The New York Clipper (May 1906)

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(360 tfHE 3STE"<vV YOBK OlLIPPEB. May io. THE BBjjf.YORK OLIflM THE FRANK CU«N PUBLISHING CO, (LlmlM. ' rnoraiKTom. »LBEBT J. liOHIK, KlIITOnilL' MB B'CBIXIBS M.KIQIIL 8AT0BOAY, MAY 19. HUB. RATES: AdrettlMoeiiU—(2.80 per Inch, col- umn. ' AdTertliemesta aec with border, 10 per eeuU eitnu SUBSCRIPTION. One year, to adrance, $4; tlx nionUn, |2; three months, 11. Foreign poatag* extra. ttlofla coulee will b* lent, poatpald, on re- ceipt of 10 centa. Oor Term* art) C*.h. Tim CLIPPBB la Inued eiery Wedneedar nuirnlnj. The last four (adTerUaWg) pagej OO TO FIIKSS on Saturday at 11 a. «., tno too oilier pagea on MONDAY and IDDKDAY. The Form* CloalBC Promptly. T««a- dny. at 10 o'clock A. H. rieaae remit b» eipreaa, money order, check, I*. O. order or reglatered letter. All caeo •»- cloied with Utter la »t the rl«» of lender. Addreea All, ComsnnnleatloM to TUB SIGW YOnlC cl.iri'EH. 4T Weat 2Stn. Street, New tort Itqihtiral Oable Addrcu, "Autho«iii." THE WE8TERN BUREAU of Thi CurPBB la located nt Iloom 604, Aahland Block, Chicago, William IT. Bryan, manager and correapondont, where adyertlie- inenla and aubecrlptlona are received «t our regular ratca. THE LONDON BUREAU Located at 48 Cranbourno Bt, London, w. c, John H.' Carney, manager and correspondent, where advertlaementa and aubecrlptlona are recelred at our regular ratca. Thi Cmpk* can na OBT»ijt.n, weou- • ai.i akd niTAii., at our agenta, Brentano'a newi depot, 37 Avenue de I'Opera, Pule, Krance; M. IJIIentbal, Krcderlek Btrawe 101 (Termlnua Bold), Berlin, N. W., Oer- ' many; Ulamond Newe Co., 07 rrado, Ha- Tiin.i ; Manila Book and Stationery Co., 128 Kacolla. Manila, P. I.I Albert A Son, 11)7- 1311 King St., Sydney, Aimtralla. THIS m •;w YOUK I ii ri-if.ii pabllakee »nlr anil' edition, mad ttu>t !■ dated from New York. QUEBI E8 AHBW EBEP. Mo llepllea by lull or Telegraph. Aumi.HHKS OR WHP.aUBQUTB HOT Q.IT.N. At.l. IN OUHHT Of BUCH SHOULD W«llB. TO TIIOHK WUDU THUr hi:i:k, IK CAM OK THB I'UITlSH I'oht Omen. AU. LMXina wiu, 1110 AtiygRTlSlOU, ONB WHUK ONI... lr TUB iimilB Or ANI TMIATDICAU COkTANI IB bouiiiit. nnma to oun nut or. RodtbI ON ANOTftl-n I'AQB. Wb CANNOT BIND aODTBB ut kail oa TM.k qnAi'ii, - , iiiiAmatic. U H., JoliilBtovvn,—We lltivc uo kupwlcdgo nt llie nrmnit wliemtuoiiu of the Mrly. Adili'i'Ms ii letter In our care anil we will nil- verlue It In Tntt Oi.iitkb letter list. A. .1. s., Mndlsou, .1. II. I'.. Provldcucc. II. II. \V., Greenville, "IIiii.iis." Hntcraon, II. ft, llrocktnn, l<\ S. I., Altoonn, itiul . , .1. l\, Krle.—H«e uiwwer III C, S., Johns- ' HI', I,.. Huston.-lie line an oDIee at lli'oiiilwny and l-'orty-tourth Street, Kow York \V. I,., New York—1. The Now Bowery wtl Imriieil ln-c. 18, IStlU. 2. Wal. f, Cody Mover ttjHjwred ut that Iiohbc. II. II. I,.. .Newark.—Clinrlcs Cegblan up t i«'mod lit "The Royal Ilux,'* season uf 1811 Ml b, U, St. lafiutti.—Tliv letter Is still un- claimed. ,„ ,. I*. A. II., Now York.—t. Hu Is still on thu r-iiiLM'. '.'. Pan*- Is unknown to us. :i. lOlks' Hull, MhJbbHc Tiiciitro BullUlnf, New Vorlt i'ltf. I.. U. 1)., Wllinliiglun.—Wo do not don I In rikt'tt-lHts »f any kind. AddroHH Dick A Kit/- unnlil, 1H Ann Blmrt, Now York Oily. M, A,, Uwl.t !-'«1!».—Add reus the lidlsou Miinuriirtiirlnii Co., .Tl Union Byuiirc, Now Yurk Clly. r. It.. Now Yufk.—It was Klo Irwin who WHri nmii'leil In llio iMirt.v. It. I'. \V.. MlddlotirWU.—I. We linve no kiiuwliiliiu of I lie luosent mldress of llio l>iiiiy. B, Addreiifi M. NtntMinun, nuornuy- ni-ltiw, nr»:t Kroiuhvny, New York Cltjr. M. it., ricvoliind.---!. Htelnlvrrtf, '.Mfl I2««t BlEnllQli Htrwr, Now York rlly. P, .1. K., Now York.—Wo win nut nld you. Sri. W.—Witch one vaudeville routo list eiu'li week. V, l». II.. Ht. hoi;Is.--Address frank Howe, vine of London THeniro. New York City. A. 6. B„ CTU leu go. —Add roas tlio IHilTnlo Hill Wild West, L'o Avenue du ltnpt», Paris, (franco. K. I. !!., t.nrrotl.—AildronH llio Llliriirlni. ot CuiiKreMs, WiiKldltulDii, )>. 17, .1. .1. II.. I'lilliulvlpliln.—Advertlrio your ivunlK In Tin: *'i.ii*pkk. M. S., I.on AniioleK.—lle Ix mill In the Itmd- tic nn mid on the road wlih rioine eoin,Hiny, tint we do not know Ids iireHont whereabouts. Ad- iliesn iiitn tu oiii'o ot Mil" otllee. add wo wilt advertise llie letter In Tin: n.!irMI leller list. IIA S l III M, I,. H, H, 1'., Beliuylorville.—AddrexH T. W. Ski'lt.v, t>75 Joniwon Avenue, llrooklyn, N. Y. UARDS. .1. Idr, Alexandria.