The New York Clipper (May 1906)

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: :■': i May 12. THE 3STEW YGEK CLIPPER. 337 Thursday, April -'ff- Although we lost con- ■'- J& «re,tbanWul tVb« alive. A '■■if CMrtfc Q* BhMfciwUiir^cfi.oa.'' ' -•-unlum tfcelvMa lttter.)ast\««6k IiFttSrtHular HE whieh lnf.wW treatfrt ik a iOOTSnlr- WW envelope'bor* no post-i aa* wfcjHid'WtttWnnipe* "Pre* 1 ih-UTery" hv MnM Office authorities ltr Hnn [fran- pfflpo'■-Itte Ictrtf-wnH from Frederick Shlp- mai?and- read : "April lit. .■ Dfltir Rrn : We bit bottrlrafc—high nnd dry. Saved nil o«r IMknfr/tmt »<■« ■ tweniy-kortr tight tiarry- Irtft our Itvc trunks nnd inw grip* over.a mflc Mr-Mil—only n bnndtw ynrd$ abend of the iIntotB. We nan in one »f two weeks. Waort air right now. Wlll'wmdian address t6*morrow:- Fred." Mr. .Uhlpman. wnUbn Ihe envelope a great curiosity, and un th«C It In prohablv one of the first letters tn tbe history of tbe government to go forward without pontage or congressional frank. Adele P-irvlH Ourl, Mora Allthorpe and Harry Tauda arrived In Chicago last week* m route from Ban Francisco. They were lucky enough lo nave tbelr effects, and will open tbelr third season on Frank Mclvllle'a circuit- of parka for the .Mummer. The Manhattan Boys' Quartette is safe, but the members lost all of their wardrobe. They opcoett May* T* at the-Novelty, Denver, \\*. F. Karl, of Karl and De Klmcr, writes from Berkeley, Cal., April 28: "I wan an eye witness of the recent destruction of Sau Fran- risco fntn tills side of the buy. and, my home being otr the slope of the, mountains, af- forded a view not given to many, and al- though the appalling horror of It all was sickening.-.yet,- i| a spectacle. It eclipsed nny similar calami tv of nncleut or modern times, The city being built ou numerous hills, nlmost fn terraced order,- the flames had the advantage, having' started from the water front. The names consumed structure after structure, na if. tJicy were cardboard. .The numerous 1 reports-from 1 razing or dynamiting of buildings In advance of the Are struck as much terror to the hearts of refugees as tbe flames. The blasting was done to try and make an avenue, or gap, broad enough to cut off, lire flames, but In spite of every such effort the flames would lean on until they reached beyond Nob HID, the wealthy resi- dence district, which was n|so destroyed. As to tbe earthquake, which whs the forerunner of (he fire, !t gave one tbe Impression of bow litHfgnldrant Is man, always at the mercy of tbe Omnipotent, ucver realizing his condition until the Deity sends such, a visitation to awaken the dormant conscience. There have been several seismic disturbances of lesser nolc, but of hardly enough consequence to cause comuieut. The saddest feature Is the loss of life and the Injured, while the dis- tress Is quickly being lessened by tbe noble relief flowing In from nil quaricrs." Chan, II. Prince writes: "My folks In San Krani'iHio escaped with their lives, and are now living with friends In Frultvale Ave., 1*170—Fruit vale. Alameda Co., Cal. Every- thing they bad Is gone." J. M. Harris and Anita Morlo, of Harris nnd Mcrlo, are sufferers from the earthquake In. San Francisco, losing nil their wardrobe. They bad time all booked up for California, and write that they both feel like singing "Oivc Aly Itegards to Broadway." J. T, Do Contra' writes: "My wife and I rayed our dogs and monkeys from the 'quake and fire In 'Frisco, but lost all our wardrobe .unl props, for the act." Dirk Mack, formerly of Conroy and Mack, writes: "I was stopping nt tbe Alleane, on Turk Street, nnd was awakened at G a, m, by a sererc shock. When I came to my senBca I discovered that the building was rocklug as the wavfB ruck a ship In mid- ocean. I hastily put on a few clothes and rushed to Mr. and Mrs. Jnu. F. Lee's-apart- meiils, uud found them dressing. Gladys Carlisle, who was roontlug with them, was Just abjut lo lump from a window when l caught her. We rushed to the. street, nnd fobnd that Are bud started on the smith side of the towh. we hired a rig and drove to Dick Leon's farm, eight miles ont. Those who W'Utt alone; and lost everything are: Mr. uud Mrs. Jus. IV. l*e, Gladys Carlysie, Homer Long, Mnxle Mitchell, Dot Raymond, Let .Flominey and myself. We