Clifton and company. —'' ■ ■ - '■ — ■ AV.Utnruspiirf.—At tbn Lycoming Opera House it* J. Flsk, manager) Frank Diiulels, in "Bergcunt Bruc," |»leapcd a largo audlcace Anril 17. Lewis Mon-lson, In "trnuat," SI; "Thou Shalt Not Kill" all, Kyrlo Uellew, la "Itatn^s." 24; Frank L'teajtion. In "The Office Buy," ^h ; Irene Myers Htock Co.. week of 30. iUun.MiEL'K'M Mnuw Muy .'I. Jerr McArjilWe Co. nagatd Anagh 12, eu i oat? in Hallfti, N. y., frora Bangor, Me. ' Hamilton.-'-Ac'tlu ffriml' Opera Houan (A. !L Lbndofl. uSanigerv*"H«eet clover," April.. ny hid a fuir alicd houne. "Tbe Cob* vlct's" Imughter," 17, did good 'pHp. "Hhnrlowa of n Oteat City, 1H (return) played to a fair ho»»c. "tttacrlockllonuM' 2tk<in l '*Rnbert Mantel) 2.1. "Bergeaot Brue" 24,"'55* Symphony Society concert (local )-a«, M'be Tenderfoot" 27, 28, "Whan Knight- hood" waa In Flower" 30. Xante O'NclI May 1. 2, "ITio Yankeo Consul" a, "HafBca" i. ■Tho iwly City" 1< Htaq (J. O. Appleton. managerl.-*-Weak of 211 close* the season, a Very iuccesaful.pae here. The bill will bo: Murphy: Wbttmah and company. Kittle Hterens, Wilson and Proctor, Daly and Murphy, Burko and Urllne, Laura Howe, Uarrlgan Bros, and Billy Cray. . Wlunliteff.—At tbe Winnipeg Tlieatre(C. T. Walker, manager) Htetnon'M'TJncle Toms cabin" Co.- came April IS, U, and-did tic usuiil big bualncss. "Tha Htceping iicauiy ■Ml the ileast" gave a Urat class show 18, 17, to vary largo houses, with advance sale large. . Al. O. KleldV Minstrels SO. gl. - ■• - Dominion (David Douglaa, manager),-*- Business line. For wci-te of - lu i Lo ltrun Trio, Jsno Courtbouc and company, the Otara Jgna, Flo Adler, Carl HnnoVrson, Three Kopllus, and the klnodroine. UNtgtifc (Nash k Burrows, proprietor).— Dig attendance all week. For week of 10: Kollsey Moore, Jus. A. .Dunn, the Daiwlna, Jack Mltvliell, Mr. and Mrs. John T. Chick, Billy Htunford, the Do Motleos, and mdvillg pictures. U.NiQU: (Nash A -Burrows, proprleara).— The usual crowds continue. For.week Of 10: King Strange, Vnrdaman.Frcd HaydeD, Geo. M6rrell, and moving plctitrea. i ll, L.1 1 !V Toronto,—At (bo FrlnceM (0. B. Hnop- pard, manaccr) week of April Id, Robert B. Mantell did fairly cood bualneas. NaaM O'Neli »S. If KAN N Ol'MA JTOL-SN-fA. J- SlOlll. tS^tU' Ber). —Week of 10, "Clietkers" drew good nslhest, "Sherlock Holans" 2H-38. • ■ Majumtiu (A. J. Hmil, mflmirerj.—Week of jo, Black PutLI Troiibadourn uld big bull* n««a. Marry Clay Hlaney 211-28. Hiii;.rH (J. Bhcft, manager).—Card far week of 23: Berl Unite sud.Hubert Dalley, Camilla Trlo.('. W, Llltlefleld. August Van Bit-in-, Ihe Vnldaru 'I'rouis?, Mr. und Mrs- Kmuoudc, nod the- Mnklntays. Htah if. W. Hialr, manager).