The New York Clipper (June 1906)

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June 16. the istEnsr <ro:Rif cslipfek. 471 NOTICE TO GORRB8P0BDBKT8. Our ttiajtrtcal correspondent* are htrehy notified thai the credential* note Meld by thttn cjptred on June 1. Thtg are requceted to return them to thlt afice at once, for renewal for MMM « ■ > OHIO. I Clnulnnall*—Undoubted!; many of those wb» during Ihc pant week, have tRcepted dl- nlnnmx from tlic different college of music nod dm ma Mr ex | ires* I on h*re—Hnd there ar* nrrtrlv a dozen, for Cincinnati Is a i-entre of RirMtctir ThPepInn Interest—will seek for fame And fortune on the stHce o>r concert platform. Nn Inland i Itv has a larger Dumber of Insti- tution* dedicated to thoae arts. Three classes ntdimted from the College of Musk-, at Music .lull 7- Kmmn Reiser and Mnlhllde Hliie- blog were given post-graduate diplomat). Alma Mnrks. Flora Schwartz. Ada C. Zellerand Au- rrlla Weller. .ill of Cincinnati, gained diplo- mas- Certificates were fsuiiod tu Helen nnnvn. Minnie L. Rrtigeernan, Angelu M. Da- Mllliin Krelmer. Margaret A. Buck, FphtI 10. Quitman, Margaret Itoycr. Corlnne Mclnharter and Marlon Tleman, all of Cln- t'lnatl. Emery W. Hobaon, of radii can, Ky.; Nance B. Martin, .Salem, III.; Louise W. Church, Norwood, O.: Klsle Dlioil, Hiirkesrllle. Ky.; William K. (irlelicl. New- port, Ky.: Klixabclh Leake, KnosvUle, Venn.; Mabel Motf. Princeton. Ky.: Florence Brooks, Victoria, Mexico, and Edna Brorlcn, Buck- land. O. The Metropolitan College of Mimic !■ ** Harvard School of Kxpreaslon hold their commencement exercises at Nonan's i , u mum, tit. Jiisa Mannheltncr's School of Kxpreusion has laaued diplomas to Flor- ence (Jove, Klyrlu, O.; Corlnne SlelnhHrter, Pearl Quitman, Marlon Tlernau. Ituae Schloss, Margaret Itoyer, Matllde Stucbtrg, Margaret Buck and Anrella Welter. Cosby Im.anh (L. T. Anderson, manager). —AouKement Director Oeorge W. Knjrle- hreth has arranged to sidetrack ra-udcriHe for a week, and Bryant's Minstrels open -Inn* 10. Burt i:. Melliurn and .totin ('arlmcll will be lirst enda: D'Arcy t'ampbell.of Primrose's force*. Interlocutor, and the Kennedy Bros., ppdPatiil duncern. on the Neconcr enda. Kddy Koran, Ton Mcfirall. Frank Mitchell, Frank Combs, Kdniond Bal*. James K. Kmerson, Percy Reed. George Van. Henry l* Bellvllle. William Brlnkman, Frank Scott, Koliert Carl flntl Charles Forrester arc listed as burnt cork performers. The Kagles took W.liOO tickets for tbelr big day, 9. Last week's storms rather cut Into the runs, but busi- ness averaged big. Mamie Vesta Telia was the bit of last week's vaudeville bill, to which Edwin Camp, Cartmell and Reed, Stelnert and Thomson, and the Lafayctte- Lamont Troupe were contributors. ■1mm Park i I. M. Martin, manager). —The Chester Park Opera Co. will commence the season at the opera house 17. putting on "The Rounders." with Blanche Rae Kdwards, Clara Palmer, Kdna Rernlnc, Sylvester Corn- ish. James McKlheru, Thomas, Ince. t'hnrles Fulton, .latnea Boyle and Sam Mylie In the cast. "The Belle of New York" follows 2i. In the vaudeville theatre, 1(1, Lnba De Sa- rema and her performing bull and other ani- mal-. Jeanne Brooks, "the. girl with the smile;*' Sa Va"n nod McBrlen, nod Cook and Steven * will appear, l^ast week laiKlnecs wan s-ood. Saona's Impersonation (if Presi- dent MrKlnlcy w:in Htartlfng. Tbe Buntbiark Quartette, Hatch Brolhera. and Mllu.Vagges were otbtr cards. Director Zem-li, of lite *'hesler Mllitory Band. Is arranging catchy programme*. The bathing heart. Is now open. 1,1'Di.ow 1,aimh>,\ [,l. J. Weaver, manager). •—Lionel I*egare, the man who defies all the laws of gravitation, will come-10,' and show on his own spiral tower. Amusement Dlree- lor William K Clark Iihk llstod for the Rustic TboHlrc: Prof. Fink's Coontown CI reus, Marin ilnik. liank ttnd Lottie Whltcomb, the Ureal Itlcardo, and Arminla. tbe Venus, and james I . Burke, In comedy acrobatics. Business last week was very good. Tiik Z«hi (Walter C. Draper, secretary).— Patrick Conway's Ithaca Band begins.Hie laxt week of a mont successful engagement Id, and luneK and bis Rand follows 17. Joseph Siliwenkp was the ndriVd soloist last week. Norwood Circus < ,;:<h'\ps. —Henry J. Pain ■'ornes lo iiersunally superintend the pro- duction of "Tub Last !