The New York Clipper (June 1906)

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JUNE 16. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 467 'if Jill'** *»■ 'to" 1 I,H ' 1 ,,wu ""°ll nul1 " Xn... WM* .11.1 liptadrll had killMl i . .Hi. and ttau «immlll«4 wilrlrto. «« a ro- vnlvcr wan'fomid cfom*d In Ilia l"i»«- ruM -ls ASTliciNV Kuils. a ilnisii Inn. Willi «.» In'I lie orrhmtrH nf tbo Metrwollfan The- J,™ Bnirilo: N. V.. In till! .-.ii'b. .m June il In Hint i-IUr. agM "-IgMr'TO ycara. lie k wurvlvtil bv four .on.. Anotner win. tue mte ji^rnli A. 'Knhn, wns far many years an or- ji,.- rn Irailir at linrfulo th.atreti. gitdtr U< ttttt. C A. Pkimiimi. glass blower, jollied Lis wiliiiiiu I*. tI"iK' Wonderland and Musuem ;,[ Norfolk. Vil, June i». TUB ViXUM IlOHIXSOS ClIlCLS Is I lie Iairel MUvmMlseeking fame. It Is now [raveling through Southern Iowa, aod nan tiiel wllh phenomenal business. It opened ^i \del In May. and Is now linl-lilng its iiftti v-eek Pred Buchanan, owner: C. W. Bu- chanan, manager; James Scgrlat. assistant innhnper. and Everlst Hayes, pre** repre- sentative, are among the directors of ton en- ici-prlxr. lc .» one of Die largest; wagon shows on llie roHd. having tuenry-one irMPW sixty-four head of horses, anil a well Piinl|>nod menagerie. Including an elephant, camel*, lions, bear* iiurt monkeys. Tin: Tiiolll'V Cut Trio report business splendid with (he Great Wallace Shows, and niai they are doing well. i;ru[i.,r: Ablinuton write*: "1 Iieg lit In- form you that the ttrnt of Arlington k Davis. caterers to Barnum & Bailey, was dissolved liv mutual connent June t>. The business will be continued by mo." Faun A. Hoikjhon passed through New Yurie Jtiuc It, en route to Ills home at Col- lingwood. Can., where lie will spend the Sum- mer. yilKt: Kuu.NKr. bareback rider. Is with Mmkuy'B Kuropeuu Circus. Tin: Foiikfaci.u-Ski.i.s' baseball team, nn- dcr the management of liarry ti. I-amkln, Ijiii- up this season as follows: Jacob*, t. f.; Cornnila. 2d b.: Launder, s. s.: La Mar, r. (. ; Fisher, .">d b.: Kgener, c: Bung. 1st b.: La Van. r. f.: He Boil en. p.: Slayley. p.: Con- nors, p. The learn la ready to play any circus nine. Fkom Cummins' will Wi:kt. —Wc wUii to notify the friends of Hilly Vogt that since. he opened with the Cummins Wild West, hn has not been able lo do his work. We left hint at the Mercy Hospital, Springfield, Mass- very 111 with, we believe, sum* 1 kind of kidney li-nublci Ills friends connected with 111' 1 show raised quite a -sun, which wc left wilb hltn, am! we arc going lo send liliu more as soon as collected. This, however, may not last long, as bis' Illness, wo Oar. may be pro- longed. If a*ny of his old friends wish in correspond with, or assist him, letters will roach blm, at Mercy Hospital, Springfield, Mas*. Jack Cousins, equestrian manager of Frank A. Uubblns' Shows, will soon intro- duce some new riding acts. Km Kumxr has closed In Advance of Cole Bros." tolled Snow*, and Is resting in De- troit, Mich. Tilt: Sensational Hoists arc this season one. of the strong features of the Ureal Wal- lace show. The press pronounces the act to be finished and artistic. ItuKTKU of the side show with the Jones Ktiormons It. It. Shows: Al. Anderson, man- user kwI orator: <». Burkhart, leclurer. I'unch and magic: Mrs. C. Burkhart, mind render: ■!■'. Mexican". Hon act: tieorglu ' Colored Minstrels. Chief K1 Ko Zulu, cat ortdiestra. 'Mr. add Mrs. Blckel, comedy liox- i hi; act: Ltzzette. soakc cbitrmer: Miss Oc- taria. song and dance: II. Burkhart. feinatc im(>ersonalor: colored band of nine pieces; It. Slarr, dour keeper; C. I-klwards, J. -Mc- Hihlc and Bill Smith, ticket sellers. Tim ttKX't lit; Oar troupe of acrlaiisls anil ncrobais, Wm. X. Marie. Hurry and Walter, rrpurt luaking a big hit with Harris' Nickel 1'late Shows. In Chit-ago. R.'.upi am) ItAijxiN are oi mute wilb the I'lti-epangh & Sella Bros.' Shows. Sthaihut Talk rabsi John Kubixsus's '\\:s Bin Snows.—it is slniuge that ihe dra- tuatic jmiwrs ami kJiow folk ao fret|iirutly get ■laies mixed rvganllug age. 'ownership and niaimgement nf the John Itiiblusun Circus. iteceully. an ili-m went tie rounds giving it n:aii nniiicd Itagerx as once a partner In Die raterprisc; also: Ibiil l he present owner, John I' Uubln^ou. wus sevcuty years of age, nnd his Ron. ihe present manager, John U. lioblnwiu. forty years old. Kurtqcr that the aiov siaried in 18*H1. No mau nameni Uogers was ever partner. The writer evidently was thlnkltig uf f'liurles Jtogers, of the old time SpauldliiK & Itogers Clrcux. Tlicre have only lieen two real partners In this business. The l.rxt was (J. N. KIdrvd, and tlie other the well known Mr l.u'.f (Wvem^r ltoblnson's pres- ent iige is slx'.y-thm'. nnrt his win Is llilrty- four. ■■Cncle" John Ilobinsoii. who rounded Hie show in ls_M (tills )>e)ng ItKcigbty-flfHt year), rc-llred from active mauugemeiil in 18.