The New York Clipper (May 1906)

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mJ^ *M> jBFj =agite THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. H41 - - EnlTbvly kflMR BEMJ. IMP800D BOUT, mho Wrote "MILD." "LITTLE GlRl, Y0U1L 00," San Bernard's "INDIANS ALONG BRtMBWAY," 'and Marie Citilll's "ROBINSON CRUSOE," Four III'IIK. IS ills ira ORIOIVAI. SOVI1 IIIRI tt which Ih.r. will no itnnhf lie mini, rhrap Initiation.1 ■ j i- r Unparalelled "Hits." «r pnoFkaamNAL oopIeb met. I READ OVER THE OENU1N,.. ORIGINAL OHCRUS. CHORUS ■ "ALTS'. JMK. BIM.: wai/i/, «R, 1111.1.! THBN BB CERTAIN YOU l.OVi: ME STIl.t. J.HHT AN' I1KIHT. HOLD MIJ TIIIIIT. IIASO O.N TO MR 1111,1.. WITH AM, lOtm SlIOHT. \VAt.TZ Ml: 8I.OW 1 . DON'T I.F.T (SO. ■ . WALTS! J1K HN'JIIj I'M I.A.MK. iiomi:, it was \i:vi:ii like this, him.! WAL'I'/ mt: onie AOAIX. ira A IKEAi! 'SEND FOR PUBLISHED W. STERN * YORK city! Timothy D. Sullivan a so Georcib T. Khaus hnvc leased llie circle. Theatre, nnd they spend u larye sum of money In altera- tions and renttlng It. The Patrick S. On.Mnnt; concert, to occur ID Madison Square Pardon Mny 1G, will enlist t,he following people; Conductors — Walter namroscb, Tronic Dnmroscb, Victor Herbert and .lohn Philip Sousa: one thousand laatru- mentall-us, a' chorus of ns (Many singers, with Mrs. Caroline Mlhr-Hardy, soprano;, ru'ipen** Cowley bass, nnd Herbert It. Clark, cornetMst. " ' A. If, Woons returned from London May 2, having arranged for the presentation of Bin 'melodramas at the Lyceum Theatre In that city. Frederick 0. Wallace, manager of the Comedy Theatre, Broadway and Mtxty-llfth Street, nnd Wm. W. Ely, manager of the Family Theatre, One Hundred and Twenty- fifth Street, between. Third and Park avenues, were brought up In court May 2, on the charge of allowing minors to -perform. Mr. Wnllnce was held for examination, and Mr. I-:iv was Mned $100. Li na J'ABK was open May 6, though the formal opening will pot occur until 11!. Hr.vby Miller appeared as the Rev. Gor- don CUverlng, In "Zlra," at the Majestic, April 30, Bucceedlog Charles Daltan. Lew Fields signed contracts, May 2, with the Shuberts regarding the handling of (he Herald Square Theatre nod his future road bookings. The theatre will be known as Lew Fields Herald Square Theatre. It will open la September, with a performance much on the order of the old Weber k Mem shows. Harry Fisher has nl ready been signed. Tlie theatre will be entirely refitted, and smoking will he permitted. Waasil-y Hafonoff cabled Richard Arnold, vice president of the. Philharmonic Society, May 4, accepting the position of-director of tbat flocletyfor three years, at $20,000. Richard BimniN, a boy violinist, made his local debut at Mendelssohn llnll May 4. "Ocb Reoimhnt" vftiH given In the Horace Mann School-by students of the Teachers' College. May 4. ChannixVi Pollock, general press repre- sentative of the Shubert Bros., will start May 12, on a'vacation which wilt last until about Sept. 1, though In that time he.will be'occupied, tn the completloa of several ploys and dramatizations. •Bbn Teal arrived from Europe May 0. " Thd Garden, Daly's, Wailack'a. Madison Square, Savor, Herald Square, Third Avenue and Circle Theatres are dark. Among those who appeared at the News- boys! Athletic Cluh lieneflt, at the Grand Central Palace, Sunday evening, May V, were:'George M. Cohan, Ethel Levey, James J., Morton, Truly Sbattuek, Matthews and ARalev. 