were all working at the Lyceum. I returned the following day, and found the centre of the Iowa destroyed, People were camping In the vm-lon.s parks. Belief stations were opened" quick!), .unl carloads of food came from all over .the country. The sight will not he forgotten by those who were present, 'iho fbree Kobers, Ted Bos, the Miens, Frank Jones, It. C. White, Wm. Thomas, Mr. .AlllblnJe, wife nnd child, Karl uud Wilson. Dck and Maggie Leunlc, Monti Collius uud wife, and Jnke Clifford wish friends to know lliat they escaped nnd are well." A, O, Kleck writes: "Kindly notify my friends, through itltc columns of Tiih Omi kbmabt.k, thai f um safe and well, having comu out of that awful- disaster without a scratch. in my eighteenth week doing Juveniles with the Felice Davis Co. After about a month's lay off we will go ou tho road ugaln.'* Zlnntj Travesty Co. escaped, besides sav- ing nil wardrobe. The company opens May UO at U»nhmt Park, Salt f^ke, - {J*&9 O'Brien, of Daly and O'Brleu, says: I wish you'd kindly state that I have ro- celved word from my relutivcs In Han Fran- cisco, and thut they are; safe and well, although they lost everything by lire, und went OiroitKh a dreadful exiwrlcuce." . J.ugeuo West, of West and Henry, writes: emit me ty Inform you that Mr. nnd Mrs. I 1 . 1 }* (sketch team), and two of Ibe Three Withers were Instantly killed by Hie cot- lupsp-of the Umpire Theatre on the morning ,, " ,e . anrthquake- at Oakland. Cul. They nil had rooms, above the theatre, which, by 1 "V "&*« wu * 0, «- of only two completely riilued bulldlnga in Oakland. My wife (Cothe- r ue Henry* and I had been sent to Oakland tho previous evening, to (ill a vacuncy «t the ftovelty .Thnairc. I wanted to keep our room at 'Frisco, nnd intended -crossing the buy every night nftcr tbe show, but my wire claimed It was too much expense, and In- sisted 'in staying la Oakland, and the next tnonilng, well, you know the rest: Miss Wx- eels, of De Uossett and lOoccela (gun- splo- nm), wiio W ero playing the Novelty Theatre st -Simla llosu, was Instantly killed, while her partner und 1'ourl Hlcknian (soubrettO were severely Injured at Kauta Hosa. We did not lose anvtblug ourselves. Kindly permit me, through your columns, to thank the numbers of tho T. M. A. of Onktmd-for their tn-eless efforts In aiding nnd comforting pro- tesslonals. They were among ibe first lu tbe field, and certainly did wonders." A benefit performance wae given In Car- .neglc Hall Monday evening. May 7, which was a greot success. Among those who np- I'pui'od wore: ltafael Joseffy, Maud Powell, Ouvld BjuraUl, and Victor nerbert, who conuueted u symphouy orchestra of sixty. Mr. Herbert announced that lamina Eames' place would be taken by Mrs. Marguerite ■inntzon, who happened to be In the audience, sod who consented to slug her number, the nrla "plch Theurc Halle," from "Tann- niUKcr. Mme. Eames had a serious lodlspo- n lion, but up to live o'clock had hoped to be SH «-.- 0 ■••■* Tuc WwSjpto amounted to At the Hudson Theatre afternoon of May «. under the uusplces of the Actors* Society 01 America, a benefit WM given for tbe peo- ple of tho stuge.who suffered through the tjnn I'ranelBco dlflaster, and fifteen hundred dollars was the result. Wilton Lackaye ad- dr«"-H !»•« «fidl«m*e n « f«i|lnirs I "Tho Metropolitan l>cnefit last Haturday rauued some ■••itt.uiiO lor Uw general relief fund. A very prominent member of the colu- mn lee 011 nrrnitgemenlrf for thut l«neflt bad vtiggt-Mted* during no early stage of the nro- (■"«dtnus. that Inasmuch ns the lwnpfit had been made possible by the volunteered ser- vices of theacfors that were to take port Id It. a certain percentage of the fund be <h'- toted especially to ttfe relief of the actors end: actrewcs' vlrtnaliy Imprisoned In Han KratfclKior/'Thst suggesllon not only met with no supislrt froir? the committee in ques- tion-, but was-, received with chilling silence. Hod-the renult hmrbeeii that whereas the exertions, of uctots throughout the United Mates have done «o much for the Hnn l-'ran- ciHcd'HUfferers. nothing has been done for the nctors specifically. The Actors' Kocletv bene- fit Is the only one. the proceeds of which arc to be exclusively, devoted to the relief of the theatrical profession, and yet. can It bo«ald