The New York Clipper (June 1906)

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JUNE 16. THE NE¥ YOEK OI/lPFER.' 461 TABLB OF CONTENTS. - '" ■ — Pom. uiu Clipper*! Anecdotes, Etc 454 9SmS^B£S Mm - ntik IS vlrclnl* Berned—Sketch .. 454 vSBjT ^TIn.M.n Who Slue, to Beat UK ,.. * TKl<r—sk«cb 454 F „M of U* wmij Show—™... 4.'.n Our London I*«f -.-.v }5| OorCblcofo Utter 458, 45» nuefle. Answered «8 Tlotnpwu * Dundy I«re the Hippodrome.... 4S» Oo the Road.... 405, 4.0 Clipper RBJfcv ffl LiSKt hi Te1e*r«ph 401 vJudetllie Route Ll.1 *»1.402 New Tort Cltr • 400 A Ne» Tleket Bellini Deeioe. 40J l.lbr-r- 'or He Oreen Room Clot, 403 World of Pl»jer» 40n. 404 MH.cellitne.iu...... .. .. ■. 404 Death, In the Trofelelon 400, 407 t'nder the Tenti 407 Vindeilllr and Mln.trel 407 THEATRICAL 4MRRFSPONDENCE. Molne. ."•au J5} liHllana. .•■ 454, 401 District o' Columbia 4S4 Vlr-M« 4 °* T.»,« ■ 454 r!",!,....- '. 4M. 402 issvr *♦:«? OkUhoon Jpj Vermont jnj Wn.hlnnton 4M Cr.lor.clo... 4™ rennsTleonln jr.. West Vlrslnla «• Ne» York Slot. 4fi9 flrefron.. J™ Ml-ionr. jrra Ma«urh-»t*l 4.0 ulehli.n US Morjland im S? Ohio 460,471 Sew Jer.e...... 408,471 l.oule|im J"; r£&£S js; Callromlu 402 Mlnnenolll jog Kenlnckf 402 ane»«ee j»2 iota 408 oonnectlctt 400 Htdlj 466 MlARlMlppl jJJJJ gyfa:::::."::::::::;:::::':::::::^ LATEST BY TEL E&RAPH. RAN FRANCISCO TELEGRAM. M i!i" Orpheum the bill week of June 10 Includes: Frank and Bob, Caprice, Lynn and Cay, the Selplo Araenetl Trio, Probst, Koster and Foster, the France Haa, Kama's Pan to- rn In* -V, " n d the new Orpheum motion pic- tures. ■— i t- . . FROM OTHER POINTS, Parks and Shore Reaorta Come In Line IV111, a Prosperous Ontlank. CHirAfW), June 12.—There In one change down town thin week, "Brown of Harvard," on Sunday, at the Carrlck Holdover at- tractions'are: "The Three (.rare-," at the Chicago Opera House; "The Prince Chap, etthe Grand Opera House; "The Heir to the lionroh," at Powers'; "The Olngerbrend Mann," at MrVkker's: "The Student King." at the Stiidebnker; •'Kariy-fWe Minutes from .-roadway." at the Colonial; "The Moo and the Mouse," nt the Illinois, and Williams and Walker, at til* Orpnt Northern Vaude- ville at be Majestic and Olympic, and mock , imrlMOUft at the Folly, Troeadero and Imi- son's, with the usual specialties and attrac- tions at the White City, Rlrervlew, Sans Pkuirl and the Chutes. Philadelphia, June 12.—Bltr crowds were In attendance at all of the Hummer Parks on Sunday The bill at Keith's, bend a d by Robert Milliard, drew big audiences after- noon and night The Vagabond Bur* lesquers had a large bouse at the Troeadero. Tiir Big Sensation Burlcsquers opened big at tne Lyceum The stock burlesque company was well attended at tbe BIJou. ..A contract was awarded yesterday to Hurley for tbe William Pens Theatre, _ .a erected at Lancaster ond Falrmount Awnues (or 0. A. Wagefarth, manager of tbe Grand Opera Hours. The cost will be $2(H>,000. Ground will he broken at once, and the house ready for occupancy by March 1. JAM. Boston, June 12.—Business was fair at navisernent places last night New bills ware: "II Trovntore," at tbe Castle Square; "A Midsummer Night's Dream," at the Km- plre,: "in tbe Shadow of tbe Callows." at tbe iSowi-.'i'n Square, and tbe usual changes at the' vaudeville and burlesque houses...... Continued bills were ; "The Tourists," at the Majestic; "The Man from Now," at tbe Tre- moat, and "The Mayor of Toklo." at the Colonial The out door resorts thrived Sunday. Cincinnati, June 12.—Bryant's Minstrels occupied the stage at Coney Island's Bijou Tbentre, and tremendous crowds attended "all opening)* Tbe Ludlow Lagoon's double bill proved a great attraction Chester Parks olio was good At the Zoo, Con- Hiy's Ithaca Band began Its last week's en- lenient... .Pain's "Latit Days of Pompeii" rpw a big crowd at Norwood Monday night. Kansas City, June 12.—The Woodward Stock Co. opened Its closing week 10. with a One performance of "Tbe Little Minister," to large and appreciative audiences AH' the pnrks enjoyed big; Sunday business. ......At Electric Park, cillery's Band start- ed 6a its third week In the German vlllag?. Coarlne and Lawrence were the headlinei-i. ..,'.. .At Forest Park, the Royal Hungarian llapd opened tbe last week of tbelr eagagn input; Uif NeUon Family, on the lawn, were we||. received In Hopkins' Theatre, A). Lawrence scored n tilt Falrmount Para, With Hlner'a Military Band and a ballorm listen at on. was filled to overflowing; In tbe • bentre., "The Ballet Danceia" was performed ■>}■ .t lie atock company. I.ouirviixh, June 12.