The New York Clipper (June 1906)

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JtTNEfc THE NEW YORK CLIPPER.' 437 uiMt b» Him" Vanderllle Route List oor iuatnllan letter MUcritaaeotu.. ......... ... Vsudcrlllc ami Minstrel Ne« Tori CUT...... Deitbi In ttbe Profession.... World at Plum (ruder tne Tenia.. . TABLE OF COJITEJIIS.. . _ 1—■ Fabe. alls, CJIpver'i Anecdotes, ISO Anollo^llntdi. .30 UM sTSlatr, Fred B. Hulchlnaon and Una.. K° HoteHnwa—Sketcli 4W OurLowloo Utter 430, .38 tim i,a anrltt* 430 le.lurw of tbe Weekly Sl]ow—maturations.. 431 Tew JoolHo road ...;........ 433 Qoerlea ansnrrt... 404 35 CMcUO Ijfter 434 cupper Poit Offlce 435 Ob tje. Boajl..^..... 438.449 .'.'.."43V. 438 438 438 439. 440 442 442, 443 443 Under the Tenia 443 Joe Weber'. New Programme 437 Percy 0. miUa&ro In Boston 437 TBBATBIOAL COBKB8PONDKKCK. Virginia • 430 Oklahoma '430 Maaaacnnaetts 433 OblO 433 B&xk Inland s 433 Maryland. 433 Indiana 433 Intra 433 LoDialana 434 Tetaa 434 PeDsarleaala 434 Waanlngton 434 District of Oolnmbl. 485 nrenon 485 Krattickj 435 ClllxoraTs. 405 Milne 435 Vermont... 435 Ktw York Slat. 1 440 Tenneacee 440 Minnesota.. 440 Cdnnectleat 440 Uiiada 419,440 Colorado. 449 Mlaconrl... I 438 West Vlrllnla Wisconsin NSW Jersey ... SIKalna Ksnsaa 480 lilipois.....■■■ ..:... .:.:. 44a LATEST BY TEL EOBAPH. OUR SAN KRANCIHCO TELECHAM. <44Jan Francisco.-— At the Orpbeum, which Is located at tbe Chutes, the bill for week of Jura' 3 Includes : Hclplo Argencentl Trio, Fos- ter, wad Foster, tbe l'mncellas, Elizabeth Murray, Bailey and Austin Co., Kalberlnc Until, Canton and Wiiiard, Valerie Bergere and company, for the first time lo a sfclf, entitled r The Bowery Caxoille," and the new mitt too pictures. {Voted. —The Orpbeum management will be uirUI'ilHiiftl by next September on the Mouth bide of Ellis Street, between Fillmore and yttfloer. The uptown Orpbeum will occupy s lot mi) by 137 feet on Kills Street, and Its cost, cicluslvo of furnishings and stage At- i log*, will be $75,000. There will be plenty urTilts, and special attention will be paid to the ventilation. Tbe new house will seat in the neigh bo rtaood of 1,899 people. The stage wilt be 31 feet deep, and fitted with all the effpot. for which the old playhouse was noted, The uptown Orpbeum will he occupied by Kept, in next, and here the vaudeville per- formances will take place 'till the greatei' Orpbeum building Is completed, probably about September, 11)07 J. J. Uottloh, formerly manager of the Columbia Theatre, In thin city, returned from his Eastern trip Way 23, and reports everything satisfactorily 'arranged with bis principals—tbe managers In New York City. — ■ a — — "—— — FROM OTHER POINTS. 438 439 430 gamtpiite Route Pit -JUL" ""'.J! »"" , « "» •■ a.arly ass. ;■"••'»■/««■ P»Ml»Ie«o make. Hat •« T"«"i«le oonltlaw.. K laaa.r ia- a.Hloe,la ta.1. departuaeat tie name 5f.t" e *»••■»"* •»1»»*. •» wall aa the Acker A Collins. Davton, O.. 4-9. Adair A Dabn. luienoll Park. Dea Moines. !«.. . 4-fl; Forest Park, Kau*as City. Mo.. 1MB. Adelyu. BIJou. Plqua, O., 4-8; Beachwood Park. MajBTllle. Kj., 11-1(1. Adams a Mick, Olympic. 80. Bend, Iud.. 4-9. Adeiu. La. Lakeside Park, Akron, 0., 40. Audlun 4t Livingston, Orpbenai. .St. Fan), 4-n. Aheni A Baiter. Wonderland. Wichita. Kin.. 4-l>. Alllwa. Lyndale, Olentasgy Park, Q>lumboB, O., Althei Twins. Riverside Park. Montreal. Can.,4-9. Alvln Broa., Young's Pier. Atlantic City, N. J., 4-9; ttaMraitorV Atlantic City, 11-18. Alva, Alice. Lake Hliwatha, Mt, Vemon, O., 4-U: Falrvlew Park, Dayton. 10-18. Allen, Leon A Bertie, Orpbeum, Springfield. O., Almond. Top A Kdltb, Pastor's. N, Y, C.. 4J>. aim * Millar, Varieties, Oldham. Ena., 4-0: Tifo.Il. Barrow. 11-16; Soutbport. 18-23; Hud- dersfleld, 23 30; Hippodrome, LoodoD, July 2- Aog. 13. Aldo A Armour, Oak Grove Park, Waverly, N. Y , AHeni Ruth A Co., Proctor's 23d Street, N. t. C, 4 ». All« A Dalton. O. 0. H., Pittahurs, 49; Temple, Detroit, 11-18. Albefte A La Braot, Bijou, Bwkfotd, 111., 4-1); Viudctte, Chlcaao. 11 Hi. Aline, Mile., Family, Davenport, la,. 4-0. Alylti A Keaney. People'i, Park, EirtUlor Spriuss, Mo., 3-0; Alrdomc. Topeka. Kan., 101«. Amerlciu Trumpeter. (4). Family, Oloverartllc. . N. V., 4-0; Oten Haven Park, BoclKSter, 11-10. America., ^ew8bOJ^(• Quartette, O. H., Van Wert. .0., 7-0; Trocadero. Chlcaso, 11-1«. Autanti A Hartley. Dublin, Ire., 4<»; Uvemc-jl, Raa., Hid; Bradlord, 18-23; Blrmlnglum 25- Amoros SIsterH. Mliea's, BufTalo. 