The New York Clipper (May 1906)

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MAY 12. THE NEW YORK CUPPER. 333 prof. Copies FEEE. AFTBIIIIKCKIVIMO TOOK. COPY IF YOU WISH l»T(l SB1II SOME OCT *0 REHBAHHK THE SOyu, YOU WIUTE .us. Twboy nnd the Lady" is lie uk nlaymi by the MkcMW *■» remainder or tlie week. Nut i'«S mo company -will urescnt "The ^Ai-nmmiiiM (Ilnriy Kotzcs, m«n«g*r).— mUidnmoul- win the headllnor at this houw laVt week, sod myntldcd the audiences at i*,"rv MftmuaM with his tricks. He has STrHUsMl '"f !*« "resent week. Others [he bXare: r>Mr .Barry and MWJf. V'otclilng Uros.. Mny (loralm. Patty Sros.. Byron »"<• t«Mdon, Milton and Diamond, SOTIClii TO COltltUSI'ONDKMS. W. J. BALDWIN, JR., Publisher, WagM Our theatrical correspondents arc hereby notified that the credential* iiuip held by them trill expire on June J next. They aro ret/Mated to return them to thfa office at onvv, for rencieal for JOOG-Wl. PENNSYLVANIA. cltmed their mnnM Mnv IE.. .The employes of the .standard have a Joint benefit week of Muy 14 Claire Maenlz will retire from tne mat of "llosalle" Ht the end of the current week. Her successor has not been announced. Id the same production Nell McNeil will replace Clarence Wilbur In the comedy role on May T Manager Fred Darey, of the Standard, will siiil fur Kurope tarty in July, for a three months*' tour of toe cant) n en t. ""ffS (George H. nuiWrJ.—Tae K lark-Urban Co. did good biudness Inst week. Kellar and Audrew I'Mliitlelphltt. — The currcut week will mark the doming of two of the downtown IpM The Broad will be dark after May .lit while the Chestnut Street Opera House, ... £83 are among the attraction* announced which Is cloned till* week, will reopen on May gf™ line for the current week. U- with moving: pictures of the Sail Fran- gSM" \-<m-« —The fiem Theatre season was dsco earthquake.: The Shubert production *-„„,'*, luniunrto a c\mc. fi. It having been tho moat |>f "1 lie Tourists." which was originally LneroiH in the blstorv of the home. Man- booked for the Lyric for May 14, hoa been postponed mi'ii 21. nod the intervening week will he tilled by Henry E. DIxey, In "Tho Man on the Cox." LVaie (Messrs. Hhubcrt, managers).—Cyril Scott, In "The Prince Chop," begins, his sec- ond and lust week T. Tho attendance was big the previous week, the press and public being lavish in Ihelr praise of the play. Tho stui' gives u clean cul portrayal ot the titlo l.wr'nErlw 'w."8heifo"adt." Mrs/ Sheafe will now take a brier vacation liefore going iu the Betel Theatre. Nahani. for the Sum- iiirr season. They will visit friend* In New York City, Atlantic City, Buffalo and other ltlaceH..... .Hiirry J. George, .stage ntnna- Lr at iho Gem, lias gone with the Prmwr All Star Vaudeville Co.. Joining at Kennebec, i\ c - 7 Mr. George will act as Its advance representative, and will go over the New Ficlund circuit. C. Westley Fraser Is tho malinger Florence Pierce, comic car- toonist at the (Jem last week, will go on tlie Pllmmer circuit of ptifca after June 11, ns she opens at Pastor's, New York City, on thai date. liconard.und Bnstedo havo gone to the Western.circuit. — ■ S .i i. .- Lowell At 1hc Lowell Opera House (ralm & Grant, managers). Inst week, tho rosjjrovc-Stock Co. entertained good business, offering verv strong repertory. Coming: An- drew Muck T, Annie Russell 0, Academy op Music (Richard P. Murphy, mnnngerj.—Isabel Fletcher and her stock nuiittuuy offered "Dorothy Vernon, of Hnddon Hall." to excellent business last week, Miss Fletcher winning mucli applause In the title role, and receiving good support "The While Squadron" this week. Hatha way's t (John -1, Shnnnon, resident iiiutiiiger).—The Biirwald-lrflnngwcB Slock Co., in "The Uoyal Slave." but week, had Mg ImshiPss. A. St. Clare rivers did excel- lent w-trk, and is whining umuy friend*. The coiuiwiity gave capable support.- This week "The Sign uf Hie Four" Is entertaining. .lark Chagnon uud IS, A. Anderson Jr. Join I lie company week or 11. Tho Sundsy con- fer! s are tilling the house inutlncc and night. Attclpfl (Geo. W, CllreJi iiiauuger)-—This |llnre Is enjoying well cfeservrU prosperity. Nam.