The New York Clipper (July 1906)

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586* THE NEW YORK: CLIPPER. July 21. \larlo l AWo. Celeron. Jamestown. N. f.. 18-21 ; M«ck. tedme. l'foelnr'./ Allnnr. «•_*» ,'*»„ Majeatlc Four, Itlmriddi! I'ark, Montreal. OHM Miitt'u. Lino ft Maflitern. Manhattan, Norfolk, Mnetr> '*'"irn. Keith'.. I'bll... IJ-M. Mam ft Hunter. OJnullt. flS**, ffiS" II... jl"«r, Frtvv«r,l & Nellie, Helur. ^"^•«nt. «««■« Frtu. 11121. Manlell * Mink. tlutennlor's. Allintlc urn, r.. IJwiwfir^' ary ilillJM Toueku, Kit.., 15- .\. ft it.. Bnatou. 111-21. Reno Will ft May, Lake -WichTsetr; Oirdoer, Vrmlt'k KennV. Pailm-a. N. V: c. >«»■•„ . HrynoLK "ierrle. and <llrl«. Morrlaona. Rock- ««ar, N. T.. Kl-21. „ ,„„, nan. iSott i Do«r. i'««iliou. *.mj't.. 10 21. Ileilly ft More,,,,, Gu.en.alor ,. Atlantic Cllj. H. Hvnh-r ft tt.uriier. Muilc Hull. Brighton Stick, \ y. ■ w-21. Iti'lrr llr.«.. Krltfa'a. t'ler.'laii.l. 1H-2I. lilt.-'. IHijr^ 5- Monk?)-*, Wenuna llejcli. Bay Clly, Ilk.'..'. 10-21. III! Ward'A Curran; Morrlicn'i. Boctaway 21. Wation ft Mnrrlw Kl.tira, Henderson ■aland, N. Y„ 16-21. _ Wiloyurn ft Whitney. Washington r.rk. Clly. 1ml.. 10-31 WaV™ t"'ilrort«y, K.niiy. u {•■r.ite. I"'-. EaSSSp'ta &5i. "IHfT&r vwjfiBSjlag? V t»- ,* cro S? t i; tIR* ,,e 'At!? ert - , J , *r ne, ! r ,urn " mM&«- * A - Bro? "" ,Dd r- ■te-'jffij'vantss s thai, muna- L v. ,.i, r tires " ' -. - ■ * '■""VW'" rA*» \itu i.iwvuiuai, mHtiJi- TIS ioi-b TrtKATBB (Nash A Burrow*, pro- ger).—Helpers' Military Hand continue* to i : y.i ■.-... .j l i_„_.. „.iit, miivint' iilc nLtv iMimibii' hnrtnunv. In the Futrmn...., cT^lier*';™!. Clly I'ark, «««.*. M.».. »:;»» lt r ^.- 1 l ( »«-«I*~tfM". »»»"• .»•:* Huteliliiwoh. iVi-iM. "■ssrSS&'rs. aartiirkft ^«*"» ^- «* &?^ Niavhnoiv, V clulla, >•• V. C. 10--"- MarSi T»ln", M«»*lk'. CliH-KBO. 1M1, Mato'irka Trmil*' vlllo. Kr.."lC-21; liigewell I'urk, Dei Molne,. Mm, Fanny.' Bust Kml l*urk. Wt.-mi.liln. Tony... IS- 21. Marl. V. follli" Uardcn. Coloillliua, O.. IJI-1. M»liV*. «ltll«, Morrliou'i. Houk«n«y. K. H-. »» shay " - ciblli. t«iH«l»e Ferry 11*. U,ul.»llle. ilcC'ue- ft M^vflK. ft Ty»on Co., «r|ibeui» "1-AllK. ' MnWalei C«l., Sun Fran.. Moi'.'rry'ftV'&renc.. Bi-n.lok M, "»«". •«■ MdVelUn 21 .!.... BDo", V«IM, Minn 10-21. ill-, Mtn.lniwouiy. hoat-lKE' "lil'l JiliS*ia!:.T ; S u ffl^^rk!»F!: «STj6k 5W «.H. ■«*■ BMrf '' N - V.. 16-21. Mewi-endei- Boy*' Trio, JKiKi^eS^.'^eV'Sn,!. N. I. Itlfiut.* (It. I'riN'lor'M, NfWurU, N. .1.. 1U-J1. Hlclmivln. lltvat. Wmhllyii I'urk, Ctmult'ii. •>• *w 10-31.: l'ttrk. T*iimuun. a:t-2«. Kh-li. .liutk A llcrtlm. Kcllli'n, I'lttulpuiK, l«-il; Ki'IlliM. CkveUnil. a:i-B8. RkliiinK IVrk. WliiillLig. \V. V*- l^-'Jl. Alluiilic Clly, N. ItitH'i- 4 K'>4t»'f. JhuivmIuWii. N- V.. 10-1. (il'.HTSUlh-. 23-SH. ... ,.__,„„■ Hii^l'H .lluitlttil Huritc, Sulituvr .'.irk. Mnutitul. dm., 10 28. - ...,«. Humh SlHicrx. Star, WHyiiwlNiro. I'a., _ 111-21. ivilrt 4 Dorett.i. TcmplP I>utnilt, 10-21. KfWMtn'*. Thp, Womlerliiu'l.^mlldiiHiipllM. -S* 28 * ^jnwny. QflMK wnu.. l»-2t. IhiMimnn. HMsolu. Dcluiur Oardfu, OkU. Clly, Oklii.. HI-21. UoKTrtt. J'lliu I'.. Oimliio I'hiI. Uurllwttoueuwln Y„ 10-2.. ItoVHl Muilrfl! l'\w, Munliutti WhWoh'm Fiil-uiytKl. Ulruivk'.. CblciKo. Winl Bnwi. BI)ou. Norfolk. V*.;, UHH. Wmtijii HUtrnt. I'll-tnr'*. S. V. C. Ul-21. WlMtH. WUIk Holt. Proctor'*. Newark. N. J., SJanbRtlHU Bneh. N- Y.. Hl-21. .....Jnnii. Ilirpkliw* Turk, KaneilK Uly. 1 | lluiikliu' 1'ark, St. I.uiiIm, 23-Auk. hi. x. V. C. MHU , ,. „ Kens Cbi« B. Ward.'aa.1 Trityer, lilmrd. HpecUl reatiire next wwk will i K Witil Trio. HopklnM'. rMiitrllk-. Ky.. 13-21.. rh,- 1a- ltov* Vhih-ii. KHutrdu. and movlDK balloon aHcensionH twice dallj. by I'rof. WMbrt Bro... l«w|ile'a 1'irk. LeavenworlU, hiiu.. 'r. '^ Week of ML Billy Jolinaoii and bis Barne«. Inex Well* has arrived from At- 10-28. , , _, ., - u ,_... ggK C B C ii!.f lt ° ' ' lantlc City, and will take charge of ttie baib- 5T.