—Fontaine Ferry Pa- vilion was crowded to overflowing nt Sun- day's opening "Feast and Furies," at Jockey Club Park, attracted a big crowd. ......The Robinson Amusement Co. drew (arge crowds to the street fair. 4i» INDIANA. jjjjjgje Route List Thl» list Is made tip as mearlr »«- aavAtc ma It la possible to Make m list of vsuditt IMr booUIne». To insure i»- ■rrtloo In this decartmrHt tho ■»*■*> of toe thootre or pork* oa well a» toe city o» town, MOST oeeoilooOT each booklair ami urn. to be < Aiulerson,--At the Crystal Theatre (W. W.-tMclCwen, manager), week ending June 0; Howard Ooatln, In clay modeling; Berrlan and Maekln, Bertha Coburn, In Illustrated songs.- Cayior and Jefferson deserve Bpeclal mention for tbelr clever turns. N-vrufi— h. Kay nichmond, illusionist, nrter closing a successful season In Southern cltlert, haR returned to Anderson to arrange libt nlTairs for the coming season, Mr. Rich- mond bas' the "Dida" Illusion, and has made a sticces!) The Ammoos circuit has been Increased by tbe addition of a theatre at To- ledo, O The Anderson Boys' Band, under the direction of Prof. II. G. lVeelev, Is making a tour of Western cities. Abbott a Wcavpr. White City. CW.-ago, 11-111. Ackpr A CnlllD<>. Toledo, O.. li-to. Adlrr. Pio, Forest Park. St. r,oui\ 11-111; San< Soucl Park, Chtcago, 18-2-1. Adair A Dnbn. Porest Park, Kansas City, Uo., 11> lo. Adelln, l.u, Orpblum, Lima, O., 11-10. A<telyn, Beaebw-fod Parli, Mayfvlllp, Ky., 11-1(1; CllffuWe Park. Asblaml, 18-2.1. Adami A Mack. Empire. Defl Molnen. la.. 11-10. Addlwn A: Livingston, Orphenm, St. Paul, Minn., 11-16. Alifrnn, The. Park. Wlwrvllng, ft*. Vs., 11-10; Lfl- gdtin. Ludlow. Kj.. \sx;\. AtllKons iH). flbea's, Buffalo. 11-10. Alfln & Kwney, Air Dome. Topeka, Kan., 11-10. Alpka Trio, Keith's, Pbtla., 11-10, Alvi, Alice, Fal.-Tlcw F'ark, Dayton, O.. 11-10. Alvln ft Kfnnedy, Air Dome. Topeka. Kan., ll-ld. Allen, Leon & Itertle. Star, Miinclp, Intl., 11-10; Orfihfum. Clillllcothe. O.. 18-23. Alfeurtim ft Millar, Tlv.. Burrow, RDg.. 11-10; Soutliport, 18-S-l; Hitildersfleld, 2S-»0; Hip, londoo, July 1-31. Alvln Hros., (Itivernntor'n, Atlantic City, N. J., 11-10. Al<lo & Armour, lilora Park, Yoongtttnwn, 0., Il- ls. Allen A Pulton, Temple, Detroit. 11-10. Alexin ft Scball, Henderson'*, Coney Linn.), N. T., U-lfl. Allen ft Dalton, Temple, Detroit, Mlcb., 11-10. Alhene A La Brant, J Vanlette, Chlcafo, 11-10; «3d St., Chicago. 18-2*1. Atcerlcon Trumpeters (4), Glen Haven Park, Itocuester, N. Y.. 11-10. A merit-Ail Ne-fvubofH' Qiinrtette, Trorartrro, Cbi- cago, n-10; Alano Park, Cedar Rapid*, la., JB-2n, Amatiu & Hartley, Liverpool, Rng., 11-10; Bran- ford, 18-23; Birmingham, 2(V3fl. Amlersoo ft Keynolds, nrand. Pern, lnd„ 11-lfl; Satoj, Columbus, 18-23. Anderson, BIJou, Calumet. Mich., 11-10. Apdale's Hears A Dogs, Pottnville. Pa., 11-10. Archer ft Crocker, Hanover Park, Merlden. Conn,, 11-1(1; l.nke Compounce, HoutblnirN.n. 18-23. Arllncton ft Delmore, Pastor's, N. Y, C, 11-1A. A rmm rone*. I'araium (3), Riverside Park, Mon- treal, can., 11-23. Armlnta ft Burke, Lafcmon, l.odlow, Ky,, 11-10. Ariiol.l. OKurltn. Bijou. Bay City. .Mich., 11-10. ArainiJ, (irace, Family. Sloui City, la., 11-10. Ashton & Korle, Crystal, Frankfort, lad., 11-10. Auiitlnri, Great, Four Mile Creek, Krle, Pa., 11-10. Anroon, Sam, (Mica, N. Y., 11-10. Awtln, Claude, itijon, Dulittli. Minn., I l-in; BIJou, Superior. Wis., 18-23. Austins. ToHninic, 0. O. H., Pittsburg, 11-10. Avon Gomeity Tour, InKer^oll 1'n.rL. Den .Vnlnrs, la., 11-16. Bards, Four, Victoria. X. Y. C. 1I-1U. Barry ft Barry, Mann Soucl Park, Cbfeafo, 11-10. Berry ft Penman, Manhattan, Norfolk, Va., 11-10. Barto A Laflerty. Keith's. Boston, 11-10. Hunk* ft Newton. Kleelrlc I'nrk, Kan,, ll-llt; Knijilre, Den .Moines. Is., 18-23. BartieH & Uvrfaa, Lyric Park, Webb nty, Mo., 11-10. Barney<< (.1). Battle Creek, Mlcb., 11-10. Barry. Mr. ft Mrs. Jimmy, Yming'i, Atlantic City, N. J„ 11-10. ' Barnps ft Rdwln, Lyric, Joplln, Mo.. 11-16. Banien ft levins, Pnrlor. Kvrrelt, WimIl. 