*iK. when Hie (iovernor look charge. I'nclc John died hi 1SN«. Tlw n«vei-nor Is Ihe IVait of th« rlrcua world. Whlle'lbcre'iitv perliajis older abowmen in point uf sge. he Is by nil <slds the oldest In point of active service, and even Io-i'hv Is on iho lot. looking utier the Interest or tin- tdg enienirlKe. lie becainu absolute pmprlelor In 1871. He was born In Ihe huslurss. and nl one time was one of the premier riders. Ills son, Jobu C. Robinson, ik (lie yoitngest elntis mnmtgcr <n Ihn world, .tud took the saddle as munHger hi 181)tt- John I U i bin son'-; Circus is the "dmldy of iheui all." II was nn old show when many of IH present tlsv urunulxalloiw was nil thought or, and when she oldest of Ihcm were In swsd- illlng clothes. This year's business has been phenomenal and the weather great, as lo date ire have only bad three days uf rnfn. I^tst season we were oiil until line. s. ami Hie chances arc wc will go null! Christmas this year. Notks KSOM tub M<"I>ovAi.n Bhos." Show. —When we plsyed t'barlesluD, 'fenn.. some louglls from the mdunialiis came In' to "cut her down." A close watch was kept on them. ami they wen; prevented from doing say harm 'till night, when Un-y succeeded In cut- ting ntte. of [he ibsin guy ropes, letting the pole-fall in. The rnnvmt men drtin ihe men away after n short tight, lit which one of Hie toughs was killed. The man'who did ihe deed left for parts unknown, and Harry Mc- l'onald. one of the proprietor*, was arrested for Ihe crime, ami Ihe show atlaclted for SlU.OOu. At the hearing Mr. McDonnld was released, only lo be rearre^led ou the ssrac charge, lie was tried Iwfore a Jusiiee. who w-as ii retail re of the mnn killed, and hound over .under $o.OUO Isind. As it was clearly a case of "hold up and shake down." Mr. McDttnnld concluded lo give no bond, bat had bis lawyers lusiUun a writ of habeas corpus, and Ihn trial im at uuce la*gmt. Tin- ease litis time was heurd by Judge- H. C. James, who passed in h verdict of "not gullly." The court room whs packed at Ihe time, i,mi cheers arose when the verdbd ma giveu. The baud whrou was niauued at oiice and advertised the town for n perfurniami* that nlghi. At tlighl the tcul was packed to capacity. XtiTEK mull Joyce's old Time Country Cir- cus. .1. K, Joyce, proprietor).—We are n»w on the finish of Ihe second week on* the road, and have la-en doing a pueuoniepn.' business at every aland, in mnny eitses turning people away, the tent being' too small lo iircoromo- . date the vast crowds. The verdlei la ntws.ya the aanie, '"I'be liest nnd neatest wagon aho'w on the mad-" -»*■»■ aan^wtvano mtnsirei fvi Ca ItOHKN, wire 'wizards, wish to cor- reet the statement that one uf them had died. They canceled the Cincinnati engage- ment owing to the death of Tred La Bose's father. ■.ItJtltv" JIli.i.nx. pianist, retelvetl a bene- fit at the Novelty Theatre, Brooklyn, June -'. and drslrea to thank the performers and friends who m'ndc 11 a stlccess. A'odht $8U0 was realized. ■Iaiies Biiaov writes : "The following \w«- pte were Inliinted In the Hmtpberrv Hush, st chltllmthe. ti.. Mny :tl : Memlten of W. U. Ha sit be tries. No. 101 : b". Clayiaxil. J. Kcmciy. I: c. 1*0111. K. Want K. Wcuger, II. Mindmk. II. i.lbson, li. Robinson, i;. Hoblnsoli: K. Swcpson, J. Hall, ii. Claypool. Chas. Hunter, A \„ niehle. Wm. Sou lit. 0. Campbell. "John llogaii. Snm Uerjer, JainL-s Brady, Jack Ivy. eiecirtcni Mrs. James Brady, little Mary Brady, Ivy signed for a new ihPBtre nt Jackson that Del mar add the wm Sbjtera." - --- Blm.a and ILathono, who closed a succexs- ful season with the American Burlesquers, wltl spend the Summer at their home In St. James, I,. I. Tub Kins-Nurh ntet with great success at Haninn's I'dlui, Toronto, (int., Can., week of May 21, mid also al ihe International, Ni- agara Falls, N- V.. week of June 4, with Athletic l\irk, Buffalo. N. Y.. to follow. Mu. Ral'KKtt, of Itackett & Ilaanrd, In- forms us that be has refused all offers of engagement' for their act for the Summer, ana be has accepted a isisitlon as saxaphone Tun IftUUEffl (Bob and Nelilel Inform lis .bo: \» am. tiik tJHlKBans Sik- Ihat ihev have Joined Arnolds Comedian*. In Tans, who appeared week el June 4 at the North Ihtkola, which opened 'the tenting MajeHlr, Chicago, write us that they hsve season Mav 1U. to good business and pleasant m« of the- prettiest and elevrreit three acts weather. Tick Qlu BtftitlH.r trachea xi* that tina b*»on #rn Mn some time. They ererr week, and It mnre thart'Welcome. Bos- have the circuit to follow, with plenty of the ter of tlje company U as follo%s: Imk Ar- nold, proprleror and manager; Anna Arnold. lh« Dallevs (Bob and Nettle), BerT Wiring. Kdi Skngen. Otlo Ulnae, ljilng and llane. W- S. nt:rrB«MBW». who contrnla vaude- ville theatres In Kalamaaoo. Battle Creek, Jackson and Hint. wrlle» ns follows: "The season for polite vaudeville In Michigan will be over by about