—Tlie People's Theatre closed u. The I#owcll Aerie of lOagles, SSJi, held lib annual memorial services In Kits' llall it. role, while the supporting company, Including Mary Keogh, Frank Latah and Cecil l)e Mllle, it'tadcr cttectlvc assistance. Henry l-:. I»zey, In ""The Man on the Box," returns for week of 14. BiuiAn (Nixon & Zimmerman, managers).— The new melodrama, "The rialusmau." which was seen for the first time on April 30, cuds its engagement on May IS, I,ast week the atteudunce was fair. 'Phis will be the con- cluding week of the season at this bouse. . flARiitCK (Nixon & Zimmerman, managers). —Aunn l£va l''ny, tho telepathic marvel, »t (lib head of her - Plttsborw.—At the Nixon (Tims. F. Kirk, manager) Robert Kdeson returned May 7, to play a week's engagement, presenting Slronehcart." Last week, Robert Mantel. to very satisfactory business. Marie . In "Molly Moonshine," next. Bej.asco (lieu. W. Samnils. manager).— .letters".i Do Angells returned to the Uclasco 7. lie played here earlier In the season, and packed the house. lie Is always very popular in I'tttsburg. Last week. IjOuIh Mann and Clara Mpmnn, In "Julio Bonbon," played to good houaCK. (>HAM> (Harry Davlu, manager).—Bill for woek of 7: Ureslc Vessela and his famous Bandit Roma. Herxog-Camara, tjeslle-Dally CO., Melville und Stetson, Sunny South. Mar- co Twins, I'rello'H dogs, Rooney Slaters, Mathieiis, Caul Barnes, Arnotand Ounn. (Jeo. W. Hussey and Alexander. I<ast week's bill drew heavily. Manager Davis has decided lo keep this theatre open all the vear 'round, presenting first class vaudeville snows. Alvi.v (R. m. Oullek & Co., managers).— "Tlie Old Homestead" 7-12. Packed housca should be In order all week. Last week, "Checkers" played to unusually good busl- ncBB, and seema to be very popular bore. "Our New Minister'' next week. Mum; (R. M. tJttllck & Co.. tunuagers).— The Uusscll Bros., In "The Ureat Jewel Mys were: Louise Ornmby, soprano; Kdwurd P. .lotiuvori, tenor; Leonard 1'. Merrill, basso, and Maude Powell, vlntlnlsL 1*hls was thor- oughly cpptrclated by two large houses. "The Old Homestead" 4. Parlor (Wm. B. Pyle. manager).—The following bill was presented to largo audi- ences last woek: Yorke Comedy Four, Fltx- SctaamAPd Tralnor. Alice Alva, tho Great ottlnBl'hll and Carrie K unset I, and the ki- netnurujjh. At the conchmlon of the per- formntice Saturday night, Mny 0. the mnn- a|emetbVclosed tl, ' ;! vlace of amusement for (up soaton, with (he exjiectailon of reopening about the middle of September. Kamton—The Ablo Opera House (W. K. Dctwlller, manager) closed on May % with "The Old Homestead," which was largely at- tended. The house will reopen during the latter part of August. Taken as a whole, the hdrtlnetfM of the season Just closed was quite sstlffnctory, and well up to all expectations of the mauagement. I.Vair.—This vaudeville house la becoming more popular each week, and business la quite an good as anticipated. The current week'* bill: Davey and Phllllpe, Fwust Fam- ily. Kimball Bros, Dora Pellofere, and Cavel- Icrla OjH?r,itlr Trio. Rinulino BKoa.' CfRcua comes May 28. hoi- own vaudeville company, /ue uusset o«.s.. in "Tlie «reat Jewel Mys- began her arruud week 7. The attendance WBk will give the iwttrous a good show the previous week was big. *' 12 j and ,hp V ?«°".l« .par* the house all CnHtnxtra Striikt Tmiutrb (Nixon k YAm- incnnuu. tuunngers).—"Rosalie" enters upon its third week 7. The members of the cast are now thoroughly acquainted will) tiicir roles, and the opera wan given with much spirit last week, to crowded houses. Walnut (Frauk Howe Jr., manager).— "The CliiUrtmnu" beglna (he third week of lis engngetiient T. tno attendance last week Hhowlug no nhalomeuL and lieltig of the ca- pilclly order. The pl«v ends Its run 11). CIIKBTXUT Si'RKUT Ot'KltA IlorSB (NiXOtl& Zluiniermaii. msnagers).—This house will be dark mi ill May 12, when it reopens with mov- ing pictures of tl»c San Francisco calnralty. Lew Klcids, In "It Happened In Nurdlund." .bad n fortnight of crowded houses, ending 3. "Checkers," with Hans Robert In the reading role, will be put. on for a run, bogiUUilur 7. Hluiplc Simon Simolo" concluded a fort- New n«drord.