11-10; Grand, Vktorlu. Can., 18*23. Bate-t Mtislfal Trio, Sieepleehsse, Atlantic City, N. J., 11-10. BnrtelmeM, The, GuTernstnr's, Atlantic City, N. J., 11-10. Barrett. Dan ft Co., Pastor's, N. Y. 0., 11-10. Hartletts, MunIcdI, Hnnic Lake, Waonsociet, H. I., 11-10. Darloww. Breakaway, Lakemont Park, Altoona, Pa., 11-10. Barker ft Barker. Rochester. N. V.. 1110. Haiim, Willie. Maloae. N. Y., 11-10. Billey ft Pickett, Hollywood Park. Kith. 11-1*. Binks, Charley, New BIJou, Calumet, Mlrb., II- 10. Bedlnl ft Arthur, Keith's, Cleveland, 11-10. „ Brutimont, Nellie, ft Co., proctor's, Albany, N. Y., BeutiKTe, Gene. Family. Pateraon, N. J., 11-10. Benton, Hlwoocl ft Mangle. Pastor's. N. Y. C 10- Bever, Ben. Proctor's. Newark. N. J., 11-10; t-roetor's. Albany, N. Y.. 18-23. Bcraer Bros., West Side I'nrk, Mancle, lnd., II* 10; Ceilnr Point. Randuaky, O.. 18-23. Bender, Willie, Proctor's, Newark, N. J., 1MO. He-Anus. Tbe, Paxtang Park, Harrisburg, In., BertIna ft Brockway, Henderson's, Coney lalaad, BeBiidinmii, M.'. Dreamlaoil, Decatnr, III.. 10-10. Bedouin Arabs (8), Hprlng Brook Park, So. Bend, liid., 11-10; Pt. Wayne, 18-23. Berry ft Berry. Hnna .Soucl Park. Chicago, 11-16; Wonderland, Wleblta. Kan.. 18-23. EeHnnIi ft .Miller. Norutnbeitu 1'ark, Ilostoa, 11-10. Bergere Hlxtern, Raniona Park, Grand Hapltls, Mich.. 11-10. Bell, Senator Frank, Junction Park, Beiver Falls, Beraac's Circus, Victoria, N, Y. C. 11-10. BlPHetl & BCOtr, HeuderMon'H, Coney It-laud, N. Y., 11-16. Btnnej ft Chapman, Slor. Muncle, lad., 11-16. BIJou Circus. Carnival, K. Oraoge, N. J., 11-10; Pertli Aiulioy, 1823. BIJou Comedy Four, Borky Sprgs Pork, Luncasler, Pa., 11-10. Blnon City Trio, Family. Sioux City, la., 18-23. Ilim-ii, Bomm, Brr-r, Riverside Park, Montreal, Can.. 11-10. m Blake Slaters, Poll's, New Haven, Conn., 11-16; Trent, Trenton, N. J., 18-23. Blue Jeans Quartette, Majestic, Cblcago, 11-10. Blamnhlu ft Heur. lilora Park. YoungHtown, O., Blnlr ft SIcNulty, Green Front, Deailwood, So. Uluck. Violet, ft Co., Proctor's 23d St., N. Y. C, 11-10. Bluet ft Jones, Pleasure Bay, N. J., 11-10; lain- cBWier, Pa., 18-23. m „ _ IilaA ft Vosn, Guvernator's, Atlantic City, N, J„ 11-10. . Boutin ft Tlllnon, Collins' Garden, Columbus. O,, 11-10. Bowery Boys* Quartette, Pontilne Ferry Park, Louisville, Ky„ 18-23. Bowers, Walter-, ft Cvxiker, Brlrtanla-On-the-Bay, Ottawa. Can,. 18-23. uottcr. Harry, ft Co., Youngntown, O., 11-10. Ilnvlan, Arthur ft Mildred, O. 0. II.. CltlHtiurg, 11 10. Booth. Great. Thomas, W. Va., 11-10; Grafton, 18-23. Oottomley Troupe. Montreal. Can., 11-10; Quebec, 18-23. Boldenn, Tbe, Proctor'a 23d St., N. Y. C. 11-10. Bowman. Frank, Family. Peru, Intl., 11-10; Buck- ■ len, Klkbart, 18-23. Bryant ft Havill", Woodland Park, Asliland. Pa., 11-10. Brady ft Hamilton, BIJou, Davenport, la., 1110, Browning, Mr. ft Mrs.. Pastor's, N. Y. C. 11-10. Kradfords, The, Klectric Pork, Newark, N, J., 18-23. Brlttons. The, Krystal r>aUst, I-elpzlr. Ger., 1!- 1(( It); Establish Yanle, Moscow, Rus., :P-July .11. .,- dl , u Frankfort—At the Bllnn (lAngebroke ft HuiTord, managers) the bill week of June Ujim-ludeH: Williams and M lllloms and Mayer, Cordon •iwnu, uuromy llae, Helen Cohen, and the HllnnoAcope. 'Crtistai. (Chns. Welsh, manager).—Bill week of H: Asbton and Karle. Williams and .Meltmrne, Lewis and flnrr, ('ban. and Jennie Vtnlsh, John Miller and the klnodrome. Good houses Tor week of 4. 6 i# •Anna Wii.kkr has been engaged for the role of Dorothy, la "The wizard of Oa," for nexl season. Brlndainour. Young's. Atlantic City. N. J., 11-10. Hronn ft Nevarro, CI. 0. II., Plttshtirg, 1 l-lu. Braill ft Braall, Keitb'a, Cleveland, 11-10, Bristol's Ponies, liendernon's. Coney Island, N. Y., 11-10. Braatz, Heima, Victoria, N. Y. C, 11-10. Brooks, Jeanne, Chester Park, Cincinnati, 11-10. Brooka, Harvey, Honatoga Park, Pottstowo, I'u., 11-10. Brooks. Jeanne, Chester Park, Cincinnati, 11-10. Browning. Flora, Alameda Park, Butler, Pa,, 11- 16, Brown, Jack. A Lillian Wrlabt, Rrookslde Park, Atuol. Mass.. 11*10; Woodlaad Park. Ashland, Pa., 18-23. Busch Family, Crystal Park, ftedalla. Mo., 11-10; People's, Kxeelsior SngN.. 18-23. Burkes, Juggling, Novelty, Stockton, Cal., 11-10; Novelty, Fresno. 18-23. Buck Bros., Pastor's, N. Y. C, 11-16, Buckley, Franklin A., Troeadero, Ft. George, N. Y„ ii-io. Buiiwoo'i A Wells, Lyric Park, Muscogee, I. T., 11-10; Lyric Park. Ho. McAllsler. 18-23. Burke ft llrllne, Cryalal, Klkhart, Ind.. 11-16; Crystal, Goahen, 16-2.1. Bnrke, AL, Bayvlew Casino, Canarsle, N, Y., 11- Bnrkner, Great, Apollo, Nnrnberg, Ger, 11-30; Ambaasadeur, Bnchateat, Hun., Jnly i-no. Barton ft Rankin, Forest Park, St. Levis, U-16. Bncken Trio, laternatlooaJ, Cblcago. 