thut the public at large composed Its audl- I'Ucer" He rend-telegrams from actors In Knn FranetHcn. showing that they could ob- tain no relief from the general fund, although the soup kitchens were open to them and the bread Hue extend**! for them. Others ou the proirramme were- Clara Bloodgood, May Naudlati. May Buckley,- Victor. Herbert, fly. Meyer, Kdward Kemble. Henry Woodruff. Kugenc Jcpson. Harold Heatou. George rro- liert Md William Koscllc, William t.'ourl- leljrb, (}ueenla Vasssr. Bugeno Oowles. Lewis l-'leldcr. Hubert Urucc. Hownril Hliirge. fharieN Crawford, Annie Hughes, KltTlo Lheuthumj Van Hensm-laer Wheeler, <ieorge. It Hi-kits. Wluonit Hhatinon, Jnines Norvnl und Josephine Burrows. Mine. Ma reel in tiembrlrb will give- n recital matinee of ft. in Carnegie Hall, for the henc- flt of the chorus nnd orchestra of the Metro- politan Opt-ra House.. ■ . • ■„ The Martclles arrived at rorflnitd. Ore- April 'Jt4, front San Francisco, where they lost ovcrythlng. They had a hard time get- ting out of the city ana saving their baby boy. It will fake quite u while to replaco their wheels and wardrobe, but their act will be better than ever. ■ Jack lycslte and Celeste Berrv have can- celed all their Pacific coast time, and ate going Into comic opera for the Snmmer. then back to vaudeville next season. They write: "We had.quite a time saving our trunks, but after moving tbetn five times we got ont of San Francisco alive. Many, performers have o«t everything. Oreat credit Is due to the i.AL A 'h of OHktand, who responded nobly nt the time of their brother performers' dis- tress." H. A". RicHAnbsoN, ogent for Cook & Harris Co., writes: "Owing to so many requests for return dates this company has decided to stay out all Summer and play Bummer re- sorts. -Tho Train Wreckers- gets a band everywhere, and.the Illustrated songs are a big feature. The roster Is the same. Just keep your eye un us, watch us help to make moving pictures famous. Tun Oij> Khliabi.b and the man In white are as welcome as this 'spell of weather.'" Tin: iNrjKKHOi.i. Co., of Pittsburg, Pa., are constructing a large amusement park In the City of Mexico. Mex., which will be ready for oparatlon June 1. Nutbs rnoM cms BnoWN Family Show. —•Wo are still doing good business lu Old Ken tuck)', and will soon do out with our tent show, all equipped' with a new electric light P ant, to light tho tent and put on moving pictures nftcr each act. Everybody Is wolf. and we expect the biggest season In the his- tory of the show. . Mas. Mark J. Ijavaux, mother of UttU Ionia, snake charmer, died on April 17, after a lingering Illness, at the home of her son- In-law, 1181 Second Avenue. Sow York City. Poldhsi, the mystic, and hts company of Swiss Bell Ringers, report good business through Michigan. He has now with him II. Brown, Sweede comedian: Renos, con- tortlottlSi: Hedwlg, and German Rbae, vo- enitsr. He will open under canvas May 10. .CnocKBn's thirty educated horses, under the mnnageruent of John C. Patrick, cloved on April -'8 a successful season of forty-three weeks, at Fond du Lac, Wis. Durlug the Summer some attractive features -will ho added to the programme, and their second season In the United States will open the last week in August. Ok.v.nt'I,odoi!, No. 888, Knights of Pythias, isyack, N. Y., Is making preparations to run a carnival some time during the coming Summer: , TffK'-flOFPMAX A; 8TKVBNS CARNIVAL ANO fair Co. Is getting in shape for its opening In May. Seveuteen weeks out of the fwentv booked arc benefits for hospitals, lodges und flfe, companies. Tub Ambkican School FunNiTt/n» Co. will hereafter be knowu us tbe American Seating Co." NdtKH t'KOJt TUB OltEAT FtDIUO.N SHOW.— After a successful tour through New Jersey and Pennsylvania, wo returned to bongls- land for tbe fourth lime tills season, playing to 8. R/O. nightly. The company Is stronger than ever, nm.t Includes: s. Wagner, pro- prietor and -niangger: C. M*yers, electrician and ti-eitsnrer; it. Leslie Uoss, musical di- rector: Percy Atwood. barhone: Prtnk King, tflalec-t comedian; Bob Morris, black face comi'dlau and damwr: Hughy Oafncy, mu- sical act, and our advance brigade. Holmkn iJitt'M., Kurojioan comedy bar gym- nasts, who- reeeittly closed n suciwssfnl sea- son, tourlug Mexico and Culm with theClrco Payrei, will open their aumtner season with Pain's Production Co., nt Wllkes-Bnrre, Pa., May 7. W. C. DOWNS' UlO SriCCIALTT Co. will oitcn Its, fourth Hummer season May IP, with the following people: W. C. Howus, manager : Sid Hi'.nuim. agent: J, J. Thomas, musical director; Wm. I.