4-9. '' Aniltpaon A Raynolds. Grand. Michigan City, Ipd.. 4-0; Urutul, Peru, 11-10. Apdile's AuiuiaiM, Carnival, Bayonoe, N. J., 4 0: Potuvllle, Pa., 11-10. Arlington Oomedy lour, Park. Bayonne, N. J., 4:0. The Snmnif-r Season Opens A nsuleiona- 1 y nt Vnrliiiiri Polntl. tipri/Lat Dispatches to The New Yonic Clippeji. riwiLADiapiii.,, June :>. —"Matilda" had Its Initial performance, to a good sized limine, at tlie'Clrard Avenue Theatre. "Rosalie," In Its M-veuth «nd iiiini week, at the Chestnut, bad a Hoe house The bill at Keltb'a attract- ed 1 big crowds afternoon and night. .... .The Haltltnore Beauties, at tbe Trocadero; tbe •stock burlesque company, at the Bijou, and the Henry Hui'lesquere, at the Lyceum, all Bad bouses of one proportion* Dani- roach's Orchestra is drawing Immense crowds at Willow Urove Park Woodslde Park nud White City are also attracting blgcrowdV June 5.—Musical attractions pre- iluinlnuted in Inst nifibt's openings, unci gocd avprage business ruled "Tlie Tourists" upL'UuU at the Mujeutlc. and lllchard Carle, lu "The Mayor of Toklo." started at the I'o-lunlal .... flurry Bulger continued at the Tremont, in "The 'Stan from Stow." "Tfic Mikado" wks presented by tbe opera company at the Castle Square Stock oIUh ^wore: "Tbe Private Secretary," at the Umpire, und "Duwn by tbe Sea," at tbe Bow- do in Square Vaudeville at Keith's, and ■PTuck' burlesque at tne Palace and Lyceum, attracted good crowds Wonderland and Vorurobega l'ark* enjoyed big business on Sunday. (Jhicauo, June D.—Warm weather Sunday. at. White City, Klvcrvlew, Sans Soucl and Clmttis, drew crowds There are no clmngas down town this week The cur- mi bills Include : "The Lion and theMoiine." at. the Illinois ; "The Student King." at tbe Stuaobaker: "The Heir to the Hoorab." at Power**; "The Prince Chap," ab tbe Orand ; "' -Three Oraces," at the Chicago Opera IJouae; "Korty-flve Minutes from Broadway," at The Colonial; "Julie Bonbon," at the Usr- iitk; Williams and Walker, at tbe Great Northern; "The Gingerbread Man," at Mc- V likcr 1; "The Umpire," at the La Salle: "I lie Wedding March," at the Bush, and '•Resurrection" at the Columbus Vaude- ville,, at the Majestic and Olympic, and «ioik burlebuue at the Folly, Trocadero and lvj- Botrs. .'CiFfcixNATi, June S.—Great crowds at- tebded all tbe outing sports Sunday. Con- way ■ itbuca Band gave concerts at tbe Zoo. ......Vaudeville uttracted at Cheater Park, Ludlow Lagoon aud Coney Island. •feutb villi,, June 5.—Fontaine Ferry Park waf crowded ail day Sunday, notwlthatand- ing'tne Sunday law was In force, Tbe vaude- ville attraction was largely patronized. .,;,. +«* Jut* Wrhrr'i New Prtiarraitimr. Joe'Weber offered a handsome programme Friday, June 1, which will be continued negt yeation, and of Which we have Juat received a copy. .It la a beautlfi.1 example of the printers and designer'.* art, and Is sure to please the audiences. It Is clean, neat, artistic, well arranged and interesting ip'every sense of the word, a notable feature btlng the presentation of the full cast on the ceptre page, wblch will do away, to a great extent, with the nutaance of turning pages during the performance. 4*» ■Percy «-. WlllUm* In BoatOM. •Percy O. Williams announced, June '£, that he 1 haVI lecured poseesalon of tbe Empire Tbe- «t|rf, Boston, snd will present nla blgb claus> I lie there. It waa formerly the Bos- tdn Music Hall. It la also rumored that hf'ba'd secured a house In Newark, and tbat Oscar, Hum in em to In bad obtained control of «v theatre In I'lilladelphla. ■,.!■-- .» »■» B U- F. Ketchuu. wbo for the paat three BHiona baa been playing leads with AngelPa Comedians (Northern), has Joined tbo Lewis Stock Co., under canvas, for tbe Summer. He has' n engaged with Mr. Angell for mt ws- ArmtlU. Grace. Park. Pern, lnd., 4-9; Family, Sioux City, la., 11-hi. Arthur A OcKimes, BIJou. Norfolk. Va,. 4-t>. Asra, A. W.. Ponce De Leon Cattloo, Atlanta, Ga., 4-0. Ashley, LUiisit, Keith's. Clevetind, 4 1>. AuatlnB, ToKr*lng. Avon Park. Young.towu. O., 8-9, Austin, Claude. Unique. Mlnneapotl*. Minn.. 4-0; Bijou. Dulatb, 11-16. Auullim. Grout. Lakeside Park, Ainu, »>., 4II; Pour Mile Creek, Erie, Pa.. 11-18. Avolim. Miulcal (O, Keith'.., Cleveland. Ml. Hanln, P'our. Victoria. S. Y. U.. 4-0. Bailey A Austin. Chutes; Ht.11 Fran., Cal,, 4 1< Hniley A Pickett, Holltvood Park, Baltlmure, 4-9. Barlo k l.nfTerty. Moure's. Portland. Me., 4t>. Baker. Will Carlton, Crystal, Toledo. 4-tl. Barry. Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy, Young's Tier. Atlantic City, N. J.. 4-9. Bartcb, Dellfilit. Albainbra, N. V. 0.