The New York Clipper (May 1906)

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MAY 19. THE -NEW- YORK CLIPPER. 367 OWINO TO THE POPULAR DEMAND WSE SLIDES ARE NOW READY JUST A LITTLE ROCKING CHAIR AND YOU {Made tr STEHEOPTICON & FILM EXCHANGE, CHICAGO. They «» Great-18 in tho Set, Including Title >nd Chorna Slide. PRICE 85.00 PER SET. HONE FREE. iM-niii F. B. HAVILAND PUB. CO., 125 West 37th St„ N, Y, '■ Escaped Lunatic," about 617ft., $37. « flatties, the Dog,'' about 635ft., £». 1'ltht.T tiunt-for eXLiniiiiatkin on receipt of $£. lourR«elauf Film, about 900ft. each, $85 each. i*eiit for examination on receipt of $s. One Sell? Polyscope, with Electric Huxuer and liliwwWK wiib take-up complete, lafi. ror examlaatiou uu receipt of *&. Seed for Mhv Bargain LIsU. latest Seta io Song Slides- "Alice, Where Art Thou Golug?'' " just a Little Roclclug Chair and You." "UoodOldTIAA." "Where the Bwaunee lUvcr Winds lis Silvery Way.'*' All beautifully colored; only J&.00 per set, with manic. Also, 10U sets at $2.00 per set uud up. HARSTN * CO., 138 East 14th St., Tel. 3812 Cramercy. NEW YORK, N. Y. NEVER CLOSED. LUGIER'S MINSTRELS WANT GOOD DUCK FACE TEAMS, Hunt do Ends, Novelty Acts, Musician*. People lu all line?. Acts that double preferred. Show under canvas, i Stop la hotel, state lowest lu tint. MuHtJoln on wire. Addresm FRED PALMER, M Palmer St., Worcester, Mass. BEST ORIOINAL. SKETCH E», HONGS AND A LL VAUDEVILLE ACTS WHITTKNTOUHUIiK. PRICKS RIGHT. SPABI.INO 4 BUKK, PUjwrlKlin. ILninnilnl. Intl. WANTED, QUIO«, Foil TUG SOl'BKKTTK with SpticlttMC!*. L'JIAK.U.TKIl WOMAN, CHAIlACl'KIt MAN. GEN. BUS. MAN. Preference given Meu who. double HflW A few more Musician* w;iiitc,l. utlier uaeful Rep. people, write. AtfdreM 1108 so. BARtrTOW ST., Kuu ualrc, Win. PETERS' PEERLESS PLAYERS WANTOBA'HESTliA LEADEII lo Double Cornet: Tuba, Baud and Orchestra. Mu*tiiMkrgoud. Other Munidans, »Tltc. AL. WAKl>, Marysvllle. KiHiaaa. AT LIBERTY MAY 27 For Summer and Next Season, VIOLINIST (leader), Double B-ilat ClarioDct. Would like to hear from park." and resorts. Ex- perienced, aud up In »undard music. Address JOHN P. KLSKN, Eu Route '-Han* Hanson" Co., May'.a, Wayne, Neb. WANTED QUICK, MUSICIANS AND ORCHESTRA. PKRCE R. BENTON, Oklahoma City, 0. T. NED. PERFORMERS WASTED At all times, thai cud change often uud work In acta. PIANO PLAYERS ThHt ,i:uu work on stage. State salary and all you do. Can use severul single perform- ers that play organ-ut once. E r S REM! nature's ggOT CO., Philadelphia, Pa. AT LIBERTY, HMt CLASS BUMMER STOCK. GAVIN H. DOROTHY, JDVBNILE AND L1UHT COMEDY ONLY. Address 778 E. EASTWOOD. Maaliall, Mu. WANTED, FOR Cooler & (lagan's Wonderland Floating Theatre CLARIONET and BASS DRUMMER. Itoute-^lorgantotviu W. Va., l'J : .Frederick- town, Ph., 21; California, Pu., 22; Fayette flly, Pu., 3.