-11L fa** %^MS*SHSfSSSkJ^L Cr 0(t»w».-At the Auditorium. Urltaanla- gfewh. mi tit nil < J * ,; * Hutchison, Hipia Wl.Wff' orleior*),—Gpild bUHlnesa. wltb moving pic- pUy punutur hormony. In the FalrmounL [35 au'd U nrated song*. , £k?7u^^ to At lluri-o l'ntk (». UoDk», JubjIIoe turn ;l-jirl Flynn. tenor »Ini«r. .nil goud wenllicr, week of J«I».J>, '■•"?<ilr. r d. tari one. This »-cck i 'ft- M.« •le tiiMlrcmi. wlili Ilokltlno ahd i|ncre1«. Hlsnn }u Barnes, and Eirnesi "Hill, linn; <-• »»i."/. .-—"—•. —• ;-- Wufxh. Oh*. & Jeuiile, 0ry»l*l, rrankfort, Intl. IM. Cliitkhixiis.— Tbc Porejiaiigh-Sells CtmB week at ttal* fa*6rlte pave two performances here 0. to record wKSi-lle l,n, „,., Beloe,.™. * V. a. 10- J^™^, ^ .^ ^^SfffS Kkf^^r«St «^S 51«"rlon ft I'enrl. Uurerunlor'ii. ' l SA5r; l 'ffi,S , Srk u ^ 8 in^« , ffi; M.rlon-ft-llMM. »»'« u " ™.mre. »"»» n„ k v..y ft (>,ii*iiy._C«limiee: Sll.ll.. 10-21 ; IteTrrc Hiji-ii. K. V.. 10- lUHrtioy & Hiinllnir. I'nek. Crttil.ui. <J.. 10-21. It.j.vdl Itnllno IlJinl, I-HiiH l'ntk. Wfi»li|ri|(toii, I>- Ibjii'ps t.ii.SheolyV, Newjwri, It. I., 10-21. Em lluv I... Miijiftle. CJileugu. l(i-21. Mbgen A liKTlne. Ourivrd Luke I'ark. Anolstuit. Alu., 10-2S. Beck fr MeArty Rniiiouu, (ImikI Uapl«lu, Mleli.. Komell, MfirveliH.H, CpjhIiiI I'ark, Hciliillii, Mo., 10-21; Crynliil I'urk. tit. Jo**].... 2II-2H. KohscIU. Miltileal. 'Cytle I'urk, DiiIImb. lei., 10- 2t». Uaseell & Held. Lincoln, Nek. 10-21; UiohIiu, Net)., 22-28. ■■.„.' „ HiiBBell, Phil & Carrie, HauUu « Point, Twnfllto. Can.. 10-21. Brief A Baron, PiiRtor"n, N. V. C. 10-21. Salcriw. lVlularlu Oruve. X. Y. U. IMt. Hatu. 0. K., Momh Tour, KwrluiM), 2.1-Oi't. JO. Smiiiiu. Temple. Detroit. 10-21. ^«Vl^y Quailette. Itenwlck Pnrk. Illiara, N. \.. 10-21. . 1 ?' 21 ; i t» ii ti». CollUi* tianlen, Colnnilnio. BauteTl.* limit. Blmnhle I'ark. Motin*. La., Mecbknlra! Doll. IM Loiiin* «««"* gp H | lt -ll Heath I'ark. Lake Ckarlew, 22-28. °" 1 ,,r 1 " rt«.. u Trin Keith A Proctor's 2*1 Ktimloro. Cttlllna ilanlmi.C utnmhat. .. 10-21. MetrooolltaB ^"..ijj 0 * Mni * Hulvawln. The, liiyeraolt Park, Dea MoboH, la. MelrtV-Tria." Iloyrt B^WRLfifc. 'lSi. Saiei'Tw.ii.lir. 01.1 HrWelbers. N- Y. C. 10-21. H^SS^irfe^. --3S*-. A,..r,A kro ,o. Weicii. Lew, Itlckard's, Meltwurrte, A' Weaver, Harry, OofCToator'a, Allantlc City, Weal, Al. II.. A Co.. Olymple, Chfrtiao 11 Jl. Wentworth'A Veata. MenToft.1. Maw.. t*MBU Welch. Den. .Keith'*. N. V. O. .10-21. While. S. B. * Holla. Casliw I'ark. Blturliamtoo, While, ; Shiart. & Co., Worrl««rs. Il>H:kKway. N. ,y., ,i«-2i. Whtplfle, Wnhhf. Oliwt Ben. Ii, 23-2K. WmbbbhT, Baby Irmn, & Co., Orplieiun. Lima, ()., WlttM linw. MorrlMtm't", Ituekaway, N. Y.. I' 1 " 2 !- WJIvoii. Wriiee, Wlilte City. Lima. O., Ib-il. Wllaitn Br»s. Majealle, Chleiipi. lli-21. Wllkea. Mallie, Mow* A Htoll Tmir, fciiltlaiitl. Wlntloiu. Billy, Ooflfroy**. Craial Raptila, Mlcb.. Wlora Trio, HeialeraiKi'K, Coney Island. N. X., WHUaaaa * Muyer. Olyini-lc. OUIenno. 10-21. Wlxon A Katon, Celeron I'ark. Jamestowu N. T.. WlllknM ft Mellmni, Oeuuett. Richmond, Ind., 10 21; DiylflB. O.. 22 28. wniiini & Huglieii. Konr Mile Onw Tark. Erie. Wllllatii/ft Walker. Hire tTluh. Tctiiple, IWrolt Wlimtou. Jullu. MiiKlr llnll. Brl«litou Beadi, N. Whiter, \Vliioui. Keltb'a, Boston, 16-21. Wlllurd Si niucliea. Four Mile Cieek. Krle. Pa.. WorUette. Estrtle. & Co.. KelUi's, Cleveland, 10- Worlil> Cnmeitv Four. Henderson's, Coney M**at N Y 10-21. World ft KlnjEKton, IngfriMjll Park. Dea Moines, Worti. Jnilet A Co., Proctor'*, Albany, N. Y.. 1«- 21. us.. 10-Au B . Egr theTHri t S35X L* Adclla, the ticket, waa ^P^. a '^«-The performance 11-11!*™,. \nA fh^ liinirrnnh was a fine one, Ughtlog the nuM bene lie City. H. ^"BOoux, and the biograpii. {tf & feature ..... ,. M . H. HodBon Jr.. aer- ■WASHINtiTON. nulte i rotary Kansaa City BUI Posting Co., Is la gjjftjMff, attending the convention Frank Woodward arrived home from New York last Sentlle.