< 4-0- Barnes A htockwell. PaHtor'N, N. V C. 4-tl. Hririmlilrt DdgM A Cuts. Albainurs, N. V. G.. If. Barnes. Paul, I'roctor's Wd St.. N. Y. C. <■». Barrett. Geo:. <lri>beum. St. Paal. it) Bnmt-H A T.i'tIiih, Grand, Tsi-ooiu, Wssh., 4-9; Parlor, Kveretl, 11-11). Burnet a i;«l»'liih, Terre Haute, lud., 4<9; Lyric, Joplin. Mo., 10-lfl. Bates. Ix>ule W„ Novelty, Oakland, Cat., 4-9. llnjnlcr I.h Velle Trlii, Koiest Park. KaiirtaH City, Mo., 3-9. BHTlleltK. Musical. Atbol. Mass., 4 9; Hoag Lake, WoonHovket, it. I., 11-10. HiiirifYK CI). Kiilauirizixi. Mich., 40; Battle Cieek, 11-16. Burrows. Ji f t.k- A Willie. Temitle. Detroit, Midi., 4-9. Bailey. Ondieuiu, SI. Pan), 4-9. Ball A Sargent. Forest Park.. Utile Rock, Ark., 4-9. * Barlows, Breakaway, Klvsnlde Park. Montreal, C«n. P 4-0. Bujes, Nora, Olyniplc, Cblcago, 4-9. Baker, Pete. Olympic. Chicago, 4-9. Bedim A Arthur, Temple Detroit. Hlcb.. 4-V. R«rry A Berry, Han Soucl. CbtcaKu, 10-16. . Be'Auos, The, Htreet By. Park, Dhanwklii, Pa., 4-t*. HeKort, May, Keith's, N. Y. C, 49. ikTtlmi A Bnx-kivar. Proctor's TMl ntreet, N. Y. <:. 4-9. Beecher & May. Kleln'a Park. Westport, Hd.. 4-9. Berry A Mottcuk, Ouvernator's, Atlantic City, N. J.. 4-9. ter, Be.. !<rootor'i. Newark, N. J., 11-16. lkrtrvr Bros., Forest Park. Little Bock. Ark.. 4-0. Behtere Sisters. Cedar Point, Sati'lu-ky, O. ;i I.); liunnMiii. Urauil Ilanlds, Mich., 10-1U. BefKere. Valerie, A Co., Chutes, San Fran., Cal., 4-9. Bersac's Circus, Victoria, N. Y. C, i-u. Blimey & CIimiumui., I'lilill|>ri, Blcbiutiud, lnd., 4-9. BIJou Comedy Four.'Carnival. Bayonne, N. J., 4-9. Bijou Circus, Carnlvsl, E. Oranae, X. J., 4-9. Blmni, Ilinon., B-r-r-r, Blittanla Park. Ottawa, nia* Can., 4-9. 0CK.0111 k. I . Proctor's. Newark. N. J., 4-9. itt.' Arthur A Mildred, Keith's, 1'blla., 4-V; 0. O. II., Pittsburg, 11*16. Bowers, Walters A Crocker, Ileuderwm'a, Couey Island, N. Y., 4-9. Bolter. Harry, A Oo„ Farm, Toledo, O., 3-9; YoiiiiK«to-Ai.. 1I-1G. Bootliluck Qimrtctte Oriitloal, Cbestei- Park, Cin- cinnati, lit; Fsriu, Toledo, O., 10-10. Bryant A Siwllle, Wovdlawn, Ashland, Pa., 11- 16. Brady &. Hamilton, BIJou. Daveuport, lu., -■!•-. Brlnkleya, The, Rye Beaelt, Rye, S. Y.. 4-9. RriHtf«?nif. 'Hi.'. Pw-k. Bayonne, N. J., 4-0; B. A ».. V. X. O., 11-M). Brlttons. The, Crystal Palace. I^loilg, tier., 4- 15; MOSCOW. Rum.. US-July 111. Hwtjst Trio, IMttHvllie. Pa., 4-0. Itietttiuy. L-ouUe, Iitgersoll Pitrk, ties Moines, la., a-o. Brooks, Jeanne. Chester Park. Chu-luiiutl, lU-IO. Brown A Wlltnot, Auditorium, Brandou, Can., 4-0. Brati. Selnii. Victoria, N. Y. c. 4-9. Bruwnldg, Mr, A Mrs., oteeplecbawe Pier, At- lantic City. N. J.. 4-9, Bmwn A UcloTcc, Roblnaon Park. Ft. Wayne, lnd.. 49. Brown, Jack. A Lillian Wright. Lake Mninitc, Uxbrldse, Mass,, 4-9; Brookslde Park, Athol, 11-16. BiiKch Kiitnlly. Aenlome, Topcka, Kan., 4-9; Crys- IhI Park Heditlla Mo., 11-19. Rtirkes, Jasgllnir. Acme. Sacranieato, Cal:, 4-9. Burkes. Tbt, Keith's, Phlla.. 4-P. Burton's Uoge, Riverside Park, Montreal, Can , 4-0. Bnch Bros., Guvernator'a, Atlantic City, N. J., 4-1). BBBklrk A Rk-b, Nnnley's Casino, North Beach, N. Y., 4-9; Erh's Casino, .North Bcacb, 11-16. Huckeye Trio. Dlymplc, Bo. Beud, lad., 4-9; International. Chicago, 11-hi. Burton A Rankla. Forest Park Mt. Uiuls, 4-10. Ilurton & Burton. HtunJard, Bt. l/juh. ;to. Apollo. Number $, t.'er. 4-311; Ambai- sadeur, Buekurest R».u., Julv 1-111. Burke & L'rllne. CrjHtal. Frankfort. lnd., 1-9. IMilw.irtti t Wiiit-, orphenm, Wthh city, Mo., 8- 9: Lyric, Muikogee, I. T M 10-16. Carl Brm., Crj'tieum. Boise, Ida...4-0. Cim;i. Edwin. Coney Inland, Cintlnnatl, 4-9. Cisad & Dc Vrrae, Dayton, 0., 4-10. Curtraell A Reed, Coney Iitland, ClnclnnNtl, 4-9. Carlos. 011-4., Orrln Bros.*,. Meilco.. 4-to. Cite Farallr. Cryital. Milwaukee, 4-0. Carroll A Clark.?, Lyric Park, Muskogee, 1. T., 4-0. Cilvlo, j»s.. Denver, Col., 4-9. Cameron, Grace. 0. O. H-, Pittibari- 4-9] Ketth'i. N. Y. C-. 11-10. Cameron A Toledo, Tumbling Dim Park, Bridge- too. N. J., 4-9. Carr A Jordan. O. O. H., Plttatmrg. 4-9. Carr A Und, OleoUngy Park. Colamtma. 0>„ H-9, Ciprlce, Lynn A Fay, Orrcbenn, Los Angeles, Cat., a-t». Carlllo. Leo, Young's Pier, Atlantic City, N. J., 4-9, LimlUe Trio, Victoria. N. Y. C, 4-9. Caldwell 4 Wenlwrortb, ■ ralsce, Boaloo, II 10. - Carr. Mar;. Bijou. Norfolk, Va.. *■«. Urou A Herbert, Uoora'a, Portland, Me., i '>. Carton A Millard. Cbutea. Sin Fran., Cat. II'. UrdoWDke Sinter*. Street By. Park, Bbuuiokiu, Pa., 4-».