*. ChdW and Mabel Clark, Mart Mullov, Rose Mel wood, Chns. II. Has- Rett, tlco. AV. Snow, Mcfcouuld and Drew, Wnr. J. smith. Under tu UM. 'fiiii Catk FAmii.y are t-n roftfu with tho Johu Itublu^ou Shows. W. S. (JniKKiTH, aerlut bar performer, and the P'lyiug Nelsous, arc en vmttc with (Joll- mur Bros. Circus. NOTBH KJIO-M Barf'h Ntsw Tknt Hinnv, Bert Sllvel*. proprietor and mana- ger.—This Is now a ten wajfon show. We Hie carry In c ibis >feitt>on u sevcuty foot top, with two thirty foot middle pieces. This Is tho twenty-iirtn sennon over tho same terri- tory. The roster Ik as follows: Bert Silver, violin and const; Mrs. Uert Silver, treasurer and llckct seller; Laura Silver cornet and II- luutruted songH; Kranccse Hllvcr,' maglcbiii and elurlouct soloist; Pearl Stiver, vocalist and di-uais : Ruby Sllrer, vocullst and solo alto: 0. Hurl Silver, Juggler, tnnglclau and baritone soloist; tittle Jack Silver, Juggler find hoop roller,.melllpbone tn band; J. Dun Rice, with his barnyard circus, consisting of ponies, pigs and mules: Stone und Ifomp, double traps und breakaway ladder; Clara Moneayo, contortionist; Claude Kalrman, slack wire; Otto De Varre, sword,swnllower; Stone and Mon f'ayo. Japanese perch: Prank Carpenter, Irish and black face comedian: Lcousw. the boneless wonder: Clara (*a rite ti- ter, with her high wire and dog Mexico; Snow and Sibley; knockabout downs: Claudo Lu Jtofiue. tuba soloist'; Claude Reynolds, trap' drums: Hd. Cross,, advance renrcsttntn- tlve. Mec'rythlnprls In readiness for the open- ing at Stnnrilsh, Mich., May IV. — m m ^_ -— TmWXmEAT SLtl "Coming Through the Rye, Jennie THE BEST MARCH SONG OF SHE 8EA3QS. IMd» MIT, Wine ,, ASfHUR UAMB'6' NEW IBAUUAD, "THE JAJjjjiWg SPEAKS OF YOU, JESSIE BrtiWE" gay WATCH OUR AP. IW NEXT WEEK'S CI.IPPER. ^PB '. ^THtAlSffCIS;- O'A^ & HU^TBJR, 1.1 WKHT UUTII »TT. iNKAIl IIHOAD'.VAY), N. V. HAM UttOW, M(!r. 1'm(. Lloiit. I.ONIH.IN. BN«„ II'.' Clmrlni; Craw lloail. 15 WEST 30th STREET (near Broadway), NEW YORK. WUATHS IN Tttttl*ROKfO!4fllON. Will In m V. tftteti. William r". Ow«n. tho well ktrown actor, died otf M«J" 4i In 11 prlvHte honpllal nt IP* W«t Hlxty-flrst Street, New Yurk CUy. 'w 111 DrubCs disease, itged ntxty-lwo yoiirs. He was stricken while playing nu enauKemcnt. In Mrs. FUke's-production of "Heiky Burp," nt the Academy of Music. Now York City, ft few weeks hbu< Mr. Owen was bom lit Lluterlek, Ireland. «nd when he came to Artei'ici bo Kilned bit* tlrst Mtsge cxperl^nco lu Htuck, about forty yean an, Ho frequent- ly appeared In suppovt of Kdwln Booth, und WW alw with Forrest nnd MctTullongb. Ills work In the Augntttln Duly Company, In cup- ]wrt of.Ada llehiui, won lilm sri'ftt honoru, «nd lie reinnlned with Mr. IM'ly for many years. Homo of his host rolen were: Sir An- thony Absolute. In "The lllrnla;" Touchstone. In "Ah You IJkc It," and FalstafT. Ho leaves n, wlfo nint two grown tvtnx. Ills homo. whs (i 1: 1 a Writ One ilundrod and First Htreet, this city. He VU b member of tbe Players' Club, the Actors' Order of friendship, and the Actors' church. Alliance. Funeral ser- vices were held on Sunday, May 0, at tho rooms of too Stepbea Merrltt Burial Coin- pauy, Klghth Avenue and Nineteenth Street. Interment was in Kchslco Cemetery, N. Y. Sunuiuta. Hlta {Mrs. J. B. Morun), aerlnllst, late of tbe /Minora Family, died April ^8. During her career as a performer she was connected ivlth the AndreBs, Shields. Frank A. Bobbins, Scrlbncr & Smith, and the Rey- nolds Shftwe. Her last appearance was wltli the Reynolds Show, In 1889, after which she retired, surviving her la a daugbtor, i.eomi, nge eleven years, and her husband, Jesse B. oforan, known In the show business us Lew M Kelly. Funeral aervlces were held at her late residence. No. P70 £ast One Hundred and Thirty-third Street, New York City. The remains* were Interred nt Urccnwood Ceme- tery, Brooklyn, May 1. Mrr. Milmb wjixiamm, mother of Lottie Wllllumtt, and widow of tho late Hurry Wit- llama, died nt