The New York Clipper (July 1906)

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JULY r y THE ISTjW YOBK CI^PPER. 53.7 France Coring the next four or Ave months, the 'ir.=t dive to be made to-morrow. At lourcolng. which la near tbe Belgian iron- loureolng, whim is near tneiwi|iMi iron- Montreal At Theatre Francals (F W After t 'j *■ expositions have been visited bv thf daring 'cvrllst his manager hopes to ob- t«(n permission for HchreyeFs appearance m rarlB. At present the police ofhthih wll' nnt grunt (hat permission. Credit for what noks to be "EC of the best nnd moat profit- able engagements tfcbieyer hHn ever had mast be given t* Leo Derendii. of Derenda'aod (frren.nhh drew up the contract and acted ■< interpreter for tjchreyer. pinT Moiln has returned to the halls, and ■ laMMSrtatr 1 lhl* week ai the Metropolitan In n duologue, entitled "My Twin Wife." The offering hat» Iwn received with much favor IbrmuMUt the week. The story: baa wdo nlir t\ voiinc wife, who suspects her tin*- Mind of an Infrttwitlnn for her ulster, and «-im dl.-*gtil»ea herself to try him on (bat Mwrlrii'ii. bh It were, M(s« Morln la «a- 3 by the author of the duologue. Law- react Sterner. The offices of The Haute Halt n»d Theatre Jrrrletr. one of the best of the focal" vaude- ville pnblliatlhnn.' w!It shortly he- removed to more central and cumraodloua premise" at 14 Leicester Street, Leicester Square.- The omVee were formerly occupied by Adackrr k son- Mr.- -Hlbuert, - the editor, also Intends to enlarge and better his interesting journal 1b many ways. '■■ -*=••" - - Uly^ Seville lately returned from her flnt visit 1PW States, where her singing act was received with marked approval. After an attended holiday at her home Miss Se- ville goes bark to America early In Hentem- l*r. to play twenty weeks on the Keltnclr- Th" fatal Occident to Lily Cove, n para- chutist, has prompted Herbert Gladstone to talk "f introducing a bill Into Parliament to prohlMt women engaging in any to-called nauterous pet rirmum ts. The bill, if passed, will affect the tousle halls to n certain de- gree, and will he-a serious blow to open air shows, where alleged dangerous aria abound. Frank MacnaiiRhren hart just, acquired a lease nf toe Stoke Newlngton Theatre, which he wMrenpen as a variety bouse on August Rank Holiday. The Sisters Adele I*evey and May Lilian Levey have'again-become partners, and In- •eod reviving many of their famous char- acter comedy creations. ; Offers are al- readv being made' for their Includ- ing one from Paris. The sisters will open in America In November. Apollo, the great Kuropean exponent of Jlu-Jltmi ivrestllDR. has poitponed his trip to America for the present. On Monday the Orfnrd Apollo, assisted by several of bin pupils, will give exhibitions, lie will also offer Kitbtftantial prizes to the competi- tor* who oppose hlru each night. To-night will see the last performance of .toe Peteroian's "Kirs of Sahara," nt the Oxford. The little musical sketch has not met trlth the success expected by Mr. Peter- man, and the latter ban decided to have a new book wriiten, and make several changes in tlie cart. It will be seen at one of the Suburban balls in a- few weks in Its revised form. Hal Godfrey, who came to London a few wters ago, plays his first date on this tide of the water at the Hoi born Umpire on July 9. He will be seen, la "A Very Bad Boy." *»» M:w YORK STATU. tendance June'24-:ib\ "More to'Be Titled Than Scorned" Jul* 17. DoMiMDN- Park (M. A. Doraey. manager). —lh!s park continued to draw big crowds. Last week the attruction wns Wccdon's lions. MorlnVBund week of 1. Hon Her Pabip iLavigne k Lajolc. inana- gera).—Warm weather was responsible for n bl« lricreaw> In the attendance. The bill was as follows : Great GoldeS Rusklnn, Italph Johnson," Morris and' Morris, Jules (iOgny, Kartell! Trbnpe, Lavlgnc's Band and orchestrophone. It immune Park (Al. F>. Head, manager). —Business wns good during last week, with the Ktglit Jnckwna, itappu SlstCrn. Le Nolc Brothers, Sadl AlfaroliI, Boirera;W'aIler8 and Crotker, and bloscuiie. ' ■' HAtL.—The Barnard Stock Co. opens '>, In "My Mother In law:" • i Ht. John—At the Opera House fA. O. Skinner, manager) "Weary Willie Walker" * I linn?-.—proctor's Theatre (Howard Ora- him. resident manager* la the only tbsatre open now, and business' Is correspondingly on the Increase* all seats being taken after- noon ami evening. The bill June -."