—At the llrand Opera House wce k. fRiiswIl A Drew, lessees) the Han tranclacji i * ' » Opera Co., In 'Princess Chic," July LJfc «. INDIANA. ',, 8. hod the nauat hlg attendance. »«*;• Goodwin, with ail Mfreptlonally »«■»■- inrflnnopolla.-At Wonderland, week of anced company, lu "The ^enlud.and wnjpn- j„i y u : ofiertl. Leomird and I^wls. Eeed We Were Twenty-one," had crowded bouses ^,J( ni , anfjk np g trained cblmaU drew :i5, The Ban Franclaco Opera <-«..■« b |.. bnsloesa. Robin Hood." « and week, doaed lto «*- Vairmnk.— Knrlco UarlgulnV Band and son In this clly. The house will bt: dark until early part of Ueptemoer. . 8kattle (Jolin t^ort. mauajicr) ., GurlgulrtV Band and M. Ben cue and Mmc. Bcngne, aolofats. did well week of fi. . WiiiTt: Citv. — Ostcnrtorfs Band and a .-r,.Ajji.r. ( »ou.. .«.« ,7 ." _j ,..„„», nun viii. — yaiiuiiuu» nitiiu ana :i Frowley Co., In "*lbc W"™*,,' 1 "! 1 ,?, *"*: full line of pdrk atlractlons did fair buslaes? had big buslneea. "The Charity Mall 8 and weftk of tJ week, "Madame Sana bene lo-Jl TtiiRi* Avbm:b (Kusacll A Drew, mana- K ers>.—Tlie Aylesworth Co., In "Kidnapped, I arid week, had excellent business. 8 and week. "A Ruined Life;" "Under the City Eva am vl lie. — At Cook'a Park Theatre (Harry Latirance. manager) a good list of at- tractions for week of,July 8, with numerous week, „A ituineu wie „ K X. Avleswortfi other attractions running". A good share of Lamps' in ■ rtd a »:«J; 1 . r, "" P8 ,{J* Mv The pairona^ continue*. The Hat of attractloor,. Company's ^ngagemeiit In^ Jbtaj«y. Tne g u included: The La Pa gen. Prof. E Krel' >o\v *^l' 8 dogs, .cats^and monkeys.^Prince Alolne \,v,,i|yi',i H i a ^,. t i,.p,i.™^M* . .. i house will then he dark lndennltcly. Star 'IK. J. Donellan. .manugeri. people week of *J: Leede and Le Mar. Peter Dunawwth. Bellcclalre Bros., -the H ngleni, Al. .loalln, Dick Lynch, and .moving pictures. niienKVM (T. J. Consldlne, manager).— New people week-of 0: Kdtth .Dombj- and company. Wllber. Tlelu Children. Ada Jewell, Tracv McDermott, and moving pictures. I'A>TAtiE8' (Alex. J'antagea., manaReO.— »nd Ml** La Brant. Radle Fnrman, Hyde, Heath and Walsh, and Lew Palmer. Oak Summit Park I* keeping up Its high standard of attractions. Hod good patronage fa the rule. The list week of 8 Included: Karl UUHhan and tJeo, Perry, Ed. La Vlnne, Anna Franklin. Primrose and Martin, Semons;. Walter and May Rhea, and the kluodrome. ""nc week of- U will l»e turned over tn the MlminnV Helen. Auditorium, Braialou, Mau.. 10- Mlllmau Trio. Wootllau.l IMS. Ashlaml. t'a.. *»- X$L Mr. Ml",,** w - lMmt ■**" "** Mlllfnry fctelle. WESZ *>n Frn.... C.1 . lo- »J1| Jicwerr. Tyrolean Trio. 01,1 llel.1ell.erc. .Mfliio Y Brn'»:. Nnw'ltJ. .*•« 'J!"- '¥?';.• VoH-i- Mll!er»lilp SKleri. kellliV. Ucveuun. ,u -i. Villi ft l.eivl«; Al.luo I'ark. Ceitar Unnlil,, lu.. M<™?i« 2l Tho. Merrymeellus l'«k, Bruiw.lek, S^SnJta Vk.M^'iirk. Cnnideu, N. J-. SadlerH." Billy A Craee. Sea Ilreexe Beni-h. N. Y., SHiitoro'ft Marlow, Ctilllim' llanlni, Columbus. O., 10-21; ldwa Park. YuuiHwtmvii. 22-liH. SuU-l, Jiweplilne, tlld HeldellaTK. N. Y„ 10-21.. Kaiuleia. Dean & Siindera, I'ark, Wheel tug. W. Vu„ 15-21; Lakealile I'urk. Dnyttni, U.. 32-28. Bthepii'a D»««. White City. CIiIchko. 15-21 ; PahSt iMrk. MIlWHiikvv. 22-28. ■ Hdrtt, Harry. Atlantic Uanleii. N. Y. C. 1«--1 ; , MMfKrt. A Wanl, Atlantic Unnleii, N. Y. C*, Sertoli « Ih-iiule. t\inih|ue. Siaikani', Waah.. 10-28. Melt lea, Tlie Three, llooalck Valley. North Adaiua, Mann., 10-21. _, Helbliil. Lalla, Vivlorla. N. Y. C, 10-21. Selltlid ft Uruvliil, Keith'*. N. \. C 10-21. Settles (3), llnilci Valley Park, No. Adams, Hears, itamuuH, Urand Itaplds. Jllcli.. 