11-10; Park, Hannibal, Mo.. 18-23. Busklrk ft Biefa, F.rb'a, Norm Beach, N. Y. 0., 11-10. Byrons, Fire Musical, Bamona, Grind Baplita, Mich., 11-M. Byron ft Langdoo. Park Casino, Canton, O.. ll- ld; Temple, Detroit, 18-23. Carlos, Chas.. Orrln Bros.', Metlco, 11-28. ComiI ft De Verse, Dayton. O., 11-10. Cim-i. From a, Majeatlc, Chicago, U-16. Carl, Charles, Air Dome, Kmnoria. Kan., Hill. Carroll, Jnlinny. He«der«on>, Coney Inland, N. Y., 11-10. ■ Carleton. T*nna, Famllj, Paterson, N. J., U-lfl- Canlownle snm.., Paxtang Part, HsrrUburg, Pa., 11*10. Casicilai A Ball, While City. Chit-nap. U-16. Cameron ft Flanagan. Cryotal. Milwaukee, Wis., 11-10; Robloson Park, Ft, Wayne, Ind., 18-23. Catneroo, Grace, Kellh'rt, X. Y. C . 11-10; Keith's, Boston, 18-23. Campbells. Tbe. BIJou. Diitntb. Minn., 11-10. Campbell ft Johnson, Proctor's 2.1d St., N. Y. C. "•■*• Caprice, Lynn ft Fay, Chines. Sau Fran., Cal., II- 10. Camllle Trio, Victoria. N. Y. C, U-16. Cailie Sinters. Oileon, Payton, O.. U-16. Caron ft Fornum, Syracuse, N. Y», 11*10; Cleve- land. 18-23. Canllng. Marie. Dewey, Utlca, N. Y.. 11-10. Campbells. The. Diilutb, Minn.. 11-10; Bljna, Winnipeg. Can., 18-23. Carroll ft Clarke. Lyric Park, Ft. Smith, Ark., 18-23. Cnrroll Bros., Atlantle Garden. X. Y, C, 11-10. Cow. Charlie. 0. O. H,. I'ltlslmrg, 11*10; Temple, •Detroit, 18-23. Carlc-mtv A., Keith's, N. Y. C, 11-10; KeltU's, Boston, 18-23. „ Chameroys, The. Drentnltiml, Coney Islonrt. -V Y., 11-10. Cherry ft Balen, Southern Park, Pittsburg, 11-10. Chpstey, Herliert It., ft Co., BIJou, Bay Oily, Ml.-!.. U-16. ChrtstT, Wavne C. Idle Hour Park. Pllls-biint, Kan.. 17-23. Cbllders, Grace, Pastor's, N. Y. C. 11-10; Pork, Allrntown, Pa., 18-113. Chodwlck Trio. RcHevnir Park, Richmond, Vn., 11-10; Klectric Park, Montgomery, Ala.. 18-23. Clmtlinm aiater-i, llappyland, Brandon, Can., 11- 16. Clntnige ft Mack, Empire. Dei Moines, la.. 11-10. Clermonlos, The. Grand, Bern, Nev.. 18-23. Clark, Marie, Lagoon, Ludlow. Ky.. 11-10. Clifford ft Ortb, Hlnr. Seattle, Wash., 11-10; Ta- coma, 18*23. cinrkHon Sisters. Olympic, Chicago, 11-10. Clayion. Frrnk. Crystal Park, St. Joseph, Mo., 10-16. _. Clayton. Una, ft Co., Mnjesttc. flhlmgo, 18-23. Clarke ft Duncan, ■ (Irnml Mlclilgaii Chy, Ind., 11-10; Gennelt, (liclm.nni!. 18-23. Clemtoru. Auilitorlnni. Norfolk, Va., 1116. Clark'rt Dogs & Pontes, Kellli'M, Ulrvelautl, 11-16, Clark A Duncan, Park, Michigan City. Ind., U-16. Corhly ft Hurke, Keith's. Bosion, 111-23. Cook ft Hall; A. ft S., BoMton, 11-10. Cook ft Sievpmi. Chester Park. Cincinnati, 11-10. Columbian Four, Yonilgstown, O., 11-10; Co- lumbus, 1S-23. m Connelly, Hil«U, Bon Ton, Syracuse. N. Y., 11-10. ivirhtey, Jus. !•'., Wnsblnurlon I'nrk, Bnyonne, N. Cmiroy, John ft Mamie, Cascade Park, Newcnstle, Pa., 11-10. Cnogan nnil Bancroft, Atlantic Garden, n. Y. t ., 11-16, nowley, Jns. II., Grnnd, Peru, 1ml., U-lfl; Hunt- Ingion. 18-23. Collins ft Harl. Victoria. N. Y. C. 11-lfl. Coin's Dog's, Temple, Detroit, J1-10. Cooke ft Miss Rolberl, Km|ilre Tour, Fug., II- Coles, Josephine, Gndfm.v'tt, Grond Baplds.'Allch., Colonial' Septette, Ye, Soliioer Park, Montreal. 11-10. Cnurllioi-e, Jane, ft Co., Moore's, Portland, Me., 11-10. Cobee, Helen. Hiltm. Fronkfort, Ind., 1MB. Crawford ft Duff, Kiupirv, Dea Moines, la., 11-10. Cree, Jesaica, Keith's. Phlla.. 11-10. Cralne, l*nt ft Cralne, Acme, Norfolk. Vs., II-IO. Curtis. Ned, Orpheum, Mannfleltl, 0- II-10; Or- pheum, Lima, 18-2!l. CiiuiinliigH ft Tboroton, Oakford Park, Greens- burg, Pa., 11-10. Cunningham ft Smith, Pastor's. N. Y. C. 11-10. Cnllcn. Jan. II.. Mois ft Stoll Tour, Kig., II- July 31. Doytelle, Madge, A. ft S„ Boston, 18-23. Davis. Mark A Laura, Hollywood Park, Ballo., 11-10. Dandy Dixie IIIiislrtK New York Roof, N. Y. C„ U-lfl. Danovas,, Crystal, St. Jose[di, Mo.. 18-23, Davenport. Lena. Hiiiitlngtou, Ind., 11-10. DitHhingtoii, Albert, ClHTsI'le i.'atilno, Ashland, Ky.. 11-10. Dnly ft Iteno, Moore's, Portlaml, Me., 11-10. De Witt, Burns ft Torrance, Tlvoll, Caps Town, R A., U-July 14. Deveau. Hubert, Woodiawn Park, Latrotov Pa„ 11-10. Dermda ft Green, Moss ft Stoll Tour, Bag., II- July (I. Deely ft Auatln, Fairyland, Pateraon, N. .1.. 11-10. Derrln, Jos, T„ Bijou, Maniuctte, Mlcb.. 1110. De Monde ft Dlnnmote, Alrclome, Wichita. Kun., 1010; Airdome, Okla. City, Okla.. 18-23. De Surena. Lubu. CbCHter Park, CtDclnuall, U-16. De lli'iivw A La Due, Allien Park, Albany, N. Y., 11-10; Dominion Park, Montreal, 18-23. Delmore ft Darrell, Olenlaugy Pork, Columbus, O, 11-23. De Loro. Mile.. Ban Soucl Park, Wllkcs-Darre, Pa., 11-10; Altro Park, 18-23. De Kate itroi.. Oleiltaiittr Pnrk. Columbus, <)., 11-10. ■ • D.-i a t'liunr. Crystal Park, Sedalla, Ma, 11-10; People's, L'x.