>ays of Ponpell." which opens 11. for two weeks. Tbe spectacle cornea here from New York, and moves on to till a teu weeks' engagement at Chicago. Frank (lakes Rose, general stage director of thv Pain spectacles, arrived lu advance, to direct tbe final rehearsnls. KchinltHe's Band has been engaged for the Cincinnati run. SrwMEn Ciut. —"Tlie Creation" is la be MdEi.'rt 11. at itie Auditorium, by the Omar Lhrctitt Voice Si in ml Nearly a dozen or Mrs. William Mt-Alpln's pupils wll «" to New York when she openH heV vacalluu sturto of dramatic and vocal art Stira MH'Donrtld, whu Is lo star In her own melo- drama, "Adrift In New York." will be handled by Cincinnati people. The I*. Menger AmiiKenient Co. will flnanre the tour, to he d I re*-1 Inn of C. K. Broadwell .of this city. tiertmde Beryl' Dalian and Miiry Love Akels, graduate pupils of Albino Uorno, gave it recital at the traeon 4. when they were assisted by 1-lureni-e llHrdeuian. Joso Manen and Frances FlsUcr J. R Cas*i Is leHder of the vaudeville or- Hnatn al Chester Park, and now there's a rumor that Walnut Hills mar have a new theatre Hazel T. Cairns, Kmellc Bern- helm. (iiiKsle I loft and Wll helm tun Perrnz were In the cast of "Friar Bacon Hnd Friar Bungay," the old lvllwibeihan comedy recently put on by the unlversllv senlora Man- ager Joho II. HttV'lln lias gone Fust, to bo away until I be aetmbn opena. .... .Charles I,. Dormi; ex-member of the lpglslnture, and one "t Cincinnati's must hrlllinnr newsimper men, Is now press agent for Chester I*Hrk. • " ■ — —■ cirieinnil —At the opers House (Hurry D. Kline, manager! "An Amerlnm Citizen" la the second wech's offering of the It. C. Ilerz Stock Vo. In "The Dictator" litis excellent n*mpHny made Its Inltinl bow week of June 4. to splendid houses. Weather permitting. Ihls strong lompany Is bntind to have a lung nnd Hicccstiful Summer nin. Hera Stock Co. week of 16. Kuclid Ave. Gardkns (Max Faetken- heiier, manager).—The Wlllhini Fnrniiin Stock Co. will give "Pygmalion and (ialutea" and "The Merchant of Venice" week 11. "In- gnmrtr" drew well last week. Farnuni Stock Co week IS. LrcKPH (Ceo. M- T«wld. manaeerL—"The Ironmaster," week of 11, by the David Hart- ford Stock Co. "The Holy City," by the same i-ompiifly. hHfl good receipt h week of 4. i'OUkkum (SI. Y. Trostler, manager).—"A irlp to Chinatown" week of 11. "A Temper- ance Town" week of 4. Kciriis ill. A. Dunlels, manager).—Bill wepk of if includes: Ring and Sargennt. Be- dinl and Arthur, SlHinlev and Wilson. Clark's dogs and potter*, Doherly Slslers. John and Bertha t;iee*nn nnd Fied lloiillhnn, Brazil ■nd Brazil and Rerfle Fowler. Lt:.\A Pakk (JI. Klwood Saulshury, innna- Sen.—The Norrlns. high dlrers, and Ll- eratl's Band are the special features here week n. This is Ideal we.ither for Luna I ark. and the place Is crowded everv night. Notts, —Frank P. Speilmnn organised the Lincoln Park Amusement Co. recently, for the purpose of nn|iilrlng Srenle Park, nnd making H over lnl» n taip'dnr Summer gar- den. A hiiinig I) workmen hnve l,eeu on the Job but two weeks, splendid progress has been made, nnd Manager Speilmnn nnnonnces that the park will he opened soon. Luna Park xnd Kite!Id Beach can cater lu the riaat Knd patronage, and Ltumiu Park to the i<at- rooage of the West God Tbe West-aiders for ycara have been planning a theatre. I. C, Cohen has been sucressXul finally ID organic Ing u company, and tbe resnlt will lie the Majestic If wilt cost over |ttf».000. and will be up-to-date In every respect, It will be located tm Pearl Street, and will atart off as a vaudeville house. Mr. Coben will be tbe manager, and Harry Bay the assistant inau- ager. I Ciiiitmiitia —At the Great (Southern in. M. llrffnei. manager) the Vaughn ttlaser Stock Co. closed Its season week of June 4, presenting "Miss Hobbs" to fairly good bouses. ()lkntam:v Pabk (W. W. Prosaer, miinn- gen.—A gimd hill, consisting of Carr and l.lnd, Lyndtfle Allison, Harry Elverton, Flor- ence Reevea. Irvine and Leo nurd, and Mr. and Mi-. Jack Haymitn, entertained good hotiaes week of 3, Rill week of Id: .1. K. IliitrUlson and companr, Ixiulse Mackintosh tind Robert Rogers. Willie and Kdlth Hart, 1-lmmet Duval, Dc Kati lUu-.., and Dclinoro and Darrell. Cou.i.\m t;.\!i!>r.\- ill. (.'nlllua. manager).