June 10. My Jackson and h'llnt houses are now flowed, and Ihe other two (owns will folttnv >uli by the mhldln of the month. Arcordbis In iny plans the Btjou. in Kalamazoo.' will tie enlarged to n sealing i-apadlv of nine hundred people. The Bnltle Creek bouse will be entirely remodeled, with a l-omplete new set of chairs, ■r angy ind electrical Improvmentk. Leases linVe been re nt Jackson that will ■at lug c hundred iieople ■ stage ■jr-xRO, daiiona for the big acts tn go Art Raatern time. Son nga Tom «r hONNKLLV's Mis- llisll li of |H; RC| BUM** lOKAt. Ml.v* sin>:i.s Blllr l in line, manager: Bohhy l>n Hue, Suwhi He Hue, Master John Lamhcri, Waller Hear a. Out-go Adams. Fred lllll, John Uiip. Harvey Dunn.' Haymoude' SI. Clair, lleorv Tyler. Frank Itaartley. Frtil. Ilardy. Frank Hraham. Lorln Fa.tjersoii. :ddle ApnlegHic, John Lc*. Hrorgc Murray HrtiKLH.—ThU comYufnr. under tbf, personal William Stearns. Harry Frank. In inanagfrnenl hf .IiicVwV sinker, ojleiied their arid IV II. Hurt! July l I wilt hove Ipibp* for tw« new hatpea whlcirwlll give me six weeks of hVstking for the coming i-wwiji I have Jim dosed a con- tract to manage a Summer vaudeville thea- tre, lornted at South Haven, Mich., which Is called the Coney Island or Chb-Hio. on ac- count'of the big excursions running from fliat clfy *o the betrV during the Summer. As there nee new vaudeville theatres build- tdg in Lansing and Bay city It will give . every lown in the State of Michigan or any soloist with CaclI Kuuges Concert Band, at murtrtance a goed. first elaaa vaudeville the- regular Summer aeitwm early this month, and met whh their utaat suitcss. mHWM Si"ker bus surrounded Tommy Douiu-lty with tin- tiest comnant of hhuk face tierfonneN in the history «f this old and reliable organi- sation. This season the company piny week atntins exclusively. In Ihe leading parks In New Kuglntitl. Following b the roster: Tommv fiiinnelly. Jack V. Stoker. Norman Stanler. Salon l»e Miller. .Inch H. Kearns, Jos. McAmlliii. Charles I vera. Frank Brown, Arthur Bantu. Norman Hants, Frank Bant a. Harry Von Bell. ft. It. IMHenger. Jnnwa Fin- ning, C. K. I'erry. John Lynch. J. N. Fam-lier; Fred CnminK V. XlcAwley. J. tlonohue, L A. Cliirknon and i.eorge Hart. TllK THUCK 1»i:i.ovs. Kdille. Tolla and Myrtle, write from Hutchinson. Knu.. that ifler spending a successful Winter lu the itrln rati or: tlrorge Mun Frank. In advanri. pnigrammer. We closed our forty ulnth week June lb at Wlnrtunr, VI., and the S. «, O. sign was out four nights nf our closing week, and thus ttiilshlng a most, prosperous season for this company. After a two weeks' lay off we open our next settdon's tour at Bellow* Falls. Yl.. on June ■ •JS, hooked solid for foiiy-clght weeks. W« will carry a much larger and stronger com- pauv, malting a sprelal feature of our con- cert which we claim to lie the llnest on the read lo-day, inir new wardrohe will In- the nuiai I'blhornle ever placed on a min- strel llrsl part, backeil up with our new Hrst pad Bet, ''Trie Hrfnten nf Flowers," and we carrv Jipc'* 1 scenery for every one of our olio acta, which will inimU-i' seven. All our pcoitle nre already under com met. wblcii wilt moke our show eouipleie from the atari. mill thus wltl make us one of Hie foremost South, (lire opened on'ihe ttfrkaaa middle of mliisiret c.mpiinles now In eilsien «... ■- - ' * .. . i. . . .-- . -.1.1. . .. .. I'm. Hi ,m. ii Win il* I I l.i,, \l n II 11 the Blsmark tbtrdens, Chicago, In order that his wife (Miss Ha/unit may have a mucii needed - real, as the lenni has worked very steadily for the past few years, both In this country and in Kut-ope. They arc already- booked for n fourth tour la Ureat Britain, commencing Aug. If), HK'T. Woon anu Stum;, comedy musical act, were with the Bijou Minstrels weeks of May 'JS and June 4, at Ihe big carnival, Bayonue, n: J. Mns. RicAiiiH) in Conwo and Baby Aurora are plnylng the Western vaudeville house;. Mrs. Cornyo will leave for Chicago In Aug- ust, to place Baby Aurora In a dramatic comjiany. to piay child roles. IjILLIAN FllANKIilN closld'll VCfy HUCCCSfltlll Kenson with the Miss New York Jr. Co. at Indianapolis. May -7. Her singing numbers, ahe writes, were among the hlla or (be show. She opens a ten wneka' engagement oa'Die Middle Wettt circuit In parka, opening at Sioux City, la., June 3, with Omaha, Neb., to follow. Tin; OtiinixAi. Bowcgf Boys' giAttTt-xra have signed with Mr. Clark again for next season, after playing nine week* of park work this Summer, over the Orpheitni circuit-- WbUM ami WsMX wrlie: "We are In our tiixth week with the Li Blnnclie Ot|ibeum Co., in Minnesota; inectlnc with most gratifjylng siiccess at every performance. ..Mrs. Welsz's •Klectrkal Creallo'n.' a novelty-we Introduce hi our ad, crcntea a sensallou. Master Ferd, and Miss Onlda. our son and daughter, are the luatiii-es, und well deserve the ap- (iluubc received nightly. We'vvllI remain m iho North and Wear" for the remainder of Hie Summer season." Nat Haines hats' closed his vaudeville sea- son, .tnd will resume work In September. He will make u short trip lo Europe, and then go lu the Catskills. Notks max tiii; Mksskmjkii Tiikatbb, orry._ I'H.