'Fields and Word, Uoey and I,ee, the Sweeney Sisters, Reno and Richards. Charles Robinson, J-ames Thornton, Jjotrle Gllson and Tnscott. ; ; Sousa and tow ISam> gave their Anal con- cert fop this Heagon at the Hippodrome Sun- day evening, May 0. Tira Actors' Home. West New Brlehton, fl, I., celebrated Its fifth anniversary Sunday afternoon, May e, F. F. Mackay making the principal address. John Drew also spoke, and there was a musical programme. UniHiiTON- Beach Park will open for the season May 20, wltlT Pawnee 11111*8 Wild West Shows, Ferrari's Animal Shows, and ninety-seven other .va rieties of amusement. World of Players. Lawrence EvAitT, for several years a. member of Walker Whiteside's Co., will star next season, under the management of A. W. Cross. In walker Whiteside's three act ro- mantic comedy, "We Are King." Mr. Evart Is well known throughout the country for his exceptionally clever work In various com- edies and romantic dramas of a high order. and his appearances with Mr. Whiteside, In '•We Are King," "David Garrlck's Love" and "Heart and Sword," have won him -the high- est praise from press and public. Oko. F. LavacU's address Is desired by Mrs. Alex. Lavack, 368 Knst Main St., Gou- verneur, N.»Y. Mrs. Lavnck writes that his child Is very ill with typhoid fever. Noma rnoit tub "Hans Hanson" Co., James T. McAlpIn, manager.—Martin Bowers Is now In his thirty-seventh week with this company, playing the tramp part and manag- ing singe. ^Business was good through Utah, nnd the show and band made a lilt while filnylne Reno. Nev. Some of the boys were nvlted to attend the Kngles' banquet after the show, nnd as some of the company are Magics, we had a nice, sociable time. Some of the local Eagles entertained with singing nnd funny ntorlea The members of Ibis com- pany who entertained were.' Martin Bowers, who Impersonated a Hebrew character, wltb funny songs and Jew parodies; Will Amann, who rendered some ragtime on the piano; Lew Hlntt, who played and sang well, and Lewis Ross, who plaved a cornet nolo. We nil enjoyed a pleasant; evening. Long live the r.ngles. The merry'party broke up nt 3 a. ». Notes from Mason-imson Co. —We close a season of fifty weeks May 12, and lay off until we open our canvas season. We have a new sixty foot top, with twenty foot mid- <He piece, eight living tents and cook tent. Ibe Hotel Imson wilt be under the super- vision of Mrs. Burt Imson, and tbo accommo- dations will he first class. Mr. Imson will have Burt Imson's Big Co. In the field next season, nnd Is rapidly filling his time with good bookings. Rehearsals will commence In May for the Burt Imsoa Pavilion Theatre Co. URn. A; Ciulds. comedian, recently re- ceived a very valuable present from Eng- land, through the British War Office, London, la the form of a solid sliver raednl for ser- vices rendered during the late Bnpr War In Booth Africa, when be served as first lieuten- ant, which rank he gained by rapid promo- tion, resigning; on the cessation of hostilities to return to the stage. Saji ubiinahii whi appear next Reason In a muMcnl eoiuedv, hv Hnr Ludwlg Knglander. Notm mil J. Frank Mi'rkc's Stock Co. —By iwriiilKSIoa of .Mayor tv.ghtlii, of Fall Rlwr. Mush., this company gave an enter- talnmrnr. t>n Sunday night, April 22, for ibe beneilt of the Sun Fraoclsco sufferers. Man- ager Nheedy donated the theatre free of oov rhaiye whatever, all his mmdies volunteeren. the orcbejtra gave their services, aa well as all the members of this company, confuting Of: J. Frank Burke, Ethel i:ider, Ann Single- ton, George lioey, Bert Walter. Florence Mack, Fern Foster, Leslie Faltner, Florence Iloriley. Ilhrry E. Humphrey, David Lnnditu, i.nntiuv (iaiitts, Everett Aldrlch, Jere San- ford. John A, Italy, John Cory Jr. and John cn'rev. The grn*s receipts were turned over 4o the mnyor. The details of the entertain- ment were In the hands of John W. Barry, manager of the company, aud Charles K. Cook. Michael It. Sheedy's personal repre- sentative. ■ "Misfi FRivnuTv," n comic opera, by Franklin Blcn t will he produced uext Fall, by Frana L. Parley, possibly with Kdua Aug In the title role. Wm. Stewart's Sujimeb, Opera Co. began rehearsals a few days ago, and will open at the Lyceum. Rochester, May 28. The com- pany Includes: Edna Fassett, Lee GoldJng, Alice Hogermnn. Dnlsy Green, Francis Gold en, George W. Leslie, Edgar Temple. Modi- son Smith, George Wnrnocb and Arthur Hull. They will he heard In "Dorothy," "The Runaway Girl," "The Chimes of Nor- mandy," "Florodora," "The Geisha," "Mi- kado," "Pirates of Penaance" and "Die Fled- ermans." "The Devil's Darning Needle," an ex- trnvjigan*o. will be produced next season, by Miller fc I'loim. Enrico Cakuso, Marcel Joiirnet and Jacques Bars sailed for Europe April 20, nnd were followed 27 by: Helnrh-b Conried, Bella Alten, Paula Ralph, Alfred Hertz, Al- bert Relss and Arcangelo Rossi, l'ol. Plan- con sailed May 1). "The Little Gray Lady" will be trans- lated Into Danish, by J. Victor Wilson, for E reduction at the Royal Opera House, Copen- seen. Billy Walsh has closed a successful sea- son ,of tblrty-alx weeks with the„ Fenherjr Stock Co.: and opens with the Poll Stock •Co*.,' at Wnterbury, C'ona., for-the Summer. Mr.'Walsh writes that he wilt be featured at the bead of a big stock organization uext season. ' ■ .■-■;- tattle! Gladys /Gillax has closed with the Fenberg Stock Co., and will rest at her home, Lawrence, Mass., for the Summer. Marion Story, a brother-In-law of Emma Karnes, was recently adjudged insane und committed to the filoomlngdale Asylum. Ueniiv TytiKHi.i., the author of "The.Sys- tem of D* 'I'ni'i' a»d Prof. Feather," was married In New York City on April 20, to Nellie Kerslnke, a uoii-professlonal. Kebney Stock Co. Notes. —Thin company closed a very successful season of thirty- eight weeks ill Marshall, Minn., Saturday, April 21. The people have nearlv all t>ee*i i'e>enlraged for next season. Everyone went home to rest up for the Summer, before th» beginning another long seasou, abou.t the ild" e territory as Inst , . ys an . Keeney Is at present bard at work complet- liddle of August. The show will play same territory as Inst season, with an . tlrelv new line of plays and papeiv M nrrr B. Smith nnd Fnp.o Dabcv's plans for bis European trip this Summer are now arranged. - He will leave New York shortly after the Fourth of July, remaining nhronil until about the first of OHuliOr. His long stay Is made ner-Mflnrv by his large amusement laterests In I'nalnnd, but will not Rffect In nny way the policy ft>id affairs at the Slnndnrd Theatre, Phila- delphia. lag the booking' for next season, and Cat, E. Francis, who Is spending the Summer with Mr- Keeney, is setting: the scenery In shape, for the opening. ':" W. A. Boiimb and Grant Smith Inform us that they have In preparation for next season a sensational melodrama, entitled "For Her Honor," In live acts nnd eight scenes, for which all special sceoerv wilt be carried, also a large attsortment of special lltho. work. Time is rnpldly filling, and, with a competent company, they will en- deavor to make It one oi the best melodra- matic productions of the season. D. A. Heilman, agent for Reatfro.w'n Jolly Pathfinders, writes: "While playing Peasa- cola, Fin., several Ashing parties were out and some large Jlsb were caught. Geo, Bnltnsu and Mr*. J. N Reatfrow caught the most, also seversl hundred crabs. Tulcing It all around It was one of the most pleasant 'weeks spent during the season. The week was also n good one for Mr. Reutfrow, as wo broke the bouse record, and Manager Smith could not say too much tn praise of the com- pany. Several new people have Joined in the past two weeks, Including: Mary Asqulth, Adelaide Irving, R. H. Ewen. J. M. Jacobs; Emmy Talbott nod .Tullaa Johnson. We open otir park season nt Vlckshurg. Miss., In Mny, and plnv most of the Southern parks, open- ing our regular season early tn August, with one of the largest and best repertory com- panies oh the rond." Notes from Millrr tt May's Comedy Co. —We are still meeting with success. At Orlvlgsburg, Pri., bimlness was R. It. O,, nnd Manager Mnyer snld It wss the best comedy show that had plnyed hi* house In a Iork time. Arthur Mann, our piano player, closed April 2S, to accept ■ Summer's engagement nt Coney Island. N. V.. and Prof. Hartsell Joined nt ralmyrn, Pa. Tnu Oi,t> reliable reaches us every Thursday. Ent'ABD WaLPMann, the Oerman-Englliuli actor, contemplates giving several open air nerformnnceR of Shakespearean plays during the Summer, In towns In the vicinity of