> and week was,banded by Paul Snadohi and Stln- t-on sod Merton, who received generous ap- plause. For July 2 and week: Barrows, l-sncncter and company, Le Rov and Wood* ford. Paul Games, Althen Twins, Wills Holt Wakefield, Corbley and Burke, aud the 'litre* ^[areenas. Altho P4BK draws great crowds after- noons and nights to escape the heat of the cltv. A One bill Is presented dally besides The regular attractions. For .2 and week: Dues' Band, Babcock, In looping the loop; Wlacherman's trained anlmala, Lester Bros., and Llnole Bros. LA0O0N iSLANT1 AND ELECTRIC PARK BTS also doing a fine business. At the rustic the- atre: Chas. Sabine. Marty O'Nell and Mile. Vera, rrlnccss Chtnqullla, Jack Lyle, Bicby Craig, and LeClalr and Hart. ..*. — a — Tvoy»— At Prortor'a fWilliam H. Or«ham, resident mansgen the bill for week of July 2. "'The Man from Mexico." ' Ltcepm <Kdna- Archer Crawford, mana- ger).—This theatre will reopen July 2. with the Crawrord fltock Cn.. under the manage- ment nf Krtnn Areber Crawford, In "Ca- mllle." Wrek of !t, "Pink Oomlnoa." Le* X Doherty. ML B: tilles, c.iith Randall and Mabel Herbert deserve mention. Ton- Jere McAullffe Stock Co. opened a week's eh- rtgemenl ^3. presenting "The Man o'-Win*> Man,'' to good business and giving a good Serformiince. Jere McAulllfp, Wm. Hnwetu aa. Ca&sedy. Margie Dow- and Nella Ilobfn- «on deserve mention. Jere McAullffe, AI.'"W. Wlbon and Anderson and- tiolnes supply vaudeville numbem. Uoselle Knott, In "Cousin Kate." July 2-4: : "When Women Lovc^' "> 7. "Peck and His Mother -In-I j»w" 0-11. Cohen's San Kranclsco plelures T-'-H. Yobk (R. J. Arntntrong, manager).—The pupils of Ml;;? Whitman s conservatory of music held' their anhiml recital' June -■">. U«». N'elsun Price alwi look part. This hotise will remirtri tarf for some weeks. NOBM—Bertram Harrison, of Margaret Anglln'a Co., who has been visiting his homo here, has left on a vt»lt to Kogftwd..,... Ueo. Nelson Price, of the ThesplHn Dramatic Co.. la visiting' his mother.... .'.Jere 1 ' Mc- Aullffe received a warm welcome from his friends on hie ilrat entrance on tbe<at;<ge here Ml..*....K, M. Sbnlerl representing Ro- sc.-e Knott, was In town '2'.l-11T. .. i"..'.' Cdl. tflltard Stanton, representing Jere McAullffe Stock Co.. left M for calafa, Me......The Kmplre Booking Co.. of this city, now baa a «'mill of tircnty-Ilve cities and town: the maritime provinces. ne-ie-ianrt. -At the Ku.-iid Arcane Oar- d;na (Mar Kaetkenbeur, maoager) "Tha Merry Khan." wtfck of July - , , la. the Initial nffeilng of the he% opera company that will be seen bete" for several weeks. The Wil- liam Karmirn Co. gave 'Viivlnlns" on the last blli last weeek. and gtflw houses pre- vailed. Opera company week of l». Coi.imm-v i Harry la Kline, manager>.— "Lord Chiitnley" will be given by the II. O. Herr SUklr'Co. week of s. "A Htranger In a StranRc Land" had go«| recelpti last trcek. Hera Ktoch Co. week nf f» ■ -' * Ltr.vv P*he (Klwnod MaiNbury, mnnnger). —The rhktf alirr.ctlona *rrck of I Inchrdc: The Marnola Troupe »f Teh Arabs, aw>the Grand Army Hand,' of Canton. With' lMt*Hrr- unfa Hand nnd Allw.s. the wire walker, as ihewtellnr attractions. had good cron-da Ust wee(r. ' ■• ■• ; l,t\rr.r,v 1'akk (Krank S|>ellmnn, muna- gerr.— William Wilson, "The Human Cy- clone," la- the clitef ailrat'tlon at Lincoln week* of l T. > Kami's (H. A. Daniel*, tminnser). — II III week or 2 lniluden: PAvId M. Hartford and innitmn)'. Sims and Conrad. Charley Case, Sisters Rappo, Sd(\\ AlfarftM, HbWard and Howard, and'Byerasflfl Hermntm. ■ i «' ■"■' ■ — nnvtnn—folrView" Park Cawlno iBImer lled¥llc. manager) contlhnes tb no very good biiBtBess,'bnvlng splenqld house* every even' Ing and matinees. Illlj for the week of July 1 : Hughes nnd Wlllsrd. Arthur Doming. Mm sIcatToys. Harry 'Da Coe, and' Mr. and Mtt. Jack, la -A JrJdlrloiiM investment." »♦♦ ma»sacih:mktts. Robert Krohn, director of fenctng- Ml danr> Ing. The Incidental music was that of Sir Arthur Sullivan The Graham Sirlnjt Quartette gaVo a recital Juoc It), at L'nf tarlaa Chapel, which Was fglrly atlenrted, William Wallace liraham and Mrs. shmimii W/nmrn, vtollnlais, were the sololkts. HUSHWTV. CALIFORNIA. towns In Rochester.