-I. Am lfs bnml wns faUo ton impi wok mil opened rlitlitfully. therefore 0 luid tln> rlffht to »tny. 'J. It lind I no right to lireiik ItU liund as he annoiimod It.' Ul.l'n. Mlniicniiotls. -- I. Count li roliits. 'J t'oiint r, (Hilnls. Hi If thu hist liroo ranis played make (Iftoon. 1) [H-luts; If they lunko more ihoit llfleeu. only 7 : If idHioil hy one player and they mako llftcnn, h" coimits II jiolntK nlioKethor; '-' for the r mid thou u for I urea of a Mud. 2 for It... ilfiw-ri ,--,| i f„ r IhnI ,-»ir-t. 4. Two pointtt were tho lust card makes 31. AmTBun CaiRi.TON (In private lift Cboxirr A Gardnor), who pbiyH the luoFj-jensor with Ibr Orlfflnnl Bootblnek gnuHelie, mid l.u- Hlie Ulllot (In private llfn Lucille fi, itnr- rhiKor. duugbler of tbo tietor, (.Miii!*. Hiii- ihisor'i, wem very i|ul«lly married on Wed- nesday nluhl.. .Mti> ■-■, by ibo ll»-v. r.iriiiiDdl Movers. piiKim of ibo Ibiplht 'I'emple. lArouk l.vit. s, Y. O0II tO ^OX I. CTTWlt. . f'ltUJI "111 MW.V Cl.llinHrirONflKM. Clipper Mui-c-ava, 4*"(:r«ftboi>rno Hirrct, lfli*e»(cr Siianre, London, W. V. May. tl. Dull weather till, week and the name uniy In Hold of the news and the buolnosc In the tiicutrloil world wllb, of course, aome cxeep- lloba. CbarlvM Frobiuaii toft fur Paris od Wed- uenday to oobeludc arrHii|[einontK for flio np- ijearanco In tblH city uoxt Full uf one of the lending Kngllrib aeiors In an Imirortaut pro- duotioit'to I--- brought from I'arlx. lbirlng tils visit '" Hint i'lty .Mr. Krirlimau expects to perfeet plana for n speHul seuson of Amerlciin and Kngllxh performers, who will he seen there'In aotnc or the more racsnf sm-- roKNes nrerteiitod In iUIm country nnd Auierlcn. These will he given In KdeMhIi. the first being ■■SherpK-k Holmes," with William Gillette. U Is mild. In his original part. Mr. Frobtuau also hope 1 ) to do In I'arls "I'eter Pan," pro- bably after Its next London m:iih<hi, precisely ns played In tlil- eountry, nnd ftdnn May. In "Tue Wile of Mayfulr." after that play eon- • ludes Its run at llio Vaudeville. It la slated i hat from Pari** MIhh May proeceds to Brus- sels, Hei-iiji and Vienna, with tbo same object. "The Mttle Cherub" was wltbdruwn from the I'rluco of Wales laal Saturday night, miidi to the nururlsc of the loeal theatre- goers, ultbougb It was hloted early tu the week that tbo piece would, In a abort time, have pl few days' rest In order to prepare a focond edition, but at tho laat moment George Kdwrmlcu decided to close the thea- tre for | week. After Ita week of darkneus tbo theatre will la* opened to-night with a musical play, entitled "A Girl Upon' Ibe Ktf'uc" founded upon "The l.lttlc Cbenib." It Is to all Intents and purpOKes an entirely new piny, and Mr. Kdwardoa deemed It bet- ter lo make this change than to carry out the drastic nlteratlon? which would have been ncocssury io embody the new songs uud IjiinIdchs planned for a second edition. Ruth Vincent and Monet Mueklndur bnve Joined the cast for the new piece. Kvlo Green has retired. As mentioned In this letter before "The Little Cherub" will have flu American production next Fill. l-'rnnk Curzon'a tenancy of the Criterion will expire al tho end of the present month, and ho Is negotiating for another theatre to which ho will transfer "Tho Little Stronger," still playing to big buslncflH at the (,'rlterlou. Mrs. rntrlck Campbell has nrranged (o take the theatre at the explratloa or Mr. Cur- son's lease for the remainder of the season, nnd to continue bcr management there with "The Whirlwind." Harry Melville's transla- tion or Henry HemsieIll's successful pluy, "La Ittifael." Diti-lnL' her alay at the Cri- terion Mrn. CnmpbelT will alao produce a new romantic cu-uninc piny, by Hon. Mrs. Alfred J.yttellou. llliicsK and poor business compelled Jumcs Welch to terminate the run of "The New Clown." Nt Terry's, last Saturday night. The, Iheiitrc-will remnla dark until Mr. Terry gets buck bin health, wbeu be hopes to start work on a new production, After the hundredth performance uf Mr. I'luerii'r- successful play, "Ills House In Ur- der," on Tuesday of last week, Mr. and Mrs. George Alexander Invited n hundred or so of their friends to supper at the si. .lames. Hy midnight u sccno liad been set which mude the stage Into a moat attractive room, de- lightfully decorated with Dowers. Eight ruilud tables occupied the singe, which those who saw It from tbo Auditorium thought pro- duced a most charming effect, and an or- cbustra played nt the luiek of thi* dress circle. Mr. and .Mrs. Alexauder, nnd also Mr. Plneru. who ivaa among those present, received many congestulatlona upon llio success of tho pro- duction, ami good wishes for Its long con- 1 1'inii.r. -■!