-—At. tuc New Bedford (Wm. B. Cross, manager) Mrs. Miller, the oofHilur treasurer of the house, had Dlgby Bell, April 28, for her annunl bcnellt. to big i-cinrna, (ireul Lafayette, .'in. drew good business. "The Stolen Story," Mny 4. Hathaway'b (T. h. Hflyiles. oianagerL— Hlll for week of 7: Pnt Rooney and Marion Kent, Dixie Serenuders, Harry and Kale Juck- Min. Neff and Miller. Kliuiukn Japs, Hilly 1'iivtoii, the <*k>nnerts nnd vltagrnpli. 'i'hls will be tlie last woek of vaudeville of the m'uhoii, as the Summer Slock Co. opens lis lirili season 14. . Notku.— Jessie Arnold raised $*'j, S, for the Sa,n Francisco Fund, by the Mm of flow- ci-.s before the iierformnnco nt IlatJiaway'H. .......Wilbur HlgiM-v Holwrl MeClung, M. F. Rjiui, C. Kd. Dudley, Oertmdc Dion Ma- Rlll. Jessie Arnold, or the Hummer Slock Co., tuc in town. Itelicutsals begin 7. "*>i* o..i-.—At the Opera House (Lawler HrtM,, nianiigermj "The Barl aud the Olri** blued April .'to-May 1, to S. U. O., at both tieiTonnances. and inuuy were liirucd awny. * A Foxy Tramp" pleased 3. aud "As Ve 4jow" had a large house 4. Keller 8. 1'iMi'utH (T. F. Murray, manager).—"A Mad Love," 30-May U, played to mcdliim lnislneHs. Thin attraction closed the season lit the l'Jiuplre. The uiinuul, benefit of Treas- urer Lansing Rrtitft and Door Tender James tritshliig, of this theatre, will take place May 10, when the attraction; will be "Sweet Clover." As these two young men arc very poptthir with the patrons of the Umpire, a capacity house Is cxiweted. < i " ^ortli VduoiH. -At the Empire (John F. Sullivan, manager) "A Foxy T/ramp," mati- nee and night. May "., did good business und pleased. Frank Daniels, In "Sergeant Bruc," 10: "Sweet Clover" b\ Kiuuuoku (.Wm. V. Meade, muuager),—- IliiHluess last week was excellent, the ushers and: the Columbia Four muklng big hits. BUI , week of 7: J. K. Ilulchliison and company, Lb Malic aud La Mulrc.. 1). .1. IlHrringtun, Nellie Vesta, Scott mid Jolitwan, the Co- luiiiiila Four (bold overs), nnd the vlruBftiph. Kddto Foy. In "The Hart nnd Uib (Jlrl," D. paekna the lioiise at both perfortiuuices aud plfaxed IminciiMOly.. Xotks. —"The" Burgliir and (he Dancer," lui'senied by Ii., Y, Buektm and compauy. was glveii fur the first lime ou any hIhko at the itlchmnad Theatre. May 1. and made an lu- Kiuulaueous lilt. It \ H a one uct skolch, not a word being bpukvn from beginning to end. During tho progress of the sketch Mlsa Thur-- jV'iie did some very clever dancing, which w:nr§d heavily. The setting used for the presentaitlun of Hie act la magnificent. " •■■' ■ ■ ■ ■ Limn-m'c—At 1 lie Open House (Urnnt A '-nh iiimigers) Mllcheirs All Star Play. < '* di'cw fair boiiHcs week or April :io, ex- n-pllnc May 3. when Andrew Mnck came, In the \\ny to Kcumnre." to S, It. 0. Annie Hiinwll, In. "Frieud llannnh." 7. The rc- iniiltider of the week, Klark-Urhan Co. J owjniai, iai. Hayncs. mmiuger).—Itlg Uoiihcs seem lo l»e the rule tit litis house, ■ooked week of 7„; Carlotta, t.nwremm and Il'u-Hiijjuin. Viilvimo Uros.. Tyco and Jer- non. Wenlnn nnd Ulnddlsh. t.'ol. Will Dock- ,'M'' ' n ' 1 , 11 ,MkmI1 nn *l iwmpiiny aud tho k|- iftttitfnn—Al Ihe'l'uuittonThealre (Calm « 'irani. niunugers) (he Keystone Dramatic „"•; npoked for-May :t. disbanded before-1tn iiirivni. hhepard's moving idclures May H, As \e How" 10, Annie Russell U. ««» J.Ant. Bbkoan writes: "Kntma Muntltig's waimn wan a great success. I will launch w ., on "' 1 ' "firactlons next *hhou. and v 12 t, nM, "*lvo repertory rights, in New £Zr Tv p n Srlvaula. Ohio, New Jersey, Starr- »ml aud Wait - Virginia for .nil of A. II. l\\t . ,1,ayB ' J,tl(1 w,l > put out two fully «] lljipeo cnnipanles, In fliosr plays. Miss Mi'IHt|i|. n .f|| „| H( . 1, BV( , „ )||1W r(H , r ,|. U>rv . W ]i1,.|, ZUlt? *•*r;iiiBfr thou ever. 1 have opened a ™ung oince.'nHHoelated with Pen. K. Robin- thS V m L V^tanl reprcHentatlve. Among wh,? 13 * 8 "at will be used will be a new one, 7,1 utA "iS"^ *.*>* Hen Francisco disaster. .- I. A " . Ihe , ' ft *' of 'fVrtafn,' wllh n great mnn productions. "Tlie Office Roy,' tanllfpxtke Scene." 1t..l. Wlilr»" ■nil "Hlmule Aln.nn I nights engugcincnt G, lo good buBfnefw. Ouanii DniUA UotrsE (U. A. Wegefarth, niaiiii K er).—Nat M. Wills, In "The Duke of Duluih," 7. Billy B. Van, In "The ISrraad Buy," bad ti week of good business. "Buster Brown" next week. UiRAiiu Avr.M.i; (Miller & Kaufnmn, man- agerM).