10-21. Hia—m Trio. Huntlinfloli, Iwl., 1U-21. Sberiiinii & Fuller. Four Mile Creek, Erie, Pa., Sharp" BW, Vlt-lorl.i: N. Y. C, 10-21. Short & Shorty, laJlillial Park, Alloona, Pa., 10- Slrro'nje. tireiit, Mimic Hall. Brighton Beach, N. SlddVm Brits., Ouverualor's, Atlantic City, N. J.. 10-21 : Pavilion. Wind Cain, P.i., 2:t-28. Ukatliiella Troupe lllverxidi' I'urk, Montreal, Can.. 10-21, Work ft CHer. Musle Hall. Brighton Bencli. N. Y.. 10-21. Wood. Frnncla, OuTernalor'a, Atlantic City, N. J.. 10-21. A Woodford ft Marlbnrn. Ultetdde I'sjk. pK>to», 0., ■ 15-21; Beacliw«»il I'ark. Mayavllte, ky.. 22,-i8. Woodward, V. P., Paxtang Tark, Harrlahurg, Pa., Wrrkolf, Krtil.. ft Co.. Talaqiiega Park, Attlelwro, Maaa.. 10-21; Palaee, B*JM, Ma*>a.. il-28. YHnmmoto Bnn., Temple. Detroit. W-«. Yerxns, Tlie. Han Sooet Park. Cbfeagu. 22-28. Yeajwr & Yeaaer. Palare. U**M. Kng.. 1||*3L „. ..nuiu, — ■■■■■i. , ...- —y "™ Yeoman, Uvo.. Wigwam. San rran.. Cal.. 2.1-28. presenting "In Mlzzourl .Inly SillMMTTM Yeager.. W. C..^y r ia. Se..j.U, *^»ffc Power of the Cross" 14-M. Maude HUH in Kigbt.Mazzlnla Iloae Cltj KnlidTtt of'Whlai"and the "Beggar Prinze" Jennie rieicner, n ^ n ,, ft wll| glvp n r haniri. tit nrnimmm. 3, Meadows and es. HtbandJUom Ooirjsnijth, *el£g*te2g* proven" a "great success, and arrangements n rt or^w^ini™ri^ & coVw,irgl,,c a cbange *»■*-* Lft.Karn, and mojlnj gMMWL ; u Tsorji.—The Evansvllle Cliautauqua has week 7|Y»5li Mabel Hartiev. JfOWj^ gjea^ ---^nu --gern^ uSS^i^l^lf^m^^r;^ ?,«*&* Warde lectl,red oa Shakcpeare on week of 0: Kdlth Mitchell, Florence King, and Llzctte Merwln. Tjialu (Mose Goldsmith, manager).—New July 10. Anderson.—At the Cbrystal.Thealre (W. ^^^tS&^oSM^Xi'hms. W. McBwen, manager) In *jite=o« the; hot «\i.. Tuno Mhi-Mh weather. large audiences attend the Chrystal. nno Jane M arNn. . . Ww|[ rf n § lbtcra OaHttm vocallsl*, buck Tncoma.—At the Tatoma Theatre (Chns- 11. Herald, manager) the Brandon I'lavera. TOO*, May. Manhattan- Iteurli. N. Y.. 1021. Yvelte. Mile., Lusoon, I-udlow. Ky.. 15-21. Zarmw Trio, Henderaon'a, Coney IhIbiiiI, N. Y., ifiarelll. Oreat, Relay, Kahant, Mass., 10-21, ZHiel-Vertion Co.. KeltliV. Phtla.. 10-21. Ziinoni*. 'Cycling. Dlemlliig** Cialno Roekaway Resell, N. Y., 10-21; Electric Park, Newark. N. J., 22-28. ■ ■ Zerella. The, Gurernatur'a, Atlautlc City, N. J., /.Inti'a Travesty Co., UUlina rark. Ogileu, U„ 10- Zlskn ft King. Orphean.. Sau Fran.. Cal.. 15-21. and acrobatic dancers, deserved mention. Stainlev and Le Roy, In novelty singing act; Mrs. Bertha Coburn. lit Illustrated songs; Marti lie and Martioe, and the klnodrome. were all good features. -Moi.vns Pabk (a A. Baldwin, manager!. —Various attrwctloDs, Including the Boys' j of l'rof. H. 0. _ 'ds the past week. The Anderson and Iitoncle, Ind., Boy** Bands will combine this week, with one hundred Sni|tl"ft Baker, Fa.rylund Park, Patvrson, N. J.. Klitgarl Trio, 'HeuderWa, Coney Island, N. Y., Young Aroerlra ijnluletlp. Keith ft Proctor'a 23d |j|Hni StrecU N. Y. C. 10-21. t;uA\n (Dean B. Woiiey. manager).— - - ■■*■" and company. Milton Dawson and company. £ Frank Rowan, la Illustrated songs, and Urandlacope .„ , * STAn (H. iM. Owens, manager).—Week hc- clnnlng ». Allen Stock Co.. presenting "The Land of the Midnight Sun," Arthur II. Ash- lev In the.leading role. Pantagbs' Crystal Thkatrk (W. J. llm- nions, matiager).—Week beginning il: Rag Time Trio, the Zanfrailas. Brown and Davl*, Maud Sharp, Widow Davis and Children. Tom I.ji Rose, tn Illustrated songs, and mo- tion picture*. .iirii...-. PittsBeld. Mass., 10-21. Murray. Clayton & Drew,, park. Cnmde 10-21. Park. AHuiiV. >- Y.. i/--8. mAt* ABoaa. Keith's. Phlla... 1«Jl. Ni^.v.h.Illtly. MaM.a.lai;. Norfolk. V Siulti." Peter J.. While City. Clilcago. IHL Hmitii A Arutlo. Uodfruy'a. Orund Uaplda, MlcU., Damn "ft Law. liuveriialor's Atlantic CltV, N. SpaiililliuT.* Dupree. .Lakeside Piirk ;u Duytoo. O, 10-21. Zinimeniiaii. Al. & Pearl, Crystal, Elkhart, Ind., 3S4S. Zoiihoutakla. The. Idle Hour Park. PUUburg. Kan.. 15-21: Lyric, Joplln. Mo.. 22-28. 