*:. . WAKTKII-STREET MEN, GYPSY GAMPS, IV mi 1UV S[Me shows. Street Musician*, Peuuy Vaudeville, any wouey getter, for TROL- LEY WEEK. UOfKVILLK, CONN., MAT 21-i». New trolley Hue just upeuiug and company gives FREE RIDES Into city ALL WEEK. Free Rand Concerts, Firemen's Muster, llalloon Ascciwlou, Frauk A. Robblna' Circus, aud Vaudeville day aud night will bring tliouaatidi of people lien that week. Easy money for everybody. (iEOKUE P. WENDHKIsElt, Chairman AuiUMement Committee. Wanted, for Bilmour and La Tour's Slock Co, Sfader canvas), a Full Acttug Stoek Co.. Static Irectur with scrlpa; actors whu double in band preferred. Musicians, for B. and O., ICualcal Act, two meu that pla\ brass aud parts; Man with Pic turt- Machine and Films, Name lowcM Malary. No fares uuletw kuowu. Ketiearac near Buffalo, N.Y., Juuel. Add. HovdJ.«lliiiour 1 Mgr. I Markeile 1 Mlch.. 21; Sault Ste. Marie , Mich., « Alpena, Mich., -a; Sagluaw,Mlcb..-.'7,ttien-rk) Hurhon SI., Bnffalo.N.Y . WANTED QUICK, To Support Miss Alice Luudy, Fall Acting Company In Repertoire, Also Good Agent. Incompetents closed at first rehearsal, Friends aud thowo who have been with us before, write. FRANCIS SHINE, write. State ml first letter. E. S. MANCHESTER. Mgr., N. W. cor. Clark uud S. Water Sis., Chicago, HI. J Strengthen uu Act. Vc send jo" len'i 5 of ibeiuuii up lu date suiitililb*. Price \ j a cents. VICTOR POT. CO, I PtV.asbW.M.T c. i WANTED, Spcclaltv Team doing Two SDigh'H and Double for Coii'fert, for Dude Visit's Dog and Pony Sbow. Oellt to UuwoSliuw. Stal4 all In lli-l letter, I paycxpcuics. Smllh write, that was with me Ave ycara ago. Address DUIIK riSK.Wimewoc, Wis. AT LIBERTY, For Spring and SummtrT Will H, Kent, JtVENILKS, LMiHT COMEDY. UEN'L Bl"S. Specially, One Night, Three: Night, or Rep. gig Superior S t.. Applcton. W|s. LEADING LADY. JUVENILE WOMAN, SOU- UKETTK, Cumedlnn slid clever Child wuutedfor Repertoire. L'sefttt l*euple wrtte. t.'a'i place clover Amateur lady for Suiull I'nrr.-. Stale age, height, welgbl, salary and full purt|culan* Qrst letter. Cuuiille Ithcll, Vie Hunter, imdc Ulck<*y. write. Address TIIK TOM FRANKLIN NYK Itfu SHOWS. IJuranl. I. T. EGAN'S BAND. Just reoelved another contract which enables ni» to offer engaKeiiicnts to twenty-ilvc move niiiat- i-luns." All iiiuhI iloitblo Tor tills otic Send fullO'l purtlrulars, Ineliidliin lowest salary and peruiu- ueut address, at « • JOIIXS.Eli.Vi.PininijlMi.IM. for ll VAUDKVU.LE SKKTUII. Souil plmlo null uililruHS N18M K11TIK ItKVMOIt. I.lvlntriituii. Cnl. lu., N. V. T1IK FOLL01VIKO SCUIPm FOH SA1.R: "The Cow Boy Preacher" "An Irish Nobleman" "The Man in the Overalls" Plainly Written, Straight Acts, Oast, it anil 4. Com- plete directions. Adilrena W. P. BlkKt, loir, Clesrvlew St., 8er.Dti>u, Pa. uiBiiinoitiiTioi[sriS[nicTs AND MUSICIANS. State luweaL (tulck. Wagon Mhow. reninuieul addreat FINN'S UMTKUSIIUWS. lluo«lclrrnlla,N. T. CH&NDELIER MAN One T,bu