—At the Lyceum (M. E. Wolff, manager) the Stewart- Opera Co. gave one of the finest prescn tot Ions of "UiroUe Gl- roQa" ever seen here week of June L'S, to very large attendance. Too much praise can- not be given to ISdna-r^ssct, Alice Kalrbnlrn, Frances Golden. Huttvc Vox, Wm. ii. Slew- art and Kredcrick Knlgbis. Uco. W. Leslie made a most emphatic lilt In the lending <omedy role. - Th« Bohemian Clrl" July2-i. Natioxai. (Max Hurtlg, manager).—The Louise-Vale Stock Co. greatly'strengthened ffce impression of Its opening week, June 25- ,;, J. by glvlrag an excellent Interpretation of "Itosrdnle." to packed houses. Louise Vale, Charles. Carver and Bbeldou Lewlswere well net. Week of July *j, "A Celebrated Cise." Cook OrFRA Hocsk (J. H. Moore, inunu- per).—The Moore Stock Co. had fine returns last week, pnttlnp on "Lost River" In a capital manner. The new leading lady, Wll- lent- Kershaw; who made her first appear- ance, mads an Instantaneous' bit. net train Lytell. Adellna Itaffetto-and Arthur Rut- hd|e loaned good support. July 2 and week, 'Cumberland'rtl." Bakke TsivATiit: (J. H. Moore, manager). —The. John C. Klsber Co. put on "The Sil- ver Slipper," Jane 25-27. to big returns. Performance was excellent. Gertrude Mil- llogton. "George B. Mack and A. MacFar- land gained rounds of applause for their elerc-r Work, Owing to previous contracts thin' company closed 27. The bouse will're- main dark until Labor Day. Sept. 3, when the'Moore Stock Co. begins Its second season here. DMSUtfa' Bnvcn Pack (James Clancy, amuse, director).—Business herein still up lo high water mark. The Oarson Bros., the Flood. SIstM-s, the Mltlman Trio, and Lon- don Bron. showed to excellent advantage the past week. Casino Theatre (Jas. Rear don. proprie- tor).—Beginning July 2. the following ap- pears here : Jumea Logue, Florence Fox% the saHm. ■ Frankle Attrldge, Kittle Arthur. Wm. Dwyer, Stevens and Boyd, and Hugh Campbell. Haven Tabk (Bert E. Wilson, man- ager).—As tmuut this nature park Is al- wiya crowded. The act of the Valveno Bros, scored heavllv the paat week. July 2 and week:-Adele Purvis Onrl. Youngs and Brooks, tturkliardt and Berry, Harry Tsuedo and Lillian Maynard.- Sga BttEKtv. 1'AUK en. 13. Wilson, mana- ger).—litis pleasure ground Is the baven of rhrongs of amusement hunters. Casino Theatsb (Fred H. Grell. mana- ger).—Mo change ot bill is auuouoced. Bust* ness is excellent London,-At the Grand (3. B. Turton, manager) the onlrnetoscope opened Its fourth week's engagement June 25. Manager Turton expects to keep the house open all Summer with tbc'ptcture machine. KOftta,—The tenders have been let for the rebnlldliiK of Bennett's Vaudeville. Work was commenced lust week, and the demoli- tion la going on very rapldlv. The Interior of the hotise -wss completely pulled down. The bouse will he lowered 1 to the ground (loot', and It Is expected that London wilt bare one of the finest vaudeville houses In Canada..... .The water commissioners, who control Sprlngbank Park. Dually arranged with the l.or.dim Street Railway to take a. three years' lease of the park, and it will ba opened July E J. IL Stewart has been ap- pointed manager. He went to New York to engage a stock company. ■ -— i » ■-■ ■— —— wiimitirii. — At the Winnipeg Theatre 'C. P. Walker, manager) the nose-Tan Comic Opera Co. opened a short Summer season June 25, and has been playing to very fair business. Bunt; (Nnsh & Burrows, proprietors).— Business Is good. Following for week, of 2D: Claude Austin, Geo. Clark. Jno. Dunn and WJIhelnm Francis Co., Kdward Kellle, Wnrdeman, Swor and Westbrook, and mov- ing pictures. .•■--■ IIsiqi'b (Nash & Burrows, proprietors).— Businr^ continues gocd. showing moving pictures and illustrated songs. • ■ ' - ■ i ■ ■ » i ■ •• — Ottawa.—At the Auditorium, Brltanla- on-tbe-Buy (J. K. Hutchison, manager) business was big during the past week. The bill Included: Faust Family, the Dixie Sere- nadera, Ben Beyer, Watson Sisters, the bio- graph. kuivi'M k Bailey's Show will be here June 2ti. .Toronto.