--The sensoir at litis bouse closeil and the outlook for the coining year la considered good by Ihe local managers." Notks fmuji Bkacii &. Bowkhs' .\Iinsi uki.m. —For next"afAtton the ahow will \* far *a- prrlar. larger nnd sironger than ever. The hnnil will be. the lai-Rcst'and liUOst uniformed minstrel bqjid tlutl ever was carried by any minstrel comimny. Wi> will have new lltlm- graphlc pujier, new tlrst part, mMiry all new. - coshtmet».-'« , t<'. .1. H. Smith, the ituinn ger. will do nil in his power to make this the greatest show on the road. XOTKS FIlOM THK RUtW MINSTBKI.S.—Wc opened our season at the Bayonue, N. J.. Carnival, for twit-weeks. We have a grand tlrst pari and four big Beta In the olio. Weber, the juggler. Ward Bros., singers anil wooden shim dimcers : Wood nnd Stone, mu- sical act, and the' Blfou Comedy Knur, slng- kll! ■ Wesl chi'ii'U of Summer theatres, with ihe Olesoo Hi bin circuit lo follow, mid arc booked until the middle of tlrliiber. Jamkh Cabnox was Initialed Into Lodge No. "j;i. Buffalo Lodge or l-;iks. night of June It. After Ihe meeting Mr. Carson was given a biiiuiiet. .lu-mis am> SAintKi. have closed their vaude- ville seasiai. and have signed with the Cin- cinnati Ai iii-rim ni Co. Mark ami I.AI*ra Bavis report meellitg with big success In their neat Herman sing- ing, vodlhig and comedy act, "Hans, the Urorenr Uov." Week or June i tiiey were at ijbeilpoi Pjrk, Wtlmlngtoa. Bel., and open June 11 at Koltjwood Park. Italllniore, wltb other giant work to follow. IIi.aiu anu McNi the Koiitherti btaek face couiedlias. are spending tmir weeks In the Black Hills. Irntti tishUig, i.nd combining lillsllK'SM V. 1th pll'lliill''. bnut Bv;ai-u, Mass.. No'tk, The follow- ing nre milieu ring at Wonderland I'litk, week of June 11: Lnrseit Stslers, trapeze act : I'rnf. Bllyck's seals. Lielmore and Oiieldtt, reri'b act: Fred A. Bennett, high stilt act ; riinrlte. tilldc for life from (ho top of chutes ; Sadie Knowlton. riding down lite chutes. The itendldtv arrangisl rhciis. In celt tee nf park, * Bell- ing and comedy act. We will play parka ^ through Pennsylvania. Everything U gonig )* uuder' the management of Fred A well. mm. ' . IIiiWAiui Tim'kston, magician, sends news PAtli. Sams.ii salts for F.nrope June Id, of Ida Imineusely aucccssful tour of the after lining successful engagements. He la booked to rriitrn tu Hh>7. Haiibv CniOnrn Ui.a>kv writes: "Next season I shall manage personally my former partner. Bert MrUnrvcy. In a unique ningln|; and dnneirtg net. which will la* absolutely Impossible fn eqiial, as be stitnds'iilone In'tni: Impersonating field, and no motley will he. spared In-placing him properly'. 1 Changes of wardrobe will lie-made during the act, and I lIihII feature hi- wonderful (oe dancing." Norn rang Tua Joun I* Silmvax fn.— Ituslness has hern good' Everywhere. Booked u|i to the latter pari of June. The natter Is: Frank Hall.'manager : John I.. Siilllvau.'ChaH. iKId) Culler, Sullivan's sparring purtner: Carl Mattson. heitvy weight iMM: Joe Cardo. '"the Inst Jaw man: the Heeds, glole performers: Beuueiie and I leaver, novetty trirfe piano : tllniirhe Heed, serpentine dancer; the Foijr Marveloua 'Cowlen.' Kuropeati v elty aerial gymnimta. feaiorlug llltlo four- June C, with a moving pieture and vaudeville rear M,irgnerllc Cowlos, Ihe ygtingest T. M. .i at nrs Sopncl-r, fat open a show. Charles V. Trimble, the manager, is A . in the world. „t Wild wood X J M Ju Bii-eudy booking for next season, and desires Hr.Narco. the great Spanish ctowu, has ' all mnnngers lo know that lie Is booking dl- joined the Van Aukena, to produce their new rect and In conjunction with no other houses He desires the best shows, and guarantee* aatlsfaclory business. The past scaison, wns the. best In the history of this house, anil many managers arc rei]iiestbig return dales. The Messenger wilt Im> overhauled during the Summer, and everything done to Insure com- fort for rhe performers. A new specially drup-bad been added to the scenery equip- ment. Btoiwx AM* Wii.mot write: "We nppinsl ni the llnppylmid. Winnipeg, ('mi., week of May St. Our act was n big lilt, and we wen held over u second week. The 'Hapiiylnnd' Is oi- Hie order of While City, ami business big when ihe weather penults II. Wi act. Tin: Mautvnk Sisixiis open ihelr third engagement at Memnbls.' Teuu.. on June 'JT>. Manaukr Fbitz BnANtJ. nf Uiu-a. N. Y., wrltew that Forest Park. In that elty. opened May ^8. to the largest business of any open- ing week of previous years, aod that-he Is nss-urcd of a very'sticceaafttl season- ' -Koreat Park Is an Ideal Mpot. with • Its nnlurul scenery, and will appeal strongly - to tli> pleasure seeking public Manager Brand, at a large expense, tins'.renovated the' theatre, making it one of the flneat In the Slate. Among Ihe peoplt- wlio opened the week of Mii.V '-*?