-t-hl'ir Sngs., 18-23. Dertleu, Pave, Ben's, liscuuaba, Mlcb,, 11-10. De Laceys, Dancing, Roblnoon Park. Ft. Wayne, i;,l., 11-10. De Oneos ft McDonald, Glenlaugy Park, Culiimbuti, 0., 17-23. Dee, Rot. Syracuse, N. Y.. 11-10. De Mutli-., The, Klectric Park, Montgomery, Ala., U-16. "Dlila." Steeplechase Park, Cmiey Island, N. Y„ U-lfl. Dlxon ft Fields, Grand. Marlon, Ind., 11-111; Park, MuHkegon, Mich.. IS-!!.'!. Dlerlckx Bros.. Ssna Soucl park. Chicago, 18-23. Diamond ft Smith, Keith's, Phlla., 11 10; G. 0. II., PlttKburg. 18-23. Don, Emma, Pal., Urmlford., U-16; Pal., Halifax. 18-23; W. llurtleponl, 23-30; Til., Down*. T. Nelson. Novelty, San Fran., Cal., II- IO: Grand, Socramento, 18.23. Ikonlreltft Trnnpe, Kilrylaml, Pateraon, N. J.. II- 10. Dorsch' ft RuhrcII, Ocean View Ca'slno, Norfolk. Va., U-ltl; Heservolr Park, ItlHimond. 18-23. Doyle ft Granger. Buson's. Chicago, U-16, Donerty Sisters, Kellh's. Cleveland, U-10. Drlscol ft McKenna, Hobmer Park, Montreal, 11- 10. Dberowi. The, A. ft S„ BOHlon, 11-10. Duryea ft .Mortimer. Newark, N. J.. U-16. Duffs. Tbe, BIJou. Dlllllth. Minn.. I! Ml. Durall, Kmmei, Olentingy Pnrk, Columbia, 0., 11 -10. Durand Trio. Young'*. Atlantic City. N. J.. U-16. P,arl Sisters, Cryalal. Detroit. Mich., 11-16. Karly ft Late, Lyric, So. McAlhter, 11-16; Foreit Psrk. Little Bock, Ark.. 18-23. Kckel ft Warner, Wnhlrmere Park, Erie, Pn., 11- 10. Edna, Mile.. G. 0. II.. Pittsburg. U-lfl. Edgertons, The. N. Y. Hoof, N. Y. C. 1 MO. Edwards' Boys ft Girls, Temple. Detroit. U-16. Edwards ft Manrelle, Dewey. Ctlca, N. Y., Il*lil. l->hly, Arthur, Elsylao, Grove, Tncmn, Arlx., II* 23. E-lgertons, The, New York Roof. N. Y. 0.. U-16. Kstus, ICd., K'-ltir-.. Boston, U-10. Elmo, l'eta ft Allle, Crystal Park, St. Joseph, Uo.. ,11-10. F.ttlnge. Jullnn. Palace. 1/tndon, Kog., Il-July 31. Elmo, Pete ft Allle, Crystal, St. Jm-eph, Mo., II- 16; Crystal, Trlnlilad, 'V>1., lfl-23. Ellon. Ham, Mnas ft Hlnll Tour, Kng., U-July .11. Ellsworths., Four, Athletic Park, Koknroo, Ind., 10-111. Emmetl ft Kane, Hollywood Park. Hallo., U-16, Fmperoi-s or Music (4), Forest Park, St. leOitls, U-10; Majestic, Chicago, 18-23. Empire Comedy Four, Moss ft Stoll Tour,, U-July 31, F.ngleton, Nan, ft Co., Ballo,, Hrt., 11-15. F.vans, Harry. Keith's, Boston, IS-Kl. Kvera, Geo. W., Park, Pueblo. Col., 11-23. Evans, .Mrs. L. C. ft Co., GHvernalnr'H, Allnnltn City, N. J., U-10. Eieretts. The, Gu verba tor's. Atlantic flly, N. J., U-10. Parley, James ft Bonnie, Ksat Lake Park, ltlr- rolnibam. Ala., 11-16; Ucean View, Norfolk, Va., 18-28. Fmlette Grcbestra. Keith's, Bostim. 11-16. Fays. Tbe. Victoria, M. Y. C, 11-10. Farnutn. Bud, Trio, Lake Side Park, Akron, 0., U-10. Farrell, Cliff, Southern Park, Ptttaburg, U-16. Falanlo. Star, Seattle, Wash.. 11-28. Fern. Sydney, Guvernator's, Atlantic City, N. J., Ilia. Femnmle May Dm, Alamo Park. Cedar Baplds. la., ii-ifl. Fcrrl- wilev Trio, Bijou. Bay City. Mlcb., U-10; Granil, .Milwaukee. Wis.. 18-23. Fergii-on ft Dupree, Ores-vnt Gnrdeo, Revere Reach, Mass.. 11-23. Ferrenw. Keith's. N. Y. e. 11-10. l-'erffiiMM. ft Mart, Lyric, Llvrrpool, Efig., U-16; Blrnilnxbam. 18-23. ft Bee«ons Forest Pork, Llitle Rock, Ark, U-lfl. FerffiKaTi ft PaKsmope, Wetmna Beach, Bay City, Mich.. 17-23. Fields ami Hanson, San Dleuo, Cal,, U-10. Fields. Will H.. Lake Side, Akron. 0-, 11-16; Four Mile Creek. Krle, Pn.. 18-23. Fisher. Mr. ft. Mr*. Perkins. Keith's. N. Y. G U-lfl; Kelih's. Phlla.. 18-23. Flsire ft McDonntigli, Yonng's, Atlantic CMy. N, J.. U-lfl. Fisher. Susie. U<-n-.-V, Porlland, Me.. U-16, l-'lnlay * Burke, Sliea's, Buffalo, 11-10. Fields, W. C. Proctor's 23it St.. N. Y. O., 11-16, Fink's cirni-. I.ngoon, letullow. Ky.. 11-16. 1 lynn A Mnckey. In-wev. 1'tlcn. N. Y.. 11-16. Flora. Mildred. Ingertoll Park. Des Moltiex, In., U-16; Olympic. Chicago. IN-23. Flynn. Earl, Electric Park, Knnsas r.'Hy, M«... U-Irt. Fleelonii ft Miller. Pnrk. Eniporln. Kan., 11-16. I 1.T-..I 1 <r...-. , Kellb's, Plillu.. U-lfl. i'lintl Hutl lin.- , Oakforil Park, ilreensbnrg, I'.t , II. 16, Ford Slaters ft Brothers, «. O. II.. PlttsUtrt,'. II- IO. Fox', Delia, Proctor's, Newark, N. J., 11-10. Fn\ ft WnM, Kenu.vwood, I'ltlt-biirg, U-16. 1'ontlnetle, MysterlnuM. Mnnnlou'M Park, SI. Louis, U-ltl; Athletic Park. New Orleans, lfi-23. Foster A Foster, Clnties, Hon I'mn., Pal.. II-IO. Fowler. Bertie, Keith's. Cleveland, I Mil. Fredo A Dure, East End Park, Mcmplirs, Tenit., II til. Franklin ft Toadies. GilTenuitor's, Allsiillc t'Hy, N. J., 11-16. PreeKe Bros.. Unique. Khu Claire, Wl-s., 11-10; t'ulque, Minneapolis. Mlnu., 16-23. Frrslerlck, tlrenl, Henderson'-*, Coney Island. N. Y.. U-16. Frosto ft Harvey, Empire, Oklahoma, ottn., II- io; Frank. Mnrvelous ft Bob. t'liutes, Snu Finn.. I'nl., 11-23. Framcecelios, Tbe, Chutes. San Frnn., t'ul.. 11-10. Francis ft liny. New, Pawliu-kei, K. L, 1H-S3. Frevoll, Crystal. Toledo. 