10-21; S|Hxik Mlnwiteis. viciona. i*. *•,*". *»"**>.».. Stntdrtoii ft Chancy. Hociely Clrcua. UaulnrUlge, O.. 10 21; Newark, 2JI-28. - K , Steele, l.llllnu autenmlor's, Atlantic City, ^. J-. lw:,, • » . htaitton A Modem Temple, n'Kf* Milton ft Dolly. ■'rwt u '>' v A IV tll ';T.\.is' Stanley mSmIM Y.. Ifrll; Krllli ft Proilns. S. Y. U. -a*, HiMtU , y & Wilson. KeUh's ?;;r' , vM;;: , 'V*,nhKrHi;,. 1 n,,m,i. m„, ^^S,uV.^' , mUv:^^^.;fe'!'h■. Chluago. 10-21. Nice. Khlle. ■ So.,t|.J.u P*rh. Vi^'Slea Cal North, -llnohv, Maaou 0. II.. lart Ai^i'iea, ^ai. 10" 1 " K N Nninnit. U'JSr Mu. Wenoliu Ileuch, Buy City. Mich., imelW Klnley, Maunkm** Park, St. Louis, 21)- OadS' Helen. White City. Milwaukee, 13-31. O'Uughllli, Major. liVoMdi-rland^ l*nrk. Daovllle III., I.T2- ' O'l-uuVhilu Onri.^Adele Purvis, Falrylaml Park. Patersou, N. .1.. 10-21. :i: Lagmni. I.iallow, Ky.. 22-28. 1 " SiHxik Minstrels. Victoria. N, Y. C 10-21 ON THIS HOAD. Snpnletneiitnl Lla« — BeoelTed Late for ClasMltteatluu. Too Steele. Lillian Omeriiulor'B hlrtiiton'ft Mwh-nn, Temphv Detroit, 10-21. Hllne A Kvana, Pastor's. N. Y. C. !•;«•. ■ Chk-iipo, 10-21. N. Y. 0.. 10-21: ft Co.. Shee-ty'a, Newiwrt, R. L. Kh|rr , inl & Slulll .. B |] ull . Duluth. Minn.. 10-21 111. Mo or. )Von<ieninio ini*, «"■■■' V21 : jVrt dand Park. Decatur. 22-28. In ft Colien. Piwtor's. Newark. N. J.. Campbell Biw.' Showa^BlalaH*. N.: D.. 18, Cou- way lit, Warren. Mlnu., 21). Ileiihliia 21. Buf- falo 20. - ' *'Ea*t Lynue" IChas. Newton, lugs.)— Norway. Mich., 10, Florence, Wis., 20, 21. Crystal Futlu, Mich.. ■:■. 24. Gullmar Bros.' Circus—R blue Is nder. Wis., 21, An- llgu 22. *>*♦ Mil Hit. A>. Gram) Rapid*.—At the ltauiona Thea- tre ll^ni DelcDidter. manager), the attrac- tion* for week of July 15 are: Count I»e ll'.iu and Brother, De Hollls>and Valora, Praia and , Dare, McKay and Fredericks. Wra. Ban and Grace iMcArty. in "Th'efc," and Scars (illusionist). tinnrnoY's Pavjmok (Chas. Godfrey, man- ager).—Attraction* for week of L3 are: Harry Bowman. James t'owles. Coyne Broa., Lizzie Miller. Smith aud Arcudo, and Billy Wlndom- Kalamnxoo.—At the RIJou (W. S. But- lerllcld, manager) hualness continues very NoTiia.—Clarence Stephen*;, of this city. rnd a soloist, with "Kgyita" Co.. has written i: new song, called "Little Girl." which Is at- tracting attention ...John II. Terhune. owner and manager of the Grand) Opera House, will take his scut as mayor of An- derson in September. >■ ' " '- Lafayette.—At the Family Theatre (Ros- brugh & Maurice, managers) ttie bill for week of .Inly » Included : Kroainl, Gllmore and Car- rol. Kennotb Qulvcy, and Dan and Bessie Kelly. Good business. Week of 10: Ed. La- vlne, Warren and ltrockway, UTeTC and Marsden. - ' _ , . Sotk.— John C. Weber b Band gives two concerts July !o, at Tecumseh Trail Part. • ♦ Frankfort—At the Crystal trhas. \Velch. inunager) the hill week of July 10 Includes: Hftyter and Janet, Courtney and Jeanette. Joan Miller. Bvron nianche, Cbus. and Jennie Welch, and the klnodrome. Packed bouses week of B. Noma..—"Funny Folks." under rauvas. July 12 Van Amburg's Circus July 26. —i «►•-♦ ■ IOWA. ._.. Slntcmau & Crawfun . ..- 1021; (.uvomuMr'a. Atlantic City. 7;'--^:. htrlkrr. Glias.. uial ll»rse, lagoon, Ludlow, Ky., Htewart! Wlnlfml. Mldilletown, Coiiu. Pu'nuui, 10 21; Ouloy .ft Cuinilnglnim. Olyaiiilc. Chicago. 10--1. Wr iaiaii.l ft Dukeslmry. Wela-r*a Pavilion, Lu- O'ltourkc A C.llllinn. AUantlc Garden, N. Y. U, NIlimli A Muiur. N. Y.. 10-21. I. tlinre lima,. Uelth>._ Phlhl... l«-2£ ii'lleUly. Johnnie, Paradise Hardens. N, iii.l"ine'. Merrl. Prorler'w. Albany. N. Y„ lO-'-'i- u'T.ade. Jack, Bijou. ?«lalh-Mtan.. W-JL Owen. Baby, ft Co.. Ocean View Park, .Norrolk, piiltersoiiaT ilouitilllig, TlvtiR. Ca|*j Town, 8. A„ PajShlH, Fonl.ilne Ferry I'ark, Louisville. Ky.. 13- 1'n'ru. Jaeawa, Old lleHellWiy. S. Y. c, 10 21- Parish. Orphenni. Columbus. 