—The bill" for Etonian's Point, week of June 25, Included: Tanna. Massey and Kramer. Alvln Bios.. La Adella. dan- seuse, and De Kota, Illusionist. Underline for week of July 2, Clark's Dog and Pony Show. 4 I » OHIO. .lock: MoIlntmM Dend. tfohn E. McDonaTd, who was we'll knows to theatrical and .racing people, was kilted In the rallrovd wreck at Salisbury, tinslgnd, July 1. Cincinnati,—The theatrical sensation of last week came in the announcement (but the London spectacle of tbe Hhiiberts, "The Blue Moon,"-had'been secured to show at'Music Hall during the coming Fall festival. The Hcairt Company; which Is building the new Lyrk Theatre, gave Its consent to the book- ing; '. -. . L CilKs-rcn Park (I. M. Martin, manager). —The Chester Park Opera Co. enters upon Its third Week Jtltv 1, presenting ".lack and the Beanstalk."' »'The Belle of New York" was staged Inst week,' and-great crowds en- Joyed - the performance*. Hut nights were conducive 1 lo tremendous business. 1 -In the vaudeville ther.tie" Cook and-Clinton. Leon* aid- nnd Drake, 8i:ott and Wllxoa, Kthardo and Uarrnllton. and Hodges wilt-be seen. 'I here will be the umuiI extra-attractions In the wuy uf Fourth of July dreworks. The Zoo (Walter J. Draper, secretary).— Innes and Ills band began their third and last- week 1;- The popular concerts drew splendid crowds last week. There arc s'ym»* phonv, Wagner and Innes nights booked for ibis week. Mice's Dog and Tony Circus Is doing nk-ely. - '* ' Ludlow Lacoos (J. J. Weaver, manager). —John L. SulTtrnn will be the topllner in Hustle Theatre 1. Hn propOHes to Illustrate his cireer. The Macks. John and Carrie, Mile. Mhrle; Prof: Charles Strieker and bis trailed -horses and dogB. with a pictorial re- production or the Cor bett-McCoy boring match, will make up tbe programme. Last week the Queen City Juvenile Opera Co., under Manager W. F. Clark, pleased large audiences with their musical potpourri.' Coskt Island (L. T. Anderson, manager). —Oscar Khrgott Is to Introduce the Cincin- nati Opera Co.. 1, in "The Mocking Bird." E'our weeks of opera are assured. The princi- pals Include: Alfred Duxchlman, John U'Don- hell. F. H. McMechan, Margaret ftolan. Julta E^vhe, Clara Taylor. Clara Moullah, Kstelle Striieve. Blanche Bnegler, Elnnst Simon, Itari v Weil ami Kdwurd Hanke— all mus- tereil'from local talent. The vaudeville turns will be provided by: Norman, the Frog Man; Four KIlHWortbs. Mitchell and Browning. Tlitee La Movnes. and'Mme. Louise. Biggest iHislneDK Id the history ot tbe Island was i+onded Into the last week. Governor Harris. Ohio's new chief executive, was a visitor on Republican Day. when the Stamina League, under President J. H. Bromwell. and the Xorwood Itepubllcun Club, under President lien Mn I ford Jr., turned out In great num- bem. st.vmcr Chat.— George Seboettle, after a few days at League I'afk, bas rejoined Henrr M. Zlegler's great spectacle, '-Feasts ahd Furies,'* at Indianapolis Herlln Beach Is the Inst-resort to enter the wrambie for Hvunnter pat linage The Advertisers' Club enjoyed a Kentucky dinner nt Lndlow Li.goon Mav 27-. The Ozavs made «ortd at Chester Park last week.....-Harry Mld- dletvn la the life saver at Queen City Beach. Kali River.—At the Savoy (Al. Ilnyncs, mntinger) the Huntington Stock Co. presented the thoroughly enjoyable farce, "Naughty IlebeiCH," last week, to' excellent btialnesw. BljouWashbnrne had thn title role, and made a most effective Rebecca. Kvclrn McVeigh, a clcVor child actress, nppenred In wonga'nnu dancing, nnd won' henrtv applati-je for her cute manner and bright work. Week of July 2. "The Circus Ctrl." HHEKbt's (John Barry, manager).—"Jim the Penman" was prcwented. to good returns, last week, by tbe .1. ■ I'ranlc Burke Stock Co. Mr. Burke, In "the title Nej was excellent. Week of 2, "For His llrotber'a Sake." Nickelookon (D. II. Bufllntoo, manager). —Week of '*: Tbe Wlnstanleys, Ray nobln- son, Jas. McKlroy, Miiy Swl't, nan Nickel- tH-one. IltisinesM Is up to the standard. Notkm. —The Barnum & Bailey Circus illled the tent at both afternoon and evening per- forrannces here, June W tleorge Hocy Is doing the press work at Sheedy's Theatre, .; ..'..-Mrs. tiustare (iauss, (acv Kuby \-)»- wood) wax In town last week-. Wash- burn & IV Alma's Trained Animal Show flppejirs here July D-7 Col. Cummins' Wild West July Ik Ueorxc Wiley, the treaxurer of ibe Academy of Music, Is spend- ing his vacation In Maine, ilshlnc Worcesier.—At Poll's Theatre (Chas. W. Fonda, resident ntanngcr) week of July *_•; Poll's Own Stock Co., In "An Enemy to tbe King." Business Ik good. Wiiitk Citv tT*. II. Blgi'low, manager).— Week of L'.the tt«inl permanent attractions, together with outdoor vaudeville In the new theatre. The sii»cliil rttrncttons wlli bo Nlntlng and the Kltamura Top Troupe. ■ Lakh (War. Con. St: Ity. *:<>., managers). —Week ot-2. 