- Carroll. Mabel, Empire, 8t. Paul, 4-9. Case. Chairlle. Keith's, Phlla,, 49; tl. O. 11., rittsbui-f. li-is. Ckrlctou. At.. Keith's, Phlla.. 4 9; Kelt!.',, N. Y. ,4J„ 1I1U- ■ Chluqullla, Prlucess. H. A 8., N. Y. C,. 4-«." Cherry A Sates, Luni Park. Jobostown, Pa., 4-9, Cheater. Mile.. Keith's, N. Y. C, 4-9. Cbailwkk Trio. Casino, Norfolk, Vs., 4-0; Besei- ▼olr Park. Richmond, ll-io: . Chandler. Anna. Paator's. N, X. C. 4-9. Charles. Ctrl. Vinewood Park, Topeka, Kan., 3-h; Alrdoine, Kinperla. 11-16. Clilhturx. Oraec nod Dog, Pa.tor'a. N. I. 0., 111(1. Cliexley, Herbert H„ A Co., Bllou, Bay City. Clarke, tjllte, Atlantic Uardeo, N. Y. C, 4-9. Clay A Lester. Acme, Norfolk, Va., 4 u. Clifton, r.tiicl. A Co., Moon's. Portland. Me.. 4-n. CillTord A Burke, Orpbeum, Los Angeles, Cat, 4- Clarke, Marie. Lagoou, I.udlow. Ky.. 4-9. Clark. Duncan, 8an Wouct Park, Chicato. S-9; Park. Michigan City, lnd., 10-16. Clark A Temple. Winnipeg, Man.. 4-9. Conataullne Hltiters. Victoria. N. Y. C 4-0. Cocrtlelfb. Win., A Co., Majestic, Chicago, 49. Uoahlao. Rone, A Co,. Keltl/s. Phlla., 4-9. Colutnbla four, Canton, 0...49; XonogsluwD, 11- 16. Corbley. tan., ¥., Washington Park, Bayonue, 8. J.. 11.16. Coleman dlstern. Olyinulc, Chh-HKO, 4 9. t'oates, Sunflower. A Co., Farm, Toledo, 4-9. Coyne Bros.. Olympic. Chicago, 49- Corwey, Ferry, Colonial, N. Y. C, 4-9. Colllos A Hart, Victoria, N. Y. C 4-9. Con key. Clever, Majestic. Chicago, 4-9. Culn's Do|rs. Ram on h. (Irauit Rapiils. Mlcti., ;ih, Cook A Mullwoii, Keltb'a, Clevelsnd. 4-9. Cooke A Hiss Rotbcrt, Moss at Utoll Tour, Ent- lantl, 4 July :t'i. Conlon JL HH.Uugs, Uratlot Park. Dunkirk, N. Y.. 1-0. Couture A Ulllette, Albaubra, N. Y. 0. 4-9. Collins A La Belle. Cedar Point. Sandusky. 0.. :.,». Colonlsl Sentette, Ye. Woolivorlh, l>aucaster, P»., 4-9; Proctor's. Troy, N. Y-, 1119, Coyne, Urace, ERcanaha. Mich., 4-6. QtmfVto. Fred. Pastor's. N. Y. C, 4-9. Cree; Jeuilca. Keltb'a. Pblla., Il-U. Craven, The, Uenderson'e, Coney Island, N. Y.. 4-9. Crawford A Manning. Pastor's, N. Y. C-. 4-0. Curtis, Net!. Auditorium. Parkcrsburg, W. Va., 4-9 ; Orpbeum, Mansfield, O.. 11-10. Ciiriirolnir* A Ttiornlon, Woodlawn Park, Lairabe. Pa.,T-». Cunnlnghim A Smith. Ivland Park, Brliigelon, N, J., 4 9; Pastor'a, N. Y. C. 11-10. Cullen, Jis. M.. Moks A Mtolt Tour, EualaDd. Darts. R Richard. Hherbrooke,' Can., 4-9. rtirniudy. I'alncc. Bosloii. 4-9. ' Dair, Mile.. Chester Park, Cincinnati. 4-9. iMvenpoit. Una. Oruiid, Peru. Iud., 4 9; Oraud, lluntlngtoti, Il-ID. Davis. Liuru, fcHiellpot Park, V/lluilugtou, Del., 4-9. pHgwell. Aurle. Alhatolira. N. Y, 0„ 49. • Mil. K..ilinine. Chutes, Hmii Fiau., Oal., 4-9. Hell A Fonda, BIJou. Murluetle. Wis., 4-U. De Wilt, Hums, A Torrance, Tlrull, Cine Totvn, V, A., I -.Inly 14. Dvveau, Hubert. Olcntaugy Park. Columbus, u., i-B; Cascade Park, New Oastle. Pa.. 11-16, Dervnda A Oreeii. Mobh A Stoll Tour, Kni. He Vau Broa., U)yin|ilc. ChlttiKu. 4-9. lis- Haven Sextette, Ycjuu.'b l'ler. Atlantic City, tV J.. 4-0. '..»(■ Mnv.-h ft Parker, Pi-octur's, Newark. N. J., 4-9. Llelmar. Orpbeum. Dsventiort. la., -1-10. DcltifrclH A Ullssando, Riverside Park, Moutrenl, Can., i-!>. Xh iMtu, Mile-. White Clly, Chicago. 1-9. Lh-ery A 1 rands. Young's Pier, Allsutlc Clly, N. J„ 4 9. Dervlit, Jat. T., Ben'n, Ktcauntxi. Mich.. 4-9. l>nleii, Diive. RIJou, Calumet, Mich., *9; BIJou, MsKtuL-ttc, 11 Hi. lie. Luceys. Two Duiiciog. spring Brook Caslitn, Mo. Beud, lnd.. 4 9; Rotiln.on Park. 1't. Wayne, 11-in. Do Bilker's Dogs, Paterson, N. J., 4-9. LH' Foretts. The. Crystal, Ht. Joseirh, (Mo, 4-9. He 'Mtltha, The, Fsjjsj Dc Leon Ouslno, Atlanta, tin.. Ill Uel-M-l*liuiic. Pco|ile*a Park, Leavenworth, Kali., til: Crystal Park. Bedalla, Ho., 11-16. UlerlikM iW., Wnnderlnnl Park. Wichita, Km., ;i-9. Dlnle Hereunder*, Heuder-on'a, Couey Islaad, N. Y.. 4 9. niton a Fields. Rofriiiftou Park. Ft. Wayne, lnd., 4-9; Park, Muskegon, Mich., 11-ltl. I)l*rtiou<t A Hnilth. Keith'*, N. Y. !'.. 4-tl. Dllla & Tcnipletou. KurlV, Pueblo. Col., 4-0. Dockray, Will, iti.-.-k Springa, K. Liverpool. O., Don, iiiv.nm. Witrrlnaion, Hog., 1-9; Bradfonl. 11- 141; Wf.-tt Hartlenoo!. 113-30; Leeds, July 2-7. Dursrh A RiiKiell. Oletidnle l'ark. Nushtille. Tenu., 4-0; Ocean View Cailno. Norfolk, Va., 11-10. Don A Thompson, Mujeatlc. Chicago, .4-9. Bunliiirs, Four CaKtlng, Luna Park, Coney Island, N. Y.. 4-9. Unas' Band, Dominion Purk, Montreal, Cao.. 1-U. Karte, Mr. A Mrs, lUny, Pumlly, Helena. M011., 4-9. Kurly A Lale. Lyric Park, e}o. Mi.