0.. »-Jl. Pally Dros.. Fair. WVi^'^Va^wi- N ' Y 111. I'anl*. The. Ontario llaach. Charlotte. N- \.. in- 21. Primrose's, George II., Minslrels (F. J. Dunne, ingr.l—Atlantic City. N. J.. 10-21. Newtiuigh. X. Yi. 2.T. Mhldletmvti 21. Klnilra 2.'*. Ilorilells- villi- 20. Clean 2T, Mugani Kalla 28. Parker. C. W., Ainuseinent t>. (Cramer & Tyler, mars.)—Kearney. Nek, 23-28. Wild ft Rleli'a Players^-SayiT, l'a„ 10-21, Oswe- K. Y., 2328. Large crowd*. Iwth In the penny ar- Dea Moluea—At Ingersoll Park (Fred Buchannn. manager) tl.e excellent bill ot- fcred for week of July 8 Is pleasing very large crowds dully. Eva Mudgc, Howard and Bland. Patty Bros., Mardo Trio, Wilson ** C " Si! Jnh'i J. Le Kevre, l-'a'irvlew park. Daytou, 0„ .XtaaK Kdwlu, Stock—Wapplnger Falls, N. Y„ SI. Klaw. Ian, Luke Nlpiuuc. UxMdae, Mass., 1021' BivokHlile Park, At hot. 2Iwo. St.. laa ft MeCualck. Alciuar, DvavfT. Col.. 10- St.' JiilUm. M-- Bt'iicoii Park, WefcflW, Mua*.. til 21; Palmer. 23-58. Sally .ft .Pltelirt. BIJ»u. PhOa.. !•#. Sullivan ft Tracy. Dewey, tlllea,, N. Y.. 10-1. Kwlekanla, The. Park, Uenver Kalis. Pa.. 10-21. Sw.o. ft nauibartl. Keith's. Cleveland..10-21. Hytvester .lours. I'rlngle ft. Marrell W lalarlu t;iiivc. N. Y. C 10-21. Sylvan ft O'Neal. Wihhiitod Park. Pnlnnm. Conn., 10-21. cet").— 1 .it 1 >u me --■ "'r m ~Zt^ ende and the auditorium, movlrrg phAiires Broa.. I^w Wells and the klnodrome be log and Illustrated songs being the attraction at the attractions. Week of »: V tlie latter. Casino I'akk (Balnl & Dukcn, managers). —Favorable wpalhet- and good vaudeville at- tracts large audiences nightly. Week of 15 the roster will be: Snnctaro and company, .Inpnnesc magicians; Will Fields', I.i.ju aud CAXABA. SIontrenL—At Dominion I'ark ill. I'loi'.w. manager) the park Hud coucesslous are continuing to hlg business. The altrar thins week of July 8 were: Knabepahue " the Sir Kauffmnns, Bailey and Austin. Cath- erine Dafal, and the Bowery Boys' Quartette. Iowaka Pauk (W. It. Gourley. manager^ —Alblnl and -company. Nellie Magtilre, and Campbell and Hrady are pleasing large crowds week of 8. Alblnl and company Stay Taoaaawm, ITumcs" nnd"'lA ; wisr"'auT"ChasI over for weok.of 1«. The Cavads will also Carsiin appear. Hagenbeck s Wild Animal Show at- Binui.inu'h Cijicus comes Aug. 2. tracted two tremendous crowds July \* aa . gained universal approval. San-lnan- At Riverside Park Casino (a* Cir J",l.- 7 Ions w. Itlcbarda, manager) the bill week of July u ,*,",r'i ~. .1, . 11JPhW rac, s; The Tossing Austins. Whistling Tom J?| and h , ,H "?. klnR a gg, b \\ Air- Browne. Ida 0'fi.y. Kva \Ve*ieott and com- . ', e , 4 ^ ■;•; ■' * 5^. , Ring)log Bros.' Trfona Bland, of Howard and i with "Waiting at ora Stone, of thl^ ii*: MoMnV Bkria; lullan and liaotb.. and SS!',".- B d' i the'RlSr Th-lnor'dreiv'c'roided dty. yW ?^Mr wSfioftv I... bia'cataced —■-'■* ..,..! t ,1,-., I :.' * - .«m«a.. ,.,,, De Renzo aud Ludtie. ItivKRSiiu; Paiik (Al. I-;, Bead, manager. —Business was good during' the week of 8, in 1111: j-i.iii niiiiivo, mew iiuhucu „„« j. . Mile. Valleclta's trained leopards fomedj uct. wnanta. 13-21. CoLR Bnoi'iiiiRs' Ciucus played to two big P a " Bros.. Spring tlrove^Park, SprlugOcbl, O., T^nueaii*. The Lukruumt Park. Altoonn. Pa. I* Clarke's dogs add ponies, Mullen and Corcill, . 1 in 20. .,_-,. 21. , . „ , , Wizard, und the bfoscom-. Bay Clly—At Wenonn Beach Casli ero ft wileon. Hajnrtle, Chicago, -w ; -k Tauna. Oleott Beaeh, oicolt. X. Y.. 10-21: Point si.hmkk Pakk (Ijivlgne A Lajole. mana- a?. Rirhards, manager) the following Gratiot Park. Dunkirk. 2:1-28. Tumi. Blllv. oriiheuia. Llmu. O.. 10-21; Phillips, Ub-hmofid, Ind., W-SH. Teal. Ituymond. Deluinr flaidea. Okla. City. nfcta., 10-21; Itamoua, tlrainl Raptds. Mlcb, Dayton. O.. Pero ft 'wtlwn, laajnrtle. Pei-sonl. Cumtlle, Falrvlew Pata . jw -aaj" 1.1-21: Rprlng Grove Park. S irlugtteld. ----*. . Ptiit. Fred ft Annie. Po-vtova .Newark. N. I« H.21; Proctor's. Allntay. N. »■•,. 