— May How* nrrl Burlesque Co. did big buHlnesa Hl-21. ULur Hhow Olrl nud Mcriovern pbaures 2*1-28. ■ ■ | ' i ■ London. —Al ll;n firnnrl (J. K. TlirtOD. manager) "Hberlovk Holni**«," Aiwll Ifl, pleased "Shadows of a Oreat City," 17, played a return date. "Tho Convict's Daugh- ter." 1 18, hid n fair house. Itosallo Knott 21. Frank Daniels 211. HobPTt Mantcll 24, 20. Adelaldo Tliuraloa 20, "Busier Brown" 27, 28- Br.NNBTr's <C. W. JJennrlt, mauager).— Business fell off week of 10. BUI week of SI: Daisy Hnntotm, J. Aldrlcb Llbbcy and Knttierlne Trayer. Japies Mucdotiuld. ISck- Itoff and Cordon, Hlicnis and Cole, Vnltaoro and llorton, Jjoa nnd Fay Dnrbylle, ind'thn Benneitograph. ■ ■ ' . ii, — . i— »■ i - ■ ■ Ottawa.- At the lliumell (!'. (lorman, manager) "Woodland"- had -packed tfouiM Apriii.M8. "The Vaukew Conaul,** ID, farad well. "Hwflat Clover" 20, "'l'he Holy City" 21, "Buay tsty" 2it. "Thu Tenderfoot" "24, 20. Ioeal20, Frank Dun icln 27. BSi Gkamj oit.ha IIoimh (It. .1. Blrdwhtstle. njanagur).—"From Uaga to Illebea" plcuied n . i . B J ■-■-.. (.nrlnb — At the llsyal i»iwru House (O. h. Hltrglns. manager) "Fahlo ftomanl" was plnyPri to fnlr busTnesa April 10. "A Bunch of Kcya" 1P, "The Yankeo Consul" 2*1, Ilo- telle Knott, In "WIumi Knighthood Waa In FIbwcr," May fl; "Tbe Tenderfoot" 7. ftueber. At the Auditorium IK. SC Kor- mann. manager). — Madanut Alblul Concert Co, received a big ovailbu April 10, 17. Tba bnuae wuh sold out eacb ovsulng. Harry Bhort. In "Tha Yankee Consul," turned peo- pleaway IB.' Tbe permanent .French atoclt company, In repertory, played to fair bouses s«. Catharines. -- At tbo (trand Opera House (Chan. 11. Wilson, manager) "Tbn Convict's Daughter" had a good bouso April 10. "Hherlock Holmes" iff, "A Dunrri of ■ Keys" 21. '"i'ba-Yanke Consul" 24, Jtobt. Mantel), In "King Lear," 20 : Adelaide Thurs- ton, in "The Triumph of Betty," 28. Heller!lie—At (ha Cannon Opera Hotlia (B. E. Carman, manager) "Hweet Clover" had a fair-hour.!* April 1*. "Fablo Romanl" 21. "The Convict's Daughter" 2*5, *ThsJHolf City" 30, "Tbe Yankee Consul" May 4 _ »i a A1ICHIUAN. a>» > fright Huntington Stock Co.. In "tbc Char- plpp," ffir'Kmlly J. Ourney's bencllt, 25 iiy Bali," .will open a Spring and Summer "Old Orchard'*, 28. _ open a Spring -'uaagement. Iioston (Chas. Scblessloger, manager).— Jug busluess rules, and tbe OIIIh arc meet- ing with approval. Week of -2B: Marlon Hcsrles. Dolly ClllTord. Joe Itlley. tiorninn iiu'l I'rancls, the Bnrkca, Alabnma Comedy tour, Bostouseopc aud burlesque. Mi'KBUtuKON (D. K. Butbuton, manager), p-tiooil bualneas ruled lust week. Week of ;;*' DpUmus, Comedy Four. ■ fddltii ■ Huberts, HMpU Seelcy, Florence Fierce, and optl- acajHA Notes. —Jehu A. Gari-cy. formerly of the Academy vt .Music. Joined Luclcr's Minstrel 1 * —i aa.iidvnncc agent.'