4. W. tlorman'H opera Co., In "Olivette.'* Last week one of his eotnpsnlea produced "Mr. Planet from Mara," to excel- lent returns. PivKirt'KMT (J. P. Caples, resident mana- ger).—Week of 1 In the Riwtlc Thea're: Conplnger and Wblb-% Fred Bowman, Ken- :icdv Mtid Jitnies, Itose Parker, Wallv and Wally, i*nd tbe Cumeily Trio. Sunday <-on- certs arc drawing well and weekly business Is very good. 'Dahm'M k Bailky'h CiHOt;s arrived from Brockton, Mass., July i; and gave two per- formances Monday, 2, to capacity business. — — —, „ ,« Ly ii ii. —AF the Belay Theatre, Base Point, Nnhaut (Charles W. Hheafe, manager), busi- ness was'falr last weekiand an Improvement Is" looked for, now that schools are clused ahd people are flocking to the pet)Intuitur. This week": Tbe Two Snakerlnos, Dwyett, Will and May Reno, the Brobst Trio, and the bioscope. ' •■'-' (J'riiM.tN's SritMLfi TittcATSR, Salem Wil- lows (Michael Doyle, manager).—An opera was presented- by one of the Uormaa cotn- phnles Inst week Ibal was witnessed by large audiences. This week, comedy Is the bill. ' N'.m:s,—Sam- ,1. Banks.- a former Advance agent for Hit Slg. Sawteile Show, was here ri'few days ago, with Mr.' Hargreaves* ndyer* tUing car. and covered Lynn with his post- ers .Tin? Barnum & Bailey Show also hhan tine ■ billboard display: Col. Cum- mins" Wild West Sbfiw will be seen In Salem, July It. s . — Lawrence. — At the Colonial Theatre (Al. Havnes, manager) the Wright Hunt- ington Stock Co. played "Moths, to excel- lent biiKineHR last week. ' "Naughty Rebecca" week of July rj. Marlon Buroey and Wright HuntlogtoQ Hre special favorites, and are worthy of the, favor shown them. < i » ORKOON. Portland!—At the Helllg (Calvin Helllg, manager) Henrietta Crusmundld big business June *J'£, rJ3, ■'•Said* Pasha" was presented by the KendHlI Mtislcat Co., at thla hnnae, li*2J. and ut Ihe-Krajdre 22. 'J'l. BiiKlne** wiih fair. "Thu Telennono OlrT*- -4, at tula hotise, to a fair audience, the lighter nttend- anre Iwlag due to excessive heat. "Wang" July l. Kakki: (dco. L. Bnker, manager).—The Baker Theatre Co. presented "Madame Sana tlene" 124. ReotuKc of the extreme bent the' usual capacity nudlcnceH were not present, but the attendance wns very good. Tbe com- pany'did enorinous business week 'of 17, with "When We Were Twenty-one." "Hip Van Winkle" Julv 1. The season of the company will be brought to an end week of 8, durlrij whlrb the offering will be-'nn elaborate Hpec- tucnlur presentation of "Uncle Tom's Cabin." lame (Keating & Rood, managers).—The Lyric Stock Co., presenting "David Uar- rh-k." week of June IS. Stab (JnmeH 11. Krrlckroo, manager).— The Star Stock Co., presenting "A Lost Baby." week of June 18. Gnaxn (James H. Orlchiion, manager).— Yuma, Colonel Billy Link. Kduard Wall- mann, In "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde:" Paul Dickey, West and Benton, Harold floff and Grnnolscope. "■* Paxtaukm" (John A. Johnson, manager).— Frank Hall and his boxing kangaroo, Blown and Davis, Micky Fceley. McKenzla. Moore nnd co'UL'UUy, presenting "TIjp New Cu«ru- iiKMi -" .Tean UHnnn, Atlu-y. Mandvllle and cntbpaDv, pre^entlog "Teddy's Visit," aud biogrnph. Oaks fS. H. Frledlander. manager).— F.nnrmons crowds dal'y and nightly. Fritz'* (Fred Frit^, manager).—Kva'lna AHec, Allle Delinar. JtJsHle Stewart, MM X. Vernon. Barney Mulally, MaHe Dillard, Baby Ruth; I^i Rnl*ette. Rooney and For- rester, Frances Bft ayr. Jones and Hsvelle, Jeasle Oatitler, Virginia Vernon, R. Thomp- son. Clnra KtHplev and Madeline Carbonette. !CUIIJC ■■ 'llM Forrestem. nobla Hood nnd Maid Marian." by I/>rd Tennyson, was pre- ■ented. al {mm, June 22. by the Oregon Rranch of the As"oelatlon of Collc^Fntc AliinmiP, to a Inrge nudlencc. The perform* snre was highly succenaful. The proceed* nre fo be devoted to a wrholarahlp at tha University of Oregon. The production waa iindwr the vtare direction of Farak U. Riley, with w. U Bvyer, as musical director, and l.os Anacicn. — At the Mason Opera House (H. C. Wyntt, roaoageri—"Whlrl-I- <;!»." anoiher trnveNiy' In the burtesipie Kerles which* Harry James I- nirnentlhg at thla hotnta, succeede-l "Holly Tolty," wttlcb had n MiieceHnfal ten daytT'run, ending June S/ I'ndeHlnrd. "Twirly Whlrly." lt:-:r.AKin <J. ii. Rlarkwood, manager).