* were: The tninrlmx Johnsons. Ver- noU Sisters. KoIhtIk and Uabtton, comedy Lliwis. ihe Herman i-omedlan, cl'iseil a veil* Kiit-cessftil senson In musical comedy May I'll, and opened In Detroit, Midi.. Mny 'ja. ni lh» rrvstal Tbeatn-. where his act was well received. After a week In Canton. (I.. he will leave for New I'nrk. lo spend a few weeks at boiue. He Has some parks booked around New York.-owning .liinr'<f<>, before. beginning rehearsing for next season, IjKuxabo Pjiillith writes':'"1 have opened a elrcult, ptnvlrtg two nights In ejieh town. bf^lnniiiN- si Mecbuiilcsville. and playing Keltuyloi-ville. Sandy Hill. Furl Kdward. Hara- loga. lilrns Falls ami other towns, offering people six nud eight weeks. Wardrobe for my I.If act Is lielnit rushed for relienrsals, alien- ing June 18." Tub la aerlallsts. have just closed a very iins-esNfiil season.' ami have signed for Ihe Summer under the niniiagemenf of "da new thelitn- ... .8. na an rati h vaudeville feature. They have added several Mr feaiures lo Ihelr act. und wilt have a new electric nnlsli to present it Wlldwood. KMMleTT ami Kaxk. after closing four weeks hi Block burlesque, In Philadelphia, open ihelr park work nt llollywisid Park. Baltimore. Mil., for two weeks, Junn II and IS. with other parks to follow. Their Her- man .-bloody net Is a mirre**. tliey Inform us. TUB Mi kuwl Wolkks i Ben M. and Mamb" openetl al the Family Tht-nlre. l-Utsi Si. I.util>. 111., Monday. June 1. In llielr new comedy musical act, "The lluls* and the Maid.'' »nd scoriil a success.' After the llrsl performance ihev received seventl good offer*. Al clusion or their act they *t*rt« etiteiialned ay the KnttSl. Louis Fagles. Aerie No. ."il.'i, ami Kpenl a idea Mini evening. TltK aerial 'cvellsls and light wire performer*, write: "We arrived In Bos hm, from France. May :m. anil will rest for Ihe Summer in Bosioii. Our act has ham slgneil for one of ihe Weslern burlesi|iie wheel shows for the Wliiler. We have one of llu- aUWUpml aerial slack and fight wire arts In Ihe World. Thin Is our tlrst visit, lb tub. coiitilry. aod wc are the originators or every- thing we do." Tut: F. mi* i hi: ciiutit ■*" removed Its New Vot-k ofBrew r.. Hie Knickerbocker Theaire Building. M. M. 'Phelse Is In i-liarge. F.l». If. I.KMTKIl writes; "Zena Kelfe, Iho elerer ten-veHi'old child, who has Just rlosril ii pi-osperoiis thirty weeks' season in vaude- ville, on (he Kellh elreull. lias Jilsl Iiwii liHltded her (hue oil the same circuit fur neil srnsiiii. tweniy-elght weeks, commencing Sepl. :i. She will piny a preliminary season or I wo weeks ill Keith's providence, rnmineiicllig ■lair .'to. She Is now carrying a trained pony In thegct. whieli nmki'H li'tuie of thaairongcst now tn Iho vniitlevtllH flrld: The press and managers through Urn couniry hare voted her one of ihe cleverest children now Is'foru Ihe piihlli'j'* .Mack IK ANU M.UK ope I their Summer work nl Iiaylon. iv. May -^T. with their Irian comedy act, "My Son Tommy," which, ihev write." was a big success, closing ihe olio, week of June 1. at the New Crvslnl Theatre, Toledo, O. II whs Hie opening week of John Aiuinon*' new house. Thev will lake a vara tlnn with Mr. nnd Mrs. It. M. Hull. Week of .lillio IS Ibev Wilt play the Lyceum Theatre. Washlitglou, H IV, with Allsnllc Clly. N. J. : Wilmington; Bel,, nnd other Knstern lime to follow. Hop IITUC, of Bob and BerlliH 11.vile, writes - '■We c!osed a sensim of sUh-en weeks wilb Campbell A lliirnc*' Mainly Puree t'<>.. Mh.v lit. und Have signed with llidu for forty weeks next Hi-nsoti.- This should tell lis own story. We nre (winked for twelve weeks. eomtiietielUK June IK, mer Pllmnier's l-Utslern liaik cir cull. So tt Is easy lo see Dial we Hre doing an act thai the managers and iKHiptc desire. We are resting al mir Hummer home. Brent- wood" Cottage. Holly Beach, N. J., for iluee weeks, ii ltd arn having a apleuiHd time fishing and erubblng." Fuiui anu Anmk Pliurv, while playing al lbs Main Street Theatre. Peoria, 111., week or Mny y«, received n tetegvani from ihelr home in Alliiiillc City. N. J.. Informing lliein Hum Mrs. I'cIoI'h father nnd sister were vary Fitk Woi.ii- BnotiiKBH. nro doing tvrll tin |j „„',! ,,,',1 expected to live. .Mrs. Pel«it inirled from here to Brandon, Can., to open the now boxing acl : Thofflas Ityan. tenor: Mlltnn Auditorium there." PfCBi.ta ami Oiiukx Jitat closed with Cos- ?rove's Slock Co., as the special vaudeville eaturc, nud go on Hie I-'lyun circuit, of phrks for the Summer, In a singing act, also feat- uring their wooden shoe dancing. Tub Missi:s ItAYMONn and SoirroNlA, fe- male athletes, arc playing Hollywood Park, Baltimore, for