— The garden opened it« scaaon week of 4, with many Improvements. The opening bill Included: Routin and THIaon, Marie Hpclow, and Howard and Under. SGvCM,—Rlngllng Bros.' Circus appear*! here 18 fndlanola Park re-engaged the Millard Bros, for week of 11 The enter- tainment at tbe Shrlneis' conclave, 7, was furnlsfaed by Robert Rogers, Harry ttbunk, and Huffman and Ciranvltle, who bad a very clever song and dance act Bobert Rog- ers it mi IiAtilse Mackintosh, who were mem* Ikts of the Vaughn (Jlaser Stock Co., which closed at the 1 ireat Southern last week, have entered vaudeville, nnd will produce 4 vaudeville act at Olenlangy Park week of lu. Akroti.—At Lakeuldc Casino (Harry A. Hawn. manager) a very good bill, wltb Cole and Coleman as strong features, had crowded houses week of June 4. BUI for week of II: FJutelle Wordette and company. Bud Farnum Trio, Will II. Fields. Don and Mao C-ordon, La Moyne Ulslcra, and Arnwcln pic- tures. Notim. —Mackay'a Hnropenn Circus did fairly well at '.milt and 11 111 Park week of 4 OuBgenhelm and Frank, of Youngs- town, purehnaed tbe Colonial Tbealre, of this rltr, 4. from M. Rela, of New York. Uly S. lUll will continue as local manager. * ■■■■ — ■ Snnriaaky.—At Cedar Total Pleasure Re- port (<;*?■>. A. Roeckllng, manager) tbe sea- son opened June n. with a larse attendance throughout the opening week. The vaudeville priiKi-smu-* consisted of Slgnorina Bellone, Rer^erc g*lstera, Kmmona, Emerson nml KmmoDB, and Kosso'ii Concert Band. injur Rros. k FoRBFAuuH'ti L'ntcus played to capacity June «i. »»*-»> NEW JKftNEV. Newark.—l'roctor's (K. F". Proctor, man- ager) Is the only bouse remaining open through tbe Summer, and excellent ventila- tion ndds to the comfort of large audlem-ea. The return engagement of Delia Fox Is the feature of tbe current hill, while the appear- ance of Julius Sfeger. iissMert by Jlllle Ilerne, Forrest Robinson and Tony Pearl, forms rt plcsslnjc novelty. Smith and Camp- bell, Lemal/e Bros.. Wiiliu WeHton, Llllle Bender. Duryca nod Mortimer, and Ben Beyer comitlele un entertalniug list. iii.iMi-n: Pakk til. Wefers, manager).— This iclr-ct. resort Is reaping the iH-nebts of broad management, and with the Aborn Opera Co.. Is attracting large and well pleased audiences. ■■The Pirates of Pen- xance" received good attention week of June 4, and "Said Pasha" promises welt this week. •■BoL'tacclo" week of 18. t'alcedo, "the king of tbe wire." was a strong feature of the epen alrtdiow week of -I. and Prof. Williams, tbe ncronsut. is making ascensions tills week. Hi,KCTRtc Pakk (C. A. Dtinlap, manager). —This big pleasure spot opened wltb a Targe crowd, and holds its accustomed popularity. Several new features have been added to those established laat season. Tbe eruption of Vesuvius Is very realistic, and attracts the tuo:*t attention. The vaudeville IheBtr'j la well patronized, and ihe current hill names: C-oforth and Doyle, the Arlington Cornedv Four, .fotde Antonette. W. S. Whittle, and Merrltt and RozcKa. IliM.Hit>»; Pakk (W. Tballa, manager).— The opening weeks here bring fairly good audiences, nnd. with Olive Swan, equestri- enne, and the balloonlats giving exhibitions, the Heasnn romlsea good results. NoTfss.—Marlborough Hardy la again aa- Koclnled wltli the management of Electric Park, und \V. McKiemnn Is this season' look- ing after the press work Leon Kvana, of Waldmanu's. la In tbe box office at Olym- pic Park. ,+.. ...- H ■- Atlantic Clly—At the Savov (Fred K. Moore, manager) "The Toast of the Town" drew a large audience June 4. Brandon Courtney Stock Co. bad good patronage for the rest of the week. Yorxe's Pifen Tiieatrk (W. E. Shackel- ford, manager!.—Sarah Bernhardt attracted a large Hiidlence ti. Tbe vaudeville bill on (he other days of the week did well. For week of 11 : Tbe Sbarplies. Flake and Mr-. Iionotigh. Rose De Hnven Sexletie, Brlnda- mour. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Barry. Klinore Henry, l.»- Duraml Trio, kloetograph. fiitVKHNATon's t Sydney Fern, manager).— Excellent linslness prevailed during the past week. Billed for week of 11 : Monte Mlro Troupe. Kaufman SSIsters. Mario and Aldo, Mrs. Leslie C. Kvana and company Alvln Brotliei-s. Cnrdnar and tinlden, the Bart Urns, Iho Kveretts. Blake and Vhhh, Bhe Family. Three Jscksons, Franklin and Toodles, aiid Four Shannons. StkkI'I.kchasb Pikb ftillen W. Clements, inwniigert.