— "A Htranger In a Strange I^ind" was pre- fenled by the ^to--k rompany week endlhg 23. Tha Block company ptericnled "Thb Heart ot Maryland" 24 and week, nnd It nrnmli-ea to be ilM greatest success In tha ntsrhry of the house. Monnaco'H ItCHftASK (Oliver Morom*o. managert.—"The Htgn M thb Cnws" drew well week ending "S. A icvIvhI ft "TenaeH- nee's rafdner" Is the uffcrlMr o( the Hnr- baftk JRiwk Company Ut ana week. "Thb Knslgn" la"In preparation by the stack com- pany fin- July 1 and week, with a »pcciat matinee on ■"). when Constance Crawley and Harry Mcstaycf will present "Hedda Uab- ler/' Crami OlfCU Boom (Clarence Drown, inann-rer).—"Secret Service Ha-h" hnn proved siich a Huccess week ending June 23, as pre- sented Ity the IJIrlch Stock Co., that if Is repeated 21 nnd week. "Marching Through tiertrglii" July 1'aud week. OnpiiKi-t (Martin Beck,general manitger). —Fealurea 2."» nnd week': Nnrnh Rives. Willy Zimmerman, RMnf and King; PiaMt, whlnflcc: Ullden' llevkwllh, Mujeatlc Trio. Julia and Karl ll ft lnil ii and motion pictures. t'Nf-v-R (HentB & Zallee, proprletora).— Feat urea S3 and week: The LrVrndorex, In (ireclan |x>HeK: Rudolph Aaklanfl; /arrow, Trnvlolo and Orny, VycllsiH: Union* Cornedv Co., preseDtlng "A lesson In Coftklng;" II- ItiKtmted Kongs umi motion pictures. Fwchkb's (A. R. FlKiher, raanuger).—For S3 and week, Fischer's All-Star X'o. offers "The Part of Merryland." New vahdflvlllo feHturetj and motion pictures complete tbe bill. Nkw Stah (J. K. Wilson, manager).—-Feat- ures '_•.■» and week: "A Night On the Nile," by the company: Kmma Osliorne. soprano; living pictures, Ethel Arture, and musical cxtravaganni, entitled "A Vacation at thu, Seanhore." HivrriiKtsH (T. Jeff White, manager).— "The lleauty Shop," with Kolb nnd PHI Ip the principal parts, will commence Its second week nt this theatre 1M and week, with "Roly-Poly" In preparation for July 1 and week. Km i' irk i.Itliiy Ranks, resident mansgnr). —Foal ii res 0 and week: McDondeal and Itevnoldx. Limra RnnkH, Mcllcnrtry, Wllher and SU-Hetidry, Mile. Stuntone; Ilurke Bros., Kmplre Stock Co., preaenllng "Tbe Black Statue." untl clnrmnlo«r«pli. Ci.\K<iuiiArn i.i, A. Hrownr, mnmiger).— Feiiturew 2~i snrt week: Kd. Frlnk, Little Bes- hIc, Madeline Howe, Charlotte K. IIIII. a farcu com^dv. enillled "The (ilrl froiii," and motion pIctnrcN. ■■ ■ ■ ■ •■ ■ ■ Oakland.—At tbe Macdonough (Cbaa. P. Hall, mnnnger) "A Human Slave," an pre- sented by the KHeford Slock Co., drew ca- I'u.ltv hoiixes week ending June -t. "The LlghtlioiiHc Holiiiery" il.VJuly 1. l.iiiKiiiv til. W. ninho|i. manager).—Illsb- op's Stock Co., In "How Baxter Hutted In," drew excellent hoimea week ending Juno 24. "A Temperance Town" 25Ju1y 1. "Mlapati" follows. IbuftA Park TmuTM (Will L. Orecnbanm, mnnagor).>—The Mora Ohm Co., In "Til* >P)Kcor," showed to packed houses week end- ing June J4. "Olivette" Jfl-Jiuy 1, Rri.i. (Kd. Ilomsn, manager).—Features July 2 and. week : Dolllne Cole, II C, Kea- sell. Rotliwell -Ilrowne'a (Jalety Hlrls, pro- stmt Ing "Jiwtlce Frapjie :" fieorge Veoman, Hio.sf.ut/, and the nellomalo<jrapb. Uusl- nesa la booming. NovKLTt (Tony Luhelskl, manager). — At- tractions 2 and week: Kvana and Kvana, Ktinlee" and'tillmnn, the Clermonts, Clifford and Orth, " Burns and l^avlna. nrexentlng "The Tramp and the Conjuror r V. R. M'c- I'he>rson, In pictured melodies, and projecto* scope. Huslness Is large. ^— »■» Cn^MSt'TICUT. Mlnneapolla.—At th* Metropolitan Opera Bonu itJx Scott. mabaSeri'VerilB Stork Co.; 1 In "Ac Plney Itldgr," nad fair builnea* June 24 and week; ' T Joan'of Arc" July l and weelt.- "Doctor Bill" g nnd week. LvcRtu (I. C. Sjicm's, nianHserl.—"At th«' Ilalnhnw's End" wns platen to splendid homtea last week. "The silver Kins'' I and w*fk. "Winchester" K and week! tf.viqvK (John Klllott: manager).—Bill for-'l* and week: Mr. and Mrs. cal Stewart and"i*ombnny, Hauf and Runt. Baby Mat.*, Mllli r and Mhson. Lillian cillTord and Htr- mdU La Fleuc Fluefbuslbess. WuNMtnt.A.\D pAiat>--spc l -tniiici for weak of June -'4: WnlbOurn and Whitney, on tb# revolving ladder, and Dare Devil Daub, la a* Kennatlonal high dive from a bicycle. —■ ,. — ■ i . ■■ Until th. - The Lyceum l» dark thla week," but' will renped Hb IL'. with Tom Marti and his company, for the week, In re per-' tory. and, its Mr. Mn,rkx Is n Ms fnvorlti' In Ditluth, hiiHlneas xhouhl be gootL Mg'riiriPoi.i'rAN (W. II. Lftngsircei. mana- per).