11 Ml. Froslnl, F. U.. Iniiersnll Pnrk. Des Moines, la., , U-ltl; liiihiuiuc Purl, Unlmuuc. 1823. Fries Slster-t, Llmlciiwnl-I purk, Ifatulllon, (I., 10-1 fl. Gardner. Happy Jack, Kamoga, Grnnd Rnplds, •■I.I. Ml'!. Gordoer ft Revere, Olympic. lUea a M, I Mil. Ganlner ft Snnldnnt, Woolwonh's, Lmicnster, Pa., 11:16, Gardner, Ellxi. Olympic. Chlcngn, 11 -1*1. Gardner ft Revere, oi.vni|d4<. Chlcugo. U-10. iJiin-ly. Clark, Falrvlew Park. Piiyl-ui, Ik. II-UL (inssmnn. Josephine, l-'olrvli-w Park. Dayton, it., I Mil. Gnllaicbor A Hlltl. Athletic I'nrk, Bitffaln, II ML Unrtelle Ili-oH,, Pastor*-*, N. V. *'■., III*. Gnvlord, ltmtDb'. Fontalae Ferry Pnrk. 1-oulsGlle, Ky.. II-IO; Eust I'.ikI Pnrk, Memiihls. Teutt., 18-23. Gnffer ft Frn»er..Oak Grove, Wiiverly, N. V.. It* 16; Klmlrt-. N. Y.. 18 23. Gavin ft Plait. SI. Ilr Park. Sbiui»klti, Ph.. II- IO. Ganlner ft Colder, Guteriinlui's, Atlantic Clly, N. J.. II-UL Gelger ft Wallers. Itlrershle Pnrk. Sugllisw, Mich., U-16; Keltb'H, N. Y. C. IH-23. GlIllDKwnler, Claude, ft >'.,.. 8hea's, RutTolo, II- IO. Gllkey, Ethel, Athletic Park. New Orleans, M., Glratd. Marie, Lyceum, Ogilen, II.. 1110; Ronton, Salt Lake, 18-23. Glt*on ft lillisoii, tlryritil Pnrk, Hi. .luHepb, Mo., 10-10. Glllllinn ft Perry, West IClid Pnrk, New Grleuua, La., lS-X't. (lllniv, lluyues ft Montgomery, Novelty, SliM-klnu, Ciii., II Mi; Novelly, Frestio, 18-23. Gllrny ft Carrol). LIpp's. Alexiiudrlu, Ind., 11-10; Grand, Huatluglou, 18-23. Glllen, Tom, Walib-mere Park, Krle. Pa., 11-16. GUI, .Nat, Fnlrylnud Park, Passaic. N. J., 11-16. Gleason, John ft Bertbi. ft Freil Houlihan. Keith's. Cleveland, 11-10. "Globe of Ueiilli," Prorlur's, Albany, N. Y., II- IO; Keith's. N. Y. C. 18-23. Gllusei-eltlN, The, Temple. Deirott, II-IO. Golden ft Hughes, Steeplechase, Atlantic City. N. Oollioh. Mr. * Mrs.. Cryalal. Denver. Col., II* 16; Crystal, Trinidad, 18-23. Goniales Bros., Majestic, Chicago, U-10. Goforth ft Doyle, Electric Purk, Newark, N. J., 11*10. Gordon. Belle, Sins Soucl Pork, Cblcaan, ll-ltl. Ooldln. Horaee, Keith's, Boston, 11-10. Gordon ft Chacon, Pnrk, Ulngbamlon, N. Y., II- 10. ' Gordon, Don ft Mae, Mkesldc Casino, Akron, (».. 11-10; Four Mile Creek Park, Erie, Pn„ 18- 23. Golden ft Hughes, Steeplechase Pier, Altsnlle City, N. J.. 11-10; Efeetrlc Park, Alleutowti, Cordon, Kldrld, Bllnn, Frankfort, Ind., 11-10. Grind Opera Trio, Henilerwiu's, Coney IhInihI, N. y„ ii-io. Greene ft Werner, Victoria, N. Y. C, 11-10. GrllUn Slrttera, (lodfroy's, Groud llaplds, Mich., - II-IO. Grtvn Bros., Family, Unite, MooL, 18 23. Groris, win., (t, II., r:iliilon, In.. I MO; Lake- view Park, Terre ILuitc Ind.. 18-23, Graft ft Li'grniiil, Auditorium, Norfolk. Va., II- Gnnrt'y, Clark, Falrvlew Pork, Dayton, O,. 1110. Iliiminond, Mr. ft Mrs. Chan, D„ Kansas City, Mo.. 1123. Hallen ft liuys. Sans Soucl, Chicago, 11-10. Harvey ft De Vora, WashliiRt-ui, S|xikoue, Wash., 11-10- Star, Sentlle, 18-23. Harcourt, Frank. I'^rysinl, Delrolt, 11-10. Ilalnek SUters, Autlltnrliini, Norfolk, Vu., 11-lfl. Hammond ft Forrester. Dreamland, Decolor, HI., II-IR; White City, HpringOeld. IH-23. Halliaway's Indtuu Tihleuiu, Steeiiiechose Pier, Atlantic City, N. J., 11-lfl. llarvvard. Conrny ft I lay ward. For en Park, bun- aaa Cltr. Mo., I MO; Ingersoll Park, Dea Upbies, !«.. 1H-23. .art, Willie ft Edlili 0.. n-16; Farm. Tdledo, I) _ Hawk-Hawk Trk>, Llndenwiild Pnrk, lliiralltnn, G., 11-16. Haley ft Hnrty. Star, Donol-n, Pit., tl-IG; Slur, Monessou. 18-28. Hays, Ed. C, Four Mile Creek, Erie. Pa„ I I Hi. I aw kins, Lew. Olympic ChleaK... Il-lll. Hart, Willie A- Edith, Oleiitniigy Pnrk, Coliimhus, 0.. U-lfl. Harvey. Elsie, Orond. N. Y. C. II 111. Hasty. Charles Irwin, Goshen, Ind., 11-10; Crys- tal, Klwoftil. 1H-2.3. HnrbHck ft Harris, Sbeedy'n. Fall River, Mumx., U-in: Pnrk, Hkowh'-jfiiit, Me,, 18-26. Hnrtlman, J. A., Alhlelle Park, Buffalo, 11-10. Hnyman ft Franklin. Kmp., Claidium, Kng., I MO; Star, BermoudHley, 18-23; Kmp., IsIIukIoii, Ste 30; Ducltess, Peltinm, July 2-1. Himliloii ft Wiley, Grond, Milwaukee, Wis., II- 10; BIJou, La Crosae, 18-23. H-irper. Ix-nmon.l ft Burns. Keith's, Uonrou. U-16, Harrison, Minnie. Fonnliln Pnrk, (treat Hirrliu,- ton, Mass., hi-;. Hoy*.