11 « 1- PMUIp*, Mondulie. Alnlome. Sprlugneld. Mo.. !.►• 31: Pltfl'ui'i:. Kan.. 22-28. Pleeolo MhUwl*. Vktoiln. N. \. 0.. 10--8. Pierce ft Onu. Mteeplwliase. Atlantic City, N. J.. HJ2i;Vummer I'ark. lllovcravllle. N. Y.. 2J- PllVr. llenry. Keith's. Phlln.. 10-21. Pliitte. Geo. L„ Allro Park, Albany. N. >.. 10- Post'ft Ruaaell. Shru's. Buffalo. 10-21. Pango ft Leo. Wlalavla t-rove. S.JM Lm ll, -*V, n „ Kiwer: Mr. ft Mr*. John T., Orphlum. Spring- held. 0.. 10-21- . ., rt .„ Prlui-c. Arthur. Vlrloila. -N. \. C.. '0--* 1 - ,„ , PmirV. The. PaklanB I'ark. Uarrlsburg. Pa.. 10- Cednr Rapid*.—At Alamo lark (ft■ K. with the following mil: Mnrlo and Aldo, audiences ii. giving a very good iwrformancc. Barton, manager) this tine bili, week ot July S. drew well: Foster and Foster, Great ino (L. rds. manager) the following exccl- gers).—Tlie b II provided drew big attend- lent bill drew large crowds week of Julv 8: ■are 8-14, with Mile. Cnutereull. Bowen and ftatfe white and bcr Klgbt Kangaroo tilrls. Liuu, Ptot Helyck, John Uvhilr, the hlgut Gardner and Revere, in "The Bell Boy and TeiarkiiVia ft Mill'by. Hendemm's, Coney !**>•*, N. V„ 10-21 : Atlautlc Uanleu, N. Y. C 2J- j'icchlanls, Lavlgues Bane, and the orchestra phone. Ham.. —Tbe Barourd Stock Co., In "A Mau of Myslery," 8-14. Aiir^A (F. Northey. manager).—Tlie Black Dike Bund drew good houses during week oft). Damnum ft Bailet's Circus Aug. 1, 2. Westln, Laisar and Laaar, Claude Saner, Mor- ris Jones. Lottie Monro, the Alamoscope and Schmidt's Band. Notes.— T. B. J. Power, manager of the Kilties Band, was here 7-1U, and arranged the Sonbrette:" tbe Three Heumans. tbe for three appearances at the Alamo in Sep Marvelous Boode, the De Laceys, and the l^raber .Malcolm Williams and wue Klnctosco[«. Itlce's Dog, Pony and Monkey I Wluole Itadclllfe) arrived 0. to visit vela 21. "PkvcIhi." Wondrrli 10-111. Valley'* Dixie ni I'ark. Itcverc Beach. Masi lirmliiates. Savin Rock i'ark, Sew Haven. Conn,,.10-21: BaWRf Park. Merlden. Paiienf'Bahy Laella. Tumbling Una Park, Bridge- Pia-elin'ft "orbeii," 'Crescent I'ark. Rockland. Me., 10-21. 1G- It. 1.. 10-21: Paluiiiiega Purl;. Attleuoro; Mass., Tops ft Topuy. Oakfonl I'ark. Oreenabuw, Pa.. Ill 51. 22-28. Circus heads tlie bill for week of 5. Detroit—At,the Temple Theatre (J. H. Moore, manager) an excellent, bill nod good houses, regardless of hot weather, lfill week of July III: SelniH Braatz, Carson and Wil- Hard. Aurla Dagwell, Rosalie and Doreto, Hen- Saona, Stanton und Modeou, Wltllums find Walker Glee Club, Yamamotu Bros., and St. John.—At the Opera House (A..O Skinner, manager) Teck ond. Ilia Mother m In-Law" bad fair business July 0-11. Mile* klnetoerunh Bros.' moving pictures of Snn Frnuclsco 12- ■ 14. Herrmoiin the Great 1U-21, the Harvard Girls SaVSa. Notks. —Meyer Cohen's friends were pleased In see'blm In town .VIA). He la now mauuger Kaniai City.—Summer westher Is help- and acres near Cozad, Dawson Co., Neb. •>*♦ MI9SOIR.I. lives for & wceek. Tbe Malcolm Williams Stock Co. recently closed a season of sixty- lives ror a. wcek. The iMalcolm Williams Won-este'r, Mass. George A, Weller has been at home here since July 20, and will re- malu until Aug. 1. He closed with "The Mr- glnliin" Co.'May SO, at Pittsburg. Pa "Paddy" Powers, u former stage attache at Gffantra. and saw property -man at the Grand, Bockford, 111., Is spending hla vaca- Hon here.".... .Manager John B. Henderson qJSS-. M.el, «'en«„„ m-e.,. l.,,y Clly. MM.. S^JtKai. O.. ■ IS 21: Four Mile Creek Park. Krle. Pa.. 22-28. Vun Aukeii ft Ktirlooe. Kellh'a^ N. Y. C. 10-21 Thornton. Jaa., Manhattan Beurii. N. Y.. 10-1. TtnlistoH. Great, CaVulla. India. 10.11. a'horne ft lloblswoi th. Novelty, Denver. Col., 10- 21: Cote. Springs. 2:1-28. TlHWUuson Slaters. Majeallo. Chtcogo. 