Mt. Lebanon Hospital, New York City, on May It, after an operation for cancsr. aged dfty-nluc years. During the fresent xeason sue bad been a member of .utile Wllllnms' "My Tom-Boy dirt" Co. In- terment was In the Actors' Fund plot. In Evergreen Cemetery. Lon Wii.liaiih, for many years slide trom- bone player with the hand-, of Barnum & Bailey Circus and Buffalo BUT* Wild West. died ut his home In Urbana, (>.. April 28, from liver trouble. The funeral was held on April 110, under the uusplces of the local Acrle of Eagles and the Urbana Band. Ills wife and a child of about seven years of age survive him. Otto Wichhii, of the Three WIchers, and his youngest daughter, were killed during the earthquake of April 18. ut Oakland, Cal. They occupied rooms over tint Kmplre The- atre, that city, which collapsed. - Tub A-iIkrican- Oomrab at Brealau, Ger- many, informs us of the death of Albert Lofeno, n performer, at Hint city, on April -. from chronic nephritis. Mhs. Loo Vcr/Hit Muxhok, an actress, died reeentlv In San Francisco, Cal. Her liuslmud, A. L. Munroe, survlvea her. ]">i'; Fo;tt;Ki- 'P.wutu. u Juggler and band- cuff expert, died nt his home In Buffalo, N, 1.,-ou April }0, ufter nn operation for ap- pendicitis. He wuh nt one time u member of the Leunt known us Vnno and Auoo, mid wuh well kno-A-o In vaudeville, lutermeot was In JlldifPliiwn CcmctetT. Miss Bxvhla, of the te«m of DO'Bmmtt flitdUxccIti, female gun spinners, wuh killed at Santa Itoxa, Cal.. on tho morning of the earthquake. April 18. The team was playing the Novelty Theatre. In tHat city. M11. ami Mrs. Makx, skotcfi team, were killed Iflr the collapse of the Khiplrc Theatre, Oakland, Cal.. on the morning of tbe earth- quake, Aitrll 18. They had rooms above tbe theatre. Uknjamin D. Dr,.*.N. stage mauuger for "Ailznnu," died tu Detroit, Mich., Sunday morning, April *jy. He wasthe sou of Ben Dean, for it long time musical director of the Old Bowery Theatre, this city, uud Mrs. W. (1. Jonos. Mr. Ds'itn was burn In this city July ], I860, nnd first appeared on tbe stuge when a very youiig boy. at Uie Old Bowery, hi •Tut'iuui." with John B, Studley In the oust. He tbcu took charge of and trained tho horses for "The Still Alarm/' ami np- poured with It Aug. .'JO. 1887, at (bo Four- teenth Street Theatre, llilu city, lie remained with ■"The Htlll Alarm" seven years, going to Knglnnd with It. He then Joined "Blue .I'm un.'' und was with It for three -yearn. He then' went with "The Cherry I'lckers," and afterwards "The C«rnt*raekcr£" Mr. Deati wiik with "Arlxona" for six years. At De- troit, Mleli., lie contraelMi a cold, which de- veloped Into pnmimonla. Funeral services wurc held ut. the chapel, corucr of Soulh Avenue and Thlrty-nloih Htreet, and the re- mnluK were Intcrrcil In (Irlierrwood (!euietery. cuAHi.fvM L. [jn.Lj.iN, manager or thu Dainty Duchess Co.. died 111 tbe Hhodu Itit- uud Ilospltul, 1'rovldence, It. I., on the morn- ing of May 7, from the result, of nn operation for uppetidk'ltls.- Mr, Llllluu, who was 11 native of New York City, bad been with Weber & flush for tbe patit kIx years, und for the post scasojl he had mannged Ui" Duluty Duchess Co. for this firm. »i» MANHVCIILM171 |M.; Wabuen, of the Warrens, -writes: "1 have signed with Hafe'a Fire Fighters for next season. I 1mve l>een ruatodlan of tho Katies' club nstma. at (miahn. nit Winter. It la a great place for tbe prnfeHKhiii to hang out- Tin: Cut-nut Is always lo lie MM Id a tunipft-uou* Plate Ihcrc." Worcester.—At Ibe Franklin Htpinro Tlteitlre (J. F. Murkc, reslilerit manager) M-eek of May 7, Malcolm Wllllnms :uul his nloei: coinpiiny will produce "Tho Lottery of T^>vc." Last trunk the coiiipilnv iiluyed 'Tho Dunclug O'.rl" In a very rrcdiUulu manner, George Pearcc asHiimed Ben (Irabam's role at n very few hours' notice, which gave him un oppottunlty toslnnv Ills versnlltfiy. Week ol 14, "Tie Idler." Willi nmsldcrabfe re- gret, It linn been learned that the company Mill be obliged in clow curly In .funr, owing lo tbe f.ict that H,c Klaw \ Krlanger Infer' e>ts have obinlnVtl (he )i«mjk<> Ui dike the plan of. (lie WM$eNf«t, wblih ibey released. f'ABK TiiKATBK <Aif. T. Wtttun. mnungnr>. —Week beginning 7, the pulley of this Imiisc clisbe^fl front vaudeville to melodrama. Week «.f 14, the Carltou-Moorc Stock Co. will begin tl limited engiigenient. T' (Chfis. W. Fouiln, realdent mana- ged.