-. Ed, 0„ .lamestowa, N. V., IT*9L Hirrlxon, Lw F., Wnverly Park, Laming, Midi., 18 23. naroniri, D.-iNr, Eleclrlc Park, BallJinore, 11-11), Hall, Frnnk, Glenlaniy Park, tridtnnlsis, 0., II- 16; Avon Park, YrMingslr-wn, 1N-2S. Harris. B.-auregnn1e A Vn„ Wrw-dlawi, Park, La- trnbe, I'u.. U-lfl. Htvlow, Marie, tvdllns Gnrden, ColnmlK-ti, O., -11-10, IleloUe A A morns Staler*. Kellb's. Boston, U-16. llellman. Ores). Hlvershle Purk. Mnnlreol, ll-hl. Henry, Klioore, Y'oiing's, Atlsmle City, N. J.. II- IO. Herbert ft Rogers, Riverside Pnrk, Hiiglnnw, Mlcb., ll-ltl; nnmona Purk. Grind HapblN, IH-23. BcdrlK ft Prewroll. Olympic, flilcsgu, II in, Heywnod, GreM, Forest Hlil. Muncliesler, Vu„ II- io. Herald Siiuore Ounrletle, Rlnclrlc Pnrk, Mont* Koinery, Ala., U-16; Mminlulu Pnrk, Konintkc, Vs., 18-23. HeliiM. Rllly. Lakemoat park, Allonno, I'n., 11-10. Herl-ert ft Vance, Crystal Park, Slont Clly, la., U-10, Henry, Yomig ft Onnlln, Shelltrot Pnrk, VTImlug- ton, Del.. U-16. Itcwlcttes. Tlic. Alcaiar, Denver, Col., 11-23. Henry ft Francis. G. O. IL, Pittsburg. 11-10. Hill, Murry K., San Soucl Park, Chlcaf-o, U-10. Illnman. Capt. Sidney, Al Fresco Park, Paua, III., 11-23. Hilton, FreO, Happyland, Winnipeg, Can., U-16. Hlnes ft Remington, Keith's, Boston, 11-10. Illllehran ft Vlvlnn, Salt Palace, Salt Like, II., 11-23. Billiard. Robert, ft IN).. Kellb's, Pblla.. II-U HllUi'M ft Warren. Family. IlnviMipurt, la, ti- nt; Pnrk. Uaiuilbsl. Mo.. 18-231. tollman, (leu., Hljmi. Itnv City, Mlcb.. 11-10, Hlllyers (HI, darter's. Wnbasb, luil.. 11-16; Crystal. Toleslo. 18*23. Holmnn, Harry. PnMnr'M. N. Y. C,, IMG, llnldrtwnrths. The. Ljke Nlnninc, Ftl-rMtte, Mass,, ll-ltl; D-trtiey P.-irk. AlVtiiuwu. Pit., IB23. Hornn. ICddlc. HnrterV. IVnhnsli, liid., 11 l-.i; Crvstni. tmm, i».. is-23. Hoev ft Lee. Proctor's. Albany. N. V.. 11-16. Holt. Air., Moss Tniir. Eng.. Il-July 31. Howard Hnw,. Frnplrs* Tniar, Knit., Il-July 27. Il.twnnl. Chis., .Moore'-., ('(.rtlaml, Me.. 11-1 it. ibnv-irih, Mnrvelono, Malesilc. ■ l - ill. Hownrd ft i. I rulers. CoMlns* Gnnlen, t^liimbin, O.. 11-10. Hcslges ft Lnniictinierc, Fnlrylnud, Pnir-r*-nn, N, .1., Il-Hl. Holmnn Rro<i., ClnHnnatl. 11-23, llownnl ft Emers-m. iil,vmplc, t'lUcne.t. M-|i). H.iiTmnii*. The. Grnnd, Taconiii, Wn-h,, It-Id; Hlnr, Sestllc. 18-2:t. Hllghey, ft Co.. II. ft (t, N. V. P.. 11-bl. llneliu. Musical, lliiidei-xon's, Cmicv l-lu ml. X. Y.. ii-io. Ilnsfnrs mm lllnek, Henderson's, IVtaej Warn). K. V., II lfl. HulcMiiNiiii, J. K., ft Co., Otentnniiv Pnrk, Co- lumlois. O., U-16. llyl-iml-4 i3i, pllnmifr's Park, No, Adnuii, Mais., II HI; Plliuioi'i-'s ■Pnrk, I'nluier, is 23. Hyde ft lleiilh. I'nrk, Newark, U, Mill. Ilvde, Roh ft IterlliM, Sprinj; Lake Park, Trenton. X. J., Il-Hl; Electric Pnrk, Ni>, Ailami. iUs-., 14-tt, linhofT, Conn ft Cirlntie, Glymplc, t^tilcngn. 1 I HI. Imperial ,lupiiiie--e Uiinrds, circus tkaVlf Alftu.iT, UHMhrin'b. tier.. 1 I :tu. InneriH ft Ityim, Luke-slitc I'nrk, Psyttm, O.. II- IU; Cnslun I'm., Kaliimar,i>n, Midi.. IB Bit, Irwin. John H'„ Mhsoii'ii, Chicago. I I HI. Jntiit-s ft Imvls. Mill Wnnl, Wtlniln-rtiio, Del., II 111. Jhiiu-m A- lll.lior.l-. A. ft »., It,.- , il m. i -.... i ■ * ■ ihigM, Kellb's. PhllM.. tl Ml. .laolm, Clms. ,M,, Chiulollc, N. V.. 11 lit. ,!in-ks»n, .1. IL, •"!■ ■■ Park, HI. .lotepli, Mn.. 1016. .lai-kNiinsj (31. GnvcriHilin's. Allmifli' CIli, N. I., 1116. ■Inch. Mr. ft Mrs., Mnjestlc. t1>l.'Hgn, 11-16. .Incolrs ft sni-.lel. Ivvm.svlM.-, In. I., II lit; In- dlNnopolln. IS 23, .1 timing-' At Iteiiirrcu'. HI.U111, LniMiiut, Mich., II- 16;-Grnnd, Mnrhm, hid., IH-23. .lenurt' ft Ellstmrib, Wlmleii Purl:, I'llt-lihuri'. MllHS., 11-111. .1..1.1. 'in.. Iltti-c.v. NorumlH.jfii I'm-k,, 11 in. .Ifilm-Min ft WclU, <h ltn.l«verii, Hiil.-i|...i it hi. U-July in. .li-liiH'-im. MiNlcnl. Tower, Hlni'lhiNil, Knit., It- ;iti; L.111I.H1. July i::l. .Inlinsoii, Siils'l, Teimile, lte|r..ll. 11-16. .bines ft lltiymolKl, People's Park. Spin., Mil., II 16, ' .i.'i.iMi.ii A- Rent/. Aiiilllorliiut, Norfolk, Vn., II lit. .Iniics A S111t1.11. St. H). Piirh, sini.nuUi, *■»., ii- HI. .Lines, Inlaw. Ti'luple, ■«. -11 ..11. Hi; .In!.- lit-iH., I!l|.. ii.,. Vn., II 111, Kales Hnis.. (ilciMiiiitiy Purl, 1'nhmtliiiH, It., II* 10; Me>etV Lake, tiitilim, IM-KI, Kniie, Lisuinril. bt-iib'-<, N. V. P., I I tit. k .iifiiNii ShliTs, iluvemnKii'.i, Atlnuli. 1 Clly. M, J., II 16. En! WW*. A Attn, Tlvoll, Hiivnun, fillut, II. 16; Piiluilii'i Purl;. Hiiviiuu, in ■.':;, Kni-in.'