—Big hualneaa. Rill tor week of 11 : Irene I.n'tonr. Bates Trio, MMIershlp Sisters, ll.'ithnway Indian tableau. Shields aud Clilt. Golden Hnd Hughes, Ed. Mora, and vltfgrwph. ■ — ■■■■♦ < ounion.—Ai Woodlynn? Park (II. D. Le Cain, manager) the second week was signal- ized by h good vaudeville bill and Increased attendance, excepting tbe nights when In- clement weather made a performinc** impos- sible. The Mil last week Included: Reese Leroy, Blanche Irftwrerice. ' Hie Noles. R. Thomas Miller. Jack and Rcrthn Rich, Tanna, Lorn and Payne, and moving pictures. Notes.— Manager Taylor, of the Camden Theatre, Is recuperating In Maryland, at his Stimmpr cottage on fhe Chesapeake Bart McCue Is awdxtlng Manager Le Cato, at Woodlynnc, in the bookings for that re- son. »»» Francis Wilhox.' tbe comedian, whose "Mfe of Eugene Field" and "RenUKHan of Jmeph .lefferson." bare attracted widespread attention. h.ia tried his hand 7 at- stage lltem- ture, in a comedy, called "Llltl-* Iwlly Waters." This piece, his first effort na a playwright, will be pinlnced early next sea- snn by hlnw & Erlangpr. a contract to this effect havlhg been consummated. "Little I)n||j Waters" Is a musical play. The leu-ale of the scenes u In New York. The hook Is Mild to He strong In Its character drawing, and contains many noveltlea. It. W. Markh, manager and proprietor Marks Btw.' Co.. w,i* n CmitTr caller last week. He hau lieen In lh" city securing playt* ml iieopie for th*» next fcen«w»n, which openo In New York State Aug. jo. Marks Bros. had four compnnle** out laat seaarui. nnd the profipeclfi are that they will hare five on the road next season. The scenic equipment will lie fh*» Iwst we have ever bad. Twentv-two npecltt llthogriphH are being made for us, and will be reauy for the opening In Auguat Clipper PMt QHia In nnlrr to avoid inlntrtkca nnd to Inanre the prompt delivery of Iho letters nlwertlPfo In tai* Hat, m\ envelope i»1 n.I ml > nddreiaed atuat he ■ cot for rai-h letter, nad a wrltietr oriffer fnr the letter, almied vfflh- the fall name and nddreaa aad the line of baalaeaa ftillovrert. hy the aender, •mtint nlaa lie caclnsrd. Pleaise meiitloa the dote (or imt- her) of the i.i.ifpr.g In which tie lcttera ami for were Mdvertlacm^ LAD IBs' LIST. A vin ir. Lottie l-'li-her, Alluale .\nleii, Bell Klix-h. Kh,ra Arm. l.'iiM l-'l'ii ],i M l- » * J ■ ■ ■ FarlBgloti. Neraila Conner, Kvelyn <4oimIwIii. Irene ilarTkv. Mrs. liamy, Lillian Uaylor. V. M. Unrrlty Mm Ouray. I.tlllnu UihmIwIii. aiusle uoni.oi. Kitty l.ulver RcMlrlce itep, i.,m-i- Ttlhrrt, Bessie la>T5 Knllierliic Harl. Hmlle Hart. Mrs. J. ft Hnnt, taranMae llehl. I.IIIUu Itolst, IMta llNll. I' i Mi: lit* llmlley. May lln'ii\ I.Mrtil i:.-, ii-i.. Mary llou>b»n, Mrs. Deatlb HltlUlMII CO.. Mamlr (Mkt. Hrlbfll Mlltlrel llattinuti)-. Hellc Hayties. PeatH.* leimtrj.3-1. Jennk' ii-mne. VI Jewell. H'len Jefleixm M«. J JontMn, Rulli JaqurH, Aildlc Jermoii. Irene kcene. l-or-ilne Kcvley. Hiiael Kirk. Lowell a hi'invr. Urata :..!■■ i ■:-! ,-i' Nlua Lu Conda. Pauline l*e, Ireis" Li*. Lulu !.cwlw. "Cjfprlee LiiKi-nrte Kenlili Aluw. Mile. Aitiela, Mile. .\ilfii; •- Aiiii'1 Atimw Kntberlue I'riiiiiiHTii, Him- Hl-ict. M«i:i|e llunatt Kh,a 0. I.ii.i.l-lcv Slelhi Un I'kfi-. J«hle Bvriws SI■ ream Kc.v.nil. t.fireu.i Parr/, Margaret Ueliugiil Mailcllnr I'-owitcn, Rae Hu-'klej. I-Maa llrooks. Jn-nne Helmont, Mora Brvniian, Un. H. R. Benlley. Irene Bernard, Kauny Buckley, BAan LmNIwIu FloMle Bn<-i>ke. Jeanne Bru-lle/. Maniatei Besiii. Anrta Brlfilit. r-illb BcHKgnnl MIsoM L'jh-1, Kathryn BrUtoI. Je»sle Biirfje»s Mrs.A.C Onsets. — ClvlfiUUMl. Aructte Colby, Allle CHldweil. Anna ensile SlKb-ra Corey, May Cunningham. Zella Ca tier, CcIp-Uo uiher. Dnttls Conrad. Krtltb (. hJiiln ■, Mile. Chambers. Beita Clarence- Sisters i i ■"-, Annie t'orbln. Mildred ■;. - » I ..-.. ■. illadya Cl.ivtn]-., Resale Clnvt'-O; Venma H Ctikk Mi>. J. h Dorr. Mftrgarct liaienport Millie I>rew Elaine M, Piiprre, Minnie Dm til; Little Dale. Ihaiilhi Dupree. Muliln Iw Veral. Row Dtnide. Uitts Di-r.-nid, Kranklc !>■ i a'i-.> BnrliarH i'.'il i. A oh It* Duffer. Kthrt l"v-*ni'u:-l. Vers nupn>. Maud (' l>e urignau Lewis, Ida l^nln KnUiWe 1.1 v I \-a •I ■ ■: . Luclle Lnwmi'.v. haai h i.'