—Week of 7: The Lnnkv and Uolfe Oiilnlpllc. Mucart's dogfl and mnnhcju, Het- 'tlOH Bruce and eoinpiny, Hylvester. Johph and 1'iln^lc, fjuldcu Oatc Qututette, Buuh nnd i.m-ilnii, Kurd und Hot West, nnd Iho electrbgraph. Business Is to almout cen- tlnual eapaclry. 1'alal'K.— Week of 7 : Charles Hamilton, Notes rnust Tim liovui\r Co.—-Houdlnlr.luo hatidriut king and Jail brfiAfccr. mndu blit Itat American sppenrahce. at the head of bis ofr Palal-k.— Week of 1: Charles Hamilton, company, af Halcm, Ma*., April HI. Heplayad Hnlllvau and Murphy. Nellie Im tirasse. Llv. tfto ilrst three days of the week at thai «ty. Ing Art »tudle«. l^amoiint atiil raulette. In ifiQ tlfo remaining thr^e at Hnrtfortl. Cdnu lug __ "The 1-Iscainsl Lunatic," and tho tmrlebtjuc, •The Turkish Harem.*? . ... NuTK.'-Creatbre Is boolfed for 17; at Me- cbanlcs' Hall. ++4 \ew Vnudevllle Cumblne. Klaw ft Hrlangcr. B. 1'. KelUi. Kohl A Castle, dnd JHSH ft Beck, who control the Orpheura circuit of vaiidcvilln housen ex* tending to Han FrHnclt+eo, have, It Is reported, forinen a vaudeville combination to cofitrbl the bookings In a number of the Ilrst class vaudeville noustn of iho country. This com- bination may bo eitendedll It Is said, and other tunalter Intercut a may be Joined with It. Uaudectllg and fflinstrel, SrYMora avi. Drpitr will Mil May 10, from Han Frnnrtsro for Australia, where they wilt opea at the Tlvoll Theatre, la Syd- ney. M.u.i.uitv Biiuh., llnnoKH AND IIalupat huvo ndded nnother novelty to their; jropulnr vaudeville aklt. It 1m a bullfrog, which they use In n novelty Cuon song, entitled "Tho Bull Frog nnd tho CooH.* r Ta» Wentcru papers have given them special mention In reviews. .in.}] RtiKo, coon rtioutor, haa returned honie after a successful season of twenty-two weeks with the La Zada ft Davldsyrv Comedy Co. Mme, Km sit was made a member of the T. M. A. Lodge. No. 19, In Knusaa City, being the ilrst female member of the Kansas City loaie. . . Hrixn MAMok SliiTit, "Ye Oldo l'Wh- loiud Olrl" has Joined hand** with 1'rof. Anthony L Kthens, u well kliown baritone and pianist, and the team will bo known an Marlon and Ethens, "Ye Oldo Fashioned Girt and Her' City Couiln," comedy muslcnl act. The team Is now playing-Chicago, with ■uecess, Yocno inform* us 1 that ho Is now with Mahnra'a Minstrels, and la meeting with gratifying snccciis, nnd that he' has signed with Rusco ft Holland's Minstrels for the Buraraer and nrat ssason. ■ '• * Hamium ano Fonda, contortionists and eniilllbrtsta. arc visiting in London, 0.. St Mme. Fonn'a home, before tbey open tbelr anason's work with Heck's Carnival Co., with which they have signed a thirty weeks' con- tract, WoNffi-niTij la ilex, flexible aerlallat, played the Richmond Theatre, North Adams, wnii, week April 0, and Informs us that ho was one of the hits of the bill. HtV has met with success Klncc playing tbe vaudeTlllo houses through tho East, and haa some good bookings. JOHN AND AtJCB McDOWBLl. report blgstlr- ceas the 1 past five weeks in vaudeville. They were well received at the Lyric Theatre, Cleveland, 0., also -at the Majcatli; Theatre, Chicago: FitTintiH and FonaRS have been coitipetled to cancel some of their time on account of the Illness of Mr. Forbes' mother, who suf- fered u stroke of mtralyslB on.Feb, -'&, and Is still In u critical condition. AnnttTR catu.ton. manager of tbe Boot- black Quartette, Informs ua that the <iuar- tetto- closed with the. "Happy Hooligan" Co. April us, -uthI opened on tue Hopkins circuit; May (I, at Forest Park Highlands, Ht. Iiouls. Jack Hymondm writes: "I close ono of the best Heartens I ever bad at Dumont's Mln- strelst May la This la the closing of thn regular season. On May 14 tho entire conl- panygoeH on lis nunotil ttnir, for two weeks. I open at Brandy Wine Hprlnga, Wllraltig- loni Bel., May 'JH, for two weeks, (ben play Kleetrk Parle, Arlington, Md; t Juno 11.'' Minnih ClitArvvir.r.K, wife of lJddle Mack, of the Blloti comedy Four, has dosed her aeiiwinwltb tbe Hprn Dovere (!o.. and H en- joying a rest. Hho writes that whe has re- covered her voice, and la singing better than over, JuifN IfuitNKKIt Hli., of Mltliunnv City; Fa.. died April 27, aged sevculy-lwo