......!. Frank-Burke ■* presented wlfli a gold beaded umbrella nnd a liirge l basket or flowers 21, :bv members of bU'contnany,.... .Uustavc Gauss, crcuted a favorahlp iDiim-ssIou on his llrat appcar- BUie with the Burke company laat week. . a *» PENNSY'bVASIA. PlttNhurcr—At tbe Nixon (Tboa. P. Kirk, moiiaffP-r) Otgn Xcthersolf, In reper- tory, April 2y-28. Lnst week Jolin Drew. In "Dc Laueey," packed (be house. Hubert Man- tell .'10 and week. — ■ ' IIulanco (Ceo. W. Suuimls, innnngerl.— I'lilludelpliln Tbe notable event of "The Prime.Chap" relurns 23-27. Tlie Mask the current.week will be tbe production of und Wig Club of Philadelphia will put on "ItosQlle." the new comic oiwru; by Wlllurd "Hbvloek nud Co., Bunker^,*' on Stiturdsy SlMun-er. which will be awn for the Hrot time aftcrtaxm mid evening, 23. Laat wwk "Prln- oii anv sbiKe. ut the Chcslniit. At tho Wnl- eesH Beggur" brought out the iHtlfuutr In tiut "The Cluusmau" makes Us local bow. Jorge. umoberH. Louis Muun aud Clara Lip- man :uy and week. Aiain (It. M. Ciillcb & Co., uitttiHgera). Laat week.IumeH piu-kcil the bouse. t«iirliiKHi'Id.-_At the Court Square (D. „ i^vHaasjfe. manager-) Mildred Holland m I'ldincr rhe IN.weriBebliid tbc Throne" April 18. " to the- local Temple of Sbrlncr and tbclr rrlends. Tliev bought the wliblc bouse. It being tbe aunuul Indies' nlgbl. Mlas, IIul- aodwiis tbo recipient of u (urge bouquet of liuwei-H from the order. Miss Hotluud remained J". \Mlitam J. Kohler. In "Jlatnlet" tlocai), g> ■ Tbe Isle of Splcc" 21. "Ben ilur " 2:;-as, Cmalore-27, 28. Nrw QitHoat: (P. F. Shea & Cn.. mana- gtrs).—Audiences of goodlv proportlona cn- loved "Whnt Happened fo Jones" 10-18, ' Ilaael Klrke" 10-21. "A Mad InwtT 2.'i-2n. low's (J. C. Ciiildle, realdeni mnnncert. ~rM Ibe beneflt performance for the HurJng- MH Hospital, jn, between 1120,000 and HP wot raised. The-tbealre waa dew At tho WhI .. The Cluiismau" makes Us local bow. Hngeiibcck's Circuit tbe Ornt of the Ibreo clreUrHf, (but are billed for this city, brgbm n week's c!ign?enient 211, at Forty-fourth Street and FurMde Avenue. CtiESTXCT (Mxvti .St Xlmmerman, mann- M),—"Itosalle." WJIIard Hpeiicer'a new comb 1 opern. |iaa lis Initial performance at tblc [i')u-*' 20, where It. will cuutluuc ludcll- nttelr. Tbe east: Myslo. Helen UnJH Hur- nee: Flito,-Margucrltc Zimmerman; General Liberia Drlncovlsky Seiidcmoffsky. Henry ifilun nud i-ompiuiv. Bedford and Wlo*boster. Norman: Ivan Italsky, Robert Uroderlck ; Wilson upd Muc, Three Duuiouds. Htirry„uuil f»rj'l\K. Kdytbe OIMHM; Yvouue, Mlftonnc Halrers, BroM. tJrltT, Hills aud WHhoq, aud HomIIc. (,'lara -MacnU: Arthur the cinematograph. Bijou m. M. Oullck & Co.. tnanngen*) "York Stute Folks" 2JJ-2H. O'Neli. In "Monte Crlsto." "Clieckera" no nud week. (jKANU (UaiT.v DuvtH, lauwigor). —'This week's bill: MrMuboo's ^llntstrer Misses and Watermelon .fJIrls, James J. Morlan, Five. J'rovcutaiiK, McMahou und Cbuppel, Conlln nnd IfantlDgH, HyatiiH and Meltrtyre, Elorb C \Ji ADJA. Montreal—At Ills Majesty's (II. Q, Brooks, manager) "The-Tenderfoot" played u siierpHi-riil week, atnrtlng April 10. liraeo •Jeorge 20-28. "Sergeant brtto -so and week. Ai-Atienv up Mi.sic (Walter Oreaves, mau- ngor).