-Ale.ter. I. X, 101O. llartliriuibtv Billy, Olympic. Chicago, 4 9. Hckel A Warner, Gleunaveti Park, lUK'tiesler, N. Y., 4-0. l-;dw«rdi' Mchool Boyi and Olrls, U. O. U., Pitts- burg, 4-0. lid ward A Co., A. A H.. Boutou, 4-9. Eddy, Arthur, ICIyslan unive, Tucson, Aria., 3- 8ept. 17. Kdua. Mile.. Moore's, Porllaud. Me.. 49. r.dimmd A Hculy. BIJou, Calumet. Mlcli.. 4 9. r-ltliige. Julian, Palace, London, ting., 4-10. Bltuo, Pete A Allle. Cryiitsl. fat. Joseyb, Mo., 4- 10. i;i.Irljgc. Hubt, BIJou. Duluth, Mluu.. 4-V. t;itun, Ham, Muss k Hloll Tour, Kugland. Elite MusIchI Four, Youug'H Pier, Atlantic City. .V. Ja, 4-9. blU'vorltu. Four, Athletic Park. Kokonio, lnd.. Emperors of Musk- (4|, Forest Park, tit. Louts, a-18. Euitdre Cuuiwly Four, Mws 4c Stoll Tour, rjngiaiiil, 4-Auuj. II. I.ngllnh ItosL'tiuds, O. II. Hucrauienti), Cal., !>-i»; Novelty, gtocktou. 11-16. Kugleton, Nan, & Co., Atlantic City, N. J., 4-U; Balto, Mil.. 11-10. Urnle A Honeger. Crvslal, Milwaukee. 1-9. iiv«im, Harry, Ilendersoti's, Cbucy Islaud. N. Y., 4-0. Kvaos. Llixle, 4. Co., Olyniplu, Cklcaiio. 4-0. liTsna. C, lA-rtlk- * Co., (jSuveroatora, Atliutlc Clly, N. J-, 4-0. Mveya, lieu. W,. Park. Pueblo, Col.. 1 Hi. Uvnus Hitters, Idora Park, Youugstowri, o„ 4-9. lCvans. Ucnry, Hendersoa's, Coney Island. N. Y-, 4>9. UveretU. The, 'iuveruator's, Atlantic Clly, N. J., 4-9. KipOaJltton Four. Majestic. Cliicago. 49- Fanlss (2). Dreuuland. Couey Island, N Y., 4-9, Kartell* Orcheatra. Keith's. Boston, 4-9. Farley, James A Bonnie, Hontguioery, Ala., 4 u ; Blrnilogbam, U-16. Kayi, Tbe. White City. Chicago. 4-9. Falsnli., Upokanv, Wash.. 4-9; Htar, Beattle, 11- Jnly T. Fartmni. Bud, Trio. Fair View Park. Dsytou, 0.. 4-9; Like tilde Park. Akron, 11-10. FajH. The. Alhiunura, M, Y. C. 4-9. Ferieros. Keith's. I'hlla., 4-0; Kvlth'a. N, Y. C 11-10. Kerjuwo A Pattuiore, Caalno Park, Kslaaaxuu, Slk-li.. 3-9. Keririis'io A Mack, Palace, Aberdeen, 4-9; Lyric, Liverpool, Kng., 11-16; Ktnptre, nir- nilfiutiaru. Id-'Ht. FeruBtide-Muj Trio, Cm.'n Pirk, I>-t^»ille, lad., 4-9; Alamo Park, Cedar Rapkls, la„ II- Itt. Fergttaon A Beetou, Athletic Park. New Orleans, 4-9; Forest Park, Little Rock, Ark.. 11-19. Perry. M'ouderland Park. Wichita. Kan., 40. Ferrla-Wlley Trio. BIJou. Laming, Mich.. 4-9. Fields and llnnnon, Los Angeles, Cal.. 4-9; Haa niego, 11-16. Fisher, Mr. A Mrs. Perkins. Keltb'a, N. Y. C, 4- 9; Keith's. Boston, 11-10. PleUa. Nettle. Rmplre, Dei Holnea, la., 4-9, Flatters. Tbe. Bllou, Dulntb. Ulnn., 4-9. Fields, W. C Keith's, Phlla., 4-0. Finlay A Burke, Temple. Detroit. Mich., 4-9. Fields, Will H-, Falrvlew l'ark. Dailou, 0-, 3-0; Lakeside Casiuo. Akron. 10-10. Flenen A Hitler, Park, HutcbtOkon, Kan., 4-9: lark, Liop-jrli, PI-10. k'lMk-r A JolniM.ii, HuckMn'*. Klkliarl. Iud., 4-9. FleiTi'ttr Hhtera CI), Raimoa, Urand Raulds, -MK'b., nil, Ftoi.-l Hro... Kcitli'a, Boston. 4-9. Fast*. Mlldn-J. BIJuu Park. Dubuuue. la., 4-9; Itun-molt Park, lies Moines. 11-10. Vlyan, Knrl, Electric Park, Kansas Clly, Mo., 4- Flolv k Duna. Pastor's, N. \. C. 4-9. Fond Buu 1. Broa., Cascade Park, New Castle, Pa., 4 9. Ford SI«tern A hnttberv, Keith's, N. Y, C. 49. Fox A Hughes, Utakna Park, Halt Like City, U., ■ 4 9. Kotitlurlle, Mysterious. Creen's 0. II.. Cedar Kttp- hls. la. :il>; Uaiiuhiu'a Park. St. I^ouls, 10-16. lo-tt-r X Foster, Chutes, Baa Fran,, Cat-, 4-9, rasa A Iiarc. Fontaine Ferry Pari. LouUvlHe, Ky., 3ft; Esst Bud Park, Memphis, Tenu., 1'rlrae Bn«.. BIJon. U Crowe. Wli.. 4-9. rro»to & Harvey, Km;iln-. Alchisou, Kan., 4-9; ConMtv. Okla. city. Okla.. 1110, Frank, M.irTelous k Bob. Orpbeuiu. Los Angvl--j. Cal.. 4-R; ClintM. Han Fran.. 11-an. Froslnl. F. O., Forest Park, Kansaa City, Kan.. IP; Ingcrvoll Park. Det Motttes. la., 10-16. KtauccllaH. the, Chutes, Ban Fran.. Cal.. 4-9. KreiKh. l.illlau. (Jymimse, Montreal, Can.. 4-9. tlanlner A Hadderu. Casino. Toledo, U.. ni>. Uardner A Stoddard. Auditorium. Lynn. Uass., 4-S; Wsulwortli. Lancaster, Pa.. 11-10. Cats* A Nelson, Blverslde Park. Moutreal, Can.. 4-U. Uurdiier A Revere, (Irntul, Marlou. Iud., 4-9; Olympic, Chlcagn. 11-16. ('••smati. Jownhlnc, Spring Un»ve Park, fliirluy- SE o.. 4-9. <1nyl«r, Boliby. A Co.. H. A S.. N. Y. C 4 9. Oaraon, Marlon, llainoiia, nrstsl Ilapkla, Midi.. .1-9. (Jarnrllas. The. BIJou, La Cmsac.. Wle., 4-9. tlnndy. Clark (1.. Spring On-ve Cislno, boring- aelit. U.. 4-9: Ukevlew Park. Dayton. 