■ i on Monday, May 11. Lewis Waller will I roOKfcr bis production of Arthur Conail Doyle's riimecsHi'iii play. "Brigadier Gerard." from the libperlul tu the Lyric In accordance wltb urriingcmenlit inndu some lime hIiicu between Mr.' Wpllcr'nud Tom it. DiiyIs, the mnniigt'l' of tb*' Uvrlc. Thls'wlll necesaliatc the withdrawal or "Maurlcetlc" earlier than was untletpated, but II. 11. Irving wilt con- tinue to appear nt the Lyric, as he la co- oiieiatldg with Mi*. Waller In the production of "Othello," which will be given at matinees during the present London season. With new songs and business, the delight- ful musical piny, "The Little Mlcliiis" cele- brated lis anniversary at Daly'a on Saturday night last, and stnricd upon Us second year at that house with flying colors. On'toe oc- casion M. MesKiiger, the composer' of the music, conducted- The moral of "The Little Mlchus" Ih llidt musical plays may spell suc- cess when thov are entirely tasteful and ar- ilstlc. I bardlv think It will tu- ncccsmtry for Mr. ISdwardes to revive "The Uelsliu" while the current Duly piece, Is doing such a good busluesri. Mr. Trce'a Shukespeure festival at Ills Majesty's was very Huecesuful. and Mr. Tree may nn another week of revivals of the famous autbor'a plays hi the I'uli. The In tevruptcd n Monday last linuous author h jilays hi the lull. I no In- tevruptcd run of "Nero" wan resumed on ulay last. The Man from lllankley's" is going nicely at the Hnymarket. At an early date It will tic preceded by "Olf nnd the Link- Meld." a new one act piece, hy m. i:. Kriuicls (Mrs. Illondclll. iiutlioreKs of "The Widow Wooa." The act inn of the piece tnkes place In a South country dairy, nnd ihc principal parts will bo taken bv Sydney Valentine and Do- rothy Mint ii, the latter of whom will be em- ployed during a good deal of tho time In scrubbing the (loot*. A liical publication states Mint u mouiiuieut to llunrv Irving Ix Nhortly lo be erected In the Kutscopal church of St. Chrysostom. tin Seventh Avenue, New York. In the form of a brouxe tablet, six feet In height, with a half relief of Irving at the top, and an lu- hcrlpttoti, giving a sunimary ot his life, be- neath. The public Ims not taken very kindly to Lena Ashwell's first venlure nt tho Savoy, namely, "The iioml of Ninon." nnd that play will bo Hiicceeilwl a week from to-ulght by n now play, railed "The Shtilamlte." adapted from the novel of that name i,y riniide Awr«*w and Kdwnrd Knoblauch. The piece contains Ihrot) iicta, and there are only mix characters. The London Coliseum is the most, talked of hull In Mils country at: the present time. The debenture holders took over ihe management of the house Inst Saturday afioi'noon.'iind nil contracts wltb performers and sUilf were de- clared nt an end, and new onus were made with those whom the new management de- tslrwl to retain. John Douuht linn been re- appointed general manager, and Will Bishop, formerly modstnm Ktagc manager, has re- placed Marshall Moore as xiage manager. It was also decided by Hie new ninuageihent to give three per for ami ices of I lie new revue In- stead ot two, thus dolug away with the per- formers contributing to the six o'clock show, among whom were CIihNck Wnnicr. Madame Ksty, 1-:. C., Duncan's collies. Mnrlo iiiul Dnubniu Trio, Millie Hyllou nod Herr t!rnls. Taylor Trio. The shareholder* of the Colisoum met nt Cardiff on Thursday, and following from n local paper, gives one a good Idea of what occurred at llie meeting: "The Umpire at Curd 111" presented an uuuxual Ncene yesterday. The wlalls were''occupied by shareholders lu llio Londou Coliseum. Limited, -who turn- In-eii suddenly n^ked for nnollier forty-live shillings per live p^mud KhnreK to sure the concern, facing the share- holders on the stage were Oswald Slnil and Aldernuui I 1 . Cniey, directors. Mr. Stoll said thai imiii.v people secmeil to look upon him hh a man whose umbltl'in, It waH lo slugger hu- manlly. If Ibal bad heen his objertjhe had succeeded, bul lib purjiose wob much more practical. For the moment It had; failed. The lube railway*, wblch were still tinder construc- tion, were; Ve believed, destined'to revolution- ise tie entertrilnttient world, and Me thought the "Culbjebfli waiTonly a few years ahead of Ha time. I'p io the pre.icut be had not drawn one penny out of, ue Coliseum, and, with personal secuiltles. be bad nearly one hun- dred thousand pound* nt stake. Having com- nlalucd of the irentment of the London t on il- ly Council, Mr. Stoll nlirlbuled the state or affairs mainly to the'arcliltecfs eHilmate hav- ing la-eft excei-fled by ill'ty thousand.nounds. Lbluldallyn sfwoled' Inevitable, and he nng- iiestcd thi appointment, of a committee «r Inspeiiiou from the tdiiireliolder*. 