10-31. Threlkelit ft Wlckc. Or|diluni. Sptingrield. O. Tcrrelll^ Circus. Mdlforil. Mass.. 1021. Tovs, Muslcsl. White Clly. Lima. O,. DVSti Fonr Mite Creek I'ark. Brie, Ph.. 22-28. Torn-kins. William. UlvcrMtle Park. Mini""""- Mlcb.. 15 21; Wmioiw Bencli. Ray City. 22-28. Tooav-Tarvy Trio. Parlor. Fort Angeles Wash. ,, 1A21. * of Miles' Bros. Moving Picture Show. Mr. lng. the parka wondeifnlly, and all report Tbe Cedar Baplds Eagles on July 4. defeated Touuevs The. Ibnkv point Casino. Provhlenw, Cohen was accompniiled by his bride, for- fine business. the Eagles at Anamosu, at baseball, by a inerly Miss Glasel... . .Barnum A Baileys Emsctric Pakk fSam Benjamin, mana- score of 13 .to 3. ndvertiHlug ear. No. -', urrtved here 4 »r).—Creatore and his big bund continue ' * F. G-- Spencer arrived borne &, from New jo score a nightly hit. and will remain over Davenport*—At Schuetzen Park (Dlrec- York. 'Mr. Spencer has arranged for his al- this week. On the lawn laet week Reek teas Hon Kindt & Deutschi. week of July 7. Wil- tractions at _thc amusement halls lu the lu- Russell. 1 nbls during blcTi-te dash, was ap- Ham Weil's Band, of St. Louis, gave a matt- nd family have left Cedar Rapids to make tbelr home on his tine ranch of eight, thous- Oulgs Mucker * Nickerson. Farm. Toktln. O.. 10- 21: Olrntatiay I'ark tVilumhils. 22-28. Bav ft Taylor. Pnrk. I^xingtoti. Mas*.. I"-!' , nSymoml/Carl, Kmplie. St. Paul Minn.. 10-31. Itanxella A Lyman, Heran. Uiyi N. J-. '«-!• Bappq Slaters. Shen"«, Ruffato. Ml Hnin-DeaiK. Wayburn's. Wistaria Grove. N. \. C. BaVenivoO. Charlotte. Four Mile Creek Park. Erie. Ph.. 13-21; Bprlug Brook Park. So. Ik-mt, Bnt"ord"ft "Vuleiillmv Cape Town aud Johauuei. burg. S. A.. lilOrl. ». nae A Brtnu'hi'. MuJesGc. Chicago, 10-21. Beuo A RJehardi, WUUria Grove, ^. I. C, 10-21. Vnlartona, The. Rocky MM Caalno. ProTldeuce, 11. 1.. 23-28. Vim: Clinn. &.Fanny. Pastor's. N. Y. C.. 10-21. Vulols. Hurrv F... Acme. Sscrnnieuto, Cal.. 10-21 VaUeolla'p irfapards. Ulversltle Park. Mich.. 1ft 21 ; Wenonn Beach. Bay CH Viinlaman, Crystal Park, Oinahn. Neb.. Ii Vlnmit, Frank R-. Fartu. Tolttlo. O.. 23-28. Vlllrtge Clmlr. Sheeily's. Ncw^irt. R. L. 10-21. Viola ft Hani, Toller's I'urk. Beach River. Mil, lll-'JI. „ , Von Klein A Gibson,'Old HeldellHTf. N. l. C, 10-21. . ternatluual ISxblbltluu here. Ihey are: Bar- plauslvely received. Id the German Village nee and evening concert each day. and met low's "Hhute the Chutes" elephants. Monta- ibe acts Were: Mr. and Mrs. Waterous. la wlft marked enthusiasm. Large crowds are eun'R Cockatoo Clreit*, Wormwood Dog nnd pongs; Russell nod Held, In dances; Ger- the rule. Jloukey Clrciw, "11|da." and Hellman, tbe truile Dudley, la aongs. and the Dayton Sis- Notes.— Rlngllog Bros.'Tlrcua Is due July luaglclau Barnum A Bnlley a ( irens cornea (era. singers and dancers. Thin week a new -10 The Burt Is Opera House wlll'opeii July SO The St. Andrews Roller Ttlnk bi:>, with Mr. and Mrs. Waterou* holding for the next season on Aug. 0. anainaw. opens 12. and the IVrospects nre favorable.fur a»er. ity. 22-28. good business. The victoria Roller Kink, Forhht P ia-21. H - Monctun, N. H.. opened 0. to goud bnaJ- I^st week, i-J .in ! «..iL ^. .'.,ii.,: k.. ,•)..,- r*^.,.... . -I.i j IYbk (IMI Browp. manager).— KANSAS. —. ...w~ I^ngr a Military Band gave good Mm. ^JJiTOjH'J' '""»• °™»- Mlertloni. Tt.e>- aSIW Ihla week. On WIchHa.—At tlie Wonderland IMrk The- ML of tlie Duir.rlii Hotel here. jhc lawn. Ibe Kljlng Denovan. In air, (J. T. Nuttle, manugerl the Wplte Stock 1— . * '' ." " _ . ,„ ,r »J"»». "!'!; Bonner, the educaled horw. Co. .week of July JS. %lelen May Butler'a VIiiiiIiick At (lie \Vlnnl|>o«: Theatre (C. and the A,deans, eluivn tumbler,. In Old Ladlea' Military Band, .floluhed uii.a very P. Walker, manager) "A Mwaage Irom Heidelberg tbe aeta were: Lillian Walton auccewMI two weeks' engagement 14.