Chi- cago nnd Milwaukee. The productions will Include: "As Yon Like It," "Taming of the Shrew" and "The Merchant of Venice." Anna FItZiU'OH. of "The Wizard of Or" Co., wns married oit April 21. to John J. Hnrty. » wealthy young athlete, in the chapel of Our Lndy of f.ourde*, Montreal. Can. Jack Dr Cahtillo hn<t closed his second season with Statin's "Was She to Blame" Co.. and has Joined the Heyer Vaudeville nbd Concert Co., for (be Summer. The company will tour South Carolina, Georgia and Florida. Francis Titker, In collaboration with Walter Sanford, tins completed a drama. In four acts, entitled "A Broken Heart." which will receive Its first production April 28. nt Mecca, ind. The piny Is to be staged by Mr Sanford. who will plnv the lend. It wilt im- mediately be put on Hie mad. Anna L. Bates cloned n most successful season In vaudeville wtfh Efnmett Cortlgan, at Rochester. N. V., In order to open with the Summer slock company nt Hntltnwny's. I.'osi'i V"tiniE r n re»illr rio«"»d Ihletr weeks with Messrs. Lachman k Loos' Ma- jestic Stock Co., and reports n very success- ful season through the South and middle M. L. Heckeim' litis been rcenguged by Gus Hill to stags all Ills prodm-iioui for next si-unon. Mr. Hill lins engaged HIlcuIc's Eng- lish Pantomime Co., as ta Added feature for the production or ■'Around the t'loi-k," which Is to be made in the early Fall. It Ik io be a review of the kIxIiih of the lown, winding up in one of the music halls, where the pan- tomime company are presenting their mar- velous entertainment. The book has been written by Manncn Hagemnn, and the muMc by Harry Trappen. The company will num- ber In all about sixty people. Florence Cle- ment has been engaged by Mr. Hill for one of the Important rotes la "Gay New Vork." This attraction Inaugurates Its second pea- son late la August, nnd will play a continuous lour of tlfty-six weeks, after which it goea to England, under the direction, of Rudolph Aroiiswn, who negotiated a deal prior to his departure for England a foHnighi ago. Uabland Gaubn met with a painful acci- dent recently while driving in his Summer home -town," Freeport, L. I. Ills horse-shied at a passing atiromohlle and Mr. (laden was thrown to the ground, but was soon revived bv his family physician. Tile following peo- ple have hive engaged by Mr. Gaden to sup- port Florence Hamilton for the Spring and summer season, at tbe Hartford .Opera House, whlcii opened April 3": Will D. Cor- bet t. t'Iyft<H>s Davis. William P. Burt. Kenan Uiiel, ETU Harries, Thos. Kvaun, J. E. Drls- coll, Harrj- Bright, Julia Earle, Jane Tree, Helcuc Hyle, V.oln Moss, Jennie llynes, Lizzie collier and llaby Myrtle: Tile Wheeler StMTRns have returned home after a loaf? and successful engage- ment with the Fred. G runtime Co. They re- turn to the same company on May 17, for the Summer season. A convention of the managers of the vari- ous Canadian, iheatrott, will be hejd «/. Otta- wa, Monday, May 28, and continue for three days. It is the Intention io form un asso- ciation with the object, of promoting the theatre Interests In Canada, reforming abuses and promoting more friendly relations among managers, hach morning' business sessions were held In the Russell Theatre, and In the afternoons and evenings there will be joyous occasions In Lhe way of entertain- ment. During the couventlou a deputation will wait ou the government: and urge a re- duction of tbe customs tariff on show print- lag' Eleanor Rella Informs us thut sue Is now In her fourteenth week frith Gordon k Ben- nett's "A Royal Slave" Co., NoHh, tinder the management of Fred Miller, playing the sou- brctte, and doing her Hinging specialty. The company Is booked some weeks yet. llArtnv B, Allen hns signed for lending business, aud Caroline l>e Vere for charac- ters, with tho Mabel Page Co., openlug ut Jacksonville, Fin., Mny 14, for u Summer sensun. NOTES m03l THM ClIAKh-LlHTEH CO.— Chase cud Lister close their regular season nt Fort Dodge,.la., on,May •'. 