11-1(1. tiaridle Hro».. Young's, Atlantic Clly, N, J., 40; Pantor's. V. Y. C. 11-16. UnylorU, Boiiulc, Fontaine Ferry Park, I^oola- vllle. Ky.. 11 -10. Hap A Fraaer, Oak Orova Park, Waverly, N. Y„ Hoylor' A CrarT, Attnutlc tlardcn, N. Y. C, 4-0. l.tivln A Plntt. Spring Lake Park, Trenton. N. J.. 4-9; Street Ry. Park, Hhamokln, Pa.. II 111. Mar. & IVallers. U'onona BeacN, Bay Cllv, M|i'h., 4ii; Itlrersldo Park, Hailnaw. ll-til. tiertrude. Ulna., Park, Montreal, Can., ML N.'iiki-i. A Bnlley. CuluulU. N. Y. t).. 4-9. Ulltuore k Cnrnill, Crystnl. Detmlt, Mlcb., 4-9; aWptw 11. II. Alle.siidrla, 1ml., 11-10. Oil.. Nsl, Uprlng Lake Park. Treuton. N. J., 4*0. t'illleji, Tou. Atlilellc Park. RufTulii. 4-9. Ollhngwjter. Claude. A Co., Temple. Detroit, MIcTi., 4 11 Clllen: 1; iiiic, Chester Park, Cincinnati. 4-0. Ulbsoii. 01 ih. ft Knlhorlne, Crystsl, Ht. Jontpn, Mi.-.. -1-ia. tlllror. Hnynes A Mnutiroinery. Aiiiue, Dacrauiento, Cal., -I-U; Novelty. Utocklou. 11-10. Ollllhun A I'errv, Olympic. Chicago, 4-9. (•itanu Troupe, UHMtri fianlen. Canton. 0.. 49. Ole.nroy line.. BIJon. I'hlla., 4-9. OlftiiKtiii, John A Berths, A Fretl llsullban, Hhen'a, OtuYalo, 4-9. "(ilWte of Deslli, White City. Syracuse, N. Y., 4-9: Proctor's. Allstny. 1116. Clenroy Bros.. BIJou, rtilis., 4-9. Cottloh. Mr. ft Mrs.. Hijtui, LIikwIii. Neb.. 4 9; Crrstul. Deliver. II in. Cordon A Chanou, IliiNCM. X. V Hi. Uuldjui A Huglies, Atlaiillc Harden, N. I, C., Oreetie A Werner. Victoria. V. Y. C. 4 9. Oreen Hni™., lllJiHi. Winnipeg. On., 4-9. UrotH, *Vtn„ Umpire, lies Moines, la., 4-9; O, U., , 'iii.t,... lit., Jubanrion A King. Orpbenai. St. .'aid. 4 f>. Jupiter Hnw . trtenisngj l'ark. Coluinhtis. l».. lift, Kallnnvntkl Bros.. Atlantic Carden. .N. Y. 0.. 4-9. Kate* Bros., Farm. Toledo, 0.. a-9; Ulcntaiigy Park. Coluuibiia. 11-10. Kane, Leonard. Keith's. Pklla., 49. Kariuts, Feratrl's. Brlglituti Bcacb, N. Y., 3' Jul* SI. ' Ksurtnan Trouiic, Olympic, Chkaio. 4 U. Kaiitodil A Tour. A. A »., Boston. 4-0. Kalacratus, White Clly. Chicago. 4-0. Kader, Ab Hul. Prooior's, Newark. N. J.. 4-9. Keuna. Chains, Oriikum, SprlnifleM, 0., 4-9. Keno. Wsluli ft Stelrose. Orpheuoa, Lou Angeles, Cal.. 4-U. KentOU A Lowslno. t'ryittil. St., 1-9. Kelly. Waller C, Keltli*-, ,\\ Y. C, 4ft7 Kelly, Hum k Ida. Crystal. Wabasb, lnd., 4-9. Kmywi k ttf 1.8M1111. Royal. Montrral, Can,, 4 tl. Kennedy 1 * IVllkein., Altaiitlc City. N. J.. 4..1. Kherna £ Cole. Spring Brook Park. Sa Bend, lnd.. 10-Itt. King. Mr. A Mrs. Hum. Htautun Park, Steuben- vlYle. 0., 4-0. Klpllngs iS), Sheedy's, r'all Ithrr, Mass., 4-0. Klngxley A LewlN. RoHi'Vllle, III., 7 u. Kltsbanta .lsp*>. Victoria. N. Y. 0-, 4-0. Kternan, .Is- A.. Sura's. ButTalu, 4-9. Kli'ln A Clifton. Poll'-. New Hsoen, Conn., 4 9, Klein. Ott Brirs. ft Nicholson. ItPnriorson's, Coufy 1-laud. N. V.. 4-11. Klein A Klein. Oodiruy 'h, llraiid Rspllts, Mlrb., 4-9; Caslai. Park, KalsmHaoo, 11 10. Klelst, Mu*lcal. Olympic. Ctib-aio, 19. Kunure A Chaplain,' Sirs"**. Kokorao, lull., 4 9; Or phcuin. t'uliiRibux. Il-lll. Kojipe A K.i,.,n\ Sii-cpliHliHw Pier, Atlaulic tlltv, N. J., 4D Kuhlcr A (Mitriuu. Thuyvr'a Park. Amsterdam. N. Y.. 4 9. tinditrl'* Dugs. Iloiidemm'*, Coney IhIhimI, N. Y„ 4-9. KnrtU k Biisne. Wimlwcrth, LuitCKsler, Pa-. 4 9, t.;i Tour. Irene. H rook Hilt' Purk, Athol, Mas*., 4-n: HlHcplechaMe Pier. Atlantic Clly, N. J., 11 HI. La Clair ft Went, llollywood Purk, Baltimore. 4-9; Park Wind Hap, Pa., Il-lfl. U I'liie. t'liiih-,. RHiHi, Norfolk. Va.. 411. I.;iwn-n.i' ft UiirrlMUluii. ii. O. II., 1'lttslvurjt- 4-0, :,« Mate Bros. CD. Henderson's. Cnury Island, N. Y.. 4-U: Proernr's. Newsi-k, N. J., Hill. I.niky-Rolf* (Jiitnlvtle, Prorlur's !t..d St., N. Y. C, 4-U. Uwler. Mlchsel, I lib IVanl, Wliiulii,, Del., II 1(1, l.siubert A Pierce, Plnrliurst Park, Wnrcwter. Mass.. 4-f*. I.Hwrcm-o. I'cle, Hutilliern Pi-.vk. PIHaliurg. Ill; UJIuton. Il-lil. 4'ra>. R*\, Miwre's. Portlsml. Me., 4-9. Oratlt. S|ilm".v., N. V P.. 4-9. UUfjb The. Cryntal. Toledo. (I.. 1-9, Hall, Frank, Farm. Toledo, ()., 4-9; Oleulangy Park. Columbus, 11-16. Harcourt, Krank. Kuxon's, CHil'sgo, 4-9. Harris, t'has,, Hniis KiiiinI, t^lik-sgo, 4-9. Kaaly, CUs-., t:rjHtst, Klkhart. Iud.. 4-lt. Harti-Willie A F^tltli,, 1;. I). IL, I'lttsburg, 40; trtrntang) Purk, Colmiitnin. *).. 11-16. lluymaii At FrHiiklln. Allitimlns, llrlrlitoii. i:n.-., 4- U; Koinlre (Clsptninil, London, 11-10; Hlsr i.lleruiondsey). London. IK-S31 Empire (IhIIiiv- ; 'Mb). l.oadoii. Stl-JIO: Diicliex-. Loudoii. July S-7. Iliiyii. Kd. i'., Lnkenlde l'ark, Akron, 0., 4 0; Four Mile Park. Kris, 11-14, llarrlM-HPiiuregarde A' Co.. Oakwood Park, 'Pllts- bbrg. Pa., 4-9. Ilurrey. l-:;«ii', Urand, X. Y. C. 49. Hnt'.iiiioii A Wiley, MIJuu, Kewaiiee, 111.. 