'I bey had iiotliliig to conceal. The conduct uf a direc- tor In "unloading" was commented on. tliouali lie urnleiled that what he did was far the U Hi »t llie concent, lie sold ordinary shares and lmiight preference. In Ibe rotirxe of a llvelv discussion. Mr. Slull repudiated the MUggeaihiu that iberc was any Inilecent haste to Wind up and realize, or Hint he bud made thirty thousand pounds profit by the purchase of the site. That amount was token up la ordinary shares. A shareholder sug- gested that some action be taken against the directors, nn Idea which was warmly np- iilauded In the stalls. Some of the Bhare- toldera urged Mr. Stoll and his co-directors to take heart. They had In .Mr. Stoll "a King of Kmplfes," In whose managerial capacity there was still great confidence. A commit- tee of In vm ligation wan appointed, and the meeting adjourned till May 10. A brief history of Hie Coliseum will un- doubtedly be of Interest to readera of this letter. The Coliseum was projected by Os- wald Stoll. and in 1IKI2 a company was reg- istered to acquire the site of nearly an acre on which building operations were soon af- terwnfda begun. Although the architect was Frank Mau-ham, who designed moat of the Moss Umpires, the main features of the Idea were Mr. Stoll's. mid the scheme of revolv- ing Binges, which Ik one of the uuique feat- ures of Hits groat theatre, was Initiated and planned by him on a principal altugether different from that empluyed lu continental theatre* possessing revolving stages. The Coliseum was opened to the public Due. UO, 11)04, nnd at each of the four dally perform- ances the seating capacity (about 4,UdO per- sons! was sold out for many successive days. Late In 1905 the number of performamen was reduced to three. The leading feature of the first programme was the race for the Derbv, but shortly after Ihe opening one of ihe Jockevs was killed. At first Mr. Stoll re- lied principally ou his song scenas, but when be attempted to put on upectaclu; combined with acllun and dialogue, be found the limi- tations of bnlf an hour and four or live principals tuo much for him. Then, to the surprise of everybody who entered Ihe theatre ou Dec. 2U, 11)05, the regu- lations In force were altered. Mr, Stoll, lu fact, bad obtained a theatrical license from the Lord Chambvi'laln—carrying wltb It on excise license—and wraoklng wua no longer allowed. On Kastcr Monday hist Mr. Stoll produced a revue on n scule of mug- ulllceuce Hint nt onde made a auccossrul ap- peal to the playgoers. The pressure, of the creditors, however, und the failure to raise more than nineteen 'thousand pounds of the fifty thousand pouuds fix per cent, prefer- ence shares offered, handicapped the manage- ment ; hence the present crisis. The pur- chase of the property Is tbc biggest Item of nil appearing bn the uulnnce sheet, the amount being exactlv one hundred elgbty-ulnc t n,o ii sand, two hundred und fifteen pounds uud seven Shillings. Productions, scenery, wardrobe and properties stand at twenty-live thousand two hundred and forty-six pouuds eight shillings and two pence. Frederick Melville ana his automaton, "La. Motoglrl." me In London for the month, rest- ing. Mr. Melville tells me that he bus been offered time on the Moss & Stoll tour and also ii long booking lu America for bis act, but exbttlng continental coutruifts, mostly return engagements, prevent his ucceptlng same. Ah Inveutlon which promises to be un Im- provement on the old llbu cinematograph H ubout to be patented. The pictures are taken lu spiral fashion on circular glass plates, ninny of photographs being thus compressed into a small spuce. The diameter ot tin* pliitu In about fifteen Inches, while tho photographs themselves are less than one* naif Inch In length. Hitch plute Is lurgo enough for a story to last three or four min-' uies. Very little apparatus Is required to lit the plate to au ordinary muglc lantern, when, by revolving the plute, the pictures are thrown mi the screen. The Inventor, W, II. Tulnier. of London, has Bpeut