'The Summer beason opens at Sedallu, Mo., ou May 27, after which follows a circuit of Summer the- atres ai Pltlsburg, Kansas, Jopllu, Spring- held, Jeffer'sou City and Moberly.-Mo. All of tbe present company, with one or two excep- tions, remain for the Summer and next sea- son. Clint A, Itobblns, who ban been In St. John's Hospital,'Fargo, N. D., for the past four weeks, returns to the company in time for the-Summer opening. As usual, Clint and Bessie Robbtns will be the feature with the company again next season.. Lkora (Lave) Siiowalteu is doing dra- matic work. In spite 'of an affliction, which kept her out. of touch with the profession for some lime. . The Geo. Noble Dramatic Co. closed a successful season at Caney, Kan., April 28. Mr. Noble and the Neats went to Chicago; the Three Duffeys to Muskegou, Mich.; C. 11. Vinton, to Fun Clulre, Wis.; Frank Frlel re- maining In Cuney for a short time before going East. GeO. F. Driscoi.l, business manager, writes: "After a season of forty-one weeks of phenomenal business, Lllltun Mortimer, In her melodramatic success, 'No Mother to Guide Her,' closed at tbe BIJou Theatre, Min- neapolis. Minn., May 0. J. L. Veronee will put out next seasoa another production, written by .Miss Mortimer, entitled *A Man's Broken rrnmlse.' Tills will he one of tbe largest shows on the road. Miss Mortimer will remain In her present play for another Spring - . tt West _ a rolo similar to the one she has made such a hit in ihls soason." Louis Chevalier and Myrtlu Lgavitt have signed with the Ilelsman Stock CO., at Macon. Ga., for the Burner. Mr. Chevalier for principal comedy and manage stage, and Miss Leavltl for Ingenues. HowAim Wall informs us that be has sold his cnmeUv drama, "In Dixie's Land," to Lncomte & Flesher, managers of Morey Stock Co., nnd lins niso disposed of his In* terest. Id "Led AMray By Love" and "A Young Girl Saved." to Jno. T. Mclntyre. "The Riots 1h Russia." a new melodrama, by Will W. Crlmans nnd Howard Wall, will be presented at the standard Theatre, Philadel- phia, week Miiv 21. Severn).producing man- agers will look the plnv over, Darcy k Wol- ford lisvc the exclusive agency rights, Qbcar Dane and chah. O. Clark bare leased the Broadway Theatre, at East St Louis, HI., and, after -. extensive Improve- ments, the house will he known as ilio Ma- jestic Theatre. The following people have Tieeu engaged by Mr. Dane for his new stock company: Julia Grey, Hettle Bernard Chase, Bonnie Mny, llryan Darley, D. S. Murdoch, season, and In the Spring of 1007 will be seen In « new play of Western life, playing E. S, Be Night, King Bsggot and Dona Guess, Mr. Dane piny* a special engagement th< week of May 0. nt the Imperial 'Theatre, St. Lfluls, Mr>., with Ills new "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Jlyite. Many of the Western critics rronounie Mr. Dane's new version superior r> any "Dr. Jekyl) and Mr. Hyde" ever seen In that port of the country. IjOUih Jamrr announces that next season he will present an elaborate production of "The Merry Wives of Windsor.' 1 Two nrom- loent ^actresses of International'reputation ■ire under negotiations for the two* wives. Mr. Page nnd Mrs. Ford, and the entire cast will be composed of representative players. After n short preliminary season Mr. James will enrac Into New Y'ork for on Indefinite run "Moth nit" Oerdeh died In Cincinnati May 4. She was (he wife of wnnnm Gerdes, pro- prietor of Gerdes' Hotel, and was a great friend of chorus girls. Xuteh I'ltmi Tim Vriinon Stock Co. —We played Miuuli Chunk Inst week, and io sny we'pleased woidd he n nil Id expression. Ac- cording to a statement made by ibe msnnger of the bonne, we were the unly company ihls season which responded to a curtain call hv the entire company. The company this season include* th«* following: Grace Bay- ley, leads; Beatrice Webster, sonbreties and iiiiicmtcs: Ninut Barnes, hrnvles aud char- acters: Fannie Lewis, characters and general business; Pit** Bennett, leads: Geo. Mel- ford, heavies; Burl