—deorgo Sydney, lu "Husy Itoy'v Va- cation," entertnlued crowded bouses 10-21. Black Tsui's Troubadours 20-28, "Sweet Clover" BO aud week. Roval (II. ('. I-lgcrton, manager).—Tbe Rlar Hhow Girls enjoyed !Iti*rat palronage 30-21. Jolly (Irunrx Widows 2:j-28, Washing- ton Society Girls 00 end week. FaAM:Aia (F. W ],v. ciulr, manager).— "Big Hearted Jlui - came-to fair business Inst week. "A Wife's Secret" 20-28, Tlnj Old Clolbcs Man" 00 and week. Nvriowt, FnaacMH {*;. Onurrcau, mun- ager).—The i«nnanent French stoek torn- paity. in "Les Courteanr I>'t>r," last week* "Lcs Dnngers dc Paris" 23-28. Dkm - Niilvi:ai:tlh (It. llavuux, mansger). —Tbe pcriuunent French stftck company. In "Le Itomatt D'un Jeiinno Ifotniue PauVri's," bad fair attendance last week. 'Tins Qua Heine" 2.*i-28. — oti:.— Sousa 'aud bis baud bad a big bouso at the Arena IS. St. rated, and special music wua furulbbedby Ziuiueruiuu, alle. _ Heiulnehm. Albert Purr: Fred Norrls.. Harry Dixon-• Truthful Twister. Clarence Wilbur: Mr*. T. T., Helen BTr*»n: Tlug l'tiflg. Wllllo 1 „i rr. Bunskv. Jos. fin I ton : (juusky. Win. l'ulimnn: Prlwc lizo. Wm. LarrHy v Huiwluii rhnplaiii. Clliilua Clay: Irni-vi-LiI Japanese Troiipe, lh«:, Five NoaaM. "The Fink Hum- stirs eoriL'iuUnd a three weeks' stay 21, to good average -business. Lvuic (Afessrs. Scbuliert, managers). — lleurv'i;. Dliey, In "Tlie Man on the.Bos." met with an enthusiastic reception, and drew big liHt week. The star, Marin Engrtrotn and Kidney Booth srured lilts. The play rr- mnhis 20-28. Crril.Scott, In 'The Prince Chap." :iO-Mny 13. ClfKVtNL'T STHKKT Ol'BRA HotSK (Nlmu ft ugers).—"1L Uuppcucd lu John.—At the Opera House (A. O. Hslnrjer, manager) tfie Myrkle-ljardcr tStoek Co. etaSM Its engagement April JO, prcseul- log "A Child of the Hluma, to,good busl- "*""' The American Vltugrsph (,o. opcneil 'VJueni of Ibe Convict's," with Helnta Herr- mann. 2il-2S. Lust week Billy H. Van, hi "Tbo .l')i-i'uud J.Ivy." .gsve n goo.d. sliuw, and was Klveii fine jmtronuge ulfweek. Byruo-Bros., lu "Eight Bell*," 00 und week. ii,ivMT (Jas. Ii. Orr. manager), — Tbe New York Opera i.'o. presented "The Little 'lie -Jackson Family Duke" and 'Tbe Telephone CdrT" ' lis engagement 14. to good boulnesa. Harry ■Msyo, vui-hIIbI : Murvln Havsgs. pianist, and the moving pictures, conalltutnd tbe pro- Rmmtnr, Tbe digs gem cm closed 21. House Mark 2:i-2.-'./ W.,fi..H»fkJo«U«y 7-12. i Vouk 1'it. J. Armstrong, raaoager).—The Detroit.- ,u tbo Lhitrolt Theatre (U. C. Wlillnev, mnnuger) "Tbr Wizard of Oi" drew a irood bouse. "Coining Thro' tbo br April 20-28. i.vl'lum (1.. D. Stair, manugor).—"Fun- tUMina" pluyed to good tiusluens last week. "Arizona*' SS-2K LAKAVti-nn (Or. Csmpbell. manager).