4-9; Or.ind. Hllmuukee. Wis., i I hi. Hairy A IturiT, LskeitMe Park, Dayton, 0., 11-9) ■Inoiils. (JoliimlKis, 11-10. HiijKKnl. I'onnij' ft HaywaM, Forest Park, Ht, -IrflUls. 8#1 Fvrrst Park, Kmita. Clly, 11-1*1. Ilarcourl. Dnlur, Wuolwoitli. Lsnsistcr, Pa., 4-9: Mectrli- Park. HsIHiuore. 11-16. HsM'kriuwk Trio, 0, IL, Delpboi, O. 6; Vsn Vert. T-9; Cliff Hide Csslno, Ashlsud. Ky.. II 10. Hureiusn'ii Auluinls, liigeraoll Park, Ilea Mulucs, Ia„ :- » llcliis. Laurelling Billy, 1'aalsiig Park, Hsrrlnbiirn, ' Pa'.. 4-0, IlcftiellFH. Tin', Alcsiar, Drover, 0ol„ 4-rJeut. 1. Hettlow. Mnrlc. Uryatal. Detroit, 4-9. Ilerlwrl & Itosem. Weiiunu Park, lla.v City, Midi., 1 49: Klter*Ide Park. Ksglusw. 11-10. Beam, Clark A Frunklln, Crystal, PaeMu, Col., 4 0. Herald Kiiusre Quartette, Ponee De Leon Park, Atlantu. Us.. 4-9; Kloctrlc Park, Montgomery, Ala., ll-io. Berwood. Creat,, Forest Hill Park. Manchester, Va., 4-MI. Henry ft Frauvll, Keith's, N. V. ('.. 4-0. Ileuuians, MHrveliHis {'■'<. LafsyetU", Buffalo, 4 0. lUljnisn. Ceo.. Hljou. Lmihlng. Ml.-li.. 4 11. Hills A Vfllson, Uemlerioii'i. Coney IhlHml, N. Y , 4-0. lltniiiiui, Capt. HldaWy, Al Fresco Park, Psus, III., "■■yew . 'abatd,, 11 11. Hlubluiids en, bagonii. Ludlow. Ky.. 4-9. HlT.ebr.10d A Vivian, Salt Palace, Malt Lake, I.'., 4-10. III!) A Hill. II. A M.. N. Y. C, 4 9. iliif.iTt A Wsrreu. Kniidre, Di>s Moines, |a„ III Family, D.irciipori. 11-10. Illlllsrd, lUiht. A Co., HIm-h's BurTslu. 4-0. H.tllninl A Vp:doii, Omtrrny's, ('rami Kaplda, Mlcb.. It-O. Hoimaii, Ilarrj. PslerHiai, N. J„ 4-U; Psatir'a, N. Y. 0.. 11-1*1. Ilolditworllis, The. Pastor's, X. Y. v.. 4-9. ll.-u. a Thles. Cstfroy's. Oruiid Ilaphls. Midi., 0-9. H.ilt, AIL. Mom! A Stoll Tuur. Fjiglund. Hdlmen linn.. Pain's. Meniplilv. Tenu.. 4-0; Pain's. Cincinnati. 11-10. Ilxs-iinl Hros.. Pslaco, Hull. Kmi.. 4-9; r.inplre, r«eds. 11-10; ffmplnt. New Caitls. IHSII; Km- nlre. Hhlehls, S.'.-.TO; Ktnptre, IMIuburgh, Hod., lulyM. Huidnsirt. Park, Ft. Wayne, lis)., U -141. I.stliia. .Mile., it. *.i, H.. Pittsburg, ML I n Ilea, Wniiilerful. Like Park, Wort-enter, Ma**., 4-U. l.ll ToSCa. I'lill.. O. 1( Vli'lnrlii. <^n.. *l». I.a Belle, Win.. II. (I. II.. Pltlnburg, 4-9, l.anilaprl, Monde, Proctor's. Newark. S. J.. 4-U. I.sssnrd Rros., Illverahls I'nit, Miuitresl, Can.. 4-1). I.11 Mount ft I'luili-tii-, SyrueuM*, N. Y.. 1-n; Crystnl, Marlon, lnd.. II 14. I.i (letlc, llapnyliiiHl Park. Wlnulppg, iJaii., IB. I.a Zui A I.-I Z,ir. Hniin S-nii'l. Clilcmin. 4-9, Laurel A Hoiitheni. Bi>n. Imlntli, Minn., 10. i.iirujcitc l.yrtc roar, lUiollt.n. O.. I"; l.tiim, Il-lil. I.uwhtr, CIihh. II Athii'lic I'srk, Huffalo, 4-9. Lit Tell BroH.. l'.H|e, l)uveii|mrt, la., 4 11; Peo- ple's. l*nvein*or1li. Kan.. 1H-HI. 1. .1.11:11 1 A l.»ulc, Colo. Hprlittr*. I'oL. 4 It. Lemmnl. Uitx. Proelnr's, N«jw»rk. N. J.. 4-!l; I'riM-tur'M tS-Mb St.. N. Y. I*., 11 id. ' Lc.'ii»HiniH t-'i. Proctor's 'j:iil Htrui>t, N. Y. '' . 4 0. Leousrit A Plillllps, Tlmyer'a Park, Amsterdam, N. Y.. 4-HI. Lit, FltiliilHli A llessle. 1.1ms. II., 4 9; Pli|ua. ll-HL Lo Dent, (in hi. Spies II. IL. Kokmim, lnd., 4-» ; liiiwiintt O. IL. LoR*tis|sirt, 11 hi Isvwte, '.leorgi', Spring Hrovo Park. H|>rltiKMd, O,, IH. Le Miilre A I.i' Halre, I'slsiv. BohIihi, 1-9. i..-mih,i.ii i.nitini 1'iuk. Dmiklrk, N. Y . 4 11; Htsr, Toronto. Can,, II In. I.e (toy A W«.i|fm.i. Cusl Norfolk, Vs., 4 9. Uslle. tint. W Lyric Ch-Hnml. II-HI. i.i'oi>nt.i. tltic, Proctni'.. Newurk. N. .1., 14). i.i' Buy. I'1'.fu-in-c, \oi Ma, Vs., ID, Lewis, At.. BIJou. Ciiolmi, O., 19. Leslie A Dudley. Kdtli'n. Boxlou, 4 9. I.W. lletire. Proetor's Slid St., K. Y, «., 40. le lliiir, l.yrlc Park. Joplin, Ho., :MI; Orplimnn, Wel.t. Clly, Ml 111. Lindsay's Muukeyo. While Clly CbleaiM, 4-9. I .iiii^. Miiii-v. Itlbitl, li.ilnlli. >l lull.. 4-tl. l.iiki'ii- (4). Kelfli'M, KiisIihi, 4 11; Keith's, N. T. C. 11 111. Line K Lara, Cruiul, Hnmlt, Wain..! 4)4. I.neter, Mr. ft Mrs. Freii.. Miiunn: Lsks Park, imi-i.ik'-. m--.., Ill; Mi.-ikiMi. I'nrk, Athol, ii- m. ! Lul.y. IMiia. (' N- Y. C, II). L.vsler ft Cooke, iirnlieuiii. (•tlunitMis, lnd., 4-9, M.,m.ii.|<itI,-.. r.i.. I'.d.jiilu), N v. c. lit Muftlau llnilliei". Kiuiilre, lasidou, Kng., 4-iHI. Miixacllii ft VstiaolliH", Duyton, O., III. Mu.niill. Jus. ft Jin-,, A. ft 8., Bossini, 4-H. Macks |f}, Fswlly, La Faystte, Iud., 4-9; St' IKIH 1'irL, I'rrtl. I I Ml .Msck. Joliii A Curie. Orplmum, Lima, II., lit; ilmud, llamllluo, I Mil. Mmtsi A Foi, Punilty. PnIi'Imsi, N. J.. 4 0. Mnllory Hros., llrookH A llnlllilsy, Temple, Hn< troll. .Mich., in. Msjesllc Trio, Wunlwrntli. l..ini-liT. Pa., 4-lt. Mnj'nrle Klsters l.'li. MiiJcmIIc <lili.