undcrbtundK CLifutro tights pre- ferred. Anply 1,. M. It. KUNKEU.Y. IlKI Selllli St.. Ne»- Yorli City. MEDICINE PERFORMERS THE BEST. T»eutj Dollura nnd Hullroud utter Jululug. t.W)U LLCTUUKRS, write. Mujor Cuug, »Tltc. M. J. KKALS. CICrcUDi], Ohio, ffenerul IK'H,ery. took. MANAGERS, Look. 1 hue cotvplete Uumii Theatre to let on pereenl.ue; .e.t, 7U0. Al.o good line of Repertoire Paper. suit. Round Tou for g.le. --. ... . \KSHIT SCOVIL1.K. Aendemy Theatre. Bnflalo, N. Y. FOR SALK OR EXCHANGE. Fir Mtglc or in llluiiriled Song Machine, Mu- •leal Lyra and ether Musical Initrumenti. MOnaa CIIAS. II. BBIIM, .- ' No.a wM.rketSt., IteKee.uurt, P.. At LltHrrf, HARP SOLOIST and ACCOMPANIST Jer Coueertor OrelieKtru. Tr.u-1 or lueatc In or New Vork. I.OItETTA A. UE IAINE, 465 W. 57th Street, Nevr York City. PIA1VIST ^autapo-itlon In orclie»lra al bmumer resort, or wltli Concert Co. liALl'H OBEY, (leu. Del., Cleveland, o. Wanted, Piano Player 'Sight reader), to open May a, low, at Uewey Manic Ball. Ollca. N. Y. DAVE HARRY, Manager. WANTED, MED. PEOPLE. WHO I'LAY Mt'SlC, nnd 81NC aud DANCE. tVJl. MAItNBITO, lllslng Sun. aid. WANTED, BARITONE AND TENOR. Wire lowest salary us per route. POD POWERS,' (lurtou, Mlcli., n; Uauover, is; Juroine, It); Mosco, 20; UuBlcrvlU«.2l: LHcltflcld,:^; Allen, 23. AT LIBERTY, LEADER OF OBCIESTBA AUD BAUD. Flay vioilu, clarlouet. and arrauge. Will travel or loeate. Write or wire. Address HENKY fiOSSERT.-tlO Alabumu St., \nik\u, Cal. WANTED, CORNETTIST, Getting Good Tone, Due reader, able to handle blgh-gradc orclieslra stuif. Neat uppearauce, sutrer, reliable. Summer reniirt. (10 a week and line t»onril and room. J. KINO WOOTKN, KhoxyIIIu. T«hih. WAN TllKBE SPECIALTY AKTISTS <l lady, 'i men,: men must double brass, slide and tuba, to double mUikc, uud trap drummer, coutortiomVi. and baud leader. J. OHIKHE, Litt le Falls, M inn. WANTED, A Young Lady or Sent lo Play Organ and Sing Soloa with traveling Vaudeville Troupe; also a YouugMuti for Jig, «Jiog aud Hong aud Uauue. Address at uuce, NKD Tt'KNfcli. Hazelhurst, MeKean Co., Fa. AT LIBERTY, Al Pianist. Sight Reader, Fakir, aud Transpose biz. player, up in all lines ; sober and reliable AddresH UHAS. PIOC, Bowling Creen. Missouri OOft.. U. T,. 'j-yort. M. P., U Anlltiul Cages* LfiauckV far Storage. 0344 Punn. Ave., PIIUbwTKli, P» WANTED, FOR SOUTHERN OCTOROONS CO., IJ0U1) COLORED PKItFOKMKIl*. -Men lo double hi Brutifl. No tlckel*. write or wire. JACK BOOMS. Kyriicu.... N. V CLABMDOH HOIM. iSSSSSXi " BIGLEY k JENNINdS, Pn.pK. .V. Clark St., cor. Ontario, CliU'agtt. RaleP. 60, 76 aud >I per day. fl to <f per wett. WAIIIIID-'I VAUDEVILLE HIiVIST. IIIlil KbV ADIWESH AT lOCB II W. ROUETtt), Manager Coney Islnml uud HIjoti Tlieairen OompanT, Wheeling, W. Va. With SpccIaltleH. Summer salary. aIAI'JTl'U STUCK CO., Ca&vu'j.ia, WAITED. 