two weeks. They have signed wilb the High Hollers Burlesque. Co., for season. Fiiaxk Mcnrn; am, Jack ft, Maukb Hall. HOithrette. and Hiighea and Burns. edinedlans. Our iiri'hesi.rn. wbU'b Is led hv Thomns Humes, 1ms provi'd lo tie worthy of inenHoii. Will axu Mav IUjxo write ■ "We closed a successful season lit the middle West, week of May 21, at (ialesbiirg. III.: opened our park'work at'Boslou. Mhs3.. wenk of June 4. mid are looked solid until September, when we'return West again." Tilt: ntms.. formerly the Wilson Trio. Herman comedy act. form us that they closed with the Yankee borne and fnrm Iff alnywoorl. III. The Wllaon ,™ t ii., - Kpnucrtv Hoodie (ilrls Co., June J. at. Philadelphia. Bros, wltl work donliV with the soma ait. ||,^,,'v ' vVsinir ami after a very pleasaut and sticcessful tBMMp Joe It. Wilson anil Frank 11. Wilson, the |f| . H '\' )nru ii,y \t, V ,. T ^.ifli' mill i,'rt..b ^ it ml l.i.i'A rvniin I ,s Mlimrjl \\" I 1 u,n. If v-j ,c ,. , n luki' , in I in, I f. .riL- i n i; ' r 1 1 J i" I li I of forty-one weeks, and have bmm to Mineral Springs. Cooueaiitvllle, Ph., for two weeks. They iire tiooked for ihe Sumnier on the J. A. Blake circuit of parka, opening June IS -ii Worcesler. Mass.. and have signed for next season with Harry Williams, of Pittsburg, I'll., to produce both ttrHt part and burlesques, Kowt.v IIakkh will give Ihe first iierform- niice of his farcical sketch. "The Bill Poster." by Porter' UmctiKin Browne, on Juno 18. Mr. Baker will lie assisted by Cus tnglls. Tin: MAitvKiJjt s Bakxari'k ttico. anil Ha- zel) have just Ihiisheil seven weeks hk the special vaudeville feature of the Fenberg SUK>k Co.. which closed Its season June £ ut' Newark. N. .1. They have booked somr gisnl, time for parks, nnd next season will in- ._ featured wit li a show In Pennsylvania ami culled Ihe triMdie. West. 1 i ■ Nicihixo Park. Jersey Shore. Pa., opened la nt week to line business, with the following acts: StuUmau and Crawford, In "The Oroeery Boy;" Kurlglit hikI Kiirlglit, Master John it'Ony. -Mellock and Knox, pave Cald- well, moving pictures, witlflHitvolo. In a "Loop the Loop,*' us an oiiistde attraction. Hko. W. Umil will s|K>nd the week of June 'J, - , at his home lu Buffalo. N. Y.. after a lour of Ihe West und ^ilie Pacific coast, having played the Kohl k f'asfle. Bijou. Nash. Sullivan & Considlue. Ilmplrc and AfHttutod circuits Ihrottgh Ciillfoi-ntu; Ihe Crystal, of Colorado: Jackson's Middle West. Amnions and the Sun nud Murray circuits, lie will Wilson Bros., are now oa the Hopkins 'circuit. Ci.AL'in: Ki; *m> (TbAIM (JinsoN cloned a twelve weeks' Pinagement wilb Ihe Miss New York .\r', Co.. playing principal roles and lining their specialty In the olla. They are taking a rest tit Mr. Kelly's country-home, ncar'Ownsso. Mieh.. until next Fall, when Ihev kIki'I ptnving dales again, biHiked solid lo iici. 1. llHff. Hi Ty»f Wa»u. "the Merry Minstrel," fn engaged as.a'loeelnl feature al Hfatfrli! Park. San Anioulu. Tex., for three weeks, with the Albert Taylor Stock t'o. Bi-atNii ihe eugagi'tncul of the Misses Buy- niond and Sorlorila; at llolleywood I'nrk. Bal- timore. l-:dlth Sorlotila's llllle daiichiei*. Kdna. made her debut lit one of F.d. l-mvcry's plays. Too .Many HghleM,** and wis presenied wilb some very handsome presents by Mr. and Mrs l/iwery. Jennh* (Jernnl. Mrs. tjoel- U-i. i.H Claire and West, «nd l^ilile Bernard. Ii.wtvi;s anu Knwixs write: "We are lay- ing off it! Terre Hatilc. Ind- wbfff we are building a house which will be open to all friends In the profession who visit Terre Haute. We closed on the Amnions elreull Mav 2(1. and "pen June Hi at Jopthi, "tin., on the Hopkins circuit, for five weeks, and are booked solid l« (Jet. <t. Our liiimn wltl be known ak "The New T,enanl.' named after our aci. which IV making good on all bills." t'oriNRV Bit(i"Kt;s. of the leain of Burton and Brisikr*. stilled Sainrday. June 2, to soetid eight weeks at his home In England. the Melville Park circuit. Work of tilt) they are ul Alhb-tb- Park, Mitiralo. N. Y. FitA.xk llAitcot'in* lias closed a suceessfnl eiigageiueiit of fourteen weeks a l Kuson's Thentre. thh-agu. and Ik booked solid for the Summer. Y.iiihk anu Laloxha wril Uii.ij nearly (wo years on Hie and have met wilb greai succcs liupeifonatlitg 'aUlelacI* Is ii hit, and we iir gnllig l» start llast. afior visiting lite de- stroyed I'ltv'bf San Fratielaeo.'* to Ihe Illness of Brace Hnlllday. of Ma I lory ltros.. Brooks and Hnlllday. they were compelled lo cancel their Hummer 1mok- lug un iln> Keith elreull. nud will rest until vho gel* well, ul their home. Jacksonville, III. 