—The Nntlnt:nl Htork Co., In repertory, week uf latM'^A, dbi very well for Hie week. Hypnotist PAH and tit* company July WT.' inj ->f ,,),,.-- Mi,11 innd. manager).—Busf- nma"Is lhe MnM a« lHual-*full hninam at every performance. The company for June 2Ti iimi tveck was Ihc best for Ihls scnann,' and gave a good rftow. Rill fur uetk of July i'. Krnli} nnd Homager. Lewis add" LMinginn. Caw. Harris. Mile. Allen. MniinU and nelmnr, Mn.,-y Long, Jns, McClellaa. and the moving pictures. S'uTK-a. — - The White CKy, on Mlrmcoota Point, nboi't three mile from Hie ventre o( the city. Ik nearly ready for the opening. Tim. grounds cau be reached by rail and water .-HlngUng nrothcrs have I he rttf covered with paper for the show, July II. Hi. Pnui, Al the tlrand (Theodore U ■ thi hist week. For. week 0 . the I.iiitv." WtM-L nf "The, Mlddlei'iiuii." Hays, iimnager) liuslnes« was good n-llh tha tteorge Fawceti Co, tact week. For week of i; The Cowboy nnd the Lwu. H Week of a, I':mi'h;ic (A. Welnholacr, miinagcr).—Btial-. ness wak very light week of June 2'*, owlnn. In the very hot weather fnHitig iwopl'e out lo Hut hikes mii! parks. This place will ebaoga lninila on July I, Mr. Wiflnholxer being,site-' MM by rti'iijnmln Fltik, who will conduct the house us a vaudeville. New people for week of L' are : Fiuinlo Weston, llelcn Mlg- nuii, and ojwynn. All tbe others will bold OVlT, niiritkjL'M (Charles Frenk, mnnager).— Huslness was light Lust Week, owing lo tha extremely hot weather. The house iVIUVlosa July 1 for about Tour weeks, during wlil?h" time It will ho rederoralvd aud repaired, and' Ki'uci'tilly ovcrhHiiled.. « ' I. miNNQUHI. Hnrtford.- -At PnrbonH* Theatre (II. C. Parsonx, manager.) "A Night Olf," as nre- heated by the IIutiter-RranTurd Players dur- ing the past week, proved to be one of the most nttrm'tlvu programmes t In- v have pre- sented dur'ng the st.Msuii. Audiences 'WSHi (urge and eiitliiihlmitlc. "The Duke and tha Dnncer." a comedy drama by Clmrlr-H Thump- son, will have Its Initial presentation at the hands of this company week of July 2. For rite week of June it "Recsimc She Loved IHtn So" will be the attraction. Poll's iL-mls Iv Kelly, mnnajer).—Husi- nesa during the past week was of fair pro- {Kirtlotis. The theatre In cooled, by electrlu ai>|iHanceK, und Is Invariably comfortable, "The) Belle of Richmond" Is presented thla week, to be followed, it-it, by Kdwln Milton llo/le's "Friends." I.rNA Park iDarcy k Speck, managera).— HiMlneHK Is clalmi<d to be exceedingly large. The attraction* are tine and titinierous. Spe- cial open air at miction* Hre prominent feat- ures,, and the attendance seems to be coa- Btailtly on tbe Increase. - .i -i i ■■ ■ llrlilKcjtnrt. —At Steeplechase IslandfOeo. Raymond, manager) the bill for week of Juno :'.", was welt received. Rooked week nf July 2 : Leo Stevens and his vaudeville company, Mtihonev snd Lake, Stevens and Kelly, Klk Sbepman and her educated dog circus, Ren Mnrrlrt and company. In "A Out; Nlglit Tragedy." Pm.t's '<;. It. Mllrhell, manager).—Poll Stock. Lawrence SIcfiltl lead, did good husL nexM' last week with "The Cowboy and the I.ndv." Rooked week, of 2, Poll Stock, with "Katbleen Mavourneen." Notks.— Myra Honnelly. of the City Sports Co., Ik at her home Id this city Flcr- enco Hamilton Is at her home In thin clly, and will appear next aeason In a new play, under the management of (iarlarul linden. May McMahon, af "Mri. Wlgg« of the Cnl)bflge Patch" Co.. Is visiting Mrw. F^dward Madigan. of this clly, for the Hummer, Kd- ward Madfgan is a leading-member of R. M. Kperry'K companies, which play annually at the cloitlng of Smith's Theatre? Michael ("Alderman") Larkln, well known lo the pro- fession, died bere June 2H. He siiccebrffully conducted "The Drum." the leading concert hall uf this city, for many rears, tie aided many or the vaudeville performers of twenty vears ngo, and was one of John L. rtulli- vnn'x closest friends R, M. Hnerry, tba playwright, In enjoying an auto trip down tbe Atlantic coast, 4 i» WTA«. Ktinana Cll).