—"The Secret Dispatch" 7-1^, follow- Ing a week of good buslaess done by Nan Kittle, In "A Man of Mystery." Joseph F. UeelU, in "Our I'Tlcnd Fill/.," 14. Nation Ai, (J. M. Kelly, manager).—Kalh- erlnc Puriiell, tu "Faust," week of 7. Lust woek, "Lured from Home" did satisfactory business. "Tracy, the Outlaw," next. I'Hoi'i.K's (F. ii. Nlxou-Nlrdlluger, mnnn- get-).—Edward Hurrlguu makes his first ap- pearance here litis season,-In 'Old Lavender," 7 und week. Uood slued houses witnessed "The Night Before Christmas." "Arizona" next. Itl-ANKY'S AlICJI STRKET (M. S. SclllCS- sluger, manager).—"A Romance of Coou Hol- low," week of 7. Last week, "Marching Thro' tieoigln" was seen for the first tiino locally, nnd drew big houses. "A Bud Mau from Mexico" 14. lUitT'fl (John W. Hart, manager),— "Monte Crude" 7. "Northern Llifhls" was wr'ii received Inst week, and did nlco IjiikI- uchs. "The Sign of the Four" 14. FoitLTAUtiii's (Miller & Kuufman, mann- MBit.—Kugenie Bittlr heads the stock forces DM current week, in "Leah, the Forsaken." Last week the stock gave a performance of "Northern Lights," and were greeted by well filled houses. "iCesurrdctlou" 14. Stanuard (Dnrcy It Speck. tuanagorn).— "A Slltve of the Mill," by the stock, week of 7. "She Dured Do Right" did good business last week. "The Riots lo Kunsla" 14. Kum'.vrir STitiiKT 01'kra Uousb (Frank DUinout, raiuuigcrj ■—For Hie closing week of rlie lesson, beginning 7, a new burieatiue on "The <:lansmun" will be put on, In addition to the Kklts, "Anna Bw Fay Outdone," and "Simple Life." Ki:nn'.s (H. T. Jordan, manager).—Katie Hurry heads nti uiiiimiully strong bill week of 7. 01 hero are: "The Globe of Doulh" ' isBoand week). Kleluird F. Otttcault, the Ciinillle Trio. Lulgl itossl, Mclvlllo Kills, rilff Oordon. Brown. Harris and Brown, La- line. Iliu Misses Dclumrc, Knerwa and OiUegti, Inucbs and Ilvan. Del more and Oneida, Lilly rieviile, Harvey aud Do Vora, und the kluctograiih. i.'AHiNu (El-las, Kocnlg St Lcdcrer, muna- ? wrH j.—'j'hc Mnottllglit Maids 7. Tlie Bowery lurlesquers drew hlg patrouage lust week. AL' Beeves next week. ftr.Mii; (Owge W. Rife, inanugcr).—The Merrv Builesaitcrs 7 and week. Good sized houses witnessed the performances of tho Alcuxar Beauties lust week. American Bur- leMpiuro 14. IA'ckum (J. U. .Tcruton, tuunager).—The New Vork Sltirs will twinkle week of 7. The ,\fujestlcs were rewarded with nice houses limt week. Golden Crook follows. Tit'icAiiKtto (Fred Wlllsoii, inanogeri.— Wutsou's Orient a In 7-IS. The olio Includes: Billy Wm sou. Swan uml Bnmbard. Harry Muiilngiie,' and the Yuinnmoto Bros. The London Gaiety Girls had n succession of big liotises last week. BuADKNJililiuH's LU1IK MlflMSUM (T. F- Hop- kins, roanuRcr).—The. Alnbiiina MlijHtrels Mill continue In Hie curio hull, lo addition lo the DrltinoN, Leon nnd Wm. 11. Burk. Iu ilia theatre an-: Tbe Dslys, 1-ew WalHoti. Cdllliiri and Fields, Flmiognu, tiud Lubln's cliieogi-aph. Bun ' Tn.v (LIMlati Tysoii, manngerl.— Muiyiaud Tyson heails the bill or this hoit-'o week -of 7. A rcproriiiclldu of scQucs'lu Ssu Franclwco will Im* a feutun*. NfUKs.—Through Ihn rcmrdlug of h legal ilut'iimoiii lti«t week (he fuet heenme known Ihst Felix Isinan. the real estate broker, who Is hImi interested hi a number of the- atrical ventures, was married several weeks ago to Irene Frfzzell, a former ineuilwr of Ihe "I'eggy from l'nrlH ,f Co. Mr. and Mrs. ln- iinin are now on a wedding tour in l-'urope. Where they will remain for so vera I months. Hurry Davis, ihe I'Hlsliiirg theatrical innoiiger. bought last week Ihe store pru- perlv at Ihe Ktreet corner of Tenth and Mar- lon Slreels for |iCtl>,l>(Si. The front portion of i the building he will use for a moving picmrc show. In a short time Mr. Da- vis will o|ien similar amuKCiuent placca at 1203 Market Street and issa Chestnut Street Three of the Nixon A Zlmmcr- Mlsfi Bub White" aud "Simple Simon Simple," hev should pack week. Last week "flight Bells" proved to be u good box oillec winner, and seems, to have lost none of Its popularity. Williams and Walker next. Gayktv. (.las. R Orr, manager).