yesra. He was the father of John Herslter, of llcrskc-r and it'Lbtti, uud Harry Uoraker, residuat mnuugcr of tho Family Theatre, Hn/lpion, Pa. Thu ZuiulPak wrlle: "Wo were working at the Lyceum Theatre, Hun Francisco, at the tlimi of the euithquakc and Ure, and managed lo *.h«ni|m! with our lives, but lost our cut in: apparatus and aoiao of'our ward- robe. We are nuw at our home, Detroit, All'-h., getting a now outfit, aa wo huvo aumc good work booked. Our uct was a big tuii'- ocsk on the coast. Wo played sereutt^eti weeks on Ibe Hnlllvau ft t'oimldlne efrcull, and were the feuturo oil every programiae." M;.j.r. a nii H)-;niiv will shortly return to America, ufler two years of auccesMfui en- gugctnciltH In l:;m-'ip(.'. Notk.s I'jtoAr Bba<:ii fti Bowers' ttimftwui, —We closed a HUccessful season on April 'Jl, aud will reorganize for next season, larger and stronger than ever, with all now cos- tunirw, new scenery aud a brand new Pullman hotel car. Oavii.i.B anp FgAffK have closed.« season of lea w<!cks with tbo Halnty I'aren Jltir- lesuiie Co.. where they were unpaged' aa a tfeaiura ai.t. Tho seaaon was a picasant one. tlKO. II. If Aittnfi wrllea Ibat tin Is mecllng with 1 he best of kuccshs. nrescuHng bis origi- nal act, "The (fluttering Tramp,'.' aud In booked up solid until Hepicrober. David h.\uy.\. wi-ltes from London, Kng,: ".fuseulilne Kabel fa quite In demand to kick off nt the football games Katurdays durlug her tour through England, (tulaud. Hcotfann aitd Wales, and 00 Halurduy nights she Is greeted with lite different mIioiiIn 6r the [ilay- era. 1 get Tub CMm;u every [mhoc; and It make* mft feel Itlte we were on Hroudway. MIkk AmP#1 opens .'it the CollKroui, London, May 7, for two inonfha, llieu ber l-.iiglund tour tylll be over for tbla year." Tom Kii,i.v:>:v reports success woek of April 10, with bis new venture, tbo Horlaty Minstrels. In which he was ably assisted by Jennie Glrnrd. Karl Miineet, Florence Kip- ling. IMIHi White, Unit, Ardell and Llllln Irfsllc. Tkf leuin of Ardell -and LchIIr ployed oil (he nap. The uet was reengaged ;il tlio Opera I!od*e, Htockton, Dlaas., for week ef VMS. abd the rematntng three at Hartfoftt, Cdnn. In Halcm he signs lined hi* advent by break- log out of the Balein tirlimn and carryfitt another pMsonar with litin; 'stritrrty hand- cuffed to his ami. It completely astonished and tnyitlilPd the elty ufllelalv who ware pres- ent, -includlnff Mayor- I'lunock; City Marshall Field, and the nlderinaiilu members of thn Public Hafoiv. Committee. Although many of ■ I he Hftleinltea had prevlouNlv seen Hondrpl nt KeltliV la Boston, (hey atlen,ted the local appearance*. In large numbers, the scale af pric SrlrtfM raittfng teuhi u-ym.v.nv,» .-riitH in unn olJ«r. Hi'iliio.ilny nlplii, In Hslfto, Houdllil MKnnl from u inreo imrklanr box In wht.'h bf lin<( iM'rn ■ .f t-wt-ly nMMtti «na mrml. - - Ilnriroril It wu» tvintlnl tlml itiu b wont ivniltl not he iir«lotiff*ii, hh Ilio th*,tn win nut lurit,! rnniiBlt to hold th« rrowih. mjnUMy on saturdnj; wlwn' ho MUMI from mlritluT riupklug ru.p. piwontctl by Iho lp«dlnii local tlry itoud» tlrm. UoudJnl'H trft- forjMnro Ih dlndnl Into tliroc |Url«, In IWn of which Im nppclirK lilm.olf, til* rrmalnlnii IHM being oiTUblrd bv aunhiiiMr\tf. dtvfrnloHN ftirnf.lied by Iho Kllu-llnnaul 'I'mnno. tho M.vntcrlmi. Z»n«l«i!. Annit'ChAiiillr-r Mlid WVp CBMc; Alth.» Hlitora, nhd utltcrH. ilaildhrl'H KIC0P8H lit Iho drmuutlo theutrcH iHHDOlhpr trhtntiili for thl.Hpntiiitloit.l norforroer, who Imti broken the record*, of tbe AmerlcHn the- atre. In wliieh ho ha« plnyed .Int-p eomlOK from Unrope, llouillnl U under the dlrcetloti of H'hlttnsn O.rooiI. anil nt Holem the, New Unnluml inunnaor of tlio New Vork' Idfo wrote r polley for flufl.ouo on tho llfo of Houdlol, In favor of Mr. OtiKnod. • >•' Tut, PHlMRoan wrltea: "After euJoylnrH Tory j,len,ant ongajreuient of thlrty-ttvo weeka with narlow A Wlami'i. Mln.trek I return lo Philadelphia, to Join my wife, w'e'wlll », lo our rountry resldeun; at IJennlavllle.N. J., to recniipriitii und roltcnrao our tnturleal at-t for mm .ea«)h." i - v J01I WlllTtlllrlAU Arni'Tlllt UliluiieiuN .Kin- TmiB uro now In their ninth week fur the w eaien, Vaudevlllo Muna tm> AMoelatldri, ulnyjug notlilng but. tlip drat plana liuuMi. They wrllo that Iholr art, which la a muirirti i-otairdj-, In one net, la oonceded by nrma aid nubilo to bo unuaually nnc. They will anllThr llutopo Jan. 7, 1007, returning by way bf Honth Airlcu, Ol.bltl YOlfNiJ AND llKbTMRIt, who' orX'UPll April r. wllh Itlnillnir llrua.' (llreua, aVThn (.