.nii*. llutihle l^irala** rhyllla i.- May. '■'.■ ■■■■ Li.ivrcnci* lto-r-ltM Loi-khart. Mal>el l*w>on. MIm T L-iRne. Allie < UnN, UerrtiMlt* I.- Maw, Belle I i Diliir. Alllllc I* M-tr. Bnl-t- IjH-kharl. Matwl IjiMhtt Kranfck MclvlH". S .MnrrlM^u, Mae .Manning. IWIMi Montagia*. .il.i'id i Bertha Dfhtew. Mary KLMcY-i-r, Man iMitrty ttl^ters I.Mi>t!Di, Pauline DunliKin Noulne Mor^Hii, Kltly Dnoi-nn. Lu IlrMiiebe iJln-aHs. MImmJ, I -:l lie. Jllllu I'.vcrnll LuilllnC, I'lttolt. I'nuMoe r.VHiw. Mrn.M.K V'-u , k Webtc ft-her, l,l<^Je l.-h-.-r SUtiTS 1.■■..■■■■! Mile. (ContnrttiinM I ■■ !n-,'. Mile. Forwherg. Uelfrld I'enner. Kfelyn Mathews, Z-.ii McLau'iDllo, Blrtlk- .Mlllmrn, ilrscc Mvrkin. IMIsh Meredltli. Magffle H Sanaa. Mrs. <<■■ r Mack. Mr-. It H Harhta, May A Mlllon. \Mn Muiklo MtaxUra Mel villi Vcma May MfAd-am M'—W ftEliTLEMB.V!* LIST. Am^deu. ri.Mr-lc ,Ki':i> ft. Molei-k Hei'aHtllki V. 1. AniMtmaK MnrC Hru-.p tt OofM-r DeNevre, Uiy M Melnxe. Kdlth Niiri)i*n l,ii, ill:.: Miinati. Kvelyu .Nr,ir;ii', KIIH Mi 'bolts SlHPr* .Nelb-u. Pearl Oth-er,' Marlon tl'nrVu, Kittle Ulctta. MIm l-uerp<. Julia Painter, Catbryn It. l'ottrr. im If leder. Violet I'kKfinle Z ■» D tartar l'ln:en.e Potter Mrn.iiiu Price. Mn.ll.M. CldlHvmd. I. ['in,, Mil ;,in Qui no. ■ Mr*, tin V. Itimucll. Myrtle llt-ii.'*. Mote. Itumrtwll, vlrtlie Mablc hutln-rfoni. Itutnley, Lulu Urn,'. Julie lilrera Mil ifi-l Rarkl Iffe Mrp. N. It. Rlcfcanlaon, Mr- R. H Itanlstim, /*r-1nt.i Kick. Mra. A.I.. Reiki. Kleinor Kiijtn-uud. KilltU rpaaar, Mae Sbarfi, J esse Slerrl, '■-- ■,-,. m»"H|'.:. Ida hauler. Mra, C. ssbavv. Mae fi-encer, Atlanta Kmlttl. M.iMt? W|waig. Hilda blilllvan. Mra. ^.nlhrrn HnCI, ?iarr .-Hab-ri. 8ln>UR ! il. Mm. Hi, Rliioe, Marrlan M.l'lalr Marie R nl'iw, ttlwlya HHtny, Blam-Iie ^iiilt. I'iiirie M. Tu«. Mme. Tiemont, (Irace Tlwrmtyke. LUIi-in v. Tnlyor. Frata Tnylnr Twin* T-'flnr. RmniH Tre May lie. Mi-- V ii. Viu Bu<-ren. Uha Vwne. Nrllle Van SluddlfonL Krau \lrlMH. MUa V*rney VlvlanA V.--.-T Klhel WYiik .Marcaret Wlltnir, Rrrtlta Winter. Mb B. Wlilte. 'e-l- I) WiMlon. Klorenc Wll km. Belle Venn-. Krtaa WIIIIaiiK-. ( I L' WlilliM-r. Llllle \Vel\elhaUIII. Mm. K. Walker. Mae WllliHlu. Hitr Wilton. Belle WolHi. Allee Vraacr. Narna i 11. Anna Zellar, Klo .'■ -■ !i Jo*> Andrews K. C AuxelL J: S. Allen OelmanCu Amid \ Uiiiiu Allenloif -t.Krr.1 .'•i.i|,i. Jiick AapaMt, JHck Auilrewa. C Athley. Alya .\lderoni Kifllk- .\cllitoii. V. U. Ab.v, J. H, A'lnnis, S. aMb.1 Kml Arnold. HarryC, Pi i aaa aa. Ilaa. Iktyle, Fratn-la J Hootli, Clar. K. Itarry D ADolly bfUMl Herryt*. Iktiwta. BenilltiK Illnl. tleo. A. ft Llztle Handy, (Jen Ball**y. ttliver D liaker. Mrrnn Mrher. W. ir. I.h :;,,;'. J H C. I >:. l Hir.i'in^ii'M, Sidney Bonotte I'rof. C, (.'. Mopitinalj Bell Hoy Ot, HmwiT, Walt 3 l.n 'I'lWs. H. K. Barr. Andy rU*-e*tMi Dr Alrla Rniwn. Joe Bennln-fton A.B Bichcii,*> Ile-xlry, i:, tl Minder, Kay Drown, H. A. IfJarban ItiiriM*-., Jin? Lataia. V. M. heverly A DknTera Tntla. Chfth DHL rVl Dtyan Krank D. Berry JtrMettefk Parlell. Harry Rnrkp; (in-. H B*>r«t. Hot^by D-IIIEl.1. CIJMH. Iti>1«-ell. Clar. D llron-er Wall. A I-ittlii-re. Nr*l Inwtwk-k K. M. P'te-j. W. H. IlubH. Harry Byrne. J. : If. TA*. Paid, itr. A. T. Boric. T. Berlin tip, Trln Hlnatiiii.. Hoht- l>M. DU-lj Bntlor. AL I^biHint. Harry l,(i .i,ii Alvln Berry D. ADallr H. V hI ley ifc Mndl«oo nealty MarilnO. Brwler. tlnrrr Nwhutfaa. Slibiey Bnrry * W.m.I for. I I'nrke. J. V.A Nellettai p- 'kin. A. J. t*r""k , « r*. 'Ma*. pen ft Bicliirdfl BoWDian, I-'n-l KuMklrk. Fred Helta, i, ;,ii. 3. Calceil-) Juan Cliitdwlck. J. D. 'arney. CM Ubrwts, c»irl K. LTiirer. Wm. U'llon ADirrow Oiikt*. 4 I oi!**t..n, W«i. J. (.Ir.j rrnii, J. Clt*«-*nl. *'l.iy I'llnl, lie,.. L'laTk, SriDi l»ll>y family L'liiiiilt-.'L-lNln. H. XV Cllflon, If. II. anil, Fred (■iMeka, A. M. Clemen 1 *, Jhh.D. L'uimoily. Jaa.K Umaaj, w. M. CHltonl & Hull d'lin lly. 0 Our, T. Hurry Coulte.-, rnm (.'ju-ii-.'H ,; •1 '.in-. 'ti Craine, L' in; A t.'ran* fi.lfnl.Hii CliaxK (.11;! in h Ailaiua Chipi i, Hiirry Cliff..pi, Nat r. Carr, Clifton. Ilon-Hrd . rti** Coltuin <& Nllilo nrar. Bra C«ll. Mum lie F Culllna, HIinMic. Oakler. M. S. CtirtHlo. .- »' fWar K. Celi-t. Wni. Oin'i'M Com. Cm. tMfjr.i (>>1lar. Itoy " iriMt Jan. J. triirta, Dave K. Chanitiera. f I" ■-•: ■ rd Chllda, (-.