—The Blue ltlblwn Girts 7-1S. A good olio Is presented between tbe first part and Ihe burlesque-. Last week the Itcntz-Santley Co, pluycd to fair business. Irwin's Majesties next. AcAueMY *» Ulnae (ll. W. Williams Jr.. iniliiHgcri.— The Yankee Doodle fJlrls, olio nt" ihe best btiries(|iie shows on tho Kmplrn circuit, 7-11*. Several high class vaudeville dels are In the olio, and (ho costumes and general make up of tbo Show aro good. Last week the Bohemian RurlemiuerH played to satisfactory business, Andy Gardner and W. 11. Ward taking care of the coinedv parts In good Hhape. The High Hchool Girls next, Kmi'IUk. —Nothing lM)ok"d, Lnst woek, "Mr. Hooligan In Newark" played to fair business. OHIO. chicliiiuttl —Willie the May music fes- llval, at Music llall, ranked highest among the week's entertainments, there were epi- sodes of note at several of the theatres. The widow of Theodore ThomaB came to enjoy the memorial lo the dead director, whoso flfo work had given tho May festival- Interna- tional pre-eminence. Sir ICdward Uigur, who conducted his master works, "Tbo Apostles" mid -'Tlie Dream of Gurontlus," made ols first public apjicarance In the United states under the most favorable auspices. The chorus was In grand voire nud spirits, tbe orchestra muHicrfui, and the audiences magnificent In siiio and character. Janet Spencer took the roli^ originally planned for Unit. Homer, but that was the only change made In tha solo- ists. Cincinnati hotels were crowded with the musically Inclined from all the surround- ing States, und the festival of iiMid has missed Into history us one of the graudeat In the blcnulul series. Guam* ockiia HorsH (Hurry Ratnforlh & John II. Iluvlln. manngera).—"The Glnger- breud Man" comes May 7, and will be tbe last big Npcciuele of Ihe year. The week's opeu works. Instead of vaudeville, will be an early feature. Uoaatr of tiik Lodhv — Urni-.v M. 7,legler was hurriedly summoned to New York, aro* sumably on business associated with tho coming clash of vaudeville Interests.....^.. Councilman Robert J. O'Brien baa secured a twenty year lease of the Belmont Hotel property on Sixth Street, near vine. Tha rumor Immediately spread that this may bo the site of » new vaudeville house, either fur tho Kluw A Brtanger or the Kohl 4 Cist to circuits. Mr. O'Brien admits the property mny ho used for theatrical purposes, ahd some say be Ih contemplating transforming It Into a raaunRlcent concert hall.....'.. J. J. Brady Ii hare ahead of Rlngllog'tf Circus, which plays at the Norwood Grounds S, 1) Bud Woodthorp- l« acting as Viola Allen's mnnnger Mar- garet Lundy, a Cincinnati girl, has JUst Joined "The Gingerbread Man," Fred- eric Shatter Kvam presented Seltna B*nja- nitn In concert, at Conservatory Recital Hall. Melville stolx la hero to telt of Mrs. Carter's coining I'cople's Theatre will not close until June Mrs. William Gardes, of tbo Hotel Gerrim—one of Cin- cinnati's tbuinlan heudquartrrs—who Is the mother of Wilfred (tardea, of "Babes In tbe Wood,'' died 4, after n brief nines*, the re quit of a shock that followed a severe electrl- ml storm Manager John II. Mavlla has returned from New York. Colnuahaa,—At tbe Great Southern (O. M. licffnor. manager) Nat C. Goodwin at- tracted a large hotiao May 4. Mario Cahlll 8. The Great Southern Stock Co. will open Its season week of 14, la "The Little Minister." The company Is composed of Pnye Courtney, leading woman; Gortratio Rivers, second woman; ltosallnd Coughlan, Ingenue: Loulso Mcintosh, character; Flornnce Templetcn. utility; Geo. Allaon, lending man; John, T, Dwyer, second moil: W. J. Dealing, come- dian : Hobert Rogers, cburoctor; Arthur nitridn, Juvenile; Glen wood White, Juvenile, nnd Theodore Johnson, stago director. Harry A. Smith will be the business mauiigcr for tho eompnny. Grand orttRA Uuuhh (F, O. Miller, man* ugerl.—'Ilia house opened on Mny 4 Us sea- son under the management of tbo Mbubsrts, who presented Jeff Do Angells, In "Fantans, lo large houseH, for three performances, 4, .". Mann and Clara Llpman H, 0, Paula Kdwardc* 13. 14. IlKilt HTHHKT (Chn-. W. Harper, iuuub- HoJourn of Viola Alleu, In "The Toast of tho gf>r).~"The I.HUe outcaat" drew fairly good HnrrlMlmrir.