over twelve years In bi'luglng bis work to completion. Norton ana Uus-iejll, "the Dago and thu Monk," are lb London on a short trip, this ticiiig their first to this country. Next week they go to Pa via and from there to Berlin, then'back to London. As they lire under con- tract to oueii In America early In June their vucatlon will be a short one. Willie Halo closed nt the Olympln, In 1'nrls, at llie ilnlsh of April, and Is now on his way to Marseilles, where he la to piny this month. A Grimsby paper. In apcuklug of the shuws at the Tlvol) lu Unit town, wiyn: "There Is n good deal of entirely new entertainment ut the Tlvoll this week—Indeed, so fHr as oui recollection goes, It Is all new. At any.rate, there Is a suoil top, bottom and middle, and there Is not a dull turn In the whole pro- gramme. Top place Ih shared by Albert Do Fro and Steiu and Kv»ns. Tho latter have not been In Hits of the country before, and their act Is altogether new mid original, They are an American duo, and they apneur lu a stvlc of entertainment quite upto^dnte, and in great demand at lite variety halls. Like everything American, their work is of iiie cxtrnvngaimi onier. both In dress ami general get-up, and that there la no mistake about It, the appreciation of the house Is also ou a mugntflcaiil scale. The sketch comes a.i something quite out of the ordinary. and ts exceedingly welcome, even In u hill of guod ihlnga." .luseph AVIlson, the innuuger of (he Tivoll, bus been away from that house, owing to a very severe attack of lnflucmen. It is ex- pected that he will bu well enough to return shortly. During the month of May "The Hoys In ltlne" are nt Hie Folks Itcrg*ere, Paris, after which they Journoy to Vleana, where they wit) show during the Summer reason. Two of the (toys were hurt recently, one being iiiken lo a hospital, but both are nil right again. Monday his* found me nt Ihe Palace. Tho orcchstra rendered "Guards lo the Front." a march, lu Up-top fashion. Cba-rlea Norton, mimic, met with much favor with bis imper- soiiutlonx of t t-tii- v Lauder, and oibtr music hull celebrities. Gnu it nnd ' .rant I lmVc spoken uf before,' ahd na It wan such a tdibrt lime ago. they need no further praise: .lcnnfi! Johns, couiedlehne, luuks pretty nnd alugn two catchy songs. A satisfactory trapeze act l» contributed by Curoln Jordan. The Mime may lie snld of llebn DcuuIm, a vocal- ist, with a couple of songs. The Palace Girls, generally night In number, were minus one girl ou Monday, but the act went us strong ns ever, Willie Gardner, a young American, wade his first apiienrance nt this bouse on Monday. Ills buck and whig danc- ing ou roller and Ice skeles. Is tt novelty, and the audience was not hIow In appreciat- ing bis work. I may sdd that bis debut nan most successful. A pleasing comedlenbe. with catchy song«, I* Daisy Jerome. Millie Llndon duxes the first part of the pro- gramme whb her "Mary Kept n Dairy" uud ''In Iturcelotin." Miss Llndon. of course, coutlnues to be one of the tHVorltex of the bill. Cole anil .lobusoii arc first In the hccoiuI portion, ami they contribute their well known offering with gratifying sin Sh, II Ik hu uutiuml on ibe programme that'lbvy may be engaged for private unttlM hi Jgfcl* 1 ■*£ raScmeni with the ; mWie} ot'tfcj^ealre., fixture at this house. Ills' «*k KcUnn uud eiTi-ctlve. l.w Troinbettn.' teccentrlrt■dMttlsis, made n hit In their first engagem-ratat .this house some months ago. They •"kJWjIcat- lug that success. The bioscope offers new pictures tills week. «« n »Re r i , B "" M V I from the Slates the middle of the Week. The new Glbbuns house, the ( rOydon Lm- plre. was opened on Tuesday night. A guoii ■how nnd benutlful theatre made the first Impression u good one. *1 he ■American acts on'the bill: Ollbert Glrnrd. Kernison Mid: Mack, Collins and llawley. und Mildred de Grey Tlu-*c nets i-ninbined wllb Hie others ou (he programme In making <>|? *V W " ,n 3*;- what above the uidltiary- Gllhert UIrnrtl, whose mimlrlng makes him n very deslruD.c act nt any hnfi, goes to Soiilh AWen soon, A few moaiha ago he sturilcd all by appear- Inging nt tlm Albnrobra as Clown Pacai, a French mimic, and at one of the London syndicate bulla as Gilbert Glranl. American mimic. May 14 Ferguson and Mack arc at the Empire, Manchester, with Newcastle and Glasgow to follow. The week of June 4 thev play two avndicate halls In London and then to the Birmingham Kraplre for the week of June II. The two duuetng hoys. Collins alio llawley. who