-.. i; Cralc, Hi li, W Cardie, Jimmy (' -i 11 * ■; i, Iv-nny Ca ra il OTe J«*htl V Cunke. M. Crahttee, itrft. pale, Ktir-t rVdierty. 1^?" J. Deare-4. W,iM. II I> Wolfe ChaaR Ih-Wolte t:iia».l( Dupree. U' LIW«y Dravr-'. Widl.K rtivi-. ];K";,|. nirkKiu. D. K. Dalrymiile Wll, IV-asnn. \:<\ II. Dal leva. Tbe Dlllton. Jne Piol!,.. Haek I', Midi. Afilli. Hfl|.lilo>, l-'xlly. Ilii. Iijrr.' llarrr iCnrnetf f ■ -1.: jj . , i Carl J'tHhi ft i.- Bart liinaond. J*a> Braiie. Hiini Wmliiu. arthnr Ikaiuelly. J. II, HiiM-aii. C. M. pirn ml Till) Iknp, loliu Bavla. Jnrk Daly, -in- L. Detittiu. Ilerltert tiMni-el, Frkak |li'd|N?r. (-, A. Weimar —iMajr. I>, Join, IH-tercfiiix Jack UHBer.' Kreil ;IP-H',i.i l M;' ' i :t;r.n- ,la*-k Drt-t-i-M. M. Ditiielcn st.'J-. i. nutnii ±t*-« i - i-ay TltiHpe DalL Hurry [»urid-ili Taylor l'.l|l>dt-i it S", T j: Hi t. f-r-ri ■ | Jm. K. KUPif OhiHHthaj i:- vm- II. J. Kuan. J-** ItaaWH. Del^iR. KlKWf.rtli \Pnrt l-.lnK.ii.htrf \V,C.>.. TUe De l^s-t D. K-mrrMMi. Frank Kvana, Artbar Btmmlm. Via. KnKllaa k tlnndy i■-■= i.r-:«-1•. r,i, ■ Kuifrfin Kil. M. Karl «c Wllwm,.K. D. r.-ikc. i"ii>. II. I'aller, Hurry I'll lean. P. fax. At. II. l-'rlcdm-tn. Geo. I'otrler. Frank !■'■"-(.■ r'i I., Kautkiwr Kre I I' --j Wm. I. I'Ink. Fred II. I .-n', Julea Phatd. V. A. 1'alit. Cine Irlike. Wm. I-Vrrrtl Br(w. I'lfl-b llarrr Npy, J«. I»rr»>jter, (.lias. '' -Mi. P. fm»1 bare. A. For, KiMlr Peru. Harry S. I'rcnilt. Fr«it Phiilkner. lira Flake. Frnl Frunk. Hia*. L. f:-i'PP. r Cutiirlf.r Win- ner" ***». Pk-oil. F. A. Drbnora poi, llirry I'ntlon. Wm. In I mm ILL. |h*r-ey. itwtrir;*- i;ili-. K«J. B. Dnrllnar. S. F. llnrrey, filenaF. De N'nyer. «rael-* t*. B-lwapl. etevnol'la fien Rf».li->tH J.B'CIyrulon, vTill Doyle, Tom 'Gltilleretti, Dan tiaanoui, The tlalllnierr. Artb. Craj, Jamea A. tiotaa, UilM liRCilnrr It.C. Jr (Hi-ale:-, VMlftliu tialvlu. Jolui M. tlanbav. \V. S. (iantlner Will ft, C'alilln';. Fred ti-traoa. X. X. (Iirman. Bert i,-.i >;■!. Hurt tdtn*ervtly T.tny Htuhh*. D.-.K.B. tiMVMiit, Bert 0, liolilm. Uw. V. Brulian, .lolin II i.riidni'i, Harry tirltren. Prrry (lilliU.i.l. H. tl l.H- O. -Sillll uattev ft rftaaM Uitikn, (larland tllldiiy ,', Fox (talatK, (h>on:U tltirt'Hi'a Mlmt. ilraeey. Hiirry (in rtiicl* ii,> WttlAl Uieefie, Fit* I 0. lilnlmetti-, Kin- Hylanrla. Fred Ilarriwia. C. II. llnrrla, Airred Harvey & UBKe atarfe t'«> IhniMin. .loltiiT, ](,.,-. ,1'. i'-'l- L- HtnTUPl * De Irfiin Hanaon. Jtdin 1' Hafrla. dr,', K, ll,il'.;i"i >ten.A. Henry. Frank 4. Holmen. Fran- -fb illHi'iiyi [I hurt— W. Dli-k lluttiird. Sum Itailey Frank J, I in we. Krtw-l lliuvanl. Hilly llowanl Win. Jr. linii.ll'iit. Mr. I (anna. J. llHinmuniL J. H llernert. MaaW, i Mu-ictiui Hurrlsr-i. Tbe li-iinllu. Win. l!.i; ... .: '" JtMlA lloi-wtlz. CIm* IHkbIiik. >te». Ilodmai.. Arthur IIoujii. Cliiia.A. Ili.-'hu'i- HJi-rf ili.ri'liirfhin J.W ltMllba--k k EwarHt Hall, .vlti'.t ijanann ft Pieiv lilll. P. r\ Illrkey, Will II llnllirtwav Jokn Hntrr .*v Morton llollluter. Frank R. HuNlhuiH. I: ■- ,, Itntc-i. J. R. H-*atb. T. K. Hunter, Harry Uiillen. .Iii<k IlRiiiea.v. Jim Hill. Dr. C llalla. Frank U IMntley. W. II ilarwval Frnlik I'd c.i ii -.-■ <i ' Hurley. Frank 4 llil'l-.ili Dfrtrell HalK Frank L. iii.iu', Lyiniiii llatlleua. ., :-■ : Inn ., Iltiglie*. S it. Ilerliert. B. Harnett, Kretl HnM, Tony Irleh. Frank iiuti*aT. RajarKi JoDH. L("i Jolllliaill 1,'Hinil' Joiiea. I-; 11- JftteihiHi JuM-t>ll Jonea. Wi ' .ICIIlilllJ'* Reufrew Jonea. P. -I. ■Irmlanil. Atf. .Imnw. Arthur JoiieM, J. Anjj. J-ilmanu. Ht-lel Jantra, Arlluu- hane, -lubii K. Kamey-., The i-ii'i, .i in Mauri Kiltknl.l Billy Keeley. nllle Kelley A Keh-ey Kane. Jokn K. Kni-iii'fUt. Chin.. ht-iihall. Wm. Knlll. M, Kelly A NlHrtl Kelly ,'v Vloletlf Kelly. Cium. 4. luetej. (HI If KiiIh*. Jolui K. Keller. IfDtilH Keiilmly Da*«A Kohter. J. H, i.Mi'ii. Fn*<| Kfllk. J. W. Kent, Hllllr Keeley. dllle Kaleta. J. Kraiin. fimnt Kaleta. J. Ke-di-r. Hurry Keiiaey *. Weal fall K'i]d. K. K. t.iaaa, Jlaiiala l.r-'i'r. AllMTt ! Inden, Frank Lav.ten, 11. J. I^pM. Krank Lure, •jraitt I. Mil'. J.l". LaiiK. Al, It. I^wla. Krtifar |j-n-n-iite. .U (1 Lmi* A. Liw- IJyial. i:.:. tli'irer-, Frank Line. UmU-rt Ikaal. CluMe M. li't-mln, Slcrr Hiiyai-vut It Unvmaii, C J, Clark Ife. i', i"k ltii«era. Rnhert l.i'aii-ln, Sieve KatiMilT, I. U*auder, Mr. ft Ititaartt Xur.K. Mra. Ben ltalmai 1'mfL.tC. laytuit Ciirn.Co. Kml. 0, V. lee, A. V.