- I'liniiHiilme i\i.. Pluiiei, Ssu Fran,, Cal., It lit. Karutitr.. Hrlghloii Itench. N. Y., 11-23. Kidcy. Mr. ft Mrs. Alfred. Olympic. Chicago, is- Kemp A Pcnrl, Miileslle. CIiIciik-i, 11-16. Ki'iiii. W'slsh ft Mcliniu', .MuJimIU- l.'liieuijo, 18*23. Kenton. Horntliy. Mlwk I'srm, WliNlli.iiHl.tirj,', Vt., KratfltW (3), CucIini. LyncblnirK, Vn., 11-16; Gh- mIiiu. Giviiii View, 1S-2.'I. Kelsay A Moore. En I rv lew Pnrk. I)nyi.«i.t>„ 11 Ml Kelly. Walter C, Keltli's. Iloslon, Hit), Kennedy & Wllkius, Steel Pier, Atlutillc lllty. N, KelJiir Hnis., Orpliemii, Si. I'mtl, Minn., 11-16, Klienis ft Cole. Spring llrouli Park. Ho. Hem), luil., 11 111: Siu.s Hood Park, (itilcagti. 1823. King. Mr. ft Mm. Hum, Stanton Purk, Steuben- vllle, 0., 11-10. Klngsley. .Iiiiiich. Dewey. Htleu, N. Y„ Il-lll. Klllles HiiiiiI, Av.ui Purl.. Y<iiint,'»<l"vi'ii. t)., II 10. Klein A Klein, i.'nslmi Park, ItHhuiuiMo, Ml.-i., 11 Hi. ' Kohler ft .Marlon, Ulfffl, N. Y., 11-10, Kosiire ft I'liaplaln. tl. II., Aleuiiclrl... I111I., I |. 16; Orplii'iim. Llitm. (I., IK-Sii, KnllbiH, King, Glyuijilc, Cblcugn. II III, KmlflwM. 'On'. New Yark Rimf, N. Y. C„ 11-16, La Tmir, Irene, Steeplcekawe I'lrr, Allllllli' City, la* Clair ft Weal, purk, Wind Hap, |'n., It Hi; Snnntngii Pnrk, PoilHtuwu, 18-23. Lnfuyetle Lyrle, Limn. It., Il-Hl. Lnwler, Mlciinel, A Co., | nn Will" Wllmlntion, Del., 11-1(1. Lunience, Pete, OnkdHle, PllOiliiirg, ll-lll. LancMKler, Tom, I'lnelnn-U Pmli, IVinN-Nlt-r, Mats., La Grtte, Auditorium. Ilrainl'iii, Can., 11-16, in Rex, Nuruuibegu Pari., H1.HI011, ll-HI, l.nmbert ft Pierce, Munil Purk, Ension, i'u,, 1 i- It': Homey Park. Allenlowii, IH-23, I.11 SCelle, Eibrnrd, RoIjIiimui Purk. PI. Wn)ii.<, luil.. Il-lll. Lit Itlunelie, Miirle, Won.lerlim.1 Park, Indian. nisdls, u-lil. (.a Mom. Ollle, Slmidiiril, Purl Tovrtrilii'int, Wmli,, U-16; i-norobt, Tacoinii, |H4fL l.u Belles, KimiiiNtl.', Spring I...lie, V-'liirltnliu, Te».. U-16; Fiiresl Lake, I.I 1 He Ko.-k, Ml,., 1823. ____ Lnrsisi, Alliilitle'tlurdeii, N, V7i'„ It-16. Lu Jess, Thin, ft ('atiillle, Alnloaie, llutehltisoii, Km... U-16; Airdome, Kni|n.rlii, IN *>:i. Lit lli-lle Trhi, Erl.'H, Nt., lleudi., X. Y. ('.. ll-ltl. Liiiiniiiut A Pfintetle. Crynlul, Mnrlmi, linl., II III; Crvstni, Aiu1ers.ui, 18-^3. l.n Ulae Hnis.. Proctnr's, X-enurli, S. .r„ II HI; Prnch.i''M, Allmny, S. V., IN-23, l.n Moyne Mlslfi-n, LnkCNtih- CihIiki. Aknui. »!., II HI. l.n Tell llrttH., I'rople'H, Leiii'i'iiivnrtli, Km II,. II* Hi; t.'iisino, si. .Joseph. Mn., is-.':;. I.niigd'iii. Ihinlle, Grnml, Mnrkm, lud., ll-ltl; Grand. MWMd), IH-23. Lewis. Georitln. II'iiim.iiii. HrniMl ltfi|ild-i, Mti-ii. . II 16. IjK-nard. tins, Proclnr'-i rj-'.tli HI., S*. Y, (V, Il- lll; Priicliir'i- .Mil SI.. N. V. P., 18 23. leee. rilxlnurli ft JbM-ilc, Phpm, <i,, ii in- Pnrk, iln 1.-nil.-. Ky., IN-23. Irene, Prm-lnr'n Alhnuy, K. Y,, IMO. l.e llnrr, oipheimi, Wei.i. < im. Uu. 11 HI; LrrK Musk'ige'., I, 'I',, 18-23. l.e Iti-iii, ilreiit, Hiwlln-i, leOgiiiisiuirt, In.I,, II III; Eiistiti'H. (Milt-ag.). 18-2.3, l.e llrilii Hjieni Trio, Olriliplc. f'blcagii, II 10. I.edcgnr, Clms., MaJcMllr. l.'lilentro, l|>lll, leegnre, I iMi-'i, I i.t; I.uillow, Ky.. U-lfl, Leslie ft any. Illjmi, Norfolk, Vn.. Il-Hl. Li-Kile. Gen. W., Lyric Clevrliuitl, It., 11-lH; Temple, HuffnIn, 18-211. I^otilinnll, Al.. Hlnr. Tornnlo. <Sm.. Ultl; v». ,sl»u, Park, KiihiiiinnHi. \|l.|i„ 1823. I# Miilw Urns., l-roebir's, Newark. N. J.. Il-lll. l.e lti»y, Miirli*. PnxlnitL' Pari;, llnrlsbiirK, Pa., II- HI. Lt'it'Te ft HI. Claire, Onk Hummll, lOvitietvllle, J ml.. U-16; iMit-kleii. Elhliitrt. 18-23. I cwIh ft Hurr. ''ryslitl. Frniiltfort, In. I,, II PI; CryHlnl. Klklmrr. ik-^i , Lesllf. Eddie ft Mile. Cnrrle, Emiilro. Den Molrns, In.. Il-I'l. I.lmlajiy'a Monkeys, Mldgei Clly, Cblcnwt. II 23. I^irrlmer ft Grinc, Pasinr's, N. Y. C, |H-2;i. I.-.111.'. Mnrey, lllkni, Hulutli, Mli.n., II HI. I/.vllls. The. Athletic Purk, JliiGiiln. Hill. Irfirnhfinl Itn.s,, Crysdul Pnrk, Uiiintiu. Neb., Il-lll, LubciiH Hi. Keltli'n. N. Y. C, Ml. Lu Tmiir Fu, Vb'torln, N*. Y. C., Il-Hl. Lueler, Mr. ft Mrs. l-'risj, |irr, Pnrk. Atlwl, Mil-.--,, Il-lll. I.U'llnii, Chris., Moore'H, Pnrllaml, Me., 11-16. Lynch. Hick, Olympic, ('hlciucn. II Id. L/Hler ft t'linke, Wonder I and. .Mllmmlief, Hi -nt. .Mr.lvfir- A 'J'liianiH. Mi<v>re'H, P.irltiinil, .\lr., ll-HI. Mnrtlcre, Liiiiru, Lyceum, .Mugniu Pulli, N. V., II 111. .Marline Hroiher*, Eini.lre, 1,-niiloii. KtaV, ll-'IO. Martin'-, Harry ft .\fi.ltli-, EKi-eUlui- Sjige., AJu. ( Marb. ft Abb., Hinornator's, Atlantic City, N. J,, U-10, '