-At Klectrlc Park fS*m Hen Ju ml ii. mahbger) t hv extreme Hummer w-'rtfhtT brought but the' amnspmeht urek'r* In large numncrx, and KiiPshm city's Coney' Inland wits Mean every hlght last week. l-IHery'a Band concluded Its engagement, It iH'Ing the nrili week. This week, Creator* 1 citmeH. Last week, Hit Hell, In hi* high" wire art; waa Bplriulldly received. Thl* week, HecklenN Riissell [iltivs ii reliirii engngement. In-tt week. In the tJi-rman Vllliijie, tbe acta were: Ronnie Cruz. Dili snd Ward, Mario La cialr nnd Randy and Wilson. Thll week : Russell twirl Held, Marguerite Caynar, nnd Miller and Mason. i'MKMMfw-r Paiik (linn flnsenthal, mana- ger),— Hlnnr's Mllllary Hand continues 10 nt t mci. AII tliu concessions report good biiHlnpMK. FoRKfl'r I*abk (Lloyd Rrown, mnnager).— Lust week, RohhuIII a Hand concluded Ha engagement. On-lite lawn the Futir Dun- bars were Iho ullrnclloii. In Hie th'elitrs the acts were: Tlir Le. Flrnii ttrahrt opera Trio, Mr. ami Mrs. Pierce, Allen nnd Hnyea.' Flsclier and Johnson, Murry K 11(11. arid the klnoilninie. This week. Hn entire change, of policy will I*' tried. The'vaudeville, par- rnrmuhcn will he swllched lo the Teit iJar- den. The dels tylll he: The Wilson Hrnth- ers, Cora MUkel, tlio Fenuinde May Ddrt. und Lulu McCoiinell. On I lie lawn": The Mardo Rroihera. Illanche Hlosn und her trape/e net, and "Runner,"!lie trick boras, Leuge's Military linn'd,, with Madame Hlapoff- skl lis Soloist, will furnish Ibe music. fi.irt'tuiiNUH.—J. Klllssoii Ciirriill and hla Wild West Khow will glvo two exhlhltloha lit Klin Rlduc Track :i. 4. ThM. Halfg-" Forepaunh Circus lit heavily billed'for July 0 Manager M. II. HihIh'w and family leave for a two months' trip Wiitnrduy. Thw will go through Yellowstone. I'nrk to Henttle. iInn by Mteamer to Alaska, returning to 'Frisco rtnd homo through old Mexico...... <). Alberta Ku-aitl, director of Roaatll'a Hand, died hepi Juno 2.\, at Htilvemlty Hos- pital, after an n^ntllun t«v nppetldlcltls. ♦^#, , mivnMav. Bar Clly.—At the Hljnii (J. D- Pllmore. riiHiiiigci-) week of Juno 27* Hie following hill 'in'* well: Veolette, the Polar Bear 1'rlo, Marvelous Figaro, Coin mid cienn uc, riiailei Roche, and iu'iv motion philttrcs. Wknona Hkach Cakino (L. W. Richards, iiiHiiagei-).--Week »t June -1 Hie follnwlnc peoiiie appeared arid pleased : John W, Worla iiii'i Mliufcil Kingston, Hurt C. WeaHm and I; 11ii 1.1 ■ llaymond, nuslsted by J. A. Holt, in "A Cotnrdy mt I'lrrora;" Varno and Valdare. Krosko and Hrovi-s Hrelner nnd Walton, aud (ha klneloscope. HuslneH* Is go>id. Kvu Wea- cutt heads Hie bill rov week of July I. Noir.s.—Advance paper In up f<»r Itingllng Rros,' Clrcttn The new vniidovllla the- wire fo i«! upcui'd here early In August Is to be called the AJvarado Thmirc. (iraml Hnplii*, Ai (he Raiuona Theatra (Lou iMlamaler, manager) attractions for week of July I are: Hurl and ftTlmm, Four Coutedy Hills, Lester und Mimic, McWattara. Tywon dnd company, Ida O'Hay, nud Weston and Raynn»rid. tlnm-finVH Pavimox (('baa. Oodfruy, man- ager).—Attractions for week of I are i Clark and Duncan. Lafayotte Lamont Troiipa, Francea l^wu, Mai>imll antl r^iralne. Mar- gurlta Moore, and Mllo Kagge and wife. '—■ ' ■ ... ■ ♦■ Nan;lnniv,- lllvcr«i'ie i'nrk Casino IL. W. lilehitrdM, managfri bill week of July t: Ruth White Hitdf her eight kaajfroo glrla, Innes and Ryan, Mhi-vaIouh Roodc, Younga nnd Hrnoks, upd the HeiuniinH. Coi.a'a CnurtiH will exhibit here July 0, * Mittflr Creek.—At tba Itljou (W, S. Rut- terlleld, manager) the cloJilpg lull fnr tha. season, ending week of June -">: Fred and Kva Mosrnrl, John ami Alice McDowell, Frank;: Harcourt, James Mrl'off, Mualinger snfl hli» educated bogs and sheep, Clifford Wttktflly llluatrsted songs, aud tbe cllnetoscope. Tha JUjuu will open again Aug. '20. « . ■>' . WBMT Villi. IMA. SmK Luke City.—At the Salt Lake The- atre ('im. n. Pyner. raaaaseri (C. K. John- tfon's viiiws of Kao Francisco, June 26-'2fi, did good business. ';i.KARf (R. J. Ridden, manager).— 'Or, Jekill and Mr. Hyde" did good hualneiia June £MHb OiirtiRi'it (R. II. Mncleap, manager!.— "The Olrl 1 Left Behind Me"*p!nyed lo good houses 3&tft Gymm Paok (wm Rulney, manageri.— "Why 3he Hlntied 1 did fair busllieiis wr-ek of M. Wheeling.—At Wheeling Park (Oeo. Mc- Laughlin, general manager) the free attrac- tions for week.of Juno -'.*» gave gotid nntlitfac- iIod lo tilg Httandance. Attractions for week of July l7 Robinson's balloon ascension, every afternoon, and evening; Potts and Thomas; De Onzo and McDonald, Win. Bverett. On the. Fourth n flrewarka dl«plny. CnVKV Inum PaIik (II. W. Rogers. m«a- nger).—Hro. IL Adams t.p., In pantorolme, Inst week gave the IipmI of iiAllsfHctlon, and! had good returns. Week of, July 1, tba