1 III ««. McCAHTNEY B OPERA HOUSE, Lute Udea'a, Mich., ivanta ll-nt claHd One Night Attractions for acaaou 1WW-07. Huatllog lotritof about 1,400. Seat- ing capacity 400. Also AlRen. Co. for fair week of Oct. 0,100b. Addrcas McCAHTNEY IlitUS., Uku Odessa. Mleh; ' ■" ' "'' WANTED, 4 L'oocliec Haiicerri. a No. 1. for CAFE UK LAS VAKIi;i>Al)ES, DAMAN, tM 1IAHANA, CUBA. Only l-'lrnt Claw Uaucera accepted. Uootl ><Hlury lo right party SteatuHhlp fare paid ouc ivuv from New York. Mobile, or Tuuipa. ALHELIO DIAZ, Oiuiiu4U4. Iliibuua, Cuba. FOR SALE FILMS r< Beeltr, ready for usu. flue Hiock; no woru out dlum; Jum off circuit of tiouaen. Cheap; he i|iilek. SentHubJecttoexauiltiutlou: fiOaetsof aotigBiidefi. GEORGE f . BALLOT, 70 Christopher St,, N.Y. WAITED, ALL BOUND COMEDIAN. Good coined) In aetu and specialties. Under cau- va<(. Stop at liotelH. Waut ulao u few Working lieu. A in* w it i|ulck. KENNEDY COMUOY CO., WyuiUMlug, Pa. The Ideal Athlete, Lionel Btrongfort (MAX LSGEIl.'. juat reiurued i>oiu tituuruf the worldwltlia luo.-iL aeimatioiiBl act, "The Iluuian Bridge. 1 ' Would like to hear limn good man for arranging American lour. Addresr. CLN'l'EU. ATI/IB*.!* - V, Tor Rummer aud Ilegu1arScasoii< III *\ Ll\«. AOHUJT, Not afraid of panic; 7 yeaw' cxpurhriiec; close contractor, etc. ltc<t)>otirilbli' mijru.oiitv. CIIAS. E. SIIEI'PAKO, Lebanon, N. fl. Wintid, ■ Black Face Song & Dance Comedian. Oue Unit can put uu acta umiiiialti: Lliuin go. AImi Plauo Player or Fakir. SaUry low t»ui aure. Tlckeld.ycM. JuilN FRANCES, Mgr., CllHon Remedy Co., Harvel, 111. WHO IS MORPHY? skk rit;t: :>7T. AT MKKKTY, FIRST CLANS COMMIT ORCHESTRA .it Hie pleei:«tor more). Hotel or suiuiner Uesort. Addre'H E. li. YOUSC, TJ S. tMuKfem St.. AtlieiM. O 25 JUGGLING TRICKS. No Hklli; Ten Feahirt: Act-; Kxihihc of Crack Markriiuan^hlp; Itlnnibhig Act, etc.; all '.'i ceiitf. E. I'.CONKAN, --.■■10 N. 4l h St., Plilladelpbla, I^. . ^.SlYUlirilK Ou perceuhiaTcor fta» rental; hiku all pri\i;-jgerj. A'ldrecH SHAUY LAKE Cl».. lVck-klll.^N. Y. 1 BLACK TOP 86xfiO. WITH POLKH, COMPI.KTK, ONLY $50. Hillpfied lor e.NHtnlnnllon ou receiptor $11. HAF»s-rr<j a oo., ia Mm urn st„ kbw voiik. n. y. Wanted at Once, FOR SUMMER STOCK AND NEXT SEASON. Uramatk 1 ami Speclul'v I'irophr in all Hue.- exirpl IcadH, State ull lu nr«l letter. No tinn- lor i-ur- reipoiMleuec. Ad<ln>M.l!EO. L. IIBF.LANIl, Mirr l.tvlugakili Park, Box 1'Ki, Jackwuu, Mlaa.. AT MHKU I V AFTER MtY 49, EMMA BALLARD CIIMft TVIb One p'i'ce, Hiueknr repertoltr. Addrciw MAUIE FKKRINtl COMPANY. Urldgtou, N. J., wvek May l4;S«vo>Tln-ntiT,AtlwiilH' CH>. N.J., week Mhv ji. RENT, FILMS, MACHINES AND SONG SLIDES, WITH OH WITHOUTOl'liltVfOIIS. I'ltlUlM TUB UOWKST. HARSTN & CO., 138 East 14th St. Tel. 3812 Cramercy. NEW YORK, N. Y. AI.WAVN OPKS Resort Amusement Noiiit'flihtir tn-w; HtMl Ht-cilttiil for altraelhc elcctrle ilcvlce* which are ■•ompletcd and can be net'ii lu uperalloiu.rjiUHll