Carleton. comedian: < . K. Harris, characters and old men; J«ck Dempsey, general business; Edwnrd S. Lewis, chnraciers, singe director and general mana- ger. Our vaudeville show numbers consist of the following: Kpps and Loratm, Mny Ol- son, Jack Denipsey, Webster nnd Carleton. We are nearing lhe end of our Pennsylvania tour, and nfter two weeks, go Into New York Slate, itnd then East In Ine parks for the Summer. Everybody Is well, and Thursday looks like n hAranfn sale In n stationary store, when all are after Tun Old Reliable, which Is thoroughly looked through. Norm mom nil. TiiorsiMi.E Theatre Co., Eastern.—We will open at Ksthervllle. in. Mnv 17, for n Summer tour of North and South Dskotn and Manitoba, playing our old route through that country, ploying ihree night and week stands, carrying h company of fourteen people. Boyd It. Trousdale will tannage die company, with .lack I*. Gllnes In ftdviioce, und will have the greniesi line of paper ever pill out with a Mummer show. nasi Rella, manager nf the rtrenter The* ntre, Springfield, Mo„ writes: "I have re- reived iienfTy three hundred answers io my 'ad' In your Issue or lust, week, and they am ■till coming In." . ■- NOTES tnoM llABRY IUST1NOH' BLACK Chikik Jit. CO.—We nre In our thirty-second week, and meeting with phenomenal success, both llnanclally and nrtlsilcally. Wn are nhtWnic the week stand time over the Eastern Kurlesqiio Wheel, and ls>th the press and ihu public iirohouncs It the strongest show «n the road. We ate carrying thirty people, six big nets In the olio. Including Hustings and Shel- don. Curtl" and Adams, Newton and Banks, the La Sella Troupe, Amy Butler, Arthur Clemage sud-Ednu Burneit. The chorus is composed of pretty girls, who are luuidsuuic- |y costumed' with each and every number, .Sir. Hastings Is arranging u tour of the lend- ing one night stands for. next season for this company. It Is his Intention io send the same company on the one night stands Hint he i B now using in the. week stands, This rompanv opened Sunday, April aft, at Green- wnll Theatre., New Orleans, to S. It. O., and the company was such u success that Mana- ger Green wall Is holding H over for the week of Mny 0, as tbe company bad this week open between New Orleans and Kunsas City. ■ llRAttN, Clark ami Franklin lurorm us that they are playing their Disi wevks In their new high class cooir-dy musical act, and Itovlna made such a iremcudoiiM success nt the Lnlnne Theatre, Mayfle.d, Ky,, Hint they were held over Tor the second week. ftTnef are booked oh the Crystal clrcnll, Io open In Nt. Joseph. Mo., May 20. with Denver aud Pueblo to follow. They arc also booked on tbe const. ■ , Hamky F. Wear, of West nnd Zanla. mourns the death of his mother, who died April, 2,\ at her home at Brooklyn, N. Y\ Sir. West, who Is innunger of the Casino The- atre, Cincinnati, 0„ atlendiHt the funeral, which look place Saturday, an. ttltnio. VOTKM FROM i'Olf MARKS' STOCK i'.ti.-— We are playing to the biggest buslm-Ms ever done up tne Ottawa Valley by any i-ompsny. Wn opened the new opera bouse ai Sturgeim I nil, nnd packed them to ihe iloors every night. We nre on our wny io the Pnclllc coast. Clarence Cnshlugs Is doing great work ahead this seasnu. Paul Qtins'h musical comedy, "The Funny Mr, Donley." closed a very successful season of ihlrly-eighi weeks Mny .1. lie has just llnlshed a new iniirloilc play, will) music, lu two acts, cnl-ltlod "Yunkee Doodle Dniidy," which will pltiy the better class of houses next season. "TitK Two Owpiianr" Co. closed Its sen- eon April 28, nt Dodgevllle. Wis. Ot.rjA Nrtiieumolb will close her season May 1», In Rochester, and sail for Europe '-'4. She has purchased a new piny, by L. K. Clements, of Boston. "Petkii Pan" will he produced In Paris, and possibly Maude Adams may play Ihe Oils role there. Charles Frohman has iilso ar- ranged for presentations In that city of Wil- liam Gillette, In "Sherlock Holmes," nnd Edna May, In several musical plays'. Joseph II. Ciioath