'I'm: siic.i.i.iifi- Park Family 'PiiKATut:. at \Yllinliigton. Bel., .fames I-'. Ilehry.'manager, ojienrd for the Sumnier season on Berorntlon Da v. t<J q>m\ business, wilb Die following and Wlhie. Little Snyder, Coiilln, the Van Dyke Sis- ming, moving pictures, and stia-k com nn nv. In the comedy, "Too •t •■•( work with his former nuriner, John Williams, He will return iibool Aug. t. Burton and . ' .1 I 1 I.. .11.. ...... ..r. 1,.., I ...,.1 i ,,-, neit season. Jam. K. linuusoN. harllone vocalist, wrlies Ibat he has just closed h very successful sen- son with John W. Vflgrl'M Big City Mlmdrels. and Is resting In (Tevelnnd. 0. lie will open with the above cNiupativ al Columbus, ().. tilt: hitler purl of July, for nls second season with Mr. Vogel. B.irtM:v reporls big success for Ihe New MoiKirdi 'Phealre. al Latvtou. okla. 'J'be exeeotlve stalY Is: C. II. Murkeson. ninu- nger: Barney Wtllluniii. Hinusenieiit director; Cordon Klderhm. musical director; John Mur- phy, master of props. Ai.bkut lustHM.Tn.v. In his singing nnd eccentric dam-lug aci. hits closed n.successful season with the Cradoe-Neville Co.. and In on Brookes Iwnin their season Aug. 11. and are hooked in 'b" West until the laller pari of Mari-h. .-oviTlng Ihe Orphcimi. Kohl & f'astle' Hopkins* and Anderson circuit*. Mr. Iltir- Ion is spending ihr Kuuinier nionthsiit his now home at'Fair Haven. N. J., which la be- coming "null•■ a location for vaudeville per- formeni. Tiik 'Cvri.ixn Zamiras. kiioi-kahonl eiini- edv 'cyellsls. o|ti>neil on Hie Kellh clrrult May 28, nppesi-ltig tnsl week n the I'nlfui Sini,ii-e. New York i'My. They have replaced ibj* wcesien unrlght. wlileb siiptsiMed Hie iblrtt- fiiof I udder, on whb*n ih* , V ride down. Iwo high, on a un|cyc|e. nhh one of iibkel plated tubing, wlih-h looks niiu-li neater, 'lli-v hsve signed i-outrnefs for next seHStin with the Sun circuit, meeting with big Hiiccess, Ale* I^iivIICk Kenrx-Snnil< IIi;:ils and LxwiSj comedy acrobats, have signed with Ceo. Adams' Puutouilme Co.. lo do their specially and iibiy -parts. They will play the Ohio circuit, opening at Fairyland Park, Paterson, N, J. he'wrltes. MARoAhrrr KiiKnitiAX. who cloaed a verv successful season of forty-two weeks with the Merry Maidens, at the Standard Theatre, St. Louis, Mo., Juno 2, will play a few weeks I ii the piiriii. lltTil.T Si*KXci:a clused his tlflU aeusou wllh the Merry Maidens Burlesque. June -. at the Slandard Theatre. St. Louis, Mo. Tub team of Santoro and Mar low report Hntuv I lei. ms l« located for the Summer at Wonderland. Milwaukee, where he Is pre- senilug 'i high chins mnglc and tllualnna at the Arrndln.' ' * 7 'Marid i,k Bi.iNcur. Iiiih fully recovered fmlb ft fall ou Muv 3K. nml will *resimn*'lier "Slide for'Life." com me nflin; June 11, nt Wilder laud P»ik. ItidlnunpiiMw 1ml. l-'RANCia Woon* "Tlie Mnn' Whh llu* Hoops," finished the Kellh circuit Juiia II. Much Married. There Is a concert band of eighteen pieces and no orchestra. if. IS Wkvuicii. rduiiflger of the luf-i- national Four, tufonns us IbHt Ihe iniarlctte ndillllous has slgm-d with Ihe iwi Dane Minstrels for the Summer and Winter *.en*oii. doing solos lu the liivt part and Ihelr act In Ihn olio, which has met with great success. Owjxu In failing health. Frank Comnr was citiupeili-rl in cancel all his vaudeville dales with ltie Weslern Vaudeville Manager^ As- siii-Ialbm and Wm. Morris; ami go to ihfl inolinliiliii In Itilllsti rolnnitila. He Is now al JIOMHlaud. managing the l*ulaee Music Hall. Nkwcli, and Niiilo. afler closing a pros- pennis se»i«ftii hisf- week. Ill Pastor's. New York, will play four weeks of parks for Frank Melville. They will sail, week of Jtllv Hi, fur Kn.lMiid. and from ihere to Cape Town. South Africa, where ibey open nl the Um- pire. Aug. ^7. for six week*, to Is* followed In- a similar engagement at JiiliHtineahiirg. after which iliey will return home by way of London und Paris.' - KnniK I.vmost. iniisbiil ciperl, has closed wllh Hie Ik-lla Prlngle Co., and I* wllh 111* wHe nt Syracuse, .N. Y. CAT'i S. Kbitii writes that he Is geltlttjt along nii'-iv or the Sullivan A Consulinc rlreull, 1hfoagh lhe Northwest, doing hIs Hebrew net. He has six more weeks ihrough California utter thai he will return Musi, to Join the Myrkle-Hurder <'».. Hanicm. llAVKS AVn"N*KWTO,\ closed !n Chicago with Harry IlnstingH' Hlark Crook Jr. Co., «n June 2, and opened June |0 nt T'leetrle Park, IvHiisas I'll v. Mo., wllh hew Moines and |iMvenm>ri. la., to follow-. They wltl return Kasi the latter part of July. llomiK ami Ilovi.K (the Colden West l»iio| rejiort nvoling with big success In Montana Willi their one act cmneilv. by Wiilier Heed. eiiHHH "Mhi-v Anil's Hndlile,* 4 'I'liey ni-e booked snlId on the Novelty elreull, opening !□ Heiit-er. Sepi. 17. Tin: .loii.vsox*. I.l//.le and Bed. write: "After vloalmt a verv successful season wllh ihe Myrtle-Harder (*„.. i->siern. m nre now enjoring our vscallnn at Bench Hnven. N*. .1., suiting around ItMrnegat Kay In our eighteen font CHlNiat, 'Jim.