<n.i>. 4 it. siscNiciioi. J. II., 1'arkilnle llluk, Torunlo, (7sn., 4-11. .Miniello-Murnlts Troupe, OIihiImI, N- Y. C, 4-9. Martynu. Kdily. Koulety L'lreas, HprliigOHd, 111., 49; Jiii-kaunville. 1110, Mar. Tiiiu. Bijou. Airdrome. Okla. City, Okla., 1- U; Bijou. Sliawuisi. ILK). .Mrinulii Fiiislly, Touring Mm leu. Msynnrd, Lllllati, Heirlernoji'-, (*uuey IsIsikI, N, .Marco fnw. I'orest Park. St. I^uls, Mo., LO, Mum.i, ft Mnmui. Cryatal, Trinidad. Oil., tdl. .Murtluetlle A Hylveslor, ForMl Purk. I.ltlle Ark.. 4-0; Lagmjii Park, Mayovllle, Ky., It-Hl, Isralnill ft Lm-ralne, Hummm, Drmul Baplilr Mill!., 11 II. FJoltnes,' Taylor, Proclor's, •Newark. "N." J„ 4-0, Howard. tJrrst, While Clly. Chicago. 4-9. rlutJoi-Q, Kitty. Oymuase, Montreal. Can.. 4-9. Uttsron A Ilfltlui, Onlrsl Park, Alleutuwu, Pa., 4-0. Bylahdsf.'n, Lagoon, Ludlow, Ky,. 4-9; I'llaiuwr's Park, No. Adams, Maas,, 11-16. Hjfle, Mr. A Mrs. lloiHs, Orirbluui. HprlugfloM, Impe'rlil Japanese Ousnla, Altltoff( tlutibruck, ftor., 4-;to. Itiiiess ft Ityan. Lsnuvu. I.udlow, Ky., *J-9; Lake- MdftraeV. Dayhm. IX. 11-10. Train, Jack. Urand. Marlon. lnd., 4-9. Jjitufd ft Rl'iliards, A. A H., Uonton, 4-9. Jaines A 1-ii'lH. Hleefilts'Iisse Pier, Atlsstlc City, W/'J.". 4-9. tmtik, -Chss. M-, Pt. CrHiint. N. Y.. DO; Cbar- lotte, in in. Jacoln Iiug*, Kdth's. Bustou, 4-tl. ■T.rrrtt A La Bus*. Orpheum. Rt. Paul. 4-0. Jaifk. Mr. A Mrs.. Olymnlc. Chleago. 10. .iiicuU A Siir.iHi,. Lualsvllle, Ky.. 4-9. Jertvue. Kliurr. Pastor's. N. Y, C 4-9. Jeinelte, Lillian. AtlsnUc Osfden, N, Y. C , 4-9. Jentiitigs A ttenfrew, Miijsstlc 'Chli-sgo, 4 9. Jeanri- A Kllimorlh, Palace. B"«ton, 4-0; Whalan .Park. Fliclihtirg, Mass., 11-10, Johnsoa A Hulllvan, Auditorium. .Voifolk. Va,, t it. Johusoti * Wells, (is fiudevere, Budapest, Hun., . 4-Jnly 13. Jrtbnattne. Ralph, C«dotilal. N. Y. C, 4-ft. Jobttatcaw, Musical, Tower, Blackpool, Fug., 4-SO; Alhaoitirs. London. Julv 2-7. Jollqf. Johnny. Keith'-. Cleveland. 4-9. Jolsou, AL, Crystal, Detroit, Mlcb., 4-0. Joneft A Itsyniijiid, Crystal Park, Heilalls, Mo., 4-9. Jnnes. Irving, il. 0. K., Pittstiura, 4-0. Jones A Mile. Colonial. N. Y. C , 4 9. Jenes A Button, Spring Like Park, Ttenlot, N. J„ 4-9. Msunliig Trtu. Olyinplu. Chk'igo, -l-l'. Martin A Van. Coney Island, Cincinnati. 4-H. Marriott Twins, (loilium. N. Y. C. 1-U. Martin, Hiiro ft PcreN. Mrijc-tt.', t;iili-agn, Ml. Maaso, Kd., ft Nellie, Pfis.-lur'a, Altsany, X. T., 4-9. Mudderus. The, Miiuballss. Va.. I II. Murloii ft Lici.ii>', Plnelmrst Park, Wiirivster, Mass., 4 II. f Murk A ItiiBMl. Lrrli'. Joplin, .Mm.. Ill; nrnbeani, Writb City, Hl-ltL McCi.ll Trtu, ICIii'trli' Purk, Kuiieas Clly, llo., 0- 0; I:n 11.1 r l- . Dcs M.ilue-. In.. 11-10. Mi-Csrvcr-Bitmlioo Trio. Chicago, -LIO. Me Waters A Tynuii Va.. Kellli\ ('lovslaud, 4-9; 0. O. if Pttlsliun, 11-10. McCIellali, .fun,, Dlbfii. Diiluih, Mluu.. 111. McN'Miiec, Kel Mi's. Plilla.. 1-11. .McKI11iK.11 ft need. Olyiuplc. H|Mlriltfleld, 111., 4* 0; Price's O. H„ MolsTly. Mo-. ll-HL McCreu A I'isdc, IleiHlersiui'a, tinier Island. N. Y„ 40. .M.l>,i-li. John A Alia*. Crynfal. lictioit. Mlcb., 4di. McCumm A Urant, Lakittlile Purk. Akruu, O., 10; Four Mile Park. Kilo, P«„ 11-10, Merrltt, Ituyuioud, Vinowsxl Park, Topeka, Kan., 111. Mdi'iy Trln, Hfrie'u, Kokniilu, IinL, I tl; Ori'tmim, (*.l1lill)bUN, lllil. Melville ft Oniway. Majestic, ('Itli-ago. 4-U. Ati'xIcKtt TmirlM Qiiarlelle, Itaumns, tiraiid IIsp< id-. till. Meinour Lu Nole Trio, Meyer's Lube, Canton, 0,, .'III; Hock HnrlugN Purk. K. Liverpool, 10-lr). Mexlas A Mwaiss, Crystal, htttrult. Mlrh-. 4-tl. MetruimlHsn (Iraiid Oners Trio, Ueu>lerwii)'s, Coney lulund, ,V. Y., 1-9. Mlllmsn Trln, Huluner Park. Muiltreil, Can . 4-tl; Hrlttaula Oii-IIieHay. Ottiiws, It Hi Meers Bros.. Cai|n», Norfolk, V* . 411. InMs 'Ml the Buy, Ottawa. 11-1*1, Mll&lll Trio. 'Keith's, N. V C, III. Mil Ion A BuliiM-. Doiulnluu I'nrk, Montreal, Cue.. 1-0: Al-Ttv Park. Alluiiy. N. Y-, ll-l'l. Miller. Carrie Belle, BIJou. Ai^l.-tmi. Wis.. 0-9: Hljou, lirci'ii Bay, IU-12; BIJou. Mirluett* 1.1-HI. Mlgiion, Helciie. Orribeum, Ht. Paul. 4-9. Mlrnti- Pour. Pastor's, N. Y. C„ 4-0. Mlti.'.ell ft Brritviilng. MoN.nlc, I ronton, 0„ 4 ft; Orphlum, Chi 11 loot he, 11-10, Mllitiell, Abble, Victoria, IS'. Y. C. 4-9. Millard Bros. (Bill A Bo), Iitdlsuola I'arkb, <;>• lutllhus. (I.. 4-10. Mlllsn. Martini A Msi, Fuulalue Ferry Park, l/..|Ur|llr.. Ky,, I |t. Mill* A Lewis. Creed inr. Wis.. <l. Moore, Ua>, Auitluj IJaJestlc, Cblcago, i-9 ( J