have mnde grent strides since tbey came to Loudon, some montus ago, go to South Africa n week from to-day to plav the tlymuu bouses. Tbey are booked well into 1007. •-* ' „„. , . „ Harrv Tnie, of "Motoring' and "Mslilng fame Is doing a new act at the Oxford. It Is a skit on wrestling, and Is very funny. At the'earr.e ball Griff la doing well with a new monologue. It exploits u clown. In h s lodgings Retting ready for the stage, and is full of typical topical illusions. Heed Vfnaud la just back from the conti- nent, after a very succeHSful tour. He In- furms me that he will shortly return to the continent with two new sketches, wrltteu specially for him. . , "The Globo of Life," called In America "The Olobs of Death," Ducked the Holborn Kinplre last week, and la doing thu snme^at the Grand, Clapham, current week. TM darl.ig bicycle act Is in the front row of sen- national acts, and Ihe motor 'cycling of Wiz- ard Stone und Irene Slone Inside the Bphere of steel wire Is a thrilling exhibition, tho equal of which Is seldom seen In a music ball. The name of "The Globe of Death' was so terrifying to the managers and au- thorities that: it was changed after the first week to lis present name. During a performance at Portsmouth, re- cently, of the Pigmies, who were nt the Hip- podrome for a long period last year, one of the women ran amuck nnd sprang off the stage among the audience. She was ap- parently annoved hy a boy In the second row. who was grinning nt her, and before she could be stopped, she stubbed him in the face with her spear. The manager uf the ball qulcklv intervened uud dragged her away heron- she could do any further damage. The Brothers Martlne arrived in this city curly lu tho week, from Paris, where they played during the month of April. They Here bottoming the bill at that house, with Little Tlch ut the top. Monday the Murtlnes begin an eight weeks engagement at tbo Ein- Mc ted llb sisters are also recent arrivals from the continent. Tbey have Imoked the following time In and about London: Croy- don Empire, week of May 14: Holborn Lm- plre, Mav ill: Ealing Hippodrome, May l!«'. Canterbury. June 5: Kustoo, .lube 12. and the Paragon, June IS. The Merediths will reluru to the Stules late In Juue. OUR CHICAGO LKTTKH. FttOM OUIt OWX OUIRKSl'oNPKNT. Western tlurenu nt the New York CH|>|t«i*. Hooin 304 Ashlnnd >Bluuk, CIiIchko. Atlructlons for the week of May J.4 are: "Marv, .Mnrv, tjutto Contrary," with Henri- etta Crosmau us Hie stur, ut Powers'; Nat C. Goodwin, in "The Genius." ut the Illinois ; Itlchard Ma n Mil eld. at Hie Graod Opera House : "The College Widow." Studebaker: "The Coward," McVlckcr's; "Mexlcaua," Garrlek: "Texas, ut the Great Northern, and one of the tiest drawing attractions In iown. "Forty- five Minutes from Broadway," at the Colonial. D.i.lNOlM Thkatrk tWIll J. Davis, mana- ger).—Nat C. Goodwin opens bis iwo weeks engagement Sunday, 111, presenting "The Genius," Ills supporting company Includes : Hubert I'utou Glbbs. Nell O'Brien, Philip Maltluud, H. G. Lonsdale. Cm'y Livingston, Susanne Perry, M. B. Snyder, Louise Ittal, Suzctte .luekson, Elinor Adams and Edna Goodrich. Lust week Uichard Carle, io "Thu Mayor of Toklo," proved u good magnet. On Siiuilay. ST. the company that made "The Lion and the Mouse" bo popular at Powers' Theatre, a few weeks'ago, comes to this house foi'ii Summer run. PowKiiH' TtiHvritt-; (Hurry J. Powers, mali- nger).'—Henrietta' Cru-sinuu will be the at- traction here, dn "Mary. Alary, Quito Con- trary." Robert limine, iu "Man und Super- man." closed 12, two weeks of big business. Colonial Tnturiii: (George \v. Lederer, uiuiuiger).—"Forly-ilve Mlnutca (m Broad- wav" Is playing to crowded houses at tho home of ita birth, Fay Templeton. Donald Brian. Victor Moore, .lambs II. Manning, Charles Prince, and the other members of this organization tiro nil strong favorites ami receive encore* nt every pcrforraubce. liii.iNn iii'i:i:.\ Hut's k (Harry Askln, man- ager).—Uichard Mitanllcld begins Monday, 14. the final week of Ids stay, with "The Merchant of Venjeo:" Tuesday night, "Beau Brummel:'' Wednesday night "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde;" Thtimday night, "Don Car- lo;." Friday tilgbl, "The Scarlet I. cite;," nnd Saturday mutt nee, "Beuu Itininmcl. Hut- unbiy night the bill will Include ihe first nets of '"The -Misanthrope,*' "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," "King Ilk-hard III" aud "Benu llnmimcl." and the fourth act of "A Parisian Romance." "The Prince Chap'' follows 20, for four weeks. MTCTHUUfJum Tu KATiti; (R, E. Ilaumeyur, managei-).