- Hnth. Wm. Lnajr, t-Mirani |:k.. a. t;. Ive. it.. i > W. Minou, Henry U>riaa, Ten ^ylvea|->r I.Mrrli>. J. I.. k Utan- It f Barn, o tl. M. rklma-k A' It lee Mur|iby. Nleli. aiarTunl k Mtoia- .\iar-lt.ilL Jaik M-flmi, 11. M Iti-bell k Ward Miady. O. M«eks, Ttie Klienuan -kFnller Mllimi. Walt. V >,iuiel]. tiieal Miller. J. D, Smith A Arada Morrow, it.ii'iA >, ■■.i^M.'.n,'' a. Metrlll. Sam I). kUerrv, J. W. Maxey I'rof.lLt n>i1ntii lit- Han Frank Sully. Wm Mi i'i-II 0. W, M-t-ntrmii*. t,. It. M irry. l'n-t -tlieiHii-tlHiu. Melville, i ,-i.iV l.<-l<iH-l yiarka, t.'latnitt -'ln;|-,.. -, Mii-4.- MiiMm, Dan If 1 .-'-.'linar, W. A- MeiieHL t'haa. -tr/eat-imo. M.lllllllloli Wll I la P. Ak.\ him . i knmwcm, Harry M- ! 'I,, li. Will -!,'..!. ll, '■ », .MtikiKiin. W. Jolm IMualc. Mi*rk>, P. Ifle.l M-iitli. II. It. y,. HILieii .Un. N|,.-rke'- PrrtlW" Mi-Kec Hairy !■ Sirven-.. Bulnuv Martin, A. ihlarTnrd. F. Mt.rrla. M. f S|.rii»a-t i-u. J. MimteMym. Joe Ft-hn-iter. F. J. MHoy, it. It, imhiiuhi. WaMet Mount, J<e Mtmie. Wlfcinl Mvrlan —(eahl.- Sthmieael. .Mil'hf, A. Ik, Peter J. Morrla Miki-<!»*.• sui'ski. It»ld MorniA', Jaa. Mnnna-. t't.a*. Alvrrla. J. A. Mi'liltl'ul. I ilk i- _ .Murkxltli Will* J Mlltoa. W i,i»'.' .Miielkmalil JmcU Melinite, Ki!. M-anoaw, thr , Marklum Harry Sit: HI l'lilll|i Metx. J. Miiiitnl, Hurry Miller, haheft Mi'tinwen. W. MH'arv-r. How Mi-tlntk Harryl. Mit'ta*. Will Men ley. H.*p» C Mavk, Wni. A. '!■; In ! - Tbe Win, II. Merl-Jti. Hhra Mnri-hv. Tlai Meghan. Wni. Meeker Wm, Murrls. P**rry Haiiuluii. Dm* Newman. Jnsa>ilt Na*ni, k'rutik W Mhi'ii, Walter >■■■!-■■■! Net Mebols. Mllly Makttilya. W. Vi-i-'n iii. J. D. Mum. w. P. Niina. .". W. Arm rpi. Jue Newman, J. D. Newtnau t'lar.D nrvlHe.-tr. T. Ihnii, FraneU ■■,■.-■.. Mi. riirlni. Wm. Hia-I. Hemy raklf-f, t'lniir. i'Ik-11. llarr>- lyt-niiriw. left tliiel. ll.-iii.v pickiinl. A. K PriMaly, Carl IV. ISn't'- Jenil I ll-.Hl.'-. t. '-. Slntnia, ttllliinl Sleln Krrtt'i. It. Smutilb. tK*"- ••■.Iiwaria. Kent SkKIi. Harry rM-Uei'l, Onklry PnlSK, Thru. >V I a in I'l i»- ll-irlletd HllluiOV, I'lril. KiitM** Sullivan. Frunk lUffel Trl-ii bhib*. Hi.!--. W St-brodo. M'allt-r r-raer*. Paul A. Savllle. II. It hl'l-Hltl-rlll. Willi-* P. Slnrrel. I "inf. rplatw. it. t. Ktewart*. itwAi siiilli, K. It- Hhartir, W. It. Sbllier- r.nlln %r ,,|,| 'il.i II. M.' litter i\ Hart well .■i.H-r. II. II. Powell Knah ll- I'iiIIim-L KrnealK I'ljor, Wni. K. pi-nliaw-.i — (Jintfleri I'olmer/. Jiitrtl. piia-i-ra. niin ll, Plk-her. Kml It . ...ler-K-ii. Al. Petri, Billy Phuc'm Nadrlat j -j.-i i. J. I- Park. Hen. W. I'l I... IL'.I IV. II ■rbi'. W. K. (Jkrenk, Ven Iteo.A. f\ Pinven, Win, Pilgrim * MWhaj Plei-<-e, Harry I-el in <& Krrtta I-id ten Hlldwlii PI«*l|M Kim. A. I'imI-iiii. liillt-ir I'lilltinaikH A lU-jii.i riilllllH A ll.lilllltirr Parr. AIIh-M (jiiJhIiii Ph.-. ft llwkly Qulllrr. It. li .' I A. M. IVelbe. t Bah Wbltney * B'-ll ItryiHiM*. Max Wlute. Fred C. ItHwp, l^-Minrd WrfRta-r Win, K-ini-ikf DnvldJ Wll' Itnai-h, J. Wliitaoian All llewland Jltnmle Wat win. ltay, I. iii.n, -un ■ ]ni ' Kuasell. F. t. Willie, ~ llelu. All-Til. .Y. IIMfr Tom L. WliceliT. H. Itch;, John H. WhmIh. It. f*. «aia. Il.»liii-r Waobtmrn. MMi L. A. Werin ,V JikIbp lilley. •'Aw. J. Wlireln-. Whim llimii. Cliaii. • Weal. Jolii III*'* Truman II Wllann. Jark Phrre. PrarJltfiika-HL 4. ».. i William-* HerlA 1'irre. Wni. | Mrirardana J. II -WiTHfe b ilonl'i Ijimar. Fmt iilntnauf, J. II. Wkltikr Fi.inkL Lmraii'le. 0«r3r. liiiaaHL ml. Wolf.-. I^w Lllltlirldp* llrtv lioili. )Vl-v. w..,i:<*i . Wlllnir U Pearl. \<-*U- |;|.-*. Jdtn II. /. l.-nk,--. M l^tronl, Cli.— >.F llunnliiB Klk. /arami-i. K. It. 1-ii:t,'. Mnalr.j Clllef Viainu. f|. W. UiiRler, Frrd I'ray. II. <i. iork k M'Tl'Ui l.iifayvtle <;rvalj Ki-yiO'Hitl*-, .lulc. \>,hhu Frunk l.en-la, Sam I llfp-l. f>t-a In /loitn.-r. I lave Lane. Bklnti Itiiawl!. K. It. J. La Pearl Wa-aley | Itea-h. Hilly /armw- Trio Lip, Ham W. Ill*-p»en, M. Znne I'lar. H. Rpaa, Jolm IM MITKi; AT IIBAP Of LINT. iMitiln-*. V»vV pahak -!••-. ft. Mie'Mr.l. \- '■■.'■•■ !-iici>-. iHyiaiad. I f lM ilhtT. them p'nyder, Dii'l Htiiilh. M-urlH rl|iroil. .1. R. Mruatt A It.H ',;'!'