**' Fiiaxkliv A. ItgiioKS. xong Illustrator, opened at Point Urn tint Park Theatre, Dun- kirk. .V. Y.. May Ul. for fbe season. Lan V. ItiMMW- write'"; "Ihave iieen takliLg a r"h.i n| my huino here, and will re- Kiuue lujl work In parks, 'opening ut Toledo. (».. Julie IH.' My- ai'li 'Livluaky's Troubles." has I sen u big stn-eess, nud should prove lo be much IrHMY the coining season. I have added Home new KtorfeH nnd original (Nirodles. and will work under my Ruine rdu lllle, 'Our Hebrew t'oualu." " meeting wltb the best of success since doing nnd opened on the Herman elrnttt June 11. . their get straight, nml Have lost au Hue Ibis for the Snowier neuion. He wilt appear In HarMiw am* Kaxh Jna| eloscd a successful year ao far. They are booked solid until a new comedy let next seakon, atmeged for senbou t,Bt»;iigh in* West, and are booked uilld him by Cha.*? Law Ling. in Caitcrn parka. August tier oldest sister last April. They left for home May HI, and worn compelled lo cancel hI! ihelr puck I line 'I'liey Mi-re in <j.>c)i ni Sptliigbi-ook Park lasi week. Her fallier Is much heller, bill her sister Is still, very III. Wkavlii ami LAJintnir tin- hi their sixih "We imvf; week at ihe lions Piirlllon, I'liicliiuatl, U. cillc consl, nud reporl meeilug wllh great success In I Mir remitle their new pmdiiciloiL "Aeruss the Coiillnenl." They have signed coiilnii'ts lo remain Ihern mull Jul), thru bfien at AHanilr CHy Aug. I, for the re mu hide r uf the sensou. ItAll II Annul!, Mi;.. S'dTli.—C. H. I.llldall opened up a big lent. Willi a moving plelure show, irisi week, right lu the bean or the lown. In big business, lie will also' atbl vnilde vllle ultnicllons, will) n weekly change of hill. Cham. W. McM.huin, I lie lliiffnlii iigi'iil. writes us Mini be bus tieeu ill ful* some time, and, in coitsequence, unable to answer lb" innnr recent Idlers sent III response to 111. receul nil. lu ihbi paper. He Is now milv it covered ami nl Ills desk again, Ml'. MeMallriii wishes II uuderslood thai In spite of reeotil n-porls. he Is silll lessee nml sob- innunger of ihe Temple Thenlre, nl Buffalo. N. Y. ii'Nkii.i.'h Ma.ilstii' Mixstiiklm have Just rlnawi a very mu ssftil wason. Several new ml electrical spplluiiees are lieing ibleti lo ihe acl, which. Manager O'Neill writes, will make ll one of Ihe blggesl Mini cost Ileal nets In vaudeville. Tliey wtl.l open llihir sensou cHi'ly In Sepieiivlier. Tiik l.\ Ukllk Tiiio, coni|sisird of Win. Fuller, late basso of lite Troubadour Four, and Ihe Kaufman Bros., have jolueil hnnd-i hi an acl Introducing, they Inform us. livo pod live novelties. Their success at tdol'il Piiri,- Yoiingsiiiwii.' I»„ we.-k of Mny *-'«, wiutbiiIcI Ihe niiinui.eineni ihere In retaining the U'-t for n secoiid week. V.-.x MiiTilgws. imp diunimer. Is npendih-; n few weeks at his home, Hanllnglofi, W. Vs. Tiik ll|KAT SaxtKi.i. heglus n six weoic-. engagement over the' Kinplm elreult, openlm: nl Atchison, Kan., week June IM. (iKi.AlloMA Ctrv Nori:. The Umpire AmitHemeal I'o. opened their li<-,inl iTnl vsaile vllle I belli i e In Hk1el)OUI>i C||y. Smiibiv. Mn<- 'J7. wilb ii|l|H>sillf; eeremoliles. the Mayor illl'l a i-epri'Ki'filullve audience being present. 'I'he leremoitles were opi-m-d wll h spiH*eiies. fol • lowed Willi one m the strongest vaudeville bills ever brought lo Oklahoma I'll/. IV Finplre bus » sealing i-iipin-lty of «.»**. wltli balr-niiy, reih-hiu mom for Indies, cloak nib I leleiihone b'SiCi for pa Irons, and Is wstteil wllii Immlaonie opera rlwlra. The waUs are beuullfully frescoed by artists brought (nan Chicago, nnd Hie from Is one bbi/e of frosted elecirlc llgtils. The singe Is eipilp|S'd wtMi modern stipllances. Ilri* proof si-enery. hii-I with live nimble door exits. Wllh an a*be*l«~ drop .'in 1 -11rr and :lliloni»lle llre'exllngillslier-. I. has iiinforiieil in every mpi Ire mom of the building mid lire ordinances »( the die. Abe I-'elfctisteln Is resident manager: Arnold Fel terisfeln. aislslaiil niiiungiT; Ub-hard t.lgUi. itnge luamiger: Ylnnle Ci'lfniaii. musics! 41 redress. iiksIsIisI kf n ii»rps of nsslslnnl- Tlie iniiiiHgemeiii leufiered Hie performers .j-i-! house stun* a Imtupiei at the ThrcndgHI Iloh-I afler the opening performarti-e. whb-h whs en joieil by »tl. The Kmplre Tlieali*. Al'hMu. Kan., nii'iiber of Hie laindsoine Iheatres helhg bulli by Ihe Kinplre AmiiK<*inenl Co.. \v,i o|H<nrd |a i-apaelly luislnes't Slinibiv. Mav 31. a-tlli the following house shifT: ii. K. Hlggi't ho tint m, resident manager: Win. Keliensiehi. un<!lsiani tnunuger: (,.('. lllugiuboi bum, ires- urer: Hull Hrlswold. hIiikc manager, nnd Myr lle Shuiiiion. uiiisb-iil illifctri'ss. Tlis Km pin- P.imkillg Ageii-y lias a tinnilsome soll» of rooms In lilt 1 Kiojihv Theatre llnilillinf, Alibi son. hi charge or is. H. HUgfnboihtim. secre- tary, who hnndles Hie bookililis for 'Ihe I In plre elreull and a tiiuiilwr of bouses in Ml** sonrl, KunHas nud Mklalioiiiii City. Mu. ami Mas. Jhun W. Jlss are spvmllnif lt<e Hliuiaier (I IbC l^atWHong H'.'io", Lik-: Hopatcong, N. J.