—"Tho College Widow" will re- main another week. On .Mav IP a run of nine weeks will be completed, giving It a record of sixteen weeks at this theatre this season. Business lias been uulformlv large. "The Student King" 21. GAiiuicK TiuuTRi: (Sam P. Corson, man- nger)J—"Mexlennn" enters upon Its Ann! week Sunday night. i:i. Christie McDonald, i.ohIk Hurrlsmi ami .lusv|ih Herbert nrr> still favorites. The Dual performance will be given Sunday night, L'l>. Louis Mann and Ciaru Llpiunn, In ".Ittllu Bon Hon." 21. .MCVnrktrn'H THKAVWD (George C. Wurreu, maungci).—George llrohilhiirsfs "The Cow- ard" is a l;ooi1 melodrama that will appeal i-trongl.v to all classes:.' It whs n real prob- lem, well worked out. Robert T. Haines, Frederick Perry, Frederick De Belleville, llarrlHon Armstrong, l, Milan Alhertmn and George Uendum all da excellent work, and the etigagvnu'tit is Indefinite, Cllii'Aini Oi'im.i UUVHC iLynmn It. Glover. iininugerl.---"The Three tJraces" cuutlunes Its prosperous run. Mahel Bnrrlson. .John Sliivlu. Trlxle Frlgaoal, Amy Rlcanl. Frank Farrlngion, Sidney De tlrey n'ud the other prlnclpnlr. arc wnnnlv welcomed every per- formance. Mabel Harrison's number. "Not Because Your Hair Is Curly," Is the soug hit of Hie piece. .La Sam.8 Thkathk (M. II. Sillier, mana- ger). -With more ihan two hundred ami ftfiv performiim-cB to Km credit. "The empire' 1 Rromlxes end cuMlumn to run fur Into the ot weather iin.inii-. (tBRAT Noiitiikiin '1'iiK.vrm: i Fred. c. Is manageri.■-For ihe pa«1 Iwo wreks -Texas" lias dni-aii L-ofid luinluesp. '|-, M: nt *rV ut Cbss D. L'tmuin u cupltal. Ii hn& Iwo uiuic weeka ^f ^B^Y ^I'SLlFE Awtoll Slffht From Thut Drcnd/ul t» m . ptlSihl, Ifii^litH^'BjriemU—Mo,),, , Pl-iiiti-* CutlMiiu IteiitfdleN. * Our tiaby*' had that drc.idlul comphiim, Infantile I'crcma, which ;ililictcd him for several molitha, commencing at the top of his head, nnd at last covering bis whole. body. His sutVerings were untold and con- slant misery; in fact, there was nothing we would not have clone to have given him relief. We finally nrocured a lull set of the Cuticura Remedies, and -in about three or four days lie began to show a brighter spirit and really laughed, lor the first time in ii ytfar. In about ninety days he was fully recovered. Praise for the Cuticont Remedies has always been our greatest pleasure, and there is nothing too good that we could say in their tavor, for they certainly saved our buby's life, for he was the most awful sight that I ever beheld prior to the treatment of the Cuticura Rem. cdies. Mrs. Maebellc Lyon, 1826 Appleton Ave., Farsons, Kan., July 18, 1905." to run. "In Olj Virginia" follows 27. BtrsH TfiUl'LU (Emabeth Scbober. mana- ger).—Another Chicago author will be drawn upon by the Players' Htock Co.. at this house, Ople Read's "The (Starbucks" being Miss Hcbober's choice for the new bill to follow "Graustirk." which closed la. Week or SI, "The Children of Men." Ai.HA«Bfl\ TiltsAHTB (.fames H. Blown, manager).'~ "To Be Hurled Alive," with Fdua Karlle Linden In the leadlug part, will be the ofteriug fur week of IH. Last week "A Burglar's Sweetheart" played to good business. For 2U uud week, "A Crown of Xborw* AcADgMV TiiKATiu-; (William C. lluelic, manager). — David Kessler aud Samuel Thornberg and the Thalia Theatre Cumpaitv of Yiddish player* will bo the bill here week of 1.1, presenting the .lewlsb "Hnntlei." tast week, "The HomeHeekers" was the bill. This house closes for the aeniiou HI, and will probably reopen about July 2, IHjoi; TIikatub (William C. Roche, mana- ger).—"A Burglar'n Hweethcart" Is llie hill for week of 13. The company Includes several- playera well known at the local the- litres. Last week, "To Be Burled Alive" did well. "The Little Outcast" 20 and week. Uot.UMBU8 Thkatbk (Weber Bros., mana- gers).—"Dora Tho rue" open» Sunday. 1.1. fur one week. Lust week. "Why Women Sin" proved n good offering. For 20 and week, Anna Sulbcrland, In "Camllle." PlWVLH'H Thkatbk (Joseph Pilgrim, mini- ngen.—"Wouiau'Against Woman' r Is the of- fer lug week of H. I*nst week. "Why Smltli Ijeft. Home" wns well presented by the Peo- ple's Stock Co. Rowiaud & Cllfford'a "Hip Van Winkle" 21 and week. Majestic Theatre! (C H Draper, mana- ger for Kohl & Castle).