■ hi-arle-*. Aiibur Si. I'lulr llajaei. Mati H. HfhwaCer tlen.*-; Tinier, Fbyil Tin'in, Mr. * Mr--. Harry TntH Clnk" tilt He. T. t>. Teniiey, K. Tal*-. Una TlntrU-r. Pb 11 il Tern* II Tnitollo. -- Jas. Tllua. F. J. Trofidlii, ilrertl TIii.iiij.ioo llarry Tbehar, M. II. Taylor. II. W. TlmmiMin. Win. rat-alteld. Knlliy Tale. Harry IVIirr, i'l. il I'lUiPr, Mai V'MTiIelli'. h-r:mk Vaanail. Vh-lnr Viil-iio.. T...i >ia, K. il. Vnrptll't. Dr. ', i I in ■ k Mirnli.i' Wood, ftny M ml. liarilner Wayne. Fail WnUv. Thar, 4. Wr*loii. IbJntd p. Waliilil. i, ,i:,'M Waller-. Hilly WHiMler. \. A. witiier*. iii'-b Whit Hi-. W. K. lVianlaanl. Heo. Waylmm. .Veil Wrimini AiFralik Weight, liana* WINon. i-h.i". WuleHniry K.M. W M er laM T , tl. S. Jr. U'lllanl. Frnt W , — ,-. l^nrU 1. Uakettetd Frank Win, -."I, ■ '■ BASEBALL NATIONAL LEAGUE. POI.O CiROIIJVOS. With rmrtmjITI, Smmr% ll. M, la. with m. i.m IS. .I„n. ll. h, in. U'llh PITTNIII'llll, .Inn. I" IU. In. '41, racing: BBOORLYN JOCKEY CLUB. GRAVBSBND JVttK T-4.1. L 1.1. R, 34U St Fmr. Oalolum 8aa aad „ <J ioiing Picture Outfit local flekla tn ihurrhea, Pnhlto Beh*v Lodaea anrt Ueneral Pnbllr. lialhertnga. Nn11'i'ii fitter:» Letter opportunHtea for Ziucli-M, Our Outfit Comprisis (lis 0. P. OO.'I modal, Pu«» CALCIUM 0*1 OUTFIT, IU* ■, ■„!«.* ■ndmoiteoonomlonlfiKr^mnklntf outfit ever Invented, w.lghiioi., Itinoptltji, Hoilni Rctiri Mllliin. tlln. IRA— M * * ,rrr W«MorT film, snan n ,. r rtM r^r f.,mpi«i« .ntcrttlnm.nti. Alnioliit.l, the l.t..t flint, .na vtew. (,n I ho ni.rknt, Incltlillnc ■11 auhjeru fnr the I'uMlii', cnjnjmrnt. SRia entertainment eupnly ontntflKue en4 PICI4U OriH tailr „«pU(t,.erarfUMgv • MM flO-ECt'lO CI. 11! D,l,l!l» It.OHl. Ml. C> i«' TO sell you anotherbottlc—that's why every CI.UB COCK- TAIL is perfect. Don't confuse CI.UR-tlic original bottled cock- tails with ordinary kinds. CLUB COCKTAILS arc for the connoisseur, mixed by measure from the finest liquor—then aged in wood. Just strain through crocked ice and serve. Seven varieties; each one dclicinus^of nil Rood rto- ccrs and dealers. G. r. HKUBLEIN t BR0„ Sole Props, Hartford Hew York London;=(r^ 4 n PANDlNSTRUMENT$l*«»>---d IWera ira-le.! in f<ir"lt"I.TtiN' , lnatriimfn(i«. whlrh m- Ml nil otttf-ni. If ytni want Ilia la**., lair »-'KiLTtiN 1 ' —If j"* *"1 h « , * > ■ni'lher tnal-p, wa tiavall lor 7»*i -jbf-Ip. Krarrthlnif f*ir lauida. Ourc*Uto-f ajj| b*r jnttln ll«t fre" oo rrajueat. FMWK HQLTOM fc CO Otlaia Bid a.. CHICKttO SONS 'UNNf SONd KlfS fvefeaD^neJeeHnOWX I., ■-.-, ' - „, prn 7,-"r t'rrn catalog nt j *ri,minnirl lokn. .t". MK 803SITER. 22S • MM',(l",'it..l'> l '"0? WILL ROSSIlfciV* 90°o.fl00 i ABIUP SIZP. II M frt <w BOOKS BRASS BAND If!--If, I !■: ' ',r-,"i.l. I r,|,--[ ,■'-,. I'l i- Inni'la. Vlnlln*. M-in.|olin<, olc. I.vii A llit-tl)'* "linn *."nk" ' luiTupi'-ni- i-ielhr- ■*i, 1B .l„r.|nr Amrrl.a. Unit fiirf'.i'.ili'C'io, fttiUilfrrr. <l|rr>Hl,i« ^ ff-tprti-ai-n |b,O0*)lm«al(->ilartl"li>*. r >,»oiiAllf-.I.TO'inlHTl'ra;-.ip..rInrir» eent nr, Aiiptninl, Hontlil; I'limroii*. I.YON & HEALY, lifiAtfimi SI,. MMM iljridi Lira til ituale flMNWi tt'riU twt^. HOW DOES YOUR •Y KITIUQE PAT? THE FAMOUS CRACKER JACK r^'.lti'ii hu IL cjinnnt hnonji] tinnalihli., ami oar ft and 10c. niicltii{t<i naiirllna wili Rranllj fn'.TPe.'ni ItN mlno. Inlorm ■■ *vh«ra fan hold a, i nni fiilun ftttd WO Will ■end natnplcn iwi'l prlL-cm. BDBOKBBM BB08. * BOKflffBOI. 340 SO. PKORIA ST., UIH0A0O. JUST OUT, 124 PAGE ILLUSTRATED MA6IC «ATAf,'»<;fJ|; LTi*. : SPI'. fATAI,.. Br. Nonn tree, oiiiv N. K. Au'-m t"i' Miilwlinii. Mir. W ft. I.KItOY. lit.". C'Mirt SI.. Jin-!.in, Mmx BLOOD POISON FOf. M0RE A THHN TWENTY YEARS . wo hara matin Iho niro or ninod Palmin a aprclMltj. HltKifl I'oi-Min I'crniJincnllTfiiirtl. You inn tic in-alt'l at h'lini: nimer aatna ftusvranir. fnpltai t.'-oo,on<i. Woaoiicittiio :nint ..■"'Hj.ite r aw w u i r v'iri havo rx- haiiateil tlif old iiiiltimli of Iri-Htiiii-nt mil Nllll lmvi'Ui-|ii-HMl|iIimlua, Mni-ili* I'iiMi*'-*. Ill Muni ti-Sori- Tin uRl, Plliijilii. I 'o|i|wr-(*ilori-(| Hia.ii, IJIn-r-i oil niir |'iu I *>t Hi** I""'?. "air orKrelirowa rnlltiiR <ml, wrllu fur iiiuuhot tiin-'a. imi i>«k« li'Htlc fre*. COOK REMEDY CO., 1111 Miionlc Tempte,Ch)ciflO,IH.,U.8.A.