Is chairman of n mm* mitten to raise a fund for Ellen Terry, whoso resources have been depleted ihroiiKli unfor- tunate ventures. Clinch's Fnlrchlld, of 20 Wall Street, Is receiving contributions. HOBRIlT LOIIAINU will Rive the lull scene, In "Man and Siipermnu," next fall, at soma special matinees. Vivien ne Fipklla Point* has lieen se- lected by Jenn do llesvke as a pupil of bis school. Miss Cohen, who Is seventeen years- old. sailed a short time ngo for Europe. Thoh. W. Raw Is no longer lessee of the Shaftesbury Theatre, London, Eng. A ills* agreement with the owners Is'attrlhiited ns the ran hi'. Mary McEvily, of Helena, Mont., made her delMit at Berlioz llnll, Paris, Pr-, May II. She Is n pupil of Jean de Reszke'H. J.oiL's K. IIackktt will |troduce "Tile AI- cayde." n comic opera, by P ra ia rle Harry and George Stephens Jr.. nt the Grand Opera House, (fnleagn, June 17. Julian Mitchell will stage tt, and Thomii* Q. Hertbronke will appear lu the litis role. Bf.hsik Ahfi'ir, Pol Plnncnn nnd Andreas LMppei sailed for Europe Majr'3, The former will replenish her wardtobe, bwi in Kan FrhDclscn, M. Pluncon Is undecided whether he will return next season or not. .RosTeii of the La Vernn Moore Stock Co.: Foster Hutchlns. Elwlh Strong, im. II. Branch. G. Ed. Nnftzger. Robt, Mnklln. Bert Edwards. La Vernn Moore, Kflle Hunter, Myrtle Branch. Vivian Ntiflagur anil .Ruby Luclle Brncch WtLLARU RonchTHON will close n success- ful forli weeks' cju/ngnuieiii wiih Die Chester De Vonde Stock Co. Mny III. BllADLEE MARTIS will stfii 1 next sertson ss General Delilllty, In James Fhrlnn's new urn slcnl oddltv, "A Revolution hi llndes." Mr. Martin will be surrounded, we ere Informed, hy an excellent rnst. and will play the host houses only, opening on or about Aug. Io, In Chicago. 'I hnve just Juveniles, Kor*y from Tint Dorothy Lewi* Stock Cu. -We are reorganizing In Toronto, ft, under ihe mniinuemeuL of c, M. Murphv. The eonipitny will open the Siltumer season tu Wellsloii-g W. Vs.. foe j ihree dsys, Mtiind. nfler uih.h li is i'...uu,.(i solid until Aug I In ihe best parks ihrriigbout tjMa nnd lndlnha. lhe ivgulni- s'Msou o|n-iis Sept. I, and lhe eoinpnnv Is houl;e.' wnM lor furiv-iwn weeks «f I In* ftesl lime. The following people have been sum] for ihe Hummer: lh>roLby Lewis, leads; Florence Kniiditll. heavies and Juve. nlles; EliA Falrchlld. sonbreties: John C. Bloom, leam and heavies; I,, j. sieven, gen- ritll hnsflli-Sii 1 Will .1. Olio. Juveniles; Jack Regan, coiiodlitn. Frank Harris, enmedlntr. v\. 1'. llnrmon. dlrMor, and us a special nt- trsctlon, Mr. mid .Mrs. Snm King. NOTKH FRO\| SlMTZ ft NATltANSOS AMII.SR- MENT Co,—Tho following peopio have been engaged for "When Women Love" Co.: Fred J. Dftlley. miiusger; Harry B. nuaslng, hiisl- neas manager; Harold Wilson, II. A. Grlftln. H. A. Coteinsn, Charles Lnthniii. Theodore 5*5*le, J. A. Ciillnlmn, Ada Greeubalge. Sfffr .. n i!' ,r r T - Uwsim 'hilnly. M. Francis Still linhj'iioiothy. For Urn Empire Then- ire Slock Co., ftt Providence. R. |„ Kathryn tt irn ! ,|, '4.;M" r * t '*! " Mrl »* Klt, y C'ameroti. Maude Alkliison. James Kennmly, David Wnl- lers Edward Nannnry. Wlllnrd Dyer, Ernest K lliibhiinii. Edwunl C. Curtlss, Clarence Chnse. V. F. PtiiTi'ttAitD writes, signed wlih HoyCs Comedy Co., for ..., for next season. My *n«r.' In Tun Cliim-uh brmighi many nnswi>rs and good resulls." Haiiry D. Caiihv, son of former County Judge Henry IX Carey, of Westchester. \. Y »!'.. l.. l, ",w ,(1,,,,, '"..- ,ne Ht W os '*• Icorilpg piiiti In "Moniann." nhc «r Bis o W u compoiH Huns, before a large nnd enthusiastic audi- fS2J*J*& ^'"--' 't"r'> p '!'V'niealre, New Re- chello, .\, Y., on April Ud. , - Kimp H. Buhwoiitii, who, recently closed wlih Haverly's Mlnstrela, has Joined Dan Hiirlelgh's "6id SI Stebhlns" Co., as busi- ness manager. . J*& A. BtiAiiv and JciNKi'ir Haht will slnr i nrrle de Mar next senson, In n new mtislcnl comedy, tmw being written by Mr. Hart. Tlis HUB has not mi bceu chosen. ■ At., Leach will have n new play next sen- RSl,. 