expoimc, Inrgit prollls: moderate t*l/.c plant, coKtlug $l,ouo, eapiihle «f earning f6 t omi firm scanon; full plant In operation at llntL cbiy* n-Kort capable of earning |.'iO,uug tloi HCilKoli. Liberal proiKialtlon to right party, Ail- ■Ir aw M ONO POl.Y, care of N. V. CLMTKIt MAUDE HILLMAN CO. \*VA M T S COMEDIAN with Specialties. Good WOMAN lor Heavln and Character,, MAN (or llluatr■'•>! Songe, Good MOVING PICTURE ACT. 01 Hints WIIITK. SUMMKIl AM) WIOTKITj W. A. Dt l.l.o V, Olovieavlllo. V. V. YOU WIN WANTED, PIANO PLAYER, CLARIOKt'UIST For Rome, Ou., In-glnulng May "lo until Kept. X Play 7 performance* a week at night ninl 4 lu aflernooli. il^per week. |tl It. U. ran- allowed ateudof aeiifon. I. C. IIILLEII, , • Flute, NtiHlivllli-, Icnii. toted, for Troliey Week, NAY'j|-ai, iUHIM:KVt|,LE,CUNN.iiiearMiirlfurdi, First ClntM MAGICIAN. COM El) f JOOQI.KIt, THAINED 0O(i». KNOUK-ABOUT TEAM. Mild any ut l suitable for outdoor platfiirni free vaudnvllle. Wire Jmil wiiat von cun do and loivcat mtsnlttle biliary infiEOBiiK v, \\ KMiHF.ISEB. Out with any itu- dieiiee ir mti'vc I M A D - I lr*ON'H III D- Ulff W», lu- loo pigesof newetl paro- dies niiiiioliigiicii. f*.otclter', I'arueK, iragM. I -tilewitlk psutrr, eb'. |l PKU COPY. I llnek Ikhuok i. ill til 'print oXCUpl HUUUET6 1 :t. TaiidH. win ncn.i iinv- fi>r*i,r,u, ;i fori l-j. or HUDIIKTH ;i. 7, a and lu fur KM. ■ .IAMKH ntADIMOV, Mot Til I UU I AVIS., NEW VOIIK. At Lilii'rtvJI Trail Drummer, RKLIS. 1VMPAMHS. XYLOI'IIONR. Thoroughly exia-rieneeil 111 nil lllici*, OLAItENCE HILLMAN, Ku; WiiHlilngfou Hired, Newark. N. J, FOR SALE, TENT, wrt. ItouuilTop, IHimtdilh 1 , pnlef. rtipim.i'.jinplele; gooil t'oiiilllloii. Coiilbliiiitlou Mleepur, dhiutg uv buglCtige car, &nft,; Hghw. netliri, all kooiI, at big AT LIBEETT, ELIZABETH MULLER, |Ien>vl«9K, .lui rnUuM, Cliuritctora. _ Addreun care Htone Mill Theatre, Peoria, 111. WAM 00011 SKETCH TEAM, PIANO PLAYER. Milury |io iiiiiiiiit*. f ■:<.' single, ami railroad. Ker- encti Family, Bully, write. Long engngenient under g«U. (ML JONES. BpllliKlilll, T ulili. WANTKO, FOR. STETSON'S UNCLE TOM'S CABIN, for rent of thin beaioii and Hiiiiiuur, under cam a\ woiuali for "Ophelia," that ban child for " Kva": Cornet-for ll. ami u. other miiitlclaim that duulilu atane, \>Tilc. Add re*- PATErtHON, N. J. May'lU'ii-X\. OltANT l.LCi:, Manage). Morrill Stock Company—Wanted, Man lor Juveniles and liirrT". Heavy Alan, Man for Character* and (leucral lluntuea.i, Woman for Ju>cuBe and Heavy: a. mo Woman for Heavy and Cliaruelur Comedy. Thone doing ripeclultiea pre- ferred. State lowest Hilary and experience In llml letter. Open Mav -JX, Ad(frei>n 0. A. MOKKILL JIL. Mgr., Box ll'tft), Boston. Mann. - Experienced Band Leader and Gornetllst WOULD LIKE TO LOCATE IN LIVE TOWN. AddreiH HANI) LKAUKX, Cure of Keed'M Brug store. Atlantic Clly, N. J. V/ANTED, PAETNEE FOH