—At the Lyceum Theatre (M. lteis, Biaiiiigcr) Lyman D. Howe's mov- ing pictures drew fair business May 11. The annual musical festival of the Harrlshurg •Choral Society was a big success 4. Bob* ert Kduson comes 14, in "Htronghcnrt;" Montgomery- and Mlone. In "The fraud m Da," 1*8; lladley's moving pictures 17. This will close Ihe season. It has been a most hUcccKSful yeur. and Local Munuger Joseph M, Flank received the highest praise poa- blble. urwu IIouhb (M. Itels, manager).—"The Funuy Mr. Dwlcy," with a circus us opisi- sltlou, did well April :.o-Muv S. "Montana" did fairly well :i-. r i. The Bowery Bnriewpicrs, iintiounced for .*•. canceled. The season closed •". II being the must successful In the history of the theatre. Notks. —Lewis McCord Is at his home here for a brief rest. Ho is booked almost solid for next season HugcnbeckV ClrcUH, I, met with big patronage, and proved a very sHthdactory »how William Iterglerode, of the Rogers Brothers Co., Is ut his home for Lbo Summer. I.HiiriiMter. —Al the Fulton Opera House (Chits. A. Vecker, ninnager) "The Air Ship" came Muy S. "The Old llomnstead" did well ii. The season, except for local affairs, is closed ut this house, FamiiiV (fid. Mozart, manager).—Current attractions Include-: BIJuu Comedy Four, Biiseh-Da Vero Trio, Lusaard Brothers, Cun Town," was one of plcasurcablo profit both star and theulregocrs. As Betty Single- ton Mlsa Allen achieved on unquestioned triumph. She has gained strength In her art. Conway Tearlo was a clover Duke, nnd iHHi.ei Irving a Kprlghtly Roxanna. C. I^estle Allen, tbe star's father, scored heavily as Mclaughlin, the manager, and again as tho sympathetic old lodger In the heart touching last act. "The Virginian" 14. (toniNHON's opkiia H'lUHn (George F. Fish and Luelln Forc|iaugh Fish, managers). —Mrs. Leslie Carter comes 14, in "Adroa." The farewell week of the Forciuiugk Stock Co. was marked by a memorable presenta- tion of "Taming of (lie Shrew," an arrange- ment by Walter Kdwards, who mado a won- derful hit as rctruchlo. Mary Hall added lo her admirers by her spirited Interpretation of Knilierlne. Idn I'lerpont was u handsome Blondello, la doublet aud hose. Waller B. Gilbert was cast rh Grumlo, und Harry Feu- wick was the Baptists of tho oast. Business was good. There were flowers for the favor- ites, and the farewell receptions were largely attended. At the Inst two performances tho audience was bidden upon (be stage to meet tho players—an Invitation that met with en- tlnislaHtlc acceptance. After Mrs. Carter's engagement, Mauiiger and Mrs. Fish go to Uceiiu City, N. J., for their Hum- mer outing, returning to Cincinnati lata In August, when the new season will begin. Mary Hall will remain here, going In July with her husband, Dr. I'earce, ' vacation at Atlantic City. lL.. will play leads at the SuburhHU (1 .._ St. Louis, for tho Summer, and Walter B. Gilbert will he u member of the same stock eompnny, Frederick Forrester Joins tho Vuughn-Glaser cumpanv ut Detroit. Gilbert Kly und the choice (if six Hummer offers, and houses April .'H)-May S. The Four Huntings, In "Tho Foul House," entertained good homes .'t-ff. The Murray A Mat-key Stock Co, will open week of 7, In "Hearts of tlie Blue Itldgv" aud "Sign of the Four." Notkh. —Olentsngy Park o|s>nsd Its Mil- lion April ..0, with good weather and largo crowds Juy Qnlglcy goes to Frankfort, liv., as leading man for tho stork company there..... .Ground Is to be brokaa soon, for the new Majestic Theutrc, which Is to be In- i-alcd on West Iirnud sirent, near High. It Is to be ii btiriasquo house, under tho man* ngcmcul of Frank Hurt Announcement tins been made that B. F. Kcilh has closed for the least' of the Katptra Theatre, and, after extenslvo .repslrs, lbo hoaue will, be opned In the Fall, for vaudeville. ■ ■■ ■ ■ m " ■ Cleveland.— At the Opera House (Harry D. Kline, manager) Nat IT. Goodwin iiraMBts "The Genius." week of Mny 7. M. B. Wlllart'a repertory, last week, was a- great auxcesa from every view point. Richard Csrle, in "The Mayor of Toklo," week of M. Colonial (Drew tt Campbell, managers). —Week of 7, the Vaughan (Jlassr Stock Co. offers for Its farewell wrok/'lleartseaw," nnd capuclty housea will doubtless rulo. "Nloue,' as produced by this same popular company, proved quite a druwlng magnet last week.. LYt'KUM (Geo. M. Todd, manager).