1 ^ tt* l*rn:playluff "Olrls will Be Girls cnnilniiniisly for four years. Jams o.vkkr, who hns b«'» Wilton Urk- ayes lending ivomnn for (he past three sea- sons. In "The Pit," Is to lie starred In n new play next season, under Wm. A. Brady's man- agement. Minnie L. Ciiiustiii hns Joined lhe Ilnth- W. r*F" MB * i *&* *'o.. «t New Bedford. Ihls Is her seeunil season with that company. Mihd t.'LAvroN Is lii his thlrty-iiflh week with the •■tinder Southern Hkles fi Co., least- era, which played at Hie Atidllorlnm, Balti- more, lust week. Notes Fiiiiii r^>rfM Valb stock Co.—On saiui-dny, Mny 12, we will open our Summer season lit the Unstable Theatre Svrmnie, * N J *'• .C?" v-1 * ■ ntl ""Peclol favorite nrmind thai territory, and everything nitgurs well for the enterprise. Miss Vale Is sur- rounded by a compnny of exceptional alillliy, and mimlier some of the following well known players: Olmrlo* Carver, William- Hwa-lllDe, Gaorge J. Mprgmi, Francis Charltoii, Jack Hharliey, r«loln Kale*, Irvfiig j. Hess, flu. Busing. (Bdeon liurlon, Margaret Ellsworth. Luc) Miuiken Eainiit CumpMl nnd Gracn Ma lining, 'lhe prnduefluiis'wll! he staged by I'roversi I ale. The OBefllng bill Is Paul Wllstacli's roinnntlc piny. "Polly Primrose." Chaium WvMitrAii will return to this country next January, opening In New York, 'lhe tour will last until J.HHler. \ Mm:, Lortst; HOMKll Was successfully op- eniied on In Chicago recently Tor mi Injur* NiiMinlneij.ln the San FntncUco eiirtliiiiiuke, nnd Is rxpocled In New York shortly. ^Tiib i IIi<|.KnnD Plaverh will open their Summer senson May 14, nt HftrTord, conn., and Snrliiuilnid. Mass., In "The J; »rs, In the former place, ami "When We Were Iwentyone" In thn taller. The cast includes: Henry Kolker. Jutln T>enn, TUh 1'iiuilI I'Hou, .in. In Bnotli. Walter Hllclii'ock, ■ .irabntii, A Ida CortelyoiL Mary Forbes, Evn Vliieem, Ida IMWi Marlon Lome, Gertrude Bsrciav nnd Jessie llradfonl IlKAHMiir Kklcky. EDle Hlinnnm. and Do- ratal DoiiHelly will opponr at the Hudson I heal re uext season, under Henry It. Harris' '«.. , KPmenl, in i In* new piny by Chnrlcs Klein. Wmil Lillian Noiidu;a Is nulle enlhttsl- astlc nbout her trip with the Han carlo Hhhrn la for next season. Allen Nielsen Is iiliinlly pleased nt the prospect, and the gen- rral ohllonk Is such as to Inspire confidcn.-e lu lhe undertaking. , llAnnv Itirj.oKti has signed under the Henry W. Ravage sliindsrd for a term of yenrs. and jvlll slur hexi senson In n mtislcnl eomedr SLs^ Kendrlck nnngs, Vincent Rrynh and Msnttel Klein, "TitK Hi'oilers." n drnitintlxntlnn of Rex Beach's novel, will be presented hv Daniel Krobinan ni the cnlonhil, Ihiston. Sent. 24. l-.PUAhn H. HIpk was freed from the Haiti- mote (Mil.) coiiris, May i, nfter agreeing io settle nil claims made by hotel proprietors 111 Hint city, Tin; jaim^ofn.TtniATRi: Co. has is-eti nd- Jddgi'd Insolvent, ivllh liabilities of R2,O0(i.. 000. A receiver was nppo nied. but found no itingliife assets, so the stilts brought, ngnlnst Ibe cumpshy, on account of Hie lire hi ih- cember, ilio::, will full thropgli. Tilt: Lonilon afasra senson opened May :i, at ravent Garden, with Urn- Rhhler .-nn- dtlcltig "Tristan nnd Isolde." N«ri:« i-iioit the McDonai.ii Stock Co.— We closed s season of etghty-elghl weeks In lietnoore, Cnl„ April 21, The trip In the const wns very successful until the earth qiiHke enmo, which was the cause of the clos- ing. Ws gave a benefit for tbe sufferers of Haii - Francisco to a pneked house. O. W. McDonald Jolhed bin wife, Har.clle McDonald. n' Hopklnsvlltli'. Ky.. where they will visit for a few days. I lieu go to Redkey. lad., where Mr,, McDonald will reorgnnlse for the coming season. We will make » Western trip next season, opening early In Atigiieat, nenr KtihssH ('By. Mo. The entire company cflmo dlreH Kim nfler closing, H, II. WifiTTti:* Joined the AI. W. Martin "1,'nde Tont'n Cabin" Co.. In Ihe capacity at general agent, at Pittsburg, Pa., April lu,