SECOND SIGHT AND MIND READ1NQ ACT. | My owu t-VKieiii. hhoriand couiplute. Addreaa K. K. FOWLKK. ?X W. *i',i h Ht., New York. Wanted to Lease, A Theatre (or . term afreets. <:. w. HYUrtt, Burlington, Vermont. AT Ll BEW TY, Juvenile SOTJBEETTE Addrtet LUCILLE WILDE, Bleomtleld. led. WANTED-JMHM hk«s." shohs. Iliiili ajar »,„„_ A || 0i imritonc; iloulde nrctiefftro or .Uiicc. Nume lowe.l. Join oo win:. i. II. BWAJTOBlr, <l»rdttvr, Un-^% PIANIST WHO CAW SING ILLUSTRATED SONOS. La'iy or ( Jen timtjuii. Aildrc.-n Mgr. Oa) etv Ttientrc, Bt, IhjOIi O, T.CKAWI'TjHU, CAJMBB ANI> WHIPS. liumeime iiMHortnieiii of Cane*, KulvcM, Flaett OooiIh, Jewelry, Jap Paranoic, lutiircllaf, Fancy Whtpri.etc. ('LEVELA5I) CANK CO., Catalogue free. L'levoluiul, Ohio. WANTED, BY MAY 21, PIANIST (DOUBLE •id Violin); Slide TrombonlHf, experleueeil lu Mieji- tre work, Six Dlglitijand three urn I. Union mien I ID. A'ldrirH.JOS. O. CAJDEK, Chat luimogu. Trim WANTED, FOR DELANO'S'AMERICAN MIN- bTHELH, PerfoniierH lit all ttranehert of lite bual lie--. AddreiH JAMES DELANO, Klmlrii, N. V, P, M,-Alfr«iJ llelui*. write- WHO IS MORPHY? MKB I'Alit: .-17T. ""' IMIUSIC Composed, Arranged. LMII at write. A. Mllirijlll It, 111 t> In It HI., N. V. uar^itlll. Ihin'L wrlle iidIohn yon nie.ii liuHlneHf. IIARIIAIN. euro or CI.II'I'Hll li mw, v. V. till;. VAUDEVILLE ACTS For Aii'lemoii, b.i.'.; Columbia, & v.; •WliulngP/u, N. *:., ami ut 11 i.t.i. toopeit M.iv Lit. statu pouitmily lowcsi mihtry fur hvo weeka or more. CHAM, M. HltKITHAItTJI. ll:i> ChLrttiiui Hlreet, Phltadi-lnlila, Pu. WANTED AT ONCE, COMEDIAN WITH SPECIALTIES, PIANIST, 1QENT.I HTKTtfON HKM.KY PAVILION STOCK L'O. UnMRM, <». WANTED QtfiOK^ BAND LEADER. Odu-r .Mtiali'liiit* wiltr. Cwii pliice HinibM'tte. CIILHTIlll HEN'I'KIt, Nar^»gdoelu-K, Texan, Empire Theatre Ofciwslrii AT LIBERTY FOB 8DHGB SEASON. t;p In Ihirh L'hoa \'aui|avliiu and noemtle Work. AddreH* K, A.MEVEKH, Emtilre Thud re (111 May an; thereafter No. M ' tmiiilMiui Ave., Patiuwin, N. 4, a. PU T AS JO ♦ CLARIONET, B. art) O.; Alio, double Oi-che^tra, Singe, or Porter; Hvuin\ Violin, tliulilr Hand, Aililrurtn or iviro J. S. KUITOIIFIELO.'> imvllh', Iud„ May 11; Kliii. vllle, 1*2 tJurtl iiitfe, li>; Shlricv. "': v» Itm. -• scxanruKir AND ALIiTHKATKHJALOOiMlH. Scoiicrypuiultd cheaply nnd iiutckty. Aniafeurn aupidleiL OMAH. f:. MILLS. <: i7W. 4lMl St., New Vork Oily. THE SHREWSBURYS (MABCIE and LILL IE). NIOIITN AKII A\<;i;i>. Iter. Percy WIIIIkiih* hour'.'. KAPIIAN, It'll! BroailMaj, N. V, ~ \\ a VUD Af V~N *! It REPERTOIRE PEOPLE AUoI'luulrtt. I'eoj.h- 'hdiigEpcchiltlL-n inor'-rri'd, C- A. (JLYMEII, Koine. N. V; T M ACROBATS. Top Houniur uanfrd lor ilrnr eln.n ,lcro.„iile Aet. A.lllre.ll JAI1K MANIIKA.V. l'j:i Kit-l laiin fit.. Now Vork I'll,. WANTED lUnerlemtid Meil, IMoule, wvni. ■ b», wtl , k H,,,,,,!,. iu anil nil; »IO|iUotol). J1UH., MEU. KUWW, Ulf'lianu, Neli.