—"PI- tiloiuaoy" Is the offering by the Duvld Hart- ford Httsk Co. week of 7. "Ths Butterfllas*' ' last week. "Tbolma" week /WSwick U^f^ receipts %gg S Q ii.u'nh'S 1 Hereford; MUX ^^^LrT^lM^JtlW irtvlnir iil.-un-os a *> t-USCir Hay, OfT I 01 IhiUfl, 00 tllO Mllltlo coast. Wilson Hummel loins tho Ferris Slock Co. at Minneapolis. Scenic Artist Max Grcenhurg goes to the Hartford Htock Co. In Cleveland. Most of the old favorites wJI moving Rook Garokk (Chus. m. Howell, mans- g*fl.—Tim current week's hill includes*: Her- uianv's catH and dogs, O'Brien and Havel, Jack Not-worth, Louise Dressor, Charles F. Helium. Couture and Gillette, and moving pictures. Burger's Orchestra has been en- gaged as a pcrmaucut musical feature. McGm.-'N's Pauk. —Rlugllng Bros.' Circus NuTB.—Prepamtlons for the celebration of . Uiluura Day. on .Iuiir 4, are being made. d 3 ¥*%£, &4-JSSS \ n . T£? ft originally aiarted here, tlicae celebrnHons \f^-. J''H'«1 Kli'kpatrck, Klta Ft... nro taking place this venr Ihroitgliout tho Harrison, Carrick Major and Frnnk White United States. Our local musicians, us the were nil good In support. r at Coi.uiiniA (M. C. Anderson return hern next season. Tho harvest has been must plentiful. Walnut Stiikbt (M. ('. Anderson, mana- ger).—"Tom. Dick and Harry," week of 0, by the. comedians, lilckel, Watson and vVrotiie. The season closes IS. Nat Wills Duke of I)o- ' earce. May originators, will lie. ujveu. pi it cos of honor ut the New Vork celebration IS. Altoonn At the Mlshler (I. C. Mlshler, manager) Rol)ert Kduson, in "Strongheart," was well received May 4. "Tbe Ola Home- clcinl" G. "Klght Bells" I), "Llltle Johnny Jones" 11, Lyman II. Howe's moving pictures JS, "Hooligan In New York" 14, Robr. Man- tell 1.".. "BatllRs of Our Nation" and Prof. f'onlerno's Band 17, IS, "Our New Minister" 24. F.i.KVKS'rir Avkl'nb (1. C. Mlshler. jnana- gcr).—Mamie Fleming Co, played to good sized audiences last week. This whs tbe last reiKi'-tury company to appear In this house this season. The Majestic Burlesque Co. will appear 10, 11, and after that tho [duns for the complete renovaflon of the Iioukc will Immediately go Into effect, nnd the Klovcnth Avenue Ojiera House will [i>mh out us s dramatic pliivliniiHC. It will open next August us a family theatre, presenting high class, vaudeville ut popular prices. Note.— The Altoona Amusement Co.. which will have control of the amusements at Lake- wood Park, Is ronsl meting n chute •'ISD feet In longlh nnd 80 feet high, which will In one of Hie features nt Ihn park this season, Wllllnmaporf.—At tho Lycoming Opera House (L. J. Flsk, manager) Frank Dcslion, In '•The onico Boy." had big returns April SS. I rent: Myera stock Co. drew, and pleased, packed houses week of •'><•- and ihe corripsny then dosed for the season. "Holly Tolty ' Mhj- H, ihe JefferHOiiH. In "The Rivals," 0; Howe's pictures 10. "The Wizard of Oa" 16, Jefferson !*■ Angeles IS. N'iTks, —Hiigenueck's Showa gave two One performances, to big erowds, II Pnwneo Bill Is hooked for SI, and Rlugllng Bros.' Circus June S. ._. manager).— The Four Piccolo Midguts, Lee Harrison, Wiitsori. Hutching* and 13*1 wards, Steely, Doty and Coe, ,tho Brother* niorlck, Charles and Kdnit Harris, Frozlnl and John Birch ate co-cnterlaluera week of U. Marshall P. Wilder was lust week's Iteadllner. His droll met hods were most plcutdug. (losalre und I He- reto put on ii screaming acrobatic' net—tbo best ihlug on the bill. Phyllis Allen was re- ceived with the usual warm acclaim. Hhuck'h OfOaa IUivhh {HeucJt, l-'enncssy & Htnir, amiutgers).— Billy Kerseml's Min- strels <I. Jay Hunt and Hal Held were Joint architects or "A Crowu of Thorns," which proved considerably hetter than tho usual run of meloflramallc offerings. Virginia Went- brook played Doroihv Dean, ami Homer R. Barton proved a munly Dave Hpauidfng, Busl- liesu was fulrly good. The season ends IS. Htandaiih (C. B. Arnold, manager).—The Itpntz-Saiitley Co. comes 0-12. The Incuba- tor Girls proved Ihe big novelty wltli Hurllg A Hcamon's Transatlantic Burlesquers, who were long or preLty girls, " w. it Todd, manager).— The Governor's l'urdon" week of 7. "Big Hearted Jim" bad good houses last week, '"nut Old Clothes Man" week of 14. . KUITICH (11. A. Daniels, manager).