•ollaeilm. Chicago, III., rofwrt liurnodliita aili'- coaa. The big Juggllmr number aim* Ibpludert: 'Iho Iwj siowutta. tho onrl Troupe, tha no iflco, and tho five Juggling Norman., "" ido'HIIati r*n*NK Hjtwjf. Maud Mto Wlltalc, 1 ....Jton, Violet Du- ! aeth, Annette \Vlltelc, Tooty Unbrlel, ttoma Hhdtes and UMa Altman hove signed for next season with the High Boilers. Camjh CupFtntp haa-just closed a succshs. ful thlrty-Hl* weeks* ohMgeinont with "Tilo Two Johfia" Co., end will begin on tho Keflh elrenit early In June. 'l'Kit Mckmnna writes: "Vlnn Jlatcotte, wife of JantoH Hcuhnn, received a telcgrain from lxJ» Anftolos, Cal., on April IP. wnlflh stated that Mr. Beuhan" died WedfartSfo, April l], la (jus Angeles, from heart dUHtte. He was burled there In Calvary Cemetery. Ho leaves three brothers und his wf/R V 1 "- Maswittc. l am booked week of April' al Puulages' Theatre, Portland, Ore,, May II, at I'antugcs. Hostile Wash." Tini K.M'iian TiiaA-iiiic-Ai, HvuotcAta has dbvntwl n depurlmimt. exclusively to "Ama- teur Nights." and mutt sen son they say they will havn the cxeliislvs Itooklngs of all the- ntros whom "Amateur Nights" uro nlysn. At Bresent IhoV- am booking Percy vvilllanw otiscH- In Broklyn, Full Kiven IlolhNiliem, Allenlown. lCuston, Ilostou and other cities. Al-TUN A HUI'AHATION Iff THHRB yxAtH, Alien Hanson and iiussle Nelson have again formed a piirtuorahlp, aud will go Into vuuiIb- vllli.v In llielr alngliig<atid.dancing.wit a U«u, K. IfowAiii',.formerly of Huward : a»d Mar'iuo, plnyed the Hownril. Howton, April 1«, lu his tihurbctflr linporsonatlous f also played thu yowdolu Uijuare Theatre, In that cl|y. HiiD'luy. April 'Si t nnd thu (Jam Theatre. Lynu, Mass., April 2\\, with Wooater aud raw- tucket lo follow. ■ '< . hv.oti,; anp iticn. straight and comedy Jugglera, Joined bunds the waekof Murrh lit. and havu buua working coutlnuilly allies that lime. - . > . Huiciu KMiir/ir has closed a succeasfitl season of thlrly-dve weeks, aodlng at Hyde *b Ihjhnmn'K, Brooklyn, Miss li)mtoott will rest at her piTtiy huiof: lu Houierville, Masa., and will trfwn her seasou Kept, IT, with twenty. live week a booked by William Morris. Cahmkn, Juggler nnd hoop roller, wrHen that Im. clunnl bin third season with Uny J iron* Minstrels, nnd was spoelalfy-eaJngoU by the Carrie Turner- l!o„ tbo weeTf of April,HI, ut tlk-ns Valla, N. v., that holdf his huwrt. town. He met with a lino reeetHlop. and rerrh'ed many tokens of regard In the L li ., ,,.^ , . t 11 r . BOB I .,P,..1«._- shaite of floral oiierlnga. MAUTINj of M ..Jspltal, Ivtiadoii, follows,; "f met with u painful fracture of MAUtin^ t)f Martin and OUlgg, ^rltna fromtltiy's HonpUiil. ^jndoa, Kng., as the MR t*tioultlor, revived while nsalstlug-n mend 10 board u tram car. und am now un- dergoing treatment at this hospital; Through my aiMforttiiv was eompelled tu ihoo! six v/erks'IninjeiiiEle Hue un tbe Bttrrasfotd tour, aa It will be some time before I will bo able to reiiume w»rk iiniilit." M. 1), Niuiik. of Nibble and liurdoijg. wrlti'H ibat ho Ik slnglug bis new nmg, on the Hun rranclsco'carlbquake!, with Miner's Merry HflMwu *'o., uud has scored a'sutcoitf Willi this,'his latest composition,- VrtUi II. WtttbM doses with tin "Why Women HloV Co.. May 12, and begins his vattd'-vlllc duicn ut Tony Pastor's, May H, "The Bowery Pawn- broker." orfglnul net, slrrl W"-ls JiMHtK KUNNKur, "The Mlasird In Ida forty Ilrst week doltjg print with Harlow & WIIkom's Mlnaireltl. porla great Him;ew* through the tiouthejrn Hlalfa lu his wooden Nhw-ltu.-k dance. We opened under cuuvus ulno wcukij ago and bus|iie>ui It) good, ; I/KNl.iu ano WiM.iAAia, singing and talk- ing comedians, open on McMuJionH park clr- toff July '£, and are booked solldfor twenty week*, , Oh TiinnauAT, April IP, at tbe Lafuyette Theatre, Huffitlo, Klosslt- Uclllng, of the Bam mrera C«., mfmralM tlm tvmrwim an- niversary of her iiliih, Tlio ulrla ednfrfli- tiled (it n. pIcAsnnt surprise parly, and an cnjoyulile cvcitlug was spent,