—- '"llielum" drew Hie usual pntrunugc of ihe bouse. LckIIo's educsted llouu aud vaudeville 20. Avf.NuH (Campbell & Drew, uiuuugers).— Wiitiuum' 1'JchIm played to good buslnons. Sum-Dcivcre's Oivu Coiupdny 2.1. tSflinwrt -<K. U. Nuir, manugor).—"Tbn Ninety nnd Mne' 1 played,to n crowded aousc. "The Way of the 'i'raiisgressor'' 20. TONPU (J. 1). Moore, muuugur*.—An ei- cellent bill draw .standing room only last work. I'or week of 20: James T. Powers and company,'' Km ran Cayus. "Tbo Sunny South." CbarleH l'crl|e, Mm-arte Sisters, Car- Hu and Olio, Leone and Dale, uud tbo WUHo City Quarlctlc. '. CnrOTAi, (J. J. Naab, manager).—Week of 20: Omar Hhigti, Mautcll'H muiioneltcs, the Juiliinf, UiiIku Adams, Oliver WJlbor, and tbo kiuodrume. .. • ^ 1 .. ■,»■■■.■ ■■'■ tirenti Hauiils. — At the t^itsw I'ovrara < Harry (',, Hotauieril k Co,, UuDagcrx) Nordics played lo H. K. O. April 16, Coming: Sav- ages tfngllHk Ujktu Co, ail, U4, Cliauiiwr Ot- L'Olt 20. '' 'Way. Down JAiat" 2S. 00, .AuuiiuifiL-ii.— Surab Bernhardt, Id "Ca- Ipllle," 20. Majisstc (Orrln Slslr, mauai;er),—"Busier Bruwu," 1.V2I, played to packed bouses. Coming; Hurry Itcrusford). In "Tkn Woman Jlaler" 85-2*: "The.Home Hcekvri?' 3M UllAh'U 01'KHA lioHsn (Churchill 4 Davie, mansgers).—Tbe bill for Wwk of 22 lu- WudcM: HurrV Oakor, Frank' Comur. Meilcan Con/.ah;s. MeOir aud ColIJa* Mills and Lewh, and Ja<:k O'Toole, ... . ,' Smith's (Mrs. W. U. Hmlth, manager).— 1'bls bvusc condutMtt to do au vicelleot business. WIHIanm' ideals 22.2A. TrunsallaaUi'S 20-2H. Tli of- 'cyclists arc nu utld«.>d altraclbui. I-uxt week Roar IIIM's-Kngllsh. Folly r.i. did well. ltcnte-Hantluy Ituriewiut'rs so aad week. AeAneMV or Mukic (II. W. Williams Jr., mahsffer).— Miner's American Bnrlesquers 20-2H. i/iet week. Wm. H. Watson and bis Oriental Bnrh-squiTa gave nn.' of the liost !tnrlei>iiiip'Hhows of the peason. and Mr. Wnt- snai h g a w w l l proved tn l*o Ibr star of tbo Gb'jvr. Miners L'oUvuilaua U'J and week. Irl" 13-14 (o gtKsl huslncss. Tbn rmnpany opened.Its last week 10. presentlnir "Kl Capltau" In a aidcu- did manner, and pleasing good business. r 'Tt)e Chimes of Normandy"-19.-.20. - -N<vrim.—The Myrkle-Harder Co.,'in order to rendi Sydney. N. H.. closed Its engagement one day earlier than Intended, and the r Ainerl- cau Vitasrawb. tilled tbe date, 14 .The New York Opera C»». -will, clone Ms season here W, and .cure fur New York 21 HsjlfiQNw.-rAf Hie- A'-miemy (Jos. l'earl- ■tain, manager) "For Her Sake" had fair business April 12, "Wken, Knighthood Waa In Klowar had two good audience* 10, 10. The company was excellent. Billy Keraaoa'a Mlimtrels 22, "Fautani." '20, Cbauncey 01- tott 27. Ji:i-,-i:mk <Hnm Marks, manager).—Harry U' Clnlr, Hay ward. Cotiroy und llaywuru, tbe (jllraclieru, Neillo rioreUo. Howard ami