—Rill week of 7: llyuma and Mclntyre, Orucu (.'arneron. Kilty Tranuy, C'srlln and Dm Walurimry Bros, and Tiuiny, Billy Vun, Jolm Zlmmcr, and Monroe, Mack and Lawrence. I.vntr 1 (K. R. Lang, manager).—BIB week of 7 ; Joseph J. Sullivan, Dslvln und F.lwood, tlie Julians, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Mounts, Carrol ton and Mounte, Currolton und i lodges, Tops ami To|s*y. VIctorelll'H moving picture*. Sta» (Drew *; Campbell, managors).—Thu Baltimore Beauties Co. week of 7. "TJjO Yankee Doodle Girls drew well last weak. High Hchool Girls weak of 14. KMrittK (Cans. W. Denxlnger, manager).— Tito Trocadcro Burl esq tier* week of 7, .lllcn A llortiiii'H Big Gaiety Co. lied good returns last week. Jersey Lilies week of 14. Notb. —The death of Mrs. Mary II. Brandt, wife of Frederick II. Brandt, assistant mun- ager of Keith's, occurred st the Cleveland General Hospital m s.90 o'clock Monday morning, April ;t(). York.—At. Hie York Opera House IB. C. PcnU, manager) "Tim Air Ship." with Frank Cushrmin, May 1. "Utile Johnny Jones," S, canceled. The York Oratorio Society, with a chorus of two hundred local people, tinder the direction of Prof. Joseph Paehe, of Balti- more, and nccomponlcd hy the Festival Or* chestrn trf Boston, held its May festlvni mati- nee und night, 3. Tbe soloists taking part and "The Pirates of I'anuuiu" prove*! pleas Ing nitinls'rs. Business was uiilio go#«I. Blun itlTiboii Girls HI. Pijoi'lh's (HulMTt lleitek, mnnagorl,—T. W. Dlnklns will lutrothiie the High Mrhool Girls (i-IS. Lust week the Bultlniorn Beau- lies niil on "A Hcolctt Hluhliall" and "A llusy Nlglil." The Zarrow 't'rlo made a dig bit In their funny trick 'cyclo act. Kdnn Davnport caught the fancy of the audience*. which were of good site. Imperial Bur* KMum in. KooiiOUicAf, Gaiuikn (Walter Draper, sec reinryi.—Tho concert season opens 12, when VeHsellu's Baiula Itown will begin Us first local engagement, coming direct from At- lantic City. Conkv Inland <L. T. Anderson, mana- ger).—Hyrlnn Temple, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, will opeu ihn mcssod May .u. Roy Ktialienshue. tho flying machine man* will be the llrsl big card. LAtKMiN f.|. J. Weaver, msnsnr). —"Mils park will open May 27, sod w. i;. ('lark will Im ths rounsgor of the l>agonn Theatre. Vaudeville nhows all Summer. Ciikstkr Park (L M. Martin, manager).— Tlie Bridal Tour, Fur Factory, the Third De- gree find the Limit are the new features of Canton.—At the Grand Opera House (SI. C. Harbor, manager).—Tho Murry A Markey <"o.. Iil repertory, April AU'and'week, had u fair week's business, and pleased. -Marin Ca- hlll. In "Mollle Moonshine," May 0: Ixwk* studer's Minstrels 24, Itlcbard Carle, In "The Mayor of Toklo," Sil; Viola Allen, 28, closes the teason. GAJtliBN TlIBATUB (TIlOtnBS & PottS, Oiaotl- gers).—Vaudeville, Illustrated songs and mo- tion pictures continue to crowd tnls popular Utile house. It wll probably remain open all Hummer. Ku ra V Oat June 1 the Grand opera House will become one of a circuit of six houses la this viclnlly which will be managed hy Kd- .. ward H. Moore, and isxiked by Nixon ft Zlm- A ('lose Hhave" merman. Mr. Moore Is at preaont manager of Hie Ceronlns, at l*. Liverpool, (». and tbe Coiiimblu, at Bcllalre, it. He will expend 9lu.mii) In Iticreushig the seating capacity and otherwise Improving the property. HnndumUy.— At. the Grand Opera llouso (Singh! tt Smith, managers) "Fantana" plessnd u crowded house April .'10, Tim Mm- jiby pluycd lo nil uiipreclatlve audience Muy fl. Tangusy 7. Martin's "IFncle Tom's Cabin" 12. Owner John lllmineleln wilt con- vert ihe theatre nt the close of tba season. Into h ground door house, and make other extensive improvements, Ckimii I'oint Plkahiibh Hkkoht (lieu. A. Boeckllng, raanugor) .—The Summer season opens June 2. -!.>-.■. — II ■ Akron.—At the Colonial (IHy H. Hill, manager j Nat C. Goodwin, In "The Geolu*." tnude s big hit before u large audience, May .'I. Maria Cahlll 10, closing tho season for this house. _j.- I'Nigt'H (Achlilo Plilflon. mansgpr),— lbs Little Hgypt Burlesque Co. did well U-Q, clos- Ing tbe theatre for the season, Col, ('cumins' Wild Wnsr H»ow comes 12, and Barnum ft Bailey Ctrnis 24.