—I'eter F. Dalley will headline the bill at this house 14 ami week, presenting "The Police Inspector" wllh his Dinah girls. Tlie rest of the programme will enllat the services of: IrCe Harrison, lMcrMc llres., Charlea Rouhuw, Mr. mid Mrs. La Molne, 'lliomus Keougli and conipnuy, Fyed und Amtlc Pclot, Katherlue Nngeut, Roiinianlii Gi'chestra, t'imley and Klela. Harry Itrawn, Abacreo Hroa., uud Marlon Hyde. HaVsiajikbt Tiibatiik < W. W. Frccnuiu, inunager for Kohl & Castle). —The Rii|ipo Sisters, 1:a.'nln:i dancers; Count De Bul -. nnd Btu.. Luey and Luclor, Fay. Coley ami Fay Ferrv Corwey, Charlotte Ravenscnift, Siidl Alfnrabl, Berry and Wolford, Sander- son and Bowman, Mclroy Trio, Cnstutlst nml Hall, tho TennessceHiis, and Jludgc, mi i.- and Montgomery Is the mn|teup of Hie hill for week of 1-1. Huslnesa la very good, und' last, week's bill was good. Olympic TtflttTM (Am Jacobs, miuager for Kohl & Castle i.—Unit week'n headllneis were: Arthur Dunn and Marie Glazier, Ferry Convey, Herrmann, the Great, and llui Glensons und Houlihan. Bill week of \4t Clmiles I-:, Kviiiim nml company, James -I- Mortott, Three Seldoba, World's Comedy Four. Frederick llawley and ooatjwny, Wynne. Wlustow, Blsonette and Newumii. Kheron und Cole, .leniilngs aud Rcufcw, I'ero and Wilson, the Llpplucotts, Howard Mui- rls. :md Uoyer and French. 1NTBRNATIONAI. TlltATBK (W. S. ClCVCllltnl. inunngeri.—The week of .May 11 will be Up] last of the Stmsoli at this theutrc. The hill nnnounces: Stuart Barnes, Chicago's iuoiiol f ogltit; the Great Huntelle, Newshoys' Quin- tette, Laurcllo and company, Ixjrloier .lobii- son nod enroll no: Frances CpoK. Malcplm and Chevctte.' and'Pearl and Dlumabtc. IIowaiio Tubatiib (Charles Colin. 111111111- gerl.—Bill for week of 13: Ainia Slu-arcr. "Tho Girl with the Laughing F.ycs:" Mile Renlie, 1'eurl .Kvatia, Mia* Ripley. Chris. Brown, boy soprano, and the Howard Slock- William Lnug ami Adolph Meyers have ken added ns sneelal features. They will relate taclr experiences In San FruncUco during und following the recent earthquake. CRITKltloN THHAfAX (John B. Hogun. mnji- iiger).—A bllHxard, t*ald to be a most remiirk- ahle piece of stuyc realism, Is 11 stlnlug nml- ure uf "A Crown of Thorns/' which is I in iittraetlon here for week of HI. Last M "Thu Factory Girl" wus Ihc bill. For SO and week, "The Flaming Arrow." THBATne (John A. Fcnticusey, mini- nger).—Tito May Howard Kxtravngnnsa to. Is the offnrlnE here for week, of V,l. Twe f unity liurlesiiues will be produced— Mile Fill" nnd "Tlie Rouudors." Clever comedian* nnd numerous spei-IaUies are 10 be fealiiro of Gils show. Last week Sim Deyere 11 «■ played to good houses. The Star Snow Girl'* 20 and week. ..... ■ TnoCADElto Tubatiib (L M. Weingsrle 1. tiiauiuwr),—Hose Hy dell's London will be olfofed here'week of in., Last wc«k. IW I'nrlfllan Widows drew big bouses. Hi: son's TiUMTim (Bid J. KtiKon, 'uitmu- ger).— "EnrustormlnH" and "The npiffiJ lbieliess" will serve to introduce the urn > show girls and comedians. Tho vaudeville programme offers Rose and Kills and oilier*, and a new edition of living pictures. ClAnKjBltEKT Ml<HKlt» (Lmila 'M, llcdgeH, tmittSKt-r^'Moeko" Brlgga will give boa lr lectures on the evils or drink week of, 1 ' 1 - mat fbuturtS will hidudb. Martin and Van, His OttoV trnliied gouts, Mny La l'">. ,' N ",' nells IMneh and Jndy Show, Hie lor"'! 1'hclpa, Lllllnn White, and the eartlujuukH pictures. ■ . - . t AtTKHiiAril.—Amelia Harleon. who. 1ms been with "A Runaway Mnlcb" Ptt, rtir rw* eraf weeks, baa been scoring a big Biicecss«. Miss Ibtrleoii will, as uaunl, umnngc her own stock company this Hummer, playing all tlie principal clttea of the Soiilh. For threears- sons the llarieon Stork Co. has been a ver.i POpUlur Stimmer organisation I 'J 1 . 11 lo rM<t|p| of a note from Florence (•'•IT'"' of "The Lion and the Mouse" Co., ititjM 1 hut obe wns In Ran Francisco during lan earllHpmke on April 18, bdi escaia'M » l ". , 1 Injury. When "The Lion and Ihe «««» •■'"•us nt ;ho lllliib<s Mav Wi. MM G'erat*' will-resume her, bid part, which la oue 01 tlie inosi itiipui'iani. In the play Ugf •■ the feature acts nt tho International **"'"' Ire week of 7 whm Kdward Wuidman's valid"- villa rersloh or "|>r. Jekyll and > lr Hyde." .Phyllis Alien j will Wg Wonderlfttid Park, Wleblta. K'annas. wefk "f 1U General Manager b. r. Carrutbei'8, of the Interstnte clrettlt. to' returned in this cltv after 1 anViteadcd lour or hits Ionises. Up' lufoiniH tno that even tlioal re on ),N rlrnill Is on it (siyltlg WU"- and thai |ip bt v serUml a«rtU" of Hie '-e-t lias, lu vdiideviilc to piaj for JiUu'uc&t m-